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Potential and net recharge assessment

in paddy dominated Hirakud irrigation

command of eastern India using water
balance and geospatial approaches

Pawan S. Wable, V. M. Chowdary,

S. N. Panda, Sirisha Adamala & C. S. Jha

Environment, Development and

A Multidisciplinary Approach to the
Theory and Practice of Sustainable

ISSN 1387-585X

Environ Dev Sustain

DOI 10.1007/s10668-020-01092-3

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Environment, Development and Sustainability

Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated

Hirakud irrigation command of eastern India using water
balance and geospatial approaches

Pawan S. Wable1 · V. M. Chowdary2   · S. N. Panda3,4 · Sirisha Adamala5 · C. S. Jha6

Received: 18 December 2019 / Accepted: 11 November 2020

© Springer Nature B.V. 2020

Spatially distributed potential and net recharge rates were assessed in the paddy dominated
Hirakud command area (Eastern India) at 100 m grid resolution using surface water bal-
ance and Water Table Fluctuation (WTF) methods, respectively, for the period 2001–05.
Net recharge estimated using the WTF method corresponding to observation well locations
was further interpolated using kriging technique available in the ArcGIS software. Net
recharge to potential recharge ratios (%) were also assessed spatially. Water balance com-
ponents (i) runoff was estimated using the Natural Resources Conservation Service-Curve
Number (NRCS-CN) method (ii) reference evapotranspiration by (Hargreaves and Samani,
Applied Engineering Agriculture ASABE 1:96–99, 1985)), crop evapotranspiration by
(Allen et al., Crop evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements,
FAO Irrigation and Drainage, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy, 1998) and
evaporation from uncultivated lands by Ritchie (1972) approaches, and (iii) canal seep-
age using simple canal flow model. Annual groundwater draft during Kharif and Rabi was
found to be 144.41 and 112.49 ha-m, respectively. Nearly, 90% of the study area contrib-
uted runoff in the range of 200–400 mm during the years 2002–03, 2003–04, and 2004–05.
The estimated seepage losses vary between 5 and 15% of irrigation depth for all distributar-
ies. Potential groundwater recharge during wet, normal, and dry years ranges between 650
and 1033 mm, and equivalent to 67%, 78%, and 60% of annual rainfall, respectively. Net
recharge ranges between 8 and 11% of the annual rainfall. Mean ratio between net recharge
to potential recharge is nearly 30%, indicating that nearly 70% of potential recharge is
accounted as outflow from the study area. Parmanpur distributary canal located at the cen-
tre of the study area that exhibited higher potential recharge can be scheduled at the end
to avoid water logging problem. Further, extraction of groundwater during non-monsoon
period for irrigation purpose not only helps in controlling waterlogging but also helps in
maintaining stable groundwater level. Overall, spatio-temporal distribution of recharge in
the command area indicated that the irrigation demands during non-monsoon season can
be met through sustainable management of underexploited groundwater resources. Such an
integrated management of surface and groundwater can help in improving water use effi-
ciencies as well as agricultural productivity.

Extended author information available on the last page of the article

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P. S. Wable et al.

Keywords  Potential recharge · Net recharge · Water table fluctuation · Paddy command
area · Remote sensing · GIS

1 Introduction

Water demands for agricultural, industrial, and domestic sectors can be met through
groundwater as it is a fresh resource and available throughout the year (Döll et al. 2012).
Anthropogenic activities associated with the increase of the global population by four
times in the past century led to overexploitation of freshwater nearly by eight times (Gleick
2006). Rockström et al. (2009) projected that nearly 59% of the global population will face
water scarcity situation by the year 2050. In India, water requirements for 60% of the agri-
cultural sector and 85% of the domestic sector are met through 432 BCM groundwater
resources. Thus, nearly 230 k­ m3 of groundwater is being exploited annually for irrigat-
ing 39 Mha of agricultural land in India (Chinnasamy et  al. 2018). World Bank (2010).
Groundwater usage in India during the last four decades witnessed the dramatic rise, where
the number of dug wells, shallow and public tube wells was increased from 3.86 to 10.5
million, 3000 to 6.74 million, and negligible number to 0.09 million, respectively (Mall
et al. 2006; Chinnasamy et al. 2018). Although Rabi season crops are benefited from the
groundwater pumping, its excessive usage poses a serious challenge on the long-term sus-
tainability of groundwater resources. Thus, studies on groundwater recharge, surface and
groundwater interactions and non-point source pollution are important for sustainable
development of industrial, domestic and agricultural sectors (Dripps and Bradbury 2010;
Scanlon et al. 2002). Therefore, groundwater assessment and management is necessary for
ensuring groundwater security for present and future generations.
For sustainable groundwater management, groundwater recharge is a pre-requisite.
However, out of water budget components such as recharge, precipitation, irrigation, with-
drawals, evapotranspiration and surface runoff, the recharge is proven the difficult and
complex hydrologic parameter to quantify (Dripps and Bradbury 2010). Vrie and Sim-
mers (2002) mentioned that infiltration excess in any area can be considered as ground-
water recharge. However, this may not be true, as the possibility of this water not reaching
groundwater table exists due to base flow, unsaturated-zone processes and poor hydraulic
conductivity. Thus, efforts should be made to quantify potential recharge and its conver-
sion rate to actual recharge distinctly for optimal planning. Rushton, (1988) mentioned that
potential recharge is that part of water infiltrated below the soil layer, while actual (net)
recharge is the water that reached groundwater table.
Tracer and discrete numerical modeling approaches and lumped water balance
approaches were widely used for quantification of groundwater recharge (Scanlon
et  al. 2002). Among these methods, Water Table Fluctuations (WTF) method classi-
fied under lumped water balance approach was considered to be simple and was exten-
sively adopted by several researchers (e.g., Healy and Cook 2002; Sharda et  al. 2006;
Izady et al. 2017). Tracer technique was also employed in the past for recharge assess-
ment (e.g., Gaye and Edmuds 1996; Herczeg and Leaney 2011; Koeniger et al. 2016).
However, adoption of this technique is limited due to requirement of high technical
skills for operation of special instruments coupled with expensive and tedious sampling
procedure. Quantification of recharge through numerical models such as MODFLOW,
MIKE-SHE, SWAT was carried out in the recent past (e.g., Sanford 2002; Keilholz
et al. 2015; Ghouili et al. 2017). The major limitation in these models was that recharge

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

was considered as an adjusted parameter during model calibration that leads to non-
uniqueness solution of flow models (Anderson and Woessner 1992). This indicates that
recharge estimation at a large scale through indirect methods is costly and laborious.
Thus, spatio-temporal analysis of groundwater recharge using geospatial technologies
offers a better solution for sustainable planning of groundwater resources for any identi-
fied region.
Several researchers across world have successfully employed Remote Sensing (RS) and
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)-based techniques for estimation of groundwater
recharge spatially (e.g., Chowdary et al. 2003; Meleswski et al. 2009; Wable et al. 2017).
However, in India studies on the spatial and temporal assessment of groundwater recharge
in irrigation command areas were limited (Jyrkama and Sykes 2007; Minor et  al. 2007).
Thus, this study is carried out in the case study area, Hirakud canal command of east-
ern India, Odisha with specific objectives namely (i) to assess the potential recharge spa-
tially and temporally by accounting static parameters (soil texture and slope) and dynamic
parameters (LU/LC, hydrometeorological factors), and (ii) to estimate net groundwater
recharge using WTF method. Groundwater resources in the study command are primarily
used for irrigation, followed by domestic and industrial use.

2 Methods and materials

2.1 Study area description

The study area, part of Hirakud canal command, Odisha state (one irrigation sector out
of four irrigation sectors), eastern India is situated between 21°16′ N and 21°35′ N lati-
tude, 83°52′ E and 84°9′ E longitude with a total geographical area of 382 k­ m2 (Fig. 1).
Mahanadi river in the West, Hirakud dam in the North, Sason main canal in the East,
and Humatail distributary in the South constitute boundaries of the study area. Canal
distributaries: Humatail (HTD), Parmanpur (PD), Jamadarpali (JD), Talab (TD), Sason
(SD), Kankhinda (KD), and Sambalpur (SMD) constitute the canal system. The study
area experiences distinct seasons’, namely extreme hot and dry summer, followed by
the humid monsoon and severe winter. Study command area receives an average annual
rainfall of nearly 1480 mm during southwestern monsoon season. Paddy occupies 95%
of the total cropped area in the study area during Kharif (monsoon) and Rabi (non-
monsoon) seasons (NRSA 2004). Other major crops cultivated in the study area are sug-
arcane, wheat, pulses, oilseeds, millets, vegetables, and condiments.
Geologically, Hirakud command area is mainly underlain by granite and granite
gneisses, which are hard, compact and lacks primary porosity. Groundwater in these
areas occurred in weathered residuum under the unconfined condition and in fracture
zones of semi-confined to unconfined conditions (Kumar and Sinha 2003). The thick-
ness of weathered residuum in the areas above granite and granite gneisses ranges from
10 to 30 m with an average thickness of 15 m, where the scope for groundwater develop-
ment is good. Generally, three to four water saturated fractures zones have been encoun-
tered within a depth of 100 m, beyond which fractures are not common. Important aqui-
fer parameters such as hydraulic conductivity, specific yield for unconfined aquifer and
specific storage for semi-confined layer ranges between 0.5 and 3 m/day, 0.03 and 0.05
and 0.0005 and 0.003 m−1, respectively (CGWB 1998, Raul et al. 2011).

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P. S. Wable et al.


Hirakud dam

Hirakud Canal Command


Fig. 1  Location map of the study area

2.2 Data used

Meteorological and canal release data, groundwater levels, soil, and LU/LC maps were
acquired from multiple agencies. Daily rainfall, maximum and minimum air temperature data

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

for the Dhankauda and Chiplima meteorological stations for the period 2001–05 were col-
lected from India Meteorological Department (IMD), Pune. Census of tube and dug wells
operating in the study area along with their abstraction pattern were obtained from Ground
Water Survey and Investigation (GWS&I), Sambalpur, Odisha. Further, groundwater lev-
els of the study area monitored using 14 observation wells during pre-monsoon (April) and
post-monsoon (November) seasons were collected from GWS&I, Sambalpur for the period of
2001–05 (Fig. 1).
Salient features of the canal network (Fig. 1) along with canal releases during the period
2001–05 were collected from Hirakud Dam Circle, Burla, Odisha. Canal operation schedule
almost remains constant for every year with 266 and 99 days of canal opening and closing,
respectively. Soil map of the study area was acquired from National Bureau of Soil Survey
and Land Use Planning (NBSS & LUP), Nagpur. Major soil textural classes, clay and clay
loam constitute nearly 70% and 30% of the total study area, respectively (Fig. 2). Soil depth
in the command varies between 130 and 150 cm. In this study, LU/LC map generated under
National Land Use/Cover mapping project of National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad at
1:50,000 scale was used (Fig. 3). Nearly, 85% and 50% of the study area was under paddy dur-
ing Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively (Table 1).

2.3 Estimation of potential recharge

Water balance approach for assessment of potential recharge at grid level and the equation is
given as follows:
Rp = P + I + Dr + SL − ETc − Roff (1)

Fig. 2  Soil texture map of the

study area

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P. S. Wable et al.

Fig. 3  Land use/land cover map of the study area

Table 1  Land use/land cover Land use/land cover class Area ­(km2) Area (%)
statistics in the study area
Agriculture (Kharif and Rabi) 184 48
Agriculture (Kharif) 139 36
Fallow land 1 0
Forest 13 3
Plantation 4 1
Waste land 7 2
Built up land 23 6
Water body 12 3
Total 382 100

where Rp potential recharge (mm), P precipitation (mm), I irrigation (mm), Dr groundwater

draft (mm), ETc evapotranspiration (mm), SL seepage loss from canal (mm), and Roff sur-
face runoff (mm).

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

Water balance components ETc, I, Dr, SL and Roff were computed at daily scale. Soil,
LU/LC, and canal command area maps were integrated into GIS environment to account
spatial variability in water balance computations.

2.3.1 Assessment of surface runoff

Runoff is a general term to indicate the accumulation of excess rainfall and it occurs when
rainfall intensity is greater than the infiltration rate of the soil. One of the most widely
used technique, i.e., Natural Resources Conservation Service-Curve Number (NRCS-CN)
method is adopted for assessment of surface runoff (USDA-SCS 1985). This approach
assumes that for a given rainfall event, ratio of actual soil retention to potential maximum
retention after the initiation of runoff process is equal to the ratio of direct runoff to poten-
tial runoff, i.e., available rainfall. Thus, abstraction from rainfall events was computed,
where excess precipitation or direct runoff (Roff) depth was always less than or equal to
precipitation depth (P). Additional water depth retained in the watershed after initiation of
runoff is less than or equal to maximum potential retention (S). Further, initial abstraction
(Ia) from the rainfall before ponding indicates no flow conditions. Algebraic manipulation
and inclusion of simplified assumptions resulted in the following equations (USDA-SCS
1985) and mathematically, NRCS-CN method is represented as:
( )2
P − Ia
Roff = ( ) (2)
P − Ia + S

where Roff runoff volume uniformly distributed over a catchment (mm), P mean precipi-
tation over catchment (mm), S maximum potential retention by catchment (mm), and Ia
initial abstraction, which is equal to 0.2S, i.e., 20% of the potential maximum retention (S)
before runoff initiation process. Therefore, Eq. (2) can be rewritten as:

(P − 0.2S)2
Roff = (3)
P + 0.8S
where CN curve number value ranges 0–100. Thus, runoff is a function of CN, S, Ia and
Antecedent Moisture Conditions (AMC). LU/LC and Hydrological Soil Group (HSG)
maps were integrated using GIS, where each of these combinations was assigned curve
numbers. Hydrological soil groups, namely A, B, C, and D were classified based on the
soil properties such as texture, depth, and water transmission capacity. Further, wetness
index, i.e., AMC condition computed based on the previous five day rainfall events indicate
the effect on the moisture holding capacity of soil, which in turn influence runoff process.
Initially, curve numbers were assigned to different combinations of LU/LC and hydrologi-
cal soil groups for AMC II condition. Subsequently, curve numbers for AMC I (dry) and
AMC III (wet) conditions were adjusted using the following equations:
CN(1) = (4)
10 − 0.058CN(2)

CN(3) = (5)
10 + 0.13CN(2)

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Further, weighted curve numbers were computed at grid level, where sub-areas in each
grid were assigned curve numbers based on the multiple combinations of LU/LC and HSG
as given below:
( ) ( ) ( )
A1 A2 An
CNw = CN1 + CN2 + ... + CNn (6)
Atotal Atotal Atotal

wheren number of sub-areas in the watershed, A1, A2…An area in ‘m2′ of each sub-area
having CN values CN1, CN2… CNn, Atotal total watershed area in m ­ 2 (A1 + A2 + … + An).
Higher curve numbers in any area indicate higher runoff values and thereby less recharge
in that area and vice-versa.

2.3.2 Estimation of crop evapotranspiration

Hargreaves and Samani (1985) method was used for estimation of E ­ To as this method
requires minimum parameters such as extraterrestrial solar radiation (Ra) and mean
monthly maximum and minimum temperature (Tmax and Tmin in oC) as inputs. Crop evapo-
transpiration (ETc) was computed by multiplying ETo by corresponding crop coefficient
(Kc) adopted from literature for different crop growth stages (Allen et al. 1998) and is given
as follows:

ETo = 0.0023Ra Tmean + 17.8 (Tmax − Tmin )0.5 (7)

( )

whereTmean mean value of Tmax and Tmin the maximum and minimum air temperatures in
(oC). Cropping period for paddy and pulses was considered as 4 and 3 months, respectively,
while remaining period was considered to be under bare conditions for ETc estimation.
Evaporation from fallow lands/uncultivated areas (E in ‘mm’) was computed using
Ritchie’s (1972) equation:

E = ETo t−0.5 (8)

wheret time after the last rain in days.

2.3.3 Assessment of recharge due to seepage losses

Seepage rate and wetted area in the canals are key parameters for estimation of seepage
losses. The wetted area is a dynamic parameter that continuously varies with canal flow
conditions. The seepage losses in a canal are computed as follows:
SLr = SR × P × RL (9)
whereSLr seepage loss rate in the canal section (­m3/sec), P wetted perimeter of the canal
section (m) (P = b + 2.d √(1 + z2)), d canal flow depth (m), b channel section bed width
(m), z channel side slope, RL section length (m), SR seepage losses per unit wetted sur-
face area per unit time (­ m3/m2/sec). Actual seepage losses in the canal section length (RL)
depend on the average depth of flow in the section (d in ‘m’). Rao (1990) reported that the
seepage rate is a function of surface (bed and side slope material) and subsurface canal
conditions (water table depth, soil permeability, and aquifer drainage conditions). In this
study, seepage factor of 2 m ­ 3/s per 1­ 06 ­m2 of the wetted area was considered as per the
CGWB (1998).

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

Complex models for simulation of the flow hydraulics in irrigation canals are available.
However, these models do not account rotational irrigation management practices of India that
involve rapid changes in the flow conditions. Thus, these models are data intensive and do
not represent canal flow conditions adequately. Mandavia and Acharya (1995) suggested that
simple models with minimum data requirements should be envisaged for simulation of flow
hydraulics, as operational usage of complex models in India was not successful. Hence, a sim-
ple canal flow model based on Manning’s equation proposed by Hajilal et al. (1998) was used
in this study to compute seepage loss. This model requires discharge data at both the ends of
the canal reach while assuming uniform flow conditions in the reach for computation of canal
depth. Manning’s equation to compute the depth of flow at either end of the reach is given
A 32 21
Qc = R S (10)
where Qc measured discharge at the canal reach head ­(m3/s), n Manning’s roughness coef-
ficient, S channel bed slope (dimensionless), R hydraulic radius (m), R A/P, A area of cross
section of flow, ­m2 (A = b. d + z.d2).

2.3.4 Estimation of irrigation depth

Irrigation requirements in the study area are supplied from the Hirakud reservoir through well-
distributed canal network. Conveyance losses play a major role in the canal irrigation systems;
hence, seepage losses were accounted while computing available irrigation depth (I in ‘mm’)
given as below:
( )
1000 Vc − SL
I= (11)
where Vc canal supply volume (­ m3), SL seepage loss (­ m3), CCA​canal command area (­ m2).

2.3.5 Groundwater draft computations

The annual draft from dug and tube wells were computed based on the CGWB (1998)
guidelines. Administrative block wise distribution of tube and dug wells is given in Table 2.
Groundwater draft is mostly used for Paddy cultivation during both Kharif (monsoon) and
Rabi (post-monsoon) seasons and the draft is computed using the following equation:

1000 (Qt × NDt × Ht × 3600) + (Qd × NDd × Hd × 3600)
TD = (12)

Table 2  Administrative block Name of administra- Dug well Tube well Area ­(km2)
wise distribution of tube wells tive block
and dug wells in the study area.
Source: GWS&I Sambalpur
Dhankauda 186 7 266.89
Maneshwar 126 20 299.10
Jujumura 148 17 652.80
Total 260 44 1218.79

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where TD Total draft in the block (mm), Q unit draft (­m3/sec), ND number of pumping
days during Kharif and Rabi seasons, H number of pumping hours, A cultivated area in the
respective block (­ m2). Subscripts t and d refer to the tube and dug wells, respectively.

3 Assessment of net recharge using WTF method

Assessment of net recharge during monsoon season is carried out by WTF method, where this
method considers that groundwater level rise in an aquifer is proportional to the groundwater
recharge. The groundwater balance equation for the monsoon season is expressed as (CGWB,
Rgw − Dw − B + Is ± Ig = Rn (13)
where Rgw gross recharge contributed by rainfall and other sources (­ m3), Dw gross ground-
water draft (converted ha-m into m ­ 3), B base flow into streams from the area ­(m3), Is
recharge from streams into groundwater body (­m3), Ig groundwater inflow/outflow across
the boundary (­ m3), and Rn is net groundwater recharge. Net recharge in the command area
is computed as given below:

( )
Rn = A × Sy × h + Dw

where Sy specific yield (adopted from CGWB (1998) report, which was estimated using
pumping test); h the water table rise in monsoon season (m), i.e., increase in groundwater
level between post and pre-monsoon seasons below ground level (bgl), A area contribut-
ing to recharge (­ m2). Further, the Kriging interpolation technique was used in this study to
predict values at unmeasured locations from the data of 14 observation wells. Interpolation
of spatial data using the Kriging technique is widely used in geology, hydrology, and envi-
ronmental monitoring applications (Stein 1999).
Rangarajan and Athavale (2000) proposed an empirical equation for estimation of net
groundwater recharge ­(Rn) at annual scale based on the results of tracer test specifically con-
ducted for Mahanadi basin, which is underlying with granite and gneiss rock formations. The
empirical equation is given below:
R = 0.172 × Ravg − 44.0 (15)
where ­Ravg = average annual rainfall of the area (mm).
Subsequently, net recharge to potential recharge ratios were computed spatially for wet, nor-
mal, and dry year, respectively. Normal rainfall year is defined based on the long-term average
annual rainfall, while wet and dry years indicate the increase and decrease in the annual rain-
fall by + 25% and −25% of normal rainfall, respectively (Subramanya 2008). Potential and net
recharge along with water balance components were computed as per hydrological year (June
of the current year to May of succeeding year).

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

4 Results and discussion

4.1 Assessment of water balance components for potential recharge estimation

4.1.1 Rainfall

Annual and monsoon rainfall variations for the period 1992–2005 are shown in Fig.  4.
Average annual rainfall of the study area is 1480 mm and 95% of the rainfall is received
during monsoon months (Fig.  4). Annual rainfall variations during the study period
(2001–05) indicated that the years 2001–02 (2120 mm), 2003–04 (1540 mm), and 2004–05
(1200 mm) corresponds to wet, normal and dry years, respectively (Fig. 4).

4.1.2 Runoff

The maximum potential retention after runoff begins was calculated using the NRCS-
CN method and daily runoff maps are generated and aggregated at monthly and annual
scales using GIS. LU/LC and soil hydrologic conditions are important parameters for
assessment of surface runoff using NRCS-CN method. Spatial variation of annual runoff
for the years 2001–05 is represented in Fig. 5. Nearly, 90% of the study area contributed
runoff in the range of 200–400  mm during the years 2002–03, 2003–04, and 2004–05,
while 800–1000 mm for the year 2001–02. The runoff was found to be maximum during
the year 2001–02 that can be attributed to the year being wet (Fig. 5). Runoff coefficients
computed for wet, normal, and dry years were 0.45, 0.22, and 0.23, respectively. Further,
report of the High-Level Technical Committee, Govt. Orissa (2007) indicated that surface
runoff, an important surface water balance component from rainfall over the years in the
Hirakud catchment varies between 17.95% (minimum in 2002  year) and 54.78% (maxi-
mum in 1961 year). Long-term average monsoon rainfall and runoff (inflow) for the period
1959–2006 at 75% dependence for Mahanadi catchment up to Hirakud is 934.33 mm and
298.51 mm, respectively. This indicated that the runoff-rainfall ratio (runoff coefficient) of

Annual rainfall Monsoon rainfall Average annual rainfall
Rainfall (mm)



















Fig. 4  Temporal distribution of annual and monsoon rainfall at Dhankauda rain gauge station during 1992–
93 to 2004–05

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P. S. Wable et al.

Fig. 5  Spatial distribution of runoff for different years a 2001–02, b 2002–03,c 2003–04, d 2004–05

31.95% is consistent with the results of this study where 90% of the study contributed to
runoff in the range of 200–400 mm.

4.1.3 Evapotranspiration

Paddy occupies nearly 86% and 48% of the study area during both Kharif and Rabi sea-
sons, respectively. Canal wise area under paddy cultivation during these crop seasons is
shown in Table 3. Kc value for paddy and pulses, an important parameter for estimation of
­ETc. was taken from Allen et al. (1998). Spatial distribution of ETc for the years 2001–05

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Table 3  Canal wise paddy Canal name Area under paddy crop ­(km2)
cultivation during kharif and rabi
seasons Monsoon (Kharif) Non-

Humatail distributary 123.41 37.98

Parmanpur distributary 92.58 51.39
Jamadarpali distributary 22.41 4.87
Talab distributary 16.96 7.91
Sason main 12.94 4.92
Kankhinda distributary 11.70 8.03
Sambalpur distributary 39.53 22.89

is shown in Fig. 6. During this period, much variation in the ETc is not observed, as tem-
perature variations during this period are minimal. ANOVA test on the variability of mean
temperatures among years shown that there is no difference, as F-calculated value (2.28) is
less than F-critical value (2.61) at 5% level of significance. Evapotranspiration for nearly
85% of the study area ranges between 1000–1500 mm.

4.1.4 Groundwater draft

Annual groundwater draft from dug and tube wells was estimated as per CGWB (1998)
guidelines (Table 4). Average annual draft for tube and dug wells is estimated to be 21.87
and 106.58 ha-m, respectively. Further, groundwater draft at 100 m × 100 m grid resolution
was estimated based on the administrative block wise draft. Annual draft during Kharif and
Rabi was found to be 144.41 and 112.49 ha-m, respectively (Table 4).

4.1.5 Seepage losses

The annual irrigation depth (mm) for each canal command area distributary and Sason
main canal is shown in Table 5. The average irrigation depth was nearly 1500 mm, while
maximum and minimum irrigation depths are observed for Sambalpur and Jamadarpali dis-
tributaries, respectively. It is assumed that canal irrigation was supplied to paddy crop dur-
ing both the seasons. Spatial variation of annual irrigation depth in this command is shown
in Fig. 7. Nearly 56% of the study area is supplied with irrigation depth of 600–900 mm
(Fig. 7). Field-based seepage losses from the canal section are computed through inflow-
outflow method, where the difference in the quantity of water entering and leaving a cer-
tain reach is measured. Simple canal hydraulic model was used in this study due to practi-
cal constraints in the field measurement of seepage losses from the canal network. This
model is a function of canal flow depth that was computed using actual canal flow data col-
lected from the canal authorities, while seepage rate for a unit-wetted area of canal section
is adopted from Central Groundwater Board Reports, Govt. of India. However, hydraulic
models assume steady flow condition in the Canal (Patel et al. 2016). The estimated seep-
age losses vary between 5 and 15% of irrigation depth for all distributaries (Fig.  8) are
consistent with Chowdary et al. (2003) and Hajilal et al. (1998).

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P. S. Wable et al.

Fig. 6  Spatial distribution of annual crop evapotranspiration a 2001–02; b 2002–03 c 2003–04 d 2004–05

Table 4  Estimation of annual Well type Tube well Dug well

groundwater draft from dug and
tube wells season Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi

Average discharge (lps) 3 3 8 8

Hours of pumping per day 8 8 4 2
No. of days of pumping 152 210 76 105
Unit Draft ­(m3) 13,132.8 18,144 8755.2 6048
No. of wells 14 14 144 144
Total Draft (ha-m) 18.34 25.40 126.07 87.09
Total Draft (mm) 0.48 0.66 3.30 2.28

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

Table 5  Annual irrigation depth Canal name Canal command area Irrigation

for each canal ­(km2) depth

Humatail distributary 125.13 1460

Parmanpur distributary 51.86 1644
Jamadarpali distributary 4.95 1289
Talab distributary 2.63 1444
Sason main 9.11 1462
Kankhinda distributary 4.15 1436
Sambalpur distributary 40.3 1767

Fig. 7  Spatial variation of annual

irrigation depth for paddy crop

Irrigation depth (mm)

Irrigation Seepage loss




Canal Name

Fig. 8  Irrigation depth and seepage losses for different distributaries in the study area

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P. S. Wable et al.

4.2 Assessment of potential recharge using water balance approach

Water balance components at 100 m × 100 m grid cells in the study area were integrated
using spatial analyst model of ArcGIS. Potential groundwater recharge was assessed
spatially and temporally during three time periods that represent wet, normal and dry
years using water balance approach (Fig.  9). The potential recharge was categorized as
(i) < 300 mm, (ii) 300–600 mm, (iii) 600–900 mm, (iv) 900–1200 mm, (v) 1200–1500 mm,
and (vi) > 1500 mm. Potential recharge of 600–900 mm was observed to be uniformly dis-
tributed in the nearly 35% (135 k­ m2) of the study area during the wet year (Fig. 9). Poten-
tial recharge in the Northeast (24%) and central part (15%) of the study area (15%) was
computed as 900–1200 mm and 1200–1500 mm, respectively. Recharge less than 300 mm
is observed in the northwestern part of the study area (20 k­ m2) while recharge greater than
1500  mm was observed in an area of 73 k­ m2 (19%). Similarly, for a normal year, maxi-
mum (40%; 152 ­km2) and minimum (< 1%; 0.72 ­km2) study area resulted with a potential
recharge of 600–900 mm and 300–600 mm, respectively. Distribution of potential recharge

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
<300 300-600 600-900
900-1200 1200-1500 >1500

Area (km2)



2001-02 2003-04 2004-05

Fig. 9  Spatio-temporal distribution of potential recharge a 2001–02 (wet year) b 2003–04 (normal year), c
2004–05 (dry year), d Area statistics under different potential recharge categories for different years

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

categories, i.e. < 300  mm, 900–1200  mm, 1200–1500  mm, and > 1500  mm are observed
to be nearly same during both normal and wet years, though the direction of spreading is
different (Fig. 9). During ‘dry year’, potential recharge of 300–600 mm covers a maximum
area of 142 ­km2 (37%) that covered Northeast, Southeast and South directions of study area
(Fig. 9). Similarly, potential recharge of 600–900 mm, 900–1200 mm, and 1200–1500 mm
covers an area of 87 ­km2 (23%) in the North–West, 64 ­km2 (17%) all over, and 63 ­km2
(16%) in the North–Eastern part of the study area. A small patch (< 6%) of study area
spreads all over resulted a Potential recharge of < 300 mm and > 1500 mm. Mean potential
recharge in the study area was computed as 650–1033  mm during the period 2001–05.
Percentage of annual rainfall contributed to potential recharge during wet, normal and
dry years are 67%, 78%, and 60%, respectively. Area under the potential recharge classes,
i.e. < 300  mm and 300–600  mm during dry and normal years together increased to 37%
indicates the need for groundwater management through artificial recharge.

4.3 Estimation of net recharge using WTF method

Kriging interpolation technique available in ArcGIS software was used to generate spa-
tial maps of net recharge that was estimated for individual well using WTF method. Net
recharge was also computed for three scenarios namely (i) wet (ii) normal, and (iii) dry
years (Fig. 10). In a wet year, maximum net recharge of 100–125 mm is observed in 36%
of the study area that mostly covered Northeast, Northwest and Southwest parts of the
study area in strips. Net recharge of 75–100  mm is observed in 17% of study area situ-
ated in central portion. Northwest part of the study area (22%) is found to have the net
recharge of 125–150 mm. The net recharge of 50–75 mm and 25–50 mm is observed in the
Northeast part of the study area in patches. Contrasting results were observed in dry year
where net recharge occurred in two classes, i.e., 100–125 mm in the Northeast and South-
west direction with an area of 136 ­km2 (36%) followed by 125–150 mm in the remaining
part of the study area (64%). On the other hand, east, northeast and northwest parts of the
study area (218 ­km2; 57%) normal year is observed to fall under the net recharge category
of 175–200  mm during normal year. The maximum recharge category 200–225  mm (84
­km2; 22%) is observed in northwest part of the study area. In addition, 75–100  mm and
100–175  mm of net recharge are seen in spots with an area covering 36 k­ m2 (9%) and
42 ­km2 (11%) of the study area, respectively. Rangarajan and Athavale (2000) reported
that the net recharge estimates computed using the tracer test based empirical equation for
Mahanadi basin for the average rainfall of 1480 mm is 14%.

4.4 Net recharge to potential recharge ratio

The ratio of net recharge to potential recharge was assessed for three climatic years that
represent wet, normal, and dry conditions. The spatio-temporal distribution of net to poten-
tial recharge ratios for these years is shown in Fig. 11. Net recharge to Potential recharge
ratios during both wet and normal years were distributed mainly in two classes: < 10%
and 10–20%. During the wet year, net recharge of < 10% and 10–20% occupies an extent
of 63% (239 k­ m2) in central and northeast part and 36% (136 k­ m2) in northwest, south-
west and eastern parts of the study area, respectively. In contrast to wet year, net recharge
of < 10% and 10–20%, respectively is observed in 39% and 57% of study area during the
normal year. However, < 10% net recharge is observed in central and southern parts of the
study area. Ratios between net to potential recharge during the years range between 10 to

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P. S. Wable et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
0-25 50-75 75-100 100-125
125-150 150-175 175-200 200-225
Area (km2)




2001-02 2003-04 2004-05

Fig. 10  Spatio-temporal distribution of net recharge a 2001–02 (wet year) b 2003–04 (normal year), c
2004–05 (dry year), d Area statistics under different net recharge categories for different years

40%. Overall, net recharge ranges between 8 to 11% of the annual rainfall of the study area.
It is also observed that mean ratio between net recharge to potential recharge is nearly 30%.
The unaccounted potential recharge can be considered as outflow from the basin. This can
be attributed to the fact that the watertable level in the study command during the non-
monsoon season is 0–5 m bgl while watertable surrounding the study area is 5–10 m bgl,
indicates the greater possibility of groundwater outflow from the basin.
The higher values of potential recharge are mainly by infiltration from the soil sur-
face. Jannat et  al. (2014) reported that the average infiltration resulting from rainfall
in the agricultural dominant areas at annual scale was observed to be 60%. Recharge
rates in the Hirakud command area are varied between 20 and 60% of the rainfall (Dhar
et al., 2015). Further, surface runoff values in this study are consistent with the report
of the High-Level Technical Committee, Govt. Orissa (2007), which indicated the
runoff-rainfall ratio as 31.95%. Thus, potential recharge of 68% from rainfall at 75%
of level of confidence is a standard adopted by Govt. of India as a success for water

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

(a) (b)

<10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 >50
Area (km2)




2001-02 2003-04 2004-05

Fig. 11  Spatial–temporal distribution of potential to net recharge ratios (%) a 2001–02 (wet year), b 2003–
04 (normal year), c 2004–05 (dry year) d Area statistics under different net to potential recharge ratios

resources projects for irrigation purposes. Thus, considering the contribution from irri-
gation, groundwater draft, seepage losses from canal, potential recharge of 60%–78% of
annual rainfall in this study is considered to be consistent with earlier studies. Further,
net recharge computed using net groundwater rise and specific yield in the study area
ranges between 8 and 11% of the annual rainfall. Raul et al. (2011) reported that the net
recharge in the Hirakud command area varies between 165 and 675 mm with an average
being 317 mm. The other recharge studies carried out in the basins underlain by consol-
idated rocks, i.e., Granite and granite gneisses in semi-arid region of India having simi-
lar geological set up of the study area was found to be 1.2%–13% of the annual rainfall.
Chand et al. (2004) observed that the tracer-based net recharge is 6–200 mm per annum
for an average annual rainfall of 968  mm in Bairasagara watershed of Kolar district,
Karnataka with similar geological conditions. Consolidated aquifers of India with basal-
tic and granite-gneissic complexes indicated a natural recharge rate of 3–15% (Sukhija

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et al., 1996). Thus, the average recharge, i.e., 10% of the annual rainfall observed in this
study is consistent with the results found in the literature.
In general, water requirement for transplanted rice cultivation is invariably ranges
between 1000 and 2000  mm depending on climate and soil type. Further, seepage and
percolation losses in paddy greatly exceed the evapotranspiration demand due to unique
water management practices followed in transplanted paddy cultivation (Panigrahi and
Paul 2015). Random nature of irrigation supply and demand due to variations in reservoir
inflows further create an imbalance in the irrigated agriculture system of the study area.
Thus, information on potential and net recharge rates in the command area can be helpful
in planning sustainable water management practices. Parmanpur distributary canal located
at the centre of the study area that exhibited higher potential recharge can be scheduled at
the end to avoid water logging problem. Such an integrated management of surface and
groundwater can help in improving water use efficiencies as well as agricultural productiv-
ity. Further, this can also facilitate in maintaining rise in groundwater levels and in turn for
controlling waterlogging problem in the command area. Extraction of groundwater during
non-monsoon period for irrigation purpose not only helps in controlling waterlogging but
also helps in maintaining stable groundwater level. Overall, spatio-temporal distribution
of recharge in the command area indicated that the irrigation demands during non-mon-
soon season can be met through sustainable management of underexploited groundwater

5 Conclusions

Potential and net groundwater recharges were assessed in the part of Hirakud canal com-
mand area, eastern India, where major cropping system is paddy-paddy. Potential and net
groundwater recharges were assessed using a water balance model and water table fluc-
tuation (WTF) method, respectively. Net to Potential recharge ratios were assessed spa-
tially and temporally for three scenarios that correspond to wet, normal, and dry years.
Potential recharge during the study period ranges between 650 and 1033 mm that consti-
tutes nearly 63% of the annual rainfall. Area under potential recharge classes < 300  mm
and 300–600 mm together constitutes 37% of study area during dry and normal years, indi-
cates need for groundwater management. Parmanpur distributary canal located at centre
of the study area can be scheduled at the last as its command area has higher potential
recharge zones for better irrigation management. This information is useful not only for
irrigation authorities but also for groundwater department for conjunctive use planning of
both surface and ground water. It was observed that the net recharge classes do not follow
the potential recharge classes in the same proportion during wet, normal and dry years,
suggesting not all infiltrated water contributed to net recharge at the same location. Mean
ratio between net recharge to potential recharge is nearly 30%, indicating that nearly 70%
of potential recharge is accounted as outflow from the study area. The net recharge in the
study area ranges between 8 and 11% of annual rainfall. Thus, spatio-temporal recharge
maps corresponding to different rainfall conditions will help to formulate strategies for sus-
tainable planning of both surface and groundwater resources in the study area. Particularly,
these strategies help to manage paddy-based irrigated agriculture during non-monsoon

Acknowledgements  Our sincere thanks are due to India Meteorology Department (IMD), Pune, National
Bureau of Soil Survey (NBSS), Nagpur, Regional Remote Sensing Centre (RRSC), NRSC Kolkata and

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Potential and net recharge assessment in paddy dominated Hirakud…

Ground Water Survey and Investigation (GWS&I), Sambalpur for providing data to carry out this study.
We sincerely thank the Chief Editor and anonymous reviewers for constructive comments and suggestions,
which significantly improved the quality of manuscript.

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Pawan S. Wable1 · V. M. Chowdary2   · S. N. Panda3,4 · Sirisha Adamala5 · C. S. Jha6

* V. M. Chowdary
[email protected]
International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, India
Regional Remote Sensing Centre – North, National Remote Sensing Centre, New Delhi, India
Present address: National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Govt. of India,
Chennai, India
Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad, India


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