ASRi20 OPCServer S223.564.en-01

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OPC Server
Version 1.04

User’s manual
ASRi 2.0 OPC Server S 223.564.en-01 1(1)
User’s manual


1. Introduction

2. Installation

3. Configuration

4. Appendix A1 – Variables
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User’s manual
2008-04-30 1
1. Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 General ............................................................................................................. 2

1.2 System configuration...................................................................................... 3

1.3 Log files ........................................................................................................... 5

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1. Introduction

1.1 General

ASRi OPC Server is a program that makes it possible to transfer variable values between
one or more ASRi system(s) and one or more client application(s). These client
applications are OPC clients, e.g. a SCADA or HMI system.

ASRi OPC Server implements the interfaces described by OPC specifications ”OPC Data
Access 1.0” and ”OPC Data Access 2.0 (2.05A)”. These specifications can be obtained

Variable values can be transmitted in both directions to/from selected variables in the
ASRi data store. The variables concerned are determined entirely by the ASRi system.

ASRi OPC Server is a COM server that is installed as a Windows service. This means that
the program is launched automatically when the computer on which it is installed is started
and it is thus always available to provide data.

ASRi OPC Server can be installed on one of the following operating systems:
• Windows 2000
• Windows XP
• Windows VISTA
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1. Introduction

1.2 System configuration

For optimum performance, the ASRi OPC Server should be installed on the same computer
as the OPC client program that is to be used. Communication between the ASRi OPC
Server and the OPC client takes place – via the COM interface specified by the OPC
standard – in the form of functional requests, whilst communication between ASRi OPC
Server and the connected ASRi systems takes place through a network, using TCP/IP.

When the system is started, a configuration file is read. This specifies the ASRi systems to
which ASRi OPC Server is to connect. A separate communication link is set up via TCP/IP
to each of these ASRi systems. Information is retrieved about which variables can be read
and/or written in each system. These are then presented to the OPC client via the OPC
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1. Introduction

The OPC client can select the variables which are of interest and read from or write to
these. In order to be able to write to or read variables, the client must create one or more
group(s) and put one or more variable(s) in each group. Each group has its own settings for
up-dating frequency and dead-band. This means that the variables in a particular group will
be checked for changes at the intervals corresponding to the up-dating frequency set for
that group. It also means that if the value of a variable has changed from the value that was
transmitted to the client last time, the new value is automatically transmitted – assuming
that the client has registered an object as a receiver of up-dated values. In the case of
numerical values, they will only be transmitted if they have changed by more than the
dead-band (%) set for the group in question.

In order to minimize traffic between the OPC Server and the OPC client, communication
normally takes place in such a way that the client ”subscribes” to variable changes by
registering with the OPC Server an object that can receive up-dating messages from the
server. This means that the server automatically sends up-dated values to the client when
necessary, i.e. when they have changed outside the limit defined by the client.

Communication with the connected ASRi systems is optimized in the same way. Only
values for variables that have been selected by an OPC client are sent over the network.
Each time a client adds or removes a group or adds or removes a variable to/from a group,
the ”subscription” with the ASRi system in question is up-dated.

OPC client applications that need to connect to ASRi OPC Server can use the following


ASRi OPC Server also registers itself in such a way that it can easily be found by clients
using OPC Server Browser. OPC Server Browser is a standard component provided by the
OPC Foundation and is installed together with ASRi OPC Server. (This OPC Server
Browser is included on the ASRi OPC Server CD).
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1. Introduction

1.3 Log files

When necessary, ASRi OPC Server writes information to two log files located in the
installation directory (normally <Program>\Kentima\OPC Server). These files can contain
information that is useful for fault-tracing if the system does not function as intended.

• KentimaOPCErrors.log –
information is written here about faults that occur
during operation – faults that can lead to
communcation not functioning as intended.
• KentimaOPCWarnings.log. – less important information is written here. Such
information can be useful for system maintenance.
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2. Installation

2. Installation

2.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ........................................................................ 2 

2.2 LICENSE........................................................................................................... 7 

2.2 UNINSTALLATION ......................................................................................... 10 

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2. Installation

2.1 Installation procedure

The installation program for ASRi OPC Server is delivered on a CD. Follow the
instructions given below when you install the program on your computer.

Installation procedure for ASRi OPC Server:

1. Load the CD. If Autoplay has been activated on your computer, the Sandvik SRP
Installation program will be started automatically. If this is not the case you must
start the program yourself by double-clicking SRPInstaller.exe in the CD’s root

2. From the program list in the box on the left, select the program you want to install.
A description of the selected program is displayed inside the frame on the right.

Fig. 2.1.1 Welcome dialog box in installation program.

Press “Start Installation” to start the installation program for the selected program.

The InstallShield Wizard window will show.

Fig. 2.1.1B InstallShield Wizard.

Press “Next” to start the installation.

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2. Installation

3. The next dialog box shows the license agreement:

Fig. 2.1.2 The license agreement

Carefully read though the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the
license agreement and click Next> to continue the installation procedure.
4. The next step in the installation procedure involves the entry of information about
your identity and who is to be permitted to run applications associated with ASRi
OPC Server on this computer.

Fig. 2.1.3 Dialog box for entry of identity information

Enter your User Name and – if required – the organization. You can also decide if
the ASRi OPC Server accessory (configuration tool) is to be installed for any user
or just for yourself. ”Any user” means that the ASRi OPC Server accessory can be
run, whoever is logged in on the computer. If you select Only för me, the ASRi
OPC Server accessory can only be run when you are yourself logged in on the

Make your selection and click Next> to continue the installation procedure.
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2. Installation

5. The next dialog box allows you to select the type of set up.

Fig. 2.1.4 Dialog box for selection of set up type.

Complete means that the entire product – ASRi OPC Server and the configuration
tool – is installed in the default directory. In the case of ASRi OPC Server the
default directory is <Program>\Kentima\OPC Server\. If you are satisfied with the
default directory, select Complete and click Next> to continue the installation
procedure. Skip to point 8 in this description.

Custom gives you the possibility of selecting another installation directory and
choosing what is to be installed.
6. If you do not want to install both components or if you want to use a different
installation directory, select Custom and then click Next>.

Fig. 2.1.5 Dialog box for selection of components that are to be installed
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2. Installation

7. ASRi OPC Server has several features (program components). OPC Server is the
OPC server itself and must of course be installed. In addition, you can select
Configuration Tool to install the associated configuration tool. To change to
another installation directory, click Change… and another dialog box comes up:

Fig. 2.1.6 Dialog box for alteration of installation directory

Select the desired installation directory and then click OK.

8. Irrespective of whether you selected Complete or Custom, the next dialog box is the
last one before installation starts.

Fig. 2.1.7 The last dialog box in the installation program before installation starts

This is the last chance to change your mind. Click Install to complete the
installation procedure or Cancel to change your mind.
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2. Installation

9. The status of the installation process is shown by an indication box.

Fig. 2.1.8 Status during installation

10. When the installation procedure has been completed, this final box comes up:

Fig. 2.1.9 Dialog box which indicates that installation has been completed

Click Finish to complete the installation procedure.

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2. Installation

2.2 License

1. Start the License Handler.

Fig. 2.2.1 License Wizard.

Select the product to license in the Product name list and press “Next”.

2. The Send the Registration Code window will show.

Fig. 2.2.2 License Wizard – Send the Registration Code.

Select how the Registration Code will be sent,

select “By e-mail” or “By letter” and press “Send”.

If “By e-mail” was selected the Registration Code will be sent by e-mail.
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2. Installation

If “By letter” was selected the license letter will show.

Fig. 2.2.3 License Letter.

Fill in the information. The information that follows with a “(*)” must be filled in.
Print out the letter and send it by mail or fax.
3. Enter the License Key.
Start the License Handler.

Fig. 2.2.4 License Wizard.

Select the product and press “Next”.

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2. Installation

The Enter the Licence key window will show.

Fig. 2.2.4 Licence key window.

Enter the licence key and press “Next”.

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2. Installation

2.2 Uninstallation

If it becomes necessary to uninstall ASRi OPC Server:

1. Open the control panel and select Add/Remove Programs. Find OPC Server and
click on that line. Click Remove to start the uninstallation procedure.

Fig. 2.2.1 Uninstall the program via the control panel

2. An ”Are you sure ….” dialog box comes up.

Fig. 2.2.2 Are you sure that you want to remove ASRi OPC Server?

Click Yes to continue the uninstallation procedure.

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2. Installation

3. A status indication box comes up.

Fig. 2.2.3 Status during uninstallation procedure

That’s it!

The uninstallation procedure removes all files that were installed during the
installation of the program, together with the directories that were created at that
time. If the program has been run, a number of log files have been created in the
installation directory. These are named KentimaOPCErrors.log and
KentimaOPCWarnings.log. In additon, there may be a back-up file of a previous
configuration in the installation directory. These files are not removed by the
uninstallation procedure.

If you want to remove ASRi OPC Server completely from your computer you must
remove these files and directories manually. This is just a matter of removing the
installation directory that was selected when the program was installed.
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3. Configuration

3. Configuration

3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 2

3.2 Defining communication with ASRi ............................................................... 4

3.3 Naming variables ............................................................................................ 6

3.4 Complex variables .......................................................................................... 8

3.5 The configuration file ...................................................................................... 9

Encl. Appendix A1 – Variables (S 223.459.00 en)

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3. Configuration

3.1 Introduction

When ASRi OPC Server has been installed, an empty configuration file is created. This
means that the OPC server does not communicate with an ASRi system. To set up a
communication you must specify – in the OPC server’s configuration file – the ASRi
system(s) to which the OPC server is to connect. This is normally
<Program>\Kentima\OPC Server\Kentima_OPC_Server.conf. You can make changes in
this file with a text editor – Notepad, for example – but an easier method is to use the
configuration tool for ASRi OPC Server.

Select Program/Kentima/OPC Server/Configuration in the Start menu:

Fig. 3.1.1 The configuration tool

On the left is a list of the ASRi system with which the OPC server will communicate. On
the right are data entry fields with which you can alter the parameters for a connected
ASRi system.
The tool has the following buttons:

• New –
Creates a new ASRi connection in the list of systems that are
• Delete – Deletes the selected ASRi connection from the list.
• Save – Saves changed values from the input fields for the ASRi system
selected in the list. NOTE! This does not save the configuration file!
• Apply – Saves the entire list to the configuration file used by the OPC server.
• OK – Saves the entire list to the configuration file and closes the
configuration tool.
• Cancel – Closes the configuration tool without saving the configuration file.
• Refresh OPC Server – Forces the OPC server to up-date its configuration by
reading the configuration file again. This normally occurs
only when the system is started.
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3. Configuration

The following information must be entered for each ASRi system to which connection is

• Name –The name that you choose to represent the connected ASRi system.
This name is used as a prefix in the variable names that are used for
data access in the selected ASRi system (see description below).
• Address – The IP-address of the ASRi system to which connection is required.
• Port – Specifies the TCP port which is to be used for communication with
the ASRi system. All ASRi systems are permanently set for
communication via port 2123, so this is an easy choice.
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3. Configuration

3.2 Defining communication with ASRi

If the OPC server is to connect to an ASRi system, the system in question must be added to
the list in the configuration dialog. Click the New button to add a line in the list.

Fig. 3.2.1 Creating a new ASRi connection

Make sure that the new line in the list has been selected by clicking on it. You can then
enter the Name, the Address and the Port by using the data entry fields on the right. When
you are satisfied with the values you can add them to the list by clicking the Save button.

Fig. 3.2.2 Entering the Name, Address och Port number for connection to an ASRi system.
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3. Configuration

To save the new list in the configuration file, click the Apply button. You can then click
Refresh OPC Server so that the OPC server starts operating with the new configuration
right away.
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3. Configuration

3.3 Naming variables

OPC clients use variable names to identify the variables to be read from or written to in an
ASRi system. These variable names are created by ASRi OPC Server and always consistes
of three parts, with the following format: <System>.<Data type>.<Variable>


Crusher1.Double. PressureAvg

These names are called ”Tags” in some OPC clients, whilst the OPC specifications refer to
them as ”Item ID”.

The first part of the variable name is the ”name” that you chose for the ASRi system in
question during configuration (”Crusher1” in the example above). The second part of the
variable name defines the type of data carried by the variable, as defined in the table
below. The third part of the variable name is the name of the variable in the database of the
ASRi system. See Appendix 1 for a list of the variables that can be selected. The type of
data is described by the following names:

Data type Name

Analog input signal AI

Digital input signal DI

Digital output signal DO

Digital local variables Boolean

Integral number variables Integer

Floating-point variables Double

String variables String

Alarm variables Alarm

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3. Configuration

As an example: If you intend to read an analog input called ”AI_Pressure” in the ASRi
system referred to in the configuration example above, you must use the following ”Tag”:


Variable name
in ASRi
Type of data

Name of
ASRi system

In some cases it may be necessary to avoid using national characters like Å, Ä or Ö in the
names of ASRi systems. ASRi OPC Server can handle these names as Unicode strings, but
it is not certain that all client programs are completely based on Unicode. It is just a case of
trial and error!
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3. Configuration

3.4 Complex variables

ASRi uses certain variables that are of composite type – Array och Struct variables. These
variables cannot be transmitted as a single entity via OPC. However, their components can
be transmitted if they consist of simple types of data, as listed in the table above, i.e. they
are not themselves composite variables.

To access the components in a complex variable, use the following syntax:

• Struct – Add ”.<Component name>” as a suffix to the variable name, where

<Component name> represents the name of the component. In ASRi there is for
example a variable of the Struct type that is called CurrentCrusherProg and
contains the currently used crushing program. One of the components in this
program is called dMaxPressure and is of the ”Double” type. It contains the
Pressure set point for the crushing program in question. To access this variable with
the configuration shown by the example above, you can use the following variable


• Array – Add ”[n]” as a suffix to the variable name, where ”n” represents the index
number. Arrays in ASRi has a 0-based index. In ASRi, all crushing programs are
for example stored in an array called aryCrusherProgs, where every array element
is a variable of the Struct type, with the same content as the CurrentCrusherProg
variable in the example above. If, for example, you want to access the maximum
pressure in Crushing program 3, you can use the following variable name – again
with the configuration shown by the example above.


Note that crushing progam 3 has the index number 2 in the array since the array is
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3. Configuration

3.5 The configuration file

The file read by ASRi OPC Server to set up communication with one or more ASRi
system(s) is a normal text file with the following contents:


The first line gives the name of the ASRi system in square brackets. Immediately after the
name, the Address and Port are given on separate lines. If there are multiple systems
connected, three more similar lines are repeated for each additional system.

If you have chosen not to install the configuration tool you can edit the file with a normal
text editor like Notepad. If the changes are to be accepted in this case, ASRi OPC Server
must be restarted. This can be done either by restarting the computer or by selecting
Administrative Tools/Services in the Control Panel and browsing to ASRi OPC Server
in the list of services.

Fig. 3.5.1 Restarting ASRi OPC Server

When this line has been selected, click the Restart Service button in the toolbar.

The configuration file used by ASRi OPC Server is named Kentima_OPC_Server.conf

and is installed in the selected installation directory. This is normally
<Program>/Kentima/OPC Server. Each time you save a new file, a back-up file of the
previous one is automatically created, with the name Kentima_OPC_Server.conf.bak.
Appendix 1 – Variables S 223.459.00 en 1 (9)

ASRi Communication manual and

ASRi OPC Server manual 2004-02-16 A1

A1 – Variables

A1.1 VARIABLE LIST ............................................................................................ 2

Digital input/output signals ........................................................................................ 2

A-dimension/CSS ........................................................................................................ 3

Power............................................................................................................................ 3

Return oil temperature ............................................................................................... 3

Hydroset pressure ....................................................................................................... 4

Crushing programs ..................................................................................................... 4

Crusher information ................................................................................................... 4

Communication ........................................................................................................... 5

Alarms .......................................................................................................................... 5

Operating data ............................................................................................................ 6

POT ............................................................................................................................ 10

A1.2 DATA TYPES ............................................................................................... 11

CrusherProgType ..................................................................................................... 11

POT_MaterialAssumptionColumnType ................................................................ 11
ASRi S223.459.00 en 2 (9)

Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

A1.1 Variable list

The columns in the tables below contain the following information:
• Variable – specifies the name of the variable in ASRi.
• Access – specifies if the variable is accessible for reading and/or writing.
R = can only be read.
W = can only be written.
RW = can be both read and written.
• Description – A description of the variable’s conent or function.
• Unit – The physical unit for the value described in the variable. Used only with numerical variables, i.e. Integer and Double.

The following variables are accessible in ASRi via XML or OPC communications:

Digital input/output signals

Variable Access Data type Description Unit
DI_MotorProtector R Digital in ON = Motor protector circuit is tripped
DI_PumpDown R Digital in ON = Mainshaft is pumping down
DI_PumpUp R Digital in ON = Mainshaft is pumping up
DO_Alarm R Digital ut ON = The ASRi has an active alarm(s)
DO_Feeder R Digital ut ON = The ASRi permits the feeder to be on
DO_PumpDown R Digital ut ON = The ASRi wants to pump the mainshaft downwards
DO_PumpUp R Digital ut ON = The ASRi wants to pump the mainshaft upwards
PumpDown W Boolean ON = Pump the mainshaft downwards manually
PumpUp W Boolean ON = Pump the mainshaft upwards manually
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Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

Variable Access Data type Description Unit
AI_Position R Analog in Current A-dimension mm
PositionAvg** R Double Current average position mm
CSS R Double Current CSS mm
PositionRawValue R Integer Current position as raw value, 0 – 32767
ACal R Double The calculated A-dimension for the current metal-to-metal position mm
ACalLast R Double The calculated A-dimension for what the metal-to-metal position was during the latest mm
AvgAPosLoad* R Double Average A-dimension at which the crusher has run loaded for the last four minutes mm
MaxA R Double Maximum A-dimension mm
MinA R Double Minimum A-dimension mm
ShaftPumpSpeed* R Double Theoretical shaft speed when pumping mm/s
ShaftPumpFrequency** R Integer Power supply frequency (Parameter 508) Hz
IWC_Enable R Integer 1 = Intelligent wear compensation (IWC) is enabled. O = IWC is disabled
(Parameter 506)
AutoCompFactorAvg** R Double Current wear compensation factor
ADimLinerChange** R Double A-dimension limit for alarm C27 (Parameter 503) mm
LinerChangeConfirmation** RW Integer -1 = Don't show confirmation dialog (Set by application)
0 = Show confirmation dialog (Set by application)
1 = Reset (Set by presentation)
2 = Don't reset (Set by presentation)"

ASRi 1.x only
ASRi 2.x only
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Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

Variable Access Data type Description Unit
AI_Power R Analog in Current power KW
PowerAvg R Double Current average power, 0 – 1000 kW
CurrentMaxPower R Integer The crusher's max power according to the selected crushing program, 0 – 10000 kW
MaxMotorPower R Integer Max permissible continuous power output from the motor, 0 – 1000 (Parameter 502) kW
MaxPower R Integer The crusher's max input power 0 – 1000 (Parameter 601) kW
PowerRawValue R Integer Current power as raw value, 0 – 32767
IdlePower** R Integer Power when the crusher is considered idle. kW
PowerMeterMax** R Integer 100% allowed power load kW

Return oil temperature

Variable Access Data type Description Unit
AI_OilTemp R Analog in Current return oil temperature, 0 – 200 Degrees
OilTempAvg** R Double Current average lub. oil temp Degrees
OilTempRawValue** R Integer Current oil temperature as raw value (0-32767)

Hydroset pressure
Variable Access Data type Description Unit
AI_Pressure R Analog in Current pressure, 0 – 25 MPa
PressureAvg R Double Current average pressure, 0 – 25 MPa
PressurePeakAvg R Double Current average peak pressure, 0 – 25 MPa
CurrentMaxPressure R Double Current max pressure according to the selected crushing program, 0 – 25 MPa
MaxPressure R Double The crusher's maximum pressure, 0 – 25 (Parameter 602) MPa
PressureRawValue R Integer Current pressure as raw value, 0 – 32767
PressureMeterMax** R Double 100% allowed pressure load MPa
PressureSectorSize** R Double Current pressure sector size Degrees
ASRi 2.x only
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Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

RestPressure** R Double Expected pressure when crusher is unloaded MPa

Crushing programs
Variable Access Data type Description Unit
CurrentRunMode R Integer The crusher’s current run mode. 1 = Stop, 2 = Manual, 3 = Auto, 4 = Calibration
StartCrushingProgram W Integer Sets current running mode of the crusher. 1 = Stop, 2 = Manual, 3 = Auto
CrushingProgramError R Boolean True = Error in selected crushing program
CurrentCrusherProg R CrusherProgType The currently selected crushing program
AryCrusherProgs[20] RW CrusherProgType Array containing all the crushing programs
AutoCycleTime R Integer Cycle time for the Multi-CSS programs, 60 – 60000 (Parameter 504) S
Selected_Program RW Integer The number of the currently selected crushing program
OpPadBusy R Boolean True = Operator's pad is busy and it is not available for use by more than one user
AutoMode** RW Boolean True = Automatic regulation
False = Manual regulation
KFactor_Mode** R Integer CSS factor mode: (Parmeter 505)
0 = Automatic
1 = Manual

Crusher information
Variable Access Data type Description Unit
CrusherLoaded R Boolean True = The crusher is considered to be loaded
CrusherType R String Name of the crusher type
IsCrusherH-Type* R Boolean True = Crusher is H-type. False = Crusher is S-type (Parameter 607)
ASRi_Version** R String ASRi software version
CalState** R Integer State during calibration (0 - 11)

ASRi 1.x only
ASRi 2.x only
ASRi S223.459.00 en 6 (9)

Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

DateTime** R String The date and time of the ASRi

Variable Access Data type Description Unit
sRemoteName RW String The remote name of this ASRi
HeartBeat_Boolean** RW Boolean Heart beat signal that immediately is returned to false by the ASRi system.
HeartBeat_Integer** RW Integer Heart beat value that increase with one every program loop.
ASRPlusID** R Integer Systems slave id on the Comli protocol

Alarm variables can only be read and thus function as Boolean variables that indicate if the alarm is active or not.
(Exclude ‘A.’, ‘B.’ and ‘C.’ in the variable names for ASRi 1.x)
Variable Access Data type Description Unit
TrafficLight_GreenOn R Integer 1 = The green light of the traffic light is lit
TrafficLight_RedOn R Integer 1 = The red light of the traffic light is lit
TrafficLight_YellowOn R Integer 1 = The yellow light of the traffic light is lit
ActiveUnackedAorBAlarm R Boolean True if there is an active unacknowledged A or B alarm.
Causes the status row to blink.
AlarmLubricationOilTemp** R Double Temperature limit for alarm B15 (Parameter 507) Degrees
A.Alarm_A01 R Alarm A01 No Pressure signal
A.Alarm_A02 R Alarm A02 No A-dimension signal
A.Alarm_A03 R Alarm A03 Power signal too high
A.Alarm_A04 R Alarm A04 Pressure signal too high
A.Alarm_A05 R Alarm A05 A-dimension signal too high
B.Alarm_B10 R Alarm B10 Oil temperature signal too high
B.Alarm_B11 R Alarm B11 No power signal
B.Alarm_B12 R Alarm B12 Shaft at bottom position under load

ASRi 2.x only
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Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

B.Alarm_B14 R Alarm B14 Hydroset pump motor protector tripped

B.Alarm_B15 R Alarm B15 Return oil too hot
B.Alarm_B16 R Alarm B16 'Pump up' response time too long
B.Alarm_B17 R Alarm B17 'Pump down' response time too long
B.Alarm_B18 R Alarm B18 'Pump up' command too long
B.Alarm_B19 R Alarm B19 'Pump down' command too long
B.Alarm_B20** R Alarm B20 No communication with Power measurement unit!
B.Alarm_B21** R Alarm B21 No communication with Tank measurement unit!
B.Alarm_B22** R Alarm B22 No communication with Hydroset drive unit!
B.Alarm_B23** R Alarm B23 Power too low compared to pressure!
B.Alarm_B24** R Alarm B24 Pressure too low compared to power!
C.Alarm_C21 R Alarm C21 No return oil temperature signal
C.Alarm_C23 R Alarm C23 Mainshaft at bottom position
C.Alarm_C24 R Alarm C24 Mainshaft at top position
C.Alarm_C27 R Alarm C27 Liner change necessary
C.Alarm_C28** R Alarm C28 Calibrarion needed!
C.Alarm_C29** R Alarm C29 Axel does not move up!
C.Alarm_C30** R Alarm C30 Axel does not move down!
C.Alarm_C31** R Alarm C31 Axel moves up too slowly!
C.Alarm_C32** R Alarm C32 Axel moves down too slowly!

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ASRi S223.459.00 en 8 (9)

Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

Operating data
Variable Access Data type Description Unit
Stat_CssAvgLast30Min R Double Average CSS for the latest 30 minutes mm
Stat_CssAvgSinceReset R Double Average CSS since was reset operating data mm
Stat_CssMaxLast30Min R Double Max CSS for the latest 30 minutes mm
Stat_CssMaxSinceReset R Double Max CSS since was reset operating data mm
Stat_CssMinLast30Min R Double Min CSS for the latest 30 minutes mm
Stat_CssMinSinceReset R Double Min CSS since was reset operating data mm
Stat_EnergyConsumptionSinceFirstStart R Double The total energy consumption since the crusher was started for the first time kWh
Stat_EnergyConsumptionSinceReset R Double The total energy consumption since was reset operating data kWh
Stat_OilTempAvgLast30Min R Double Average return oil temperature for the latest 30 minutes Degrees
Stat_OilTempAvgSinceReset R Double Average return oil temperature since was reset operating data Degrees
Stat_OilTempMaxLast30Min R Double Max oil temperature for the latest 30 minutes Degrees
Stat_OilTempMaxSinceReset R Double Max oil temperature since was reset operating data Degrees
Stat_OilTempMinLast30Min R Double Min oil temperature for the latest 30 minutes Degrees
Stat_OilTempMinSinceReset R Double Min oil temperature since was reset operating data Degrees
Stat_PowerAvgLast30Min R Double Average power for the latest 30 minutes kW
Stat_PowerAvgSinceReset R Double Average power since was reset operating data kW
Stat_PowerMaxLast30Min R Double Max power for the latest 30 minutes kW
Stat_PowerMaxSinceReset R Double Max power since was reset operating data kW
Stat_PressureAvgLast30Min R Double Average pressure for the latest 30 minutes MPa
Stat_PressureAvgSinceReset R Double Average pressure since was reset operating data MPa
Stat_PressureMaxLast30Min R Double Max pressure for the latest 30 minutes MPa
Stat_PressureMaxSinceReset R Double Max pressure since was reset operating data MPa
Stat_RemainingShaftTravel* R Double Remaining shaft travel at current CSS %
Stat_TimeSinceCalibrationLoad R Double The total time that the crusher has been loaded since the latest calibration h
Stat_TimeSinceCalibrationMotor R Double The total time that the motor has been running since the latest calibration h
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ASRi S223.459.00 en 9 (9)

Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

Stat_TimeSinceFirstStartLoad R Double The total time that the crusher has been loaded since it was started for the first h
Stat_TimeSinceFirstStartMotor R Double The total time that the motor has been running since the crusher was started for h
the first time
Stat_TimeSinceLinersChangeLoad R Double The total time that the crusher has been loaded since the liners were changed h
Stat_TimeSinceLinersChangeMotor R Double The total time that the motor has been running since the liners were changed h
Stat_TimeSinceResetLoad R Double The total time that the crusher has been loaded since was reset operating data h
Stat_TimeSinceResetMotor R Double The total time that the motor has been running since was reset operating data h
Stat_ResetTimeDate R String The date when the latest operating data reset was performed
Stat_ResetTimeTime R String The time when the latest operating data reset was performed
Stat_DeleteOpData* W Boolean True = Reset operating data
Stat_EnergyConsumptionSinceMantleCh R Double The total energy consumption since the last mantle change kW
Stat_WearArray[100][10]** R WearStruct Statistics of the wear for 10 wear sets.
Stat_WearDates[10]** R String Dates of first calibration for liner sets.
Stat_WearSetNr** R Integer Indicator of current liner set in Stat_WearDates and Stat_WearArray

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ASRi S223.459.00 en 10 (9)

Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

Variable Access Data type Description Unit
POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptionSave* RW Integer Variable used when saving the material assumptions
found in variable POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptions.
Set its value to 1 = Save or 2 = Cancel.
Any error is written to the variable
POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptionSaveError as text
POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptionSaveError* RW String When saving the material assumptions found in variable
POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptions, and one of them
contains any invalid value, a description of the error is
written to this variable
POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptions[10][5]* RW POT_MaterialAssumption Array containing all the material assumptions. Use
ColumnType variable POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptionSave for
updating the ASRi with the values. See the description of
POT_RemoteMaterialAssumptionSave for further details
POT_SieveApertures[1][16]* R Double Array containing the current sieve apertures for the
Product Optimization Tool
POT_ProductQualities[2][5]* R Double Array containing the current product qualities for the
Product Optimization Tool

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ASRi S223.459.00 en 11 (9)

Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

A1.2 Data types

The following complex data types are used in the variables that are accessible in ASRi via XML or OPC communication:


Component name Data type Min Max Description Unit

dCSSSetpoint1 Double 0.0 500.0 Desired operating CSS if not in reg. mode Auto-Load mm
dCSSSetpoint2 Double 0.0 500.0 Second desired operating CSS in reg. mode Multi-CSS mm
dCSSStartFactor Double 0.0 10.0 Current CSS-Start factor
dMaxPressure Double 0.0 25.0 Highest permitted Hydroset pressure in reg. mode Auto-Load MPa
dMinCSS Double 0.0 500.0 Smallest permitted setting in reg. mode Auto-Load mm
iControlMode Integer 0 3 Regulation mode. 1=Auto-Load, 2=Auto-CSS, 3=Multi-CSS
iMaxPower Integer 0 2000 Highest permitted drive motor power in reg. mode Auto-Load kW
iTimeShare Integer 0 100 Operating time at dCSSSetpoint1 in reg. mode Multi-CSS %

Component name Data type Min Max Description Unit
CSS Double The CSS of this MAF column
Flow Double The Flow of this MAF column
ProductQualityData[5] Double The product quality data of this MAF column
PercentagePassingValues[16] Double 0 100 The percent passing values of this MAF column %

Component name Data type Min Max Description Unit
A_Cal_Before Double The calculated A-dimension for the current metal-to-metal position before mm
the calibration
A_Cal_After Double The calculated A-dimension for the current metal-to-metal position after the mm
EnergySinceChange Double Energy used by the crusher with the liner set MWh
ASRi S223.459.00 en 12 (9)

Appendix 1 - Variables 2004-02-16 A1

TimeSinceChangeLoad Double Hours the crusher run loaded with the liner set h
TimeSinceChangeTot Double Hours the crusher motor run with the liner set h

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