Jace 8000 Frequently Asked Questions: Features

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JACE® 8000
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which connections are standard on the JACE 8000? Q: Will existing NDIO modules work with the JACE
8000, such as with some sort of adapter cable?
A: The JACE 8000 comes standard with the following
connections: 24VAC/DC Power Supply, (2) isolated RS- A: No. However, Niagara 4.1 has a tool to help convert
485, Wi-Fi, 1 type A USB (Backup & Restore), 1 micro USB NDIO points to an NRIO network. NRIO is compatible
(Serial Shell), and (2)10/100 Ethernet Ports. with the JACE 8000.

Q: By upgrading to the JACE 8000, can we move away Q: What Agency certifications does the JACE 8000 meet?
from JAVA?
A: The JACE 8000 meets UL, CE, FCC, and numerous
A: While Niagara 4 still utilizes JAVA technology, you other standards. Please see the data sheet posted online
no longer have to use JAVA as a Web visualization at tridium.com/en/resources/library for a complete list of
technology. Niagara 4 offers users the opportunity certifications.
to choose open technologies such as HTML 5 when
building/viewing information over the Web. Q: What is the default IP address for all JACE 8000 units?

Q: Are any drivers included with the JACE 8000? A:

A: Yes. Please refer to Tridium’s list of Niagara 4 drivers, Q: Will a JACE 8000 route IP data between Ethernet
posted online at tridium.com/en/resources/library or ports?
niagara-community.com. Additional Tridium or third-
A: No.
party drivers can also be added.

Q: Does the JACE 8000 have RS 232?

A: RS 232 is available through an expansion module.
The base JACE 8000 does not have an RS-232
connection. If accessing serial shell, that can now be Q: What is the onboard JACE 8000 storage capacity
done through the micro-USB port on the JACE 8000. of the SD card?

Q: Does every JACE 8000 have Wi-Fi capability? A: Each JACE 8000 comes with a 4GB microSD card.
User space is set at 2GB.
A: Yes, all JACE 8000s come with Wi-Fi capability.
802.11a,b,g, and n networks are supported. Or, the Q: Are you able to upgrade to a larger SD card for
JACE 8000 can be ordered from Tridium with Wi-Fi more space?
permanently disabled, if required.
A: JACE 8000 microSD cards will need to be purchased
Q: Is there an antenna option to get the wireless signals through Tridium. This ensures that the JACE 8000
outside of a metal enclosure? performs as expected and has long life. Tridium reserves
the right to change the card capacity in the future.
A: The antenna uses a standard SMA connector. An
extension can be used to route the antenna and install Q: What happens if the microSD needs to be replaced?
outside of the enclosure.
A: Tridium recommends that you utilize a Supervisor
Q: Can the JACE 8000 be configured to automatically or new JACE 8000 USB Back-Up & Restore to back up
save the history trending data to the Supervisor your JACE periodically. Similar to a Niagara AX JACE
computer? today, licenses can be transferred over to new hosts and
a backup dist can be loaded. Contact your distributor for
A: Yes. replacement SD cards.


Q: Will our suppliers be able to carry SD cards in Q: How is the JACE 8000 licensed?
A: All JACE 8000s come licensed by devices and points.
A: Yes. Please check with your Niagara representative After determining how many devices will be integrated
for additional details. into the JACE 8000, select the license with the
appropriate amount of capacity. For example, if you are
Q: Can an SD card Host ID be generated on an integrating 20 BACnet, 10 LON and 10 Modbus devices,
engineering laptop and then transferred to the the NC-8050 device core could be selected to support
JACE 8000? up to 50 devices.
A: No. Q: How will using the JACE 8000 in Niagara AX be
licensed — by Devices or Resources?
Q: Can the license, station and drivers be transferred
from one JACE 8000 to another via the microSD A: The JACE 8000 will initially be available with Niagara
card? 4.1. We are looking to release a 3.8U build in the future
that will offer JACE 8000 support. Similar to Niagara 4,
A: Yes. The new JACE 8000 will need the system
the JACE 8000 will be licensed by devices and points.
password from the old JACE 8000.
Q: With the Device/Point licensing, are they both hard
limits? For example, 8010 can support 10 devices or 500
VOLTAGE points. Is there flexibility to exceed one of those limits?
For example, 12 devices with 10 points each?

Q: What input power does the JACE 8000 need? A: The JACE 8000’s device/point license applies to
which limit you reach first. In the example above, 12
A: The JACE 8000 accepts 24VAC/DC without devices exceed the 10-device limit, even though only
additional modules. Tridium offers a standard line 120 points were used. The device/point license are
voltage adapter (WPM-8000) for the JACE 8000. hard limits, however upgrade packs will be available to
upgrade the license.

Q: Will my JACE 3E, 6, 6E or 7 have device/point limits

if upgraded to Niagara 4?

A: No.
Q: Can I use a USB flash drive with my JACE 8000?
Q: On licensing, will it still be possible to upgrade an
A: Yes. After inserting a USB flash drive, you can do a
existing license to a license with more capacity? For
complete station backup or restore. See JACE 8000
example, if a project is expanded during construction.
documentation for additional details.
A: Yes, upgrade device/point packs are available. See
Q: Using the USB flash connection, would we be able
your distributor for details.
to export history to an external drive in real time?
Q: Will the points being used by the JACE 8000 be
A: The USB connector is defined for temporary use
and not meant to support permanently installed
storage. A: Yes. Station summaries can be viewed from the
resource manager.

Q: What are the device and point packs being offered?

A: The JACE 8000 is available with 5, 10, 25, 100 and 200
device base licenses. Additional device/point upgrades
can be added to any base license. They are available in
10, 25 and 50 device upgrade packs.



Q: Is there a limit to how many Device upgrade packs Q: What if I choose not to renew my Niagara 4
I can add to a JACE 8000? maintenance?

A: While there isn’t a hard limit on the number of A: If the SMA has expired on the JACE, it will continue to
upgrade packs that can be added, users should monitor run the station. However, the JACE will not have access
CPU utilization, heap usage and integration bus limits to any new versions, update builds or patches for Niagara
when adding device upgrades. 4. Gap charges will apply if you choose to renew once
the SMA has expired.
Q: If we have an 8200, and we have 200 controllers
connected, can we add one additional controller
without another JACE? Or are we absolutely locked
to controller number? MIGRATION

A: Upgrade packs are available to enable more than

Q: How do I take my JACE 3, JACE 6 and JACE 7 up to
200 devices.
Niagara 4? How do you buy it when you’re rolling out a
new software maintenance policy?

MAINTENANCE A: Pre- and post-Niagara 4 release, you will need to add

a maintenance part to existing Niagara AX JACEs to
upgrade licenses to Niagara 4.
Q: When does software maintenance start on the
JACE 8000? Q: Would you be able to revert back to Niagara AX from
Niagara 4 if you wanted to?
A: Software maintenance starts when the JACE
software license is purchased. Please see your A: The conversion disk file will clean it and convert back
distributor for details. to the Niagara AX system. Niagara Central will host both
Niagara AX and Niagara 4 licenses.
Q: Is Maintenance and Warranty the same thing?
Q: When migrating from Niagara AX to Niagara 4,
A: No. Software maintenance enables access to the latest should you start by upgrading the existing JACE
Niagara build with new features and software updates. hardware first?
Warranty covers the JACE 8000 from manufacturing
defects. A: No, you should upgrade the Niagara Supervisor to
Niagara 4 first.
Q: Does the JACE 8000 automatically include
maintenance at the time of purchase? Q: Which JACEs can be updated to Niagara 4?

A: Yes, it includes 18 months from the date of the creation A: The JACE 3E, JACE 6, JACE 6E and JACE 7 platforms
of the license, when bundled with the INIT license part. can be updated to Niagara 4.
Initial maintenance is a separate line item that must be
chosen while purchasing. Q: Can I have a mixed Niagara AX / Niagara 4 job?

Q: Can I buy more than 1-year maintenance at a time? A: Yes, however the Supervisor needs to be at highest
A: Yes. SMA can be purchased for 1, 3 or 5 year periods.

Q: How will multiple quantities of maintenance appear

on a license?

A: Dates will run consecutively (i.e. buy qty 2 = 2 yrs).

Date will show in license header details and in license



Q: How many accessory cards, or expansion modules, Q: Can a JACE 8000 for Niagara 4 be downgraded to
can we add? Niagara AX 3.8?

A: Up to 4 in various combinations. See the data sheet A: Yes, once Niagara AX 3.8U that supports the JACE
posted online at tridium.com/en/resources/library for 8000 is released.
additional details.
Q: If I don’t use all the devices I purchased, can I transfer
Q: Will we have the ability to place the modular the device to another license?
expansion cards on a bus? Or do they have to "snap"
together? A: No. Unless ordering a replacement unit, unused license
elements cannot be transferred.
A: Option modules will need to be directly connected to
the JACE 8000. Q: Can I still order Niagara AX JACEs?

Q: Which option card modules will be available at A: Yes, they will ship licensed for 3.8, and you would need
launch? to purchase maintenance to upgrade to Niagara 4.

A: The NPB-8000-2X-485, NPB-8000-LON and NPB- Q: How do I buy drivers for JACE 8000?
8000-232 will be available at launch.
A: Open drivers are now included, and a list of Niagara
Q: Is there a plan to port third-party option modules? 4 drivers is posted online at tridium.com/en/resources/
library. Any additional boutique drivers will be purchased
A: While not available at launch, Tridium is planning ad hoc as before, though global capacity limits apply to
to release an expansion module HDK. Stay tuned to all drivers used on the JACE 8000.
future announcements from Tridium about JACE 8000
accessories. Q: How can I buy the JACE 8000?

Q: How many LON Option Module cards can be attached A: Tridium offers multiple options for purchasing JACE
to the JACE 8000? 8000s. Hardware and software can be bundled together
or separately. Also, you can add capacity later, as
A: Up to 4 can be attached. needed. Please contact your distributor for details.


Q: When does the warranty start on the JACE 8000?

A: The hardware warranty starts when purchased from

Tridium. For North America, the warranty covers 18

Q: If the hardware fails, what is the warranty process?

A: Please contact your distributor for details.

JACE is a registered
trademark of Tridium Inc.


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