Lecture 14+16march
Lecture 14+16march
Lecture 14+16march
Fα = maα
Fβ = m aβ .
vβ = vα − V
aβ = aα − A
aβ = aα
=⇒ Fα = maα = maβ = Fβ
aβ = aα − A
=⇒ Fβ = maβ = maα − mA = Fα + Fp ̸= Fα
where Fp = −mA.
T cos θ − W = 0 (vertical)
T sin θ = mA (horizontal)
Lab frame contd.
tan θ =
T = m g 2 + A2
Let us analyze the problem in the non-inertial frame, next
Analysis in non-Inertial Frame (moving with the car)
In the non-inertial (NI) frame, the free-body diagram is
r = x î + y ĵ + z k̂
θ = θx î + θy ĵ + θz k̂ ?
θ 1 + θ 2 ̸= θ 2 + θ 1
Let us rotate a block rst around the x axis, and then around
the y axis. Compare that to the same operations performed in
the reverse order
Non-commutative nature of nite rotations
Consider those two rotations, with each one of them being π/2
Clearly θx î + θy ĵ ̸= θy ĵ + θx î
Vector nature of Angular Velocity
On the other hand, one can verify that innitesimal rotations
commute to rst order terms
ω = ωx î + ωy ĵ + ωz k̂
And, in general,
ω = ωn̂,
where n̂ is the direction of the axis of rotation, and ω is the
magnitude of the angular velocity.
Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity
|∆r| = 2r sin φ sin
For ∆t → 0, ∆θ → 0, so that
∆θ ∆θ
|∆r| = 2r sin φ sin ≈ 2r sin φ ≈ r sin φ ∆θ
2 2
Leading to (for ∆t → 0)
= r sin φ ∆θ
∆t ∆t
dr dθ
=⇒ = r sin φ = ω r sin φ
dt dt
v − ω relation....
But the same arguments will hold if, instead of r, some general
vector A, was precessing with a constant angular velocity ω,
about the axis in direction n̂.
= a = ω × v = ω × (ω × r) (centripetal acceleration)
Physics in Rotating Reference Frames
And î
′ , ĵ′ , k̂′ be the basis vectors of the rotating frame
Physics in rotating frames...
A = Ax î + Ay ĵ + Az k̂ (inertial)
A = A′x î′ + A′y ĵ′ + A′z k̂′ (rotating)
d î′
= Ω × î′
d ĵ′
= Ω × ĵ′
d k̂′
= Ω × k̂′
PH111: Introduction to Classical Mechanics Chapter 4: No
Rotating frames
So that
d d
= + Ω×
dt in dt rot
PH111: Introduction to Classical Mechanics Chapter 4: No
Velocity and acceleration in a rotating frame
Taking A = r, we have
dr dr
= +Ω×r
dt in dt rot
=⇒ vin = vrot + Ω × r
d vin d vin
= + Ω × vin
dt in dt rot
d vin d
=⇒ = (vrot + Ω × r) + Ω × (vrot + Ω × r)
dt in dt rot
d vin d vrot d (Ω × r)
= + + Ω × vrot + Ω × (Ω × r)
dt in dt rot dt rot
d vrot
= + Ω × vrot + Ω × vrot + Ω × (Ω × r)
dt rot
=⇒ ain = arot + 2Ω × vrot + Ω × (Ω × r)
Fcentrifugal = −mΩ × (Ω × r)
= −mΩ2 r k̂ × (k̂ ×r̂)
= −mΩ2 r k̂ × θ̂
= −mΩ2 r (−r̂)
= m Ω2 r .
Coriolis force exists only when the particle moves with respect
to the rotating frame. Here
vrot = v r̂.
θ Coriolis
In this frame
Ω = −Ω cos λ î + Ω sin λ k̂
v = −v k̂
Thus, the object will experience a force towards east, and will
get deviated in that direction