IAS 12: Practice Questions Answers
IAS 12: Practice Questions Answers
IAS 12: Practice Questions Answers
Question 1
(a) Taxable profit for the year ended 31 December 2012:
Accounting profit before tax $80,000
Add: Non-taxable dividends received $30,000
Less: Non-deductible legal costs ($20,000)
Taxable profit $90,000
(g) Income tax expense note to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income:
a) Corporate income tax liability for the year ended 31 December 2018:
Journal entry:
Income tax expense $23,700
Deferred tax liability $6,900
Current tax liability $16,800
c) Income statement note for the year ended 31 December 2018:
Income tax expense:
Current tax liability $16,800
Deferred tax liability $6,900
Total income tax expense $23,700
e) Permanent differences between accounting profits and taxable profits do not have deferred tax
consequences because they are items that are either not included in the calculation of taxable
profit or are not deductible for tax purposes. Therefore, there is no timing difference between
accounting profits and taxable profits, and no deferred tax asset or liability is required.
f) Cost model is a subsequent measurement method of valuing property, plant and equipment
where the assets are initially recorded at cost and subsequently measured at cost less
accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. This method is used when the
future economic benefits of the asset are expected to flow to the entity through consumption or
Revaluation model is a subsequent measurement method of valuing property, plant and
equipment where the assets are initially recorded at cost and subsequently revalued to fair value
less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. This method is used
when there is an active market for the asset or when the fair value can be determined reliably.
The revaluation surplus or deficit is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated
in equity as a separate component of equity.
Question 4
Journal entry:
Income tax expense $119,000 $420,000 x 28%
Deferred tax asset $7,000
Current tax liability $112,000 $119,000 - $7,000