Oswal Last 10 Years Solved Papers 2022 English Mathematics Social CBSE Oswal
Oswal Last 10 Years Solved Papers 2022 English Mathematics Social CBSE Oswal
Oswal Last 10 Years Solved Papers 2022 English Mathematics Social CBSE Oswal
English • Hindi (A) • Hindi (B)
Social Science • Science
Mathematics (Standard)
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With immense pleasure, we would like to present the thoroughly updated edition of
CBSE 10 Last Years Solved Papers for the students of class 10th. This volume aims to
meet the requirements of students preparing for their oncoming Board Examinations.
Structured to facilitate easy last minute revision, this book gives a fair idea of the
pattern of the question paper and the kind of questions asked by the Board in the
previous years.
This title also aims at gauging the preparation of the students for their examination.
The content of this book is prepared, keeping in mind the dynamic nature of the board
exam pattern. A team of experienced academicians have put in meticulous efforts to
provide befitting solutions, which have been framed in accordance to the marking
scheme issued by the board.
It should be taken into account that this book covers the current syllabus completely.
CBSE class 10th syllabus was bifurcated into Term 1 and 2 upto 2017. Even though this
practice was discontinued from the academic year 2017-2018, this title covers both
Term 1 and Term 2 papers till 2015 for the benefit of the students. Final exam papers
from 2018 onwards, which cover the complete syllabus, are also included. Immense
care has been taken to present the content with lucidity to enhance the readability of
the book.
We hope that this book will prove to be the quintessential tool for the students to ace
their board examination. Constructive suggestions to improve the quality of this book
are always welcome.
Shred the waste paper
and use it as a
packaging material.
Take your own cloth
bag to shopping.
Keep plastic lids Avoid taking products
under oil jars to keep with extra packaging.
your shelves
the refills
not the
& old comic
pages for gift
1. Divide lengthy topics into smaller chunks and work on understanding one sub-topic at a time.
2. At the end of each study session, make short notes for quick revision.
3. Revisit previously learnt topics regularly from self-made notes.
4. Try to understand the topic than just mugging it up. It will stay in your memory for longer.
This is the time when you are going to be promoted to higher classes. Going a
level up also means there will be more books, more syllabus, more tests & exams.
We have pieced together some of the most effective tips that will surely help you
stay ahead of your peers by staying organised and managing your time as well as
energy in an improved manner.
Turn off the tap when Take shorter showers. Soak your dishes first in Leaky faucets can waste
you have wet the Prefer bucket-bath over warm water before upto 20 gallons of water.
toothbrush or while shower one. cleaning them in Keep a close eye on
applying soap to the running water. This will them. Turn them off
dishes. make the dirt come out tightly.
much faster.
Use broom instead of Try watering plants For harvesting rainwater Avoid unnecessary
pipes to clean sidewalks during the early part of use barrels or drums at throwing or splashing of
or driveways. the day. Avoid watering the rooftop. water. Drink it upto the
them when it is too very last drop.
sunny or windy.
Wash your car manually Be conscious of the Make use the waste Collected rainwater can
instead of using a pipe. leaky washbasins/sinks. water for cleaning floors. be used for plants as it is
rich in minerals.
English (Lang. & Lit.)
Outside Delhi [Set-I] 2020
Time allowed : 3 Hours Maximum marks : 80
General Instructions :
(4) She speaks of the undaunted ever hopeful
human spirit. She reminds us that it is
(i) The question paper comprises three sections
A, B and C important to visit museums in our country
to experience the impact that a work of art
Section A – Reading : 20 marks
leaves on our senses, to find among all the
Section B – Writing and Grammar : 30 marks
riches one particular vision of beauty that
Section C – Literature : 30 marks speaks to us alone.
(ii) There are 11 questions in the question paper.
All questions are compulsory. 1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above
passage answer the following questions.
(iii) Answers should be brief and to the point.
(iv) There is no overall choice in the question [1 × 8 = 8]
paper. However, an internal choice has been
(a) The dancing girl belongs to
provided in Section B and Section C. Make
your choice correctly. (i) Mohenjo-Daro (ii) Greek culture
(v) In addition to this, separate instructions are (iii) Homosapiens (iv) Tibet
given with each section and question, wher-
(b) In the museum she's kept among
ever necessary.
(i) dancing figures
(vi) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while
(ii) bronze statues
answering the questions.
(iii) terracotta animals
SECTION – A (iv) books
(c) Which information is not given in the
1. Read the following passage carefully. [8] passage?
(1) Caged behind thick glass, the most famous (i) The girl is caged behind glass.
dancer in the world can easily be missed in (ii) She is a rare artefact.
the National Museum, Delhi. The Dancing (iii) School books communicate the
Girl of Mohenjo-Daro is that rare artefact wealth of our heritage.
that even school children are familiar with.
Our school textbooks also communicate the (iv) She cannot be rediscovered as she‘s
wealth of our 5000 years heritage of art. bronze.
You have to be alert to her existence there,
(d) 'Great Art' has power because :
amid terracotta animals to rediscover this (i) it appeals to us despite a passage of
bronze image. time.
(2) Most of us have seen her only in photographs (ii) it is small and can be understood.
or sketches therefore the impact of actually (iii) it‘s seen in pictures and sketches.
holding her is magnified a million times
(iv) it‘s magnified a million times.
over. One discovers that the dancing girl
has no feet. She is small, a little over 10 cm
(e) The jewellery she wears :
tall – the length of a human palm – but she (i) consists of bangles of shell, ivory or
surprises us with the power of great art – thin metal.
the ability to communicate across centuries. (ii) is a necklace with two pendants.
(3) A series of bangles – of shell or ivory or (iii) both (i) and (ii) are correct.
thin metal – clothe her left upper arm all (iv) neither (i) nor (ii) is correct.
the way down to her fingers. A necklace
with three pendants bunched together
(f) She reminds us :
and a few bangles above the elbow and (i) of the never say-die attitude of humans.
wrist on the right hand display an almost (ii) why museums in our country are
modern art. exciting.
10 English (Language and Literature) 2020 (Outside Delhi)
(iii) why she will make us come into (6) What then is the best path to take? I would
money. say the most important thing one can do is to
(iv) of dancing figures. listen. Listen to your children and their silences.
(g) The synonym of the word ''among'' in para Ensure that you keep some time aside for them,
1 is ................. . insist that they share their stories with you.
Step into their world. It is not as complicated
(h) The size of the dancing girl is equal to the as it sounds; just a daily half an hour of the
length of human palm. (True/False)
quality time would do the trick.
2.1. On the basis of your reading of the above
(a) (i) Mohenjo-Daro.
passage, answer the following questions in
(b) (iii) terracotta animals. 30 – 40 words each : [2 × 4 = 8]
(c) (iv) she cannot be rediscovered as she’s (a) Write one advantage and one disadvantage of
bronze. allowing every family member to be part of the
(d) (i) it appeals to us despite a passage of time. decision making process.
(e) (i) consists of bangles of shell, ivory or thin (b) In today‘s world, what are parents asking their
metal. kids?
(f) (ii) why museums in our country are (c) Which two pieces of advice does the writer give
exciting. to the parents?
(g) amid
(d) The passage supports the parents. How far do
(h) True you agree with the author‘s views? Support
2. Read the following passage carefully. your view with a reason.
(1) As the family finally sets off from home after Ans. (a) Advantage of taking every family member’s
many arguments there is a moment of lull as opinion is that it promotes a sense of
the car takes off. ''Alright, so where are we togetherness and bonding. However,
going for dinner now?'' asks the one at the the disadvantage to this is that it creates
driving wheel. What follows is a chaos as confusion, leads to arguments and at least
multiple voices make as many suggestions. one person is left grumbling in the end.
(2) By the time order is restored and a decision is (b) In today’s world, parents ask their kids
arrived at, tempers have risen, feelings injured about their favourite cuisine, the movie
and there is at least one person grumbling.
they want to see, holiday destinations and
(3) Twenty years ago, you would step out of subjects that they wish to study.
home, decision of meal and venue already
made with no arguments or opposition and (c) The writer advises the parents to listen to
everybody looked forward to the meal with their kids and spend at least half an hour
equal enthusiasm. The decision was made by of their quality time with them.
the head of the family and the others fell in line. (d) I agree with the author’s views of parents
Today every member of the family has a say in giving importance to their kids’ opinions
every decision which also promotes a sense of and taking their choices into consideration.
togetherness and bonding. If parents do not pay heed to their kids’
(4) We empower our kids to take their own views, it results in conflicts and negative
decision from a very early age. We ask them approach within the child. This eventually
the cuisine they prefer, the movie they want takes a toll on the child’s self-esteem and
to see, the holiday they wish to go on and the overall personality.
subjects they wish to study. 2.2 On the basis of your reading of the above
(5) It‘s a closely connected world out there where passage, answer the following : [1 × 4 = 4]
children consult and guide each other. A (a) The synonym of 'hurt' as given in paragraph
parent‘s well meaning advice can sound like 2 is ............. .
nothing more than unnecessary preaching.
(b) The word which means the same as 'a style
How then do we reach our children through
or method of cooking' in paragraph 4 is :
all the conflicting views and make the voice
of reason be heard? Children today question (i) Cuisine (ii) Gourmet
choices and prefer to go with the flow. (iii) Gastric (iv) Science
Oswal Solved Papers 11
(c) The antonym of 'agreeable' as given in • Number of batches
paragraph 5 is ......... . • Transport facilities
(d) The antonym of 'simple' as given in • Fee structure
paragraph 6 is : • Joining date
(i) difficult (ii) complicated I request you to furnish all the other necessary
(iii) easy (iv) tricky details by sending me the brochure.
Ans. (a) injured (b) (i) cuisine Looking forward to an early reply!
(c) conflicting (d) (ii) complicated Thank you
SECTION – B Yours faithfully
(WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 30 Vishal/Apoorva
3. You are Vipul/Apoorva, living at D-424, OR
Island Avenue, Ernakulam. You have seen IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE
an advertisement about a diploma course AND NUTRITIOUS FOOD
in French language soon to be organized By Raj/Rani
by Maxwell Institute of Languages, Fort In today’s fast-paced age where every
Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-150 words individual is running from pillar to post
to the advertiser seeking all the relevant to make ends meet; even the young and
information like admission procedure, fee old are getting trapped. The millennial
structure, duration of the course, timing of culture of bonded corporate labourers from
the class, transport facilities etc. [8] ‘Monday to Friday’ and ‘party animals’ over
OR the weekends is taking a severe toll on our
You are disturbed to find that most of the mental, physical, and emotional health. One
youngsters nowadays are falling prey to is so busy accumulating likes on social media
the fast food culture, overeating and lazy and looking forward to the next appraisal
life style. Write an article on the topic, cycle or planning the holiday destination that
'Importance of exercise and nutritious food'. he neglects what is he feeding his mind and
You are Raj/Rani. (100-150 words) body with.
Ans. D-424, Island Avenue Youngsters today are struggling to reach
their classes or office on time; thanks to the
ever-growing traffic and their lazy life-styles.
12th March, 20XX Home-cooked healthy meals have become
once-in-a-while retreat. Exercise is something
The Administrator Incharge
that one enjoys watching the social media
Maxwell Institute of Languages influencers perform in their videos because
Kochi the youngsters have ‘no time for it’.
Sub.: Inquiry about the procedure for joining One must sit back and ponder how long will
the institute he be able to run with such unhealthy lifestyle
Sir, and dietary habits? Our country’s future
depends on the shoulders of the youth and
reference to your advertisement in ‘The hence, these shoulders need to stay healthy
Times of India’, dated 10th March 20XX, I am and strong. One must make an effort to eat
attempting the International Test for French a home-cooked balanced diet along with a
Language Learners and want to opt for the minimum of 4 days of exercise in a week to
diploma course in French Language offered
keep his mind and body strong.
by your institute.
4. Write a story in 150-200 words with the help
I need some information regarding the of the following clues. [10]
diploma course so that I can enroll for the
Last year in the month of December, I went to
my native village where my grand parents live
Kindly provide me with the following details : in a cottage on the foothills of the Himalayas.
• Duration of the course One day, I was standing on the edge of a dense
• Timings of the classes forest. Suddenly ......... .
12 English (Language and Literature) 2020 (Outside Delhi)
OR figure was almost 10 feet tall with a large round
It was an amazing day, full of fun and frolic. We head. It had a thick green skin and webbed feet
all stood aghast to see a strange flying object and hands. There was a screen-like object on its
over our heads. We started ......... . chest which displayed the text and produced
Ans. Last year in the month of December, I went to sound. It was an alien!
my native village where my grandparents live The alien did not have a mouth but a large
in a cottage on the foothills of the Himalayas. eye in the centre of his face. With two big ears
One day, I was standing on the edge of a over its large head, it could only talk through
dense forest. Suddenly, I heard a loud thud. the screen which said, “Please don’t be scared!
All the birds flew away with a not-so-pleasant We have come from space. We are not here to
chirping sound and I ran towards the source harm you but to inform you that the Earth is in
of the sound. What I saw made my heart skip danger. The pollution that humans are creating
a beat. on Earth is damaging the planet greatly. Please
stop it before it’s too late.”
A large ferocious bear was shot and there was
a large gathering of people around the body of I could hardly listen to the complete information
the animal. He was still breathing but was too when suddenly I opened my eyes. I looked
injured to get up. The forest officials who had around and it was dark. I was dreaming! Hush!
shot him were making calls to get the animal I lifted myself up in the bed. As I was trying to
transported. sleep again, I wondered whether aliens exist?
And if they do, is our earth really in danger?
On listening to the villagers, I figured out Thinking about these questions, I went back to
that the animal was causing a great threat sleep again.
to the villagers. He had attacked and killed
5. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given
five people in the past few days. On several
below by choosing the most appropriate
complaints made to the forest department,
options from the ones that follow. Write the
the bear was finally caught after a struggling
answers in your answer sheet against the
correct blank numbers. [1 × 4 = 4]
I felt bad for the bear who was lying in a pool of
Reading books …(a)… a good hobby. Books
blood and I questioned his activity as in, would
open …(b)… vast new world to us. They
the bear have attacked humans if this beautiful
increase …(c)… knowledge and change our
green forest was left untouched for animals
outlook …(d)… the world.
to thrive? Won’t humans attack in defense if
animals entered our sky-soaring complexes (a) (i) has (ii) was
and apartment? Then why can’t animals (iii) are (iv) is
do the same in their defense? And these (b) (i) the (ii) a
questions made me feel sorry for the tortured (iii) an (iv) some
animals. (c) (i) his (ii) one‘s
OR (iii) our (iv) your
(d) (i) towards (ii) for
It was an amazing day, full of fun and frolic. We
all stood aghast to see a strange flying object (iii) by (iv) from
over our heads. We started running here and Ans. (a) (iv) is (b) (ii) a
there as it approached the ground. There was (c) (iii) our (d) (i) towards
dust all around and the object made a loud 6. The following paragraph has not been edited.
ringing sound as it descended. I tried to look There is an error in each line. Write the
through the dust what was happening but all error along with its correction in the space
I could see was that the lower section of the provided. [1 × 4 = 4]
object opened and a strong beam of light came ErrorCorrection
out from it. Spending time for their kids brings (a)
Suddenly, some strange figures came out of the immediate as well as long-last (b)
object. I shivered and held my mother’s arm as gain for a parents. According to a (c)
tightly as I could. The figure came right in front
research, children with (d)
of us and before I could faint or understand
what was happening, it started talking. The concerned parents are more efficient.
Oswal Solved Papers 13
Ans. Error Correction (b) The crown of the oak lies in its
(a) for with
(i) top must branch (ii) roots
(b) last lasting (ii) rich and tasty fruit (iv) broad leaves
(c) A the (c) The winds are rushing to meet the ........... .
(d) with of (d) Find the word from the extract which means
7. Rearrange the following groups of word/ the same as ‘‘shine‘‘.
phrases to make meaningful sentences. Ans. (a) (i) a spy
[1 × 4 = 4] (b) (ii) he thought the police had come
(a) is / as / known / Jaipur / Pink City. (c) waiter
(b) in the / are / buildings / city / in pink colour/ (d) nervously
painted / most of the OR
(c) have made / a popular / it / its historical (a) (iv) Adrienne Rich
buildings / destination / tourist. (b) (i) top most branch
(d) go there / one / bus / from Delhi / can easily/
(c) trees that are stumbling forward into the
Ans. (a) Jaipur is known as Pink City.
(d) flash
(b) Most of the buildings in the city are painted
in pink colour. 9. Answer any five of the following questions
(c) Its historical buildings have made it a in 30-40 words each. [2 × 5 = 10]
popular tourist destination. (a) What were Lencho‘s feelings when the hail
(d) One can easily go there from Delhi by bus. stopped?
(b) Why did Peggy and Maddie not wait for
(c) Why does the poet use the term ‘noble‘
8. Read the extract given below and answer and ‘wild‘ for the tiger? (How to Tell Wild
the questions that follow : [1 × 4 = 4] Animals)**
Max bit his lip nervously. The knocking was
(d) What was the major flaw in Tricki?
“What will you do now, Max?‘‘ Ausable (e) What made the boys follow Griffin?
asked. ‘‘If I do not answer the door, they will (f) How is Ausable different from other secret
enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they agents?**
will not hesitate to shoot‘‘. Ans.
(a) Who is Max? (a) After the hail stopped, Lencho’s soul was
(i) a spy (ii) a tourist filled with sadness. He could see a bleak
(iii) a businessman (iv) A waiter future for him and his family. He was worried
(b) Max became nervous because : about the lack of food for the coming year.
(i) he got scared of Ausable. (b) Maddie and Peggy didn’t wait for Wanda on
(ii) he thought the police had come. that day because Mrs Mason, their teacher,
was to announce the winners of the drawing
(iii) the door was unlocked.
and colouring competition. So, it was an
(iv) Ausable did not get up to open the door. important day which they didn’t want to be
(c) Actually the door was knocked at by the ..... . late for.
(d) Which word in the extract is opposite in (d) The major flaw in Tricki was his greed. He
meaning to the word ‘confidently‘? could tackle a meal at any hour of the day due
OR to which, he had gained an excessive weight
....... Winds rust to meet them. that turned him to a lazy and unhealthy
The moon is broken like a mirror, animal.
Its pieces flash now in the crown of the tallest (e) As Griffin was invisible, his footprints
oak. appeared out of nowhere on the snow. The
(a) The above lines were written by boys saw the footprints without any feet
(i) Robert Frost (ii) John Berryman and were amazed. That’s why they started
(ii) Robin Klein (iv) Adrienne Rich following the footprints which were of
** Answer is not given due to the change in present syllabus.
14 English (Language and Literature) 2020 (Outside Delhi)
10. Attempt the following question in 100-150 The poet desires to imbibe these selfless and
words. [8] natural qualities of animals.
What lesson did Kisa Gotami learn the second 11. Attempt the following question in 100-150
time that she had failed to learn the first time? words. [8]
OR Write a character sketch of the hack driver.
Which qualities of animals has the poet lost OR
and now wants to regain? Answer with What do you know about Bishamber Nath?
reference to the poem, ‘Animals‘. Why did Bholi refuse to marry him?
Ans. Kisa Gotami understood that death is Ans. The hack driver seemed to be a simple
common to all and that she was being selfish countryman at his first appearance who was
in her grief. She understood this only the ready to help the narrator. The lawyer was
second time because it was then that she in search of Lutkins and hence, the hack
found that there was not a single house where driver took him to various places where he
somebody’s beloved had not died. might find Lutkins. The next day, the case
came up in court. As he was unable to find
At the first time, she was only thinking about
Lutkins, the lawyer was asked to go back to
her grief and was therefore, asking for a
New Mullion with a man who had worked
medicine that could bring back her son. At
with Lutkins. The lawyer was shocked to find
second time, when she met Buddha, he asked
that the hack driver himself was Lutkins. He
her to get a handful of mustard seeds from
felt humiliated and learned not to be hasty
a house where no one had ever died. He did
in judging a person.
this purposely to make her realise that there
was not a single house where no beloved had Bill told the lawyer that Lutkins was a
ever died, and that death is natural. When she hard fellow to catch . He was always up to
went to all the houses for the second time, something or the other. He owed money to
she felt dejected that she could not gather many people, including Bill, and had never
the mustard seeds. Then, when she sat and even paid anybody a cent. He also said that
thought about it, she realised that the fate of Lutkins played a lot of poker and was good
men is such that they live and die. Death is at deceiving people.
common to all. This was what Buddha had OR
intended her to understand. Bishamber was a middle-aged man. He
OR was nearly as old as Bholi’s father. He
limped while walking. He also had children
The poet wants to regain the qualities of from his first wife. He had a big house
animals as in, animals are natural and do not and a shop and also a lot of money in the
adapt to material goods like human beings bank. He agreed to marry Bholi without
do. This natural aspect of animals has helped demanding dowry. But when he came to
them maintain their values. Humans, in order marry her on the day of wedding, he asked for
to possess more and more, have forgotten ` 5000 to marry Bholi after seeing the pock
their kindness and innocence. scars on her face. Bholi’s father Ramlal
Animals do not complain about their begged him to not demand for dowry but
situation, they are considered to be happier Bishamber stuck to his demand. Ramlal
than humans. Animals live in natural placed his turban at his feet but Bishamber
surroundings, they accept their natural lives. was not moved. At last, Ramlal went in and
Humans, on the other hand, have never opened his locker and came out with ` 5000
accepted nature, i.e., they complain about it and placed the money at Bishamber’s feet.
and try to change it, leading to an unhappy But Bholi refused to marry such a mean
life. and greedy person and decided to remain
Animals are free from any possession and are unmarried to take care of her parents.
also free from sins, worries and complaints.
Oswal Solved Papers 15
Delhi [Set-II]
Note : Except for the following questions, all immediate repair or replacement. Invent the
the remaining questions have been asked in the details of defects. [8]
previous sets. OR
Yoga is most important in everyone‘s life
SECTION – B as it helps in balancing the relationship
(WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 30 between body and mind. Write an article in
3. You are Kapil /Komal living at C-424. 100 - 150 words on the topic ‘‘Importance of
Sector-18, Green Park, New Delhi. You Yoga in our life’’. You are Ram/Rama.
bought a washing machine from Balaji Ans. C-424, Sector - 18
Electricals Private Limited, Lajpat Nagar, Green Park
New Delhi. It started giving a trouble wihin
New Delhi
a few days. Write a complaint, letter (100 -
150 words) to the Sales Manager seeking 20th November, 20XX
** Answer is not given due to the change in present syllabus. Balaji Electrical Private Limited
Oswal Solved Papers 23
Lajpat Nagar and controlled movements of the body
New Delhi with controlled breathing. In order to make
people aware of yoga and its benefits, 21st
Sub. : Complaint about the Washing June is observed as the World Yoga Day or
Machine. International Yoga Day globally.
Sir, 10. Attempt the following question in 100 – 150
I am sorry to inform you that the Washing words. [8]
Machine which I bought from your shop Why was Nelson Mandela overwhelmed with
against cash memo No.200, dated 7th a sense of history? How did he succeed in
November with a two-year guarantee, ending the apartheid regime in South Africa?
stopped working well just after ten days. OR
Currently, the machine makes an unbear-
Describe the journey of Sidhartha Gautama
able noise and the motor tears the delicate
becoming the Buddha.
Ans. Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense
All these problems are causing a great
of history because in the first decade of the
inconvenience and I feel cheated. I, therefore,
twentieth century which was even before
request you to remove the fault if it is minor
his own birth, the white-skinned people of
or replace it with a new one as per the
South Africa patched up their differences and
conditions in the guarantee certificate. Your
erected a system of racial domination against
quick action will be highly appreciated.
the dark-skinned people of their own land.
Yours truly,
But now in the last decade of the twentieth
Komal/Kapil century, and his own eighth decade as a man,
OR that system had been overturned forever and
IMPORTANCE OF YOGA IN OUR replaced by the one that recognised the rights
LIFE and freedoms of all people, regardless of the
By Ram/Rama colour of their skin.
Yoga is India’s gift to the world. Originating Nelson Mandela set the ideals of liberating
from the Sanskrit language, the word ‘Yoga’ people from the bondage of poverty,
has two meanings, one is union and another deprivation and suffering. He had also set
one is discipline. Practicing yoga teaches
the ideal for a society where there would be
us about the body and mind discipline by
no discrimination based on the gender or
uniting or connecting both entities together
racial origin of the person.
with a smooth and steady flow of breath.
It is a spiritual practice used to meditate OR
in the early morning to balance body and Gautama Buddha began his life as a
mind while staying in sync with nature. royal prince. He was named Siddhartha
It was practiced earlier by the people of Gautama. At twelve, Gautama was sent
religions like Hindu, Buddha and Jain. It is away for schooling in the Hindu sacred
an amazing type of exercise which makes
scriptures. At the age of sixteen, he returned
life better by controlling the body and mind.
home to marry a princess. The prince was
Yoga is a science of living a healthy life. It is
deliberately shielded from all sufferings of
like a medicine which treats various diseases
the world by his family. But this attempt
gradually by regularising the functioning of
was failed when the prince chanced upon
body organs.
a sick man while he was out hunting. Then,
Yoga is a controlled practice of body he saw a weak aged man and a funeral
movements and breathing. It enhances the
procession. Finally, he saw a monk, begging
core and mind strength by connecting both
for alms. These sights of suffering, sickness
to nature. It can be practiced by people
and decay, shocked the prince. He wanted
at any age, i.e., childhood, teenage, adult-
to seek the final solution of all these sorrows
hood or old age. It results into safe, slow
and sufferings. He wandered for seven years
24 English (Language and Literature) 2020 (Delhi)
in search of enlightenment. Finally, he sat to differentiate between right and wrong?
down under a fig tree. He meditated there Education totally changed her personality.
until he was enlightened after seven days. Even then she behaved like an obedient
He renamed the tree as the Bodhi Tree or the girl and agreed to marry Bishamber who
Tree of Wisdom. He then finally came to be was fifty years old. She could not stand his
known as the ‘Buddha’, the ‘Awakened’ or demand of dowry hence, she refused to fulfil
the Enlightened one. The Buddha gave his Bishamber’s demand of five thousand rupees
first sermon at Benares on the River Ganges. and denied marrying him. Thus, education
changed her attitude towards her life.
11. Attempt the following question in 100 – 150
words [8]
Griffin was a scientist who swallowed a
How did education change Bholi‘s
drug to make his body transparent. Though
he was brilliant-minded, he was a lawless
OR person. When the landlord tried to eject him
How did Griffin‘s invisibility come to from his house, he set fire to the landlord’s
his help whenever he found himself in house and escaped after becoming invisible.
trouble? He entered a store to wear clothes in order
Ans. Bholi used to be a meek girl. She had to protect himself from the cold. When the
pockmarks on her entire body. Her brain got assistants chased him, he became invisible
damaged when she was just ten months old. again by removing his clothes. He robbed
She was also a slow learner. She could not the shopkeeper of the theatrical goods .
speak till she was five. Later on, she suffered Later, when he was short of money, his
from stammering while speaking. invisibility helped him to steal money from
the Clergyman’s study. When the Constable
She was sent to school just for a formality.
tried to catch the headless scientist, he threw
Her parents were not serious about her
off one garment after another and became
studies. But her teacher changed her life.
totally invisible. In this way, his invisibility
She encouraged her to speak properly and
helped him to escape whenever he was in
to become independent. She taught Bholi
what is good and what is bad? and how
Delhi [Set-III]
Note : Except for the following questions, all of travelling by bus which is helpful in
the remaining questions have been asked in the reducting pollution. write an article in
previous sets. 100 – 150 words on the topic. “Use Public
Conveyance; Control Pollution.’’ Your are
SECTION – B Akshay/Akshita.
Ans. 23, Rampur Road
New Delhi
3. You are Akshay/Akshita, 23, Rampur Road,
Delhi, a responsible citizen of your country. 20th October, 20XX
When you go on the road, you see that the The Editor
people are becoming more intolerant of The Times of India
other, and driving their vechicles recklessly New Delhi
which some times leads to road rage. Write
Sub. : Appeal to follow traffic rules
a letter to the editor of a local newspaper
advising people to follow rules while Sir,
driving vehicles. (100 – 150 words) [8] Through the columns of your esteemed
newspaper, I would like to draw the
attention of the commuters towards reckless
You go to your school travelling in a and negligent driving practised on the
government bus. You notice the benefits roads.
Oswal Solved Papers 25
Recently, it has been observed that the the results of the drawing contest. They did
traffic is increasing day-by-day and in order not wait for Wanda. When the girls reached
to reach their destinations; commuters are their school, they were surprised. There were
violating the traffic rules. Reckless driving hundreds of designs of dresses displayed in
does not only lead to road accidents but also the room. Then Miss Mason announced the
causes unnecessary inconvenience to the names of the winners. Jack Beggles had won
fellow commuters. for the boys. She said that all the hundred
I request you to kindly look into the matter designs of dresses had been made by just one
and help in maintaining road safety. girl in the class and she had won the medal.
Yours truly, Her name was Wanda Petronski. But Wanda
Akshay/Akshita was absent. The children clapped their hands
in joy. Maddie asked Peggy to look at the
blue dress about which Wanda had told them
USE PUBLIC CONVEYANCE; earlier. They appreciated the drawings made
By Akshita/Akshay 11. Attempt the following question in 100 – 150
With rapid population explosion and the words[8]
increase in the number of vehicles; traffic, Mrs. Pumphrey, the overindulgent and caring
noise pollution and air pollution is a daily mistress of Trick pampers her pet dog like a
sight. It causes inconvenience to one and spoiled child. Comment.
all. Air pollution which is one of the most OR
dangerous forms of pollution, is on a rise
What were Horace Danby‘s plans for his latest
due to vehicle exhaustion.
In order to curb the rising pollution,
Ans. Tricki was definitely more than a dog for Mrs
public transport such as buses, should be
Pumphrey. She treated him like a pampered
actively used. With good bus connectivity
child of hers. Tricki was earlier a small dog.
throughout the city; transport would be
The only cause of Tricki’s overweight was his
utilised at the optimum level. Traveling by
greed for food. Overfeeding and overdose
bus is not only cheaper than travelling on
of sweets, cakes and chocolates made Tricki
your own vehicle but also is a step towards
hugely fat. He became rheumy and listless.
pollution control.
His tongue lolled from his jaws. The doctor
Moreover, citizens can opt for car-pooling advised Mrs Pumphrey to keep Tricki on a
or alternative modes of transport such as very strict diet and make him do a plenty of
cycling, which will keep both their health exercises.
and pollution in check. Being vigilant Dr Herriot’s instructions were ignored by
citizens of the country, it becomes our moral Mrs Pumphrey. Tricki lost his appetite and
obligation to avail the services offered by started vomiting. Dr Herriot suggested Mrs
the government and work towards their Pumphrey that Tricki must be hospitalised
betterment. under his observation for a fortnight. Tricki
10. Attempt the following question in 100 – 150 was so attached to her that she almost fainted
words [10] merely at the thought of his separation.
Describe the scene in which Wanda‘s dress Tricki was highly pampered. The entire staff
drawings are displaced. Who won the and maids were ever-ready to pamper him
drawing contest for the girls? with fluffy beds, cushions, toys, etc.
OR Tricki’s recovery was amazingly rapid. He
What message does Adrienne Rich want to was not given food but plenty of water. After
convey through the Poem “The Trees‘‘.** a few days, Tricki started taking an interest
in his surroundings. He was transformed
Ans. On the next day of the contest, it was
into a flexible and hard-muscled dog. Tricki
drizzling. Peggy and Maddie hurried to
showed his love for his mistress by jumping
their school as Miss Mason would announce
onto her lap when she came to take him back
** Answer is not given due to the change in present syllabus. home. ll
English (Lang. & Lit.)
Outside Delhi [Set-I] 2019
Time allowed : 3 Hours Maximum marks : 80
SECTION – A (a) Some people believe that if.......it will help them
(READING)20 be earlier.
1. Read the passage given below and answer the (b) Many others know..........they disregard it
questions that follow : [8] altogether.
(1) Keep your watch accurate. For some (c) Keep........in each room.
people, moving up the time on their (d) One of the things that can be done is.......of five
watch will help them get up earlier. For or ten minutes.
others, they will remember that the time (e) Many a time we do not realise that......... .
on the watch is wrong and will disregard (f) Instead of pressing the snooze button....... .
it altogether. It may be helpful to set your
(g) If you have difficulty in getting up........ .
watch just two minutes ahead instead of
five or ten. (h) It is a good habit to ..…..... somewhere away
(2) Keep a clock, phone, computer or anything from your bed.
that displays time in each room of your (i) It is good to commit yourself………for
house. One of the easiest ways to run late every thing.
is simply by not realising that the time is Ans.
passing as quickly as it is. (a) they move up the time on their watch,
(3) Set all your clocks and watches to the same (b) that the time on the watch is wrong so
time. Don't be an optimist. Things usually (c) a clock, phone, computer or anything that
take longer than what you'd expect, even displays time
without major delays. If you have a dinner (d) to set watch just two minutes ahead instead
appointement at 7:30 p.m., don't think you (e) the time is passing as quickly as it is
can work till 7 p.m., then take a bath, dress
(f) wake up when you are supposed to wake up
and reach on time. Realistically, calculate
the time you will take at each step and (g) early then try to set your clock ten minutes
then add 10 minutes more to allow for earlier.
unexpected delays, or you cannot get to (h) move your alarm clock to
your job in time. (i) to being 15 minutes earlier
(4) Wake up when you are supposed to wake 2. Read the passage given below and answer the
up. Don't hit the snooze button, keep on questions that follow : [12]
lying in bed, and watch TV at the very start (1) Music is perhaps the most popular and widely
of your day. Maybe try even setting your practised form of Fine Arts, transcending all
clock 10 minutes earlier than you need. If kinds of cultural and linguistic barriers. Any
you have difficulty with this, move your form of fine art is difficult to master and almost
alarm clock to somewhere away from impossible to perfect and music is no exception.
your bed; that way, you have to get up to (2) Nature, it is learnt, has blessed almost two-
turn it off. Commit yourself to being 15 thirds of the human race with musical ability
minutes early for everything. If you have of some sort. Music has the power to bring out
to reach your place of work at 8:00, don't the deepest emotions. It can make one cry or
even tell yourself this. Just tell yourself bring a smile on one's face. In fact it is a magic
(and everyone else who listens– but don't medicine and many seek refuge in it when they
annoy them or make them think that they are depressed or stressed. It is this intimacy
are late or early!) "I have to be at work at that makes us listen to music or even hum or
7.45". If you do this, you willl be on time sing sometimes. This singing, or realistically
even with little unforeseen delays. You will speaking, expressing one's emotion musically
be on time even with a traffic jam. sometimes takes a serious turn. This desire
1.1 Complete the following statements using to show musical expression in public then
words/phrases from the passage. Attempt any becomes a serious business profession. And
eight. [1 × 8 = 8] from here the musical journey begins.
Oswal Solved Papers 27
(3) This desire to sing before an audience is Ans.
innocent and beautiful and indeed it is perfectly (a) The desire to sing in public is innocent and
alright to have such a genuine desire. But it is beautiful and indeed it is perfectly alright to
also important to understand that, singing is have such a genuine desire. Most of us want
an intricate art — a highly refined one at that, to become professional singers with complete
which requires systematic, prolonged and strict disregard for and ignorance of the training
training, to be acceptable. This is an aspect we part. This is an aspect that we forget in our keen
forget in our keen desire to reach the stage and desire to reach the stage and perform which in
perform. It is almost like preparing a formal turn, overcomes the desire to learn.
meal for some specially invited guests, without (b) Music has the power to bring out the deepest
even having learnt and trained in the basics of emotions. It is a magic medicine as it can make
cooking. This is why we have more noise and
one cry or bring smile on one’s face and many
less music nowadays.
seek refuge in it when they are depressed or
(4) These days almost everyone sings and it does stressed.
not stop here. Most of us want to become
(c) If one feels the need to gain some knowledge
professional singers, Result : a complete
and training to become a professional singer,
disregard for and ignorance of the training
part, as the need is never felt to go through one it leads to hurried shortcuts and half-hearted
and the urge to get to the stage and perform attempts, best described as ‘Crash Courses’.
overcomes even a little desire to learn, if any. If (d) While under training, the student is expected
at all, somewhere along the way one feels the to make mistakes but then rectify those
need to gain some knowledge and training, mistakes under the supervision and guidance
it leads to hurried shortcuts and half-hearted of the teacher. Therefore, it is good to make
attempts, best described as ‘Crash Courses’. mistakes and then correct them during the
(5) It is observed that those who have attained process of learning as this subsequently makes
the so called partial success, suddenly feel one flawless and educated. This should be the
that they lack the required knowledge and are mindset of the student of music.
not learned enough. But it is too late by then. (e) Singing is a refined and intricate art because
It should be understood here that the stage or it requires systematic, prolonged and strict
a performance brings in a different mindset training to be acceptable. We forget this aspect
within the artist. It is always recommended in our keen desire to reach the stage and
and rightly said, that while on stage, cover perform. It is like preparing a formal meal for
the mistakes and weaknesses if any, and get some specially invited guests without even
along. But the contrary is true when it comes to having learnt and trained in the basics of
acquiring knowledge and during the learning cooking. That is why we have more noise and
process. While under training, the student is less music nowadays.
expected to make mistakes but then rectify 2.2 On the basis of your understanding of
those mistakes under the supervision and the above passage, answer any four of the
guidance of the teacher. Therefore, it is good following : [1 × 5 = 5]
to make mistakes and then be corrected during (a) Almost ................... of human population is
the process of learning as this subsequently blessed with musical ability of some sort.
makes one flawless and educated. This is a
(i) two-thirds (ii) one-third
different mindset. And these two mindsets
discussed above, (those of a performer and that (iii) half (iv) one-fifth
of a student) cannot co-exist.
(b) Any form of ..................... is difficult to
2.1. On the basis of your understanding of master.
the above passage, answer any four of the (i) visual art (ii) audio-visual art
following questions in 30 – 40 words each : (iii) fine arts (iv) design art
[2 × 4 = 8]
(c) ‘Transcending’ in para 1 means.
(a) The desire to sing in public overcomes the need (i) drown under (ii) rise above
to train. Elaborate. (iii) surrender (iv) fail
(b) How can we say that music is a magic medicine?
(d) ‘Refuge’ in para 2 means.
(c) What is best described as ‘Crash Courses’? (i) shelter from rain
(d) What should be the mindset of a student of (ii) shelter from storm
music? (iii) shelter from unhappiness
(e) Why is singing a refined and intricate art? (iv) shelter from sun
28 English (Language and Literature) 2019 (Outside Delhi)
(e) ’Partial’ in para 5 means. • Duration of the course
(i) unfair (ii) incomplete • Timings
(iii) whole (iv) total • Fee structure
Answer : • Mode of payment
(a) (i) two-thirds • Instructor
(b) (iii) fine arts • Class duration
(c) (ii) rise above It will be highly appreciated if the above details
(d) (iii) shelter from unhappiness are provided to me at the earliest.
(e) (ii) incomplete Thanking You
SECTION – B Yours Faithfully
(WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 30 Shweta/Srikar
3. As a health conscious person, you have OR
noticed an advertisement in a newspaper on PROBLEM OF TRAFFIC JAMS IN
yoga classes in your neighbourhood. Write a METROPOLITAN CITIES
letter in 100-120 words to the organizer, Yoga
By Renu/Rajan
for Public, R.K. Puram, New Delhi requesting
him/her to send you information about the The country’s automobile industry has been
duration of the course and other relevant growing rapidly with the increase in per capita
details. You Shweta/Srikar of 13, R.K. Puram, income, the consequence of which is excessive
New Delhi. [8] load on roads due to steadily increasing number
of vehicles in the metropolitan cities. Traffic
OR jams occur when vehicles in large numbers
You have noticed that the number of vehicles come to a standstill for any reason for a certain
is steadily increasing in your city. There are period of time. There is not a single day when
long traffic jams causing a lot of inconvenience the roads in the metro cities are without chaos.
to the road users. Write an article in 100 – 200 Another reason for the traffic congestion is
words on the topic, ‘Problem of Traffic Jams the overgrowing population as well as the
in Metropolitan Cities.’ Your are Renu/Rajan. increase in the number of private, public and
Ans. 13, R.K. Puram commercial vehicles. It occurs mostly during
peak hours when people commute to or fro
New Delhi from their workplaces and hence, they face
14th April, 20XX inconvenience. It is an absolute wastage of
their productive time. Distances have also
The Organizer
increased in a way. Where it used to take only
Yoga for Public few minutes to cover certain distances earlier,
R.K. Puram now takes hours to cover the same. People
New Delhi get stranded in their vehicles for hours and
get late for their offices, business meetings or
Sub : Inquiry about the Yoga Classes any other appointments. Heavy traffic creates
Sir, problems not only for the vehicle drivers but
also for pedestrians. Pedestrians find it difficult
With reference to your advertisement in to walk on the sideways meant for them. Traffic
‘Patrika Times’ dated 12th April, 20××, I have congestion has become a menace for the injured
come to know that you are organizing yoga or seriously ill patients who sometimes die on
classes near my locality. It’s a good initiative their way due to traffic jams. There are also
and also highly appreciable because yoga chances of road mishaps as vehicles move in
helps detox the body and de-stress the mind. close proximity to each other.
It also maintains balance between physical and
It is therefore, necessary to start an awareness
mental health of a person. Sparing some time
campaign to lighten the burden on roads and
for yoga helps in getting relief from stress. As
to take various measures to control traffic jams
I am a health conscious person and know that
in metro cities.
yoga helps in curing many diseases in today’s
deskbound lifestyle, I wish to join the classes. 4. Complete the story in 200–250 words, which
But prior to joining the classes, I would like you begins as the following, providing an
to furnish me the following necessary details: appropriate title also. [10]
Oswal Solved Papers 29
Mukesh, the grocer, was very greedy. He shadows outside the window. My heartbeat
would mix stones in pulses and coloured sand increased as it was dense dark outside, and I
in spices and sell them to the poor villagers. couldn’t imagine in my wildest thoughts who
The villagers complained to him but he could be there. I geared up, gathered courage
turned a deaf ear to them, as his was the only and reached the window. Slowly I pulled the
grocery store in the village. The villagers, then curtains and looked outside but the shadow
decided...... was not clear at all and it was not a single
shadow but four or five shadows. This was
OR enough for me to believe that some scoundrels
It was 10 p.m. I was alone at home. Suddenly were there at the door. I looked for my cricket
I heard a knock on the door...... bat, held it tightly and reached for the main
Ans. TIT FOR TAT door of the living room. Although it was cold
winter, I was still down with sweat. With a
Mukesh, the grocer, was very greedy. He would
sudden jerk, I opened the door and lifted my
mix stones in pulses and coloured sand in bat to hit but I was surprised to see that it
spices and sell them to the poor villagers. The was my family members who had come early
villagers complained to him but he turned a because of me. I felt relieved and embraced
deaf ear to them, as his was the only grocery my mother tightly. That night I slept with my
store in the village. The villagers, then decided parents, holding my mother‘s hand. It was
to teach him a lesson. They all gathered and really a scary night!
went to the king to make a complaint against
Moral – ‘Do not loose courage even in the worst
him. On hearing this the king became very situation.’
angry and ordered his courtiers to summon
him to the court. When Mukesh was brought 5. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given
to the court, the king rebuked him saying, “You below by choosing the most appropriate
options from the ones that follow. Attempt
have been cheating the innocent villagers for
any four. Write the answers in your answer
the past so many months and for this, you will
sheet against the correct blank numbers.
be punished”. The grocer was frightened and
asked for forgiveness. The king gave him the [1 × 4 = 4]
relaxation of choosing his punishment. The The caves of Ajanta and Ellora …(a)… the
king asked him either to get ready to go beaten magnificent works of sculpture. Whoever
a thousand times or eat one hundred onions …(b)… there …(c)… spell bound. Thousands
at a time. The grocer became happy thinking …(d)… tourists visit these places every year.
it to be an easy punishment and chose to eat One can stay …(e)… the guest houses.
onions. But having eaten only 20 onions, tears (a) (i) is (ii) are
rolled down his eyes and he asked to be beaten.
(iii) was (iv) were
When guards started lashing him and the count
reached to 50, Mukesh cried with pain and (b) (i) go (ii) going
knelt down before the king feeling extremely (iii) goes (iv) went
sorry for his deeds. He promised not to cheat (c) (i) becomes (ii) became
anyone in future. The king released him on a (iii) becoming (iv) has become
warning and Mukesh lived the life of an honest (d) (i) for (ii) of
person thereafter.
(iii) from (iv) at
Moral – ‘Greed leads to grief’
(e) (i) on (ii) over
(iii) upon (iv) in
Ans. (a) (ii) are (b) (iii) goes
It was 10 p.m. I was alone at home. Suddenly,
I heard a knock on the door. I expected no one (c) (i) becomes (d) (ii) of
at that hour of time as all my family members (e) (iv) in
had gone to attend a close family wedding 6. In the following paragraph, one word has
whereas I was supposed to stay at home due been omitted in each line. Write the missing
to my board exams. Repeated knocking at the word along with the word that comes before
door scared me to death. A chill went down and the word that comes after it against the
my spine. Suddenly, the lights went off and correct blank number. The first one has been
this only worsened my fear. Then I saw some done for you. Attempt any four [1 × 4 = 4]
30 English (Language and Literature) 2019 (Outside Delhi)
Word Missing Word (c) Which word in the extract is a synonym of
before word after 'rich'?
The tiny island of Rameswaram South e.g. Rameswara in South
India is one of the four Dhams. According to legend (a) (d) How can a baker be identified in Goa?
it was from here that Lord Rama the (b) OR
help of Hanuman and Sugreev and his monkey
force built a stone bridge Lanka just 24 (c)
Now the name of the little black kitten was
kilometres away. The main attraction of island (d) Ink.
is the Ramanathaswamy Temple is a (e) And the little gray mouse, she called him
magnificent emaples of Dravidian architecture. Blink.
Ans. (a) to a legend (b) Rama with the And the little yellow dog was sharp as
(c) bridge to Lanka (d) of the island Mustard,
(e) Temple which is But the dragon was a coward, and she called
him Custard.
7. Rearrange any four or the following groups
of word/phrases to make meaningful sen- (a) Name the poem and its poet.
tences. [1 × 4 = 4] (b) What is the colour of Belinda's dog?
(a) of mankind / reading is / one of / pleasures/ (c) What were the kitten and the mouse called?
the greatest (d) Which word in the stanza is the antonym
(b) we / enjoy / the / much more / borrowed of 'dull'?
ones / our own books / reading / than Ans.
(c) book / care / must be / with / a borrowed / (a) The baker recorded his accounts on some wall
treated in pencil.
(d) book / afraid of / you should / writing notes (b) The baker and his family never starved
on / not be / your own because baking was a profitable profession
in the old days.
(e) should begin / one / a private libarary /
(c) The synonym of the word ‘rich’ is prosperous.
one's youth / building / in
(d) A baker can be identified in Goa if he has a
Ans. (a) Reading is one of the greatest pleasures of
jackfruit- like physical appearance.
(b) We enjoy reading our own books much
more than the borrowed ones. (a) The name of the poem is ‘The Tale of Custard
the Dragon’ and the poet is Ogden Nash.
(c) A borrowed book must be treated with care.
(b) The color of the Belinda’s dog is yellow.
(d) You should not be afraid of writing notes
(c) The kitten was called ‘Ink’ and the mouse was
on your own book.
called ‘Blink’.
(e) One should begin building a private library
(d) Antonym of the word ‘dull’ is sharp.
in one’s youth.
9. Answer any four of the following questions
SECTION – C in 30-40 words each. [2 x 4 = 8]
(LITERATURE) 30 (a) Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
8. Read the extract given below and answer the (b) How did Chubukov react when lomov asked
questions that follow : [1 × 4 = 4] for the hand of his daughter in marriage?
The baker usually collected his bills at the (c) Where in the classroom does Wanda sit and
end of the month. Monthly accounts used to why?
be recorded on some wall in pencil. Baking (d) How did Ebright's mother help him to
was indeed a profitable profession in the becoming a scientist?
old days. The baker and his family never (e) Why does Anil not hand Hari Singh over to
starved. He, his family and his servant always the police?
looked happy and prosperous. Their plump Ans.
physique was an open testimony to this.
(a) Lencho’s crops were destroyed by a hailstorm.
Even today any person with a jackfruit-like
He had put all his money in farming and
physical appearance is easily compared to a
therefore, he was left with no money then. But
he had strong faith in God that God would
(a) Where did the baker record his accounts? definitely solve his problem. So, he wrote a
(b) Why did the baker and his family never letter to God asking for 100 pesos so that he
starve? and his family wouldn’t starve.
Oswal Solved Papers 31
(b) Chubukov was extremely cheerful and Forestier was immediately ready to lend
excited when Lomov asked for the hand of Mathilde the necklace. In fact, she displayed
his daughter in marriage. He embraced and the entire array of her jewels in front of her
kissed Lomov on his forehead and shed tears and asked her to choose from them. She
of joy. He exclaimed with happiness that it didn’t show any urgency to get back the
was his heartfelt desire. He was of the opinion necklace and when Mathilde returned the
that Lomov would turn out to be the perfect necklace, Mme Forestier didn’t even inspect
match for his daughter, so he showered his it and instead, honestly revealed that the
blessings upon Lomov after hearing this. necklace that she gave to Mathilde was fake.
(c) Wanda sits in the seat next to the last seat It shows her honest nature. She also felt bad
in the last row in Room 13. She belongs to a when Mathilde suffered unnecessarily to pay
poor family of Boggins Heights. Her feet are for a replacement necklace. Thus, she proved
usually caked with dry mud and the corner to be her genuine friend.
of the classroom in which she sits is also very OR
dirty. In order to avoid the embarrassment Kisa Gotami was a young woman who
and being laughed at by her classmates, belonged to a wealthy family. She was
Wanda sits there to hide herself. married to a merchant. When her one-year
(d) Ebright’s mother motivated him to learn. old child fell ill and died, she was grief-
She was his only childhood friend and a stricken and couldn’t bear his death. She took
companion. She used to take him on trips, her dead child in her arms and went door to
buy scientific equipments like microscopes, door begging everyone to tell the way to get
telescopes, cameras, etc., and help him in her child back to life. Nobody helped her and
many ways. She introduced him to Dr. instead thought her to be crazy but she didn’t
Fredrick A. Urquhart of the University of give up. Then she came across a Buddhist
Toronto, Canada. She found many interesting who suggested her to meet Buddha as only
things for him to learn. he could help him. That’s why Gotami went
(e) Anil does not hand Hari Singh over to the to Buddha.
police because he realizes that beyond his Buddha taught her the lesson of life and truth.
identity as a thief, Hari Singh is a good person When she told Buddha the whole story, he
and has learnt a lesson. Anil understands listened to it with patience and asked her to
that Hari Singh has changed now otherwise collect mustard seeds from a house where
he wouldn’t have put the stolen money no one had ever died. She went from house
back in its place. Anil has a humble nature to house but she couldn’t find a single house
so he wants to give Hari Singh a chance and where no one had ever died. Ultimately, she
forgives him for stealing money. understood what Buddha had been trying
10. Answer the following questions in 100-120 to explain her that suffering is inevitable
words :** [8] and in this way, she realized that death is
Mme Forestier proved to be a true friend of the ultimate truth and one has to meet his
the Loisels. Elaborate. destined end one day, no one can avoid it. So,
OR she took her child away and became Buddha’s
Why did Gotami go to the Buddha? What follower.
lesson did he teach her? 11. Answer the following question in 200 – 250
Ans. Mme Forestier proved to be a true friend words :** [10]
of Loisels. Mme Forestier played a crucial
Justify the title, ‘The Diary of A Young Girl’.
role in the story. She helped Mathilde when OR
Mathilde needed her genuinely. Mathilde
was blessed with a beautiful physique but
Write a character sketch of Anne Frank.
she lacked the lavish lifestyle she yearned for. OR
Therefore, she was discontented with her life. What type of relationship did Miss Anne
Although Mme Forestier treated her kindly, Sullivan and Helen Share?
Mathilde was jealous of Mme Forestier
because of her wealth. Once, Mathilde had OR
to attend a fancy party so she borrowed Write a character sketch of Alexander Graham
a diamond necklace from Mme Forestier. Bell.
** Answer is not given due to the change in present syllabus.
32 English (Language and Literature) 2019 (Outside Delhi)
Sub. : Suggestions on ways to improve the While reading the newspaper, I came across
facilities for tourists an advertisement advising the motorists
not to play loud music while driving. This
Sir, advertisement caught my attention and I
felt that the need of the hour is to spread
Through the columns of your esteemed
awareness amongst the people against it.
newspaper, I would like to highlight the
Nowadays, listening to loud music while
issues of dissatisfactory tourists’ facilities in
driving has become fashionable among
Jaipur and wish to give my suggestions in
people, especially youngsters, but they don’t
this regard.
know the harmful consequences of it. For
It is a world known fact that Rajasthan their own entertainment, these people turn
is one of the best tourists’ destinations in deaf ear to others’ problems. It not only affects
India and its capital Jaipur fascinates all the public and residents of the colony but the
foreigners immensly. But there are certain patients and children too. Loud music has
areas which need a lot of improvement. become a constant source of nuisance. When
First and the foremost suggestion is related loud music is being played near hospitals,
to the signboards places. As we know that patients lose their peaceful sleep and they
foreigners don’t understand the local dialect become restless. The high volume of the
the signboards and the direction boards music has disrupted everyone’s tranquility.
should be both in Hindi and English. Another Students fail to concentrate upon their studies
suggestion is regarding the cleanliness near and during examinations, they face great
Oswal Solved Papers 33
difficulty due to it. Moreover, there are cases looking for?” The woodcutter checked the axe
of deafness, insomnia, palpitation of heart, again and said,” No, it’s not my axe. My axe is
mental fatigue etc. and among the sufferers made up of iron and has a wooden handle”.
are majorly small babies and old people.The This time the elf showed him his original axe
problem further adds to the fact that noise and seeing that the woodcutter exclaimed
control laws are neither followed properly with joy,” Yes, that‘s my axe!” The honesty of
nor implemented completely. the woodcutter made the elf very happy and
So I think that law alone is not sufficient until she gave him both the gold and silver axes as
and unless we all take oath to make the city his reward. The woodcutter accepted the gifts
and returned home thrilled and overjoyed.
noise-free by educating the people about its
He told the whole incident to wife who also
ill effects. Everyone who plays loud music
appreciated his honesty and thereafter they
while driving, should refrain from doing so.
both lived happily.
4. Complete the story in 200 – 250 words, Moral –‘Honesty is always rewarded.’
which begins as the following, providing OR
an appropriate title also. [10] THE BEST TROPHY OF MY LIFE
A woodcutter earned his living by cutting The next day was the annual day of my school.
wood from the jungle and selling it in the I was very excited as I had participated in
market. One day when he was cutting down many activities. Moreover, I was going to
a tree on the bank of a river, his axe fell into receive the ‘Best Student Trophy’ for 2017-18.
the river. He was ......... Late at night, I heard a strange sound. My
OR mother woke me up and told me that my
The next day was the annual day of my school. grandmother had been seriously ill. She was
gasping and sweating profusely. My mother
I was very excited as I had participated in
was horrified and perplexed to see this. She
many activites. Moreover, I was going to
couldn’t understand what had happened to
receive the 'Best Student Trophy' for 2017 –
the grandmother. She didn’t know what to
18. Late at night I heard a strange sound. My
do so she cried for help. My father was not at
mother woke me up and told me that .........
home that time. He had gone out of the town
Ans. THE WOODCUTTER AND THE AXE for a week for some official work. I was all
A woodcutter earned his living by cutting alone with my mother, younger sister and
wood from the jungle and selling it in the grandmother. Nobody had ever imagined
market. One day when he was cutting that anything like that would happen.
down a tree on the bank of a river, his axe Fortunately, our next door neighbour had
fell into the river. He was shocked to see returned home early as he had to attend
that because the axe was his only source of some party that day. When he heard my
earning. The river was deep enough and mother shouting for help, he came running
the poor woodcutter didn’t know how to to our house. He saw my grandmother and
swim. He sat there weeping. For hours immediately understood her condition.
he kept waiting for someone to help him Without a moment’s delay, he took out his
but no one turned up. Then an unusual car, put my grandmother in it and rushed to
thing happened. A beautiful elf from the the nearby hospital. Meanwhile his wife took
river appeared before the woodcutter. She me and my sister to her house, calmed us
asked him “Why are you not chopping down and fed us properly. Doctors examined
the wood?” The woodcutter sadly replied, her and told that she had a mild heart attack
“My axe has fallen into the river and I don’t and the slightest delay would have turned
know how to swim. Now I can’t cut wood”. out to be dangerous for her. Next morning
The elf then showed him a golden axe and my grandmother was discharged after getting
asked him “Is this your axe which had fallen medical prescriptions and we took her back
into the river?” The woodcutter saw the home. It was the happiest moment for all of
axe carefully and replied, “No, it’s not my us and we were grateful to our neighbours
axe”. The elf disappeared and after some for because of whom we could see our
time reappeared with a silver axe. She again grandmother alive. Then, I was all ready to
asked the woodcutter, “Is this the axe you are receive the trophy but more than that, I was
34 English (Language and Literature) 2019 (Outside Delhi)
happy to have my grandmother back. It was Error Correction
the best trophy that I ever received in my life. Some days is good and some days e.g. is are
Moral – The gift of life is the biggest of all. are bad. Today, I got on very late. I (a) ____ ____
5. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given ran to bathe. Then I had to got ready (b) ____ ____
below by choosing the most appropriate for my school. I ran by the bus stop (c) ____ ____
options from the ones that follow. Attempt to catch my school bus. It had
any four. Write the answers in your answer already left but I came back home. (d) ____ ____
sheet against the correct blank numbers. My mother scolding me. (e) ____ ____
Ans. Error Correction
[1 × 4 = 4]
(a) on up
Television …(a)… become very popular in (b) got get
our country. People spend a lot …(b)… time
(c) by to
watching a variety of programmes. Some of
(d) but so
the programmes …(c)… are telecast these
(e) scolding scolded
days are of a very poor quality. We should
remember that television is …(d)… effective 7. Rearrange any four of the following groups
in educating …(e)… nation. of word/phrases to make meaningful
sentences : [1 × 4 = 4]
(a) (i) is (ii) was
(a) have become / part of / developing city /
(iii)has (iv) had airports / an essential / a
(b) (i) of (ii) for (b) services / tourism in / air taxi / will / boost/
(iii)at (iv) by the state
(c) (i) those (ii) when (c) more runways / for / we / landing / need /
(iii)here (iv) that facilities
(d) (i) so (ii) many (d) promote / will surely / our tourism / this /
(iii)very (iv) some sector
(e) this / increasing / will help / between cities/
(e) (i) a (ii) an
connectivity / in
(iii)the (iv) some Ans. (a) Airports have become an essential part of
Ans. (a) (iii) has (b) (i) of a developing city.
(c) (iv) that (d) (iii) very (b) Air taxi services will boost the tourism in
(e) (i) a the state.
6. The following paragraph has not been (c) We need more runways for landing
edited. There is one error in each line. facilities.
Identify the error and write down its (d) This will surely promote our tourism
correction against the correct blank number. sector.
The first one has been done for you. Attempt (e) This will help in increasing connectivity
any four. [1 × 4 = 4] between cities.
Delhi [Set-II]
Note : Except for the following questions all the If you are near a heart patient or someone
remaining questions have been asked in the who has pacemaker
previous sets. Ans. 7/9
Kunj Apartments
SECTION—B** Shimla
“The man who first made a hut,” says M. le Hardy de Beaulieu, “a
piece of furniture, a cloak, or some necessary of life, would no doubt
have thereby excited the envy of his neighbours, and he would
frequently have been deprived of these objects by violence or by
strategy, before it would be generally allowed that they ought to
belong to him who made them, and that it was at once the duty and
the interest of the community to guarantee him their possession
against every attack.”
We acknowledge that the man who first constructed a hut was
perfectly right in making good his claim against those who would
have deprived him of it, and that he was justified in vindicating his
claim by force. He had employed his time and strength in building
this hut; it was undoubtedly his, and his neighbours acted up to their
natural right and in their own interests in helping him to oppose the
intruder. But there ended both the right of the individual and that of
the community.
If this first man, not content with claiming his hut, had pretended
that the idea of building it belonged exclusively to him, and that
consequently no other human being had a right to build a similar
one, the neighbours would have revolted against so monstrous a
pretension, and would never have allowed so mischievous an
extension of the right which he had in the produce of his labour.
Nevertheless, this man had exercised imagination and
combination; he had invented the shape, the size, and the
arrangement of the whole structure; he was the first to conceive—
probably after many efforts of mind and thought, after long study,
after observations made on the nests of birds and the hut of the
beaver—that pile of branches, of dead wood, of leaves and of
stones, of which its shelter is formed. He was an inventor of the first
class. How is it, then, that the sentiment of justice which prompted
him to claim his property did not prompt him at the same time to
claim exclusive possession in the idea, the result of a long train of
reflection? How is it that the same sentiment of justice which induced
his neighbours, the community, to lend him armed force to preserve
for him the possession of his hut, did not go so far as to grant him a
property in his idea? No one dreamed of asking him for the
permission to imitate what he had made; no one thought he was
committing a crime, or doing him a wrong, in making a copy of his
Property can be a right only when its principles tend to the general
good and are useful in advancing the interests of the human race.
And if, in our day, imitation of an invention is not generally
considered as guilty an act as robbery of tangible property, it is
because every one understands the difference between an idea and
a thing made or done.
The inventor of a particular weapon, or certain furnishings, or
tools, had all possible rights in the constructing and possession of
these weapons, furnishings, or tools; but these rights could not be
extended to the hindering of his neighbours from making tools,
furnishings, or weapons, in every way similar. If the community had
admitted an exclusive right in these inventions, it would have died in
its germ, civilization would have been a dead letter, and man would
have been unable to fulfil his destiny.
Thus far, then, there was not, nor could be in principle, any
question of exclusive right of invention. This right was only thought of
when all notions of social right had been obscured by laws which,
like that of Henry II., declared that the right of labour belonged to the
Crown, and when there had grown up the idea of licensing labour
and granting exclusive privileges for its exercise. The institution of
the pretended property in inventions was a retaliation against the
suppression of the abusive right of masterships and corporations.
Doubtless invention, as M. le Hardy de Beaulieu remarks, consists
in the discovery of a new scientific principle; but we cannot admit,
with the learned Professor, that the new application of a principle
already known, that the discovery of a natural agent hitherto
unknown, or of new properties or other modes of action of natural
agents, or of materials previously discovered, are inventions.
It is probable that coal was known long before any one thought of
putting it in a stove to be used as fuel. It is certain that stone was
known long before any one thought of employing it in the
construction of walls.
To pretend that the discovery of the combustible quality of coal, or
of the use to which stone might be put, gave a right to the discoverer
to exact from his neighbours the payment of a royalty before
employing this fuel, or this material for construction, is also to grant
that he who, centuries before, had thought of burning wood to warm
himself, or of seeking the shelter of a cave, ought also to be
recompensed for the trouble he had in discovering, appropriating,
and working out either this source of heat or this means of shelter.
Invention, we acknowledge, consists in the discovery of a new
scientific principle; it can often place, as M. le Hardy de Beaulieu
says, new gratuitous forces at the disposal of the community; but
does it follow that the inventor has an exclusive right in the property
of this discovery? We think not. The inventor of the compass,
whoever he was, has rendered an immense service to the
community; but could his invention be claimed as private property?
Does it not, on the contrary, enter with perfect justice into the public
Napier, the discoverer of logarithms, has rendered the most signal
service to calculators and navigators; but can his invention, the
knowledge of which may, either orally or by the printing-press, be
extended indefinitely—which any one may use privately, in the quiet
of the study—be put upon the same footing as landed property,
which a single man may cultivate—as house property, which may
belong to one or several, and which cannot be seized upon without
its being observed, and to the great scandal of all? Evidently not.
And if the law has never tried to appropriate inventions of this
class, it is because there must be something tangible, limited, and
final, giving the power to regulate its employment or possession.
It is not correct to say, besides, that the inventor does not deprive
the community of any portion of the common property which it
possessed before the invention. Before the invention the thing
discovered existed in embryo—in nature. This germ was multiple; it
existed as frequently as there were men; and the inventor pretends,
by the property in it which he claims, to deny it to all others and to
hinder its germination.
The right of the inventor is limited to that of working out his idea; it
is identical with that of a man who has discovered and cleared a
field; but it is not, like his, exclusive. He who invents and he who
clears can possess their property as long as they like and as they
like; but there is this difference between the field and the invention:
the first can be cultivated only by one without doing an injury to the
proprietor, while the invention may be used by several without
hindering, diminishing, or suppressing the working of it by the
I have cleared a field, and cultivate it; if one of my neighbours
desires also to cultivate the same field, he hinders me from
exercising my right—he interferes with my working—he
dispossesses me.
I have discovered the combustible nature of coal: in what way
does my neighbour, who cooks his food on a coal fire, hinder me
from exercising my right, or interfere with the working of my
faculties? of what does he dispossess me?
We have not, as we think, to take into consideration more or less
the difficulties of inventors; we have not to inquire if every invention
requires a more than ordinary degree of intelligence, special
knowledge, great perseverance, &c. There is a multitude of
occupations in life which require all these qualities, but no one has
ever pretended that on account of these qualities, probable sources
of success for them, they had a right to any favours, immunities, or
The inventor of a useful discovery has quite as much, or more,
chance of making a fortune as the manufacturer who confines
himself to the beaten tracks, and only employs the known methods;
this last has had quite as much risk of being ruined as any searcher
after discovery. We believe that they are on an equality as to
position; for if the inventor may be ruined in not finding what he
seeks, the manufacturer may see all his looms or his machines
rendered useless, all his outlets closed, by the introduction of a
cheaper means of production. Why make a golden bridge for him
who enters the arena with arms more subtle and more finely
tempered than those of his adversary?
Notice that the manufacturer also renders a service to the
community—no doubt in seeking his own profit; but is it not so with
the inventor? Why then demand a reward for the one which is not
asked for the other?
The manufacturer who, in using the old looms, manages his
factory so as to reduce his prices by 10 or 20 per cent., and who in
consequence can furnish stockings (supposing him to be a stocking
manufacturer) to a number of those who were not rich enough to buy
them at the old prices, undoubtedly does a service to the community
equal to that which it would receive from the invention of a machine
which would make the stockings 10 or 20 per cent. cheaper.
The farmer who by superior ploughing, more skilful manuring, or
more careful weeding, increases the yield from two to three quarters
per acre—does not he also render a signal service to the
The sailor, who finds the means of shortening voyages by utilising
certain currents or winds, in modifying the spread of his sails, &c.—
does not he increase the gratuitous natural forces placed at the
disposal of the community?
Why, then, if there is question of rewarding this class of services,
should they not ask for privileges, favours, and exclusive rights?
Why not go so far as forbid any one to arrange his factory on the
plan of the manufacturers of whom we have been speaking? Why
not forbid any farmer to weed, plough, or manure, like his neighbour;
or any sailor to follow the track of the first, without paying to those
who gave the example a previous and perpetual royalty?
“The property of an invention having required for its creation the
same labour as that of the soil, and this work offering less chance of
success and results of probable less duration, it is as legitimate at
least as landed property,” says M. le Hardy de Beaulieu; “and there
is no argument against it which may not be applied with equal force
to the individual and permanent occupation of the soil.”
The soil, to render all the productions that the community has a
right to expect from it, ought to become and remain a personal
individual property. Invention, on the other hand, cannot give all the
results that society can draw from it, unless it be public property.
Herein lies the immense and irreconcilable difference between
property in land and that of invention. Besides, land cannot become
unfertile, unproductive, or lose all its value as property, except by
some convulsion of nature which would deeply unsettle it. An
invention, on the contrary, may become quite valueless in ten years,
one year, a fortnight even, after being discovered, and that by the
superiority of a subsequent invention.
What becomes, then, of the property of this invention? What is its
worth? Has the inventor a right to damages?
If you construct near my field a factory from which escape noxious
vapours, hurtful to vegetation, and if I can show that you have
deteriorated or destroyed my crops, you, according to the laws of
every civilised nation, owe me damages; would you claim damages
of the inventor, whose discovery had rendered that of one of his
predecessors partially or completely unproductive? If property in
invention is equal to property in the soil, damages are incontestably
due. We do not think that a single advocate for this class of property
has, however, dared to carry his logic thus far.
The proprietor of a field may leave it uncultivated, the proprietor of
a house may leave it shut up as long as he likes; no law obliges to
put in a tenant, or to open it for lodgers. The laws of all countries
contain, with slight modifications, the following clause, quoted from
Art. 32 of the Law of 1844:—“Will be deprived of all his rights ... the
patentee who shall not have commenced the working of his
discovery or invention in France within two years, dating from the
day of the signature of the Patent, or who shall have ceased working
it during two consecutive years, unless that, in one or other case, he
can satisfactorily explain the causes of his inaction.”
It would be very easy for us to cite other differences in the nature
of these two classes of property; we shall only refer to one more,
which points out how solid is the property in land, and how uncertain
and ephemeral the so-called property of invention. Land, considered
as property, increases in value from day to day; there is no invention
whose value does not diminish daily.
M. le Hardy de Beaulieu further adds, that “the inventor, in taking
exclusive possession of his idea, harms no one, since he leaves all
which previously existed in the same condition in which he found it,
without in any way lessening the social capital on which he drew.”
We should require, however, to come to an understanding as to what
may be called the social capital; for if the exclusive property of
invention had existed from the germination of the idea which led to
the construction of the first hut to the making of the earliest weapons,
tools, and furniture, it is difficult to know where we should find it. By
putting property in invention on the same footing as property in the
soil, all that man uses or consumes would belong to the descendants
of the first inventors, and every one would require to pay a sort of
rent for its use. The inventor of the wheelbarrow would have to pay a
royalty to the inventor of wheels, and the maker of the plainest pump
would pay an annual rent to the inventor of the lever or piston; there
would not, there could not, be any social capital.
But it is wrong to say that the exclusive possession of an idea
hurts no one, because it leaves what previously existed in the same
condition. I, or my neighbour, might put together ideas to form the
basis of an invention; this faculty of combination belongs to each of
us; with exclusive possession it belongs only to one. It cannot be
said, then, that no one is hurt, and that everything remains in the
same position.
After having said that the property of invention is in every respect
similar to property in the soil, M. le Hardy de Beaulieu places,
nevertheless, boundaries to the extent and duration of the first. He
says: “It is not meant precisely that property in an invention ought to
extend over the globe, nor that its duration should have no limit in
time; all property, in fact, is bounded by the cost of preservation,
maintenance, and working, which it requires, already, long before the