Practicalresearch1 q3 Mod3
Practicalresearch1 q3 Mod3
Practicalresearch1 q3 Mod3
Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Quantitative and Qualitative
Practical Research 1 – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 3: Quantitative and Qualitative Research
First Edition, 2020
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Team Leaders:
School Head : Marijoy B. Mendoza, EdD
LRMDS Coordinator : Karl Angelo R. Tabernero
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
At the end of this module, you are expected to learn the following
1. differentiate quantitative from qualitative research; and
2. provide examples of qualitative research in areas of interest.
What I Know
Quantitative and Qualitative
1 Research
In the previous lessons, you were oriented with the characteristics, processes,
and ethics of research. Aside from them, you also need to know the two broad
categories of research. They can be identified by the type of methodology used
such as quantitative and qualitative.
The research method determines the way on how the researcher will identify,
collect, and analyze relevant data for his/her research. As a student-
researcher, choosing either qualitative or quantitative research will affect the
components of your study. Hence, you need to recognize the similarities and
differences between them.
What’s In
Create different interesting questions that you wonder about. Start with the
following interrogative pronouns. Write your answers on your notebook.
1. Who
2. What
3. When
4. Where
5. Why
6. How
Now, reflect on those questions you have listed. What will you do to answer
them? What methods are you going to use?
Well, that’s what you will learn in this module. You will be oriented with two
methods that you can use in solving problems or answering research
questions. Remember that the type of information you will get depends on the
type of questions you ask.
What’s New
Take a look on the comic strip below. Can you distinguish the difference
between the two panels?
As a senior high school student, it is very important for you to know different
methodologies being applied in conducting a research. In this lesson, you will
be familiarized with the difference between quantitative and qualitative
research methods and how they can be applied in your area of interest.
What is It
For you to easily understand the similarities and differences between the two
research methods, here is a short definition of terms that you have to be
familiar with.
• contact time – the period when the researcher interacts with the research
subjects or participants to obtain relevant information
• hypothesis – a statement usually predicting the relationship between
variables that can be tested by scientific research
• outlier – a statistical observation in a set of data that is inconsistent with
the majority of the data
• output replicability – capable of repetition, imitation or reproduction
• research instrument – a measurement tool designed to obtain, measure
and analyze data from research subjects around the research topic
• sample size – the number of subjects to be taken from the target
population of the study
• trend – an assumed development in the future that will have a long-term
and lasting effect; prevailing style or preference
• validity – the functional quality of research instrument on obtaining data
and producing results based on the purpose of the study
• variable – any characteristic that can have different values or traits that
may vary across research participants
Now, study the following table cited by Cristobal & Cristobal (2017) from the
Social Science Research Extension Institute (SSREI), University of the
Philippines (UP)-Baguio (2009).
Uses large sample sizes that are Uses small sample sizes chosen
representatives of the population purposely
Here is a simple example on how you can apply two methods differently on
the same research question, “How satisfied are students with their studies?”
In quantitative research,
you may survey 250
students at your school and
ask them a question, “On a
scale from 1-5, how satisfied
are you with your studies?”
Then, you can perform
statistical analysis on the
data and draw conclusions
such as: “On average,
students rated their studies
Do you want to know more?
Read and analyze the following table from “What is Qualitative Research” by
Alasuutari (2011) to be deeply acquainted with quantitative and qualitative
research based on different categories.
Here are some examples of research conducted by Abdullah (2019; 2020) to
give you a glimpse on how the two methodologies can be applied in different
Qualitative Research 1:
Qualitative Research 2:
Quantitative Research 1:
Quantitative Research 2:
What’s More
Pick at least three questions from what you have listed in the activity What’s
In. Consider those that you think may present a problem in your area of
interest or field of specialization. Describe how you will conduct qualitative
research about those problems. Write your answers on your notebook.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
What I Have Learned
What are the two broad categories of research methods? Fill in the blanks to
show how they differ from one another. Write the statements on your
What I Can Do
Compare and contrast the two broad categories of research by using the Venn
diagram below. Write the distinctive characteristics of quantitative research
in the left circle and qualitative research in the right circle. Write your output
on your notebook.
Read and analyze the following concepts. Then, categorize them into what
type of research method they belong to. Use the given table below and
accomplish it on your notebook.
Quantitative Qualitative
Research Research
❖ ❖
❖ ❖
❖ ❖
❖ ❖
❖ ❖
Additional Activities
Using any available online or printed resources, find at least five research
titles conducted by their respective researcher/s. Then, identify whether the
study utilized qualitative or quantitative method. Use the given table below
and accomplish it on your notebook.