Practicalresearch1 q3 Mod3

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Practical Research 1

Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Quantitative and Qualitative
Practical Research 1 – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 3: Quantitative and Qualitative Research
First Edition, 2020

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Practical Research 1
Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Quantitative and Qualitative
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module is designed to let you understand the difference between

quantitative and qualitative research. Moreover, you will be provided with
some examples of research so you will be able to think about possible research
in your area of interest or field of specialization. As a senior high school
student, you have to be knowledgeable about these because you will be
required to create your own output at the end of the semester.

At the end of this module, you are expected to learn the following
1. differentiate quantitative from qualitative research; and
2. provide examples of qualitative research in areas of interest.

What I Know

Read and analyze the following characteristics of research method carefully.

Classify whether it is for QUANTITATIVE or QUALITATIVE. Write your
answers on your notebook.

__________ 1. Aims to characterize trends and patterns

__________ 2. Applies more flexible processes

__________ 3. Gains greater understanding of group similarities

__________ 4. Follows structured processes

__________ 5. Employs structured research instruments

__________ 6. Chooses small sample sizes purposely

__________ 7. Focuses on greater understanding of individual differences

__________ 8. Administers either unstructured or semi-structured


__________ 9. Provides deeper context and meaning

__________ 10. Starts with neither a theory nor hypothesis

Quantitative and Qualitative
1 Research
In the previous lessons, you were oriented with the characteristics, processes,
and ethics of research. Aside from them, you also need to know the two broad
categories of research. They can be identified by the type of methodology used
such as quantitative and qualitative.

The research method determines the way on how the researcher will identify,
collect, and analyze relevant data for his/her research. As a student-
researcher, choosing either qualitative or quantitative research will affect the
components of your study. Hence, you need to recognize the similarities and
differences between them.

What’s In

Create different interesting questions that you wonder about. Start with the
following interrogative pronouns. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. Who

2. What

3. When

4. Where

5. Why

6. How

Now, reflect on those questions you have listed. What will you do to answer
them? What methods are you going to use?

Well, that’s what you will learn in this module. You will be oriented with two
methods that you can use in solving problems or answering research
questions. Remember that the type of information you will get depends on the
type of questions you ask.

Notes to the Teacher

This module prepares the learners to know the similarities
and differences between quantitative and qualitative research that
will guide them in choosing the appropriate methodologies to be
used in their future research.

What’s New

Take a look on the comic strip below. Can you distinguish the difference
between the two panels?

As a senior high school student, it is very important for you to know different
methodologies being applied in conducting a research. In this lesson, you will
be familiarized with the difference between quantitative and qualitative
research methods and how they can be applied in your area of interest.

What is It

Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017)

There are two broad categories of research methodology: quantitative research

and qualitative research. The method to be used in conducting a research will
determine the approach the researcher takes in identifying relevant data, and
collecting and analyzing the information gathered in the research. Choosing
either a quantitative or qualitative approach will affect the components of the

For instance, a researcher may decide to undertake a scientific research. If

he/she takes a quantitative approach, he/she will use statistical data to
provide an explanation of the phenomenon. On the other hand, if the
researcher chooses qualitative approach, the goal of the study will be to
discuss and analyze the underlying concepts and theories related to the
research topic.

For you to easily understand the similarities and differences between the two
research methods, here is a short definition of terms that you have to be
familiar with.
• contact time – the period when the researcher interacts with the research
subjects or participants to obtain relevant information
• hypothesis – a statement usually predicting the relationship between
variables that can be tested by scientific research
• outlier – a statistical observation in a set of data that is inconsistent with
the majority of the data
• output replicability – capable of repetition, imitation or reproduction
• research instrument – a measurement tool designed to obtain, measure
and analyze data from research subjects around the research topic
• sample size – the number of subjects to be taken from the target
population of the study
• trend – an assumed development in the future that will have a long-term
and lasting effect; prevailing style or preference
• validity – the functional quality of research instrument on obtaining data
and producing results based on the purpose of the study
• variable – any characteristic that can have different values or traits that
may vary across research participants

Now, study the following table cited by Cristobal & Cristobal (2017) from the
Social Science Research Extension Institute (SSREI), University of the
Philippines (UP)-Baguio (2009).

Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

Aims to characterize trends and Involves processes, feelings, and

patterns motives (the why’s and the how’s)
and produces in-depth and
holistic data
Usually starts with either a theory Usually concerned with
or hypothesis about the generating hypothesis from data
relationship between two or more rather than testing a hypothesis
Uses structured research Uses either unstructured or semi-
instruments like questionnaires structured instruments
or schedules

Uses large sample sizes that are Uses small sample sizes chosen
representatives of the population purposely

Has high output replicability Has high validity

Used to gain greater Used to gain greater

understanding of group understanding of individual
similarities differences in terms of feelings,
motives, and experiences

Uses structured processes Uses more flexible processes

Methods include census, survey, Methods include field research,
experiment, and secondary case study, and secondary
analysis analysis

Generally, quantitative and qualitative research differs on the type of data

they produce. The former dwells on the collection of numerical data analyzed
by statistical analysis, while the latter deals with descriptive, in-depth and
holistic data analyzed by summarizing, categorizing and interpreting. On this
note, you need to use quantitative research if you want to confirm or test a
theory or hypothesis and use qualitative research if you want to understand
concepts, thoughts and experiences.

Here is a simple example on how you can apply two methods differently on
the same research question, “How satisfied are students with their studies?”

In quantitative research,
you may survey 250
students at your school and
ask them a question, “On a
scale from 1-5, how satisfied
are you with your studies?”
Then, you can perform
statistical analysis on the
data and draw conclusions
such as: “On average,
students rated their studies

In qualitative research, you

may conduct in-depth
interviews with 15 students
and ask them open-ended
questions such as: “How
satisfied are you with your
studies?”, “What is the most
positive aspect of your study
program?”, and “What can be
done to improve the study
program?” Based on their
answers, you can ask follow-
up questions to clarify
things. Furthermore, you
can transcribe all interviews
and try to find patterns and

Do you want to know more?

Read and analyze the following table from “What is Qualitative Research” by
Alasuutari (2011) to be deeply acquainted with quantitative and qualitative
research based on different categories.

Category Quantitative Qualitative

Question Who, What, When, How, What, Why

Domains Where

Common 150 to 200+ 10 to 15

Sample Size

Contact 10 to 20 minutes 45 to 240 minutes

Time each

Validity Must be true of most Must be true of each

of the data or case or ideographic
nomothetic (law- (case-oriented)

Variables Define relationships Describe

and establish general relationship and
case establish meaning
structures and

Outliers Unique positions lost Valuable descriptive

to the weight of the cases with unique
average access to average

Examples Surveys, numerical Interviews, literature

counts, statistical content reviews, real
analyses, world observations,
mathematical case studies,
modeling ethnographies

Here are some examples of research conducted by Abdullah (2019; 2020) to
give you a glimpse on how the two methodologies can be applied in different

Qualitative Research 1:

• K-Pop Apocalypse: Invading Filipino Cultures

This study aimed to explore why Filipino cultures

are invaded by the K-Pop mania. In this research, the
researcher used survey and descriptive method to
determine the reasons and venues of where Filipinos
would usually find out about K-pop. Their answers
would then help the researcher gather data on the
awareness of the respondents regarding K-pop and
how it has penetrated their life and culture.

Qualitative Research 2:

• Livelihood Aspirations and Life Struggles of Badjao


This study aimed to discover the livelihood

aspirations and life struggles of Badjao people in the
21st century generation. In this ethnographic
research, the researcher employed participant-
observation with a combination of unstructured
interviews as tools in acquiring data. This involved the
use of behavioral analysis and recording of the
information gained from participating and observing
on daily interactions. Through face-to-face
discussions, the respondents’ subjective and detailed
personal story can be told. This further granted access
to deep knowledge and explanations, and helped in
grasping the subjects’ perspective on their livelihood
aspirations and life struggles.

Quantitative Research 1:

• K-Pop Comparative Assessment on the Full

Implementation of Senior High School Curriculum
among Private and Public Schools

This study aimed to investigate the impact of the

respondents’ expectations and apprehensions on the
effectiveness of the full implementation of SHS
curriculum. Comparative assessment of the program
was conducted between private and public schools
with students, parents, teachers and principals as
respondents. To give comprehensive analysis,
interpretation and implication of data, weighted
mean, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson r were employed.

Quantitative Research 2:

• Use of Supplemental Learning Materials in

Improving Students’ Academic and Attitudes in

This study aimed to determine the effect of

simplified supplemental learning materials in
improving students’ achievement and attitudes
towards Pre-calculus. Quasi-experimental research
design was employed with 70 students as subjects of
the study. Mean Percentage Score (MPS), weighted
mean and t-test were applied to describe data and
make good inferences about the experimentation. The
researcher used the gathered statistical data to analyze
and interpret the achievement and attitudes of
students on using the supplemental learning materials
in Pre-Calculus.

What’s More

Pick at least three questions from what you have listed in the activity What’s
In. Consider those that you think may present a problem in your area of
interest or field of specialization. Describe how you will conduct qualitative
research about those problems. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

What are the two broad categories of research methods? Fill in the blanks to
show how they differ from one another. Write the statements on your

o ______________________________ uses statistical data to explain a


o ______________________________ aims to discuss and analyze

underlying concepts and theories related to the study.

o ______________________________ identifies abstract concepts.

o ______________________________ measures numerical results to

predict outcomes.

You can also express your new learnings on your notebook:

What I Can Do

Compare and contrast the two broad categories of research by using the Venn
diagram below. Write the distinctive characteristics of quantitative research
in the left circle and qualitative research in the right circle. Write your output
on your notebook.




Read and analyze the following concepts. Then, categorize them into what
type of research method they belong to. Use the given table below and
accomplish it on your notebook.

❖ The researcher is an objective observer.

❖ There is one concrete reality being governed by unchanging natural
laws that can explain any given phenomenon.
❖ The researcher is part of the context and intrinsically linked to the
❖ Concerns of bias are not part of research because the researcher is
❖ There is one true reality regardless of context.
❖ A phenomenon can be understood by studying its component parts.
❖ Conditions must be carefully controlled to prevent unwanted
❖ Reality is context-specific.
❖ A phenomenon can be understood only when studied as a whole.
❖ Reality is socially and experientially constructed – resulting in
multiple realities of a phenomenon.

Quantitative Qualitative
Research Research
❖ ❖

❖ ❖

❖ ❖

❖ ❖

❖ ❖

Additional Activities

Using any available online or printed resources, find at least five research
titles conducted by their respective researcher/s. Then, identify whether the
study utilized qualitative or quantitative method. Use the given table below
and accomplish it on your notebook.

Research Titles Researcher/s Type of Method Used







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