Sliding Gate Movement System

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US 20040187390A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0187390 A1
Celani (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 30, 2004

(54) SLIDING GATE MOVEMENT SYSTEM Publication Classi?cation

(76) Inventor: Luigi Celani, Ostia Antica (IT) (51) Int. Cl? .................................................... .. E05F 11/00

Correspondence Address: (52) Us. 01. .............................................................. .. 49/360

SUITE 1200
DENVER, CO 80202 In a sliding gate (1) mounted on Wheels sliding on a straight
rail a movement system is provided that comprises a straight
(21) Appl. No.: 10/486,129
rack (2) integral With the gate (1), engaging means (5,105)
PCT Filed: Aug. 6, 2002 for engaging the rack (2) to produce the horizontal move
(22) ment of the gate, and activating means (9) for moving the
(86) PCT No.: PCT/EP02/08750 engaging means (5,105), said engaging means (5,105) com
prising a Wheel (11,111) having an axis substantially parallel
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data to the horizontal direction of the translation of the gate and
having engaging elements (8,108), arranged on its lateral
Aug. 7, 2001 (IT) ............................ .. MI2001A 001738 circumferential outer surface, to engage With said rack

Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2004 Sheet 1 0f 4 US 2004/0187390 A1

Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2004 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2004/0187390 A1
Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2004 Sheet 3 0f 4 US 2004/0187390 A1


Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2004 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 2004/0187390 A1

US 2004/0187390 A1 Sep. 30, 2004

SLIDING GATE MOVEMENT SYSTEM [0012] One object of the present invention is to eliminate
the draWbacks of the knoWn technique by providing an
DESCRIPTION inexpensive and simple device for sliding gate movement
[0001] The present invention relates to a sliding gate [0013] Another object of the present invention is to pro
movement system. vide such a device for sliding gate movement that is reliable
and safe for the user.
[0002] A sliding gate normally comprises a gate proper
mounted on Wheels With ball or roller bearings, in order to [0014] Another object of the present invention is to pro
translate on a guide rail or a track, along a straight route, to vide such a device for sliding gate movement that is both
close and open a passage. versatile and suitable for ?tting to sliding gates currently on
the market.
[0003] Movement devices to move the sliding gate com
prising a gear mechanism consisting of a coupling betWeen [0015] These objects are achieved in accordance With the
a rack and a croWn gear are knoWn in the art. The rack is invention With the characteristics listed on the attached
integral With the gate and positioned horizontally, for almost independent claim 1.
the entire length of the gate, and the croWn gear is connected
to a gear reduction unit of an electric motor ?tted to a [0016] Advantageous embodiments of the invention
support integral With the ?oor. The axis of the croWn gear is appear from the dependent claims.
substantially at right angles to the horiZontal direction of [0017] The movement system according to the invention is
gate translation. suitable for moving a sliding gate mounted on Wheels
[0004] This Way, the motor drives the gear reduction unit running on a straight rail. The movement system comprises:
that causes the croWn gear to turn and the teeth of this to a straight rack integral With the gate,
mesh into the grooves of the rack, pushing the rack teeth. As
a result the rotating gear movement causes the rack to [0019] engaging means for engaging the rack to
translate and, because this is integral With the gate, it drags cause horiZontal movement of the gate, and
in translation the gate.
[0020] activating means for moving the means of
[0005] Sliding gates are generally very heavy. Some gates engagement.
can achieve a Weight of 1500 kg. For this reason, and
because the teeth of the croWn gear operate directly by [0021] The particular characteristic of the present inven
frontal thrust on the teeth of the rack, to cause rotary rack to tion is represented in that said engaging means comprise a
move a very high torque is needed. Consequently the Wheel having a rotation axis substantially parallel to the
interposition of gear reduction mechanisms betWeen the horiZontal direction of gate movement. Such Wheel has on
driving shaft and croWn gear must be provided. its lateral circumferential outer surface engaging elements
able to engage the rack to cause rack to translate.
[0006] Other sliding gate movement systems are knoWn,
Whereby the gate is pulled by a chain or belt driven by a [0022] The engaging elements are preferably represented
pulley or motorised croWn gear. In this case as Well, gear by a thread or radial pins arranged along a helical path. This
reduction units should be provided betWeen the driving shaft Way an excellent gear reduction ratio is achieved betWeen
and the belt drive pulley. the Wheel and the rack. As a consequence, only a very loW
torque is needed to start the rotation of the Wheel that
[0007] According to the state of the art, sliding gate engages the rack. For this reason, the Wheel can be driven in
movement systems have a number of draWbacks.
rotation by means of a driving shaft that directly engages the
[0008] These movement systems are too expensive and Wheel Without the need to interpose gear reduction mecha
cumbersome because a reduction mechanism is provided nisms.
betWeen the driving shaft and the croWn gear that operates
on the gate rack or chain. Furthermore, the gear reduction
[0023] Furthermore, With this movement system, a DC.
mechanism is often subject to Wear by friction and requires motor can be used With big advantages in terms of costs,
maintenance and frequent replacements. overall dimensions and safety.

[0009] For this reason, so as not to oversiZe the gear

[0024] Further characteristics of the invention Will
mechanism, in sliding gates, according to the state of the art, become apparent from the folloWing detailed description,
high-poWer electric motors are used such as AC. motors referred to purely exemplary and therefore not restrictive
poWered directly from the AC. mains. embodiments, illustrated on the attached draWings, in Which:

[0010] Nevertheless, the provision of an AC. motor [0025] FIG. 1 is a plan vieW from above, schematically
implies supplying the motor by means of poWer cables, shoWing the sliding gate movement system according to the
passing through the gate, carrying the mains voltage invention;
(220+230 Volt). Consequently, in the case of any poWer [0026] FIG. 2 is an axial section vieW of a Worm screW
cable being uncovered, this Would discharge onto the gate being part of the movement system according to the inven
Which, being normally made of metal, Would become a good tion;
conductor, With haZardous consequences for anyone acci
dentally touching the gate. [0027] FIG. 3 is a side vieW from the right of FIG. 2;
[0011] Furthermore, any interruption in the mains poWer [0028] FIG. 4 is a partial axial section vieW shoWing the
supply Would prevent the motor Working and therefore also Worm screW ?tted on its support and coupled to the driving
gate movement. shaft;
US 2004/0187390 A1 Sep. 30, 2004

[0029] FIG. 5 is a perspective vieW schematically shoW supported in rotation by bearings 16, 16‘ arranged in support
ing a second form of embodiment of the sliding gate brackets 6, 6‘ respectively. Shaft 14 can be the shaft of motor
movement system according to the invention; 9, or can be linked to shaft 18 of motor 9 by a coupling 17,
Without the need to use gear reduction mechanisms.
[0030] FIG. 6 is a radial section vieW taken along a pin of
the Wheel of the movement device according to the second [0041] By using an arrangement like that illustrated above
form of embodiment of the invention; to move the gate 1, the kinematic performance is mainly
[0031] FIG. 7 is a section vieW shoWing a different affected by the sliding frictions betWeen the threads 8 of
embodiment of a gate rack for use With the gate movement Worm screW 5 and the teeth 3 of the rack. Nevertheless, in
system according to the invention; conformity With the pitch of the thread used, a desired
reduction ratio can be obtained that alloWs using the motor
[0032] FIG. 8 is a partial axial section vieW shoWing a in direct drive on the Worm screW Without using gear
different embodiment of the motor that drives the gate reduction mechanisms.
movement system according to the invention.
[0042] Clearly, in place of a Worm screW having a con
[0033] With the aid of the illustrations, the sliding gate tinuous helical thread, a Worm screW can be used With a
movement system according to the invention is described. discontinuous helical thread, meaning consisting of a section
[0034] For noW With reference to FIGS. 1-4, a ?rst of thread arranged along a helical path, able to engage
embodiment of the invention is described. grooves 4 of rack 2.
[0035] FIG. 1 schematically shoWs a gate, indicated by [0043] With reference to FIGS. 5 and 6 is shoWn a second
reference number 1. The gate 1 is mounted on Wheels that embodiment of the sliding gate movement system according
can rotate along straight rails, in horiZontal direction of the to the invention, in Which elements identical or correspond
double arroW F1. To the gate 1 is integrally mounted a rack ing to those already described With reference to the ?rst
2, of linear shape and Which extends for almost the entire embodiment are indicated With the same reference numbers
length of gate 1. and their detailed description is omitted.
[0036] Rack 2 comprises a plurality of teeth 3 separated [0044] FIG. 5 shoWs a rack 2 integral With gate 1 and a
from each other by a plurality of grooves 4. By Way of driving shaft 18 keyed to a Wheel or drum 105 arranged With
example, the siZe of each groove 4 is about 4 mm and the a rotation axis substantially parallel to the direction of
pitch betWeen one tooth 3 and the next is about 12 mm and movement of gate 1. Wheel 105 is substantially different
the inclination of the cutting angle of each tooth 3 is around from Wheel 5 in the ?rst embodiment.
1.0941 degrees.
[0045] Wheel 105 comprises a cylindrical body 111 pro
[0037] A Worm screW 5 is rotatably mounted on tWo
support brackets 6, 6‘ supported by a frame 7 integral With
viding a plurality of cylindrical pins 108 radially protruding
from the side surface of cylindrical body 111. The cylindri
the ground. The Worm screW 5 is positioned so its axis of
cal pins 108 folloW a helical path along the side surface of
rotation is kept substantially parallel to the horiZontal direc the cylindrical body 111. Each pin 108 is rotatingly mounted
tion of movement of the gate 1. This Way, the threads 8 of
around its oWn axis, on the Wheel body, by means of a cage
the outer threading of Worm screW 5 engage the grooves 4
120 of rollers 121 better shoWn in FIG. 6. Naturally, rollers
of rack 2.
121 can be substituted With ball bearings.
[0038] The Worm screW 5 is rotated around its oWn axis by
an electric motor 9, supported by a support frame 10 integral [0046] The outer diameter of each pin 108 is beloW the
With the ground. Because the threads 8 of Worm screW 5 siZe of grooves 4 of rack 2, so pins 108 can engage grooves
engage the grooves 4 of rack 2, a rotation of Worm screW 5 4 of rack 2. Consequently, rotation of Wheel 105 in the
in the direction of arroW F2 or in the opposite direction direction of arroWs F2 causes gate 1 to translate in the
causes gate 1 to translate in the direction of arroW F1. In fact, direction of arroWs F1. In this case, betWeen pins 108 of
sliding over the side surface of threads 8 on the cutting Wheel 105 and teeth 3 of rack 2 there is a revolving friction
surface of teeth 3 Which is inclined by about 1 degree, causes Which, as is knoWn, is much loWer than sliding friction.
rack 2 to move forWard. Consequently, this embodiment is particularly advantageous
in the event of Wanting to minimise the torque supplied by
[0039] As shoWn in FIGS. 2 and 3, Worm screW 5 the motor.
comprises a Wheel 11 With a substantially cylindrical body,
With an external helical thread formed on the side surface. [0047] By means of calculations and experimental tests,
By Way of example a right-handed thread is used With a 12 selecting the best pitch of the helical route of pins 108 and
mm pitch the same as the pitch of teeth 3 of rack 2. The using materials With loW coef?cient of friction, the applicant
thickness of threads 8 is around 3.6 mm, meaning slightly has seen that to move a gate Weighing about 1,500 Kg all
beloW the siZe of grooves 4 of rack 2, so threads 8 can that is required, With a high safety margin, is an electric
engage grooves 4 of rack 2. The total outer diameter of the motor With a poWer input of around 70 W.
Worm screW is about 220 mm, but this can be increased or
reduced in accordance With the desired reduction ratio. [0048] Accordingly, a DC, electric motor can be used
poWered by a voltage With a range betWeen 12 and 24 V.
[0040] At the centre of the cylindrical body of Wheel 11 is Consequently a poWer transformer Will be provided in the
a through hole 12 With longitudinal groove 13 to receive a motor control box that transforms the mains voltage into a
driving shaft for integrally rotating With Wheel 11. As FIG. DC. voltage able to poWer the motor. Furthermore, the
4 shoWs, inside axial hole 12 a shaft 14 is ?tted providing a motor Will be connected to a battery able to poWer it in the
protruding part 15 that engages groove 13. The shaft 14 is event of a mains poWer break.
US 2004/0187390 A1 Sep. 30, 2004

[0049] This produces a number of advantages, such as: engaging means for engaging said rack to cause the
horiZontal translation of said gate, and
[0050] greater energy saving,
[0051] smaller overall dimensions, activating means for moving said engaging means, char
acteriZed in that said engaging means comprise a Wheel
[0052] loWer motor and control electronics cost, or drum having an aXis substantially parallel to the
0053 horiZontal direction of translation of the gate and
g reater safety in case of uncovered motor
poWer Wires, having engaging elements, arranged on its lateral cir
cumferential outer surface, to engage With said rack.
[0054] the possibility of an auXiliary battery to poWer 2. Movement system as claimed in claim 1, characteriZed
the motor. in that said engaging means comprise a Worm screW ana said
[0055] FIG. 7 shoWs an improved rack 2 integral With the engaging elements are the threads of the outer thread of said
gate, able to further reduce friction With the Worm screW Worm screW and said teeth of the rack are arranged With a
movement system. In this variation of embodiment, in each slightly angled cutting surface.
tooth 3 of the rack a roller 204 is ?tted revolving With a 3. Movement system as claimed in claim 2, characteriZed
rotation aXis at right angles to the rotation aXis of the Wheel in that the pitch of the thread of Worm screW is substantially
5, 105 of the Worm screW. Rollers 204 are preferably made the same as the pitch of teeth of the rack and the thickness
of hard plastic such as polyamide. of each thread of Worm screW is slightly beloW the siZe of
grooves of the rack.
[0056] To be more eXact, each roller 204 is rotatably 4. Movement system as claimed in claim 1, characteriZed
mounted on a respective pin 202 that engages, in a forced in that said engaging elements are cylindrical pins, protrud
coupling relationship, a cylindrical hole 201 formed in each ing radially from the lateral circumferential surface of said
tooth 3 of the rack. The pin 202 has an enlarged head 203 to Wheel and are arranged in a helical path on the lateral
restrain roller 204 during aXial movement betWeen the pin circumferential surface of said Wheel.
head and the end of tooth 3 of the rack.
5. Movement system as claimed in claim 4, characteriZed
[0057] This Way, rotation of Worm screW 5 causes a in that said cylindrical pins are mounted revolving around
revolving friction of threads 8 With revolving rollers 204 of their ads.
the rack. 6. Movement system as claimed in claim 5, characteriZed
[0058] Even though the Illustrations shoW motor 9 With in that said cylindrical pins are ?tted in cages of rollers or
driving shaft 18 in axis with the Worm screW 5 or Wheel 105, bearings.
as shoWn in FIG. 8, a variation can be provided in Which 7. Movement system as claimed in claim 1, characteriZed
motor 9 is arranged above the Worm screW 5 or Wheel 105 in that said Wheel is mounted revolving around its own ads
that engages the gate rack. on support means made integral With the ground.
8. Movement system as claimed in claim 7, characteriZed
[0059] In this case on a base 301 tWo brackets 302 are in that ball bearings are positioned betWeen said support
mounted that support a vertical support 303, on Which are means and said Wheel to support the latter during rotation.
?tted a further tWo ?anges 305, 304 that support a hub 306. 9. Movement system as claimed in claim 1, characteriZed
On the ?ange 304, above hub 306 an adjustable bracket 318 in that in at least some of said teeth of said rack, rollers are
is mounted that supports a motor 9. The driving shaft 18 of rotatably mounted With a rotation aXis substantially at right
motor 9 bears a pinion 320 that causes a timing belt 319 to angles to said Wheel so as to generate a rolling friction When
rotate and this belt causes a pulley 315 to rotate. engaged With said engaging means of said Wheel.
[0060] The pulley 315 is keyed on an aXis 311 by means 10. Movement system as claimed in claim 1, character
of a key 314. The aXis 311 is rotatably supported in the hub iZed in that said activating means are an electric motor the
306, by means of bearings 307. The other end of the aXis 311 shaft of Which is directly linked to said Wheel to rotate it.
is keyed by means of a key 310 to the Worm screW 5 or to 11. Movement system as claimed in claim 1, characteriZed
the Wheel 105. This Way, motor 9 is above Worm screW 5 or in that said electric motor is arranged With its shaft parallel
Wheel 105. to ads of said engaging means and a belt drive is provided
[0061] Numerous detail changes can be made to these for transmitting movement from said motor to said aXis.
embodiments of the invention, all Within the possibilities of 12. Movement system as claimed in claim 10, character
a skilled in the art, and Which in any case fall Within the iZed in that said electric motor is a DC. motor poWered by
scope of the invention expressed by the attached claims. direct current in the 12 volt+24 volt range, from a poWer
transfomler able to transfonn A.C. mains voltage into direct
1. Sliding gate movement system, the gate being mounted current.
on Wheels sliding on a straight rail, the movement system 13. Movement system as claimed in claim 12, character
comprising: iZed in that said D.C. electric motor is connected to a battery
a straight rack integral With gate , comprising a plurality so it can also be poWered When mains poWer breaks occur.
of teeth separated from each other by a plurality of
grooves , * * * * *

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