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Doc. No.

Issued by Corporate Quality

Supplier Problem Response Report
Rev. No. 0

Rev. Date

Notification No. Part No. Defect (P) New/Repetitive

Date Reported Part Description Defect Origin (P) IQC/Line/Field

Supplier Name Qty. Rejected Plant

Level 1 Response (To respond within 24hrs. Of receipt of notification )

Establish Team Defect Description
Name Dept. Contact No.

Immediate Containment Action

Containment Invoice Qty. OK Rej. Id.Mark on OK parts
Stock @ Havells
Stock in transit
Supplier's FG/WIP
Stock @ sub supplier
Level 2 Response (To respond within 7 days Of receipt of notification )
Why did this happen ? (Occurrence) Why was this part not caught in your plant? (Detection)

Why ? Why ?

Why ? Why ?

Why ? Why ?

Why ? Why ?

Why ? (Root Cause) Why ? (Root Cause)

Action plan
Root Cause Action Responsibility Target Date Status



Affected Document Change Details.

Documents Yes No Change Description Date Rev. no.
Drawing √
Process Flow Diagram √
Control Plan √
Procedure/Manufacturing Work Instructions √
Inspection Check sheet √
Maintenance Plan/Checklist √
Gauges/Instruments √
Approval and Closing
Supplier QA/Prod. Head: Supplier Plant Head:

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