Section 2 Structure
Directions : Questions 1-4- are complete sentences you will see, four words or phrases, market
(A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentences
1. A dominant animal is best defined as one …. Actions are not constrained by possible
responses of its fellows.
a) With
b) That is
c) Whose
d) Where its
4. …. Explores the nature of guilt and responsibility and builds to a remarkable conclusion.
a. The written beautifully novel
b.The beautifully written novel
c. The novel beautifully written
d. The written novel beautifully
6. …. Getting the highest result in the class, john still had problems with his teacher.
a. Despite of
b. In spite of
c. Even though
d. Nonetheless
7. This new service will be available to all users …. Up for paid membership.
a. That signed
b. That signed it
c. Which signed
d. Sign
8. I think Jane deserved to be fired for her ….
a. Totally behavior irresponsible
b. Behavior totally irresponsible
c. Irresponsible totally behavior
d. Totally irresponsible behavior
9. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people ….
a. Hear
b. Hearing them
c. Do
d. Do them
11. With the passing of the time and the emoarchement of people, the habitat of garillas … to
a. Containing
b. Continius
c. Which continue
d. Continue
12. …. Social meeting birds that build their nests in tress and on clifis.
a. Most stocks are
b. Stocks most
c. The most stocks
d. Most are stocks
13 ….. was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for this work on the phoneletric effect.
a. That enstein
b. It was enstein
c. Enstein who
d. Enstein
14. .Emma Thompson was nominated for an Academy Award as both a Screenwriher…an
actress in 1996.
a) Also
b) Or
c) In addition
d) And
16. from the inception of his long and distingshed carrer, frank lieyd wright was concerned with
how … architecture with topography.
a) Integrating
b) To integrate
c) Did the integrate
d) Integrated
17. Egyptian pyramids were regurally robbed despire their intricate pessegewrys, byzantine
mazes, and …
18. The Duncan sofa, …. Is highly valued in todays antique furniture market.
a) A colonial masterpiece
b) A colonial masterpiece which
c) It is a colonial masterpiece that
d) Whose colonial masterpiece
19.Maine’s coastline is a major attraction and vista of sandy beaches contrasted… rockbound
a) To the rugged
b) By the rugged
c) On the rugged
d) At the rugged
20. At the seventh international ballet competions, Fernando Bujones won the first, gold modal
ever … to a Unites States make dancer
a) That award
b) Should be awarding
c) To be awarded
d) To award
21. the b;est-known diffuse nebuls is the great Orion Nebuls …. Can be seen by the narked eye.
a) It
b) Which
c) One
d) Who
22. Over time the young students will perfect the art of piano playing. After all, such …. Needs
delicate handling .
23. Before Johnson and smith reached great heights in the business world, … encountered many
great difficults in promoting their theories and methods.
a) They
b) Who
c) Which
d) He
1. The tongue can move and play a vital role in
chewing, …..…, and speaking.
a. to b. swallowing
c. for d. of
12. ………. Burmese breed of cat was developed in the US during the 1930’s.
a. The b. When the
c. While the d. Since the
24. The more the horse tried to free itself from the
restraint, __________.
A. the tighter it became
B. it became tighter
C. the horse could not escape
D. it was unable to move