RASPI Manual 2020

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Lab Manual for IECE 553/453

Cyber-Physical Systems
Fall 2020
Prof. Dola Saha
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University at Albany, SUNY
Chapter 1

Setup Headless Raspberry Pi

This tutorial is to setup the Raspberry Pi without requirement of any keyboard, mouse or monitor. You should be able
to login to the Pi from your laptop or desktop using your home Wi-Fi.

1.1 Boot up Raspberry Pi for the first time

1. Insert a microSD card in your laptop or desktop.
2. Download and install Raspberry Pi Imager (https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/).
3. Once installed, run the Raspberry Pi Imager program. Choose ‘Raspberry Pi OS (32 bit)’ from the OS menu.
Click ‘Choose SD card’ and select your card from the menu.
4. Click Write. This process will take several minutes as Raspberry Pi Imager downloads Raspberry Pi OS and
burns it to your microSD card.
5. Create an empty file in boot partition of the Micro SD card and name it ssh without any extension. Use
commands touch in Linux/OSX or fsutil in Windows. This enables ssh in Raspberry Pi.
6. To setup a Wi-Fi connection on your headless Raspberry Pi, create a text file in the same folder of the microSD
card called wpa supplicant.conf. The content of the file is below. Change the text below based on the
SSID and password of your home Wi-Fi router.
ctrl interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa supplicant
update config=1
scan ssid=1
ssid="my wifi ssid"
psk="my wifi password"
7. Unmount/eject the Micro SD card from your computer.
8. Insert the Micro SD card in the Raspberry Pi and power it. This will boot up in Raspberry Pi OS with SSH being

1.2 Login to your Raspberry Pi and setup hostname

1. Once booted up, your Raspberry Pi will connect to your Home Router using Wi-Fi connection.
2. From your laptop (also connected to your Home Router by wireless connection), use ssh to connect to the
Raspberry Pi. The default values are:
hostname: raspberrypi
username: pi
password: raspberry

If you are using Linux or OSX, you can use the following command to ssh in with X-forwarding enabled:
ssh -Y [email protected]
If you are using Windows, choose PuTTY to ssh in with the same credentials.
3. Expand the Filesystem: Use the following command: sudo raspi-config. Choose Option 7, Advanced
Options, then choose A1 Expand Filesystem. Save the changes and reboot when prompted.
4. At this point, you may choose to create a new user with unique ID and password and delete the default one, just
like you would do in a Linux system.

1.3 Initial setup

1. Make sure that the Raspberry Pi is up to date with the latest versions of Raspberry Pi OS: (this is a good idea to
do regularly, anyway).
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
2. Setup RPi libraries:
The RPi.GPIO module is installed by default in Raspberry Pi OS Desktop image. To make sure that it is at the
latest version:
sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio
3. Setting up GPIO Zero libraries,
GPIO Zero is installed by default in the Raspberry Pi OS image, and the Raspberry Pi Desktop image. However
it can be installed or updated using,
sudo apt install python3-gpiozero
4. Setting up Exploring Raspberry pi libraries,
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/derekmolloy/exploringrpi.git
5. WiringPi is pre-installed with standard Raspberry Pi OS systems. However it can be installed or updated using,
sudo apt-get install wiringpi.

1.4 Shutdown and Restart

After every use, make sure to properly shutdown the Pi using the command:
sudo shutdown -h now.
To reboot the Pi, use the following command:
sudo reboot

Chapter 2

Basic Input and Output Using Pseudo Filesystem

2.1 The First Circuit

We will use GPIO to Breadboard Interface Board with GPIO Ribbon Cable to connect the Raspberry PI for ease of
use. Figure 2.1 shows the connection. Make sure the red line of the breadboard is aligned with positive voltage in the
interface board, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.1: GPIO to Breadboard Interface Board and Ribbon Cable.

(a) Red line matching positive. (b) Red line not matching positive.

Figure 2.2: Breadboard.

The first circuit that we will work on is shown in Figure 2.3. It is the simplest circuit, where the circuit is always
connected to +3.3V line. This will keep the LED turned on until the circuit is disconnected.
Once you complete the circuit and LED is turned on, you have completed the first circuit. Congratulations!

(a) Schematic Diagram.
(b) Circuit on breadboard.

Figure 2.3: LED Resistor Circuit.

2.2 Programming The First Circuit Using sysfs

We will use the GPIO pins to program the controlling of the LED. Our Raspberry Pi uses Raspbian based on Debian
and optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware. We will use sysfs to access the kernel space for controlling the GPIO
pins. Change the circuit to get power from GPIO pin 4 instead of 3.3V as shown in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: LED Resistor Circuit connected to GPIO Pin 4.

The steps for controlling the GPIO pin using sysfs is given below.
1. Become the Sudo user to access sysfs.
dsaha@sahaPi:˜ $ sudo su
2. Go to the GPIO folder and list the contents
root@sahaPi:/home/dsaha# cd /sys/class/gpio/
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio# ls
export gpiochip0 gpiochip128 unexport
3. Export gpio 4
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio# echo 4 > export
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio# ls
export gpio4 gpiochip0 gpiochip504 unexport

4. Go to the gpio4 folder and list contents
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio# cd gpio4/
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio4# ls
active_low device direction edge power subsystem uevent value
5. Set direction (in or out) of pin
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio4# echo out > direction
6. Set value to be 1 to turn on the LED
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio4# echo 1 > value
7. Set value to be 0 to turn off the LED
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio4# echo 0 > value
8. Check the status (direction and value) of the pin
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio4# cat direction
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio4# cat value
9. Ready to give up the control? Get out of gpio4 folder and list contents, which shows gpio4 folder
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio4# cd ../
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio# ls
export gpio4 gpiochip0 gpiochip128 unexport
10. Unexport gpio 4 and list contents showing removal of gpio4 folder
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio# echo 4 > unexport
root@sahaPi:/sys/class/gpio# ls
export gpiochip0 gpiochip504 unexport

2.3 The First Circuit Using Bash, Python and C

Listing 2.1 1 shows the bash script to turn on or off the LED using GPIO pins. Note that each step in the script is same
as shown in §2.2. Listings 2.2 and 2.3 show similar procedure in Python and C languages respectively.

Listing 2.1: LED code in Bash script

# A small Bash script to turn on and off an LED that is attached to GPIO 4
# using Linux sysfs. Written by Derek Molloy (www.derekmolloy.ie) for the
# book Exploring Raspberry PI
LED_GPIO=4 # Use a variable -- easy to change GPIO number

# An example Bash functions

function setLED
{ # $1 is the first argument that is passed to this function
echo $1 >> "/sys/class/gpio/gpio$LED_GPIO/value"

# Start of the program -- start reading from here

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then # if there is not exactly one argument
echo "No command was passed. Usage is: bashLED command,"
echo "where command is one of: setup, on, off, status and close"
echo -e " e.g., bashLED setup, followed by bashLED on"
exit 2 # error that indicates an invalid number of arguments
1 This
part of the lab follows the book ”Exploring Raspberry Pi: Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux”, by Derek Molloy, Wiley,
ISBN 978-1-119-18868-1, 2016.

echo "The LED command that was passed is: $1"
if [ "$1" == "setup" ]; then
echo "Exporting GPIO number $1"
echo $LED_GPIO >> "/sys/class/gpio/export"
sleep 1 # to ensure gpio has been exported before next step
echo "out" >> "/sys/class/gpio/gpio$LED_GPIO/direction"
elif [ "$1" == "on" ]; then
echo "Turning the LED on"
setLED 1 # 1 is received as $1 in the setLED function
elif [ "$1" == "off" ]; then
echo "Turning the LED off"
setLED 0 # 0 is received as $1 in the setLED function
elif [ "$1" == "status" ]; then
state=$(cat "/sys/class/gpio/gpio$LED_GPIO/value")
echo "The LED state is: $state"
elif [ "$1" == "close" ]; then
echo "Unexporting GPIO number $LED_GPIO"
echo $LED_GPIO >> "/sys/class/gpio/unexport"

Listing 2.2: LED code in Python

# A small Python program to set up GPIO4 as an LED that can be
# turned on or off from the Linux console.
# Written by Derek Molloy for the book "Exploring Raspberry Pi"

import sys
from time import sleep
LED4_PATH = "/sys/class/gpio/gpio4/"
SYSFS_DIR = "/sys/class/gpio/"

def writeLED ( filename, value, path=LED4_PATH ):

"This function writes the value passed to the file in the path"
fo = open( path + filename,"w")

print "Starting the GPIO LED4 Python script"

if len(sys.argv)!=2:
print "There is an incorrect number of arguments"
print " usage is: pythonLED.py command"
print " where command is one of setup, on, off, status, or close"
if sys.argv[1]=="on":
print "Turning the LED on"
writeLED (filename="value", value="1")
elif sys.argv[1]=="off":
print "Turning the LED off"
writeLED (filename="value", value="0")
elif sys.argv[1]=="setup":
print "Setting up the LED GPIO"
writeLED (filename="export", value=LED_NUMBER, path=SYSFS_DIR)
writeLED (filename="direction", value="out")
elif sys.argv[1]=="close":
print "Closing down the LED GPIO"

writeLED (filename="unexport", value=LED_NUMBER, path=SYSFS_DIR)
elif sys.argv[1]=="status":
print "Getting the LED state value"
fo = open( LED4_PATH + "value", "r")
print fo.read()
print "Invalid Command!"
print "End of Python script"

Listing 2.3: LED code in C

/** Simple On-board LED flashing program - written in C by Derek Molloy
* simple functional struture for the Exploring Raspberry Pi book
* This program uses GPIO4 with a connected LED and can be executed:
* makeLED setup
* makeLED on
* makeLED off
* makeLED status
* makeLED close


#define GPIO_NUMBER "4"

#define GPIO4_PATH "/sys/class/gpio/gpio4/"
#define GPIO_SYSFS "/sys/class/gpio/"

void writeGPIO(char filename[], char value[]){

FILE* fp; // create a file pointer fp
fp = fopen(filename, "w+"); // open file for writing
fprintf(fp, "%s", value); // send the value to the file
fclose(fp); // close the file using fp

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

if(argc!=2){ // program name is argument 1
printf("Usage is makeLEDC and one of:\n");
printf(" setup, on, off, status, or close\n");
printf(" e.g. makeLEDC on\n");
return 2; // invalid number of arguments
printf("Starting the makeLED program\n");
printf("Setting up the LED on the GPIO\n");
usleep(100000); // sleep for 100ms
writeGPIO(GPIO4_PATH "direction", "out");
else if(strcmp(argv[1],"close")==0){
printf("Closing the LED on the GPIO\n");
writeGPIO(GPIO_SYSFS "unexport", GPIO_NUMBER);
else if(strcmp(argv[1],"on")==0){
printf("Turning the LED on\n");
writeGPIO(GPIO4_PATH "value", "1");

else if (strcmp(argv[1],"off")==0){
printf("Turning the LED off\n");
writeGPIO(GPIO4_PATH "value", "0");
else if (strcmp(argv[1],"status")==0){
FILE* fp; // see writeGPIO function above for description
char line[80], fullFilename[100];
sprintf(fullFilename, GPIO4_PATH "/value");
fp = fopen(fullFilename, "rt"); // reading text this time
while (fgets(line, 80, fp) != NULL){
printf("The state of the LED is %s", line);
printf("Invalid command!\n");
printf("Finished the makeLED Program\n");
return 0;

2.4 Simple Circuit Using Python Libraries

2.4.1 RPi Library
In this section, we will use RPi Python library to demonstrate similar LED switching functions. Listing 2.4
shows a simple code in Python for GPIO pin manipulation. Check the website [https://sourceforge.net/
projects/raspberry-gpio-python/] to learn other functions available through this library. Note that the
current release does not support SPI, I2C, 1-wire or serial functionality on the RPi yet.
Listing 2.4: LED code using RPi Library in Python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep

ledPin = 4 # GPIO Pin Number, where LED is connected

GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Broadcom pin-numbering scheme

GPIO.setup(ledPin, GPIO.OUT) # LED pin set as output

GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.HIGH) # Turn the LED on

sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 sec
GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.LOW) # Turn the LED off
GPIO.cleanup() # Clean up at the end of the program

2.4.2 GPIOZero Library

Another efficient Python library is gpiozero [https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/]. It
provides a simple interface to GPIO devices with Raspberry Pi. It was created by Ben Nuttall of the Raspberry Pi
Foundation, Dave Jones, and other contributors. Listing 2.5 shows a simple code for switching on and off the LED.
Listing 2.5: LED code using GPIOZero Library in Python
from gpiozero import LED
from time import sleep

led = LED(4) # GPIO Pin Number

led.on() # Turn on LED
sleep(1) # Sleep for 1 sec
led.off() # Turn off LED

2.5 Use GPIO Pins for Input
In the next experiment, we will use GPIO Pin as an input. The circuit is shown as in figure 2.5. A button switch,
when pressed, will be detected by the program and a message will be printed accordingly. In this case, the process
continuously polls the status of the input pin. Listings 2.6 and 2.7 shows the code using RPi and gpiozero libraries.

Figure 2.5: Button Switch connected to GPIO Pin.

Listing 2.6: Button Press detection code using RPi Library in Python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

buttonPin=17 # GPIO Pin Number where Button Switch is connected

GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Broadcom pin-numbering scheme

GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
# Button pin set as input

while True: # Monitor continuously

input_state = GPIO.input(buttonPin) # Get the input state
if input_state == False: # Check status
print('Button Pressed') # Print
time.sleep(0.2) # Sleep before checking again

Listing 2.7: Button Press detection code using GPIOZero Library in Python
from gpiozero import Button
import time

button = Button(17) # GPIO Pin Number where Button Switch is connected

while True: # Monitor continuously

if button.is_pressed: # Check Status
print("Button Pressed") # Print
time.sleep(0.2) # Sleep before checking again

Chapter 3

Basic Input and Output Using Address Map

In this lab, we will use memory mapped I/O to a) change the GPIO pin output and b) control the pull-up/down resistor

3.1 Memory Mapped Input and Output Access

All the instructions below must be executed with root privilege.
1. Get the file describing the Address Mapping of the system’s memory for each physical device, using the com-
cat /proc/iomem
The output would be an Address Mapping of the form
3f200000-3f2000b3 : gpio@7e200000
The first column displays the memory registers used by each of the different types of memory. The second
column lists the kind of memory located within those registers and displays which memory registers are used
by the kernel within the system RAM or, if the network interface card has multiple Ethernet ports, the memory
registers assigned for each port.
2. /dev/mem provides access to the system’s physical memory. It is primarily used to access IO memory addresses
related to peripheral hardware.
Get the file for direct memory access using the command.
wget http://www.lartmaker.nl/lartware/port/devmem2.c
If you do not have access to internet on the Raspberry Pi, download the file from URL above to your machine,
and copy the contents to the Raspberry Pi.

Compile the code using

gcc devmem2.c -o devmem2
Usage: ./devmem2 address [ type [ data ] ] address : memory address to act upon type: access operation type :
[b]yte, [h]alfword, [w]ord data: data to be written

3.2 GPIO Pull-up/down Register Control

Pull-down and Pull-up Resistors are used to ensure that the switches do not create floating inputs. We will configure the
Internal pull-up/pull-down Resistors using memory based GPIO control. The GPIO Pull-up/down Register controls
the actuation of the internal pull-up/down control line to ALL the GPIO pins. This register must be used in conjunction
with the 2 GPPUDCLKn registers.
We will change the Pull-up/ pull-down configurations of GPIO pin 4. For this we set bit 4 on the GPPUDCLK0 regis-
ter, clear the GPPUD register, and then remove the clock control signal from GPPUDCLK0. GPIO4 is bit 4, which is
‘10000’ in binary (0x1016 ).

Get the value of GPIO pin 4 using the sysfs file system.

3.2.1 Pull-down Configuration
1. GPPUD Enable Pull-down
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200094 w 0x01

2. GPPUDCLK0 enable GPIO 4

sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200098 w 0x10

3. GPPUD Disable Pull-down

sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200094 w 0x00

4. GPPUDCLK0 disable Clk signal

sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200098 w 0x00

5. cat value
value: 0
3.2.2 Pull-up Configuration
1. GPPUD Enable Pull-up
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200094 w 0x02

2. GPPUDCLK0 enable GPIO 4

sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200098 w 0x10

3. GPPUD Disable Pull-up

sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200094 w 0x00

4. GPPUDCLK0 disable Clk signal

sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200098 w 0x00

5. cat value
value: 1

3.3 GPIO Control

3.3.1 GPIO Output Example
In this part of the lab, we will turn on an LED using the Address map. All of the GPIOs can be set to read or write
mode, or they can be set to an ALT mode. The mode is set using a 3-bit value. For example, if the 3-bit value is set to
001 then the pin will act as an output. The location at which it should be written is described in the BCM 2837 Manual
(Table 6-1). For example, to set GPIO17 to be an output, we can write 001 to the FSEL17 value, which is bits 21, 22,
and 23 in the GPFSEL1 register (Table 6-3). Importantly, we need to ensure that we only manipulate those specific
3 bits when we write to GPFSEL1 register. Otherwise, change in any other bits will impact on GPIO10-GPIO19 and
likely will change their pin modes.

First, set up the circuit similar to figure 2.3 so that an LED can be turned on via GPIO17. Rest of the values below are
specified for GPIO 17. So, it is important to check the pin connection at this point.
1. Read the status of the Function Select Registry
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200004

2. Set GPIO17 to be an output (Bits 23,22,21 are set to 001 in GPFSEL1 registry, detailed in Tables 6-2 to 6-7)
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200004 w 0x200000

3. Check the value/status of GPIO17 pi (using the GPVL0 registry, detailed in Table 6-12 and 6-13)
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200034

4. Clear the output of GPIO17 (Bit 17 is set to 1 in GPCLR0 registry, detailed in Table 6-12 and 6-13)
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200028 w 0x20000

5. Set the output of GPIO17 to 1 (Bit 17 is set to 1 in GPSET0 registry, detailed in Table 6-8 and 6-9)
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F20001C w 0x20000

6. Set GPIO17 to be an input (Bits 23,22,21 are set to 000 in GPFSEL1 registry)
sudo /home/dsaha/myCode/devmem2 0x3F200004 w 0x00

Chapter 4

Analog Output: PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)

The RPi has pulse-width modulation (PWM) capabilities that can provide digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), or
generate control signals for motors and certain types of servos. The number of PWM outputs is very limited on the
RPi boards. The RPi B+ model has two PWMs (PWM0 & PWM1) output at Pins 12 and 33 (GPIO18, GPIO13).
19.2M Hz
P W M f requency = (4.1)
(divisor × range)
The PWM device on the RPi is clocked at a fixed base-clock frequency of 19.2 MHz, and therefore integer divisor and
range values are used to tailor the PWM frequency for your application according to the following expression: where
the range is subsequently used to adjust the duty cycle of the PWM signal. RPi PWMs share the same frequency but
have independent duty cycles. The default PWM mode of operation on the RPi is to use balanced PWM. Balanced
PWM means that the frequency will change as the duty cycle is adjusted, therefore to control the frequency you need
to use the call pwmSetMode(PWM MODE MS) to change the mode to mark-space.

4.1 Hard PWM

Listing 4.1 shows a PWM example, which uses both PWMs on the RPi to generate two signals with different duty
cycles. The script can be accessed by navigating to
exploringPi/chp06/wiringPi/pwm.cpp Implement the circuit corresponding to the script to turn on two
LEDs using an Analog output. LEDs are current-controlled devices, so PWM is typically employed to provide
brightness-level control. This is achieved by flashing the LED faster than can be perceived by a human, where the
amount of time that the LED remains on, versus off (i.e., the duty cycle) affects the human-perceived brightness level.
Note: To compile this code use: g++ pwm.cpp -o pwm -lwiringPi.

Listing 4.1: PWM code in C++

#include <iostream>
#include <wiringPi.h>
using namespace std;

#define PWM0 12 // this is physical pin 12

#define PWM1 33 // only on the RPi B+/A+/2

int main() { // must be run as root

wiringPiSetupPhys(); // use the physical pin numbers
pinMode(PWM0, PWM_OUTPUT); // use the RPi PWM output
pinMode(PWM1, PWM_OUTPUT); // only on recent RPis

// Setting PWM frequency to be 10kHz with a full range of 128 steps

// PWM frequency = 19.2 MHz / (divisor * range)
// 10000 = 19200000 / (divisor * 128) => divisor = 15.0 = 15
pwmSetMode(PWM_MODE_MS); // use a fixed frequency
pwmSetRange(128); // range is 0-128
pwmSetClock(15); // gives a precise 10kHz signal

cout << "The PWM Output is enabled" << endl;
pwmWrite(PWM0, 32); // duty cycle of 25% (32/128)
pwmWrite(PWM1, 64); // duty cycle of 50% (64/128)
return 0; // PWM output stays on after exit

4.1.1 PWM Application: Fading an LED

Listing 4.2 provides a code example for slowly fading an LED on and off using PWM. Implement the circuit corre-
sponding to the script to fade in and out and LED.

Listing 4.2: PWM code in C++

#include <iostream>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
#define PWM_LED 18 // this is PWM0, Pin 12
bool running = true; // fade in/out until button pressed
int main() { // must be run as root
wiringPiSetupGpio(); // use the GPIO numbering
pinMode(PWM_LED, PWM_OUTPUT); // the PWM LED - PWM0
cout << "Fading the LED in/out" << endl;
for(int i=1; i<=1023; i++) { // Fade fully on
pwmWrite(PWM_LED, i);
for(int i=1022; i>=0; i--) { // Fade fully off
pwmWrite(PWM_LED, i);

pwmWrite(PWM_LED, 1023);
cout << "LED Off: Program has finished gracefully!" << endl;
return 0;

4.2 Soft PWM

It is possible to use software PWM on the other GPIO pins by toggling the GPIO, but this approach has a high CPU cost
and is only suitable for low-frequency PWM signals. Alternatively, additional circuity can be used to add hardware
PWMs to each I2 C bus. WiringPi includes a software-driven PWM handler capable of outputting a PWM signal on
any of the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins. An example of Software PWM is shown in Listing 4.3. Implement the circuit
corresponding to the above script to turn on two LEDs using a Sofware PWM output.

Listing 4.3: PWM code in C

#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <softPwm.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define GPIO1 4
#define GPIO2 17

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

if (wiringPiSetupGpio() < 0) return 1;

pinMode(GPIO1, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(GPIO1, LOW);
//int softPwmCreate (int pin, int initialValue, int pwmRange) ;

softPwmCreate(GPIO1, 0, 200);
// void softPwmWrite (int pin, int value) ;
softPwmWrite(GPIO1, 15);

pinMode(GPIO2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(GPIO2, LOW);
softPwmCreate(GPIO2, 0, 500);
softPwmWrite(GPIO2, 15);

This can also be done using the gpiozero using the following scripts.

Listing 4.4: LED code in Python

from gpiozero import PWMLED
from time import sleep

led = PWMLED(17)

while True:
led.value = 0 # off
led.value = 0.5 # half brightness
led.value = 1 # full brightness

Listing 4.5: LED code in Python

from gpiozero import PWMLED
from signal import pause

led = PWMLED(17)



Chapter 5

Analog Input

In this lab we will work learn how to use the Raspberry pi for Analog input.
The default configurations of the RPi GPIO pins can be viewed by querying the following in termianl:
sudo gpio readall
This will display the default configurations as shown in Figure 5.1. Make sure to use the correct pin as initialized in
the initial setup of wiringPi (http://wiringpi.com/reference/setup/).

Figure 5.1: Default GPIO configurations.

5.1 Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Sensor: In this section we will learn how to use DHT-11 to read temperature and humidity data and display it on
the terminal. DHT-11 features a temperature and humidity sensor module with a calibrated digital signal output. This
sensor includes a resistive humidity measurement component and an NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) tem-
perature measurement component, and connects to an 8-bit microcontroller to communicate with the RPi. Complete
the circuit as shown in Figure 5.2.
Communicating to One-Wire Sensors: DHT11 can digitally communicate with the RPi using a single GPIO. The
GPIO can be set high and low with respect to time to send data bits to the sensor to initiate communication. The same

Figure 5.2: Temperature & Humidity Sensor circuit.

GPIO can then be sampled over time to read the sensor’s response. Communication takes place when the RPi pulls
the GPIO low for 18ms and then releases the line high for a further 20–40µs. The GPIO switches to read mode and
ignores the 80µs low level and the 80µs high pulse that follows. The sensor then returns 5 bytes of data (i.e., 40-bits)
in most-significant bit (MSB) first form, where the first 2 bytes represent the humidity value, the following 2 bytes
represent the temperature, and the final byte is a parity-sum, which can be used to verify that the received data is valid
(it is the 8-bit bounded sum of the preceding 4 bytes). The bits are sent by varying the duration of high pulses. When
DHT is sending data to MCU, every bit of data begins with the 50µs low-voltage-level and the length of the following
high-voltage-level signal determines whether data bit is “0” or “1” A high for 26µs–28µs signifies a binary 0, and a
high for 70µs signifies a binary 1. Figure 5.3 illustrates an actual oscilloscope data capture and worked calculations to
explain the process for the DHT11.

Figure 5.3: Data captured from DHT11.

The script to read the temperature and humidity is available at


Listing 5.1: DHT code in C++


using namespace std;

#define USING_DHT11 false // The DHT11 uses only 8 bits

#define DHT_GPIO 22 // Using GPIO 22 for this example
#define LH_THRESHOLD 26 // Low=˜14, High=˜38 - pick avg.

int main(){
int humid = 0, temp = 0;
cout << "Starting the one-wire sensor program" << endl;
TRYAGAIN: // If checksum fails (come back here)
unsigned char data[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
pinMode(DHT_GPIO, OUTPUT); // gpio starts as output
digitalWrite(DHT_GPIO, LOW); // pull the line low
usleep(18000); // wait for 18ms
digitalWrite(DHT_GPIO, HIGH); // set the line high
pinMode(DHT_GPIO, INPUT); // now gpio is an input

// need to ignore the first and second high after going low
do { delayMicroseconds(1); } while(digitalRead(DHT_GPIO)==HIGH);
do { delayMicroseconds(1); } while(digitalRead(DHT_GPIO)==LOW);
do { delayMicroseconds(1); } while(digitalRead(DHT_GPIO)==HIGH);
// Remember the highs, ignore the lows -- a good philosophy!
for(int d=0; d<5; d++) { // for each data byte
// read 8 bits
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { // for each bit of data
do { delayMicroseconds(1); } while(digitalRead(DHT_GPIO)==LOW);
int width = 0; // measure width of each high
do {
if(width>1000) break; // missed a pulse -- data invalid!
} while(digitalRead(DHT_GPIO)==HIGH); // time it!
// shift in the data, msb first if width > the threshold
data[d] = data[d] | ((width > LH_THRESHOLD) << (7-i));
if (USING_DHT11){
humid = data[0] * 10; // one byte - no fractional part
temp = data[2] * 10; // multiplying to keep code concise
else { // for DHT22 (AM2302/AM2301)
humid = (data[0]<<8 | data[1]); // shift MSBs 8 bits left and OR LSBs
temp = (data[2]<<8 | data[3]); // same again for temperature
unsigned char chk = 0; // the checksum will overflow automatically
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ chk+= data[i]; }
cout << "The checksum is good" << endl;
cout << "The temperature is " << (float)temp/10 << "C" << endl;
cout << "The humidity is " << (float)humid/10 << "%" << endl;
else {
cout << "Checksum bad - data error - trying again!" << endl;
usleep(2000000); // have to delay for 1-2 seconds between readings

goto TRYAGAIN; // a GOTO!!! call yourself a C/C++ programmer!
return 0;

Chapter 6

More Input and Output

In this lab, we will work on another input and output device. We will use the code that came with your Sensor kit. For
that, you can use the following command in your terminal to get all the code.
$git clone
https://github.com/adeept/Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit C Code for RPi.git

6.1 7 Segment Display

The seven-segment display is a form of electronic display device for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative
to the more complex dot matrix displays. It is an 8-shaped LED display device composed of eight LEDs (including a
decimal point). These segments are termed a, b, c, d, e, f, g, dp respectively as shown in 6.1. It can be either common
anode or common cathode segment display through internal connections, as you have experienced with RGB LED.
When using a common anode LED, the common anode should to be connected to the power supply (VCC); when
using a common cathode LED, the common cathode should be connected to the ground (GND). Each segment of a
segment display is composed of LED, so a resistor is needed for protecting the LED. A 7-segment display has seven
segments for displaying a figure and a segment for displaying a decimal point. If you want to display a number ‘1’,
you should only light the segment b and c.

Figure 6.1: 7 segment display.

Figure 6.2 shows the circuit diagram for a common cathode 7 segment display. We will use the code at
Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit C Code for RPi/09 segment/segment.c to determine the wiring.

Figure 6.2: Circuit for 7 segment display with common cathode.

The code is shown in Listing 6.1.

Listing 6.1: C code for 7 Segment Display

* File name : segment.c
* Description : display 0˜9, A˜F on 7-segment display
* Website : www.adeept.com
* E-mail : [email protected]
* Author : Jason
* Date : 2015/05/26
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>

typedef unsigned char uchar;

const uchar SegCode[17] = {0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c


int main(void)
int i;

if(wiringPiSetup() < 0){ // setup wiringPi

printf("wiringPi setup failed !\n");
return -1;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){ // set pin mode as output(GPIO0˜GPIO7)

pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

for(i = 0; i < sizeof(SegCode)/sizeof(uchar); i++){ // display 0˜9,A˜F
digitalWriteByte(0x00); //segment off


return 0;

You may notice that the leads are addressed using pins 0-7. Also, notice that wiringPiSetup() is used for setting
up, which uses wiringPi pin numbers. Make sure that you are connecting to the correct pin number by checking
the mapping using the command in th terminal: $gpio readall.
The output of $gpio readall is shown in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3: GPIO Pin Map.

6.2 4x4 Matrix Keyboard/Keypad

A 4x4 keypad module and its pin connections are shown in figure 6.4. Internally, it has 16 buttons arranged in matrix
formation, as shown in Figure 6.5.
Listing 6.2 shows the code available at
Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit C Code for RPi/13 matrixKeyboard/matrixKeyboard.c. Pay
extra attention to the row and column pin numbers to make the connection.

Listing 6.2: C code for Matrix Keyboard

#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const int ROW[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};

const int COLUMN[] = {4, 5, 6, 7};

int getKey(void)
int i;
int tmpRead;
int rowVal = -1;
int colVal = -1;
char keyVal;

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){

Figure 6.4: 4x4 Matrix Keyboard.

pinMode(COLUMN[i], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(COLUMN[i], LOW);

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){

pinMode(ROW[i], INPUT);
pullUpDnControl(ROW[i], PUD_UP);

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){

tmpRead = digitalRead(ROW[i]);
if(tmpRead == 0){
rowVal = i;

if(rowVal < 0 || rowVal > 3){

return -1;

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){

pinMode(COLUMN[i], INPUT);
pullUpDnControl(COLUMN[i], PUD_UP);

pinMode(ROW[rowVal], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ROW[rowVal], LOW);

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){

tmpRead = digitalRead(COLUMN[i]);
if(tmpRead == 0){
colVal = i;

Figure 6.5: 4x4 Matrix Keyboard internal connections.


if(colVal < 0 || colVal > 3){

return -1;

//printf("%d, %d\n", rowVal, colVal);

case 0:
case 0: keyVal = 0; break;
case 1: keyVal = 1; break;
case 2: keyVal = 2; break;
case 3: keyVal = 3; break;
case 1:
case 0: keyVal = 4; break;
case 1: keyVal = 5; break;
case 2: keyVal = 6; break;
case 3: keyVal = 7; break;
case 2:
case 0: keyVal = 8; break;
case 1: keyVal = 9; break;
case 2: keyVal = 10; break;
case 3: keyVal = 11; break;
case 3:
case 0: keyVal = 12; break;

case 1: keyVal = 13; break;
case 2: keyVal = 14; break;
case 3: keyVal = 15; break;


return keyVal;

int main(void)
int i;
int key = -1;

if(wiringPiSetup() == -1){
printf("setup wiringPi failed !\n");
return -1;

key = getKey();
if(key != -1){
case 0: printf("1\n"); break;
case 1: printf("2\n"); break;
case 2: printf("3\n"); break;
case 3: printf("A\n"); break;
case 4: printf("4\n"); break;
case 5: printf("5\n"); break;
case 6: printf("6\n"); break;
case 7: printf("B\n"); break;
case 8: printf("7\n"); break;
case 9: printf("8\n"); break;
case 10: printf("9\n"); break;
case 11: printf("C\n"); break;
case 12: printf("*\n"); break;
case 13: printf("0\n"); break;
case 14: printf("#\n"); break;
case 15: printf("D\n"); break;

return 0;

Chapter 7

I2C Communication

In this chapter, we will study I2C. I2C on the RPi is implemented using the Broadcom Serial Controller (BSC), which
supports 7-bit/10-bit addressing and bus frequencies of up to 400 kHz.
We will use ADXL345 or MPU-6050 Accelerometer in this example. The level of acceleration supported by a sensor’s
output signal specifications is specified in ±g. This is the greatest amount of acceleration the part can measure and
accurately represent as an output. For example, the output of a ±2g accelerometer is linear with acceleration up to
±2g. If it is accelerated at 4g, the output may saturate.
1. We begin by enabling the I2C interface on the RPi by typing the following in terminal:
$sudo raspi-config
Choose Interfacing Options → I2C → Yes.
2. Check whether I2C is enabled. /dev is the location of device files. If I2C was enabled correctly, it will show
up in /dev/. Type the following in terminal.
$sudo ls /dev/i2c*
Your output will be similar to:
Then check if the kernel module is loaded by issuing lsmod command, which outputs information for each
loaded kernel module on a new line:
$lsmod | grep i2c
Your output will be similar to:
i2c bcm2835 16384 0
i2c dev 16384 0
If those two modules are not loaded, we can use modprobe to load the modules in Linux Kernel.
$modprobe i2c dev
$modprobe i2c bcm2835
3. In the next step, we need to create the circuit as below:
(a) Connect SCL on the RPi to SCL on the ADXL345
(b) Connect SDA on the RPi to SDA in the ADXL345
(c) Connect GND on the RPi to GND on the ADXL345
(d) Connect 3.3V on the RPi to VIN on the ADXL345
4. The I2 C bus can be probed to detect connected devices by using the following command:
sudo i2cdetect -y -r 1
The output shows the I2C addresses of the attached devices. For example, when ADXL345 (0x53), MPU-6050
(0x68) and PCF8591T (0x48) are attached to the I2C bus, we get the following output.

5. Refer to the manual (ADXL345 or MPU6050) for understanding the functionality and registers.

Figure 7.1: I2C Detect Output.

6. We will use the code that came with your Sensor kit. For ADXL345, the code resides in folder
Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit C Code for RPi/25 ADXL345/.
For MPU6050, clone the repository as below:
$git clone https://github.com/adeept/Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit for RPi.git
The code for MPU6050 is available at
Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit for RPi/Lesson05 MPU6050/code/c/Lesson05 MPU6050.c
7. Both the codes use wiringPi, for which you need to compile with lwiringPi. MPU6050 code also uses
math library, for which you need to compile it with -lm.
8. WiringPi implementation for I2C is available at https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi/blob/
9. Note that calibration should be performed for correct values, which can be set in the offset registers.

Chapter 8

Servo Motor

In this chapter, we will discuss Servo Motors and learn how to control it with the Raspberry Pi.
The Servo motor is a type of geared motor that can rotate 180 degrees. It is controlled by sending pulses signal from
your microcontroller. These pulses tell the servo what position it should move to. The Servo motor consists of a shell,
circuit board, non-core motor, gear and location detection modules. Its working principle is as follow:
1. The Raspberry Pi sends a PWM signal to the servo motor.
2. This signal is processed by an IC on circuit board to calculate the rotation direction to drive the motor, and then
this driving power is transferred to the swing arm by a reduction gear.
3. The position detector returns the location signal to gauge whether the set location is reached or not.
The relationship between the rotation angle of the servo and pulse width is shown in Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1: Servo Motor Principle.

There are three pins in a Servo motor, where you should use 5V for power supply. The color coding of wiring of the
servo can be of three different types as shown in Table 8.1.

Pin Number Signal Name (Futaba) (JR) (Hitec)

1 Ground Black Brown Black
2 Power Supply Red Red Red or Brown
3 Control Signal White Orange Yellow or White

Table 8.1: Color coding for the wiring of Servo

(a) Circuit Connection. (b) Servo Connected with Raspberry Pi.

Figure 8.2: Servo Connection with Raspberry Pi.

In the next step, you should connect the Servo motor with the Raspberry Pi as shown in Figure 8.2, using the color
code in Table 8.1.
The script, as shown in Listing 8.1, is available at:
/home/Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit C Code for RPi/23 servo/servo.c.
It generates software PWM signals for moving the Servo clockwise and anticlockwise.

Listing 8.1: Servo Motor Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>

#define Servo 0

void servo(int angle) //500˜2500

digitalWrite(Servo, 1);
digitalWrite(Servo, 0);

int main(void)
int i, j;

if(wiringPiSetup() < 0){

printf("wiringPi setup error!\n");
return -1;

pinMode(Servo, OUTPUT);


for(i=500; i <=2500; i=i+500){
printf("i = %d\n", i);
for(i=2500; i >=500; i=i-500){
printf("............i = %d\n", i);

return 0;

Chapter 9

Stepper Motor

In this lab, we will learn the principles of Stepper Motor and how to control it with Raspberry Pi.
Stepper Motor: A stepper motor is a motor that converts electrical pulse signals into corresponding angular or linear
displacements. Unlike DC motors, which rotate continuously when a DC voltage is applied, stepper motors normally
rotate in discrete fixed-angle steps. Each time a pulse signal is input, the rotor rotates by an angle or a step forward. The
output angular displacement or linear displacement is proportional to the number of pulses input, and the rotation speed
is proportional to the pulse frequency. Therefore, stepper motors are also called pulse motors. Stepper motors can be
positioned very accurately, because they typically have a positioning error of less than 5% of a step (i.e., typically
0.1o ). The error does not accumulate over multiple steps, so stepper motors can be controlled in an open-loop form,
without the need for feedback. The motor from your Sensor kit is shown in Figure 9.1.
ULN2003 Driver Module: The Raspberry Pi’s GPIO cannot directly drive a stepper motor due to the weak current.
Therefore, a driver circuit is necessary to control the stepper motor. This experiment uses the ULN2003 driver module.
There are four LEDs on the module to indicate stepping state. The white socket in the middle is for connecting a stepper
motor. IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4 are used to connect with the microcontroller. The power supply [5V to 12V DC] and an
On/Off jumper also resides on the board as shown in Figure 9.1.

Stepper Motor Connection

Microcontroller Step
Connection State

Supply: 5V to 12V DC On/Off Jumper

Figure 9.1: Stepper Motor and ULN 2003A.

Circuit: Figure 9.2 shows the circuit connection for the stepper motor with the driver and the Microcontroller. The
script to control the Stepper Motor can be accessed at:
/home/Adeept Ultimate Starter Kit C Code for RPi/24 stepperMotor.c. It is also shown in
Listing 9.1. Based on the code that you will be using, connect 4 GPIO pins from your Raspberry Pi to the four
inputs of the ULN2003A. When connecting the circuit, we should pay attention to the difference between positive and
negative poles.

IN1 (A)
IN2 (B)

Microcontroller IN3 (C) ULN2003A Stepper Motor
IN4 (D)


Figure 9.2: Stepper Motor Circuit.

Understanding the Code:

1. The GPIO pins should be output.
2. The four pins should be set at high level for the four pins in sequence to control the clockwise rotation of the
stepping motor.
3. The four pins should be set at high level for the four pins in sequence in reverse order to control the anti-
clockwise rotation of the stepping motor.
4. When all output are 0, the driver stops.
5. 512 steps are needed to turn 360◦ .
Listing 9.1: Stepper Motor Code
* File name : stepperMotor.c
* Description : control a stepper motor.
* Website : www.adeept.com
* E-mail : [email protected]
* Author : Jason
* Date : 2015/06/21
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define IN1 0 // wiringPi GPIO0(pin11)

#define IN2 1 // pin12
#define IN3 2 // pin13
#define IN4 3 // pin15

void setStep(int a, int b, int c, int d)

digitalWrite(IN1, a);
digitalWrite(IN2, b);
digitalWrite(IN3, c);
digitalWrite(IN4, d);

void stop(void)
setStep(0, 0, 0, 0);

void forward(int t, int steps)
int i;

for(i = 0; i < steps; i++){

setStep(1, 0, 0, 0);
setStep(0, 1, 0, 0);
setStep(0, 0, 1, 0);
setStep(0, 0, 0, 1);

void backward(int t, int steps)

int i;

for(i = 0; i < steps; i++){

setStep(0, 0, 0, 1);
setStep(0, 0, 1, 0);
setStep(0, 1, 0, 0);
setStep(1, 0, 0, 0);

int main(void)
if (wiringPiSetup() < 0) {
printf("Setup wiringPi failed!\n");
return -1;

/* set pins mode as output */

pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);

while (1){
forward(3, 512);

delay(2000); // 2s

backward(3, 256); // 512 steps ---- 360 angle


delay(2000); // 2s

return 0;


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