Manual Reparație Audi
Manual Reparație Audi
Manual Reparație Audi
Workshop Manual
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Audi A3 2004 ➤
Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-
valve common rail)
Engine ID
Edition 03.2018
Repair Group
23 - Mixture preparation - injection
28 - Glow plug system
Technical information should always be available to the foremen and mechanics, because their
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In respect
addition, the normal
to the correctness basic
of information in thissafety
document. precautions
Copyright by AUDI AG. for working on motor vehicles must, as a
matter of course, be observed.
Contents i
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
ii Contents
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
If components of the fuel system between the fuel tank and the
high-pressure pump are removed or renewed, the fuel system
must be bled ⇒ page 24 .
Risk of irreparable damage to fuel pump
After working on the fuel system, the fuel pump may be irreparably
damaged if it is allowed to run while empty.
– Never allow fuel pump to run while it is empty.
– Fill/bleed fuel pump.
10 bar).
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Check all vacuum lines in the complete vacuum system for:
♦ Cracks
♦ Traces of animal bites
♦ Kinked or crushed lines
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
1 - Pressure sensor
❑ On vehicles with engine
codes CBAA, CBAB
and CBBB, the compo‐
nent's designation is ex‐
haust gas pressure sen‐
sor 1 - G450-
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 87
❑ On vehicles with engine
code CBEA, the compo‐
nent's designation is
pressure differential
sender - G505-
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 87
❑ Fitting location
⇒ page 14
❑ Adaption must be per‐
formed after renewing
this component
2 - Hall sender - G40-
❑ Fitting location
⇒ page 14
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 106
❑ 10 Nm
3 - Lambda probe - G39- with
Lambda probe heater - Z19-
❑ Fitting location
⇒ page 16
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 77
❑ Removing and installing
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
(CBEA) ⇒ page 83
❑ 50 Nm
4 - Engine control unit - J623-
❑ Fitting location ⇒ page 10
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 95
5 - Injectors
❑ Fitting location ⇒ page 13
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 54
6 - Position sender for charge pressure positioner - G581-
❑ Fitting location ⇒ page 12
7 - Pressure retention valve
❑ The pressure retention valve maintains a residual pressure of approx. 10 bar in the return lines
❑ This residual pressure is required for the control function of the injectors
❑ The pressure retention valve may only be renewed together with the fuel return lines
❑ After replacement, engine must be run at idling speed for approx. 2 minutes to bleed fuel system
❑ Checking pressure retention valve ⇒ page 63
8 - Fuel pressure regulating valve - N276-
❑ Fitting location ⇒ page 12
❑ Checking ⇒ page 65
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 69
❑ 80 Nm
9 - Charge pressure control solenoid valve - N75-
❑ Fitting location ⇒ page 13
❑ Electrical connector for exhaust gas temperature sender 3 - G495-
10 - Electrical connector
❑ For exhaust gas temperature sender 4 - G648-
❑ For exhaust gas temperature sender 1 - G235-
❑ For Lambda probe - G39-
❑ Fitting location ⇒ page 13
11 - Air mass meter - G70-
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 61
12 - Coolant temperature sender - G62-
❑ Fitting location ⇒ page 15
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 19
13 - Engine speed sender - G28-
Protected by Fitting location
Copying ⇒ page
for private 15 purposes, in part or in whole, is not
or commercial
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
❑ to4.5
with respect Nm
the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Fitting locations
1 - Fuel pressure sender - G247-
2 - Fuel pressure regulating valve - N276-
3 - (Engine codes CBAA, CBAB, CBBB) variable intake manifold
motor - V183- with variable intake manifold position sender -
3 - (Engine code CBEA) intake manifold flap motor - V157- with
intake manifold flap potentiometer - G336-
4 - (Fitting location only applies for engine codes CBAA, CBAB,
CBBB) exhaust gas recirculation cooler changeover valve - N345-
5 - (Engine codes CBAA, CBAB, CBBB) intake manifold flap mo‐
tor - V157- with throttle valve potentiometer - G69-
5 - (Engine code CBEA) throttle valve module - J338-
6 - Exhaust gas recirculation valve - N18- with exhaust gas recir‐
culation potentiometer - G212-
6 - (Engine code CBEA) exhaust gas recirculation control motor
- V338- with exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer - G212-
7 - Fuel temperature sender - G81-
8 - Fuel metering valve - N290-
Components on engine
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1 - (Engine codes CBAA, CBAB, CBBB)
permitted exhaust gasbypressure
unless authorised AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
sensor 1 - G450- with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
1 - Injector, cylinder 1 - N30-
2 - Injector, cylinder 2 - N31-
3 - Injector, cylinder 3 - N32-
4 - Injector, cylinder 4 - N33-
5 - Fuel pressure regulating valve - N276-
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Pressure sensor
On vehicles with engine codes CBAA, CBAB and CBBB, the
component's designation is exhaust gas pressure sensor 1 -
On vehicles with engine code CBEA, the component's designa‐
tion is pressure differential sender - G505-
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Electrical connectors
1 - Exhaust gas recirculation temperature sensor - G98-
2 - Crankcase breather hose
3 - Heating element for crankcase breather - N79-
4 - Bolt
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
3 System layout
1 - Fuel tank
❑ With fuel system pres‐
surisation pump - G6-
2 - Fuel filter
❑ Exploded view - fuel fil‐
ter ⇒ Rep. gr. 20
❑ Renewing fuel filter ⇒
Rep. gr. 20
3 - Supplementary fuel pump -
4 - Filter strainer
5 - Fuel temperature sender -
6 - High-pressure pump
❑ After renewing, first fuel
filling operation MUST
be performed (it is im‐
portant not to allow
pump to run while it is
still empty) ⇒ page 24
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 45
7 - Fuel metering valve - N290-
❑ Do not unscrew
8 - Fuel pressure regulating
valve - N276-
❑ 80 Nm
❑ Cannot be re-installed
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 69
9 - Fuel rail
10 - Fuel pressure sender - G247-
❑ 100 Nm
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 72
11 - Pressure retention valve
❑ The pressure retention valve maintains a residual pressure of approx. 10 bar in the return lines.
❑ This residual pressure is required for the control function of the injectors
❑ The pressure retention valve may only be renewed together with the fuel return lines.
❑ After replacement, engine must be run at idling speed for approx. 2 minutes to bleed fuel system
valve ⇒
❑ Checking pressure retention Protected by page 63
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
12 - Injectors with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
❑ Injector, cylinder 1 - N30-
❑ Injector, cylinder 2 - N31-
❑ Injector, cylinder 3 - N32-
❑ Injector, cylinder 4 - N33-
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 54
3. System layout 19
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
1 - Bolt
❑ 10 Nm
2 - High-pressure pipe
❑ 25 Nm
❑ Between high-pressure
pump and fuel rail
3 - Fuel return lines
❑ To fuel tank
❑ Fuel return line must not
be kinked, damaged or
❑ The fuel return lines
must not be dismantled;
if necessary they must
be renewed complete
with pressure retention
❑ The pressure retention
valve maintains a resid‐
ual pressure of approx.
10 bar in the return lines.
❑ This residual pressure is
required for the control
function of the injectors
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
❑ Checking pressure re‐ with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
tention valve
⇒ page 63
❑ After replacement, en‐
gine must be run at
idling speed for approx.
2 minutes to bleed fuel
system; then check fuel
return lines for leaks
4 - Bolt
❑ 10 Nm
5 - High-pressure pipes
❑ 25 Nm
❑ Between fuel rail and injectors
❑ Do not interchange
❑ Install free of stress
11 - Bolt
❑ 20 Nm
12 - High-pressure pump sprocket
13 - Nut
❑ 95 Nm
14 - Hub
❑ With sender wheel
❑ Use counterhold tool - T10051- to loosen and tighten
❑ To remove, use puller - T40064-
15 - Fuel pressure sender - G247-
❑ Always renew after removing
❑ 100 Nm
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 72
16 - Bolt
❑ 22 Nm
17 - Clamping piece
❑ Renew
18 - Hexagon flange nut
❑ For clamping piece
❑ 10 Nm
19 - Cover for injector
20 - Bolt
❑ 5 Nm
21 - Injector
❑ Use a coloured pen to mark injectors and corresponding high-pressure pipes and cylinder for re-instal‐
lation; pay attention to markings when installing
❑ Always renew copper seal when removing and installing
❑ To remove carbon deposits from the injector sealing surface, clean the injector bore in the cylinder head
with cleaning kit - VAS 6811- (it is important to do this to avoid leaks)
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 54
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
If there is any air left in the fuel system, the engine may switch to
the backup mode ('emergency running' mode) during the road
test. Switch off the engine and erase the event memory. Then
continue the road test.
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
7 Air cleaner
⇒ “7.1 Exploded view - air cleaner”, page 26
⇒ “7.2 Removing and installing engine cover panel”, page 27
⇒ “7.3 Removing and installing air filter element”, page 28
⇒ “7.4 Removing air cleaner (bottom section)”, page 29
1 - Spring-type clip
2 - Air hose
❑ To turbocharger
❑ Check air intake hose
for dirt and leaves
3 - Air mass meter - G70-
❑ 1.5 Nm
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 61
4 - Bolts
❑ For air cleaner (top sec‐
❑ 1.5 Nm
5 - Bolts
❑ For air cleaner (top sec‐
❑ 1.5 Nm
6 - Air cleaner (top section)
❑ Clean any salt residue,
leaves and dirt out of air
cleaner (top section)
7 - Air filter element
❑ Always use genuine
part for air filter element
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 28
❑ Observe change inter‐
vals ⇒ Maintenance ;
Booklet 808
8 - Bolt
❑ For air cleaner (bottom
❑ 8 Nm
9 - Snow screen
❑ Not installed in all vehicles
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10 - Air cleaner (bottom section) permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
❑ Clean any salt residue, leaves and dirt out of air cleaner (bottom section)
❑ On vehicles for cold climates, air cleaner (bottom section) with hot air intake is installed
11 - Connection for water drain hose
❑ Clean connection
7. Air cleaner 27
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
Disregard items 1 to 3.
– Lift up air cleaner (top section) and take out air filter element.
To ensure the correct function of the air mass meter - G70- , it is
important to observe the following notes and instructions.
♦ If the air filter element is very dirty or wet, dirt particles or water
can reach the air mass meter - G70- and falsify the detected
air mass values. This will cause a loss of power, as the cal‐
culated injection quantities will be too low.
♦ Always use genuine air filter elements (same as original equip‐
♦ Hose connections and charge air system hoses must be free
of oil and grease prior to fitting. Do not use any lubricants con‐
taining silicone when assembling.
♦ Both sections of the air cleaner housing must be clean.
♦ Secure all hose connections with the correct type of hose clips
(same as original equipment) ⇒ Parts catalogue .
♦ To prevent malfunctions, cover all critical parts of the engine
air intake tract (air mass meter, intake pipes, etc.) with a clean
cloth when blowing out the air cleaner housing with com‐
pressed air.
♦ Please observe requirements for disposal.
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
♦ If the air filter element is very dirty or wet, dirt particles or water
can reach the air mass meter - G70- and falsify the detected
air mass values. This will cause a loss of power, as the cal‐
culated injection quantities will be too low.
♦ Always use genuine air filter elements (same as original equip‐
ment). Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
♦ Use a silicone-free lubricant when installing the intake hose.
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
♦ Secure all hose connections with the correct type of hose clips
(same as original equipment) ⇒ Parts catalogue .
7. Air cleaner 29
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
8 Intake manifold
⇒ “8.1 Exploded view - intake manifold with attached compo‐
nents”, page 31
⇒ “8.2 Removing and installing intake manifold”, page 32
⇒ “8.3 Removing and installing fuel rail”, page 36
⇒ “8.4 Removing and installing intake manifold flap motor V157
”, page 39
1 - Intake manifold
❑ With combined variable
intake manifold motor -
V183- and variable in‐
take manifold position
sender - G513- (engine
codes CBAA, CBAB,
CBBB only)
❑ With combined intake
manifold flap motor -
V157- and intake mani‐
fold flap potentiometer -
G336- (engine code
CBEA only)
❑ Must not be dismantled
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 32
2 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
3 - Gasket
❑ Renew
4 - Seal
❑ Renew
5 - Connecting pipe
❑ To exhaust gas recircu‐
lation cooler
6 - Bolt
❑ 9 Nm
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
7 - Gasket
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
❑ Renew
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
8 - Bolt
❑ 10 Nm
9 - Component
❑ Removing and installing intake manifold flap motor - V157- with throttle valve potentiometer - G69- (en‐
gine codes CBAA, CBAB, CBBB only) ⇒ page 39
❑ Removing and installing throttle valve module - J338- (engine code CBEA) only ⇒ page 42
10 - Bolt
❑ 10 Nm
8. Intake manifold 31
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
11 - Bolt
❑ 10 Nm
12 - Oil dipstick
13 - Exhaust gas recirculation
❑ Exhaust gas recirculation valve - N18- with exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer - G212- (engine
codes CBAA, CBAB, CBBB only)
❑ Exhaust gas recirculation control motor - V338- with exhaust gas recirculation potentiometer - G212-
(engine code CBEA only)
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
♦ Pliers - 3314-
8. Intake manifold 33
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TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Open hose clip -8- at air hose and disconnect hose down‐
– Remove bolt -9- on bracket for oil dipstick.
– Remove bolts securing intake manifold in diagonal sequence
starting from outside and working inwards.
– Remove intake manifold.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the following:
– Renew seals and/or gaskets.
– Tighten bolts securing intake manifold in diagonal sequence
starting from outside and working inwards.
♦ Tightening torque for intake manifold: refer to exploded view
of intake manifold ⇒ Item 2 (page 31) .
– Install air pipe: Exploded view - charge air cooler ⇒ Rep. gr.
21 .
8. Intake manifold 35
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
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♦ Ratchet - V.A.G 1331/1- with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
♦ Socket - T40055-
8. Intake manifold 37
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
8. Intake manifold 39
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TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
Renew O-ring.
– Install air pipe: Exploded view - charge air cooler ⇒ Rep. gr.
21 .
8. Intake manifold 41
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
8. Intake manifold 43
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TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
Renew O-ring.
– Install air pipe: Exploded view - charge air cooler ⇒ Rep. gr.
21 .
9 High-pressure pump
⇒ “9.1 Removing and installing high-pressure pump”, page 45
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
9. High-pressure pump 45
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Unscrew securing bolts -arrows- for high-pressure pump.
– Carefully take out high-pressure pump.
Installation is carried out in reverse sequence.
• Tightening torques: refer to exploded view of fuel system
⇒ page 20 .
– Install toothed belt for high-pressure pump ⇒ Rep. gr. 15 .
– Install high-pressure pipes ⇒ page 61 .
10 Injectors
⇒ “10.1 Checking injectors”, page 47
⇒ “10.2 Performing adaption of correction values for injectors”,
page 47
⇒ “10.3 Checking for injectors sticking open”, page 48
⇒ “10.4 Checking return flow rate of injectors with engine running”,
page 49
⇒ “10.5 Checking return flow rate of injectors at starter cranking
speed”, page 52
⇒ “10.6 Removing and installing injectors”, page 54
10. Injectors 47
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TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
♦ Make sure all parts are clean; no dirt must be allowed to enter
the fuel system.
♦ Check all cylinders in turn.
10. Injectors 49
Audi A3 2004 ➤ , Audi A3 Sportback 2005 ➤
TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
1000 ml = 1 litre
Each injector normally has a relatively low fuel return flow rate. If
the return flow rate at one injector is relatively high compared to
the other injectors, that injector is probably defective.
– Clean all return line connections (e.g. with commercial clean‐
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ing solution etc.) before removing.
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Dry all components after cleaning.
– Clamp off fuel return line downstream of pressure retention
valve using hose clamp up to 25 mm - 3094- .
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10. Injectors 51
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TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
– When the engine is warm and running at idling speed, the re‐
turn flow rates at each of the 4 return lines must not differ by
more than a small amount.
1- Injectors OK. Return flow rate approx. identical on all injec‐
2- Injector for cylinder 3 not OK. Return flow rate greater than
three times the volume of smallest measured return flow
Lubricate all seals with engine oil or assembly oil before installing.
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– Push return line connections carefully
permitted over seals
unless authorised and
by AUDI AG.onto
AUDI AGin‐does not guarantee or accept any liability
jectors. The catch should engage audibly.
with respect Then press
to the correctness release
of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
pin down carefully.
Checking fuel system for leaks
– Run engine at idling speed for several minutes (do not press
accelerator) and then switch off. Fuel system will bleed itself
– Check the entire fuel system for leaks.
Renew the affected component if leakage occurs.
– After completing the repair, road-test the vehicle. Accelerate
with full throttle at least once. Then check the high-pressure
section of the fuel system again for leaks.
– Install engine cover panel ⇒ page 27 .
Each injector normally has a relatively low fuel return flow rate. If
the return flow rate at one injector is relatively high compared to
the other injectors, that injector is probably
Protected defective.
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10. Injectors 53
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Lubricate all seals with engine oil or assembly oil before installing.
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♦ Socket - T40055-
10. Injectors 55
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Removing Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Should you not be able to pull the return line connection upwards,
open the connection by turning it with a small screwdriver.
10. Injectors 57
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10. Injectors 59
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– Run engine at idling speed for several minutes and then switch
– Switch off ignition.
– Check the complete fuel system including all 4 return line con‐
nections for leaks.
Renew affected component if leakage still occurs after tightening
to correct torque.
The return lines can only be renewed together with the pressure
retention valve as one unit.
If there is any air left in the fuel system, the engine may switch to
the backup mode ('emergency running' mode) during the road
test. Switch off the engine and erase the event memory. Then
continue the road test.
♦ If the air filter element is very dirty or wet, dirt particles or water
can reach the air mass meter - G70- and falsify the detected
air mass values. This will cause a loss of power, as the cal‐
culated injection quantities will be too low.
♦ Always use genuine air filter elements
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ment). permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
♦ Use a silicone-free lubricant when installing the air hose.
♦ Secure all hose connections with the correct type of hose clips
(same as original equipment) ⇒ Parts catalogue .
– Check for salt residue, dirt and leaves in air mass meter and
air intake hose (engine intake side).
– Check intake duct as far as air filter element for dirt. If neces‐
sary, clean salt residue, dirt and leaves out of air cleaner
housing (top and bottom sections); wash out or use a vacuum
cleaner as required. Removing and installing air cleaner
⇒ page 29 .
The remaining installation steps are carried out in the reverse se‐
♦ Socket - T40055-
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– Use vacuum cleaner to remove dirt from taper seat at fuel rail.
– Clean fuel pipe and end of pipe using cleaning solution and
dry with compressed air.
– Lubricate threads of union nuts with fuel.
– Hand-tighten union nuts on high-pressure pipes (ensure that
pipes are not under tension).
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• Tightening
permitted torque:
unless authorised 25AG.
by AUDI Nm AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– To tighten unions of high-pressure pipes at injectors, use tor‐
que wrench - V.A.G 1331- with ratchet - V.A.G 1331/1- and
socket - T40055- .
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
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Test conditions:
• Battery voltage at least 12.5 V
• Fuel filter OK.
• Fuel tank at least 1/2 full
• Ignition switched off.
Checking residual pressure
– Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 27 .
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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Check union between pressure tester and fuel line for leaks.
Check pressure tester for leaks.
Check fuel lines and their connections for leaks.
Fuel filter is blocked.
Check delivery rate of fuel pump ⇒ page 68 .
♦ Torque wrench
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Clean carefully; cleaning solution must not enter the electrical
♦ Torque wrench
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– Extract dirt from opening in fuel rail (thread and sealing sur‐
face) using a vacuum cleaner. Do not use metal tools, etc.
– Seal off opening in fuel rail with a plug.
to correct torque.
– After completing the repair, road-test the vehicle. Accelerate
with full throttle at least once. Then check the high-pressure
section of the fuel system again for leaks.
If there is any air left in the fuel system, the engine may switch to
the backup mode ('emergency running' mode) during the road
test. Switch off the engine and erase the event memory. Then
continue the road test.
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12.1 Exploded view - Lambda probe and exhaust gas temperature sensors
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– Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 27 .
12. Lambda probe and exhaust gas temperature sensors (CBAA, CBAB, CBBB) 77
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12. Lambda probe and exhaust gas temperature sensors (CBAA, CBAB, CBBB) 79
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13.1 Exploded view - Lambda probe and exhaust gas temperature sensors
1 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
2 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
3 - Pressure differential sender
- G505-
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 87
❑ Reset learnt values after
renewing ⇒ Vehicle di‐
agnostic tester, 01 -
Engine electronics,
functions , 01 - Re-
set learnt values
4 - Control pipe
❑ Control pipe from ex‐
haust gas recirculation
cooler to exhaust gas
pressure sensor 2 -
5 - Exhaust gas pressure sen‐
sor 1 - G450-
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ page 88
❑ Reset learnt values after
renewing ⇒ Vehicle di‐
agnostic tester, 01 -
Engine electronics,
functions , 01 - Re-
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
6 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
7 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
8 - Exhaust gas temperature sender 3 - G495-
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 26
❑ Coat with high-temperature paste; for high-temperature paste refer to ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue
❑ 45 Nm
9 - Exhaust gas temperature sender 2 - G448-
❑ Before removing mark installation position
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 26
❑ Note installation position: see exhaust gas temperature control (vehicles with engine code CBEA) ⇒
Rep. gr. 26
❑ Coat with high-temperature paste; for high-temperature paste refer to ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue
❑ 45 Nm
10 - Exhaust gas temperature sender 1 - G235-
❑ Before removing mark installation position
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 26
❑ Note installation position: see exhaust gas temperature control (vehicles with engine code CBEA) ⇒
Rep. gr. 26
❑ Coat with high-temperature paste; for high-temperature paste refer to ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue
❑ 45 Nm
11 - Turbocharger
12 - Lambda probe - G39- with Lambda probe heater - Z19-
❑ New Lambda probes are coated with an assembly paste
❑ In the case of a used Lambda probe, coat only thread with high-temperature paste; refer to ⇒ Parts
catalogue for high-temperature paste
❑ The assembly paste/high-temperature paste must not make contact with the slots on the Lambda probe
❑ Reset learnt values after renewing ⇒ Vehicle diagnostic tester, 01 - Engine electronics, func-
tions , 01 - Reset learnt valuesProtected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 83
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
❑ 50 Nm
13 - Exhaust gas temperature sender 4 - G648-
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 26
❑ Coat with high-temperature paste; for high-temperature paste refer to ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue
❑ 45 Nm
14 - Particulate filter
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 26
❑ Adaption must be performed after renewing particulate filter
15 - Lambda probe after catalytic converter - G130- with Lambda probe 1 heater after catalytic converter - Z29-
❑ New Lambda probes are coated with an assembly paste
❑ In the case of a used Lambda probe, coat only thread with high-temperature paste; refer to ⇒ Parts
catalogue for high-temperature paste
❑ The assembly paste/high-temperature paste must not make contact with the slots on the Lambda probe
❑ Reset learnt values after renewing ⇒ Vehicle diagnostic tester, 01 - Engine electronics, func-
tions , 01 - Reset learnt values
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 85
❑ 50 Nm
16 - NOx storage catalytic converter
❑ Reset learnt values after renewing ⇒ Vehicle diagnostic tester, 01 - Engine electronics, func-
tions , 01 - Reset learnt values
Removing and installing ⇒ Rep. gr. 26
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17 - Clamp
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
18 - Seal
19 - Control pipe
❑ Tighten to 45 Nm at exhaust
❑ Secure to pressure sensor with hose clip
❑ Do not attempt to bend control pipe to a different shape
❑ Install free of stress
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 92
20 - Nut
❑ 9 Nm
21 - Bracket
❑ For control pipe
22 - Bracket
❑ For pressure differential sender - G505-
23 - Bolt
❑ 9 Nm
24 - Bracket
– Remove engine cover panel ⇒ page 27 .
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– Detach clamp -2-, unscrew bolts -1- and take out filter.
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– Detach clamp -2-, unscrew bolts -1- and take out filter.
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– Remove nut -3- and union nut -1- and take out control pipe.
– Perform installation in reverse order of removal.
• Tightening torque: Exploded view - Lambda probe
⇒ page 80 Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
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♦ The test box has 105 sockets. The connecting cable can be
disconnected from the test box. This means that only the cable
(and not the test box) has to be purchased for future engine
control units with different types of connectors.
♦ The smaller of the two connectors on the engine control unit
has the contacts 1 to 60. The larger of the two connectors has
the contacts 1 to 94.
♦ To carry out tests on the 60-pin wiring harness connector, the
adapter cable -V.A.G 1598/39-1- is connected to connector
“A” on the test box. For components connected to 60-pin wiring
harness connector ⇒ Current flow diagrams, Electrical fault
finding and Fitting locations.
♦ To carry out tests on the 94-pin wiring harness connector, the
adapter cable -V.A.G 1598/39-2- must be connected to con‐
nectors “A” and “B” on the test box. For components connec‐
ted to 94-pin wiring harness connector ⇒ Current flow
diagrams, Electrical fault finding and Fitting locations.
♦ The test box - V.A.G 1598/42- is designed so it can be con‐
nected both to the wiring harness for the engine control unit
and to the engine control unit itself at the same time.
♦ The advantage of this is that the electronic engine control sys‐
tem remains fully functional when the test box is connected
(for example, for measuring signals when the engine is run‐
♦ The relevant test procedure will state whether it is necessary
to also connect the engine control unit to the test box.
– Before removing the engine control unit - J623- , the adaption
values of the injectors and the ash deposit mass must be read
out. Use ⇒ Vehicle diagnostic tester.
– Store adaption values as electronic file.
– Switch off ignition and remove ignition key after storing elec‐
tronic file containing adaption values.
– Pull off rubber seal -1- and remove plenum chamber cover
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The threads of the two shear bolts -4- which are not screwed into
the engine control unit are secured with locking fluid. To unscrew
these two bolts, the threads must therefore be heated with the hot
air blower.
The threads of the two shear bolts -3- which are screwed into the
engine control unit are not secured with locking fluid. Do not apply
heat to the threads in the control unit housing; this is not neces‐
sary and would cause overheating of the control unit.
Heating the thread of the locking plate also heats up the shear
bolts and parts of the metal housing. Take care to avoid burns.
It is also important to ensure that only the thread is heated and
none of the surrounding components if at all possible. These
should be covered if necessary.
Apply heat to the threads of the shear bolts on the connector side
as shown in the illustration.
Switch on the hot air blower and heat the bolt for approximately
20 ... 30 seconds.
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1. 101
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TDI injection and glow plug system (4-cyl. 2.0 ltr. 4-valve common rail) - Edition 03.2018
♦ Socket insert AF 12
for glow plugs 4-
cyl.TDI CR diesel -
VAS 6454- for engine
code CBEA
♦ Pliers - 3314-
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der 4 - G623- permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Switch off ignition.
– Remove engine cov‐
er panel ⇒ page 27 .
1. 103
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♦ Cleaning procedure:
♦ Use a vacuum cleaner to remove coarse dirt.
♦ Spray brake cleaner or suitable cleaning agent into glow plug
openings, let it work in briefly, and blow out with compressed
♦ Then clean the glow plug openings using a cloth moistened
with oil.
– To slacken the glow plugs use special tool U/J extension and
socket, 10 mm - 3220- .
For vehicles with engine code CBEA, use socket insert AF 12 for
glow plugs 4-cyl.TDI CR diesel - VAS 6454- to slacken the glow
– Use a suitable torque wrench to tighten glow plugs.
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– Then tighten glow plugs to specified torque. permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
• Tightening torque for vehicles with engine codes CBAA,
• Tightening torque for vehicles with engine code CBEA: 12 Nm
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♦ Illustration shows glow plug connector of vehicle with engine
code CBEA.
♦ Check that glow plug connectors are securely seated.
1. 105
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– Pull out the relay carrier from under the electronics box in en‐
gine compartment -arrow-.
– Pull automatic glow period control unit - J179- -item 1- out of
relay carrier below electronics box in engine compartment.
Installation is carried out in reverse sequence.
– Install battery ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 .
1. 107
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– Remove noise insulation -1- ⇒ Rep. gr. 66 .