Quaternion Conrad
Quaternion Conrad
Quaternion Conrad
1. Introduction
A complex number is a sum a+bi with a, b ∈ R and i2 = −1. Addition and multiplication
are given by the rules
(1.1) (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i, (a + bi)(c + di) = (ac − bd) + (ad + bc)i.
This definition doesn’t explain what i “is”. In 1833, Hamilton [3, p. 81] proposed bypassing
the mystery about the meaning of i by declaring a + bi to be an ordered pair (a, b). That
is, he defined C to be R2 with addition and multiplication rules inspired by (1.1):
(a, b) + (c, d) = (a + c, b + d), (a, b)(c, d) = (ac − bd, ad + bc).
The additive identity is (0, 0), the multiplicative identity is (1, 0), and from addition and
scalar multiplication of real vectors we have (a, b) = (a, 0) + (0, b) = a(1, 0) + b(0, 1), which
looks like a + bi if we define i to be (0, 1). Real numbers occur as the pairs (a, 0).
Hamilton asked himself if it was possible to multiply triples (a, b, c) in a nice way that
extends multiplication of complex numbers (a, b) when they are thought of as triples (a, b, 0).
In 1843 he discovered a way to multiply in four dimensions, not three, at the cost of
abandoning commutativity of multiplication. His construction is called the quaternions.
After meeting the quaternions in Section 2, we will see in Section 3 how they can be gen-
eralized to a construction called a quaternion algebra. Sections 4 and 5 explore quaternion
algebras over fields not of characteristic 2.
2. Hamilton’s Quaternions
Definition 2.1. The quaternions are
H = {a + bi + cj + dk : a, b, c, d ∈ R},
where the following multiplication conditions are imposed:
• i2 = j 2 = k 2 = −1,
• ij = k, ji = −k, jk = i, kj = −i, ki = j, ki = j, ik = −j,
• every a ∈ R commutes with i, j, and k.
To remember the rules for multiplying i, j, and k by each other, put them in alphabetical
order around a circle as below. Products following this order get a plus sign, and products
going against the order get a minus sign, e.g., jk = i and ik = −j.
i j
The rules for multiplication among i, j, and k are enough, with the distributive law, to
multiply all quaternions.
Example 2.2. (i + j)(i − j) = i2 − ij + ji − j 2 = −1 − k − k − (−1) = −2k, while
i2 − j 2 = −1 − (−1) = 0.
Example 2.3. A quaternion with a = 0 is called a pure quaternion, and the square of a
pure quaternion is a negative sum of three squares:
(2.1) (bi + cj + dk)2 = −b2 − c2 − d2 .
The multiplicative rules involving i, j, and k can be derived from i2 = j 2 = −1 and
ij = k = −ji using associativity, e.g.,
k 2 = (ij)(ij) = (ij)(−ji) = i(−j 2 )i = i(−(−1))i = i2 = −1
jk = j(ij) = (ji)j = (−ij)j = −i(jj) = −i(−1) = i, ik = i(ij) = (ii)j = −j.
While multiplication in H is typically noncommutative, multiplication in H by real num-
bers is commutative: aq = qa when a ∈ R and q ∈ H. This commuting property singles
out R inside H: the only quaternions that commute with all quaternions are real numbers
(Exercise 2.2). In the terminology of ring theory, the set of elements of a ring that commute
with every element of the ring is called the center of the ring, so the center of H is R. The
ring M2 (R) also has center R: the matrices in M2 (R) that commute with all matrices in
M2 (R) are the scalar diagonal matrices ( a0 a0 ) = aI2 , which is a natural copy of R in M2 (R).
For a quaternion q = a + bi + cj + dk, its conjugate q is defined to be
q = a − bi − cj − dk.
This is analogous to complex conjugation on C, where a + bi = a−bi. Complex conjugation
interacts well with addition and multiplication in C:
z + w = z + w, zw = z w.
For z = a + bi in C, zz = a2 + b2 . The absolute value |a + bi| is defined to be a2 + b2 , so
|z|2 = zz. If z 6= 0 in C then |z| > 0 and 1/z = z/|z|2 .
Conjugation on H has properties similar to conjugation on C: in H,
(2.2) q1 + q2 = q1 + q2 , q1 q2 = q2 q1 , q = q.
Note that conjugation switches the order of multiplication. The norm of q is
N(q) = qq = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 .
Check that q commutes with its conjugate: qq = qq. Since q1 q2 = q2 q1 , the norm is
(2.3) N(q1 q2 ) = q1 q2 q1 q2 = q1 q2 q2 q1 = q1 N(q2 )q1 = q1 q1 N(q2 ) = N(q1 ) N(q2 ).
If q 6= 0 then N(q) > 0, so q/ N(q) is an inverse for q on both the left and right:
q q N(q)
q = q= = 1.
N(q) N(q) N(q)
Example 2.4. The quaternion i + j has conjugate −i − j and norm 2, so the inverse of
i + j is 21 (−i − j).
A ring in which every nonzero element has a two-sided multiplicative inverse is called
a division ring, so H is a division ring. We set H× = H − {0}, just like with fields. A
commutative division ring is a field, and the center of a division ring is a field (Exercise
2.3). The quaternions were the first example of a noncommutative division ring, and the
following theorem provides a conceptual role for them in algebra among all division rings.
Theorem 2.5 (Frobenius, 1878). Each division ring with center R that is finite-dimensional
as a vector space over R is isomorphic to R or H.
Proof. See [4, pp. 219–220].
Theorem 2.5 does not include C, even though it is a division ring and is finite-dimensional
over R, since the center of C is C, not R.
The term “conjugation” has two meanings: the operation q 7→ q (generalizing complex
conjugation) and the operation x 7→ qxq −1 for q 6= 0 (conjugation in the sense of group
theory). The four-dimensional space H can be used to describe rotations in R3 by using
conjugation in the second sense on the three-dimensional subspace of pure quaternions in
H, which is described in Exercise 2.8 (a), (c). See also [2, Chap. 7] or [6, Sect. 5]. In
computer code, the composition of rotations when described in terms of multiplication of
quaternions has some advantages over other approaches to rotations (no “gimbal lock” and
less data to store: 4 coordinates of a quaternion vs. 9 components of a matrix). This makes
quaternions a practical tool in computer graphics (search on the internet for “slerp”).
The complex numbers are a 2-dimensional vector space over R, so the set EndR (C)
of all R-linear maps C → C is a noncommutative ring that is isomorphic to M2 (R) by
using a basis of C over R to turn linear maps C → C into 2 × 2 real matrices. To each
complex number z = a + bi, associate the R-linear map mz : C → C, where mz (w) = zw.
Not only is each mz an R-linear map C → C, but mz is additive and multiplicative in z:
mz+z 0 = mz + mz 0 and mzz 0 = mz ◦ mz 0 as mappings C → C. Therefore z 7→ mz is a ring
homomorphism C → EndR (C) and it is injective since mz (1) = z.
Using the R-basis {1, i} for C, mz has matrix representation ( ab −b
) since mz (1) = a + bi
(1st column) and mz (i) = zi = −b + ai (2nd column). Therefore a + bi 7→ ( ab −b a
) is an
embedding of rings C → M2 (R). That means these 2 × 2 matrices add and multiply in the
same way that complex numbers add and multiply in (1.1):
a −b c −d a + c −(b + d)
+ = ,
b a d c b+d a+c
a −b c −d ac − bd −(ad + bc)
= .
b a d c ad + bc ac − bd
Complex conjugation and the squared absolute value of a complex number z can be de-
scribed in terms of matrix operations on [mz ]: [mz ] = [mz ]> and |z|2 = det[mz ].
To express H in terms of 2 × 2 complex matrices, we want to convert each quaternion
into a C-linear map H → H, since M2 (C) consists of C-linear maps C2 → C2 and H is
2-dimensional as a complex vector space, so H ∼ = C2 once we pick a C-basis of H. This
requires care because C does not commute with H, e.g., ij = −ji and ik = −ki. We can
view H as a left C-vector space (z · q = zq) or as a right C-vector space (z · q = qz), and
the choice affects whether a particular mapping H → H is C-linear.
Example 2.6. For each q ∈ H the mapping `q : H → H where `q (x) = qx for all x ∈ H,
is C-linear when H is a right C-vector space but not when H is a left C-vector space: for
u v w
u a w av
v −w b −bu
w −av bu −ab
Table 1. Products of u, v, and w in (a, b)F .
two factors, with an additional sign if the multiplication is going against the arrows, e.g.,
vw = (−b)u = −bu and uw = −(−a)v = av.
u v
−a −b
Theorem 3.9. Let a be an integer and p be an odd prime such that a 6≡ mod p.1 Then
(a, p)Q is a division ring.
Proof. By Theorem 3.8, to show (a, p)Q is a division ring it suffices to show every nonzero
element of (a, p)Q has a nonzero norm. We will prove the contrapositive: an element of
(a, p)Q with norm 0 must be 0.
Let q = x0 + x1 u + x2 v + x3 w in (a, p)Q . Using the formula for N(q) in (3.1),
N(q) = x20 − ax21 − px22 + apx23 ,
so we can’t show N(q) = 0 ⇒ q = 0 using positivity as we can for H: N(q) can be either
positive or negative. To show N(q) = 0 ⇒ q = 0, the property a 6≡ mod p will be crucial.
If N(q) = 0 then
(3.3) x20 − ax21 − px22 + apx23 = 0 =⇒ x20 − ax21 = p(x22 − ax23 ).
Multiplying through the last equation by a common denominator of x0 , x1 , x2 , and x3 , we
can assume the xi ’s are all in Z. Then if we reduce mod p,
x20 − ax21 ≡ 0 mod p =⇒ x20 ≡ ax21 mod p.
If x1 6≡ 0 mod p then we can solve for a mod p in the congruence to see that a ≡ mod p,
which is false. Therefore x1 ≡ 0 mod p, so x20 ≡ 0 mod p, and thus x0 ≡ 0 mod p. Then
in x20 − ax21 = p(x22 − ax23 ) the left side is divisible by p2 , so x22 − ax23 ≡ 0 mod p, and an
argument similar to the one above shows x2 and x3 are divisible by p.
Since every xi is divisible by p, write xi = px0i with x0i ∈ Z. Then
x20 − ax21 = p(x22 − ax23 ) =⇒ p2 (x02 02 2 02 02 02 02 02 02
0 − ax1 ) = p(p )(x2 − ax3 ) =⇒ x0 − ax1 = p(x2 − ax3 ).
This last equation is the same as the right side of (3.3), with x0i in place of xi . Then as
before, each x0i is divisible by p, so each xi is divisible by p2 . Repeating this argument shows
each xi is divisible by arbitrarily high powers of p, so each xi must be 0.
Example 3.10. The rings (2, 3)Q and (2, 5)Q are division rings since 2 mod 3 and 2 mod 5
are not squares.
Example 3.11. For prime p with p ≡ 3 mod 4, (−1, p)Q is a division ring since −1 6≡
mod p. We will look at (−1, p)Q for p 6≡ 3 mod 4 in Example 4.19.
Remark 3.12. The converse of Theorem 3.9 is false: (a, p)Q can be a division ring when
a ≡ mod p. For example, 3 ≡ mod 11 and (3, 11)Q is a division ring (Example 4.2).
Quaternion algebras are related to hyperbolic manifolds [7], number theory [8, Chap. 5],
[9, §III.9], [10], and quadratic forms [5, Chap. III].
1Here and later, means a square: something of the form x2 . Here it means a is not a square mod p.
Example 4.2. The quaternion algebra (3, 11)Q is a division ring since (3, 11)Q ∼ = (11, 3)Q
and 11 6≡ mod 3. Therefore we can use Theorem 3.9 with a = 11 and p = 3.
Using the second quaternionic basis with b = 1, (a, −a) ∼ = (a, 1)F , and with b = −1
we get (a, a)F = (a, −1)F . Using the fourth quaternionic basis, up to isomorphism (a, b)F
only depends on a and b up to multiplication by nonzero squares in F × . For instance,
(a, c2 )F ∼
= (a, 1)F and (c2 , b)F ∼
= (1, b)F ∼
= (b, 1)F . The quaternion algebra (a, 1)F turns out
to be a familiar ring.
Theorem 4.3. For all a ∈ F × , (a, 1)F ∼ = M2 (F ).
This shows the ring M2 (F ) is a quaternion algebra over F and that
(4.1) = (a, −a)F ∼
(a, c2 )F ∼ = M2 (F ).
Proof. Send the basis 1, u, v, w of (a, 1)F to M2 (F ) as follows:
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 −1
1 7→ , u 7→ , v 7→ , w 7→ .
0 1 a 0 0 −1 a 0
Since 1 6= −1 in F , 1 and v are not sent to the same matrix. Extend this mapping by
F -linearity to a function (a, b)F → M2 (F ):
x0 + x2 x1 − x3
(4.2) x0 + x1 u + x2 v + x3 w 7→ .
a(x1 + x3 ) x0 − x2
The image of 1, u, v, w in M2 (F ) is a linearly independent set, so by a dimension count this
F -linear mapping (a, b)F → M2 (F ) is a bijection. It fixes F , in the sense that c ∈ F in
(a, b)F goes to cI2 in M2 (F ). It is left to the reader to check (4.2) is multiplicative (Exercise
Definition 4.4. We call M2 (F ), or a quaternion algebra isomorphic to M2 (F ), a trivial or
split quaternion algebra over F . If (a, b)F ∼
6 M2 (F ) we say (a, b)F is a non-split quaternion
Example 4.5. Let F = R. Then
H, if a < 0 and b < 0,
(a, b)R ∼
M2 (R), if a > 0 or b > 0.
Example 4.6. Let F = C. All elements of C× are squares in C, so (a, b)C ∼
= M2 (C) for
all a and b in C× : all quaternion algebras over C are split.
These examples tell us that, up to isomorphism, there are two quaternion algebras over
R and one quaternion algebra over C. Over Q the situation is completely different: there
are infinitely many non-isomorphic quaternion algebras over Q. We’ll see this in Section 5.
Example 4.7. If p is prime and p ≡ 1 mod 4 then H(Fp ) ∼ = M2 (Fp ) since −1 is a square
in Fp . We’ll see in Corollary 4.24 that every quaternion algebra over Fp is isomorphic to
M2 (Fp ).
Example 4.8. The quaternion algebras (2, 3)Q and (2, 5)Q are both division rings (Example
3.10), but the quaternion algebras (2, 3)R and (2, 5)R are not division rings: both are
isomorphic to M2 (R).
Definition 4.9. For a and b in Q× we say (a, b)Q splits over R if (a, b)R ∼ = M2 (R) and we
say (a, b)Q is non-split over R if (a, b)R ∼
6 M2 (R) (that is, (a, b)R ∼
= = H).
For example, (2, 3)Q and (2, 5)Q both split over R, while H(Q) = (−1, −1)Q is non-split
over R. More generally, for a field extension F ⊂ K and a, b ∈ F × , we say (a, b)F splits
over K when (a, b)K ∼ = M2 (K).
Since (a, b)Q splits over R when a or b is positive, while (a, b)Q is non-split over R when
a and b are both negative, the formula for N(q) in (3.1) shows the norm on (a, b)Q has
positive and negative values when (a, b)Q splits over R, while the norm on (a, b)Q has only
positive values (and 0) when (a, b)Q is non-split over R. It is a hard theorem that the norm
mapping N : (a, b)Q → Q is surjective when (a, b)Q splits over R and has image Q≥0 if
(a, b)Q is non-split over R.
Example 4.10. Since (2, 3)Q is split over R, the equation x20 − 2x21 − 3x22 + 6x23 = r has a
rational solution for every r ∈ Q.
There are analogies between quadratic fields Q( d) and quaternion algebras (a, b)Q .
Real quadratic fields (when x2 − d splits into linear factors over R) are analogous to the
(a, b)Q that split over R and imaginary quadratic fields (when x2 − d does not split into
linear factors over R) are analogous to the (a, b)Q that are non-split over R. See Table 2.
Quadratic Field Q( d) Quaternion Algebra (a, b)Q
Real Quadratic (d > 0) Split over R
Imaginary Quadratic (d < 0) Non-split over R
Table 2. Analogous Quadratic Fields and Quaternion Algebras over Q.
Proof. The number 1 has this form (x = 1, y = 0). Number of this form are closed under
multiplication since
(x21 − ay12 )(x22 − ay22 ) = (x1 x2 + ay1 y2 )2 − a(x1 y2 + x2 y1 )2 .
Nonzero numbers of this form are closed under inversion using the trivial identity 1/t = t/t2 :
2 2
x2 − ay 2
1 x y
= 2 = −a .
x2 − ay 2 (x − ay 2 )2 x2 − ay 2 x2 − ay 2
Definition 4.13. For a ∈ F × , let Na = Na (F ) be the set of all nonzero x2 − ay 2 where
x, y ∈ F .
By Lemma 4.12 Na is a subgroup of F × , and (F × )2 ⊂ Na using y = 0.
Theorem 4.14. If a is a square in F then Na = F × .
Proof. Write a = c2 for c ∈ F × . Then x2 − ay 2 = x2 − c2 y 2 = x2 − (cy)2 = (x − cy)(x + cy).
The change of variables x0 = x − cy and y 0 = x + cy is invertible2 (x = (x0 + y 0 )/2 and
y = (y 0 − x0 )/(2c)), so Na = {x0 y 0 : x0 , y 0 ∈ F × }, which assumes all values in F × by choosing
y 0 = 1.
Remark 4.15. The converse of Theorem 4.14 is generally false: Na could be F × without
a being a square in F . For instance, if F = Fp for odd primes p then we’ll see in Corollary
4.24 that Na = F× × ×
p for all a ∈ Fp , but only half the elements of Fp are squares. There are
important cases where the converse of Theorem 4.14 is true, such as F = Q and F = R
(and F = Qp for a prime p, if you know what Qp is).
√ √
We call Na the norm subgroup of F × associated to a, since x2 −ay 2 = (x+y a)(x−y a)
is usually called a norm.
Theorem 4.16. If b ∈ Na then (a, b)F ∼ = M2 (F ).
As a special case this includes (a, b)F ∼
= M2 (F ) if b = in F .
Proof. Write b = x20 − ay02 with x0 and y0 in F . The ring (a, b)F has a quaternionic basis
(Definition 4.1):
1, u, x0 v + y0 w, u(x0 v + y0 w).
The fourth element is x0 w + y0 av by the formulas for uv and uw. Why is this a basis? It is
linearly independent since the 4th term is ay0 v + x0 w and the change of basis matrix from
x0 y0
v, w to x0 v + y0 w, ay0 v + x0 w has determinant | ay0 x0 | = b 6= 0 (Exercise 4.10). Therefore
the above set of four elements of (a, b)F is linearly independent over F , so it is a basis of
(a, b)F . Why is this basis quaternionic? We have (x0 v + y0 w)2 = bx20 − aby02 = b2 , and u and
x0 v + y0 w anti-commute. Therefore b ∈ Na ⇒ (a, b)F ∼ = (a, b2 )F ∼
= (a, 1)F ∼
= M2 (F ).
Example 4.17. We have (a, 1 − a)F = M2 (F ) if a 6= 0, 1 since 1 − a = x − ay with 2 2
x = y = 1.
Example 4.18. The quaternion algebra (3, 11)Q is a division ring since 11 6≡ mod 3
(Example 4.2), while (3, −11)Q ∼
= M2 (Q) since −11 = x2 − 3y 2 with x = 1 and y = 2.
Example 4.19. When p is a prime and p = 2 or p ≡ 1 mod 4, Fermat’s two-square
theorem says p is a sum of two squares in Z. Therefore p ∈ N−1 (Q), so (−1, p)Q ∼
= M2 (Q).
2Here it is crucial that F does not have characteristic 2.
Theorem 4.20. A quaternion algebra (a, b)F that is not a division ring is isomorphic to
M2 (F ).
Proof. Since we already know that (c2 , b)F ∼
= M2 (F ), we can assume a is not a square in F .
By Theorem 3.8, if (a, b)F is not a division ring it contains a nonzero element q with
N(q) = 0. Let q = x0 + x1 u + x2 v + x3 w with its coefficients not all equal to 0. Then
N(q) = 0 =⇒ x20 − ax21 − bx22 + abx23 = 0 =⇒ x20 − ax21 = b(x22 − ax23 ).
Since a is not a square in F , we must have x22 − ax23 6= 0 by contradiction: if x22 − ax23 = 0
then x3 = 0 (if x3 6= 0 we could solve for a to see it is a square in F ), so also x2 = 0, and
that implies x20 − ax21 = 0, so also x1 = 0 and x0 = 0, but then q = 0.
Solving for b,
x2 − ax22
b = 02 ∈ Na ,
x2 − ax23
so (a, b)F ∼
= M2 (F ) by Theorem 4.16.
By this theorem, all (a, b)F that are not isomorphic to M2 (F ) are division rings, so
Non-split quaternion algebras = quaternion algebras that are division rings.
Theorem 4.21. For a and b in F × , (a, b)F ∼ = M2 (F ) if and only if b ∈ Na .
Proof. If b ∈ Na then (a, b)F ∼= M2 (F ) by Theorem 4.16. Conversely, suppose (a, b)F ∼ =
M2 (F ). To show b ∈ Na , we can assume a is not a square in F × , since if a were a square
then Na = F × by Theorem 4.14, so obviously b ∈ Na . When (a, b)F is not a division ring
and a is not a square, the proof of Theorem 4.20 shows b ∈ Na .
∼ M2 (F ):
We have seen several sufficient conditions that imply (a, b)F =
• b = c2 : (4.1).
• b = −a: (4.1).
• b = 1 − a: Example 4.17.
• b = x2 − ay 2 for some x, y ∈ F : Theorem 4.21.
The last condition includes the previous ones as special cases, and Theorem 4.21 tells us
the last condition is not only sufficient but necessary as well.
Remark 4.22. We consider M2 (F ) to be the “trivial” quaternion algebra, so the following
quaternion algebras (a, b)F are considered trivial: (a, c2 )F , (a, −a)F , (a, 1 − a)F , and more
generally (a, x2 −ay 2 )F . In other areas of math there are objects depending on two variables
that turn out to be “trivial” in situations that resemble the conditions above. Probably the
first instance of this historically was the Hilbert symbol (a, b)p where p is a prime number
and a and b are nonzero rational numbers (or even nonzero p-adic numbers). The Steinberg
symbol {a, b}F for a field F (of characteristic not 2) is a universal construction subject to
rules typified by {a, 1 − a}F being considered “trivial.”
Corollary 4.23. For a field F not of characteristic 2, H(F ) is a division ring if and only
if −1 is not a sum of two squares in F .
Proof. We will prove the negations of both conditions are equivalent: to say H(F ) is not a
division ring means H(F ) ∼
= M2 (F ), and by Theorem 4.21, (−1, −1)F ∼ = M2 (F ) if and only
if −1 = x − (−1)y = x + y 2 for some x and y in F .
2 2 2
Corollary 4.24. For every odd prime p, all quaternion algebras over Fp are isomorphic to
M2 (Fp ).
Since (a, b0 )F ∼
= (a, b)F , (a, b0 )F contains a quaternionic basis {1, u0 , v0 , u0 v0 } where
u20 = a, v02 = b, u0 v0 = −v0 u0 .
The polynomial T 2 − a is irreducible over F since a is not a square in F , and both u and
u0 are roots of this polynomial in (a, b0 )F , so Theorem B.2 implies u = qu0 q −1 for some
nonzero q ∈ (a, b0 )F . Set ve = qv0 q −1 , so ve2 = (qv0 q −1 )(qv0 q −1 ) = qv02 q −1 = qbq −1 = b.
u0 v0 = −v0 u0 =⇒ (qu0 q −1 )(qv0 q −1 ) = −(qv0 q −1 )(qu0 q −1 ) =⇒ ue
v = −e
v u.
The elements of (a, b0 )F that anti-commute with u are F v+F w (Exercise 3.3), so ve = xv+yw
for some x and y in F . Then
b = ve2 = (xv + yw)2 = b0 x2 − b0 ay 2 = b0 (x2 − ay 2 ) =⇒ 0 ∈ Na .
Remark 5.2. Theorem 5.1 gives us a new proof that (a, −ab)F ∼ = (a, b)F : −a = x2 − ay 2
with x = 0 and y = 1. It might appear that this theorem reproves (a, bc2 )F ∼ = (a, b)F
(c2 = x2 − ay 2 with x = c and y = 0), but this is circular because we will be using that
isomorphism in the proof of Theorem 5.1.
Example 5.3. (2, 3)Q ∼ = (2, 21)Q since 21/3 = 7 = x2 − 2y 2 using x = 3 and y = 1.
Example 5.4. To decide if the division rings (2, 3)Q and (2, 5)Q are isomorphic is equivalent
to deciding if 5/3 = x2 − 2y 2 for some rational numbers x and y. This equation has no
rational solution (Exercise 5.3a), so (2, 3)Q 6∼
= (2, 5)Q .
Corollary 5.5. For distinct primes p and q that are 3 mod 4, (−1, p)Q is not isomorphic
to (−1, q)Q .
Proof. If (−1, p)Q ∼
= (−1, q)Q then q/p ∈ N−1 (Q), so q/p = x2 + y 2 for some rational
numbers x and y. Write x and y with a common denominator: x = m/d and y = n/d with
integers m, n, and d where d 6= 0. Then
qd2 = p(m2 + n2 ).
Since p 6= q, m2 + n2 ≡ 0 mod q. That implies m and n are divisible by q (because
−1 mod q is not a square), so qd2 is divisible by q 2 , and thus q|d. In the equation qd2 =
p(m2 + n2 ) the numbers m, n, and d are all divisible by q, so we can divide through by q 2
and get a similar equation where m, n, and d are replaced by m/q, n/q, and d/q. Repeating
this ad infinitum d is divisible by arbitrarily high powers of q, a contradiction.
There are infinitely many primes congruent to 3 mod 4, so Corollary 5.5 shows there are
infinitely many non-isomorphic quaternion algebras over Q!
Theorem 5.6. If f : A1 → A2 is an isomorphism of quaternion algebras over F then we
have f (q) = f (q) for all q ∈ A1 . In particular, N(f (q)) = N(q).
Proof. Once we show f (q) = f (q) for all q ∈ A1 we get
N(f (q)) = f (q)f (q) = f (q)f (q) = f (qq) = f (N(q)) = N(q)
since N(q) ∈ F and f fixes all elements of F .
Write q = x0 + q0 where x0 ∈ F and q0 is a pure quaternion in A1 (Example 3.7). Then
(5.2) f (q) = f (x0 − q0 ) = x0 − f (q0 ).
1. In the proof of Theorem 5.1, show (5.1) is a quaternionic basis of (a, b)F .
2. Let a, b, b0 ∈ F × .
a) If (a, b)F ∼= M2 (F ), prove (a, b0 )F ∼
= (a, bb0 )F . (For example, if p = 2 or
p ≡ 1 mod 4, then we already know (p, −1)Q ∼ = M2 (Q), so (p, r)Q ∼
= (p, −r)Q for all
r ∈ Q .) Is the converse true?
b) By part a, (2, 3)Q ∼ = (2, −3)Q . Show (−2, 3)Q ∼ = M2 (Q) and (−2, −3)Q ∼ =
3. If p is a prime number such that p ≡ 3 or 5 mod 8, then (p, 2)Q is a division ring by
Exercise 3.5.
a) Show the equation 5/3 = x2 −2y 2 has no rational solution, so (3, 2)Q ∼6 (5, 2)Q .
(Hint: Mimic the proof of Corollary 5.5.)
b) For distinct primes p and q that are 3 or 5 mod 8 (this means p ≡ 3 or 5 mod 8
and q ≡ 3 or 5 mod 8), show (p, 2)Q is not isomorphic to (q, 2)Q .
c) Prove the converse of Exercise 3.5 is false by showing (15, 2)Q and (33, 2)Q are
division rings. Neither 15 nor 33 is 3 or 5 mod8.
and these two values are equal. Thus L(d) commutes with x for all d ∈ D.
Since f (x) = 0 and f (t) has no roots in F , x 6∈ F . All of L(D) commutes with x, and
not all of D commutes with x (otherwise x would be in the center of D, which is F ), so
L(D) is a proper subspace of D: L is not surjective. A basic theorem from linear algebra
says a linear map V → V where dimF (V ) < ∞ is one-to-one if and only if it is onto. Since
L : D → D is not onto and dimF (D) < ∞, L is is not one-to-one: ker L 6= {0}. Therefore
some nonzero d ∈ D satisfies L(d) = 0, which means dx = yd. Thus y = dxd−1 .
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