Clever Keeping Maths Simple Grade 7 Learner's Book (PDFDrive)

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Clever Keeping

Maths Simple

Grade 7
Learner’s Book

H Botha
E du Plessis
I Nel
G Stols
Clever Keeping Maths Simple Grade 7 Learner’s Book

© H Botha, E du Plessis, I Nel, G Stols, 2013

© Illustrations and design Macmillan South Africa (Pty) Ltd, 2013

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First published 2013

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ISBN: 978-1-4318-0368-2, e-ISBN: 9781431805112

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Introduction.................................................................................................... iv

Term 1
Topic 1 Whole numbers ......................................................................... 1
Topic 2 Exponents .................................................................................. 40
Topic 3 Construction of geometric figures ............................................ 55
Topic 4 Geometry of 2D shapes ............................................................. 76
Topic 5 Geometry of straight lines ......................................................... 102
Formal Assessment Tasks ............................................................................... 106

Term 2
Topic 6 Common fractions .................................................................... 111
Topic 7 Decimal fractions ...................................................................... 136
Topic 8 Functions and relationships ...................................................... 159
Topic 9 Area and perimeter of 2D shapes .............................................. 168
Topic 10 Surface area and volume of 3D objects ..................................... 185
Formal Assessment Tasks ............................................................................... 197

Term 3
Topic 11 Numeric and geometric patterns .............................................. 200
Topic 12 Functions and relationships ...................................................... 210
Topic 13 Algebraic expressions ................................................................ 218
Topic 14 Algebraic equations ................................................................... 224
Topic 15 Graphs ....................................................................................... 231
Topic 16 Transformation geometry ......................................................... 239
Topic 17 Geometry of 3D objects ............................................................ 261
Formal Assessment Tasks................................................................................ 275

Term 4
Topic 18 Integers ...................................................................................... 281
Topic 19 Numeric and geometric patterns .............................................. 294
Topic 20 Functions and relationships ...................................................... 301
Topic 21 Algebraic expressions ................................................................ 306
Topic 22 Algebraic equations ................................................................... 311
Topic 23 Collect, organise and summarise data ...................................... 316
Topic 24 Representing data ...................................................................... 327
Topic 25 Interpret, analyse and report data ............................................. 335
Topic 26 Probability ................................................................................. 345
Formal Assessment Tasks ............................................................................... 353

Glossary............................................................................................................ 357
Welcome to this Mathematics Grade 7 Learner’s Book.

Have you ever wondered how Mathematics could be useful to you? Do you
think that you could use Mathematics outside the classroom?

Do you know that Mathematics is used in different ways every day?

For example:
Mathematics is used in MUSIC.
Mathematics is used in MANY TECHNICAL CAREERS.
Mathematics is used in COOKING YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD.
Mathematics is used in COMPUTERS, CELL PHONES AND GAMES.
Mathematics is used when GOING TO THE SHOP TO BUY YOUR

Just about everything we do uses Mathematics! So we can say that

Mathematics is a language that makes use of symbols and notations to
describe numerical, geometrical and graphical relationships in order to help
us to give meaning to the world we live in.

To help you to develop the essential mathematical skills that you need to
deal with mathematical situations competently, this Mathematics Grade 7
Learner’s Book will guide you to:
• develop the correct use of the language of Mathematics
• develop number vocabulary, number concept and calculation and
application skills
• communicate, think, reason logically and apply the mathematical
knowledge gained
• investigate, analyse, represent and interpret information
• pose and solve problems
• build an awareness of the important role that Mathematics plays in real-life

This Mathematics Grade 7 Learner’s Book covers five main content areas:
• Numbers, Operations and Relationships
• Patterns, Functions and Algebra
• Space and Shape (Geometry)
• Measurement
• Data Handling

The authors and publisher wish you all the best in your study of
Mathematics in Grade 7.

Term 1

Topic 1 Whole numbers

In this topic you will learn to:

• multiply by multiples of 10, 100, 1 000 and 10 000
• multiply and divide by 5, 25 and 125
• use multiplication and division as inverse operations
• order, compare and represent numbers to at least 9-digit numbers
• recognise and represent prime numbers to at least 100
• round off numbers to the nearest 5, 10, 100 or 1 000
• recognise and use the commutative, associative and distributive
properties of whole numbers
• recognise and use the additive property
• recognise and use the multiplicative property
• revise addition and subtraction of whole numbers to at least 6 digits
• revise multiplication and division of at least 4-digit numbers by 2-digit
• estimate answers, perform calculations with all four operations and use
your calculator
• use different techniques to perform and check written and mental
calculations such as:
{{ estimation

{{ addition, subtraction and multiplication in columns

{{ long division

{{ rounding off and compensating

{{ using a calculator

• revise work done on multiples, factors and prime factors

• list prime factors of numbers to at least 3-digit whole numbers
• find the lowest common multiple (LCM) and highest common factor
(HCF) of numbers to at least 3-digit whole numbers
• solve problems that involve ratio and rate
• solve problems that involve percentages and decimal fractions in
financial contexts.

What you already know

1. Arrange from smallest to largest:
765 439 493 765 34 567 756 943 493 756 954 376
2. Arrange from largest to smallest:
675 480 840 576 485 067 675 408 804 765 485 076
3. Complete the number sequence:
a) 37 + 50   + 50  137 + 50   + 50   + 50  
b) 3 452 – 25   – 25  3 402 – 25   – 25   – 25  

4. Fill in <, > or =:
a) 234 876  243 675
b) 30 000  (30 × 1 000)
c) 987 231  (900 000 + 8 000 + 200 + 30 + 1)
d) (15 × 100)  15 000
e) 10 eights  eighty
5. Copy and complete:
a) 527 132 489 = (5 × ) + (2 × ) + (7 × ) + (1 × ) + (3 × ) +
(2 × ) + (4 × ) + (8 × ) + (9 × )
b) The digit 1 in the number 527 132 489 represents 100 000.
i) What number does the 5 represent?
ii) What number does the 7 represent?
iii) What number does the 3 represent?
iv) Round off the number to the nearest 5.
v) Round off the number to the nearest 10.
vi) Round off the number to the nearest 100.
vii) Round off the number to the nearest 1 000.

Unit 1  Mental calculations

Important words
number bond a picture showing the relationship between a number
and the combination of its parts
inverse the opposite of an operation
compensate to make up or adjust for a change by changing
something else
notation a form of representing numbers

Number bonds
A number bond shows how a whole number is made up of parts. This
means that number bonds show the relationship between the numbers that
make up a whole number.

Example WHOLE
Remember that different parts
make up a whole. So, we can put
parts together to make a whole
(add), or we can take parts away
from a whole to find the other
parts (subtract).

6 24

4 2 14 10

4 + 2 = 6 14 + 10 = 24
2 + 4 = 6 10 + 14 = 24
6 – 4 = 2 24 – 14 = 10
6 – 2 = 4 24 – 10 = 14

Times tables
An interval includes all the numbers between the two numbers given. We
can say that counting in intervals is similar to multiplying.

Example Example
Count in intervals of 4. Write down the first four numbers of
Only write down the first four the 4× table.

Solution Solution
4; 8; 12; 16; … 4 × 1; 4 × 2; 4 × 3; 4 × 4; … = 4; 8;
12; 16; …

The answers in the two examples are the same. We call these lists of
numbers multiples of 4, because all these numbers are divisible by 4 without
a remainder. We can use notation to represent these multiples of 4, for
example, M4 = 4; 8; 12; 16; …
Multiplication is another method of adding the same numbers over and over

Write 4 × 2 and 2 × 4 as the sum of numbers.

4×2 =2+2+2+2 2×4 =4+4
=8 =8

Get to know your multiplication tables up to at least 12 × 12.
Use this 12 × 12 multiplication grid. It will help you to solve multiplication
and division problems. You can also use the multiplication grid to find
multiples of numbers.

Use the 12 × 12 multiplication grid to find the answer to 9 × 12.

Look at the number grid. Find 9 in the first column. It is circled.
Then find 12 in the first row. It is circled.
At the point where these two meet, you will find your answer.
Therefore: 9 × 12 = 108.

× 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132
12 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

Use the 12 × 12 multiplication grid to find the multiples of 3.

M3 = 3; 6; 9; 12; … (Found in column 3 or row 3.)

Imagine that you need to multiply numbers that are larger than the numbers
given in the 12 × 12 multiplication grid. Break the numbers up, then do the
multiplication. This will simplify the calculation and make it easier to work
out. Let’s look at an example.

Calculate 15 × 14.

15 × 14 = 15 × 2 × 7 (because 14 = 2 × 7)
= 30 × 7
= 210

Using multiplication to do division
Multiplication and division are inverse operations. This means that
multiplication is the opposite of division. It also means that you can use
multiplication to check the answer to a division problem, and vice versa.

Calculate by reading the values from the table below:
a) 12 × 9 b) 108 ÷ 12 c) 108 ÷ 9

a) 108 b) 9 c) 12

What number must be multiplied by 8 to get 72?

Instead of writing:  × 8 = 72, write 72 ÷ 8 = .
The answer is: 72 ÷ 8 = 9.

Use this method to solve more complex problems.

What number must be multiplied by 872 to get 11 336?

The answer is more than 10 times 872. This is because 10 × 872 is equal
to 8 720.
Next calculate 11 × 872, 12 × 872, etc. Do this until you find the answer.
Simplify this process by using division as the inverse operation of
Instead of writing:  × 872 = 11 336, write 11 336 ÷ 872 = .
Now use long division, short division or your calculator to solve
the problem.
The answer is: 11 336 ÷ 872 = 13.

Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1 000 and

10 000
When you multiply by 10, 100, 1 000 or 10 000, use a short method. Simply
include as many zeros to the end of the given number as there are zeros in
the numbers 10, 100, 1 000 or 10 000.

1. Calculate 25 × 10.
2. Calculate 85 × 100.

1. 25 × 10 = 250 (Include one zero.)
2. 85 × 100 = 8 500 (Include two zeros.)

When you divide by 10, 100, 1 000 and 10 000, use a short method. Simply
remove as many zeros from the end of the given number as there are zeros in
the numbers 10, 100, 1 000 or 10 000.

1. Calculate 500 ÷ 10.
2. Calculate 2 300 ÷ 100.

1. 500 ÷ 10 = 50 (Remove one zero.)
2. 2 300 ÷ 100 = 23 (Remove two zeros.)

Multiplying by multiples of 10, 100 and 1 000
Suppose you want to multiply a number by 40. This calculation becomes
easier if you first break 40 (which is a multiple of 10) into two parts,
40 = 4 × 10. First multiply the given number by 4. Then, multiply the
answer by 10.

Calculate 52 × 20 by breaking down one of the numbers.

52 × 20 = 52 × 2 × 10
= 104 × 10
= 1 040

Calculate 31 × 500 by breaking down one of the numbers.

31 × 500 = 31 × 5 × 100
= 155 × 100
= 15 500

You can also use different combinations of multiplication and division to

simplify calculations. You will explore this in the next section.

Multiplication by 5, 25 and 125

Remember, 5 = 10 ÷ 2. So to multiply a number by 5:
• multiply the number by 10
• divide the answer by 2.

Calculate 12 × 5.

12 × 5 = 12 × 10 ÷ 2
= 120 ÷ 2
= 60

In a similar way, to multiply a number by 25, first multiply the number by

100, then divide the answer by 4. We can do this because 25 = 100 ÷ 4.

Calculate 44 × 25.

44 × 25 = 44 × 100 ÷ 4
= 4 400 ÷ 4
= 1 100

To multiply a number by 125: First multiply the number by 1 000, then

divide the answer by 8. Remember, 125 = 1 000 ÷ 8.

Calculate 16 × 125. How can I
Solution divide by 5, 25
and 125?
16 × 125 = 16 × 1 000 ÷ 8 I must remember that
= 16 000 ÷ 8 multiplication and
= 2 000 division are inverse

Doubling and halving techniques

We can use doubling to multiply two numbers.

Calculate 18 × 35. Use the doubling method.

1 × 35 = 35
2 × 35 = 70
4 × 35 = 140
8 × 35 = 280
16 × 35 = 560
Now we know that 16 × 35 = 560. But we need to know the answer to
18 × 35 (we need another two 35s). So we need to add (2 × 35 = 70) to
560 + 70 = 630
18 × 35 = 630

Building up and breaking down complex numbers
Do you remember how to break down numbers? For example, 15 = 5 × 3.
645 ÷ 15 = 645 ÷ 5 ÷ 3  (15 = 5 × 3)
= 129 ÷ 3
= 43

Exercise 1

1. Use your 12 × 12 multiplication grid to answer the following questions:

a) Look at the last digit in the multiples of 5. What do you notice?
b) Study the multiples of 9. What happens to the first digit of each
number? What happens to the last digit of each number?
c) Find the common multiples of 2 and 5.
d) Look at your 12 × 12 multiplication grid. Colour all the square
e) What other patterns do you see?
2. Calculate. Do not use a calculator:
a) 11 × 12 b) 25 × 364 c) 7 × 70
d) 60 × 88 e) 9 × 10 f) 80 × 29
g) 3 × 1 000 h) 35 × 8 000 i) 10 000 × 28
j) 97 × 30 000 k) 328 × 125 l) 100 × 75 476
m) 150 × 11 n) 84 008 × 25 o) 50 × 857 042
3. Calculate. Do not use a calculator:
a) 90 ÷ 5 b) 4 000 ÷ 50 c) 70 000 ÷ 400
d) 58 000 ÷ 100 e) 98 500 ÷ 50 f) 7 200 ÷ 60
g) 7 500 ÷ 50 h) 14 600 ÷ 100 i) 12 500 ÷ 25
j) 3 800 ÷ 5 k) 12 000 ÷ 125 l) 936 000 ÷ 300
m) 850 000 ÷ 500 n) 1 200 000 ÷ 25
o) 340 070 000 ÷ 10 000
4. Use the inverse operations to find the unknown number in each case:
a) A number is multiplied by 25. You get an answer of 2 100.
Calculate the number.
b) You want a total of R70 000 in your bank account. How many times
do you need to deposit R125?
c) When you divide a number by 7 000, you get an answer of 60.
What is the number?
d) Mary divides her savings between her 12 friends. Each friend gets
R150. How much money did Mary have in her saving account?
e) A shop owner buys 125 ovens of the same kind. He spends R30 000
in total. How much did each oven cost?
5. Use the inverse operations to check your answers in Question 4.

Unit 2 Ordering and comparing whole

Important words
ascending order arranging numbers from smallest to largest
descending order arranging numbers from largest to smallest
factors numbers that can divide exactly into another number
sequence an ordered list of numbers

Place value of numbers

The place value and the value of a digit in a number are different. Consider
the number 4 328. There are four digits: 4, 3, 2 and 8. Each digit has a place
value and a value. If we write this number in a place value table, it will look
like this:
Hundred Ten
Millions Thousands Hundreds Tens Units
Thousands Thousands
M (Th) (H) (T) (U)
1 000 000 100 000 10 000 1 000 100 10 1
4 3 2 8

Consider the number 4 328. Find the place value of each digit. Now find
the value of each digit.

The place value of 4 is thousands (1 000) but the value of 4 is 4 000
(4 × 1 000).
The place value of 3 is hundreds (100) but the value of 3 is 300 (3 × 100).
The place value of 2 is tens (10) but the value of 2 is 20 (2 × 10).
The place value of 8 is units (1) and the value of 8 is 8 (8 × 1).

When you write a number in expanded notation, you write the number as
the sum of the values of all the digits.

Write 4 328 in expanded notation.

4 328 = 4 × 1 000 + 3 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 8 × 1 or
4 328 = 4 000 + 300 + 20 + 8

When you multiply a
number by 10, the number The place value of
gets bigger. Move all the every column is ten times the
digits of the number one place value of the column on its
place to the left. Write a zero immediate right-hand side.
at the end of the number. That means that 10 is 10 × 1,
When you multiply a 100 is 10 × 10; 1 000 is
number by 100, move the 10 × 100, and so on!
digits of the number two
places to the left. Write two
zeros at the end of the
number, and so on.
Let’s see how this works in a
place value table.

1. 364 × 10 2. 364 × 100 3. 364 × 10 000

M HTh TTh (Th) (H) (T) (U)

1 000 000 100 000 10 000 1 000 100 10 1

3 6 4

1. 3 6 4 0

2. 3 6 4 0 0

3. 3 6 4 0 0 0 0

Rounding off numbers

You round off numbers to simplify calculations and to help you make sense
of numbers. For example, you can round off numbers to the nearest 5, 10,
100, 1 000, and so on.

Rounding off a number to the nearest 5

If the last digit of a number that must be rounded off is 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, the
last digit of the rounded number will become a five.

Round off 7 343 to the nearest 5.

7 345

Look at the number line. 7 343 is closer to 7 345 than to 7 340.

If the last digit of a number that must be rounded off is 0, 1 or 2, the last
digit of the rounded number will become a zero.

Round off 7 342 to the nearest 5.

7 340

Look at the number line. 7 342 is closer to 7 340 than to 7 345.

If the last digit of a number that must be rounded off is 8 or 9, the last digit
of the rounded number will become a zero and we add one to the tens digit.

Round off 7 348 to the nearest 5.

7 350

Look at the number line. 7 348 is nearer to 7 350 than to 7 345.

Rounding off a number to the nearest 10, 100,

1 000 and 10 000
Use a number line to round off numbers as you have done in the previous


100 110 117 120 130

Round off 117 to the nearest 10.

117 rounded off to the nearest 10 is 120. 117 is closer to 120 than to 110.

To round off a number to the nearest 10, work with the digit in the units
• If this digit is 5 or more, round the number up.
• If this digit is less than 5, round the number down.

Round off 5 349 to the nearest 10.

5 349 rounded off to the nearest 10 is 5 350.

When you round off numbers to the nearest 100, use the digit in the tens
• If this digit is 5 or more, round the number up to the nearest 100.
• If this digit is less than 5, round the number down.
Notice the two zeros at the end.

Round off 3 483 to the nearest 100.

3 483 rounded off to the nearest 100 is 3 500.

To round off a number to the nearest 1 000, use the digit in the hundreds
To round off a number to the nearest 10 000, use the digit in the thousands

Round off 341 653 to the nearest 1 000. Then round off 341 653 to the
nearest 10 000.

341 653 rounded off to the nearest 1 000 is 342 000.
341 653 rounded off to the nearest 10 000 is 340 000.

Rounding off and compensating

We can use rounding off to make the numbers in a calculation easier to
work with. The answer we get is then an estimate. This means the answer is
close to the correct answer, but not 100% correct, because we changed the
original numbers slightly. To find the correct answer we can use rounding
off and compensating as a calculation strategy. This means that we round
off numbers and then compensate to make up for what will be lost or gained
when rounding off.

Use rounding off and compensating to simplify 58 + 29.

58 + 29 = (58 + 2) + (29 – 2) Round off 58 to 60 by adding 2. Then
= 60 + 27 subtract 2 from the other number to
= 87 compensate for this change.

Use rounding off and compensating to simplify 5 × 88.

5 × 88 = (5 × 90) − (5 × 2) Round off 88 to 90. Then compensate for
= 450 − 10 what was gained.
= 440

Check that your mental and written

The division by 2
calculations are correct.
compensated for the earlier
Judge how reasonable
extra multiplication by 2.
your answers are.
I sometimes use compensation
To judge how reasonable
without even thinking
an answer is, use
about it.
estimation by
rounding off, doubling
or halving. To check an
answer, use a calculator,
inverse operations or
rounding off and

Your calculation shows that the distance between your classroom and the
principal’s office is 3 000 metres. Is this reasonable?

No, because 3 000 metres is 3 kilometres. That is too far!

Exercise 2

1. Use rounding off and compensating of numbers to calculate the

a) 324 + 68 b) 257 + 147 c) 94 – 51
d) 187 – 78 e) 95 × 120 f) 52 × 40
2. Solve the following problems:
a) Daniel bought a bicycle that was marked down from R1 595 to
R1 385.
i) Estimate the amount he saved.
ii) Is your answer realistic? Explain.
iii) Calculate the actual amount he saved.
iv) Use any method to check that your answer is correct.
b) Patience needs new curtain material for her house. Each drop is
233 cm long. Patience needs 18 drops.
i) Estimate the total length of material Patience needs to buy.
ii) Is your answer realistic? Explain.

iii) Calculate the actual length of material she needs to buy.
iv) Check that your answer is correct.

Comparing numbers
You can compare the sizes of numbers in different ways. For example, you
can present the numbers on a number line. Here, the numbers increase as we
move from left to right on the number line.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

You can also compare the sizes of numbers by ordering or grouping all the
numbers with the same number of digits. Then compare those numbers one
digit at a time.

Arrange the numbers 4 308, 438 and 4 380 in ascending order.

438 is a 3-digit number. 438 is smaller than the other two 4-digit numbers.
Both 4 308 and 4 380 are 4-digit numbers. Compare the digits of these two
numbers from left to right:
4 308 4 380

The thousands are the same

The hundreds are the same
Here is a difference! Zero tens and eight tens

4 308 has zero tens while 4 380 has eight tens. So 4 308 is smaller than
4 380.

The numbers in ascending order are: 438; 4 308; 4 380.

Learning to order and

compare numbers helps you
to see the sizes of numbers.
Remember to estimate answers,
understand calculations and
check your answers.

Exercise 3

1. Write down the place value of each bold digit:

a) 1 234 b) 1 234 c) 1 234 d) 1 234
2. Write down the value of each bold digit:
a) 15 238 b) 92 857 c) 128 477 d) 426 715
e) 898 323 f) 592 868 g) 4 627 154 h) 23 456
3. Draw your own place value table. Represent these numbers in the table:
a) 6 tens
b) 2 hundreds + 4 tens + 2 units
c) 5 thousands + 8 hundreds + 3 tens + 6 units
d) 7 ten thousands + 5 hundreds + 4 units
e) 3 millions + 4 hundred thousands + 9 hundreds

4. Write in expanded notation:
a) 3 056 b) 4 895 c) 11 285
d) 125 898 e) 3 262 554 f) 2 006 107
5. Write the numbers in words:
a) 197 653 b) 60 056 c) 2 003 508
6. For each of the following numbers, do the following:
i) Make the largest number possible. Use all the digits of the
ii) Make the smallest number possible. Use all the digits of the
a) 1 259 b) 3 284 c) 10 986 d) 2 376 590
7. a) Find the missing numbers:
i) 2 821; 2 828; 2 835; □; 2 849
ii) 328; 331; 336; 343; 352; ; 376
iii) 9; 27; 81; ; 729
b) Look at the number lines. Find the number halfway between each
indicated number:

471 340 471 350

326 899 328 899

326 000 327 000 328 000 329 000

8. Which number is larger?

a) Eight hundred and five or eight hundred and fifty?
b) Three thousand four hundred and ten or three thousand one
hundred and four?
c) One hundred thousand one hundred or one hundred thousand and
d) Five million eight hundred and sixty thousand or five million six
hundred and eighty thousand?
9. Fill in >, < or = to make the number sentences true:
a) 5 826  5 × 1 000 + 8 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 6
b) 9 × 1 + 49 + 1 + 300 + 450 + 3 × 100  3 859
c) 6 928  __ ​  1 ​  of 13 860
d) 22 893  22 thousands + 8 hundreds + 3 units + 45 × 2
e) 4 000 000 + 567 × 10 000 + 2 × 100  4 567 200
10. Arrange the following numbers in:
a) Ascending order: 45 653; 32 654; 45 632; 23 456
b) Descending order: 4 300; 6 241; 510; 62 410; 43 000; 200; 50 101
11. a) Consider the list of numbers: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49.
i) Write down the prime numbers.
ii) Write down the composite numbers.
b) Write down the prime numbers between 90 and 100.
c) Write down all the composite numbers from 75 to 80.

12. Solve:
a) There are 55 348 people who need medical aid in Gauteng.
Round off the number of people to the nearest ten thousand.

1 figure = 1 000 people

b) There are 5 894 cities around the world that have HIV programmes.
Round off the number of cities to the nearest thousand.
c) A charity spends R547 123 on meals for people in need in the
Eastern Cape.
Round off this amount to the nearest hundred thousand.
d) A plane travelled 69 899 km. Round off the kilometres to the
nearest five.

Unit 3 Properties of whole numbers

Important words
properties of numbers specific attributes or laws that apply to numbers
The three number properties (or rules) are the commutative, associative and
distributive properties. Here are three examples that show the properties.
1. 230 + 70 = 70 + 230 and 25 × 4 = 4 × 25 (Commutative property)
2. 230 + 70 + 50 = (230 + 70) + 50
= 230 + (70 + 50) (Associative property)
3. 5 × 23 = 5 × (20 + 3) (Distributive property)
= (5 × 20) + (5 × 3)
= 100 + 15
= 115

Commutative property for addition and

The commutative property allows you to change the order of the numbers
you add or multiply. You will still get the same answer.

Example Example
917 + 73 = 990 and 73 + 917 = 990 3 280 × 3 = 9 840 and 3 × 3 280
So: 917 + 73 = 73 + 917 = 9 840
So: 3 280 × 3 = 3 × 3 280

Work with a friend to answer these questions:

a) Does the commutative property apply to more than two numbers?
b) Can you apply the commutative property to subtraction and division?
Support your answers with examples.

Associative property for addition and

The associative property (or rule) allows you to group numbers when you add
or multiply. You still get the same answer.

Example Example
Calculate 350 + 632 + 18. Calculate 60 × 4 × 3.

Solution Solution
(350 + 632) + 18 = 982 + 18 = 1 000 (60 × 4) × 3 = 240 × 3 = 720 or
350 + (632 + 18) = 350 + 650 = 1 000 60 × (4 × 3) = 60 × 12 = 720
So: (350 + 632) + 18 = 350 + (632 + 18) So: (60 × 4) × 3 = 60 × (4 × 3)

Which grouping made the addition easier?

Work with a friend to answer the question:
Can you apply the associative property to subtraction and division?
Support your answers with examples.

Distributive property for multiplication over

addition and subtraction
The distributive property (or rule) allows you to redistribute numbers. You still
get the same answer.

Example Example
15 × 32 = 15 × (30 + 2) 23 × 18 = 23 × (20 – 2)
= (15 × 30) + (15 × 2) = (23 × 20) – (23 × 2)
= 450 + 30 = 460 – 46
= 480 = 414

Identity properties
The number 0 is the identity element for addition. The identity element for
addition means that when you add 0 to any number, the number keeps its
identity or value. For example, 430 + 0 = 430.

The number 1 is the identity element for multiplication. This means that
when you multiply any number by 1, the number keeps its identity or value.
For example, 3 428 × 1 = 3 428.

Exercise 4

1. Different number properties are used in the following calculations.

Write down the name of each property used:
a) 4 200 + 543 + 800 = 4 200 + 800 + 543
b) 874 × 3 = 3 × 874
c) 750 × 102 = 750 × (100 + 2)
d) (2 × 31 975) × 5 = 31 975 × (2 × 5)
e) 89 × 9 = 9 × (90 – 1)
f) 86 737 + 4 386 = 4 386 + 86 737
2. Use the commutative, associative or distributive property of numbers to
make each number sentence true.
a) 1 416 219 + 2 508 000 = _____________ + ____________
b) 45 × 8 = (40 + ____) × 8
c) (5 × 4) × _____ = _____ × (5 × 75)
d) 7 665 + _______ = 1 234 + ________
e) 57 × 5 = 5 × (60 − ____ )

f) (8 719 + 719) + 2 = _____________________
g) ________ × 1 389 = _________ × 218
h) 862 + (941 + 87) = (862 + ____) + ____
i) 2 × 719 = ____ × (_____ − ____)
j) 6 402 000 + 324 = _________ + ___________
k) 24 × ______ = 250 × (20 + _____)
l) (154 × 2) × ________ = ________ × (2 × 3)

Did you know?

12 × 8 + 2 = 98
123 × 8 + 3 = 987
1 234 × 8 + 4 = 9 876
12 345 × 8 + 5 = 98 765
123 456 × 8 + 6 = 987 654
1 234 567 × 8 + 7 = 9 876 543
12 345 678 × 8 + 8 = 98 765 432
123 456 789 × 8 + 9 = 987 654 321
3. Simplify the following calculations. Use any of the three number
properties. Show all your calculations. Write down the property you
a) 53 × 5 b) 12 300 × 2 × 3 c) 40 + 212 + 60
d) 25 × 19 1
e) ​ __ ​  × 420 × 2 f) 330 × 28
4. Fill in the missing number. Use the identity properties.
a) 50 813 × _____ = 50 813
b) 4 850 + 0 = _________
c) _____ + 10 380 = 10 380
d) 1 × ________ = 102 000

Unit 4 Calculations with whole

Important words
reflect think about what you have already learnt

Addition and subtraction

When we add or subtract numbers, we add or subtract the digits with the
same place values. When we add and the answer is 10 or more, we carry it
over to the next column on the left. When we subtract we may sometimes
need to borrow from the column on the left.

a) 129 + 83 b) 892 – 77

a) 129 + 83 b) 892 – 77
9 8 9

+ 8 3 – 7 7
2 1 2 8 1 5

In the previous units, you have learnt number facts that you can use to
simplify calculations with whole numbers and to develop number sense.
Multiplying 2 × 6 means: 2 times 6 or 2 groups of 6 or 2 sixes. You can write
this as 2 × 6 or (2)(6) or 2 ∙ 6. We can think of multiplication as:
• repeated addition because 2 × 6 = 6 + 6
xxxxxx xxxxxx
• an array of rows and columns in a rectangular form: 2 rows and 6 columns
x x x x x x
x x x x x x
• adding in intervals of 6 on a number line: We start at 0 and jump in
intervals of 6. Two such jumps will end at 12. We say we add in intervals
of 6.

0 6 12
Remember that 6 × 0 = 0.

Multiplying in columns
325 × 72
TTh Th H T U
3 2 5
× 7 2
6 5 0
+ 2 2 7 5 0
2 3 4 0 0

∴ 325 × 72 = 23 400

​ 12 ​ or 6    .
Division can be represented as: 12 ÷ 6 or ___ 12
We can think of division as:
• dividing 12 into 6 groups:
xx xx xx xx xx xx

Here, the size of each group is 2.
This is also called the sharing idea.
• dividing 12 into groups of size 6:
xxxxxx xxxxxx
There are 2 groups of size 6.
This is also called the grouping idea.
• repeated subtraction in intervals of 6 on a number line:
Start at 12 and calculate how many times you can subtract 6 on a number
line until you get to 0. You can subtract 6 two times.
This is also a form of grouping.

0 6 12
Remember that 0 ÷ 6 = 0 but 6 ÷ 0 is meaningless.

Long division
• Let us revise the procedure of long division (also called the division

48 (12 cannot go into 5, but 12 can go into 57, 4 times. Write the 4 above the
  576 ​ 
​12    7 of 57.)
(–) 48 (The 4 in the answer is multiplied by 12 to find 48.)
96 (Subtract: 576 − 480, to find 96.)
(–) 96 (12 goes into 96, 8 times. Write the 8 above the 6 of 576. Say 8 × 12 = 96.)
0 (Subtract: 96 − 96, to find 0.)

​  576 ​ = 48. There is no remainder.

Therefore: ____

Rules of division
Divisible by

Divisible by



When double 357:

the last digit subtracted 35 − 14 = 21
2 digit is 86; 764; 2 348 7
from remaining digits which is
is divisible by 7 divisible by 7

Sum of 8 751
Last 3 digits 8 816
digits is because
3 8 are divisible (816 ÷ 8 =
divisible 8+7+5
by 8 102)
by 3 + 1 = 21

Last 2
32 688
digits Sum of digits
32 532 because
4 are 9 is divisible
(32 ÷ 4 = 8) 3+2+6+8
divisible by 9
+ 8 = 27
by 4
30; 600;
5 digit is 0 35; 764 060 10 Last digit is 0
78 870
or 5
First, add the alternate
digits (starting at the
units). Then add the
22 704:
Divisible remaining digits. Subtract
(2 + 7 + 4) –
6 by 2 76 446 11 the second number from
(2 + 0)
and 3 the first number. If the
= 13 − 2 = 11
answer is 0 or a multiple
of 11, then the number is
divisible by 11

Estimation lets you work out two values between which the answer to a
calculation will fall.

Between which two values will 23 × 76 lie?

The answer must be greater than: 20 × 70 = 1 400 (both numbers are
rounded down).
But less than: 30 × 80 = 2 400 (both numbers are rounded up).

Estimation means to make a rough calculation or guess of the result of a

calculation. To do this, we use rounding off.

To find a better
approximation of
your answer, you can
estimate the answer.

Estimate 23 × 76.

23 × 76 ≈ 25 × 75 (Round off both numbers to the nearest 5.)
= 25 × 25 × 3 (Break down the number 75 to simplify the
= 625 × 3 multiplication.)
= 1 875
23 × 76 ≈ 20 × 80 (Round off both numbers to the nearest 10.)
= 1 600

Use your calculator and find the actual answer to 23 × 76.

Which estimation (rounding off to the nearest 5 or rounding off to the
nearest 10) gave you a better estimation?

Did you know?

There is an order in which you need to do operations. You can use the
acronym BODMAS to help you remember the order.

Brackets Orders Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction

Remember: If there are no brackets in a calculation, you first do any

multiplication and division operations. Note that you do these from left to
right. The fact that division appears before multiplication in BODMAS does
not matter. Then, you do any addition and subtraction, also from left to right.

Orders refers to exponents and roots. You will learn all about exponents
in Topic 2.

36 ÷ 3 × 4 = 12 × 4 = 48 ✓ 6 – 5 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2 ✓
36 ÷ 3 × 4 = 36 ÷ 12 = 3 ✗ 6 – 5 + 1 = 6 – 6 = 0 ✗

Exercise 5

1. Use your number sense to make the following calculations easier. Show
all the steps you used:
a) 179 000 + 27 000 + 821 000 b) 8 540 – 240 – 40
c) 7 000 ÷ 125 d) 220 × 34
e) 7 500 ÷ 25 f) 2 982 + 818 + 94 + 106
g) 2 484 ÷ 9 h) 1 250 × 49
i) 4 840 × 125 j) 250 × 150
k) 3 240 × 25 l) 7 450 ÷ 5

2. i) First estimate the answer of the calculation. Then use your
calculator to find the exact answer. Draw a two-column table in
your workbook. The first column is for the ‘Estimated answer’.
The second column is for the ‘Calculator answer’.
ii) Compare the estimated and calculated answer in each case.
Did your estimation give you an approximate answer?
a) 3 × 54 b) 6 × 129 c) 10 × 132
d) 8 × 66 e) 78 × 5 f) 53 × 20
g) 66 × 72 h) 334 × 97 i) 715 × 315
3. a) A total of 3 642 people attended a school’s soccer tournament. Each
ticket cost R20. How much did the school earn from the ticket sales?

b) Elsie earns nine times more money than Busi.

Busi earns R2 300 a month. How much does Elsie earn?
c) Each box of chips contains 180 packets of chips. If you have 10 000
packets of chips, how many boxes can you fill?
4. Calculate the following:
i) using long division
ii) by breaking down numbers.
a) 5 832 ÷ 8 b) 2 412 ÷ 18 c) 72 000 ÷ 90
5. The following is given: 32 × 104 = 3 328.
Use the following techniques to check that this calculation is correct:
a) Estimate two numbers between which the answer will lie
b) Doubling of numbers
c) The distributive property
d) Inverse operations
e) Compensation of numbers
f) A calculator.

Unit 5 Multiples and factors
Multiples and factors
Multiples of a given number are all the numbers into which the given
number will divide without a remainder.

The multiples of 6 are given as: M6 = 6; 12; 18; 24; …

Factors are all the numbers that can divide exactly into another number.

The factors of 6 are given as: F6 = 1; 2; 3 and 6

A prime number is a number that can only be divided by 1 and itself.

We can also say a prime number has only two factors, namely 1 and itself.
Numbers that have more than two factors are called composite numbers.
Note that the number 1 is neither a prime number nor a composite number
as it has only one factor, namely 1.

Name the first six prime numbers.
Now name the first six composite numbers.

The first six prime numbers are: 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; …
The first six composite numbers are: 4; 6; 8; 9; 10; 12; …

What do you notice when you combine the prime numbers, the composite
numbers and the number 1?
Prime factors are factors of a number that are prime numbers. You can use a
factor tree to break down a composite number into its prime factors.

Find the prime factors of 20 and 36.

Solution 20 36 36

Factors: 2 × 10 4×9 6×6

Prime factors: 2×2×5 2×2×3×3 2×3×2×3

Many numbers have more than one factor tree. In the previous example, we
had two factor trees for 36. Try to draw two other factor trees for 36!

Find the prime factors of 20.

You can also find the prime factors of a number by dividing the number by
the prime numbers, starting with 2. Let’s do it for the number 20.

2 20 2 goes into 20, 10 times

2 10 2 goes into 10, 5 times

Neither 2 nor the next prime number 3 can go into 5. The next
5 5
prime number 5 goes into 5, once

Therefore, the prime factors for 20 are 2 × 2 × 5.

Use the second method to find the prime factors of 36.

The highest common factor (HCF) and lowest

common multiple (LCM)
You can use prime factors to find the highest common factor (HCF) of two or
more numbers.
You use the HCF when you do calculations with fractions.

Find the HCF of 12 and 32.

Circle the common factors for both
Prime factors of 12 = 2 × 2 × 3
numbers. To find the HCF you
Prime factors of 32 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 multiply these common factors.
Do this by writing the common
∴ The HCF for 12 and 32 is 2 × 2 = 4
factor once.

You can use multiples or prime factors to find the lowest common
multiple (LCM) of numbers.

Find the LCM of 6 and 8 using:
1. multiples
2. prime factors.

1. M6 = 6; 12; 18; 24; 30; …
M8 = 8; 16; 24; 32; 40; …
The LCM of 6 and 8 is the lowest multiple that appears in both sets.
The LCM is 24.
2. Prime factors of 6 = 2 × 3
Prime factors of 8 = 2 × 2 × 2
Count the number of times each prime factor appears in both
factorisations. For each prime number, take the largest of those counts.
Write down the prime number as many times as it appeared. You calculate
the LCM by multiplying together all the prime factors you have written
The LCM of 6 and 8 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24.

Exercise 6

1. Draw a factor tree for the following numbers. Determine the prime
a) 25 b) 18 c) 21
d) 35 e) 45 f) 12
2. Find the HCF for the two given numbers:
a) 18 and 54 b) 8 and 180 c) 35 and 155
d) 9 and 135 e) 32 and 80 f) 63 and 28
g) 35 and 140 h) 150 and 300 i) 624 and 960
3. Use multiples of numbers to find the LCM for each set of numbers:
a) 6 and 9 b) 6 and 5 c) 2; 9 and 18
d) 12 and 48 e) 23 and 69 f) 65; 260 and 520
4. Use prime factors to find both the HCF and LCM for each set of
a) 240 and 924 b) 36, 90 and 72 c) 25, 125 and 750

Unit 6  Solving problems

Important words
expenses money paid for food and services such as electricity
income money you earn from working or selling goods
percentage ​  25  ​ = 25%
a number out of a hundred, for example, ____

We use ratio when we compare two or more quantities of the same kind. A
ratio can be expressed in two ways. Let’s work through an example.

Andile likes his coffee made in a certain way. He likes 80 ml of milk and
160 ml of coffee. Andile’s cup holds 240 ml. The ratio of milk to coffee is
80 : 160. To write this ratio in its simplest form, you divide both sides by
80. The simplified ratio is 1 : 2. You can also write this ratio in fraction
​  1 ​ .
form: __

Andile is very careful when he makes his coffee! The order of the numbers
in the ratio is important. If Andile swaps the ratio around, he will pour
twice as much milk as he wants. He will also pour half of the coffee that he

Andile’s friend offers him coffee and pours 200 ml of coffee in a large mug.
How many millilitres of milk should she pour in Andile’s mug if she keeps
to the same ratio as in the previous example? What is the total amount of
coffee-milk mix in Andile’s mug?
For 200 ml of coffee, she must add 100 ml of milk to obtain 300 ml of the
You can also use ratios in calculations when the total is known. Remember,
you must work with the same units of measurement. In this case, both
the milk and coffee are measured in millilitres. For example, if you have
450 ml of a coffee-milk mix in a large mug, the ratio of milk to coffee is
still 1 : 2. You can calculate the total amount of milk and coffee that was
poured into your mug as follows:
​  1 ​  of 450 ml = 150 ml
Milk: __
Coffee: __ ​  2 ​  of 450 ml = 300 ml
Check your answers:
150 ml of milk + 300 ml of coffee = 450 ml
coffee : milk mix.

Rate is a kind of ratio where you compare two quantities of different kinds.

A nurse in the hospital is paid a
certain rate for her work,
for example, R100 per hour (R100/h).

A car’s speed is expressed in

kilometres per hour (km/h).

Each country has its own money system.

For example, in South Africa, we use the rand and in the United States,
they use the dollar. An exchange rate lets us compare two currencies, even
though they use different systems.
The following are examples of exchange rates.
In each case, we express how much 1 unit of foreign
currency costs in rand. For example,
1 United States dollar = R7,77
1 British pound = R12,61
1 Euro = R10,31
1 Canadian dollar = R7,86

Study the rates of the countries. Which country will be the most expensive
country to visit by a South African tourist? Find out what the current
exchange rates are for these countries.

Exercise 7

1. Solve the following problems.

They are based on ratio.
a) In a small hospital, there are four times as many adult
patients as there are child patients. What is the ratio
of children to adult patients?
b) Simon went fishing on Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday he caught 10 trout and 4 catfish. On
Sunday he caught 16 trout and 8 catfish. On
which day did Simon catch a higher ratio of trout
to catfish?
c) Mother uses 250 g broccoli, 750 g cauliflower and
50 g carrots to prepare a vegetable dish.

i) Calculate the total amount of vegetables needed for the dish.
ii) Find the ratio of the vegetables.
iii) She wants to prepare this dish for a family gathering and decides
to use 3 150 g of vegetables in total. How many grams of carrots
does she need to buy?
2. Solve the following problems.
They are based on rate.
a) Nurses are paid R125 per hour (R125/h). Calculate how much
Nurse Betty must get paid if she works a 12-hour shift.
b) A trailer rental company gives you two options. You can
hire a trailer for R55 per hour or R472 per eight hours.
Which is the cheaper option?
c) A butcher charges R168 for 12 kg of meat. How much
does she charge per kilogram?
d) There are 20 flowers in a bouquet. A florist needs
to make 40 bouquets. How many flowers does the
florist need?
e) A man travels from Pretoria to Ballito, which is north
of Durban. This is a distance of 680 km. He leaves
his house at 06:00 and does not stop anywhere. He
arrives in Ballito at 13:00. What is his average speed
for this trip?
f) On a highway, Susan travels at a speed of 125 km/h between two rest
stops. It took her one hour and 30 minutes to travel this distance.
How far apart are the two rest stops?
g) An object moves at a speed of 15 metres per second (m/s). It covers a
distance of 165 metres. How many seconds did it take the object to
cover this distance?
h) You want to visit London and stay at a guest house for five days. The
exchange rate is R12,61/pound, and the daily rate at the guest house
is 115 pounds. Calculate the cost of your boarding (in rands).

Learn more about finance

Finance is about earning and managing money. It is part of our daily lives. It
includes aspects such as profit and loss, budgets, accounts, loans and earning
interest when you save money. One day you will need to manage your own
You make a profit when you sell a product for more than what you paid for

Cedric buys a bicycle for R499. He decides to sell it for R51 more than he
paid for it. What percentage profit did he make?

R51 profit on R499 =​ _____ ​  100%
×​ ______

R499 1
= 10,22%  profit

You make a loss when you sell a product for less than what you paid for it.

Tshedi buys a T-shirt for R75. Her sister really likes the T-shirt, so Tshedi
sells it to her for R50.
a) What is Tshedi’s loss in rands?
b) What is Tshedi’s percentage loss?

a) Loss = R75 – R50 = R25
b) Percentage loss = ​ ____ 100%
 ​ ×​ ______

R75 1
= 33,33%  loss

Sometimes a shop will offer a discount on certain products. A discount is

usually expressed as a percentage. For example, the shop might be running a
50% off sale on all winter clothes.

A shop sells ladies jeans at a discount of 25%. Lizzy
wants to buy a pair of jeans marked at R145. She only
has a R100 note in her purse.
a) What is the price of the pair of jeans after the
b) Will she be able to buy the jeans? If she can buy
the jeans, how much change will she get? If she
cannot buy the jeans, how much more money
does she need before she can do so?

25  ​ ×​ _____
a) ​ ____ R145  = R36,25
100 1

The discounted price for the pair of jeans = R145 – R36,25

= R108,75

b) No. Lizzie needs another R8,75 to buy the pair of jeans.

Many shops allow you to open an account. An account lets you pay for
something over time, rather than paying the whole amount at once. Each
month, the shop will send you a statement that tells you how much you
need to pay that month, how much you still owe and how much credit you
still have available to spend.
The next example shows a statement that has been sent to Mrs L. Simelane.

Mrs L Simelane CREDIT AVAILABLE Pay your total due every month to have credit
234 Fourth Avenue 3 881,00 when you need it
Pretoria Mrs L Simelane
09/04/12 700200300
Account number: Instalment: 415,00
7000100100075415017 Overdue: 0,00
Total Due: 0,00
Amount enclosed:
DATE REF NO: DETAILS AMOUNT BALANCE Use the account number above as your reference number if
29/03/12 OPENING 1 157,00 you are paying electronically, and please ensure your bank links
STATEMENT your payment to the following bank account:
PLEASE NOTE: Even if you don’t receive a statement every
month, you must pay total due to avoid late payment charges
600,00 557,00 You now have: R4 563
You qualify for:

LIFESTYLE For credit limit increases, account enquiries and address or

09/04/12 MEMBERSHIP 25,00 532,00 telephone number changes call:
0860 133 445
(South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland)


Mon–Fri: 08:00–17:00
A monthly budget is essentially a plan that helps you work out how much
you expect to earn and spend in future. A budget is a planning tool to help
you to make sure that you do not suddenly find that you are spending more
than you are earning. A budget can also help you to plan for special events,
such as a holiday. Let’s look at an example of a budget.

Example of a monthly budget for a family

Salary 7 500
Other 4 500
Total income 12 000
Rent 2 000
Water & electricity 650
Phone 130
TV licence 20
Maintenance 100
Total home expenses 2 900
Vehicle payment 1 500
Insurance 500
Fuel 600
Repairs 300
Total transport 2 900
Medical aid 1 200
Medicine 800
Total health 2 000
Groceries 3 000
Clothing 200
Cleaning 150
Education 300
Pet care 100
Entertainment 400
Total daily living 4 150

A loan is a type of debt. The borrower initially receives an amount of money
from, for example, a bank, and has to repay that money. In this case, the
bank usually charges interest on the loan. For this reason, interest is known
as the cost of borrowing money.

John bought a car for R45 000. He paid a 10% deposit of R4 500.
He borrowed the outstanding amount of R40 500 from his bank at a fixed
rate of 10% per year. The bank agreed that John can repay them over two
years. What will John’s monthly payment be?

The bank calculated the interest as follows:

​  10  ​ × 40 500 × 2
10% of R40 500 × 2 years = ____
= R8 100

The bank added this interest to the amount John borrowed. The total
amount John owed the bank was R48 600. John promised to repay the
​ R48 600
bank in two years (24 months). His monthly payment will be ________ =

R2 025 per month.

Exercise 8

(You may use your calculator in this exercise.)

1. Solve the following problems. They are based on profit and loss.
a) The initial price of a shirt is R124. It is sold on discount for R115.
Calculate the percentage loss.

b) Tumi buys a car for R65 000 and then sells it for R55 000.
Calculate his percentage loss.
c) Carol buys a house for R200 000 and then sells it for R300 000.
Calculate Carol’s percentage profit.
d) Nathan buy 10 pairs of shoes at R50 a pair and then sells each pair
for R65 a pair. Calculate his percentage profit.
e) Gogo decides to open a Spaza shop. She buys a number of items for
R275. To advertise and rent a store costs a further R100. If Gogo sells
her items for R375:
i) what is Gogo’s profit or loss
ii) what should Gogo do to have a better sales plan?
2. Look at the example of a monthly budget on page 36. Set up a monthly
budget for your family.
3. Solve the following problems. They are based on accounts.
a) Use the following information and design your own invoice for a
client. The labour to build the cabinet is R55. You buy the following
items to build the cabinet:
30 × 20 mm bolts @ R7,99 each 30 × 4 mm nuts @ R5,45 each
2 × 2 m long pieces of plywood
5 m of material @ R12,65 a metre
@ R45 each
2 × Superglue @ R17,20 a tube 1 × handle @ R9,99
2 m of PVC tube @ R15,75 a metre 1 × varnish @ R45 a tin
b) Seshni works as a waitress at a restaurant. The customers at Table 17
order the following:

th foa
u cci no s w i
,95 p er cup
Two c
ap @ R14
u se break ch
o fa rmho @ R35 ea
@ R14,50
or ange j @ R9,
On e
One t

Write out the account for Table 17. Include a 10% tip for the waitress.

4. Solve the following problems. They are based on loans and interest.
a) Calculate the interest on the following amounts for one year if the
interest is set at 5% per year.
i) R2 421,00
ii) R5 000,00
iii) R156 000,21
b) A motorcycle costs R25 250 cash. Suresh would like to buy the
motorcycle, but he needs to borrow the money from his parents.
They charge him 10% interest per year.

i) How much would Suresh pay back if he paid his parents back in
one year?
ii) How much would Suresh pay back if he paid his parents back in
two years?
iii) How much can Suresh save in 24 months if he paid cash for the
c) Mandy goes shopping and buys a few dresses, shoes and underwear.
The total bill comes to R2 525,21. Mandy has to repay the bill over
12 months. Look at option i) and ii) and decide which would be the
better deal.
i) For the first six months, Mandy makes interest-free payments.
For the next 6 months, Mandy pays 20% interest on outstanding
ii) For the 12 months, Mandy pays 9,8% interest on the total
amount due.

Term 1

Topic 2 Exponents

In this topic you will learn to:

• compare and represent whole numbers in exponential form
• recognise and use the appropriate laws of operations using numbers
involving exponents and square and cube roots
• perform calculations involving all four operations using numbers in
exponential form
• solve problems in contexts involving numbers in exponential form.

What you already know

1. Represent 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 in a shorter way.
2. Write 2 387 in expanded notation using powers of 10.

Unit 1 Introducing numbers in

exponential form

Important words
expanded notation a number written as the sum of each digit’s value
prime numbers numbers that are only divisible by 1 and itself
(without a remainder)
whole numbers 0; 1; 2; 3; ...

More about numbers in exponential form

In the first topic, you learnt that multiplication is just repeated addition.
For example, 3 × 5 is the same as 5 + 5 + 5. In this case, multiplication is a
shorter way of writing out a longer addition sum.
In the same way, the exponential form gives us a short way to write a long
multiplication calculation. So for example, 2 × 2 × 2 = ​23​ ​ and
3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = ​35​ ​.
The exponential form is especially helpful when you work with repeating
factors or when you work with large numbers.

But where can
I use the exponential
form now?

Do you still
remember place value?
Look at page 11; you
will find the numbers that
appear in your place value table:
10, 100, 1 000, 10 000, 100 000
and even 1 000 000.
You can write them in
exponential form.

Example Solution
Write in exponential
1. 10 1. 10 = 1​01​ ​
2. 100 2. 100 = 10 × 10 = 1​02​ ​
3. 1 000 3. 1 000 = 10 × 10 × 10 = 1​03​ ​
4. 10 000 4. 10 000 = 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 1​04​ ​
5. 100 000 5. 100 000 = 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 1​05​ ​
6. 1 000 000 6. 1 000 000 = 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 1​06​ ​

Example Example
Represent What does 5​07​ ​mean? (Do not calculate
35 × 35 × 35 × 35 × 35 × 35 the answer.)
in exponential form.
(Do not calculate the answer.)

Solution Solution
35 × 35 × 35 × 35 × 35 × 35 = 3​5​ ​ 5​07​ ​ = 50 × 50 × 50 × 50 × 50 × 50 × 50

Exercise 1

Represent each of the following in exponential form. Do not calculate the

1. 5 × 5
2. 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
3. 30 × 30 × 30 × 30 × 30
4. 453 × 453 × 453 × 453
You can use the exponential form when you write the prime factors of
numbers. In Topic 1 Unit 5 on page 28, you drew factor trees to find the
prime factors of numbers. For example, the following factor trees show the
prime factors of 20 and 36.

20 36

Factors: 2 × 10 4 × 9

Prime factors: 2 × 2 × 5 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

You can write the prime factors of 20 using exponential form:

20 = 2 × 2 × 5
= ​22​ ​  × ​5​1​

You can also write the prime factors of 36 using exponential form:
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
= ​2​2​  × ​3​2​

36 = 2×2×3×3
= ​22​2​  × ​3​2​

1. Write the prime factors of the following numbers in exponential form:

a) The prime factors of 144 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
b) The prime factors of 1 125 = 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 5
c) The prime factors of 19 208 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7
2. Draw a factor tree for the following numbers. Write the prime factors in
exponential form.
a) 16 b) 72 c) 50

The parts of an exponential number

Now that you have used

the exponential form, let me
introduce you to the different
parts in the number 23:

You read ​23​ ​as: ‘2 to the power of 3’ or ‘2 raised to the power of 3’. The
exponent shows how many times the base is multiplied by itself. You can
also say the exponent shows the number of factors that are multiplied, for
example: ​2​3​ = 2 × 2 × 2.
Remember, 20 = 2 × 2 × 5. In exponential form we write the prime factors
of 20 as ​2​2​  × 5. The factor 5 appears only once. You do not need to write the
exponent 1. So instead of writing ​5​1​you write 5. When a number does not
have an exponent the exponent is 1.
• 10​01​ ​  = 100
• 1​2​2​  = 12 × 12 = 144 (and not 12 × 2 = 24)
• ​1​3​  = 1 × 1 × 1 = 1 (and not 1 × 3 = 3)

More about square numbers and square roots

A square number is a number that can be represented by dots in the shape of
a square. Consider the following examples.

1 4 9 16

In this unit, you will learn more about square numbers and cube numbers.
You will learn how to represent them in exponential form.

To find the square of a number you multiply the number by itself. Look at
the table below. It will help you to find the first four square numbers.

Multiplied Exponential The square

The number
by itself form number
1 1×1 ​1​2​ 1
2 2×2 ​2​ ​
3 3×3 ​3​ ​
4 4×4 ​42​ ​ 16

Let’s study the square number 9.
How do you find the square number 9?

Start with the number 3 and multiply it by itself: 3 × 3 or ​32​ ​.
You read this as follows:
• The square of 3 is 9.
• 3 squared is 9.
• 3 to the power of 2 is 9.

Look at the diagram below. It shows the geometrical meaning of ​32​ ​. Do you
notice that the figure is a square? It is also a 2-dimensional figure.

1 2 3

3 squared = 3 4 5 6 =3×3=9

7 8 9

Find the square of 25.

2​52​ ​ = 25 × 25
= 625

Exercise 3

1. Copy and complete the following table:

Multiplied by The square
The number Exponential form
itself number
2. Write down a list of the first 13 square numbers.

Square roots

Finding the square root

of a number is the inverse
process of finding the square
of a number. This means that
you need to find the original
number that was multiplied
by itself.

Example __
If the square of 3 is 9, then the square root of 9 is 3. We write: ​√ 9 ​  = 3. The
following illustration shows the relationship between squaring a number
and finding the square root of a number.

3 9

square root


Example Example
Find the square of 25. Find the square root of 25.

Solution Solution
2​52​ ​ = 25 × 25 ​√ 25 ​  = 5 because 5 × 5 = 25.
= 625

Example Example
____ __
Find √
​ 100 ​ 
. Explain your answer. Find √
​ 4 ​ . Explain your answer.
Ask yourself, what number must I
multiply by itself to get 4?

Solution Solution
____ __
= 10
​√ 100 ​   because 10 × 10 = 100, or 2 × 2 = 4, therefore √
​ 4 ​ = 2.
because 1​0​ ​ = 100.

Exercise 4

Find ____
the square roots. Give
___ a reason for ___
each answer. ____

1. ​100 ​  
√ 2. ​64 ​  
√ 3. ​ 81 ​  
√ 4. ​ √ 121 ​ 

More about cube numbers and cube roots

The cube of a number is the number multiplied by itself three times. Look
at the table below. It shows the first three cube numbers. It also shows how
to represent the cube numbers in exponential form.

The Multiplied by itself

Exponential form The cube number
number three times
1 1×1×1 ​1​3​ 1
2 2×2×2 ​2​3​ 8
3 3×3×3 ​3​ ​

Let’s study the cube number 27. How do you find the cube number 27?
Here you say: 3 × 3 × 3 = 27.
You can also write this as: ​33​ ​  = 27.
You read it as follows:
• The cube of 3 is 27.
• 3 cubed is 27.
• 3 to the power of 3 is 27.

Look at the drawing below. It shows the geometrical meaning of 3 cubed.
The drawing is a 3-dimensional object. We call it a cube.

3 cubed = = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27


Example Solution
Find the cube of 8. ​83​ ​ = 8 × 8 × 8 = 512

Exercise 5

1. Copy and complete the following table.

The Multiplied by itself

Exponential form The cube number
number three times
2. Write down the list of the first six cube numbers.

Finding the cube root of a number is the inverse process of finding the cube
of a number. Here, we know the cube number and need to find the original
number that was multiplied by itself three times.

Example ___
The cube of 3 is 27. The cube root of 27 is 3. We write it as: ​ √ 27 ​  = 3. Look
at the drawing. It shows the relationship between finding the cube and the
cube root of a number.

3 27
cube root

When we write the square root symbol, we do not write the 2. However, for
any other root, such as a cube root, we write in the ___number on the symbol.
So, for example, we ___ ​ 64 ​ , but we write the
write the square root of 64 as √
cube root of 64 as ​ √ 64 ​ .

Example Solution
Find the cube root of 8. Ask yourself which number
multiplied by itself three times is
__ to 8?
​ √ 8 ​  = 2 because 2 × 2 × 2 = 8.

Example ___ Solution

3 3
Determine ​ √ 64 ​ . Give a reason for ​ √ 64 ​  = 4, because 4 × 4 × 4 = 64.
your answer.

____ Solution
3 3
Find ​ √ 125 ​ 
. Give a reason for your ​ √ 125 ​  = 5 because 5 × 5 × 5 = 125 or
answer. because 53 = 125.

Exercise 6

__ the following cube roots. Give a reason for your answer.
1. ​ √ __
1 ​  
2. ​ √ 8 ​ 
The exponential form is a short way for you to multiply equal numbers or to
represent big numbers.

Look at the table below. Work between the first two columns. You do not
need to be able to calculate the value of the expansions. We have shown
you the values so that you can see just how big the powers become!
Power Expansion Value of the expansion
3​2​ ​
32 × 32 1 024
1​0​3​ 10 × 10 × 10 1 000
2​1​ ​
21 × 21 × 21 × 21 194 481
2​5​ ​
25 × 25 × 25 × 25 × 25 9 765 625

Exercise 7

1. Calculate:
a) ​2​3​ b) 2 × 3
c) ​3​ ​ 2
d) 2 raised to the fifth power
e) 4 cubed f) 12 squared
g) the square root of 16 h) the cube root of 8

2. A part of the 12-times multiplication table is shown. Complete the table.
Write down what you notice about the numbers in the shaded blocks.
× 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Complete:
a) 64 =  ×  = 2 b) 144 =  ×  = 2
c) 49 =  ×  = 2 d) 81 =  ×  = 
e) 121 =  ×  =  f) 36 = =  ×  = 
4. Determine the square number:
a) ​9​2​ b) ​2​2​ c) ​5​2​
d) ​1​ ​
e) 1​0​ ​
f) 1​32​ ​
g) ​3​2​ h) ​4​2​
5. Determine
___ the square root. Check
___ your answers. __
a) ​__
√ 36 ​   b) ​____
√ 49 ​   c) ​ 1 ​ 
d) ​ 9 ​  
√____ e) ​ 121 ​  
√____ f) ​ √ 81 ​ 
g) ​ √ 169 ​  h) ​ √ 100 ​ 
6. Complete:
a) 1 =  ×  ×  = 3
b) 8 =  ×  ×  = 3
c) 27 =  ×  ×  = 3
d) 64 =  ×  ×  = 
e) 125 =  ×  ×  = 
f) 216 =  ×  ×  = 
7. Determine the cubes. You can use your calculator but show all your
a) ​3​3​ b) ​5​3​ c) ​2​3​ d) ​4​3​
8. Determine
___ the cube root. Check ___ your answers. __
3 3 3
a) ​   __
√ 27 ​   b) ​   ____
√ 64 ​   c) ​ √ ____
8 ​ 
3 3 3
d) ​ √ 1 ​   e) ​ √ 125 ​   f) ​ √ 216 ​ 
9. Expand the number. Do not calculate the final answer.
a) 235 b) 1656 c) 3 5424 d) 98 5473
10. Represent the numbers in exponential form.
a) 82 × 82 × 82 × 82 × 82 × 82 × 82
b) 567 × 567 × 567 × 567 × 567
11. Calculate:
a) ​8​2​ b) 8 × 2 c) 8 × 8 d) ​2​8​

12. Fill in:
____ >, < or = to make the number sentence true.
a) ​ √ 144 ​   √ ​ 121 ​ 
b) 42  24
c) 3___4
 43
d) ​ √ ​32​ ​ ​  13

Unit 2 Calculations using numbers in

exponential form
Let’s revise the BODMAS rule for operations:
• First, you do all operations in the brackets.
• Then do orders. This means all exponents or roots.
• Next, working from left to right, do all the division and multiplication.
• Finally, working from left to right, do all the addition and subtraction.

Calculate 72 ÷ (3 + 5) – 2 × (1 + 2).

72 ÷ (3 + 5) – 2 × (1 + 2) = 72 ÷ 8 – 2 × 3
= 9–6
= 3

Calculations with exponents and radicals ___ __

By now, you are familiar with numbers given in the forms:____ ​23​ ​or √
​ 16 ​
__ or  ​   8 ​. 

We call numbers like ​2​ ​exponents. We call numbers like √
​ 16  ​ or   ​ √ 8 ​ 
radicals. A radical just refers to a number under a root (radical) sign. In
BODMAS, exponents fall after brackets, but before multiplication and

Example Solution
Calculate 4 × ​3​2​  + 6 × ​(5
   + 2 )​. 4 × ​3​2​  + 6 × ​(5
   + 2 )​  = 4 × 9 + 6 × 7
= 36 + 42
= 78

Example Solution
Calculate:    − 4 )3​​ ​  = ​3​3​  = 27
1. ​​(7
1. ​​(7
   − 4 )3​​ ​ 2. ​7​3​  − ​4​3​ = (​7
   × 7 × 7 )​  − ​(4
   × 4 × 4 )​
2. ​7​3​  − ​4​3​ = 343 – 64
= 279

   − 4 )3​​ ​  ≠ ​7​3​  − ​4​3​

(​​ 7
Remember the BODMAS rule: First do the part in brackets, then the
exponent part.

_______ Solution
_______ ___
1. ​ 16 + 9 ​__
√___   1. ​ 16 + 9 ​__
√___ = ​√ 25 ​ = 5

√ 16 ​ + √
2. ​ ​ 9 ​  √ 16 ​ + √
2. ​ ​ 9 ​ = 4 + 3 = 7

Remember the
BODMAS rule:
First do the part in
brackets, then the
exponent part.

Example Solution
Calculate ​33​ ​  + ​4​2​.
33 + 42 = (3 × 3 × 3) + (4 × 4)
= 27 + 16
= 43

Example ___ Solution

​ 36 ​  + 54 − ​5​2​.
Calculate √ ___
​ 36 ​ + 54 – 52 = 6 + 54 – 25

= 60 – 25
= 35

Example Solution
Calculate ​2​ ​  × ​2​ ​.
3 2
23 × 22 = (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2)
= 32

Example Solution
​3​ ​  + 7

(3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3) + 7
Calculate _______
​  2  
. 35 + 7
​  2   = ______________________
 ​  ​ 
​5​ ​ × 10 5 × 10 (5 × 5) × 10
243 + 7
= ________
25 × 10
= ____
​    ​

Example Solution
Calculate ​ 20 ​ – 6 × 3 + 55 =
20 ​  − 6 × 3 + 55. 22 ×​ ___ 4 × 5 – 6 × 3 + 55
2​2 ​  × ​ ___ 4
4 = 20 – 18 + 55
= 2 + 55
= 57

Exercise 8

1. Use the identity properties and fill in the missing number:

a) 1​2​ ​ × _____ = 144 b) ​8​2​ + 0 = ______

c) _____ + ​34​ ​ = ​34​ ​ d) 1 × ______ = ​2​6​

2. Use the number properties to complete the following:
​ 3​ ​ + ​24​ ​ = ​24​ ​ + _____
a) 2
b) 45 × ​4​3​ = (40 + ____) × ​43​ ​
c) (5 × ​22​ ​) × _____ = _____ × (5 × 63)
d) (​53​ ​ × ​32​ ​) × ______ = ______ × (​32​ ​ × ​42​ ​)
e) 57 × ​74​ ​ = ​74​ ​ × (60 − __) f) 24 × ______ = 1​3​2​ × (20 + 4)
g) _____ × ​33​ ​ = ______ × ​34​ ​ h) ​7​2​ × 719 = ____ × (720 − __)
3. Calculate the answer using numbers in exponential form:
a) ​1​5​  + 9 b) 80  − ​7​2​ c) ​4​2​  × 2
d) 3  × ​3​2​ ​82​  ​ ​ 
e) ​ __ f) ​ __ ​63​ ​ ​ 
4 ​62​ ​
1​2​  ​ ​ 
g) ​ ____
h) ​9​2​  × ​2​2​ i) 24  × ​2​4​
​23​ ​
j) 1​0​2​  − ​9​2​  + 4 k) 2  × 1​12​ ​  + 38 ​4​3​  − 4 
l) ​ _______  ​ 
15 × ​22​ ​
m) 25 765 ×  1​0​2​ n) 400 000  ÷  1​05​ ​ o) 1​32​ ​  ×  1​0​3​
​ ​5​ + 2
p) ​ ______  ​  
  q) 4 × (6 −  2​)​3​  ÷ (3 −  1​)3​ ​  − 2
​72​ ​
4. Calculate the answer using numbers in exponential and____ radical form:
________ ____ ____
a) ​ √ 10   000 ​  × 8 b) ​ √ 16  ​  + √ ​ 144 ​ × 3 ​ 225 ​ 

c) ​ _______    ​ 
___ 5
​ ​ ​  − 10

__ __
​√ 64 ​ − 2
d) ​ ________  ​    e) ​ _________ 5   ​   f) 9 × ​ 

 8 ​  − 7 × √

​  8 ​ 
___2 3 __
​ √ 125 ​ 
​√ 81 ​ +​ √ 1 ​ 
g) ​ __________  ​    h) ​7​3​  − ​√ 100 ​   − 33

Unit 3  Solving problems

Where can you use exponents in everyday life?
In Unit 1 of this topic, we said ​32​ ​means 3 × 3. We also explained that this
represents the area of a square. You calculated the area of a square in Grade 6
by saying: Area = 3 blocks in a row × 3 blocks in a column = 9 blocks.

1 2 3

3 squared = 3 4 5 6 =3×3=9

7 8 9

In Grade 6, you also learnt how to calculate the volume of a box by saying:
Volume = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27. On page 46, you learnt that you could write this
calculation as ​33​ ​ = 27.

3 cubed = = 3 × 3 × 3 = 27

3 3

We also use exponents when we work with large numbers. In the next
exercise you are going to work with large numbers, area and volume.

Exercise 9

1. Write out the numbers indicated in each statement.

a) The distance between two towns is ​63​ ​kilometres.
b) The speed of light is about 5​73​ ​miles per second. Do not calculate the
c) The United States generates approximately 1​42​ ​× 1 000 000 tons of
waste in a year.
2. a) The Tokyo Sky Tree is the
world’s tallest tower. It was
opened on 22 May 2012 for
the first time. High-speed lifts
take visitors up to the
observation decks. Calculate
the height of the tower if it is
given as
(2​5​2​  + 9) m.
b) A man travels from Cape
Town to Cairo in Egypt.
This is a distance of
approximately ​23​ ​ × 1 000 km.
He then travels from Cairo to
Alexandria in Egypt. This is
a distance of 218 km. What
distance did he travel in

3. Ilza was admitted to hospital. Her bacteria count was ​35​ ​. After she took
her medication for three days, the bacteria count decreased by 1​1​2​. Give
the number of bacteria still in her body.
4. Fill in the missing numbers:
a) The area of 1 floor tile = 25 cm × 25 cm = 

b) The area of the bottom layer of the wedding cake = (13 cm)2
= __ cm × __ cm = __ cm2

13 c m
c m 13

c) The volume of the Rubik’s cube = 6 cm × 6 cm × 6 cm

=  = ___ cm

6 cm

6 cm 6 cm

Term 1

Construction of geometric
Topic 3 figures

In this topic you will learn to:

• measure angles accurately using a protractor
• classify angles in terms of acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex angle and
• accurately construct geometric figures using a compass, ruler and
protractor, including angles (to one degree of accuracy), circles, parallel
lines and perpendicular lines.

What you already know

Categorise the following angles as acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex or a
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Unit 1  Measuring angles

In Grade 6 you learnt about angles. You found that an angle was formed
by two rotating arms. For example, think about the two rotating arms of a
clock. You will notice that the arms form an angle. The size of an angle is the
size of the gap between the arms. The vertex of an angle is the point where
the two arms meet. When the two arms form a straight line, the angle has a
special name, a straight angle.





arm arm

Another special kind of angle is a right angle. A right angle is equivalent to

a quarter turn. You can use the corner and side of a sheet of paper (or this
textbook) to check if shapes or objects have right angles. Look at the diagram
below. It shows how to use a piece of paper to create a right angle.

[Source: From website:

When you unfold the paper the creases will be perpendicular to each other.
Here, you have made four equal right angles around a vertex.



A straight angle is equivalent to a half turn. A revolution is equivalent to a full

turn. There are six types of angles. You learnt about them in Grade 6. They
include the straight angle and right angle.

acute angle right angle obtuse angle straight angle reflex angle revolution

Look at the sketches above. Can you can see that:

• an acute angle is smaller than a right angle
• an obtuse angle is greater than a right angle, but smaller than a straight
• a reflex angle is greater than a straight angle, but smaller than a revolution.

Exercise 1

You will need a

protractor, a ruler
and a pencil to complete
this exercise.

What kind of angles can you identify in the following pictures? Identify as
many as possible.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Introduction to degrees
We measure angles in degrees. If the rotating arm of an angle completes a
full circle it forms an angle of 360 degrees.




We use a little circle above and to the right of the number to show degrees.
For example, 60° means 60 degrees.

Sometimes people
use other units, for
example radians, to
measure an angle.
However, degrees is
used most often.

A right angle is exactly 90°. A straight angle is 180°. There are 360° in a circle.
​  1   ​ of a circle. The following diagram shows two examples of
One degree is ____
1° angles. The size of the angle does not depend on the length of the rotating
arms. These two angles are both 1° angles.

Exercise 2

Estimate the size of each angle. Say whether the angle is acute, right, obtuse,
straight, reflex or a revolution.
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12.

How to measure angles

We measure the size of angles with a protractor. The scale on the protractor
ranges from 0° to 180° (half-circle protractor). There are two scales on a 180°
protractor. It has an inner and outer scale. You can read the scale from both

You also get a 360° protractor. You use the 180° protractor because it fits
easily into your pencil bag.

Follow these steps to measure an angle:

Step 1: Place the origin of the protractor on the vertex of the angle.
Remember, the vertex is the point at which the two arms meet.

90 80
60 100 70 0
110 13
20 60
50 1 0

Vertex of angle


on origin of




180 170




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