Assignment 1 Advance Processors DL-15082011
Assignment 1 Advance Processors DL-15082011
Assignment 1 Advance Processors DL-15082011
7A32:0028H Describe the operation that an 8086 will perform when it executes each of the following instructions: a. MOV BX,03FFH b. MOV AL,0DBH c. MOV DH,CL d. MOV BX,AX Write the 8086 assembly language statement which will perform the following operations: If the 8086 execution unit calculates an effective address of 14A3H and DS contains 7000H, what physical address will the BIU produce? If the data segment register (DS) contains 4000H what physical address will the instruction MOV AL,[234BH] read? If the 8086 data segment register contains 7000H, write the instruction that will copy the contain of DL to the address 74B2CH. Describe the difference between the instruction MOV AX, 2437H and MOV AX,[2437H]. Given the register contents in following table, answer the following question: a. What physical address will the next instruction be fetched from? b. What is the physical address for the top of the stack? DATA SEGMENT 5000CH D7 5000BH 9A 5000AH 7C 50009H DB 50008H C3 50007H B2 50006H 49 50005H 21 50004H 89 50003H 71 50002H 22 50001H 4A 50000H 3B
AH AL AX 42 35
BH BL 07 5A
Show the result that will be in the affected resisters or memory locations after each the
following group of instructions executes. Assume the each group of the instructions starts with the resister and memory contents show in above question table of Q-08 a. ADDBL, AL d. MOV BX,000AH MOV [00041],BL MOV AL,[BX] ROR DI, 04 b. MOV CL,04 SUB AL,CL c. ADD AL,BH INC BX DAA Compute the average of 4 bites stored in an array in memory. Compute the average of any numbers of bites in an array in memory. The numbers of bites to be added is in the first byte of the array. Add a 5-byte number in one array to a 5-byte number in anther array. Put the some another array. Put the state of the carry flag in byte 6 of the array that contains the sum. The first value in each array is the least significant byte of the number. An 8086- based process control system outputs on a measured Fahrenheit temperature to a display on its front panel. You need to write a short program which convert the Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius so that the system can be sold in Europe. The relation between Fahrenheit and Celsius is C= (F-32)/9. The Fahrenheit temperature will always be in the range of 50 to250. Round the Celsius value to the nearest degree.
Assignment covers chapter No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 from Douglas Hall. Note: Assignment has a weightage as a part of continuous evaluation. Please make a separate assignment note book. If Assignment is observed fully copied from your classmate notebook it may deduct your marks. Deadline: Submit the assignment before 15th Aug 2011.
Kalpesh M Shah