Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Abstract— This paper presents a traction control (TC) system performance and the seamless blending of the regenerative and
for electric vehicles with in-wheel motors, based on explicit dissipative braking contributions.
nonlinear model predictive control. The feedback law, available In parallel to sliding mode control [4] and maximum trans-
beforehand, is described in detail, together with its variation for
different plant conditions. The explicit controller is implemented missible torque estimation [5] algorithms, the recent literature
on a rapid control prototyping unit, which proves the real- (see [6]–[18]) on the topic of ABS and TC shows growing
time capability of the strategy, with computing times on the interest in model-based control, with focus on model predictive
order of microseconds. These are significantly lower than the control (MPC). For example, [6] discusses a gain scheduled
required time step for a TC application. Hence, the explicit linear quadratic regulator approach for ABS control, with
model predictive controller can run at the same frequency as a
simple TC system based on proportional integral (PI) technology. experimental results on an internal-combustion-engine-driven
High-fidelity model simulations provide: 1) a performance com- vehicle with electro-mechanical brakes. Boisvert et al. [7]
parison of the proposed explicit nonlinear model predictive and Anwar and Ashrafi [8] include different approaches to
controller (NMPC) with a benchmark PI-based traction con- ABS control, i.e., linear quadratic Gaussian regulation and
troller with gain scheduling and anti-windup features, and generalized predictive control, which is reproposed in [9]
2) a performance comparison among two explicit and one implicit
NMPCs based on different internal models, with and without for a TC implementation. A linear MPC strategy is devel-
consideration of transient tire behavior and load transfers. oped in [10], where the ABS slip regulation is achieved
Experimental test results on an electric vehicle demonstrator are through torque blending between the friction brakes and
shown for one of the explicit NMPC formulations. in-wheel motors. Similarly, [11]–[13] combine ABS control
Index Terms— Electric vehicle, in-wheel motors, model and torque blending, by using linear MPC formulations.
predictive control (MPC), proportional integral (PI) control, Yoo and Wang [14] present an MPC-based ABS, with test
traction control (TC), wheel slip. results on a hardware-in-the-loop rig. The internal model
includes a tire force dynamics formulation; however, its effect
on the controller performance is not discussed in this paper,
nor, to the authors’ knowledge, in any other study in the
computational time of the implicit NMPC, i.e., 3–4 ms on a II. E XPLICIT N ONLINEAR M ODEL P REDICTIVE C ONTROL
desktop personal computer, is within the selected time step of A. Problem Formulation
5 ms. In [15], the implicit NMPC strategy is run on a rapid
Similarly to the NMPC, the explicit NMPC requires the
control prototyping unit, with a computational time of 4–5 ms
formulation of an optimization problem, potentially including
and an implementation time step of 10 ms.
constraints on the control inputs and system states. A generic
The study of this paper presents an explicit NMPC
nonlinear optimal control problem for a finite horizon in the
(eNMPC in the remainder) for TC on electric vehicles with
time interval [tk , t f ] can be defined as the minimization of the
in-wheel drivetrains. The explicit solution is computed off-line
following cost function:
by using a multiparametric (mp) quadratic programming (QP)
approximation of the mp-NLP problem. The control action V (x[tk , t f ], u[tk , t f ], p(tk ), ν[tk , t f ])
is evaluated on-line at each sampling time starting from tf
the current values of system states and parameters, and the L(x(t), u(t), p(tk ), ν(t))dt + M(x(t f ), p(tk ), t f )
off-line explicit solution, stored in the memory of the control (1)
unit. This drastically reduces the required computational load.
The other advantage is that the complete feedback law is where x, u, p, and ν are the state, input, parameter, and slack
available beforehand in its explicit form, which allows its variable vectors, respectively. L is the stage cost, and M is the
analysis for the range of states and reference parameters. terminal cost. The problem is subject to inequality constraints
Another important aspect is the performance comparison of the form
and critical analysis of different TC implementations. In this x min ≤ x(t) ≤ x max (2)
respect, [16] claims that the performance of the proposed MPC
u min ≤ u(t) ≤ u max (3)
“is comparable with that of a well-tuned PID” controller.
The same authors state that “the simulation and test results g(x(t),u(t), p(tk ),ν(t), t) ≤ 0. (4)
demonstrated that the l1 -optimal hybrid controller used in The ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the
this problem can lead to about 20% reduction in peak slip system dynamics represent the equality constraints:
amplitudes and corresponding spin duration when compared
to best case linear MPC counterparts.” Similarly, [17] shows x(t) = f (x(t), u(t), ps (tk ), t) (5)
the superiority of NMPC over linear MPC in terms of slip dt
control performance. The necessity of “objective benchmark- where ps is the vector of the system parameters. The initial
ing technologies” in the field of ABS/TC was pointed out conditions x(tk ) are assigned to the state vector.
in the survey study in [19]. In order to understand where The infinite-dimensional optimal control problem in (1)–(5)
the strategies of different papers stand with respect to each is discretized and parametrized, thus becoming an NLP
other, a comparison is well needed. De Pinto et al. [20] problem, which is solved through numerical methods. This
partially cover this knowledge gap, but limit the analysis approach is known as direct method [21]. In this operation,
to on-board electric drivetrains, characterized by significant the equality constraints (5) are represented as finite approxi-
torsional dynamics. Satzger and de Castro [13] include also an mations. The infinite-dimensional unknown solution, u[tk , t f ],
MPC-PI experimental comparison, but for an ABS application and the slack variables, ν[tk , t f ], are replaced by a finite
combined with torque blending. number of decision variables. The prediction horizon t p =
Based on the previous discussion, the points of novelty of t f − tk is defined as t p = N p ts , where N p is the number
this paper are as follows. of prediction steps and ts is the characteristic discretization
1) The design of TC systems based on explicit NMPC, interval of the internal model. The input signal, u[tk , t f ],
implementable at the same time step as a typical is assumed to be piecewise constant along the horizon. It is
PI controller for TC, but with better tracking calculated through the function χ and is parameterized through
performance. the vector of control parameters U such that u(t) = χ(t, U ).
2) The study of the explicit feedback control law, and Similarly, the piecewise constant slack variable trajectory is
its dependency on the vector of parameters from the parameterized through the vector of slack variables, N.
plant. The technique known as direct single shooting
3) The simulation-based analysis of the performance (see [21], [22]) is used for the management of the equality
advantages of the proposed eNMPC compared to a well- constraints. It consists of eliminating the ODE equality
tuned benchmark PI TC system with gain scheduling and constraints by substituting their discretized numerical solution
anti-windup features. into the cost function and constraint formulations. Starting
4) The sensitivity analysis of the performance of TC algo- from the continuous constraint equations (5), the numerical
rithms with respect to their time step. solution is derived by discretization and integration of
5) The discussion of the benefit of considering transient the ODEs
tire response and vertical load transfers in the internal x(tk+ j ) = φ(x(tk ), U, ps (tk ), tk+ j ), j = 1, . . . , N p . (6)
model for the NMPC formulation.
To obtain the function φ, an explicit integration scheme is
6) The presentation of experimental test results based on
explicit NMPC applied to a fully electric vehicle proto-
type with in-wheel drivetrains. x(tk+ j +1 ) = F(x(tk+ j ), χ(tk+ j , U ), ps (tk ), tk+ j ) (7)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
with given initial conditions x(tk ). If the whole horizon is formulation (17)
considered, the state trajectories are all mapped into a single
function, and the system dynamics do not appear any more as V0 (z, x p ) (z − z 0 )T H0(z − z 0 )
equality constraints 2
+ (D0 + (x p − x p,0 )T F0 )(z − z 0 ) + Y0 (x p )
x(tk+ j ) = F(x(tk+ j −1 ), χ(tk+ j −1 , U ), ps (tk ), tk+ j −1 ) (15)
x(tk+2 ) 1
Y0 (x p ) (x p − x p,0 ) ∇x p x p V (z 0 , x p,0 )(x p − x p,0 )
T 2
=F(F(. . . F(F(x(tk), . . . ,tk), . . . ,tk+1), . . . ,tk+j −2), . . .,tk+ j −1 ).
+ (∇x p V (z 0 , x p,0 ))T (x p − x p,0 ) + V (z 0 , x p,0 )
x(tk+1 )
x(tk+j −1)
G 0 (z − z 0 ) ≤ E 0 (x p − x p,0 ) + T0 . (17)
The different terms are computed as follows and evaluated at
The optimal control problem is now in its generic mp-NLP the linearization point (z 0 , x p,0 ):
H0 ∇zz V (z 0 , x p,0 )
V ∗ (x(tk ), p(tk )) = minV (x(tk ), U, p(tk ), N) (9) D0 (∇z V (z 0 , x p,0 ))T
G 0 (∇z G(z 0 , x p,0 ))T
subject to
E 0 −(∇x p G(z 0 , x p,0 ))T
G(x(tk ), U, p(tk ), N) ≤ 0 (10)
T0 −G(z 0 , x p,0 )
where p includes the system and controller parameters, which F0 ((∇zx
V (z 0 , x p,0 ))T + ∇x2p z V (z 0 , x p,0 )). (18)
are considered constant for the duration of the prediction 2
horizon. Two additional vectors are defined: 1) the vector The mp-QP formulation is employed to compute local
of parameters x p (tk ) ∈ Rn p , where n p = n + d, i.e., n p is approximations of the original mp-NLP problem in the
the sum of the number of states n and the number of exploration space. This is represented as a number of
parameters d hyper-rectangles, on which single mp-QP problems are
solved. Each hyper-rectangle is further partitioned into poly-
x(tk ) hedra, i.e., the critical regions for the mp-QP problem.
x p (tk ) = (11)
p(tk ) Finally, the mp-QP solution is represented as a piecewise
affine function that is continuous across the boundaries
and 2) the vector of decision variables, z ∈ Rs among different polyhedra, but discontinuous across the
U In this paper, the mp-QP problems are computed by means
z= . (12)
N of Multi-Parametric Toolbox 3.0 [25]. The solution is eval-
uated in points of interest within each hyper-rectangle and
Based on (11) and (12) it is possible to reformulate the compared with the solution of the NLP problem at the same
optimization problem as points, where the initial state conditions are the coordinates
of the points themselves. The NLPs are computed by means
V ∗ (x p (tk )) = minV (z, x p (tk )) (13) of IPOPT, a software package for nonlinear optimization [26].
s.t. G(z, x p (tk )) ≤ 0. (14) Based on the maximum error between the evaluated mp-QP
and computed NLP solutions for all the points, a decision
The minimization is performed with respect to z and is is made whether to subpartition the hyper-rectangle into
parameterized with x p (tk ). smaller ones, or to stop the process and accept the mp-QP
approximating solution. The algorithm in [21] that implements
this concept is summarized. For all the unexplored hyper-
rectangles the following steps are implemented.
B. Off-Line Solution
1) Compute the hyper-rectangle volume. (A minimum
The mp-NLP problem is not solved directly, but through volume is defined to decide whether the hyper-rectangle
its approximation (see [23]). In this paper, an mp-QP for- can be further split.)
mulation is adopted, as suggested in [21] and implemented 2) Compute the NLP solution (or recover it from previous
in [24]. The mp-NLP in (13) and (14) is linearized around steps) at the points of interest.
a predefined point (z 0 , x p,0 ) by means of Taylor series 3) Compute the mp-QP solution on the whole hyper-
expansion (with z 0 being the optimal solution at x p,0 ), such rectangle, using the NLP solution at the Chebyshev
that the cost function is approximated with a quadratic center plus its coordinates, as the linearization point for
function (15)–(16) and the constraints assume a linear the terms in (15)–(18).
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
d r 1
μx = D sin(C arctan(Bσx )) (24) s(t) = − − Dsin Carctan Bσxrel (t) Fz
dt Jw m
where Fz is the vertical tire load, considered as a constant, (TCA −T (t))r
and μx is the longitudinal tire force coefficient, with B, C, + (29)
and D being the MF parameters [33]. The longitudinal vehicle d
dynamics are modeled by considering a mass m equal to a eint (t) = s(t) − σxref ω(t)r (30)
quarter of the total vehicle mass d 1
ω(t) = TCA −T (t)− Dsin Carctan Bσxrel (t) Fz r
d 1 dt Jw
V (t) = Fx . (25)
dt m (31)
By substituting (22) and (25) into (21) the wheel slip d rel (ω(t)r − s(t)) s(t)
σ (t) = − σxrel (t) . (32)
dynamic equation, i.e., the first equation of the internal model, dt x σ ω(t)r
is obtained In this case, the state vector, input vector, and parameter
A. Test Scenario and Evaluation Metrics
Fig. 4. Normalized control action with the corresponding region indication.
x p (2) and x p (3) have been fixed. The simulation analysis was carried out with a high fidelity
vehicle simulation model implemented with the software
IPG CarMaker. The vehicle data (see Table II) are those
x p (1)-axis, while the reference does not move. This acts of an electric quadricycle prototype with a front-wheel-drive
as a compensation for the initial positive or negative value topology, based on two in-wheel motors (direct drive) with
of x p (2). Fig. 3(c) and (d) shows the variation of the feedback a peak torque of 500 Nm each. Given the low mass of the
law with the normalized wheel speed, x p (3). Although the vehicle, the available torque is sufficient to provoke front
shape of the surface does not change, it translates with the wheel spinning even in high tire-road friction conditions.
reference slip velocity along the x p (1)-axis. Fig. 4 shows The tire model is the MF (ver. 5.2), and includes the
that the piecewise affine feedback law is actually evaluated variation of the longitudinal and lateral relaxation lengths as
from a number of different regions of the parametric problem, functions of the vertical load. The electric motor dynamics
i.e., hyper-rectangles and polyhedral critical regions, despite are modeled through a first order transfer function and a
the control action mainly consists of only three planes. The pure time delay. A pure time delay is also considered on the
analysis of Figs. 2–4 suggests that the whole feedback law controller output to model the CAN bus [32]. Unless otherwise
could be realized as a ruled-based strategy that defines dif- specified, in the remainder the implementation time step of the
ferent planes intersections and translations, given the input controllers, t S,I , is of 2 ms.
measurements from the plant. Alternatively, a rigorous method The considered acceleration test scenario is based on a
for the reduction of the memory requirements of explicit model straight road with varying tire-road friction coefficient, μ. The
predictive controllers is presented in [34]. values of μ are modified in steps, according to the sequence
During the implementation phase of the eNMPC, as shown 0.9–0.15–0.9–0.45–0.9. This provides a real challenge to the
in Fig. 1, a specific strategy was applied for the compensation TC, which has to regulate the slip ratio to a constant reference
of δm and δCAN , i.e., the pure time delays associated with value of 0.10, while the vehicle is accelerating from an initial
the electric motor drive and the CAN bus, respectively. The speed of 5 km/h, at which a fast torque demand ramp up to
adopted technique is based on the concept used in [16] for the drivetrain peak torque is imposed.
a hybrid explicit MPC implementation of a TC. A state To objectively assess the TC performance, a set of perfor-
predictor, employing the same model formulation described mance indicators is identified based on [20].
in Section III-B, and a buffer, containing part of the past 1) The root-mean square value of the slip ratio error, i.e., a
control history, are used to predict the trajectory of the input tracking performance indicator
parameters to the eNMPC, for a horizon length of δm + δCAN .
Thus, the inputs to the controller are projected into the future, te
and the control action is computed based on this prediction. RMSE = (σx (t) − σxref )2 dt (36)
te − ti ti
The solution of the eNMPC4 was tested on a dSPACE
MicroAutobox II (900 MHz, 16 MB) rapid control prototyping where σx (t) is the actual value of the slip ratio during
unit. An exploration of the parameter space was performed the relevant part of the test, defined by the initial and
to assess the computational time for a fine and comprehen- final times ti and te .
sive grid of possible inputs. The computational time for the 2) The final value of vehicle velocity, V f , i.e., an acceler-
combination of the two function evaluation layers was in ation performance indicator.
the range of ∼5–25 μs. These values are very low com- 3) The normalized integral of the absolute value of the
pared to the implementation time step of 2 ms, which is control action, which gives an indication of the required
not achievable with more conventional implicit NMPC tech- control effort
nology on the same hardware. Hence, the eNMPC can run te
in real-time at any frequency within the range typical of 1
IACA = |T (t)| dt. (37)
TC applications. te − ti ti
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 5. NMPC4 and eNMPC4 comparison: actual and reference slip ratios Fig. 7. PI and eNMPC4 comparison: actual and reference slip ratios of the
of the front left wheel. front left wheel.
Fig. 8. PI and eNMPC4 comparison: torques before and after the front left
TC block. Fig. 10. PI and eNMPC4 comparison: longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle.
Fig. 12. NMPC4 and NMPC5b comparison: actual and reference slip ratios
of the front left wheel.
F. Robustness Assessment
The robustness against the variation of the tire-road friction
coefficient μ has already been assessed. In this section, further
simulations are performed with the eNMPC4 and the PI, with
t S,I = 2 ms. tive for a wide range of wheel characteristics. Finally, also
Three vehicle parameters have been identified to have a when K x is varied by +/−20% to consider different tire
potentially relevant effect on control system performance, properties, the RMSE variation is limited, and it amounts
namely: 1) the total vehicle mass, M; 2) the wheel mass to +4.7% and −6.2% for Cases xv and xvi (eNMPC4 ), and
moment of inertia, J ; and 3) the longitudinal slip stiffness of to +5.2% and −5.6% for Cases xvii and xviii (PI). In conclu-
the tires, K x . The results in terms of RMSE and corresponding sion, both controllers are robust for the considered reasonable
percentage variation with respect to the baseline condition of range of plant parameter variations, with a limited advantage
the controllers are reported in Table IV. of the eNMPC4 over the PI.
For a +/−15% variation of M, the results show that the Another aspect of control system robustness is the noise
RMSE increase/decrease for the eNMPC4 (Cases vii and viii) rejection performance. The sensor noise resulting from a real
is confined to +5.1% and −5.4%. The same applies to vehicle prototype test, presented later on in this paper, was
cases ix and x, i.e., to the PI TC, with +6.1% and −5.6%. analyzed. Gaussian white noise with different initial seeds is
Hence, the addition of a passenger or payload does not added to the simulated wheel speeds of each corner. These are
significantly affect the TC tracking performance. When the main input signals of the controller, which are used to com-
a +/−30% variation of J is imposed, the eNMPC4 pute the slip ratio. The results are reported in Table V, in terms
(Cases xi and xii) and the PI (Cases xiii and xiv) present of RMSE variation and maximum slip ratio throughout
the same very marginal performance degradation (i.e., by 0.4% the scenario. The comparison is made with respect to the same
and 2.5%). This means that the controllers will be effec- controllers without the noise injection.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 14. Experimental tests: comparison of actual and reference slip ratios
for the vehicle with the eNMPC4 and the passive vehicle (TC off).
Fig. 13. Electric vehicle prototype during the TC and passive vehicle
experimental test session on the low-μ metal plates. The vehicle skids laterally
when the TC is deactivated (bottom).
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