2nd Quarter English Reviewer - 10 Bell

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(10 - Bell) | Adviser: Ma’am Jocel L. Rioja
of the text, comprehensive explanation of
Advocacy ideas through specific details and facts.


Advocacy - public support for, or
● Description - descriptive
recommendation of a particular cause or
explanations, uses adjective
policy. It is not a campaign nor an
modifiers, it has details
● Sequence - it has a timeline
Campaign - planned set of activities, in
● Comparison - uses graphic
ordr to achieve social or political change.
organizers, compare and
contrast, similarities and
● Awareness Campaign - time-
● Cause and Effect - reasons,
bound, strategic campaign
cause and effect
aimed entirely at increasing
● Problem and Solution - gives
public visibility or awareness.
background and details of the
● Advocacy Campaign - set of
activities designed to garner
support for a cause or idea.
Example: rallies, outreach
program, fundraising
1. Use modal verbs and modal
● Marketing Campaign - sets
strategic activities that promote
2. You need to have the proper
business goals or objectives.
attitude in expressing your
exposition and arguments.
3. Use conjunctions that will hold
● Select Advocacy Objective
your ideas together.
● Use Data and Research for
4. Always make your sentences in
the declarative form
● Identify Advocacy Audience
5. Include rhetorical questions in
● Make Persuasive Presentation
your writing.
● Develop and Deliver Advocacy
6. Do not be afraid to use the
passive voice in writing.
● Build Coalition
● Do fundraising for Advocacy
The main features include:
● Evaluate Advocacy Effort
● Informative. Expository text is
intended to deposit information.
Exposition ● Clarity. Using words that clearly
show what the writer is talking
Exposition in a Plot - beginning and
● Organization of the text. A well-
explanation (character, setting,
written exposition remains
circumstances, etc.)
focused on its topic and lists
Exposition in Writing Essay - may
events in chronological order
include beliefs and opinions, complete
background of the issue, beginning part
(10 - Bell) | Adviser: Ma’am Jocel L. Rioja
● Impersonal. Second-person detailed study into a specific problem,
instructions with "you”. However, concern, or issue using the scientific
the use of first-person pronouns method.
should be avoided.
● Unbiased. Expository essays will RESEARCH PROCESS
not clearly reveal the opinion of
the writer. ● Asking a Question
● Observing and Test the Data
● Analyzing Data
Thesis Statement
● Publishing Conclusion

Thesis Statement - is a statement that

Types of Assertion
expresses the main idea of your paper
and answers the questions or questions
posed by your paper. It is a single An assertion (uh-SUR-shun) is an
declarative sentence. emphatic declaration by a speaker or
writer. It’s not necessarily factually
HOW TO WRITE A THESIS STATEMENT correct, but the person making the
1. Convert the topic into a question. assertion forcefully states their belief as if
Try one or two different questions. it were true.
2. Try answering the questions in TYPES OF ASSERTION
complete sentences. ● Basic assertion - a
3. Make the sentence suggestive by straightforward statement that
using modals. expresses a belief, feeling, opinion,
or preference. Example: would like
Active and Passive Voice you to wait until I have finished
● Emphatic Assertion - occurs
Passive Voice - when the subject of the
when the speaker or writer
sentence to be acted on by a/the verb,
conveys sympathy or recognition
highlights the action and what is acted
of the other person’s position or
upon rather than the agent performing
feelings. This acknowledgement is
the action. Example: The ball was thrown
then followed by a statement that
by the pitcher.
conveys the speaker’s own beliefs.
Example: “I recognize you are
Active Voice - the subject performing an
busy with multiple projects, but I
action. Examples: The dog chases the
still need a response to my email
by Thursday.”
● Escalating Assertion - begins
Research with an assertion that doesn’t
receive a response. The speaker
or writer then escalates by
Research is the systematic investigation
making a second assertion that
into and study of materials and sources
states their position more
to establish facts and reach new
forcefully. Example: “If I do not
conclusions. It must follow a careful and
(10 - Bell) | Adviser: Ma’am Jocel L. Rioja
hear back from you by Thursday, I criteria that can evaluate whether
will have to hire someone else to something is good or bad and
work on this project.” right or wrong.
● I-language Assertions - are ● Claim of Policy - it is a statement
frequently used during which indicates that a specific
interpersonal conflict to defuse action must be taken based on
the situation. As the term’s name the given policies.
indicates, these statements rely
on the first person pronoun I. An I-
language assertion requires a
Impromptu Speech
description of the other person’s
behaviour followed by how it
affects the speaker, a description Impromptu speech is an address done
of their feelings, and a statement without any prior preparation.
indicating what the speaker
wants. Example: “When you are Mostly, it is done by different people
late to a meeting, I become who are expert in their field like scientists,
irritable because I feel as if you do doctors, lawyers, politicians, and the likes.
not value our work enough to be However, due to the evolving ways of
on time. Therefore, I would like you our world, impromptu speech has now
to arrive on time for our become a part of school contests,
meetings.” meetings, and presentations.

In a more informal setting where a

3 Forms of Claim
speaker could be interfered by questions
coming from an audience, impromptu
Claim is a statement that shows the speech could also be called as a
central idea of a particular topic. It spontaneous address for the speaker is
is where the writer or speaker wants to not aware of what the audience will ask.
give, prove, and provide details based on Nonetheless, these questions will help the
his or her observation, knowledge, and speaker have more direction on what
any existing evidence which can support information needs to be relayed in order
his view in an argument. to educate the audience.

There are three forms of claim, and they Basic types of speech category
are the following: ● Delivery - impromptu,
extemporaneous, manuscript,
● Claim of Fact - is a statement memorize
that shows how things were in the ● Purpose - informative, persuasive,
past, how they are in the present, entertain, demonstrative
or how they will be in the future ● Special Occasion - toast in
(Ramones, 2018). wedding, eulogy in funeral
● Claim of Value - this form of
claim is subjective because it is Here are some important tips in
based on the preference and delivering an impromptu speech:
(10 - Bell) | Adviser: Ma’am Jocel L. Rioja
voice in spoken language; volume
● Always know the purpose of your of sound.
● Know your audience to distinguish
the tone that you have to use and
the complexity or simplicity of
words that you have to say.
● Watch your stance and hand
● Watch your values.
● Use a variety of stress, juncture,
and tone.
● Be comfortable in presenting

Multimodal texts

Texts that have more than one mode

such as, print, image, sound, and
movement are called Multimodal texts.
It contains elements of audio, visual,
and/or animation along with the written
language (words, sentences, in a
diversity of segments and formats).


1. Linguistic – word choice; delivery

of spoken or written text (tone);
2. organization into sentences,
phrases, paragraphs, etc.;
coherence of individual words
and ideas.
3. Visual – color, layout, style, size,
4. Gestural – facial expressions,
hand gestures, body language,
interactions between people
5. Spatial – arrangement,
organization, proximity between
people and objects.
6. Audio – music; sound effects;
ambient noise/sounds; silence;
tone; emphasis and accent of

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