2nd Quarter English Reviewer - 10 Bell
2nd Quarter English Reviewer - 10 Bell
2nd Quarter English Reviewer - 10 Bell
(10 - Bell) | Adviser: Ma’am Jocel L. Rioja
of the text, comprehensive explanation of
Advocacy ideas through specific details and facts.
There are three forms of claim, and they Basic types of speech category
are the following: ● Delivery - impromptu,
extemporaneous, manuscript,
● Claim of Fact - is a statement memorize
that shows how things were in the ● Purpose - informative, persuasive,
past, how they are in the present, entertain, demonstrative
or how they will be in the future ● Special Occasion - toast in
(Ramones, 2018). wedding, eulogy in funeral
● Claim of Value - this form of
claim is subjective because it is Here are some important tips in
based on the preference and delivering an impromptu speech:
(10 - Bell) | Adviser: Ma’am Jocel L. Rioja
voice in spoken language; volume
● Always know the purpose of your of sound.
● Know your audience to distinguish
the tone that you have to use and
the complexity or simplicity of
words that you have to say.
● Watch your stance and hand
● Watch your values.
● Use a variety of stress, juncture,
and tone.
● Be comfortable in presenting
Multimodal texts