505E Digital Governors For Extraction Steam Turbines

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Manual 85018V2A
Read this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the
work to be performed before installing, operating, or servicing this
equipment. Practice all plant and safety instructions and
precautions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury
and/or property damage.

The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be

equipped with an overspeed (overtemperature, or overpressure,
where applicable) shutdown device(s), that operates totally
independently of the prime mover control device(s) to protect against
runaway or damage to the engine, turbine, or other type of prime
mover with possible personal injury or loss of life should the
mechanical-hydraulic governor(s) or electric control(s), the
actuator(s), fuel control(s), the driving mechanism(s), the linkage(s),
or the controlled device(s) fail.

To prevent damage to a control system that uses an alternator or
battery-charging device, make sure the charging device is turned off
before disconnecting the battery from the system.

Electronic controls contain static-sensitive parts. Observe the
following precautions to prevent damage to these parts.

• Discharge body static before handling the control (with power to

the control turned off, contact a grounded surface and maintain
contact while handling the control).
• Avoid all plastic, vinyl, and styrofoam (except antistatic versions)
around printed circuit boards.
• Do not touch the components or conductors on a printed circuit
board with your hands or with conductive devices.

The letter designation following the manual number is changed to the next letter in alphabetical order when
an important change is made in the manual.


Woodward Governor Company reserves the right to update any portion of this publication at any time.
Information provided by Woodward Governor Company is believed to be correct and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by Woodward Governor Company unless otherwise expressly undertaken.
© 1997 by Woodward Governor Company
All Rights Reserved
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 1. PERIPHERAL DEVICES...................................................................................................... 3

OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................. 3
505 HMI Software.................................................................................................................................. 3
Digital Remote Final Driver.................................................................................................................... 5
Real Power Sensor................................................................................................................................ 6
Digital Synchronizer and Load Control (DSLC) ..................................................................................... 7
Master Synchronizer and Load Control (MSLC).................................................................................. 11

CHAPTER 2. APPLICATION NOTES ...................................................................................................... 15

OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................ 15
Speed/Load PID .................................................................................................................................. 15
Extr/ADM PID ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Auxiliary PID ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Cascade PID ....................................................................................................................................... 16
EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 17
PRESSURE LIMITING............................................................................................................................... 19
505E Configuration Notes for Example 1: ........................................................................................... 21
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 1:......................................................................................... 23
POWER LIMITING ..................................................................................................................................... 25
505E Configuration Notes for Example 2: ........................................................................................... 27
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 2:......................................................................................... 30
505E Configuration Notes for Example 3: ........................................................................................... 34
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 3:......................................................................................... 36
505E Configuration Notes for Example 4: ........................................................................................... 41
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 4:......................................................................................... 44
ISLAND MODE .......................................................................................................................................... 46
505E Programming Notes for Example 5: ........................................................................................... 48
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 5:......................................................................................... 51
SHARING IN ISLAND MODE .................................................................................................................... 52
505E Configuration Notes for Example 6: ........................................................................................... 54
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 6:......................................................................................... 56
POWER LIMITING ..................................................................................................................................... 59
505E Configuration Notes for Example 7: ........................................................................................... 61
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 7:......................................................................................... 63
505E Configuration Notes for Example 8: ........................................................................................... 67
Starting & Run Mode Notes for Example 8:......................................................................................... 69
EXAMPLE 10 INDUCTION GENERATOR APPLICATIONS ..................................................................... 74

CHAPTER 3. OPERATOR INTERFACE.................................................................................................. 75

KEYPAD AND DISPLAY............................................................................................................................ 75

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SERVICE PANEL MODES ........................................................................................................................ 75

USING THE SERVICE MODE ................................................................................................................... 77
TOP LEVEL/ROOT SYSTEM BLOCK................................................................................................. 77
Select Mode Level ............................................................................................................................... 77
Header Level ....................................................................................................................................... 78
Block Level .......................................................................................................................................... 78
Service Mode....................................................................................................................................... 79
Entering The Service Mode ................................................................................................................. 80
Exiting Modes ...................................................................................................................................... 82
Configure Mode ................................................................................................................................... 82
Debug Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 85
OS_FAULTS Mode.............................................................................................................................. 86
Faults Detected Header ................................................................................................................ 89
Alarms Detected Header............................................................................................................... 90
Clear Alarms Detected Header ..................................................................................................... 91
SYS_INFO Mode................................................................................................................................. 92
System Information Header .......................................................................................................... 94
Change Password Header ............................................................................................................ 94
Download Configuration Header ................................................................................................... 95

CHAPTER 4. SERVICE MODE PROCEDURES...................................................................................... 97

OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................ 97
THE 505E SERVICE MODE ...................................................................................................................... 98
Using Service Menus........................................................................................................................... 98
SERVICE MODE BLOCKS ...................................................................................................................... 107
Optional Service Blocks..................................................................................................................... 107
SERVICE MODE WORKSHEET PARAMETERS.................................................................................... 109
Speed Control Settings...................................................................................................................... 109
Alarm Settings ................................................................................................................................... 110
Key Options ....................................................................................................................................... 110
Speed Control Droop Settings (Only If A Generator Unit) ................................................................. 111
MPU Override.................................................................................................................................... 111
AUTO START SEQUENCE (ONLY DISPLAYED IF CONFIGURED) ............................................... 111
Idle / Rated Ramp (Only Displayed If Configured) ........................................................................... 112
Sync / Load Share Settings (Only Displayed If Configured).............................................................. 112
Remote Speed Settings (Only Displayed If Configured) ................................................................. 112
Extraction Control Settings ................................................................................................................ 113
Remote Extr Settings (Only Displayed If Configured) ....................................................................... 114
Cascade Control (Only Displayed If Configured)............................................................................... 115
Remote Casc Settings (Only Displayed If Configured).................................................................... 117
Aux Control Settings (Only Displayed If Configured)......................................................................... 118
Remote Aux Settings (Only Displayed If Configured)...................................................................... 119
Breaker Logic (Only Displayed If A Generator) ............................................................................... 120
Valve Limiter Settings........................................................................................................................ 121
Local / Remote Functions (Only Displayed If Configured)................................................................. 122
Monitor Contact Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 122
Monitor Relay Outputs....................................................................................................................... 123
Force Relay Outputs (Only Displayed If Shut Down) ...................................................................... 123
Monitor Speed Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 124
Monitor Analog Inputs........................................................................................................................ 124
Analog In Adjustments....................................................................................................................... 124
Monitor Analog Outputs..................................................................................................................... 125
Analog Output Adjustments............................................................................................................... 125
ACT1 Linearization ............................................................................................................................ 125

ii Woodward
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ACT2 Linearization ............................................................................................................................ 127

Steam Map Test (Only Displayed If Shut Down) ............................................................................... 128
Steam Map Constants ....................................................................................................................... 129
Port 1 Settings (Only Displayed If Configured) ................................................................................. 130
Port 2 Settings (Only Displayed If Configured) ................................................................................. 130
Comm Analog Scaling (If Communications Is Used)......................................................................... 131
Port Configurations ............................................................................................................................ 132

CHAPTER 5. UNDERSTANDING PID SETTINGS ................................................................................ 135

OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................. 135
Proportional Control........................................................................................................................... 135
Integral Control .................................................................................................................................. 135
Derivative........................................................................................................................................... 135
PROPORTIONAL RESPONSE................................................................................................................ 136
Proportional Gain (Effect Of Settings) ............................................................................................... 136
Integral Response ............................................................................................................................. 136
PROPORTIONAL + INTEGRAL (CLOSED LOOP) ................................................................................. 138
Integral (Effects Of Settings) ............................................................................................................. 138
DERIVATIVE RESPONSE....................................................................................................................... 139
PROPORTIONAL + DERIVATIVE (CLOSED LOOP) .............................................................................. 140
DERIVATIVE (EFFECTS OF SETTINGS) ............................................................................................... 141
PROPORTIONAL + INTEGRAL + DERIVATIVE (CLOSED LOOP)........................................................ 142
Adding Derivative .............................................................................................................................. 143
GENERAL FIELD TUNING GUIDELINES ............................................................................................... 143
Tuning Example................................................................................................................................. 144

CHAPTER 6. HARDWARE/OPERATING SYSTEM FAULTS ............................................................... 147

GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 147
Off-Line Diagnostics .......................................................................................................................... 147
On-Line Diagnostics .......................................................................................................................... 148
Operation Errors And Faults .............................................................................................................. 149
Wiring Problems ................................................................................................................................ 149
Control Adjustments .......................................................................................................................... 150
Other Operating Problems................................................................................................................. 150

APPENDIX A. 505E DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................. 151

HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 153
GENERAL I/O SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 155
SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................. 157

APPENDIX B. 505E SERVICE MODE WORKSHEET........................................................................... 159

APPENDIX C. PASSWORD INFORMATION......................................................................................... 165

GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 167
SERVICE MODE PASSWORD................................................................................................................ 167
DEBUG MODE PASSWORD................................................................................................................... 167
CONFIGURE MODE PASSWORD.......................................................................................................... 167
OS_FAULTS MODE PASSWORD .......................................................................................................... 168
DOWNLOAD CONFIGURATION FUNCTION PASSWORD ................................................................... 168

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1-1. 505 HMI Software ........................................................................................................................... 4

1-2. Digital Remote Final Driver ............................................................................................................. 5
1-3. Real Power Sensor ......................................................................................................................... 6
1-4a. Digital Synchronizer and Load Control............................................................................................ 9
1-4b. Digital Synchronizer & Load Control ............................................................................................. 10
1-5. DSLC Interface Wiring .................................................................................................................. 11
1-6a. Master Synchronizer & Load Control ............................................................................................ 12
1-7b. Master Synchronizer & Load Control ............................................................................................ 13
2-1. Pump or Compressor Discharge Pressure Control with Turbine Inlet Pressure Limiting.............. 19
2-2. Inlet Pressure Control with Automatic Synchronizing & Generator Power Limiting ...................... 25
2-3. Exhaust Pressure Control with Generator Power Limiting and Plant Import/Export Limiting........ 32
2-4. Plant Import/Export Control with DRFD Servo Interface ............................................................... 39
2-5. Inlet Pressure Control with Isochronous Loadsharing Control in Island Mode.............................. 46
2-6. Import/Export Control or Exhaust Pressure Control with Isoch Load Sharing in Island Mode ...... 52
2-7. Inlet Pressure Control, Exhaust Pressure Control with Generator Power Limiting ....................... 59
2-8. Admission Steam Turbine Control with Bootstrap Startup ............................................................ 66
2-9. Plant Load and Steam Pressure Control Application .................................................................... 71
3-1. 505E Keypad and Display............................................................................................................. 75
3-2. Software Structure Overview ........................................................................................................ 76
3-3. The Select Mode Level ................................................................................................................. 78
3-4. Header Level................................................................................................................................. 78
3-5. Block Level.................................................................................................................................... 79
3-6. Debug Information Arrangement................................................................................................... 86
3-7. OS_FAULTS Mode Information Arrangement .............................................................................. 87
3-8. SYS_INFO Mode Information Arrangement.................................................................................. 92
4-1. Service Mode Entry....................................................................................................................... 97
4-2. Service Mode Blocks..................................................................................................................... 98
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)................................................................................................. 99
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)............................................................................................... 100
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)............................................................................................... 101
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)................................................................................................ 102
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)............................................................................................... 103
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)............................................................................................... 104
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)............................................................................................... 105
4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)............................................................................................... 106
5-1. Proportional Gain Setting Effects ................................................................................................ 136
5-2. Open Loop Proportional and Integral Response......................................................................... 137
5-3. Closed Loop Proportional and Integral Response ...................................................................... 138
5-4. Integral Gain (Reset) Setting Responses.................................................................................... 139
5-5. Closed Loop Proportional and Derivative Action........................................................................ 140
5-6. Derivative Setting Effects ............................................................................................................ 141
5-7. Closed Loop Proportional, Integral and Derivative Action........................................................... 142
5-8. Typical Response to Load Change ............................................................................................. 144

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2-1. Example Summary........................................................................................................................ 18

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Manual 85018V2 Volume #2 is a dual purpose manual. This manual includes

application specific notes and 505E specific Service mode information.

The first part of this manual is written to give users an idea of the 505E Digital
Control’s capabilities, and how to apply them to a system. Typical applications
are schematically shown and their functionality explained. Programming and
Start/Run mode notes are given for each application to assist application
programmers in configuring the 505E for their application.

The second part of this manual includes 505E program modes of operation not
covered in Volume #1 of this manual (Service, Debug, SYS_INFO, OPSYS
Faults ), PID dynamic setting specifics, and hardware rating information.
General Installation and Operating Notes and Warnings:
This Equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2 , Groups A,
B, C, and D or nonhazardous locations. Field wiring must be rated at
least 75°C for operating ambient temperatures expected to exceed
Peripheral equipment must be suitable for the location in which it is
Wiring must be in accordance with Class I, Division 2 wiring methods
and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Explosion Hazard - Substitution of components may impair
suitability for Class I, Division 2

Risque d’explosion - La substitution de composants peut rendre ce
matériel inacceptable pour les emplacements de Classe I, Division

Explosion Hazard - Do not disconnect equipment unless power has
been switched off or the area is known to be nonhazardous.

Risque d’explosion - Avant de déconnecter l’équipement, couper le
courant ou s’assurer que l’emplacement est désigne non dangereux.

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OVERVIEW This chapter provides a brief explanation of peripheral devices, that can be used
with the 505E. By understanding the functionality of a peripheral device, a better
understanding of the overall control configuration can be achieved.

All the devices covered in this section are manufactured or supported by the
Woodward Governor Company. Peripheral devices manufactured by other
companies can be used with the 505E to perform the functions detailed bellow,
however, the compatibility of them to the 505E and the application should be
verified before system operation.

505 HMI Software Woodward offers two different HMI software packages, OpView and 505View,
which allow an operator to remotely view operating inputs, adjust control
setpoints, issue Run mode commands, and monitor/troubleshoot the turbine
control. Both HMI packages are self-configuring which eliminates all field
engineering - they automatically configure their screens to match the control's
programmed application.

The OpView is comprised of an industrialized NEMA 4 touchscreen hardware

package bundles together with a Woodward developed software interface
program. The 505View is a unbundled Intellution-based software package that
runs on a pc (hardware can be optionally purchased). Both HMI packages are pre-
configured to communicate via modbus protocol with either a 505 or 505E
Woodward steam turbine control and offer the following features.
• Automatic Screen Generation based on control configuration
• Security with multiple User Levels

• Remote Access Capability1

• Real-Time and Historical Trending2

• Alarm/Trip Status Indication
• Alarm/Trip Log with Time Tagging and First-Out Indication
• I/O and System Troubleshooting
• Graphic System Control screens

• Event Status Logging and History3

1 505View only
2 OpView has Real-Time Trending only; 505View has both
3 OpView has Logging only; 505View has Logging and History

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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 1-1. 505 HMI Software

By connecting the OpView or 505View to either 505E Modbus® port, it

automatically configures its screens to match the 505E’s programmed application.
If the 505E is not configured to accept Modbus commands, the HMI functions as
a system monitor only. If the 505E is configured to accept Modbus commands, all
505E Run Mode operations can be monitored and performed through it (start,
stop, mode enable/disable, setpoint raise/lower). For safety purposes, the
Overspeed test function can not be performed through the HMI. See Volume 1,
Chapter 7 of this manual for more information on programming Modbus ports.

User-friendly touch screens allow operators to view and control multiple modes of
operation and setpoints from one screen. Ten different screens are available to
allow operators the flexibility of viewing. These screens display the following
Controlling parameter information
Complete starting sequences
Turbine and/or Generator information
Speed, Extr/Adm, Aux, Casc, & Limiter information
Analog Input and Output levels
Contact Input and Relay Output states
Alarm and Shutdown Log

The OpView or 505View can interface with the 505E through serial RS232,
RS422, or RS485 communications. By using RS422 or RS485 communications,
the HMI can be located up to 4,000ft (1,220meters) from the 505E digital control.

4 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Digital Remote Digital Remote Final Driver (DRFD) is used to interface the 505E digital control
Final Driver to existing valve operators or Woodward actuators that are integrating in action or
are not compatible with the 505E.

The 505E’s actuator outputs have the capability of driving a 4-20mA or 20-
160mA (200mA max) proportional signal into an actuator coil. These 505E
actuator output signals represent a demand signal equal to desired valve position
(proportional). If the application’s actuator or servo assembly requires a different
drive signal, or control action (integrating with a null setting), a Digital Remote
Final Driver or equivalent device must be used.

Figure 1-2. Digital Remote Final Driver

Woodward Digital Remote Final Drivers accept a 4-20mA actuator-drive signal

proportional to desired valve position, and position a servo assembly accordingly.
Integrating or proportional type DRFDs are available depending on the servo
assembly being interfaced to. Woodward DRFD’s have the capability of driving
unipolar or bipolar actuator demand signals, up to 0-400mA or +400mA

The Digital Remote Final Driver is housed in a NEMA-4X enclosure with a

hinged cover and consists of driver and power supply modules. The driver
module uses plug-in jumpers and an alphanumeric display to facilitate field
configuration and calibration.

Proportional type DRFDs can provide an output drive signal of up to 400mA, to

be compatible with existing servo assemblies. This drive signal is proportional to
the 4-20mA input signal received from the 505E digital control.

Integrating type DRFDs sense actual valve position (through, LVDTs, RVDTs,
MLDTs, or DC position feedback devices), compare this signal to the input
position demand signal from the 505E, and output a drive signal to position a
servo assembly accordingly. See Figure 1-2.

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Please refer to Woodward Product Spec 85532 for more information on DRFDs
and their capabilities.

Real Power A Real Power Sensor is used to sense the real power produced by a generator or
Sensor flowing through a tie line. Woodward Real Power Sensors sense three-phase
volts, three-phase amps, compare each phase’s voltage to current relationship, and
develop a 4-20mA output proportional to real power.

Figure 1-3. Real Power Sensor

Woodward manufactures two types of Real Power Sensors. The first type of RPS
is designed to sense power flow in one direction only (0 to +5Amp CT current
only), and output a proportional 4-20mA signal. This type of RPS was designed
for and should be used to sense generator power output. Many different real
power sensors of this type exist. Some of the optional RPS features include VAR
sensing, Loadsharing, 0-1Amp CT current sensing, and multiple combinations of
these. Please consult a Woodward certified distributor or a Woodward factory for
the recommended RPS for your application.

The second type of RPS manufactured by Woodward is designed to sense power

flow through a bus-to-bus tie line. This RPS (8272-726) senses -5A to +5A CT
current to allow its output to represent power flow in both directions. This RPS
provides a 4-20mA power indication output signal where 12mA represents 0
power flow. It is recommended that this RPS be used to sense power flow
through a tie line only. This RPS or equivalent is required to sense plant Import
and Export power.

6 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Woodward Real Power Sensors have terminals labeled “Output” and terminals
labeled “KW Readout”. The “KW Readout” terminals provide a 4-20mA signal
proportional to real power which is used by and compatible with the 505E control.
Thus the RPS terminals labeled “Output” are designed and typically compatible
only to Woodward’s 2301 type of control.

Woodward manufactured Real Power Sensors have a 2.5Hz Low pass filter
(400msec lag time) on their output to filter out the high frequency noise typically
created in a switch gear type environment. Thus if another vender’s watt
transducer is used, verification that it has similar filtering criteria should be
performed before it is applied with the 505E. For more information on
Woodward Real Power Sensors, please refer to Woodward manual 82018.

Digital The Woodward DSLC is a microprocessor based generator load control designed
Synchronizer and for use on three-phase AC generators with Woodward speed controls and
Load Control automatic voltage regulators. The DSLC is a synchronizer, a load control, a dead
(DSLC) bus closing system, a VAR/PF control, and a process control, integrated into one

The 505E can be programmed to use the DSLC as a synchronizer only, or as a

synchronizer and load control. The DSLC provides either phase match or slip
frequency synchronizing, and ties into the unit automatic voltage regulator to
match voltages before paralleling. It interfaces with the 505E via a Speed bias
signal to control generator frequency and phase. When configured to use the
DSLC as a synchronizer only, the 505E must be programmed to receive the DSLC
Speed Bias signal through an analog input and have this input enabled through a
contact input or function key.

The DSLC communicates over a LAN using a digital Echelon network with other
system DSLCs to enable it to perform safe deadbus closings. Because the DSLC
performs all synchronizing functions simultaneously, synchronization typically
takes only a few seconds.

When used as a synchronizer and load control, the DSLC performs automatic
synchronization, and controls unit load based on the DSLCs mode of operation.
The DSLC can be in a base-load, loadsharing, remote load setting, or Process
control mode, depending on configuration and system conditions.

The DSLC’s baseload mode of operation allows an operator to set the unit to a
specified load. A proportional or integrating control action can be used with this
mode of operation. The integrating mode of operation can be used with systems
tying to an unstable grid to allow the unit to control at a constant load and not vary
based on grid frequency.

The DSLC’s loadsharing mode is used to share load with any other units using a
DSLC and tied to the same isolated bus. This mode is used in conjunction with a
Master Synchronizer & Load Control when paralleled to a utility to allow the
MSLC to control plant frequency or load depending on its state of operation.

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The DSLC’s remote load setting mode allows load to be set by a remote 4-20mA
signal.The DSLC’s Process control mode allows any process directly related to
generator load to be controlled.

When using the DSLC as both a synchronizer and load control, the 505E control
must be programmed to receive the DSLC Speed Bias signal through an analog
input and have this input enabled through a contact input or function key.

After synchronization, unit load can be controlled by the DSLC (through the 505E
Sync/Ld input) or by the 505E’s internal speed/load setpoint. When the Sync/Ld
Share input is programmed, the position of the Utility Tie Breaker Contact selects
unit load control through the DSLC or through the 505E’s internal load setpoint.

The DSLC interfaces to the 505E via a Speed Bias signal. From the many
different types of DSLCs manufactured by Woodward only a few have a Speed
Bias output (1-5Vdc) compatible with the 505E control. The 505E’s isolated
analog #6 input is the only analog input that is directly compatible with the DSLC.
Thus the DSLC’s speed bias output should only be connected to the # 6 analog
input. The DSLC’s speed bias output is designed to drive into the 505E’s low
impedance input.

Once the generator is synchronized the DSLC soft-loads the unit to the load
setting determined by the mode of operation (base load, loadsharing, Process
control). When commanded the DSLC can also soft-unload the unit and issue a
breaker-open command at a set power level.

8 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 1-4a. Digital Synchronizer and Load Control

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Figure 1-4b. Digital Synchronizer & Load Control


Hand-held Programmer (9905-292) is required and used by the DSLC to

configure and calibrate it to the site specific application.

The DSLC requires a power source of +24Vdc @ 1Amp. The 505E power
supplies can not supply this much power, thus an external power supply may be

The DSLC can interface with the unit Automatic Voltage Regulator through
contacts or a +9 volt bias signal.

For more information on Woodward’s Digital Synchronizer & Load Control,

please refer to Woodward manual 02007.

10 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 1-5. DSLC Interface Wiring

Master The Woodward MSLC is a microprocessor based plant load control designed for
Synchronizer and use in three-phase electric power generation sites equipped with Woodward
Load Control DSLCs which operate in parallel with the utility. The MSLC is a tie-line
(MSLC) synchronizer, a plant import/export load control, reactive load control (power
factor), and a master process control integrated into one package.

Used as a synchronizer, the MSLC provides phase (or slip frequency) and voltage
match synchronizing of the local plant bus to a main power grid. It communicates
over a LAN using a digital Echelon network with system DSLCs to control plant
frequency, phase, and voltage to perform automatic plant synchronization.

After the utility tie breaker is closed manually or by the MSLC, the MSLC then
controls plant load to a baseload setting, remote load setting, import/export
demand setting, or process control demand setting. If programmed, reactive tie
line power can also be controlled by the MSLC through each DSLC interfacing to
each unit’s automatic voltage regulator.

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The MSLC’s baseload mode of operation allows an operator to set the plant to a
specified load. A proportional or integrating control action can be used with this
mode of operation. The integrating mode of operation can be used with systems
tying to an unstable grid to allow the plant to control at a constant load and not
vary based on grid frequency.

Figure 1-6a. Master Synchronizer & Load Control

12 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 1-7b. Master Synchronizer & Load Control

The MSLC’s remote load setting mode allows plant load to be set by a remote 4-
20mA signal.

The MSLC’s import/export control mode, when enabled senses plant-to-utility tie
line power flow and controls this flow based on a import/export setpoint.

The MSLC’s process control mode allows any process directly related to plant
load to be controlled.

Once the plant-to-utility tie breaker is closed the MSLC soft-loads the plant to a
load setting determined by the mode of operation (base load, import/export,
Process control). When commanded the MSLC can also soft-unload the plant and
issue a plant-to-utility tie breaker open command at a set power level.

When using the MSLC as both a synchronizer and load control, the system
DSLCs must be in their Loadsharing mode to enable the MSLC to control them.
The MSLC is only active when synchronizing a plant bus to a utility bus, or when
the utility tie breaker is closed to control tie line power (real & reactive). Once the
utility tie breaker opens, the MSLC becomes disabled and does not effect DSLC
load sharing control. Because the MSLC/DSLC network only allows one master
controller at a time, only one MSLC at a time can be utilized to control plant load.

For more information on Woodward’s Master Synchronizer & Load Control and
how to apply it, please refer to Woodward manual 02022.

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Hand-held Programmer (9905-292) is required and used by the MSLC to

configure and calibrate it to the site specific application.

The MSLC requires a power source of +24Vdc @ 1Amp. The 505E power
supplies can not supply this much power, thus an external power supply may be

For more information on Woodward’s Master Synchronizer & Load Control,

please refer to Woodward manual 02022.

14 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


OVERVIEW This chapter is provided to give users an idea of the 505E Digital Control’s
capabilities and how to apply them to a system. Typical example applications are
schematically shown and their functionality explained. In addition, programming
and run mode notes are given for each example to assist programmers in
configuring the 505E for their application. Basic peripheral device connections
are shown in each application drawing to allow an understanding of how these
devices interface to the 505E and expand system capabilities.

Speed/Load PID The Speed PID can control and limit:

Unit Speed/Frequency
Unit Load

The 505E’s Speed PID can be used to control unit speed/frequency when isolated
and unit load when paralleled to an infinite bus (utility). The Speed PID can be
programmed to sense unit load via its actuator output signal or a 4-20mA analog
input signal from a generator power sensor. When programmed to sense and
control generator load via a analog input, true unit load is sensed and controlled.
By using the generator load signal to control from, any turbine inlet or exhaust
pressure variation is sensed and compensated for, thus providing true load control.

A combination of the Speed PID and its setpoint limits allow this PID to limit unit
load. When used as a unit load limiter, it is recommended that the 505E be
configured to sense and control only true generator load. If applying the 505E
system to a soft grid, where the utility frequency varies greatly, it is recommended
that unit load limiting be performed by the Auxiliary PID - not the Speed PID.

Since this PID’s output is connected directly to the 505E ratio/limiter, it directly
positions one or both turbine throttle valves, depending on configuration, to
control the above listed parameters.

Extr/ADM PID The 505E’s Extr/Adm PID can be programmed to control:

Extraction and/or Admission Steam Pressure
Extraction and/or Admission Steam Flow
Turbine Exhaust Steam pressure
Turbine Exhaust Steam Flow

The 505E’s Extr/Adm PID can be used to control any of the listed parameters.
This PID can be enabled and disabled by commands given through the 505E’s
front panel, contact inputs, or Modbus communications.

Woodward 15
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Since this PID’s output is connected directly to the 505E ratio/limiter, it directly
positions one or both turbine throttle valves, depending on configuration, to
control the above listed parameters. Only when the 505E is configured for the
“Decoupled HP & LP” mode, can the Extr/Adm PID control turbine exhaust
pressure or flow.

Auxiliary PID The 505E’s Auxiliary PID can be programmed to control or limit:
Turbine Inlet Steam Pressure
Turbine Inlet Steam Flow
Turbine Exhaust Steam pressure
Turbine Exhaust Steam Flow
Generator Power output
Plant or Tie line Import/Export Power
Process Temperature
Compressor Suction pressure
Compressor Suction Flow
Compressor Discharge pressure
Compressor Discharge Flow
Any process parameter related to unit load, inlet pressure/flow, or exhaust
pressure/flow (depending on configuration)

The 505E’s Auxiliary PID can be used as a limiter or controller (enabled/disabled

on command). When programmed as a limiter this PID’s output is Low Signal
Selected with the Speed PID’s output. This configuration allows the Auxiliary
PID to limit the unit’s load based on the parameter being sensed.

When the Auxiliary PID is configured as a controller, it must be enabled and

disabled by commands given through the 505E’s front panel, contact input, or
Modbus communications. With this configuration when the Aux PID is enabled
the Speed PID is disabled and tracks the Auxiliary PID’s output.

To control or limit any of the listed parameters, the 505E must be programmed to
accept an Auxiliary analog input signal representing that parameter’s level. The
exception to this rule is when controlling or limiting generator load, the Auxiliary
PID can be programmed to use and share the KW/Unit load input with the Speed

Cascade PID The 505E’s Cascade PID can be programmed to control:

Turbine Inlet Steam Pressure
Turbine Inlet Steam Flow
Turbine Exhaust Steam pressure
Turbine Exhaust Steam Flow
Generator Power output
Plant or Tie line Import/Export Power
Process Temperature
Compressor Suction pressure

16 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Compressor Suction Flow

Compressor Discharge pressure
Compressor Discharge Flow
Any process parameter related to unit load, inlet pressure, or exhaust pressure
(depending on the configuration)

The 505E’s Cascade PID can be used to control any of the listed parameters. This
PID must be enabled and disabled by commands given through the 505E’s front
panel, contact input, or Modbus communications.

The Cascade PID is cascaded with the Speed PID to vary unit speed/load. By
directly positioning the Speed PID’s setpoint, the Cascade PID can vary unit
speed/load to control its input parameter. This configuration allows for bumpless
transfers between the two control modes (Speed/Load and Cascade).

EXAMPLE The example applications in this chapter do not show every possible control
APPLICATIONS configuration or combination. These examples are provided as a reference to
follow when applying any of the controlling combinations or parameters. To
apply a desired control parameter or combination not shown, refer to one or more
of the typical application configurations that are shown and resemble the control
configuration desired, then substitute the shown control parameters with the
required control parameters.
Example - To configure the 505E to perform a Turbine Exhaust pressure
limiting function use Example 1, the “Pump or Compressor Discharge
Pressure Control with Turbine Inlet Pressure Limiting” application for
reference. With this example substitute exhaust pressure for inlet pressure
and disregard any program settings specified to control pump or compressor
discharge pressure.

The examples shown in this chapter are summarized as follows:

Example 1: Pump or Compressor Discharge Pressure Control with Inlet
Pressure Limiting
Example 2: Inlet Pressure Control with Auto Synchronizing and Generator
Power Limiting
Example 3: Exhaust Pressure Control with Plant Import/Export Power
Example 4: Plant Import/Export Power Control with DRFD Servo Interface
Example 5: Inlet Pressure Control with Isochronous Load Share Control in
Island Mode
Example 6: Plant Import/Export Power Control with Isochronous Load Share
Control in Island Mode
Example 7: Inlet Pressure Control and Exhaust Pressure Control with
Generator Power Limiting
Example 8: Admission Steam Control with Bootstrap Startup capability
Example 9: Plant Load and Steam Pressure Control
Example10: Induction Generator Control

Woodward 17
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

The features and functionality shown in each example are summarized in table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Example Summary

18 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

EXAMPLE 1 (Extraction Turbine, Coupled HP & LP mode)


Figure 2-1. Pump or Compressor Discharge Pressure Control with Turbine Inlet
Pressure Limiting

This is an example of a typical pump or compressor application. With this

application the 505E is configured to normally control pump/compressor
discharge pressure, extraction pressure, and limit governor valve position based
on low turbine inlet steam pressure. Both the Auxiliary and Cascade modes were
used for this example application. Other applications may or may not use all the
functionality shown in Figure 2-1 and described below.

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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Extraction pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID controller can
be enabled automatically or manually depending on configuration. In all cases the
505E starts up with the Extr/Adm PID disabled and the LP valve at its maximum
open position. This allows a turbine to warm-up in a uniform manner. With this
application the Extr/Adm setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s front panel.
Optionally the 505E could be programmed to have the Extr/Adm setpoint varied
through discrete inputs, a 4-20mA signal, or Modbus communications.

With this application pump/compressor discharge pressure control is performed

within the 505E through the Cascade controller. Because the discharge pressure
being controlled, typically affects many other plant processes, a plant Distributed
Control System (DCS) may be used to monitor plant process conditions and set
the Cascade setpoint position. This can be performed through Modbus
communications, discrete raise and lower commands, or with a Analog setpoint

For this application a limiting type of control function was required to help
preserve inlet header pressure in case of system header problems. Because the
Auxiliary PID is the only controller that has this capability, it is used to sense
turbine inlet pressure and limit governor valve position, based on a low inlet
pressure setting.

If a plant Distributed Control System is used to sense and control a process by

positioning the load of multiple pumps or compressors (loadsharing), the DCS
may interface directly to the 505E Speed PID setpoint through a programmed
Remote Speed Setpoint analog input. This allows a DCS to monitor and
compensate for plant and system conditions by directly changing the speed of
multiple pumps or compressors simultaneously.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Auxiliary, Cascade) may be
changed through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA
inputs, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

The following list of notes is provided as a reference for application programmers

to follow when configuring the 505E to achieve any of the control and limiting
actions shown in Figure 2-1:

20 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Configuration This is not a Generator application. (Generator Application? - No)
Notes for
Example 1: EXTR / ADM CONTROL:
The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive an extraction pressure or
flow signal through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function: Extr/Adm
Input). The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer was used to sense extraction
pressure, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and
JPR10 was installed.
Because of where the extraction transducer was placed with respect to the LP
valve (refer to Figure 2-1) no input inversion was required. To increase
turbine extraction header pressure, the HP valve must increase and the LP
valve must decrease. This is considered a direct action and does not require
the input to inverted. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - No)
In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
extraction pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/Adm
Droop = 0%)


Because it is desired to hold Pump Discharge Pressure constant for a changing
extraction flow demand, and because Pump Discharge pressure is directly
related to turbine load, the “Coupled HP & LP” ratio/limiter mode is used
with this application. (Use Decoupling? - No)
From the turbine’s steam map or performance envelope (provided with the
turbine from the turbine manufacturer), the turbine’s operating data/limits
were entered as described in Volume #1 of this manual.
This application’s turbine can only extract steam. (Extraction Only? - Yes)
Automatic enabling/disabling was selected with this application to allow an
operator to automatically or manually enable/disable Extraction control
(lower the LP valve limiter to its minimum position / raise the LP valve
limiter to maximum position). The automatic enable/disable routine may be
stopped at any time, and continued manually, or restarted as desired. (Use
Automatic Enable? - Yes)
When the turbine is on an operating limit and only one valve is available to
control with, Pump Discharge pressure is the desired parameter to be
controlled (extraction pressure control will be sacrificed). Since Pump
Discharge pressure is being controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio
limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is selected. (Speed Control Priority? -

Woodward 21
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

When the turbine is on the LP Maximum Limiter (100% open), Pump

Discharge pressure is the desired parameter to be controlled (extraction
pressure control will be sacrificed). Since Pump Discharge pressure is being
controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority
is selected. (LP Max Lmt E/A Priority? - No)

The Cascade control loop was configured to receive a pump/compressor
discharge pressure signal through Analog input #2 (Analog Input #2
Function: Cascade Input) The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were
programmed based on what the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Because a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to interface with this
signal, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR9 was removed, and JPR8 as
The 505E was configured to accept a contact from a panel mounted switch to
externally enable and disable discharge pressure control. (Contact Input 1
Function: Casc Control Enable)
Pump/compressor discharge pressure is directly proportional to turbine inlet
valve position, thus input inversion is not required. (Invert Cascade Input? -
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is not used because the system’s
pressure setpoint never changes. (Use Setpoint Tracking? - No)
In this application, because the Cascade PID is not sharing control of
discharge pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Cascade
Droop = 0%)

The Auxiliary control loop was configured to receive a turbine inlet header
pressure signal through Analog input #3. (Analog Input #3 Function:
Auxiliary Input) he input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based
on what the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Because a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense this pressure
signal, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR15 was removed, and JPR14
was installed.
The Auxiliary Input was inverted to allow the correct control action. To
increase turbine inlet header pressure, the governor valve must decrease. This
is considered an indirect action and requires the input to be inverted. (Invert
Aux Input? - Yes)
The Auxiliary PID was programmed to perform as a limiter. (Use Aux
Enable? - No)
Because the Auxiliary PID is used only as a limiter and is not sharing control
of inlet pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Aux Droop =
0% )

22 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

In this example the turbine can be tripped by several devices, one of these
devices is the 505E control. To provide feedback to the 505E control that
the turbine is tripped, a contact from the trip string is wired into the
External Emergency Shutdown input (TB12). With this application, the
‘governor trip’ annunciation should only occur if the 505E tripped the
turbine and not annunciate when the other external devices shuts down
the unit (Turbine Start: Ext Trips in Trip Relay ? - No)
Because the Shutdown relay is used in the trip string to shut down the
turbine should the 505E initiate a trip, additional relays are required for
annunciating any turbine trip and annunciating a 505E initiated trip.
Relay #3 was programmed to annunciate any turbine trip as follows:
(Relays: Use Relay #3 - Yes ; Relay #3 is a Level Switch? - No ; Relay
#3 Energizes on - Shutdown Condtion) Relay #4 was programmed to
indicate a 505E initated trip as follows: (Relays: Use Relay #4 - Yes ;
Relay #4 is a Level Switch? - No ; Relay #4 Energizes on - Trip
Relay) Note that Relay #4 de-energizes on a trip condition (excluding
external trip inputs) and Relay #3 energizes on a trip (shutdown)

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. After the unit is started, the Idle/
Example 1: Rated or Auto Start Sequence functions, if programmed, can be used to assist
ramping the control to a rated speed position or an operator can give a raise
command to manually increase turbine speed.

After the unit has been started and is controlling at a minimum/desired speed
position, Cascade control (pump/compressor discharge pressure) can be enabled
through contacts, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel. When Cascade
control is enabled, if the actual discharge pressure does not match the setpoint, the
control will automatically ramp turbine speed at the “Speed Setpoint Slow Rate”
setting until the pump/compressor discharge pressure does match the setpoint.
This allows the Cascade control to be enabled in a controlled manner.

Because the 505E was programmed for the capability to automatically enable
Extraction Control, the operator may choose to automatically or manually enable
Extraction control. To manually enable Extraction control the operator must issue
a LP valve limiter lower command from the 505E service panel, a contact input,
or through Modbus communications. The LP valve limiter must be taken to its
minimum position to fully enable Extraction control.

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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

The enabling routine, which automatically lowers the LP valve limiter, may be
issued from the 505E’s service panel, contact input, or through Modbus
communications. This routine automatically ramps the LP valve to its minimum
position and may be stopped at any time by momentarily issuing a LP valve
limiter raise or lower command. Once the automatic enabling routine has been
stopped it may be restarted/enabled at any time by issuing a disable command
followed by an Extr/Adm control enable command or, once stopped, the operator
may continue the routine manually. (Disabling of Exhaust control can also be
performed manually or automatically.)

When a letdown station is used as a backup to the turbine extraction pressure

controller, it is required that the letdown station’s setpoint be lower than that of
the 505E extraction control’s setpoint to prevent fighting and potential instability
between the controllers.

With this application the Auxiliary control is used as a limiter, thus it does not
need to be enabled. If turbine inlet pressure decreases below the Auxiliary
setpoint at any time, the Auxiliary PID will take control of the HP governor valve
and lower it to help preserve inlet header pressure.

See the Service mode section of this manual, for information on related tunable
values and rates.

24 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

EXAMPLE 2 NLET (Extraction Turbine, Decoupled Inlet mode)


Figure 2-2. Inlet Pressure Control with Automatic Synchronizing & Generator
Power Limiting

Woodward 25
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

This is an example of a typical turbine generator application where plant process

steam (turbine inlet header pressure) is desired to be controlled at a single
pressure. With this type of application, turbine load varies based on the plant
process steam demand. Both the Auxiliary and Cascade modes were used for this
example application. Other applications may or may not utilize all the
functionality shown in Figure 2-2 and described below.

With this application turbine inlet header pressure control is performed within the
505E through the Cascade PID controller. This is an ideal controller for this type
of function because it can be enabled and disabled as desired by a system
operator. This gives a system operator full authority of when to transfer process
pressure control to or from a letdown station or turbine bypass valve.

During normal operation, unit load is determined by the Cascade PID which is
controlling inlet header pressure. Because turbine load may vary greatly with this
application, a limiter is used to protect the generator from being over powered.
This protection is performed by the Auxiliary PID configured as a limiter. By
configuring the Auxiliary PID as a limiter and by using generator load as the
PID’s controlling parameter, the maximum generator load can be limited.

Extraction pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID controller can
be enabled automatically or manually depending on configuration. In all cases the
505E starts up with the Extr/Adm PID disabled and the LP valve at its maximum
open position. This allows a turbine to warm-up in a uniform manner. With this
application the Extr/Adm setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s front panel.
Optionally the 505E could be programmed to have the Extr/Adm setpoint varied
through discrete inputs, a 4-20mA signal, or Modbus communications.

This application uses a DSLC for synchronization only. Because the DSLC
interfaces to the 505E through an analog signal, an analog input must be
programmed. The 505E’s Analog Input #6 is the only analog input directly
compatible with the DSLC, thus this input is programmed to receive the DSLC’s
Speed Bias signal. When a Synchronizing input/function is programmed, the
input can be enabled through a contact input, function key, Modbus command, or
the 505E service panel. As shown in Figure 2-2, a panel mounted (DPST) switch
is used with this application to select automatic synchronization in both the DSLC
and 505E.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Auxiliary, Cascade) may be
changed through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA
inputs, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

The following list of notes are provided as a reference for application

programmers to follow when programming the 505E to achieve any of the control
and limiting actions shown in Figure 2-2.

26 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


This is a Generator application. (Generator Application? - Yes)
Notes for
Example 2: Generator and Utility Tie breaker contact inputs are required to be
programmed when a generator application is selected. (Contact Input #1
Function: Generator Breaker), (Contact Input #2 Function: Utility Tie
Because the 505E is configured to control inlet pressure during normal
operation, the ratio limiter is programmed to use the Decoupled Inlet mode of
action. KW droop, however, acts as a form of valve coupling (both valves
affect load) and will negate the decoupling action of the ratio limiter if used.
For this reason, Speed droop is used with this application. (Use KW Droop? -
To achieve good response and load adjustment resolution, Droop was set to
5% of rated speed. (Droop = 5 %)
A Real Power Sensor (RPS) was used with this application to sense and
display actual unit load. By programming an analog input for KW/unit load,
the actual unit’s load can be displayed. Without this actual unit load input, a
calculated load percentage is displayed. The RPS and associated load input
are not required by the 505E for control, this input is only used for monitor
and display purposes. The 505E was configured to receive a generator load
signal from a Real Power Sensor through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #3
Function: KW / Unit Load Input) The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were
programmed based on what the PTs and CTs used by the Real Power Sensor
were ranged for (4mA = zero, 20mA = unit power level at 5Amps CT
Because the Real Power Sensor is self powered (provides it’s own loop
power), the 505E back cover was removed, JPR14 was removed, and JPR15
was installed.
It was desired to switch to Frequency control at all times, if the plant became
isolated from the Utility bus. (Use Freq Arm/Disarm? - No)


The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive an extraction pressure or
flow signal through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function: Extr/Adm
Input). The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure level,
the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and JPR10 was
Because of where the extraction transducer was placed with respect to the LP
valve (refer to Figure 2-2), no input inversion was required. To increase
turbine extraction header pressure, the HP valve must increase and the LP
valve must decrease. This is considered a direct action and does not require
the input to inverted. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - No)

Woodward 27
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
extraction pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/Adm
Droop = 0%)


Because it is desired to hold inlet pressure constant for a changing extraction
flow demand, and vice versa the “Decoupled Inlet” ratio/limiter mode is used
with this application. (Use Decoupling? - Yes), (Decoupled Inlet (HP)? -
From the turbine’s steam map or performance envelope (provided with the
turbine from the turbine manufacturer), the turbine’s operating data/limits
were entered as described in Volume #1 of this manual.
This application’s turbine can only extract steam. (Extraction Only? - Yes)
Automatic enabling/disabling was selected with this application to allow an
operator to automatically or manually enable/disable Extraction control
(lower the LP valve limiter to minimum / raise the LP valve limiter to
maximum). The automatic enable/disable routine may be stopped at any
time, and continued manually, or restarted as desired. (Use Automatic
Enable? - Yes)
With this turbine, the turbine manufacture requires that during normal
operation the LP valve never be closed less than 5% to allow for adequate
cooling steam through the turbine’s back stages. (Min LP lift (%) = 5)
When the turbine is on an operating limit and only one valve is available to
control with, inlet pressure is the desired parameter to be controlled
(extraction pressure control will be sacrificed). Since inlet pressure is being
controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority
is selected. (Speed Control Priority? - Yes)
When the turbine is on the LP Maximum Limiter (100% open), inlet pressure
is the desired parameter to be controlled (extraction pressure control will be
sacrificed). Since inlet pressure is controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio
limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is selected. (LP Max Lmt E/A Priority? -

The Cascade control loop was configured to receive an inlet header pressure
signal through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #2 Function: Cascade
Input) he input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Because a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure
level, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR9 was removed, and JPR8 was
The 505E was configured to accept a contact from a panel mounted switch to
externally enable and disable inlet header pressure control. (Contact Input
#3 Function: Casc Control Enable)

28 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

The Cascade Input was inverted to allow the correct control action. To
increase turbine inlet header pressure, the governor valve position must
decrease. This is considered an indirect action and requires the input to be
inverted. (Invert Cascade Input? - Yes)
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is used to allow the 505E to track
inlet header pressure before being enabled, thus allowing a bumpless transfer
to inlet header pressure control. (Use Setpoint Tracking? Yes)
To protect the generator from being reverse powered by the Cascade PID, the
‘Speed Setpoint Lower Limit’ value was set to 3% (5.4 rpm if rated speed is
3600 rpm and using 5% droop) above synchronous speed. The 505E will
automatically limit the Speed Setpoint Lower Limit to a minimum of 3% (min
load). If it is desired to allow the Cascade PID to lower load below this
setting, the Service mode’s (Cascade Control Settings, Use Min Load)
setting must be set to “No”.
In this case, because the Cascade PID, during normal operation, is not sharing
control of inlet header pressure with another controller, Droop is not required.
(Cascade Droop = 0%)

The Auxiliary control loop was configured to receive a generator load signal
from a Real Power Sensor, through Analog Input #3. (Use KW Input? - Yes)
Unit load is directly proportional to turbine inlet valve position, thus no input
inversion is required. (Invert Aux Input? - No)The Auxiliary PID was
programmed to perform as a load limiter. (Use Aux Enable? - No)
In this case, because the Auxiliary PID is used only as a limiter, and is not
sharing control of generator load with another control, Droop is not required.
(Aux Droop = 0%)
With this application, it was desirable to only enable the Auxiliary PID if
paralleled to the utility. (Tiebkr Open Aux Dsbl? - Yes), (Genbkr Open
Aux Dsbl? - Yes)

The 505E’s Analog input #6 was programmed to receive the DSLC’s speed
bias signal for automatic synchronization (Analog Input #6 Function:
Synchronizing Input) With this configuration, the analog input’s range is
defaulted to provide a certain gain factor for best performance, thus the
input’s 4mA and 20mA program settings are not used and do not require
A contact input was programmed to enable the Synchronizing analog input.
(Contact Input #4 Function: Sync Enable)

Woodward 29
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. After the unit is started, the Idle/
Example 2: Rated or Auto Start Sequence functions, if programmed, can be used to assist
ramping the control to a rated speed position. Alternatively an operator can give a
manual raise command to increase turbine speed as desired.

After the unit has been started and is controlling at a rated speed position, the
turbine generator can be synchronized. This can be done manually or
automatically. The system operator can select automatic synchronization through
the Auto-Sync select switch (switch SW1 in Figure 2-2). When this switch is
closed the 505E’s Synchronizing input is enabled and the DSLC’s automatic
synchronizing function is selected.

When the plant-to-utility tie-line breaker is closed and the unit generator breaker
closes, the 505E steps the speed/load setpoint up to a minimum load level to
reduce the chance of reverse powering or motoring the generator. This minimum
load level is based on the speed/load setpoint and is defaulted to “3%”. The
defaulted value (stored as a setpoint “rpm” change) is adjustable through the
505E’s Service mode (Breaker Logic, Min Load Bias = xxx rpm ).

After synchronization the 505E’s load setpoint can be positioned through raise
and lower Speed/Load setpoint contacts, a programmed 4-20mA input, Modbus
commands, or the 505E service panel. This load control mode may be used to
slowly increase turbine load, and take control away from a letdown station or
turbine bypass valve. When a letdown station is used as a backup to the turbine
pressure controller, it is required that the letdown station’s setpoint be lower than
that of the 505E control’s setpoint to prevent fighting and potential instability
between the controllers.

Cascade control (turbine inlet header pressure) can be enabled at any time after
the Utility Tie breaker and Generator breakers are closed, through a contact input,
Modbus command or the 505E service panel. With this configuration, when
Cascade control is enabled, its setpoint will match the inlet header pressure level
at that time, thus a bumpless transfer to inlet header pressure control is
accomplished. After the Cascade controller has been enabled, the operator can
increase or decrease the control setpoint as desired. The 505E’s ratio/limiter uses
the Coupled HP & LP mode when Cascade Control is disabled, and the
Decoupled Exhaust mode when Cascade control is enabled.

Because the 505E was programmed for the capability to automatically enable
Extraction Control, the operator may choose to automatically or manually enable
Extraction control. To manually enable Extraction control the operator must issue
a LP valve limiter lower command from the 505E service panel, a contact input,
or through Modbus communications. The LP valve limiter must be taken to its
minimum position to fully enable Extraction control.

30 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

If an operator chooses to use the automatic enabling routine to lower the LP valve
limiter, he may issue an Extraction enable command from the 505E’s service
panel, contact input, or through Modbus communications. This routine
automatically ramps the LP valve to its minimum position and may be stopped at
any time by momentarily issuing a LP valve limiter raise or lower command.
Once the automatic enabling routine has been stopped it may be restarted/enabled
at any time by issuing an Extraction control disable command followed by an
enable command or, once stopped, the operator may continue the routine

The automatic extraction disabling routine is initiated by issuing an Extraction

disable command from the 505E’s service panel, contact input, or through
Modbus communications. This routine instantly moves the LP valve limiter to the
current LP valve position setting and automatically continues to move it to its
maximum position. This routine may be stopped at any time by momentarily
issuing a LP valve limiter raise or lower command. Once the automatic disabling
routine has been stopped it may be restarted at any time by issuing an Extraction
control enable followed by a disable command or, once stopped, the operator may
continue the routine manually.

With this application the Auxiliary control is programmed as a limiter and is

automatically enabled when both the Utility Tie and Generator breakers are
closed. When paralleled to the utility, if inlet header pressure demand, and/or
other system conditions try to force the generator to operate above its load limit
setting, the Auxiliary PID will take control of the governor valve to limit
generator load. Once system conditions demand unit load below that of the
Auxiliary setpoint, the Cascade/Speed PIDs will again take control of generator

Woodward 31
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

EXAMPLE 3 (Extraction Turbine, Decoupled Exhaust)


Figure 2-3. Exhaust Pressure Control with Generator Power Limiting and Plant
Import/Export Limiting

32 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

This is an example of a typical turbine generator application where plant process

steam (turbine exhaust pressure) is desired to be controlled at a single pressure
level. With this type of application, turbine load varies based on the plant process
steam demand. Both the Auxiliary and Cascade modes were used for this
example application. Other applications may or may not utilize all the
functionality shown in Figure 2-3 and described below.

With this application turbine exhaust pressure control is performed within the
505E through the Cascade PID controller. This is an ideal controller for this type
of function because it can be enabled and disabled as desired by a system
operator. This gives a system operator full authority of when to transfer process
pressure control to or from a letdown station or turbine bypass valve.

Extraction pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID controller can
be enabled automatically or manually depending on configuration. In all cases the
505E starts up with the Extr/Adm PID disabled and the LP valve at its maximum
open position. This allows a turbine to warm-up in a uniform manner. With this
application the Extr/Adm setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s front panel.
Optionally the 505E could be programmed to have the Extr/Adm setpoint varied
through discrete inputs, a 4-20mA signal, or Modbus communications.

For this application a limiting type of control function was required to limit the
plant export power to zero. The plant does not get reimbursed for any power
exported, and it is more economical to make power than purchase it from the
utility, thus a zero plant export power level is desired. Because the Auxiliary PID
is the only 505E controller that has this limiting capability, it was used to sense tie
line power and limit turbine/generator output, based on a zero export limit setting.

A Real Power Sensor #8272-726 was used with this application to sense utility tie
line power. This RPS is special, in that it senses -5A to +5A CT current to allow
its output to represent power flow in both the import and export directions. With
this RPS 12mA represents zero power flow. Because of this feature, the RPS
#8272-726 can not be used with the 505E to sense the unit’s generator load/

This application uses a DSLC for synchronization only. Because the DSLC
interfaces to the 505E through an analog signal, a 505E analog input must be
programmed. The 505E’s Analog Input #6 is the only analog input directly
compatible with the DSLC, thus it is required that this input be programmed to
receive the DSLC’s Speed Bias signal. When a synchronizing input/function is
programmed, the input can be enabled through a contact input, function key,
Modbus command, or the 505E service panel. As shown in Figure 2-3 a panel
mounted (DPST) switch is used with this application to select automatic
synchronization in both the DSLC and 505E. Alternatively, this switch could
come from a 505E relay programmed to energize for an F3/F4 Key Selected, a
Modbus Command Selected, Sync Enabled, or a Speed Switch Level Reached.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Auxiliary, Cascade) may be
changed through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA
inputs, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

Woodward 33
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

The following list of notes are provided as a reference for application

programmers to follow when programming the 505E to achieve the control and
limiting actions shown in Figure 2-3.


This is a Generator application. (Generator Application? - Yes)
Notes for
Example 3: Generator and Utility Tie breaker contact inputs are required to be
programmed when a generator application is selected. (Contact Input #1
Function: Generator Breaker), (Contact Input #2 Function: Utility Tie
Because the 505E is configured to control exhaust pressure during normal
operation, the ratio limiter is programmed to use the Decoupled Exhaust mode
of action. KW droop, however, acts as a form of valve coupling (both valves
affect load) and will negate the decoupling action of the ratio limiter if used.
For this reason, Speed droop is used with this application. (Use KW Droop?
- No)
To achieve good response and load adjustment resolution, Droop was set to
5% of rated speed. (Droop = 5 %)
It was desired to switch to Frequency control at all times, if the plant became
isolated form the Utility bus. (Use Freq Arm/Disarm? - No)


The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive an extraction pressure or
flow signal through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function: Extr/Adm
Input). The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure level,
the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and JPR10 was
Because of where the extraction transducer was placed with respect to the LP
valve (refer to Figure 2-3), no input inversion was required. To increase
turbine extraction header pressure, the HP valve must increase and the LP
valve must decrease. This is considered a direct action and does not require
the input to inverted. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - No)
In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
extraction pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/
Adm Droop = 0%)


Because it is desired to hold exhaust pressure constant for a changing
extraction flow demand, and vice versa the “Decoupled Exhaust” ratio/limiter
mode is used with this application. (Use Decoupling? - Yes), (Decoupled
Exhaust (LP)? - Yes)

34 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

From the turbine’s steam map or performance envelope (provided with the
turbine from the turbine manufacturer), the turbine’s operating data/limits
were entered as described in Volume #1 of this manual.
This application’s turbine can only extract steam. (Extraction Only? - Yes)
Automatic enabling/disabling was selected with this application to allow an
operator to automatically or manually enable/disable Extraction control
(lower the LP valve limiter to min/raise the LP valve limiter to max). The
automatic enable/disable routine may be stopped at any time, and continued
manually, or restarted as desired. (Use Automatic Enable? - Yes)
When the turbine is on an operating limit and only one valve is available to
control with, extraction pressure is the desired parameter to be controlled
(exhaust pressure control will be sacrificed). Since extraction pressure is
controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio limiter’s “P” term) Extr/Adm
priority is selected. (Speed Control Priority? - No)
To simplify system startup and shutdown, the 505E was programmed to
automatically select Extraction pressure priority when the selected
permissives are met (LP valve limiter at min, extraction PID in-control). This
allows a bumpless transfer into extraction priority. (Auto Switch E/A
Priority? - Yes)

The Cascade control loop was configured to receive an exhaust header
pressure signal through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #2 Function:
Cascade Input ) The 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on
what the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer was used to sense the pressure
level, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR9 was removed, and JPR8 was
The Function Key F3 was programmed to allow an operator to easily enable
and disable Cascade control (F3 Key Performs: Casc Control Enable)
Exhaust header pressure is directly proportional to turbine inlet valve
position, thus no input inversion is required. (Invert Cascade Input? - No)
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is used to allow the 505E’s Cascade
control, when disabled, to track exhaust header pressure being controlled by a
letdown station. (Use Setpoint Tracking? - Yes)
To protect the generator from being reverse powered by the Cascade PID, the
‘Speed Setpoint Lower Limit’ value was set to 3% (5.4 rpm if rated speed is
3600 rpm and using 5% droop) above synchronous speed.
In this case, because the Cascade PID, during normal operation, is not sharing
control of exhaust header pressure with another control, Droop is not
required. (Cascade Droop = 0%)

Woodward 35
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

The Auxiliary control loop was configured to receive a utility tie line power
signal through Analog Input #3. (Analog Input #3 Function: Auxiliary
Input) The minimum analog input value was programmed for import power
based on the tie line power level at -5A CT current (Input #3 4mA Value = -
XXXX) The maximum analog input value was programmed for export power
based on the tie line power level at +5A CT current (Input #3 20mA Value =
Because the RPS’s KW readout is self powered, the 505E back cover was
removed, JPR14 was removed, and JPR15 was installed.
The utility-tie Real Power Sensor’s CT inputs were wired to allow the RPS’s
4mA value to represent full import power and the RPS’s 20mA value to
represent full export power. Because this signal is directly proportional to
turbine inlet valve position, no input inversion is required. (Invert Aux
Input? - No)
The Auxiliary PID was programmed to perform as a limiter. (Use Aux
Enable? - No)
In this case, because the Auxiliary PID is used as a limiter, and is not sharing
control of inlet pressure with another control, Droop is not required. (Aux
Droop = 0%)
With this application, it was desirable to only enable the Auxiliary PID if
paralleled to the utility. (Tiebkr Open Aux Dsbl? - Yes), (Genbkr Open
Aux Dsbl? - Yes)

The 505E’s Analog input #6 was programmed to receive the DSLC’s speed
bias signal for automatic synchronization (Analog Input #6 Function:
Synchronizing Input) With this configuration, the analog input’s range is
defaulted to a certain gain value, for best performance, thus the input’s 4mA
and 20mA settings are not used and do not require programming.
A contact input was programmed to enable the Synchronizing analog input
(Contact Input #4 Function: Sync Enable)

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. After the unit is started, the Idle/
Example 3: Rated or Auto Start Sequence functions, if programmed, can be used to assist
ramping the control to a rated speed position. Alternatively, an operator can give
a manual raise command to increase turbine speed as desired.

After the unit has been started and is controlling at a rated speed position, the
turbine generator can be synchronized. This can be done manually or
automatically. The system operator can select automatic synchronization through
the Auto-Sync select switch ( SW1 in Figure 2-3 ). When this switch is closed the
505E’s Synchronizing input is enabled and the DSLC’s automatic synchronizing
function selected.

36 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

When the plant to utility tie line/breaker is closed, and the unit generator breaker
closes, the 505E steps the speed/load setpoint up to a minimum load level to
reduce the chance of reverse powering or motoring the generator. This minimum
load level is based on the speed/load setpoint and is defaulted to a “3%” (5.4 rpm
if rated speed is 3600 rpm and using 5% droop) step change of the speed/load
setpoint. The defaulted value is adjustable through the 505E’s Service mode

After synchronization the 505E’s load setpoint can be positioned through raise
and lower speed/load setpoint contacts, a programmed 4-20mA input, Modbus
commands, or the 505E service panel.

Since Decoupled Exhaust was the ratio/limiter action programmed with this
application, it is recommended that Extraction control be enabled (the LP limiter
lowered to min) before Exhaust control (which uses the LP valve to control with).
It is also recommended that Cascade control be disabled before Extraction control
is disabled (the LP limiter raised). By following these recommended procedures
each control mode can be bumplessly taken into and out-of control. The 505E’s
ratio/limiter uses the Coupled HP & LP mode when Cascade Control is disabled,
and the Decoupled Exhaust mode when Cascade control is enabled.

Because the 505E was programmed for the capability to automatically enable
Extraction Control, the operator may choose to automatically or manually enable
Extraction control. To manually enable Extraction control the operator must issue
a LP valve limiter lower command from the 505E service panel, a contact input,
or through Modbus communications. The LP valve limiter must be taken to its
minimum position to fully enable Extraction control.

The enabling routine, which automatically lowers the LP valve limiter, may be
issued from the 505E’s service panel, contact input, or through Modbus
communications. This routine automatically ramps the LP valve to its minimum
position and may be stopped at any time by momentarily issuing a LP valve
limiter raise or lower command. Once the automatic enabling routine has been
stopped it may be restarted/enabled at any time by issuing a disable command
followed by an Extr/Adm control enable command or, once stopped, the operator
may continue the routine manually. (Disabling of Exhaust control can also be
performed manually or automatically.)

When a letdown station is used as a backup to the turbine extraction pressure

controller, it is required that the letdown station’s setpoint be lower than that of
the 505E extraction control’s setpoint to prevent fighting and potential instability
between the controllers.

Cascade control (turbine exhaust pressure) can be enabled at any time after the
utility tie breaker and generator breaker input contacts are closed. Cascade
control can be enabled through a programmed contact, Modbus command, or the
505E service panel. Exhaust pressure control can be transferred from a letdown
station to 505E Cascade Control in one of the following ways; enabling Cascade
control, and backing down the letdown station’ s setpoint, or enabling Cascade
control and raising the Cascade’s setpoint.

Woodward 37
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

After exhaust pressure control has been transferred to the 505E’s Cascade PID,
the letdown station or turbine bypass valve must be closed or in a manual control
mode. This will stop the two controllers (505E Cascade PID and system letdown
station) from fighting for control of one parameter and causing system instability.
If both a turbine bypass valve, and the turbine’s flow are required to satisfy the
header flow requirements droop is required in one of the control loops for

With this application the Auxiliary control is programmed as a limiter and is

automatically enabled when both the utility tie and generator breakers are closed.
When paralleled to the utility this 505E and RPS combination allows the plant to
import power from the utility, but not export power. If the utility-to-plant tie line
power reaches a zero import/export level, the Auxiliary PID will begin limiting
generator output until plant conditions require power to be imported again.

Optionally the Auxiliary PID’s setpoint can be varied to limit plant power to a
different import or export power level as required. This can be done from the
plant DCS through the remote auxiliary 4-20mA input setting or through raise and
lower aux setpoint contacts, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

38 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

EXAMPLE 4 (Adm or Extr/Adm Turbine, Coupled HP & LP mode)


Figure 2-4. Plant Import/Export Control with DRFD Servo Interface

Woodward 39
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

This is an example of a typical turbine generator application where plant import/

export control is desired when paralleled with the utility, and frequency control
when isolated from the utility. With this type of application, when paralleled to
the utility, turbine load varies based on the plant power demand. Other
applications may or may not use all the functionality shown in Figure 2-4 and
described below.

With this application, plant import/export control is performed within the 505E
through the Auxiliary PID controller. Optionally the Cascade PID controller
could have been used instead. Also, the Auxiliary PID is configured to be enabled
and disabled on command, instead of performing a limiting action. This gives a
system operator full authority of when to enable or disable plant import/export
control. When programmed for this type of control action, the Speed PID is
disabled when the Auxiliary PID is enabled and can only limit the 505E’s valve
output signal if unit load reaches 100%. Also, the Auxiliary setpoint
automatically tracks the Auxiliary PID’s input value when not in-control.

Two Real Power Sensors (RPS) were used with this application; one for sensing
generator load to allow the 505E Speed/load PID to control and limit generator
output, and one for sensing plant import/export tie line power to allow the 505E
Auxiliary PID to control plant import or export power.

A Real Power Sensor #8272-726 was used with this application to sense utility tie
line power flow. This RPS is special, in that it senses -5A to +5A CT current to
allow its output to represent power flow in both the import and export directions.
With this RPS 12mA represents zero power flow. Because of this feature, the
RPS #8272-726 can not be used with the 505E to sense generator load/power.

Because of the similarities between the manner admission (Adm) and extraction/
admission (Extr/Adm) turbines are started, stopped, and operated, this example
application will cover both types of turbines. In either case it is assumed that an
external trip valve or trip-and-throttle valve is used to completely stop any
admission steam from entering the turbine upon a system shutdown condition.

Adm or Extr/Adm pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID must be
manually enabled once the pressures on both sides of the admission trip-and -
throttle (T&T) valve have been matched. A manual demand signal is available in
the 505E to allow an operator to match the pressures across the Admission T&T
valve before enabling the control loop. With this application the Extr/Adm
setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s front panel. Optionally the 505E could
be programmed to have the Extr/Adm setpoint varied through discrete inputs, a 4-
20mA signal, or Modbus communications.

40 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

This application uses a DSLC for synchronization only. Because the DSLC
interfaces to the 505E through an analog signal, an analog input must be
programmed. The 505E’s Analog Input #6 is the only analog input directly
compatible with the DSLC, thus this input is programmed to receive the DSLC’s
Speed Bias signal. When a synchronizing input/function is programmed, the
input can be enabled through a contact input, function key, Modbus command, or
the 505E service panel. As shown in Figure 2-4, a panel mounted (DPST) switch
is used with this application to select automatic synchronization in both the DSLC
and the 505E. Alternatively, this switch could come from a 505E relay
programmed to energize for an F3/F4 Key Selected, a Modbus Command
Selected, Sync Enabled, or a Speed Switch Level Reached.

With this application the existing servo assemblies utilized actuators which
required +50mA for pilot valve positioning, and an electronic signal (a LVDT
mounted to the valve rack) to feedback actual rack position. Because the 505E
does not have a bipolar drive circuit, and cannot perform closed loop servo
position control, a Woodward Digital Remote Final Driver (DRFD) was used to
interface with the existing servo actuator. The integrating type of DRFD used,
accepts a 4-20mA valve demand signal from the 505E, monitors actual valve
position (through, LVDTs, MLDTs, or other DC position feedback devices),
compares the two signals, and outputs a drive signal to the servo assemblies
actuator accordingly. The DRFD interfaces directly with an LVDT, (providing
excitation, and demodulation) thus no external converter was required or used.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Auxiliary, Cascade) may be
changed through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA
inputs, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

The following list of notes are provided as a reference for application

programmers to follow when programming the 505E to achieve any control and
limiting actions shown in Figure 2-4.


This is a Generator application. (Generator Application? - Yes)
Notes for
Example 4: Generator and Utility Tie breaker contact inputs are required to be
programmed when a generator application is selected. (Contact Input #1
Function: Generator Breaker), (Contact Input #2 Function: Utility Tie
A RPS was used with this application to sense unit load. By programming the
Speed PID to use KW droop, the Speed PID can control and limit unit load
when paralleled against a utility. (Use KW Droop? - Yes) For good response
and load adjustment resolution, Droop was set to 5% of rated speed. (Droop
= 5 %)
he 505E was configured to receive a generator load signal from a Real Power
Sensor, through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #2 Function: KW / Unit
Load Input) The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on
what the PTs and CTs used by the Real Power Sensor were ranged for
(4mA=zero, 20mA=unit power level at 5Amps CT current).

Woodward 41
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Because the Real Power Sensor is self powered (provides it’s own loop
power), the 505E back cover was removed, JPR8 was removed, and JPR9
was installed.
It was desired to switch to Frequency control at all times, if the plant became
isolated form the Utility bus. (Use Freq Arm/Disarm? - No)


The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive an Adm or Extr/Adm
pressure or flow signal through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function:
Extr/Adm Input). The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed
based on what the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure level,
the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and JPR10 was
Because of where the Extr/Adm transducer was placed with respect to the LP
valve (refer to Figure 2-4), no input inversion was required. To increase
turbine extr/adm header pressure, the HP valve must increase and the LP
valve must decrease. This is considered a direct action and does not require
the input to inverted. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - No)
In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
extr/adm pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/Adm
Droop = 0%)


Because it is desired to hold turbine load constant for a changing Extr/Adm
flow demand, and vice versa the “Coupled HP & LP” ratio/limiter mode is
used with this application. (Use Decoupling? - No)
From the turbine’s steam map or performance envelope (provided with the
turbine from the turbine manufacturer), the turbine’s operating data/limits
were entered as described in Volume #1 of this manual.
This application’s turbine has the capability for controlled extraction or
admission steam. (Extraction & Admission? - Yes)
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is used to allow the 505E to track
header pressure before being enabled, thus allowing a bumpless transfer into
header pressure control. (Use Setpoint Tracking? Yes)
With this turbine, the turbine manufacture, requires that during normal
operation the HP valve never be closed less than 5% to allow for adequate
cooling steam through the turbine’s front stages. This minimum lift is only
activated after extr/adm is enabled and HP is above the minimum level. (Min
HP lift (%) = 5)

42 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

When the turbine is on an operating limit and only one valve is available to
control with, turbine load is the desired parameter to be controlled (Extr/Adm
pressure control will be sacrificed). Since turbine/generator load is being
controlled with the Speed PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is
selected. (Speed Control Priority? - Yes)
When the turbine is on the LP Maximum Limiter (100% open), turbine/
generator load is the desired parameter to be controlled (Extr/Adm pressure
control will be sacrificed). Since turbine/generator load is being controlled
with the Speed PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is selected.
(LP Max Lmt E/A Priority? - No)

Because the Digital Remote Final Driver used to interface with the servo
assembly only accepts a 4-20mA valve demand signal, the 505E was
configured to output a 4-20mA valve demand signal. ( Act #1 (HP) is 4-
20ma? - Yes ), ( Act #2 (LP) is 4-20ma? - Yes )
Dither is a low frequency AC current modulated on to the 505E’s DC
actuator-drive current to reduce stiction in linear type actuators. Because the
505E’s actuator output is connected to the DRFD, dither was not required or
used with this application. ( Act 1 (HP) Dither = 0.0% ) ( Act 2 (LP) Dither
= 0.0% )

The Auxiliary control loop was configured to receive a utility tie line power
signal through Analog input #3. (Analog Input #3 Function: Auxiliary
Input) The minimum analog input value was programmed for import power
based on the tie line power level at -5A CT current (Input #3 4mA Value = -
XXXX) The maximum analog input value was programmed for export power
based on the tie line power level at +5A CT current (Input #3 20mA Value =
Since the RPS’s KW readout is self powered, the 505E back cover was
removed, JPR14 was removed, and JPR15 was installed.
The utility-tie Real Power Sensor’s CT inputs were wired to allow the RPS’s
4mA value to represent full import power and the RPS’s 20mA value to
represent full export power. Because this signal is directly proportional to
turbine inlet valve position, no input inversion is required. (Invert Aux
Input? - No)
The Auxiliary PID was programmed to be enabled and disabled on command.
(Use Aux Enable? - Yes)
The 505E was configured to accept a contact from a plant distributed control
system to enable and disable import/export control. (Contact Input #3
Function: Aux Control Enable)
In this application, because the Auxiliary PID is not sharing control of the
plant import/export power with another controller, Droop is not required.
(Aux Droop = 0%)

Woodward 43
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

With this application, it was desirable to only allow the Auxiliary PID to be
enabled if paralleled to the utility. (Tiebkr Open Aux Dsbl? - Yes),
(Genbkr Open Aux Dsbl? - Yes)

The 505E’s Analog input #6 was programmed to receive the DSLC’s speed
bias signal for automatic synchronization (Analog Input #6 Function:
Synchronizing Input) With this configuration, the analog input’s range is
defaulted to a certain gain value for best performance, thus the input’s 4mA
and 20mA settings are not used, and do not require programming.
A contact input was programmed to enable the Synchronizing analog input
(Contact Input #4 Function: Sync Enable)

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. After the unit is started, the Idle/
Example 4: Rated or Auto Start Sequence functions, if programmed, can be used to assist
ramping the control to a rated speed position. Alternatively, an operator can give
a manual raise command to increase turbine speed as desired.

After the unit has been started and is controlling at a rated speed position, the
turbine generator can be synchronized. This can be done manually or
automatically. The system operator can select automatic synchronization through
the Auto-Sync select switch ( SW1 in Figure 2-4 ). When this switch is closed the
505E’s Synchronizing input is enabled and the DSLC’s automatic synchronizing
function selected.

The DSLC provides either phase matching or slip frequency synchronizing and
ties into the unit automatic voltage regulator to match voltages before paralleling.
It communicates over a LAN using a digital Echelon network with other plant
DSLCs to perform safe dead bus closing.

When the plant-to-utility tie line/breaker is closed and the unit generator breaker
closes, the 505E steps the speed/load setpoint up to a minimum load level to
reduce the chance of reverse powering or motoring the generator. This minimum
load level is based on the speed/load setpoint and is defaulted to a “3% or xxx
RPM” step change of the speed/load setpoint. The defaulted value is adjustable
through the 505E’s Service mode (BREAKER LOGIC, MIN LOAD BIAS = xxx

After synchronization the 505E’s load setpoint can be positioned through raise
and lower speed/load setpoint contacts, a programmed 4-20mA input, Modbus
commands, or the 505E service panel.

44 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Admission or Extr/Adm control can be enabled any time after the generator
breaker is closed. To perform a bumpless transfer into Adm or Extr/Adm control
the pressures on each side of the Adm Trip-&-Throttle valve should be matched.
The 505E has a manual demand signal to allow operators to manually vary the
pressure on the turbine side of the Adm T&T valve. Once these pressures are
matched the operator can open the T&T valve, and then issue an Extr/Adm
control enable command. The manual demand signal’s raise and lower, and the
Extr/Adm enable/disable commands can all be issued through the 505E’s service
panel, contact inputs, or Modbus communications.

When a letdown station is used as a backup to the turbine extraction pressure

controller, it is required that the letdown station’s setpoint be lower than that of
the 505E extraction control’s setpoint to prevent fighting and potential instability
between the controllers.

With this configuration, Import/Export control (Auxiliary PID) can be enabled at

any time after the utility tie breaker and generator breaker input contacts are
closed. Auxiliary control can be enabled through the programmed contact, a
Modbus command, or the 505E service panel. Because the Auxiliary Setpoint
tracks plant Import/Export power before being enabled, the transfer to Auxiliary
control is bumpless. Once enabled, the Auxiliary PID’s setpoint can then be
positioned to the desired import or export level.

Because of the 505E’s configuration, this unit will automatically switch to

Frequency control upon the opening of the plant-to-utility tie breaker.

Woodward 45
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

EXAMPLE 5 (Extraction Turbine, Decoupled Inlet mode, Coupled HP & LP mode)


Figure 2-5. Inlet Pressure Control with Isochronous Loadsharing Control in

Island Mode

46 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

For this application, it is desired to control Inlet Pressure when paralleled to the
utility, and Plant Frequency while loadsharing with three other units, when
isolated from the utility. With this type of application, when paralleled to the
utility load varies based on plant process steam demand and, when isolated, load
varies based on plant power demand. Other applications may or may not utilize
all the functionality shown in Figure 2-5 and described below.

With this application, turbine inlet header pressure control is performed within the
505E through the Cascade PID controller. This is an ideal controller for this type
of function because it can be enabled and disabled as desired by a system
operator. This gives a system operator full authority of when to transfer process
pressure control to or from a letdown station or turbine bypass valve.

Extraction pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID controller can
be enabled automatically or manually depending on configuration. In all cases the
505E starts up with the Extr/Adm PID disabled and the LP valve at its maximum
open position. This allows a turbine to warm-up in a uniform manner. With this
application the Extr/Adm setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s front panel.
Optionally the 505E could be programmed to have the Extr/Adm setpoint varied
through discrete inputs, a 4-20mA signal, or Modbus communications.

During normal operation, unit load is determined by the Cascade PID which is
controlling inlet header pressure. Because turbine load may vary greatly, a limiter
is used to protect the generator from being over powered. This protection is
performed by the Auxiliary PID configured as a limiter. By configuring the
Auxiliary PID as a limiter and using the generator load input as the PID’s
controlling parameter, the maximum generator load can be limited.

This application uses a DSLC for synchronization and isochronous loadsharing.

With this configuration, the DSLC is disabled when the generator is paralleled to
the utility and enabled when isolated from the utility. When the unit is paralleled
to the utility, the DSLC is disabled and the 505E’s internal load setpoint or
Cascade PID (inlet header pressure) is used to control/set unit load. When the
plant becomes isolated from the utility (utility tie breaker opens), the DSLC is
enabled, Cascade control is disabled, and the 505E is switched to a Frequency
control / loadsharing mode.

A DSLC can only interface to a 505E through an analog input signal. The 505E’s
Analog Input #6 is the only analog input directly compatible with the DSLC, thus
this input is programmed to receive the DSLC’s Speed Bias signal. When a Sync/
Ld Share analog input is programmed, the input is automatically enabled if the
generator breaker input is closed and the utility tie breaker input is open.

Woodward 47
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Before the generator breaker is closed, the Sync/Ld Share input can be enabled to
allow automatic synchronization by the DSLC. This synchronizing function/input
can be enabled through a contact input, function key, Modbus command, or the
505E service panel. As shown in Figure 2-5 a panel mounted (DPST) switch is
used with this application to select automatic synchronization in both the DSLC
and 505E. Alternatively, this switch could come from a 505E relay programmed
to energize for an F3/F4 Key Selected, a Modbus Command Selected, Sync
Enabled, or a Speed Switch Level Reached.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Auxiliary, Cascade) may be
changed through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA
inputs, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

The following list of notes are provided as a reference for application

programmers to follow when programming the 505E to achieve any control and
limiting actions shown in Figure 2-5.


This is a Generator application. (Generator Application? - Yes)
Notes for
Example 5: Generator and Utility Tie breaker contact inputs are required to be
programmed when a generator application is selected. (Contact Input #1
Function: Generator Breaker), (Contact Input #2 Function: Utility Tie
Because the 505E is configured to control inlet pressure during normal
operation, the ratio limiter is programmed to use the Decoupled Inlet mode of
action. KW droop, however, acts as a form of valve coupling (both valves
affect load) and will negate the decoupling action of the ratio limiter if used.
For this reason, Speed droop is used with this application. (Use KW Droop?
- No)
To achieve good response and load adjustment resolution, Droop was set to
5% of rated speed. (Droop = 5 %)
It was desired to switch to Frequency control at all times, if the plant became
isolated form the Utility bus. (Use Freq Arm/Disarm? - No)


The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive an extraction pressure or
flow signal through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function: Extr/Adm
Input). The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure level,
the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and JPR10 was

48 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Because of where the extraction transducer was placed with respect to the LP
valve (refer to Figure 2-5), no input inversion was required. To increase
turbine extraction header pressure, the HP valve must increase and the LP
valve must decrease. This is considered a direct action and does not require
the input to inverted. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - No)
In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
extraction pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/
Adm Droop = 0%)


Because it is desired to hold inlet header pressure constant for a changing
extraction flow demand, and vice versa the “Decoupled Inlet” ratio/limiter
mode is used with this application. (Use Decoupling? - Yes), (Decoupled
Inlet (HP)? - Yes)
From the turbine’s steam map or performance envelope (provided with the
turbine from the turbine manufacturer), the turbine’s operating data/limits
were entered as described in Volume #1 of this manual.
This application’s turbine can only extract steam. (Extraction Only? - Yes)
Automatic enabling/disabling was selected with this application to allow an
operator to automatically or manually enable/disable Extraction control
(lower the LP valve limiter to min/raise the LP valve limiter to max). The
automatic enable/disable routine may be stopped at any time, and continued
manually, or restarted as desired. (Use Automatic Enable? - Yes)
With this example application when the turbine is on an operating limit and
only one valve is available to control with, inlet header pressure is the desired
parameter to be controlled (extraction pressure control will be sacrificed).
Since inlet header pressure is being controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio
limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is selected. (Speed Control Priority? -
With this example application when the turbine is on the LP Maximum
Limiter (100% open), inlet pressure is the desired parameter to be controlled
(extraction pressure control will be sacrificed). Since inlet pressure is being
controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority
is selected. (LP Max Lmt E/A Priority? - No)

The Cascade control loop was configured to receive an inlet header pressure
signal through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #2 Function: Cascade
Input) he input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Because a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure
level, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR9 was removed, and JPR8 was

Woodward 49
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

The 505E was configured to accept a contact from a panel mounted switch to
externally enable and disable inlet header pressure control. (Contact Input #3
Function: Casc Control Enable)
The Cascade Input was inverted to allow the correct control action. To
increase turbine inlet header pressure, the governor valve position must
decrease. This is considered an indirect action and requires the input to be
inverted. (Invert Cascade Input? - Yes)
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is used to allow the 505E to track
inlet header pressure before being enabled, thus allowing a bumpless transfer
to inlet header pressure control. (Use Setpoint Tracking? No)
To protect the generator from being reverse powered by the Cascade PID, the
‘Speed Setpoint Lower Limit’ value was set to 3% (5.4 rpm if rated speed is
3600 rpm and using 5% droop) above synchronous speed.
In this application, because the Cascade PID, during normal operation, is not
sharing control of inlet header pressure with another controller, Droop is not
required. (Cascade Droop = 0%)

The Auxiliary control loop was configured to receive a generator load signal
from a Real Power Sensor, through Analog Input #3. (Analog Input #3
Function: Auxiliary Input) The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were
programmed based on what the PTs and CTs used by the Real Power Sensor
were ranged for (4mA=zero, 20mA=unit power level at 5Amps CT current).
Because the Real Power Sensor is self powered (provides it’s own loop
power), the 505E back cover was removed, JPR14 was removed, and JPR15
was installed.
Unit load is directly proportional to turbine inlet valve position, thus no input
inversion is required. (Invert Aux Input? - No)
The Auxiliary PID was programmed to perform as a load limiter. (Use Aux
Enable? - No)
In this case, because the Auxiliary PID is used only as a limiter, and is not
sharing control of generator load with another controller, Droop is not
required. (Aux Droop = 0%)
With this application, it was desirable to only enable the Auxiliary PID if
paralleled to the utility. (Tiebkr Open Aux Dsbl? - Yes), (Genbkr Open
Aux Dsbl? - Yes)

The 505E’s Analog Input #6 was programmed to receive the DSLC’s speed
bias signal for automatic synchronization, and load sharing (Analog Input #6
Function: Sync/Load Share Input). With this configuration, the analog
input’s range is defaulted to a certain gain value, for best performance, thus
the input’s 4mA and 20mA settings are not used and do not require

50 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

A contact input was programmed to enable the Sync/Load Share analog input
and allow synchronization through the DSLC before the generator breaker is
closed. (Contact Input #4 Function: Sync/Ld Share Enable)

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. After the unit is started, the Idle/
Example 5: Rated or Auto Start Sequence functions, if programmed, can be used to assist
ramping the control to a rated speed position. Alternatively, an operator can give
a manual raise command to increase turbine speed as desired.

When the unit has been started and is controlling at a rated speed position, the
turbine generator can be synchronized. This can be done manually or
automatically. The system operator can select automatic synchronization through
the Auto-Sync select switch ( SW1 in Figure 2-5 ). When this switch is closed the
505E’s Sync/Load Sharing input is enabled and the DSLC’s automatic
synchronizing function is selected.

After synchronization, generator load is determined by the mode of operation

selected, (the position of the utility tie breaker contact input). If the utility tie
breaker contact is closed, generator load is determined by the 505E’s internal load
setpoint or, when enabled, inlet header pressure control (Cascade control). If the
utility tie breaker contact is open, generator load is determined by the DSLC. The
DSLC can be configured to operate in several different load control modes. For
this application the DSLC is only used for isochronous loadsharing, when the
plant is isolated from the utility.

In this plant four generating units use DSLCs and, upon the plant-to-utility tie
breaker opening, they all switch to Frequency control and communicate with each
other via a digital LON network to share load. Thus plant frequency is controlled
by all units and plant load is shared proportionally by all four units. With this
configuration, plant frequency will be the average frequency of all units. The
505E has a feature that resets its frequency setpoint to the ‘RATED SPEED
SETPOINT’ setting upon the utility tie breaker opening, thus assuring that all
units will be at synchronous speed. The DSLC’s Frequency Trimmer function
may also be programmed to trim system frequency to a desired frequency.

Cascade control (turbine inlet header pressure) can be enabled at any time after
the Utility Tie breaker and Generator breakers are closed, through a contact input,
Modbus command or the 505E service panel. When Cascade control is enabled, if
the actual inlet header pressure does not match the Cascade setpoint, the control
will automatically ramp turbine load at the “Speed Setpoint Slow Rate” setting
until the inlet header pressure does match the setpoint. Once in-control, the
Cascade PID will no longer be limited by the “Speed Setpoint Slow Rate” setting.
The 505E’s ratio/limiter uses the Coupled HP & LP mode when Cascade Control
is disabled, and the Decoupled Inlet mode when Cascade control is enabled.

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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

EXAMPLE 6 (Extraction Turbine, Decoupled Exhaust mode, Coupled HP & LP mode)


Figure 2-6. Import/Export Control or Exhaust Pressure Control with Isoch Load
Sharing in Island Mode

52 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

This example utilizes multiple turbine generators, and requires that all units have
the capability to control different plant parameters depending on the status and
health of each unit. Normal operation is to have one unit control plant process
steam (turbine exhaust pressure) and the other units be controlled based on plant
import/export demand. Other applications may or may not utilize all the
functionality shown in Figure 2-6 and described below.

One unit at a time, based on system health, is used to control plant process steam.
The other units are used to control a plant export power level of 5 MW. Because
the plant is contractually obligated to provide this level of power to the utility, a 5
MW plant export power level is desired.

Each unit control panel has a mode selection switch which allows an operator to
place a unit in one of three different modes of operation. The three modes of
operation are: Manual load (used to manually load and unload a unit), Plant
Process Steam control (turbine exhaust pressure), and Loadsharing (used for plant
import/export control or unit loadsharing).

When a unit is switched to a Manual load control mode, its 505E’s internal load
setpoint determines unit load. This allows an operator to manually load or unload
a unit to a set level if desired.

When a unit is switched to the Plant Process control mode, turbine exhaust
pressure control is performed within the 505E through the Cascade PID
controller. This is an ideal controller for this type of function because it can be
enabled and disabled as desired by a system operator. This gives a system
operator full authority of when to transfer process pressure control to or from a
letdown station or turbine bypass valve.

This application uses Woodward DSLCs and a MSLC to allow all units to
communicate, share plant load, and control plant export power. The DSLC is
used on each unit for synchronization and loadsharing. One Master Synchronizer
& Load Control (MSLC) is used for plant synchronization and import/export
power control. When a unit is in the Loadsharing mode, the MSLC determines its
load with the plant-to-utility tie line is closed, and the DSLC’s loadsharing
circuitry when the plant-to-utility tie line is open. The MSLC, when enabled, sets
the load setpoint of each unit DSLC (in the Loadsharing mode) to control a plant
export level. When the plant-to-utility tie breaker is open, the MSLC is disabled,
and each unit communicates with the other units in the Loadsharing mode via the
DSLC’s LON network to share plant load.

Extraction pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID controller can
be enabled automatically or manually depending on configuration. In all cases the
505E starts up with the Extr/Adm PID disabled and the LP valve at its maximum
open position. This allows a turbine to warm-up in a uniform manner. With this
application the Extr/Adm setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s front panel.
Optionally the 505E could be programmed to have the Extr/Adm setpoint varied
through discrete inputs, a 4-20mA signal, or Modbus communications.

Woodward 53
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

A DSLC interfaces to a 505E through an analog input signal. The 505E’s Analog
Input #6 is the only analog input directly compatible with the DSLC, thus this
input is programmed to receive the DSLC’s Speed Bias signal. When a Sync/Ld
Share analog input is programmed, the input is automatically enabled if the
generator breaker input is closed and the utility tie breaker input is open.

Before the generator breaker is closed, the 505E’s Sync/Ld Share analog input can
be enabled to allow automatic synchronization by the DSLC. This synchronizing
function/input can be enabled through a contact input, function key, Modbus
command, or the 505E service panel. As shown in Figure 2-6 a panel mounted
(DPST) switch is used, with this application, to select automatic synchronization
in both the DSLC and 505E. Alternatively, this switch could come from a 505E
relay programmed to energize for an F3/F4 Key Selected, a Modbus Command
Selected, Sync Enabled, or a Speed Switch Level Reached.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Cascade) may be changed
through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA inputs,
Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

The following list of notes are provided as a reference for application

programmers to follow when programming the 505E to achieve any control and
limiting actions shown in Figure 2-6.


This is a Generator application. (Generator Application? - Yes)
Notes for
Example 6: Generator and Utility Tie breaker contact inputs are required to be
programmed when a generator application is selected. (Contact Input #1
Function: Generator Breaker), (Contact Input #2 Function: Utility Tie
Because the 505E is configured to control exhaust pressure during normal
operation, the ratio limiter is programmed to use the Decoupled Exhaust mode
of action. KW droop, however, acts as a form of valve coupling (both valves
affect load) and will negate the decoupling action of the ratio limiter if used.
For this reason, Speed droop is used with this application. (Use KW Droop?
- No)
To achieve good response and load adjustment resolution, Droop was set to
5% of rated speed. (Droop = 5 %)
It was desired to switch to Frequency control at all times, if the plant became
isolated form the Utility bus. (Use Freq Arm/Disarm? - No)


The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive an extraction pressure or
flow signal through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function: Extr/Adm
Input). The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.

54 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Since a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure level,
the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and JPR10 was
Because of where the extraction transducer was placed with respect to the LP
valve (refer to Figure 2-6), no input inversion was required. To increase
turbine extraction header pressure, the HP valve must increase and the LP
valve must decrease. This is considered a direct action and does not require
the input to inverted. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - No)
In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
extraction pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/Adm
Droop = 0%)


Because it is desired to hold exhaust pressure constant for a changing
extraction flow demand, and vice versa the “Decoupled Exhaust” ratio/limiter
mode is used with this application. (Use Decoupling? - Yes), (Decoupled
Exhaust (LP)? - Yes)
From the turbine’s steam map or performance envelope (provided with the
turbine from the turbine manufacturer), the turbine’s operating data/limits
were entered as described in Volume #1 of this manual.
This application’s turbine can only extract steam. (Extraction Only? - Yes)
Automatic enabling/disabling was selected with this application to allow an
operator to automatically or manually enable/disable Extraction control
(lower the LP valve limiter to min/raise the LP valve limiter to max). The
automatic enable/disable routine may be stopped at any time, and continued
manually, or restarted as desired. (Use Automatic Enable? - Yes)
When the turbine is on an operating limit and only one valve is available to
control with, extraction pressure is the desired parameter to be controlled
(exhaust pressure control will be sacrificed). Since extraction pressure is
being controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio limiter’s “P” term) Extr/Adm
priority is selected. (Speed Control Priority? - No)
To simplify system startup and shutdown, the 505E was programmed to
automatically select Extraction pressure priority when the selected
permissives are met (LP valve limiter at min, extraction PID in-control). This
allows a bumpless transfer into extraction priority. (Auto Switch E/A
Priority? - Yes)

The Cascade control loop was configured to receive an exhaust header
pressure signal through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #2 Function:
Cascade Input) he 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer was used to sense the pressure
level, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR9 was removed, and JPR8 was

Woodward 55
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

The Function Key F3 was programmed to allow an operator to easily enable

and disable Cascade control (F3 Key Performs: Casc Control Enable)
Exhaust header pressure is directly proportional to turbine inlet valve
position, thus no input inversion is required. (Invert Cascade Input? - No)
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is used to allow the 505E’s Cascade
control, when disabled, to track exhaust header pressure being controlled by a
letdown station. (Use Setpoint Tracking? - Yes)
To protect the generator from being reverse powered by the Cascade PID, the
‘Speed Setpoint Lower Limit’ value was set to 3% (5.4 rpm if rated speed is
3600 rpm and using 5% droop) above synchronous speed.
In this case, because the Cascade PID, during normal operation, is not sharing
control of exhaust header pressure with another control, Droop is not
required. (Cascade Droop = 0%)

The 505E’s Analog Input #6 was programmed to receive the DSLC’s speed
bias signal for automatic synchronization, and load sharing (Analog Input #6
Function: Sync/Load Share Input). With this configuration, the analog
input’s range is defaulted to a certain gain value, for best performance, thus
the input’s 4mA and 20mA settings are not used and do not require
A contact input was programmed to enable the Sync/Load Share analog input
and allow synchronization through the DSLC before the generator breaker is
closed. (Contact Input #4 Function: Sync/Ld Share Enable)

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. After the unit is started, the Idle/
Example 6: Rated or Auto Start Sequence functions, if programmed, can be used to assist
ramping the control to a rated speed position. Alternatively, an operator can give
a manual raise command to increase turbine speed as desired.

After the unit has been started and is controlling at a rated speed position, the
turbine generator can be synchronized. This can be done manually or
automatically. The system operator can select automatic synchronization through
the Auto-Sync select switch ( SW1 in Figure 2-6 ). When this switch is closed the
505E’s Synchronizing input is enabled and the DSLC’s automatic synchronizing
function selected.

With this configuration the mode of operation the system operates in is dependent
on SW2’s position. When SW2 is not selecting the Loadsharing mode, and the
generator breaker is closed, unit load is set by the 505E’s internal Speed/load
setpoint, or the Cascade PID if enabled. Upon the generator breaker closing, the
505E steps the speed/load setpoint up to a minimum load level to reduce the
chance of reverse powering or motoring the generator. This minimum load level
is based on the speed/load setpoint and is defaulted to a speed setpoint RPM value
equal to “3%” turbine/generator load. The defaulted value is adjustable through
the 505E’s Service mode (Breaker Logic, Min Load Bias = xxx rpm).

56 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

After synchronization the 505E’s load setpoint can be positioned through raise
and lower speed/load setpoint contacts, a programmed 4-20mA input, Modbus
commands, or the 505E service panel.

Since Decoupled Exhaust was the ratio/limiter action programmed with this
application, it is recommended that Extraction control be enabled (the LP limiter
lowered to min) before Exhaust control (which uses the LP valve to control with).
It is also recommended that Cascade control be disabled before Extraction control
is disabled (the LP limiter raised). By following these recommended procedures,
each control mode can be bumplessly taken into and out-of control. The 505E’s
ratio/limiter uses the Coupled HP & LP mode when Cascade Control is disabled,
and the Decoupled Exhaust mode when Cascade control is enabled.

Because the 505E was programmed for the capability to automatically enable
Extraction Control, the operator may choose to automatically or manually enable
Extraction control. To manually enable Extraction control the operator must issue
a LP valve limiter lower command from the 505E service panel, a contact input,
or through Modbus communications. The LP valve limiter must be taken to its
minimum position to fully enable Extraction control.

The enabling routine, which automatically lowers the LP valve limiter, may be
issued from the 505E’s service panel, contact input, or through Modbus
communications. This routine automatically ramps the LP valve to its minimum
position and may be stopped at any time by momentarily issuing a LP valve
limiter raise or lower command. Once the automatic enabling routine has been
stopped it may be restarted/enabled at any time by issuing a disable command
followed by an Extr/Adm control enable command or, once stopped, the operator
may continue the routine manually. (Disabling of Exhaust control can also be
performed manually or automatically.)

Cascade control (turbine exhaust pressure) can be enabled at any time after the
utility tie breaker and generator breaker input contacts are closed. Cascade
control can be enabled through a programmed contact, Modbus command, or the
505E service panel. Exhaust pressure control can be transferred from a letdown
station to 505E Cascade Control in one of the following ways; enabling Cascade
control, and backing down the letdown station’ s setpoint, or enabling Cascade
control and raising the Cascade’s setpoint. When a letdown station is used as a
backup to the turbine pressure controller, it is required that the letdown station’s
setpoint be lower than that of the 505E control’s setpoint to prevent fighting and
potential instability between the controllers.

Woodward 57
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

After exhaust pressure control has been transferred to the 505E’s Cascade PID,
the letdown station or turbine bypass valve must be closed or in a manual control
mode. This will stop the two controllers (505E Cascade PID and system letdown
station) from fighting for control of one parameter and causing system instability.
If both a turbine bypass valve and the turbine’s flow are required to satisfy the
header flow requirements, droop is required in one of the control loops for
stability. When a letdown station is used as a backup to the turbine pressure
controller, it is required that the letdown station’s setpoint be lower than that of
the 505E control’s setpoint to prevent fighting and potential instability between
the controllers.

When SW2 is switched to select Loadsharing, the DSLC bumplessly ramps load
to match the MSLC’s load setpoint, or to a load setting determined by the DSLC’s
loadsharing circuitry, depending on utility-to-tie breaker position. The MSLC can
be used to set all the units in the Loadsharing mode to a base load setting or to
vary their load based on a plant import/export demand setting.

During normal operation, one unit is controlling plant process steam and the other
units are in loadsharing control mode. The units sharing load are loaded based on
the MSLC plant load demand. If the plant should become isolated from the
utility, the MSLC is disabled and the loadsharing units will share plant load.
When desired, the MSLC can be enabled to re-synchronize the plant bus to the
utility bus and close the plant-to-utility tie breaker. After synchronization the
MSLC will either ramp plant power to a 5 MW export power level or ramp plant
load to a base load setting, depending on the mode of operation selected.

Woodward DSLCs can interface directly with a unit’s automatic voltage

regulator. This allows units with DSLCs to share reactive power as well as real
power. This configuration also allows the MSLC to control plant power factor
when the utility-to-tie breaker is closed.

58 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

EXAMPLE 7 (Extraction Only Turbine, Decoupled HP & LP mode)


Figure 2-7. Inlet Pressure Control, Exhaust Pressure Control with Generator
Power Limiting

Woodward 59
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

This is an example of a typical turbine generator application where the turbine

inlet and exhaust header pressures are desired to be controlled and the turbine’s
extraction header pressure is controlled by a system letdown station. With this
type of application, turbine load varies based on the plant process steam demand.
Both the Auxiliary and Cascade modes were used for this example application.
Other applications may or may not utilize all the functionality shown in Figure 2-
7 and described below.

With this application turbine inlet header pressure control is performed within the
505E through the Cascade PID controller. This is an ideal controller for this type
of function because it can be enabled and disabled as desired by a system
operator. This gives a system operator full authority of when to transfer process
pressure control to or from a letdown station or turbine bypass valve.

During normal operation unit load is determined by the Cascade PID controlling
inlet header pressure. Because turbine load may vary greatly with this
application, a limiter is used to protect the generator from being over powered.
This protection is performed by the Auxiliary PID configured as a limiter. By
configuring the Auxiliary PID as a limiter and using a Real Power Sensor’s output
signal as the PID’s controlling parameter, the maximum load the generator can
operate at can be limited.

Turbine Exhaust pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID controller
can be enabled automatically or manually depending on configuration. In all
cases the 505E starts up with the Extr/Adm PID disabled and the LP valve at its
maximum open position. This allows a turbine to warm-up in a uniform manner.
With this application the Extr/Adm setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s
front panel. Optionally the 505E could be programmed to have the Extr/Adm
setpoint varied through discrete inputs, a 4-20mA signal, or Modbus

This application uses a DSLC for synchronization only. Because the DSLC
interfaces to the 505E through an analog signal, a 505E analog input must be
programmed. The 505E’s Analog Input #6 is the only analog input directly
compatible with the DSLC, thus this input is programmed to receive the DSLC’s
Speed Bias signal. When a Synchronizing input/function is programmed, the
input can be enabled through a contact input, function key, Modbus command, or
the 505E service panel. As shown in Figure 2-7 a panel mounted (DPST) switch
is used with this application to select automatic synchronization in both the DSLC
and 505E. Alternatively, this switch could come from a 505E relay programmed
to energize for an F3/F4 Key Selected, a Modbus Command Selected, Sync
Enabled, or a Speed Switch Level Reached.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Auxiliary, Cascade) may be
changed through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA
inputs, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

The following list of notes are provided as a reference for application

programmers to follow when programming the 505E to achieve any of the control
and limiting actions shown in Figure 2-7.

60 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


This is a Generator application. (Generator Application? - Yes)
Notes for
Example 7: Generator and Utility Tie breaker contact inputs are required to be
programmed when a generator application is selected. (Contact Input #1
Function: Generator Breaker), (Contact Input #2 Function: Utility Tie
Because the 505E is configured to control both turbine inlet and exhaust
pressures during normal operation, the ratio limiter is programmed to use the
Decoupled HP & LP mode of action. KW droop, however, acts as a form of
valve coupling (both valves affect load) and will negate the decoupling action
of the ratio limiter if used. For this reason, Speed droop is used with this
application. (Use KW Droop? - No)
To achieve good response and load adjustment resolution, Droop was set to
5% of rated speed. (Droop = 5 %)
It was desired to switch to Frequency control at all times, if the plant became
isolated form the Utility bus. (Use Freq Arm/Disarm? - No)


The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive a pressure or flow signal
through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function: Extr/Adm Input).
The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what the
pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure level,
the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and JPR10 was
Because of where the exhaust header transducer is placed with respect to the
LP valve (refer to Figure 2-7), an input inversion is required. To increase
turbine exhaust header pressure, the HP valve position must increase and the
LP valve position must increase. This is considered an indirect action and
requires an input inversion. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - Yes)
In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
exhaust pressure with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/Adm
Droop = 0%)


Because it is desired to hold inlet pressure constant for a changing exhaust
flow demand, and vice versa the “Decoupled HP & LP” ratio/limiter mode is
used with this application. (Use Decoupling? - Yes), (Decoupled HP & LP?
- Yes)
This application’s turbine can only extract steam. (Extraction Only? - Yes)

Woodward 61
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Automatic enabling/disabling was selected with this application to allow an

operator to automatically or manually enable/disable Extraction control
(lower the LP valve limiter to min/raise the LP valve limiter to max). The
automatic enable/disable routine may be stopped at any time, and continued
manually, or restarted as desired. (Use Automatic Enable? - Yes)
When the turbine is on an operating limit and only one valve is available to
control with, inlet pressure is the desired parameter to be controlled
(extraction pressure control will be sacrificed). Since inlet pressure is being
controlled with the Cascade PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority
is selected. (Speed Control Priority? - Yes)
When the turbine is on the LP Maximum Limiter (100% open), inlet pressure
is the desired parameter to be controlled (extraction pressure control will be
sacrificed). Since inlet pressure is being controlled with the Cascade PID (the
ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is selected. (LP Max Lmt E/A
Priority? - No)

The Cascade control loop was configured to receive an inlet header pressure
signal through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #2 Function: Cascade
Input) he input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what
the pressure transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Because a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the pressure
level, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR9 was removed, and JPR8 was
The 505E was configured to accept a contact from a panel mounted switch to
externally enable and disable inlet header pressure control. (Contact Input
#3 Function: Casc Control Enable)
The Cascade Input was inverted to allow the correct control action. To
increase turbine inlet header pressure, the governor valve position must
decrease. This is considered an indirect action and requires the input to be
inverted. (Invert Cascade Input? - Yes)
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is used to allow the 505E to track
inlet header pressure before being enabled, thus allowing a bumpless transfer
to inlet header pressure control. because the system’s pressure setpoint never
changes, thus system start-up is simpler. (Use Setpoint Tracking? - No)
To protect the generator from being reverse powered by the Cascade PID, the
‘Speed Setpoint Lower Limit’ value was set to 3% (5.4 rpm if rated speed is
3600 rpm and using 5% droop) above synchronous speed.
In this case, because the Cascade PID, during normal operation, is not sharing
control of inlet header pressure with another controller, Droop is not required.
(Cascade Droop = 0%)

62 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

The Auxiliary control loop was configured to receive a generator load signal
from a Real Power Sensor, through Analog Input #3. (Analog Input #3
Function: Auxiliary Input) The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were
programmed based on what the PTs and CTs used by the Real Power Sensor
were ranged for (4mA=zero, 20mA=unit power level at 5Amps CT current).
Because the Real Power Sensor is self powered (provides it’s own loop
power), the 505E back cover was removed, JPR14 was removed, and JPR15
was installed.
Unit load is directly proportional to turbine inlet valve position, thus no input
inversion is required. (Invert Aux Input? - No)
The Auxiliary PID was programmed to perform as a load limiter. ()
In this case, because the Auxiliary PID is used only as a limiter, and is not
sharing control of generator load with another control, Droop is not required.
(Aux Droop = 0%)
With this application, it was desirable to only enable the Auxiliary PID if
paralleled to the utility. (Tiebkr Open Aux Dsbl? - Yes), (Genbkr Open
Aux Dsbl? - Yes)

The 505E’s Analog Input #6 was programmed to receive the DSLC’s speed
bias signal for automatic synchronization (Analog Input #6 Function:
Synchronizing Input) With this configuration, the analog input’s range is
defaulted to provide a certain gain factor for best performance, thus the
input’s 4mA and 20mA program settings are not used do not require
A contact input was programmed to enable the Synchronizing analog input
(Contact Input #4 Function: Sync Enable)

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. After the unit is started, the Idle/
Example 7: Rated or Auto Start Sequence functions, if programmed, can be used to assist
ramping the control to a rated speed position. Alternatively an operator can give a
manual raise command to increase turbine speed as desired.

After the unit has been started and is controlling at a rated speed position, the
turbine generator can be synchronized. This can be done manually or
automatically. The system operator can select automatic synchronization through
the Auto-Sync select switch (switch SW1 in Figure 2-7). When this switch is
closed, the 505E’s Synchronizing input is enabled and the DSLC’s automatic
synchronizing function is selected.

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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

When the plant-to-utility tie-line breaker is closed and the unit generator breaker
closes, the 505E steps the speed/load setpoint up to a minimum load level to
reduce the chance of reverse powering or motoring the generator. This minimum
load level is based on the speed/load setpoint and is defaulted to a “3%” step
change of the speed/load setpoint. The defaulted 3% minimum load value (stored
as a setpoint “rpm” change) is adjustable through the 505E’s Service mode
(Breaker Logic, Min Load Bias = X rpm ).

After synchronization the 505E’s load setpoint can be positioned through raise
and lower Speed/Load setpoint contacts, a programmed 4-20mA input, Modbus
commands, or the 505E service panel. This load control mode may be used to
slowly increase turbine load, and take control away from a letdown station or
turbine bypass valve.

Cascade control (turbine inlet header pressure) can be enabled at any time after
the Utility Tie breaker and Generator breakers are closed, through a contact input,
Modbus command or the 505E service panel. When Cascade control is enabled
the Cascade setpoint will match the inlet header pressure level at that time, thus a
bumpless transfer to inlet header pressure control is accomplished. After the
Cascade controller has been enabled, the operator can increase or decrease the
control setpoint as desired. The 505E’s ratio/limiter uses the Coupled HP & LP
mode when Cascade Control is disabled and the Decoupled Exhaust mode when
Cascade control is enabled.

Because the 505E was programmed for the capability to automatically enable
Extraction Control, the operator may choose to automatically or manually enable
Extraction control. To manually enable Extraction control, the operator must
issue a LP valve limiter lower command from the 505E service panel, a contact
input, or through Modbus communications. The LP valve limiter must be taken to
its minimum position to fully enable Extraction control.

The enabling routine, which automatically lowers the LP valve limiter, may be
issued from the 505E’s service panel, contact input, or through Modbus
communications. This routine automatically ramps the LP valve to its minimum
position and may be stopped at any time by momentarily issuing a LP valve
limiter raise or lower command. Once the automatic enabling routine has been
stopped it may be restarted/enabled at any time by issuing a disable command
followed by an Extr/Adm control enable command or, once stopped, the operator
may continue the routine manually. (Disabling of Exhaust control can also be
performed manually or automatically.)

When a letdown station is used as a backup to the turbine extraction pressure

controller, it is required that the letdown station’s setpoint be lower than that of
the 505E extraction control’s setpoint to prevent fighting and potential instability
between the controllers.

64 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

With this application the Auxiliary control is programmed to be used as a limiter

and to be automatically enabled when both the Utility Tie and Generator breakers
are closed. When paralleled to the utility, if inlet header pressure demand and/or
other system conditions try to force the generator to operate above its load limit
setting, the Auxiliary PID will take control of the governor valve to limit
generator load. Once system conditions demand unit load below that of the
Auxiliary setpoint, the Cascade/Speed PIDs will again take control of generator

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EXAMPLE 8 (Admission Turbine, Coupled HP & LP mode)


Figure 2-8. Admission Steam Turbine Control with Bootstrap Startup

66 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

This is an example of a typical turbine generator application where turbine load

and admission flow are controlled. However, this application requires that the
turbine be started with low pressure admission steam until the refinery can be
bootstrapped up to begin producing high pressure inlet steam. Other applications
may or may not use all the functionality shown in Figure 2-8 and described below.

With this application, a Real Power Sensor is used to sense generator load and
allow the 505E Speed/load PID to control and limit generator load.

It is assumed that an external trip valve or trip-and-throttle valve is used to

completely stop any admission steam from entering the turbine upon a system
shutdown condition.

Adm pressure is controlled by the Extr/Adm PID. This PID must be manually
enabled once the pressures on both sides of the admission trip-and -throttle valve
have been matched. A manual demand signal is available to allow an operator to
match the pressures across the Adm T&T valve before enabling the control loop.
With this application the Extr/Adm setpoint is only varied through the 505E’s
front panel. Optionally the 505E could be programmed to have the Extr/Adm
setpoint varied through discrete inputs, a 4-20mA signal, or Modbus

This application uses a DSLC for synchronization only. Because the DSLC
interfaces to the 505E through an analog signal, a 505E analog input must be
programmed. The 505E’s Analog Input #6 is the only analog input directly
compatible with the DSLC, thus this input is programmed to receive the DSLC’s
Speed Bias signal. When a synchronizing input/function is programmed, the
input can be enabled through a contact input, function key, Modbus command, or
the 505E service panel. As shown in Figure 2-8 a panel mounted (DPST) switch
is used with this application to select automatic synchronization in both the DSLC
and the 505E.

All 505E PID controller setpoints (Speed, Extr/Adm, Auxiliary, Cascade) may be
changed through programmed raise and lower contacts, programmed 4-20mA
inputs, Modbus commands, or the 505E service panel.

The following list of notes are provided as a reference for application

programmers to follow when programming the 505E to achieve any control and
limiting actions shown in Figure 2-8.


This is a Generator application. (Generator Application? - Yes)
Notes for
Example 8: Generator and Utility Tie breaker contact inputs are required to be
programmed when a generator application is selected. (Contact Input #1
Function: Generator Breaker), (Contact Input #2 Function: Utility Tie

Woodward 67
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

A RPS was used with this application to sense unit load. By programming the
Speed PID to use KW droop, the Speed PID can control and limit unit load
when paralleled against a utility. (Use KW Droop? - Yes)
For good response and load adjustment resolution, Droop was set to 5% of
rated speed. (Droop = 5 %)
The 505E was configured to receive a generator load signal from a Real
Power Sensor, through Analog Input #2. (Analog Input #2 Function: KW /
Unit Load Input) The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed
based on what the PTs and CTs used by the Real Power Sensor were ranged
for (4mA=zero, 20mA=unit power level at 5Amps CT current).
Because the Real Power Sensor is self powered (provides it’s own loop
power), the 505E back cover was removed, JPR8 was removed, and JPR9
was installed.
With this application it is desirable to switch to Frequency control at all times,
if the plant becomes isolated form the Utility bus. (Use Freq Arm/Disarm? -


The Extr/Adm control loop is defaulted to receive an Admission flow signal
through Analog Input #1 (Analog Input #1 Function: Extr/Adm Input).
The input’s 4mA and 20mA values were programmed based on what the flow
transducer was ranged/calibrated for.
Since a two wire, loop powered transducer is used to sense the admission
flow, the 505E back cover was removed, JPR11 was removed, and JPR10
was installed.
Because of where the Extr/Adm transducer was placed with respect to the LP
valve (refer to Figure 2-8), no input inversion was required. To increase
turbine admission flow, the HP valve must decreased and the LP valve must
increased. This is considered a direct action and does not require the input to
inverted. (Invert Extr/Adm Input? - No)
In this application, because the Extr/Adm PID is not sharing control of the
admission flow with another controller, Droop is not required. (Extr/Adm
Droop = 0%)
To display flow instead of pressure, the unit of measure chosen was a flow
unit. (Extr/Adm Units of Measure? - kg/hr)


Because it is desired to hold turbine load constant for a changing admission
flow, and vice versa the “Coupled HP & LP” ratio/limiter mode is used with
this application. (Use Decoupling? - No)
From the turbine’s steam map or performance envelope (provided with the
turbine from the turbine manufacturer), the turbine’s operating data/limits
were entered as described in Volume #1 of this manual.

68 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

This application’s turbine has the capability for controlled admission steam
only. (Admission Only? - Yes)
With this application, Setpoint Tracking is used to allow the 505E to track
header pressure before being enabled, thus allowing a bumpless transfer into
header pressure control. (Use Setpoint Tracking? Yes)
When the turbine is on an operating limit and only one valve is available to
control with, turbine load is the desired parameter to be controlled (Extr/Adm
pressure control will be sacrificed). Since turbine/generator load is being
controlled with the Speed PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is
selected. (Speed Control Priority? - Yes)
When the turbine is on the LP Maximum Limiter (100% open), turbine/
generator load is the desired parameter to be controlled (Extr/Adm pressure
control will be sacrificed). Since turbine/generator load is being controlled
with the Speed PID (the ratio limiter’s “S” term) Speed priority is selected.
(LP Max Lmt E/A Priority? - No)

The 505E’s Analog Input #6 was programmed to receive the DSLC’s speed
bias signal for automatic synchronization (Analog Input #6 Function:
Synchronizing Input) With this configuration, the analog input’s range is
defaulted to a certain gain value for best performance, thus the input’s 4mA
and 20mA settings are not used, and do not require programming.
A contact input was programmed to enable the Synchronizing analog input
(Contact Input #4 Function: Sync Enable)

Starting & Run Starting and ramping to an idle or minimum speed position can be performed
Mode Notes for automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. With this type of configuration, a
Example 8: semiautomatic start requires that the LP valve limiter be manually lowered to 0%
before the Admission Trip-and-Throttle (T&T) valve is opened.

From an idle or minimum speed position, the Idle/Rated or Auto Start Sequence
functions, if programmed, can be used to assist ramping the control to a rated
speed position. Alternatively, an operator can give a manual raise command to
increase turbine speed as desired.

After the unit has been started and is controlling at a rated speed position, the
turbine generator can be synchronized. This can be done manually or
automatically. The system operator can select automatic synchronization through
the Auto-Sync select switch ( SW1 in Figure 2-8 ). When this switch is closed the
505E’s Synchronizing input is enabled and the DSLC’s automatic synchronizing
function selected.

The DSLC provides either phase matching or slip frequency synchronizing, and
ties into the unit automatic voltage regulator to match voltages before paralleling.
It communicates over a LAN using a digital Echelon network with other plant
DSLCs to perform safe dead bus closing.

Woodward 69
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

When the plant-to-utility tie line/breaker is closed, and the unit generator breaker
closes, the 505E steps the speed/load setpoint up to a minimum load level to
reduce the chance of reverse powering or motoring the generator. This minimum
load level is based on the speed/load setpoint and is defaulted to a “3%” load. The
defaulted value is adjustable through the 505E’s Service mode (Breaker Logic,
Min Load Bias = xxx ).

After synchronization, the 505E’s load setpoint can be positioned through raise
and lower speed/load setpoint contacts, a programmed 4-20mA input, Modbus
commands, or the 505E service panel.

Once the inlet steam pressure is near rated level’s, the HP T&T valve can be
opened. As inlet steam capacity increases, the 505E will reposition the control
valves to hold a constant load level (true load control is capable only if KW droop
is used).

Admission control can be enabled any time after the generator breaker is closed,
the HP trip-&-throttle valve has been opened, and the inlet steam source has the
capacity to provide the steam required to hold the turbine at its current load level.
To perform a bumpless transfer into Admission control the pressures on each side
of the Adm trip-&-throttle valve should be matched. The 505E has a manual
demand signal to allow operators to manually vary the pressure on the turbine side
of the Adm T&T valve. Once these pressures are matched the operator can open
the T&T valve, and then issue an Extr/Adm control enable command. The
manual demand signal’s raise/lower and the Extr/Adm enable/disable commands
can be issued through the 505E’s service panel, contact inputs, or Modbus

70 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Figure 2-9. Plant Load and Steam Pressure Control Application

Woodward 71
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

With this application a combination of 505E’s, DSLCs, MSLCs, and a Single

Loop PID controller allow the following plant parameters to be controlled:
• Plant Import and/or Export Power (Utility Tie breaker closed)
• Plant Inlet Header Pressure (Utility Tie breaker closed)
• Plant Power Factor or VARs (Utility Tie breaker closed)
• Plant Frequency with proportional (Utility Tie breaker open)
• Plant Power Factor Sharing (Utility Tie breaker open)
• Plant to Utility Frequency - Automatic (Utility Tie breaker open)
• Plant to Utility Phase - Automatic (Utility Tie breaker open)
• Plant to Utility Voltage - Automatic (Utility Tie breaker open)
• Plant Extraction Header Pressure (Utility Tie breaker open or

This is an example of a typical plant application where multiple turbine generators

are load and flow shared to control plant functions like import/export power or
turbine inlet header pressure and extraction header pressure. When the plant is
disconnected from a utility, this configuration allows all units to control plant
frequency, load share, and continue flow sharing into the extraction header. Other
applications may or may not use all the functionality shown in Figure 2-9 and
described below.

With this application, each 505E is paired with a Digital Synchronizer and Load
Control (DSLC). When enabled each DSLC interfaces with its respective 505E to
determine the unit’s load. Each DSLC when in the isochronous loadsharing mode
interfaces with all other plant DSLCs and MSLCs via a Digital Echelon Network
(LON). This digital network allows units to share load with each other or be
controlled by a Master Synchronizer and Load Control (MSLC). Only one MSLC
at a time can be on the LON network.

A MSLC, when enabled, can control the load of all units (via DSLCs and 505Es)
on the LON network to control a common parameter. To have its load level set by
the MSLC, a DSLC must be in the isochronous loadsharing mode. This allows an
operator to determine which units will function together to control a common
parameter (inlet header pressure, import/export power), and which units will
function separately to control other parameters (exhaust pressure, unit load).

72 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

The MSLC senses plant import/export power and uses a “PI” controller to
command any or all units on the LON to control plant import/export power. The
MSLC can also accept and (with a “PI” controller) control any process signal
which is directly related to each unit’s load and which the units enabled all have in
common (inlet header pressure, exhaust header pressure). By the MSLC forcing
the load level of each enabled DSLC to be the same, all units are proportionally
loaded the same and share the same burden.

When the utility tie breaker is open, the MSLC can be used to automatically
synchronize the plant bus to the utility grid. Like controlling load, the MSLC
varies the frequency setting of all DSLCs (turbine generators) on-line and enabled
to match the plant’s frequency and phase to that of the utility. By connecting each
DSLC to its respective generator’s automatic voltage regulator (AVR), the MSLC
can also communicate with all the enabled DSLCs to match plant voltage to that
of the utility.

With each DSLC connected to its unit AVR, the MSLC can be used to control the
plant power factor or reactive power level (VARs). This configuration also
allows power factor sharing between units when the plant is disconnected from
the utility.

The Plant Extraction Header Pressure Controller used with this application is a
stand-alone “PI” controller. This controller senses extraction header pressure and
outputs identical signals to all unit extraction pressure controllers thus forcing
allow all units to equally flow share. The controller’s output signal is used to
drive each unit’s extraction pressure setpoint. Unlike the MSLC this controller
does not communicate over a Echelon Network, thus the Plant Extraction Header
controller is required to have multiple outputs.

Because turbine extraction pressure is not a function of turbine load, the MSLC
can not be used to control this parameter. A “PI” controller was used with this
application to allow all units to flow share. Alternatively one unit could have
been used to control any changes in plant demand and the other units could have
been set to output a constant flow. The latter configuration, however, limits the
amount of plant demand change the system can handle without an upset, or an
operator driven change.

Another benefit of this MSLC - DSLC configuration, is that basically any prime
mover that has a DSLC installed can be used to loadshare with (gas turbines,
diesel engines, steam turbines, hydro turbines). Because each DSLC has an
individual loadsharing gain setting, the response differences between units can be
compensated for.

Woodward 73
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

EXAMPLE 10 When the 505E is configured for induction generator applications, typically there
INDUCTION are only two differences in the programming of the 505E verses programming for
GENERATOR synchronous generator applications.
The induction generator’s slip frequency must be taken into account. This is
achieved by compensating for the slip frequency with the 505E’s maximum Speed
Setpoint setting. The ‘MAX GOVERNOR SPEED SETPOINT’ setting must be
equal to synchronous speed plus the droop percentage plus the full load slip
frequency percentage.
1. Max Governor Speed Setpoint = Sync Speed + (Sync Speed * Droop) + Max
Slip RPM
2. The USE TIE BREAKER OPEN TRIP setting must be set to “Yes” if a
synchronous generator is not sharing the same plant bus. This will cause the
generator to trip when the utility tie breaker opens.

74 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Interface to the control may be performed through the 505E’s service panel
(located on the front of the control), remote switch contacts, analog inputs, meter
readouts, relays, or a Modbus® communications line to an operator interface

KEYPAD AND The control’s service panel consists of a keypad and LED display (two lines, 24
DISPLAY characters each) located on the front of the control.

Figure 3-1. 505E Keypad and Display

The system operator uses the service panel to communicate with the 505E system.
The service panel can be used only occasionally to communicate with the system,
or it can continuously monitor a value for the operator to view.

The Service Panel, shown in Figure 3-1, includes the 30 key keypad and the split
screen display. An overview of the software and information arrangement
scheme for the Service Panel is shown in Figure 3-2.

SERVICE PANEL The 505E Service Panel operates in several access modes, each of which has a
MODES different purpose. These modes are: SERVICE, CONFIGURE, DEBUG,
OS_FAULTS, and SYS_INFO. See Figure 3-2 , Software Structure Overview.

The SERVICE mode can be used while the turbine is running. The SERVICE
mode permits displaying the value of any SERVICE mode block, and changing
the value of any of those blocks that are tuneable. Entry into the SERVICE mode
requires a password.

Woodward 75
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 3-2. Software Structure Overview

76 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

The CONFIGURE mode is also referred to as the PROGRAM mode and is used
to set up the parameters for a specific application prior to operation of the unit.
The turbine must be shut down (and the password entered correctly) to change any
CONFIGURE values. If the control is not shutdown, pressing the PRGM key will
allow viewing of CONFIGURE, but will not permit any changes to be made.

The DEBUG mode is used to troubleshoot a system during development and is

not intended for general use. It should be used only by properly trained
Woodward personnel or when expressly authorized by Woodward Governor
Company. Entry into the DEBUG mode requires a password.

The OS_FAULTS mode displays any operating system faults or alarms that have
occurred, and permits resetting (clearing) the list of detected alarms. Entry into
the OS_FAULTS mode requires a password.

The SYS_INFO mode is used to display system information, change passwords,

or download a configuration file into the control.

USING THE Information that can be displayed by the SERVICE mode and CONFIGURE
SERVICE MODE mode is all arranged in the same way. There are three tiers or levels: modes,
headers, and blocks. The modes each have a number of headers under them and
each header usually has many blocks under it. The DEBUG mode, the
OS_FAULTS mode, and the SYS_INFO use different arrangements and will be
described later.

TOP LEVEL/ This is normally the first block to appear on the display after power up, but may
ROOT SYSTEM be overwritten by the application program. To get to the Root System block at
BLOCK any time push the CLEAR key once or sometimes twice depending where the user
is in the programmable service. The block looks like this:


505E Version x.x

Pressing the scroll ∨ key takes the system to the first level, the mode level.

Select Mode This first level (below the Top Level/Root System block) contains the five
Level different programmable service mode blocks. The five mode blocks are arranged
within the first level as shown in Figure 3-3. Scroll left (<) or right (>) to display
each mode.

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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 3-3. The Select Mode Level

When entering the mode level, the SERVICE mode will always be the
one displayed first in the mode-level message.

Header Level The second level is the header level. This level contains the programmable
service header blocks as shown in Figure 3-4. Scroll left (<) or right (>) to get to
each header. Press CLEAR to get back to the Select Mode Level. Scroll down (∨)
to get to any block under a header.

Figure 3-4. Header Level

Block Level The third level, the block level, is shown in Figure 3-5. The programmable
service blocks containing the values to be monitored or changed are found at this
level. Scroll down (∨) or up (∧) to get to a different block. Push CLEAR to get
back to the header level.

78 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 3-5. Block Level

Service Mode The SERVICE mode can be used while the engine/turbine is running or shut
down. The SERVICE mode permits displaying the value of any SERVICE mode
block, and changing the value of any of those blocks that are tuneable. Entry into
the SERVICE mode requires a password.

In the SERVICE mode, the value displayed for a block can be changed by using
either the ADJ ∨ or ADJ ∧ keys. The value can be changed if it is a tuneable
variable; in this case there will be a * before the value.

This mode can also be used to make direct numeric entries. However, because
this mode is intended to be used while the turbine is running, the Service Panel
will accept the entry of numeric values for a block only if the proposed change is
very small. The block value proposed for entry must be within 1 percent of the
current displayed value of that block, unless that current displayed value is
between -0.1 and +0.1. If the current displayed value is between -0.1 and +0.1,
the system will accept any entry between -0.1 and +0.1.

Woodward 79
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

To make direct numeric entries, first bring the displayed value to within 1% of the
value to be entered. Press the ENTER key. Press the numerical keys to input the
value and press ENTER again.

If the value entered is less than the value displayed by more than 1% or greater
than the value displayed by more than 1%, an appropriate message will be
displayed indicating the value entered is too large or too small.

When using the SERVICE mode, refer to the Service Mode worksheet in
Appendix B.

Entering The 1. At the select mode level, the following message will appear on the display.
Service Mode

Push < or > for new mode



2. Press the scroll right (>) key until the message indicates the SERVICE mode
(unless it already does).
3. Press the ENTER key. The following message will be on the display.

Password SERVICE

For password information see Appendix C at the back of this manual.
If the password information is not in this manual, see the supervisor
or equipment engineer.
4. Enter the password on the numeric keys, then press the ENTER key. The
display will show a SERVICE mode header. An example is shown below.


80 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

The headers and blocks are assigned their names by the application
programmer; this is only an example.
5. The @ indicates which half of the split screen display that key entry will
affect. Use the SELECT key to select either the top or bottom of the split
screen display. (The Xs indicate another header or block which is being
shown on the bottom half of the split screen display.)
6. Use the scroll right (>) or scroll left (<) key to select the desired SERVICE
mode header.
7. Use the scroll up (∧) key or scroll down (∨) key to select the desired
SERVICE mode block. A message similar to the one below will be

@ On-Line Prop Gn *5.000

On-Line Int Gn *5.000

(The * indicates this block contains a tuneable variable).

8. Use the ADJ ∧ or ADJ ∨ keys to increase or decrease the value of the block
being displayed. If a faster rate of change is desired simply hold the key down
and the rate of change will increase after two seconds and again after six
seconds. If a slower rate of change is desired, repeatedly release the key after
holding one second then press again.

This mode can also be used to make direct numeric entries.
However, because this mode is intended to be used while the engine/
turbine is running, the Service Panel will accept the entry of numeric
values for a block, only if the proposed change is very small. The
block value proposed for entry must be within 1 percent of the
current displayed value of that block, unless that current displayed
value is between -0.1 and +0.1. If the current displayed value is
between -0.1 and +0.1, the system will accept any entry between -0.1
and +0.1.
9. When setting the value of the block has been completed, either go to another
block or exit out of the mode.
• To scroll to another block under the same header, use the scroll down (∨)
or scroll up (∧) keys.
• To go back to the same header, press the CLEAR key.

Woodward 81
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

• From header level, to go to a block under a different header, scroll to the

new header by using the scroll right (>) or scroll left (<) key, then scroll to
the new block by using the scroll down (∨) or scroll up (∧) key.
• To exit the mode, use the CLEAR key to get back to the header. Then
press CLEAR again to get back to the Top Level/Root block. The values
of all variables that were changed will then be stored in EEPROM.

If the display will not be used for a while, it is a good idea to return to
the Top Level/Root display and permit the system to blank the screen
to save power and prolong the life of the display.

Exiting Modes When leaving the SERVICE mode or the CONFIGURE mode and returning to the
Root level (by pressing CLEAR), the values of all variables that were changed
(while in SERVICE mode or CONFIGURE mode) are stored in EEPROM.

If variables are tuned or changed but not stored in EEPROM by
pressing CLEAR to return to the root level, then those changes will
be lost if power is removed from the control or if the control is reset.

When the display is showing the Top Level/Root block (shown
below) the display will turn off if approximately 5 minutes elapse
without a key being pressed. If the unit is powered up but the display
is blank, press the CLEAR, scroll down (∨ ∨), PRGM, or any hot key to
turn the display on. This will turn the display block on.

Configure Mode The CONFIGURE mode is used to set a system up for a specific application,
before actual operation of that system starts. The engine/turbine must be shut
down when using the CONFIGURE mode, and numeric entries of any value
(within the allowed range for that block) may be made.

Entry into the CONFIGURE mode requires a password. If the control is not
shutdown, pressing the PRGM key will allow viewing of CONFIGURE, but will
not permit changing the value of a block.

The structure of the CONFIGURE mode is identical to that of the SERVICE

mode (see Figure 3-5).

82 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Entry into the CONFIGURE mode will cause an automatic shutdown
of all control outputs. The control will prompt “SHUTDOWN
CONTROL? Y/N”. Entering YES will cause all milliamps outputs will
go to zero and all relays will de-energize. Entering NO will abort the

When using the CONFIGURE mode, refer to CONFIGURE/PROGRAM MODE

worksheet in Appendix A of Volume 1.

Since configuring a control or viewing how a control is configured is such a

commonly used mode the PRGM (program) key has been designed to take the
user directly to step 4 below from anywhere in programmable service except
DEBUG, OS_FAULTS, or SYS_INFO. The CONFIGURE mode can also be
reached like the other modes by following the steps below.
1. At the mode level the following message will appear on the display.

Push < or > for new mode



2. Press the scroll right (>) or scroll left (<) key until the message indicates the
3. Press the ENTER key. The following message will be on the display.


For password information see Appendix C at the back of this manual.
If the password information is not in this manual, see the supervisor
or equipment engineer.
4. Enter the password on the numeric keys, then press the ENTER key. The
system will display the following message.

Woodward 83
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2


If the NO key is pressed, the system will return to the mode level. If the YES key
is pressed, the system will enter the CONFIGURE mode; all control outputs will
shut off. The display will show a CONFIGURE mode header. An example is
shown below.


The headers and blocks are assigned their names by the application
programmer; this is only an example. The CONFIGURE mode does
not use the split-screen as does SERVICE, and DEBUG mode. In the
CONFIGURE mode the prompt is displayed on the top line and the
variable to be configured is displayed on the second line.
5. Use the scroll right (>) or scroll left (<) key to select the desired
CONFIGURE mode header.
6. Use the scroll down (∨) key or scroll up (∧) key to select the desired
CONFIGURE mode block.
7. Enter the desired value on the numeric keys and press the ENTER key.
8. When setting the value of the block has been completed, either go to another
block or exit out of the mode.
• To scroll to another block under the same header, use the scroll down (∨)
or scroll up (∧) keys.
• To go back to the header, press the CLEAR key.
• From header level, to go to a block under a different header, scroll to the
new header by using the scroll right (>) or scroll left (<) key, then scroll to
the new block by using the scroll down (∨) or scroll up (∧) key.
• To exit the mode, use the CLEAR key to get back to the header. Then
press CLEAR again to get back to the Top Level/Root block. The values
of all variables that were changed will then be stored in EEPROM.

84 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

If the display is not going to be used for a while, it is a good idea to
return to the Top Level/Root display and permit the system to blank
the display to save power and prolong its life.

Debug Mode The DEBUG mode is used to troubleshoot a system during development and is
not intended for general use. It should be used only by properly trained
Woodward personnel or when expressly authorized by Woodward Governor
Company. Entry into the DEBUGmode requires a password.

For password information see Appendix C at the back of this manual.
If the password information is not in this manual, see the supervisor
or equipment engineer.

The DEBUG mode is intended for use only by authorized and trained
personnel to maintain and troubleshoot the system. Use of the
DEBUG mode by untrained or unauthorized personnel could result in
inadvertently changing critical system values; changing critical
system values could cause equipment damage or personnel injury or
death. Do not permit unauthorized personnel to use the DEBUG

The information in the DEBUG mode is arranged as shown in Figure 3-6. Scroll
down to go from a MOE category to a MOE block; scroll up or down to go to
another MOE block. Scroll left or right to go from a MOE block to a field of that
MOE block, or from one field to another field of the same MOE block.

All tuneable values that are used in SERVICE or CONFIGURE modes will not
show up in DEBUG mode. Any value that is tuneable but is not used in
SERVICE mode or CONFIGURE mode will appear as a tuneable, and can be
tuned, in DEBUG mode.

When exiting the DEBUG mode, all tuneable values that have been changed will
be stored in EEPROM memory.

Woodward 85
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 3-6. Debug Information Arrangement

Pressing the ‘.’ key while in the DEBUG mode will switch the display to the
SERVICE mode; pressing the ‘.’ key again will switch the display back to the
DEBUG mode.

OS_FAULTS The OS_FAULTS mode displays all operating system faults or alarms that have
Mode occurred since the last Faults Reset operation. It also permits resetting (clearing)
the alarm list.

The OS_FAULTS mode headers are:

• Faults Detected - Displays faults detected since the last power down.
• Alarms Detected - Displays alarms detected since the last time the alarm
list was cleared.
• Clear Alarms Detected - Clears the alarm list.

The information in the OS_FAULTS mode is arranged as shown in Figure 3-7.

86 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 3-7. OS_FAULTS Mode Information Arrangement

To Enter the OS_FAULTS mode:

1. The following message will be displayed when the system is at the select
mode level.

Push < or > for new mode



2. Press the scroll left (<) or scroll right (>) key until the message indicates the
3. Press the ENTER key. The following message will be on the display.

Woodward 87
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Password OS_FAULTS

For password information see Appendix C at the back of this manual.
If the password information is not in this manual, see the supervisor
or equipment engineer.
4. Enter the password on the numeric keys and press the ENTER key. The
header shown below will be displayed.

Faults Detected

5. Use the scroll left (<) or scroll right (>) key to select the desired OS_FAULTS
mode header. The header will display as shown below.

Faults Detected


Alarms Detected


Clear Alarms Detected

88 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Faults Detected Header.

1. While the Faults Detected header is displaying, use the scroll down (∧) key or
scroll up (∨) key to display the faults detected under it. A message describing
the most recent fault detected will display under the header message, as
shown below.

Faults Deteched
Local Ram Failed

2. Press scroll down (∨) to see the next fault detected. Each time scroll down (∨)
or scroll up (∧) is pressed, another fault detected under this header will
display. An example is shown below.

Faults Deteched
Checksum Error

If no faults have been detected, the following message will display for one second.

Faults Deteched
No Faults Detected

After one second, only the header message will display.

3. From a displaying fault message, to go back to the Faults Detected header,
press the CLEAR key.
4. To go from the Faults Detected header to the Top Level/Root display, press
the CLEAR key again.

If the display is not going to be used for a while, it is a good idea to
return to the Top Level/Root display and permit the system to blank
the display to save power and prolong its life.

The meanings of the fault messages generated by the 505E System are shown in
Chapter 7.

Woodward 89
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Alarms Detected Header.

1. While the Alarms Detected header is displaying, use the scroll down (∨) key
to display the alarms detected under it. A message describing the most recent
alarm detected will display under the header message, as shown below.

Alarms Detected
FP Math Error

2. Press scroll down (∨) to see the next alarm detected. Each time scroll down
(∨) or scroll up (∧) is pressed, another detected alarm will display. An
example is shown below.

Alarms Detected
System Error #18

If no alarms have been detected, the following message will display for one

Alarms Detected
No Alarms Detected

After one second, only the header message will display.

3. From a displaying alarm message, to go back to the Alarms Detected header,
press the CLEAR key.
4. To go from the Alarms Detected header to the Top Level/Root display, press
the CLEAR key.

If the display is not going to be used for a while, it is a good idea to
return to the Top Level/Root display and permit the system to blank
the display to save power and prolong its life.

The meanings of the alarm messages generated by the 505E System are shown in
Chapter 7.

90 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Clear Alarms Detected Header.

1. To clear the alarm list, while the Clear Alarms Detected header is displaying,
press the scroll down (∨) key. The following message will be displayed.

Clear All Alarms? Y/N

2. To clear the alarm list, press Y (for Yes). The alarm list will be cleared. The
following message will appear for one second.

Alarms Have Been Cleared

If any other key is pressed, the display will return to the header level and only the
following message will appear.

Clear Alarms Detected

3. To go from the Clear Alarms Detected header to the Top Level/Root display,
press the CLEAR key.

If the display is not going to be used for a while, it is a good idea to
return to the Top Level/Root display and permit the system to blank
the display to save power and prolong its life.

Woodward 91
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

SYS_INFO Mode The SYS_INFO mode displays information about the system. It also permits
changing passwords for the different modes and loading a configuration file from
a personal computer.

The SYS_INFO mode headers are:

• System Information — Displays software version and information about
the application program.
• Change Password — Allows user to change all the system passwords for
the various modes.
• Download Configuration — Allows the user to download a configuration
file from a personal com-puter.

The information in the SYS_INFO mode is arranged as shown in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8. SYS_INFO Mode Information Arrangement

92 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

To enter the SYS_INFO mode:

1. The following message will be displayed when the system is at the select
mode level.

Push < or > for new mode



2. Press the scroll left (<) or scroll right (>) key until the message indicates the
SYS_INFO mode.
3. Press the ENTER key. The header shown below will be displayed.

System Information

4. Use the scroll left (<) or scroll right (>) key to select the desired SYS_INFO
mode header. The header will display as shown below.

System Information


Change Password


Download Configuration

Woodward 93
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

System Information Header.

1. While the System Information header is displaying, use the scroll down (∨)
key to display the system information under it. A message will display as
shown below.

Clear Alarms Detected

This is information about the version being used.

2. Continue to Press scroll down (∨) to see more system information. The
messages will appear as shown below.

505E Version X.XX


The Hex Code date is:

Day of Week/Month/Day/Time/Year

The CDR Code date is:

Day of Week/Month/Day/Time/Year

3. From a system information message, to go back to the System Information

header, press the CLEAR key.
4. To go from the System Information header to the Top Level/Root display,
press the CLEAR key.

If the display is not going to be used for a while, it is a good idea to
return to the Top Level/Root display and permit the system to blank
the display to save power and prolong its life.
Change Password Header.

94 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

If any password is changed and that new password is forgotten or
lost, the user will be locked out of that mode or function forever. It is
suggested that changed passwords be documented and kept in a
secure place so that authorized personnel have access to them.
1. While the Change Password header is displaying, use the scroll down (∨) key
or scroll up (∧) key to enter the Change Password blocks. The following mes-
sage will be displayed.

Push ENTER to change the

Passwaord for MMMMMMMM


2. Press scroll left (<) or scroll right (>) to see the next passworded mode or
function. Push ENTER when the desired mode or function is displayed.
Carefully follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
3. From a change password message, to go back to the Change Password header,
press the CLEAR key.
4. To go from the Change Password header to the Top Level/Root display, press
the CLEAR key again.

If the display is not going to be used for a while, it is a good idea to
return to the Top Level/Root display and permit the system to blank
the display to save power and prolong its life.
Download Configuration Header.

The Download function is to be used only by Woodward certified technicians.

1. While the Download Configuration header is displaying, use the scroll down
(∨) key to enter this func tion. A message will display as shown below.

To Load Configuration
Enter Password

Woodward 95
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

For password information, see Appendix D at the back of this
manual. If the password information is not in this manual, see the
supervisor or equipment engineer.
2. Enter the password on the numeric keys, then press the ENTER key. The
system will display the following message.

Entry into the SYS_INFO mode while the turbine is running will cause
an automatic shutdown of the turbine with resulting process
stoppage. The control will prompt “SHUTDOWN CONTROL? Y/N”.
Entering YES will shutdown the turbine. All milliamps outputs will go
to zero and all relays will de-energize. Entering NO will abort the


3. If the NO key is pressed the system will return to the Download Configuration
header. If the YES key is pressed, the system will display the following

Ready For Cnf Download

Push CLEAR for run mode

4. Push CLEAR to abort the configuration download, else download the

configuration. Then push the CLEAR key to begin running the control with
the new configuration parameters.

96 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


OVERVIEW The service mode of the 505E control has the same easy to follow format as the
program mode. The service mode can be used to customize the control to be more
application specific. The parameters that are tuned in the service mode may affect
system performance, caution is advised.

The service mode of the 505E can be accessed at any time the control is powered
up. The turbine doesn’t need to be shutdown. This will allow tuning while the
turbine is on-line. Figure 4-1 illustrates the steps to enter the service mode.

The service mode is password protected. The password is required to protect

against both intentional and inadvertent program changes. The password can be
changed if desired, refer to Chapter 3 of this manual for information on changing

Figure 4-1. Service Mode Entry

Woodward 97
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

THE 505E

Using Service Once the Service Mode has been entered with the password, any of service value
Menus that has a * before it can be adjusted. A work sheet is provided at the end of this
manual, to document any changes for future reference. Figure 4-2 illustrates the
505E service menus and the questions/options available under each block.

The arrow keys (STEP LEFT, STEP RIGHT) allow you to move right or left
across the tops of the function the Service mode columns. The STEP UP and
STEP DOWN keys allow you to move up or down the columns.

Not all of the service headers listed below will appear at all times. Only the
headers that are necessary for the application will appear. Some of the headers
will not appear unless the turbine is shutdown.

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks

98 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

Woodward 99
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

100 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

Woodward 101
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

102 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

Woodward 103
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

104 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

Woodward 105
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Figure 4-2. Service Mode Blocks (continued)

106 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

SERVICE MODE Figure 4-2 shows the 31 service columns/blocks. The actual blocks that appear
BLOCKS will vary with the program configuration. To enter the Service Mode, use the
procedure described above. To use the Service mode, simply step through the
blocks as described above and change the control features for your application.
The first sixteen service columns will appear for every installation. The
remaining fifteen columns contain optional features which can be selected if
desired. The 31 columns and their basic functions are described in detail below.

Service Blocks:
Speed Control Settings — monitor or change the program speed control
Alarm Settings — monitor or change the program alarm settings;
Key Options — allow or disable controlled stop and dynamics adjustments,
MPU Override Settings — monitor or change mpu override program settings;
Extr/Adm Settings — monitor or change program extraction/admission
parameter settings;
Steam Map Test — allows testing of the steam map entries;
Steam Map Constants — monitor or change program steam map parameters;
Valve Limiter Settings — monitor or change program valve limiter settings;
Monitor Contact Inputs — monitor the status of the contact inputs;
Monitor Relay Outputs — monitor the status of the relay outputs;
Force Relay Outputs — allows testing of relay outputs and associated wiring
by forcing of the relay outputs between de-energized and energized state,
when the turbine is shutdown;
Monitor Speed Inputs — monitors the speed input (s)
Monitor Analog Inputs — monitor the status of the analog inputs;
Analog Input Adjustments — offset and gain adjustments to the analog
Monitor Analog Outputs — monitor the status of the analog outputs;
Analog Output Adjustments — offset and gain adjustments to the analog
Valve Linearization — provides actuator 1 and actuator 2 output
linearization adjustments;
Port Configurations — change or view the default settings of baud rate, stop
bits, parity, driver, communications mode, device number, time out delay for
ports 1 & 2, and settings for PC port;

Optional Service Speed Control Droop Settings — monitor or change the droop default
Blocks settings;
Auto Start Sequence Settings — monitor the status of; low idle delay; rate to
hi idle; hi idle delay; rate to rated; hrs since trip;

Woodward 107
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Idle/Rated Ramp Settings — change the program or default settings of; idle
rated rate; use ramp to idle; idle priority;
Sync / Load Share Settings — monitor or change the synchronizing,
loadsharing, or sync/load share default settings;
Remote Speed Settings — monitor or change the remote speed setpoint
default settings;
Remote Extr Settings — monitor or change the remote extraction setpoint
default settings;
Cascade Control Settings — monitor or change the cascade control default
Remote Cascade Settings — monitor or change the remote cascade setpoint
default settings;
Auxiliary Control Settings — monitor or change the auxiliary control default
Remote Auxiliary Settings — monitor or change the remote auxiliary setpoint
default settings;
Breaker Logic Values — monitor or change the generator and utility tie
breaker default settings;
Local/Remote Functions — monitor or change the local/remote default
Port 1 Settings — monitor or change the port 1 settings;
Port 2 Settings — monitor or change the port 2 settings;
Communication Analog Scaling Settings — monitor or change the
communication scale factor default settings;

Each of the service blocks are described in detail below. Figure 4-2 can be
referred to for a graphical service mode block reference. Pressing the down arrow
key will step through the column and back to the top of the column, use the left or
right arrow keys to select the next column to change/check.

All service program questions will display on the left side of the line the @
symbol is on, all entries made will be displayed on the right side of the same line.
At the beginning of each column the control will display the header, pushing the
down arrow will access the column. The line the @ symbol is on will be affected,
the other line of the display will not change, use the SELECT button to move the
@ symbol to the other line of the display so another parameter can be displayed.
This gives the operator the flexibility in the service mode to display or tune two
different values by using the SELECT button .

108 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

The service blocks contain information detailing each question and/or 505E
program service option. Each question/option shows the default (dflt) value and
the adjustable range of that parameter (shown in parentheses). In addition, any
additional constraints on the configuration are shown in italics following the
description. There is a service mode worksheet in the appendix of this manual
that should be completed and filled-in and used as a guide the site specific
application. This worksheet can also be used for future reference to document
your application program.


Speed Control When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Settings change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
RATE TO MIN ( RPM/SEC ) dflt= xxx (0.01, 2000)
Adjusts the rate the setpoint moves from zero to the minimum controlling speed when
the unit is started. The minimum controlling speed will be either ‘idle’ if idle/rated is
used or ‘low idle’ if the auto start sequence is used. If neither of these startup features
is used, the min speed will be the minimum governor speed setpoint. This value is set
in the program mode.
SETPOINT SLOW RATE (RPM/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 100)
Normal speed setpoint rate of change. This value is set in the program mode.
FAST RATE DELAY (SEC) dflt= 3.0 (0, 100)
Delay, in seconds, before the ‘Setpt Fast Rate’ is selected.
SETPT FAST RATE (RPM/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 500)
This rate is defaulted to three times (3x) the ‘Setpoint Slow Rate’. This value can be
changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES
to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
SETPT ENTERED RATE (RPM/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 100)
This is the rate that the Speed setpoint will move when setpoint is entered from the
front panel of the control or from the communication links. This rate is defaulted to
the Speed setpoint slow rate. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the
HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value
will return to the default on the next initialization.
UNDERSPEED SETTING (RPM) dflt= xxx (0.0, 20000)
Only used if an underspeed relay is programmed. Speed setting for the underspeed
indication. This rate is defaulted to 100 rpm below the ‘Minimum Governor Speed
Setpt’. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES
prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the
default on the next initialization.

Woodward 109
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

ON-LINE DERIVATIVE RATIO dflt= xxx (0.01, 100)

Speed PID Derivative Ratio when in on-line mode. When this value is between 0.01
and 1.0, the derivative term is considered to be ‘input dominant’ and the derivative is
equal to (Deriv Ratio)/(Integral Gain). When this value is between 1.0 and 100, the
derivative term is considered to be ‘feedback dominant’ and the derivative is equal
to1.0/[(Deriv Ratio)*(Integral Gain)] . This value is set in the program mode.
OFF-LINE DERIVATIVE RATIO dflt= xxx (0.01, 100)
Speed PID Derivative Ratio when in off-line mode. When this value is between 0.01
and 1.0, the derivative term is considered to be ‘input dominant’ and the derivative is
equal to (Deriv Ratio)/(Integral Gain). When this value is between 1.0 and 100, the
derivative term is considered to be ‘feedback dominant’ and the derivative is equal to
1.0/[(Deriv Ratio)*(Integral Gain)]. This value is set in the program mode.
Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Setpoint Fast Rate, the
Entered Rate, and Underspeed settings. To permanently save these changes into the
505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Alarm Settings When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
IS TRIP AN ALARM ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)
When set to YES, any trip condition will also be annunciated as an alarm. When NO,
a trip condition will not necessarily mean an alarm will be issued.
BLINK ALARMS ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
Set to YES if want an indication if another alarm occurs when an alarm is already
present. When set to YES, the alarm relay blinks when an alarm condition occurs
until a reset command is issued. If the alarm still exists, the relay will stay energized,
but will stop blinking until another alarm occurs. When NO, the alarm relay indicates
an alarm continuously whenever an alarm condition exists.
When set to YES, the alarm (F1) menu automatically appears on the front panel
display identifying the cause of the alarm at the time of the alarm. When NO, the
alarm only shows up when the F1 key is pressed. Also disables the controlling
parameter message from automatically appearing when all alarms are cleared.

Key Options When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
USE ‘STOP’ COMMAND ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)
When set to YES, allows the Controlled Stop command to be used. When NO, the
Controlled Stop feature is disabled from front panel, Modbus, and contact commands.
When set to YES, allows the dynamics of all PIDs to be adjusted. When NO, the
DYN (dynamics) key and PID proportional and integral gain adjustments are no
longer available.

110 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Speed Control When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Droop Settings change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
(Only If A change.
Generator Unit) DROOP (%) dflt= xxx (0.0, 10)
Speed/load control droop setting. This value is set in the program mode.
USE KW DROOP ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)
When set to NO, the unit is forced to use speed demand/actuator position droop. This
setting is only used and relevant if KW Droop was programmed.
GEN LOAD UNITS = MW ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
When set to NO the generator load units are ‘KW’. When YES the units are set to
‘MW’ under the KW/9 key of the 505E front panel. This allows the 505E to display
load units in terms of MW as opposed to KW.

MPU Override When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
When set to YES, the MPU override will go OFF when the MPU Override Time
expires after a start is initiated. This provides a maximum time for speed to be sensed
on startup before a loss of speed is detected.
MPU OVERRIDE TIME (SEC) dflt= 600.0 (00, 600)
Sets the maximum time after a start is initiated for speed to be sensed above the
failure level. Only valid if ‘Use MPU Override Timer?’ is YES.
MPU #1 OVERRIDE ON STATUS (status indication only)
Indicates when the speed probe failure override is on.
MPU #2 OVERRIDE ON STATUS (status indication only)
Indicates when the speed probe failure override is on. This status message only
appears if the application is using two speed probes.

AUTO START When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
SEQUENCE change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
(ONLY change.
CONFIGURED) The following information is provided to display the information useful to the
auto start sequence. It allows the operator to check all the times and rates that the
505E is using for the present start sequence.
LOW IDLE DELAY (MIN) (status indication only)
Indicates the hold time at Low Idle, in minutes.
RATE TO HI IDLE (RPM/SEC) (status indication only)
Indicates the acceleration rate, in rpm/sec; used by the control from Low Idle to High
HI IDLE DELAY (MIN) (status indication only)
Indicates the hold time at High Idle, in minutes.
RATE TO RATED (RPM/SEC) (status indication only)
Indicates the acceleration rate, in rpm/sec; used by the control from High Idle to

Woodward 111
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

HOURS SINCE TRIP (HRS) (status indication only)

Indicates the number of hours the unit was tripped, as determined by the control.

Idle / Rated Ramp When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
(Only Displayed If change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Configured) change.
IDLE/RATED RATE (RPM/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 2000)
Rate at which the speed setpoint will ramp from idle to rated speed. This value is set
in the program mode.
Set to YES if want to return to idle speed with this function. If set to NO, the Idle/
Rated function acts as a ‘Ramp to Rated’ function and will not return to idle. When
set to NO, closing the Idle/Rated contact accelerates the speed setpoint towards Rated
and opening the contact stops the acceleration.
IDLE PRIORITY ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
If YES, the setpoint will move to Idle whenever Idle is selected. If NO, the setpoint
will move to Idle only if Remote Speed Setpoint is not enabled, Cascade control is not
enabled, Auxiliary ‘controller’ is not enabled, Extraction/Admission control is not
enabled, and the Generator Breaker is open.

Sync / Load When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Share Settings change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
(Only Displayed If change.
Configured) INPUT BIAS GAIN (%) dflt= xxx (0.0, 100)
Affects the RPM bias the Sync / Load Sharing input has on the speed setting. This
setting is defaulted to the Droop (%) value or 3%, whichever is higher. This value can
be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to
YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
INPUT BIAS DEADBAND VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 100)
Load Share deadband in RPM.
LAG-TAU VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 10)
Load Sharing input lag setting.
Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Load Share Gain (%). To
permanently save these changes into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’
key twice.

Remote Speed When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Settings (Only change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Displayed If change.
Configured) NOT MATCHED RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 500)
Rate the setpoint moves when remote is enabled and the remote input doesn’t match
the actual setpoint. This rate is defaulted to the setpoint slow rate. This value can be
changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES
to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next

112 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

SPEED SETPT MAX RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 200)

Rate the setpoint moves once the remote input and actual setpoint are matched. This
is a maximum rate. Normally the setpoint will follow the remote input setting. This
value is set in the program mode.
MINIMUM SPEED SETTING dflt= xxx (0.0, 20000)
Minimum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the Speed
Setpoint Minimum Governor Speed Value. This value can be changed to a new value,
however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If
not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Governor Speed’ and the ‘Maximum Governor
Speed’’ settings)
MAXIMUM SPEED SETTING dflt= xxx (0.0, 20000)
Maximum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the Speed
Setpoint Maximum Governor Speed Value. This value can be changed to a new
value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the
change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Governor Speed’ and the ‘Maximum Governor
Speed’’ settings and greater than Minimum Speed Setting)
REMOTE DEADBAND VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 100)
Remote speed setting deadband in RPM.
REMOTE LAG-TAU VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 10)
Remote Setpoint input lag setting.
USE MIN LOAD ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)
When set to YES, the speed setpoint cannot be lowered/decreased by the Remote
Speed Setpoint input below the rated/synchronous speed setpoint plus the ‘Min Load
Bias’ setting. This is used to prevent a reverse power condition as well as allowing
the plant to utilize a minimum load setting for the generator. When NO, the remote
speed setpoint can move the speed setpoint down to the higher of the minimum
governor setting or the RSS 4ma value.
HOLD RMT CHANGES ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Remote Not Matched Rate
and the Maximum and Minimum Speed Settings. To permanently save these changes
into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Extraction SLOW RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)

Control Settings Normal setpoint rate of change. This value is set in the program mode.
FAST RATE DELAY (SEC) dflt= 3.0 (0.0, 1000)
Delay, in seconds, before the ‘Fast Rate’ of change is selected.
SETPT FAST RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 5000)
This rate is defaulted to three times (3x) the ‘Setpoint Slow Rate’. This value can be
changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES
to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
ENTERED RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
This rate is defaulted to the ‘Extr Setpoint Slow Rate’. This value can be changed to
a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the
change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.

Woodward 113
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

DROOP (%) dflt= xxx (0.0, 100)

Extraction control droop setting. This value is set in the program mode.
RATED SETPT dflt= xxx (-20000, 20000)
Only used to determine the extraction control Droop.
This setpoint is defaulted to the extr maximum setpoint limit. This value can be
changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES
to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Extr Setpt’ and the ‘Maximum Extr Setpt’ settings)
PID INT DEADBAND dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 50)
Extraction PID controller integrator deadband setting in percent.
PID DERIV RATIO dflt= 0.01 (0.01, 100)
Extraction PID controller derivative ratio setting. When this value is between 0.01
and 1.0, the derivative term is considered to be ‘input dominant’ and the derivative is
equal to (Deriv Ratio)/(Integral Gain). When this value is between 1.0 and 100, the
derivative term is considered to be ‘feedback dominant’ and the derivative is equal to
1.0/[(Deriv Ratio) * (Integral Gain)]. This value is set in the program mode.
PID THRESHOLD dflt= 100.0 (0.0, 100)
Extraction PID controller threshold setting.
INITIAL DEMAND SETTING (%) dflt= xxx (-25, 125)
Initial Extraction demand setting in percent. Used mainly for admission or
extraction/admission control to balance the pressure across the admission stop valve
prior to opening the valve. Using this setting, the default can be programmed to be
close to the correct value to minimize adjustments required while starting-up. The
default value is the 505Es calculated zero extraction flow based on performance map
entries. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES
prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the
default on the next initialization.
Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Setpoint Fast Rate, Entered
Rate, Rated Extr Setpoint, and Initial Demand Setting. To permanently save these
changes into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Remote Extr REMOTE NOT MATCHED RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Settings (Only Rate the setpoint moves when remote is enabled and the remote input doesn’t match
Displayed If the actual setpoint. This rate is defaulted to the ‘Extr Setpoint Slow Rate’. This value
Configured) can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set
to YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
RMT EXTR SETPT MAX RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Rate the setpoint moves once the remote input and actual setpoint are matched. This
is a maximum rate. Normally the setpoint will follow the remote input setting. This
value is set in the program mode.

114 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

MINIMUM EXTR SETTING dflt= xxx (-20000, 20000)

Minimum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the Extr
Setpoint Minimum Value. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the
HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value
will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Extr Setpt’ and the ‘Maximum Extr Setpt’ settings)
MAXIMUM EXTR SETTING dflt= xxx (--20000, 20000)
Maximum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the Extr
Setpoint Maximum Value. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the
HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value
will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum ExtrSetpt’ and the ‘Maximum Extr Setpt’ settings)
REMOTE DEADBAND VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 500)
Remote Extr setting input deadband in engineering units.
REMOTE LAG-TAU VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 10)
Remote Setpoint input lag setting.
Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Remote Not Matched Rate
and the Maximum and Minimum Extr Settings. To permanently save these changes
into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Cascade Control When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
(Only Displayed If change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Configured) change.
SLOW RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Normal setpoint rate of change. This value is set in the program mode.
FAST RATE DELAY (SEC) dflt= 3.0 (0.0, 100)
Delay, in seconds, before the ‘Setpt Fast Rate’ is selected.
SETPT FAST RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 5000)
This rate is defaulted to three times (3x) the setpoint ‘Slow Rate’. This value can be
changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES
to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
SETPT ENTERED RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
This is the rate that the Cascade setpoint will move when setpoint is entered from the
front panel of the control or from the communication links. This rate is defaulted to
the Cascade setpoint slow rate. This value can be changed to a new value, however,
the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the
value will return to the default on the next initialization.
DROOP (%) dflt= xxx (0.0, 100)
Cascade control droop setting. This value is set in the program mode.

Woodward 115
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

RATED CASC SETPT dflt= xxx (--20000, 20000)

This setting is only used to determine the cascade control droop. This setpoint is
defaulted to the cascade maximum setpoint limit. This value can be changed to a new
value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the
change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Cascade Setpoint’ and the ‘Maximum Cascade
Setpoint’ settings)
CASC NOT MATCHED RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
This rate is defaulted to the ‘Speed Setpoint Slow Rate’. This value can be changed
to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain
the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
MAX SPEED SETPT RATE dflt= xxx (0.1, 100)
The maximum rate at which the cascade control can vary the speed setpoint. This
value is set in the program mode.
MAXIMUM SPEED SETTING dflt= xxx (0.0, 20000)
This setting is defaulted to the maximum speed setpoint value set in the program
mode. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES
prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the
default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Governor Speed’ and the ‘Maximum Governor
Speed’ settings)
MINIMUM SPEED SETTING dflt= xxx (0.0, 20000)
This setting is defaulted to the minimum speed setpoint value set in the program
mode. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES
prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the
default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Governor Speed’ and the ‘Maximum Governor
Speed’ settings)
CASC PID INT DEADBAND dflt= 0.1 (0.0, 50)
Cascade PID controller integrator deadband setting in engineering units.
CASC PID DERIV RATIO dflt= xxx (0.01, 100)
Cascade PID controller derivative ratio setting. When this value is between 0.01 and
1.0, the derivative term is considered to be ‘input dominant’ and the derivative is
equal to (Deriv Ratio)/(Integral Gain). When this value is between 1.0 and 100, the
derivative term is considered to be ‘feedback dominant’ and the derivative is equal to
1.0/[(Deriv Ratio)*(Integral Gain)]. This value is set in the program mode.
When set to NO, the cascade raise/lower commands will adjust the speed setpoint
when cascade control is disabled and adjust the cascade setpoint when cascade
control is enabled. When YES, the cascade raise/lower commands adjust the cascade
setpoint only.

116 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

USE MIN LOAD ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)

When set to YES, the speed setpoint cannot be lowered/decreased by the Cascade
control PID below the rated/synchronous speed setpoint plus the ‘Min Load Bias’
setting. This is used to prevent a reverse power condition as well as allowing the
plant to utilize a minimum load setting for the generator. When NO, the Cascade
control PID can move the speed setpoint down to the cascade minimum speed setting
Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Fast Rate, Entered Rate,
Rated Setpt, Casc Not Matched Rate, Maximum Speed Setting and Minimum Speed
Setting. To permanently save these changes into the 505E, set to YES and select the
‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Remote Casc When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Settings (Only change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Displayed If change.
Configured) REMOTE NOT MATCHED RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Rate the setpoint moves when remote is enabled and the remote input doesn’t match
the actual setpoint. This rate is defaulted to the ‘Cascade Setpoint Slow Rate’. This
value can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must
be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the
next initialization.
RMT CASC SETPT MAX RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Rate the setpoint moves once the remote input and actual setpoint are matched. This
is a maximum rate. Normally the setpoint will follow the remote cascade input
setting. This rate is set in the Program Mode.
MINIMUM CASC SETTING dflt= xxx (-20000, 20000)
Maximum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the
Minimum Cascade Setpoint Value. This value can be changed to a new value,
however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If
not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Cascade Setpoint’ and the ‘Maximum Cascade
Setpoint’ settings)
MAXIMUM CASC SETTING dflt= xxx (--20000, 20000)
Minimum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the
Maximum Cascade Setpoint Value. This value can be changed to a new value,
however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If
not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Cascade Setpoint’ and the ‘Maximum Cascade
Setpoint’ settings)
REMOTE DEADBAND VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 500)
Remote cascade setting input deadband in engineering units.
REMOTE LAG-TAU VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 10)
Remote Setpoint input lag setting.

Woodward 117
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2


Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Remote Not Matched Rate
and the Maximum and Minimum Casc Settings. To permanently save these changes
into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Aux Control When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Settings (Only change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Displayed If change.
Configured) SLOW RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Normal setpoint rate of change. This value is set in the program mode.
FAST RATE DELAY (SEC) dflt= 3.0 (0.0, 100)
Delay, in seconds, before the ‘Fast Rate’ of change is selected.
FAST RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 5000)
This rate is defaulted to three times (3x) the ‘Setpoint Slow Rate’. This value can be
changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES
to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
SETPT ENTERED RATE (UNITS/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
This is the rate that the Aux setpoint will move when setpoint is entered from the front
panel of the control or from the communication links. This rate is defaulted to the
Aux setpoint slow rate. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the
HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value
will return to the default on the next initialization.
DROOP (%) dflt= xxx (0.0, 100)
Aux control droop setting. This value is set in the program mode.
RATED AUX SETPT dflt= xxx (-20000, 20000)
Only used to determine the auxiliary control Droop. This setpoint is defaulted to the
aux maximum setpoint limit. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the
HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value
will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Auxiliary Setpoint’ and the ‘Maximum Auxiliary
Setpoint’ settings)
AUX PID DERIV RATIO dflt= 100 (0.01, 100)
Aux PID controller derivative ratio setting. When this value is between 0.01 and 1.0,
the derivative term is considered to be ‘input dominant’ and the derivative is equal to
(Deriv Ratio)/(Integral Gain). When this value is between 1.0 and 100, the derivative
term is considered to be ‘feedback dominant’ and the derivative is equal to 1.0/
[(Deriv Ratio)*(Integral Gain)]. This value is set in the program mode.
AUX PID THRESHOLD (LIMITER) dflt= 100 (0.0, 110)
Aux PID threshold setting when Aux is used as a limiter.
AUX PID THRESHOLD (CONTROLLER) dflt= 10.0 (0.0, 110)
Aux PID controller threshold setting when Aux is used as a controller.
AUX PID MIN OUTPUT dflt= 0.00 (0.0, 50)
Auxiliary PID min output setting. The Auxiliary PID can not output a lower value to
the LSS. This can be used to stop the Aux PID from taking the LSS low enough to
take the unit off-line or below min gov.

118 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

HOLD AUX CHANGES ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)

Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Setpoint Fast Rate, Entered
Rate, and Rated Aux Setpoint. To permanently save these changes into the 505E, set
to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Remote Aux When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Settings (Only change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Displayed If change.
Configured) REMOTE NOT MATCHED RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Rate the setpoint moves when remote is enabled and the remote input doesn’t match
the actual setpoint. This rate is defaulted to the ‘Aux Setpoint Slow Rate’. This value
can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set
to YES to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
RMT AUX SETPT MAX RATE dflt= xxx (0.01, 1000)
Rate the setpoint moves once the remote input and actual setpoint are matched. This
is a maximum rate. Normally the setpoint will follow the remote input setting. This
value is set in the program mode.
MINIMUM AUX SETTING dflt= xxx (-20000, 20000)
Minimum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the Aux
Setpoint Minimum Value. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the
HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value
will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Auxiliary Setpoint’ and the ‘Maximum Auxiliary
Setpoint’ settings)
MAXIMUM AUX SETTING dflt= xxx (-20000, 20000)
Maximum setting allowed by the remote input. This setting is defaulted to the Aux
Setpoint Maximum Value. This value can be changed to a new value, however, the
HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the value
will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Auxiliary Setpoint’ and the ‘Maximum Auxiliary
Setpoint’ settings)
REMOTE DEADBAND VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 500)
Remote aux setting input deadband in engineering units.
REMOTE LAG-TAU VALUE dflt= 0.0 (0.0, 10)
Remote Setpoint input lag setting.
Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Remote Not Matched Rate
and the Maximum and Minimum Aux Settings. To permanently save these changes
into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Woodward 119
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Breaker Logic When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
(Only Displayed If change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
A Generator) change.
FREQ CONTROL ARMED (status indication only)
SYNC WINDOW (RPM) dflt= 10.0 (0.0, 200)
A setpoint window, in rpm, that the setpoint moves at a slower rated to accommodate
synchronizing to the bus. This rate is only active while within this window and the
generator breaker is open.
SYNC WINDOW RATE (RPM/SEC) dflt= 2.0 (0.1, 100)
The rate the speed setpoint moves at when within the ‘Sync Window’ and the
generator beaker is open. This is normally slower than the slow rate to accommodate
synchronizing to the bus.
If NO, the speed setpoint is instantly set to the last utility bus speed setting and holds.
When set to YES, the speed setpoint is instantly set to the last utility bus speed setting
and moves to the synchronous (rated) speed setpoint after the utility tie breaker opens
and the generator breaker is still closed.
TIEBRKR OPEN RATE (RPM/SEC) dflt= 1.0 (0.1, 20000)
Rate the setpoint moves to rated speed after the utility tie breaker opens (only used if
‘Tiebrkr Open Sync Ramp’ is YES).
When set to YES, the speed setpoint is instantly set to the ‘Gen Breaker Open Setpt’
when the generator breaker opens.
GEN BRKR OPEN SETPT (RPM) dflt= xxx (0.0, 20000)
This setpoint is defaulted to 50 rpm below the synchronous (rated) speed setpoint
(only used if ‘Gen Breaker Open Setback’ is YES). This value can be changed to a
new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the
change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
(Must be between the ‘Minimum Governor’ and ‘Rated Speed Setpt’ settings)
USE MIN LOAD ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)
When set to YES, the speed setpoint automatically increases to the rated/synchronous
speed setpoint plus the ‘Min Load Bias’ setting when the generator breaker is closed
and the unit is on-line (the utility tie breaker is closed). When NO, no automatic
setpoint action occurs.
MIN LOAD BIAS (RPM) dflt= xxx (0.0, 500)
This value is the rpm bias above rated speed and the default is calculated as 3% of full
load. This is the value the speed setpoint will increase to upon the generator breaker
closure (when the utility tie is closed).
ZERO LOAD VALUE (%) dflt= xxx (-30, 100)
This value is automatically sampled and held at the actuator/load demand value when
the generator breaker is closed. When the steam conditions are not at rated conditions
when the breaker is closed, this value can be adjusted to a more reasonable value (ie
2-10%). Every time the generator breaker closes, this value is re-sampled.

120 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Set to YES to permanently Hold the changes made to the Gen Breaker Open Setpoint
and Min Load Bias. To permanently save these changes into the 505E, set to YES
and select the ‘CLEAR’ key twice.

Valve Limiter HP LMTR RATE (%/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.1, 25)

Settings HP valve limiter rate. This value is set in the program mode.
HP LMTR ENTERED RATE (%/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.1, 100)
This rate is defaulted to the slow rate. This value can be changed to a new value,
however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If
not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
HP MAX LIMIT (%) dflt= 100 (55, 101)
Valve Maximum setting. Normally set to 100%, but this can be set lower to provide a
maximum valve lift setting.
HP MIN LIMIT (%) dflt= 0.00 (0.0, 45)
Valve Limiter Minimum setting. Normally set to 0%, but this can be set to provide a
minimum valve lift setting - - when using admission steam only. This value can be
changed to a new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES
to retain the change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next
LP LMTR RATE (%/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.1, 25)
LP valve limiter rate. This value is set in the program mode.
LP LMTR ENTERED RATE (%/SEC) dflt= xxx (0.1, 100)
This rate is defaulted to the slow rate. This value can be changed to a new value,
however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If
not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
LP MAX LIMIT (%) dflt= 100 (55, 101)
Valve Maximum setting. Normally set to 100%, but this can be set lower to provide a
maximum valve lift setting.
LP MIN LIMIT (%) dflt= 0.00 (0.0, 45)
Valve Limiter Minimum setting. Normally set to 0%, but this can be set to provide a
minimum valve lift setting for cooling the LP section. This value can be changed to a
new value, however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the
change. If not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
Set to YES to Hold the changes made to the Entered Rate and Min Limit setting. To
permanently save these changes into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’
key twice.

Woodward 121
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Local / Remote When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Functions (Only change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Displayed If change.
Normally the Local/Remote function will disable all inputs except the front panel
commands when Local is selected. The following questions can customize this
feature by allowing the Contacts, Modbus 1, and/or Modbus 2 to be active also
when local is selected.
REMOTE MODE ENABLED ? (status indication only)
Indicates when the Remote mode is enabled. When the indication is NO, remote
control is disabled and local control only is selected.
When set to YES, the contacts are always active regardless of the Local/Remote
selection. When set to NO, the contact inputs are disabled when the local mode is
CONTACTS ENABLED ? (status indication only)
Indicates the status of the Contact input commands. When the indication is NO, local
control is selected and remote control from the contact inputs is disabled.
ENABLE MODBUS 1 ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
When set to YES, the Modbus #1 commands are always active regardless of the
Local/Remote selection. When set to NO, the Modbus #1 commands are disabled
when the local mode is selected.
MODBUS 1 ENABLED ? (status indication only)
Indicates the status of the Modbus #1 commands. When the indication is NO, local
control is selected and remote control from the Modbus #1 inputs is disabled.
ENABLE MODBUS 2 ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
When set to YES, the Modbus #2 commands are always active regardless of the
Local/Remote selection. When set to NO, the Modbus #2 commands are disabled
when the local mode is selected.
MODBUS 2 ENABLED ? (status indication only)
Indicates the status of the Modbus #2 commands. When the indication is NO, local
control is selected and remote control from the Modbus #2 inputs is disabled.

Monitor Contact When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Inputs change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

This block monitors the status of the contact input and can be used when
troubleshooting or for initial wiring checkout procedures.
EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CLOSED ? (status indication only)
RESET INPUT CLOSED ? (status indication only)
RAISE SPEED INPUT CLOSED ? (status indication only)
LOWER SPEED INPUT CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #1 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #2 CLOSED ? (status indication only)

122 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

CONT IN #3 CLOSED ? (status indication only)

CONT IN #4 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #5 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #6 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #7 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #8 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #9 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #10 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #11 CLOSED ? (status indication only)
CONT IN #12 CLOSED ? (status indication only)

Monitor Relay When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Outputs change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

This block monitors the status of the relay output command and can be used when
troubleshooting or for initial wiring checkout procedures when used with the
‘Force Relay Outputs’ function in the Service Mode.
SHUTDOWN RELAY ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)
ALARM RELAY ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)
RELAY 1 ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)
RELAY 2 ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)
RELAY 3 ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)
RELAY 4 ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)
RELAY 5 ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)
RELAY 6 ENERGIZED ? (status indication only)

Force Relay Set to YES to allow testing of the relay outputs or associated external logic. Only
Outputs (Only active if the ‘Force Relays Enabled’ value is true (next display value-below). To
Displayed If Shut be active, the unit must be shut down and the turbine speed less than 1000 rpm.
Down) FORCE RELAYS ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
Set to YES to allow testing of the relay outputs or associated external logic.
FORCE RELAYS ENABLED ? (status indication only)
FORCE RELAY #1 ON ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
FORCE RELAY #2 ON ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
FORCE RELAY #3 ON ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
FORCE RELAY #4 ON ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
FORCE RELAY #5 ON ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
FORCE RELAY #6 ON ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)

Woodward 123
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

TURN ON LEDs ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)

When set to YES, turns on all front-panel LEDs to test them.
LED ON STATUS ? (status indication only)

Monitor Speed When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Inputs change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

Used to monitor the speed inputs. The input is shown in RPM.

Speed Input#1 (status indication only)
Speed Input 2 (status indication only)

Monitor Analog When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Inputs change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

Used to monitor the analog input. The input is shown in percent (%).
EXT/ADM INPUT (status indication only)
ANALOG IN #2 (status indication only)
ANALOG IN #3 (status indication only)
ANALOG IN #4 (status indication only)
ANALOG IN #5 (status indication only)
ANALOG IN #6 (status indication only)

Analog In When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Adjustments change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

Used to adjust the analog input. The offset units are in percent (%).
EXTR/ADM OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
EXTR/ADM GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
INPUT #2 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
INPUT #2 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
INPUT #3 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
INPUT #3 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
INPUT #4 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
INPUT #4 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
INPUT #5 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
INPUT #5 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
INPUT #6 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
INPUT #6 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)

124 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Monitor Analog When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Outputs change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

Indication of the milliamp signal demanded by the control. This is not actual
ANALOG OUT #1 Demand(mA) (status indication only)
ANALOG OUT #2 Demand(mA) (status indication only)
ANALOG OUT #3 Demand(mA) (status indication only)
ANALOG OUT #4 Demand(mA) (status indication only)
ANALOG OUT #5 Demand(mA) (status indication only)
ANALOG OUT #6 Demand(mA) (status indication only)

Analog Output When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Adjustments change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

Used to adjust the analog output. The offset units are milliamps (mA).
OUTPUT #1 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
OUTPUT #1 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
OUTPUT #2 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
OUTPUT #2 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
OUTPUT #3 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
OUTPUT #3 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
OUTPUT #4 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
OUTPUT #4 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
OUTPUT #5 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
OUTPUT #5 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)
OUTPUT #6 OFFSET? dflt= 0.0 (-20, 20)
OUTPUT #6 GAIN? dflt= 1.0 (0.00, 2.0)

ACT1 When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Linearization change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
change. The actuator linearization settings can be checked or verified by using
the actuator stroke feature when the unit is shut down.
X-1 VALUE dflt= 0.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #1 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be less than the ‘X-2 Value’)
Y-1 VALUE dflt= 0.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #1 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-2 VALUE dflt= 10.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #2 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-1 Value’ and the ‘X-3 Value’ settings)
Y-2 VALUE dflt= 10.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #2 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.

Woodward 125
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

X-3 VALUE dflt= 20.0 (-5, 110)

Input point #3 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-2 Value’ and the ‘X-4 Value’ settings)
Y-3 VALUE dflt= 20.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #3 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-4 VALUE dflt= 30.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #4 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-3 Value’ and the ‘X-5 Value’ settings)
Y-4 VALUE dflt= 30.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #4 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-5 VALUE dflt= 40.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #5 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-4 Value’ and the ‘X-6 Value’ settings)
Y-5 VALUE dflt= 40.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #5 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-6 VALUE dflt= 50.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #6 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-5 Value’ and the ‘X-7 Value’ settings)
Y-6 VALUE dflt= 50.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #6 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-7 VALUE dflt= 60.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #7 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-6 Value’ and the ‘X-8 Value’ settings)
Y-7 VALUE dflt= 60.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #7 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-8 VALUE dflt= 70.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #8 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-7 Value’ and the ‘X-9 Value’ settings)
Y-8 VALUE dflt= 70.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #8 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-9 VALUE dflt= 80.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #9 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-8 Value’ and the ‘X-10 Value’ settings)
Y-9 VALUE dflt= 80.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #9 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-10 VALUE dflt= 90.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #10 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-9 Value’ and the ‘X-11 Value’ settings)
Y-10 VALUE dflt= 90.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #10 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-11 VALUE dflt= 100.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #11 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be greater than the ‘X-10 Value’)

126 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Y-11 VALUE dflt= 100.0 (-5, 110)

Output point #11 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
ACT1 DEMAND (%) = (status indication only)
Displays the actuator demand (%) before the linearization curve.
ACT1 OUTPUT (%) = (status indication only)
Displays the actuator demand (%) after the linearization curve.

ACT2 When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Linearization change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
change. The actuator linearization settings can be checked or verified by using
the actuator stroke feature when the unit is shut down.
X-1 VALUE dflt= 0.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #1 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be less than the ‘X-2 Value’)
Y-1 VALUE dflt= 0.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #1 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-2 VALUE dflt= 10.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #2 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-1 Value’ and the ‘X-3 Value’ settings)
Y-2 VALUE dflt= 10.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #2 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-3 VALUE dflt= 20.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #3 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-2 Value’ and the ‘X-4 Value’ settings)
Y-3 VALUE dflt= 20.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #3 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-4 VALUE dflt= 30.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #4 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-3 Value’ and the ‘X-5 Value’ settings)
Y-4 VALUE dflt= 30.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #4 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-5 VALUE dflt= 40.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #5 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-4 Value’ and the ‘X-6 Value’ settings)
Y-5 VALUE dflt= 40.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #5 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-6 VALUE dflt= 50.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #6 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-5 Value’ and the ‘X-7 Value’ settings)
Y-6 VALUE dflt= 50.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #6 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-7 VALUE dflt= 60.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #7 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-6 Value’ and the ‘X-8 Value’ settings)

Woodward 127
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Y-7 VALUE dflt= 60.0 (-5, 110)

Output point #7 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-8 VALUE dflt= 70.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #8 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-7 Value’ and the ‘X-9 Value’ settings)
Y-8 VALUE dflt= 70.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #8 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-9 VALUE dflt= 80.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #9 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-8 Value’ and the ‘X-10 Value’ settings)
Y-9 VALUE dflt= 80.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #9 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-10 VALUE dflt= 90.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #10 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be between the ‘X-9 Value’ and the ‘X-11 Value’ settings)
Y-10 VALUE dflt= 90.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #10 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
X-11 VALUE dflt= 100.0 (-5, 110)
Input point #11 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
(Must be greater than the ‘X-10 Value’)
Y-11 VALUE dflt= 100.0 (-5, 110)
Output point #11 of the actuator linearization curve, in percentage.
ACT2 DEMAND (%) = (status indication only)
Displays the actuator demand (%) before the linearization curve.
ACT2 OUTPUT (%) = (status indication only)
Displays the actuator demand (%) after the linearization curve.

Steam Map Test ENABLE MAP TEST? dflt= NO (Yes/No)

(Only Displayed If Set to YES to allow testing of the 505E’s internal steam map constants and limiters.
Shut Down) Only active when the ‘Map Test Enabled’ value on the next screen is true. To be
active, the unit must be shut down and the turbine speed less than 1000 rpm.
MAP TEST ENABLED (status indication only)
SPEED/LOAD DEMAND (%) dflt= 0.0 (0.00, 100)
EXTRACTION DEMAND (%) dflt= 0.0 (0.00, 100)
HP VALVE DEMAND (%) (status indication only)
LP VALVE DEMAND (%) (status indication only)
AT MAP LIMIT (status indication only)
Set to YES to test the steam map using pressure priority for all limiters except the LP
Maximum Limiter. Set to NO for speed priority on these limiters. This setting is only
used during this test, the control will use the priority programmed and only when the
permissives are met for that priority. This setting allows the limits to be checked for
either priority situation.

128 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Set to YES to test the steam map using pressure priority for the LP Maximum
Limiter. Set to NO for speed priority on this limiter. This setting is only used during
this test, the control will use the priority programmed and only when the permissives
are met for that priority.

Steam Map SPEED/LOAD DEMAND (%) (status indication only)

Constants EXTRACTION DEMAND (%) (status indication only)
HP VALVE DEMAND (%) (status indication only)
LP VALVE DEMAND (%) (status indication only)
AT MAP LIMIT (status indication only)

The below constants are calculated based on the turbine performance parameters
entered in the program mode. These values can be changed to a new value,
however, the HOLD CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change.
If not, the value will return to the default on the next initialization.
K1 ( dHP/dS ) VALUE dflt= xxx (0.00, 4.0)
K2 ( dHP/dP ) VALUE dflt= xxx (0.00, 4.0)
K3 ( HP Offset ) VALUE dflt= xxx (-300, 30)
K4 ( dLP/dS ) VALUE dflt= xxx (0.00, 4.0)
K5 ( dLP/dP ) VALUE dflt= xxx (-4.0, 4.0)
K6 ( LP Offset ) VALUE dflt= xxx (-300, 100)

The below constants appear only if a decoupled mode is programmed and is

calculated based on the turbine performance parameters entered in the program
mode. These values can be changed to a new value, however, the HOLD
CHANGES prompt must be set to YES to retain the change. If not, the values will
return to the default on the next initialization.
D1 ( dHP/dE ) VALUE dflt= xxx (0.00, 4.0)
D2 ( dHP/dP ) VALUE dflt= xxx (0.00, 4.0)
D3 ( HP Offset ) VALUE dflt= xxx (-300, 30)
D4 ( dLP/d I ) VALUE dflt= xxx (0.00, 4.0)
D5 ( dLP/dP ) VALUE dflt= xxx (-4.0, 4.0)
D6 ( LP Offset ) VALUE dflt= xxx (-300, 100)
AUTO SWITCH PRIORITY? dflt= xxx (Yes/No)

When programmed for pressure priority, set to YES will result in the priority to
automatically switch from speed to pressure when the permissives for pressure
priority are met. This value is set in the Program Mode. When set to NO,
pressure priority must be selected before pressure priority will get enabled.
LP MAX PRS PRIORITY? dflt= xxx (Yes/No)
This value is set in the Program Mode. Set to YES for pressure priority for the LP
Maximum Limiter. Set to NO for speed priority on this limiter.

Woodward 129
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2


Set to YES to Hold the changes made to the K1-K6 Steam Map Constants. To
permanently save these changes into the 505E, set to YES and select the ‘CLEAR’
key twice.

Port 1 Settings When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
(Only Displayed If change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Configured) change.
PORT 1 LINK ERROR (status indication only)
Displays a YES message if the port has a communication error. The `Time-out
Delay` or port configuration may need to be adjusted under `PORT
EXCEPTION ERROR (status indication only
Displays a YES message if the port has a exception error
ERROR CODE (status indication only)
Displays the error code related to the communication problem.
0 = No Errors 1 = Illegal Function
2 = Illegal Data Address 3 = Illegal Data Value
9 = Checksum Error 10= Garbled Message
Press RESET to clear the port error.
USE MODBUS 1 TRIP ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)
Use trip command through the Modbus link from the Modbus device.
USE 2-STEP TRIP ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
If using a Modbus Trip, is this a two-step trip. If YES, requires both the Trip
command and the Trip Acknowledge command to go YES before a trip from the
Modbus link will executed.
If using Local/Remote only. If YES, allows commands from Modbus to be active
even when LOCAL mode is selected. When NO, the Modbus commands are disabled
when in LOCAL.
If using Local/Remote only and if the Modbus is disabled on Local selection. If YES,
the TRIP from the modbus is still active event though all other modbus commands are
disabled. When NO, all Modbus commands are disabled when in LOCAL.

Port 2 Settings When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
(Only Displayed If change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Configured) change.
PORT 2 LINK ERROR (status indication only)
Displays a YES message if the port has a communication error. The `Time-out
Delay` or port configuration may need to be adjusted under `PORT
EXCEPTION ERROR (status indication only
Displays a YES message if the port has a exception error

130 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

ERROR CODE (status indication only)

Displays the error code related to the communication problem.
0 = No Errors 1 = Illegal Function
2 = Illegal Data Address 3 = Illegal Data Value
9 = Checksum Error 10= Garbled Message
Press RESET to clear the port error.
USE MODBUS 2 TRIP ? dflt= YES (Yes/No)
Use trip command through the Modbus link from the Modbus device.
USE 2-STEP TRIP ? dflt= NO (Yes/No)
If using a Modbus Trip, is this a two-step trip. If YES, requires both the Trip
command and the Trip Acknowledge command to go YES before a trip from the
Modbus link will executed.
If using Local/Remote only. If YES, allows commands from Modbus to be active
even when LOCAL mode is selected. When NO, the Modbus commands are disabled
when in LOCAL.
If using Local/Remote only and if the Modbus is disabled on Local selection. If YES,
the TRIP from the modbus is still active event though all other modbus commands are
disabled. When NO, all Modbus commands are disabled when in LOCAL.

Comm Analog When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Scaling (If change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to
Communications change.
Is Used) CASCADE SCALING FACTOR dflt= 1.0 (1.0, 100)
Multiplier constant for all Cascade analog values sent over both Modbus links. When
set to a value other than one (1.0), allows the Modbus device to scale inputs that are
too small or to allow decimal places to be displayed.
AUX SCALING FACTOR dflt= 1.0 (1.0, 100)
Multiplier constant for all Auxiliary analog values sent over both Modbus links.
When set to a value other than one (1.0), allows the Modbus device to scale inputs
that are too small or to allow decimal places to be displayed.
KW SCALING FACTOR dflt= 1.0 (1.0, 100)
Multiplier constant for all KW analog values sent over both Modbus links. When set
to a value other than one (1.0), allows the Modbus device to scale inputs that are too
small or to allow decimal places to be displayed.
FSP SCALING FACTOR dflt= 1.0 (1.0, 100)
Multiplier constant for all First Stage Pressure analog values sent over both Modbus
links. When set to a value other than one (1.0), allows the Modbus device to scale
inputs that are too small or to allow decimal places to be displayed.
LOAD SHARE SCALING FACTOR dflt= 1.0 (1.0, 100)
Multiplier constant for all Load Share analog values sent over both Modbus links.
When set to a value other than one (1.0), allows the Modbus device to scale inputs
that are too small or to allow decimal places to be displayed.

Woodward 131
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

EXTRACTION SCALING FACTOR dflt= 1.0 (1.0, 100)

Multiplier constant for all Extraction analog values sent over both Modbus links.
When set to a value other than one (1.0), allows the Modbus device to scale inputs
that are too small or to allow decimal places to be displayed.

Port When this header appears in the display, press the down arrow key to view or
Configurations change this block or press the left or right arrow key to select another block to

STATUS (status indication only)
Indicates a hardware communications problem.
BAUD dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
STOP BITS dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
PARITY dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
DRIVER dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
ASCII OR RTU dflt= xx (1, 2)
1 = ASCII 2 = RTU This value is set in the program mode.
MODBUS DEVICE NUMBER dflt= xx (1, 247)
Enter a number from 1 to 247. This value is set in the program mode.
TIME-OUT DELAY (SEC) dflt= 10.0 (0, 100)
Sets the delay for no communication on the Modbus link before the link is considered
failed and issues an alarm.

STATUS (status indication only)
Indicates a hardware communications problem.
BAUD dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
STOP BITS dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
PARITY dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
DRIVER dflt = scroll thru options
This value is set in the program mode.
ASCII OR RTU dflt= xx (1, 2)
1 = ASCII 2 = RTU This value is set in the program mode.
MODBUS DEVICE NUMBER dflt= xx (1, 247)
Enter a number from 1 to 247. This value is set in the program mode.

132 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

TIME-OUT DELAY (SEC) dflt= 10.0 (0, 100)

Sets the delay for no communication on the Modbus link before the link is considered
failed and issues an alarm.

STATUS (status indication only)
Indicates a hardware communications problem.
BAUD dflt = scroll thru options
BITS / CHAR dflt = scroll thru options
STOP BITS dflt = scroll thru options
PARITY dflt = scroll thru options
READ MODE dflt = scroll thru options
FLOW dflt = scroll thru options
ECHO dflt = scroll thru options
ENDLINE dflt = scroll thru options
IGNORE CR dflt = scroll thru options

Woodward 133
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

134 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


OVERVIEW The Speed, Cascade, Extr/Adm, and Auxiliary controls utilize PID controllers. The
response of each control loop can be adjusted for optimum response, however it is impor-
tant to understand what a PID controller is and the effect each controller adjustment has on
the controller response. Proportional gain, integral gain (stability), and DR (speed deriva-
tive ratio) are the adjustable and interacting parameters used to match the response of the
control loop with the response of the system. They correspond to the P (proportional), I
(integral), and D (derivative) terms, and are displayed by the 505E as follows:

P = Proportional gain (%)

I = Integral gain (%)
D = Derivative (determined by DR and I)

Proportional Proportional response is directly proportional to a process change.

Analogy: Setting hand throttle to keep constant speed on straight and level.

Proportional control (using the same analogy) results in a certain speed as long as
the car is not subjected to any load change such as a hill. If a throttle is set to any
particular setting, the speed of the car will remain constant as long as the car
remains straight and level. If the car goes up a hill, it will slow down. Of course,
going down a hill the car would gain speed.

Integral Control Integral compensates for process and setpoint load changes.

Analogy: Cruise control maintains constant speed regardless of hills.

Integral, sometimes called reset, provides additional action to the original

proportional response as long as the process variable remains away from the
setpoint. Integral is a function of the magnitude and duration of the deviation. In
this analogy the reset response would keep the car speed constant regardless of the

Derivative Derivative provides a temporary over-correction to compensate for long transfer

lags and reduce stabilization time on process upsets (momentary disturbances).

Analogy: Accelerating into high speed lane with merging traffic.

Derivative, sometimes called “preact” or “rate”, is very difficult to draw an

accurate analogy to, because the action takes place only when the process changes
and is directly related to the speed at which the process changes. Merging into
high speed traffic of a freeway from an “on” ramp is no easy task and requires
accelerated correction (temporary overcorrection) in both increasing and
decreasing directions. The application of brakes to fall behind the car in the first
continuous lane or passing gear to get ahead of the car in the first continuous lane
is derivative action.

Woodward 135
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

PROPORTIONAL The amount of controller change is directly related to the process change and the
RESPONSE Proportional gain setting on the controller; Controller output change is
Proportional to the process change. If there is no process change, there is no
change in output from the controller (or valve change) regardless of the deviation.
This results in an undesired offset between the original desired Setpoint and the
resulting drop in the Control Point.

Figure 5-1. Proportional Gain Setting Effects

Proportional Gain Figure 5-1 shows the effect of Proportional gain settings on control. Starting at
(Effect Of the top of the graph a load change is introduced. With a small Proportional gain
Settings) (meaning a large process change is required to produce full valve travel), stability
is good but offset is very high. With a moderate gain setting (higher number
setting) stability is still good - offset is still fairly high. With a high setting, offset
is considerably smaller but the stability is poor. The 0.25 ratio effects a minimum
area whereby the offset is reduced to a minimum while stability is in a decaying
manner at 0.25% ratio. The decay ratio used (0.25%) means that if the second
cycle is 1/4 of the first cycle, then each succeeding cycle will be 1/4 of the
preceding cycle until the cycle is not visible.

Since Proportional gain is adjusted to produce (only) the proper stability of a

process, do not continue increasing its effect to correct offset conditions. The
amount of stability and offset is directly related to the setting of the Proportional
setting. Stability is of course also affected by the stability of the process. In
essence, the amount of output from the controller due to the Proportional setting is
From The Error. If There Is No Error, Then There Is No Proportional Effect.

Integral Integral Gain as stated in the Woodward controls is repeats per minute (or Reset
Response Rate). Therefore, a high amount of Integral gain (high number) would result in a
large amount of Reset action. Conversely, a low Integral gain (low number)
would result in a slower reset action.

136 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 5-2. Open Loop Proportional and Integral Response

Integral response is provided to eliminate the offset that resulted from straight
Proportional control. Figure 5-2 shows how the controller action is Proportional
to the measurement change, but as we saw earlier, this results in offset. The
Integral (or Reset) action is a function of both time and magnitude of the
deviation. As long as an offset condition (due to load changes) exists, Integral
action is taking place.

The amount of Integral action is a function of four things:

1. The magnitude of the deviation.
2. The duration of the deviation.
3. The Proportional gain setting.
4. The Integral setting.

In this Open Loop figure (5-2), the Integral response is shown increasing due to
the offset condition existing between the temperature and the setpoint. The
resultant action is the top curve showing the step Proportional response that ends
as soon as the measurement stops changing. Then the Integral (or reset) action is
added to the Proportional action in an amount equal to the Integral of the
deviation. In other words, Reset action continues (in either or both directions) as
long as there is a difference (deviation) between the setpoint and the process

In this case, the deviation will never be eliminated (or even reduced) because the
system is in Open Loop.

Woodward 137
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

PROPORTIONAL Figure 5-3 shows the closed loop effects of integral action. The bottom curve
+ INTEGRAL displays the load change. The next curve up shows the setpoint and the measured
(CLOSED LOOP) variable, temperature. With the load change the temperature droops or deviates
from the setpoint.

The next highest curve is the Proportional action and follows the measured
variable proportionately. The Integral curve adds to the Proportional curve
resulting in a different valve position, thereby returning the process to the

Figure 5-3. Closed Loop Proportional and Integral Response

In Closed Loop, however (as opposed to Open Loop), as the measurement decays
toward the Setpoint the Proportional action is taking place Proportionally to the
measurement change, and the Integral action is decaying proportionately to the
magnitude and duration of the deviation until the measurement reaches the
setpoint at which time the Integral action is zero.

Integral (Effects Figure 5-4 shows the effect of fast or slow Integral action. For a given load
Of Settings) change an offset results with Proportional response only. Since recovery time (for
a given load change) is important, the Integral setting should remove the offset in
minimum time without adding additional cycling. If two cycles are added, then
too much Integral Gain has been added. Of course, Proportional only must first
establish the 1/4 decay ratio. If increased cycling occurs, the Integral must be
turned off or the controller switched to “manual” if allowed to go too far. Ideally,
the process should not continue to cycle after the setpoint has been reached as in
the second curve from the bottom.

138 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 5-4. Integral Gain (Reset) Setting Responses

DERIVATIVE In a process control loop the Derivative action is directly related to how fast the
RESPONSE process changes (rate of change). If the process change is slow then the
Derivative action is proportional to that rate of change. Derivative acts by
advancing the Proportional action. Derivative acts at the start of the process
change, when the process changes its rate and when the process stops its change.

Derivative action takes place at only three times:

1. When the process starts to change.
2. When the rate of change takes place in the process.
3. When the process stops changing.

The net result of Derivative action is to oppose any process change and combined
with Proportional action to reduce stabilization time in returning the process to the
setpoint after an upset. Derivative will not remove offset.

Woodward Derivative is split into two working domains, Input dominant and
Feedback dominant. The allowed values for DR range from 0.01 to 100. The
most common derivative is Feedback dominant, it is automatically selected with
an Derivative Ratio (DR) from 1 to 100. The Input dominant domain is selected
with DR values between 0.01 to 1.

Woodward 139
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Feedback dominant applies the derivative action to the integrator feedback term of
the PID equation and is more stable than input dominant derivative. This will not
take corrective action as early and it will be less noise sensitive. When tuning the
derivative, the DR will be established in the 1 to 100 range because it is easier to
tune and more forgiving of excessive values. Most PIDs will employ feedback
dominant derivative.

Input dominant derivative applies the DR term before the integrator term of the
PID equation. When the DR is less than 1, the derivative is input dominant and
reacts very quickly to process upsets. This function is very adapted for PIDs that
control the load parameter, such as load shaft turbine speed. Since the input
dominant derivative is so sensitive, it should be reserved only for applications
without high frequency noise.

Except for input dominant and feedback dominant features, the reciprocal of one
domain will appear identical in the other domain. As an example, consider an DR
of 5.0, the reciprocal being 1/5. That means that an DR of 5.0 will appear the
same as DR of 0.200. The difference in response between these values of 5.0 and
0.2 is in the dominance feature.

If in doubt about the type of derivative to use, then set up for feedback dominant,
1 < DR < 100.


Figure 5-5. Closed Loop Proportional and Derivative Action

140 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Figure 5-5 shows how Derivative acts to oppose a change in process in either
direction. The dashed line shows the Derivative action going through zero to
oppose the process deviation traveling toward zero. Notice offset still exists
between the desired setpoint and the drooped control point that resulted from the
load change. The top curve is the resultant controller output, Proportional plus

If an upset (momentary) had occurred rather than a load change, there would be
no offset.


Figure 5-6. Derivative Setting Effects

Figure 5-6 shows the effect of different Derivative settings. The curves are
relative since it depends on what type of control is desired in order to properly
adjust Derivative time. For example, if minimum cycling is desired (as is shown
here) then Derivative is added to the 1/4 decay cycle provided by Proportional
until more than one cycle is removed and of course the 1/4 decay is destroyed.
However, in most cases it is desirable to retain the 1/4 decay cycle, in which case
Derivative is added to the point of removing only one cycle from the 1/4 decay
ratio then the gain is increased until the 1/4 decay ratio is restored.
In all the above curves, you will note offset exists since offset can only be eliminated by
the addition of Integral (or Reset).

Woodward 141
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

PROPORTIONAL Figure 5-7 shows the relationship of valve position to the interaction of the PID
+ INTEGRAL + modes of control whenever a load change takes place in closed loop. As the
DERIVATIVE temperature drops due to the load change, the proportional action moves the
(CLOSED LOOP) control valve proportionately to the measurement (temperature) change. The
integral gain/reset adds to the proportional action as a result of the magnitude and
time (duration) of the deviation. And the derivative temporarily over-corrects
based on the speed at which the measurement moves in any direction. The
resultant curve (at the top) shows a similar over-correction (in this case), but in
addition the valve will stay at the new position required to keep the measurement
at the setpoint.

Figure 5-7. Closed Loop Proportional, Integral and Derivative Action

In summary, Derivative provides a temporary over-correction to compensate for

long transfer lags and reduce stabilization time on process upsets (momentary

Do not use if high frequency noise is normally in the measured
variable or the main lag is dead time. After Proportional is set to 1/4
decay ratio and Derivative is adjusted to remove one cycle as well as
decreasing the 1/4 decay ratio, then the Proportional gain can be
increased to restore the 1/4 decay ratio.

142 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Adding Derivative The value of the Derivative Ratio (DR) term can range from 0.01 to 100. In order
to simplify adjustment of the dynamics of the 505E, adjusting the integral gain
value sets both the I and D terms of the PID controller. The DR term establishes
the degree of effect the integral gain value has on the “D” term, and changes the
configuration of a controller from input rate sensitive (input dominant) to
feedback rate sensitive (feedback dominant) and vice versa.

Another possible use of the DR adjustment is to reconfigure the controller from a

PID to a PI controller. This is done by adjusting the DR term to its upper or lower
limits, depending on whether an input or feedback dominant controller is desired.
• A DR setting of 1 to 100 selects feedback dominant mode.
• A DR setting of .01 to 1 selects input dominant mode.
• A DR setting of .01 or 100 selects a PI only controller, input and feedback
dominant respectively.

The change from one of these configurations to the other may have no effect
during normal operation, however, it can cause great differences in response when
the governor is coming into control. (i.e. at startup, during a full load change, or
during transfer of control from another channel).

An input dominant controller is more sensitive to the change-of-rate of its input

(i.e. Speed, Cascade in or Auxiliary in), and can therefore prevent overshoot of the
setpoint better than a feedback dominant controller. Although this response is
desirable during a startup or full load rejections, it can cause excessive control
motions in some systems where a smooth transition response is desired.

A controller configured as feedback dominant is more sensitive to the change-of-

rate of its feedback (LSS). A feedback dominant controller has the ability to limit
the rate of change of the LSS bus when a controller is near its setpoint but is not
yet in control. This limiting of the LSS bus allows a feedback dominant controller
to make smoother control transitions than an input dominant controller.

GENERAL FIELD The quality of regulation obtained from an automatic control system depends
TUNING upon the adjustments that are made to the various controller modes. Best results
GUIDELINES are obtained when the adjustment (tuning) is done systematically. Prior training
and experience in controller tuning are desirable for effective application of this

This procedure will lead to controller settings which will provide:

• Process control without sustained cycling.
• Process recovery in a minimum time

Controller settings derived for given operating conditions are valid over a narrow
range of load change. The settings made for one operating set of conditions may
result in excessive cycling or highly damped response at some other operating
condition. This procedure should be applied under the most difficult operating
conditions to assure conservative settings over the normal operating range.

Woodward 143
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

It is good practice to keep the average of the setpoint changes near the normal
setpoint of the process to avoid excessive departure from normal operating level.

After each setpoint change, allow sufficient time to observe the effect of the last
adjustment (see Figure 5-8). It is wise to wait until approximately 90% of the
change has been completed.

Figure 5-8. Typical Response to Load Change

Tuning Example If the system is unstable, make sure the governor is the cause. This can be
checked by closing the valve limiter until it has control of the actuator output. If
the governor is causing the oscillation, time the oscillation cycle time. A rule-of-
thumb is, if the system’s oscillation cycle time is less than 1 second reduce the
Proportional gain term. A rule-of-thumb is, if the system’s oscillation cycle time
is greater the 1 second reduce the Integral gain term (proportional gain may need
to be increased also).

On an initial startup with the 505E, all PID dynamic gain terms will require
adjustment to match the respective PID’s response to that of its control loop.
There are multiple dynamic tuning methods available that can be used with the
505E’s PIDs to assist in determining the gain terms that provide optimum control
loop response times.

144 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

The following method can be used to achieve PID gain values that are close to
1. Increase Derivative Ratio (DR) to 100 (Service Mode adjustment)
2. Reduce integral gain to 0.01 (Run Mode adjustment)
3. Increase proportional gain until system just starts to oscillate (Run Mode).
4. The optimum gain for this step is when the system just starts to oscillate and
maintains a self-sustaining oscillation that does not increase or decrease in
5. Record the control gain (Kc) and oscillation period (T) in seconds.
6. Set the dynamics as follows:
For PI control : G=P(I/s + 1)
Set: Proportional gain = 0.45*Kc
Integral gain = 1.2/T
Derivative ratio = 100
For PID control : G=P(I/s + 1 + Ds)
Set: Proportional gain = 0.60*Kc
Integral gain = 2/T
Deriv ratio = 8/(T*Integral Gain) for fdbk dominant
= (T*Integral Gain)/8 for input dominant

This method of tuning will get the gain settings close, they can be fine-tuned from
this point.

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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

146 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Explosion Hazard - Do not disconnect equipment unless power has
been switched off or the area is known to be nonhazardous.

Risque d’explosion - Avant de déconnecter l’équipement, couper le
courant ou s’assurer que l’emplacement est désigne non dangereux.

GENERAL Most 505E problems which will be encountered are covered in the manual. Use
the table of contents to locate the sections of the manual that may describe a
specific problem. Refer to the CONTROLLING PARAM DISPLAYS and
ALARM DISPLAYS sections of this manual for display descriptions and
corrective actions. This troubleshooting section contains a few guidelines that
Woodward field service technicians and engineers have suggested.

Off-Line When the 505E control is powered up the microprocessor and other hardware is
Diagnostics reset and the self-test begins. The first thing that the self-test does is turn off all
five of the LED lamps. If these LEDs do not turn off this means that the
microprocessor is not working and that the CPU module has failed. The self-test
tests the RAM, system clock, LED display, EEPROM, communications memory,
and application memory before beginning execution of the application program.
If an error is found during the self-test it is annunciated on the front panel LED
display. It also indicates the error by flashing the F1/Alarm LED a certain number
of times repetitively for errors when the LED display may not be functioning. The
table below shows the errors indicated by flashing the LED.

LED Flashes Error

1 RAM Test Failed
2 Unexpected Exception
3 Clock Interrupt Test Failed
4 Display Test Failed
5 EEPROM Test Failed
6 Communications Memory Test Failed
7 Flash Memory Test Failed

It is also possible to see the errors below on the front panel LED display. These
errors could occur at anytime during the self-test or during execution of the
application program. These indicate that an illegal reset condition has occurred.
“Reset caused by”

Woodward 147
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

“Reset caused by”

“Reset caused by”
“Reset caused by”
“Reset caused by”

All the above errors indicate a problem with the CPU module except the “Display
Test Failed” which indicates a problem with the display module.

On-Line As soon as the application program starts running, the system will use a small
Diagnostics portion of run time to continuously run the following on-line diagnostic tests.


Local Memory Test This test gets a RAM location, saves the data
from that location, then writes several different
values to that location. It reads each value back,
and checks it to be sure it is correct. It then
restores the saved original data aback to the
RAM and repeats the process at another location.
Application Memory Test This test reads all flash memory, then calculates
the sumcheck value and compares it to the
sumcheck value previously calculated offline
and stored in memory.
Task Overflow This test checks the last eight locations in the
task that has just completed to make sure that the
values that were set up when the task was created
have not changed. If they have, it indicates that
the task has overflowed its memory, and
destroyed memory in another task.

A failure of any one of the on-line tests results in the I/O lock being asserted and
display of a message as shown in the following table. The message will be
displayed on the Service Panel at the time the error occurs, and it also will go into
the Fault Mode Buffer so that it can be displayed in the Fault Mode.


Local RAM Local Ram Railed
Application Checksum Checksum Error
During execution, an Task Overrun in Task XX
operating system task ran
out of memory, or its
memory was corrupted by
a different task.

148 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Operation Errors Certain other errors can also occur during system operation. I any of the below
And Faults error messages appear:
• Disconnect all field wiring to the 505E control, except input power.
• Perform a power-up reset (for 30 seconds or more, temporarily remove
input power, or press the “System Reset Switch”. See Volume 1, Figure
3-4 for location).

If the problem disappears, troubleshoot field wiring errors or check for and correct
noise on the input power. If the problem does not disappear, replace the control.

Operation Error Messages

System Error (#)
EEProm Fault
Rate Group Slip (#)
EE Initialization Fault
Exception Error (#)

Wiring Problems Most 505E problems are caused by wiring problems. Carefully and thoroughly
check all wiring connections at both ends. Be very careful when installing wires
into the 505E control terminal blocks. Check all shields for proper grounding.

All inputs and outputs can be measured directly at the terminal strips. In addition,
from the Service Mode, the LED display will show what the 505E measures. This
comparison can be used to determine if the 505E is interpreting the input signal
correctly. The Service Mode can be used to monitor and adjust analog inputs and
outputs, monitor speed inputs, monitor and adjust actuator outputs, monitor
contact inputs, and monitor and force relay outputs.

Contact inputs can be verified by measuring the voltage at the terminal blocks.
The contact power supply voltage should measure approximately 24 Vdc from
any contact (+) terminal to the contact GND terminal (11). If 24 Vdc is not the
voltage measured, disconnect all wiring to the 505E except input power, then
remeasure this power supply voltage. If 24 Vdc is not the voltage measured,
check for wiring problems. If 24 Vdc is not measured across the contact input (+)
and contact GND terminal (11) with input wiring disconnected, replace the 505E.

The operation of a contact input to the 505E can be checked by verifying that the
voltage from the contact input’s (+) terminal measures 24 Vdc with respect to the
contact input GND, terminal (11), when the external contact is closed.

Any 4-20 mA input or output problem can be checked by placing a milliamp

meter in series with the input or output.

Refer to Volume 1, Chapter 3 of this manual for actuator wiring concerns or


If the serial communications line is not working, check the wiring first. Then
check the Program Mode entries for matching communications setup.

Woodward 149
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Control If, while trying to adjust the Speed Setpoint in the Run Mode, the ADJ up and
Adjustments ADJ down keys will not work, check to make sure that CAS (cascade control) and
RMT (remote control) are both disabled.

If the system’s steam valve is unsteady or hunts, try manually positioning the
steam valve by closing the valve limiter. If the steam valve is blocked in this
manner and the actuator output is steady but the turbine still hunts, then the
problem is outside the governor. If an actuator hunts, or appears sticky, it may
need dither (especially TM type).

If the 505E control is not able to fully close or open the governor valves, check to
make sure that the actuators are calibrated correctly, and valve linkage is correctly

If the 505E control is not able to control speed above or below a certain speed, the
steam valve may not be adjusted correctly. Verify that the steam valve position is
indeed in the position indicated by the 505E (by pressing the ACT key). If these
positions do not match, correct the problem (actuator linkage, or current

If an overspeed condition is reached on start-up, verify that the governor valve is

closed. Next verify that the governor valve is seated correctly by opening the
T&T valve with the governor valve closed. If the T&T valve allows the turbine to
turn, then the governor valve is not correctly seated.

Other Operating If CAS or RMT will not work, check that the generator and tie breakers are both
Problems closed.

If actual speed is less than the speed called for by the speed setpoint, check for
droop (kW or speed). Droop causes the actual speed to be less than the speed

150 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Woodward 151
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

152 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


SPECIFICATIONS Hazardous environments:
Per NEC article 500 Class 1 Division 2 groups A,B,C,D
Temperature Code T4 (TBD)

Flush mount package
Approximate physical size of 11” x 14” x 4”
Environmental Category:
Lloyd’s Type ENV2
NEMA: Type 4X or IEC 529: IP66
(applies only to front of flush mount package)
Optional bulkhead Enclosure (approximate size: 20” x 20” x 7”)

UL & CUL Certified
UL file E156028: Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, and D (Class I, Zone 2,
Group IIC)
CE Certified (24V versions only)


Testing per EC directive to obtain CE certification:
EC Directive 89/336/EEC;
EN 50081-2 (CENELEC): EMC - Generic Emission Standard, Part 2:
Industrial Environment, Issue 2, 25 March 1994;
EN 50082-2 (CENELEC): EMC - Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2:
Industrial Environment, Issue 2, 15 March 1995;

Lloyd’s type ENV2 Humidity test #1:
Two temperature cycles between 20 to 55 °C at 95% Relative humidity
within 48 hours

MIL-STD-810C, Figure 516.2-1 procedure 1b
(30g 11ms Half Sine pulse)

Lloyd’s type ENV2 Vibration test #1
13-100 Hz @ 1.0 G Ten sweeps at one octave per minute


24V power supply: 707 Volts DC from power input to chassis
AC/DC and HVAC version: 2200 Volts DC from power input to chassis

Woodward 153
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Without Enclosure (8923-439) = -25°C to +65°C, still air, no external heat
Passes Lloyd’s type ENV3 Dry Heat
With Enclosure (8923-439) = -20°C to +60°C, still air, no external heat
Passes Lloyd’s type ENV3 Dry Heat


-40°C to +85°C industrial grade components or better

-40 °C to +85 °C


Power Inputs
1. Low Voltage DC (18-32VDC)
- input power fuse rating (F1 & F2) - 6.25A slow blow
- Holdup Time = 14 milliseconds

2. AC/ DC (90-150VDC or 88-132VAC, 47-63Hz)

- input power fuse rating (F1 & F2) - 2.5A slow blow
- Holdup Time = 30 milliseconds

3. High Voltage AC (180-264VAC, 47-63Hz)

- input power fuse rating (F1 & F2) - 1.5A slow blow
- Holdup Time = 58 milliseconds

Power Outputs
1. Three 5VDC communications port isolated power supplies (100 mA
2. 5VDC digital power (2.5 Amp max.)
3. 24VDC analog power (1.275 Amp max.)
4. 15VDC analog power (150 mA max.)
5. -15VDC analog power (150 mA max.)
6. 24VDC isolated contact input power (100 mA max.)

Motorola 68332 Microcontroller 20 MHz

154 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


1. Six 4-20 mA inputs
a. One isolated input (input #6).
b. Five non-isolated differential inputs or may use 24V provided with single
2. 16 Bit resolution over 0-25 mA full-scale range.
3. 200 ohm input impedance on all inputs.
4. Accuracy
a. Non-isolated input: 0.145% of full-scale input worst case @ 25° C
b. Isolated input: 0.186% of full-scale input worst case @ 25° C ambient.
5. Temperature drift.
a. Non-isolated inputs: 130ppm/°C worst case, 40ppm/°C root sum square.
b. Isolated input: 245ppm/°C worst case, 60ppm/°C root sum square.
6. Isolation
a. Non-isolated input: 2M ohms to chassis.
b. Isolated input: infinite ohms to chassis.


1. Two channels, jumper selectable between MPU input and Proximity input.
2. MPU input.
a. Two isolated, independent channels.
b. 1 - 25 VRMS input voltage range.
c. 100 - 15000 Hz.
d. Input impedence of approximately 1.5K ohms
3. Proximity input.
a. Two isolated channels, independent channels.
b. 16 - 28 VDC voltage range, at the input.
c. 0.5 - 15000 Hz.
d. Input impedence of approximately 7.1K ohms
4. Minimum of 12 bit resolution, 16 bit resolution at 100 Hz.
5. Speed range software selectable, 0-5000, 0-10000, or 0-15000.
6. Software filtering.
7. Accuracy is 0.027% worst case over temperature and time.

1. Two channels, software selectable for 4-20 mA range, or 20-160 mA range.
2. Current readback on each channel, to detect over/under current.
3. Dither is software selectable (0-10 mA).
4. 45 ohm maximum load on the 20-160 mA version.
5. 360 ohm maximum load on the 4-20 mA version.

Woodward 155
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

6. 10 bit resolution over 24 mA (4-20 mA) or 196 mA (20-160 mA) full scale
7. Temperature drift is 153ppm/°C worst case and 143ppm/°C root sum squared.
8. Accuracy is 0.25% of full scale output worst case @ 25° C ambient.

1. Six software configurable 4-20 mA outputs.
2. 600 ohm maximum load.
3. 10 bit resolution over 25 mA full scale range.
4. Temperature drift is 118ppm/°C worst case and 100ppm/°C root sum squared.
5. Accuracy is 0.25% of 25 mA full scale output worst case @ 25° C ambient

1. Eight software configurable relay outputs
2. One set of form C contacts provided for each relay output.
European ratings
European ratings restrict use to applications with votages not subject to
the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
Rated Voltage Resistive Inductive
28 Vdc 5 1A
UL Recognized Ratings
Rated Voltage Resistive
28 Vdc 5A
115 Vac 0.5 A
Relay Manufacturer's Ratings
Rated Voltage Resistive Inductive
28 Vdc 5A 1A
115 Vac 0.5 A 0.3 A
125 Vdc 0.2 A 0.1 A

1. 16 isolated discrete inputs.
2. Isolated +24V power provided for discrete inputs.
3. 2.5 mA draw on each input when contact is closed.
4. 18 - 26Vdc external contact power may be used instead of the 505E’s internal
power supply.
5. Solid state relays may be used to drive any discrete input:
a. 505E Discrete Input Thresholds: <8Vdc = “OFF”, >16Vdc = “ON”
b. 505E Discrete Input Impedance = 25k ohms, at “ON” threshold

156 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


1. Two isolated Modbus communications ports.
2. Supports RTU and ASCII protocol.
3. Baud rates to 57600.
4. Supports RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 hardware.
5. Maximum network cable length is 4000 feet (50 feet with RS-232).


1. One isolated PC communications port.
2. Supports RS-232 only.
3. Baud rates to 57600.
4. Maximum cable length is 50 feet.

Built-In Operator Interface

1. Two line x 24 character LED display.
2. 30 key multi-function keypad.
3. Emergency stop and overspeed test buttons.
4. Alarm and overspeed test LED indicators.


SPECIFICATIONS NEMA D or better speed regulation.


1. Speed/Load Control: 10 msec
2. Extraction/Admission Control: 20 msec
3. Auxiliary Control: 20 msec
4. Cascade Control: 40 msec
5. Remote Speed Setpoint: 120 msec
6. Remote Extr/Adm Setpoint: 120 msec
7. Remote Aux Setpoint: 120 msec
8. Remote Cascade Setpoint: 120 msec
9. Sync/Load Share Control: 40 msec
10. Ratio/Limiting: 10 msec
11. Actuator Outputs: 10 msec
12. Shutdowns: 10 msec
13. Alarms: 20 msec

Woodward 157
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

14. Relays:
a. Trip Relay: 10 msec
b. Alarm Relay: 20 msec
c. Configurable Relays: 120 msec
15. Readouts: 40 msec
16. Contact Inputs:
a. External Trip & Configurable Inputs: 10 msec
b. Reset: 40 msec
c. Speed Raise & Lower: 20 msec

The “nominal rate” listed is the fastest update rate, the worst case
response would be twice the nominal rate.

158 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


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505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

160 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


APPLICATION NUMBER_____________________________________

GOVERNOR SERIAL NUMBER________________________________ DATE_________

Rate to Min = ______________________ RPM/SEC Not Mtchd Rate = ___________________ RPM/SEC
Slow Rate /sec = ___________________ RPM/SEC Spd Setpt Mx Rte = __________________ RPM/SEC
Fast Rate Dly = _________________________ SEC Min Speed Set = ________________________ RPM
Fast Rate = ________________________ RPM/SEC Max Speed Set = ________________________ RPM
Entered Rate = _____________________ RPM/SEC Rmt Dbnd Value = _______________________ RPM
Underspd Setting = _______________________RPM Lag-Tau Value = ___________________________ %
On-line Deriv Ratio= _______________________ % Use Min Load? ______________ Yes ____ No ____
Off-line Deriv Ratio = ______________________ % Hold Rmt Chng ______________ Yes ____ No ____
Hold Speed Chng ____________ Yes ____ No ____
ALARM SETTINGS Slow Rate (/Sec) = ________________ UNITS/SEC
Is Trip an Alarm _____________ Yes ____ No ____ Fast Rate Delay = ________________________SEC
Blink Alarms _______________ Yes ____ No ____ Setpt Fast Rate = __________________ UNITS/SEC
Jump to Alm Scrn ___________ Yes ____ No ____ Entered Rate = ___________________ UNITS/SEC
Droop (%) = ______________________________ %
KEY OPTIONS Rated Setpt = ________________________ UNITS
Use ‘Stop’ Cmd _____________ Yes ____ No ____ PID Int Deadband =____________________ UNITS
Use Dyn Key Adj ____________ Yes ____ No ____ PID Deriv Ratio = _________________________ %
PID Threshold = __________________________ %
SPD CNTRL DROOP SETTINGS (if generator) Initial Demand = ______________________ UNITS
Droop (%) = ______________________________ % Hold Ext Changes ____________ Yes ____ No ____
Use KW Droop? _____________ Yes ____ No ____
Gen Load Units = MW ________ Yes ____ No ____ REMOTE EXTR SETTINGS (if configured)
Not Matched Rate =________________ UNITS/SEC
MPU OVERRIDE Rmt Ext Max Rate = _______________ UNITS/SEC
Use MPU Ovrd Tmr? _________ Yes ____ No ____ Min Extr Setting = ___________________ UNITS
MPU Ovrd Time = _______________________ SEC Max Extr Setting = ____________________ UNITS
MPU #1 Ovrd On _________________ (Status Only) Rmt Dbnd Value = ____________________ UNITS
MPU #2 Ovrd On _________________ (Status Only) Rmt Lag-Tau = ____________________________%
Hold Rmt Ext Chg ____________ Yes ____ No ____
AUTO START SEQUENCE (if configured)
Low Idle Delay _____________ (status only - MIN) CASCADE CTRL SETTINGS (if configured)
Rate To Hi Idle __________(status only - RPM/SEC) Slow Rate (/Sec) = ________________ UNITS/SEC
Hi Idle Delay _______________ (status only - MIN) Fast Rate Delay = ________________________SEC
Rate To Rated ___________(status only - RPM/SEC) Setpt Fast Rate = __________________ UNITS/SEC
Hrs Since Trip ______________ (status only - HRS) Septpt Entrd RatE =________________ UNITS/SEC
Droop (%) = ______________________________ %
IDLE / RATED SETTINGS (if configured) Rated Casc Setpt = ____________________ UNITS
Idle/Rated Rate = ___________________ RPM/SEC Casc N Mtchd Rte = ___________________ UNITS
Use Ramp To Idle ____________ Yes ____ No ____ Max Speed Rate = ___________________ RPM/SEC
Idle Priority? ________________ Yes ____ No ____ Max Speed Set = ________________________ RPM
Min Speed Set = ________________________ RPM
SYNC/LD SHARE SETTINGS (if configured) Cascade Dbnd = ______________________ UNITS
nput Bias Gain = ___________________________ % Casc Deriv Ratio = _________________________ %
Input Bias Dband = _______________________RPM R/L Casc Only? ______________ Yes ____ No ____
Lag-Tau Value = ___________________________ % Use Min Load? ______________ Yes ____ No ____
Hold Bias Chng______________ Yes ____ No ____ Hold Casc Chng _____________ Yes ____ No ____

Woodward 161
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

REMOTE CASC SETTINGS (if configured) LOCAL / REMOTE FUNCTIONS (if configured)
Rmt N Mtchd Rte = _______________ UNITS/SEC Remote Enabled __________________ (status only)
Rmt Casc Max Rte = ______________ UNITS/SEC Enable Contacts ______________ Yes ____ No ____
Min Casc Set = ________________________UNITS Contacts Enabled __________________ (status only)
Max Casc Set = _______________________UNITS Enable Modbus 1 _____________ Yes ____ No ____
Rmt Dbnd Value = _____________________UNITS Modbus 1 Enabled ________________ (status only)
Lag-Tau Value = _________________________ SEC Enable Modbus 2 _____________ Yes ____ No ____
Hld Rmt Cas Chng ___________ Yes ____ No ____ Modbus 2 Enabled ________________ (status only)


Slow Rate (/Sec) = ________________ UNITS/SEC ESD Input Clsd __________________ (status only)
Fast Rate Delay = ________________________ SEC Rst Input Clsd ____________________ (status only)
Setpt Fast Rate = _________________ UNITS/SEC Rse Spd In Clsd __________________ (status only)
Setpt Entrd Rate = _________________ UNITS/SEC Lwr Spd In Clsd __________________ (status only)
Droop (%) = ______________________________ % Cont In #1 Closed _________________ (status only)
Rated Aux Setpt = _____________________UNITS Cont In #2 Closed _________________ (status only)
Aux Deriv Ratio = _________________________ % Cont In #3 Closed _________________ (status only)
Aux Threshold = ___________________________ % Cont In #4 Closed _________________ (status only)
PID Min Output = _________________________ % Cont In #5 Closed _________________ (status only)
Hold Aux Chng ______________ Yes ____ No ____ Cont In #6 Closed _________________ (status only)
Cont In #7 Closed _________________ (status only)
REMOTE AUX SETTINGS (if configured) Cont In #8 Closed _________________ (status only)
Rmt N Mtchd Rte = _______________ UNITS/SEC Cont In #9 Closed _________________ (status only)
Rmt Aux Max Rate = _____________ UNITS/SEC Cont In #10 Closed ________________ (status only)
Min Rmt Aux Set = ____________________UNITS Cont In #11 Closed_________________ (status only)
Max Aux Set = ________________________UNITS Cont In #12 Closed ________________ (status only)
Rmt Dbnd Value = _____________________UNITS
Lag-Tau Value = ___________________________ % MONITOR RELAY OUTPUTS
Hold Rmt Aux Chng __________ Yes ____ No ____ Sht Dn Rly Enrgzd _________________ (status only)
Alrm Rly Enrgzd __________________ (status only)
BREAKER LOGIC (if generator) Relay 1 Enrgzd____________________ (status only)
Freq Cntrl Armd ___________________(status only) Relay 2 Enrgzd____________________ (status only)
Sync Window Rpm = ____________________ RPM Relay 3 Enrgzd____________________ (status only)
Sync Window Rate =_________________ RPM/SEC Relay 4 Enrgzd____________________ (status only)
Tiebrkr Opn Rmp ____________ Yes ____ No ____ Relay 5 Enrgzd____________________ (status only)
Tie Open Rate = ____________________ RPM/SEC Relay 6 Enrgzd____________________ (status only)
Gen Open Setback ___________ Yes ____ No ____
Gen Open Setpt = _______________________ RPM FORCE RELAY OUTPUTS (if shut down)
Use Min Load _______________ Yes ____ No ____ Force Relays ? ____________ (troubleshooting only)
Min Load Bias = ________________________ RPM Force Rlys Enbl ___________________ (status only)
Zero Load Value = _________________________ % Shutdn Rly _______________ (troubleshooting only)
Hold Brkr Chng______________ Yes ____ No ____ Force Alarm Rly On?_______ (troubleshooting only)
Relay #1 On _____________ (troubleshooting only)
VALVE LIMITER SETTINGS Relay #2 On ______________ (troubleshooting only)
HP Limitr Rate = _______________________%/SEC Relay #3 On ______________ (troubleshooting only)
HP Entered Rate = _____________________%/SEC Relay #4 On ______________ (troubleshooting only)
HP Max Limit = ___________________________ % Relay #5 On ______________ (troubleshooting only)
HP Min Limit = ____________________________ % Relay #6 On ______________ (troubleshooting only)
LP Lmtr Rate = ________________________%/SEC Turn On LED’s____________ (troubleshooting only)
LP Entered Rate = ______________________%/SEC LED’s ON Status __________________ (status only)
LP Max Limit =____________________________ %
LP Min Limit = ___________________________ % MONITOR SPEED INPUTS
Hold Limiter Chng ___________ Yes ____ No ____ Speed Input #1 = _________________ (status only)
Speed Input #2 = _________________ (status only)

162 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

MONITOR ANALOG INPUTS Y-5 Value = ________________________________

Extr/Adm (%) = ___________________ (status only) X-6 Value = ________________________________
Anlg In #2 (%) = __________________ (status only) Y-6 Value = ________________________________
Anlg In #3 (%) = __________________ (status only) X-7 Value = ________________________________
Anlg In #4 (%) = ___________________ (status only) Y-7 Value = ________________________________
Anlg In #5 (%) = __________________ (status only) X-8 Value = ________________________________
Anlg In #6 (%) = __________________ (status only) Y-8 Value = ________________________________
X-9 Value = ________________________________
ANALOG IN ADJUSTMENTS Y-9 Value = ________________________________
Extr/Adm Offset = ___________________________ X-10 Value = _______________________________
Extr/Adm Gain = ____________________________ Y-10 Value = _______________________________
Input #2 Offset = ____________________________ X-11 Value = _______________________________
Input #2 Gain = ______________________________ Y-11 Value = _______________________________
Input #3 Offset = ____________________________
Input #3 Gain = ______________________________ ACT2 LINEARIZATION
Input #4 Offset =_____________________________ X-1 Value = ________________________________
Input #4 Gain = ______________________________ Y-1 Value = ________________________________
Input #5 Offset = ____________________________ X-2 Value = ________________________________
Input #5 Gain = _____________________________ Y-2 Value = ________________________________
Input #6 Offset =_____________________________ X-3 Value = ________________________________
Input #6 Gain = _____________________________ Y-3 Value = ________________________________
X-4 Value = ________________________________
MONITOR ANALOG OUTPUTS Y-4 Value = ________________________________
Anlg Out # 1 (mA) = _______________ (status only) X-5 Value = ________________________________
Anlg Out # 2 (mA) =________________ (status only) Y-5 Value = ________________________________
Anlg Out # 3 (mA) = _______________ (status only) X-6 Value = ________________________________
Anlg Out # 4 (mA) =________________ (status only) Y-6 Value = ________________________________
Anlg Out # 5 (mA) =________________ (status only) X-7 Value = ________________________________
Anlg Out # 6 (mA) =________________ (status only) Y-7 Value = ________________________________
X-8 Value = ________________________________
ANALOG OUTPUT ADJUSTMENTS Y-8 Value = ________________________________
Out #1 Offset = ______________________________ X-9 Value = ________________________________
Out #1 Gain = ______________________________ Y-9 Value = ________________________________
Out #2 Offset= ______________________________ X-10 Value = _______________________________
Out #2 Gain = ______________________________ Y-10 Value = _______________________________
Out #3 Offset = _____________________________ X-11 Value = _______________________________
Out #3 Gain = _______________________________ Y-11 Value = _______________________________
Out #4 Offset = _____________________________
Out #4 Gain = _______________________________ STEAM MAP TEST (only displayed if shut down)
Out #5 Offset = ______________________________ Enable Map Test? ____________ Yes ____ No ____
Out #5 Gain = ______________________________ Map Test Enabled _________________ (status only)
Out #6 Offset = _____________________________ Speed/Ld Dmd (%) = ______ (troubleshooting only)
Out #6 Gain = ______________________________ Extr/Adm Dmd (%) = ______ (troubleshooting only)
HP Valve Dmd (%) = ______________ (status only)
ACT1 LINEARIZATION LP Valve Dmd (%) = ______________ (status only)
X-1 Value = _________________________________ At Map Limit _____________________ (status only)
Y-1 Value = ________________________________ Pressure Priority _____________ Yes ____ No ____
X-2 Value = _________________________________ LP Max Prs Prior _____________ Yes ____ No ____
Y-2 Value = ________________________________
X-3 Value = _________________________________ STEAM MAP CONSTANTS
Y-3 Value = ________________________________ Speed/Ld Dmd (%) = ______________ (status only)
X-4 Value = _________________________________ Extr/Adm Dmd (%) = ______________ (status only)
Y-4 Value = ________________________________ HP Valve Dmd (%) = ______________ (status only)
X-5 Value = _________________________________ LP Valve Dmd (%) = ______________ (status only)

Woodward 163
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

S-Dmd Limted (%) =________________(status only) TIME OUT DELAY (SEC) = _____________
P-Dmd Limted (%) =________________(status only)
At Map Limit _____________________(status only) PORT 2 SETTINGS
K1 ( dHP/dS ) = _____________________________ STATUS _________________ (status only)
K2 ( dHP/dP ) = _____________________________ BAUD = ___________________________
K3 ( HP Offset ) = ___________________________ STOP BITS = _______________________
K4 ( dLP/dS ) = ______________________________ PARITY = __________________________
K5 ( dLP/dP ) = _____________________________ DRIVER = ________________________
K6 ( LP Offset ) = ____________________________ ASCII OR RTU = ____________________
D1 (dHP/dE) = ______________________________ MODBUS DEVICE # = _______________
D2 (dHP/dP) = ______________________________ TIME OUT DELAY (SEC) = ___________
D3 (HP OFFSET) = __________________________
D4 (dLP/dI) = _______________________________ PC PORT SETTINGS
D5 (dLP/dP) = ______________________________ STATUS __________________ (status only)
D6 (LP OFFSET) = __________________________ BAUD = ___________________________
Auto Sw Priority _____________ Yes ____ No ____ STOP BITS = _______________________
LP Max Prs Prior_____________ Yes ____ No ____ PARITY = _________________________
Hold Map Changes ___________ Yes ____ No ____ DRIVER = __________________________

PORT 1 SETTINGS (if configured)

Port 1 Link Error ___________________(status only)
Exception Error ____________________(status only)
Error Code ________________________(status only)
Use Modbus 1 Trip? __________ Yes ____ No ____
Use 2-Step Trip? _____________ Yes ____ No ____
Enbl When Local_____________ Yes ____ No ____
Trp Always Enbld ____________ Yes ____ No ____

PORT 2 SETTINGS (if configured)

Port 2 Link Err_____________________(status only)
Exception Error ____________________(status only)
Error Code ________________________(status only)
Use Mod 2 Trip ______________ Yes ____ No ____
Use 2-Step Trp?______________ Yes ____ No ____
Enbl When Local_____________ Yes ____ No ____
Trp Always Enbld ____________ Yes ____ No ____

COMM ANALOG SCALING (if using modbus)

Cas Scale Factor =____________________________
Aux Scale Factor = ___________________________
KW Scale Factor = ___________________________
FSP Scale Factor = ___________________________
Load Share Scale = ___________________________
EXT Scale Factor = ___________________________

STATUS _________________(status only)
BAUD = ____________________________
STOP BITS = _______________________
PARITY = __________________________
DRIVER = _________________________
ASCII OR RTU = ____________________
MODBUS DEVICE # = _______________

164 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor


Woodward 165
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

166 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

GENERAL The 505E Series control system requires a password to be entered before access
can be given to the SERVICE, CONFIGURE, DEBUG, or OS_FAULTS modes.
The Download Configuration function also requires a password. These
passwords are intended to help prevent unauthorized or untrained personnel from
accessing these modes and possibly making changes that could cause damage to
the turbine or associated process. If only certain people are to know these
passwords, remove this appendix and keep it in a separate place, apart from the

SERVICE MODE When the display reads:


Password SERVICE

The password for your control is: 1 1 1 1

Press the keys on the 505E front panel in this sequence followed by ENTER to
gain access to the SERVICE mode.

DEBUG MODE When the display reads:


Password DEBUG

The password for your control is: 1 1 1 2

Press the keys on the 505E front panel in this sequence followed by ENTER to
gain access to the DEBUG Mode.

CONFIGURE When the display reads:



The password for your control is: 1 1 1 3

Woodward 167
505E Digital Governor Manual 85018V2

Press the keys on the 505E front panel in this sequence followed by ENTER to
gain access to the CONFIGURE mode.

OS_FAULTS When the display reads:


Password OS_FAULTS

The password for your control is: 1 1 1 4

Press the keys on the 505E frontpanel in this sequence to gain access to the

DOWNLOAD When the display reads:

PASSWORD To Load Configuration
Enter Password

The password for your control is: 1 1 1 6

Press the keys on the 505E front panel in this sequence followed by ENTER to
gain access to the Load Configuration function.

168 Woodward
Manual 85018V2 505E Digital Governor

Woodward 169
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