Applying Nearpod To 11th Grade To Improve Classroom Interactions
Applying Nearpod To 11th Grade To Improve Classroom Interactions
Applying Nearpod To 11th Grade To Improve Classroom Interactions
In the Nearpod lesson, we intend to teach our students global warming, which is one of the most popular topics in the
field of climate change. The course is designed for 11th-grade students, and it will be given in their science class. During
the lesson, students are encouraged to explore the effects of global warming in a way that how it is changing the Earth
and our lives. Afterwards, certain materials are provided from which they will learn the 5 main causes of it and explain
them in their own words through group work. Moreover, we want our students to develop practical solutions for tackling
global warming based on the Drawdown Framework and fight for environmental protection, which we believe should
be the end of the lesson. The method used in the study is Classroom Observation, and this research will be qualitative
research that takes one class as an example to see how Nearpod can be designed as an interactive tool in class. Through
the research, we found that Nearpod provides various perspectives that bring students into Global Warming. The
approach to concept map scoring in the study represents a distinct departure from traditional methods that focus on
characteristics such as hierarchy and branching and shows the relationships between different kinds of causes and effects
in visual. Moreover, we provide a "Web Content" about the 5 main causes for global warming, which students would
together discuss with their partners and explain how their assigned topic contributes to global warming as a whole in
their own words on the collaborate board, where opinions are exposed and exchanged. Therefore the feedbacks from
peers are highly welcome. At last, we use summative assessment to provide evidence for students' achievements.
Keywords: Nearpod, Technology, Global Warming, Concept Map, Collaborate Board, Formative
for students. In detail, students need to search online to lesson and retrieve the information they want from
review the theme and have some basic knowledge about concept maps.
it. Then, during the class, teachers use Nearpod to show
According to Cho&Kim, a concept map is valid,
them more specific details about the theme. They could
reliable, practical as an assessment tool [8]. Students
use web content, pictures or even videos to bring students
explore the new information with the provided links in
into the theme. Then, they were divided into groups to
the process. Then, teachers can get feedback from the
complete the final project. Since they can search and
completed concept maps. Analysis of the pattern of
collect information freely online, they must have
concepts and links within the maps can be used to show
different ingenious ideas. They can exchange their ideas
students' understanding and mastery of various causal
in groups, and members in groups all have equal
opportunities to do their best [3]. Before the class, they
need to do some matching pairs and quiz to evaluate their The approach to concept map scoring in the study
acceptance of the class. All the tests were in different represents a distinct departure from traditional methods
levels and had two forms for students. It could provide a that focus on characteristics such as hierarchy and
comprehensive evaluation for teachers to consult. branching [9]. Traditional tests always focus on the result
of the learning, which may not expose such
For teachers, Nearpod could provide a broader
developmental thought processes. However, doing the
background for students to review instead of just reading
concept map assignment shows more comprehensive
some papers. It is boring for students to just listen to a
learning precess and their final achievements when
teacher talk on the stage. Using Nearpod, instead, could
students are doing the concept map assignment.
kindle their interests because teachers could use it to
show students pictures, videos or even play some games
on it. Additionally, Nearpod uses summative assessment 3. METHODS
to provide evidence for students' achievements [4]. We wanted to explore the impacts of using Nearpod
Teachers do not need to just use paper tests to evaluate as an interactive tool to teach in the project. We were also
students' acceptance of the class. Nearpod provides interested in how students responded to the lesson
accurate test results for teachers. through activities compared to traditional teaching
methods. In the Nearpod lessons, when students were
2.2.Concept Map completing the questions, we could measure their
performances by quizzes and collaborate boards.
Kinchin and David hold the view that concept maps
help teachers focus teaching for more effective learning We designed the lesson on the Nearpod, integrating
and may be used as a basis for structuring groups in information on global warming with different
collaborative settings [5]. The concept map is also a technologies on the platform. The students participating
useful and meaningful tool that helps students integrate in the study were 11th grade.
new information and build upon the existing concepts
First, we chose the learning content, which included
and knowledge. Students construct and reconstruct
an introduction, effects of global warming and their
knowledge in the concept maps, leading to meaningful
causes. Then, we designed an appropriate teaching
learning. Concept maps help students recognize previous
method to present the prepared content scientifically and
materials and new cognitions by showing the relevant
acceptably in Nearpod. We made good use of Nearpod
connections. It can also make an overall framework of the
by integrating various high cognitive tasks into the
concept explicitly. Therefore, students can display a
lesson. A YouTube video was selected to raise students'
fragmentary understanding of the topic and then compose
interest and alert them to the situation nowadays; then,
an overview thinking of the topic.
they would share their opinions on the collaborative
Concept maps can encourage the participation of board with their peers. The project included active
collaborative groups by reducing the burden on working learning methods (e.g., multiple choice polls and quizzes)
memory [6]. Students need to communicate with each where students completed class activities as their
other, exchange their ideas and collected information to feedback regarding their understandings of the class. The
deepen the thinking of the topics rather than just platform could render the information as well as enhance
remembering the whole details of the learning materials students' self-regulated learning abilities.
without consideration.
Then, students submitted the answers, and the
Ford&Coffey refer that through the use of concept responses were presented on charts, so teachers knew
maps and icons that control modes of the output of how much they had explored and understood. When
information, users can navigate the knowledge and select students were learning the effects of global warming, we
information specific to the user's needs [7]. After they did not give students the information or web content
complete the concept map, they are able to review the directly, which was simply an information
transformation work. We created a concept map
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 615
assignment, providing them links to explore the websites their group members. Students are supposed to complete
with group members. Therefore, students could learn the the concept map with the phenomenon of each event, its
contents by themselves and connect one new information causes and effects. Also, a concept map enables links
with others to form an interconnected map. between relevant concepts and their relationships with
This qualitative research takes one class as an
example to see how Nearpod can be designed as an Using concept maps in the class internalizes
interactive tool in class. information with visual materials and enables students to
build new knowledge from active engagement. It allows
We designed those activities after each part, and
efficient learning and integration with information stored
students answered questions like matching pairs to see
in memory [10], which enhances the mastery of
whether they have remembered the knowledge of the
information, promotes deeper understanding and
effects of global warming. There were also some open-
thinking and expands knowledge with technological
ended questions to show their understanding of the
learning information. When students completed the
questions, teachers could analyze the data and see if the As a high-cognitive technology tool, a concept map is
Nearpod worked. not used to facilitate and reinforce knowledge given in
the courses but to assist students in arranging, searching,
This study was designed for 11th-grade students.30
and representing their understanding of the topics.
students and three teachers participated in the study. To
Concept questions are questions posed to students to
meet the linguistic problems and make the lesson more
encourage higher-order thinking and help them
high-cognitive, teachers needed to find creative and
understand basic principles [11].
meaningful approaches to use the Nearpod as the
platform, allowing students to communicate and work in Concept maps begin with several given topics and
groups through poll questions, quizzes and other then divide into specific topics. In class, it increases
activities. students' motivation, help them clarify and search the
detailed information and relationships, and develops
4. RESULTS engagement to collaborate actively in the discussion.
Also, we use a concept map as a methodology to teach
4.1.Concept Map and evaluate critical thinking [12].
We find that a concept map is a learning tool to
We design the concept map assignment as an
improve students' comprehension and overview of the
approach to learning the effects of global warming.
whole topic, which is also a feedback tool to reflect how
Students can access websites using the links provided in
much they explore.
the concept map and then collaboratively discuss with
4.2.Collaborate Board "Web Content" about the 5 main causes for global
warming, which students would together discuss with
According to Professor Hattie, feedback is the most their partners and explain how their assigned topic
powerful single modification that enhances achievement, contributes to global warming as a whole in their own
and it is the simplest prescription for improving words later on the "Collaborate Board", where opinions
education [13]. Based on this, we provide the following are exposed and exchanged. Therefore the feedbacks
from peers are highly welcome.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 615
On the "Collaborate Board" above, we expect Before the "official start" of the course, we introduce a
students to have a discussion or "debate" on the 5 short film from YouTube to get students alerted to the
different causes they are assigned that contributes to serious situation of global warming, and they will share
global warming, which is "Variations in the Sun's their opinions on it later on the "Collaborate Board" with
Intensity", "Industrial Activity", "Agricultural Activity", their peers. We cannot wait to see them posting, "Indeed,
"Deforestation", "Earth's Own Feedback Loop". For this is kinda creepy. I think we should do something
example, here below could be one of the possible about it." Or it could be a relevant picture they want to
conversations between students: share, or they could also ask something like, "I like this
video, but what is that sentence supposed to mean in
SA (Student A): Don't you guys think that it's actually
deforestation that plays the most important role? You
know how many trees are cut down every time we blink Additionally, we use several assessments to trace
our eyes? It's horrible, and I think we should really focus students' learning status during the whole course.
on Forest Protection the most when fighting global "Collaborate board" also work as a tool to benefit
warming. students as a formative assessment. Students are free to
write down anything they still have questions about. This
SB (Student B): Emm…I guess so…? But I'm afraid
process motivates students to review all the contents in
it's not the trees' problem. I mean, we ain't gonna solve
the lesson and could provide accurate feedback for
this problem unless we kinda really put some efforts into
reducing industrial activities. 'Cause we literally release
too much greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, and
only planting trees won't necessarily help… 4.3.Formative Assessment
SC (Students C): Excuse my interruption, but I just At last, we use summative assessment to provide
want to remind you guys that we are actually living on evidence for students' achievements [14]. Students can
one of the planets in the solar system, which means our exchange their opinions with each other about what they
environment is greatly influenced by the Sun! Could it be have learnt in the lesson. During the process, teachers
the variations in the Sun's intensity the biggest part of this could know different students' situations about the class.
problem then? In this way, teachers could analyse individuals from their
own feedback about their learning and measure the
Through the conversations above, students can learn understanding of the lesson from their group concept map.
better not only how their own assigned topic is affecting Also, according to the research reported by Dylan
global warming but also others. Provided with opinions William, Professor Emeritus of Education, and Paul
and feedback, they can be very likely to have a better and Black, Professor Emeritus of Education, the formative
deeper understanding of most if not all the causes of assessment does improve learning [15].
global warming, especially how they work in various
ways. Thus, we believe that they could be well prepared
to come up with ideas for later solving the tricky
environment problem. We compared two kinds of normal ways teachers use
Generally, we made fairly good use of Nearpod by in education. In most traditional ways, students having
integrating such high cognitive tasks into the lesson. classes without any electronic devices. In this way, the
only students can preview the theme by reading the
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 615
papers teachers provide for them. This may help students bring students into the theme such as Global Warming.
contribute a standard impression of the theme. But when Compared with the traditional teaching method by using
everybody read the same material, their ideas must be PowerPoints, Nearpod has more functions for teachers to
very similar and less ingenious. When they do final complete the whole class. They could use videos or web
projects, their work may be very similar to each other's. content to introduce various information to lay the
During the class, it was only the teacher on the stage to foundation for them. Then, students were asked to do
talk about the theme. Instead, using Nearpod or other their final project on the concept map. This software
electronic devices could provide various ways for shows relationships between different kinds of causes
students to get information. Thus, different students and effects in visual. It needs students to clarify the
could get different ideas about the same since their differences between different terms clearly. At last,
researches were in different ways. Last, students need to students need to do a quiz or matching pairs in different
do some quizzes on paper, and teachers need to correct levels so that teachers can know the overall performances
their answers by hand in the traditional way. However, of the class in visual because the software has made the
with the use of Nearpod, students just need to click the graph about the test. The concept map scoring method in
mouse and choose their answers to the question on the the research is completely different from the traditional
screen. When the class ended, teachers could receive the method that focuses on features such as hierarchical
quiz reports immediately and see the visual graph about structure and branching. Using electronic equipment to
the overall or even individual performances. In the whole teach is a promising way in the future, and these software
process, Nearpod plays an important role because it could provide good plate forms to improve the quality of the
provide border range of information and form academic class.
reports for teachers at one time.
Below, we summarize some shortcut keys for the
template in three steps and compare the differences [1] Nearpod. <>. (2021). Retrieved
between innovation class and traditional classes: 11 September 2021, from
preparing for the class, during and after the class. When
preparing for the class, the innovation class searches LAST/SJPM3F0BA7F82DCE79BACBB7D1E528
global warming online without any limitations and AF8716
readings, when the traditional class does some readings
about global warming and thinking about the theme of [2] Lowrybrock, M. R. . (2016). The effect of using
their teamwork. In the second step of during the class, Nearpod as a tool of active learning in the high
innovation class teachers use Nearpod with several school science classroom.
functions like 'content' introduce global warming for
[3]Slavin, R. E. (1995). An introduction to cooperative
students, and then use 'matching pairs' and 'quiz' to
learning. In cooperation learning:Theory, research,
evaluate their learning performance. After that, the
teacher could demonstrate the concept map for students and practice (2nded., pp.13).
and provide an example for them to refer to, whereas [4]Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2009). Developing the theory
traditional class teachers just use some pictures or videos of formative assessment.Educational Assessment,
to show them what global warming is and teach them Evaluation & Accountability, 21(1), 31.
how to use a concept map for their teamwork. In the third
step of "after the class," students search online and [5] Kinchin, Ian, M. , Hay, & David, B. . (2000).
combine with the sample teacher provided to finish their How a qualitative approach to concept map analysis can
teamwork. At the same time, it is very convenient for be used to aid learning by illustrating. Educational
teachers to evaluate students' performance because Research.
nearpod has accounted for the data. Still, in a traditional
class, they need to research by themselves and filter [6] Stensvold, M. S. , & Wilson, J. T. . (1990). The
various information for their project. Additionally, they interaction of verbal ability with concept mapping in
need to write some paper about what they have learnt learning from a chemistry laboratory activity.
today for teachers to evaluate their performances. Science Education, 74(4), 473-480.
[7] Ford, K. M. , Canas, A. J. , & Coffey, J. W. .
(1996). Concept mapbased multimedia computer
The most important advantage of Nearpod is that it system for facilitating user understanding of a
could provide various perspectives to introduce students domain of knowledge. US, US5506937 A.
to the theme. When preparing the class, students could [8] Cho, J. I. , & Kim, J. (2002). A study on validity,
search by themselves about the theme and kindle their reliability and practicality of a concept map as an
ideas about the final project. During the class, the most
assessment tool of biology concept understandings.
important process is that teachers could use Nearpod to
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 615