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CRSSL client -This is required to connect to the Vpn

User id and password will be provided to u
2.Putty is used to connect to the Institute Server
User id and password will be provided – after logging in we will create one
session id .
3.VncViewer -we will use the session id created in putty and we will open the
session here
Server ip address:
vncserver -to create a session id
vncserver -list -to list the running session id’s
vncserver -kill :session id number – to kill the session
Use the below path to copy dft designs to ur directory
cp -rf ../saddam/DFT_LAB_FEB .
Linux Commands
1) ls - To list all the dir & files
2) ls -d */ - To list only the directories
3) ls -f */ - To list only the files
4) ls *.v - To list only the req format files
5) ls -a -To list the hidden files
6) ls * - To list all files under the corresponding dir’s
7) file * - to display all empty files
8) ls -lrt – To list the history of the all files
9) ls -lrt file or dir name -to know tha history of the particular file or dir
10) cd - to change from one dir to another directory
11) uniq filename - to delete continuos repeated line
12) touch filename – To create a empty file
13) touch .filename – To create a hidden file
14) gvim filename -To open a file
15) gvim file1 file2 -d - to diff the 2 files
16) gvim file1 file2 -o - to split open the 2 files
17) cat or vi filename -To open the files in the current window
18) cat file1 file2 > file3 - to merge file1 & file2 data to file3
19) tac filename - to display the lines of a file in reverse order
20) pwd -To show the present working directory
21) mkdir dir name -to create a dir
22) mkdir -v dir name -To create a dir and to give created info
23) mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3 -To create sub dir’s
24) mkdir -v dir name ; ls -to create the dir and list all files
25) cp source path destination path -to copy the files
26) cp -rf source path destination path -to copy the directories
27) cp source path . -to copy the files to the current dir
28) cp -rf source path . -to copy the dir to the current dir
29) rm filename -To remove the files
30) rm * - to remove all files
31) rm -rf dir name -to delete dir
32) rm -rf * -To delete all dir’s
33) mv old filename new filename - to rename a file or dir
34) mv source destination - to move the files and dir
35) du -sh filename -to know the size of the file
36) df -kh . – to know the disk space
37) wc filename -to know the total lines and total words and total
characters of file
38) we have analysed permissions for user group others
39) u -primary user g- group o-others
40) chmod 700 file/dir name -to disable all permissions for group and
41) chmod 777 file/dir name -to enable all permissions for user
,group and others
42) chmod o-rw file/dir name -to remove the read and write
permissions for others
43) chmod g+rw file/dir name -to add the read and write permissions
for group
44) hold the cntl & shft buttons and press + in the keyboard to
increase the font size of the terminal
45) hold the cntl button and press - in the keyboard to decrease the
font size
46) yy- To copy a line in the file
47) p- to paste a line in the file
48) dd-to delete a line in the file
49) :w-to save a file
50) :q- to quit the file
51) :x-to save and quit a file
52) :%s:oldword/newword:gc - replace the words in a file
53) History - To know history of the work done
54) !history number - to excute the command
55) Shift d -to delete data right side of the cursor
56) d&0 -to delete the data left side of the cursor
57) :se nu -to display line numbers
58) :se nonu -to remove the line numbers
59) Shift * -to highlight a word
60) :noh -to unhighlight the search word
61) :se hlsearch -to highlight the last highlighted word
62) gg -to goto 1st line of the file
63) Shift g - to goto last line of the file
64) head -10 filename - to display top 10 lines of a file
65) tail -5 filename - to display last 5 lines of a file
66) gzip filename - to zip a file
67) gunzip filename - to unzip a file
68) :linenumber - to just to the req line
69) /searchword - to search for the search word in file from top
70) ?searchword - to search for the search word in file from bottom
71) i -to enter into insert mode in a file
72) Control c - to terminate the ongoing run
73) Escape -to enter into escape mode in a file
74) :se wrap -to make big lines into multiple lines in file
75) :se nowrap -to make multiple lines into a single line in file
76) Home -to goto the starting of the line
77) End -to go to end of the line
78) :g;;d -to delete all highlighted lines in file
79) :v;;d -to delete all unhighlighted lines in file
80) Shift+v - to select a line in a file
81) Shift+v & shift+g to select all lines in a file
82) Delete-to delete the selected lines in a file
83) Control+v & shift+g &shift+i &escape -to add the required data in
all the lines
84) grep -r searchword filename -to search for the req word in the
entire file
85) grep -ir searchword filename -to search for the req word in the
entire file irrespective of case sensitive
86) grep -irv searchword filename -to display the all lines other than
searchword in the entire file irrespective of case sensitive
87) grep -r searchword - to display searchword lines in all the files of
current dir
88) grep -ir searchword - to display searchword lines in all the files of
current dir irrespective of case sensitive
89) grep -irv searchword - to display other lines except searchword in
all the files of current dir
90) grep -o searchword filename - to display only the searchword in
the file
91) grep -io searchword filename - to display only the searchword in
the file irrespective of case sensitive
92) grep -in searchword filename - to display the searchword lines in
the file and their position numbers
93) grep -il searchword * - to display all files which is having the
searchword in the current dir
94) grep -ic searchword filename -to display total count of the
searchword in the file
95) grep -im3 searchword filename - to display the 1st 3 search
96) grep -iv searchword filename - to display the lines other than
the searchword
97) grep -x “word1 word2” filename - to search 2 words at atime in a
98) grep searchword filename > new filename - to save the search
results into a new file
99) grep searchword filename >> oldfilename - to save the search
results into a oldfile without deleting the previous data
100) sed '/^ /d' filename -i - to delete the lines which starts with
101) sed '/;/d' filename -i - to delete the lines which ends with the ;
102) sed 's/oldword/newword/g' filename -i - ro replace the word
with new word
103) sed '/searchword/d' filename -i - to delete the lines which is
having the searchword
104) sed '/^vlsiguru/d' filename -i - to delete the lines which starts
with word vlsiguru
105) sed '/vlsiguru$/d' filename -i - to delete the lines which ends with
the word vlsiguru
106) sed '/print.*resistor/d' filename -i - to delete the lines which
starts with the word print and ends with the word resistor
107) sed 's/#.*//' filename -i - to delete the lines which starts with #
108) sed '/banglore/d;/^$/d' filename -i - to delete the lines having
the word banglore and to delete the empty lines
109) sed '/banglore$/d;/^$/d' empty -i -to delete the lines ends with
the word banglore and to delete the empty lines
110) sed '/^banglore/d;/^$/d' empty -i -to delete the lines starts with
the word banglore and to delete the empty lines
Create a .cshrc file in ur directory and Paste this below lines into .cshrc file
and save it
set complete=enhance
alias g gvim
alias s source
alias rf readlink -f
alias c clear
alias h history
alias e exit
source /home/tools/mentor/cshrc_mentor
source /home/tools/synopsys/cshrc_synopsys

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