Sample-Site-Waste-Management-Plan-Template - SWMP
Sample-Site-Waste-Management-Plan-Template - SWMP
Sample-Site-Waste-Management-Plan-Template - SWMP
At Project Y we are committed to implement the project environmental plan and the SWMP
so that it is effective, accurate and economical and ensure that the procedures put into place
are working and are maintained.
The Contracts Manager is the SWMP co-ordinator of the project and as such is
responsible for ensuring the instruction of workers, implementation and overseeing of the
SWMP. The ????? Manager will monitor the effectiveness and accuracy during the routine
site visits. Independent audits will also be completed by our safety consultancy via site
inspections. Copies of these reports are forwarded to the GHSQE Manager for monitoring.
The Contract Manager shall distribute copies of this plan to the CDM Co-ordinator, Client,
Site Manager and each Subcontractor where relevant/applicable. This will be undertaken
every time the plan is updated.
All of the above act to reduce the amount of waste and surplus materials, which traditionally
would be skipped and sent to landfill. We are continually identifying waste minimisation
actions and these will be updated in the above table.
A specific area shall be laid out and labelled to facilitate the separation of materials for
potential recycling, salvage, reuse and return. Recycling and waste bins are to be kept clean
and clearly marked in order to avoid contamination of materials. The labelling systems shall
be the Waste Awareness Colour Coding Scheme. If the skips are clearly identified the bulk
of the workforce will deposit the correct materials into the correct skip. Skips for segregation
of waste identified currently are:
• Wood
• Metal
• Brick/rubble
• Canteen waste
As works progress and other trades come to site other skips will be placed to enable certain
waste to be removed from site. This is likely to include:
• Plasterboard
• Paper and cardboard (bagged up)
Waste materials fall into three categories for management, these are:
• Re-use
• Recycle
• Landfill
If surplus materials can be used in the permanent works they are classified as materials,
which have been re-used. If they are surplus to requirements and need to be removed from
site and they can be removed and used in their present form, they can be removed from site
for reuse.
If the surplus material cannot be re-used in its present form but could be used in a different
form, it is sent for recycling such as 50x50 timber to make chipboard.
If either of the above cannot be satisfied then the only option left is to send the surplus
The skips need to be monitored to ensure that contamination of segregated skips does not
occur. Therefore we will advise regularly on how the waste management system is working
and point out that an uncontaminated skip for recycling costs typically £55 but should it get
contaminated then it has to go direct to landfill at a cost of typically £89 per skip and this
price is continually increasing.
We will continually review the type of surplus materials being produced and where we can
change the site set up to maximise on re-use or recycling and the use of landfill will be the
last resort.
The plan will be communicated to the whole project team (including the client) at the
regularly. Business wide updates including the KPIs will be communicated and discussed at
IMS and Management meetings
The plan will also be analysed by the Group HSQE Manager to produce KPIs and will be
responsible for transferring and advising any best practice and solutions throughout the
company. Our prequalification process identifies compliant waste management companies
with records maintained on file.
Contracts Manager: Date: