Lab Index 1

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Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg

Department of Computer Science & Engg.

Experiment Index
Object Oriented Programming (with JAVA) Lab.: B022422(022)

Student’s Name Branch & Semester Class Roll No.

Bhenu Shankar Torle Computer Science and 27

Experiment Page
Date Aim of Experiment Signature Remarks
No. No.
Write a program to show the use of
1.1 15/03/21 If-Else statements. 1

Write a program to show the use of

1.2 15/03/21 switch-case. 2

Write a program to show the use of

1.3 15/03/21 while loop.

Write a program to show the use of

1.4 15/03/21 do-while loop. 5-6

Write a program to show the use of

1.5 15/03/21 for loop.

Write a program to read name

1.6 15/03/21 from command line and print a 9
welcome message.
Write a program to read age using
Scanner class object and print 10-
1.7 15/03/21 whether the person is child, adult
or elderly. 11

Write a program to read two values

using Scanner class object and 12-
1.8 15/03/21 print the greatest. 13
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
Department of Computer Science & Engg.
Experiment Index
Object Oriented Programming (with JAVA) Lab.: B022422(022)

Student’s Name Branch & Semester Class Roll No.

Bhenu Shankar Torle Computer Science and 27

Experiment Page
Date Aim of Experiment Signature Remarks
No. No.
Write a program to read any
number of values using
1.9 15/03/21 InputStreamReader and
BufferedReader class object and 15
print the average.
Write a program to create a
function for adding two numbers.
Take input using 15-
1.10 15/03/21 InputStreamReader and 16
BufferedReader class object.
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
Department of Computer Science & Engg.
Experiment Index
Object Oriented Programming (with JAVA) Lab.: B022422(022)

Student’s Name Branch & Semester Class Roll No.

Bhenu Shankar Torle Computer Science and 27

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