Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 29, 2007
Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 29, 2007
Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 29, 2007
April 29, 2007
“I have made you a light to the Gentiles,
that you may be an instrument of salvation
to the ends of the earth.”
— Acts 13:47b
Get in touch with the Spirit: As part of the preface to Gifts of the Holy Spirit
the Paulist Fathers’ 150th Anniversary celebrations in … were flowing in abundance on
2008, two Holy Spirit Retreats will help participants Tuesday evening when 18 UCC
experience the connection between the Holy Spirit, St. Paul members celebrated the Sacrament
and Father Hecker. The East Coast Retreat will take place of Confirmation with Bishop Greg
June 22-24, 2007 at Mount Paul in New Jersey with retreat Aymond. Our gratitude goes out to
master Father Bruce Nieli, C.S.P., and the West Coast retreat Jim Harrington, Confirmation
is scheduled for Nov. 12-14 at the Claretian Renewal Center coordinator, and Deacon John De
in Los Angeles with Father Terry Ryan, C.S.P., as retreat La Garza who assisted in preparing
master. For more information and registration, log on to for the sacrament. Congratulations and click on 150th Anniversary Events or call to the 2007 confirmands: Mollie
202-269-2521. Elizabeth Alred, Monica Yvette
Cepeda, Landon Priscilla Darling,
Religious Education Celebration Picnic Brunch Suzanne Elyce Dalton, Veronica
Next Sunday, May 6, is the day for our annual Religious Gabriela Del Cid, Lauren E. García, John Charles Mark
Education brunch picnic. We'll celebrate the First Goetz, Israel David Gonzales, Karina Karmen González,
Communion class and mark the end of the RE school year. Enrique Lightsey Guerrero, Julia Pérez Gutiérrez, Leah
All families are invited to bring a brunch treat or drink to Elizabeth Kolar, Bryant Timothy Kopriva, Sonia Christina
share. We'll meet across the street immediately following the López, Rica Katrina Viacrucis Mauricio, Alexandra Leigh
9:00 am liturgy (so also bring a blanket for sitting.) If it rains, Papp, Nicole Marie Margaret Renaux, Paige Ashlin Gabriel
we'll meet in the basement. Call Anne Gilbert at 301-4312 if Tritschler – Father Dave
you have any questions.