Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 29, 2007

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Fourth Sunday of Easter 

April 29, 2007 
“I have made you a light to the Gentiles,  
that you may be an instrument of salvation  
to the ends of the earth.” 
— Acts 13:47b

Get in touch with the Spirit: As part of the preface to Gifts of the Holy Spirit
the Paulist Fathers’ 150th Anniversary celebrations in … were flowing in abundance on
2008, two Holy Spirit Retreats will help participants Tuesday evening when 18 UCC
experience the connection between the Holy Spirit, St. Paul members celebrated the Sacrament
and Father Hecker. The East Coast Retreat will take place of Confirmation with Bishop Greg
June 22-24, 2007 at Mount Paul in New Jersey with retreat Aymond. Our gratitude goes out to
master Father Bruce Nieli, C.S.P., and the West Coast retreat Jim Harrington, Confirmation
is scheduled for Nov. 12-14 at the Claretian Renewal Center coordinator, and Deacon John De
in Los Angeles with Father Terry Ryan, C.S.P., as retreat La Garza who assisted in preparing
master. For more information and registration, log on to for the sacrament. Congratulations and click on 150th Anniversary Events or call to the 2007 confirmands: Mollie
202-269-2521. Elizabeth Alred, Monica Yvette
Cepeda, Landon Priscilla Darling,
Religious Education Celebration Picnic Brunch Suzanne Elyce Dalton, Veronica
Next Sunday, May 6, is the day for our annual Religious Gabriela Del Cid, Lauren E. García, John Charles Mark
Education brunch picnic. We'll celebrate the First Goetz, Israel David Gonzales, Karina Karmen González,
Communion class and mark the end of the RE school year. Enrique Lightsey Guerrero, Julia Pérez Gutiérrez, Leah
All families are invited to bring a brunch treat or drink to Elizabeth Kolar, Bryant Timothy Kopriva, Sonia Christina
share. We'll meet across the street immediately following the López, Rica Katrina Viacrucis Mauricio, Alexandra Leigh
9:00 am liturgy (so also bring a blanket for sitting.) If it rains, Papp, Nicole Marie Margaret Renaux, Paige Ashlin Gabriel
we'll meet in the basement. Call Anne Gilbert at 301-4312 if Tritschler – Father Dave
you have any questions.

We are His people, the sheep of His flock.

Our Return of Gifts to God

Next Sunday’s Black Bag collection will be for Bapchule
Mission Trip –UCC students prepare and staff a Vacation
Bible School and retreat program for youth on the Gila River
Indian Reservation in Bapchule, Arizona (south of Phoenix). $13,462
Please be generous.


Mon: Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:1-10
Tues: Acts 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30 (or for the memorial)
Gn 1:26 – 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24;
Mt 13:54-58
Wed: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Jn 12:44-50 $3,098
$2,164 $2,172
Thurs: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14 $1,952 $1,670
Fri: Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6
Sat: Acts 13:44-52; Jn 14:7-14
Sun: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145; Rv 21:1-5a; 3/25 4/1 4/5-6 4/8 4/15 4/22
Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
Prayer service held for Virginia Tech.
A prayer service was held Thursday night in remembrance of UCC FUNCTIONS FOR THIS WEEK
the victims of the shooting incident at Virginia Tech
University. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.
Week of April 29, 2007
Upcoming UCC Receptions: Monday April 30
San Antonio Reception: Tuesday, May 1, 2007, at St. • 12:05 pm Mass HSC
Matthew Catholic Church in the McDonald Family Center • 5 pm Student Leadership Dinner BSMT
Gym (10703 Wurzbach Road, San Antonio, TX 78230). The • 7 pm RCIA SF
event will begin with a potluck dinner at 7 PM. A daily Mass • 7 pm CFC Youth SMk
is offered at 6:00 PM at St. Matthew’s for anyone interested • 7 pm CLFL MT
in attending before the reception. Tuesday May 1 St. Joseph the Worker
Waco Reception: Tuesday, May 8, 2007, at the Onward and • 12:30 pm Mass HSC
Upward Building (located at 4709 Bosque Blvd, Waco, TX • 7 pm LOA (ΛΩA) SF
76710). The event will begin with Mass at 7 PM, and a • 7 pm UGAP MT
potluck dinner will follow. Wednesday May 2 St. Athanasius
Austin Reception: Friday, May 11, 2007, at the UCC. The • 9 am CIA BSC
event will begin with Mass at 7 PM, and a potluck dinner will • 12:05 pm Mass HSC
follow. • 12:30 pm Carbos for Christ ATRM
UT-Austin alumni, parents of current students, parents of • 7 pm Catholics Returning Home SF
alumni, incoming UT students, resident community members, • 7 pm STRONG - Officers SMk
current UT students, faculty, and staff, and anyone interested • 8 pm STRONG MT
in learning about the Catholic campus ministry program at Thursday May 3 Sts. Philip and James (F)
UT-Austin are encouraged to attend. For all events, guests are • 12:30 pm Mass HSC
asked to bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. If you • 7 pm Compass MT
have questions or would like more information, please contact • 8 pm Adoration HSC
Amber Fogarty at 512-476-7351 x13 or email
[email protected]. Friday May 4
Last Day of Class
• 12:05 pm Mass HSC
Paulist Fathers Fun Facts • 5:30 pm Korean Group SMk
Paulist Fun Fact #6 • 7 pm LA-42 4th Day BSMT
Father John Ardis, C.S.P., gave the closing benedic-
tion at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Saturday May 5
Sunday May 6
St. Louis School (2114 St. Joseph St. at Burnet Rd.) would • 6 pm MEӨ SF
like to invite everyone to our annual school carnival, Sunday, • 7 pm RCIA Dismissal MT
May 6th from 10 am to 4 pm. Fun Fest 2007 will take place
on the school grounds and will feature fun games, delicious Volunteer Pastoral Staff
food, and great music - there will be something for every age Sarah Ramos, a Spiritual Director in the Diocese
group. Join us for Fun Fest 2007 on May 6th; it's a great way of Austin, is available to individuals and groups
to spend the day! as a resource on spiritual topics and to provide
spiritual direction. Sarah can be reached at 475-4455 or 447-
Compass Bible Study! 2757 on evenings and weekends, or by email:
Meeting on Thursday nights from 7-8 pm in the [email protected]. She is also available from 11:30 am to
Mother Teresa Room, Compass is a fun and laid- 12:30 p.m. on Thursdays at the UCC.
back way to read scripture and get a little more out
of Mass. Every week we spend an hour discussing the next
Sunday’s readings and sharing our faith. We are student run, I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know
student led, and totally low time commitment, so drop by my sheep and mine know me.
whenever you can. Come hang out with us this Thursday!

Graduate Students & Professionals: UGAP

Wednesday Carbos for Christ
University Graduates and Professionals (UGAP) is a group of
Lambda Omega Alpha Fraternity invites all for
post-college age people. We share and live the love of Christ
food and fellowship at 12:30 pm on Wednesdays
in community through worship, faith formation, social
in the Atrium. $3.00 suggested donation. Please contact Adam
service, spiritual development and fellowship. We meet at 7
at [email protected] if you can help with set-up or clean-
pm. on Tuesdays in the Mother Teresa Room.

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