ESG Performance and Ownership Structure On Cost of Capital and Research & Development Investment
ESG Performance and Ownership Structure On Cost of Capital and Research & Development Investment
ESG Performance and Ownership Structure On Cost of Capital and Research & Development Investment
1, January-June 2022
ISSN: 2623-2480/ P-ISSN: 1693-5209
ABSTRACT 10.32639/fokbis.v21i1.26
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kinerja lingkungan, sosial, kepeilikan institusi,
kepemilikan orang dalam, kepemilikan block holder, serta kepemilikan investor asing terhadap biaya
modal perusahaan dan investasi pada penelitian dan pengembangan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah
seluruh perusahaan yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Periode pengamatan yang dilakukan
selama periode 2016-2020. Metode dalam penentuan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling
yang dikumpulkan melalui Thomson Reuters database dan pelaporan keuangan. Hasil penelitian ini
mengunjukkan bahwa kinerja ESG, kepemilikan institusional, dan kepemilikan oleh investor asing
berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap biaya modal, kepemilikan orang dalam berpengaruh positif
dan signifikan terhadap biaya modal, namun kepemilikan block holder tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang
signifikan terhadap biaya modal. Sedangkan untuk hubungan terhadap investasi penelitian dan
pengembangan, hanya kinerja ESG, kepemilikan institusional, dan kepemilikan asing yang berpengaruh
positif signifikan, dua jenis kepemilikan lainnya berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan.
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Since the 2009 financial crisis, the capital structure has increased due to the large number of companies
that went bankrupt due to the crisis. The presence of this pandemic also requires companies to face
serious financial problems and companies must learn how to manage the cost of capital and change
financing decisions to maintain their performance (Gamlath, 2020). The capital structure decision is one
of the most vital financial decisions in a company which is determined from the optimal combination of
equity and optimal debt for the company which will reduce the cost of capital (Ellili, 2020). In addition,
companies need innovation for survival and long-term success in the market. The “Innovate or Die”
mantra has been echoed across industries from traditional consumer packaged goods to high-tech
production (Caldbeck, 2016). Innovation can be earned internally by investing in research and
development (R&D). The organization sees R&D as a means of survival, so it is expected that
shareholders are very interested in ensuring the company will continue to grow. In recent years,
national priorities have shifted to focus on innovation and research to promote economic growth (CNN
Indonesia, 2019). Therefore, advances in science, research, and innovation are expected to play an
important role in securing Indonesia's competitive position in the global economy.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, financial difficulties in Indonesia have resulted in financial constraints
that have tightened public spending on research and development (RISTEK-BRIN, 2020). The relationship
between public and private investment is still a hot issue in macroeconomics and has attracted the
attention of economists and policymakers. The main question is whether the government raises the
funds to participate in supporting the company's investment in research and development (R&D). When
this happens, it will have a major impact on the company's performance, thereby achieving sustainable
development in the long term. As the innovation-leading countries show, the current challenging
economic situation requires countries in the world to provide the necessary facilities for companies to
develop a more active role in R&D activities (López Iturriaga & López-Millán, 2017). Minister of Research
and Technology/National Research Agency (Menristek/BRIN), Bambang Brodjonegoro said the domestic
research funding strategy was moving in the wrong direction. Bambang thinks that so far, the
government has dominated the research and development budget of 85.83%. Whereas in many other
countries, they are more directed towards the dominant private sector.
The performance of non-financial, environmental, social, and governance reports, as well as ownership
structure, are considered to be able to influence changes in the cost of capital and the level of
investment in research and development. In recent years, environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
performance reports have become an important component of corporate reporting. Since the
emergence of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in 2001, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
disclosures have grown to become increasingly common among listed companies. ESG analysis becomes
even more important in these difficult times of COVID-19 as it reflects how companies should improve
their non-financial reporting. Disclosure of non-financial information has the potential to mitigate
information asymmetry between companies and investors as well as to save capital costs (Raimo et al.
2020). Responding to information asymmetry that affects and harms the capital market, companies
continue to increase the amount of information disclosed from time to time to grow optimal funding for
investment opportunities to reduce the cost of capital (Vena, Sciascia, & Cortesi, 2020). Recently, the
CEO of the largest financial sector company in the United States, BlackRock Inc., stated in his annual
letter that employees should consider non-financial benefits over financial benefits (Fink, 2019). Fink
said that companies also need to consider the state of the world for the better in the future. This
statement raises a lot of debate from various parties that when companies have to leave a better world
for the next generation, the company's operations tend to be inefficient and effective. Stakeholders
expect greater transparency and better communication about how businesses can create long-term
value for customers, employees, and the wider stakeholder group (Serafeim, 2015). Stock markets
around the world have also taken policy initiatives to increase the level of ESG performance. Companies
labeled “green” generally tend to get more media exposure which can attract more investment from the
capital market (Liu & Hamori, 2020). Based on ESG reports and ratings, company performance can be
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assessed and measured from time to time by investors, managers, and other stakeholders
(Limkriangkrai et al., 2017).
The ownership structure is considered to be able to influence changes in the cost of capital (Hu, Yao, &
Zhou, 2020). One of the basic assumptions in corporate governance is emphasizing the role of
shareholders in monitoring the behavior of executives in managing the company. By choosing a
company with a good ownership structure, investors can reduce the risk of loss and reduce uncertainty
in investing. In addition, the existence of a corporate ownership structure is a way to reduce agency
conflict (Park, Chae, & Cho, 2016). Diversification through ownership structure will also reduce the
company's idiosyncratic or unsystematic risk. When companies can minimize idiosyncratic risk, investor
confidence will also increase, thereby reducing investor uncertainty in investing their funds into the
company (Levy & Kroll, 1978). The risk of investing in company shares can also affect the company's cost
of capital. Therefore, having an ownership structure will result in lower agency costs and lower costs of
equity (Aubert, Kern, & Hollandts, 2017).
In testing the hypothesis, this study uses a sample of all companies listed in Indonesia for the 2016-2020
period. The ESG ranking in Indonesia is still a concern, which is in the 36th position in the world (Uky,
2020). This condition indicates that much remains to be done to improve the level of ESG reporting. In
addition, in April 2019, the Indonesia Stock Exchange was appointed to become a member of the United
Nations Sustainable Stock Exchange (SSE) Initiative, and through various initiatives that have been
outlined in the sustainable finance action plan (Prima & Dewi, 2020). At the end of 2020, IDX has
launched a new index IDX ESG which is expected to spur practices related to the environment, social,
and governance of issuers in implementing sustainable investment in Indonesia. This launch can
reinforce IDX's commitment to encourage ESG practices and become one of the milestones in
implementing sustainable investment in Indonesia (Prima & Dewi, 2020). This study from the first model
concludes that ESG performance, institutional ownership, and foreign ownership have a negative and
significant effect on the cost of capital. Insider ownership has a positive effect, while block holder
ownership does not show a significant relationship. In the second model, all variables are positively
related to R&D except for insider ownership and block holder which show a negative and significant
This study contributes to the literature and practice, (1) adds to the literature on ESG and ownership
structure on the cost of capital and investment in research and development; (2) filling this gap in the
ESG literature; (3) resolving the knowledge gap between developed economies and emerging markets;
(4) resolving knowledge gaps for both local and international investors; (5) offers useful new insights for
managers who are looking for strategies to improve the company's financial performance; and (6) help
guide the development of the government's capital market ownership system and the establishment of
a sound ownership structure for companies listed on the stock exchange.
In addition to ESG performance, other factors can affect the high and low cost of capital, namely
ownership structure. This study uses four aspects of ownership structure, namely institutional investor
ownership, insider ownership, block holder ownership, and foreign investor ownership. Ellili (2020)
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found that the ownership of institutional investors, insiders, and foreign investors has a negative and
significant effect on the cost of capital, while block holder ownership has an insignificant relationship
with the cost of capital. The results of this study are in contrast to other studies which have found that
the proportion of equity ownership of insiders and block holders can make the company's cost of capital
higher (López Iturriaga & López-Millán, 2017; Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Not only the cost of capital, the
level of research and development investment in the company also has different research results even
though the determinants are the same. López Iturriaga & López-Millán (2017) find that institutional
investor ownership has a positive impact on the level of research and development investment in
companies classified as civil law countries. Meanwhile, for the other three aspects of the ownership
structure, namely insider ownership, block holder, and foreign investors, research results are still
inconsistent (AlHares et al., 2018; Rapp & Udoieva, 2017; Chen et al., 2017; Tereshchenko & Stepanova,
2017). 2016; Wang, 2016).
Agency theory has been introduced in the literature on corporate governance and its financial model
which focuses on the relationship between shareholders (as principals) and managers (as agents)
(Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Managers can take an opportunistic approach and seek to derive personal
benefits from agency relationships. The choice of the capital structure according to this theory can
affect the way a company operates its business (Jensen, 1986). According to Jensen (1986), agency costs
are divided into two categories, namely equity agency costs, and debt agency costs. The agency cost of
equity is based on the fact that the manager bears responsibility for all costs of the activities carried out
and the manager cannot take advantage of all the profits earned by the company. Another possible
problem is the agency’s cost of debt. The cost of debt focuses on the relationship between
shareholders, bondholders, and managers. The problem of these two agency costs can be minimized by
optimal management of the cost of capital (Cantino, Valter Devalle & Fiandrino, 2017). The agency
theory approach also provides useful insights for studying financial issues related to corporate R&D
(Zhang, Chen, & Feng, 2014). Consistent with agency theory, conflicts of interest within firms explain
how the mechanisms of ownership structure and corporate governance affect R&D.
H1 : Environmental, social, and governance performance has a negative effect on the cost of
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are expected to play an important role and force managers to make decisions in the best interests of all
shareholders (Faysal, Salehi, & Moradi, 2020). Prowse (1992) showed that the ownership structure of
Japanese firms in the mid-1980s strongly encouraged institutional ownership and this ownership played
a positive role in controlling managers (Faysal et al., 2020). This opinion is in line with the research of
Suto & Takehara (2017) which states that institutional ownership reduces the cost of capital and
improves corporate social performance in Japan by reducing information asymmetry. Not only that, (Lin
& Fu, 2017) show that institutional ownership positively affects firm performance and is effective in
lifting regulatory restrictions and lowering the cost of capital.
According to Jensen & Meckling (1976), managerial ownership has a negative impact on firm
performance (Morck, Shleifer, & Vishny, 1988). Jensen & Meckling (1976) stated that managerial
ownership can cause several conflicts in addition to conflicts of interest between managers and
shareholders, namely conflicts between shareholders and creditors. Shareholders can expropriate
creditors' wealth by investing in projects and making financial decisions that will reduce the value of the
company's debt. Owner managers can invest in risky projects and transfer that risk to creditors so that it
will lead to higher debt costs when managerial ownership is also high.
Block holder is defined as external shareholders who own at least 5% of the company's capital (Shleifer
& Vishny, 1997). In the context of the UAE, it was found that the presence of block holder in the
company's ownership structure does not always guarantee good performance, which indicates that
block holder is not always efficient in monitoring managers (Ellili, 2012). In examining the relationship
between block holders and the cost of bank debt, Lin, Ma, Malatesta, & Xuan (2011) found that the
excess control rights of block holder have facilitated tunneling activities and moral hazard within the
company to increase monitoring costs and bank credit risk as well as debt costs. Ellili (2020) also
believes that block ownership and insider ownership are positively related to a firm's cost of capital.
The presence of foreign investors is positively associated with audit quality and can minimize
information asymmetry (Bena, Ferreire, Matos, & Pires, 2017). According to Hamand (2018), foreign
ownership promises to reduce agency costs and can increase pressure on management to serve the
interests of shareholders which will ultimately contribute to the company's competitive advantage. The
presence of foreign investors is also more likely to incur less informed costs than non-foreign
shareholders. This will result in less informed costs will also be lower when foreign investors invest in
equity shares of companies with lower information asymmetry. In addition, foreign shareholders may
have easy access to global capital markets so that the cost of capital will be lower. Therefore, there is a
negative relationship with the cost of capital because foreign investors efficiently control the company's
cost of capital. (Jiang & Kim, 2004). Based on the development of the hypotheses above, the
hypotheses of this research are
H2a : The ownership of the proportion of equity by institutional investors has a negative effect on
the cost of capital
H2b : Ownership of the proportion of equity by insiders has a positive effect on the cost of capital
H2c : Ownership of the proportion of equity by block holder investors has a positive effect on the
cost of capital
H2d : Ownership of the proportion of equity by foreign investors has a negative effect on the cost of
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trigger innovation (Sharma & Vredenburg, 1998). Socially responsible companies tend to gain greater
trust, higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty among stakeholders, including customers, employees,
investors, businesses, and various existing communities (Lee & Min, 2015). Thus, competitive pressure
will motivate companies to be more vigilant and more enthusiastic about utilizing external knowledge
and ideas triggered by the level of ESG performance to generate new product innovations. R&D
investment will increase from leveraging the knowledge facilitated by ESG reporting to generate
innovation. Therefore, the third hypothesis of this study is:
H3 : Environmental, social, and governance performance has a positive effect on the level of
investment in research and development.
According to Jensen & Meckling (1976), managers who have shares in the companies they lead will
always be reluctant to spur company resources in R&D implementation because this innovation project
is risky and has a high intensity of long-term failure. This risky project will ultimately affect the
company's short-term profit returns. Thus, there will be a high risk of job loss if the R&D project planned
by the manager fails. Therefore, management is more likely to behave in choosing short-term projects
compared to long-term innovation projects that can jeopardize the profitability of the current year.
Bhatta (2020) adds that dominant insider shareholders tend to engage in tunneling activities and insider
investors can extract personal benefits by increasing ownership in a company. Therefore, managerial
ownership will reduce R&D investment (Tereshchenko & Stepanova, 2016). These arguments lead to the
notion that an increase in insider ownership leads to a lower percentage of investment in R&D.
Previous research has shown that there is a positive relationship between investors in the block holder
category and corporate R&D investments (Eng & Shackell, 2001). Block holder ownership can pressure
managers to enter company resolutions which ultimately increases the company's R&D spending. Tribo,
Berrone, & Surroca (2007) argue that although increased R&D investment can reduce short-term cash
flows, the presence of this block holder can provide beneficial information about the company's long-
term goals. In addition, they argue that the ownership of block holder investors can reduce information
asymmetry and minimize the company's underinvestment problem.
The company's innovation activities will be constrained by various factors such as capital constraints,
company incentive problems, and other constraints. However, the introduction of foreign investment
can get some relief on these constraints to promote corporate innovation (Park et al., 2016). Wang
(2016) explains 3 reasons why the presence of foreign investors can increase the percentage of
investment in R&D. First, foreign investors can provide financial support for companies. When there are
innovation activities, this fund will provide a little relief to the company, and at the same time when the
company's performance improves it will encourage other investors to invest their funds in the company.
Second, foreign ownership can provide direction for innovation. Foreign companies and investors can
combine foreign advanced technology with companies to guide innovation. Third, foreign ownership can
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provide value risk pricing for companies. Therefore, based on the above analysis, the following
hypotheses are formulated:
H4a: The ownership of the proportion of equity by institutional investors has a positive effect on
investment in research and development
H4b: Insider ownership of a proportion of equity has a negative effect on investment in research and
H4c: Ownership of the proportion of equity by block holder has a positive effect on investment in
research and development
H4d: Ownership of the proportion of equity by foreign investors has a positive effect on investment
in research and development
H5: The cost of capital has a negative effect on investment in research and development
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This study is included in a quantitative study with an explanatory research design because the purpose
of this study is to explain the causal relationship that occurs between the existing variables by testing
the hypothesis. The sample used is all companies in Indonesia that are listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange in 2016-2020. The results of the 2016 Global Sustainability Benchmark Survey report revealed
that sustainability issues are on the rise in Asia. According to him, more and more investors are
requesting information about ESG performance from companies in Asia. Stock exchanges in various
countries have also begun to require ESG reporting for companies listed on the stock exchange
(Bachdar, 2016). In addition, in 2016, Indonesia received international support, UK's Newton Fund
Indonesia, to encourage the growth of R&D in Indonesia (Oxford Business Group, 2016). The sample
selection in this study used purposive sampling with the following criteria:
1. All companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2016-2020 period
2. All companies that disclose annual reports during the 2016-2020 period
3. All companies that have ESG scores during the 2016-2020 period
4. All companies that present financial statements using the rupiah currency during the 2016-2020
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Control Variables
Following the previous literature, this study uses four control variables that can affect the cost of capital
and the level of investment in research and development including the type of industry, debt to total
assets ratio or debt to assets ratio, return on assets, or return on assets, and company size. or size,
(Hackston & Milne, 1996; Ellili, 2020; Duque-grisales et al., 2020).
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The data analysis method used in this study is a quantitative analysis method that aims to analyze the
effect of ESG reporting and ownership structure on the cost of capital and investment in the company's
R&D. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis (multiple regressions
analysis). According to Cramer & Howitt (2006), the general form of the multiple linear regression
equation is:
WACC = α – β1RDIi,t + ℰ
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Model 3
(Constant) 7,184
β t-value Sig.
WACC -1,245 -1,895 0,039
Adj. R 0,114
F-stat 3,590
Sig. F 0,027
n 230
Source: processed data (2021)
Based on table 5, the results show that the Adjusted R Square value of each model is 0.239; 0.156; and
0.114. This figure means that ESG performance and ownership structure can explain the cost of capital
and the level of investment in research and development are 23.9% and 15.6%, respectively, after
adjusting for the sample and independent variables. While the cost of capital can explain the R&D
investment of 11.4% after adjusting for the sample and independent variables. For the results of the F
test, the calculated F value of each model is 1.825; 5,972; and 3,590 with a less significant level of 0.029,
respectively; 0.002; and 0.027 (p-value 0.05), it can be concluded that both model 1, model 2, and
model 3 of this study are fit to predict both the cost of capital, as well as investment in research and
development. By the results of the multiple linear regression model for each research model are as
“The t-test is useful for testing the presence or absence of the influence of each independent variable on
the dependent variable.” “Ha will be supported if the significance value is < 0.05. Meanwhile, to
determine the positive or negative effect is to look at the value of t.” If the t coefficient shows a positive
result, then there is a positive effect. Conversely, if it shows a negative result, then there is a negative
effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Following are the results of processing
partial t analysis:
Table 6. Partial T-Test
Model 1
tvalue p-value Decision
ESG -2,607 0,010 p-value < α: negative and significant., H1 supported
INS -2,374 0,018 p-value < α: negative and significant., H2a supported
IN 2,909 0,004 p-value < α: positive and significant., H2b supported
BO -0,856 0,393 p-value > α: not significant., H2c not supported
FO -2,219 0,027 p-value < α: negative and significant., H2d supported
Model 2
ESG 3,982 0,000 p-value < α: positive and significant., H3 supported
INS 1,603 0,010 p-value < α: positive and significant., H4a supported
IN -2,075 0,039 p-value < α: negative and significant., H4b supported
BO -5,239 0,000 p-value < α: negative and significant., H4c not supported
FO 4,641 0,000 p-value < α: positive and significant., H4d supported
Source: processed data (2021)
Based on table 6, it can be concluded that all research hypotheses are supported except for H2c and
H4c. H2c is not supported because the p-value is more than 0.05. While H4c is not supported because
the direction is opposite to the formulated hypothesis even though the results are statistically
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Block holder Ownership and Cost of Capital
Several studies have provided evidence showing that companies with good governance will reduce the
company's cost of capital. Likewise, companies that have weak governance perform very poorly and
lower market performance so that they must incur a higher cost of capital. For example, when external
investor monitoring is inadequate, managers are more likely to borrow excessively to finance the
expansion of the company's development which increases the company's exposure to risks in the
market. This of course will increase the cost of capital will soar. In addition, a company's cost of capital
that is not well regulated can also reduce company transparency and result in higher issuance and
transaction costs.
The results of this study indicate the opposite. The existence of block holder ownership, namely the
ownership of company shares by outside investors who have ownership of more than 5% does not
encourage more optimal supervision of the company's capital expenditures. This causes the agent
monitoring function carried out by the block holder to be not optimal. So, the increase in block holder
shareholding does not affect management's decision to reduce the company's cost of debt. This
condition can be caused because the majority of public companies in Indonesia are still family-owned
companies so that monitoring by block holders tends not to influence the decisions of creditors or other
investors in determining the company's cost of capital (PwC Indonesia, 2018). If the company does not
implement strong governance, the large number of block holder ownership does not guarantee a
reduction or increase in the company's cost of capital.
Suta (2000) stated that in general, the composition of share ownership of companies that have gone
public in Indonesia is still not balanced between founders and public shareholders. Around 70% of the
shares are still owned by the founder and the remaining 30% is owned by the public. This difference in
ownership composition causes public shareholders to have a weak bargaining position. Because the
percentage of share ownership is dominated by founders, they have faster and smoother access to
information and financial resources, and of course have stronger bargaining power, one of which is in
terms of funding, both debt, and equity funding. Managers and founders may think of themselves as
parties who are more aware of the state of the company so that in determining the proportion of equity
and debt, they will consider all risks of using debt and equity as funding used by the company (Patricia,
2014). In addition, family share ownership will determine the direction in controlling the actions of large
shareholders, ownership of more than 5%, to avoid the transfer of wealth from minority shareholders
(Manzaneque, Priego, et al., 2016). Perhaps this condition causes that block holder ownership in
countries with weak governance, such as Indonesia, does not influence the company's funding decisions.
Hypothesis 4c in this study is not supported. The results of this study state that the ownership of equity
proportions by block holders has a negative effect on investment in research and development. When
this block holder ownership is high, managers tend to reduce investment in R&D activities (Bushee,
1998). Corporate governance is one of the main factors considered by block holder investors when
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making investment decisions (Gianneti & Simonov, 2006). From the perspective of monitoring costs and
benefits, it would be optimal if this type of investor invests more in companies with good governance
qualities. When companies have weak governance, the costs of monitoring and accessing information
will be more expensive. Thus, not all block holder investors monitor the invested company. Block holder
investors will monitor only when the benefits outweigh the costs. The cost of this monitoring will be
reduced if the disclosure is made higher and the company's transparency is also managed properly to
reduce the cost of information acquisition (Chen & Miller, 2007).
Governance in Indonesia is at a weak level because there are still many family companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (PwC Indonesia, 2018). When blocking holder investors with an ownership
percentage rate of 5% or more investment in companies with weak governance, these investors are not
getting a fair return on their risk. This is in contrast to company insiders who get abnormal returns
(Gompers, Ishii, & Metrick, 2003). Because investment in research and development is a risky
investment, block holder investors will tend to support management's decision to think more about
short-term profits than long-term (Chung & Zhang, 2011). Companies in emerging markets are often
characterized by the takeover of minority shareholders by large shareholders which can exacerbate
agency (Rapp & Udoieva, 2017). In addition, board members who are assigned on the recommendation
of the controlling shareholder (representing their interests) are less likely to align with outside
shareholders. Thus, active monitoring by block holder investors is not effective. This condition also
causes block holder investors to tend to sell their shares compared to direct intervention in the
company's management. Thus, the presence of block holder investors tends to have a short-term
strategy compared to a long-term focus. Ownership block holders will engage in myopic behavior by
encouraging managers to reduce investment in research and development and increase short-term
Additional Analysis
In this study, additional analysis was carried out related to the cost of capital as well as investment in
research and development. This analysis is done by changing the order of the year for testing. The
independent variable for 2016 will be tested with the dependent variable in 2017, the independent
variable in 2017, 2018, and 2019 will be tested with the dependent variable in 2018, 2019, and 2020.
However, the independent variable in 2020 is still tested with the dependent variable in 2020 because
there is no complete data availability in 2021.
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Table 7 presents the results of additional analyzes for model 1, model 2, and model 3. All models in this
study are consistent with the results of the main analysis. In model one, ESG performance, institutional
ownership, and foreign ownership have a negative and significant effect on the cost of capital (p-value
0.05), while insider ownership has a positive and significant effect on the cost of capital. However, block
holder ownership does not have a significant effect on the cost of capital because the p-value is 0.05. In
line with model 1, model 2 also has a consistent relationship with the main analysis which shows that
the variables of ESG performance, institutional ownership, and foreign ownership have a positive and
significant effect on investment in research and development. However, the variables of insider
ownership and block holder ownership showed a negative and significant direction (p-value 0.05).
Likewise, with model 3 which examines the effect of the variable cost of capital on investment in
research and development, the results show a negative and significant direction with a value of -2.367
and a significance value of 0.027 (p-value 0.05).
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of environmental, social, and governance
performance, as well as ownership structure on the cost of capital and investment in research and
development. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is concluded that:
1. The proportion of equity ownership by insiders has a positive and significant effect on the
company's cost of capital. “This indicates that the higher the percentage of ownership by the
manager, the higher the possibility of the company's cost of capital to be incurred.”
2. Environmental, social, and governance performance, the proportion of equity ownership by
institutional investors, block holders, and foreign investors “have a negative and significant effect
on the cost of capital.” The results of this study mean that when environmental, social, and
governance performance is high, it is likely that the company's cost of capital will decrease.
Likewise, the proportion of ownership of institutional investors, block holders, and foreign
investors. When the percentage of ownership by the three types of investors is high, it is likely to
be followed by a reduction in the company's cost of capital.
3. Environmental, social, and governance performance, the proportion of equity ownership by
institutional investors, and the proportion of equity ownership by foreign investors have a positive
and significant impact on the level of investment in research and development. This result means
that higher environmental, social, and governance performance is likely to be followed by an
increase in the level of investment in research and development. This condition is in line with the
proportion of ownership by institutional investors and foreign investors. When investor ownership
is high, likely, the level of investment in research and development will also increase.
4. The proportion of equity by insiders and block holder investors has a negative and significant effect
on the level of investment in research and development. This means that if the proportion of the
two types of investors increases, then there is a possibility that the level of investment in research
and development will decrease.
Based on this research, there are several limitations of research writing funding, namely:
1. In this study, the author does not examine how much the percentage of ownership is profitable
and detrimental to the company. When the author succeeds in testing this, it will provide better
insight, especially to managers in terms of the right proportion of ownership for each type of
investor. For example, in the type of insider investor, this study shows that a high percentage of
insider ownership can increase (decrease) the company's cost of capital (research and
development investment level). These results indicate that the company should not need to give
the proportion of company ownership to managers. However, on the other hand, with such
ownership, managers may be more enthusiastic about improving the company's performance (in a
reasonable proportion). This study does not identify that the company should give the proportion
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Fokus Bisnis: Media Pengkajian Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol. 21, No. 1, January-June 2022
of what percentage to managers to improve the company's performance but without harming the
company in the long term or harming other investors.
2. This study uses only company data in Indonesia. Companies in Indonesia that have reported three
non-financial aspects such as environmental, social, and governance are still minimal. It is better if
the data used in this study uses data that has a wider scope, such as Southeast Asia, Asia Pacific, or
even companies around the world that have reported on the three non-financial aspects. When
the scope of research data used is wider, this research will be able to generalize better.
Based on the research results, there are two aspects of implications that can be considered for related
parties, including:
1. Theoretical Implications; Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that it can add insight to the
new literature for various parties related to the relationship between environmental, social, and
governance performance, as well as ownership structure to the cost of capital and the level of
research and development investment. This is not in line with previous research which states that
block holder ownership can increase the cost of capital and the level of investment in research and
development. This research finds the opposite result which states that a high percentage of block
holder ownership will reduce the company's cost of capital and the level of R&D. This study has
also examined the four aspects of ownership structure directly, which in previous studies had not
included all four aspects at once in developing countries. Moreover, the results of this study are
expected to resolve the knowledge gap between developed economies and emerging markets.
2. Practical parties are who are expected to benefit from this research. First, for the management and
owners of the company, this research can be used as a consideration in regulating the proportion
of ownership so that the percentage of ownership can provide added value for the company. In
addition, this research can be used as a guide for companies that have not reported
environmental, social, and governance reports, that reporting ESG can have a positive impact on
companies. The intended positive impact is lowering the cost of capital and increasing investment
in research and development. Second, for both domestic and foreign investors, this research can
be used as a guide for making investment decisions. With this study, investors may be able to
control management to be able to report ESG, increase the intensity of R&D, or take actions that
are in line with the prosperity of other shareholders. Third, the government is expected to guide
the development of the government's capital market ownership system and the establishment of a
sound ownership structure for companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. This is because
the majority of foreign investors are interested in investing in companies that have strong
governance. When the government can assist in strengthening corporate governance in Indonesia,
it is expected that foreign investment will also increase. What's more, strong corporate governance
can help companies limit the uncertainty and information asymmetry faced by their investors.
Thus, the company can reduce systematic risk and increase the value of the company by reducing
its cost of capital. Finally, regulators are expected to take regulations seriously related to
environmental, social, and governance reporting.
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