Distinction Between Real Rights and Personal Rights
Distinction Between Real Rights and Personal Rights
Distinction Between Real Rights and Personal Rights
Object Tangible Corporeal thing (except a pledge Performance (to give something,
of claims to do something or not to do
Content The holder of a real right will have a The holder of a personal right is
direct claim to and a right of disposal entitled to claim performance
over a thing from a specific individual.
Remedies The holder of a real right can enforce his The holder of a personal right
real right by means of a real remedy (e.g. enforces his right by means of a
rei vindicatio) of owner, which can be personal remedy e.g. condictio
instituted against anyone who is furtiva (action of an owner against
unlawfully in control of the thing. thief to claim back stolen object)
Source / Origin Real rights have their origin in legal facts Personal rights come into
as opposed to obligations e.g. delivery, existence through obligations e.g.
accession (accessio) and prescription. in terms of a contract or a delict.
Absoluteness Real rights are “absolute” in principle : Personal rights are relative in
The holder of a right can vindicate his principle : The holder can enforce
thing (subject to certain exceptions) from his right only against that person
anyone who may be in control of a thing. who is obliged to perform in terms
of an obligation.
Preference In case of insolvency, a real right enjoys In most cases the prior in tempore
preference over other rights Maxim ‘first est potior in iure principle will not
in time is stronger in law’ (prior in apply to personal rights.
tempore est potior in iure) is applied in
case of two or more competing real
Publicity When it comes to creation, transfer or
extinction real rights requires some form
of publicity:
Delivery – transfer of ownership of
movable thing.
Registration – immovable property
Reason for this lies in nature of real
rights. Since these rights have to be
respected by the world at large, it is
important that there should be some
form of publicity informing outsiders of
existence, transfer or extinction of real
rights therein.