X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications
medium-Z elements. The use of synthetic multilayer techniques have been developed to reduce the scat-
structures (consisting of alternating layers of a high- tered radiation.
Z and a low-Z material with a bilayer thickness of
∼ 110 nm) as dispersive elements and measurement Use of monochromatic radiation
in an evacuated environment allows the efficient de- The scattering can be drastically reduced, if monoen-
termination of low-energy characteristic radiation ergetic radiation is used for excitation. Then only
down to even BeK lines (O = 11 nm) if a flow coun- monoenergetic photons are arriving at the sample
ter with an ultrathin entrance window is used. The and can be scattered and so contribute to spectral
big advantage of the WD spectrometers is their ex- background. Various methods of producing mo-
cellent wavelength-to-energy resolution, especially in noenergetic radiation are in use.
the low-energy region and the high count-rate range
(106 cps) in operation. Filtered radiation The easiest way to reduce the
number of photons not used for sample excitation is
the insertion of a filter. It mainly absorbs the low-
Energy-dispersive spectrometers
energy bremsstrahlung, but also a filter with Z as
An ED detector consists of a semiconductor crystal Zanode−1 can be used to effectively reduce the charac-
(Si, Ge) prepared as p-i-n diode, mounted under vac- teristic Kβ radiation from the anode.
uum, generally operated at 77 K and cooled with
liquid nitrogen (LN) and the necessary connected Secondary target excitation The radiation from an
X-ray tube is used to excite a suitable target and the
electronics. Therefore a large, heavy dewar (730 L
of LN) is required for an ED detector. LN consump- fluorescence radiation from the secondary target is
tion is ~1 L a day. The crystal environment has to be used to excite the sample. This method of achieving
quasi-monochromatic radiation suffers from a tre-
a vacuum, and as an entrance window in front of the
crystal generally Be is used. Be is chosen as it is avail- mendous loss of photon flux, but this can be com-
pensated for by using higher current from high-
able with 825 µm thickness, vacuum and light-tight
and its absorption of low-energy photons is tolera- power tubes.
ble. If very low energy photons (E < 1 keV) are to be Radioisotope excitation (RIXRF) A few radioiso-
measured, an ultrathin (< 1 µm) entrance window is tope sources (with acceptable half-life) emit radia-
required. Generally, the energy resolution is much tion in the X-ray region, such as Am-241 (59.5 keV),
larger with ED detectors than with WD systems, so Cd-109 (AgK lines, 22 and 25 keV) and Fe-55 (Mn
ED is more susceptible to line overlaps. Especially in lines, 5.9 keV), and can be used for excitation. The
the low-energy regions this leads to difficulties in the advantage of radioisotope sources is their independ-
interpretation of the measured spectrum and mathe- ence of a generator and power supply, which makes
matical procedures for spectrum deconvolution are their use interesting for portable instruments, in
required. To overcome the problem of LN cooling, field, on-line and even extraterrestrial applications.
new Peltier cooled detectors are available offering The disadvantage is the low photon flux in compari-
smaller size and lighter weight, but worse resolution. son to tube excitation.
As common practice the value for the energy resolu-
tion is given at 5.9 keV and is in the range 130 Crystal monochromators and multilayer struct-
180 eV for LN-cooled detectors, and 175200 eV ures Crystal monochromators in the beam path of
for Peltier cooled detectors. an X-ray tube allow the selection of either the charac-
ED spectrometers measure all photons coming teristic line from the anode or the selection of an
from the sample simultaneously. On one hand this is energy from the continuous spectrum. Mono-chro-
an advantage, because many elements can be mators with a high reflectivity as well as a large
detected within a short time, but on the other hand it energy band width are usually preferred, because the
is a disadvantage, because the maximum count-rate product of these two parameters determines the pho-
is limited to 5080 kcps. The processing of the meas- ton flux on the sample. In comparison to crystal mon-
ured signal from each photon requires a certain ochromators, the multilayer offers high reflectivity as
length of time and during that interval the system is well as larger band width (dE/E = 10−2). Higher pho-
not ready to process the signal from the next arriving ton fluxes could be obtained. They are used with
photon. The result is a deadtime, which has to be either X-ray tubes or synchrotron radiation.
corrected. The reason for the saturation is not the
XRF using a linear polarized beam
number of fluorescence photons from the sample
mainly, but the exciting radiation being scattered by If linear polarized radiation is scattered, in the ideal
the sample and the sample carrier. Therefore special case no scattering radiation is emitted in the
direction of the polarization vector. This effect can tube. In combination with a monochromator the ex-
be used to reduce the scattering from the sample it- citing radiation can be tuned to the energy with the
self. Barkla polarizers or Bragg polarizers can be optimum value of the photoelectric cross section for
used. The Barkla polarizer scatters the entire spec- the investigated sample. It is also possible to tune the
trum of the exciting radiation; the Bragg polarizer energy below the absorption edge of a main element
acts additionally as a monochromator. Both polariz- in the sample to excite an element at trace levels with
ers use the scattering of the unpolarized radiation Z < Zmain element. This method is called selective excita-
through an angle of 90°. Using polarized radiation tion and offers several advantages in trace element
the spectral background is drastically reduced in analysis. To perform microanalysis, focusing ele-
comparison to nonpolarized radiation, but again ments are inserted to produce high-intensity mi-
losses in intensity occur. crobeams. Also TXRF can be done using SR as
exciting radiation.
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF)
Trace element analysis
TXRF is an EDXRF technique, utilizing the total
external reflection of X-rays on the smooth plane To detect elements at trace levels µg g−1 (ppm), ng
surface of a reflector material, e.g. polished quartz. If g−1(ppb) or even pg g−1 (ppt) with XRF, generally
a low divergent beam impinges on the reflector sur- special techniques as well as special sample prepara-
face at an angle smaller than the critical angle for tion methods have to be used. The relevant quantity
total reflection, most of the beam is reflected from for trace element analysis is the limit of detection
the surface; only a small part penetrates into the re- (DL), which is given by the formula
flector, causing scattered radiation. This leads to a
reduced spectral background. The fluorescence sig-
nal is enhanced because the primary and also the
reflected beam excite the sample, which is deposited
on the reflector. Due to the small incidence angle the
detector can be brought very close to the sample, so
the detection efficiency is high. All these features IB is the background intensity, t the measuring time
lead to detection limits in the range of pg. Generally and S the sensitivity (cps ppm−1 or cps ng−1). Either
the samples have to be in liquid form. A droplet of increasing the sensitivity or reducing the background
2100 µL is pipetted onto the sample reflector and leads to a reduction of detection limits. Therefore,
the liquid matrix is evaporated. Also, thin films or special techniques of XRF, mainly EDXRF tech-
thin layers, as well as atoms implanted in a reflecting niques, are applied, like TXRF, MXRF or SRXRF,
material such as Si-wafers, can be measured and as methods for trace element analysis. Detection lim-
thickness and depths determined. its range from ng to fg or µg g−1 to pg g−1.
Cement analysis
and samples can seldom be analysed as-received. Pre- It is obvious that the sample preparation technique
treatment is generally required to prepare the samples used influences the detection limits. Table 1 shows
as solutions, suspensions, fine powders or thin sec- this influence on various samples from different fields
tions. For a determination of ultratraces, the matrix of application. Table 2 gives an overview of applica-
of the sample should be separated and removed. All tions of TXRF already analysed. Figure 3 shows a
preparation techniques can be applied that have been spectrum of a water standard reference sample (NIST
tested with other methods of atomic spectrometry, 1643c) obtained with a TXRF vacuum chamber, con-
e.g. AAS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrom- structed at Atominstitut, Vienna. Generally, an excel-
etry. The quantification is generally very simple, be- lent field of application of TXRF in trace element
cause the sample forms a thin layer, so the thin-film analysis can be seen in liquid samples. All kinds of liq-
approximation is valid. One element of known con- uids, ranging from different kinds of water to acids
centration has to be added as internal standard. and oils, as well as body fluids, can be analysed. Envi-
Quantification can be performed after the determina- ronmental samples, like airborne particles, plant
tion of the sensitivity factors of all elements relative to material or medical and biological samples such as
the internal standard. Also, surface and thin-layer tissue can be analysed directly on a reflector.
analysis, as well as analysis of atoms below a reflect- The main industrial application of TXRF is the
ing surface, can be performed by varying the angle of surface quality control of Si-wafer material. Wafers
incidence in the region of total reflection. This angle- offer the required flatness and are polished, so that
dependent intensity profile allows a qualitative differ- they can be directly analysed by TXRF. Several com-
entiation between contaminations on the surface, in mercial instruments have been developed as wafer
the layers, in implantations or in so-called residues af- analysers and some 100 instruments are utilized in
ter evaporation of liquid samples. Quantitative deter- the semiconductor industry. TXRF is capable of
minations can be made by applying an algorithm checking the contaminations brought in by different
deduced from theory in combination with an external steps during the production process. The required
standard. sensitivity is now 109 atoms cm−2 for transition
Table 1 Influence of sample preparation on detection limits in TXRF (after Klockenkämper R (1997))
Freeze- Chemical matrix Open Pressure Freeze
Sample Drying drying separation digestion Ashing Suspension Solution digestion cutting
Rain, river 0.1–3 ng 20–100 pg 3–20 pg mL1 1–3 ng
water mL1 mL1 mL1
Blood, serum Digest: 2–30 20–80 40–220 ng mL1
ng mL1 ng mL1
Air dust, ash, 5–200 10–100 µg g1 0.1–3
aerosols µg g1 µg g1
Air dust on 0.6–20 ng cm 0.2–6
filter ng cm
Suspended 3–25 10–100 µg g1
matter µg g1
Sediment 10–100 µg g1 15–300
µg g1
Powdered 1–10 µg g1 0.2–2
biomaterial µg g1
Fine roots 1–10 Digest: 0.1–1
µg g1 µg g1
High-purity 5–50 pg
acids mL1
Tissue, food- 0.5–5
stuff, biomate- µg g1
Mineral oil 1–15
µg g−1
Mussel, fish 0.1–1
µg g−1
High purity 1 pg mL1
Table 2 Applications of TXRF The implantation depth as well as the depth profile
Environment can be determined.
Water Rain, river, sea, drinking water,
TXRF can also be applied to fine art and museum
waste water. objects. The sampling technique a dry cotton bud
Air Aerosols, airborne particles, can be used to rub off a small amount of paint can
dust, fly ash. only be applied during restoration, because the
Soil Sediments, sewage sludge. varnish has to be removed. For analysis the bud is
Plant material Algae, hay, leaves, lichen, dipped onto a sample carrier by a single tip. An
moss, needles, roots, wood.
amount of less than 100 ng is transmitted and can be
Foodstuffs Fish, flour, fruits, crab, mussel,
mushrooms, nuts, vegetables,
wine, tea.
Various Coal, peat. Application of SRXRF
Body fluids Blood, serum, urine, amniotic The rapid development of the SR X-ray sources since
fluid. about 1975 is starting to have an impact on X-ray
Tissue Hair, kidney, liver, lung, nails,
analysis. Due to the features of SR, especially the
stomach, colon.
Various Enzymes, polysaccharides,
small source size and therefore the high brilliance,
glucose, proteins, cosmetics, the use of microprobes is obvious. There are several
biofilms. approaches to producing a microbeam; the simplest
Industrial/technical applications is to use a pinhole collimator, but more sophisticated
Surface analysis Si-wafer surfaces, GaAs-wafer systems use focusing optics. Monochromatic as well
surfaces. as continuous radiation is used. Because SR is linear-
Implanted ions Depth and profile variations.
ly polarized in the orbital plane, scattering from the
Thin films Single layers, multilayers.
sample is reduced, leading to low detection limits.
Oil Crude oil, fuel oil, grease.
Chemicals Acids, bases, salts, solvents.
SRXRF is a trace element analytical method as well
Fusion/fission research Transmutational elements in Al
as an MXRF method. SRXRF is performed at sever-
Cu, iodine in water. al SR facilities, most prominently NSLS Brookhaven,
Mineralogy HASYLAB Hamburg, SSRL Stanford, SLS Dares-
Ores, rocks, minerals, rare bury, Photon Factory Tsukuba, DCI Lure and ESRF
earth elements. Grenoble. The available spot sizes are in the region
Fine arts/archaeological/forensic of 10 µm and the detection limits in the low pg to fg
Pigments, paintings, varnish.
range. Interesting applications were found in the
Bronzes, pottery, jewellery.
fields of geology (mineral inclusions can be ana-
Textile fibres, glass, cognac,
dollar bills, gunshot residue, drugs, tapes,
lysed), as well as in biology and medicine (distribu-
sperm, fingerprints. tion of trace elements in bone, tooth, brain, hair or
algae strands, tree rings and aerosol particles), giving
interesting information. Also, application in archae-
elements like Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn. TXRF has ology is found, letters in different ancient papers be-
an up-time of 90% and is nondestructive. Surface ing analysed to allow the differentiation of the ink
mapping can be performed and differentiation used to help identify the workshop. Even extraterres-
between film type or particle type is possible. The trial minerals and rocks have been analysed.
detection limits can be improved by more than two TXRF can also be done using SR as the excitation
orders of magnitude, if the impurities of the entire source (SR-TXRF) offering the advantage of higher
surface of the wafer are collected and preconcen- photon flux and improved detection limits. Experi-
trated prior to TXRF analysis. The native oxide ments are performed at SSRL, HASYLAB, Photon
layer is dissolved by HF vapour and the impurities Factory and ESRF. The main application is the
remaining on the surface are collected by scanning surface quality control of Si wafers. With SR-TXRF,
the wafer with a drop of a suitable liquid. This detection limits on wafer surfaces of 107 atoms cm−2
method has the advantage of higher sensitivity, but have been obtained. At SSRL there is a beamline
nondestructiveness is lost. dedicated for routine wafer analysis. SR is the ideal
It is also possible to measure the thickness of near- source for the excitation of low-Z elements. It offers
surface layers in the range 1500 nm on reflecting high intensity also in the low-energy region, in com-
substrates with TXRF. Single layers as well as multi- parison to standard X-ray tubes. They do not emit
layer samples can be analysed. Also, atoms enough intensity in the low-energy region; therefore
implanted in the reflecting surface can be detected. the analysis of low-Z elements always lacks intensity
Table 3 Overview of various applications (from Török S and Van Grieken R (1994) X-ray spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 66:
186R–206R; Török S, Labar J, Injuk J and Van Grieken R (1996) Analytical Chemistry 68: 467R–485R)
Field Method Field Method
Archaeology Se in soil SR-TXRF
General MXRF Soil, marine sediments WDXRF
Paintings TXRF Impurities in ice TXRF
Obsidian EDXRF V, Ni, in oil, asphaltene EDXRF
Medals WDXRF Bitumen solutions EDXRF
Pottery WDXRF Geology
Pigments TXRF Rocks WDXRF
Biomedical MXRF Mineral grains SRXRF
General SR-TXRF Soils, sediments MXRF
Single-cell analysis EDXRF, TXRF Fossilized bone WDXRF
Biopsy samples EDXRF, RIXRF Crysolite EDXRF
Blood EDXRF Geological samples WDXRF
Skin in vivo RIXRF Phosphate in rocks EDXRF
Bone EDXRF Oxides, silicates, carbonates WDXRF
Bone in vivo RIXRF Liquid petroleum products EDXRF
Leaves TXRF, WDXRF Microlayer of Fe–Mn nodules SRXRF
Hair EDXRF Au in micas SRXRF
Vegetables TXRF Materials science
Plants WDXRF Thin-film characterization XRF, EDXRF
Lichens WDXRF Impurities on Si-wafers TXRF, SRXRF
Moss RIXRF Multilayers EDXRF
Cd in kidney RIXRF Superconductors WDXRF
Mussel shells WDXRF Zirconium oxide WDXRF
Cu, Se, Zn in kidney SR-TXRF Alumina WDXRF
Marine bivalve shells SRCXRF Cu corrosions EDXRF
Pt in tumour tissues EDXRF Ultrapure reagents TXRF
Cu in human serum EDXRF Glasses WDXRF, EDXRF
Pb in bones, serum, blood RIXRF Ferroalloys EDXRF
Fe in vivo RIXRF High-purity Cu EDXRF
Hg in vivo RIXRF GaAs-wafers TXRF
Amniotic fluids TXRF Electrolytic solutions RIXRF
Plankton in polluted lakes EDXRF Al2O3 thin films WDXRF
Meadow moths SRXRF Plastic materials EDXRF, WDXRF
Environmental Ceramic materials WDXRF
Aerosols WDXRF, EDXRF, Hf in Zr matrix EDXRF
TXRF, SRXRF Ga in polyurethane foam WDXRF
Fly ash SRXRF P in PbO films EDXRF
Rain water TXRF Cu, Sr, Bi film on MgO RIXRF
River water TXRF Molybdate crystals EDXRF
Sea water TXRF Ferrous alloy WDXRF
Sediments, suspensions EDXRF, TXRF Ta in Ti–Ta alloys WDXRF
Waste EDXRF Pb in houseware RIXRF
Coal EDXRF, WDXRF Textile fibres TXRF
Dust EDXRF W analysis TXRF
Pb in dust WDXRF HTSC films SRXRF
HTSC = High-temperature semiconductor.
Figure 3 Spectrum of water sample, NIST 1643c standard reference material, 10 µL, dried on a quartz reflector, measured with the
TXRF vacuum chamber of Atominstitut, Mo monochromatic excitation, 40 kV, 50 mA, 1000 s; concentration values of respective ele-
ments given in µg L−1.
fluorescence spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atom- Sparks CJ (1982) X-ray fluorescence microprobe for chem-
ic Spectrometry 12: 461R490R. ical analysis. In: Winick H and Doniach S (eds) Syn-
Herglotz HK and Birks LS (eds) (1978) X-ray Spectrome- chrotron Radiation Research, pp 459509. New York:
try. New York: Marcel Dekker. Plenum Press.
Holynska B (1993) Sampling and sample preparation in Török S and Van Grieken R (1994) X-ray spectrometry.
EDXRS. X-ray Spectrometry 22: 192198. Analytical Chemistry 66: 186R206R.
Iida A and Gohshi Y (1991) Trace element analysis by X- Török S, Labar J, Injuk J and Van Grieken R (1996) X-ray
ray fluorescence. In: Ebashi S, Koch M and Rubenstein spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 68: 467R485R.
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pp 307349. Amsterdam: North Holland, Elsevier. of X-ray Spectrometry. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Jenkins R, Gould RW and Gedcke D (1981) Quantitative Wielopolski L and Ryon RW (eds) (1995) Workshop at
X-ray Spectrometry. New York: Marcel Dekker. the Denver X-ray conference on in vivo XRF measure-
Klockenkämper R (1997) Total-Reflection X-ray Fluores- ment of heavy metals. Advances in X-ray Analysis 38:
cence Analysis. New York: Wiley. 641.
X-ray is the region of the electromagnetic spectrum X-rays from inner shell transitions in
lying between gamma rays and extreme ultraviolet atoms
(XUV / EUV) corresponding to a wavelength range of
about 0.1 to 100 Å. The radiation on the lower end X-rays are produced when an electron in an outer
of the XUV region, up to about 300 Å, is also some- shell of an atom jumps to an inner shell to fill an
times referred to as X-ray. On the lower wavelength electron vacancy. The difference in energy is emitted
side, radiation of shorter wavelengths is termed X-ray as an X-ray photon. The vacancy giving rise to such
if it is nonnuclear in origin. The wavelength of the ra- a transition can be produced by an energetic photon,
diation is related to the photon energy by the stand- bombardment of charged particles (e , p, α ..), or by
ard relation E (keV) = 12.4/λ(Å). In terms of energy, nuclear processes such as internal conversion, K-cap-
the X-ray region is roughly between 125 eV and ture, etc. If a charged particle collision or a nuclear
125 keV. Being electromagnetic radiation, X-rays process produces the vacancy, the resulting X-ray
can be reflected, refracted, scattered, absorbed, polar- emission is called primary. If the vacancy is pro-
ized etc. They also show interference and diffraction duced by an X-ray photon, the subsequent emission
effects. is called secondary or fluorescence radiation.
There are several sources of X-rays such as a In all these cases the singly ionized atom lowers its
Coolidge tube, vacuum sparks, hot-dense fusion energy by emission of a photon of definite wave-
plasmas, synchrotron, pinch devices, muonic atoms, length which is characteristic of the emitting atom.
beam-foil interaction, stellar X-ray emitters, solar Hence, these X-rays are also called characteristic X-
flares, etc. The X-rays originating from all these rays.
sources can be broadly categorized into main types:
(1) atomic inner shell transitions, (2) emission by Characteristic X-rays
free electrons, (3) X-rays from few electron systems.
The most energetic X-ray emission comes when a va-
The basic spectroscopic aspects of the various types
cancy in a K shell (n = 1) is filled by an outer
of X-rays are discussed in this article.
electron. Removal of a 1s electron from a neutral
atom raises it to the highest energy state represented
by lsls1 or 1 2S1/2 or KI. Removal of a 2s electron