X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Heavy Atoms by Use of Ultrashort Wavelength X-Rays
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Heavy Atoms by Use of Ultrashort Wavelength X-Rays
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Heavy Atoms by Use of Ultrashort Wavelength X-Rays
Photo 1 Precision analysis system for ultrashort wavelength photon electron density distribution
departed electrons. There is surplus energy occurring loss of the signals coming into the amplifier will occur
on this occasion, i.e. a characteristic X-ray, called a increasingly. A conclusion drawn after these consi-
fluorescent X-ray, and it is inherent to each type of derations was that a 1 to 2 µs time constant was appro-
element. Since its wavelength is constant depending priate.
on the element type, fluorescent X-rays can be utilized
In actual measurement, the 2θ angle of the
for identification of substances and like work.
diffractometer was set at 90° in order to avoid
In the XRF technique, the qualitative and mixing-in of characteristic X-rays emitted from the
quantitative analyses of elements contained in a sub- tungsten target itself. Three types of samples were
stance are performed by conducting spectral analysis used: rare earth oxide powder, rare earth hexaboride
of fluorescent X-rays produced from the substance. A single crystal, and Pt and Pt13 A at%Rh. Each mea-
crystal spectroscope is mainly used for this spectral surement result will be described below in order.
analysis. In quantitative analysis, however, since a
number of factors depend on the X-ray wavelength, 1) Rare Earth Oxide
such as absorption due to the air, crystal reflecting A powder sample was used for the measurement
power, fluorescence excitation efficiency and counter of rare oxide (R2O3). It was fixed onto both-side
efficiency, these factors entail lots of corrections to be adhesive tape and was placed at the center of the four
made. Generally, the qualitative and quantitative circle diffractometer. Then direct X-ray irradiation
analyses of heavy elements existing among light was made.
elements can be easily carried out. Automatic mea-
The XRF spectra detected from elements having
surement is also easy, so their analytical techniques
the atomic numbers in a lower to higher order starting
are useful for handling large quantities of oxides, etc.
with La were superposed for comparison (Fig. 3). The
4. Experiment and Result result shows that in the case of samples whose atomic
All of the XRF analyses under the present numbers are about the same as those of the rare earth,
experiment was conducted by an energy dispersive the sample identification can be made sufficiently
type apparatus. It uses a multichannel pulse height with XRF peaks. Also, regarding Kα1 and Kα2, the
analyzer. The time constant of the main amplifier was way they are going to separate from each other as the
set at 2.0 µs. If a longer time constant were set, the atomic number increases can be clearly known. This
energy resolution would improve. But as the intensity is because the energy difference between Kα1 and
of X-rays entering the SSD becomes higher, counting Kα2 becomes greater with an increase in the atomic
number. On the other hand, there is no peak separa-
tion in the case of La, Ca, etc. for the reason that the a discharge cutter, a cylindrical sample was cut out
energy resolution of the SSD is inferior to their energy into a similar shape, 3 mm in thickness and 5 mm in
difference. The SSD resolution can be improved to diameter approximately. Figure 4 shows the outcome
some extent, though, by varying the preamplifier set- of X-irradiation to the sample surface.
ting for the SSD (e.g. by making the time constant The result was such that the same thing can be
greater). said as with the measurement result of the above rare
From the above result, it may be known that earth oxide. What should be noted here is that heavy-
regarding powder samples containing heavy ele- element impurities can be detected far more easily
ments, even a very simple experiment can satisfy the when conducting the crystal structure analysis, elec-
requirements for identification. tron density distribution analysis and the like analysis
with single crystals. For the structure analysis, in
2) Rare Earth Boride
particular, it is possible to identify impurities in a very
The sample used was an RB6 (R=rare earth) single convenient way with a sample for measurement kept
crystal synthesized by the floating zone method. With mounted on the four-circle diffractometer. We are
currently making only the qualitative XRF analysis. existing in heavy element samples. For light-element
But when quantitative analysis becomes practical, it impurities, however, the measurement method using
will then be possible to experimentally determine the ultrashort wavelength X-rays cannot be regarded as
sample composition and to proceed on the structure effective at the present stage.
analysis and the electron density distribution analysis
5. Study
while maintaining the same sample condition.
For XRF analysis using long wavelengths, high-
3) Pt, Ptl3 A at%Rh
precision experiments have been going on, and the
Two types of samples, Pt and Pt13 A at%Rh, pre- quantitative analysis techniques are now on the ppm
pared by Furuya Metal Co. were used. They were order. Since, however, no higher energy fluorescent
cylindrical, 1 mm in diameter and 5 mm in height. To X-rays will be emitted from the sample for measure-
effect the same measurement condition, the samples ment than the given energy, heavy-element analysis is
were placed in parallel to the incident X-ray beam. performed by analyzing L-series XRF spectra.
Each of them was adhered to a glass rod to facilitate Where, then, should one find the advantages of
their installation in a similar way to that for single XRF analysis using short-wavelength X-rays? The
crystal measurement. Figure 5 shows the result of first advantage may be the simplicity of peaks for
XRF analysis of them with the K series radiation. detection. Regarding L-series fluorescent X-rays,
One can see that because the excitation voltage of there are many kinds. Moreover, because energy
the X-ray source is exceedingly high, the observation differences between the respective X-rays are small,
of the Kα and Kβ rays of Pt (PtKα1 λ = 65.122 keV), a this poses a problem in that peak separation by
heavy element, can be made sufficiently well. calculation becomes necessary when dealing with
Moreover, the way the PtKα1 and PtKα2 peaks are samples containing elements of adjoining atomic
distinctly separated can be seen. In the measurement numbers. Whereas, in the case of analysis with the K-
result of the Pt sample containing 13%Rh, one can series radiation, there are only four kinds of
know that the fluorescent X-rays of Rh (RhKα1 = fluorescence X-rays to be observed, that is, Kα1,2 and
20.074 keV) were also detected and that the Pt X-ray Kβl,2. Further, their respective energy widths are
fluorescence peak was diminished. Hence, ultrashort- larger compared with the L-series radiation. As a
wavelength X-rays are considered to display high result, experiment and analysis may be made much
performance in detecting heavy-element impurities simpler, especially for qualitative analysis of samples.