Places: bridge, building, city What do you like Countries: What time do you
Welcome centre, city hall, farm, fields, doing? I like (talking Argentina, China, wake up? I wake
A great place to flat, hills, street, village to people). Italy, Mexico, Poland, up at (five past /
Spain, Turkey, UK, to seven).
live What does he / she
like doing? He / she
likes (helping people).
4 Course overview
apple /æ/, Expressing surprise Learning about animal An animal A wildlife space
day /eɪ/ Wow! Really? That’s habitats fact file
unbelievable! How amazing! climate, habitat, shelter, survive
foot /ʊ/, Giving advice and making Using technology responsibly A blog post A technology
shoe /uː/ suggestions and safely advice poster
You should (talk to somebody). chat online, make video calls,
You shouldn’t (talk to people search the internet, open
you don’t know). emails
climb /kl/, Making and responding to Sharing skills with others Instructions A class skills share
create /kr/ offers air, flat, float, sink
Shall I help you? Oh, thank
you! That’s very kind.
clear /ɪə/, Asking for clarification and Celebrating different A review An international
please /i:/ checking understanding festivals festival display
What does (baklava) mean? moon, sky, stars, sun
How do you spell (baklava)?
waited /ɪd/, Asking for and giving Helping our communities A story A kindness wall
smiled /d/, reasons collect, donate, project,
walked /t/ Why did she need help? volunteer
She needed help because (her
shopping was heavy).
speaking /sp/, Agreeing and disagreeing Learning about ecotourism An email A tourist brochure
stadium /st/ I agree. I disagree. accommodation, culture,
ecotourism, souvenir
Course overview 5