CpE Laws - Professional Practice - Module 02

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Module 02

CpE Laws & Professional



Department of Engineering and Architecture
Bataan Heroes College

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Course Information
Course Title : CpE Laws & Professional Practice
Program : Business & Technology
Course Code : CPE 411
Credit Units : 3 units
Pre-requisite/s :

Instructor Information
Name : Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Contact Information
Contact Number : 09281421172
Facebook : Joel Manacmul
Email : [email protected]

Course Description
This course provides the importance of the professional and ethical responsibilities of practicing
computer engineers and the effects of their work on society; the importance of understanding
contemporary issues, lifelong learning strategies, and applicable ICT laws

Intended Learning Outcomes

 Understand the Philippine IT Laws and Policies
 Be aware of the Professional and Ethical Responsibilities, Data Privacy. Contemporary
Issues, Cybercrime Prevention Act, Optical Media Act
 Awareness of Licensing and certification of IT professionals, would increase the
reliability and effectiveness of information systems.
 IT-related professional organizations have developed their code of ethics that: Outlines
what the organization aspires to become, Lists rules and principles for members, Includes
a commitment to continuing education for those who practice the profession

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Course Schedule

Week Topic

Engineering Principles and Standards

 Computer Engineering as a Discipline
o How Engineers Think
o Scope and Fields of Computer Engineering
o Institute of Computer Engineering of the Philippines
Week 1  Best Practices in Engineering
Module 1 o Scientific Method and Quality Management
o Principles of Engineering and Learning
 Ethics and Morality
o Leadership and Management
o Moral Values and Norms
o Code of Ethics
Computer Engineering Project Management
 Professional Practice
o Computer-Related Laws
Week 2 o International Standards
o ICT Professional Certifications
Module 2
 Project Management Methodologies
o Fundamentals of Project Management
o Project Management Book of Knowledge
o Other Project Management Methodologies
 Project Initiation and Planning
o Project Charter and Stakeholder Analysis
Week 3 o Aspect of a Project Management Plan
 Project Execution, Monitoring, and Control
Module 3
o Implementing the PM Triple Constraint
o Monitoring and Control Techniques
o Aspects of Project Monitoring
 Project Handover and Closure
o Project Commissioning and Handover
Week 4 o Project Documentation
Module 4 o Closing the Project
Systems Analysis and Design
 System Development Life Cycle
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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

o Introduction to Systems and SDLC

o System Request and Feasibility Study
o Development, Implementation, and Testing
 System Modeling and Use Cases
o Requirements Engineering
o Use Cases and User Stories
Week 5 o Process Modelling and Data Modelling
 System Architecture and User Interface Design
Module 5
o Non-Functional Requirements and Architecture Design
o Principles and Standards of UI Design
o Navigation, Input, and Output Design


CpE Laws & Professional Practice

Working on this module should help you to:
 Able to understand the key characteristics that distinguish a professional from other kinds
of workers, and is an IT worker considered a professional.
 Understand the factors of transforming professional services of the industry.
 Acquire the codes of ethics, professional organizations, certification, and licensing effect
of the ethical behavior of IT professionals.

CpE Laws and Professional Practice
RA 8293 (Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines)
RA 8792 (Electronic Commerce Act of 2000)
RA 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012)
RA 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012)
RA 10844 (Department of Information and Communications Technology)

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Module 2: Professional Standards

With regards to information and communication technology (ICT) standards, computer engineers
are also expected to be familiar and guided as professional practitioners by the international
standards set by the following organizations:
 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
 International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
 International Society (ISOC)
 Internet Society and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
 Electronic Industries Alliance and the Telecommunications Industry Association
Example of Industrial ICT Standards

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international body that

standardizes how businesses and organizations involved in commerce and industry manage
information and processes. It promotes global standardization for specifications and
requirements for materials, products, procedures, formats, information, and quality management.

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a proven approach to performance

management with decades of results showing it works. Organizations using CMMI have
predictable cost, schedule, and quality – business results that serve as discriminators among their
competitors. It has 5 characteristics of the maturity levels, which are:
 1: Initial – process results are unreliable; heroic efforts needed to produce results
 2: Managed – process is defined but results are inconsistent; more reactive, less
 3: Defined – process is defined and results are reliable; more proactive, less reactive
 4: Quantitavely Managed – process is measured and controlled; quality is defined
 5: Optimizing – continuous improvement; fact-based decisions

Six Sigma is quality management system (QMS) that is a set of techniques and tools for process
improvement. As a measure of quality that strives for near perfection, it is a disciplined and data-
driven methodology focused on eliminating defects. The Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve,
Control (DMAIC) process improvement methodology of Six Sigma is used for improving
existing processes.

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Recommended Certifications for Computer Engineers

• CISCO Certifications

• Microsoft Certifications

• CompTIA Certifications

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

• Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certifications

• Project Management Professional (PMP)

• Agile Certification

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

• TESDA Certifications & Short Courses

 Computer Systems Servicing
 Digital Animation Courses
 Electromechanics
 CATV Courses
 Software Development Courses
 CISCO Networking Program
 Database Management

DICT Courses and Trainings

• Civil Service Exam or Electronic Data Processing Specialist Eligibility (EDPSE)
• Soon: CpE Certification

“Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude.” – Ralph Marston

Project Management Methodologies

Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project
activities to meet the requirements. It is accomplished through the appropriate application and
integration of the 47 logically grouped project management processes, categorized into five
Process Groups.

Managing a project includes:

• Identifying requirements and addressing the various needs, concerns, and expectations of the
stakeholders in planning and executing the project;
• Setting up, maintaining, and carrying out communications among stakeholders that are active,
effective, and collaborative in nature;

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

• Managing stakeholders towards meeting project requirements and creating project deliverables;
• Balancing the competing project constraints, which include, but are not limited to:
 Scope
 Schedule
 Budget
 Quality
 Resources
 Risks

What is a Project?
 A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or
result. The temporary nature of projects indicates that a project has a definite beginning
and end.
 The end is reached when the project‘s objectives have been achieved or when the project
is terminated because its objectives will not or cannot be met, or when the need for the
project no longer exists, like when the client wishes to terminate the project.
 Temporary refers to the project‘s engagement and its longevity, and it does not typically
apply to the product, service, or result created by the project. Most projects are
undertaken to create a lasting outcome.
 A project can create:
 A product that can be either a component of another item, an enhancement of an
item, or an end item in itself;
 A service or a capability to perform a service (e.g., a business function that
supports production or distribution);
 An improvement in the existing product or service lines (e.g., A Six Sigma project
undertaken to reduce defects); or
 A result, such as an outcome or document (e.g., a research project that develops
knowledge that can be used to determine whether a trend exists or a new process
will benefit society)
Program is comprised of subprograms, projects, or other work that are managed in a
coordinated fashion in support of the portfolio, while portfolio is a collection of projects,
programs, subportfolios, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.
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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

The role of the project manager is to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project
objectives. He/she is accountable for the tasks of all project-related parties; must have full
control and visibility of the project management, and immediately take necessary actions as
needed. This is in contrast with the role of a functional manager who is focused on providing
management oversight for a functional or a business unit, and operations managers are
responsible for ensuring that business operations are efficient.

More importantly, the project manager is accountable for decision-making between the Project
Management Triple Constraint, which is illustrated as the triangle of project management.
He/she has the right and responsibility to make wise decisions in necessary assessments,
discussions, negotiations, and adjustments involving the project‘s scope, budget (cost), and
schedule (time), which all determine the project‘s degree and quality of success.

Engineering projects involve creative problem solving, and they are not hypothesis testing.
Each engineering design, software application, or device project should have a clear engineering
goal and follow the engineering design process, which has the following steps:
1. Define a need; express as a goal
2. Establish design criteria and constraints
3. Evaluate alternative designs
4. Build a prototype of best design

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

5. Test and evaluate the prototype using the design criteria

6. Analyze test results, make design changes, and retest
7. Communicate the design
Project selection is a process to assess each project idea and select the project with the highest
priority. Projects are still just suggestions at this stage, so the selection is often made based on
only brief descriptions of the project. Cost–Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a systematic approach to
estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives used to determine options which provide
the best approach to achieving benefits while preserving savings.

Acquiring and Developing a Project Team

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Project Management Methodology is a combination of logically related practices, methods

and processes that determine how best to plan, develop, control and deliver a project
throughout the continuous implementation process until successful completion and termination.
It is a scientifically-proven, systematic and disciplined approach to project design, execution and

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBoK) is a set of standard terminology and

guidelines for project management. The PMBOK Guide is intended to be a subset of the
PMBOK that is generally recognized as a good practice.

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul
Bataan Heroes College

Project documentation covers documents created during and for the project itself. Examples
include the overall project vision, the project plans, the schedule, and the risk analysis. The
documentation process has a deeper purpose than merely creating piles of paper.

“No matter how good the team or how efficient the methodology, if we’re not solving the right problem, the project
fails.” – Woody Williams

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Engr. Joel D. Manacmul

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