GIS - Advanced Remote Sensing
GIS - Advanced Remote Sensing
GIS - Advanced Remote Sensing
B.Tech Students of Third Year
of All Engineering Colleges Affiliated to
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University)
Neetendra Sahoo
UNIT-1 : PHOTOGRAMMETRY (1–1 H to 1–22 H)
Introduction to photogrammetry Principles and types of aerial
photographs, geometry of vertical and aerial photograph, Scale and
Height measurement on single and vertical aerial photograph, Height
measurement based on relief displacement, Fundamentals of
Stereoscopy, fiducial points, parallax measurement using fiducial line.
Course Outcomes:
CO-1 Understand the concepts of Photogrametry and compute the heights of objects
CO-2 Understand the principles of aerial and satellite remote sensing, Able to comprehend
the energy interactions with earth surface features, spectral properties of water bodies .
CO-3 Understand the basic concept of GIS and its applications, know different types of data
representation in GIS
CO-4 Understand and Develop models for GIS spatial Analysis and will be able to know
what the questions that GIS can answer are
CO-5 Illustrate spatial and non-spatial data features in GIS and understand the map
projections and coordinates systems
CO-6 Apply knowledge of GIS and understand the integration of Remote Sensing and GIS
Unit 1
Introduction to photogrammetry Principles and types of aerial photographs, geometry of
vertical and aerial photograph, Scale and Height measurement on single and vertical aerial
photograph, Height measurement based on relief displacement, Fundamentals of Stereoscopy,
fiducial points, parallax measurement using fiducial line. [8]
Unit 2
Remote sensing Basic concepts and foundation of Remote Sensing elements, Data
information, Remote sensing data collection, Remote sensing advantages and Limitations,
Remote sensing process. Electromagnetic spectrum, Energy interaction with atmosphere and
with earth surface features (soil, water, and vegetation) Indian Satellites and Sensors
characteristics, Map and Image false color composite, introduction to digital data, elements of
visual interpretations techniques. [8]
Unit 3
Geographic Information Systems Introduction to GIS, Components of GIS, Geospatial data:
Spatial Data – Attribute Data- Joining Spatial and Attribute Data, GIS Operations: Spatial
Data input- Attribute Data Management-Data Display-Data Exploration-Data Analysis.
COORDINATE SYSTEMS: Geographic Coordinate system; Approximation of Earth,
Datum: Map Projections; Types of Map Projections-Map Projection Parameters-Commonly
used Map Projections – Projected Coordinate Systems. [8]
Unit 4
Vector data model Representation of simple features- Topology and its importance: coverage
and its data structure, shape file:, data models for composite features Object Based Vector
Data Model; Classes and their Relationships: The geobased data model: Geometric
representation of Spatial feature and data structure: Topology rules. [8]
Unit 5
Raster data model Elements of Raster data model: Types of Raster data: Raster data structure:
Data conversion, Integration of Raster and Vector data. Data Input: Metadata: Conversion of
Existing data, Creating new data, Remote sensing data, Field data, Digitizing, Scanning, on
screen digitizing, importance of source map, Data Editing. [8]
1. Remote Sensing of the environment- An earth resource perspective- 2nd edition- by John
R. Jensen, Pearson Education.
2. Introduction to geographic information system- kang – Tsung Chang, Tata McGraw- Hill
Education Private Limited.
1. Concepts & Techniques of GIS by C.P.Lo Albert, K.W. Yonng, Prentice Hall (India)
2. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information systems by M.Anji Reddy JNTU
Hyderabad 2001, B.S. Publications.
3. Principals of Geo physical Information System- Peter A Burragh and Rachael A. Mc
Donnell, Oxford Publishers 2004
4. Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS by S. Kumar, laxmi Publications.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 1–1 H (CE-Sem-5)
1 Photogrammetry
Part-1 : Introduction to Photogrammetry ............ 1–2H to 1–6H
Principles and Types of
Aerial Photographs
Introduction to Photogrammetry Principles and
Types of Aerial Photographs.
Que 1.1. Define the photogrammetric survey. What are the types
of photogrammetry ?
Photogrammetric Survey : It is the science and art of obtaining
accurate measurements by use of photographs, for various purposes
such as the construction of planimetric and topographic maps,
classification of soils, interpretation of geology, acquisition of military
intelligence and the preparation of composite pictures of the ground.
Types : Following are the two types of photogrammetry :
1. Terrestrial Photogrammetry : It is that branch of photogrammetry
wherein photographs are taken from a fixed position on or near the
2. Aerial Photogrammetry : It is that branch of photogrammetry
wherein the photographs are taken by a camera mounted in an aircraft
flying over the area.
Principle of Photogrammetric Survey :
1. Principle of photogrammetric survey in its simplest form is very similar
to that of the plane table survey.
2. Only difference is that the most of the work which in plane table survey
is executed in the field, in photogrammetry that is done in office.
3. The principal point of each photograph is used as a fixed station and rays
are drawn to get points of intersections very similar to those used in
plane table.
4. It is suitable for topographical or engineering surveys and also for those
projects demanding higher accuracy.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 1–3 H (CE-Sem-5)
Types : Following are the different types of photographs :
A. Terrestrial Photograph :
1. It is the photograph taken from ground station.
2. The instrument used is photo-theodolite which is a theodolite mounted
on a camera with its axis horizontal or nearly horizontal.
3. The line of collimation of the telescope and the optical axis of the camera
are parallel to each other.
B. Aerial Photograph :
1. These are the photographs taken from overhead position with a camera
board on an aeroplane, an artificial or natural satellite or a planet.
2. It can further be divided depending upon the angle between the axis of
camera and the vertical axis as follows :
i. Vertical Photograph : It is a one, in which the optical axis of the
camera is vertical or nearly vertical. A truly vertical photograph
resembles a map, through a vertical photograph can be rarely obtained.
Photo plane
axis Vertical
A. Aerial Photogrammetry : Refer Q. 1.1, Page 1–2H, Unit-1.
B. Advantages : Following are the advantages of aerial photogrammetry :
1. Suitable for inaccessible areas.
2. Suitable for mountainous region with less vegetation.
3. Suitable for mapping large areas, faster and economical.
C. Dis advantages : Fo llowing are the disadvantage s of aerial
photogrammetry :
1. Not suitable for dense forests and flat sands due to difficulty of identifying
objects upon the photographs.
2. Not economical for survey of small areas.
A. Aerial Photography : Refer Q. 1.1, Page 1–2H, Unit-1.
B. Factors : Following are the factors that influence aerial photography :
1. Atmospheric Conditions : The presence of particles (smoke or dust)
and molecules of gases in the atmosphere tends to reduce contrast
because of scattering, therefore, the best time photography is when
the sky is clear (November-February).
2. Scale : Ratio of f/h (f-focal length of the camera lens and h-flying
height above the mean terrain). Due to variations in flying height, the
scales of different photographs may vary. Scale may also vary because
of the effects of tilt and relief displacements.
3. Camera/Film/Filter Combination : To ensure good image quality,
modern distortion free cameras are used. Depending upon the
requirements different lens/focal length/film/filter combinations can
be used.
4. Flight Direction : Aerial photography is flown in strips to cover the
designated area. It is advisable to keep the number of strips to minimum.
The flight direction of strips is therefore kept along the length of the
5. Time/Season of Photography : Aerial photography should be flown
when the sun’s elevation is 30 degrees above the horizon or three
hours before and after the local noon time.
Geometry of Vertical and Aerial Photograph, Scale and height
Measurement on Single and Vertical Aerial Photograph.
Following are the basic terms associated with aerial photography :
1. Exposure Station (or Air Station) : It is the position of the aircraft
(essentially the optical centre of the camera lens) at the instant of
exposure of the film.
2. Flying Height : It is the elevation of the exposure station above the
3. Altitude : It is the height of the exposure station above the Earth’s surface.
4. Line of Flight : It is the track along which the aircraft flies.
5. Perspective Center : It is the real or imaginary point at which all the
rays of light converge at or diverge from. Obviously it is the optical
centre of the lens.
6. Principal Point :
i. It is a point on the photo where a perpendicular from the front nodal
point of the camera lens strikes the photographic plane. On photo it is
called ‘photo principal point’ (p). It is considered to be the origin of photo
co-ordinate system.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 1–7 H (CE-Sem-5)
t f +Y
Isocentre (i)
t/2 Principal line (vp)
Direction of flight
–X +X
v p
s Photo principal point (p)
Photo nadir point (v )
Swing (s )
plane (OVP)
Camera axis (OP )
Ground surface
t um
Azimuth of principal
plane ( ) l P Ground principal point (P )
Ground nadir point (V)
Fig. 1.7.1. Definitions of technical terms.
Photogrammetry 1–8 H (CE-Sem-5)
A. Scale of Aerial Photograph :
Distance on photo
1. Scale of a vertical photograph =
Corresponding distance on ground
2. In the case of a map, the scale is uniform for the entire map because a
map is an orthographic projection, whereas in case of a photograph the
scale varies due to variation in elevation of a terrain because a
photograph is a perspective projection.
i. Flat Terrain : The Fig. 1.8.1 shows a flat terrain AB height h above
Scale, S =
From similar triangles Oap and OAP,
ab / 2 Op
AB / 2 OP
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 1–9 H (CE-Sem-5)
ab Op f f
Positive f
a b
h P h
Datum Ground surface
A0 P0 B0
Fig. 1.8.1. A vertical photograph taken over flat terrian.
ii. Variable Terrain : Fig. 1.8.2 shows the vertical photograph of a terrain,
in which the elevatio n is not constant. As pe r fo rmula
S= , the scale increases with increase in elevation. Consider two
points A and B, hA and hB above datum respectively.
P a b
H H–h A
hav A0 hB
Fig. 1.8.2. Vertical photograph taken over variable terrain.
SA =
H hA
Photogrammetry 1–10 H (CE-Sem-5)
and, SB =
H hB
B. Average Scale :
1. For a variable terrain it is often convenient to express average scale of
the photograph. If elevation of points A, B, C, D..... is hA, hB, hC, hD ....
then, hav = (h + hB + hC + hD + ....)
n A
Sav =
H hav
2. Average scale of a terrain can also be obtained by determining scale of
different points and taking their average.
Sav = (SA + SB + SC + SD + .....)
C. Datum Scale (SD) :
1. The datum scale of a vertical photograph is the scale that would be, if all
the ground points were projected downwards on the datum.
ap f
2. From Fig. 1.8.1, SD =
A0 P0 H
A. Scale of Vertical Photograph : Refer Q. 1.8, Page 1–8H, Unit-1.
B. Co-ordinate and Distances of Vertical Photograph :
1. Let photo co-ordinates of a point be (x, y) and ground co-ordinates of
corresponding point (X, Y) then from scale of a photograph,
x f
X Hh
where, H = Flying height.
h = Elevation of the point.
Then, X = x Hh x
f S
2. If there are two points A and B on the ground with elevations hA and hB
then their ground co-ordinates are :
H hA y A
XA = xA H hA x A and YA = yA
f SA f SA
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 1–11 H (CE-Sem-5)
H hB x B H hB yB
XB = x B and YB = yB
f SB f SB
3. Distance between two points by co-ordinate geometry,
D= ( X A X B )2 (YA YB )2
Height Measurement based on Relief Displacement.
A. Relief Displacement :
1. Relief displacement occurs when the point being photographed is not at
an elevation of the mean datum.
2. The distance on a photograph, from the image of any ground point to its
fictitious image projected to a datum plane is the image displacement
caused by topographic relief and is known as relief displacement.
B. Derivation :
1. Fig. 1.10.1 shows a vertical photograph taken from a height H above
2. The image of ground point A0, whose elevation is h1, is ‘a0’ on the
photograph and that of its projection on the datum plane A1 is a1, thus
aa1 is the relief displacement of point A due to its elevation h1. Similarly
the relief displacement of point A2 is aa2 on the photograph.
3. Let, r0 = Radial distance of ‘a0’ from principal point ‘p’.
r1 = Radial distance of ‘a1’ from principal point ‘p’.
r2 = Radial distance of ‘a2’ from principal point ‘p’.
R = Ground distance A0P0.
Photogrammetry 1–12 H (CE-Sem-5)
r a
r 1 1 a0 a2
r2 0
r1 a1
H– h1 a0
r0 a2
H r2
P0 R
h1 A2
P1 R A0
Mean sea level A1
f r
= 2
H h1 h2 R
fR = r2 (H – h1 – h2) ...(1.10.6)
9. From eq. (1.10.2) and eq. (1.10.6), we get
fR = r0(H – h1) = r2(H – h1 – h2)
H h1 h2
r0 = r2 ...(1.10.7)
H h1
10. Relief displacement of point A2,
H h1 h2
d = r2 – r0 = r2 – r2
H h1
H h1 h2 r2 h2
= r2 1 = ...(1.10.8)
H h 1 H h1
Que 1.11. How do you determine the height of object from relief
displacement ?
1. If the scale of the photograph is known, the height of any object, such as a
tower TB shown in Fig. 1.11.1 can be determined by following equation :
d= ...(1.11.1)
b t
Selected datum
Mean sea level
Fig. 1.11.1. Height of a tower from relief displacement.
Photogrammetry 1–14 H (CE-Sem-5)
2. Let h be the height of the tower above its exposure station above the
selected datum passing through the base of the tower.
3. Let t and b be the top and bottom positions of the tower on the photograph.
4. The radial distance r and the relief displacement can very easily be
5. If the scale S of the photograph is known, the height H can be calculated
from the relation
S= ...(1.11.2)
6. Knowing H, and measuring d and r, the height h is calculated from
eq. (1.11.1). Thus,
h= ...(1.11.3)
where, h is the height of the tower above the selected datum with
reference to which H has been computed.
7. Incidentally, if the elevation of the bottom of the tower is known, the
height of flight above mean sea level can be known.
or H= × 10,000 = 2,000 m above datum.
r1h1 6.44 250
2. Relief displacement = = 0.92 cm
H h1 2000 250
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 1–15 H (CE-Sem-5)
Fundamental of Stereoscopy, Fiducial Points, Parallax
Measurement Using Fiducial Line.
Que 1.13. Describe the stereoscope with its functions and types.
Describe the mirror stereoscope with neat sketch.
A. Stereoscope : It is an instrument used for viewing stereopair in
photogrammetric surveying or aerial surveying is called as stereoscope.
B. Function of Stereoscope :
1. A stereoscope is used to accommodate the wide separation of the
individual photograph of the stereopair to the fixed length of the eye
2. It is also used to magnify the depth of perception.
C. Types of Stereoscope :
Following are the types of stereoscope which are generally used into
practice of aerial surveying :
Types of stereoscope
1. Lens Stereoscope :
i. This type of stereoscope consists of magnifying lens at a place of mirror
for each eye.
ii. In case of lens stereoscope, the two lenses are mounted on an assembly
in such way that distance between them is equal to the average eye base
or interpupillary distance of the human eye. However minor adjustment
is done for the separation of these two lenses according to the user.
Photogrammetry 1–16 H (CE-Sem-5)
iii. The distance between the nodal points of the lens and the photograph is
always proportionate to the focal length of the lens being used in the
iv. Lens stereoscope causes more strain to the eyes but lens stereoscope is
small in size and compact and hence can be conveniently handled and
used in the field of aerial survey.
v. Since lenses have the magnifying effect, the heights of an object can be
seen larger than the actual height of an object.
2. Mirror Stereoscope :
i. This type of stereoscope consists of four mirrors, two mirror say m1 and
m2 are small eye piece mirror and other two say M1 and M2 are larger
wing mirror as shown in Fig.1.13.2.
ii. These four mirrors are situated at an orientation of 45° with the plane of
the photographs.
Retina Retina
Eye Eye
Mirror M2 Mirror M1
Mirror Mirror
m2 m 1
45° 45°
b a a b
45° 45°
Photo 1 Photo 2
Stereoscopic model
Fig. 1.13.2. Optical diagram of mirror stereoscope.
iii. The photographs to be viewed are placed at a certain distance from the
wing mirror M1 and M2 and light reaches to the eyes exactly as it would
come from the actual terrain.
iv. Mirror stereoscope completely separate the photographs for viewing
and the whole overlap area can be seen stereoscopically without any slip
of photographs, is the greatest advantages of mirror stereoscope.
v. It is not handy and portable due to its large size.
Fiducial Points or Mark :
1. Fiducial mark is a set of marks located in the corners or edge-centers, or
both, of an aerial photographic image.
2. These marks are exposed within the camera onto the original film and
are used to define the frame of reference for spatial measurements on
aerial photographs.
3. Opposite fiducial marks connected, intersect at approximately the image
center or principal point of the aerial photograph.
4. The principal point is the geometric center of the photograph. Typical
positions of fiducial marks in an aerial photo are shown in Fig. 1.14.1.
A. Construction of Parallax Bar :
1. It is used to measure the parallax difference between two points. The
difference in parallax of two points is called parallax difference.
(0.01 mm)
Fixed L Movable
Fig. 1.15.1. Parallax bar.
Photogrammetry 1–18 H (CE-Sem-5)
( H h)2 p
H =
( H h)p bm H
k k k k
a a
c c
k k k
c a k a c
K C h K
1. Fig. 1.16.1 shows the two images of a point A as a when the aircraft is at
position O1 and as a when the aircraft is at O2.
2. There is obviously a shift in the image because the image a is to the right
of principal point whereas the image a is to the left of principal point.
3. Co-ordinates of the point image a are (x a, ya) and that of a are
(xa, ya), while that of ground point A these are (XA, YA).
4. From similar triangles O1oay and O1Ao Ay, we get
Photogrammetry 1–20 H (CE-Sem-5)
YA y
or = a
H hA f
YA = (H – hA) ...(1.16.1)
XA x
= a
H hA f
or XA = (H – hA) ...(1.16.2)
B XA xa
H hA f
or XA = B + (H – hA) ...(1.16.3)
hA = H – ...(1.16.4)
xa x ' a
hA = H – ...(1.16.5)
XA = B ...(1.16.6)
YA = B ...(1.16.7)
Eq. (1.16.5), eq. (1.16.6) and eq. (1.16.7) are commonly called parallax
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 1–21 H (CE-Sem-5)
O1 O2
f xa x'a(–)
ay a a'
ya y'a a'y
o ax a'x o'
Ay A
Ao A'o
P Datum
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–1 H (CE-Sem-5)
Remote Sensing
Part-1 : Remote Sensing basic / Remote ............... 2–2H to 2–8H
Sensing Process
Concept and Foundation of
Remote sensing Elements,
Data Information, Remote
Sensing Data Collection,
Remote Sensing Advantages
and Limitations
Remote Sensing basic/Remote Sensing Process, Concept and
Foundation of Remote sensing Elements, Data Information,
Remote Sensing Data Collection, Remote
Sensing Advantages and Limitations.
Que 2.1. Define the remote sensing. What are the types of remote
sensing ?
A. Remote Sensing : Remote sensing is the science and art of obtaining
information about an object, area or phenomena, through the analysis
of data, acquired by a device, that is not in contact with the object, area
or phenomena under investigation.
B. Types : Following are the types of remote sensing :
1. Passive Remote Sensing :
i. In the case of passive remote sensing, source of energy is naturally
available such as the sun.
ii. Passive sensors can only be used to detect energy when the naturally
occurring energy is available.
iii. For all reflected energy, this can only take place during the time when
the sun is illuminating the Earth.
iv. There is no reflected energy available from the sun at night.
v. Energy that is naturally emitted (such as thermal infrared) can be
detected day or night, as long as the amount of energy is large enough
to be recorded.
2. Active Remote Sensing :
i. In the case of active remote sensing, energy is generated and sent from
remote sensing platform towards the targets.
ii. The sensor emits radiation which is directed toward the target to be
iii. The radiation reflected from that target is detected and measured by the
iv. Advantages for active sensors include the ability to obtain measurements
anytime, regardless of the time of day or season.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–3 H (CE-Sem-5)
v. Active sensors can be used for examining, wavelengths that are not
sufficiently provided by the sun, such as microwaves, or to better control
the way a target is illuminated. However, active systems require the
generation of a fairly large amount of energy to adequately illuminate
vi. Some examples of active sensors are a laser fluorosensor and synthetic
aperture radar (SAR).
Que 2.2. What are the essential elements of remote sensing
system ?
Explain the general process involved in electromagnetic remote
Reflection Data
Electromagnetic Artificial reception
radiation radiation Processing
Targets (Processing,
analysis and
Fig. 2.2.1. Electromagnetic remote sensing process.
1. Energy Source or Illumination : An energy source that provides
illumination or electromagnetic energy to the object of interest.
2. Radiation and the Atmosphere :
i. As the energy propagates from the source to the object, it will come in
contact with the atmosphere it passes, and will interact with the
ii. The interaction will again take place while travelling back from object
to the sensor.
iii. The atmospheric effects are caused through the mechanism of
scattering and absorption.
3. Interaction with Earth Surface Features :
i. The energy will interact with the object depending upon the properties
of the object and the radiation.
Remote Sensing 2–4 H (CE-Sem-5)
ii. The effects of the interaction of the incident energy with earth surface
features may cause the energy to be reflected, transmitted, scattered,
absorbed, and emitted.
4. Recording of Energy by the Sensor :
i. The scattered or emitted energy from the object is received, collected
and recorded by the sensor.
ii. These are mounted on platforms, which are at a considerable height
from the earth surface.
iii. The sensors may be passive or active.
5. Processing : The energy recorded by the sensor is transmitted in
electronic form to a receiving and processing station where the data is
processed into an image.
6. Interpretation and Analysis :
i. The processed image is interpreted visually and/ or digitally or
electronically to extract information about the object which was
ii. The information about the object extracted from the image helps to
understand it better, reveal some new information, or assist in solving
some new problem.
Difference between Active and Passive Remote Sensing System :
S. No. Active Remote Passive Remote
Sensing System Sensing System
1. A syste m which utilize s A system that uses an existing
manmade sources of energy for source of energy (e.g. sun ray)
data collection is called an active is called passive system.
2. In this, syste m waves are It simple emitted and reflected
propagated near the sensor and radiation from ground surface
are bounced on the earth’s when the e nergy source is
surface to be recorded on their independent of the recording
return. instrument.
3. In this syste m image o f In this syste m witho ut
landscapes, derived from SLR illumination from the sun, no
o r SLAR re se mble ae rial photograph can be taken with
photographs with low angle a camera.
solar illumination.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–5 H (CE-Sem-5)
1. Remote sensing is acquiring information about an object/phenomenon
without coming in physical contact of it. Thus aerial photography is
also remote sensing.
2. Aerial photographs are analyzed by finding co-ordinates of various
features/ phenomenon, and their interpretation.
3. Stereopair photographs provide a better and three dimensional view
of the area therefore keep in interpretation role of interpreter becomes
4. In satellite images interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter
(reflection, transmission, absorption, scattering) bring in changes in
characteristics of incident energy.
5. Reflection is utmost important in these. These changes are recorded in
satellite images.
6. The images received from satellites need to be corrected for atmospheric
absorption and scattering.
7. Satellite images are analyzed based on spectral reflectance curves of
various features/phenomenon available to arrive at what object/
phenomenon exists at any location.
A. Data Collection : The remote sensing image data is collected by
aircraft, the spacecraft platforms, depending upon the sensors and the
type of platforms (position of the camera).
B. Type of Methods for Collection of Data :
1. Photographic Method : Using camera and films (which are of various
2. Non-Photographic Method (Numerical): Using mechanical and
electronic scanners.
i. Most of the remote sensing data are in digital format. Let us observe
the steps used to generate the image.
a. 1st Step : The detectors of the satellite detect the reflected energy or
emitted energy from the earth surface.
b. 2nd Step : The sensor system converts the reflected or emitted energy
into analog electrical signal and convert it into the digital data.
ii. Incase of aircraft platform, the data arrives with the aircraft itself. In
case of space-craft the data are tele-metered to the receiving stations.
Remote Sensing 2–6 H (CE-Sem-5)
Que 2.6. Explain with the help of a neat sketch an idealized remote
sensing system.
The ideal remote sensing system comprises of the following :
1. A Uniform EM Energy Source : It should provide energy of all
wavelengths with uniform intensity at known high level of output
irrespective of time and place.
2. A Non-interfering Atmosphere : EM energy should propagate
through the atmosphere without loss on its way to or back from the
target so that the energy does not get modified in the atmosphere.
Ideally, it should hold irrespective of wavelength, time, place and
sensing altitude.
3. A Series of Unique Energy (Matter Interactions at the Earth’s
Surface) : These interactions generate reflected and emitted signals
that are selective with respect to wavelength, invariant and unique to
each and every earth surface features type and sub-type of interest.
4. A Super Sensor :
i. The sensor (air borne or space borne) should be highly sensitive to all
wavelengths and yield spatially detailed data on the absolute brightness
(radiance) of the target as a function of wavelength.
ii. The super sensor would be simple, reliable, require virtually no power
or space and be accurate and economical to operate.
5. A Real Time Data Handling System : The return signal from the
target reaching a sensor is recorded and processed in real time (nearly
instantaneously) by the data recorder. The data is then processed into
a format useful for interpretation.
6. Multiple Data Users :
i. These people would have knowledge of great depth both of their
respective disciplines and of remote sensing data acquisition and
analysis techniques.
ii. The same set of data would become various forms of information for
different users.
7. Linear Sensor : A sensor which responds linearly to EM energy of all
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–7 H (CE-Sem-5)
Wavelength Real time
Energy propagation
(without loss)
Reflected energy
(without loss)
Emitted energy
(without loss)
Delighted user
Que 2.7. How real remote sensing system differ from the ideal
requirement ?
S. No. Aspect Ideal Remote Real Remote
Sensing System Sensing System
1. Energy source It has uniform energy Energy varies with time,
source, irrespective of place and objects in ways
time and place. that cannot be fully
2. Atmosphere It has non-interfering It varies according to
atmosphere that would latitude, season, time of
ne ithe r abso rb no r day, local weather etc.
scatter electromagnetic
3. Spectral Each object would have In practical, these may
response a unique and known change and canno t
spectral response every always be distinguished.
where on earth surface.
Sensing system that N o e xisting se nsing
4. Sensing wo uld be highly system can operate in all
system sensitive through all wavelength of interest.
wavelength of interest.
Remote Sensing 2–8 H (CE-Sem-5)
A. Advantages of Remote Sensing : Following are the advantages of
remote sensing :
1. It gives a synoptic overview of the Earth’s surface.
2. The data generated by remote sensing technique, is multi-spectral and
have repetitive coverage.
3. It can collect the images and explain the intensity of the disaster and it
aerial expansion.
4. This technique can help to collect the information in a little period of
5. The data generated by it can be used by multi-disciplines e.g., land use
planning, forest development, geological surveys, urban planning,
disaster management etc.
B. Limitations of Remote Sensing Techniques : Following are the
limitations of remote sensing :
1. The aerial photographs and the satellite images do not have the facilities
to correlate an aerial photograph with the ground.
2. It needs a skilled person to collect, to analyse and to map the data.
3. It also includes data processing to extract information for the direct
input to Geographic Information System (GIS).
Electromagnetic Spectrum, Energy Interaction with Atmosphere
and with Earth Surface Features (Soil, Water and Vegetation).
A. Electromagnetic Spectrum :
1. Visible light is the most obvious manifestation of EM radiation, other
forms also exist.
2. EM radiation can be produced at a range of wavelengths and can be
categorized according to its position into discrete region which is
generally referred to electromagnetic spectrum.
3. Thus the electromagnetic spectrum is the continuum of energy that
ranges from meters to nano-meters in wavelength travels at the speed
of light and propagates through a vacuum like the outer space.
4. All matter radiates a range of electromagnetic energy, with the peak
intensity shifting toward progressively shorter wavelength at an
increasing temperature of the matter.
UV Near - Infrared
Co - X- U l V i M i Th Mi Te
sm Ra t ra s i b d - e r
ic y ray v i o l e IR m a
wa a n le v is
ra y s s le t l IR ve d r ion
s (U ad
V) io
A Energy Interaction with Atmosphere : The atmospheric effects
are principally caused through the mechanism of atmospheric scattering
and absorption.
1. Scattering :
i. Atmospheric scattering is the unpredictable diffusion of radiation
caused by the molecules of the gases, dust and smoke in the atmosphere.
ii. Scattering is basically classified as selective and non-selective, depending
upon the size of particles with which the electromagnetic radiation
2. Absorption :
i. A part of electromagnetic radiation is absorbed by the molecules of
ozone, carbon dioxide and water vapours.
Remote Sensing 2–10 H (CE-Sem-5)
Que 2.11. Describe the EMR interaction with water, soil and
Discuss on the spectral reflectance characteristics of water and
vegetation in spectral band.
The EMR interaction with vegetation, soil and water is as follows :
A. Reflectance for Water :
1. Water has low reflectance at the most 10 % while vegetation may reflect
up to 50 % and soil 30 – 40 %.
2. Water reflects in the visible and near IR range. Beyond 1.2 µm all
energy is absorbed.
3. Turbid (silt laden) water has high reflectance.
4. Water containing plants with chlorophyll have peak reflectance in green
5. Longer wave lengths of visible and near IR radiation is absorbed by
water than shorter wavelengths therefore due to reflection of shorter
wavelengths, water looks blue or blue green if viewed in visible band
and darker if viewed in IR wavelengths due to no reflection.
Reflectance (%)
10 c
400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Wavelength ( m)
Fig. 2.11.1. Spectral reflectance curve of water.
6. Factors affecting variability of reflectance are depth of water, materials
within water and surface roughness of water.
B. Reflectance for Soils : Factors affecting reflectance in soils are (1)
moisture content, (2) particle size, (3) organic matter content, and (4)
iron oxide content.
1. Moisture Content :
i. Soils have different proportions of sand, silt and clay (particle size 0.05 to
2.0 mm , 0.002 to 0.005 mm respectively). Large numbers of particles
are present in clay compared to sand.
ii. When moisture is there in clay, each particle will be covered by a very
thin layer of water; millions of such particles will hold a large amount of
water. Thus particle size and moisture holding capacity of the soils are
Remote Sensing 2–12 H (CE-Sem-5)
iii. Fig. 2.11.2 shows typical reflectance curves of study soils with different
levels of moisture content. It shows that there are no absorption bands
for dry sandy soils.
iv. Moist soils have less reflectance than dry soils (reflectance decreases
with presence of water).
Reflectance (%)
5 – 12%
22 – 23%
0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.7
Wavelength ( m)
Fig. 2.11.2. Reflectance curves for a sandy soil at different levels.
2. Particle Size :
i. If particle size decreases, soil surface becomes smoother; more of the
smoother energy is reflected.
ii. As particle size increases from 0.22 to 2.6 mm increase in absorption is 14 %.
3. Organic Matter :
i. It is an indication of amount and form of nitrogen in the soil organic
content varies from 0.5 to 5 %.
ii. A soil with 5 % organic matter appears dark brown or black in colour
and with lower organic content light brown or light grey.
iii. Though this colour depiction with organic matter content changes
with climatic and drainage conditions of the soil, which should also be
4. Iron Oxide Content :
i. It can cause significant decrease in reflectance in the visible spectrum.
ii. Fig. 2.11.3 shows an excellent inverse relationship between reflectance
% and iron oxide in visible region (0.5 to 0.64 µm).
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–13 H (CE-Sem-5)
70 70
Iron removed
60 60
Reflectance (%)
Reflectance (%)
50 50 Organic
40 40 removed
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1.0 0.5
1.5 2.0 2.5
iron oxide 0.5 to 0.64 m Wavelength ( m)
(a) Reflectance of iron oxide (b) Influence of iron oxide and organic.
Fig. 2.11.3.
iii. Fig. 2.11.3 shows that removal of iron oxide causes a marked increase
in reflectance from 0.5 to 1.1 µm and reflectance is insignificant beyond
1.1 µm.
iv. Removal of organic matter causes a similar marked increase in
reflectance over the same wavelengths.
v. In general there is an increasing level of reflectance of dry soils with
increase in wavelength.
C. Reflection for Vegetation :
1. Spectral reflectance curve of vegetation is distinctive.
2. Reflectance is low in blue and red regions of visible spectrum due to
two chlorophyll absorption bands centered at 0.4 and 0.65 µm with
reflectance peak at 0.5 µm. Chlorophyll absorbs radiation in red and
blue wavelengths by reflection.
3. In near infrared region the reflectance is much increased beyond
0.7 µm to 1.3 µm wavelength region and is of the order of 40 – 50 %
(absorption 5 %) with reflectance peaks in between.
4. The reflectance from multi-leaf layers is high compared to single leaf
layer. With decrease in moisture content of the leaf, the reflectance
5. In middle IR portion, there are water absorption bands at 1.4, 1.9 and
2.7 µm with reflectance peaks at 1.6 and 2.2 µm.
Remote Sensing 2–14 H (CE-Sem-5)
60 Chlorophyll
50 absorption bands Water absorption
Reflectance (%)
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
NIR Middle IR
Wavelength ( )
Indian Satellites and Sensors Characteristics, Map and
Image False Color Composite, Introduction to Digital Data,
Elements of Visual Interpretations Techniques.
Que 2.12. Write characteristics of any one satellite with its sensor,
band, swath, resolution, altitude and repeativity.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–15 H (CE-Sem-5)
A. IRS P6/Resourcesat-1 and Resourcesat-2 :
1. The IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) satellites form a large family of Earth
observation satellites operated by the Indian space agency.
2. IRS P6/Resourcesat-1 and Resourcesat-2 ensure continuity of medium
and high resolution data supply provided by the twin satellites IRS-1C
and IRS-1D. These two, launched in 1995 and 1997 respectively, have
completed their missions after more than 10 years of service.
3. Like their predecessors, Resourcesat satellites carry a LISS-III sensor
as well as a wide field AWiFS sensor, but the high resolution (5.8 m)
LISS-4 sensor replaces the panchromatic sensor.
4. The high resolution data are useful for applications such as urban
planning and mapping, while the average resolution is used for vegetation
discrimination, land mapping, and natural resources management.
i. Altitude : 816-818 km.
ii. Inclination : 98.6 degrees.
iii. Orbit: Sun-synchronous polar.
iv. Orbit Period (Repeativity) : 101 minutes.
v. Revisit Time : 5 days.
vi. Swath Width : 23.9 km – 70.3 km (LISS-IV) ; 140 km (LISS-III); 740 km
vii. Satellites : IRS-P6/Resourcesat-1 (17/10/2003 – operational)
Resourcesat-2 (20/04/2011– operational).
B. LISS-III Sensor :
1. The LISS-III (Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor) sensor is an optical
sensor working in four spectral bands (green, red, near infrared and
short wave infrared). It covers a 141 km-wide swath with a resolution of
23 metres in all spectral bands.
C. LISS-IV Sensor :
1. LISS-IV can work either in panchromatic or in multispectral mode with
the same bands as LISS-III (except SWIR). However, the resolution is
much better (5.8 m).
2. For Resourcesat-1, the swath width varies from 23.9 km in multispectral
mode to 70.3 km in panchromatic mode.
3. For Resourcesat-2, the multispectral swath is enhanced to 70 km. The
linear array sensor can be steered up to 26 degrees across-track, enabling
stereoscopic imaging.
D. AWiFS Sensor :
AWiFS (Advanced Wide Field Sensor) is an optical sensor with
intermediate spatial resolution.
Que 2.13. Describe the false color composite of map and image.
False Color Composite (FCC) :
1. The remote-sensing images of a spectral band are on grey scale. However,
it is more convenient to interpret various features on a colour image.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–17 H (CE-Sem-5)
1 2 3 4 5
1 11 13 15 20 21
2 13 15 17 21 22
Line or
Rows (i) 3 Band (k)
17 18 19 22 23
18 19 20 23 24
19 20 22 24 25
Elements of Visual Interpretation Technique :
Following are the elements of visual interpretation technique :
1. Location : There are two primary methods to obtain a precise location
in the form of co-ordinates :
i. Survey in the field by using traditional surveying techniques or global
positioning system instruments.
ii. Collect remotely sensed data of the object, rectify the image and then
extract the desired coordinate information.
2. Size :
i. The size of an object is one of the most distinguishing characteristics and
one of the more important elements of interpretation.
ii. Most commonly, length, width and perimeter are measured. To be able
to do this successfully, it is necessary to know the scale of the photo.
iii. Measuring the size of an unknown object allows the interpreter to rule
out possible alternatives. It has proved to be helpful to measure the size
of a few well-known objects to give a comparison to the unknown-
iv. For example, field dimensions of major sports like soccer, football, and
baseball are standard throughout the world. If objects like this are visible
in the image, it is possible to determine the size of the unknown object
by simply comparing the two.
Remote Sensing 2–20 H (CE-Sem-5)
3. Shape :
i. There are an infinite number of uniquely shaped natural and man-
made objects in the world.
ii. A few examples of shape are the triangular shape of modern jet aircraft
and the shape of a common single-family dwelling.
iii. Humans have modified the landscape in very interesting ways that has
given shape to many objects, but nature also shapes the landscape in its
own ways. In general, straight, rectilinear features in the environment
are of human origin.
iv. Nature produces more subtle shapes.
4. Shadow :
i. Virtually all remotely sensed data are collected within 2 hours of solar
noon to avoid extended shadows in the image or photo. This is because
shadows can obscure other objects that could otherwise be identified.
ii. On the other hand, the shadow cast by an object act as a key for the
identification of the object as the length of the shadow will be used to
estimate the height of the object which is vital for the recognition of the
5. Tone and Colour :
i. Real-world materials like vegetation, water and bare soil reflect different
proportions of energy in the blue, green, red, and infrared portions of
the electro-magnetic spectrum.
ii. An interpreter can document the amount of energy reflected from each
at specific wavelengths to create a spectral signature. These signatures
can help to understand why certain objects appear as they do on black
and white or colour imagery. These shades of gray are referred to as
iii. The darker an object appears the less light it reflects. Colour imagery is
often preferred because, as opposed to shades of gray, humans can
detect thousands of different colours. Colour aids in the process of photo
6. Texture :
i. This is defined as the “characteristic placement and arrangement of
repetitions of tone or colour in an image.”
ii. Adjectives often used to describe texture are smooth (uniform,
homogeneous), intermediate, and rough (coarse, heterogeneous). It is
important to remember that texture is a product of scale.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 2–21 H (CE-Sem-5)
Advantages of Visual Interpretation :
1. Simple method.
2. Inexpensive equipment.
3. Uses brightness and spatial content of the image.
4. Subjective and qualitative.
5. Concrete.
Disadvantages of Visual Interpretation :
1. Unfamiliar scale and resolutions.
2. Lack of understanding of physics of remote sensing.
3. Understanding proper spectral character of each object.
4. Visually interpret 3 layers of information at a time.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 3–1 H (CE-Sem-5)
System (GIS)
Part-1 : Geographic Information ............................3–2H to 3–4H
System : Introduction to
GIS, Components of GIS
Geographic Information System : Introduction
to GIS, Components of GIS.
A. GIS :
1. GIS stands for Geographical Information System. It consists of three
disciplines, geography + information + system, geography is about
Earth’s various surface features (physical, biological and cultural) and
information amongst them spatially referenced i.e., denoted by a
co-ordinate system, latitudes, longitudes.
2. System implies that a GIS is made up of several interrelated and
mutually linked components with different functions. These parts
operate individually and interact with one another as per procedures.
3. It can be considered to be made up of input, processing and output sub-
B. Definitions of GIS : Several definitions of GIS have been given by
different agencies, of which two are as follows :
1. According to Rhind (1989) : GIS is a system of hardware, software,
and procedures designed to support the capture management,
manipulation, analysis, modeling and display of spatially referenced
data for solving complex planning and management problems.
2. According to United State Geological Survey (1997) : GIS is a
computer based system capable of assembling, sorting, manipulating
and displaying geographically referenced information i.e., data
identified according to their location. In simplest form, GIS is a computer
aided system for storing, managing, manipulating geographical data to
solve spatial problems of real world.
A. GIS : Refer Q. 3.1, Page 3–2H, Unit-3.
B. Components : Following are the components of GIS :
1. Hardware :
i. It is computer hardware on which GIS software runs.
ii It consists :
a. Input devices e.g., digitizer, scanner and GPS.
b. Storage devices e.g., magnetic tapes, CD, DVD, CD ROMs.
c. CPU : Depending on the data processing power of CPU, computers
are classified as super computers, main frame, mini computers,
work sections, micro-computers and personal computers.
d. Output devices e.g., display devices, printers, plotters.
2. Software :
i. These are programmes which run on the computers.
ii. These programmes provide functions and tools to store, analyze and
display geographic information.
3. Data :
i. Data in GIS is geospatial data. The sources of spatial data are digitized
maps, satellite images, aerial photographs, statistical tables etc.
ii. Geographical and related attribute data can also be collected by
iii. Digital map forms are basic data input for GIS to which is attached
tabular (attribute) data.
iv. Database is the foundation of a GIS, and is as good as the data it uses.
v. GIS integrates spatial and attribute data.
4. Procedure :
i. Procedures designed to support the data capture, storage, processing,
analysis, modeling and display of geospatial data is important for a GIS.
ii. The interest and willingness of the organization setup and decision
makers is important for using the results for planning and
5. Users : The roles of users are to select pertinent (useful) information
to set necessary standards, to design cost efficient updating schemes to
analyze GIS outputs for relevant purposes and plan the implementation.
No GIS exists in isolation of the user.
Que 3.3. List important functions of GIS and explain any one in
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–4 H (CE-Sem-5)
A. Function : Following are the various functions of GIS :
1. Buffering. 2. Reclassification.
3. Overlay analysis. 4. Proximity analysis.
5. Filtering.
1. Buffering :
i. It is the creation of a zone of interest around an entity.
ii. It is possible both in vector and raster data format.
iii. In vectors case, the result is a new set of objects.
iv. Buffers are very useful for analyzing landscapes, highway alignments
water supply networks and drainage studies.
v. Buffering is very simple but involves complex computational operation.
vi. If a point is buffered, a circular zone is created. Buffering lines and
areas creates new areas.
vii. Creating buffer zones around point features is the easiest operation; a
circle of required radius is simply drawn around each point.
viii. Some GIS do this by placing a circle of required radius at one end of the
line or area boundary to be buffered. This circle is then moved along
the length of the segment.
ix. Sometimes there may be a need for another buffer around a buffer.
This is called doughnut buffer.
Point Point
(a) Point buffer. buffer
Road plus
Line buffer
Line (b) Line buffer.
Geospatial Data : Spatial Data, Attribute Data ,
Joining Spatial and Attribute Data.
A. Spatial Data :
1. It is also called geographical data, it consists of natural and cultural
features that can be shown with lines or symbols on maps, or that can
be seen as images on photographs.
2. The data in the different forms (maps, photographs, images, etc,) being
in non-compatible formats create problems while integrating in GIS.
3. In a GIS, these data must be represented and spatially located in digital
form, by using a combination of fundamental elements called simple
spatial objects (SSO).
4. These SSO include points, lines and strings, areas or polygons, pixels,
and grid cells.
5. SSO can be represented by their respective symbols.
6. The spatial data represented as either layers or objects are simplified
by breaking down all geographic features with three basic entity types,
points, lines and areas, before they can be stored in the computer.
B. Spatial Entities : The basic spatial entities are as follows :
1. Point :
i. Its requirement is for geographical reference to locate it with respect
to other spatial entities.
ii. Point data consist of observations that occur only at points or occupy
very small areas in relation to the scale of the database. These define
single geometric positions as shown in Fig. 3.4.1(a).
2. Line and String :
i. It is ordered set of points (known as an arc, segment or chain) with
defined start and end points (nodes) which also give the line direction.
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–6 H (CE-Sem-5)
ii. A line connects two points, and a string is a sequence of two or more
lines as shown in Fig. 3.4.1(b).
3. Areal : It provides data about the points and lines used in construction
of the area, and how these are connected to define the boundary. An
area or polygon consists of a continuous space within three or more
connected lines as shown in Fig. 3.4.1(c).
4. Pixels : These are usually tiny squares that represent the smallest
elements into which a digital image is divided as shown in Fig. 3.4.1(d).
Continuous array of pixels, arranged in rows and columns, are used to
enter data from aerial photos, satellite images etc.
Grid cell
(pixel array)
A. Point :
1. Depiction by point depends on scale of the map. It is used to denote
survey control points, a well are generally represented as point, which
have negligible dimension.
2. A building, village, a city can be represented as point depend on scale of
B. Line : Lines are used to depict features which are primarily linear e.g.,
roadway, railway, river, canal, pipe lines, village boundary etc.
C. Polygon : Polygon is used to depict an area e.g., forest, cultivable land,
fellow land, water body etc.
D. Topological Data Model : Topological data model is described the
relations what exist in area features which are as follows :
1. Adjacency : These are areas which have a common boundary.
2. Containment : These are area features which may be wholly contained
within another e.g., an island within a lake, district of a state.
3. Connectivity : It is used to describe linkage between linear features
e.g., network of railways/roads.
Non-Spatial Data :
1. The non-spatial data, also known as attribute data, are information
about various attributes like length, area, population, acreage, etc.
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–8 H (CE-Sem-5)
GIS Operations : Spatial Data Input, Attribute Data Management,
Data Display, Data Exploration, Data Analysis.
Data Capture and Input of GIS :
1. The data of GIS is available in a number of forms and formats, so it can
be captured by using a number of methods like photographic method,
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–10 H (CE-Sem-5)
Computer Data Capture Hardware :
1. The data collected by the field equipments is in digital format.
2. But the data like maps, photographs, or images (this type of data is
known as analog data) such data may not be available in the digital
3. So it need to be converted from the analog to digital format. The
conversion is performed by one of the two methods, such as
i. Digitizing
ii. Scanning
i. Digitising :
a. It is a process which is used to convert the hard copy map or an
aerial photograph or an image, into a digital format, to be displayed
on a computer screen. The equipment is known as digitizer.
b. It looks like a tracing table and have a flat, non-conducting surface
into this, the cartesian grid of fine wires embedded. To this table
or tablet a tracing pen is attached (or cursor or puck). A computer
is necessary for viewing and recording the digital captured data.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 3–11 H (CE-Sem-5)
Data Processing :
1. The computer itself is the data processing hardware. There are a lot
computer processers, ranging from mainframes to mini-computers
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–12 H (CE-Sem-5)
Data Storage of GIS :
1. It is necessary for the GIS to store a large volume of Data, together
with the large primary memory, the secondary storage has become an
important component of hardware.
2. This secondary storage has mainly two activities to carry which are as
follows :
i. Storage of the computer programmes and datasets which consist of
data that remains unchanged e.g. The read only material.
ii. Storage of data work which changes very frequently.
3. Generally 3.5 inch floppy disk and the computer's hard-disk drive is
used as a media for storing data. The floppy disks have a limited storing
capacity i.e., 1.44 MB for a high density disk.
4. The hard drives for the PC, may range up to 40 Gigabyte to at least 80
GB. The storage capacity is used as a backup for the data.
5. A new external hard drive has extended the capacity of the computers.
It is used to store the data separately from the main computer. In case
of ‘crash’, this acts as the backup storage system.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 3–13 H (CE-Sem-5)
6. The tape drives are used to store a large data. They are either in the
form of magnetic tape cartridges or Red-to-Red drives.
7. The Digital Auto Tapes (DAT) and the video cartridges are very popular
because of their higher capacities and also because of their
8. As the magnetic tapes are to be kept away from the moisture and list.
Their physical storage has become difficult and so they are cheap, their
use has been reduced.
9. To have access to a large volume of data another storage medium is
used. It is called as compact disks-read only memory (CD-ROM).
10. The CDs are optical disks which use laser technology, and have a huge
capacity to store data e.g., a CD can store data up to 700 Megabytes.
11. They are easy to archive and transport less in cost. They can be written
to can be edited and can be re-written.
1. Among all, the visualization of a map or an image, is the most important
aspect of GIS application.
2. The other functions of GIS like data capturing, processing and storage
become useless and meaningless, if the function of visualization is
available for the users, to take the decisions.
3. Many data display devices are available in the market, they are available
as the generic devices and the specific devices for GIS.
4. Following are some of the important display devices.
i. Video Display Unit : The VDU is also known as the computer screen
or monitor.
Together with the development in computer technology the Cathode
Ray Tube (CRT) based monitors also are having a fast development
a. For most of the PC screens high resolution displays with a dot
pitch of greater than 0.28 mm are available.
b. They give the standard resolution of 1024 horizontal dots in 768
vertical lines.
c. With the larger screens on the work-stations now there may
1600 × 1280 screen dot image.
d. The screens have Non-interlaced scanning. This gives a flicker
free display.
e. The screens have low-radiation, anti-static and anti-magnetic
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–14 H (CE-Sem-5)
A. Dot Matrix Printer/Line Printer :
1. They are the low cost and very popular output devices. These are used
for both i.e., high volume output of textual documents or for slow
output of graphical material like maps, graphs, charts etc.
2. The general size of output is A4 size but many devices can produce A3
size or longer output on a traction paper.
3. The speed varies between 300 and 2000 lines/min. The speed depends
upon the setting of the printer and on the quality of the device.
4. The output is via series of dots with the resolution depending up on the
density of pins on the print head. (It is in the range between 70 and 150
dots/per inch). Multiple colour ribbons can be used to get a limited
range of colours.
5. From the dot matrix printers, the output is crude, noisy. If they are to
be indged on the basis of cost, some people still go for these devises.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 3–15 H (CE-Sem-5)
B. Laser Printer :
1. Use of laser technology has made these printers have very high quality
and almost silent output of textual and graphical information.
2. Till the recent past the output used to be in black and white only but
now this technology has succeeded in giving colourful outputs and has
reduced their prices also.
3. These printers have high variations in size i.e., it is available from the
small A4 size model, which is easily portable and having an output of 15
pages per minute with the resolution of 300 dots per Inch, up to a large
A0 size model with the resolution varying between 400 and 600 dots
per inch.
4. These large size printers have the output almost equal to the output of
conventional offset printing.
C. Ink-jet Printer :
1. These printers are cheper than the laser printers and they are based
on a different type of technology.
2. The output is obtained by pushing an ink through the small nozzle
which from the microscopic droplets.
3. These droplets strike the printing media as per the commods given.
Infinite array of colours can be achieved by mixing any combination of
the Red, Green, and blue the basic three colours by using the multiple
4. The resolution varies between 120 and 300 dots/per inch.
5. The speed is comparatively slow but with the latest improvements in
their price, speed resolution and reliability.
6. These printers have become very popular as the output device of GIS.
7. In near future this technology will provide an all-round solution to the
needs of the users of GIS.
D. Line or Vector Plotter :
1. These are of two types of pen plotters such as drum or roller type and
flat-bed type plotters.
2. Each of these two same advantages :
i. Both use cartage pens (which can be of variable colours or line width)
both, produce vector or line output.
ii. This output corresponds to the grid co-ordinates which is in the computer
file ; to that, they are linked.
iii. The speed is upto 100 lines per cm/per sec.
3. The only limitation of this technology is that it needs constant
supervision to avoid the situation of clogging of pens or pens running
out of ink etc.
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–16 H (CE-Sem-5)
Data Exploration in GIS :
1. Data exploration is the initial step in data analysis, where users explore
a large data set in an unstructured way to uncover initial patterns,
characteristics, and points of interest.
2. This process is not meant to reveal every bit of information a dataset
holds, but rather to help create a broad picture of important trends and
major points to study in greater detail.
3 Data exploration can use a combination of manual methods and
automated tools such as data visualizations, charts, and initial reports.
4. This process makes deeper analysis easier because it can help target
future searches and begin the process of excluding irrelevant data
points and search paths that may turn up no results.
5. More importantly, it helps build a familiarity with the existing
information that makes finding better answers much simpler.
6. Many times, data exploration uses visualization because it creates a
more straight forward view of datasets than simply examining
thousands of individual numbers or names.
7. In any data exploration, the manual and automated aspects also look
at different sides of the same coin. Manual analysis helps users
familiarize themselves with information and can point to broad trends.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 3–17 H (CE-Sem-5)
Geospatial Analysis :
1. Geospatial analysis is the gathering, display, and manipulation of
imagery, GPS, satellite photography and historical data, described
explicitly in terms of geographic co-ordinates or implicitly, in terms of
a street address, postal code, or forest stand identifier as they are
applied to geographic models.
2. In the case of vector-based GIS this typically means operations such as
map overlay (combining two or more maps or map layers according to
predefined rules), simple buffering (identifying regions of a map within
a specified distance of one or more features, such as towns, roads or
rivers) and similar basic operations.
3. For raster-based GIS, widely used in the environmental sciences and
remote sensing, this typically means a range of actions applied to the
grid cells of one or more maps (or images) often involving filtering and/
or algebraic operations (map algebra).
4. These techniques involve processing one or more raster layers according
to simple rules resulting in a new map layer, for example replacing
each cell value with some combination of its neighbours' values, or
computing the sum or difference of specific attribute values for each
grid cell in two matching raster datasets.
5. Descriptive statistics, such as cell counts, means, variances, maxima,
minima, cumulative values, frequencies and a number of other
measures and distance computations are also often included in this
generic term spatial analysis.
6. Spatial analysis includes a large variety of statistical techniques
(descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory statistics) that apply to data
that vary spatially and which can vary over time.
Co-ordinate System : Geographic Co-ordinate System, Approximation
of Earth, Datum : Map Projection, Types of Map Projection,
Map Projection Parameters, Commonly used Map
Projection, Projected Co-ordinate System.
Geographic Coordinate System ( GCS ) :
1. A geographic coordinate system, also known as global or spherical
coordinate system is a reference system that uses a three-dimensional
spherical surface to determine locations on the earth. Any location on
earth can be referenced by a point with longitude and latitude.
2. We must familiarize ourselves with the geographic terms with respect
to the Earth coordinate system in order to use the GIS technologies
effectively. Following are the technological terms are used in GCS:
i. Pole : The geographic pole of earth is defined as either of the two points
where the axis of rotation of the earth meets its surface. The North Pole
lies 90º north of the equator and the South Pole lies 90º south of the
ii. Latitude : Imaginary lines that run horizontally around the globe and
are measured from 90º north to 90º south. Also known as parallels,
latitudes are equidistant from each other.
iii. Equator : An imaginary line on the earth with zero degree latitude,
divides the earth into two halves-Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
This parallel has the widest circumference.
Pole Pole
West East
Southern Prime
Pole Pole
Fig. 3.16.1. Division of Earth into hemispheres.
iv. Longitude : Imaginary lines that run vertically around the globe. Also
known as meridians, longitudes are measured from 180º east to 180º
west. Longitudes meet at the poles and are widest apart at the equator.
v. Prime Meridian : Zero degree longitude which divides the Earth into
two halves-Eastern and Western hemisphere. As it runs through the
Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich, England it is also known
as Greenwich meridian
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 3–19 H (CE-Sem-5)
Map Projection:
1. Map projection is a mathematical expression using which the three-
dimensional surface of Earth is represented in a two dimensional plane.
The process of projection results in distortion of one or more map
properties such as shape, size, area or direction.
2. A single projection system can never account for the correct
representation of all map properties for all the regions of the world.
Therefore, hundreds of projection systems have been defined for accurate
representation of a particular map element for a particular region of the
Classification of Map Projections :
Map projections are classified on the following criteria :
1. Method of Construction : The term map projection implies projecting
the graticule of the Earth onto a flat surface with the help of shadow
cast. However, not all of the map projections are developed in this
manner. Some projections are developed using mathematical calculations
only. Following are the projections that are based on the method of
i. Perspective Projections : These projections are made with the help
of shadow cast from an illuminated globe on to a developable surface.
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–20 H (CE-Sem-5)
Development Surface : Refer Q.3.17, Page 3–19H, Unit-3.
Types : The three basic projections are based on the types of developable
surface and are introduced below :
1. Cylindrical Projection :
i. It can be visualized as a cylinder wrapped around the globe.
ii. Once the graticule is projected onto the cylinder, the cylinder is opened
to get a grid like pattern of latitudes and longitudes.
iii. The longitudes (meridians) and latitudes (parallels) appear as straight
iv. Length of equator on the cylinder is equal to the length of the equator
therefore is suitable for showing equatorial regions.
Fig. 3.18.1.
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–22 H (CE-Sem-5)
(a) (b ) (c )
Fig. 3.18.2.
a. Normal : When cylinder has line of tangency to the equator. It
includes Equirectangular Projection, the Mercator projection,
Lambert’s Cylindrical Equal Area, Gall's Stereographic Cylindrical,
and Miller cylindrical projection.
b. Transverse : When cylinder has line of tangency to the meridian.
It includes the Cassini Projection, Transverse Mercator, Transverse
cylindrical Equal Area Projection, and Modified Transverse Mercator.
c. Oblique : When cylinder has line of tangency to another point on
the globe. It only consists of the oblique mercator projection.
2. Conic Projection :
i. It can be visualized as a cone placed on the globe, tangent to it at some
ii. After projecting the graticule on to the cone, the cone is cut along one of
the meridian and unfolded. Parallels appear as arcs with a pole and
meridians as straight lines that converge to the same point.
iii. It can represent only one hemisphere, at a time, northern or southern.
iv. Suitable for representing middle latitudes.
Fig. 3.18.3.
Aspects of Conic Projection :
Standard parallel 1
Standard parallel
Standard parallel 2
(a) (b )
Fig. 3.18.4.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 3–23 H (CE-Sem-5)
Fig. 3.18.5.
(a) (b) (c )
Fig. 3.18.6.
Selection of Map Projection :
Choosing a correct map projection for an area depends on the following:
Geographic Information System (GIS) 3–24 H (CE-Sem-5)
vi. In particular, conic projections use this parameter to set the origin of the
y-co-ordinates below the area of interest.
vii. In that instance, you do not need to set a false northing parameter to
ensure that all y-coordinates are positive.
3. Unitless Parameters :
i. Scale factor is a unitless value applied to the center point or line of a map
ii. The scale factor is usually slightly less than one. The Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system, which uses the
Transverse Mercator projection.
iii. This creates two almost parallel lines approximately 180 kilometers, or
about 1°, away where the scale is 1.0. The scale factor reduces the
overall distortion of the projection in the area of interest.
X<0 X>0
Y>0 Y>0
(0, 0)
X<0 X>0
Y<0 Y<0
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 4–1 H (CE-Sem-5)
Vector Data Model
Part-1 : Vector Data Model ................................... 4–2H to 4–14H
Representation of Simple
Features-Topology and its
Importance : Coverage and
its Data Structure, Shape Files,
Data Models for Composite
Features Objects Based Vector
Vector Data Model Representation of Simple Features-Topology and
its Importance : Coverage and its Data Structure, Shape Files,
Data Models for Composite Features Objects Based Vector.
Que 4.1. What do you mean by the data structure for GIS ?
Data Structure for GIS :
1. Data for a GIS must be represented in a form that preserves locational
identities of each unit of information, so that it is possible to retrieve
data by location and therefore to depict and analyse geographic patterns.
2. Because data are frequently derived from a ‘conventional’ (non-digital)
map or image, it is necessary to convert them into digital form suitable
for use by a GIS.
3. This process, known as geocoding, records the pattern/features of a
map in a form that can be accepted and manipulated by computers.
4. The simple spatial objects may be coded in two different formats (vector
and raster) for storing and manipulating these spatial data in a GIS.
5. Both of these data structures, also called data models or sometimes
data formats, offer contrasting advantages and disadvantages.
6. When data are depicted in the vector format, a combination of points,
lines and strings, an area is used, whereas the raster format uses
pixels and grid cells.
7. Fig. 4.1.1 shows a representation of simple spatial objects in vector and
raster models.
8. Usually, a GIS must be designed on either a raster or a vector format.
9. Because of differences in equipment, computer programs, and expertise
required for the two different approaches, the choice depends upon
the facilities available, the kinds of data to be examined, and the
purposes of establishing the GIS.
10. Also, it is possible to convert from vector-to-raster format by applying
relatively straight forward computer algorithms, but it is a little difficult
to do raster to vector conversion.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 4–3 H (CE-Sem-5)
Vector Data Model :
1. The vector model is close to the traditional mapping approach where
the objects are represented as points, lines, or areas.
2. In a vector model, the positions of points, lines, and areas are precisely
3. The position of each object is defined by a series of co-ordinate pairs.
4. Vectors are graphical objects that have geometrical primitives such as
points, lines, and polygons to represent geographical entities in computer
5. Vectors have a precise direction, length, and shape, and can be defined
by co-ordinate geometry.
6. A point is described by a single x – y co-ordinate pair and by its name or
label. A line is described by a set of co-ordinate pairs and by its name or
7. In reality, a line is described by an infinite number of points. In practice,
this is not a feasible way of storing a line. Therefore, a line is built up by
its starting and ending coordinate pairs.
8. An area, also called a polygon, is described by a set of coordinate pairs
and by its name or label.
9. Vector data model are classified on the basis of :
i. Object-based vector model.
ii. Field-based vector model.
Vector Data Model 4–4 H (CE-Sem-5)
Que 4.3. What are the three basic spatial entities and how are
these used to portray geographical features on paper maps and in
What do you understand by spatial data ? How is the spatial
relationship represented ?
A. Spatial Data :
1. It is also called graphical data, it consists of natural and cultural features
that can be shown with lines or symbols on maps, or that can be seen
as images on photographs.
2. The data in the different forms (maps, photographs, images, etc,) being
in non-compatible formats create problems while integrating in GIS.
3. In a GIS, these data must be represented and spatially located in digital
form, by using a combination of fundamental elements called simple
spatial objects (SSO).
4. These SSO include points, lines and strings, areas or polygons, pixels,
and grid cells.
5. SSO can be represented by their respective symbols.
6. The spatial data represented as either layers or objects are simplified
by breaking down all geographic features with three basic entity types,
points, lines and areas, before they can be stored in the computer.
B. Spatial Entities : The basic spatial entities are as follows :
1. Point : Its requirement is for geographical reference to locate it with
respect to other spatial entities. Point data consist of observations that
occur only at points or occupy very small areas in relation to the scale
of the database. These define single geometric positions as shown in
Fig. 4.3.1(a).
2. Line and String : It is ordered set of points (known as an arc, segment
or chain) with defined start and end points (nodes) which also give the
line direction. A line connects two points, and a string is a sequence of
two or more lines as shown in Fig. 4.3.1(b).
3. Areal : It provides data about the points and lines used in construction
of the area, and how these are connected to define the boundary. An
area or polygon consists of a continuous space within three or more
connected lines as shown in Fig. 4.3.1(c).
4. Pixels : These are usually tiny squares that represent the smallest
elements into which a digital image is divided as shown in Fig. 4.3.1(d).
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 4–5 H (CE-Sem-5)
Grid cell
(pixel array)
Topology in GIS :
1. Topology in GIS is generally defined as the spatial relationships between
adjacent or neighboring vector features (points, polylines and polygons).
2. In GIS, topology is implemented through data structure.
Importance of Topology in GIS :
In terms of functionality, topology is important to GIS in (at least) three
important ways :
1. Topology is necessary for certain spatial functions such as network
routing through linear networks. Here the idea is that if line features
do not share common nodes, that routes cannot be established through
the network.
2. Topology can be used to create data sets with better quality control and
greater data integrity. Topology rules can be created so that edits made
to a dataset can be ‘validated’ and show errors in that dataset. An
example would be the creation of a new manhole/sewer access feature
outside a polygon dataset of road features.
3. By creating topological relationships between feature classes, features
can be shared across feature classes. In other words, if you open one
dataset and edit/move a line feature that is shared between two feature
classes, then both feature classes will be updated to reflect the edits.
4. This is massively helpful for keeping datasets synchronized. An example
would be a river feature that defines an administrative boundary (where
the river moves over time), or the boundary of a municipal area and
zoning polygons.
Que 4.10. Explain how data can be converted from vector to raster
Vector Data Model 4–10 H (CE-Sem-5)
River : R, 3
Built-up Forest : F, 4
Built-up O or 2
(b) Presence/absence method (3, 4)
Forest or 3
Orchard R
B or 1
(d) Dominant method (3, 3)
(a) Vector representation of map
overlaid on a coarse grid
Fig. 4.10.2. Data conversion from vector to raster format.
Vector Data Model 4–12 H (CE-Sem-5)
4. Prediction :
i. Prediction is one of the purposes of GIS. For example, a number of
data layers indicating population data in different regions of a city
along with the growth patterns and civic facilities might be combined
together to predict the future population at the desired time in different
parts of the city.
ii. Such a map may then be used as a basis for making city development
iii. Prediction may sometimes also be a research exercise to explore the
outcome of making a particular set of assumptions, often with the
purpose of examining the performance of a model.
5. Queries :
i. Since GIS is a decision support system, performing queries on a GIS
database to retrieve information (data) is its essential part.
ii. Queries offer a method of data retrieval, and can be performed on data
that are part of the GIS database, or on new data produced as a result
of data analysis.
iii. These are useful at all stages of GIS analysis for checking the quality
of data and the results obtained.
iv. A GIS typically stores spatial and non-spatial (also called aspatial or
attribute) data in two separate files.
v. The GIS has capability to search and display spatial data based on
attribute criteria and vice-versa.
vi. Accordingly, there are two general types of query that can be performed
with GIS : spatial and non-spatial.
6. Reclassification :
i. Although query is the most widely used function to retrieve data from
a GIS database , irrespective of the vector or raste r mode l,
reclassification can also be used in place of query in the raster model.
ii. Consider a land-use image from which we require to extract information
on areas of schools.
iii. The answer to this query could be obtained by creating a new coverage
that eliminates all unnecessary data.
iv. Reclassification would result in a new image. For example, in a raster
image, if cells representing schools in the original image had a value of
30, a set of rules for the reclassification could be :
Vector Data Model 4–14 H (CE-Sem-5)
Data Model : Classes and their Relationships, the Geobased
Data Model, Geometric Representation of Spatial Feature
and Structure, Topology Rules.
Que 4.12. What is a data model ? Explain the data models used in
A. Data Model :
1. The ways of representing data are known as data models. The data
model represents the linkages between the real-world domain of
geographical data and the computer (or GIS representation of the features).
2. The process of linkages involves :
i. Identifying the spatial features from the real-world that are of interest
in the context to an application and choosing how to represent them in
a conceptual model.
ii. Representing the conceptual model by an appropriate data model by
choosing between raster or vector approach.
iii. Selecting an appropriate spatial data structure to store the model within
the computer.
B. Types of Data Model : Following are two types of data model :
1. Object-based Data Model :
i. In Object-based data model, the geographic space is treated to be filled
by discrete and identifiable objects.
ii. An object which is a spatial feature, has identifiable boundaries, relevance
to some intended application, and can be described by one or more
characteristic knows as attributes.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 4–15 H (CE-Sem-5)
Que 4.13. What is the difference between the object-based and field-
based data models ?
Difference : Following are the difference between object and field data
models :
Geometric Representation of Spatial Feature :
1. Uses geometries of point, polyline, and polygon to represent vector-
based spatial features :
i. Point : Simple feature with a point or multipoint feature with a set of
ii. Polyline : Set of line segments which may or may not be connected.
iii. Polygon : Made of one or many rings.
iv. Ring : Set of connected, closed, non-intersecting line segments.
2. The geodatabase is similar to the shapefile in terms of feature
3. The geodatabase is also similar to the coverage model in terms of simple
4. The difference between two models lies mainly in the composite features
of regions and routes.
5. The region sub-class in the coverage model is no longer supported in the
geodatabase. Multipart polygon handles the issue related to region.
6. The route sub-class in the coverage model is replace by polylines with
m(measure) values in geodatabase model.
Q. 2. What are the three basic spatial entities and how are these
used to portray geographical features on paper maps and
in GIS ?
Ans. Refer Q. 4.3, Unit-4.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 5–1 H (CE-Sem-5)
Raster Data Model
Part-1 : Raster Data Model ......................................5–2H to 5–8H
Elements of Raster
Data Model,
Types of Raster Data,
Raster Data Structure,
Data Conversion
Raster Data Model, Elements of Raster Data Model, Types of
Raster Data, Raster Data Structure, Data Conversion.
Que 5.1. Define the raster data model. What are the elements of
raster data model ?
1. Cell Value : Each cell in a raster carries a value, which represents the
characteristic of a spatial phenomenon at the location denoted by its
row and column. The cell value can be integer or floating point.
2. Cell Size : The cell size determines the resolution of the raster data
3. Raster Bands : A raster may have a single band or multiple bands.
4. Spatial Reference : Raster data must have the spatial reference
information so that they can align spatially with other data sets in a
ii. Maps to be digitized are typically scanned at 300 or 400 dpi (dots per
5. Graphic Files : Maps, photographs and images can be stored as digital
graphic files.
i. TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), GIF Graphic Interchangeable
Format), JPEG (Joint Photographic Exports Group), etc., are the
graphic files.
ii. Geo-TIFF is a geo-referenced version of TIFF format.
10. The input of the vector counter parts of this raster data is also shown
in Fig. 5.3.1. The value 3 has been to classify the raster cells according
to land use for the road at the given location.
11. The remaining cells are filled with 0 indicating that no identity is present
at that location.
12. There are four methods for the input of the vector counter parts of the
raster data. These are the dominant method, the precedence method,
the presence/absence method and the percent occurrence method.
Co-ordinates reference
of starting point of feature
Column No.
Row No. Pixel
Representation of identity
Spatial resolution Not present : 0
Road : 3 or R
reference of end point
(a) Different attributes stored in different layer
6, 6, 3
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
0 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 0
0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
(b) Cell values (c) File structure
Fig. 5.3.1. E-R diagram for University System.
1. The pixels are the result of computing the data through aerial
photograph or throughout the satellite imaging.
2. The colours and tones of the image are computed by assigning the
unique numerical codes.
3. The digital number (DN) values of each one of the pixel and a cell has
only one DN.
4. At present eight bit data is used by the new software. It allows up to
256 number i.e., from 0 to 255.
10. In case if the vector data is converted to raster data and then again
converted back to the vector data, the resultant data set will not likely
match with the original one. This is specifically true in case of boundaries
of different common data or linear features.
Integration of Raster and Vector Data : Data Input : Meta-data :
Conversion of Existing Data, Creating New Data, Remote Sensing
Data, Field Data, Digitizing, Scanning on Screen Digitizing,
Importance of Source Map, Data Editing.
Integration of Raster and Vector Data :
1. The major impediment for integration of remote sensing with GIS
remains the so-called raster/vector dichotomy.
2. Remote sensing has been oriented almost completely towards a raster
approach to data and analysis, while GIS software has tended to be
vector oriented.
3. From the perspective of GIS users, it is recognized that there are
advantages and disadvantages to both data representations.
4. Remote sensing users, on the other hand, while recognizing the merits
of vector information for handling cartographic information, have
concentrated largely on raster analysis for image processing.
5. There are good reasons for this the CPU processing burden for image
analysis is sufficiently high that raster data structures are the only
feasible choice on low-speed hardware platform.
6. Furthermore, since detectors produce raster digital information
directly, raster processing seems “natural”.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 5–9 H (CE-Sem-5)
Uses of Raster Data Model : Following are the uses of raster data
model :
1. Geographical variation in the real world is infinitely complex.
2. The closer you look the more detail you see, almost without limit.
3. It would take an infinitely large database to capture the real world
4. Raster grid cells allow us to approximate the variation over a landscape.
5. Data must somehow be reduced to a finite and manageable quantity
by a process of generalization or abstraction.
6. Geographical variation must be represented in terms of discrete
elements or objects.
Que 5.10. What do you understand by existing GIS data and their
conversion ?
b. AutoCAD.
c. Maplnfo etc.
B. Neutral Format :
1. It is a public format for data exchange :
i. DLG format developed by USGS.
ii. SDTS format approved by the Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) Program in 1992. Also known as SDTS/DLG files.
iii. ESRI, Intergraph and Maplnfo provide translators in their software
packages for importing SDTS data.
2. Currently there are five SDTS profiles :
i. The Topographical Vector Profile (TVP) covers DLG, TIGER and other
topology-based vector data.
ii. The Raster Profile and Extensions (RPE) accommodate DEM and other
raster data.
iii. The Transportation Network Policy (TNP) comes with vector data with
network topology.
iv. The Point Profile supports geodetic control point data.
v. The Computer Aided Design and Drafting Profile (CADD).
vi. Supports vector-based CADD data, with or without topology.
Digitizing in GIS :
1. Digitizing is the process by which co-ordinates from a map, image, or
other sources of data are converted into a digital format in a GIS.
2. This process becomes necessary when available data is gathered in
formats that cannot be immediately integrated with other GIS data.
The Digitizing Process : Following are the digitizing process :
1. Manual Digitizing :
i. In this method, the digitizer uses a digitizing tablet (also known as a
digitizer, graphics tablet, or touch tablet) to trace the points, lines and
polygons of a hard-copy map.
ii. This is done using a special magnetic pen, or stylus, that feeds
information into a computer to create an identical, digital map.
iii. Some tablets use a mouse-like tool, called a puck, instead of a stylus.
iv. The puck has a small window with cross-hairs which allows for greater
precision and pinpointing map features.
2. Heads-up Digitizing :
i. This method involves scanning a map or image into a computer.
ii. The digitizer then traces the points, lines and polygons using digitizing
iii. This method of digitizing has been named “heads-up” digitizing because
the focus of the user is up on the screen, rather than down on a
digitizing tablet.
Que 5.14. Write a note on data acquisition. What are the various
sources from which data can be derived to be used in GIS ?
Data Acquisition :
1. Data acquisition is collecting spatial data from available resources e.g.,
maps, photographic images and converting it into digital form.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 5–13 H (CE-Sem-5)
iii. For GIS users the WWW provides data and is source of information.
iv. Whole libraries of vector, raster and object data are being offered on the
internet as well as directory information on different data sets. At the
moment speed of data transmission and internet access are the main
limitations of this data source.
4. Data by Aerial Photography :
i. This method is used when area is too extensive and too rugged.
ii. A digital photogrammetric work station (DPWS) which produces digital
images include the hardware, software and peripherals such as digital
camera, film scanners, plotters. In it the plotter is able to visualize,
verify and edit the data collected interactively.
iii. Digital terrain data can be collected from photogrammetry by using an
analog stereoplotter equipped with encoders, analytical plotter or by
using digital photogrammetry method.
iv. Analog stereoplotter provides 3 dimensional data from aerial
5. Data from Existing Maps :
i. Acquiring digital data by digitizing existing maps is comparatively cheaper
and less time consuming.
ii. Topographic maps covering large part of a country are mostly available.
iii. Geocoding is the process of converting conventional (non-digital) maps
into digital form.
iv. The digitisation of paper maps is done using a spatial data capturing
device called “a digitizer”. Digitizers are available in different sizes with
different resolutions.
v. Another method of converting existing maps into digitised maps is by
scanning and vectorisation often referred as “screen digitising” or “heads
up digitising”. Large number of maps can be digitised in relative shorter
period and at a cost comparable or lower than the convention method.
6. Data by Surveying in Field :
i. Terrain data in digital form can be obtained directly from field surveys
using electronic tacheometer, total stations.
ii. These instruments are equipped with internal memory or external data
recorder for temporary storage of data, which are subsequently
transferred to micro computer or main frame computer.
iii. Electronic tacheometer or total station is capable of electronically
measuring angles, distances and performing computations to obtain
ho rizontal distance, slope distance, differe nce in ele vatio n,
co-ordinates etc.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing 5–15 H (CE-Sem-5)
Raster data editing is concerned with correcting the specific contents
of raster images than their general geometric characteristics. The
objective of the editing is to produce an image suitable for raster geo-
processing. Following editing functions are mostly used for raster data
editing :
i. Filling Holes and Gaps : To fill holes and gaps that appears in the
raster image.
Fig. 5.15.1.
Irregular edges
Fig. 5.15.2.
Fig. 5.15.4.
v. Clipping and Delete : To create a subset of an image or to remove
unwanted pixels.
Fig. 5.15.5.
Major application areas of GIS as follows :
v. Health care.
Military : i. Training.
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing SQ–1 H (CE-Sem-5)
1 Photogrammetry
(2 Marks Questions)
2 Marks Questions SQ–4 H (CE-Sem-5)
2 Remote Sensing
(2 Marks Questions)
2.17. Define spectral reflectance curve and what are its utilities
in remote sensing. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Explain spectral reflectance curve.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
GIS and Advance Remote Sensing SQ–7 H (CE-Sem-5)
2 Marks Questions SQ–8 H (CE-Sem-5)
iv. Data.
v. Users.
2 Marks Questions SQ–12 H (CE-Sem-5)
2 Marks Questions SQ–14 H (CE-Sem-5)