Chapter 6 - Temperature Measurements
Chapter 6 - Temperature Measurements
Chapter 6 - Temperature Measurements
Heat transfer takes place from a body at a higher temperature to one at a lower temperature.
The two bodies are said to be in thermal equilibrium when both of them are at the same
The rise in temperature of a body is due to greater absorption of heat, which increases the
movement of the molecules within the body.
History of thermometry
The first thermometer was developed by Galileo Galilei in the 17th century.
In 1724, D.G. Fahrenheit, a German physicist, contributed significantly to the development
of thermometry. He proposed his own scale, in which 32° and 212° were considered the
freezing point and boiling point of brine in water, respectively.
The Swedish physicist Anders Celsius, in 1742, developed the mercury-in-glass
thermometer. He identified two points, namely the melting point of ice and the boiling
point of water, and assigned 0° and 100°, respectively, to them. He made 100 divisions
between these two points.
In 1859, William John Macquorn Rankine, a Scottish physicist, proposed an absolute or
thermodynamic scale, known as Rankine scale when, after investigating the changes in
thermal energy with changes in temperature, he came to a conclusion that the theoretical
temperature of each of the substances was the same at zero thermal energy level. According
to him, this temperature was approximately equal to −460 °F.
William Thomson, first Baron Kelvin, popularly known as Lord Kelvin, a British physicist,
introduced a new concept, known as the Kelvin scale, in 1848. He suggested 0 K as the
absolute temperature of gas and 273 K as the freezing point of water.
A comparison between Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit scales with respect to absolute zero, and
boiling and freezing points of water is shown Table 6.1.
Table 6.1: Comparison of temperature scales
The response of the temperature-sensing device is influenced by any of the following factors:
1. Thermal conductivity and heat capacity of an element
2. Surface area per unit mass of the element
3. Film coefficient of heat transfer
Temperature can be sensed using many devices, which can broadly be classified into two
categories: contact and non-contact type sensors.
In case of contact-type sensors, the object whose temperature is to be measured remains in contact
with the sensor. Inference is then drawn on the assessment of temperature either by knowing or by
assuming that the object and the sensor are in thermal equilibrium.
Contact-type sensors are classified as follows:
1. Liquid-in-glass thermometers
2. Bimetallic strip thermometers
3. Thermocouples
4. Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)
5. Thermistors
6. Pressure thermometers
In case of non-contact-type sensors, the radiant power of the infrared or optical radiation received
by the object or system is measured. Temperature is determined using instruments such as radiation
or optical pyrometers.
Non-contact-type sensors are categorized as follows:
1. Radiation pyrometers
2. Optical pyrometers
3. Fiber-optic thermometers
It is important to note that the expansion registered by the thermometer is the difference between
the expansion of the liquid and the expansion of the glass. To account for such differences the
thermometer is usually calibrated using melting points of elements as reference.
These thermometers may achieve accuracies of ±0.05°C and can serve as calibration
standards for other temperature-measurement devices.
Mercury-in-glass thermometers are generally applicable up to about 315°C (600°F)
The detection range may be extended to 538°C (1000°F) by filling the space above the
mercury with a gas like nitrogen
Nitrogen gas increases the pressure on the mercury, raises its boiling point, and thereby
permits the use of the thermometer at higher temperatures.
When the strip is subjected to a temperature higher than the initial bonding temperature, it will
bend in one direction; when it is subjected to a temperature lower than the bonding temperature, it
will bend in the other direction. The radius of curvature r may be calculated as:
From Figure 6.3 we observe that the angle through which the strip is deflected is related to the
strip length L and radius of curvature by:
θ = L/r (Radian)
The straight-line segment joining the ends of the strip has a length y of:
Example: A bimetallic strip is constructed of strips of yellow brass and Invar bonded together at
30°C. Each has a thickness of 0.3 mm. Calculate the radius of curvature when a 6.0-cm strip is
subjected to a temperature of 100°C.
If the two materials are connected to an external circuit in such a way that a current is
drawn, the emf may be altered slightly owing to a phenomenon called the Peltier effect.
If a temperature gradient exists along either or both of the materials, the junction emf may
undergo an additional slight alteration. This is called the Thomson effect.
The Seebeck emf is of prime concern since it is dependent on junction temperature. If the emf
generated at the junction of two dissimilar metals is carefully measured as a function of
temperature, then such a junction may be utilized for the measurement of temperature.
Depending on the range of temperature that thermocouples can measure, they are designated by a
single letter and grouped accordingly:
Base metals, which can measure up to 1300 °C, are designated as Type K, Type E, Type
T, and Type J.
Noble metals, which can measure up to a temperature of 1800 °C, is classified as Type R,
Type S, or Type B.
However, thermocouples also have certain disadvantages, which are listed as follows:
1. They have low sensitivity when compared to other temperature-measuring devices such as
thermistors and RTDs.
2. Calibration is required because of the presence of some non-linearity.
3. Temperature measurement may be inaccurate due to changes in the reference junction
temperature; hence thermocouples cannot be employed for precise measurements.
4. For enhancing the life of thermocouples, they should be protected against contamination
and have to be chemically inert.
RTD measures temperature using the principle that the resistance of a metal changes with
temperature. In practice, the RTD element located in proximity to the area where the temperature
is to be measured transmits an electrical current, which is measured by a device. RTDs are more
stable and have more or less linear characteristics over a wide temperature range between 200 and
Many materials are commonly used for making resistance thermometers, such as platinum,
nickel, and copper. However, platinum is the most popular and internationally preferred
When platinum is employed in RTD elements, they are sometimes termed platinum
resistance thermometers.
1. Chemical inertness
2. Almost linear relationship between temperature and resistance
3. Large temperature coefficient of resistance
4. Greater stability over a long period of time
Classifications of RTDs:
1. A partially supported wound element: A small coil of wire inserted into a hole in a ceramic
insulator and attached along one side of that hole
2. Wire-wound RTD: Prepared by winding a platinum or metal wire on a glass or ceramic bobbin
and sealed with a coating on molten glass known as wire-wound RTD elements
3. Thin film RTD: Prepared by depositing or screening a platinum or metal glass slurry film onto
a small flat ceramic substrate called thin film RTD elements
where, R(T) is the resistance at temperature T, Ro is the resistance at a reference temperature To,
and A is the temperature coefficient of resistance depending on material.
Advantages of RTDs:
1. The resistance versus temperature linearity characteristics of RTDs are high.
2. They possess greater accuracy (as high as ±0.1 °C)
3. RTDs show high flexibility with respect to the choice of measuring equipment,
interchangeability of elements, and assembly of components
Disadvantages of RTDs:
1. The use of platinum in RTDs makes them more expensive than other temperature sensors.
2. Although its temperature sensitivity is high, it is less than that of thermistors.
2.6. Thermistors
Thermistor is a contraction of term “Thermal Resistor”. They are essentially semiconductors
which behave as indicators with a high negative temperature coefficient. As the temperature
increases, the resistance goes up. This is just opposite to the effect of temperature changes on
Figure 6.6 shows typical temperature-resistance relations for thermistors in relation to that of a
typical RTD.
Thermistors are very sensitive to small variations in temperature and respond very quickly. The
relationship between temperature and resistance is given by the following equation: