Banaras Hindu University: Ordinance For Special Postgraduate Course On
Banaras Hindu University: Ordinance For Special Postgraduate Course On
Banaras Hindu University: Ordinance For Special Postgraduate Course On
w.e.f. 2018-19
Semester I
Course code Title Credits
MSMC 101 Algebra 04
MSMC 102 Analysis-I 04
MSMC 103 Differential Equations 03
MSMC 104 Mathematical Statistics 03
MSMC 105 Computer Programming 03
MSMC 106 Lab 03
Total 20
Semester II
MSMC 201 Analysis-II 04
MSMC 202 Optimization Techniques 04
MSMC 203 Data Structure 04
MSMC 204 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 03
MSMC 205 Lab 03
MSMC 206 Minor in Mathematical Sciences- I 02
Total 20
Semester III
MSMC 301 Numerical Methods 04
MSMC 302 Graph Theory and Its Application 04
MSMC 303 Theory of Computation 04
MSMC 304 Lab 03
MSMC 305 Minor in Mathematical Sciences- II 02
MSMC 306- Elective I (Any one course from MSMC 306-MSMC 313 ) 03
MSMC 313
MSMC 306- Computational Aspects of Differential
MSMC 307- Computational Fluid Dynamics
MSMC 308- Computer Graphics
MSMC 309- Financial Mathematics
MSMC 310- Image Processing
MSMC 311- Numerical Relativity
MSMC 312- Soft Computing Techniques
MSMC 313- Stochastic Calculus For Finance
Total 20
Semester IV
MSMC 401 Mathematical Methods 04
MSMC 402 Fourier and Wavelet Analysis 04
MSMC 403 Mathematical Modelling and Simulation 04
MSMC 404 Dissertation 04
MSMC 405- Elective II(Any one course from MSMC 405-MSMC 412 ) 04
MSMC 412
MSMC 405-Computational Geometry
MSMC 406-Mathematical Biology
MSMC 407-Mathematical Cosmology
MSMC 408-PDE’s and their Numerical Solutions
MSMC 409-Numerical Linear Algebra
MSMC 410-Differential Manifold
MSMC 411-Machine learning
MSMC 412-Computational Functional Analysis
Total 20
Grand Total 80