P1 - For Academics
P1 - For Academics
P1 - For Academics
P1 Syllabus Overview
C: Short-term
C: Short-term
decision making
decision making
Primary topics
Exam weighting: 25% Budgets to translate medium Short-term decisions to Exam weighting: 30%
term decisions into exploit new opportunities to
actionable short term plans create or preserve value
• The blueprints will only be applicable to exams scheduled under the 2019
Professional Qualification.
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Key features of the blueprints
• Updated annually
• 3 documents, one per level
• 4 sections
– Overview
– Case study exam business
– Objective test representative tasks
– Appendices (formulas etc.)
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P1 exam dates
P1 exams under the
updated Professional
Qualification will
Scheduling of commence
P1 exam under
the 2019 PQ will
open 4 Nov
1 Aug
• The Objective Tests will cover all areas of the syllabus and will ensure
that learning has taken place across the breadth of the syllabus.
• Each statement is a plain English description of what a CIMA finance professional should know
and be able to do i.e. “I can….”.
• The content and skill level determine the language and verbs used in the representative task.
• CIMA will test up to the level of the task statement in the objective test (an objective test
question on a particular topic could be set at a lower level than the task statement in the
• The task statements in the blueprint are representative and are not intended to be (nor should
they be viewed as) an all-inclusive list of tasks that may be tested on the Examination. It also
should be noted that the number of tasks associated with a particular content group or topic is
not indicative of the extent such content group, topic or related skill level will be assessed on
the test.
14 Global CGMA University and Academic COE
A snapshot of the P1 exam blueprint
P1: Cost accounting for Skill level
decision and control
P1 Management Accounting
1. Distinguish a. Define costing • Inventory valuation • This seeks to address the following pertinent
between the b. Distinguish between the • Profit reporting questions:
different rationales for costing • Cost management and transformation
rationales for • Decision-making • What are reasons for calculating costs?
costing • What types of costs are appropriate for
a particular purpose and why?
2. Apply the main a. Explain the main costing • Cost elements • Examine the basic building blocks of costing
costing concepts • Costs structure and how they apply to different types of
concepts to b. Apply costing concepts to • Cost behaviour organisations and operating contexts (e.g.,
organisations different organisations • Cost drivers manufacturing and service sectors).
and cost and cost objects • Costing applied to different types of organisations
objects • Costing applied to digital cost objects • How has the digital world affected the nature
of these building blocks of costing?
3. Apply costing a. Cost accumulation, • Trace, classify and allocate costs • Investigate how costs are traced, classified,
methods to allocation, apportionment • Marginal costing accumulated, allocated, apportioned and
determine the and absorption • Absorption costing absorbed to arrive at the costs of a product,
costs for b. Standard costing • Price and rate variances service or other cost object.
different c. Variance analysis (without • Usage and efficiency variances
purposes mix and yield variance) • Interpretation of variances • Calculate the costs of products or services
d. Activity based costing • Product and service costing using ABC using various costing methods.
e. Digital costing • Advantages of ABC over other costing systems
• Features of digital costing • Determine which costing methods are
appropriate and why?
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P1 Management Accounting
1. Distinguish a. Explain the role of budgets • Planning • Why do organisations prepare budgets?
between the b. Distinguish between the • Communication • In what ways are the different rationales for preparing
different different rationales for • Coordination budgets compatible with each other?
rationales for budgeting • Motivation • How do organisations get the most out the budgeting
budgeting • Control etc process?
2. Prepare a. Explain forecasting and its • Time series and trend analysis to • What is the process by which budgets are prepared?
budgets relationship with budgeting forecast sales volumes • What types of budgets are required by organisations?
b. Prepare master budgets • Components of master budgets and What data do they use and where do they get the data
c. Conduct what if analysis in their interaction with each other from? How are those budgets prepared and
budgeting • Limiting factors presented? What technologies are available for
d. Describe the technologies • Stress testing budgets improving the quality of the budgets?
available for improving • Big data analytics and budgets
budgeting • Alternative approaches to budgeting
3. Discuss Discuss: • Feedback and feedforward control • What is budgetary control? Describe and discuss how
Budgetary a. The concept of budgetary • Flexed budgets and why the budgetary control system provides
control control • Target setting and motivation feedback and feedforward to the organisation.
b. Human dimensions of • Controllable and uncontrollable • What are the behavioural impacts of budgetary control
budgeting outcomes and how are they managed?
• Dysfunctional behaviours in budgeting
• Ethical considerations in budgeting
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P1 Management Accounting
• The finance function supports such decisions (e.g. pricing and product
choice) using techniques such as relevant revenue and cost analysis and
break-even analysis.
1. Describe the a. Describe pricing and • Marginal and full cost recovery for • Describe the types of short term decisions made
main types of revenue maximising pricing decisions by organisations and the circumstances that give
short term decisions • Differences in pricing and revenue rise to them.
decisions b. Describe product decisions maximisation for the short-term and • What do these short term decisions seek to
made by long term achieve?
organisations • Product mix • How important are they to performance of
• The emphasis is on both revenue and costs.
2. Explain the a. Explain the objectives of • Implications of commercial decision • What are the objectives and underlying concepts
underlying decision making making in the short term that are used to guide short-term decision making
concepts b. Explain the underlying • Relevant revenues and why?
used for short concepts of short term • Relevant costs • Distinguish between those concepts of revenue,
term decision decision making • Difference with profit reporting costs and information from other concepts.
3. Apply Apply the following to support • Make or buy decisions • Use data (financial and non-financial) and the
appropriate short term decision making • Discontinuation decisions appropriate concepts and techniques to support
techniques to a. Relevant cost analysis • Multi-product break even analysis decision making to achieve organisational
support short b. Break-even analysis • Use of data and technology to analyse objectives of value creation and preservation.
term decision c. Product mix decisions with product mix decisions
constraints • Ethical considerations in short term
d. Data & Technology decision making
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P1 Management Accounting
1. Apply basic a. Explain nature of risk and • Stress testing • What types of risks and uncertainties do
risk uncertainty in short term. • Sensitivity and what-if analysis organisations face when preparing and
management b. Apply basic sensitivity • Probability distributions implementing budgets and when making short-
tools in the analysis to budgeting and • Decision trees term decisions?
short term. short-term decision-making.
• How are those risks and uncertainties identified,
assessed and managed?
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