Impact of Computer Interaction in The Life of Selected Grade 12 Students at Sto. Tomas Integrated High School
Impact of Computer Interaction in The Life of Selected Grade 12 Students at Sto. Tomas Integrated High School
Impact of Computer Interaction in The Life of Selected Grade 12 Students at Sto. Tomas Integrated High School
A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
Sto. Tomas Integrated High School,
Sto. Tomas, Calauan, Laguna
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Subject Practical Research 2
of the Course of Information Communication Technology
June 2022
Selected Grade 12 at Sto. Tomas Integrated High School, aimed to know there is
The findings revealed that the selected grade 12 students are aware on the
use of computer. The selected grade 12 students “agree” that they are aware on
the use of computer and they are capable to operate the basic function of it.
This study will not be accomplished without the help of many people. The
researcher would like to show their gratitude to the people who helped their study
Our Almighty GOD, who gave knowledge, guidance, blessing, and HIS
everlasting love.
research paper.
Parents and Friends, the researcher would like to thank their unconditional
support both financially and emotionally. Also, for their patience and
Introduction 1
Conceptual Framework 3
Related Literature
Related Studies
Research Design
Respondents of the Study
Research Instruments
Statistical Treatment
Summary of Findings
A. Questionnaire
B. Data Matrix
the computer accessible to individuals. Up to that time computers had seen very
large and expensive, operated mainly by big companies. The first modern
computers were created in the 1950s and have a long theoretical and technical
background. The use of computers has profoundly affected our society, the way
we do business, communicate, learn, and play. Its use has spread to all literate
areas of the word, as have communication networks that have few limits.
The history of computers goes back over 200 years. At first theorized by
calculating machines were designed and built to solve the increasingly complex
more complex computers by the early 20 th century, and computers became larger
most of our plans for the future. Whether we experience the benefits of a hearing
aid or a hearing implant, use a mobile phone, listen to music and radio, surf the
internet for news or turn the GPS (Global Positioning System) on in our car. We
are constantly enjoying the benefits of a hi- tech life. Technology making our lives
important as computer system have become useful tools for persons not trained
in computer science in fact. The interface is often the most important factor in the
success or failure of any computer system. Dealing with the numerous subtly
It is also designed for use as a primary or supplementary text for graduate and
teaching for a long time. The modules in the principles and methods of teaching
include lessons and topics which meet the requirements of authorities in teacher
education. The contents of the modules reflect the most important aspects of
what is being taught. The modules provide evaluation activities which relate to
the content and objectives of the lessons; however, there is no provision for pre-
test and post-test activities in each module. There is highly significant difference
between the students; and the teachers’ assessment of the characteristics of the
modules with the teachers’ assessment higher than that of the students. The
principles and purpose of modular instruction, its advantages for both students
meets the needs of today’s students more learning and the content, Reiser, B. J.
High School is becoming more pronounced. They must use their computers to
conduct research. Not only that, but they were still spending their time playing
unprecedented health crisis that has shattered its base. Given the current state
learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are used to deal with
many task due to their various potential. It helps to resolve problems human life
encounters in daily life. Therefore, they have more influence on our life. The
in daily life. Therefore, they have more influences on our life. The impact of
computer usage on our life obviously identified as savings of money, time and
effort. Researchers have started studying the impact of students’ in class on the
quality of student learning. This article summarizes the existing research. Overall
research tends to suggest that the ubiquitous use of computers in class by grade
12 students generates a drop in student attention (both the students using the
devices and their neighbors) and reduce the quality of notetaking. In a following
article, I’ll discuss the results of this research, asking whether the use of
Slowly but surely, computers have been replacing pens and paper as students’
preferred tool to take notes in class. Professors are now sometimes facing walls
of computer screens, with students watching these screens (not the professor),
their eyes showing emotions that can be quite remote from what the topic being
discussed in class should make them feel. Students who take notes on
computers are often distracted by other activities they can easily engage in
though their computers, such as surfing on the internet or using social media
The use of computers can reduces students’ attention in class because of two
economics, explains how the present often come to class with the best intension
regarding their computers, they can prefer the immediate satisfaction of an easy
Time goes by, students end-up having missed a significant part of the lecture.
Students, however, may think that this is not much of a problem, because they
believe that they will be able to catch-up the parts they missed later on (optimism
bias). The use of computers in class can therefore encourage grade 12 students
to procrastinate and reduces the efficiency of the time they spend in class.
real world. In a traditional classroom, students who were struggling to learn new
The study aims to determine the Impact of computers interaction in the life
1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
2.2 Behavior
grade 12 students of Sto. Tomas Integrated High School. The survey will be
Definition of Terms
Life. The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter,
including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual
Millennial. A person born after the 1980s who is of the first generation to come
of age in the year 2000. The U.S. Census Bureau defines a millennial as a
Technology. The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of
technical means and interrelations with life, society, and the environment,
drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and
pure science.
Related Literature
Represent in the chapter are foreign and local literature and studies
gathered from online journal resources used by the researchers who was
Foreign Literature
bases for close interaction between the learners and subject matter. With the
modules, the learners are expected to respond frequently in the interaction with
involves concept and principles on what and how our future teachers assess their
future learners. Though there are existing references in this subject, there is a
limited book that contains all the lessons stipulated in the course design or
researcher had seen the relevance of having a module in delivering the content
of this subject. Aside from the fact that will offer individualized instruction, the
module blends the theory and practice which are vital to students learning
proceed with the instructions at their own pace, also stated that modular
The amount and the pace of their learning must match with their ability,
motivation and interest, not in comparison with other learners. Gibbons (2001)
process suited to learners to advance at their own best rate through passing
unnecessary instruction and satisfying their needs, thus in individual cases, will
Working at their own pace; Assuming responsibility for learning: Students find
that textbooks are not the only source of learning; They know exactly what they
must learn; Learners are encouraged to master the module; and competition for
interaction with an instructional program, and that the rate at which the
Hughes J. L.,(2005).
The advantage offers to the teacher who uses the modular approach.
reflect special interest of the teacher and students; it allows the teacher to focus
necessity of covering the subject matter already known to students. With the use
instruction is reduced giving the teacher a chance to enjoy her personal contact
instruction, modules are more efficient mass education by giving more effective
the course plan or syllabus, preparing preliminaries and designing of the learning
activities. The design of the learning activities includes the objectives, directions,
to change their practices, shift their focus from teaching, and enhance their
of topics, a set number of hours and study forms, learning specific concepts and
Local Literature
learning that uses Self Learning Modules (SLM) based on the Most Essential
and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both teachers’ and students’
in the comfort of their homes. Limited contact with teachers will place parents or
Someone has a better understanding or higher ability level than the learner,
education. They are ‘home facilitation,’ the ‘tagapagdaloy’ means channel, but
they will not teach the subject matter. It is the teacher’s duty to teach, Dr.
specific units rather than an entire course. Another Filipino author, classified the
use of modules, together with programmed instruction, self leaning kits and
correspondence courses, and mastery learning technique, under the self pacing
following statements: It is fairly short so as to make students use their study time
work; It blends theory and practice, and combines doing with reading and
reflecting; It provides a list of further readings or sources related to the skill being
oriented in the sense that it involves the students in real situation if not possible,
tried to use stimulation technique; and It provides feedback for improvement and
and also serve to eliminate the necessity of covering subject already known to
reduces the routine aspects of instruction learning. The teacher is free to engage
units facilitated the updating of study materials without major revisions; andIt
serves as model for teachers who wish to develop their own materials and insert
Research Design
interaction in the life of select grade 12 students of Sto. Tomas Integrated High
The respondents of the study are the grade 12 of Sto. Tomas Integrated high
School. It consists of 17 males and 13 females. Their age ranges to 17-21 years
Grade 12 126 30
Research Instruments
students. The questionnaire has two parts in the first part was the profile of the
respondents. The second part were the statements that respondents needed to
be answered.
Data Gathering Procedure
Traditionally, most research and training carried out involves face to face
traditional ways. Given the risk of infection, coupled with the collection activities
are carried out, we must adapt the way in which we operate. The researchers
used online survey questionnaire method in this study. They will send it via
messenger that will be distributed to the selected 30 respondents, and they will
answer the survey form and we are going to tally their answers. The researchers
use the Likert scale to seek out the impact of computer interaction in the life of
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
Statistical Treatment
The researcher will get the total average of each question in their
prepared survey form. Therefore, researchers will determine what the impact of
computer interaction in the life of selected grade 12 students at Sto Tomas
∑ fx
X̅= n
Where: Where:
SD = Standard deviation X̅ is the mean
Σ = means “sums up” ∑fx is the sum of all value of “fx”
X = each value in data set f = the frequency
n = number of value in a data set x= the midpoint
Chapter 4
Value of r Interpretation
50% 43%
Boys Girls
Boys Girls
Figure 2. Shows the total male are 17 that equal to 57% while total of female are
13 that equalto 43%. In this research, most of the respondents are male.
18 19 20
ages. The total of the respondents is 30. Eighten (18) or 60 percent out of 30
respondents their belongs to ages 18 years old. Eight (8) or 27 pecent belings to
Academic Performance
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Mean
R1 4 2 4 5 5 4
R2 3 1 1 3 5 2.6
R3 5 3 2 1 3 2.8
R4 4 3 1 4 3 3.2
R5 4 4 3 4 3 3.6
R6 3 5 1 1 5 3
R7 5 2 4 2 5 3.6
R8 2 3 5 3 4 3.4
R9 4 4 5 2 2 3.4
R10 1 2 3 4 4 2.8
R11 4 2 1 4 3 2.8
R12 3 1 2 5 5 3.2
R13 2 3 5 5 5 4
R14 2 1 4 5 4 3.2
R15 3 1 2 5 3 2.8
R16 3 3 2 4 4 3.2
R17 1 2 3 3 2 2.2
R18 2 5 5 3 3 3.6
R19 4 5 4 2 2 3.4
R20 4 1 1 2 2 2
R21 2 5 3 5 5 4
R22 1 4 3 4 5 3.4
R23 3 4 2 4 3 3.2
R24 2 2 1 3 2 2
R25 5 2 1 3 3 2.8
R26 4 5 4 5 4 4.4
R27 4 1 2 5 4 3.2
R28 1 1 3 1 3 1.8
R29 3 4 2 2 2 2.6
R30 2 3 1 4 1 2.2
Frequency Distribution
Academic Performance
R1 3 2 5 2 3 4.8
R2 4 3 4 3 3 5.1
R3 3 2 4 2 2 3.9
R4 4 4 5 4 4 6.3
R5 2 4 3 4 2 4.5
R6 3 1 3 3 2 3.6
R7 4 3 2 3 3 4.5
R8 3 2 4 3 3 4.5
R9 2 1 4 2 4 3.9
R10 4 3 3 4 3 5.1
R11 3 3 3 4 2 4.5
R12 4 4 5 5 2 6
R13 2 5 5 3 1 4.8
R14 2 3 2 3 3 3.9
R15 3 2 4 3 3 4.5
R16 1 3 5 4 5 5.4
R17 3 3 4 4 5 5.7
R18 3 3 4 5 4 5.7
R19 4 3 5 5 4 6.3
R20 5 3 3 4 3 5.4
R21 3 4 4 3 3 5.1
R22 2 5 3 3 4 5.1
R23 4 3 5 3 5 6
R24 3 5 5 4 4 6.3
R25 4 3 5 4 3 5.7
R26 5 4 3 5 4 6.3
R27 2 3 4 4 3 4.8
R28 3 4 5 3 4 5.7
R29 4 3 5 3 3 5.4
R30 5 4 4 3 5 6.3
computers interaction on the life of selected Grade 12 students The study was
descriptive research method to interpret the results o the study. The tool that was
Summary of Findings
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
seventeen (17) students, or 57% belonged to the male gender, while thirteen (13)
students or 43% belonged to the female ender. The collected data on SOP 3,
That shows the mean level of awareness of grade 12 on the use of computer
with the total mean of 3.58 are “agree” with the verbal interpretation of
satisfaction of satisfactory that show they are aware on the use of computer.
After analyzing the data and interpreting the findings the researchers
student’s computer behavior. The study concludes that grade 12 students are
Furthermore, the study finds that the impact of computers on the Grade 12
behavior is dependent on the learner’s potential in how they would utilize and
more understanding thus making the students engage in the technology with
their learners occasionally discussing the proper purposes and harms of using
Acelejado, (2007)
Duker, (2000)
Fe C. Nepomuceno, (2000)
Gibbons (2001)
Hughes J. L.,(2005)
Lardizabal, (2001)
Appendix A
This questionnaire has been designed to obtain information about impact of
computer interaction in the life of selected grade 12 students and the academic
performance and behavior. Thank you for taking the time to complete this
sections and 10 items of questions for each item, choose the option that best
5- Strongly Agree
3- Moderately Agree
1-Stronly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1
function of a computer.
academic purposes.
6. I am determined to improve my
cellphones or computers.
videos on my gadgets.
to sharpen my understanding.
Appendix B
Letter of Approval
Mrs. Ernilla B. Bagayana
Calauan, Laguna
Mrs. Bagayana
Warmest Greetings!
We want to ask your permission to allow us to conduct a survey among the grade
12 students of Sto. Tomas Integrated High School. This is the view of our
Your approval to conduct this study be much appreciated. Thank you in advance
Respectfully Yours,
The researchers
Appendix C
For Respondents,
The research of this study entitled “Impact of computer interaction in the life of
In the view of this study they are just answered this questionnaire assured all the
Sincerely Yours,
Abarientos, Josephine M.
Abas, Michille B.
Atienza, Jay Ar M.
Pastoril, Ailyn J.
Name: Abarientos, Josephine M.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Valenzuela
Name: Abas, Michille B.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Name: Abenojar, Rainier Vincent M.
Gender: Male
Name: Artagame, Ma. Amex F.
Gender: Female
Name: Atienza, Jay ar M.
Gender: Male
Name: Pastoril, Ailyn J.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Name: Panambo, Ma. Justine B.
Gender: Female
Quotations: Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to
copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.