SWOT Analysis: Special Training Center of Athletic: Hari Setijono Kunjung Ashadi Amrozi Khamidi
SWOT Analysis: Special Training Center of Athletic: Hari Setijono Kunjung Ashadi Amrozi Khamidi
SWOT Analysis: Special Training Center of Athletic: Hari Setijono Kunjung Ashadi Amrozi Khamidi
Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports (ISMOPHS 2019)
concentration of athletic training. Regeneration of Questions asked about the trainer were related to
athletes can be done through the process of breeding and training schedules, training programs, systems, and rules
fostering athletes which are carried out continuously with that were applied in STCA. Questions asked to athletes
the aim of achieving achievements in the future [9]. were related to training schedules, training programs,
systems and rules that were applied in STCA. While the
In performance sports, it is important to think of
questions asked to the management included the system
athlete regeneration for the sake of continuity of
and rules that were applied in STCA. Furthermore,
achievement for Indonesia's athletic future. This is in
observations were made to check the suitability of the
accordance with the mandate of the National Sports Law
results of the data answers to the research subjects with
No. 3 of 2005 which states that the development and
the situation in the field.
development of achievement sports involving potential
young sportsmen and the results of monitoring, guiding, Observations were made on the athletic field and
and developing talent as a regeneration process. Related STCA dormitory to ensure the correctness of the answers
to this, since 2017, the East Java Indonesian Athletics and facts in the field regarding the training schedule,
Association (PASI JATIM) has created a special training training program, rules and systems that were applied in
center of athletics (STCA) which aims to foster junior STCA. Qualitative data analysis was done by grouping
athletic athletes who are expected to become athletic similar data in a group of similar data writing. Qualitative
athletes who are ready to perform at senior levels in the data were presented descriptively so that it was easily
future. understood. All qualitative data were evaluated using a
The aim of STCA is to produce potential junior SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
athletes who can later be recruited to become senior and Threats).
athletes at regional or national training centers. The
athletes selected to enter the STCA program are aged 15- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
18 years old. They are selected through the achievements
of various championships and selection of athletic talent Special training center of athletic (STCA) is a training
scouts. This is in accordance with the Presidential center located in Lidah Wetan Surabaya. In STCA there
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of are 4 trainers, 12 athletes and 4 STCA administrators.
2017 concerning the improvement of national sports Each trainer has a different task specialization according
achievements which mandates that the selection of to the number of each race. This program has been
aspiring athlete trainers is carried out by the parent of the running since 2017 until now. The STCA program is a
sport [10]. program created by PASI East Java as an effort to breed
potential athletes who perform at the senior level. So it
Currently, the STCA program has been running for can be said that STCA is a place for printing potential
two years. The problem is that it has not yet known junior athletes who are expected to be able to become
whether the implementation of the STCA program has great athletic athletes in the future.
been on the right track in the effort to achieve the highest
achievements. In addition, it has also not known what are In STCA, a written system and rules are in place with
the things that must be maintained, changed, added and the aim that the program runs optimally. With the
deleted in the Athletics program. In general, the urgency existence of written rules, it limits a person to behave and
of this study is to prove the concept of the role of sports behave in accordance with existing agreements [11]. The
science in fostering sports achievements. Through the following below describes the systems that are applied in
research, it will be known whether there is a relationship STCA starting from the general system, input, process
between the application of sports science and sports and output.
3.1 General System
2. METHOD The athletes, coaches and administrators who have
been recruited in the STCA program are bound to the rules
To obtain qualitative data, the research instruments in writing with PASI JATIM regarding the
used were interviews and observations. Interviews with implementation of the STCA program. With the official
open questions were conducted to explore data freely and rules making STCA program implementers strictly bound
broadly without fixing on the boundaries of the question. and compliant with the applicable regulations. Athletes
Interviews were conducted on 2 trainers, athletes, and and coaches must conduct daily attendance checked and
administrators so that the data triangulation process reported by the STCA board to the leaders of PASI East
occurred and the data obtained were correct. The Java. This is done to maintain the consistency of the
selection of research subjects was based on the presence of coaches and athletes in the STCA program.
consideration of the researchers, namely the athletes,
coaches, and administrators selected were individuals To create a competitive atmosphere, the system used
from the beginning involved for 2 years in STCA so that in an effort to improve achievement is through a system
they detail understood the situation at STCA. of promotion and degradation. This is applied to athletes
and coaches. Promotion is given to potential athletes who
have the potential to develop their achievements in the
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 31
STCA program after success through a series of athlete authentic evidence such as award certificates, training
recruitment stages. If the athlete meets the requirements, certificates.
he will be included in the STCA program to replace the
The STCA trainer selection process is carried out by
position of the degraded athlete. Athletes are considered
the leadership of PASI East Java which consists of
successful if they can improve their best time record
general chairpersons, daily chairpersons and general
(personal best), while athletes who are considered to be
secretaries. Criteria for becoming a coach of STCA are:
failed if the best time record does not increase compared
to the first time entering STCA or can be said to not - Has an IAAF level 1 athletic
develop. Successful athletes will survive in the STCA - Has an educational background in the field of sports
program or even be taken by the Provincial or National - Have experience in training one athletic number
Training Center, while less developed athletes will be - Have experience bringing athletes/contingents in
excluded from the STCA program. Furthermore, the athletic competitions
coach who is considered successful is if he is able to make - Maximum age of 35 years in the interview period
the athlete experience an increasing best time record - Have high enthusiasm to advance athletic achievement
(personal best), while the coach is said to be unsuccessful - Willing to train full time and live in Surabaya
if the athlete he handles does not develop within one year. Recruitment for the selection of STCA athletic
If this happens, the trainer must be prepared to be athletes is very different from the coach selection process.
excluded from the STCA program. The athlete selection process consists of several stages of
In STCA, it has implemented a comprehensive system the process. In the first stage is the search for potential
in supporting achievements, namely through the athletes who will later become residents of STCA. This
implementation of sports science that has been done well. process is carried out during the implementation of junior
The STCA program has involved nutritionists, sports tests level athletic championships. This is similar to the
and measurements, biomechanics, psychology, and recruitment process carried out by Central Java Program
medicine. Nutritionists are in charge of compiling daily of Education & Training for Athletics Athletes (PPLP
food programs for athletes, sports tests and Jawa Tengah) [13]. Some athletes who won the race were
measurements are carried out continuously to determine asked to take body anthropometry measurements as well
the progress and improvement of athletes 'physical as physical tests. This test was carried out by a team of
conditions, biomechanical support is given to evaluate sports tests and measurements carried by PASI East Java.
athletic movement techniques, psychological support is
In monitoring potential athletes in the championship,
carried out to determine athletes' mental condition while
an athletic talent identification team analyzed the
medicine supports athletic health, for example, illness and
appearance of the junior athlete during the race. If the
sports injury conditions.
athlete is considered to have a prominent posture or good
To support the delay of the system, a set of rules in motion technique according to their respective numbers,
STCA is arranged, including: the athlete will also be recommended by identification of
talent to be sent to the test team and sports measurement
- Athletes must turn off communication devices at 09.00
so anthropometry measurements and physical condition
tests will be carried out. In addition to observing field
- The athlete must sleep at the latest at 10.00 PM
appearances while competing and the results of
- Athletes are required to take a nap in the duration
achievements in the race, then the way to capture
between 30 until 90 minutes
prospective athletes in the athletic championship is also
- Athletes and coaches are required to conduct attendance
done by looking at the race numbers that are rarely in
every day known to the head of the hostel
demand or seldom have athletes. Examples are fast road
- Athletes are prohibited from leaving the hostel without
numbers or long distance runs. If athletes are found in
permission from the coach and head of the hostel
numbers that rarely have athletes, the prospective athlete
- Athletes who have free sessions without training are
will also be asked to take anthropometric measurements
allowed a maximum of 10.00 PM
and test physical conditions.
- Athletes and coaches who are unable to increase their
performance within one year will be evaluated and are Conclusions and discussions based on the results of
likely to be degraded. field observations, the results of anthropometric
measurements and opportunities for race numbers that
3.2 Coach and Athlete Recruitment System have the chance of medals will be used as the basis for
Recruitment has a strategic goal that focuses on the making decisions in the list of candidates for athletes who
need to attract high-quality people so that the can be recommended following the selection process at
organization can run optimally [12]. Currently, STCA has the next stage. The second stage is calling on athletes,
4 coaches. The recruitment of trainers was obtained parents and coaches to explore the possibility of joining
through an interview process and file checking. STCA. This stage was carried out by Pengprov PASI
Interviews were conducted to gather information Jatim by conducting interviews with athletes, parents and
regarding the background and experience of the trainers also athletic trainers from these athletes. This is important
while checking the files was done to ensure that the because parental support has a positive correlation with
speech delivered by the trainers was supported by athlete achievement motivation [14]. If athletes, parents
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 31
and coaches are willing to sincerely release the athlete to delivered by a service catering service that has fulfilled
stay and practice in Surabaya under the STCA auspices, special menu requests according to nutritionist
the athlete is permitted to take part in the third selection recommendations to meet the nutritional needs of STCA
process. But in some cases, the athlete's parents refuse the athletes. To fulfil the educational rights of STCA
offer so that their children can stay and practice in athletes, homeschooling is carried out for all athletes held
Surabaya and take part in the STCA program with the in a dormitory environment.
excuse that they are not ready to part with their children.
At the third stage of the selection process, health tests, 3.4 STCA Evaluation System
psychological tests and physical condition tests are Without evaluation, development and improvement
carried out. Health tests are conducted to determine the are very difficult [17]. To evaluate the continuity of the
pulmonary heart condition and the risk of color blindness. STCA program, regular meetings are always held at the
Psychological tests are conducted to determine the beginning of each month. In addition to the regular
athlete's level of motivation, independence and mental meetings before the race and after the competition, an
toughness, while physical tests are conducted to evaluation meeting was held by Pengprov PASI Jatim by
determine the athlete's initial physical condition before inviting trainers and administrators of PASI East Java.
getting a touch of an exercise program from the STCA
trainer. The results of health tests, psychology and On this occasion, will be reviewed the preparation of
physical conditions of prospective athletes were used as the race and after the competition discusses the
the finalization of the basic determination to become comparison between the target design and the realization
STCA athletes. of medals obtained, examines the factors causing failure
to achieve targets through discussions from various
perspectives both in terms of trainers, experts in the
3.3 The STCA Program Implementation
physical and health fields. The evaluation results are used
Process as a platform to be more vigilant and an effort to make
System STCA athletes are trained by trainers who improvements in the process towards the next athletic
match their respective race numbers. The athletes championship.
undergo a rigorous training program with a
comprehensive system. The athletes attended a training 3.5 STCA Program Output System
program session of 10 sessions per week, with a duration
of 120 minutes per session. The exercises are carried out STCA athletes with outstanding achievements will
in the morning starting at 6:00 a.m. 08.00 AM, while in generally be asked to move to a provincial or national
the afternoon it will be at 3:30 a.m. 05.30 PM. The training center. Those whose achievements are shiny will
training program was carried out in several places within be made as provincial athletic athletes or even national
the Surabaya State University according to the needs of athletes. If the athlete is recruited by a higher level, this
the training program. The STCA training ground includes is a success of the STCA program, because this program
athletic fields, sports science and fitness centers and aims to foster the potential of junior athletes to be able to
swimming pools. develop optimally so that it can become the athletic
backbone for the province or national level. In some
Athletes and coaches live in the STCA dormitory situations, former STCA athletes who lack shine in a
under the supervision of the head of the hostel. Teen provincial or national training center program can be
athletes who are far from parents are prone to new returned to the STCA program to get back touch repairs.
environmental stress if they do not have good adaptability. If in the time development of the athlete returns to shine
With good social support, new environmental stress can then it can be recruited again by the provincial or national
be minimized [15]. The head of the hostel, coaches and training center, but if the athlete's performance decreases,
friends of athletes have a central role in helping new it will experience degradation from the STCA program.
athletes to easily adapt to the STCA dormitory Based on the discussion above, the following SWOT
environment. In addition, the head of the dormitory is in analysis is presented.
charge of monitoring the situation in the dormitory as
well as meeting the daily needs of the dormitory 3.6 SWOT Analysis of STCA Program
residents. In the dormitory rooms have been available for
coaches, athletes wherein one room can be Based on the previous discussion, it can be concluded
accommodated a maximum of 2 people. To fulfil the that there are strength, weaknesses, opportunities and
comfort in the dormitory, air conditioning is provided in treats experienced by the STCA program, namely:
the room as well as a TV in the common room. The
3.6.1 Strengths
availability of a clean bathroom with sufficient quantities
has also been fulfilled at STCA which allows the coach The STCA program has several advantages, namely:
and athlete to feel comfortable in the dormitory.
- Funding. The PASI Jatim special TC program is
To meet the nutritional needs of athletes and coaches, supported by good funding. TC athletes, coaches and
STCA dormitories have been provided three times a day administrators specifically get a salary from Pengprov
and extra food twice a day. The consumption menu is PASI Jatim for their involvement in the program.
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 31
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 31