The Confederal Executive Committee of Ccoo in View of The New Position of The Spanish Government On Western Sahara
The Confederal Executive Committee of Ccoo in View of The New Position of The Spanish Government On Western Sahara
The Confederal Executive Committee of Ccoo in View of The New Position of The Spanish Government On Western Sahara
From our astonishment at this news and FOR ALL THESE REASONS, CCOO
our deep concern about the impact that this DEMANDS THE GOVERNMENT OF
decision may have on the lives of Sahrawi
men and women, the Executive Com-
mittee of CCOO reminds the
Government of Spain: 4 To proceed, as soon as possible, to give
the appropriate explanations for a decision
that has surprised Spanish public opinion
n That international law does not recognise and to reconsider this position, which con-
any Moroccan sovereignty or jurisdiction over travenes all known international resolutions
the territory of Western Sahara, nor does it on Western Sahara, thus expressing its une-
consider Morocco as the administering Power quivocal support for international resolutions
of the territory. This is confirmed, among other and respect for human rights in the occupied
international norms and resolutions, by the by Morocco, and taking into account the re-
UN Charter (Chapter 73), the UN Convention commendations and rulings emanating from
on the Law of the Sea, the 1975 advisory opinion the European Court of Justice and other in-
of the International Court of Justice on Western ternational bodies.
Sahara and the 2002 UN opinion.
4 To comply with international law and as-
n That Morocco’s presence in the Sahrawi
sume the role of decolonisation of a territory
territory is only mentioned as an act of military
that it abandoned to its fate, signing illegal
“occupation” (UN General Assemblies Resolu-
and pre-constitutional agreements without
tions 34/39 of 1979 and 35/19 of 1980) and that
assuming the role that international law
it should be terminated.
obliges to assume and violating the rights
n That Western Sahara is still on the UN generated by the Sahrawi workers during
list of “non-self-governing territories”, and the colonial period.
its final political status has not yet been de-
termined by the people of Western Sahara 4 To respect the decisions and negotia-
through the exercise of their legitimate right to tions of the legitimate representative of the
self-determination, as clearly stated in all UN Sahrawi people, the Polisario Front, in or-
Resolutions, especially UN General Assembly der to reach a just and definitive solution
Resolution 1514 of 1960. to this last case of decolonisation in Africa,
based on international legality and related
n The systematic plundering of Sahrawi to decolonisation.
natural resources by Morocco, the EU and
others and the serious and systematic human 4 To facilitate ways for a negotiated solu-
rights violations in the occupied territories tion to the conflict within international lega-
of Western Sahara, widely documented and lity, which in no case involves unilaterally
denounced by international human rights supporting the theses proposed by the King-
organisations and the Office of the UN High dom of Morocco on the autonomy of Western
Commissioner for Human Rights. Sahara.