Final Examination Sed Prof 222
Final Examination Sed Prof 222
Final Examination Sed Prof 222
Final Examamination
SEd Prof. 222 : Assessment in Learning 2
I. Multiple Choice : Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the letter of
your choice on the space provided before the number. (1 pt. each)
1. This is a purposeful collection of student’s work that exhibits the student’s
efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas. What is it?
a. Narrative report c. Report card
b. Portfolio d. Research study
2. Refer to the given situation:
The following is one measure of attitude where a subject is asked to check
the blank that corresponds to his/her answer.
Being Liked by other Students
Important ------------------ Unimportant
Pleasant -------------------- Unpleasant
Question : What measure of attitude is used in the above situation?
a. Checklist c. Questionnaire Checklist
b. Likert scale d. Semantic Differential
3. This is a portfolio which only shows the best of the student’s outputs and
products. What is it?
a. Documentation Portfolio c. Process Portfolio
b. Growth Portfolio d. Showcase Portfolio
4. This may be defined as a systematic, continuous and comprehensive process of
determining the growth and progress of the student towards objectives or
values of the curriculum. Which of the following is this?
a. Assessment c. Measurement
b. Evaluation d. Testing
5. It is the process of evaluating the instruction of a given course. What is it?
a. Competency Evaluation c. Educational Evaluation
b. Course Evaluation d. Program Evaluation
6. Which of the following approaches is a set of principles beliefs, or ideas
about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom?
a. Education Approach
b. Evaluation Approach
c. Learning Approach
d. Teaching Approach
7. What is the teaching approach used when more students talk and less teacher
talk happen in the classroom?
a. Constructivist Approach
b. Integrated Approach
c. Interactive Approach
d. Teaching – Centered Approach
a. 89 % c. 90 %
b. 89.8 % d. 93 %
10. Which of the following is given emphasis in the K – 12 assessment
a. Performance Tasks c. Written Works
b. Quarterly Assessment d. Written Works and Performance Tasks
II. Modified True or False. Read each of the following statements carefully. Then,
write T if the statement is true. If it is not, change the underline word/words with the
correct one to make it true. Write your answer on the space provided before the
number. (2 pts. each)
__HIGHER_______ 2. For effective grading, be fair. When in doubt, give the lower grade.
_____T____ 4. Do not lower an achievement grade for tardiness, weak effect or misbehavior.
______T___ 5. Grading is the process of judging the quality of the education of a student.
_______DIFFERENT__ 6. When “grading on the normal curve”, school staff should set fair
ranges of grades for similar groups.
_____T____ 9. For parent- teacher conferences, use good human relation skills.
III. Direction: Indicate whether each of the following statements describes a Desirable
practice or Undesirable practice in conducting parent – teacher conferences. Write
your answer on the space provided before the number. (1pt. each)
Desirable Practice1. Before the conference, assemble a portfolio of specific information about
and examples of the student’s learning progress.
Undesirable Practice3. Make clear to parents that, as a teacher, you know what is best for the
student’s learning and development.
Undesirable Practice4. Begin the conference by describing the student’s learning difficulties.
Desirable Practice5. End the conference with a positive comment about the students.