Assessment of Learning II

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Assessment of Learning II

NAME: ________________________________ Score: ________

Course, Year & Section: _________________ Date: _________

Direction: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences. WRITE YOUR
1. It is purposeful collection of students work samples, student self-assessments and
student progress.
2. It is a process that is used to keep track of learners’ progress in relation to learning
standards and in the development of 21 st-century skills; to promote self-reflection and
personal accountability among students about their own learning.
3. Assessment tool that consists of a number of categories. These are usually assigned
4. Defined as amental predisposition to act that is expressed by evaluating a particular
entity with some degree of favor or disfavor.
5. Willing to be perceived by others as attaching importance to certain ideas, materials,
or phenomena.
6. The most common measurement tool in the affective domain and also called,
“written reflections”
7. Refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behavior.
8. He stated that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, while others
do not, but if absent lead to dissatisfaction
9. This is often used when the teacher wants to observe the approach behaviors and
avoidance behaviors.
10. Committed in some small measure to the ideas, materials, or phenomena involved
by actively responding to the.


A. Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if you think
a statement is TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement is FALSE.
1. Checklists only indicate if a student can accomplish the listed objectives. Nothing
about the quality of performance
2. Portfolio tends to be more complete and comprehensive if teachers collect evidence
of students’ learning instead of students themselves doing so.
3. Giving students choice tends to make them more judgmental.
4. Learners are more likely to learn when they’re engage in the learning and assessment
5. Portfolios communicate more effectively when the viewer knows why particular
evidence has been included.


A. Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer then
write it on the space before each number.

1. Highlight the best products over a particular time, period or course.

2. It demonstrates all facets or phases of the learning process.
3. include written analysis and reflections by the student upon the decision-making
process(es) used to determine which works are included.
4. This approach involves a collection of work over time showing growth and
improvement reflecting students’ learning of intended outcomes.
5. Concentrate on the journey of learning rather than the final destination or end
products of the learning process.

B. Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer then
write it on the space before each number.

__6. Which of the following is NOT a method of traditional assessment?

A. Multiple choice C. Fill in the blank
B. True or False D. Portfolio
__7. It is a continuous assessment based on the collection of information that shows
the development of the ability of learners in a given period.
A. Written Assessment C. Attitude Assessment
B. Observation Assessment D. Portfolio Assessment
__8. The instrument (form, test, rubric, etc.) that is used to collect data for each
outcome. The actual product that is handed out to students for the purpose of assessing
whether they have achieved a particular learning outcome(s).
A. Assessment technique C. Assessment report
B. Assessment tool D. Assessment method
__9. A portfolio may have the following contents, EXCEPT
A. Best works of the students C. Extracurricular activities
B. Daily Time Record D. Individual student’s work
__10. These are some of the advantages of collecting a portfolio, EXCEPT
A. Involves collaborative assessment
B. Product help teachers diagnose learning difficulties
C. Students are actively involved in self-evaluation and self-reflection
D. Students can easily compare their works with others
__11. Determines how well a student performs on an explicit objectives relative to a
predetermined performance level, such as grade-level expectations or mastery. These
tests do not help teachers compare student results to those of other test taker.
A. Norm-referenced assessment C. Summative assessment
B. Criterion- referenced assessment D. Standards-based assessment
__12. What are the benefits of student involvement in their own assessment process?
A. Increased motivation to learn
B. Increased validity and reliability of classroom assessment
C. Sense of ownership
D. All of the above
__13. This assessment tool is called
Relaxing _ _ _ Tiresome
Worthwhile _ _ _ Useless

A. Semantic Differential Scale C. Checklist

B. Likert Scale D. Rating Scale
__14. Portfolio construction involves skills such as:
A. Awareness of audience
B. Awareness of personal learning needs
C. Development of skills necessary to complete a task
D. All of the above
__15. Provides for two-way reporting
A. Traditional letter grade (A, B, C, D, F)
B. Two-letter grade (pass, fail)
C. Checklist of objectives
D. Parent-teacher conference
__16. Provides most useful learning guide to student.
A. Traditional letter grade (A, B, C, D, F)
B. Two-letter grade (pass, fail)
C. Checklist of objectives
D. Parent-teacher conference
__17. Provides least information concerning learning.
A. Traditional letter grade (A, B, C, D, F)
B. Two-letter grade (pass, fail)
C. Checklist of objectives
D. Parent-teacher conference
__18. Most preferred by college admission officers.
A. Traditional letter grade (A, B, C, D, F)
B. Two-letter grade (pass, fail)
C. Checklist of objectives
D. Parent-teacher conference
__19. Maybe too complex to be understood by parents.
A. Traditional letter grade (A, B, C, D, F)
B Two-letter grade (pass, fail)
C. Checklist of objectives
D. Parent-teacher conference
__20. Most widely used method of reporting in high school.
A. Traditional letter grade (A, B, C, D, F)
B Two-letter grade (pass, fail)
C. Checklist of objectives
D. Parent-teacher conference

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