George Vithoulkas Materia Medica Viva - Volume 1: Reading Excerpt

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Abies canadensis can help with digestive issues like excessive hunger, gnawing pain in the stomach, distension after eating, and issues related to the liver and gallbladder.

Abies canadensis can help with excessive hunger, gnawing pain in the stomach, distension and rumbling after eating, tendency to eat beyond digestive capacity, and burning pain in the rectum.

It can help with tipsy/lightheaded feeling in the head, cold feeling in the bloodstream, sensation of a wet cloth between the shoulder blades, weakness and fatigue.

George Vithoulkas

Materia Medica Viva - Volume 1

Reading excerpt
Materia Medica Viva - Volume 1
of George Vithoulkas
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Pinus canadensis, Hemlock spruce, Canada Pitch and Canada Balsam.

Natural order: Coniferae
Mode of preparation: We prepare a homeopathic tincture from the fresh bark and
young buds.


This remedy has not been proven in such a way as to bring out the
mental-emotional symptomatology clearly. But we still have a unique
picture of the remedy according to which we can prescribe it. Abies-
canadensies is indicated in cases where you have probably failed with
such remedies as Nux-v, Sepia, Chelidonium and Lyc.
The problems of these patients are focused mainly in the digestive
system with the first target being the mucous membranes of the
stomach. We see an increase of gastric juices that have as a result a
tremendous gnawing hunger. The person has the feeling that he
cannot stand it, that it is eating up his stomach and that he has to eat
something immediately to relieve this gnawing pain. There is an empty
feeling in the stomach that cannot be satisfied with any amount of food.
As a result he may be eating much more than he can digest and
eventually feels that he has overloaded the stomach.
These patients can feel light-headed, with a sensation of swimming in
the head. They describe it as a tipsy feeling in the head.
Together with the above symptomatology Abies-canadensies is easily
prone to feel tired, a feeling of debility that makes him feel that he
wants to lie down, wants to rest all the time.
Another keynote is that he wants to lie down with the legs drawn
up. It is as if there were an effort on the part of the organism to prevent
a feeling of dragging down of the intestines, a feeling of debility which
goes through the internal organs. In the women we see prolapse or
displacement of the uterus (Sep.) and they describe it as if the uterus
were soft. The liver is eventually affected. It works sluggishly, and the
patient feels as though the liver were small and hard. Sometimes
there is a pain in right hypochondrium extending to the right scapula

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel. 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from G. Vithoulkas: Materia Medica 1
Abies Canadensis

(Chel.) and many times constipation with a burning feeling in

rectum. There is distension of the stomach with eructations, or
rumbling in the abdomen with distension. The distension has an effect
on the heart and respiration, where we see strong palpitations after
eating and labored breathing.
This torpidity of the liver and the general debility point to a wrong
assimilation of food which is further aggravated by the peculiar type of
food that he craves, coarse food like radishes, pickles, turnips,
artichokes, highly seasoned food, meat; we may on the other hand
see an aversion to such food and a definite aversion to acid food
With this symptomatology the patient becomes irritable, ill humored, he
is cross, peevish, feels on edge, and becomes snappish. Mentally he will
give you a picture similar to Nux-vom., without being as impatient,
irritable, nor short tempered, but more peevish and less active. Actually
the Abies-canadensies patient has neither stamina nor drive; there is a
deep sluggishness that will not go away by eating stimulating food,
unlike Nux-vom.
In Abies canadensies we do not see the heartburns, so prominent with
Nux-vom., that are largely associated with active people. This remedy is
much quieter, sometimes giving the impression that he does not care
about things, and what is prominent is the fact that he is tired in body
and mind. He feels mentally exhausted, confused and looks as if he
is dazed. It is a remedy that can be indicated in brain fag due to a wrong
assimilation, to a sluggish liver with all its ill-effects and repercussions. It
is a remedy that has a concrete physical symptomatology that can be
applied to diseases like duodenal ulcers, gastritis, liver and gall bladder
affections, hypoglycemia, etc.
It is a chilly remedy in general but what is peculiar is a cold feeling in
the blood stream as if the blood was iced water. Where he mostly
feels the cold is between the shoulder blades as though there were a
wet cloth stuck in this area. This symptom can guide you to prescribe
this remedy in acute respiratory problems, or influenza. In influenza you
will often prescribe Gelsemium instead of Abies canadensies because
both have the exhaustion, the paralytic weakness, but the deep coldness
and especially the sensation of the wet cloth on back that belongs to this

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel. 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from G. Vithoulkas: Materia Medica 1
Abies Canadensis

So in this remedy we see that, in spite of the fact that we do not have a
big or a complete picture, the remedy is full of peculiar symptoms that
can guide us to its correct prescription.

Abies-canadensies is a cold remedy with a feeling of coldness in the
blood vessels.
Fainting feeling originating from the epigastrium.
Very faint as if the top of the head were congested: drunken feeling.
Due to the tipsy feeling in the head it might be indicated for the after
effects of intoxication.
It is aggravated by the coarse, indigestible food that the patient craves.
Aggravated by tea.
Pressure ameliorates the pains.
Weakness, enervation, debility.
Twitching of the muscles.
Constant inclination to lie down and rest.
It is a right sided remedy.

Tipsy feeling; swimming of the head; light-headed.

You can prescribe it with quite a degree of certainty when the patient focusses his
symptomatology upon an increased hunger in general. A gnawing, ravenous,
canine, excessive appetite, an empty, weak feeling and faintness felt in the
Great appetite with rumbling in stomach and bowels after eating.
Tendency to eat far beyond the capacity for digestion. Has an
aversion to acids; meat; pickles.
Has a craving for coarse food, meat, pickles, radishes, turnips, artichokes, and
indigestible food which all can aggravate his condition. In addition he has the tendency
to eat far beyond the capacity of his digestion. The effect is flatulence and distention of
stomach and abdomen, which causes palpitation and laboured respiration.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel. 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from G. Vithoulkas: Materia Medica 1
Abies Canadensis

Distention and rumbling in abdomen after eating.
Liver and region of liver feel hard especially when moving.
Sensation that his right lung and liver are small and hard.
Complaints from spleen.

Constipation with a burning pain in rectum.

Female -genitalia
Displacement of uterus.
Pressure ameliorates pain in uterus.
A feeling as if the uterus were weak and soft.
Sore feeling at the fundus of the uterus, relieved by pressing.

Palpitations especially after eating, due to flatulence.
Sensation that his right lung and liver are small and hard.

Pain in the dorsal region under the right scapula.
Coldness in the dorsal region between the scapulae as if there were a wet cloth
stuck there, coldness extending down back.

Cold hands.
Lies with knees drawn up.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel. 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from G. Vithoulkas: Materia Medica 1
Abies Canadensis

Hand is shrivelled as if shrunken.

Has perspiration at night; clammy and sticky. Cold
shiverings as if blood were ice water. Chills run
down the back. Night sweats.

Sleeps with limbs drawn up.

Indigestion. Troubles from indigestion. Gastritis, duodenal ulcer.
Prolapse of uterus. Uterine displacement.

Compare Abies nigra, Chelidonium, Lyc., Nux vomica.

From the lowest to 200.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel. 07626 974 970-0

Excerpt from G. Vithoulkas: Materia Medica 1

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