Homeopathic Treatment For MEASLES
Homeopathic Treatment For MEASLES
Homeopathic Treatment For MEASLES
This is a very common viral disease caused by the MORBILLIOUS virus and that used to be
almost compulsory. Currently most of new born babies receive the MMR vaccine and are
therefore protected during their childhood. However the disease is becoming more and
more common those last few years because on one hand young adults catch it despites
their childhood vaccine and on the other hand more and more families refuse the non-
compulsory vaccine because it is said to have severe side effects such as autism.
This childhood disease has the same symptoms of a febrile and acute rhino pharyngitis
with a severe conjunctivitis and an eruptions of small whitish spots that looks like grains of
salt on a red background inside of the cheeks (KOPLICK spots). The incubation after
contamination is 10 days , then there is four days of fever after what the eruption
appears. The fever decreases for three days while the eruption spreads all over the body
from head to toe and then disappears after four days. There can be some complication
such as bacterial (otitis, pneumo-pathology) or even viral super infection (early or even
late encephalitis what is quite rare). With homeopathy this disease is well managed and
complication will be avoided.
This is a human childhood disease and therefore doesn’t exist in animals. This disease
allow the child to sort out the problems coming from the too tight bond between mother
and child, what is the FREUD ‘s oral stage. By doing so the child will be able to get to the
ANAL stage and then learn how to talk. It is may be why we have been counting so
many cases of AUTISM since the introduction of the systematic vaccination: the vaccine
would block a disease essential for the good development of the brain and the proper set
up of the immunity system. This could explain the disastrous increase of number of food
and respiratory allergies cases that have been noticed the last twenty years in developed
countries where all children are vaccinated.
Allopathic medicine offers very few possibilities to treat measles which is a viral disease.
After the contamination an early vaccine or some gamma globulin can be offered to try to
minimize the illness. Then we have only symptomatic treatment; antipyretics for the fever
and some antibiotics in case of infectious complication. And in case of encephalitis there is
the reanimation in hospital.
Prevention: before or straight after the contamination one dose of
MORBILLINUM 12C can be taken what will significantly reduce the effect
of the disease.
Curative treatment:
PULSATILLA 6C (or 18X): this is the chief remedy for measles. The child is clingy with
the mother or with the teddy bear. There is a fever with no thirst, heated child, worse
around 6am or 4 pm.
Conjunctivitis and suppurating rhinitis with a greenish nasal discharge.
EUPHRASIA 6C (or 12X) will be preferred if the ocular involvement dominate the picture
with photophobia and intense lacrimation irritating around the eyes and the cheeks.
FERRUM PHOSPHORICUL 6C or 12X will be the right remedy in less acute cases with a
fever not over 38,5°C, a dry cough and epistaxis.
STRAMONIUM 6C or 12X could quickly solve a severe case with high fever over 40°C,
delirium, intense suppurating conjunctivitis with eyes stuck together by the pus. The
lower limbs are cold during the fever.
SQUILLA MARITIMA 6C or 12X is one of the great remedy for measles with a
violent and tiring cough. The child rubs his face during the cough, involuntary passing
of urine during the cough and sneezing. Diarrhea after measles. To be noticed that this
remedy acts on the blood circulation at the level of the coronary in an adult patient.
SULFUR : one dose in 6C or 12X for a child who still has fever despite the eruption
being out and who is still relax and playful.
ZINCUM METALLICUM: the eruption takes time to appear in a sleep walking child,
castrated by a too severe father and who has a restlessness of the lower limbs.
VOMITING during measles: ANTIMINUM CRUDUM 6C or 12X; The child is greedy and
OTITIS: very common during measles. The main remedy is PUSLATILLA 12C or 24X and if
it is not effective those following remedies should be considered: BOVISTA, CACTUS,
COUGH during measles: if SQUILLA 6C or 12X doesn’t work, those remedies should be
If the child coughs only by day CUPRUM (could accelerate the coming out of the rash).
PNEUMOPATHY during measles: KALI CARBONICUM (6C or 12X) bad temper: wants
company but treats her badly. Ticklish, desire for sugar, edema of the upper eyelid.
DIARRHEA during measles: apart from SULFUR and SQUILLA, those other remedies can
DRAWSINESS during measles: APIS 6C or 12X: child who can’t bear the community life.
ENCEPHALITIS: rare but feared; the remedies to be thought of are the ones that could
help the rash to come out such as STRAMONIUM, CUPRUM, ZINCUM METALLICUM.
Once the eruption is out consider ARSENICUM ALBUM: restlessness, white stains on the
nail, grief during the pregnancy.
MATHIEU, ten years old, is admitted in hospital ten days after catching measles in a
picture of stage 1 coma. The diagnosis of encephalitis caused by measles is retained. I go
and see him around 01pm: he is unconscious, very restless; I notice that he has cold
extremities and a lot of white stains on the nails. I open his file and see that during the
first consultation when he was one month old his mother told me she was very affected by
the death of her godfather, the brother of her own father, who died from a painful cancer
during her pregnancy. I give him few pills of ARSENICUM ALBUM 12C: 3 days after he is
completely out of coma and play in the hall of the hospital. He is out the next day.
PAULINE, three years old has been in contact with a child suffering from measles in the
waiting room of her pediatrician. He gives her an injection of the measles vaccine straight
away. But ten days later she develops measles with an increasing fever. The fourth day I
am called to her bedside around 10pm: the fever is over 40°C, she has a delirium and
talks about the “woua woua” and can’t open her eyes because of an intense suppurating
conjunctivitis. I uncover her: the lower limbs are frozen. I take a look at the Kent’s
repertory and give her Stramonium 12C. The next morning, everything is fine, the
conjunctivitis, the fever and the delirium have disappeared and the rash is out. The mother
tells me that when she was 6 months pregnant she was not able to hold the dog and the
postman got bitten!
STRAMONIUM is a great remedy for the cannibalistic sadistic oral stage that develops
around 6 months old.
With homeopathy a childhood disease like measles will resolve easily and there will be
very few sequels. Furthermore this disease will allow the child to do a step forward toward
the independence from the mother.
In case of abnormal fatigue after measles CARBO VEGETALIS 30C or 60X should be
prescribed to enable this step forward.