Tutorial 3: Section B Essay Questions
Tutorial 3: Section B Essay Questions
Tutorial 3: Section B Essay Questions
Job Loser was employed in the civilian Job Leaver was employed in the
labor force, was either fired or laid off. civilian labor force, quite his or her
For example: Mei Ling was laid off For example: Ali quit his part-time
from The Gold Mine where she job to search full time for a job that
worked, because a recession caused more closely matches his education.
a decrease in demand for metals.
Cyclical unemployment
Unemployment is due to a lack of aggregate demand and occurs during recessions or
business cycle slowdowns. When people don't consume, companies will have to reduce
production and lay off some workers. So, this will result in fewer jobs will be available.
Cyclical unemployment will then rise. Cyclical unemployment is difference between the
unemployment rate and the natural unemployment.
4. Distinguish between nominal income and real income. (5 marks)
Consumer Price Index (CPI) = (Total RM expenditure on market basket in current year/ Total RM
expenditure on market basket in base year) X100
= RM (56/45) x 100
= 124.44