Tutorial 3: Section B Essay Questions

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Tutorial 3: Section B ~ Essay Questions

1. Distinguish the following terms:

(i) Frictional and cyclical unemployment; (5 marks)

Frictional unemployment Cyclical unemployment

It is caused by the change in market It is due to insufficient aggregate
conditions. demand during the recession.
People can leave their jobs for other People are unemployed due to
jobs that require the same skills. fluctuations in the business cycle.
(transferable skills)
Example: a worker from Coffee Bean Example: During the recessions, Casey
quits his job and is waiting to get lost her jobs as the company wanted to
hired by Starbucks, due to increased reduce the output when people are not
demand in Starbucks. spending.

(ii) Unemployed and discouraged worker. (4 marks)

Unemployed worker Discouraged worker

A person who actively looked A person gives up looking for a job.
for a job but not yet got a job.
Unemployed workers will be Discouraged workers will be
included in the unemployment excluded from the unemployment
rate. rate.
2. Describe any TWO (2) groups of people who are considered as unemployed.(4 marks)

Job Loser Job Leaver

Job Loser was employed in the civilian Job Leaver was employed in the
labor force, was either fired or laid off. civilian labor force, quite his or her

For example: Mei Ling was laid off For example: Ali quit his part-time
from The Gold Mine where she job to search full time for a job that
worked, because a recession caused more closely matches his education.
a decrease in demand for metals.

3. Differentiate between “natural unemployment” and “cyclical unemployment”. (6

Natural unemployment
The natural unemployment rate refers to when all unemployment is frictional and
structural. When there is no cyclical unemployment, it is also shown to be generated by
normal frictions and structural changes. Therefore, the natural unemployment rate will
also only be a positive percentage. Natural unemployment is the sum of the frictional
unemployment rate and the structural unemployment rate. The natural unemployment
rate would not be 0%.

Cyclical unemployment
Unemployment is due to a lack of aggregate demand and occurs during recessions or
business cycle slowdowns. When people don't consume, companies will have to reduce
production and lay off some workers. So, this will result in fewer jobs will be available.
Cyclical unemployment will then rise. Cyclical unemployment is difference between the
unemployment rate and the natural unemployment.
4. Distinguish between nominal income and real income. (5 marks)

Nominal income Real income

Nominal income is referring to the Real income is the adjusted for price
current prices amount of a person’s changes of a person’s nominal income.
For example, the salary and profits. It also refers to the purchasing power of
nominal income.
Nominal income measures income at During inflation, the real income or the
current prices with no adjustment for the purchasing power will falls.
effect of inflation.
Real income = Nominal income/CPI x 100

5. Using the numerical example, explain the concept of “cyclical unemployment”. (5

Cyclical unemployment is when availability of workers is more than the availability job
vacancies. It will occur due to economic recessions.

For numerical example:

Given unemployment rate (U) = 7%
natural unemployment (UN) = 3%
calculate the cyclical unemployment (UC)

Cyclical Unemployment (UC) = Unemployment Rate (U) – Natural Unemployment (UN)

UC = 7% - 3%
= 4%
6. The market basket used to calculate the consumer price index (CPI) in country Cancer
is 4 loaves of bread, 6 gallons of milk, 2 shirts and 2 pants. In year 2018, bread cost
RM1 per loaf, milk cost RM1.50 per gallon, shirts cost RM6 each and pants cost RM10
per pair. In year 2019, bread cost RM1.50 per loaf, milk cost RM2 per gallon, shirts cost
RM7 each and pants cost RM12 per pair.
Assume the year 2018 is base year, what was country Cancer’s CPI in year 2019?
(5 marks)

Market basket Current-year Current-year Base-year prices Base-year

prices in expenditures in 2018 expenditures
(1) 2019 in 2019 (per item) in 2018
(per item) (3) = (1) × (2) (4) (5) = (1) × (4)
4 loaves of RM 1.50 RM 6 RM 1 RM 4
6 gallons of RM 2 RM 12 RM 1.50 RM 9
2 shirts RM 7 RM 14 RM 6 RM 12
2 pants RM 12 RM 24 RM 10 RM 20
  RM 56 RM 45

Total RM expenditures on market basket in current year = RM 56

Total RM expenditure on market basket in base-year = RM 45

Consumer Price Index (CPI) = (Total RM expenditure on market basket in current year/ Total RM
expenditure on market basket in base year) X100

= RM (56/45) x 100

= 124.44

Country cancer’s CPI in year 2019 is 124.44

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