Character Encoding Conversion

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Character encoding conversion - ABAP Development - Community Wiki

Páginas / ABAP Foundation / ABAP and Unicode home page

Character encoding conversion

Criado por Sandra Rossi, última alteração em jan 31, 2018

SAP provides the CCC converter program to convert characters from an encoding to another one.
Table of contents

Character encoding (aka code page)

Equivalences between Character encoding international name and SAP code page number
Usual problems with Character encoding conversion
How to call the CCC converter

Character encoding (aka code page)

Character encoding is a name ("utf-8", "iso-8859-1", etc.) and an equivalence table with a set of characters and octet
values for each of these characters.
Code page is the name that SAP uses instead of character encoding. Code pages have a 4-digit number instead of a
character name.

Equivalences between Character encoding international name and SAP code

page number
Some SAP programs expect:
either a 4 characters code: you then have to enter the SAP code page number
You may find the SAP code page number from the international character encoding name by calling
SCP_CODEPAGE_BY_EXTERNAL_NAME function module. Or you may look at TCP00A database
or a 20 characters code: usually, you may either enter character encoding or SAP code page. Usually character
encoding case is ignored.
Examples of a few equivalences:

SAP code page Character encoding international name

124 IBM EBCDIC 00697/00297

1100 iso-8859-1

1105 US-ASCII (7 bits)

1160 windows-1252

4102 utf-16be

4103 utf-16le

4110 utf-8

8000 Shift-JIS

8300 BIG5

Usual problems with Character encoding conversion

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Character encoding conversion - ABAP Development - Community Wiki

Converting from one code page to another may be not possible for all characters of the source code page,
because they do not exist in the target codepage.
For example, converting from big5 (Chinese) to us-ascii makes no sense. If you think that it should be
possible, then you probably didn't choose the right .
In that case, we have to provide a replacement character to the CCC converter
Sequence of bytes is not recognized as a character in the source code page. It means that:
either the sender program does not respect the code page (then ask the sender program to correct the
or you should choose another code page (sometimes, differences between code pages are very little)
or your program has erroneously shortened input bytes, last input byte(s) does mean nothing.
For example, the 2 only bytes D8 00 mean nothing in utf-16le: 2 following bytes are expected to be able
to identify the character (here encoded on 4 bytes).

How to call the CCC converter

CCC converter is a kernel program which may be accessed by several programs:
CL_ABAP_CODEPAGE class, available since 7.02. The code page cannot be the SAP number, it must be
either the "Character encoding international name", or the name as used in java language.
CL_ABAP_CONV_* classes, since 6.10, where CL_ABAP_CONV_OBJ is the master class which gives full
access to CCC converter. There are also these classes which call CCC converter with default values:
CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE: converts bytes representing characters in a given codepage into a character
or string variable
CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: converts a character or string variable into bytes representing characters in
a given codepage
CL_ABAP_CONV_X2X_CE: converts bytes representing characters in a given codepage, into bytes
representing characters in another given codepage
SCP_TRANSLATE_CHARS function module, works with all releases
Note: CCC stands for Character set Conversion Cache, a memory area where SAP stores the code pages it needs for

SDN blog - BSP - a Developer's Journal: Part VII - Dealing with multiple languages (English, German, Spanish,
Thai, and Polish), by Thomas Jung
What is Unicode
Unicode Transformation Format
SAP library:
Character codes: short explanation of character encoding
Data conversion: short explanation of conversion possibilities in ABAP

Sem rótulos

3 Comentários
Former Member

Very helpful! Thanks again Sandra!

Paolo Baruffaldi
Extremely helpful!
Thanks Sandra Rossi

2 of 3 13/05/2021 21:04
Character encoding conversion - ABAP Development - Community Wiki

Hi Sandra,
Thank you for this blog!
I'm trying to create a file in encoding "ISO-8859-15", which should work for example for € (EUR) character,
but at the end I get a file in "Windows-1252" encoding and displaying wrong those special characters...
Any clue about what can be wrong?
Best regards,
Marco Silva

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3 of 3 13/05/2021 21:04

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