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A smart contract language

for Waves Platform
Contents Notes

Introduction 03

Disclaimer 03

Overview 04

“Hello world!” 05

Blockchain 06

Comments 07

Directives 08

Variables 09

Functions 10

Basic types 12

Strings 13

Special types 14

Unit 14

Nothing 15

List 16

1 32
Union types & Type Matching 17

The family of getInteger/getString/getBoolean/

getByteVector functions 19

If 20

Exceptions 21

Predefined data structures 22

Loops with FOLD<N> 23

Annotations / Access modifiers 24

@Verifier annotation 25

@Callable annotation 26

Actions 27

ACCOUNT vs ASSET Script Types 28

Testing and tools 29

Enjoy the Ride! 30

Notes 31


Ride is Waves Platform’s purpose-designed programming language for smart

contracts. It was created to address many of the most serious shortcomings
of other popular smart contract languages. The overall idea was to offer a
straightforward functional language for dApp development on the Waves

Ride is easy to learn, especially for beginning developers. This brochure gives
a comprehensive introduction to Ride, along with examples and further tools
and resources.


Ride Standard Library (STDLIB) is under active development. At the time of

publication, the most up-to-date version is STDLIB_VERSION 3, with STDLIB_
VERSION 4 on the way. The brochure covers most of the projected features
too. Those which are not part of STDLIB_VERSION 3 are marked with (*).


Ride is a statically-typed, lazy, functional, expression-based compiled

programming language. It is designed for building developer-friendly
decentralized applications (dApps).

Ride is not Turing Complete and its execution engine (virtual machine) doesn’t
have any concept of loops or possibility for recursions. Also, there are a
number of limitations by design, helping to ensure execution is secure and
straightforward. However, we recognize that iterations are necessary and
have implemented them as FOLD macros (see below). One of the key features
is that the execution cost is always predictable and known in advance, so all
code executes as intended with no failed transactions recorded on-chain –
removing a significant source of frustration.

Despite being simple to use, however, Ride is powerful and offers wide-ranging
functionality to developers. It’s broadly based on Scala and is also influenced
by F# and the functional paradigm.

Ride is simple and concise. It will take around an hour to read this brochure,
after which you will know everything about the Ride and opportunities that it
gives for dApps development.

“Hello world!”

Let’s start with a familiar example:

func say() = {

"Hello world!"

Functions in Ride are declared with func (see further below). Functions do
have return types, this is inferred automatically by the compiler, so you don't
have to declare them. In the case above the function say returns the string
"Hello World!". There is no return statement in the language because Ride is
expression-based (everything is an expression), and the last statement is
a result of the function.


Ride was created specifically for execution within a blockchain environment

and is optimised for this purpose. Because the blockchain is a shared ledger,
located on many computers all around the world, it works a little differently to
conventional programming languages.

Since Ride is designed to be used inside the blockchain, there is no way

to access the filesystem or display anything in the console. Instead, Ride
functions can read data from the blockchain and return actions as a result,
which can then be applied to the blockchain.


You can make comments in your code much as you can with other languages
such as Python:

# This is a comment line

# And there are no multi-line comments

"Hello world!" # You can write comments like this too

Every Ride script should start with directives for the compiler. At the time of
publication, there are three types of directive, with different possible values.




STDLIB_VERSION sets the version of the standard library. The latest version
currently in production is 3.

CONTENT_TYPE sets the type of the file you're working on. There are different
content types, DAPP and EXPRESSION. The DAPP type allows you to define
functions and finish execution with certain transactions (changes to the
blockchain), as well as using annotations. The EXPRESSION type should always
return a boolean value, since it’s used as a predicate for transaction validation.

SCRIPT_TYPE sets the entity type we want to add to the script to change its
default behavior. Ride scripts can be attached to either an ACCOUNT or ASSET.

Not all combinations of directives are correct. The example below won’t work,
because DAPP content type is allowed only for accounts, while type is allowed
for assets and accounts.



{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ASSET #-} # dApp content type is not allowed for an asset


Variables are declared and initialized with the let keyword. This is the only way
to declare variables in Ride.

let a = «Bob»

let b = 1

All variables in Ride are immutable. This means you cannot change the value of
a variable after declaration.

Ride is strongly typed and the variable's type is inferred from the value on the
right hand side.

Ride allows you to define variables globally, inside any function, or even inside a
variable definition.

func lazyIsGood() = {

let a = "Bob"

let b = {

let x = 1



The function above will compile and return true as a result, but variable a won't
be initialized because Ride is lazy, meaning that any unused variables will not
be calculated.


Functions in Ride can only be used after they are declared.

func greet(name: String) = {

"Hello, " + name

func add(a: Int, b: Int) = {

func m(a:Int) = a

m(a) + b

The type (Int, String, etc) comes after the argument’s name.

As in many other languages, functions should not be overloaded. It helps to

keep the code simple, readable and maintainable.

func calc() = {


func do() = {

let a = calc()


The callable function will not be called either, because variable a is unused.

Unlike most languages, variable shadowing is not allowed. Declaring a variable

with a name that is already used in a parent scope will result in a compilation

Functions should be defined before they are used.

Functions can be invoked in prefix and postfix order:

let list = [1,2,3]

let a1 = list.size()

let a2 = size(list)

let b1 = getInteger(this, “key”)

let b2 = this.getInteger(“key”)

In these examples a1 is the same as a2 and b1 is the same as b2.

Basic types

The main basic types and examples are listed below:

Boolean # true

String # "Hey"

Int # 1610

ByteVector # base58'...', base64'...', base16'...', fromBase58String("...") etc.

We will explore Strings and special types further below.


let name = "Bob" # use "double" quotes only

let coolName = name + " is cool!" # string concatenation by + sign

name.indexOf("o") # 1

Like other data structures in Ride, strings are immutable. String data is
encoded using UTF-8.

Only double quotes can be used to denote strings. Strings are immutable, just
like all other types. This means that the substring function is very efficient: no
copying is performed and no extra allocations are required.

All operators in Ride must have values of the same type on both sides.
The following code will not compile because age is an int:

let age = 21

"Bob is " + age # won't compile

To make it work we have to convert age to string:

let age = 21

"Alice is " + age.toString() # will work!

Special types

Ride has few core types, which operate much as they do in Scala.


There is no null in Ride, as is the case in many other languages. Usually, built-
in functions return unit value of type unit instead of null.

"String".indexOf("substring") == unit # true


Nothing is the 'bottom type' of Ride’s type system. No value can be of type
Nothing, but an expression of type Nothing can be used everywhere. In
functional languages, this is essential for support for throwing an exception:

2 + throw() # the expression compiles because

# there's a defined function +(Int, Int).

# The type of the second operand is Nothing,

# which complies to any required type.


let list = [16, 10, 1997, "birthday"] # can contain different data types

let second = list[1] # 10 - read second value from the


List doesn't have any fields, but there are functions in the standard library that
make it easier to work with fields.

let list = [16, 10, 1997, "birthday"]

let last = list[(list.size() - 1)] # "birthday", postfix call of size() function

let lastAgain = getElement(collection, size(collection) - 1) # the same as


.size() function returns the length of a list. Note that it's a read-only value, and
it cannot be modified by the user. (Note also that last could be of more than
one type, but this is only inferred when the variable is set.)

let initList = [16, 10] # init value

let newList = cons(1997, initList) # [1997, 16, 10]

let newList2 = 1997 :: initList # [1997, 16, 10]

let newList2 = initList :+ 1 # [16, 10, 1](*)

let newList2 = [4,8,15,16] ++ [23,42] # [4 8 15 16 23 42](*)

– to prepend an element to an existing list, use the cons function or ::


– To append an element, use the :+ operator (*)

– To concatenate 2 lists, use the ++ operator (*)

* Available in STDLIB_VERSION 4

Union types & Type Matching

let valueFromBlockchain = getString("3PHHD7dsVqBFnZfUuDPLwbayJiQudQJ9Ngf",

"someKey") # Union(String | Unit)

Union types are a very convenient way to work with abstractions. Union(String
| Unit) shows that the value is an intersection of these types.

The simplest example of Union types is given below (please bear in mind that
defining custom user types in dApp code will be supported in future versions):

type Human : { firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int}

type Cat : {name: String, age: Int }

Union(Human | Cat) is an object with one field, age, but we can use pattern

Human | Cat => { age: Int }

Pattern matching is designed to check a value against value type:

let t = ... # Cat | Human

t.age # OK

t.name # Compiler error

let name = match t { # OK

case h: Human => h.firstName

case c: Cat => c.name

Type matching is a mechanism for:

let amount = match tx { # tx is a current outgoing transaction

case t: TransferTransaction => t.amount

case m: MassTransferTransaction => m.totalAmount

case _ => 0

The code above shows an example of type matching. There are different
types of transactions in Waves, and depending on the type, the real amount
of transferred tokens can be stored in different fields. If a transaction is
TransferTransaction or MassTransferTransaction we use the corresponding
field, while in all other cases, we will get 0.

The family of getInteger/getString/
getBoolean/getByteVector functions
let readOrZero = match getInteger(this, "someKey") { # reading data from state

case a:Int => a

case _ => 0

readOrZero + 1

getString returns Union(String | Unit) because while reading data from the
blockchain (the key-value state of accounts) some key-value pairs may not exist.

let v= getInteger("3PHHD7dsVqBFnZfUuDPLwbayJiQudQJ9Ngf", "someKey")

v + 1 # doesn’t compile, forcing a developer to foresee the

possibility of non-existing value for the key

v.valueOrErrorMessage(“oops”) + 1 # compiles and executes

let realStringValue2 = getStringValue(this, "someKey")

To get the real type and value from Union use the extract function, which will
terminate the script in case of Unit value. Another option is to use specialized
functions like getStringValue, getIntegerValue, etc.


let amount = 1610

if (amount > 42) then "I claim that amount is bigger than 42"

else if (amount > 100500) then "Too big!"

else "I claim something else"

if statements are pretty straightforward and similar to most other languages,

with an important difference from some: if is an expression, so it must have an
else clause (the result is assignable to a variable).

let a = 16

let result = if (a > 0) then a / 10 else 0 #

throw("Here is exception text")

The throw function will terminate script execution immediately, with the
provided text. There is no way to catch thrown exceptions.

The idea of throw is to stop execution and send useful feedback to the user.

let a = 12

if (a != 100) then

throw ("a is not 100, actual value is " + a.toString())

else throw("A is 100")

Predefined data structures
Ride has many predefined data structures specific to the Waves blockchain,
such as: Address, Alias, DataEntry, ScriptResult, Invocation,
ScriptTransfer, TransferSet, WriteSet, AssetInfo, BlockInfo.

let keyValuePair = DataEntry("someKey", "someStringValue")

For example, DataEntry is a data structure which describes a key-value pair,

e.g. for account storage.

let transferSet = TransferSet([ScriptTransfer("3P23fi1qfVw6RVDn4CH2a5nNouEtWNQ4THs",

amount, unit)])

All data structures can be used for type checking, pattern matching and their
constructors as well.

Loops with FOLD<N>

Since Ride’s virtual machine doesn’t have any concept of loops, they are
implemented at compiler level via the FOLD<N> macro. The macro behaves
like the ‘fold’ function in other programming languages, taking the input
arguments: collection for iteration, starting values of the accumulator and
folding function.

The important aspect is N - the maximum amount of interactions over

collections. This is necessary for maintaining predictable computation costs.

This code sums the numbers of the array:

let a = [1,2,3,4,5]

func foldFunc(acc: Int, e: Int) = acc + e

FOLD<5>(a, 0, foldFunc) # returns 15

FOLD<N> can also be used for filtering, mapping, and other operations. Here’s
an example for map with reverse:

let a = [1,2,3,4,5]

func foldFunc(acc: List[Int], e: Int) = (e+1) :: acc

FOLD<5>(a, [], foldFunc) # returns [6,5,4,3,2]

Annotations / Access modifiers

Functions can be without annotations, or with @Callable or @Verifier


func getPayment(i: Invocation) = {

let pmt =i.payment.valueOrErrorMessage(“Payment must be attached”)

if (isDefined(pmt.assetId)) then

throw("This function accepts waves tokens only")




func pay() = {

let amount = getPayment(i)

WriteSet([DataEntry(i.caller.bytes, amount)])

Annotations can bind some values to the function. In the example above,
variable i was bound to the function pay and stored all the information about
the fact of invocation (the caller’s public key, address, payment attached to the
transaction, fee, transactionId etc.).

Functions without annotations are not available from the outside. You can call
them only inside other functions.

@Verifier annotation


func verifier() = {

match tx {

case m: TransferTransaction => tx.amount <= 100 # can send up to 100


case _ => false

A function with the @Verifier annotation sets the rules for outgoing transactions
of a decentralized application (dApp). Verifier functions cannot be called from
the outside, but they are executed every time an attempt is made to send a
transaction from a dApp.

Verifier functions should always return a Boolean value as a result, depending

on which a transaction will be recorded to the blockchain or not.

Expression scripts (with directive {-# CONTENT_TYPE EXPRESSION #-}) along

with functions annotated by @Verifier should always return a boolean value.
Depending on that value the transaction will be accepted (in case of true) or
rejected (in case of false) by the blockchain.


func verifier() = {

sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)

The Verifier function binds variable tx, which is an object with all fields of the
current outgoing transaction.

A maximum of one @Verifier() function can be defined in each dApp script.

@Callable annotation

Functions with the @Callable annotation can be called (or invoked) from
outside of the blockchain. To call a callable function you have to send


func giveAway(age: Int) = {


WriteSet([DataEntry("age", age)]),

TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, age, unit)])

Every caller of giveAway function will receive as many WAVES as his age and
the dApp will store information about the fact of the transfer in its state.


Initial Actions are DataEntry, which allows for writing data as a key-value pair,
and ScriptTransfer, a transfer of tokens from dApp to addressee. Other actions
such as Issue/Reissue/Burn are designed to support native token operations
as well as the family of Leasing operations(*).

A list of DataEntry structures in WriteSet will set or update key-value pairs in the
storage of an account, while a list of ScriptTransfer structures in TransferSet
will move tokens from the dApp account to other accounts.


func callMePlease(age: Int) = {

TransferSet([ScriptTransfer(i.caller, age, unit)])

In STDLIB_VERSION 3, @Callable functions can return one of the following

structures: ScriptResult, WriteSet, TransferSet.

WriteSet can contain up to 100 DataEntry, while TransferSet can contain up

to 10 ScriptTransfer.

* Available in STDLIB_VERSION 4

ACCOUNT vs ASSET Script Types




let a = this # Address of the current account

a == Address(base58'3P9DEDP5VbyXQyKtXDUt2crRPn5B7gs6ujc') # true if script is

running on the account with defined address

Ride scripts on the Waves blockchain can be attached to accounts and assets
({-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} defines it) and depending on the SCRIPT_TYPE
keyword this can refer to different entities. For ACCOUNT script types this is an
Address type.

For ASSET script type this will have AssetInfo type.




let a = this # Address of the current account

a == Address(base58'3P9DEDP5VbyXQyKtXDUt2crRPn5B7gs6ujc') # true if script is

running on the account with defined address

Testing and tools

You can try out Ride in REPL both online at https://ide.wavesplatform.com/

and on desktop via terminal with `surfboard`:

> npm i -g @waves/surfboard

> surfboard repl

For further development, the following tools and utilities are useful:

• Visual Studio Code plugin: waves-ride

• The surfboard tool will allow you to run tests on your existing node

• You should also install the Waves Keeper browser extension:


• Online IDE with examples: https://ide.wavesplatform.com/

Further help and information about tools can be found here:


Enjoy the Ride!

Hopefully this brochure will have given you a good introduction to Ride:
a straightforward, secure, powerful programming language for smart contracts
and dApps on the Waves blockchain.

You should now be able to write your own smart contracts, and have all the
tools you need to test them before deploying them to the Waves blockchain.

If you need help learning the basics of the Ride language, you can take the
“Mastering Web3 with Waves” course:

Waves also runs developer workshops and hackathons in different locations

around the world – check out our community page to stay up to date:

We hope to meet you online or offline soon!



A smart contract language
for Waves Platform

Introduction 03

Disclaimer 03

Overview 04

“Hello world!” 05

Blockchain 06

Comments 07

Directives 08

Variables 09

Functions 10

Basic types 12

Strings 13

Special types 14

Unit 14

Nothing 15

List 16

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