Ncert Science Notes
Ncert Science Notes
Ncert Science Notes
[14] Water
Water is essential for life.
Water vapor gets added to air by evaporation & transpiration.
The water vapor in the air condenses to form tiny droplets of water, which appear as clouds. Many tiny
water droplets come together & fall down as rain, snow or hail.
Rain, hail & snow replenish water in rivers, lakes, ponds, wells & soil.
The circulation of water b/w ocean & land is known as the water cycle.
Excessive rains may cause floods while lack of it for long periods may cause droughts.
[15] Air Around Us
Air is found everywhere. We cannot see air, but we can feel it.
Air in motion is called wind.
Air occupies space.
Air is present in water & soil.
Air is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor & a few other gases. Some dust
particles may also be present in it.
Oxygen supports burning & is necessary for living organisms.
The envelope of air that surrounds the earth is known as atmosphere.
Atmosphere is essential for life on earth.
Aquatic animals use dissolved air in water for respiration.
Plants & animals depend on each other for exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide from air.
[1] Nutrition in Plants
Nutrients are components that are necessary for our body’s survival.
Mode of nutrition:
o Autotrophs: Auto = Self; Trophos = Nourishment. They make their food themselves. Eg, plants.
o Heterotrophs: Herero = Others. Beings that nourish on others.
Photo Synthesis:
o Roots absorb minerals & water from soil. Such materials are transported to leaves by vessel.
o CO2 from air is taken in by pores surrounded by stomata (guard cells) on leaves.
o Leaves produce food through chlorophyll using CO2 & water.
o Besides leave, green stems & branches are also capable of performing photosynthesis.
o It is indicated by the presence of starch in leaves.
Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living things.
Algae contain chlorophyl & are capable of photosynthesis.
Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen & oxygen. Carbs help in synthesis of proteins & fats.
Proteins are nitrogenous substances that contain nitrogen.
Plants can’t absorb nitrogen in gaseous form. Bacteria, Rhizobium, present in soil help in fixing
o Basic building units of living things.
o Thin outer membrane of cells is called cell membrane.
o The tiny spherical structure in the center of the cell in call its nucleus.
o Nucleus is surrounded by a jelly-like substance called cytoplasm.
Heterotrophic mode of nutrition:
o Parasites plants: Cuscuta or Amar Bel doesn’t have chlorophyll. It takes its food from host plants.
o Insectivorous plants: Pitcher plant.
Saprotrophs: Fungi absorb nutrition from dead & decaying matter.
Symbiosis: When two organisms complement each other’s survival. Eg, Lichen, a chlorophyll containing
alga, lives with & a fungus; leguminous plants & rhizobium.
[4] Heat
Temperature: A reliable measure of heat.
Thermometer is used to measure temperature.
Clinical thermometer is used to measure our body temperature. It reads temp. from 35°C to 42°C. It
contains mercury.
Celsius scale was invented by Swedish astronomer, Anders Celsius in 1742.
The normal body temperature of human body is about 37°C.
Laboratory thermometer: Its range is from -10°C to 110°C.
Mercury is toxic. Thus, use of digital thermometer is advisable.
The process by which heat is transferred from a hotter end to a colder end is called conduction.
The material through which heat can passed easily are called conductors of heat.
Poor conductors are known as insulators.
Water & air are poor conductors of heat.
When a fluid, air or water, gets hot – the warm fluid rises up & cold fluid sinks down towards the heat
source – this process, called convections, continues till the whole water.
Sea breeze: Cold air from the sea takes place of the rising warm air over land.
Land breeze: The reversal of the sea breeze.
Radiation: The heat from the sun comes to us as radiation, which doesn’t need any medium. Our body
receives & gives heat to our surroundings by radiation.
Wool is a poor conductor of heat. Thus, it keeps us warm in winter.
[9] Soil
Soil: The mixture of rock particles & humus is called the soil.
Importance of soil:
o Provides anchorage & nutrients to plants.
o Home of living organisms.
o Essential for agriculture.
o Source of all resources.
Soul profile: A vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the parent rock. Each layer differs in
texture (feel), color, depth & chemical composition. These layers are called soil horizons.
Humus: The rotting dead matter in the uppermost layer of the soil.
A-Horizon or Topsoil:
o Soft, porous & retains more air.
o Dark in color b/c it’s rich in humus & minerals.
o Provides shelter to living organisms.
o Roots or small plants are anchored entirely in this layer.
B-Horizon or Mid-layer:
o Less humus & minerals.
o Harder & more compact.
o Contain small lump of cracks & crevices.
o Hard & rocky.
o The parent material.
Types of soil:
o Sandy soil:
Contains greater proportion of big particles.
Large particles can’t fit together.
Particles have large space b/w them.
Water drains quickly.
Light, well-aerated & dry.
o Clayey soil:
Contain greater proportion of fine particles.
Fine particles have little space b/w them.
Heavy & holds more water.
Has less air.
o Loamy soil:
A mixture of sand, clay & silt.
The best soil for growing plants.
Has humus.
Right water holding capacity for the growth of plants.
o Silty soil:
Occurs as a deposit in riverbeds.
Size of particles is b/w sand & clay/
Gram (g) & Kilogram (kg) are actually units of mass.
Properties of soil:
o Percolation rate of water in soil: It is different in different types of soil. It’s highest in the sandy soil
& least in the clayey soil.
Percolation rate (mL/min) = amount of water (mL)/percolation time(min).
o Moisture in soil: On hot days, the vapor coming out of soil reflect the sunlight & the air above the
soil seems to shimmer.
o Soil & crops:
Cereals like wheat & gram: Clayey & loamy soil.
Paddy: clayey soil.
Lentils & other pulses: Loamy soil.
Cotton: Sandy-loam or loam.
Soil erosion: The removal of land surface by water, wind or ice.
[15] Light
Light: Electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation.
Reflection: The phenomenon of a propagating wave (light or sound) being thrown back from a surface.
Image: A visual representation (of an object, scene, person or abstraction) produced on a surface.
Real image: That can be obtained on a screen.
Virtual image: That can’t be obtained on a screen.
An image formed by a plane mirror is erect & of the same size as the object. The image is at the same
distance behind the mirror as the object in front of it.
Mirrored images show left side of an object on the right side & vice-versa.
Concave mirror: A real & inverted image. When the object is placed very close to the mirror, the image
formed is virtual, erect & magnified. Eg, used by dentists & doctors, reflectors of torches & headlights.
Convex mirror: Image is erect, virtual & smaller in size that the object. Eg, sideview mirror.
Concave lens: Thick in the edges than in the middle. It diverges (bends outwards) the light falling on it.
Image formed by it is always virtual, erect & smaller in size.
Convex lens: Thick in the middle than in edges. It converges (bends inward) the light falling in it. Image
formed by it is erect & magnified. Eg, spectacles, telescope, microscope, magnifying glass, etc.
Sunlight: A prism splits a beam of sunlight into seven colors. Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange
& Red are seven colors that make the white light of the sun.
Archimedes used mirrors as weapons.
[1] Crop Production & Management
Agricultural practices:
o It means cultivation & production of food crops.
o Crop: Cultivation of plants of the same kind at one place on a large scale.
o Kharif crops: Grown in rainy season. June to September. Eg, paddy, maize, soyabean, groundnut &
o Rabi crops: Winter season; October to March. Eg, wheat, gram, pea, mustard & linseed.
Basic practices of crop production:
o Preparation of soil:
Turning the soil & loosening it.
It allows roots to penetrate deep into soil.
Loose soil allows the roots to breathe.
It helps in growth of earthworms & microbes; friends of farmers.
Only few cms. Of top layer of soil supports plant growth.
Soil is prepared by tilling or ploughing.
o Agricultural implements:
Tools used in agriculture.
Plough, hoe & cultivator.
o Sowing:
Good quality & healthy seeds are selected.
Seed drill: It’s used for sowing with the help of tractors.
o Adding Manure & Fertilizers:
Manure: Decomposed organic manner. It provides humus to the soil & is prepared in fields. It
has relatively less nutritional value.
Advantages of manure: Enhances soils capacity of holding water; it makes soil porous due to
which exchange of gases becomes easy; increases number of friendly microbes, improves soil
texture; environmentally friendly.
Fertilizers: Non-organic; urea, phosphate, potash, NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). If
used in excess, these cause pollution & environmental degradation.
Continuous cultivation makes the soil poor in nutrients.
They help to replenish the soil with nutrients.
Fallow land: Uncultivated land.
Crop rotation is very good for replenishing the soil with nutrients. Legumes should be planted
after every 2 or 3 crops.
Rhizobium present in leguminous plants helps in fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
o Irrigation:
Plant roots absorb water, nutrients & fertilizers.
Plant contains nearly 90% water.
Gemination of seed doesn’t take place under dry conditions.
Supply of water to crops at regular intervals is called irrigation.
Time & frequency of irrigation varies from soil to soil, crop to crop & season to season.
Source of irrigation: Wells, tube-wells, ponds, lakes, rivers, dams, & canals.
Traditional methods of irrigation: Moat (pulley-system), Chain pump, Dhekli & Rahat (bull
rotated wheel).
Modern methods: Sprinkler system & drip irrigation.
o Protection from weeds:
Removal of undesirable & harmful plants is called weeding.
It’s done with khurpi.
Weedicides: Chemicals used for weeding.
o Harvesting:
Cutting of mature plants.
It’s done with sickles or a machine called harvester.
Threshing: Separation of seed from cut plants.
Machine called ‘combine’ = harvester + thresher.
Harvesting festivals: Pongal, Baishakhi, Holi, Diwali, Bihu & Nabanya.
o Storage:
Harvested grain has to be protected from moisture, insects, rats & microbes.
Spoilt seeds are unfit for germination.
Large scale storage of grains is done in silos & granaries.
Dried neem leaves are used at home for protecting food grain at home.
Food & animals:
o Rearing of animals in large scale for animal produces is called animal husbandry.
[12] Friction
The force of friction always opposes the applied force.
Spring balance is a device used to measure the force acting on an object. The reading on the scale gives
the magnitude of the force.
Fraction is cause by the irregularities of two surface.
Force of friction is greater is rough surfaces than smoother ones. It is caused by interlocking of
irregularities in the two surfaces. It can be increasing by making surface rough.
It depends on how hard the two surfaces are pressed together.
Static friction comes into play when we try to move an object at rest.
Rolling friction comes into play when an object is sliding over another. It is smaller than static friction.
It can be reduced by using lubricant that is a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces
smooth or slippery.
Bearings containing small metal balls or ball bearings are used to reduce friction in machines.
Fluid, air or water, friction can be reduced by giving suitable shape to the bodies in fluids.
Objects lose energy in overcoming the friction exerted by fluids.
The frictional force exerted by fluids is also called drag.
[13] Sound
Sound: Mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium.
Fro or back & forth motion of an object is called vibration.
Sound produced by humans:
o The sound is produced by voice box or larynx.
o Voice box is the upper end of the windpipe.
o When lungs force air through the slit, the vocal cords vibrate, producing sound.
o The vocal of is 20 mm long in men & 15 mm long in women.
The sound can’t travel through a vacuum.
o It is funnel shaped.
o Sounds enters it through a canal at the end of which there is a thin & rubber-like stretched
membrane called eardrum.
o Sound vibration make the eardrum vibrate.
o The eardrum sent vibration to the inner ear from where the signal goes to the brain & we hear the
Back & forth motion of an object is called vibration which is an oscillatory motion.
The number of oscillations per second is called the frequency of oscillation. Frequency is expressed in
hertz (Hz).
Amplitude & frequency are two important features of the sound.
Amplitude: It is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the vibration producing the sound. If the
amplitude becomes twice, the loudness increases by four (square of two).
The loudness of the sound is expressed in decibel (dB). Above 80 dB the noise becomes physically
The frequency determines the shrillness or pitch of the sound. High frequency vibrations produce a
shriller or high-pitched voice.
Audible frequency range of human ears is roughly from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Dogs can hear frequencies
above 20.000 Hz.
Unpleasant sounds are called noise; pleasant sounds are called musical sounds.
Noise pollution can cause:
o Lack of sleep.
o Hypertension (high blood pressure).
o Anxiety.
o Hearing impairment.
o Depression.
o Anger.
At Golconda fort, near Hyderabad, a clap at the gate could be heard a kilometer away.
Reverberation: Fill for a short time with sound & echoes.
Everything in this universe is made up of material we call matters.
Matters occupy space & they have mass & volume.
The SI unit of mass is kilogram (kg).
The SI unit of volume is cubic metre (m³).
The common unite of measuring volume is llitre (L) such that 1L = 1 dm3, 1L = 1000 mL, 1 mL = 1 cm3.
Physical nature of matter:
o Matter is made up of particles that are so small that they can’t be seen with naked eyes.
o Particles of matter have space b/w them.
o Particles of matter are continuously moving, the possess kinetic energy which increases with the
increase in temperature.
o The intermixing of particles of two different types of matter on their own is called diffusion.
o Particles of matter attract each other.
State of matter:
o Solids:
They have definite shape, distinct boundaries & fixed volume.
They have a tendency to maintain their shape when subjected to outside force.
They may break under force, but it is difficult to change their shape; they are rigid.
o Liquids:
They have no fixed shape, but have fixed volume.
They take the shape of their container.
They can flow & change their shape; they are not rigid, but can be called fluid.
Atmospheric gases dissolve in water.
O2 & CO2 are crucial for survival of aquatic flora & fauna.
The diffusion rate of liquids in higher than solids.
Their particles move freely & contains more space b/w them than solids.
o Gases:
They become liquids when compressed under intense pressure.
Compressed gases: Liquified petroleum gas (LPG), liquid O2 in oxygen cylinders, CNG, etc.
Their particles move about randomly in very high speed & have larger space b/w them.
The diffusion rate of gases is significantly higher.
Food particles mix with air & the aroma of the food reaches our nose.
They exert pressure on the walls of their container.
Effect of temperature on the state of matter:
o Increase in the temperature of solids increases the kinetic energy of the particles.
o This increases kinetic energy makes the particles vibrate with great speed.
o The energy supplied by heat overcomes the force of attraction b/w the particles & they start moving
more freely.
o After reaching their melting points the solids start to melt & they convert to liquids.
o The melting point of ice is 273.15 K.
o The process of melting that changes solids state in liquid state is called fusion.
o Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature. 0°C = 273 K.
o The heat that gets used up in changing the state by over coming the force of attraction b/w the
particles is absorbed by the solid without showing any rise in temperature. This heat is called latent
o Particles in water at 0°C have more energy as compared to particles in ice at the same temperature.
o The temperature at which a liquid starts boiling is know as its boiling point. For water it is 100°C or
373 K.
o Particles in steam have more energy than water at 373 K because water vapours have extra energy
in the form of latent heat.
o A change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into liquid state is called sublimation
& the direct change of gas to solid without changing into liquid is called deposition.
Effect of change in pressure of the state of matter:
o Applying pressure & reducing temperature can liquify gases.
o Solid CO2, aka dry ice, gets converted directly to gaseous state on decrease of pressure to 1
atmosphere without becoming liquid.
o Pressure & temperature determine the state of all three types of matter.
o Atmosphere (atm) is the unit of measuring pressure exerted by a gas. The unit of pressure of Pascal
(Pa): 1 atms = 1.01 x 10⁵ Pa.
o A small fraction of particles at the surface of liquids, having higher kinetic energy, is able to break
away from the forces of attraction of other particles & gets converted into vapour.
o An increase in surface areas increase the rate of evaporation.
o An increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of particles to become vapours.
o A decrease in humidity makes it possible for the air to carry more moisture. Thus, the rate of
evaporation increases.
o An increase in wind speed decreases the humidity. Thus, the air becomes capable of sustaining
more moisture at a given temperature.
Cooling effect of evaporation:
o The particles of liquid absorb energy from their surroundings to regain the energy lost during the
o This absorption of energy from the surroundings makes the surroundings cooler.
o Acetone (nail polish remover) particles regain energy from your palm or surroundings & evaporate
carousing your palm to feel cool.
o The latent heat of vaporisation of water helps to cool the hot surface.
Why do we wear cotton clothes in summer?
o We perspire more in summer because of the cooling mechanism of our body.
o The liquid absorbs the heat from our skin & evaporates. Thus, it makes us feel cold.
o Cotton is a good absorber of water & helps in absorbing the sweat & exposing it to the atmosphere
for easy evaporation.
o A 4th state of matter.
o The state consists of super energetic & super exited particles.
o These particles are in the form of ionized gases.
o The fluorescent tube & neon sign bulbs consist of plasma.
o Inside a neon sign bulb there in neon gas & inside tube & inside a fluorescent tube there is helium
gas or some other gas.
o The gas gets ionized, that is, gets charged when electrical energy flows through it.
o The charging up creates a plasma glowing inside the tube or bulb.
o The plasma glows with a special colour depending on the nature of gas.
o It is present is stars & fusion reactors.
o A gas becomes a plasma when it is heated until the atoms lose all their electrons, leaving a highly
electrified collection of nuclei & free electrons.
Bose-Einstein condensate:
o Satyendra Nath Bose did some calculation for the 5th state of matter.
o Building on his calculations, Albert Einstein predicted a new state of matter – the Bose-Einstein
Condensate (BEC).
o 2001, Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle & Carl E. Wieman of USA received the Nobel prize in physics
for achieving Bose-Einstein condensation.
o The BEC is formed by cooling a gas of extremely low density, about one-hundred-thousandth the
density of normal air, to super low temperatures.
A group of cells that are similar in structure & work together to achieve a particular function forms a
Blood, phloem & muscles are examples of tissues.
Plants are stationary, so they have large number of supportive tissues in the form of dead cells.
Plant tissues:
o Meristem tissues:
The growth of plants occurs only in specific regions because meristematic tissue (divide tissues)
is located at these points.
Depending on the region where they are present, meristematic tissues are classified as apical,
lateral & intercalary.
Apical meristem: It is present at the growing tips of stems & roots & increases the length of the
stem & the root.
Lateral meristem: It increases the length of stem or root. It’s also known as cambium.
Intercalary meristem: It’s located in some plants near the node.
Cells of meristematic tissues are very active, they have dense cytoplasm, thin cellulose walls &
prominent. They lack food vacuoles.
o Permanent tissues:
They have specific roles & lose the ability to divide.
o Simple permanent tissues:
A few layers of cell beneath the epidermis. Parenchyma is the most common simple permanent
tissue that consists of relatively unspecialized living cells with thin cell walls. It stores food.
If it contains chlorophyll & performs photosynthesis, then it is called chlorenchyma.
Large air cavities are present in parenchyma of aquatic animals to help them float. Such a
parenchyma is called aerenchyma.
The flexibility of plants is due to another permanent tissue called collenchyma.
Another permanent tissue, sclerenchyma, makes the plant & hard. The husk of coconut is made
up of sclerenchymatous tissue. The cells of this tissue are dead & there is no internal space b/w
The outmost layer of cells is called epidermis. It’s made of a single layer of cells. Most epidermal
cells are relatively flat.
Epidermis of leaves have tiny pores called stomata that are enclosed by two kidney-shaped
guard cells. Transpiration takes place through these cells.
Epidermis of desert plant secretes a thick waxy coating of cutin, a chemical substance with
waterproof quality.
Cells of cork are dead. They have a substance called suberin in their walls that makes them
impervious to gases & water.
o Complex permanent tissues:
These tissues are made up of more than one type of cells.
Xylem consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma & xylem fibres.
Phloem is made up of sieve cells, sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres & the phloem
parenchyma. Except phloem fibres, other cells are living.
Animal tissues:
o Epithelial tissues:
The covering or protective tissues in the animal body.
Epithelium covers most organs & cavities within the body.
Epithelial tissue cells are tightly packed & form a continuous sheet.
Squamous epithelial (scales of skin): Oesophagus, lining of blood vessels or lung alveoli.
Stratified squamous epithelium: The skin that protects our body is arranges in many layers to
prevent wear & tear.
Long (columnar) epithelial cells: Inner lining of intestines, respiratory tract (cilia).
Cuboidal epithelium: Kidney tubes & ducts of salivary glands.
o Connective tissues:
Blood is a type of collective tissue.
Tissues loosely space & embedded in an intercellular matrix which may be jelly-like, fluid, dense
or rigid.
Bone is another example of connective tissue.
Bone cells are composed of calcium & phosphorus compounds.
Two bones can be connected to each other by an elastic ligament.
Tendons, fibrous tissues, connect muscle to bones & are another type of connective tissue.
Cartilage, another collective tissues, is present at joints, nose, ears, trachea & larynx.
Areolar connective tissue is found b/w the skin & muscle, around blood vessels & nerves & in the
bone marrow.
Fat-storing adipose tissue is found below the skin b/w internal organs. The cells of this tissue
are filled with fat globules.
o Muscular tissue:
It consists of elongated cells, aka muscle fibres.
This tissue is responsible for the movement of our body.
Muscles contain special proteins called contractile proteins, which contracts & relax to cause
Voluntary muscles are also called skeleton muscles & straited muscles. The cells of this tissue
are long, cylindrical, unbranded & multinucleate.
Smooth muscles or involuntary muscles control unconscious movements. The cells are long with
pointed ends (spindle-shaped) & uninucleate. They are also called untreated muscle. Cells of
cardiac muscle are cylindrical, branded & uninucleate.
o Nervous tissue:
Specialized for being stimulated.
They transmit the stimulus from one place to another within the body.
The cells of this tissue are called nerve cells or neurons. An individual neuron may be a metre
Each neuron has a single long part called axon which is connect to the cell body that contains
nucleus & dendrites. Root-like nerve ending at the end of axon.
The signal that passes along the nerve fibre is called a nerve impulse.
Motion is a change of position; it can be described in terms of the distance moved or the displacement.
The shortest distance measured from the initial to the final position of an object is known as the displacement.
The motion of an object could be uniform or non-uniform depending on whether its velocity is constant or
Uniform motion: An object cover equal distance in equal interval of time.
The SI unit of speed is metre per second.
The speed (v) of an object is the distance covered (s) per unit time (t).
Velocity is the speed of an object moving in a definite direction. The velocity of an object can be uniform or
variable. Average velocity is the average of initial & final velocity.
Speed & velocity have the same unit.
The acceleration of an object is the change in velocity per unit time.
Uniform & non-uniform motions of objects can be shown through graphs.
The motion of an object moving at uniform acceleration can be described with the help of the following equations,
v = u + at
s = ut + ½ at2
2as = v2 – u2
where u is initial velocity of the object, which moves with uniform acceleration a for time t, v is its final velocity &
s is the distance it travelled in time t.
If an object moves in a circular path with uniform speed, its motion is called uniform circular motion.
[12] SOUND
Sound is produced due to vibration of different objects.
Sound travels as a longitudinal wave through a material medium.
Sound travels as successive compressions (C) & rarefactions (R) in the medium.
In sound propagation, it is the energy of the sound that travels & not the particles of the medium.
Sound cannot travel in vacuum.
The change in density from one maximum value to the minimum value & again to the maximum value
makes one complete oscillation.
The distance b/w two consecutive compressions or two consecutive rarefactions is called the
wavelength, λ. The SI unit of wavelength is meter.
The time taken by the wave for one complete oscillation of the density or pressure of the medium is
called the time period, T.
The number of complete oscillations per unit time is called the frequency (n). The SI unit of frequency is
The speed v, frequency n, & wavelength l, of sound are related by the equation, v = ln.
The speed of sound depends primarily on the nature & the temperature of the transmitting medium.
The law of reflection of sound states that the directions in which the sound is incident & reflected make
equal angles with the normal to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence & the three lie in the
same plane.
For hearing a distinct sound, the time interval b/w the original sound & the reflected one must be at
least 0.1 s.
The persistence of sound in an auditorium is the result of repeated reflections of sound & is called
Sound properties such as pitch, loudness & quality are determined by the corresponding wave
Loudness is a physiological response of the ear to the intensity of sound.
The amount of sound energy passing each second through unit area is called the intensity of sound.
The audible range of hearing for average human beings is in the frequency range of 20 Hz – 20 kHz.
Sound waves with frequencies below the audible range are termed “infrasonic” & those above the
audible range are termed “ultrasonic”.
Ultrasound has many medical & industrial applications.
The SONAR (Sound Navigation & Ranging) technique is used to determine the depth of the sea & to
locate under water hills, valleys, submarines, icebergs, sunken ships etc.
[12] Electricity
Flowing water constitute water current in rivers.
Similarly, the electric charge flowing through a conductor is called electric current.
A switch makes a conducting link b/w the cell & the bulb.
A continuous & closed path of an electric current is called an electric circuit.
Conventionally, the direction of current is taken opposite to the direction of flow of electrons.
Current (I) = Net Charge (Q)/Time (t).
The SI unit of electric charge is coulomb (C), which is equivalent to the charge contained in nearly 6 ×
1018 electrons.
The electric current is expressed by a unit called ampere (A), named after the French scientist, Andre-
Marie Ampere.
An instrument called ammeter measures electric current in a circuit.
Electric potential & potential difference:
o Unlike the flow of water in pipes, gravity has not role in the flow of electric currents.
o The electrons move only if there is a difference of electric pressure – called the potential difference
– along the conductor.
o The electric potential difference b/n two points in an electric circuit carrying some current is the
work done to move a unit charge from one point to the other.
o Potential difference (V) b/w two points = Work done (W)/Charge (Q).
o The SI unit of electric potential difference is volt (V), named after Alessandro Volta, an Italian
o The Voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference.
Ohm’s law:
o George Simon Ohm, a German physics (1827).
o This law states that the potential difference across the ends of a resistor is directly proportional to
the current through it, provided its temperature remains constant.
o V/I = R or V = IR.
o Resistance (R) is a property that resists the flow of electrons in a conductor. It controls the
magnitude of the current. The SI unit of resistance is ohm (W).
o R = V/I.
o A device called rheostat is often used to change the resistance in the circuit.
o A conductor having some appreciable resistance is called a resistor.
The resistance of a conductor depends directly on its length, inversely on its area of cross-section, &
also on the material of the conductor.
The equivalent resistance of several resistors in series is equal to the sum of their individual
The rate at which electric energy is dissipated or consumed in an electric circuit. This is also termed as
electric power. The SI unit of electric power is watt (W). P = V/I.
The electrical energy dissipated in a resistor is given by W = V × I × t.
One watt of power is consumed when 1 A of current flows at a potential difference of 1 V.
The commercial unit of electrical energy is kilowatt hour (kWh). 1 kW h = 3,600,000 J = 3.6 × 106 J.