Spectralis Service Manual: This Is An Additional Procedure of The

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This is an additional procedure of the

Service Manual
Version 6

Art. No.: 96 049-006

Addition 2
Spectralis power supply box: parts, versions, and replacement

Heidelberg Engineering GmbH

Tiergartenstraße 15
D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany

Tel.: +49 / 6221 / 6463-0

Fax: +49 / 6221 / 6463-62
[email protected]
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Table of Contents
1 Power supply box ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Spectrometer unit ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Sapphire laser unit ................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Power supply base ................................................................................................................... 7
2 Versions ........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Spectralis OCT with Sapphire laser........................................................................................ 8
2.2 Spectralis OCT or Spectralis HRA OCT with blue laser diode .......................................... 10
2.3 Spectralis HRA with blue laser diode ................................................................................... 13
2.4 Spectralis HRA with Sapphire laser ..................................................................................... 14
2.5 Heidelberg Retina Angiograph 2 (HRA 2) ............................................................................ 15
3 Replacements ................................................................................................................................ 16
3.1 Power supply adapter board ................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Power supply board ............................................................................................................... 18
3.3 I-module A and power supply controller.............................................................................. 19
3.4 I-gate ........................................................................................................................................ 23
3.5 Carrier and sensor board ...................................................................................................... 24
3.5.1 Sensor board .................................................................................................................. 24
3.5.2 Carrier board .................................................................................................................. 25
3.6 I-module D ............................................................................................................................... 27
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ESD (electrostatic discharge)
Only work in Electrostatic Protected Area
Use in the field an ESD service kit

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden and momentary electric current that flows between two
objects at different electrical potentials. Prevention of ESD bases on Electrostatic Protective Area
(EPA). EPA can be a small working station or a large manufacturing area. The main principle of an
EPA is that there are no highly charging materials in the vicinity of ESD sensitive electronics, all
conductive materials are grounded, workers are grounded, and charge build-up on ESD sensitive
electronics is prevented. For service jobs in non-electrostatic protected areas we highly recommend
the use of an ESD service kit. With this kit the worker is grounded, and the electronic boards and
components should be placed on the grounded ESD mat.
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1 Power supply box

This procedure describes the parts of the power supply box. Not all parts are available for
replacement. This depends on the part and the training level.

1.1 Spectrometer unit

1. Micrometer screw with piezo drive

2. Carrier board
3. I-module D view from backside
4. Focus lens
5. Sensor board

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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1.2 Sapphire laser unit

1. Sapphire laser
2. Sapphire laser controller
3. AOM modulator
4. Transmission filter
5. Four axis manipulator
6. Sapphire controller adapter board
7. AOM driver

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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1.3 Power supply base

1. Power supply adapter board (not installed in HRA2)

2. Power supply controller
3. I-module A
4. I-fiber A (black POF)
5. OCT adapter board (not installed in HRA2)
6. I-gate
7. Power entry module
8. Power supply board
9. Display
10. I-fiber D (orange GOF, not installed in Spectralis HRA and HRA2)
11. I-gate power supply
12. Main switch
13. Fan
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

To get access to the base, you need to remove the spectrometer unit and the Sapphire laser unit.
Depending of the configuration of the unit you may have no spectrometer unit or no Sapphire laser
unit. This is described as well.

If you have a Spectralis HRA OCT with Sapphire laser, go to 2.1.

If you have a Spectralis OCT or a Spectralis HRA OCT with blue laser diode, go to 2.2.
If you have a Spectralis HRA with blue laser diode, go to 0.
If you have a Spectralis HRA with Sapphire laser, go to 2.4
If you have a Heidelberg Retina Angiograph 2 (HRA2), go to 2.5
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2 Versions
2.1 Spectralis OCT with Sapphire laser

1. Remove the cover

2. Remove OCT and FA fiber
3. Disconnect ground plug
4. Unscrew both spacer with a 7mm open ended wrench or nut driver.
5. Uncrew both nuts with a 7mm open ended wrench. One is on the front left side, the
other one is on the rear right side, not pictured. Save the two toothed lock washers.


5. 4.


Place the cover as illustrated below. Protect the top of the power supply housing.
Now carefully turn the spectrometer unit upside down. Take extremely care of the
Do not pitch or crush those cables here!
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1. Unscrew the four

spacers with a 7mm
open ended wrench or
nut driver. 4.
2. Disconnect the
black/green cable plug
3. Disconnect the coax
cable plug
View from backside
4. Disconnect the grey flat
ribbon cable



1. 1.



Take care of the three cables,

before you remove the
Sapphire laser unit completely

Now you have full access to the components of the base.

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2.2 Spectralis OCT or Spectralis HRA OCT with blue laser diode

1. Remove the cover

2. Remove OCT fiber
3. Disconnect ground plug
4. Unscrew both spacer with a 7mm open ended wrench or nut driver.
5. Unscrew the left front Allen screw
with a 3mm ball end Allen key.
Try to loosen the screw with the
ball end. You may need a special
shortened Allen key like this one.
Take care not to lose the toothed
lock washer and screw.
6. Unscrew the right rear Allen screw with a 3mm ball end Allen key.
Take care not to lose the toothed lock washer and screw.


4. View from backside



zoomed detail

Cut this cable tie carefully

View from backside

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Now you can lift the Spectrometer

block carefully only on the right side
and disconnect the plug from the
orange gof (glass optic fiber)
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Hold the Spectrometer block with the left hand. Take care of the cables, and continue with the
next steps:

1. 2.
1. cut cable ties
2. remove upper plug
3. remove lower plug

zoomed detail



When you reconnect the lower

plug, verify its correct position.
You may unintentionally
reconnect the plug too high, too
low, or too much to the left or

Carefully remove
the Spectrometer block
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Now you have full access to the components of the base.


In older units you will find a nut used as spacer in

each of the four corners. They are not fixed. Take
care of them, do not lose them and bring them into
the original position when you reinstall the
Spectrometer block. Make sure the two spacers
and two screws go through the nut.

2.3 Spectralis HRA with blue laser diode

In this case you have neither a Spectrometer block nor a Sapphire laser unit, therefore the access is
very easy.
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2.4 Spectralis HRA with Sapphire laser

1 Unscrew the four spacers

with a 7mm open ended
wrench. Take care not to
lose the four toothed lock 4.
2 Disconnect the
black/green cable plug
3 Disconnect the coax View from backside
cable plug
4 Disconnect the grey flat
ribbon cable

1. 1.


1. 1.



Take care of the three cables.

Save them, before you remove the
Sapphire laser unit complete
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Now you have full access to the components of the base

2.5 Heidelberg Retina Angiograph 2 (HRA 2)

This unit was delivered from 2003 till mid of 2008, the serial number is HRA2-00675 or lower.
The power supply box of the HRA2 is almost the same, but the power supply adapter board
was not installed. The access is the same as for a Spectralis HRA with Sapphire laser.
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3 Replacements
3.1 Power supply adapter board
Depending of the type of unit, you may have to cut cable ties before you disconnect the cables.

Spectralis HRA + OCT with Sapphire laser

Spectralis HRA + OCT with Blue laser diode

Spectralis OCT

Spectralis HRA
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All connectors are accessible now. Remove all of them. Depending of the Spectralis type, you have to
disconnect 2, 3, or 5 cables from the power supply adapter board.

Finally unscrew both Phillips screws

Replace the adapter board.

Continue in reversed order by tightening the two Phillips screws, connecting all the cables and fixing
cable ties.
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3.2 Power supply board

Disconnect all cables from the power supply adapter board and remove it. This procedure has been
already described in the previous chapter.

1. Disconnect the black FireWire A cable.

Do NOT pull the fiber itself!
2. Disconnect P1 and the ground cable
3. Unscrew the two spacers with a 5mm open- detailed view
end wrench or nut driver.
4. Unscrew the two Phillips screws

3. 3.


4. 4.

Replace the power supply board. Continue in reversed order to install the new board.
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3.3 I-module A and power supply controller

The I-module A is piggy backed to the power supply controller. To replace one of those parts, you
have to remove them together from the power supply box.
To have a better access, we recommend to remove the power supply adapter board. This is an easy
and fast procedure and described in chapter 3.1

Disconnect the black FireWire A cable.

Do NOT pull the fiber itself! detailed view

Disconnect the flat ribbon cable

1 Disconnect the flat ribbon cable

2 Disconnect the two ground cables
3 Do NOT connect this cable now.
Wait until you have loosened the
whole power supply controller.


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Now you can start to unscrew the nuts from the plugs on the backside of the power supply box.

You need open-end wrenches in 13mm, 14mm, and 17mm.

When you remove the

power supply
controller, take care of
all the different
washers. Hold the
board a little bit tilted,
so the washers will not
fall out of the plug.

Now you can easily disconnect the blue/red

cable. Carefully pull the white connector.
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Finally take the power supply controller with the piggy backed I-module A board out of the power
supply box. Place all nuts and washers in clearly arranged order to verify the correct installation.

Now you can start to dismount of the I-module A from the power supply controller.

Unscrew the 3
slotted screws.
Remove the
screws and

Carefully extend the two


Finally you have the two

boards in front of you.
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Take care when you reinstall the two boards. Place the I-Module A correct to pins of the power supply

On the bottom side, leave the first 3 rows open

bottom side

On the upper side, leave the first 5 rows open

upper side
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3.4 I-gate

1. Disconnect this cable on the I-gate power Typically the I-gate is fixed only with 3 nuts
supply board. Due to a difficult access there is no nut
Remove one or both I-fibers. used underneath the power entry module
2. Use a 5.5mm nut driver to unscrew the nuts. Remove the I-gate.



When you install the new I-gate, take care of the ground cable and the blue/red cable
with the black insulating. Do not put the I-gate metal socket on to the cables.
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Before you fix the three nuts, align the metal socket in a way
that you have the FireWire connectors straight and centered in
the housing cutout.
Finally connect all removed cables.

View from backside

3.5 Carrier and sensor board

If there is a problem with the carrier and/or the sensor board, you have to replace both boards.
This is highly recommended, because the two boards are set up and adjusted to each other in factory.
If you mix you will get a lower image quality.

3.5.1 Sensor board

 Disconnect the two flat ribbon cables
 Loosen the sensor board with a 2.5mm hex key. There are two versions available:

Version 1 with 1 screw Version 2 with 2 screws

 Remove the sensor board

 NOTE: If you have a unit without Sapphire Laser Unit, you have to loosen the
spectrometer unit and lift it a little to remove the sensor board

The sensor of the new sensor board is covered with a glass plate!

 Remove the glass plate carefully

Bend up the two copper strips
with a very small flat screwdriver
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 Take care of the glass plate

 Attach it later to the sensor
of the defective sensor board

 Remove the brass cylinder from the

defective sensor board and install it
on the new sensor board

 Use the original shipping box

for the return shipment

3.5.2 Carrier board

 Remove all cables

 Remove the 3 screws
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 The carrier board is piggy backed to the I-module A board. Remove it carefully!

 Take care when you install the new carrier board. There are three rows where the carrier
board is connected to the I-module A. Verify all pins fit correctly into their contacts.

 Check again the all contacts

front side back side

 Press the two boards and verify they are pressed completely together

 Tighten the 3 screws

 Reconnect all cables.

There is only one tricky cable,
reconnect as shown beside
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 Adjust the sensor board as described in the service manual

3.6 I-module D
 To get access to the I-module D, you have to remove the carrier board, see chapter 3.5.2
 Disconnect the orange I-fiber. To remove the plug from the connection jack, you have to press
the clip on the lower side carefully with a screw driver, see below

 Unscrew the 3 spacers with a 4mm socket key

 Replace the I-module D

 Mount and connect in reverse order as above

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