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Symbiosis National Aptitude Test
Symbiosis National Aptitude (SNAP) Test is a relatively new umbrella examination for
admission to all the post-graduate institutes of Symbiosis International University
(SIU). Since 2007, candidates aspiring to join MBA programs offered by institutes of
Symbiosis International University have to take the common, mandatory SNAP Test.
SNAP is a mandatory written test for admission into any post-graduate programme
offered by the institutes under the aegis of Symbiosis International University (SIU),
established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, vide notification No.F.9.12/2001
U.3 of the Government of India. Subsequently, ten more institutes of Symbiosis have
been brought under the ambit of Symbiosis International University, vide
notification No.F.9. 12/2006-U.3(A)
SNAP score is valid for admission to all the post-graduate programmes of Symbiosis
International University. This book has been especially designed for the aspirants of
SNAP. The book contains last Thirteen years’ (2018-2005) Solved Papers to make the
candidates well aware of the trends and pattern of questions asked in recent years.
Furthermore Five Mock Test Papers have been provided in the book, exactly
designed as per the latest pattern of the SNAP, covering every possible type of
questions from each individual section. The book promises to sharpen the skills of
candidates to the level of perfection and will prove to be a confidence booster for
the aspirants.
I would like to convey my sincere thanks to Mr. T.K. Sinha and Mrs. Sangeeta Kedre
for their assistance during the entire project. I would like to thank Mr. Shiv Kumar
Kedre, Mr. Vivek Singh Meena, Mr. Sujit Kumar, Mr. N Kumar and Mr. B.B. Sinha for
their cooperation. I would also like to thank Mr. Mahendra Singh Rawat &
Mohd. Shahid Saifi for their kind cooperation and valuable suggestions during the
project. I would also like to offer my sincerest gratitude to Mr. Deepesh Jain without
whom this project would not have been possible.
Advice and suggestions for the improvement of this book will be welcomed.
Solved Paper 2019 1-16
Solved Paper 2018 1-18
Solved Paper 2017 1-22
Solved Paper 2016 3-24
Solved Paper 2015 1-22
Solved Paper 2014 1-22
Solved Paper 2013 1-22
Solved Paper 2012 1-16
Solved Paper 2011 1-16
Solved Paper 2010 1-24
Solved Paper 2009 1-20
Solved Paper 2008 1-16
Solved Paper 2007 1-18
Solved Paper 2006 1-18
Solved Paper 2005 1-20
The candidate should be a graduate in any discipline from a recognised university with a minimum score of 50%.
For candidates belonging to SC/ST category, a minimum score of 45% in graduation is essential to apply for the
SNAP test. However, a final year candidate may also apply for the test, provisionally. Age should not be less
than 21 years.
Number of Sections 3
Total Questions 110 (105 MCQs and 5 Non-MCQs)
Negative Marking 1/4th of Marks for the Question
As per the process, the candidates securing the minimum score in the SNAP Test will be shortlisted for further
rounds. The later have to appear in the Group Exercise (GE), Personal Interview (PI) and Written Ability Test (WAT).
The final merit steps will be prepared on the basis of below mentioned weightage :
1. There are 110 questions in this paper.
2. There are three sections viz., Section A (General English, Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal
Ability) each question carry 1.5 mark, Section B (Analytical & Logical Reasoning) each question carry
1.5 mark and Section C (Quantitative Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency) each question carry 1 mark.
3. In Section C also contains 5 Special (Non-MCQs) Questions carry 2 marks each.
4. For each incorrect attempt 1/4th of marks allotted will be deducted.
7. Change the voice of the given sentence. 14. Find a correct match of grammatical function
I didn’t realise that somebody was watching me. with the usage of the word DOWN.
(a) I didn’t realise that I was being watched.
List I List II
(b) I didn’t realise that somebody had been watching me.
(c) I didn’t realise that somebody was watching. A. Noun 1. Some people can down a whole
chicken in a meal.
(d) I didn’t realise that I was being watched.
B. Verb 2. There is a down trend in the real
Sol. (a) I didn’t realise that I was being watched, is the estate market.
correct active voice sentence of the given sentence
C. Adjective 3. He was sent down to work in the
because the sentence is in past continuous and to
branch office.
change it in passive voice was/were + being + V3
should be used. D. Adverb 4. In southern England the downs are
so pretty.
8. Complete the meaning of the given sentence.
If you behaved well, your peers ……… you. A B C D A B C D
(a) will respect (b) should respect (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 1 2 3
(c) can respect (d) would respect (c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 2 3 1 4
Sol. (d) The filler ‘would respect’ makes the sentence Sol. (b) In sentence (1) the word down means to drink or
grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. to consume,. Hence, down is used as a verb.
In sentence (2), ‘down’ shows a characteristic quality
9. Choose the correct word from the given of a trend. Hence, here it is used as an adjective.
In sentence (3), ‘down’ adds to the quality of the
The defence lawyer ……… there was verb. Hence, herein it is used as an adverb.
insufficient evidence to convict his client. In sentence (4), ‘down’ represents the low hills.
(a) negated (b) reiterated (c) renounce (d) exclaimed
Hence, it is used as a noun.
Sol. (b) The correct word is ‘reiterated’ to fill the given
blank which means repeated. 15. Choose the word closest in meaning to the
given word.
10. Choose the correct word from the given options. Diaphanous
The stars were ……… in the sky. (a) hard (b) opaque (c) thick (d) transparent
(a) scintillating (b) showering Sol. (d) Diaphanous means sheer, light, delicate and
(c) invisible (d) dimming transclucent. Hence, transparent/sheer can be its
Sol. (a) The correct word for the given blank is closest synonym.
‘scintillating’, which means shining.
16. Fill in the blanks with correct modal verb.
11. Choose the word NOT having a prefix. ……… you mind if I borrowed your car?
(a) Distemper (b) Dislike (a) should (b) will (c) would (d) can
(c) Dishonest (d) Disagree
Sol. (c) As the statement is a polite request, the most
Sol. (a) Out of the given option, the word distemper has appropriate modal verb to be used here is ‘would’.
no prefix. All other words have dis-as prefix to
become an antonym of the root word. 17. Change the voice of the given sentence.
Windowpanes are washed by cleaners.
12. Identify the correct figure of speech. (a) Cleaners work to wash windowpanes
I must have called out to you a thousand times. (b) Cleaners washed the windowpanes
(a) simile (b) repetition (c) Cleaners wash the windowpanes
(c) hyperbole (d) oxymoron (d) None of the above
Sol. (c) In the given sentence, there is an exaggeration of Sol. (c) The given sentence is in passive voice. To convert
a thought or idea. Therefore, it is a hyperbole it the subject and object would be interchanged and
wherein an exaggerated statement is presented. Ist form of verb should be used with subject.
13. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the Hence, the converted sentence would be ‘‘Cleaners
given word. wash windowpanes’’.
Servile 18. Identify the correct figure of speech.
(a) Imperious (b) Humorous
Neeta needed new notebooks.
(c) Helpful (d) Conspiratorial (a) Alliteration (b) Onomatopia
Sol. (a) Servile means someone who is extremely willing (c) Assonance (d) Paradox
to act to obeyed. Therefore, out of the given options, Sol. (a) In the given sentence, there is a repetition of a
Imperious is its correct antonym, as it means giving consonant sound ‘N’. Hence, such a repetition of
orders and expecting to be obeyed. sounds is a literary device called Alliteration.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019 3
19. Which part of speech is the given (bold) word? his idea of his surroundings. As long as the environment
is safe, the child learns with incredible speed. However,
This wood will make a good hiding place.
(a) Verb (b) Adverb (c) Adjective (d) Modal when the environment is scary or stressful, the child
unlearns past learning just as rapidly. In the early years
Sol. (c) The word ‘hiding’ in the given sentence presents of every child’s life, whenever there is shock, violence,
a characteristic quality of the place. So, it is
fear or pain, these intense emotions are imprinted
deeply into memory. Whenever the same activity or
20. Choose the correct option of the following situation is repeated, the nervous system and body
incorrect sentence. subconsciously re-experience the memory of that
trauma. Any emotional situation that takes us out of the
No matter what that I do, I can’t make her
present and into the past means that whenever the same
(a) No matter what I do, I won’t make her happy. kind of emotion crops up later in our life we return to
(b) No matter what I do, I can’t make her happy. the past for our reference point. If that point was at age
(c) No matter what I do, that I won’t make her happy. three, we find ourselves behaving like a three-year-old.
(d) No matter whatever I do, I won’t ever make her happy. We feel childish and we behave childishly. Our feelings
are the cause of this ‘glitch’ in our learning process. We
Sol. (b) To make the given sentence grammatically know we should be able to make a positive change, but
correct and contextually meaningful, ‘that’ must be
that doesn’t change anything. The process of change
removed. Hence, option (b) is its correct answer.
need not be traumatic. We couldn’t have done any better
21. Fill in the blank with proper conditional. because we didn’t know how to. But we should realise
Suppose your car broke down in the middle of that was then and this is now! We can choose to choose
again. It’s up to us. It’s our movie!
nowhere, what ………… do?
(a) should you (b) will you (c) can you (d) would you 24. The ‘‘Frozen Feelings’’ being talked about are
Sol. (d) As the situation is conditional and asks what about
ones actions would be, ‘would you’ would be the (a) negative childhood experiences
most appropriate filler for the given blank. (b) childhood learning patterns
(c) inability to learn as an adult
22. Fill in the blank with appropriate option : (d) None of the above
I ………… anything from her in a long time. Sol. (a) According to the given stanza, the frozen feeling
(a) did not heard (b) should not have heard are those experiences of shock, violence, fear or pain
(c) haven’t heard (d) None of these that has a deep impact on the child. Such a negative
Sol. (c) As the sentence is in present perfect form, childhood experience is imprinted forever into the
‘haven’t heard’ is the most appropriate filler. child’s mind.
23. Read this sentence and answer the three 25. A ‘glitch’ is
questions to fill the blanks therein : (a) a ditch
(b) uneasy emotions
Construction : When the engineer visited the (c) sudden malfunction or breakdown
…………, the chaos of cement, steel and sand (d) learning patterns
was a horrible …………, so, he had no option
Sol. (c) According to the author, a glitch refers to an
but to ………… that in his report. unusual behaviour generally a sudden malfunction or
(a) site, sight, cite (b) cite, site, sight
breakdown that results due to the frozen feelings.
(c) cite, sight, site (d) sight, site, sight
Sol. (a) The correct order of the words to fill the blanks 26. Identify the correct sentence, based on the
are site, sight, cite, to make the sentence paragraph.
grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. (a) The process of change needs to be traumatic.
Site means a piece of land where a building was, is (b) We feel childish and we behave childishly.
or will be situated. Sight means able to see in the (c) Both sentences are incorrect.
way mentioned. Cite means to mention something as (d) Both the sentences are correct.
an example especially one that supports, proves or Sol. (b) As mentioned in the passage, there are glitches in
explains an idea or situation. ones behaviour due to frozen feelings. Due to these
glitches, one feel childish and behaves childlishly.
Directions (Q.Nos. 24-26) Read the passage carefully
and answer within the context. Directions (Q.Nos. 27-31) Read the following passage
‘‘A way to deal with frozen feelings’’ Every child and answer the questions :
experiences all that happens around him with total ‘‘There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of
awareness. In the first seven years the child’s brain is these I should put first a sense of proportion; the
like a sponge, taking in all sensory inputs and building capacity to take accounts of all the important factors in a
4 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019
problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has have a larger intellectual element than has been
become more difficult than it used to be owing to the customary in what has been thought of as moral
extent and complexity of the specialised knowledge instruction. I think that the disastrous result of hatred
required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for and narrow mindedness to those who fed them can be
example, that you are engaged in research in scientific pointed out incidentally in the course of giving
medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the knowledge. Knowledge and morals ought not to be too
whole of your intellectual energy. You have no time to much separated. It is true that the kind of specialised
consider the effect which your discoveries or invention knowledge which is required for various kinds of skills
may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let has very little to do with wisdom. But it should be
us say), as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously supplemented in education by wider surveys calculated
lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and to put it in its place in the totality of human activities.
America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely Even the best technicians should also be good citizens,
unintended result of making the food supply inadequate i.e. citizens of the world and not of any one nation.
and lowering the standard of life in the most populous With every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom
parts of the world. To take an even more spectacular becomes more necessary for every such increase
example, which is in everybody’s mind at the present augments our capacity of realising our purposes, and
time- you study the composition of the atom from a therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our
disinterested desire for knowledge and incidentally place purposes are unwise. The world needs wisdom as it has
in the hands of powerful lunatics the means of destroying never needed it before; and if knowledge continues to
the human race. In such ways the pursuit of knowledge increase, the world will need wisdom in the future even
may become harmful unless it is combined with wisdom; more than it does now.
and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not
necessarily present in specialists in the pursuit of
27. According to the author what results in
knowledge. Comprehensiveness alone, however, is not growth of wisdom?
(a) Widening knowledge and narrowing feelings
enough to constitute wisdom. There must be, also, certain
(b) Acquiring specialised knowledge which is required
awareness of ends of human life. This may be illustrated
for various kinds of skills
by the study of history. Many eminent historians have
(c) Viewing the world with complete impartiality
done more harm than good because they viewed facts
(d) None of the above
through the distorting medium of their own passions.
Hegel had a philosophy of history which did not suffer Sol. (c) According to the author, our impartiality results
from any lack of comprehensiveness, since it started from in the growth of wisdom.
earliest time and continued into an indefinite future. But 28. According to the author the essence of
the chief lesson of history which he sought to inculcate wisdom is …………
was that from the year A.D. 400 down to his own time, (a) Deliverance from the oppression of here and now
Germany had been the most important nation and the (b) Subduing from the oppression of here and now
standard bearer of progress in the world. Perhaps one (c) Captivity from the oppression of here and now
could stretch the comprehensiveness that constitutes (d) All of the above
wisdom to include not only intellect but also feeling. It is
Sol. (b) According to the author, the essence of wisdom
by no means uncommon to find men/women whose
is subduing from the oppression here and now. To
knowledge is wide but those feelings are narrow. Such
get emancipated or free from ‘‘the tyranny of the
men / women lack what I am calling wisdom. I think the here and the now’’.
essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible,
from the tyranny of the here and the now. We cannot help 29. What according to the author is the
the egoism of our senses. Sight, sound and touch are relationship between knowledge and wisdom?
bound up with our own bodies and cannot be made (a) As human wisdom increases there is increase in
impersonal. Our emotions start similarly from ourselves. knowledge created
An infant feels hunger or discomfort; gradually with the (b) As knowledge keeps on increasing there is lesser
years his horizon widens, and, in proportion as his need of wisdom
thoughts and feelings become less personal and less (c) As knowledge keeps on increasing there is a
concerned with his own physical states, he achieves higher need for wisdom
growing wisdom. This is of course a matter of degree. No (d) As growth in wisdom stops, knowledge creation
one can view the world with complete impartiality; stagnates.
however, it is possible to make a continual approach Sol. (c) According to the author, as knowledge keeps on
towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things increasing there is a higher need for wisdom.
somewhat remote in time or space, and, on the other
hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our 30. The example used by the author to explain
feelings. It is this approach towards impartiality that the ways in which the pursuit of knowledge
constitutes growth in wisdom. Perhaps in this sense the can be harmful, unless combined with
wisdom can be taught. I think that this teaching should wisdom, is
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019 5
Which of the following shows M is grandson of P? An unfolded dice is given above. Find the
Q correct answer which can be formed by folding
(a) P = (b) P @ B = S @ M
M the unfolded dice.
(c) P @ Q + M (d) P/Q/S + M
Sol. (b) P (+)
(a) (b)
(+) (+)
B (b) S (f)
From the given options, option (b) only fits for the
(c) (d)
solution. Although, in this option also it is not confirmed
whether M is grandson or granddaughter of P.
38. In a certain code language, if INDIA is written Sol. (c) The opposite faces of the dice will be
as 95491, then JAPAN is written as
(a) 81815 (b) 11614 (c) 11715 (d) 101614
Sol. (c) The alphabets from A to I are coded as numerals 1
to 9. The same trend starts from J to R and from S to Z.
A B C ………… I
1 2 3 ………… 9
J K L ………… R
1 2 3 ………… 9
S T U ………… Z
1 2 3 ………… 8
Hence, from the above codes,
9 5 4 9 1 Hence, the dice formed will be
1 1 7 1 5
The leap years between 1981 to 2013 are 1984, (a) 58 (b) 48 (c) 56 (d) 72
1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 Sol. (c) 6 − 4 = 216 − 64 = 152
3 3
∴ Total = 8 yr 23 − 13 = 8 − 1 = 7
Hence, the total number of odd days 53 − 33 = 125 − 27 = 98
= ( 32 + 8) ÷ 7 43 − 23 = 64 − 8 = 56
= days = 5 odd days
7 42. Vijay’s grandfather has an old cuckoo clock. It
As 1st June, 2013 is Saturday. takes 5s for the cuckoo clock to chime 5
1st June, 1981 will be 5 days behind Saturday that is cuckoos. How long will it take to chime 10
Monday. cuckoos?
(a) 10 s (b) 11 s (c) 10 : 25 s (d) 11 : 25 s
40. Sol. (d) It takes 5 s for the cuckoo clock to chime 5
cuckoos. i.e 1st cuckoo clock chimes at t = 0 s
5th cuckoo clock chimes at t = 5 s
Time interval = s = 125
. s
For the 9th chime = 9 × 1. 25 = 11. 25 seconds
Hence, the time taken to chime 10 cuckoos is
11 : 25 s.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019 7
43. A person wants a house such that all sides of 46. A clock gains 10 min a day. The clock was
the house face North he should build the house corrected at 6:00 am. what will be the correct
(a) on the South pole time when the clock shows 11:00 am, following
(b) on the North pole day?
(c) at the equator (a) 10 : 48 am (b) 11 : 00 am (c) 11 : 45 am (d) 10 : 30 am
(d) at an angle of 120° with the East direction
Sol. (a) Normal clock - in 24 h = 1440 min
Sol. (a) The house build at South pole has all its sides Defective clock - in 24 h = 1450 min
facing North. And the house build at North pole has
From today’s 6 am to the following day 11:00 am.
all its sides facing South.
So, it will be 29 hours.
44. In a shouting game, Rohit and Shiv responded For the defective clock the minutes will be
in the proportion of Ram and Shyam’s 29 × 60 = 1740 min
shouting. Now, following the ratio pattern,
Study the table and answer accordingly, what Normal clock − 1440 ?
will come at the place of question mark(?) Defective clock – 1450 1740
Ram Shyam Rohit Shiv 29 × 50 29 × 60
9:00 am 4 4 7 7 Ratio = 5 : 6
5 1440
9:15 am 3 6 2 4 Hence, =
6 ?
9:30 am 2 6 2 ? 1440 × 6
?= = 1728 min
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 2 5
Sol. (c) At 9:00 am the ratio of shouting of Ram and 1728 min = 28 h 48 min which will be 10:48 am.
Shyam is 1 : 1, hence the responding of Rohit and
Shiv is at a ratio of 1 : 1.
47. Vishal takes 3 pills with a gap of 30 min. What
is the minimum time by which Vishal will get
rid of his pain?
At 9 : 15 am the ratio is 1 : 2. (a) 90 min (b) 60 min (c) 58 min (d) 100 min
At 9 : 30 am the ratio is 1 : 3. Sol. (b) Let the time at which pill is taken be ‘t’. So, first
1 2
Hence, = pill taken at t1 = 0 min, 2nd pill taken at t 2 = 30 min
3 ? and 3rd pill taken at t 3 = 60 min
? =6 Hence, after 60 min Vishal will get rid of his pain.
45. A statement is followed by two Courses of 48. In a mobile manufacturing company 6 staff
action I and II. Assume everything in the members packed 6 mobiles in 6 min. The
statement to be true. Decide which of the two management wants 60 mobile to be packed in
given suggested courses of action logically 60 min. How many staff member in total are
follows for pursuing. required?
Statement Since 2018, the bulk of India’s (a) 60 (b) 360 (c) 600 (d) 6
population has comprised of young working MT M T
Sol. (d) 1 1 = 2 2 where, M = Number of mens
people, much more than the dependent W1 W2
population, children below 5 yr of age and old T = Time taken for doing the work, W = Work done
people above 65 yr of age. This trend will M1 = 6 M2 = x
continue for the next 55 yr.
T1 = 6 min T2 = 60 min
Courses of Action W1 = 6 mobiles W2 = 60 mobiles
I. There will be a huge increase in the GDP 6 × 6 x × 60
∴ =
of the country. 6 60
II. According to a report by UNFPA, this x = 6 staff members
population will be able to contribute Hence, 6 staff members in total are required to pack
effectively, if good health facilities, 60 mobiles in 60 min.
education and proper infrastructure are
provided to the whole population. 49. Choose the word that will complete the second
(a) None follows (b) Only I follows pair in the same way as first pair.
(c) Only II follows (d) Both I and II follow Ornithologist : Bird :: Herpetologist:
Sol. (c) Only II logically follows, as if good health (a) Snakes (b) Reptiles
facilities, education and proper infrastructure are (c) Mammals (d) None of these
provided to the whole population, the population Sol. (b) As ornithologist studies birds, similarly
will be of working people for the next coming years. herpetologist studies reptiles.
8 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019
50. Amar consumed 100 laddoos from Monday to 54. Kishore says, “that man’s father is my father’s
Friday. Each day, he consumed 6 more laddoos son”. How is that man related to Kishore?
than the previous day. How many laddoos did (a) Uncle (b) Son
he consume on Wednesday? (c) Kishore himself (d) Cousin
(a) 12 laddoos (b) 20 laddoos (c) 24 laddoos (d) 8 laddoos Sol. (b) Father
Sol. (b) The total laddoos consumed in the 5 days from
Monday to Friday = 100 Kishore
Let laddoos consumed on Monday = a
There is an increase of 6 laddoos in consumption
from the previous day. (man)
Therefore. Kishore’s son
a + ( a + 6) + ( a + 12) + ( a + 18) + ( a + 24) = 100 Kishore’s father’s son will be either Kishore him self
5a + 60 = 100 or his brother. So, the man will be either Kishore’s
a =8 son or his nephew. From the given options, the man
Laddoo consumed on Monday is 8. Laddoos will be Kishore’s son.
consumed on Wednesday = 8 + 12 = 20 laddoos
55. How many times does the letter ‘A’ appear
51. Find the missing term in the following series from 0 to 100?
0, 1, 2, 5, 20, 25, ?, 157, (a) 2 (b) 5
(a) 35 (b) 150 (c) 145 (d) 40 (c) 1 (d) None of these
Sol. (b)0 + 1= 1 Sol. (d) The letter ‘A’ appears first time in the word
1× 2 = 2 ‘thousand’.
2+ 3=5 So, the answer will be (zero) ‘0’ which is not given
5 × 4 = 20 in the options. So, option (d) will be the answer.
20 + 5 = 25
25 × 6 = 150 56. Population of Timbaktoo (2 yr ago) was
150 + 7 = 157 125000. Due to natural calamities people
Hence, option (b) is the answer. started migrating. So, population decreased at
the rate of 4% per annum. How many migrated
52. Which of the answer figures given will from this town in past 2 yr?
complete the pattern of the question figure? (a) 115200 (b) 105000
(c) 9800 (d) None of these
Sol. (c) The population 2 yr ago = 125000
Decrease in population = 4% per annum
The present population of the town
96 96
= × × 125000 = 115200
(a) (b) 100 100
(c) (d)
People migrated from the town in past 2 yr
= 125000 − 115200 = 9800
Sol. (a) Clearly, option figure (a) completes the original
figure which looks like the figure as shown below. Directions (Q. Nos. 57-59) Read the given information
carefully and answer the questions given below.
Five movies-Do Bigha Jameen, Sholay, 3 idiots, Chak
De, Aanand screening on Monday to Friday in any order.
Movie screened on Friday remains till Sunday.
Screening of Do Bigha Jameen and Chak De should not
be on first and last day. Chak De should be followed by
53. Find what will come at the place of question Aanand. Sholay is screened immediately after Do Bigha
mark(?). Jameen. There is only one movie screened between
Sholay and 3 idiots.
=9 =1 =?
57. Which movie was screened on Friday?
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 16 (a) Aanand (b) Chak De
(c) 3 Idiots (d) Do Bigha Jameen
Sol. (a) The intersection points in the figure are taken as
the answer 58. Sholay was screened on which day?
(a) Monday (b) Friday
=9 =1 =4
(c) Wednesday (d) None of these
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019 9
59. 3 idiots was screened on which day? Box O’s serial number is 19. The box which has serial
(a) Friday (b) Wednesday number as 17 is placed above the box which has serial
(c) Tuesday (d) Monday number as 34.
Solutions (Q. Nos. 57-59) 61. What is the serial number of Box H?
Mon - 3 idiots Tue - Do Bigha Jameen (a) 23 (b) 33 (c) 17 (d) 27
Wed - Sholay Thurs - Chak De
62. Which among the following combination is true?
Fri - Aanand (a) Box N - Brown - 21 - 1st rack
57. (a) The movie Aanand was screened on Friday. (b) Box M - Yellow - 34 - 3rd rack
58. (c) The movie Sholay was screened on Wednesday. (c) Box K - Blue - 31 - 5th rack
(d) Box O - Orange - 19 - 8th rack
59. (d) The movie 3 idiots was screened on Monday.
60. Rahul asked Shyam to find N such that N! > 10 N 63. In certain way Box O is related to serial
and must be the smallest integer. Shyam number 17, Box H is related to serial number
calculates and find N is between 10 to 15, but he 34 and in same way Box M is related to which
asks his friend Sohan who says it is between 16 of the following serial number?
(a) 21 (b) 23 (c) 37 (d) 27
to 20. Then, Shyam asks his neighbour Suresh
who says it is between 21 to 25. Then, he asks 64. Which of the following statement is true?
his cousin Sonal who says it is 15 between 26 to (a) Only two boxes are placed below Box M
31. Who is correct? (b) Box H is placed two boxes above the Red colored box
(a) Suresh (b) Sonal (c) Box L and Box K are placed adjacent to the box
(c) Shyam (d) None of them which has serial number 34
Sol. (a) From 1, 2, 3, 4 …………… 19, 20 (d) None of the above
it is not possible i.e N! >/ 10N 65. Three of the following four are alike in a
For 25! > 1025 certain way and hence form a group. Which of
It is possible. the following does not belong to the group?
Hence, Suresh was correct. (a) Box L - 34 (b) Box K - 23
(c) Box H - 19 (d) Box O - 17
Directions (Q.Nos. 61-65) Read the given information Solutions (Q.Nos. 61-65)
carefully and answer the questions given below.
Rack Box Color Serial Numer
Eight boxes namely H to O are placed in a rack one
above the other. The lowermost rack is numbered as 1 8 O Brown 19
and above is 2 and so on. Each of the boxes is having 7 J White 23
different colors among Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, White,
Orange, Indigo and Brown. Each of the boxes is having 6 H Indigo 17
different serial numbers among 19, 23, 17, 31, 34, 37, 27 5 K Blue 31
and 21. All the above information is not necessarily in
the same order. 4 M Yellow 34
There are three boxes placed between the box which 3 I Red 37
having serial number as 27 and the Indigo colored box. 2 L Green 27
Box J’s serial number is not 27. The Indigo colored box is
1 N Orange 21
placed adjacent to blue colored box. Box I’s serial
number is 37 and is not placed at the topmost rack. Box 61. (c) The serial number of Box H is 17.
M is yellow colored and placed adjacent to the Red
62. (c) Box K - Blue - 31 - 5th rack is the correct
colored box. Box H is placed in the even numbered rack combination.
above fourth and it is placed adjacent to box which has
serial number as 31. Not more than five boxes are placed 63. (d) As, Box O → Serial number 17
above the Red colored box. Box J is placed in the seventh −2
and Box H → Serial number 34
rack and Box H is placed adjacent to Box J. Two boxes −2
are placed between the boxes having the serial number Similarly, Box M → Serial number 27
21 and 34. Box J is White colored. Maximum numbers of Box M is related to serial number 27.
boxes are placed between the Brown colored box and 64. (d) None of the given option is true. Hence, the
Orange colored box. Box H is not Brown colored. Box L is correct answer is option (d).
Green colored and it is placed adjacent to the Orange 65. (b) Following the common explanations, Box K is
colored box. Box N’s serial number is 21 and placed in placed in 5th rack and Box J (serial number 23) is
the lowermost rack. The box which has serial number as placed in 7th rack i.e. odd number combination.
23 is placed three boxes above the Yellow colored box. Hence, option (b) does not belong to the group.
10 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019
Directions (Q.Nos. 66 and 67) In each group of 68. In a coded language LAUGH is written as 62 7
question below are two conclusions followed by five set of 107 37 42, then SMILE will be written as
statements. You have to choose the correct set of (Note Do not include spaces in your answer.)
statements that logically satisfies given conclusions. (a) 97 67 47 62 27 (b) 67 42 47 62 27
66. Conclusions (c) 97 65 45 62 28 (d) 97 67 47 61 27
Atleast some states are district. Sol. (a) LAUGH is written as 62 7 107 37 42
Some towns being district is a possibility. In the alphabetical series order.
L = 12 A=1 U = 21 G =7 H =8
The sequence is
I. All districts are states. Some states are
village. No town is district. (n × 5) + 2
II. No districts is states. Some states are 62 = (12 × 5) + 2
towns. No town is village. 7 = (1× 5) + 2
III. All districts are states. Some states are 107 = ( 21× 5) + 2
towns. No town is village. 37 = (7 × 5) + 2
IV. No districts is states. Some states are 42 = (8 × 5) + 2
towns. No town is village. Similarly, S M I L E
V. All districts are states. Some states are S = 19 M = 13
village. Some town are village. I =9 L = 12 E =5
(a) Only Statement I (b) Both Statements II and III (19 × 5) + 2 = 97
(c) Only Statement VI (d) Both Statements III and V (13 × 5) + 2 = 67
Sol. (d) (9 × 5) + 2 = 47
Statement V (12 × 5) + 2 = 62
S ( 5 × 5) + 2 = 27
D V T Hence, the code for SMILE will be
97 67 47 62 27
Statement III 69. If ‘+’ means ‘×’, ‘−’ means ‘÷’, ‘÷’ means ‘+’ and ‘×’
means ‘−’, then what will be the value of
D T x V 16 ÷ 64 − 4 × 4 + 3 = ?
(a) 20 (b) 52 (c) 15 (d) 12
Sol. (a) 16 ÷ 64 − 4 × 4 + 3 = ?
Hence, both Statements III and V follow.
16 + 64 ÷ 4 − 4 × 3 = ?
67. Conclusions 16 + 16 − 4 × 3 = ?
No car is a bike. 32 − 12 = ?
? = 20
All bikes being vans is a possibility.
Statements 70. The question below is followed by two
I. All scooters are bikes. No bike is a moped. Arguments I and II. You have to decide which
All cars are bikes. All mopeds are vans of the argument is a ‘strong’ argument and
II. Some scooters are bikes. No bike is a van. which is a ‘weak’ argument?
All cars are mopeds. All mopeds are vans. Statement Should young entrepreneurs be
III. Some scooters are bikes. No bike is a encouraged?
moped. All cars are bikes . All mopeds are Arguments I. Yes, they will help in the
vans. industrial development of the country.
IV. All scooters are bikes. No bike is a van. All
cars are mopeds . All mopeds are vans. II. Yes, they will reduce the burden on the
V. All scooters are bikes. No bike is a moped. employment market.
(a) If only Argument I is strong
All cars are mopeds . All mopeds are vans
(b) If only Argument II is strong
(a) Only Statement V (b) Only Statement I
(c) If both I and II are strong
(c) Only Statement III (d) Both Statements III and IV
(d) If either I or II is strong
Sol. (a) Statement V
V Sol. (c) It is very clear that encouragement of the young
B M entrepreneur will open up the fields for setting up of
S x C new industries. Therefore, it will help in industrial
development. Consequently, more job opportunities
will be created. Thus, both the arguments are strong.
Hence, only Statement V follows.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019 11
(a) 7
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 9
7 73. Length of two trains is 150 m each. When they
12 12 12 12 are moving in opposite direction. They cross
a −b4 4
( a − b )( a + b )
2 2 2 2 each other in 20 s and when they are moving
Sol. (c) = in same direction. Then the faster train passed
a2 − b 2 ( a2 − b 2 )
slower train in 40 s. Then find the speed of
1 1
a=3 , b=4 [Q (a2 − b2 ) = ( a − b)( a + b)] faster train.
4 3 (a) 10.50 m/s (b) 11.25 m/s
1 2 1 2 (c) 30.75 m/s (d) 25 m/s
= a2 + b2 = 3 + 4
4 3 Sol. (b) Let speed of faster train = x m/s
1 1 Let speed of slower train = y m/s
a=3 , b=4
4 3 Distance = Speed × Time
13 2 13 2 Relative speed (in opposite direction) = ( x + y) m/s
= + = 13
1 1
+ Relative speed (in same direction) = ( x − y) m/s
4 3 16 9
9 + 16 In opposite direction
= 13 × = 13 × 150 + 150
16 × 9 144 x+y= ⇒ x + y = 15 m/s …(i)
5 65 5
= 13 × = =5 In same direction,
12 12 12 150 + 150 300
x−y= =
72. What is the area of the shaded portion. 40 40
⇒ x − y = 7.5 …(ii)
1cm 1cm On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
x = 1125
. m/s
74. Brigadier Rastogi travels from A to B at 40 km/h
on bike. He travels from B to C at 10 km/h on
cycle. The distance from A to B is equal to B to C.
A Then he travels from C to A via B at 24 km/h by
auto-rickshaw. Find his average speed.
(a) 20.5 km/h (b) 21 km/h
(c) 18 km/h (d) 19.2 km/h
1cm 1cm
C B Sol. (d)
10 m 10 m A B C
Let distance from A to B LCM of 24, 10,
1cm 1cm 40 = 120 km
A 120
Time from A to B by bike = =3h
∆ABC is equilateral triangle of side 2 cm. Time from B to C by cycle =
= 12 h
3 10
Then, area of ∆ABC = × 2× 2= 3
4 Distance
3 Q Time =
Area of equilateral triangle = × (side)2
4 240
Time from C to A by autorickshaw = = 10 h
Area of 3 sector of angle 60° each and radius 1 cm 24
each. Total distance 4 × 120
∴ Average Speed = =
θ Total time 3 + 12 + 10
= 3 × π (radius) 2 ×
360° 4 × 120
60° π =
= 3 × π (1) ×
= 25
360° 2
= 19.2 km/h
12 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019
75. Rohan and Rahul are 144 km apart on point A 78. In an institute, MBA Exam is conducted and
and point B respectively. Rohan travels sectional cut off has been introduced into it.
constantly at 8 km/h. Rahul travels 4 km in Any candidate appearing for the exam cannot
first hour, 5 km in second hour, 6 km in third qualify unless he clears the sectional cut off. If
hour and so on. Find the point where they well there are 4 sections in the paper, then what is
meet. the number of ways on applicant may fail in
(a) 70 km from point A the exam.
(b) 74 km from point A Sol. There is two possibility pass (P) and Fail (F).
(c) 70 km from point B Then, possibility of 4 sections
(d) Exactly at midway between A and B
Sol. (d) Speed of Rohan = 8 km/h FFFP FFPF FPFF PFFF
Speed of Rahul in start = 4 km/h = = 16
and Rahul’s speed increases 1 km/h in ever hour. PFPF FPFP FFFF PPPP
Relative speed in opposite direction AP series is
formed = 12, 13, 14 … = Cover distance per hour Total possibility = 16
Let they meet after n hour. The number of way on applicant may fail in the
According to the question, exam = (16 − 1) = 15
Distance between Rohan and Rahul 79. In how many ways letters of word POTICA can
= Cover distance in n hour be arranged such that vowel occupy at odd
) ] Q S n = [ 2a + (n − 1) d ]
n n positions?
144 = [ 2 × 12 + (n − 11
2 2 (a) 36 (b) 15 (c) 42 (d) 21
90. Mohan has a 200 L container. x L of milk is 95. How many qualified only DI section?
kept in the container. Mohan removes 6L milk (a) 10 (b) 25 (c) 20 (d) 17
and adds 6L water. He again replaces 6L of Solutions (Q. Nos. 92-95)
solution with water. Now milk and water are Maths DI
in the ratio 9 : 16. What is the value of x? 10 17
Sol. Add water = Initial quantity of substance ×
Final substance 10
× 1 − 5 ×
Final mixture 18 LR
9 3 2x
6 = x 1 − ⇒ 6 = x 1 − ⇒6= = 15 litre 5 × × 10
25 5 5
10 English
91. Indian express travels at 60 km/h and halts. For 25 ×
fixed time every hour. Due to halts, the average
speed become 50 km/h. Find the time of halt.
(a) 10 min (b) 20 min (c) 15 min (d) 12 min 92. (b) Qualified at least two section
= 10 + 5 + 5 + 25 + 10 = 55 aspirants
Sol. (a) Halt time
Speed of faster train − Speed of slower train 93. (a) Qualified in both Maths and LR = 10 aspirants
= × 60
Speed of faster train 94. (c) None of the student failed ie 0.
60 − 50 95. (d) Qualified only in DI = 17
= × 60 = 10 min
Directions (Q. Nos. 96-98)
Directions (Q. Nos. 92-95) Read the given Year
Quantity of Rice % Change over
information carefully and answer the given questions. (tonne) previous year
They had to answer four sections Maths, DI, LR and 30-31 1097172 + 12.5
English. 40-41 264280 + 1111
The number of students who qualified in Maths = 55. 50-51 127890 − 09.09
The number of students who qualified in LR= 38. 60-61 201924 + 20.00
The number of students who qualified in (Maths +
70-71 112325 − 16.66
English) = 30.
The number of students who qualified in (LR + English) 80-81 213465 − 25.00
= 15. 90-91 169368 + 33.33
The number of students who qualified in (Maths + LR) 00-01 100956 + 50.00
= 20.
10-11 23800 − 83.33
The number of students who qualified in (Maths + LR +
English) = 5.
96. What is the approx production of rice in year
The number of students who qualified in DI = 22. 1949-50?
The number of students who qualified in (DI + LR) = 5. (a) 132650 tonne (b) 160479 tonne
The number of students who qualified in (DI + Maths) (c) 140679 tonne (d) 120659 tonne
= 5. Sol. (c) Production of rice in year 1950-51= 127890 tonne
The number of students who qualified in (DI + Maths + Production of rice in year 1950-51 is 09.09% less
LR) = 5. than that of in year 1949-50
The number of students who qualified in English = 50. 1
Fraction of 09.09 =
Those who qualified in English, could not qualify in DI 11
section. Then, production of rice in 1949-50
= × production of rice in 1950-51
92. How many qualified atleast two sections? 10
(a) 60 (b) 55 (c) 50 (d) 20 11
= × 127890 = 140679 tonne
93. How many qualified in both Maths and LR, but 10
not in any other section? 97. What is the difference in the production of rice
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 25 (d) 5
in 1969-70 and 1979-80?
(a) 149830 tonnes (b) 125600 tonnes
94. How many did not qualify any section?
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 0 (d) 5 (c) 143980 tonnes (d) 162500 tonnes
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019 15
Sol. (a) Required difference Then, the circuit board manufacture by Robot
= (Production of rice in 1979-80) 25
A = 100 × = 25x
− (Production of rice in 1969-70) 100
Fraction 25% = 1 , 16.66% = 1 Robot B = 100 × = 35x
4 6
4 6 Robot C = 100 × = 40x
= 213465 × − 112325 × 100
3 5
Number of faulty circuit boards by Robot
= 284620 − 134790 = 149830 tonne
A = 25x × = 125
. x
98. What is the the approx production in 1959-60? 100
(a) 168270 tonnes (b) 148070 tonnes Number of faulty circuit boards by Robot
(c) 157270 tonnes (d) 1382890 tonnes 4
B = 35x × = 14
. x
Sol. (a) Production of rice in 1960 -61= 201924 tonne 100
The production in 1959-60 Number of faulty circuit boards by Robot
5 2
= × 201924 = 168270 tonne C = 40x × = 0.8 x
6 100
99. What is the sum of integers from 113 to Total number of faulty circuit boards
113113, which are divisible by 7? = 125
. x + 14
. x + 0.8x = 3.45x
(a) 899235637 (b) 867265029 (c) 913952088 (d) 752643214 3.45x
∴ Required probability = = 0.034
Sol. (c) 119 + 126 + … + 113113 100x
This is the series of AP. 102. Average stipend of a group of students is
Let total number of terms be n. ` 50 per day. The difference between maximum
∴ l = a + (n − 1) d ⇒ 113113 = 119 + (n − 1) × 7 and minimum stipend is ` 45. If these 2
⇒ 112994 = (n − 1) × 7 ⇒ n − 1 = 16142 students are excluded, the average decreases
⇒ n = 16143 by ` 1. Minimum earning lie between ` 42 to `
Sum of the series 47 and the number of students is a prime
n 16143 number, where both the digit is also prime.
= (first term + last term) = (119 + 113113)
2 2 What is the number of students initially?
16143 (a) 47 (b) 43 (c) 31 (d) 37
= × 113132 = 913952088
2 Sol. (d) Let the minimum stipend = x
Then, the maximum stipend = x + 45
100. Robot is 4 m in length and placed at corner of Let number of students = n
16 m × 30 m field. The robot is facing
Then, total stipend of a group of students = 50 n …(i)
diagonally opposite corner and reaches the
diagonally opposite corner in 15 s. What is the New average = 49
speed (in m/s) of robot? Then, total stipend of a group of students
(a) 5 (b) 2 (c)D3 (d) 1 C = 49(n − 2) …(ii)
Sol. (b) ABCD is rectangle. By Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
The stipend of a two students
Then, ∠B = 90°
16m = 50n − 49(n − 2) = n + 98
AC 2 = AB 2 + BC 2
Then, n + 98 = x + x + 45
AC 2 = 162 + 302 A B
30m n + 98 = 2x + 45
AC = 196 + 900
Minimum earning lie between ` 42 to ` 47.
= 34m
n + 98 = 2( 45) + 45 [x = 45]
Length of robot 4 m.
n = 37
Then, it has to travel = 34 − 4 = 30 m
30 n prime possible when x = 45.
Speed of the robot = = 2 m/s
15 103. Valve A fills a bathtub in 10 h and Valve B fills
101. In a smart phone factory, Robot A, B, C the bathtub in 15 h. When A and B are opened
manufacture 25%, 35% and 40% circuit board together, later B closed after some time. Total
respectively. for each of the robot faulty circuit time taken to fill the bathtub is 8 h. When was
board = 5%, 4% and 2% respectively. What is B closed?
the probability that the printed circuit board is (a) 5 h (b) 3 h (c) 8 h (d) 6 h
defective if 1 circuit board is picked at random? Sol. (b) Valve A fills a bathtub = 10 h
(a) 0.034 (b) 0.027 (c) 0.091 (d) 0.030
Valve B fills the bathtub = 15 h
Sol. (a) Let total circuit board manufacture in factory = 100x Let B closed after x hours.
16 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2019
According to the question, Directions (Q. Nos. 106-109) The following pie chart
8 x 4 x shows the analysis of the result of an examination in
1= + ⇒ 1− = ⇒ x=3h
10 15 5 15 which 5 candidates have failed. Study the chart and
Directions (Q. Nos. 104 and 105) Refer to the answer the question given below.
pie-chart and answer the given questions.
Percentage of employees in different departments Failed candidates
of branch ‘XYZ’ in the year 2014 210°
Passed male candidates
F A 135°
22% 15% Passed female candidates
12% 16%
C 106. The total number of examinees was
26% (a) 100 (b) 120 (c) 135 (d) 150
Total number of employees = 450 Sol. (b) Let total number of candidates be x.
By pie chart, × x = 5 [failed students = 5, given]
104. In 2014, the number of female employees in 360°
department C was 5/13 of the total number of ∴ x = 24 × 5 = 120
employees in same department. If the number
of female employees in department F was 4
107. Percentage of passed female candidates with
respect to total examinees is
less than that in department C, what is the (a) 30 (b) 37. (c) 40 (d) 45
number of male employees department F?
(a) 41 (b) 42 (c) 58 (d) 54 Sol. (b) Number of passed female candidates
Sol. (c) Total number of employees in department C = × 100% = 37.5%
26 360°
= 450 × = 117
100 108. Percentage of passed male candidates with
Female employees in department C = 117 × = 45 respect to total passed candidates is
13 (a) 60.8 (b) 56 (c) 71 (d) 58
Now, total number of employees in department F
Sol. (a) Percentage of passed male candidates
= 450 × = 99 210° 210°
100 = × 100% = × 100% = 60.8%
360° − 15° 345°
Female employees in department
F = 45 − 4 = 41 109. Ratio of passed male candidates to the
∴ Male employees in department F = 99 − 41 = 58 successful female candidates is
(a) 9 : 1 (b) 1 : 14
105. The number of employees in department E is
(c) 14 : 9 (d) 9 : 14
what per cent less than the number of
employees in departments A and C together? Sol. (c) Required ratio = = 14 : 9
(a) 72 (b) 60 (c) 65 (d) 70 135°
Sol. (d) Total number of employees in department A 110. Find the value of m − n, if
15 135 9 n × 32 × ( 3 − n / 2 ) −2 − ( 27) n
= 450 × = =
100 2 3 ×2
3m 3
Total number of employees in department C
26 (a) 1 (b) −2 (c) −1 (d) 2
= 450 × = 117
100 9n × 32 × ( 3− n / 2 ) −2 − ( 27) n 1
Sol. (a) =
∴ Total number of employees in department (A + C) 33 m × 23 27
135 369
= + 117 = 32 n × 32 × 3n − 33 n 1
2 2 ⇒ =
and total number of employees in department E 33 m × 23 27
12 33 n + 2 − 33 n 1
= × 450 = 54 ⇒ =
100 33 m × 8 27
369 261
− 54 33 n ( 32 − 1) 1
∴ Required percentage = 2 × 100 = 2 × 100 =
369 369 33 m × 8 27
2 2 ⇒ ( 33 ) n − m = 3−3
261 29 n − m = − 1 or m − n = 1
= × 100 = × 100 = 70.73 ≈ 70%
369 41
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018 1
1. There are 130 questions in this paper.
2. There are four parts. Part A (Analytical & Logical Reasoning), Part B (General Awareness),
Part C (Quantitative Aptitude) and Part D (General English).
3. Each Section contains 5 special (Non-MCQs) Questions.
4. Part A carries 40 marks, Part B carries 30 marks, Part C carries 40 marks and Part D carries 40 marks.
5. For each incorrect attempt 1/4th of marks allotted will be deducted.
* Memory Based
2 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018
Sol. According to the given information, 8. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown
Row of boys ⇒ 15 boys 3 boys 4 boys 15 boys below in the question figures. From the given
A B C answer figures, indicate how it will appear
∴ Total number of boys in row when opened?
= 15 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 15 = 40 Question Figures
5. What will come in place of question mark (?) in
the given series?
5, 9, 16, 29, 54, ?
(a) 200 (b) 103 (c) 106 (d) 154
Sol. (b) The pattern of the series is,
5 9 16 29 54 103 Answer Figures
II. Only three people are shorter than A. B is T lives on an odd numbered floor and Q lives on an even
shorter than D but not the shortest. C is numbered floor.
the tallest amongst them. From Statement III,
(a) The data in both Statements I and II T lives immediately above R’s floor. S lives on an odd
together are necessary to answer the numbered floor and two floors are between P and S.
question From Statements II and III
(b) The data in Statement II alone are
6 P
sufficient to answer the question while the
data in Statement I alone are not sufficient 5 T
to answer the question. 4 R
(c) The data even in both Statements I and II 3 S
together are not sufficient to answer the
2 Q
1 V
(d) The data either in Statement I alone or
Statement II alone are sufficient to answer Clearly, P lives on topmost floor.
the question Hence, Statements II and III are necessary.
Sol. (a) From Statement I,
12. Six lectures are scheduled in a week starting from
C > E, D > F
Monday and ending on Sunday of the same week.
and __ > __ > A > D > __ > __ Computer Science is not on Tuesday or Saturday.
From Statement II, Finance is immediately after Operations. Statistics is
D > B, B is not the shortest. not on Friday and there is one day gap between
and C > __ > A > __ > __ > __ Statistics and Marketing. One day prior to the
From Statements I and II, we get schedule of Economics there is no lecture (as that day
C > E > A > D > B > F is the off day) and Monday is not the off day. Which
Clearly, E is second tallest. lecture is scheduled on Monday.
(a) Operations
Hence, both the statements are required.
(b) Statistics
(c) Computer Science
Direction (Q. No.11) In the following question,
(d) Marketing
three statements are given below a question. You
have to decide whether the data given in the Sol. (a) From the given information,
statement is sufficient to answer the question. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Among six people P, Q, R, S, T and V, each lives Operations Finance Statistics Computer Marketing off day Economics
on a different floor of a six storey building Science
having its six floors numbered one to six (the
ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it, Clearly, lecture on Operations is scheduled on Monday.
number 2 and so on and the topmost floor is 13. Ritika starts from her house and walks 30 km
numbered 6). Who lives on the topmost floor? Southwards, then travels 8 km to the right and then
I. There is only one floor between the floors 10 km towards the right, then again travels 20 km
on which R and Q live. P lives on an even towards right and then 36 km towards the left. How
numbered floor. far is she from her house and in which direction?
(a) 20 km, North-East
II. T does not live on an even numbered floor.
(b) 20 km, North
Q lives on an even numbered floor. Q does
(c) 20 km, East
not live on the topmost floor.
(d) 20 km, South-East
III. S lives on an odd numbered floor. There
Sol. (a) From the given information,
are two floors between the floors on which
S and P live. T lives on a floor immediately End point
above R’s floor.
(a) Statements I and II are sufficient
House A M
(b) Statements I and III are sufficient
36 km N
(c) Statements II and III are sufficient N-W N-E
30 km
(d) All the statements are necessary W E
Sol. (c) From Statement I, D S-W S-E
20 km S
P lives on an even numbered floor. 10 km
One floor is between floors of R and Q.
From Statement II, C 8 km B
4 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018
14. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown Clearly, D is in South-East direction of B.
below in the question figures. From the given Hence, only Statement III is sufficient.
answer figures, indicate how it will appear
when opened. Direction (Q. No. 16) Study the diagram given below
to answer the question.
Question Figures
A Villages
Educated C Unemployed
women F women
Answer Figures B
Sol. (a) To find the missing number, all the numbers must 24. The calendar for the year 1996 is same for
be rotated 180°. which year?
∴ Series become –1 (a) 2024 (b) 2017 (c) 2004 (d) 1998
91, 90, 89, 88 Sol. (a) Number of odd days in a leap year = 2
–1 –1 and number of odd days in an ordinary year = 1
∴ ? = 06 Also, 1996 is a leap year
∴ The required year which has the same calendar
20. If pig : farrow and lion : cub, then bear : ? as of 1996 must be a leap year.
(a) Kit (b) Squeaker (c) Shoat (d) Cub Now, odd days between 1996 and 2024 = 35
Sol. (d) As, young ones of pig are called farrow and young 35
⇒ = 0 odd days.
ones of lion are called cub. Similarly, young ones of 7
bear are called cub. ∴ 2024 will have same calendar as 1996.
21. What will come in place of question mark? 25. In a certain code language ‘January’ is
written as ‘10125’ and ‘June’ as ‘10605’. How
2 3 –5 2 –10 6
will July be written in same language?
11 5 –12 –2 ? –10 (a) 108735 (b) 101783 (c) 10673 (d) 10725
(a) −70 (b) −106 (c) −15 (d) −90 Sol. (d) Here, the code for each month is obtained as,
Sol. (a) As, 2 × 3 + 5 = 11
( −5) × ( 2) + ( −2) = − 12 January 10 1 25 First month
of year
Similarly, ( −10) × (6) × ( −10) = ?
∴ ? = − 60 − 10 = − 70
22. What will come in place of question mark? June 10 6 05 Sixth month
of year
5 12 7
3 242 7 11 502 13 ? 662 10 Similarly,
July 10 7 25 7th month
9 14 21 of year
23. In a certain code language ‘MASTER’ is coded as Sol. (b) Naming the figure,
‘79 7 115 121 31 109’. How will ‘LAUGH’ be A
coded using the same pattern. E
(a) 73 7 68 97 48 (b) 73 7 127 43 49
(c) 125 97 63 4 16 (d) 63 84 69 72 8 F
Directions (Q. Nos. 28-35) Study the given 30. Who among the following sits second to left of T?
information carefully and answer the following question. (a) S (b) P (c) R (d) Q
Ten persons are sitting in twelve seats in two parallel
rows containing five people each, in such a way that 31. Who among the following sit opposite to C?
(a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S
there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In
Row 1, A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of them are 32. Who among the following likes cream colour?
facing South, and in Row 2, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
and all of them are facing North. One seat is vacant in
each row. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement 33. Who among the following is sitting between A
each member seated in a row faces another member of and D?
the other row. All of them like a different colour i.e. red, (a) E (b) C (c) B
blue, yellow, green, white, black, cream, pink, brown and (d) The one who likes pink colour
A sits second to left of person who likes red colour, the 34. Which of the following colour is liked by R?
(a) Yellow (b) White (c) Blue (d) Violet
one seat which is on the extreme end is adjacent to
either A or the person who likes red colour. T sits at 35. Who among the following sits second to the left
one of the extreme ends of the row. There are three of P?
persons sitting between T and S, who likes blue colour. (a) Vacant seat (b) Q (c) S (d) E
Immediate neighbour of T faces B. One of immediate Solutions (Q. Nos. 28-35) From the given information,
neighbour of B faces R, who likes yellow colour. There
are no vacant seats adjacent to R. C likes green colour Row 1
Vacant (Red) (Green) (Pink) (Cream) (Black)
and sits second to left of vacant seat. One of immediate
neighbour of R is Q and he likes white colour. One of
(Blue) (Brown) (Yellow) (White) (Violet)
immediate neighbour of Q faces D and he likes black Row 2
Vacant S P R Q T
colour. The one who likes cream colour sits to the
immediate left of the person who likes pink colour. The 28. (d) D, T sits on the extreme ends of row.
one who likes brown colour sits third to left of person 29. (d) T likes violet colour.
who likes violet colour. 30. (c) R sits second to the left of T.
28. Who among the following sits on the extreme 31. (a) P sits opposite to C.
ends of the row? 32. (b) B likes cream colour.
(a) E, Q (b) B, P (c) D, P (d) D, T 33. (c) B sits between A and D.
29. Who among the following likes violet colour? 34. (a) R likes yellow colour.
(a) P (b) R (c) Q (d) T 35. (a) No one sits second to the left of P.
40. Who among the following is former and current Sol. (c) In a bid to build on its Augmented Reality (AR)
CEO and MD of IDBI bank respectively? ambitions, facebook has acquired German computer
(a) Mahesh Kumar Jain and B Sriram vision startup Fayteq. Fayteq is known of its
(b) Rana Kapoor and Arjit Basu video-editing technology that makes it possible to
(c) Shika Sharma and Shyamala Gopinath
add and remove objects from existing videos.
(d) Amitabh Chaudhary and Chanda Kochhar 45. Who won Champion of Earth award alongwith
Sol. (a) IDBI Bank was established in 1964 by Parliament the Emmanuel Macron?
for the development of the rising Indian Industry. Sol. The UNEP established Champion of Earth award in
Recently IDBI former CEO Mahesh Kumar Jain was 2005 as an annual award programme to recognise
appointed as a Deputy Governor of RBI. On the outstanding environmental leaders, from public and
place of Mahesh Kumar Jain, IDBI has appointed private sector. This year award was presented to
B. Sriram as Managing Director (MD) and Chief Narendra Modi and Emmanuel Macron for their
Executive Officer (CEO). initiative to establish International Solar Alliance to
reduce carbon emmission.
41. Under which Provision of RBI Act government
can issue direction to the RBI? 46. Name the political party established by Kamal
(a) Section 17 (b) Section 7 (c) Section 10 (d) Section 15 Haasan.
Sol. (b) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 was enacted to Sol. Superstar Kamal Hassan announced the name of his
constitute the Reserve Bank of India. Recently new political party Makkal Needhi Maiam (Peoples
Section 7 of the RBI Act has come into spotlight Justice Centre). He declared that his party will follow
amid the clash between Central and RBI. Over the centre approach and not toward left or right political
issue of RBIs autonomy. Exercising powers under this approach. Party, is launched in Madurai, which is
Section government can send letter to RBI for seen as the political capital of Tamil Nadu.
different purpose. Government has appointed
Shaktikanta Das as 25th RBI Governor. 47. Mobile food delivery market place Food Panda
is acquired by
42. Recently Assembly Election were held in which (a) Uber Eats (b) Zomato
state? (c) Swiggy (d) Ola
(a) Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Rajasthan
Sol. (d) In a strategic mere to capture the food ordering
and Telangana
market in India, online cab aggregator ola has
(b) Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan acquired foodpande India, ola is committed for
and Andhra Pradesh
investment of $ 200 million into the food delivery
(c) Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Gujarat business. Food panda fights bigger rivals like zomato
and Odisha and swiggy in the domestic market. Ola is competing
(d) Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan with uber eats in food delivery market.
and Telangana
Sol. (d) Assembly Election were held in 5 state- 48. Biggest Health Sector Scheme launched by the
Chhattisgarh - Bhupesh Baghel GOI is
(a) Rastriya Swasth Bima Yojana
Madhya Pradesh - Kamal Nath
(b) Ayushman Bharat
Mizoram - PU Zoramthanga
(c) Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Scheme
Rajasthan - Ashok Gehlot
(d) National Organ Transplant Programme
Telangana - K. Chandrashekhar Rao
Sol. (b) Ayushman Bharat is National Health Protection
43. Which among the following is first Holographic Scheme. This will cover over 10 crore poor and
phone launched recently? vulnerable families. It will providing coverage upto 5
(a) Red Hydrogen One lakh rupee per family per year for secondary and
(b) Blue Hydrogen One tertiary care hospitalisation. The scheme is also
(c) Red Nitrogen One known as Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana. It is
(d) Black Nitrogen One world’s biggest Health Sector scheme on the basis of
Sol. (a) The first Holographic phone named ‘Red people covered under it.
Hydrogen One’ was launched by ‘‘AT&T’’ and 49. More Aditya Birla Group’s food and grocery
‘‘Verizon’’. The company has its roots in digital
retail chain will be acquired by
cameras for movie production. The Holographic (a) Flipkart (b) IKEA
phone can project 30 images that can be viewed (c) Samara and Amazon (d) Snapdeal
without special glasses.
Sol. (c) Private equity firm Samara Capital along with
44. Facebook acquired which of the following video Amazon.cominc., the world’s largest online retailer,
editing company? have agreed to buy Aditya Birla group’s food and
(a) Kyro digital (b) Spark house grocery retail chain. Aditya Birla Groups food and
(c) Fayteq (d) Spin creative grocery retail chain is known as ‘‘MORE’’.
8 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018
50. Currently which company is the largest 56. Which city of Indonesia Hosted 2018 Asian
manufacturer of chip in the world? Games?
(a) Qualcomm (b) Toshiba (c) Intel (d) Samsung (a) Palembong and Makassar (b) Jakarta and Bondung
Sol. (d) Samsung, the Korean tech giants has ended reign (c) Bondung and Makassar (d) Jakarta and Palembong
of Intel as the world biggest seller of chipset. Chip is
short for microchip, complex tiny module that store Sol. (d) 18th Asian Games were hosted by Indonesia in
computer memory. city of Jakarta and Palembong.
Indias Performance - Rank 8th
51. At present who is Vice-Chairman of University Medal - 69th
Grants Commission? Gold - 15
Sol. The UGC is a statutory body established by the UGC Silver - 24
Act of 1956 under Ministry of HRD and is charged Bronze - 30
with co-ordination, determination and maintenance
19th Asian Games will be Hosted by China.
of standard of higher education. Recently Dr.
Bhushan Patwardhan was appointed as the 57. Krishi Kalyan Abhiyaan was launched by
Vice-Chairman of the UGC by Government of India. Ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare in
Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan is a biomedical Scientist. ……
(a) 4th month of 2018 (b) 7th month of 2018
52. New SUV launched by Tata and Jaguar, Land
(c) 6th month of 2018 (d) 12th month of 2018
Rover is
(a) Creta (b) Harrier (c) Compass (d) XUV500 Sol. (c) With a vision of doubling farmers income by
Sol. (b) The Tata Harrier is a five seater SUV produced by
2022 Ministry launched Krishi Kalyan Abhiyaan from
Indian automaker Tata Motors. Harrier is based on a 1st June, 2018 till 31st July, 2018. It will aid assist
re-engineered version Jaguar, Land and Rover. and advice farmers on how to improve farming
techniques and raise their income.
53. Which bollywood actor has signed an
agreement to become Brand Ambassador of
58. What is India’s rank in UN World Happiness
Dish TV DTH Company?
(a) 133 (b) 122 (c) 110 (d) 100
(a) Ranveer Singh (b) Salman Khan
(c) Ayushman Khurana (d) Rajkumar Rao Sol. (a) The World Happiness Report is published by the
United Nation Sustainable Development Solution
Sol. (a) India’s first and largest DTH company has made
Network. India’s ranking Reduced from 122 in 2017
Ranveer Singh as its ambassador to woo the younger
to 133 in 2018. Finland was Happiest country and
audience. He is replaced by Shahrukh Khan. Ranveer
Burundi was last on the list. It covered 156 countries.
will lead the Dish TV’s new brand campaign ‘Dish
Nahi Dishkiyaon’. 59. How many seats Indian National Congress
won in Chhattisgarh Assembly Election?
54. Who won the Ramon Magsaysay Award 2018? (a) 58 (b) 61 (c) 65 (d) 68
Sol. Ramon Magsaysay award is named after, the
President of the Philippines. Prize is given to Asian Sol. (d) INC formed government in Chhattisgarh with
individual in different field such as Public Services, absolute majority by capturing 68 assembly seats.
Journalism, Literature etc. Bharat Vatwani is being Election result in other state
recognised for embracing mentally offlected destitute BJP INC
and Sonam Wangchuk for his contribution in MP 109 114
harnessing nature, culture and education for Rajasthan 73 199
community progress in Ladakh. Chhattisgarh 15 68
Mizoram 1 5 MNS - 26
55. Who has been appointed as a Chief Economic Telangana 1 119 TRS - 88
Advisor of India?
(a) N K Singh
60. 2018, Nobel Prize for economics was awarded
(b) Krishnamurti Subramaniam
to how many person?
(c) Mahesh Kumar Jain (d) Amitabh Kant (a) One (b) Three (c) Two (d) Four
Sol. (b) The government has appointed Krishnamurti Sol. (c) Nobel Economic Prize 2018 was shared by US
Subramaniam as a Chief Economic Advisor for three Economist William Nordhaus and Poul Romer for
years, Subramaniam was teacher at Indian School of integrating innovation and climate with economic
Business (ISB) before taking this post. Chief Economic growth. Nobel Economic Prize was Ist awarded in
Advisor is responsible for determining the governments 1969 all other Nobel Prize were established in 1895.
overall strategy in managing the economy and help The Nobel prize is bestowed by Swedish and
prepare the econimical survery of India. Norwegia Institution.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018 9
61. The taxi in a city comprise of a fixed charge 63. How many six lettered words can be formed
together with the charge for the distance starting with M, from the word ‘CUSTOM’ ?
covered. For a journey of 10 km, the charges (a) 110 (b) 64 (c) 216 (d) 120
paid is `150 and for a journey of 15 km, the Sol. (d) Here, M is fixed at first position and the
charge paid is `220. What will a person have to remaining letters can change their position.
pay for travelling a distance of 25 km? ∴ Total number of ways = 5! = 120
(a) `400 (b) `360
(c) `280 (d) `500 64. Output is produced according to Q = ( a − 4 L)6,
Sol. (b) Let the fixed charge be `f and variable charge be where ‘L’ is the quantity of labour input and ‘a’
`v per km. is the quantity of capital input. Then, which of
According to the question, the following alternative is correct?
(a) Output decreases as labour increases
f + 10v = 150 …(i)
(b) Output increases as labour increases
f + 15v = 220 …(ii)
(c) Output decreases as capital increases
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get (d) None of the above
f = 10 and v = 14
Sol. (a) Given, Q = ( a − 4 L) 6
∴ Charge for 25 km = f + 25v
= ` (10 + 25 × 14) Q Labour is combined with negative sign
= `360 ∴ Output decreases as labour increases.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
62. In the given figure, the boundary of shaded
region consists of four semi-circular arcs, three 65. Sonali and Meenal appear in an interview for
smallest being equal. If the diameter of the two vacancies in the same post. The probability
largest is 14 cm and that of the smallest is of Sonali’s selection is 1/7 and the probability
3.5 cm. Calculate the area of shaded region. of Meenal’s selection is 1/5. What is the
probability that only one of them is selected?
1 2
(a) (b)
7 7
3 4
(c) (d)
4 5
Sol. (b) Let A = Event that Sonali is selected
Sol. (a) Given, h = height of cone, v = volume of cone Sol. (b) Given, log10 11 = a ⇒ 10a = 11
and c = curved surface area of cone. 1
Now, = log10
Let r = radius of base of cone 110
11 × 10
Now, 3πvh3
1 1
1 1
= 3π × πr 2h × h3 [Q volume of cone = πr 2h] = log10 a = log10 a + 1
3 3 10 × 10 10
= π r h = (π r h ) × h
2 2 4 2 2 2 2
…(i) = log10 10− ( a + 1)
Now, we know that, c = πrl = − ( a + 1) × log10 10
⇒ c = πr ( r 2 + h2 ) (Q l 2 = r 2 + h2 ) = − ( a + 1)
⇒ c2 = π 2 r 2 ( r 2 + h2 ) 77. The price of corn increases by 20% also the
⇒ c2 = π 2 r 4 + π 2 r 2h2 expenditure to bring corn from to marked
∴ π 2 r 2h2 = c2 − π 2 r 4 increases by 5%. By how much per cent should
Putting the value in Eq. (i), we get a family decrease its consumption so as to keep
( c2 − π 2 r 4 )h2 = c2h2 − π 2 r 4h2 = c2h2 − 9v 2 their budget same?
1 1
(a) 11 % (b) 13% (c) 9 % (d) 25%
73. If 20% of x = y, then y% of 20 is equal to 9 9
(a) 20% of x (b) 16% of x (c) 10% of x (d) 4% of x Sol. (a) Let the original price of corn and expenditure to
20 bring it to market be `100 each
Sol. (d) Given, x=y 120
100 New price of corn = × 100 = `120
x 100
y= …(i) 105
5 New expenditure = × 100 = `105
y x 1 x 100
Now, × 20 = × =
100 5 5 25 New total cost = `(120 + 105) = `225
= 4% of x Decrease in consumption = `( 225 − 200) = `25
25 1
x+1 ∴ Required percentage = × 100 = 11 %
74. If f ( x) = , the ratio of x to f ( y), where 225 9
y = f ( x) is 78. The cost of a TV is 150% the cost of a fridge.
(a) x : y 2
(b) x : y 2
(c) 1 : 1 (d) ( x + 1 ) : ( x − 1 ) The cost of fridge is what per cent of the cost of
TV and fridge?
x+1 (a) 45% (b) 60% (c) 25% (d) 40%
Sol. (c) Given, f ( x) =
x −1 Sol. (d) Let the cost of fridge = `100
x+1 x + 1+ x − 1 150
+1 ∴ Cost of TV = × 100 = `150
∴ f ( y) = x − 1 = x −1 = =x 100
x+1 x + 1− x + 1 2
−1 ∴ Cost of fridge and TV = `(100 + 150) = `250
x −1 x −1 100
x x
= = 1: 1 Required percentage = × 100 = 40%
f ( y) x 250
79. 20 students collected `10000 each 50% of the
75. Find the value of amount is invested in riskless government
log tan 1° + log tan 2° + … + log tan 89 °. securities while the remaining in equities. The
(a) (b) 25 (c) 0 (d) 1 return on riskless government securities is
7.8% per annum. If the gain is equally divided
Sol. (c) Given, among them, then value of gain per student is
log tan 1° + log tan 2° + … + log tan 89° (a) `390 (b) `440 (c) `500 (d) `780
= log(tan 1° × tan 2° × … × tan 89°) Sol. (a) Total collection by students
= log (tan(90 − 1) ° × tan(90 − 2) ° … tan 45°…
= ` ( 20 × 10000) = `200000
tan 88°⋅ tan 89°)
= log (cot 89° cot 88° … tan 45° … tan 88°⋅ tan 89° ) ∴ Amount invested in rickless government securities
[Q tan(90 − θ) = cot θ ] = × 200000 = `100000
= log(1⋅ 1⋅ 1⋅ 1) [Q tan θ ⋅ cot θ = 1 and tan 45° = 1] 100
Return = 7.8% per annum
= log 1 = 0 7.8
∴ Gain = × 100000 = `7800
76. If log 10 11 = a, then log 10
1 100
is equal to
110 ` 7800
∴ Gain per student = = `390
(a) a + 1 (b) − ( a + 1 ) (c) a (d) a − 1 20
12 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018
r t
80. An umbrella is made by stitching 10 triangular Now, we know that, A = P 1 +
pieces of cloth of two different colours, each 100
5 3
∴ Amount = 20000 1 +
piece measuring 20cm, 50cm and 50cm. How
much cloth of each colour is required for the 100
umbrella? 3
= 20000
Sol. There are 10 triangles in the umbrella, 5 of each 20
= `23152.50
Now, area of each colour of cloth = 5 (area of 1
∴ Required sum = `23152.50
Given, sides of triangle = a = 20 cm, b = 50 cm, 83. Given, 5 different green dyes, 4 different blue
c = 50 cm dyes and 3 different red dyes, the number of
Using Heron’s formula, combination of dyes which can be chosen
Area of triangle = s( s − a)( s − b)( s − c) taking at least one green and one blue dye is
(a) 3600 (b) 3720 (c) 3800 (d) 3600
a+ b+ c
where, s= Sol. (b) Given, number of green dyes = 5
20 + 50 + 50 Number of blue dyes = 4
∴ s= = 60 cm
2 Number of red dyes = 3
∴ Area of triangle Now, number of ways to choose at least one green
= 60(60 − 50)(60 − 50)(60 − 20) and one blue dye
= 60 × 10 × 10 × 40 = 240000 = ( 25 − 1)( 24 − 1)( 23 )
= 200 6 cm 2 = ( 32 − 1)(16 − 1)(8) = 31 × 15 × 8 = 3720
∴ Area of each colour = 5 × 200 6 = 1000 6 cm 2 84. Sumit has to multiply a certain number by 25,
81. The number of ways that 5 Marathi, 3 English but he multiplied it with 34 and the resultant
and 3 Tamil books be arranged if the books of is 405 more than the original result. Find the
each language are to be kept together is answer Sumit arrived at
(a) 5820 (b) 25920 (a) 1000 (b) 1125
(c) 29520 (d) 27840 (c) 1600 (d) 1530
Sol. (b) Number of ways of arranging Sol. (d) Let the number be ‘a’
5 Marathi books = 5! = 120 According to the question,
Number of ways of arranging 3 English books 34a − 25a = 405
= 3! = 6 ⇒ 9a = 405 or a = 45
and Number of ways of arranging 3 Tamil books ∴ Result obtained by Sumit
= 3! = 6 = 45 × 34 = 1530
Now, these 3 sets can be arranged in 3! ways i.e. 6
85. Excluding stoppages, the speed of the bus is
50 km/h and including stoppages, it is 40 km/h.
∴ Total number of ways = 120 × 6 × 6 × 6 = 25920
For how many minutes does the bus stop per
82. The difference between compound interest and hour?
simple interest for a certain sum of money for Sol. Distance travelled by bus in 1h if stoppages are
2 yr is `50, the rate of interest being 5% per excluded = 50 km
annum. If the same sum is invested for 3 yr at Q Original speed of bus = 50 km/h
5% per annum compound, it will become. Distance travelled by bus in 1h if stoppages are
(a) ` 22475.50 (b) ` 23750 (c) ` 24000 (d) ` 23152.50 included = 40 km
Sol. (d) Given, rate of interest = r = 5% per annum ∴ Difference in distance travelled = ( 50 − 40) km
Let Principal = ` P = 10 km
r 2 Q Time =
Q Difference between CI and SI for 2 yr = P Speed
5 2 ∴ Time taken to travel 10 km =
∴ 50 = P 50
50 × 100 × 100 = h = 12 min
⇒ P= = `20000 5
25 Hence, the bus stops for 12 min every hour.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018 13
86. If taxes are 125% of prices, then average of ∴ ∠ OAB = = 70°
taxes for given prices is ‘‘35, 34, 35.5, 37, 2
37.5 and 38’’. Now, l1 || l 2
(a) 36.17 (b) 40.20 (c) 45.20 (d) 43.17 ∴ ∠ XAB + ∠ ZBA = 180°
Sol. (c) Average price or ∠ ZBA = 180° − 140° = 40°
35 + 34 + 35.5 + 37 + 37.5 + 38 217 Also, OB is angle bisector of ∠ ZBA
= =
6 6 40°
∴ ∠ OBA = = 20°
125 2
Now, average taxes = × average price
100 Now, in ∆ OAB
125 217 ∠ OAB + ∠ OBA + ∠ AOB = 180°
= × = 45.20
100 6 ∴ ∠ AOB = 180° − 70° − 20° = 90°
87. If Rc = m ln 1 +
Rm Now, x + x + ∠ AOB = 180° (Linear Pair)
, then value of Rm is
m ∴ x=
180° − 90°
= 45°
(a) m [ eR c /m − 1 ] (b) 0
(c) 1 (d)
Rc 1
90. The sides of a rectangular field are in the ratio
m m 2 : 7, also the perimeter of field is 360 m, then the
length and breadth of the field are
Rc = m ln 1 + m
Sol. (a) Given, (a) 40, 140 m (b) 140, 20 m (c) 30, 210 m (d) 20, 140 m
Sol. (a) Let the length of rectangular field be ‘2a’m and its
ln 1 + m = c
⇒ breadth be ‘7a’m.
m m
Q Perimeter of rectangle = 2( l + b)
⇒ 1 + m = eR c / m ⇒ m = eR c / m − 1 ∴ 2( 2a + 7a) = 360
m m
⇒ 9a = 180 or a = 20 m
∴ Rm = m[ eR c / m − 1]
∴ Length = 2a = 40m and
88. Simplify, ( a − b) 3 + ( b − c) 3 + ( c − a) 3 . breadth = 7a = 140 m
(a) 3( a − b )( b − c)( c − a) (b) 3abc 42 × 2n + 1 − 4 × 2n
(c) 0 (d) 1 91. Simplify, .
42 × 2n + 2 − 2 × 2n + 2
Sol. (a) Let a − b = x, b − c = y and c − a = z
42 × 2n + 1 − 4 × 2n
Now, x + y + z = a − b + b − c + c − a = 0 Sol. Given,
4 × 2n + 2 − 2 × 2n + 2
Now, we know that, if x + y + z = 0
then x 3 + y 3 + z 3 = 3xyz 24 × 2n + 1 − 22 × 2n 2n + 5 − 2n + 2
= n+ 2 n +2
∴( a − b) 3 + ( b − c) 3 + ( c − a) 3 = 3( a − b)( b − c)( c − a) 2 ×2
− 2× 2 2n + 6 − 2n + 3
n+ 2
2 ( 2 − 1)
8 −1 7
89. Given, l1 || l2 and ∠ XAB = 140° also, OA and = n+ 2
= = = 0.5
2 ( 2 − 2)
16 − 2 14
OB are angle bisector of ∠ XAB and ∠ ZBA
respectively, then find the value of x. 92. Find the area of the given figure.
t1 60 units
25 units 26 units
x x 77 units
Z B N (a) 1600 unit 2 (b) 576 unit 2
(c) 1507 unit 2 (d) 1644 unit 2
Sol. Given, ∠ XAB = 140° Sol. (d) The given figure is a trapezium.
and OA is its bisector A 60 units B
X A Y 25 units h h 26 units
O D E 77 units F C
x x
Let AE and BF be two perpendicular drawn on CD.
Z B N ∴ AB = EF = 60 units.
14 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018
A. For an organisation to be successful, it is essential 99. What can be a suitable title of the passage?
to hire like minded people. (a) Essentials of changing mindset
B. The best way to deal with staff who refuse to (b) Changing mindset of employees - A difficult task
change their mindset is by not touting them as (c) Importance of mental models
role models for the organisation. (d) Collective culture of an organisation
Which of the statements given above is/are Sol. (b) ‘Changing mind, set of employees-A difficult task’
correct? can be a suitable title.
(a) Only A (b) Only B
100. What does the word ‘Dogma’ means as given in
(c) Both A and B (d) Neither A nor B the passage?
Sol. (d) According to the passage none of the statement (a) Conviction or belief (b) A law
given is correct. (c) Self-confidence (d) Virtues
97. On the basis of the passage, Sol. (a) The word ‘Dogma’ means a belief or set of
A. For an organisation to redefine itself, it has to first belief’s that people are expected to accept without
re-evaluate its employees. asking questions about them.
B. For an employee to become an integral part of an
organisation, he has to subscribe to the views and PASSAGE II
ideology of the organisation.
C. Top management executives are the sole drivers
Directions (Q. Nos. 101-106) Read the passage given
below and answer the question that follow.
for reinventing an organisation.
D. Now-a-days, employees can function without The cyber-world is ultimately ungovernable. This is
depending on a ‘key figure’ to emulate. alarming as well as convenient, sometimes, convenient
because alarming. Some Indian politicians use this to
Which of the statements given above is / are great advantage. When there is an obvious failure in
correct? governance during a crisis they deflect attention from
(a) Both A and B (b) Both C and D their own incompetence towards the ungovernable.
(c) Only B (d) Only C
So, having failed to prevent nervous citizens from fleeing
Sol. (a) Both statements A and B are correct. An their cities of work by assuring them of proper
organisation needs to re-evaluate its employees. protection, some national leaders are now busy trying to
Moreover, a successful employee has to subscribe to prove to one another and to panic-prone Indians, that a
the views and ideology of the organisation. mischievous neighbour has been using the internet and
98. Consider the following with regards to social networking sites to spread dangerous rumours.
resistance to change. And the centre’s automatic reaction is to start blocking
A. It is difficult for some people to think out of the these sites and begin elaborate and potentially endless
box. negotiations with Google, Twitter and Facebook about
B. Some people resist new information and prefer to access to information. If this is the official idea of
rely on past practices to conduct business. prompt action at a time of crisis among communities,
then Indians have more reason to fear their protectors
C. Their cultural background predisposes them to shy
than the nebulous mischief-makers of the cyber-world.
away from risks.
D. Radical thinkers are not rewarded in today’s Wasting time gathering proof, blocking vaguely
corporate culture. suspicious websites, hurling accusations across the
E. The Voluntary Retirement Scheme is used by some border and worrying about bilateral relation; are ways
organisations to breathe new life into the of keeping busy with inessentials because one does not
organisation. quite know what to do about the essentials of a
difficult situation. Besides, only a fifth of the 245
Which of the statements given above is/are websites blocked by the Centre mention the people of
correct? the North-East or the violence in Assam.
(a) A, B and E
And if a few morphed images and spurious texts can
(b) A, B, C, D and E
unsettle an entire nation, then there is something
(c) B, C and D
deeply wrong with the nation and with how it is being
(d) C, D and E
governed. This is what its leaders should be addressing
Sol. (a) Statement A, B and E are correct with regards to immediately, rather than making a wrong-headed
resistance to change. It is difficult for some people to display of their powers of censorship.
think out of box, some people also prefer not to take
It is just as absurd and part of the same syndrome, to
any new information and rely on past practices. VRS
is used by some organisations to breathe new life try to ban Twitter accounts that parody despatches
into the organisation. from the Prime Minister’s Office. To describe such
forms of humour and dissent as ‘misrepresenting’ the
16 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018
PMO-as if Twitterers would take these parodies for 106. The author warns us against
genuine despatches from the PMO—makes the PMO (a) not playing false with the citizens
look more ridiculous than its parodists manage to using (b) dangers inherent in the cyber-world
the cyber world for flexing wrong muscles is essentially (c) not using the cyber-world judiciously
not funny. It might even prove to be quite dangerously (d) not protecting the citizens from dangerous politicians
Sol. (c) The author, in this passage, warns us against not
101. According to the passage, the cyber world is using the cyber world judiciously.
(a) beyond the imagination of people
(b) outside the purview of common people
107. Choose the synonym of the word ‘Inexplicable’.
(a) Unconnected (b) Chaotic
(c) not to be governed
(c) Unaccountable (d) Confusing
(d) ungovernable
Sol. (c) Unaccountable is correct synonym of inexplicable.
Sol. (d) The author is of the view that the cyber world is Both words mean something that cannot be
ungovernable. (Line 1) explained or accountable why it happened.
102. The author is of the opinion that 108. Choose the synonym of the word, ‘Prerogative’.
(a) the centre should start negotiations with Google, (a) Privilege (b) Request (c) Desire (d) Command
Twitter and Facebook
(b) the centre should help the citizens evacuate their Sol. (a) Privilege is correct synonym of the word
city prerogative. Both mean advantage or birth right.
(c) the centre should not block the sites
(d) the centre should arrest the guilty Directions Q. Nos. (109 and 110) Choose the
appropriate antonyms of the given words.
Sol. (c) As per the passage, the author’s opinion is that
the Central Government should not block the sites. 109. Camouflage
(Read 1st line of Para 3) (a) Exhibit (b) Demonstrate
(c) Reveal (d) Parade
103. Which of the following is closest to the
Sol. (c) The word camouflage means to hide something.
meaning of ‘nebulous’?
(a) Confused (b) Vague Its antonym is to reveal which means to make
something known to everyone.
(c) Iridescent (d) Glowing
Sol. (b) Vague or hazy is closest to the meaning of 110. Scurrilous
nebulous. Nebulous means not developed or clear (a) Decent (b) Relevant
enough to describe. (c) Accurate (d) Useful
Sol. (a) The word scurrilous means derogatory or
104. The author’s seriousness regarding the offensive. Its antonym is decent which means
situation can best be described in the following acceptable or adequate.
sentences. Pick the odd one out.
(a) Our leaders should display their powers of
censorship when needed
Directions (Q. Nos. 111 and 112) In the given
questions, choose the odd word out of the given options.
(b) If this is the official idea of prompt action at a
time of crisis among communities, then Indians 111. (a) Bicker (b) Quarrel (c) Wrangle (d) Inveigle
have more reason to fear their protectors than the
Sol. (d) ‘Inveigle’ is odd one as the other three words are
nebulous mischief-maker of the cyber-world
related to quarrel but inveigle means to persuade
(c) The politicians deflect attention from their own
someone to do something.
(d) If a few morphed images and spurious texts can 112. (a) Counsel (b) Direct (c) Suggest (d) Advise
unsettle an entire nation, then there is something
Sol. (b) Direct is odd one out as the other three words
deeply wrong with the nation
are associated with giving advise but the word direct
Sol. (a) Sentence in option (a) is the odd one out as it is means to control or be incharge of an activity,
no where mentioned in the paragraph that our organisation etc.
leaders should display their power of censorship.
105. Find the antonym of the word-‘wrong-headed’ Directions (Q. Nos. 113 and 114) Fill in the blanks
from the options given with the correct form of the verb given in brackets.
(a) Silly (b) Sane (c) Instable (d) Insensible 113. While she ………… (stroll) in the garden, she
Sol. (b) The word ‘wrong-headed’ means misguided or came across her old friend.
wrong in Judgement. Its antonym is sane which Sol. ‘Was strolling’ is the appropriate answer as it denotes
means a person who acts sensibly. an action going on or happening at that time.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018 17
114. I wish I ………… (study) sincerely to clear the 118. India has a vibrant space science programme
exam. ……………… . The growth of space industry
Sol. ‘Had studied’ should be used to fill the blank. ‘I wish’ in India.
suggests something of the past. So, we use Past Perfect (P) the Indian space science programme has been
Tense with it. working.
(Q) formulating an industrial participation policy
Direction (Q. No. 115) Improve the sentence by using towards
appropriate grammatical structure. (R) covering astronomy, astrophysics, and space
115. Unless efforts are made and the population science
growth had stabilised, environmentalists predict (S) with cooperative Indian industries and has been
(a) SQPR (b) PQRS (c) QPRS (d) RPSQ
a world wide starvation by 2020 AD.
(a) Efforts are made and the population growth is Sol. (d) The correct sequence of sentences for the blank
stabilised is option (d) RPSQ.
(b) Efforts are made and the population growth
stabilises Directions (Q. Nos. 119 and 120) Choose the correct
(c) Efforts is made and the population growth stabilises sentence in Indirect speech of the sentence in Direct
(d) Efforts are made and the population growth has speech.
119. He said, ‘‘Garima wants to take up a job.’’
Sol. (b) Sentence in option (b) is correct as the correct (a) He said that Garima wants to take up a job.
improved sentence should be efforts are made and the (b) He told that Garima wanted to take up a job.
population growth stabilises as sentence is in Simple (c) He said that Garima wanted to take up a job.
Present Tense. (d) He said that Garima has wanted to take up a job.
Sol. (c) Option (c) is the correct sentence in indirect
Direction (Q. No. 116) Find the correct match of the speech as the whole sentence will be written in
grammatical function with the usage of the word round.
Simple Past Tense.
116. (i) The Earth is round.
120. He said, ‘‘Be quiet and listen to my words.’’
(ii) Will you come round to our house this (a) He urged them to be quiet and listen to his
evening. words.
(iii) The child’s eye rounded with excitement. (b) He said they should be quiet and listen to his
(iv) Indians won the first round of the Tennis words.
cup. (c) He requested them to be quiet and listen to my
(a) Preposition, Verb, Noun, Adjective words.
(b) Adjective, Preposition, Verb, Noun (d) He urged them and said be quiet and listen to
(c) Noun, Adjective, Verb, Preposition words.
(d) Verb, Noun, Adjective, Preposition
Sol. (a) Option (a) is the correct sentence in indirect
Sol. (b) In first sentence round is an adjective, in second speech. Sentence is imperative type.
sentence round is used as preposition. In third
sentence it is used as verb (past tense) and in fourth
sentence it has been used as noun. So, option (b) is
Directions (Q. Nos. 121 and 122) Identify the
meaning of the given idiom from the given options.
121. To cut the crackle
117. Rearrange the following sentence fragment (P, (a) to humiliate
Q, R and S) to make meaningful sentences. (b) to annoy someone
India has been a land ……………… than the (c) to act in a friendly way
warrior or the administrator. (d) to stop talking nonsense
(P) but in the sense that learning has always been very
Sol. (d) The idiom ‘to cut the crackle’ means to stop
highly valued.
talking nonsense.
(Q) not indeed in the sense that education has been
universal. e.g. The staff members were told to cut the crackle
(R) and the learned man has been held in higher and get back to work.
esteem. 122. A Jaundiced Eye
(S) of learning through the ages. (a) jealousy (b) a generous view
(a) PQSR (b) RQSP (c) angry (d) prejudiced view
(c) RSQP (d) SQRP
Sol. (d) Prejudiced or a biased view is the correct
Sol. (d) Option (c) is the correct sequence of sentence for answer of this idiom.
the blank is option (d) SQRP. e.g. She viewed politicians with a jaundiced eye.
18 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2018
Directions (Q. Nos. 123 and 124) Fill in the blanks Sol. (c) The plural of Blitz is made by adding ‘es’ to the
with appropriate part of speech - word. So, option (c) Blitzes is the correct answer.
123. You must comply ………… the rules laid down Direction (Q. No. 128) Identify the correct Proverb.
by the committee.
(a) at (b) in (c) with (d) for 128. (a) A rolling stone collects no moss
Sol. (c) ‘with’ is the correct word to be used here with (b) A rolling stone gathers no moisture
comply. The word means to act according to an (c) A rolling stone gathers no moss
order or set of rules. (d) A rolling stone creates no moss
124. Walk carefully ………… you should fall. Sol. (c) ‘A Rolling stone gathers no moss’ is the correct
(a) besides (b) nevertheless proverb. It means that a person who never settles down
(c) should (d) lest and keeps changing his Jobs will not succeed in life.
Sol. (d) ‘Lest’ is the correct word to be used here. 129. Choose the correct past participle of verb
Directions (Q. Nos. 125 and 126) Write one word for (a) forego
the given sentence. (b) foregone
(c) forgo
125. A person who constantly thinks he is sick is a (d) forewent
Sol. (b) ‘Foregone’ is the correct past participle of the
Sol. hypochondriac. A hypochondriac is a person who
verb forego.
constantly thinks he is sick.
126. An orator’s speech which is high flown and 130. Rearrange the following words to make a
pretentious is called ……… . meaningful sentence.
Sol. Bombastic is suitable to fill the blank. The word is (1)/ a (2)/ tribute (3)/ children’s (4)/ day (5)/ to
means high-sounding but with little meaning. (6)/ childhood (7)/ celebration (8).
Sol. The correct sentence is ‘Children’s day celebration is
127. What will be the plural of Blitz. a tribute to childhood’.
(a) Blitxen (b) Blitzs (c) Blilzes (d) Blitze
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 1
1. There are 150 questions in this paper.
2. There are four parts. Part A (General Awareness), Part B (Analytical & Logical Reasoning),
Part C (General English) and Part D (Quantitative Aptitude).
3. Part A carries 30 marks, Part B carries 40 marks, Part C carries 40 marks and Part D carries 40 marks.
4. For each incorrect attempt 1/4th mark will be deducted.
* Memory Based
2 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
This technology came about initially as a way to Sol. (b) The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Colombia
verify bitcoin transactions online and to enable two President Juan Manuel Santos, ‘‘for his resolute efforts
parties to transact business without having to know to bring the country’s more than 50-years-long civil
or trust each other. war to an end.’’
Arguably the most notable accomplishment of
5. Who won the Hridayanath Mangeshkar award Santos’s presidency has been his success in bringing
in 2016? the leftist FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of
(a) Vishwanathan Anand (b) Amir Khan Colombia) to the bargaining table after decades of
(c) Javed Akhtar (d) Salman Khan conflict.
Sol. (a) Five-time world chess champion Vishwanathan
Anand (46) was honoured with the Hridayanath
9. Which is India’s longest tunnel?
(a) Chennai-Nashri tunnel (b) Jawahar tunnel
Mangeshkar award 2016 established in 2011 by
(c) Zoji-La tunnel (d) Banihal-Nashri tunnel
Mumbai- based socio-cultural organisation Hridayesh
Art in the honour of music composer and singer Sol. (a) Chennai-Nashri tunnel, India’s longest highway
Hridayanath Mangeshkar. The award felicitates and tunnel, is on the Jammu-Srinagar national highway.
recognises successful individuals across the country The length of the tunnel is 9.28 km. The world’s
from various walks of life. It carries Monetary award longest highway tunnel is 24.51 km and is in
of ` 2 lakh and a memento. The previous recipients of Norway. It will reduce the travel time and
the award include eminent personalities like Lata distance between Jammu and Srinagar by 2 hrs
Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Amitabh Bachchan, and 30.11 km, which will help save fuel worth
Hariprasad Chaurasia and AR Rahman. In 2017, this ` 27 lakh daily.
award was presented to Javed Akhtar. 10. How many Men’s Single Wimbledon titles does
6. The last person to ‘walk the moon’ passed away Roger Federer have to his name including the
this year. He was 2017 title?
(a) Buzz Aldrin (b) Neil Armstrong (a) 9 (b) 7
(c) Yuri Gagrin (d) Eugene Cernan (c) 8 (d) 6
Sol. (d) Eugene Cernan was the last man to walk on the Sol. (c) Roger Federer has won 8 man’s single wimbledon
Moon. He visited the Moon’s neighborhood twice, titles till now. Roger Federer was born on 8th August,
aboard Apollo 10 and Apollo 17 and also did a 1981. He is a Swiss professional tennis player, who
is currently ranked world No 2 in men’s singles
challenging spacewalk aboard Gemini 9. While he
tennis by the Association of Tennis Professionals.
chose not to fly in the shuttle programme, Cernan
Federer has won 19 Grand Slam singles titles, the
remained involved in space as a motivational speaker
most in history for a male tennis player and has
and sometime television commentator, who worked
reached a record 29 Grand Slam finals, 42 semi-final
on ABC broadcasts about the space shuttle.
appearances and 51 quarter-final appearances.
7. In January 2017 ........ banned FM Broadcasting. 11. Sweden based furniture maker IKEA acquired
(a) France (b) Sweden (c) Denmark (d) Norway
this online (and mobile) market place for
Sol. (d) Norway became the first nation to start switching finding freelance labour to carry out local on
off its FM radio network, in a risky and unpopular demand day-to-day tasks.
leap to digital technology that will be closely watched (a) Handy Man (b) Urban Clap
by other countries considering whether to follow suit. (c) Man Friday (d) Task Rabbit
The shutdown of the FM (Frequency Modulation)
Sol. (d) IKEA agreed to acquire Silicon Valley startup Task
network, introduced in the 1950s, began in the
Rabbit. Task Rabbit is one of the best-known startups
Northern city of Bodoe on 11th January, 2017. By
in the so called ‘gig’ economy that links freelance
the end of the year, all national FM broadcasts will
workers with jobs, from handy men to movers to
be closed in favour of DAB, which backers say will
assistants. It has about 60 employees, but over 60000
carry less hiss and clearer sound for listeners in the
independent workers use its platform.
large nation cut by fjords and mountains.
12. Which of the following personalities is a
8. Columbia’s Juan Manuel Santos won the 2016 member of the committee of administrations of
Nobel Prize for peace. What was his
Indian Cricket during October 2017?
contribution that was recognised? (a) Anjum Chopra (b) Sonika Kaliraman
(a) For his efforts to bring an end to the exploitation
(c) Diana Edulji (d) Mithaly Raj
of agrlcultural labourers
(b) For his efforts to end the country’s civil war Sol. (c) Former Indian women’s cricket team captain
(c) For his efforts to bring peace between latin Diana Edulji was named in the Supreme Court
American countries appointed four member committee of administration
(d) For his efforts to eradicate the use of land mines to the affairs of the Board of Control for Cricket in
in war India (BCCI).
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 3
13. The Flipkart backed startup is into a social 18. Identify the leading business personality in the
network platform exclusively for new parents. picture.
(a) Newparents (b) Post9Months
(c) Tiny Step (d) Baby Step
Sol. (c) Founded by Suhail Abidi, Tiny Step is an app-first
social network for parents. Tiny Step, a platform that
connects parents with doctors, child service providers
and other parents, has raised an undisclosed amount
in its seed round of funding from Flipkart. The startup
plans to use this amount to develop the product,
enhance user experience and strengthen the team. (a) Alice Vaidyan-CMD General Insurance Company
14. Who are the last two (present and the (b) Aarthi Subramanian- Exec. Director (Global
immediate past) Attorney Generals?
(a) Goolam Vahanvati and Milon Banerji (c) Kaku Nakhate President and Country Head Bank of
(b) K K venugopal and Goolam Vahanvati America Merill Lynch
(c) Mukul Rohatgi and Milon Banerji (d) Chitra Ramakrishna, MD & CEO National Stock
(d) K K Venugopal and Mukul Rohatgi
Sol. (d) Chitra Ramakrishna (born in 1963) was the first
Sol. (d) The Attorney General for India is the Indian
Government’s chief legal advisor and its primary woman managing director and chief executive officer
lawyer in the Supreme Court of India. He is appointed of the National Stock Exchange (NSE), an institution
by the President of India under Article 76(1) of the founded in the early 1990s to reform the capital
Constitution and holds office during the pleasure of market in India and now ranked as the world's largest
the President. The 15th and current Attorney General exchange in cash market trades and as one of the
is K K Venugopal. He replaced the Former Attorney top three exchanges in index and stock derivatives.
General of India Mr. Mukul Rohatgi. He was formally 19. The Eurasia Tunnel that was opened for traffic
appointed as with effect from 30th June, 2017. in December 2016 connecting Europe and Asia
15. Walmart acquired Men’s fashion retailer ....... passes underneath the …… .
(a) Bosphorus strait (b) Dover strait
for $ 310 million in 2017.
(a) GAP (b) BONOBOS (c) ZARA (d) BEBE (c) Bering strait (d) Hormuz strait
Sol. (b) Walmart has agreed to acquire the men’s clothing Sol. (a) The Eurasia tunnel is a road tunnel in Istanbul,
company BONOBOS for $ 310 million. BONOBOS, Turkey, crossing underneath the Bosphorus strait. The
founded 10 years ago in New York, began by selling tunnel was officially opened on 20th December,
simple chino pants on the internet. In recent years, it has 2016 and opened to traffic on 22nd December,
expanded to offer shirts, suits and other men’s clothing. 2016. It crosses the Bosphorus beneath the seabed at
a maximum depth of 106 m.
16. Which of the following is the cyclone that hit
India in December 2016? 20. What was the name of the mascot in the
(a) Eona (b) Nada (c) Gloria (d) Ockhi recently concluded Asian Athletic
Sol. (b) Cyclone Nada originated in the form of
Championship 2017 held at Bhubaneshwar?
(a) Shera (b) Coby
depression in the Bay of Bengal and hit Tamil Nadu
(c) Olly (d) Vinicious
and Kerala, in December 2016. There was light to
moderate rainfall in both the states, with fishermen Sol. (c) Olly, the Olive Ridley sea turtle was the official
advised not to venture out into the sea because of mascot for the 22nd edition of the Asian Athletics
the rough sea. With NDMA and (National Disaster Championships held in Bhubaneshwar from 6th to
Response Force) NDRF prepared to tackle the 9th July, 2017.
cyclone, not much damage was reported.
21. One of Olympics longest official sponsors
17. The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group has roped in .... recently ended its 41 years long sponsorship.
as the brand ambassador for its package This organisation was ...... .
snacking brand …… on a bid to scale up its (a) Pepsi (b) General Motors
FMCG business. (c) Adidas (d) McDonalds
(a) M S Dhoni, E-Vita (b) Virender Singh, Yummee Sol. (d) McDonalds has ended its 41-years-long Olympic
(c) P V Sindhu, Hungree (d) Virat Kohli, Too Yumm Games sponsorship deal three years early. The
Sol. (d) The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group has roped in India fast-food giant had a contract running through the
cricket captain Virat Kohli as the brand ambassador 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics. McDonalds has been
for its packaged snacking brand, Too Yumm, in a bid a sponsor since 1976 and is part of the 10Cs top
to scale up its FMCG business which is already sponsors programme that contributes more than
almost ` 100 crore in seven months of its launch. $1 billion in every four-year cycle for the games.
4 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
22. On 15th February, 2017, ISRO made history by Sol. (c) Disney on 14th December, 2017 announced the
launching 104 satellites through a single deal to acquire many parts of 21st century fox owned
by Rupert Murdoch for $ 52.4 Billion in shows.
rocket. What was the rocket?
(a) PSLV 3104 (b) GSLV-IRS-P3 26. The language creator who constructed artificial
(c) PSLV-C37 (d) GSLV-C38 language ‘Dothraki’ for the television series
Sol. (c) PSLV-C37 was the 39th Mission of the Indian Game of Thrones is ......
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) programme and (a) David Henchman (b) David Peterson
its 16th mission in the XL configuration. PSLV-C37 (c) Robert Peterson (d) Robert Henchman
successfully carried and deployed a record 104 Sol. (b) Martin’s fantasy novel series A Song of Ice and
satellites in sun-synchronous orbits. It was launched Fire and its television adaptation Game of Thrones,
on 15th February, 2017 by the Indian Space Research where it is spoken by the Dothraki, nomadic
Organisation (ISRO) from the Satish Dhawan Space inhabitants of the Dothraki Sea. The language was
Centre at Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, it broke the developed for the TV series by the linguist David J
earlier record of launching 37 satellites by a Russian Peterson based on the Dothraki words and phrases in
Dnepr rocket on 19th June, 2014. Martin’s novels.
23. In the world of Information Technology, SMAC 27. The human organ was discovered in 2017 in
has become very popular. What does the A our digestive system.
stand for in the abbreviation? (a) Mesentery (b) Lacteal
(a) Advanced (b) Analytics (c) Enterocyte (d) Ileocecal valve
(c) Analysis (d) Artificial intelligence
Sol. (a) The mesentery, the new organ is found in our
Sol. (b) To highlight the incorporation of the digestive systems and was long thought to be made
aforementioned enablers of technology, the IT up of fragmented, separate structures. But recent
industry has come up with a new concept which has research has shown that it’s actually one, continuous
become the buzzword of today, ‘SMAC’- an acronym organ. However, its function is still unclear.
for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud.
It develops an ecosystem that allows businesses to 28. This comic book company was acquired by
enhance their operations and maximise their reach to Netflix in 2017.
the customers with minimal overhead. (a) Millarworld (b) DC Comics
(c) Marvel (d) Doton
24. Who owns the recently launched New Channel Sol. (a) Netflix has acquired Millarworld, which is an
called Republic TV? independent comic publishing company founded by
(a) Anil Ambani
Mark Millar, a storied comic book creator who is
(b) Subramaniam Swami
behind a host of iconic characters and series,
(c) Rajeev Chandrashekhar
including Kick-Ass and Kingsman, as well as the
(d) Arnab Goswami creative force behind some of Marvel’s best story
Sol. (d) Republic TV is an Indian English-language news arcs, including The Ultimates and Old Man Logan.
television channel. It broadcasts from its studios in
Mumbai and Bengaluru. Created by former Times 29. The country was recently boycotted by a
Now Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, it was launched majority of its neighbours.
on 6th May, 2017. It is owned by Rajeev (a) Oman (b) Qatar
Chandrasekhar, an entrepreneur and an Independent (c) Bahrain (d) Kuwait
politician and others including Goswami, along with Sol. (b) Saudi Arabia and three other Arab nations have
his wife Samyabrata Ray. severed diplomatic ties and cut off transport links
with Qatar in an extraordinary attempt to isolate the
25. In a move that will reverberate from Gulf state as they claim its regional policies fuel
Hollywood and Silicon Valley to TVs and extremism and terrorism. The unprecedented move
smartphones around the world, the …… said against Doha by Riyadh, Egypt, the United Arab
Thursday (14th December, 2017) that it had Emirates and Bahrain escalates a dispute over Qatar’s
reached a deal to buy most of the ...... the support for political lslamist groups and perceptions
empire controlled by ......, in an all-stock that it is open to closer ties with Iran, Saudi Arabia’s
transaction valued at approximately rival. Qatar, which shares borders with Saudi,
(a) Walt Disney Company, 20th Century Fox, Rupert Bahrain and the UAE, has also been expelled from a
Murdoch, $70 billion Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen.
(b) Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Rupert
Murdoch, $50 billion
30. In January 2017, Japan launched its first ever
military communications satellite. It was
(c) Walt Disney Company, 21st Century Fox, Rupert
Murdoch, $50 billion called
(a) Fuji-1 (b) Kirameki-2
(d) Paramount Pictures, 21st Century Fox, Rupert
(c) Suzuki-1 (d) Takahiro-2
Murdoch, $70 billion
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 5
Sol. (b) Japan launched Kirameki-2 communications Sol. (d) Since, nothing is given about share of David.
satellite, which will enable it to quickly share Hence, answer cannot be determined.
information about ballistic missiles launched by
North Korea or videos of Japanese troops deployed 4. What numbers should replace the question
overseas. Japan has recently launched its first military marks?
communications satellite in a bid to provide the 7 8 12
much needed impetus to the broadband capacity of 2 21 8 35 3 ? ?
its Self-Defense Forces. The satellite Kirameki-2 was
4 11 7
launched from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s
Tanegashima Space Centre, on board of H-2A rocket (a) 31 and 4 (b) 49 and 21
and successfully entered orbit. (c) 29 and 2
(d) None of the mentioned options are correct
SECTION B Sol. (b) Here, 4 − 2= 2
7. Which of the following is the greatest? 12. A villager places a map of his farm in a gram
I. log (2 + 4) II. (log 2 + log 4) panchayat meeting for resolving his dispute.
III. log (6 − 3) IV. log 6 − log 3 He places the map in a way that South-East
(a) Only III (b) Only IV
becomes North and North-East becomes West.
(c) Only II (d) Both I and II The Sarpanch is confused. His assistant comes
to help and turns the anti-clockwise by 90°. If
Sol. (c) I. log ( 2 + 4) = log 6 = log ( 2 × 3)
the Sarpanch has to see the South side in the
= log 2 + log 3 map, which side will he look?
II. log 2 + log 4 = log 2 + 2log 2 = 3log 2 (a) North (b) South-West
III. log (6 − 3) = log 3 (c) South (d) West
Sol. (b) Let the correct time at 15:30 be y o’clock Sol. (c)
Dealer A B C A B C A
18y 7 3y 7
Then, y − = ⇒ y− = Winner B C A C A B C
60 2 10 2
7y 7 ∴ C won more than two games.
⇒ = ⇒ y=5
10 2
∴ Correct time after 4 hours = 21:00 14. There are several aspirants who are made to
sit in single row for an entrance examination.
10. 3182596 is to 65283 and 6742835 is to 53476, Rajesh is fifteenth from the left and Mohan is
therefore 7496258 is to ....... ? eight from the right end. If there are four
(a) 98765 (b) 76574 aspirants between them and Mohan is to the
(c) 65987 (d) 85647 right of Rajesh, then the total number of
Sol. (d) As, 3182596 ends with 6 and 65283 starts with 6. aspirants sitting in the row are ....... .
And 6742835 ends with 5 and 53476 starts with 5. (a) 26
Similarly, 7496258 ends with 8 and 85647 starts with 8. (b) 28
(c) 27
11. If 645 = 10 and 316 = 12, then 765 = ? (d) None of the mentioned options are correct
(a) 18 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 210
Sol. (c)
Sol. (b) As, 645 = 10 ⇒ (6 − 4) × 5 = 10 Rajesh Mohan
Left Rignt
And 316 = 12 ⇒ ( 3 − 1) × 6 = 12 14
15 th 8 th
Similarly, 765 = (7 − 6) × 5 = 5 ∴ Total aspirants = 14 + 1+ 4 + 1+ 7 = 27
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 7
15. Study the following information and answer 18. Which of the following is true with respect to
the question. the given information?
In a recent performance approval done by (a) K faces one of the immediate neighbours of X.
Company X, more than 70% of the employees (b) V sits exactly between W and U.
were found to be underperforming. (c) J faces Z.
‘I think that the restructuring done by the (d) J is an immediate neighbour of K.
company in the previous year is responsible for
the under-performance of the employees’- HR
19. Which of the following is true regarding N?
(a) K sits second to right of N.
manager of Company X.
(b) V is an immediate neighbour of the person who
Which of the following statements weakens the faces N.
statement of HR Manager of Company X? (c) Both L and O are immediate neighbours of N.
(a) The incentives linked to performance were (d) Only one person sits between N and J.
abolished upon restructuring creating
dissatisfaction among employees. 20. Who amongst the following sits second to the
(b) After restructuring the decision making power was right of the person who faces L?
taken away from employees thus delaying the work
(a) V (b) Z
by long hours.
(c) W (d) Y
(c) The number of projects in Company X increased by
60% this year thereby increasing the burden on Solutions (Q. Nos. 16-20) As per the given information,
the existing employees this year. the arrangement is as follows.
(d) After restructuring the employees were required to
report to multiple bosses leading to ambiguity at O J L K N M
the work place.
Sol. (c) All the options except (c) strenghten the
statement of HR manager of Company X.
16. (a) M, O, X, W are sitting at extreme ends of both the
Directions (Q.Nos. 16-20) Study the following rows.
information to answer the given question. 17. (d) K faces V.
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows 18. (c) J faces Z is true.
containing six people each in such a way that there is 19. (c) V is an immediate neighbour of Y and Y faces N.
an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1-
20. (d) Y sits second to the right of U and U faces L.
J, K, L, M, N and O are seated (but not necessarily in
the same order) and all of facing South. In row 2- U, V, 21. If ‘4’ is subtracted from each odd digit and ‘1’ is
W, X, Y and Z are seated (but not necessarily in the added to each even digit in the number
same order) and all of then are facing North. Therefore,
9476582, which of the following numbers
in the given seating arrangement, each member seated
will appear twice in the new number thus
in a row faces another member of the other row.
M sits fourth to the left of J. The one facing J sits third (a) Only 2 (b) Both 1 and 7
to the left of Y. (c) Both 3 and 5 (d) None
Only one person sits between Y and U. U does not sit
Sol. (c) 9 4 7 6 5 8 2
at any of the extreme ends of the line.
The one facing Z sits second to the right of K. Z does 5 5 3 7 1 9 3
not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line.
∴ Both 3 and 5 appear twice.
Only two people sit between K and O.
The one facing K sits second to the left of X. 22. Read the given information and answer the
V is not an immediate neighbour of Z. L is not question. The government of State D was
immediate neighbour of M. recently criticised for accepting a proposal as
per which schools in the State will not conduct
16. Which of the following groups of people exams up to standard nine.
represents the people sitting at extreme ends
of both the rows? Rather, schools will promote all the students
(a) M, O, X, W (b) M, K, V, W up to standard nine and from standard nine
(c) N, K, V, Y (d) J, N, U, V onwards the students would either be passed
or failed depending upon their marks in the
17. Who amongst the following faces V? exams.
(a) M (b) L (c) J (d) K
8 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
Which of the following may not be a reason for 26. Who amongst the following visits India?
the criticism of the government of State D for (a) S (b) T (c) P (d) G
accepting the proposal?
(a) Several parents have raised concern that students
27. As per the given arrangement, P is related to
would not be willing to pay attention in class and the one who visits Japan in a certain way and
retain the information because they do not have to V is related to the one who visits Nepal in the
write exams. same way. To which of the following is R
(b) Students learn to write exam papers in a stipulated related to in the same way?
period of time with practice of solving exam (a) The one who visits Australia
papers over the years and many students may not (b) The one who visits China
be able to grasp this directly in the standard nine. (c) The one who visits India
(c) Many teachers are of the opinion that students have (d) The one who visits Malaysia
become very competitive and are mainly focused on
acquiring marks rather than gaining knowledge. 28. Four of the following five are alike in a certain
(d) Studies suggest that students become less prone to way and thus form a group as per the given
exam anxiety and exam fear when they get used to arrangement. Which of the following does not
passing exams over the years as compared to when
belong to that group?
they do not appear for an exam at all.
(a) U-Friday (b) Q-Thursday
Sol. (c) Since, in Today’s time students are only focussed (c) S-Saturday (d) V-Sunday
on acquiring marks rather than on having knowledge
and exposure. So, option (c) can be reason for Solutions (Q. Nos. 23-28)
government of State D to accept the proposal. Monday T Germany
Tuesday P Japan
Directions (Q.Nos. 23-28) Study the following Wednesday U Australia
information and answer the question. Thursday R China
Seven friends, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V visit seven Friday Q Malaysia
different countries namely Japan, Germany, China, India, Saturday V Nepal
Nepal, Australia and Malaysia, not necessarily in the
Sunday S India
same order, starting from Monday to Sunday (of the
same week). 23. (b) Q visits Malaysia.
R visits on Thursday. Only two people visit between R and 24. (d) U visits a country on Wednesday.
the one who visits Germany. Only four people visit 25. (a) T visits immediately before P.
between the one who visits Germany and V. The one who 26. (a) S visits India.
visits Malaysia visits immediately before V. Only two people
visit between the one who visits Malaysia and P. S visits on 27. (b) R is related to the one who visits china using the
one of the days after the one who visits Malaysia. given pattern.
U visit immediately after the one who visit Japan. U 28. (a) U-Friday is the odd one out.
does not visit Malaysia. Only three people visit
between the one who visits Japan and the one who Directions (Q.Nos. 29-32) Study the following
visits Nepal. The one who visits Australia visits information carefully and answer the given question.
immediately before the one who visits China. Q does When a word and number arrangement machine is
not visit on Monday. given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges
them following a particular rule. The following is an
23. Which of the following countries does Q visit? illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the
(a) China (b) Malaysia numbers are two digit numbers)
(c) Japan (d) Nepal
Input 23 kinetic amount 64 nature 71 58 opium verdict
24. On which of the following days does U visit a 96 elderly 15
country? Step I opium 23 kinetic amount 64 nature 71 verdict 96
(a) Friday (b) Saturday elderly 15 58
(c) Sunday (d) Wednesday Step II elderly opium 23 kinetic amount nature 71
verdict 96 15 58 64
25. Which of the following is true about T?
(a) T visits immediately before P Step III amount elderly opium 23 kinetic nature 71
(b) T visits on Friday verdict 15 58 64 96
(c) T visits China Step IV 15 amount elderly opium 23 kinetic nature 71 58
(d) All the given options are true 64 96 verdict
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 9
Step V 23 15 amount elderly opium kinetic 71 58 64 96 33. The question consists of information and two
verdict nature Statements numbered I and II given below it.
Step VI 71 23 15 amount elderly opium 58 64 96 verdict You have to decide which of the given statements
nature kinetic weakens or strengthens the information and
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement and decide the appropriate answer.
as the intended arrangement is obtained. Information Due to increased cases of
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out kidnapping in its vicinity, school M has made
the appropriate steps for the given input. it compulsory for parents or guardians of the
Input adverb 59 36 salient 81 idioms bakery 14 launch students to give a duly signed authority letter
47 umpire 62 to the person picking up the students from
29. Which elements come exactly between ‘59’ and I. Most working parents rely on their domestic
‘bakery’ in Step II of the given input? help, for picking up their children from school,
(a) Only launch (b) Only 62
who can easily coerced into forging or misusing
(c) Only idioms (d) Both 81 and salient
the authority letter for monetary plans.
30. Which of the following combinations represents II. There is no photograph on the authority letter
the first two and the last two element of the making it difficult to identify the person who
step VI of the given input? comes to pick up the child.
(a) 81, 59, launch, bakery (b) 81, 62, salient, launch (a) Both Statement I and Statement II strengthen the
(c) 50, 47, bakery, salient (d) 62, 14, idioms, umpire information.
(b) Statements I strengthens the information while
31. If in the step III, ‘idioms’ interchanges its Statement II weakens the information.
position with ‘81’ and ‘salient’ also (c) Both Statements I and II weaken the information.
interchanges its position with ‘14’, then which (d) Both Statements I and II are neutral are neutral
element will be third to the left of ‘47’? Statements.
(a) 14 (b) salient
(c) adverb (d) idioms
Sol. (c) Both Statements I and II weaken the given
statements as domestic helpers can easily coerced into
32. Which step are the elements ‘bakery launch 47 forging the authority letter. And no photograph on the
14’ found in the same order? letter can be a great drawback of the authority letter.
(a) Sixth (b) Third
(c) Fourth (d) Fifth
34. How many such pairs of letters are there in
the word ‘PAINTED’ each of which has as
Solutions (Q. Nos. 29-32) many letters between them in the word in both
Input adverb 59 36 salient 81 idioms bakery 14 forward and backward directions, as there are
launch 47 umpire 62. between them in the English alphabetical series?
Step I adverb 59 36 salient 81 idioms bakery launch (a) More than three (b) Two
47 umpire 62 14. (c) Three (d) None
Step III umpire idioms adverb 59 salient 81 bakery ∴ There are three such pairs PT, AE and ED.
launch 47 14 36 62.
Step IV 47 umpire idioms adverb 59 81 bakery launch Directions (Q.Nos. 35-39) Study the given
14 36 62 salient. information carefully to answer the given question.
Step V 59 47 umpire idioms adverb 81 bakery 14 36 In a certain code language, ‘urban people prefer cars' is
62 salient launch. written as 've fm ab eg’ ‘profit for urban areas' is
Step VI 81 59 47 umpire idioms adverb 14 36 62 written as 'ab ep zi so’ ‘people demand for hike' is
salient launch bakery. written as 'zi qr cd ve’ ‘hike in profit margin' is written
as 'al jn ep cd’ (All codes are two letter codes only)
29. (d) Both 81 and salient come exactly between 59 and
Bakery. 35. What will be the possible code for ‘urban food
30. (a) First two elements of Step VI-81, 59 demand’ in the given code language?
Last two elements of Step VI-launch, bakery (a) qr ab zi (b) qr cr ab (c) nj qr cd (d) qr ab jn
31. (d) Idioms will be third to the left of 47. 36. What is the code for areas in the given code
32. (b) Step III have elements ‘bakery launch 47 14’ in the language?
same order. (a) ab (b) zi (c) ep (d) so
10 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
37. What does the code ‘jn’ stand for in the given SECTION C
code language?
(a) either ‘hike’ or ‘people’ (b) either ‘in’ or ‘margin’ General English
(c) profit (d) hike
1. Give synonym for
38. In the given code language, if ‘small’ is coded Artless
as ‘wy’, then how will ‘prefer small cars’ be (a) Pretentious (b) Innocent
coded as? (c) Devious (d) Hypocritical
(a) wy eg ab (b) fm ve wy
(c) eg wy fm (d) ab eg fm Sol. (b) ‘Artless’ means ‘Innocent’.
39. What will be the code for ‘hike’ in the given 2. Choose a word from the given alternative
code language? which is opposite in meaning to the word
(a) xl HIATUS
(b) zi (a) Sardonic (b) Pessimist
(c) qr (c) Sentimental (d) Continuation
(d) other than those given as options Sol. (d) ‘Hiatus’ means - a short pause or break. Hence,
Solutions (Q.Nos. 35-39) its opposite will be ‘Continuation’.
3. Choose the right meaning of the idiom.
urban people prefer cars – ve fm ab eg A pyrrhic victory
(a) A victory that is not worth winning
profit for urban areas – ab ep zi so (b) Joyous victory
(c) Undeserving victory
people demand for hike – zi qr cd ve (d) None of the mentioned options
Sol. (a) The Idiom ‘A pyrrhic victory’ means ‘A victory
hike in profit margin – al jn ep cd that is not worth winning’ because the winner has
lost a lot in the process of winning.
35. (b) urban → ab demand → qr
∴Possible code for ‘urban food demand’ is ‘qr cr ab’. 4. Choose the correct based on the sentence.
36. (d) areas → so Akhil fared poorly in the entrance test. He
found it.
37. (b) jn→in/margin (a) Fathomable (b) Esoteric
38. (c) small→wy prefer/cars→ fm/eg (c) Manifest (d) Coherent
∴prefer small cars → eg wy fm Sol. (b) Since, the performance has been poor that’s why
39. (d) hike → cd Akhil didn’t well do in the exams. So, this can be
said to be ‘esoteric’ which means ‘that can be
40. Read the given information and answer the understood by only a few’.
question. Long term usage of antibiotics causes
the disease ‘Cretosis’ as it decreases the 5. Choose one word from the options given, that
secretion of hormone X. While body can endure can fit in to all sentences.
the level of hormone X dropping to half the 1. You should not …… to his demands.
required number of micrograms in levels 2. Ravi needed a loan. However, he did not ……
dropping to 23- micrograms needs immediate to the loan agreement.
medical attention. 3. The state will …… to the union.
Which of the following can be concluded from 4. The Prince will …… to the throne.
(a) Accede (b) Precede (c) Recede (d) Secede
the given statement?
(a) A patient can be said to have Cretosis only if his/her Sol. (a) In all the blanks above, ‘accede’ is the correct
hormone ‘X’ levels are 23 micrograms or low. usage which means - ‘to agree’.
(b) Usage of antibiotics on a short term cannot cause
‘Cretosis’ ever to a minor extent.
6. Choose the correct word(s) for the underlined
word(s). You cannot trust a person who plays
(c) All micrograms is exactly half of the amount of
hormone X required daily by the body. false and loose with others.
(a) fastloose (b) false or loose
(d) In a patient with hormone X level of 21 microgram,
(c) fast or loose (d) fast and loose
if administered another 23 micrograms would bring
the level to absolute normal. Sol. (d) Idioms don’t change their structure at all. Hence,
Sol. (d) Only (d) can be deduced from the given
‘false and loose’ will be written as ‘fast and loose’. It
statement. means to behave irresponsibly or irrmorally.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 11
7. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase. 13. Find a correct match of grammatical function
The team of doctors sent to the village to with the usage of the word REBEL.
investigate the epidemic were exasperated.
The conditions there were ‘a perfect storm’. Function Usage
(a) Torrential rains (b) A worst possible scenario A. Noun (i) Her rebellious moods are due to the
(c) A wonderful situation (d) A risky proposition side effects of prescription drugs.
Sol. (b) The phrase ‘a perfect storm’ means ‘a worst B. Adjective (ii) Most teenagers rebel against their
possible scenario’. elders.
C. Verb (iii) Armed rebels moved towards the city.
8. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase. D. Adverb (iv) His body shivering with anger, Kunal's
When playing the Clarinet, Jerry is ‘all eyes fixed rebelliously.
(a) Perfunctory (b) Dancing Codes
(c) An expert (d) Clumsy A B C D A B C D
Sol. (d) Phrase ‘all thumbs’ means ‘clumsy’ or awkward. (a) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (b) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(c) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (d) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
9. Identify the Compound Relative Adverb in the
sentence. Sol. (c) Noun - Rebels
I do not know the venue where the match will Adjective - Rebellious
be played. Verb - Rebel
(a) will be (b) where (c) know (d) played
Adverb - Rebellously
Sol. (b) ‘where’ is the relative adverb.
14. Choose a word from the given alternatives which
10. Choose one word from the options given, that is opposite in meaning to the word- SABLE.
can fit in to all sentences. (a) Ebony
1. I cannot ......... this principled man. (b) Chromatic
2. These religious songs will ......... you. (c) Swarthy
(d) Raven
3. Better suppress than ......... your desires.
4. Only delicious food can ......... my hunger. Sol. (b) ‘Sable’ means ‘black’. Hence, ‘chromatic’ is its
correct opposite.
(a) Gratify (b) Edify (c) Occupy (d) Glorify
Sol. (a) ‘gratify’ means ‘to satisfy’ which can be filled 15. From the given alternatives, choose the one
well in all the blanks. which best expresses the given sentence in
Passive voice.
11. Select the pair that best expresses the
Who ate the last piece?
relationship similar to that expressed in this
(a) The last piece was eaten by who?
(b) Who was eating the last piece?
convivial : jocund
(c) The last piece who ate?
(a) lyrical : prosaic (b) umbrage : happiness
(d) The last piece was eaten by whom?
(c) timid : brave (d) folly : silliness
Sol. (d) The principal analogy is synonymous in relation. Sol. (d) ‘The last piece was eaten by whom?’ is the
Hence, the answer will bear the same relation. correct passive voice of the given sentence.
‘Folly : Silliness’ is the correct choice. 16. Give antonym for Prevaricate (Antirignous,
12. Rearrange the sentences to make it a readable Deceive)
(a) Gubble
(b) Unambiguous
1. There is a difference between foreign equity (c) Equivocate
stakes and that of domestic promoters. (d) Tergiversate
2. Apart from it, many other differences exist.
Sol. (b) ‘Prevari cate’ means ‘ambiguous’. Hence, the
3. The hike in the former was important as a opposite word will be ‘unambiguous’.
4. These have to be treated at different levels. 17. Give anytonym for Dilatory
(a) Tardy (b) Remiss
5. A similar signal is not required in respect of
(c) Indolent (d) Diligent
domestic industry.
(a) 15234 (d) 14352 Sol. (d) ‘Dilatory’ means slow and likely to cause delay.
(c) 23145 (d) 43215 So, Diligent will be its opposite.
18. Rearrange the sentences to make it a readable 22. In the following question, choose the word
paragraph. which best expresses the opposite meaning of
1. Rather, it is the consequence of passive public the word in capital.
policy. She was very INDUSTRIOUS by
2. It follows that the output of economy must grow. temperament.
3. High unemployment is not the inevitable (a) Assiduous (b) Off-the-cuff
result of the pace of technological change. (c) Indolent (d) Apathetic
4. This will prevent the unemployment rate from Sol. (c) ‘Industrious’ means ‘hard working’. Hence, its
rising. opposite will be ‘indolent’ which means ‘lazy’.
5. We can anticipate a moderate increase in 23. Give anyonym for Fleece
labour force, accompanied by a slow decline in (a) Satiate (b) Bilk
the working hours. (c) Mulct (d) Rook
(a) 35421 (b) 42351 Sol. (a) ‘Fleece’ is the state of a person when one steals
(c) 24351 (d) 31524 out of his greed to satisfy it. So, ‘satiate’ will be its
Sol. (d) 31524 opposite.
19. From the given alternatives, choose the one 24. Give synonym for Perfunctory
which best expresses the given sentence in (a) Precise (b) Conscientious
Active voice. (c) Deliberate (d) Negligent
Sugarcane is raised by some people in the Sol. (d) ‘Perfunctory’ means done quickly, without taking
Hinterland. care or interest. So, negligent is similar in meaning
(a) Some people in the Hinterland raised sugarcane. to it.
(b) Sugarcane is raised in the Hinterland by some people.
(c) In the Hinterland is raised sugarcane by some people.
25. Identify the Compound Relative Pronoun in
the sentence.
(d) Some people raise sugarcane in the Hinterland.
Whosoever diggeth a pit shall fall therein.
Sol. (d) ‘Some people raise sugarcane in the Hinterland’ (a) therein (b) fall
is the correct active voice of the given sentence. (c) diggeth (d) whosoever
20. Find a correct match of grammatical function Sol. (d) ‘Whosoever’ is the compound relative pronoun.
with the usage of the word: SHADE
Function Usage 26. Choose the correct word based on the sentence.
Rupert drained all his trust funds. He was a
A. Noun (i) He shaded his eyes and smiles.
…… .
B. Adjective (ii) She saw a shady garden. (a) Miser (b) Churl
C. Verb (iii) He slunk shadily in the shadows. (c) Scrooge (d) Wastrel
D. Adverb (iv) The shade of the tree is welcome. Sol. (d) ‘Wastrel’ is one who wastes his money without any
Codes planning. Hence, (d) is the correct choice.
(a) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) (b) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
27. Select the pair that best expresses the
(c) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
relationship similar to that expressed in this
Sol. (a) Noun - Shade
vacillate : be indecisive
Adjective - Shady (a) vacuous : empty (b) vindictive : vague
Verb - Shaded (c) vigilant : sleepy (d) vociferous : silent
Adverb - Shadily
Sol. (a) The principal analogy has the relation of being
21. Choose the correct word based on the sentence. synonymous to each other. So, ‘vacuous : empty’ is
Raj, normally an amicable person, gets the right choice.
towards the unjust. 28. Choose the correct word(s) for the underlined
(a) Affable (b) Benign
(c) Belligerent (d) Genial
If I was you, I would do it at once.
Sol. (c) If someone is an amicable person and he sees (a) am (b) should be
something unjust towards others then it is natural (c) would be (d) were
that he would be angry with him. So, ‘belligerent’ is
the correct word to be used. Sol. (d) For imaginary conditionals, we use the auxiliary
‘‘were’’. Hence, (d) is the suitable option.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 13
Directions (Q.Nos. 29-40) Read the following there is common law right to privacy (claimed against
passages and answer the questions that follow. other individuals and entities); there was doubt as to
whether such a right could be claimed against
PASSAGE I government. Obviously, the Constitution does not use
the word ‘privacy’ or we wouldn’t be having these
The first thing to know when talking about privacy in
hearings. Where, then, does the right to privacy find a
India is that a majority of the population does not
place in the Constitution?
always understand what it means. It is at times
confused with shame. It's also confused with the To answer that it is necessary to go deep into what is
emotion we feel when we do something that does not meant by a Fundamental Right. At their core, such
meet our standards or our sense of what is right. rights can be said to be the lines drawn by the
Modern Indian languages do not seem to have an exact Constitution delineating boundaries for the
word which captures the meaning of privacy; they are government’s actions. Such boundaries necessarily
usually some variation of the words for isolation, imply, the petitioners’ counsels have argued, that the
intimacy or secret, once again hinting at a conceptual Constitution guarantees that individuals have a right to
confusion. This explains the reactions of many who be left alone by the state on matters of individual
wonder what's the big deal about privacy because they choice. They have argued that the earlier decisions in
have nothing to hide from the government anyway. MP Sharma v Satish Chandra (1954) and Kharak Singh v
State of UP (1962) were rendered relying in a narrow
Privacy, however, is not only about hiding something or
and pedantic interpretation of Fundamental Rights - an
keeping it secret. It is, at its core, the right to be left
approach that has been discarded by the Supreme
alone. It does not mean that one is withdrawing from
Court since the 1970s.
society. It is an expectation that society will not
interfere in the choices made by the person so long as The Union Government has argued that it does not think
they do not cause harm to others. It means that one's that the right to privacy is a Fundamental Right protected
right to eat whatever one chooses, the right to drink under the Constitution. Attorney General KK Venugopal
what one chooses, the right to love and marry whom has argued that while the right to privacy may be
one chooses, to wear what one chooses, among others, protected as a common law right or some element of it
are rights which the state cannot interfere with. part of a Fundamental Right, by itself, it could not per se
be guaranteed as a Fundamental Right. The arguments of
In a society, where adults do not necessarily exercise
the Union Government and State Government supporting
most of these choices of their own free will (either
it have been premised on an ‘originalistic’ interpretation of
because of family, caste or societal pressures), it is
the Constitution - that the framers never intended privacy
natural that the very concept of privacy seems
to be a Fundamental Right available to citizens. Given the
incomprehensible. If you have grown up in a society
Supreme Court's recent approach where it has not been
where everything is dictated by someone else and the
hesitant to depart from the narrow interpretation of the
cost of disobedience is high to have the freedom to
Constitution when the situation demands it (such as
choose what you, will in such important matters sounds
appointment of judges), perhaps this approach may not
like fantasy. But it is also a common misconception that
find much judicial favour. Far more worrisome is the
the non-well-off in India do not know or care about
argument that privacy is only the preserve of the
privacy. Millions of men and women push back daily
well-off and the elite and protecting it through law and
against the oppressive hold of their families and
legal institutions may stand in the way of ‘development’
communities and fight for the freedom to make their
and poverty alleviation.
own choices. They may not have the right word for it,
but they are creating space for themselves to exercise This not only misunderstands what the right to privacy
the right to privacy. means but underplays its role in allowing individuals to
make free choices. It is an argument of a paternalistic
It is in this context that one must understand the
and patriarchal state that knows what's good for you
hearings in the Supreme Court on the right to privacy.
and will not let you make your own choices. It also
Although, the nine-judge bench has been constituted to
clashes with the ethos of a limited government
decide whether there is a fundamental right to privacy
enshrined in the Constitution.
protected under the Constitution in the specific
context of the Aadhar case, privacy has many more A nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court holding that the
dimensions than just data protection or surveillance by Constitution guarantees a right to privacy will, however,
the state. A Fundamental Right to privacy, enshrined only settle one issue - that there is a right to privacy
and protected in the Constitution, would mean that all guaranteed against state intervention. To what extent this
persons have the right to be left alone by the state, right can be claimed and in what circumstances the state
unless such intrusion is necessitated by a just, may be allowed to intrude will have to be decided on a
reasonable and fair law. case by case basis. At most, the court's judgement may
outline the principles on the basis of which judicial review
The nine-judge bench was necessitated in the first
will be carried out, but it cannot be expected to prescribe
place because while multiple judgements have held that
an answer for every foreseeable situation.
14 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
At least the youngest of the ‘passengers’, John Hudson, 37. What was the crime of William Francis?
would never be pushed up another chimney. The (a) He stole some snuff
nine-years old sweep was condemned to seven years’ (b) He stole ribbon and silk stockings
exile for theft. All on board were small-time criminals (c) He stole a book
whose punishment, by the standards of later (d) He stole 12 lb of butter
generations, in no degree fitted the crime. James Grace,
Sol. (c) William Francis stole a book.
11, had taken some ribbon and a pair of silk stockings.
John Wisehammer, 15, snatched some snuff from a shop 38. Lady Penrhyn refers to
counter in Gloucester. (a) a surgeon (b) a judge
For that, they would never see home again. The most (c) a criminal (d) a ship
extraordinary crime was that of William Francis, who Sol. (d) Lady Penrhyn refers to a ship.
stole a book about ‘the flourishing state of the island of
Tobago’ from a gentleman in London. If he had had 39. On the basis of the passage, why was Australia
time to read it before he was caught, perhaps he had developed in 1787?
(a) To send ill people to a warmer island
an inkling of what now lay ahead of him in a British
(b) To serve as a penal colony
colony far rawer than the West Indies.
(c) To employ people
There were no political prisoners, however, no rabble (d) To serve as a military-colony
rousing, hay stack burning activists or trade unionists
Sol. (b) On the basis of the passage, Australia was
sentenced for their subversive activities, as some of
developed in 1787 to serve as a penal colony.
today’s anti-Pom Australians like to think. The women,
however, were treated poorly. They arrived at the 40. As per the passage, what does the word ‘Pom’
gangplank of their vessel, the Lady Penrhyn, ‘‘in a denote?
situation that stamps them with infamy’’, according to (a) Aboriginals (b) Australian
the officer in command of the expedition, Captain (c) Englishmen (d) Pomegranate
Arthur Phillip. He was appalled at their treatment by Sol. (b) The word ‘Pom’ denotes Australia.
the magistrates who had sentenced them and the jailers
who had held them. Whether he could guarantee them
better lives at the end of their nine-months voyage was SECTION D
yet to be seen. What they were about to embark on
was the longest journey ever attempted by such a large
Quantitative Aptitude
group of people.
1. Find out next number in the series 2, 7, 17, 34,
Where they were going might as well have been the 60, ...... .
Moon. Crewmen, let alone convicts, believed they would (a) 97 (b) 108 (c) 95 (d) 121
never see home or their loved ones again. ‘Oh my God,’
Sol. (a) 2, 7, 17, 34, 60, 97
wrote one officer of Marines in his journal, ‘‘all my
hopes are over of seeing my beloved wife and son.’’ +(22+1)+(32+1)+(42+1)+(52+1)+(62+1)
1 1
∴ Remaining part = 1− = 10. John was writing an entrance test. Every
2 2 question is as a multiple choice question with
Part filled by pipes A and B in 4 hr is half part of four probable answers and one correct answer.
pool. The probability that he knows the answer is
4 + =
1 1 1 80%. If he correctly answered a question, then
A B 2 what is the probability that he was guessing?
1 1 1 (a) 1/5
⇒ + = …(ii) (b) 1/17
A B 8
(c) 1/27
Put the value of Eq.(ii) in Eq.(i), we get (d) None of the mentioned options are correct
3 + =
1 3 1 3 1 3 1
⇒ = − Sol. (a) Probability that the answer is correct =
8 C 2 C 2 8 2
3 1 1
⇒ = ⇒ C = 24 hr Probability that the answer is wrong =
C 8 2
80 4
∴ Pipe C filled the pool in 24 hr. So, time in the Probability that he knows the answer = =
clock when the pool is filled will be 12 o’clock 100 5
night. 20 1
Probability that he don’t know the answer = =
100 5
8. In an international school, 80% of the students 1 1
know French, 85% know German and 75% ×
2 5 1 10 1
know both French and German. If 40 students Required probability = = × =
1 4 1 1 10 ( 4 + 1) 5
× + ×
don't know both, then find total number of 2 5 2 5
(a) 400 (b) 350 11. In an India-Pakistan 20 over cricket match,
(c) 460 (d) 450 Pakistan played first and India had to chase a
Sol. (a) Let the total number of students be 100. high score. Rain created havoc and the average
Then, number of overs was reduced to 18, India
needed 144 runs to win. In the initial 5 overs,
the average scoring rate was 6 but in next
5 75 10
5 overs it increased to 8. It then declined to 5
in next 5 overs. Now, what is the average
needed by India in the remaining overs to win
Therefore, total number of students who know either
French or German or both = 5 + 75 + 10 = 90
the match?
(a) 16.33 (b) 13.33 (c) 12.33 (d) 14.33
Hence, total number of students don’t know both
= 100 − 90 = 10 Sol. (a) Total runs scored in 15 overs = 5 × 6 + 5 × 8 + 5 × 5
For, 10 → 100 = 30 + 40 + 25 = 95
∴ 40 → 100 × 4 = 400 Total remaining runs to win the match = 144 − 95 = 49
Hence, total number of students = 400 Therefore, average required to win the match in
9. The price of an item was increased during remaining 3 overs = = 16.33
festival season by 10%. Later the new price
was decreased by 10%. If the latest price is 12. Ravi has three sons and his age is equal to the
1000, what was the approximate original sum of the ages of his sons. After 12 years, his
price? age will be equal to the sum of ages of his
(a) 1234.50 (b) 1020.50 eldest two sons. 4 years later, his age will be
(c) 1232.75 equal to sum of the age of the oldest and
(d) None of the mentioned options are correct
youngest. Again, 4 years after that, his age will
Sol. (d) Let the Original Price of an item be ` x. be equal to sum of the ages of the two
110 90 youngest. Find the present age of Ravi and his
New price of an item = x × × sons.
100 100
(a) 44, 18, 16, 12 (b) 48, 18, 16, 10
According to the question, (c) 48, 20, 16, 12 (d) 48, 20, 12, 8
110 90
1000 = x × × Sol. (c) Let the present ages of Ravi and his three sons be
100 100
R, S1, S 2 and S 3 , respectively.
⇒ x = `1010.10 And, S1 < S 2 < S 3 (Ages)
⇒ x ≈ `1010 R = S1 + S 2 + S 3 (given) …(i)
18 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
17. In how many ways can we arrange the word 20. On her birthday, Vrinda gets a gift box which
CAPSTONE so that all the vowels come contains 6 chocolates and 8 cup cakes. She eats
together? 7 of them randomly. What is the probability
(a) 1440 (b) 4320 that she ate 3 chocolates and 4 cupcakes?
(c) 2160 (d) 3480 (a) 0.16231 approximately (b) 0.05655 approximately
Sol. (b) Required arrangements = 6 ! × 3! (c) 0.40792 approximately (d) 0.01165 approximately
= 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 × 3 × 2 = 4320 6
C 3 × 8C 4
Sol. (c) Required Probability = 14
18. The area of minor segment PQ is
6! 8!
3! 3! 4 ! × 4 !
14 !
7 !× 7 !
10 10 cm
120° 20 × 70
= = 0.40792 approximately
P Q 3432
(a) 60.14 sq cm (b) 56.25 sq cm (c) 59.43 sq cm (d) 56.76 sq cm 21. To cross a man running at 9 km/hr in the
direction of train, a train takes 40 seconds and
Sol. (d) Area of sector = OPQO = πr 2 × to cross another man running at 6 km/hr in
same direction it takes 30 seconds. Find the
120 100π
= 100π × = sq cm speed of the train.
360° 3 (a) 20 km/hr
(b) 18 km/hr
(c) 14 km/hr
O (d) Cannot be determined
10 10
Sol. (b) Let the speed of the train be ‘x’ km/hr.
P Q According to the question,
6 R 6
40 30
( x − 9) × = ( x − 6) ×
Now, PR = RQ = 6 cm 3600 3600
[Q Perpendicular from centre to the chord bisects the ⇒ −36x + 4x = − 18 + 3x
chord] ⇒ − 4x + 3x = 18 − 36
∴ OR = 100 − 36 = 64 = 8 cm ⇒ − x = − 18
1 ⇒ x = 18 km/hr
Area of ∆POQ = × 12 × 8 = 48 sq cm
100 π 22. A library has 10 copies of book A, 3 copies each
Hence, Area of minor segment PQ = − 48 sq cm of books B and C, 2 copies each of books D, E, F
≈ 56.76 sq cm and a single copy of books G and H. The total
number of ways in which these books can be
19. A company employs 35 people whose average arranged on a shell is
age is 45 years. The 10 most aged people have (a) (12!)/(10!(3!) 2(2!) 2)
an average age that is 20% more than the (b) (24!)/101(3!) 2(2!) 3
average of all 35 people in the company. Three (c) (24!)/(10!(3!) 2(2!) 2)
new employees of aged 32, 35 and 30 joined the (d) None of the mentioned options are correct
company. Now, what is the difference in the 24 !
average age of the same 10 most aged people Sol. (b) Required number of ways =
10 !( 3!) 2 ( 2!) 3
and the average age of all the people in the
company? 23. What is the value of ( p − 1) q +1 , if pq = 169 and p
(a) 10 years (b) 9 years
(c) 12 years (d) 11 years and q are whole numbers?
(a) 1728 (b) 2187
Sol. (a) Total age of 35 people = 35 × 45 = 1575 years
(c) 169 (d) 144
Average age of 10 most aged people = 45 × = 54 Sol. (a) pq = 169
1575 + 32 + 35 + 30 since 132 = 169
Average age of all employees = ∴ p = 13 and q = 2
35 + 3
= 44 years Hence, ( p − 1) q+ 1 = (13 − 1) 2 + 1 = 123 = 1728
∴ Required difference = 54 − 44 = 10 years
20 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
24. The population of a city increased by 5% but If a person felt good after his/her first
decreases by 0.25% each year due to interview, what is the probability that he/she
emigration. Find the net increase in per cent in will receive a call for the second interview?
3 years? (a) Approximately 73% (b) Approximately 89%
(a) 11.24% (c) Approximately 53% (d) Approximately 63%
(b) 13.23% Sol. (c) Required probability
(c) 14.93% 90 % of 50%
(d) None of the mentioned options are correct
= × 100
80 % of 50% + 90% of 50%
5 × 0.25 1 9
Sol. (c) Net increase each year = 5 − 0.25 − ×
100 2 10
= × 100
= 4.7375 % ≈ 4.75% 1 4 1 9
× + ×
Let initial population be 100. 2 5 2 10
104.75 3 9
∴ Population after 3 years = 100 × = 114.93 9
100 = 20 × 100 = × 100 ≈ 53 %
8 9 17
Hence, net increase in per cent = 14.93% +
20 20
28. The sum of three numbers is 138. The ratio of
25. How many factors of 28★36★54★105 are first to the second number is 3 : 4 and that of
multiples of 120? second to the third is 8 : 9. The first number is
(a) 594 (b) 660 (a) 48 (b) 36 (c) 54 (d) 42
(c) 540
Sol. (b) Let the three numbers be x , y and z.
(d) None of the mentioned options are correct
x + y + z = 138 …(i)
Sol. (d) The prime factoriation of x 3
= ⇒ 4x = 3y …(ii)
28 × 36 × 54 × 105 is 213 × 36 × 59 y 4
120 can be prime factorised as 23 × 3 × 5 y 8
= ⇒ 9y = 8z …(iii)
z 9
All factors of 213 × 36 × 59 than can be written as
Put the value of Eqs. (ii) and (iii) in Eq. (i), we get
multiples of 120 will be of the form 23 × 3 × 5 × k.
x + y + z = 138
∴ 213 × 36 × 59 = 23 × 3 × 5 × k 3y 9y
⇒ +y+ = 138
⇒ k = 210 × 35 × 58 4 8
∴ Number of factors of k = (10 + 1) ( 5 + 1) (8 + 1) 6y + 8y + 9y
⇒ = 138
= 11× 6 × 9 = 594 8
⇒ 23y = 138 × 8 ⇒ y = 48
26. The remainder obtained when 297 is divided by 3 × 48
∴ First number, x = = 36
97 is 4
(a) 2 29. If A is the set of odd integers less than 50 and
(b) 0 B is the set of the squares of integers in A, how
(c) 97
many elements does the intersection of A and
(d) None of the mentioned options are correct
B contain?
Sol. (a) 297 = 296 ⋅ 2 (a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 3 (d) Cannot be determined
R ( 296 ÷ 97) = 1
[If p is a prime number and a is an integar, then ap−1 Sol. (a) A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11… 49}, B = {1, 9, 25, 49,... , 2401}
divided by p gives 1 as remainder] A ∩ B = {1, 9, 25, 49}
296 ⋅ 2 ∴ A ∩ B contains 4 element.
∴ R = 1⋅ 2 = 2
97 30. A Bank lent a certain sum of money at a
certain rate of simple interest for 2 years to
27. Out of all the MBA aspirants interviewed, 50% David. He lent this sum at the same rate of
of those who attended the first interview
interest but compounded annually for the same
received the call for second interview. 90% of
period to Pankaj, who has a bad credit history.
the people who got a call for second interview
At the end of two years, David received ` 2400
felt good about their first interview. 80% of
as compound interest but paid ` 2000 only as
people who did not receive a call for second
simple interest. Find the rate of interest.
interview also felt good about their first (a) 20% (b) 10% (c) 30%
interview. (d) None of the mentioned options are correct
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017 21
Sol. (d) Let the Rate of interest be R% Sol. (a) Let CP of 1st and 2nd radio be `x and `y,
CI − SI = SI
R respectively.
200 80 4
SPI = ( 200 + x) = 160 + x
⇒ 2400 − 2000 = 2000
R 100 5
200 4 105x
400 ∴ 160 + x=
⇒ = R ⇒ R = 40 % 5 100
10 105x 4x 105x − 80x
⇒ 160 = − =
31. A fish observes a submarine from the bottom of 100 5 100
ocean, when the submarine starts moving up 16000
∴ x= = `640
vertically. The angle of elevation of the 25
submarine changes from 25 , degrees to 60 80
Hence, SPI = ( 200 + 640) × = `672
degrees in 2 minutes. The point of observation 100
of the fish is situated 300 metres 150y
(displacement) away from the takeoff point. If Again, SPII = − 160
the submarine is going up in straight line at a 150y 115
constant speed, what is the speed of the ∴672 + − 160 = ( y + 640)
100 100
submarine? (Here, tan 25° = 0.466)
3y 115y
(a) 4.16 m/s (b) 2.22 m/s ⇒ 512 + = + 736
(c) 5.22 m/s (d) 3.16 m/s 2 100
BC 35y
Sol. (d) tan 25° = ⇒ 224 =
300 100
⇒ BC = 300 × 0.466 = 139.8 m 22400
⇒ y= = ` 640
Final position
A ∴ SPII = `800
800 − 640
Hence, required profit = × 100 =25%
Submarine C
initial position 33. A factory has 900 employees, 25% of whom are
6 0° men. The factory has to hire 200 additional
25 employees to increase production. What
300 Fish percentage of the additional employees hired
must be men in order to raise the percentage of
tan 60° = men employees in the factory to 35%? (Assume
300 transgender for this situation.)
⇒ 300 3 = AB (a) 70% (b) 90%
⇒ AC + BC = 300 3 (c) 75% (d) 80%
⇒ AC = 519.6 − 139.8 Sol. (d) Total number of men employee in company
⇒ AC = 379.8 m before hiring
∴ Speed of submarine =
379.8 = 900 × = 225
2min 2 × 60 100
Let x men are hired to raise the percentage of men
= 316
. m/s to 35%.
32. Gopal is planning to sell two radios. The first 225 + x
∴ × 100 = 35
radio is marked ` 200 over and above the cost 900 + 200
price and is sold at a discount of 20% on it. The
( 225 + x)
other radio is marked 50% over and above the ⇒ × 100 = 35
cost price and sold at discount of ` 160. 1100
⇒ x = 385 − 225
If his profit is 15% on both radios combined
and 5 % on the first alone, what is the ⇒ x = 160
percentage of profit on the second radio? Thus, percentage of additional hired men employees
(a) 25% (b) 10% 160
= × 100% = 80%
(c) 7% (d) Cannot be determined 200
22 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2017
Directions (Q.Nos. 34-35) Following bar-graph 36. What percent of wage earners in the city re
shows the number of TV models, M1 and M2 produced by engaged in Marine Engineering?
a company in different years and the line-graph shows (a) 13.6 (b) 19.6
the percentage of sale of these models in different years. (c) 23.6 (d) 8.6
M1 M2 81 Sol. (c) Required percentage
TV produced (in thousand)
80 76
70 = × 100
60 62 85 + 60 + 35 + 115 + 40 + 25
60 54 54 85
50 48 48 51 = × 100 = 23.6%
40 360
40 36
30 37. If the number of persons engaged in painting is
20 2160, the number of persons engaged as
10 technicians would be
0 (a) 1456 (b) 3456
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (c) 2458 (d) 3458
M1 M2 Sol. (b) Given, 25° = 2160
84 2160
72 78 ⇒ 40° = × 40 = 3456
80 25
Percentage of Sale
60 67 63 38. If the total earnings from carpainters is twice
54 52 48
that from technicians, the ratio of average
wages in these occupations is
20 (a) 23 :8 (b) 5 : 4
(c) 16 : 23 (d) 23 : 16
115 115
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Sol. (d) Required ratio = = = 23 : 16
34. What is the total number of TV models M1 and 2 × 40 80
M2 sold in the year 2005? 39. If the average earning of a wage earner from
(a) 44800 (b) 48840 (c) 48480 (d) 48440
painters category was twice that from
Sol. (c) Sale M1 = 48000 × 0.65 = 31200 technicians, the ratio of the total earnings from
Sale M2 = 32000 × 0.54 = 17280 these occupations is
∴ Total = 31200+17280 = 48480 (a) 4 : 3 (b) 5 : 4
35. What is the ratio of the total number of TVs of (c) 4 : 5 (d) 3 : 4
model M2 unsold in the year 2006 to the total 25 × 2 50
Sol. (b) Required ratio = = = 5: 4
number of TVs of model M2 produced in 2007? 40 40
(a) 32 : 47 (b) 41 : 60 (c) 43 : 60 (d) 47 : 60
(100 − 57) 40. If the total number of wage earners increases
Sol. (d) In 2006, unsold M2 = 60000 × = 25800 by 10% and the number of wage earners
In 2007, production M2 = 36000 engaged in carpentry increases by 15% in the
25800 43 next year, the nearest central angle of
∴ Ratio = = carpenters in pie chart for that year will be
36000 60
(a) 120°
Directions (Q. Nos. 36-40) (b) 125°
Data in the pie chart describes the population (c) 130°
engaged in various occupations in a German city for (d) None of the mentioned options are correct
a year Based on the information answer questions. 100
Sol. (c) 115° = × 115% = 3195
. %
Public Servants, 35 360
It is given that number of wage earners in carpentry
increases by 15%.
. × 115
∴ Increased carpenters =
Marine, 85 = 36.73%
Hence, required angle = × 36.73
Painters, 25 ≈ 136°
1. There are 150 questions in this paper.
2. There are four parts. Part A (General Awareness), Part B (Analytical & Logical Reasoning), Part C (General
English) and Part D (Quantitative aptitude).
3. Part A carries 30 marks, Part B carries 40 marks, Part C carries 40 marks and Part D carries 40 marks.
4. For each incorrect attempt 1/4th mark will be deducted.
* Memory Based
4 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016
4. Bull and Bear are related to which 9. In which of the following countries long staple
commercial activity? type of cotton is mainly grown?
(a) Banking (b) E-commerce (a) India (b) Egypt (c) Greece (d) China
(c) International trade (d) Stock market Sol. (b) Long-staple cotton is any cotton with fibers from
Sol. (d) Both the terms are related to stock market. 1 1/8" to 2 1/2" long.
Investors who take a bull approach purchase Outstanding types of this cotton are Pima, Egyptian
securities under the assumption that they can be and Sea Island cotton. Egyptian cotton is a type of
sold later at a higher price. long-staple cotton, which is largely grown in the Nile
A ‘bear’ is considered to be the opposite of a bull. river valley.
Bear investors believe that the value of a specific This plant contains the chemical gossypol, which
security or an industry is likely to decline in the reduces its susceptibility to insect and fungal damage.
future. It is also called gossypium barbaderse.
5. The first to come and last to leave India were 10. Which party provided two Prime Ministers in 2
(a) The Portuguese (b) The French years time?
(c) The English (d) The Dutch (a) BJP (b) Janata Party
Sol. (a) The Portuguese can be said to have visited India (c) Janata Dal (d) Samajwadi Janata Party
in 1498, when Vasco da Gama set his foot on Sol. (b) The Janata Party (People’s Party) was an amalgam
calicut (Malabar Coast). of Indian political parties opposed to the State of
The Portuquese State of India was established in Emergency that was imposed between 1975 and 1977
1505. It was in 1954, that portugal cost the enclaves by the Government of Indira Gandhi and her party,
of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and those of Goa and the Indian National Congress (R).
Daman and Diu in December, 1961. Morarji Desai became the fourth Prime Minister of
6. Buddha gave his first religious message at India from 1977 to 1979. In 1979, Raj Narain and
(a) Rajagriha (b) Pataliputra Charan Singh pulled out of the Janata party forcing
(c) Gaya (d) Sarnath
Desai to resign from his office. Charan Singh was the
fifth of the Republic of India, serving from 28th July,
Sol. (d) Sarnath has the deer park where Gautama 1979 until 14th January, 1980.
Buddha first taught the dhamma and where the
Buddhist Sangha came into existence through the 11. The longest river in Asia is
enlightenment of Kondanna. It is located to the (a) river Indus (b) river Yangtze
North-East of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. Sarnath is (e) river Hwang Ho (d) river Ganga
also the site of Buddha’s ‘Dharmachakra parivartan’ Sol. (b) The Yangtze river is known in China as the Chang
which was Buddha’s first teaching after attainment of Jiang or Yangtze, is the longest river in Asia and the
enlightenment. third-longest in the world. It flows for 6300 km (3915
m) from the glaciers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in
7. A firm practising price discrimination will be Qinghai, eastward across South-West, Central and
(a) charging different prices for different qualities of
Eastern China before emptying into the East China sea
a product
at Shanghai. The river is the longest in' the world to
(b) buying from the cheapest and selling in the
dearest markets
flow entirely within one country.
(c) charging different prices in different markets for a 12. The split between the ‘Extremists’ and
product ‘Moderates’ came up in the open at the Surat
(d) buying only from firms selling in bulk at a Congress Session in the year
(a) 1905 (b) 1906 (c) 1907 (d) 1910
Sol. (c) Price discrimination is a pricing strategy where
Sol. (c) At the Surat Session in 1907, Congress leaders
identical goods or services are transacted at different
split into two groups moderates and extremists. In
prices by same provider firm in different markets.
Surat, extremists tried to push the candidature of Lala
8. The practice of selling goods in a foreign Lajpat Rai for Presidentship of Congress and
country at a price below their domestic selling Moderates, Dr Rashbehari Ghosh to be the President.
price is called The situation was saved by Lala Lajpat Rai by
(a) ‘diplomacy’ (b) ‘discrimination’ stepping down and Dr Rashbehari Ghosh became the
(c) ‘dumping‘ (d) ‘double pricing’ President. Real trouble started when the moderates
tried to repudiate the resolution on boycott, swadeshi
Sol. (c) Dumping is the policy of charging lower price in
and national education which has been adopted in
the foreign market then in the domestic market the
1906. This was not acceptable to the extremists. Both
main aim is to establish themselves in the the factions of INC-moderates and extremists came
international market. together in Lucknow session of 1916.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016 5
13. Humayun had to run away from India after he 18. Which among the following is the fundamental
was defeated in the battle of quantity?
(a) Panipat (b) Gogra (a) Volume (b) Time (c) Velocity (d) Force
(e) Khanwa (d) Kannauj Sol. (b) The physical quantities which do not depend or
Sol. (d) Humayun and his brother Kamran decided to derive from the other physical quantities are known
fight Sher Shah but due to the differences between as the fundamental physical quantities.
the brothers, Humayun fought the Battle of Kannauj The fundamental quantities are mass, length, time,
in 1540 alone and lost. luminous intensity and amount of substance, electric
Humayun became a fugitive and Sher Shah became current and temperature. All the physical quantities
the ruler of Agra and Delhi, thus established the Sur which are not the fundamental physical quantities
empire in India. but are derived from it are known as the derived
physical quantities.
14. The highest grade and best quality coal is
(a) lignite (b) peat 19. Which country launched the world's first
(c) bituminous (d) anthracite satellite dedicated to monitoring Greenhouse
Sol. (d) Anthracite is usually considered to be the highest gas emission in 2009?
grade of coal and is actually considered to be (a) Japan (b) Brazil (c) India (d) USA
metamorphic. It contains about 90% carbon with Sol. (a) The first satellite dedicated to monitor the
practically no volatile matter. It is largely used for greenhouse gas emissions as a part of global efforts
heating domestically as it burns with little smoke. to combat climate change was launched into space
from Japan which monitors the level of greenhouse
15. IBRD is also known as gases like carbon-dioxide and methane.
(a) International Bank
(b) World Bank 20. Who among the following was elected as the
(c) Asian Development Bank Chairman of world's biggest commercial
(d) Bank of America organisation the International Chamber of
Sol. (b) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Commerce in June 2016?
Development (IBRD) is the first of five member (a) Mukesh Ambani (b) Adi Godrej
institutions, which compose the World Bank Group (c) Lakshmi Narain Mittal (d) Sunil Bharti Mittal
and is headquartered in Washington DC, United Sol. (d) Airtel supremo Sunil Bharti Mittal was appointed
States. as the Chairman of world's biggest commercial
Together, the International Bank for Reconstruction organisation, the International Chamber of Commerce
and Development and its concessional lending arm, in June, 2016.
the International Development Association, are
collectively known as the World Bank. 21. The ‘Goods and Services Tax’ was proposed by
a task force whose President was
16. In May, 2016, Rodrigo Duterte was elected as (a) Vijay Kelkar (b) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
the President of which country? (c) Arun Jaitley (d) Narsimham
(a) Thailand (b) Switzerland
Sol. (a) Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a proposed
(c) Mexico (d) Philippines
system of indirect taxation. It was introduced in the
Sol. (d) Rodrigo Duterte, also known as Digong, is a Constitution as (One Hundred and First Amendment)
Filipino politician and jurist, who is the 16th and Act, 2016. The GST is administered and governed by
current President of the Philippines. He is the first GST council and its chairman is Union Finance
Mindanaoan to hold the office, and the fourth of Minister of India, Arun Jaitley.
Visayan descent. He won the elections in May, 2016.
22. These waves cannot be transmitted through
17. The resources which can be used continuously, vaccum
year-after are called (a) light (b) sound
(a) biotic (c) heat (d) electromagnetic
(b) abiotic
Sol. (b) Sound is basically a form of kinetic energy which
(c) non-renewable
is transmitted when a particle in a medium gets a bit
(d) renewable
of energy by being bumped by a neighbouring
Sol. (d) A renewable resource is a natural resource with particle and passes same or all of this energy a long
the ability to reproduce through biological or natural by bumping the another particle.
processes and replenished with the passage of time. If there is no medium then there are no particles to
Renewable resources are part of our natural bump or to be bumped and thus there would be no
environment and form our ecosystem. any sound.
6 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016
23. In which of the following countries, a woman 29. Who administered the oath of the Chief
became the president for the first time in May, Minister of West Bengal to Mamata
2016? Banerjee on May 27, 2016?
(a) Taiwan (b) Myanmar (a) Ram Naik (b) Keshari Nath Tripathi
(c) Angola (d) Namibia (c) TS Thakur (d) P. Sathasivam
Sol. (a) Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairman Tsai Sol. (b) The oath of Chief Minister was administered
Ing-wen made history on May 20, 2016 as the first by the Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi.
woman to become the President of Taiwan. The 59 year
old lady elected into power on January 16, winning 56
30. In which of the following State, Bharatiya
seats, 12% of more than 12 million votes cast. Janata Party formed government for the
first time in 2016?
24. A passenger standing in a bus is thrown outward (a) Assam (b) Rajasthan
when the bus takes a sudden turn. This happens (c) Kerala (d) Odisha
due to Sol. (a) The BJP led National Democratic Alliance won
(a) outward pull on him (b) inertia of motion the majority seats in Assam making its first
(c) change in momentum (d) change in acceleration government in the state.
Sol. (b) Newton’s first law of motion gives the concept of
inertia which is of three types, inertia of rest, inertia of
motion and inertia of direction.
(a) a storage device (b) a processor
(c) a port type (d) a serial bus standard REASONING
Sol. (c) Universal Serial Bus (USB) is designed to standardise 1. Find the approximate value : 10000 +
the connection of computer peripherals (including 4.987
keyboards, pointing devices, digital cameras, printers, of 1891 .992 = ?
portable media players, disk drives and network (a) 2500 (b) 1230 (c) 1640 (d) 1525
adapters) to personal computers, both to communicate 3001
Sol. (b) 10000 + of 1891. 992 = ?
and to supply Electric Power. 4.987
26. In which post was the former Police Commissioner 3
⇒ ? ≈ 100 + × 1900
of Delhi, BS Bassi appointed in May, 2016? 5
(a) The Chairman of Union Public Service Commission = 100 + 1140 ≈ 1240 ≈ 1230
(b) The Governor of Meghalaya
(c) The Director General of Border Security Force
2. The sum of the digits of a three-digit number
(d) The Member of Union Public Service Commission
is 16. If the ten’s digit of the number is three
times the unit’s digit and the unit’s digit is
Sol. (d) BS Bassi, who was Commissioner of Police of Delhi,
one-fourth of the hundredth digit, then what
was appointed as the Member of Union Public Service
is the number?
Commission (UPSC). He was 1977 Batch IPS officer.
(a) 446 (b) 561 (c) 682 (d) 862
27. Which of the following is a better measurement of Sol. (d) Let x , y and z be the digits at the hundredth
economic development? place, ten's place and unit's place, respectively.
(a) GDP (b) Disposable income
∴ x + y + z = 16 …(i)
(c) NNP (d) Per capita income
y = 3z …(ii)
Sol. (d) Per capita national income is the most widely used 1
measure of the extent of a country’s economic z= x …(iii)
development and it indicates the actual wellbeing or
financial condition of the people of that country. From (ii) and (iii),
28. Who, out of the following, was the first recipient ∴ y= x …(iv)
of Bharat Ratna Award?
Using Eqs. (iii) and (iv) in (i), we get
(a) BC Roy (b) S Chandrasekhar
3 1
(c) CV Raman (d) Gobind Ballabh Pant x + x + x = 16
4 4
Sol. (c) CV Raman : 1954; Govind Ballabh Pant: 1957;
⇒ x =8
Bidhan Chandra Roy: 1961 and S Chandrashekhar: he
has not won the award. CV Raman has also received ∴ y = 6, z = 2
Nobel Prize for Physics. Hence the number is 862.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016 7
3. In a certain code language ‘123’ stands for ‘I Direction (Q. Nos. 7-9) Study the following
am servant’, ‘279’ stands for ‘servant always information to answer the given questions.
miserable’, and ‘684’ stands for ‘poverty is P, Q, R, S, T, V, X and Y are seated in a straight line
curse’. Then, ‘miserable’ stands for which facing North. P sits fourth to the left of V. V sits either
numeric? sixth from the left end of the line or fourth from the
(a) 2 (b) 7 right end of the line. S sits second to right of R. R is
(c) 9 (d) Cannot be determined not an immediate neighbour of V. T and Q are
Sol. (d) 1 2 3 → I am servant …(i) immediate neighbours of each other but neither T nor
2 7 9 → servant always miserable …(ii) Q sits at extreme ends of the line. Only one person sits
between T and X. X does sit at the extreme end of the
6 8 4 → poverty is curse …(iii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii),
2 ⇒ servant 7. What is the position of Q with respect to P?
(a)Fifth to the right
1 ⇒ I/am
(b) Immediate neighbour
3 ⇒ I/am (c) Second to the right
7 ⇒ always/miserable (d) Third to the left
9 ⇒ always/miserable 8. Which of the following represents persons
∴ miserable ⇒ 7 or 9 seated at the two extreme ends of the line?
Clearly, it cannot be definitely said how will (a) P, V (b) Y, S (c) R, V (d) R, Y
‘miserable’ be written.
9. How many persons are seated between R and
Direction (Q. Nos. 4-6) Find the mising number in T?
the series given below. (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
Solutions (7-9) According to the given information, the
4. 3, 22, ? 673, 2696, 8093
final arrangement is as follows.
(a) 133 (b) 155 (c) 156 (d) 134
Sol. (d) The pattern is as follows Facing North
3 22 134 673 2696 8093
7. (c) Q is second to the right of P.
×7+1 ×6+2 ×5+3 ×4+4 ×3+5
8. (d) R and Y are sitting on the extreme ends of line.
∴ ? = 134 9. (c) Three persons P, S and Q are seated between R
5. 2, 8, 18, 32, 50, ? and T.
11. A person travels from X to the Y at a speed of Sol. (d) Through O, draw a line l parallel to both AB
40 kmph and returns by increasing his speed by and CD.
50%. What is his average speed for both the Then,
trips? ∠ 1 = 45° (alt. ∠S)
(a) 36 kmph ∠ 2 = 30° (alt. ∠S)
(b) 45 kmph
(c) 48 kmph A 45° B
(d) 50 kmph O
l X° 1
Sol. (c) Let the distance between X and Y be x km.
∴ Time taken from X to Y @ 40 km/h = h. D 30° C
Q Speed of person while returning from Y to X
∆BOC = ∠ 1 + ∠ 2
= 40 × = 60 km/h ∴ = 45° + 30° = 75°
x So, X = 360° − ∠BOC
Time taken from Y to X @ 60 km/h = h = 360° − 75° = 285°
2x ∴ X = 285°
∴ Average speed = = 48 km/h
x x
+ 15. If John celebrated his victory day on Tuesday,
40 60
January 5, 1965, when will he celebrate his
12. How many M’s occur in the following series such next victory day on the same day?
that it is preceded by W and followed by V? (a) January 5, 1970 (b) January 5, 1971
(c) Januray 5, 1973 (d) January 5, 1974
Sol. (b) 5th January 1965 ⇒ Tuesday
(a) 3 (b) 2 5th January 1966 ⇒ Wednesday
(c) 1 (d) 5 5th January 1967 ⇒ Thursday
Sol. (c) X U V M R S T M W N V M W O P M W U V M 5th January 1968 ⇒ Friday
W A C W M V H P N V W M W T U N 5th January 1969 ⇒ Sunday
Clearly, there is one which is preceded by W and Since, 1968 is a leap year.
followed by V.
5th January 1970 ⇒ Monday
13. In a class, the number of girls is one less than 5th January 1971 ⇒ Tuesday
the number of the boys. If the product of the
number of boys and that of girls is 272, then the Direction (Q. Nos. 16-18) Read the following
number of girls in the class is information carefully and answer the questions that
(a) 15 (b) 14 (c) 16 (d) 17 follow.
Sol. (c) Let the number of girls and boys be x and y, Seven friends A , B , C , D, E , F and G are sitting around a
respectively. circular table facing either the centre or outside. Each
Then x + 1= y one of them belongs to a different department viz.
Finance, Marketing, Sales, HR, Corporate Finance,
and xy = 272
Investment Banking and Operations but not
⇒ x ( x + 1) = 272
necessarily in the same order.
⇒ x 2 + x − 272 = 0
C sits third to the right of G. G faces the centre. Only
⇒ ( x + 17) ( x − 16) = 0 one person sits between C and the person working in
∴ x = 16 the HR department. Immediate neighbours of C face
14. In the given figure, AB||CD. Then, X is equal to outside. Only one person sits between F and D. Both F
and D face the centre. F works in the HR department.
A 45° B A works in the investment B banking department. A
O faces the centre. Two people sit between the persons,
X° who work in investment, banking and marketing
departments. The person, who works in corporate
D 30° C finance sits to the immediate left of E. C faces same
direction as E. The person, who works for sales
(a) 290° (b) 300°
department sits to the immediate left of the person,
(c) 280° (d)285°
who works for operations department.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016 9
who works for sales department? (a) 9, R (b) 11, P (c) 13, Q (d) 10, V
(a) Immediate right
Sol. (b) The letters progress in clockwise direction
(b) Third to the left
starting from D and the next letter is obtained by
(c) Second to the right
following the below skipping pattern.
(d) Second to the left
18. Who sits to the immediate right of E? The numbers follows the pattern given below:
(a) The person who works for marketing department
23 21 18 16 13 11 8 6
(b) C
(c) B –2 –3 –2 –3 –2 –3 –2
(d) The person who works for HR department
∴ ? = 11 and ? = P
Solutions (16-18) According to the given information,
seating arrangement of all the seven friends is given below. 21.
2 9 11 7
8 5 13 -3
(Finance) C (Marketing)
B E 7 ? 10 -4
Banking) 6 4 10 ?
(a) 3 and ( −2) (b) ( −3) and ( −2)
(Sales) (Operations)
(c) 3 and 2 (d) ( −3) and 2
Sol. (a) 2 + 9 = 11
16. (a) B works in finance department.
9 − 2=7
17. (d) The person working in sales department is D and B
Also, 8 + 5 = 13
is second to the left of D.
5−8 = −3
18. (d) The person who sits to the immediate right of E is F,
who works in HR department. Now, 7 + ? = 10
? = 10 − 7 = 3
Direction (Q. Nos. 19-21) In each of the following Also, 4 −6 =?
questions. Choose the missing terms out of the given ? = −2
22. After 9 o’ clock at what time between 9 p.m.
19. and 10 p.m. will the hour and minute hands
29 38 55
of a clock point in opposite direction?
16 13 21 17 30 25
(a) 15 min past 9 (b) 16 min past 9
27 9 33 35 16 43 ? ? ? 4 1
(c) 16 min past 9 (d) 17 % min past 9
11 11
(a) 65, 36, 63 (b) 53, 24, 63
Sol. (c) At 9 o’ clock, the minute hand is 9 × 5
(c) 49, 32, 53 (d) 51, 25, 61
= 45 mins space behind the hour hand. Hence, the
Sol. (d) Here, the pattern is minute hand will have to gain 45 − 30 = 15 min.
a Therefore, 60 min is equal to the gain of 55 min
Hence, gain of 15 min spaces equals
(2×c)+1 (b–c)2 (2×b)+1
60 180 4
= × 15 = = 16
55 11 11
∴ First number = ( 25 × 2) + 1 = 51
Therefore, hour and minute hands of a clock point
Second number = ( 30 − 25) 2 = 25 4
in opposite direction after 9 o’ clock at 16 min
and third number = ( 30 × 2) + 1 = 61 11
Hence, 51, 25 and 61 are the three missing terms. past 9.
10 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016
27. (b) Input ‘year 39 stake 47 house full 94 55’ Sol. (d) As,
Step I Full year 39 stake 47 house 94 55 20 18 15 21 16 22 16 17 19 18
Step II Full 94 year 39 stake 47 house 55 +2
Step III Full 94 house year 39 stake 47 55 –2
Step IV Full 94 house 55 year 39 stake 47 –2
Step V Full 94 house 55 stake year 39 47 +2
IV. The student-in-charge of Cultural Activity stays in 36. The student who belongs to Allahabad is
the Aravalli hostel where Civil Engineering student studying in
does not stay. (a) Metallurgy
V. Sanjay and the student, who studies Metallurgy, (b) Mechanical Engineering
both stay in the same hostel. (c) Civil Engineering
(d) None of the above
VI. The student who belong to Allahabad does not
stay with the student-in-charge of the Sports Solutions (34-36) The given information can be tabulise
activity staying at Aravalli hostel. as
VII. Sanjay is not the student-in-charge of the Cultural Name Activity Hostel Discipline Cities
activity. Ravi Mess Satpura Computer Jodhpur
VIII. Ravi, the student-in-charge of Mess activity, stays
at Satpura hostel. Sanjay Sports Aravalli Mechanical Nagpur
IX. The student from Patna and the student, who
studies Mechanical Engineering, both stay at Hardeep Cultural Aravalli Metallurgy Patna
Aravalli hostel. They are the only two among the Abhishe Student Body Vindhya Civil Engineering Kochi
five students to stay at this hostel. k
X. The student, who stays at Satpura hostel, studies Hemant Placement Vindhya Chemical Allahabad
Computer Sciences. Engineering
XI. Hemant, who does not belong to Kochi, studies 34. (b) From the above table, we can see that the
Chemical Engineering. He is not the General Chemical engineering student stays in Vindhya hostel
Secretary of the Student Body. while cultural activity students stay in Aravalli hostel.
XII. Sanjay does not belong to Allahabad. So, Statement I is incorrect. Statement II is also
incorrect because the student in charge of Placement
XIII. The student from Kochi and the
activity is studying Chemical Engineering.
student-in-charge of Placement activity, both stay
at the Vindhya Hostel. 35. (c) From above table, it is clear that student belongs to
Patna is studying Metallurgy.
34. Which of the following statements is/are 36. (d) From above table, it is clear that the student from
incorrect? Allahabad is studying Chemical Engineering.
I. The Chemical Engineering student and the
student-in-charge of Cultural activity, both Direction (Q. Nos. 37-39) The second figure in the
stay in the same hostel. first part of the problem figures bears a certain
II. The student-in-charge of Placement activity relationship to the first figure. Similarly, one of the
is studying Metallurgy. figures in answer figures bears the same relationship to
the first figure in the second part. You have to select the
III. The student who belongs to Nagpur is the figure from the set of answer figures which would replace
student-in-charge of Sport's activity. the sign of question mark (?).
IV. Ravi belongs to Jodhpur.
37. Problem Figures
(a) Only I (b) I and II
(c) I, II and Ill (d) None of these
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. ‘‘To make clean breast of ’’
Sol. (a) From first figure to second figure, one similar means………………..
figure is added in a set pattern. (a) To gain prominence
39. Problem Figures (b) To praise oneself
(c) To confess without being reserve
(d) To destroy before it blooms
? Sol. (c) Idiom ‘‘To make clean breast of’’ means ‘‘To
confess without being reserve’’.
1 2 3 4 2. Fate smiles ...... those who untiringly grapple
Answer Figures
with stark realities of life.
(a) with (b) over
(c) on (d) round
Sol. (c) The correct word to be used here in the gap is
(a) (b) (c) (d) ‘on’ which has the correct context.
Sol. (a) From first figure to second figure, the circles of 3. ‘‘Life is like a game where we are the players’’
upper row move one block in anti-clockwise is a—
direction and two circles are added in the middle (a) Simile (b) Metaphor
row. In similar way, the two crosses of upper row (c) Assonance (d) Alliteration
move one block in anti-clockwise direction and two Sol. (a) Usage of ‘like’ shows simile.
crosses are added in the middle row.
4. ‘‘All the world’s a stage and all the men and
Direction (Q. Nos. 40) In the question below is given a women merely players; They have their exits
statement followed by two conclusion numbered I and II. and their entrances;’’ is a—
You have to assume everything in the statement to be (a) Simile (b) Metaphor
true, then consider the two conclusions together and (c) Personification (d) Pun
decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable
doubt from the information given in the statement. Sol. (b) When the comparison is employed without the
use of ‘Like’ then it is metaphor.
Give answer
(a) if only conclusion I follows 5. ‘‘Death lays its icy hands on kings’’ is a—
(b) if only conclusion II follows (a) Simile (b) Metaphor
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II follows (c) Personification (d) Alliteration
(d) if both conclusion I and II follows Sol. (c) When a non living object is treated as a living
40. Statement From the next academic year, object then it is personification.
students will have the option of dropping 6. Shepherd is a word of German origin. This
Mathematics and Science for their school word can also be replaced by which of the
leaving certificate examination. following?
(a) Sceaphierde (b) Herder
(c) Sheepish (d) None of the above
I. Students, who are weak in Science and
Mathematics, will be benefitted. Sol. (a) Shepherd can also be replaced by Sceaphierde.
14 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016
7. Cotton is a word of English origin. Which of the 16. Idiom ‘‘To catch a tartar’’ means …………..
following can replace this word? (a) To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty
(a) Cotone (b) Cottony (b) To catch a dangerous person
(c) Coutons (d) None of the above (c) To meet with disaster
Sol. (a) Cotton can also be replaced by Cotone. (d) To deal with a person who is more than one’s
8. Plural of ‘Formula’ is Sol. (b) Idiom ‘‘To catch a tartar’’ means ‘‘to catch a
(a) Formulas (b) Formulaes dangerous person’’.
(c) Formulae (d) None of the above
Sol. (c) The plural of ‘formula’ is ‘formulae’. 17. Choose the correct option:-
(a) You don’t need to come unless you want to
9. The ‘accommodation’ in British English is known (b) You come only when you want to
as ……….. in American english. (c) You come unless you don’t want to
(a) Accommodations (b) Acomodation (d) You needn’t come until you don’t want to
(c) Accommodatione (d) Acommodatione Sol. (a) The correct statement is “You don’t need to
Sol. (a) It is ‘accommodations’ in American English. come unless you want to”.
10. The ‘aeroplane’ in British English is known as 18. Choose the correct option:-
……….. in American english. (a) This is one of the most important inventions
(a) Aeroplain (b) Aerroplane of this century.
(c) Airplane (d) Aeroplanee (b) This is one of the most important invention of
this century.
Sol. (c) It is ‘airplane’ in American English.
(c) This is one of the most important invention of
11. The ‘bank holiday’ in British English is known as these century.
……….. in American english. (d) This is one of the most important invention of
(a) holiday (b) legal holiday centuries.
(c) vacation (d) leave Sol. (a) The correct statement is ‘‘This is one of the
Sol. (b) It is ‘legal holiday’ in American English. most important inventions of this century’’.
Direction (Q. Nos. 12-14) Complete the collocation words. Direction (Q. Nos. 19-21) Read each sentence to
12. My grandfather was a …………………. smoker, so find out whether there is any grammatical error in it.
few people were surprised when he died of oral The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence.
The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no
cancer. error, the answer is ‘D’. (Ignore the errors of
(a) serial (b) heavy punctuation, if any).
(c) big (d) continuous
Sol. (b) The correct collocation is a heavy smoker. 19. (a) We discussed about the problem so thoroughly
(b) on the eve of the examination
13. She was a/an ……………………. wife who loved her (c) that I found it very easy to work it out
husband more than anything else in the whole (d) No error
universe. Sol. (a) We should not use ‘about’ with ‘discuss’ as it
(a) devoted (b) sincere (c) intelligent (d) cool is superfluous.
Sol. (a) The correct collocation is a devoted wife.
20. (a) An Indian ship
14. I always avoid his company because he is a (b) laden with merchandise
crashing …………………….. (c) got drowned in the Pacific Ocean
(a) bore (b) nuisance (c) guy (d) sound (d) No error
Sol. (a) The correct collocation is a crashing bore. Sol. (c) It is wrong to use ‘drowned’. When a person
is involved then we should use ‘‘sank’’.
15. Idiom ‘‘To keeps one’s temper’’
means………………………. 21. (a) I could not put up in a hotel
(a) To become hungry (b) To be in good mood (b) because the boarding and lodging charges
(c) To preserve ones energy (d) To be aloof from (c) were exorbitant
(d) No error
Sol. (b) Idiom ‘‘To keeps one’s temper’’ means ‘‘to be in good
mood’’. Sol. (a) ‘Put up’ is followed by ‘at’ not by ‘in’.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016 15
Direction (Q. Nos. 22-27) Read the following passage and legislative space for states. And two, by a happy
carefully and answer the questions given below it. coincidence, the chairman and members of the 14th
Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them Finance Commission believe in genuine federalism
while answering some of the questions. themselves.
With Finance Commission recommendations, Moreover, they have recognised the opportunity offered
centre-state relations set to undergo dramatic change. by a Prime Minister at the helm who truly believes in
Any big change requires big ideas, decisive leadership the power of states and their leaders. Accordingly, they
and happy coincidence of circumstances. Nothing have recommended that starting 2015-16, states be
illustrates this better than the unfolding story of awarded 42% of the divisible pool of tax revenues. This
cooperative federalism in India. is a gigantic and unprecedented 10% jump in devolution.
As Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi had often Predictably, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet have
argued that the central government implemented accepted this bold recommendation of the 14th Finance
schemes were at odds with the state’s needs and Commission. What implications does this change have?
priorities. For example, schemes that provided funds for For starters, with larger transfers coming as untied
electrification were at best of limited value to Gujarat funds, states also have greater responsibility in
since it had already achieved near 100% electrification. discharging their duties. It is likely that they will now
This state could have spent the money provided for have to take greater responsibility in areas that have
such a scheme more productively if allowed to use it been hitherto covered by the Centre, especially those
for other purposes. falling on the state list. States will also have to do this
In advancing this view, Modi was joined by other Chief in ways that are more consistent with their priorities
Ministers such as Vasundhara Raje of Rajasthan who and not according to ‘‘one size fits all’’ schemes. By the
argued that the vast numbers of central schemes same token, with a lower share in the divisible pool the
further restricted their fiscal space because many of centre’s fiscal space will shrink, requiring a rethink of
them required matching contributions by them from central and centrally sponsored schemes.
their otherwise untied funds. Once these matching funds One might ask where does Niti Aayog fit into this
were committed to access central schemes, states were story? I am tempted to say that in replacing the
left with very limited funds for even the most important Planning Commission by Niti Aayog, Prime Minister
expenditure items such as enforcement of law and order. Narendra Modi may have anticipated the 14th Finance
Nevertheless, this system has remained entrenched in Commission. Under the previous regime, the centre
one form or another in the last several decades on was often seen as ‘giver’ and states as ‘recipients’
account of coincidence of three factors. First, outside of thereby making the latter feel that they were less than
state leaders and a few economists and policy analysts, equal partners. In replacing the Planning Commission
advocates of the view that true federalism means giving by Niti Aayog, the Prime Minister sought to change
greater fiscal space to states and trusting them in that equation and forge an equal relationship between
setting their own priorities have been few and far the two sides. As such this change represents a step
between. towards cooperative federalism.
Second, the Finance Commission appointed once every We will have a more complete picture of the emerging
five years plays a key role in the division of tax centre-state relations, when the finance minister
revenues between centre and states. Consistent with presents the budget. But even with what we now know,
the first point, successive Finance Commissions held one thing is clear: in the years to come, Niti Aayog will
untied funds to the states at or below 30% of the have to play a much greater role in the knowledge
divisible tax pool. Only the 13th Finance Commission space. Greater fiscal freedom combined with greater
exceeded this mark, setting states share at 32%. legislative freedom in the areas covered by the
Finally, successive central governments have chosen to concurrent list of the Constitution means that states
transfer the bulk of the remaining funds to the states will need to play a more active role in designing their
via central and centrally sponsored schemes. With own programmes and policies.
nearly 8% growth over an entire decade, tax revenues As they do so, they will need to reach out to data,
have significantly expanded. Alongside, central and analysis and expert advice.The design of Niti Aayog as
centrally sponsored schemes and the revenue resources per the Cabinet Note of 1 January 2015 positions it well
they absorb have expanded dramatically as well. to provide these services. By the same token, those of
Two key factors have come together to dramatically us at Niti Aayog have to work hard in the months to
alter this equilibrium. One, India now has a prime come to build new strengths so that we do not
minister who was once a chief minister and strongly disappoint the states that reach out to us for advice
feels that cooperative federalism means greater fiscal and assistance. We shall see.
16 SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016
22. As the Chief Minister of Gujarat, why Narendra (b) Previously, the schemes were more transparent
Modi argued that the Central Government and object oriented.
implemented schemes are at odds for the state (c) Planning Commission were making schemes
without considering the crucial scenario in the
(a) Because the Central Government was not paying
(d) Planning Commission was making more precise
the equal amount of funds for all the states.
schemes, so as to address the actual needs of the
(b) Because, he being from the opposition, want to
criticise the steps taken by the Central Government
and leave an impression on the general public mind Sol. (c) Writer meant by “one size fits all” schemes that
that what a crook central government is. planning Commission were making schemes without
(c) Because Central Government doesn’t take in the considering the crucial scenario in the states.
picture all the perspective while allocating the
26. Why the Government did a 10% increase in
(d) Because he wanted more funds for filling his and
his cabinet minister’s pocket. (a) To transfer the funds in the hands of state.
(b) Shed of the extra responsibility of the state
Sol. (c) As the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi sponsored schemes.
argued that the Central Government implemented (c) To make state more self dependent.
schemes are at odds for the state government because (d) To increase the extent of authority on states.
Central Government doesn’t take in the picture all the
perspective while allocating the funds. Sol. (a) Government did a 10% increase in devolution to
transfer the funds in the hands of state.
23. Why Vasundhara Raje decided to join the views
of Narendra Modi? 27. What is the drastic change in the policy of NITI
(a) Being from the same party, she had no choice but
Ayog from that was in Planning Commission?
to join hand in hand with her party leader. (a) Now states will have equal equation with the centre.
(b) Vasundhra Raje and Narendra Modi had a hidden (b) States will have more financial freedom
plan of going against any of the good initiatives (c) Centre has given the responsibility to states to
taken by the Central Government. draft every scheme
(c) Vasundhra Raje was also facing the atrocities of (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Central Government and want to raise her voice Sol. (d) The drastic change of the policy in NITI Ayog
with Narendra Modi. from that was in Planning Commission is that now
(d) Vasundhra Raje, being a Chief Minister of a state of states will have equal equation with the centre and
India, where central schemes are restricted, the states will have more financial freedom.
fiscal space of the state government, feels that it is
injustice on the part of Central Government.
Direction (Q. Nos. 28-31) Each question consists of
Sol. (d) Vasundhara Raje decided to join the views of two words which have a certain relationship with each
Narendra Modi because being a Chief Minister of a other followed by four pairs of related words, Select the
state of India, where central schemes are restricted pair which has the same relationship.
the fiscal space of the state government, feels that it
is injustice on the part of Central Government.
(a) producer:theatre (b) director:drama
24. The writer referred the PM’s view of (c) conductor:bus (d) thespian:play
cooperative federalism, what do you Sol. (d) DIVA:OPERA is analogous to thespian:play.
understand by cooperative federalism?
(a) It means a more prominent role for the Centre, 29. GRAIN:SALT
than states. (a) shard:pottery (b) shred:wood
(b) It means the competitiveness between the Centre (c) blades:grass (d) chip:glass
and the state. Sol. (d) GRAIN:SALT is analogous to chip:glass.
(c) It means more competitiveness among states
(d) It means a sync in relation among the states and 30. THRUST:SPEAR
the centre. (a) mangle:iron (b) scabbard:sword
(c) bow:arrow (d) fence:epee
Sol. (d) The writer referred the PM’s view of cooperative
federalism, which means a sync in relation among the Sol. (d) THRUST:SPEAR is analogous to fence:epee.
states and the centre. 31. PAIN:SEDATIVE
25. What does writer meant by “one size fits all” (a) comfort:stimulant (b) grief:consolation
schemes? (c) trance:narcotic (d) ache:extraction
(a) NITI Ayog will make schemes that would be Sol. (b) PAIN:SEDATIVE is analogous to grief:consolation.
equally beneficial for all.
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016 17
9. The minute and the hour hand of a watch Let the minimum possible voter be 50, then
meet every 65 min. How much does the watch 2 × 50
lose or gain time? 100
(a) 25 sec (b) 27 sec Hence, the minimum possible margin of votes = 1
(c) 27.16 sec (d) 30 sec
12. The sum of first three terms of a GP is to the
Sol. (a) In 60 min, the hour hand moves through an
sum of the first six terms is 125 : 152. Find the
angle of 30°.
common ratio of the GP.
∴ In 65 min, the hour hand will move through an (a) 3/5 (b) 3 (c) 2/5 (d) 5/8
angle of × 65 = 32.5° a ( r 3 − 1)
In 60 min, the minute hand moves through an angle S 125 ( r − 1) r3 − 1
Sol. (a) 3 = = = 6
of 360°. S 6 152 a ( r − 1) r − 1
AB = 5 cm = x + y ∴
( x 2 + x + 1)
BC = 6 cm = y + z
= 9 ( x 2 + 19x − 5)
AC = 7 cm = z + x
∴ q = 9 ( x 2 + 19x − 5) and r = 0
∴ 2( x + y + z) = 5 + 6 + 7 = 18 cm
SNAP ~Solved Paper 2016 23
29. If log 10 x2 − log 10 y = 1, find the value of y, 31. What is the difference between the number of
when x = 2 qualified candidates of institute ‘C’ and those
(a) 2/9 (b) 4/25 of ‘E ’ ?
(c) 25/4 (d) 4/9 (a) 2040 (b) 2140 (c) 2144 (d) 2120
35. Approximately, what is the ratio between total Sol. (c) Given, x = 12, y = 16, z = 18, k = 5
killings in ‘In depth’ location in 2015 and According to the formula,
killings on ‘LoC’ in that year? Required number = (LCM of x , y and z) + k
(a) 7 : 2 (b) 3: 1 (c) 17 : 8 (d) 9 : 4
= (LCM of 12, 16, 18) + 5
36. Which of the following month-and-year LCM of 12, 16, 18 is
combination has seen maximum terrorist
killings? 2 12, 16, 18
(a) May 2015 (b) May 2014 2 6, 8, 9
(c) April 2016 (d) June 2014
3 3, 4, 9
Solutions (34-36)
1, 4, 3
34. (a) Terrorists killed on ‘LoC’ in 2015
= 7 + 9 + 0 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 8 + 10 = 56 ∴ LCM = 2 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 3 = 144
Killed in ‘Depth’ location in 2016. Required number = 144 + 5 = 149
= 9 + 6 + 7 + 34 + 16 + 16 + 9 + 7 = 104 39. If area of regular pentagon is 125 3 cm, how
104 − 56
∴ Required difference = =6 long is its each side?
8 (a) 10 cm (b) 15 cm (c) 16 cm (d) 25 cm
35. (b) Required ratio Sol. (a) We know that,
28 + 17 + 16 + 35 + 21 + 20 + 12 + 21
= Area of regular pentagon = 5a2
[a = side]
7 + 9 + 0 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 8 + 10 4
170 According to the question,
= ≈ 3:1
56 5a2 3 125 3 × 4
36. (d) In June 2014, total killings were ( 22 + 52) = 74, = 125 3 ⇒ a2 = = 100
4 5 3
which is the highest among the given combination. ∴ a = 10 cm
30 − x
37. If < 4, then find x 40. The first 100 multiples of 10 are multiplied
5 together. How many zeros will be there at the
(a) < 6 < x < 6 (b) 10 < x < 50 end of the product?
(c) x > 10 (d) None of these (a) 100 (b) 24
30 − x (c) 124 (d) 125
Sol. (b) <4
5 Sol. (c) First 100 multiples of10 = 10, 20, 30, 40 ,...990,
⇒ |30 − x | < 20 1000
⇒ −20 < ( 30 − x) < 20 We have to find out the number of zeros in
⇒ −20 < 30 − x < 20 10 × 20 × 30 ×...× 990 × 1000.
⇒ −50 < − x < − 10 Which can be written as
⇒ 50 > x > 10 10100 (1 × 2 × 3 × 4 ×...×99 × 100)
⇒ 10 < x < 50 = 10100 (100 !)
Now, the number of zeros is non factorial part
38. The least number which when divided by 12, 100 100
16 and 18 leaves 5 as remainder in each case. = +
5 25
Find the number.
(a) 139 (b) 144 = 20 + 4 = 24
(c) 149 (d) 154 ∴ Total number of zeros = 100 + 24 = 124
Solved Paper 2014
SNAP National
1. There are total 150 questions in this solved paper.
2. There are four parts. Part A (General English), Part B (Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data
Sufficiency), Part C (General Awareness) and Part D (Analytical & Logical Reasoning)
3. Part A carries 40 marks, Part B carries 40 marks, Part C carries 40 marks and Part D carries 60
4. For each incorrect attempt 1/4th mark will be deducted.
8. Your proficiency in the French language depends 13. Choose the correct synonym for ‘Attenuate’.
on how hard you work. ……… if you live in the (a) Enervate (b) Attention
culture of your target language, you will learn even (c) Awaken (d) Trigger
more quickly. Sol. (a) ‘Attenuate’ and ‘Enervate’ both have similar
(a) Likewise (b) Hence meaning i.e. ‘to weaken something’.
(c) Furthermore (d) In fact
Sol. (d) ‘Hence’ and ‘In fact’ are closely related, but ‘in 14. Choose the antonym for ‘Cajole’.
fact’ is used in the sense of showing something of a (a) Dissuade (b) Beguile
practical experience. (c) Flatter (d) Blandish
Sol. (a) ‘Cajole’ means ‘to flatter’ while ‘Dissuade’ means
9. The government is planning to sell PSUs ……… ‘to counsel’.
BHEL, SAIL and NTPC ……… first wants a
regulatory agency ……… the IRDA to assess their 15. Choose the correct synonym for ‘Consanguinity’.
worth. (a) Affinity (b) Corpulent
(a) like/and/like (b) like/but/such as (c) Estrangement (d) Anarchy
(c) such as/so/like (d) such as/but/like
Sol. (a) ‘Consanguinity’ and ‘Affinity’ both have similar
Sol. (b) meaning i.e. ‘family relationship’ and hence, they are
10. Choose the sentence which is grammatically
Directions (Q. Nos. 16-22) Fill in the blanks with
(a) I was struck in traffic jam proper answers.
(b) I struck in traffic jam
(c) I was struck up in traffic jam 16. Autotomy is the ability of an animal to ……… a
(d) I was struck upon traffic jam part of its body at will to save itself from predators
Sol. (a) ‘I was struck in traffic jam’ is the correct sentence and attackers.
grammatically. (a) cast off
(b) cast away
11. Choose the option having correct word order in the (c) cut off
following statements. (d) cut down
(a) Immigrant communities in the US have Sol. (a) ‘Autotomy’ is the process of ‘casting off’ i.e. to
brought renewed pressure after the separate a part, of one’s body to escape from predation
catastrophic terrorist attacks on the World or attacks.
Trade Centre in New York in 2001
(b) The aftermath of the catastrophic terrorist 17. They all started ……… as the door of the
attacks on the World Trade Centre in New dilapidated house swung open.
York in 2001 has brought renewed pressure (a) with bated breath
on immigrant communities in the US (b) in beeline
(c) The World Trade Centre, after the (c) in the same boat
catastrophic terrorist attacks in New York in (d) a bone of contention
2001, has brought renewed pressures on
immigrant communities in the US Sol. (a) ‘Staring with bated breath’ means ‘to look
(d) In 2001, the aftermath of the catastrophic something in anticipation or with suspense’. As the
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre house has been in a dilapidated situation so such type
in New York has brought renewed pressures of anticipation is obvious.
on immigrant communities in the US
18. But at a time when business values are falling,
Sol. (b) The sentence is depicting the consequence of the stakeholders tend not to take kindly to ……… at a
terrorist attack on World Trade Centre in New York and
knock-down price.
its aftermath on the immigrant communities. So, option
(b) is the correct word order statement. (a) selling the family silver
(b) selling one’s soul
12. The football team travelled ……… train. (c) selling yourself short
(a) in (b) by (c) from (d) on (d) selling someone a pup
Sol. (b) Preposition ‘by’ is appropriate usage. Sol. (b) Idiom ‘to sell one’s soul’ means ‘to do some
dishonest practices for the sake of money’.
Solved Paper 2014 3
19. Although this political party has reputation for Directions (Q. Nos. 24-26) Read the given passage
………, its behaviour towards the public has and answer the questions.
always been ………, suggesting it may not be as Read not to contradict and confute, nor to
insolent as has been projected by its competitors. believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and
(a) vendibility; impertinent discourse, but to weigh and consider. Some
(b) secrecy; uniform books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed,
(c) temerity; courteous and some few to be chewed and digested; that is,
(d) nepotism; varied some books are to be read only in parts; others
to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be
Sol. (d) ‘Nepotism’ is the favouritism shown on the basis
read wholly, and with diligence and attention.
of family relationship. It is often seen in case of political
Some books may also be read by deputy, and
extracts made of them by others; but that would
20. The company believes in getting value for money be only in the less important arguments and the
and it is wrong of the employees to view its ……… meaner sort of books; else distilled books are
like common distilled waters, flashy things.
as ……… .
Reading makes a full man, conference a ready
(a) fore-handedness; stinginess
man and writing an exact man. And therefore, if
(b) reserve; levity
a man write little, he had need have a good
(c) insolence; shortage
memory; if he confer little, he had need have a
(d) indolence; destitution
present wit; and if he read little, he had need
Sol. (b) ‘Reserve’ stands for the resources that a have much cunning to seem to know that he
person/firm has. ‘Levity’ is reflection of silliness. Often doth not. Histories make men wise, poets witty,
we know that a firm keeps the reserve with it what the mathematics subtle, natural philosophy
others take it to be its silliness. deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to
contend. (Source-Of Studies-Francis Bacon)
21. In the midst of radiantly beautiful women, this
homely woman looked strikingly ……… but it 24. What should be the real object of reading?
transpired later that she was an arbitrator and not (a) To distill the contents
……… . (b) To understand author’s views and their
(a) unattractive; an adjudicator application in day-to-day life
(b) incongruous; a contestant (c) To have a good memory
(c) dejected; a raconteuse (d) To weigh and consider
(d) personable; an audience Sol. (d) Real object of reading according to the passage
Sol. (b) An arbitrator cannot be justified as being dejected should be to weigh and consider.
or personable. As the sentence suggests she may be
looking absurd. Hence, incongruous is an appropriate 25. The word ‘confute’ in the passage means
usage. Moreover, as she was a judge so she must not (a) to argue
be a contestant. (b) to refuse
(c) to disapprove
22. This author is not outspoken on political issues and (d) to doubt
her writings are more famous for their aesthetic
qualities than for their ……… ones. Sol. (c) Here, ‘confute’ gives us the sense of ‘disapproval’.
(a) polemical (b) commercial 26. What can be done with regard to the ‘meaner’ sort
(c) contemporary (d) dramatic of books?
Sol. (a) A political issues are often gone controversial, so (a) To be read but not to contradict and confute
use of ‘polemical’ is appropriate. (b) To be read curiously
(c) To be read but not curiously
23. Choose the word with correct spelling. (d) They can be ‘read by deputy and extracts
(a) Perniceous (b) Pernicious made of them by others’
(c) Perniciuos (d) Pernecious
Sol. (d) ‘Meaner’ sorts of books can be read by deputy
Sol. (b) ‘Pernicious’ is the correct spelling that means ‘bad and extracts made of them by others.
or hurtful’.
4 Solved Paper 2014
Directions (Q. Nos. 27-32) Read the given passage and answer the questions.
Many firms fail because when they begin exporting, they have not researched the target markets or have not
developed an international marketing plan to be successful. A firm must clearly define goals objectives and
potential problems. Secondly, it must develop a definitive plan to accomplish its objective regardless of
problems involved. Unless the firm is fortunate enough to possess a staff with considerable expertise, it may
not be able to take this crucial first step without qualified outside guidance.
Often top management is not committed enough to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements
of exporting. It can often take more time and effort to establish a firm in a foreign market than in domestic
one. Although, the early delays and costs involved in exporting may seem difficult to justify when compared to
established domestic trade the exporter should take a more objective view of this process and carefully monitor
international marketing efforts through these early difficulties. If a good foundation is laid for export business,
the benefits derived should eventually out-weigh the investment.
Another problem area is in the selection of foreign distributor. The complications involved in overseas
communications and transportation require international distributors to act with greater independence than
their domestic counterparts also since a new exporter’s trademarks and reputation is usually unknown in the
foreign market. Foreign customers may buy on the strength of distributing agent’s reputation. A firm should
therefore conduct a thorough evaluation of the distributor’s facilities, the personnel handling its account and
managements methods employed.
Another common difficulty for new exporter is the neglect of the export market once the domestic one booms :
too many companies only concentrate on exporting when there is recession. Others may refuse to modify
products to meet the regulations or cultural preferences of other countries. Local safety regulations cannot be
ignored by exporters. If necessary modifications are not made at the factory the distributor must make them,
this is usually at a greater cost and probably not as satisfactory is it should be. It should also be noted that the
resulting smaller profit margin makes the account less attractive.
If exporters expect distributing agents to actively promote their accounts, they must be trained and their
performance must be continually monitored. This requires a company’s marketing executive to be located
permanently in the distributor’s geographical areas until there is sufficient business to support the
representative. The distributor should also be treated on an equal basis with domestic counterparts, for
example, special discount offers, sales incentive programmes and special credit terms should be available.
Considering a joint venture or licensing agreement is another option for new exporters. However, many
companies still dismiss international marketing as unviable. There are a number of reasons for this. There
may be import restrictions in the target market. The company may lack sufficient financial resources or its
product line may be too limited. Yet many products that can compete on a national basis can be successful in
the majority of world markets. In general, all that is needed for success is flexibility in using the proper
combinations of marketing techniques.
27. In the first paragraph, the writer suggest that firms 29. An exporter should choose a distributor who
thinking about exporting should (a) has experienced personnel
(a) get professional advice (b) has good communication skills
(b) study international marketing (c) is well established in the target market
(c) identify the most profitable markets (d) is not financially dependent on import
(d) have different objectives to other exporters business
Sol. (b) The firms that are thinking about the exporting Sol. (c) If the distributor of the exporter is well
business must study and research the international established in the target market, then exporter would
marketing. be benefitted.
28. The writer believes that if sufficient preparation is 30. New exporters often make the mistake of
undertaken ignoring the export market, when
(a) initial difficulties can be easily avoided (a) distribution costs are too high
(b) the costs can be recovered quite quickly (b) their product is selling well at home
(c) management will become more committed (c) there is a global economic recession
(d) the exporter will be successful in the long term (d) distributors cannot make safety
Sol. (d) The writer believes that if sufficient preparation is modifications
undertaken then the exporter will be successful in the long Sol. (b) Exporters often ignore the exporting business,
term. when there is a boom in domestic market.
Solved Paper 2014 5
31. For a distributor to be successful, the exporter 36. Vodafone ……… and initiated a fresh style in
must television advertising.
(a) focus on one particular region (a) broke new ground (b) cut the ground
(b) finance local advertising campaigns (c) cut corners (d) prepared the ground
(c) give the same support as to domestic agents Sol. (a) Idiom ‘breaking new ground’ means ‘innovating
(d) make sure there are sufficient marketing staff act for the very first time ever’.
Sol. (c) An exporter must give the same support as to 37. He took to ……… his impatience indiscriminately,
domestic agents, so that his distributor becomes on whoever happened to be at hand.
successful. (a) giving free rein to (b) airing
(c) venting (d) All of these
32. The writer states that some companies are
Sol. (b) ‘Airing’ means ‘making something viral or public’.
reluctant to export because The sentence suggests that the person has made his
(a) there is little demand for their products impatience got aired.
(b) the importation of certain goods is controlled
(c) they do not have good marketing techniques 38. He provides a ……… sketch of the political values,
(d) they are not able to compete with local strategy and practices of these diverse
business civilisations.
Sol. (c) Some companies are reluctant to export because (a) thumbnail (b) thumbling
they do not have good marketing techniques. (c) thumbprint (d) None of the above
Sol. (a) ‘Thumbnail’ means ‘giving an idea that is concise
33. The kids were all coming to the pool. The pool
and brief’. Subject of the sentence has given all the
attracted kids like briefs about different attributes, hence it is the correct
(a) rain to the desert sands usage.
(b) elephants to water
(c) a balloons to helium 39. ‘This desk is more square than that one’ is an
(d) flies to honey erroneous statement, the correct statement would
Sol. (d) The best attraction is shown by the use of ‘flies’ to be
honey’ as it is more natural to take place. (a) This desk is squarer than that one
(b) This desk is more nearly square than that
34. If thieves ……… our house, I ……… frightened to one
death. (c) This desk is most square than that one
(a) will enter, would be (d) This desk is much more square than that one
(b) enter, would be Sol. (a) ‘More square’ can well be replaced by ‘squarer’.
(c) would enter, would be
(d) enter, would have been 40. ‘Half a loaf is better than no bread’ means
Sol. (b) (a) God helps those who help themselves
(b) When a bad thing happens, there is always a
35. The enemy turned ……… and ran away as soon as positive side to it
it saw the brave warrior. (c) You should be happy with what you have
(a) back even, if it is less than what you want
(b) tail (d) Don’t be upset by trivialities
(c) face Sol. (c) This phrase has the meaning same as to
(d) feet ‘something is better than nothing’. So, it also implies
Sol. (b) Idiom ‘turn a tail’ means getting frightened and equally to ‘You should be happy with what you have
running away from the spot. even, if it is less than what you want’.
6 Solved Paper 2014
42. Find the least positive integer, which when divided 47. There are 4 members in a committee. If one of them
by 2 gives remainder 1, when divided by 3 gives is replaced by a younger member such that the
remainder 2, when divided by 4 gives remainder 3 average age of the committee is as it was 6 yr ago.
and when divided by 5 gives remainder 4, what The new member is how many years younger than
would the integer be? the member replaced?
(a) 33 (b) 59 (c) 61 (d) 49 (a) 42 yr
Sol. (b) (b) 24 yr
(c) 6 yr
43. How many numbers exist between 100 and 1000, (d) None of the above
which are divisible by 7? Sol. (b) Let the age of four members be x1, x 2 , x 3 and x 4 .
(a) 142 (b) 138 (c) 60 (d) 128 Average age of four members
Sol. (d) The numbers, which are divisible by 7 between x + x2 + x3 + x4
= 1
100 to 1000 are 105, 112, 119, …, 994. 4
Here, we apply the formula, to find the total number, Let the age of new member be x 5 .
l = a + (n − 1) d Now, according to the question
⇒ 994 = 105 + (n − 1) 7 ⇒ 7 n = 896 x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 − x 4 + x 5
∴ n = 128 4
x − 6 + x2 − 6 + x3 − 6 + x4 − 6
= 1
44. Two athletes A and B are running on a 900 m long 4
track from opposite ends, their speeds are in the x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 − 24
ratio of 4 : 5, when will they cross each other 4
(a) 500 m from A’s end ⇒ x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 − x 4 + x 5
(b) 400 m from B’s end = x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 − 24
(c) 400 m from A’s end ⇒ x 5 = x 4 − 24
(d) 100 m from A’s end i.e. new member is 24 yr younger than the member
Sol. (c) Let the speeds of A and B be 4x and 5x ,
respectively. 48. The probability that a builder will get a
Length of the tracks AB = 900 m construction contract is 3 / 4 and the probability
Suppose, they cross each other at point C time = t that he will not get the electrical contract is 7 / 9. If
x (900 – x) the probability of getting atleast one contract is 5/ 6,
C what is the probability that he will get both?
4x x 4 x 5 5
Then, = ⇒ = (a) (b)
5x (900 − x ) 5 (900 − x ) 36 6
⇒ 3600 − 4x = 5x 5
(c) (d) None of these
⇒ 9x = 3600 ⇒ x = 400 9
So, they cross each other 400 m from A’s end.
Solved Paper 2014 7
49. In how many ways can 21 books on literature = 225000 = 2.25 lakh
and 19 books on nature be placed in a row on a
shelf, so that two books on nature may not be 52. The value of log (−1/ 4) 256 is equal to
together? (a) 64 (b) 16 (c) − 4 (d) 128
(a) 4620 (b) 3672 Sol. (c) Let log( −1/ 4 ) 256 = x
(c) 1540 (d) None of these x
⇒ − 1 = 256
Sol. (c) In order that, two books on nature and never
together we must place all these books as under x
X L X L X …… X L X, ⇒ − 1 = (4)4
where L denotes the position of literature and X that 4
[Q (4)4 = (−4)4 ]
of a nature book.
⇒ − 1 = (−4)4
Since, there are 21 books on literature, so the 4
number of places marked X are 22. x −4
⇒ − 1 = − 1
Now, 19 places out of 22 can be chosen in 22 C19
4 4
22 × 21 × 20
= 22C 3 = ∴ x = −4
3×2 ×1
∴ Required number of ways = 22C 3 = 1540 53. A salesman’s commission is 6% on all sales upto ` 15000
and 4% on all sales exceeding this amount. He remits `
50. A sphere of radius 4 cm is dropped into a 30000 to his parent company after deducting his
cylindrical vessel partly filled with water. The commission. Find the total sales.
radius of the vessel is 8 cm. If the sphere is (a) ` 31562.5
submerged completely, by how much will the (b) ` 31500.5
surface of the water be raised? (c) ` 32570.5
3 4 (d) None of the above
(a) units (b) units
4 3 Sol. (a) Let total sales be x.
1 So, we get his commission,
(c) units (d) None of these
6 × 15000 + (x − 15000) 4
Sol. (b) Here, radius of the sphere = 4 cm
100 100
and radius of the vessel = 8 cm = 900 +
x − 600 = 300 +
4 3 4 22
∴Volume of the sphere = πr = × ×4×4×4 25 25
3 3 7 According to the question,
Increase in the volume of water = Volume of sphere
x − 300 +
×8×8×h= ×
4 22
×4×4×4 = 30000
7 3 7
⇒ x − − 300 = 30000
4×4×4×4 1x
∴ h=
8×8×3 25
4 ⇒ x = 30300
3 25
30300 × 25
So, the surface of water will be raised by units. ∴ x= = ` 31562.5
3 24
Hence, the total sales is ` 31562.5.
8 Solved Paper 2014
Now, let after x sec of this time, both time will be same
54. If 60% of ( x − y) = 40% of ( x + y), then what per cent of i.e. 27 + x = 24 + 12 x
x is y? ⇒ 11x = 3
(a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 22% (d) 24% ⇒ x=
Sol. (b) Given that, 60% of (x − y) = 40% of (x + y) 3
Hence, the required time is 7 : 05 : 27
60 (x − y) 40 (x + y) 11
⇒ =
100 100 5
i.e. 7 min past 7.
On solving above equation, we get (x − 4 y) 11
So, y is 25% of x. x y z
57. If x + y + z = π, then cot + cot + cot will be
55. The investments of A and B in a business is in ratio 4 : 2 2 2
5 and the period of their investments is in the ratio 9 : equal to
x y z x y z
8. Their profit will be in the ratio (a) tan × tan × tan (b) cos × cos × cos
(a) 9 : 10 (b) 9 : 8 2 2 2 2 2 2
x y z
(c) 8 : 11 (d) None of these (c) cot × cot × cot (d) None of the above
2 2 2
Sol. (a) Let investments of A and B be 4x, 5x and period of
investment is 9y, 8y, respectively. Sol. (c) Given, x + y + z = π
Then, ratio of profit = 4x × 9 y : 5x × 8 y = 36xy : 40xy x y z
Then, cot + cot + cot = ?
∴ Ratio of the profit = 9 : 10 2 2 2
Taking two terms, we have
56. A new watch was purchased and it was showing cos
6 O’clock. The purchaser was soon informed that the x y
cot + cot = 2 + 2
hour hand and minute hand had been interchanged 2 2 x y
sin sin
and attached to the wrong axes. This resulted in the 2 2
hour hand to move with a speed, which is twelve cos x ⋅ sin y + cos y ⋅ sin x
2 2 2 2
times higher than the minute hand. =
x y
sin ⋅ sin
Hence, the watch was taken to the mechanic for 2 2
repair, at that moment the watch showed the right As, x + y+ z= π ⇒ x + y= π− z
(x + y)
= cos
time! If the clock started at 6 O’clock in the correct z
So, sin
position, then what was the first moment that the 2 2
watch showed the correct time? z z
5 5 cos cos
(a) 6 min past 9 (b) 5 min past 7 LHS = cos = 2 + 2
11 11 2 sin x sin y sin
5 2 2 2
(c) 7 min past 7 (d) None of the above
z 1 1
= cos ⋅ +
2 sin x ⋅ sin y sin z
Sol. (c) According to the question, the clock shows twelve
times faster time than the original time i.e. in 1 h, this clock
2 2 2
will cover 12 h; in 1 min, the clock will cover 12 min; in 5
sin z + sin x ⋅ sin y
min, the clock will cover 60 min or 1 h etc.
z 2
Now, look at the following table : = cos ⋅ 2 2
2 x y z
sin ⋅ sin ⋅ sin
Original time Clock’s time 2 2 2
sin z + sin x sin y
6 : 00 : 00 6 : 00 : 00
z 2
= cot ⋅ 2 2 …(i)
7 : 00 : 00 6 : 00 : 00 2 x y
sin sin
(this 6 : 00 is 12 h after the above 6 : 00) 2 2
z x y
7 : 05 : 00 7 : 00 : 00 Now, sin + sin ⋅ sin
2 2 2
7 : 05 : 01 7 : 00 : 12
= cos + + sin sin
x y x y
7 : 05 : 02 7 : 00 : 24 2 2 2 2
x y π z
7 : 05 : 05 7 : 01 : 00 As, + = −
2 2 2 2
7 : 05 : 25 7 : 05 : 00 x y x y x y
= cos cos − sin sin + sin ⋅ sin
7 : 05 : 26 7 : 05 : 12 2 2 2 2 2 2
x y
7 : 05 : 27 7 : 05 : 24 = cos cos
2 2
Solved Paper 2014 9
Putting the above value in Eq. (i), we get Sol. (d) Q Viewership of National Geographic, 35° ≡ 70000
z x y
cot cos cos ∴ Viewership of Discovery,
LHS = 2 2 z = cot z ⋅ cot x ⋅ cot y
sin ⋅ sin
y 2 2 2 100° ≡ × 100 = 200000
2 2 35
x y z and viewership of History,
= cot ⋅ cot ⋅ cot
2 2 2 70000 × 25
25° ≡ = 50000
58. If y2 + 7 ay + 40 = 0 and y2 + 2ay − 60 = 0 have a Hence, required number of people
common root, then the value of a is = 200000 − 50000 = 150000
(a) ± 4 (b) ± 2
(c) ± 5 (d) ± 6 61. If the veiwership of TLC on an average was 55000
Sol. (b) Let b be the common root. per day, then what was the viewership for all the
Then, b 2 + 7 ab + 40 = 0 and b 2 + 2 ab − 60 = 0
channels on an average per day?
(a) 360000 (b) 540000
Also, b + 7 ab + 40 = b + 2 ab − 60
2 2
(c) 630000 (d) None of these
⇒ 5ab = − 100 ⇒ ab = − 20
±2 Sol. (a) Q Viewership of TLC, 55° ≡ 55000
±4 ∴ Viewership of all the channels 360°
a = × 360 = 360000
±5 55
Hence, only ± 2 satisfy the above. 62. If the viewership of Discovery Kids channel for the
first half of December is half of that of the second
half of December, then what is the ratio of
Directions (Q. Nos. 59-63) These questions are based
on the following pie chart, which shows the viewership of viewership of Discovery Kids for the second half to
different knowledge based channels (in degrees) in the that of TLC for the whole month?
month of December, 2013. There are no overlaps in (a) 8 : 9 (b) 10 : 11
viewership of channels. (c) 9 : 10 (d) None of these
National Sol. (b) Let the viewership of Discovery Kids for the first
TLC Geographic and the second half of December be x and 2x,
55 35 respectively.
Animal Then, x + 2 x ≡ 75°
Planet ⇒ 3x ≡ 75°
⇒ x = 25°
History ∴ Viewership of second half of December = 2 x ≡ 50°
25 Discovery Also, viewership of TLC ≡ 55°
100 Hence, required ratio = 50° : 55° = 10 : 11
75 63. By mistake the viewership of Discovery Kids has
been under quoted by 25%. If this mistake is
59. During the given period for how many channels is corrected, then what is the correct share of
the viewership more than 25% of the total viewership of Discovery?
viewership? (a) 45% (b) 41.55%
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 39.15% (d) None of these
(c) 3 (d) None of these Sol. (d) Let the correct share of viewership of Discovery be
Sol. (d) Given, total viewership = 360 x.
∴ 25% of total viewership = 25% of 360° = 90° Then, 75% of x ≡ 75°
Clearly, no channel has the viewership more than 90° 100
∴ x ≡ 75 + 25 = × 100% = 27.77%
more than 25% of the total viewership. 360
60. If 70000 people watched National Geographic on 64. How many three digit positive integers exist that
an average per day in December, 2013, then how when divided by 6 leave a reminder of 4?
many more people watched Discovery than (a) 149 (b) 150 (c) 151 (d) 152
History on an average per day for the same
Sol. (a) The smallest 3-digit positive integer that when
period? divided by 6 leaves a remainder of 4 is 106.
(a) 360000 (b) 36000 The largest 3-digit positive integer that when divided by 7
(c) 270000 (d) None of these leaves a remainder of 4 is 994.
10 Solved Paper 2014
So, the series 106, 112, 18, …, 994. Sol. (d) In the figure, ∆ABC and ∆ADC are equilateral
Q l = a + (n − 1) d triangles, which radius of each circle = 7 3.
⇒ 994 = 106 + (n − 1) 6
⇒ 994 = 106 + 6n − 6
⇒ 994 − 106 = 6n − 6 B
⇒ 888 = 6 (n − 1)
⇒ 148 = n − 1
∴ n = 149
65. A person grows sunflowers in his square shaped A
60° 60°
farm. One sunflower takes 1 sq ft of area in his farm. 60° 60°
This year he has increased his output by
241 sunflowers as compared to last year. The shape
of the farm used for growing the sunflowers has
remained the same, both the years. How many D
sunflowers did he in total produce this year?
(a) 12544 (b) 12996 (c) 14641 (d) 15876
Sol. (c) Let the new side of the farm be x m 3 2
∴ Area of ∆ABC = a
∴ Area = x 2 4
x2 3
∴ Number of flowers = sq ft = x 2 = 14 3 × 14 3
1 4
Old side of the farm be y m [where, a = 14 3
∴ Area of the farm is y2 units]
3 × 98
∴ According to the question, =
x 2 − y2 = 241 2
294 3
⇒ (x − y) (x + y) = 241 × 1 = = 147 3 sq units
⇒ x + y = 241
Area of ABCD = 2 × Area of ∆ABC
And x − y=1
= 2 × 147 3
⇒ 2 x = 242
= 294 3 sq units
⇒ x = 121
Area of shaded part
∴ Number of flowers grown = (121)2 = 14641
= Area of ABCD − Area of circle
66. A box contains 11 cards with 1 to 11 consecutive = 294 3 − π (7 3 )2
numbers. If we take 5 cards in random without
= 294 3 − π × 49 × 3
replacement from this box, what is the probability
that the median of the numbers selected is 3? = 294 3 − π 147
= 294 3 − sq units
13 11
(a) (b)
189 128 2
(c) (d) None of these 68. Instead of dividing ` 180 among A, B, C in the
1 1 1
Sol. (d) ratio : : respectively, it was divided in the
3 4 6
67. In the given figure, if A, B, C, D are centres of the ratio 3 : 4 : 6 by mistake. Who gained in this
circles and the radius of each circle is 7 3 units then transaction?
what is the area of the shaded region? (a) Only A
(b) Only B
B (c) Only C
(d) B and C
1 1 1
A C Sol. (c) Previous ratio = : :
3 4 6
= 4: 3:2 [given]
So, the division of money among A, B and C is 80, 60
and 40, respectively.
π π
(a) 74 3 − (b) 49 3 − ∴ New ratio = 3 : 4 : 6
2 2 So, the division of money among A, B and C according
π π
(c) 300 3 − (d) 294 3 −
to new ratio is 41.5, 55.38 and 83.07, respectively.
2 2 Hence, only C has gained.
Solved Paper 2014 11
69. The sum of ages of mother and daughter is 42 yr. 73. If log 2 = 0. 30103 and log 3 = 0.4771, then number of
After three years, the age of mother will be three digits in (10368) 6 will be approximately equal to
times that of the daughter. Then, the mother’s age (a) 15 digits (b) 25 digits
after three years will be (c) 30 digits (d) 40 digits
(a) 28 yr (b) 33 yr
Sol. (b) Let x = (10368)6
(c) 36 yr (d) 38 yr
∴ log x = 6 log 10368
Sol. (c) Let the age of mother = x yr
= 6 log (2 7 × 34 )
and the age of daughter = y yr
= 6 (7 log 2 + 4 log 3)
Now, according to question,
= 6 (7 × 0.30103 + 4 × 0.4771)
x + y = 42 …(i)
= 6 (2.10721 + 1.9084)
and (x + 3) = 3 ( y + 3) …(ii)
= 6 × 4.01561 = 24.09366
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
Since, the characteristic of log x is 24. It follows that x is
y = 9 and x = 33 a 25-digits number.
∴ Mother’s age after 3 yr
= 33 + 3 = 36 yr 74. What is the measure of the angle between the
hands of the clock at 8 : 24 pm?
70. Find the missing number in the series
(a) 100° (b) 102°
2, 5, 11, 20, 32, 47, …, 86. (c) 106° (d) 108°
(a) 60 (b) 65
Sol. (d) Required angle = 240 − 24
(c) 58 (d) 62
Sol. (b) The pattern of the series is as follows: = 240 − 132
2 5 11 20 32 47 65 86 = 108°
+3 +6
So, the missing term will be 65.
+9 +12 +15 +18 +21
75. A train after travelling for a certain distance
develops a problem and decreases its speed to half
71. One number in the following series is wrong. Find its original speed and reaches its destination
out the wrong one. 45 min late. Had the problem occurred 30 km
further on, it would have reached its destination
91, 74, 59, 47, 35, 26, 19 15 min earlier? What is the speed of the train?
(a) 47 (b) 35
(a) 30 km/h (b) 90 km/h
(c) 26 (d) 19
(c) 120 km/h (d) 150 km/h
Sol. (a) The pattern of the series is as follows: x y
Sol. (a) Let the speed of train be a km/h and + be the
46 a b
91 74 59 47 35 26 19
time taken in condition I.
–17 –15 –13 –11 –9 –7 Also,
Hence, 47 is wrong term, here 46 is the correct term. x + 30 y – 30
Sol. (b) Let the cost of manufacturer be ` x. Also, time taken by pipe P to fill tank A = 10 h
According to the question and time taken by pipe Q to fill tank A = 12 h
118 120 125 According to the question,
x× × × = 30.09
1 1 1
100 100 100 ∴ Total time taken = + −
3009 × 100 × 100 × 100 10 12 20
∴ x= = ` 17
118 × 120 × 125 × 100 6+ 5−3 8
= =
60 60
77. If ` 1000 is invested at an interest rate of 5% and = h = 7 h and 30 min
the interest earned is added to the principal every 2
10 yr, then after how many years will the amount
become ` 2000?
79. ABCD is a trapezium and AB is parallel to CD. AB
has a length, which is two times the length of CD. If
20 50
(a) (b) the diagonals of the trapezium intersect at O, then
3 3 the ratio of ∆AOB and ∆COD is
(c) (d) None of these (a) 1 : 4 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1
Sol. (b) In trapezium ABCD,
Sol. (b) Let P1 = ` 1000, r = 5%, t 1 = 10 yr x
Simple interest after 10 yr,
P × r × t 1 1000 × 5 × 10
SI = 1 = = ` 500
100 100
Amount = P1 + SI A
= 1000 + 500 = ` 1500
DC = x , AB = 2 x
Let after t 2 yr, the amount become ` 2000.
Ratio of ∆ AOB : ∆ DOC = (2 x )2 : (x )2 = 4x 2 : x 2 = 4 : 1
∴ SI for t 2 yr = 2000 − 1500 = 500
1500 × 5 × t 2
= 80. The MRP of a chocolate is ` 65. A customer
20 purchased the chocolate for ` 56.16. He got two
3 successive discounts of which one is 10%. Find the
∴ Total time = t 1 + t 2 = 10 +
20 50
= yr other discount of the scheme that was given by the
3 3 seller.
(a) 3%
78. Two pipes P and Q can fill a tank A in 10 h and 12 h, (b) 4%
respectively. A third pipe R can empty a tank B in (c) 5%
40 h. Tank B is two times in volume compared to (d) None of the above
tank A.If P and Q are kept open to fill tank A, if R is Sol. (b) Let the other discount be of d %.
connected to empty tank A, at the same time such Then, according to the question,
that all the pipes operate simultaneously, how long 100 − 10 100 − d
will take for the tank A to be fully filled? 65 × × = 56.16
100 100
(a) 6 h 40 min 90 100 − d
(b) 8 h 30 min ⇒ 65 × × = 56.16
100 100
(c) 7 h 30 min 5616 × 100
(d) None of the above ⇒ 100 − d =
65 × 90
Sol. (c) Time taken by pipe R to empty tank B = 40 h ⇒ 100 − d = 96
Now, volume of tank B = 2 × Volume of tank A ∴ d = 4%
∴ Time taken by pipe R to empty tank A = 20 h
Solved Paper 2014 13
91. Which of the following nations has declared 96. Auto didacticism is a form of education where
issuance of digital currency? (a) one automatically learns from experience of
(a) Ecuador peers
(b) Estonia (b) a set of logical deductions are taught by the
(c) United States of America teacher
(d) United Kingdom (c) one teaches oneself about a subject
Sol. (a) Ecuador is the first country to create the world’s (d) one learns automatically from elders
first digital currency issued by the country’s central Sol. (c) Auto didacticism or self-education is the act of
bank, in an attempt to abandon the dependence on the teaching oneself about a subject or subjects in which
US dollar. The new currency is expected to co-exist with one has had little to no formal education. Many
the US dollar in Ecuador’s economy. autodidacts seek instruction and guidance from experts,
friends, teachers, parents, siblings and community.
92. What is the significance of EPS in the stock market
parlance? 97. The author of the book ‘An Inquiry into the Nature
(a) Equilibrium of Private Securities and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’ is
(b) Earning Per Share (a) Adam Smith
(c) Elongated Period of Settlement (b) Karl Marx
(d) Equity Per Share (c) Amartya Sen
Sol. (b) The term Earnings Per Share (EPS) represents the (d) Alfred Marshall
portion of a company’s earnings, net of taxes and Sol. (a) ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
preferred stock dividends. Wealth of Nations’, generally referred to by its shortened
title ‘The Wealth of Nations’, by Adam Smith. It was first
93. Which committee was appointed by RBI to provide published in 1776.
recommendations on financial services for small
businesses and low income households in the year 98. The universities of Bombay, Madras and Calcutta
2013? were set-up in the same year. Which was the year?
(a) Nachiket Mor Committee (a) 1818 (b) 1857
(b) Bimal Jalan Committee (c) 1947 (d) 1860
(c) Tarapore Committee Sol. (b) The universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras
(d) Damodaran Committee were established in 1857. Lord Canning was Governor
Sol. (a) Dr Nachiket Mor Committee was appointed by the General at the time of establishment of these
RBI to provide recommendations on comprehensive universities. These were the first three universities
financial services for small businesses and low income established by the British in the country.
households in year 2013.
99. ‘Shaurya-Dridata-Karmanishtha’ is the motto of
94. Dadabhai Naoroji, in his book ‘Poverty and (a) Border Security Force
Un-British Rule in India’ in 1867 explained about (b) Indian Coast Guard
(a) Brain Drain Theory (c) Indo-Tibetan Border Police
(b) Economic Drain Theory (d) National Security Guard
(c) Wants and Means of India Sol. (c) Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is one of the
(d) Benefits of British Rule eight Central Armed Police Forces of India. The motto of
Sol. (b) Economic Drain Theory during the British colonial ITBP is Shauray-Dridata-Karmanishtha.
rule in India is the subject matter of Dadabhai Naoroji’s
book ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in India’ published in 100. The following is the logo of
1867. He found out that there was always a positive
balance of trade for India, the surplus being
appropriated by the British for their own benefit.
95. He is a famous playwright, socialist and one of the (a) Cannes International Film Festival
co-founders of London School of Economics, name (b) Berlin International Film Festival
the person. (c) London Film Festival
(a) Beatrice Webb (b) George Bernard Shaw (d) Amnesty International Film Festival
(c) Arnold Bennett (d) Richard Brome Sol. (a) The logo is related to Cannes International Film
Sol. (b) George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright, Festival, one of the most prestigious and published film
socialist and a co-founder of the London School of festivals of the world. It was founded in 1946. The
Economics (1895). He was also an essayist, novelist festival is an annual film festival held in Cannes, France.
and short story writer.
Solved Paper 2014 15
101. The Giant Panda, world’s most threatened species, is 106. Comiket, the world’s largest comic festival, is
a symbol of held in which country?
(a) IFAW (b) WWF (c) CEE (d) UNEP (a) Japan (b) France
Sol. (b) The Giant Panda has been the WWF’s logo since (c) Korea (d) Germany
the organisation was formed. The World Wide Fund for Sol. (a) Comiket, otherwise known as the Comic Market,
Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental is the world’s largest comic festival, held twice a year
organisation founded on April 29, 1961. It is working on in Tokyo, Japan. The first Comiket was held on 21st
issues regarding the conservation, research and December, 1975, with only about 32 participating
restoration of the environment. circles and an estimated 600 attendees.
102. Acid rain is caused mainly due to the emissions of 107. In ………, Infosys was listed in NASDAQ and in
(a) calcium oxide and sulphur dioxide ………, Infosys became a part of NASDAQ 100.
(b) nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide (a) 1998; 2009 (b) 1997; 2008
(c) sodium oxide and nitrogen oxide (c) 1999; 2006 (d) None of these
(d) calcium oxide and carbon dioxide Sol. (c) In 1999, Infosys generated revenues of $100
Sol. (b) Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that million and was listed in NASDAQ. Later in the year
begins when compounds like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen 2006, the company became part of NASDAQ-100, it
oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise was first Indian and only the company to be part of
very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react any of the major global indices.
with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form more
acidic pollutants, known as acid rain. 108. The Indian team finished with 8th position in the
recent Asian Games 2014 held at South Korea
103. Which of the given rivers does not flow into river with a total ……… tally of medals.
Ganga? (a) 57 (b) 37
(a) Brahmaputra (b) Gomti (c) 56 (d) 58
(c) Gandak (d) Tapti Sol. (a) India ended the 17th Asian Games 2014 with a
Sol. (d) Brahmaputra, Gomti and Gandak all are East flowing total of 57 medals, including 11 gold, 9 silver, and 37
rivers and flow into river Ganga at different point. Whereas bronze, which is 8 less than the 65 medals (14 gold, 17
Tapti flows Westward and emptying into the Gulf of Cambay silver and 34 bronze). India won at the Guangzhou
of the Arabian Sea, in the Surat district of Gujarat. Games four years ago.
104. The international agreement for control of Green 109. A full Moon occurs once every
House Gas (GHG) emissions is named (a) 14 days (b) 30 days
(a) Adelaide Agreement (c) 21 days (d) 15 days
(b) Kyoto Protocol Sol. (b) A full moon is the lunar phase that occurs when
(c) Manila Convention the moon is completely illuminated as seen from the
(d) Kuala Lumpur Treaty Earth. A full moon occurs once every 30 days (29.53
Sol. (b) The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement days).
setting targets for industrialised nations to cut their Green
House Gas (GHG) emissions. The protocol was agreed to 110. The river Danube empties in the
in 1997 in Kyoto in Japan, based on principles set out by (a) Dead sea (b) Mediterranean sea
UNFCCC. (c) Black sea (d) Red sea
Sol. (c) Stretching over 2000 mills and flowing through
105. The International Standard which checks the
ten countries, the Danube is the longest river in the
compliance of the environmental practices of an European Union. Starting in the German Black Forest,
organisation against the best practices followed in it empties into the Black Sea.
the industry is
(a) ISO 9001 111. Cartography is the study of
(b) TS 16949 (a) cartilages and bones (b) cartoons
(c) ISO 14001 (c) maps (d) carrots
(d) ISO 9002
Sol. (c) Cartography, the art and science of graphically
Sol. (c) ISO 14001 International Standard checks the representing a geographical area, usually on a flat
compliance of the environmental practices of an surface such as a map or chart; it may involve the
organisation. The major objective of ISO 14001 series is to superimposition of political, cultural or other
promote effective and efficient environment management in non-geographical divisions onto the representation of
an organisation. a geographical area.
16 Solved Paper 2014
112. Regional Rural Banks are jointly owned by 116. ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ was initiated by
(a) Central Government, a Commercial Bank (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Kailash Satyarthi
and Central bank of a country (c) Malala Yousafzai (d) Benazir Bhutto
(b) Central Government, a Commercial Bank Sol. (b) Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian Children’s rights
and a State Government advocate and an activist againsts child labour. He
(c) Central Government, Central Bank and a founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan in 1980, and has
State Government acted to protect the rights of more than 83000 children
(d) a Commercial Bank, Central Bank of a from 144 countries.
country and a State Government
Sol. (d) Regional Rural Banks are local level banking 117. Dr Ram Manohar Lohia, the great freedom fighter
organisations operating in different states of India. They and thinker, established a political party named
have been created with a view to serve primarily the (a) Samajwadi Party
rural areas of India with basic banking and financial (b) Samyukta Socialist Party
services. It is jointly owned by a Commercial Bank,
(c) Janata Party
Central Bank of a country and a State Government.
(d) Praja Socialist Party
113. The famous Meenakshi Temple in Madurai was Sol. (d) The Praja Socialist Party was an Indian political party
built by ……… and beautified by the .......... . in existence from 1952 to 1972. Lohia was a socialist and
(a) Vakatakas, Nayaks wanted to unite all the socialists in the world to form a
potent platform. He was the founder of ‘Praja Socialist
(b) Chalukyas, Cholas
(c) Satavahanas, Cholas
(d) Pandyas, Nayaks
118. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 was awarded jointly
Sol. (d) The famous Meenakshi Temple in Madurai was to three scientists “for the invention of efficient blue
built by Pandyas and later on beautified by the Nayaks. light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and
Meenakshi Amman Temple also known as Meenakshi
energy-saving white light sources”. Who among the
Sundareswarar Temple is located in the city of Madurai
on the Southern bank of river Vaigai. given four names was not in the team?
(a) Isamu Akasaki (b) Hiroshi Amano
114. Which of the given statements is not correct as (c) Shuji Nakamura (d) Takada Ekimano
per Indian Constitution? Sol. (d) The Royal Swedish Acdemy of Sciences had
(a) There can be a single person as the decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2014 to
Governor for two or more states Isamu Akasaki (Nagoya University, Japan), Hiroshi Amano
(b) Governor is the constitutional or nominal (Nagoya University, Japan and Shuji Nakamura (University
head of the State Executive and is bound by of California, USA).
the advice of the State Council of Ministers
(c) All executive actions of the state shall be 119. Chandrashekhar Venkat (CV) Raman was awarded
expressed to be taken in the name of the the Nobel Prize for investigation into ‘Raman Effect’,
Chief Minister a phenomenon that deals with
(d) The President of India consults the
Governor on appointment of the High Court (a) change in the speed of light as it passes
judges through a transparent medium
(b) change in the atomic structure of the medium
Sol. (c) As per the Article166 of Indian Constitution, all impacted by light
executive action of the government of a state shall be
(c) change in the wavelength of the light as it
expressed to be taken in the name of the Governor.
passes through a transparent medium
(d) change of light in liquid crystals alone
115. Kwan Yin has a special place in Buddhist
tradition and is known Sol. (c) Raman Effect, change in the wavelength of light that
occurs when a light beam is deflected by molecules as it
(a) to represent healing nature
passes through a transparent medium.
(b) to bring in good luck charm
(c) as a Goddess of compassion
(d) as related to higher psychological- scientific
120. ‘Working towards a world free of poverty’ is a motto
of one of these international organisations.
teachings from Buddha
Sol. (c) One of the deities most frequently seen on altars (c) World Bank (d) UNCTAD
in China’s temple is Quan Yin, in sanskrit, her name is
‘Padma-pani’. Quan Yin, along among buddhist Gods, Sol. (c) ‘Working towards a world free of poverty’ is a motto
is loved rather than feared. Regarded by the Chinese of World Bank. The World Bank is a United Nations
as the Goddess of compassion and mercy. international financial institution that provides loans to
developing countries for capital programmes.
Solved Paper 2014 17
easy and tastes better, but it is not healthy. Habits So, ‘P is the maternal uncle of Q’.
like smoking and drinking alcohol have many side
effects. Polluted city environment has also 126. In the following question, three statements
negative impact on the health of citizens. To live numbered I, II and III and four conclusions are
happy and healthy life; it is important to take care given. Select the correct answer from the options
of oneself. given.
(a) Now-a-days everybody smokes and drinks Statements
(b) Diseases are increasing only because of I. Some newspapers are ACs.
II. Some ACs are trees.
(c) People are happy and stress free because
their life is too busy III. All books are ACs.
(d) Current city environment, life style and Conclusions
habits are affecting health of citizens 1. Some books are newspapers.
Sol. (d) The conclusion that can be drawn from the 2. All books are trees.
paragraph most appropriately and correct is option (d). 3. All trees are books.
4. Some books are not newspapers.
124. Diwali is a festival of lights; which signifies that
good will always be better than evil. In the present (a) Only 1 follows
day, many people have developed a lot of negativity (b) 1 or 3 follows
in their minds and hearts, which has led to high (c) Either 1 or 4 follows
corruption and higher crime rates. Value based (d) 2 and 3 follow
education is the need of the day to eliminate Sol. (c) ACs
darkness of cruelty, selfishness and greed and News-
papers Books Tree
bring the light of wisdom, peace, kindness,
truthfulness, right attitude, hard work and
cooperation. Mahatma Gandhi also said that we
should eradicate sins from hearts not the sinners. Conclusion 1 do not follow. Conclusion 4 also do not
follow, but these two conclusions forms a complementary
If a society has people with good heart, it will
pair. Therefore, either 1 or 4 follows.
definitely flourish.
18 Solved Paper 2014
Directions (Q. Nos. 127-128) A statement is given German language to English and none of them does
followed by several assumptions. An assumption is the vice-versa, unless so stated. A5 and A6 sit adjacent
something assumed or taken for granted. Read the to each other. Similarly, G1 sits opposite to G4; G6 sits
statement carefully and decide which of the assumptions opposite to G3 and G5 sits to the right of G6. G2 and
are implicit in the statement. G4 sit adjacent to G3. On the table, any person can
talk to another person, only as stated below. The only
127. Statement “I think that she has gone mad. Last conversations that took place are as given below :
night I saw her barking like a dog.”– A tells B about
A1 spoke to A2; A2 to G6; G6 to A3; G6 to G5; G5 to
G4; G4 to G3; G3 to G2; G2 to G1; A3 to A4; A4 to A5;
Assumptions A6 to A1; G1 to G6 and A5 to A6.
I. Madhu is a friend of A. The conversations are one-sided i.e. A1 spoke to A2
II. B knows Madhu. implies that A1 is the speaker and A2 is the listener
III. Some people do not bark like dogs. and not vice-versa.
(a) I and II are implicit 130. If the person to the right of A1 wants to send a
(b) II and III are implicit
message to the person sitting to the left of G2, then
(c) I and III are implicit
the message has to pass through how many
(d) All are implicit
persons? (excluding the first and the last)
Sol. (a) From the given Statement, it is clear that Madhu is (a) 7 (b) 5
a friend of A, because A tells B about Madhu. So, it is
(c) 6 (d) None of these
clear that B knows Madhu.
Therefore, Statements I and II are implicit. 131. If A3 wants to send a message to G1, then how
many person must the message pass through?
128. Statement “The Prime Minister is expected to (excluding the first and the last)
announce an expansion in his Ministry shortly.”–
(a) 6 (b) 4
A newspaper report.
(c) 10 (d) None of these
I. The newspaper has quoted authentic
132. If the person sitting to the right of A2 wants to send
a message to the person sitting two places to the
left of A4, then what is the minimum number of
II. The newspaper has reliable sources for the
people involved between them? (excluding the two
III. The Prime Minister has the power to
(a) 6 (b) 10
expand his cabinet.
(c) 4 (d) None of these
(a) I and II are implicit
(b) II and III are implicit 133. If every person is allowed to speak to the person
(c) I and III are implicit who sits opposite to him directly, then what is the
(d) All are implicit least number of person involved in passing a
Sol. (b) The newspaper has not quoted authentic sources, message from A3 to G1? (excluding the two people)
so I is not implicit; but II and III are implicit. (a) 3 (b) 6
(c) 7 (d) None of these
129. How many times in a day, do the hands of a clock
coincide with each other? 134. If the order of conveying messages is reversed at
(a) 12 (b) 24 both the tables i.e. ‘A1 speaks to A2’ (now becomes
(c) 22 (d) 44 ‘A2 speaks to A1’ and so on) and also A2 and A3
exchange their interpreting skills, then which of
Sol. (c) The hands coincide 11 times in every 12 hours.
the following must be true?
So, in a day, the hands coincide 22 times.
(a) A1 can send a message to G5 involving only 2
Directions (Q. Nos. 130-134) These questions are (b) The person sitting to the right of A6 can send
based on the data given below. a message to the person sitting to the left of
There are two circular tables in a room. Six G2, by involving only five persons
Americans–A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6 are sitting at (c) The person sitting to the right of A3, on the
one table and six Germans–G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 and G6 same table, can translate English to German
are sitting at the other table. A1 and A4 are sitting language
opposite to each other. A2 and A5 are also sitting (d) The maximum number of persons involved in
opposite to each other. A3 sits to the right of A4. A2 is the longest message in this new arrangement
the only person who can translate English to German is more than that in the previous arrangement
language; A3 is the only person who can translate
Solved Paper 2014 19
C (Doctor)
S (Lawyer)
II. The production of no other television set in
India is as large as that of ‘Solar’.
(a) Conclusion I follows
R B (b) Conclusion II follows
(c) Both I and II follow
Hence, the correct pair of married couples are AT and
(d) Either I or II follows
Sol. (c) As given in statement that, the solar brand has the
143. Five friends A, B, C, D and E have different jobs. largest sale. So, it is clear that the volume of sales of all
They work with either Bank or Cinema or Pharma the brands of television sets manufactured in India is
or Sales or Jewellery. Pick the right job in which known. So, Conclusion I follows, because sale of solar
they are employed if B is neither concerned with brand is largest. So, production of no other television
Bank nor with Sales. E has nothing to do with set in India is as large as that of ‘solar’.
Cinema or Jewellery. C is not in Bank or Cinema. So, Conclusion II follows.
Solved Paper 2014 21
Directions (Q. Nos. 145-148) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Radhika, Neha, Rupa, Mahima, Sayali and Shobha joined six different renowned MBA institutes A, B, C, D, E and F
and opted for six different specialisations in Management—Finance, IT, Operations, HR, Marketing and General
Management. Each of them has a different educational qualification out of BCA, B.Com., CA, BBM, B.Sc. and
The following information is available about them
(i) Mahima joined institute B and did not take up Marketing or IT and is not a B.Tech.
(ii) The person who joined institute E opted for HR and is not a CA or a B.Sc.
(iii) The person, who is a BCA graduate, joined the institute D and took IT. Whereas, the person, who is
B.Com graduate, took up General Management.
(iv) Shobha is a CA and has taken Finance.
(v) The person, who is a B.Tech. graduate has taken Operations Management and did not join institute A or
(vi) Radhika joined institute F, Rupa is a BCA graduate and Neha took up HR.
145. What is the educational qualification of Mahima 147. The educational qualification of Sayali is
and what is the course she opted for? (a) B.Sc.
(a) B.Sc. and Finance (b) BCA
(b) B.Com. and General Management (c) BBM
(c) BBM and HR (d) CA
(d) None of the above
148. If Shobha joined the institute C, then the student
146. Which institute did the B.Tech. Graduate join? who joined the institute A opted for
(a) F (a) Finance
(b) D (b) Marketing
(c) A (c) General Marketing
(d) None of the above (d) HR
Radhika û û û û û ü û û ü û û û û û û û û ü
Neha û û û û ü û û û û ü û û û û û ü û û
Rupa û û û ü û û û ü û û û û ü û û û û û
Mahima û ü û û û û û û û û û ü û ü û û û û
Sayali — û — û û û û û û û ü û û û û û ü û
Shobha — û — û û û ü û û û û û û û ü û û û
145. (b) The educational qualification of Mahima is B.Com. and the course is General Management.
146. (a)
147. (a)
148. (b)
22 Solved Paper 2014
Directions (Q. No. 149-150) Read following the information carefully and answer the given questions.
In a village, there used live three types of tribes SIM, LIM and JIM. SIM always tells the truth, JIM always lie and
LIM tell the truth and lie alternating. (They can tell truth and lie in any sequence). Three persons (of different
tribes) from the village gave following statements :
NICE says “RICE is of SIM tribe; I am of JIM tribe”.
MICE says “NICE is of JIM tribe; I am of SIM tribe”.
RICE says “MICE is of JIM tribe; I am of LIM tribe”.
149. Who is telling the truth always? 150. Who is always speaking false?
(a) NICE (a) NICE
(b) MICE (b) RICE
(c) RICE (c) MICE
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Solutions (Q. Nos. 149-150) From the given information, it can be concluded
MICE is of SIM tribe, therefore is always true.
NICE is of JIM tribe, therefore is always false
RICE is of LIM tribe, therefore tells truth and lies alternatively.
149. (b) 150. (a)
Symbiosis National Aptitude Test
4. What is the number to be added to 1/4th of 30% of Now, total number of work = 60
120, so that it is 50% more than 25% of 40? X works for 5 days.
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 So, his work = 5 × 4 = 20
Ê (a) Let the number to be added = x Remaining work = 60 − 20 = 40
Now, according to the question, X and Y together work for three days = (4 + 3) × 3 = 21
1 30% × 120 50% × 25% × 40 25 × 40 Again, remaining work = 40 − 21= 19
x+ × = +
4 100 100 × 100 100 X leave work means remaining work is completed by Y.
⇒ x + 9 = 5 + 10 ⇒ x = 15 − 9 19
So, Y can complete remaining work = = 6.3 days
∴ x=6 3
5. 10 yr ago the average age of all 25 teachers of a 7. Find out the value of
school was 45 yr andr 4 yr, ago 1 teacher retired [(2 .093 + 0089
. )2 − (2 .093 − 0089
. )2 ]
from her post at the age of 58. After 1 yr a new .
[(2 .093) (0089
. )]
teacher whose age was 54 yr was recruited from
outside. The present average age of all the (a) 4 (b) 3.79 (c) 4.12 (d) 2.09
teachers is
Ê (a) [(2. 093 + 0.089)2 − (2. 093 − 0.089)2 ]
17 4 18 1
(a) 55 yr (b) 55 yr (c) 54 yr (d) 49 yr [(2. 093)(0.089)]
25 5 25 2
As we know that, a2 − b 2 = (a + b )(a − b )
Ê (c) 10 yr ago, average age of 25 teachers
(2 . 093 + 0.089 − 2 . 093 + 0.089)(2 . 093
(x 1 − 10) + (x 2 − 10) + L + (x 25 − 10)
⇒ = 45 + 0.089 + 2 . 093 − 0.089)
25 =
x 1 + x 2 + L + x 25 250 2 . 093 × 0.089
⇒ − = 45
25 25 (0.089 + 0.089) × (2 . 093 + 2 . 093)
x 1 + x 2 + L + x 25 2. 093 × 0.089
⇒ = 45 + 10 = 55
25 2 × (0.089) × 2 × (2.093) 4 × 0.089 × 2. 093
= = =4
According to the question, age of one teacher 2.093 × 0.089 2 . 093 × 0.089
x − 4 = 58 ∴ x = 58 + 4 = 62
8. In a ∆ ABC, the measure of ∠ A is 50° and the
x 1 + L + x 24 + 62
= 55 external bisectors of ∠ B and ∠ C meet at O. The
measure of ∠BOC is
x 1 + L + x 24
⇒ = 55 − 2. 58 (a) 140° (b) 40°
(c) 105° (d) 65°
x 1 + L + x24
⇒ = 52. 42
24 Ê (d) A
Again, according to the question, new teacher’s age 50°
x − 4 + 1 = 54
∴ x = 57
x 1 + L + x 24 + 57 57
So, = 52 . 42 + ?
25 25
x 1 + L + x 24 + 57 O
⇒ = 547.
25 180 − ∠ABC
Here, ∠CBO = ... (i)
6. X can complete a task in 15 days and Y can 2
complete the same task in 20 days. X started the 180 − ∠ACB
Similarly, ∠BCO = ... (ii)
task alone and after 5 days Y joined X. After 2
working together for 3 days, X had to leave the According to the question,
work. How long did it take for Y to complete the ∠CBO and ∠BCO are angle bisectors of external angles
remaining work? Now, adding Eqs. (i) and (ii)
(a) 4.5 days (b) 5 .3 days 360° − ∠ABC − ∠ACB
∠CBO + ∠BCO = …(iii)
(c) 2.5 days (d) 6.3 days 2
Ê (d) X – 15 4 Here, ABC is triangle in which ∠A = 50°.
60 Bisector of angle B and C meet at O (external bisector).
Y – 20 3 As we know that,
X can do in 15 days and Y can do in 20 days. ∠BAC + ∠ABC + ∠ACB = 180°
LCM of 15 and 20 = 60 days. ∴ ∠ABC + ∠ACB = 180 − ∠A ...(iv)
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 3
Ê (d) p AB AB
q In ∆ABC, tanθ = = ...(i)
81 100 AC 1000
DE 10 1
∴Percentage of p is q% =
× 100 Again, in ∆DEC tanθ = ⇒ tanθ = = ...(ii)
81 DC 20 2
100 × 100 AB 1
= = 123.45% From Eqs. (i) and (ii), =
81 1000 2
∴ AB = 500 ft
16. The length of a rectangular plot is 15m more than
its breadth. If the cost of fencing the plot is ` 2700 19. 21 boys turn out for an NCC parade. Out of these,
at the rate ` 30 per metre, what is the length 19 are wearing NCC caps and 11 are wearing NCC
(in metre) of the plot? shoes. There are no boys without one or the other.
(a) 25 (b) 35 How many boys are wearing the full uniform?
(c) 30 (d) None of these (a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 10
Ê (c) A B Ê (c) Total number of boys = 21
Number of boys wearing Wear NCC caps = 19
Number of boys wearing NCC shoes = 11
D C ∴Full uniform boys = ( 19 + 11) − 21= 9
Let the breadth of a rectangular plot be x m. 20. A number is increased by 20% and then is reduced
Length = (x + 15) m by 20%. The number
Perimeter of rectangular plot = 2(l + b ) (a) does not change (b) decreases by 4%
So, 2(x + x + 15) × 30 = 2700 ⇒2(2 x + 15) × 30 = 2700 (c) increases by 4% (d) increases by 8%
⇒ 4x + 30 = 90 ⇒ 4x = 60 ⇒ x = 15m Ê (b) By formula , x + y + x y
So, length of plot = 15 + 15 = 30 m 100
17. In a class, 70% of the students opted for History, Here, x = + 20 and y = − 20
45% of the students opted for Geography and 20% 20 × (− 20)
= + 20 − 20 + = − 4%
opted for neither History nor Geography. What 100
percentage of the class opted for both the subjects? So the number is decreased by 4%.
(a) 35% (a) 25% (c) 30% (d) 20%
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 5
21. In a class of 42, there are 22 boys and 20 girls. The Ê (d) A soap’s marked price = ` 30
class teacher has to appoint a girl monitor and a Let the cost price per soap be ` x.
boy monitor. In how many ways can the selection According to the question,
be made? (100 − 15) 120
30 × − 15
. =x×
(a) 22 (b) 420 (c) 42 (d) 440. 100 100
Ê (c) 22 Boys 85 12 17 6
42 ⇒ 30 × − 15
. =x× ⇒ 30 × − 15
. =x×
100 10 20 5
20 Girls 51 6x 6x
22 20 ⇒ − 15. = ⇒ 25.5 − 15
. =
Selection of monitor = C1 + C 1 = 22 + 20 = 42 2 5 5
22. Arvind and Mohan are 20 km apart. If they travel ⇒ 24 =
in opposite directions, they meet each other after
half an hour. If they travel in the same direction, ∴ x = 20
they meet after 2 h. If Arvind travels faster than 25. Which one of the following is correct?
Mohan, his speed is (a) log ( m + n ) = log m + log n
(a) 15 km/h (b) 20 km/h (b) log ( m − n ) = log m − log n
(c) 25 km/h (d) 30 km/h (c) log ( m × n ) = log m + log n
Ê (a) (d) log mn = (log m)n
Arvind Mohan
Ê (c) log(m × n) = log m + log n
20 km
26. The sum of two numbers is 15, their product is 30.
Both travel in opposite direction The sum of their reciprocals is
A B 1 1 4
(a) 2 (b) (c) (d)
3 2 15
20 km
Ê (c) Let α and β be the two numbers.
Relative velocity = V1 + V2 1 1
So that, their reciprocals are and .
Here, V1 = 10 α β
x 20 According to the question,
Velocity of B, V1 + V2 = = ⇒ V1 + V2 = 40 …(i)
t 1/ 2 α + β = 15 …(i)
Again, they both travel in same direction and meet each and αβ = 30 ...(ii)
other after 2 h 1 1 α + β 15 1
Then, + = = =
So, V1 − V2 =
= 10 …(ii) α β αβ 30 2
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii),
27. Three persons Amar, Akbar and Anthony agree to
pay their hotel bills in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5. Amar
⇒ V1 = = 25 km/h pays the first day’s bill which amounts to ` 26.85.
Akbar pays the second day’s bill which amounts to
Now, put the value of V1 in Eq. (i) ` 42.75 and Anthony pays the third day’s bill which
25 + V2 = 40 ⇒ V2 = 40 − 25 = 15 km / h amounts to ` 53. When they settle their accounts,
Arvind's speed = 15 km/h which of the following happens?
23. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (a) Amar gives ` 3 to Anthony
(b) Akbar gives ` 2 to Amar
How many subsets of A can be formed with just two (c) Amar gives Akbar ` 1.95 and ` 2 to Anthony
elements, one even and one odd? (d) None of the above
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10
Ê (c) Amar : Akbar : Anthony
Ê (c) A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} 3 : 4 : 5
Set of even and odd numbers Total amount paid by these three persons
= (2, 1) (2, 3) (2, 5) (4, 1) (4, 5) (4, 3) (6, 1) (6, 3) (6, 5) = 26. 85 + 42 .75 + 53 = 122 . 6
= Total number of subsets 9. 4
Akbar paid amount = × 122 . 6 = ` 40.86
24. A grocer sells a soap marked ` 30 at 15% discount 12
and gives a shampoo sachet costing ` 1.5 free with Amar paid amount = × 122 . 6 = ` 30.65
each soap. He, then makes 20% profit. His cost 12
price per soap is 5
Anthony paid amount = × 122 . 6 = ` 51.08
(a) ` 15 (b) ` 16 (c) ` 18 (d) ` 20
So, the option (c) is correct.
6 SNAP • Solved Paper 2013
28. Inspired by the ‘Golden quadrilateral project’, the ⇒ x2 − 250x + 15000 = 2 x2 −500x
UP Government recently accomplished a diamond ⇒ x2 − 250 x − 15000 = 0
triangular project. Under this project, the State
⇒ x2 − 300x + 50x − 15000 = 0
Government laid down 6 lane roads connecting
three cities Ayodhya, Banaras and Chitrakoot, ⇒ x2 (x − 300) + 50(x − 300) = 0
which are equally separated from each other i.e., in ⇒ (x − 300)(x + 50) = 0
terms of geometry they form an equilateral
⇒ x = 300, x ≠ −50
triangle. Angad and Bajrang start simultaneously
from Ayodhya and Banaras respectively, towards So, distance between Ayodhya and Chitrakoot is 300 km.
Chitrakoot. When Angad covers 100 km, Bajrang x
29. If (1−1/2) (1−1/3) (1−1/4) (1−1/5)...(1−1/40) = ,
covers such a distance that the distance between 40
Angad and Bajrang makes 90° angle with the road then what is the value of x ?
joining Banaras to Chitrakoot. When Bajrang (a) 13 (b) 39 (c) 21 (d) 1
reaches Chitrakoot, Angad is still 150 km away Ê (d) 1 − 1 1 − 1 1 − 1 1 − 1 .... 1 − 1 = x
from Chitrakoot. 2 3 4 5 40 40
What is the distance between Ayodhya and 1 2 3 4 5 39 x 1 x
⇒ × × × × ×L× = ⇒ =
Chitrakoot? 2 3 4 5 6 40 40 40 40
(a) 250 km (b) 450 km ∴ x=1
(c) 300 km (d) None of these
30. The smallest number which when divided by 12,
Ê (c) According to the question, 16, 18 gives 7 as remainder in each case, is
Ayodhya (a) 103 (b) 135 (c) 151 (d) 187
Ê (c) 151 is the smallest number which when divided by 12,
60° 16 and 18, gives remainder 7.
Angad 2x − 3 x−9
31. = , then x is equal to
b a
150 Ê (d) a 2x − 3 b x − 9
60° 60° =
b a
Banaras Bajrang Chitrakoot x −x
As we know that,
x – 250x km =
b b / a
x – 150
2x − 3 x−9 2x − 3 −( x − 9)
⇒ ⇒ =
a a a
Ayodhya, Banaras and Chitrakoot made equilateral =
b a / b b b
triangle and distance between them is equal. Let the
distance be x km. Both having same base, so
(2 x − 3) = − (x − 9) ⇒ 2 x − 3 = − x + 9 ⇒ 3x = 12
∴ x=4
When Bajrang reaches Chitrakoot, then Angad is 150 km
away from Chitrakoot. 32. The population of vultures in a locality decreases
distance travelled by Bajrang when Angad travells 100km
by a certain rate (compounded annually). If the
100x current population of vultures is 29160 and the
= ratio of the decrease in population for the second
x − 150
year and the third year be 10: 9, then what was the
100x x2 − 250x
Rest distance of Bajrang = x − = population of vultures 3 yr ago?
x − 150 x − 150
(a) 30000 (b) 35000 (c) 40000 (d) 50000
In ∆ DOC
Ê (c) Given Ratios
DC b 1 x2 − 250 x
cos 60° = = ⇒ = ⇒
Decrease in population in 2nd yr 10
OC h 2 x − 150
Decrease in population in 3 rd yr 9
(x − 100)
100 10
So, = ⇒ 900 = 1000 − 10 r
1 x2 − 250 x 100 − r 9
⇒ =
2 (x − 150)(x − 100) ⇒ 10r = 1000 − 900 ⇒ 10r = 100
⇒ 2 2
x − 150 x − 100x + 15000 = 2 x − 500 x Q r =10%
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 7
Area of circle = πr 2 = π
Now, Formula for 3 yr when compounded annually 4a
decrease 2 π
29160 = Present population 1 −
10 16 a2 16 a2 4 a2 28 2
⇒ Put the value of r =
= π = = = a
100 2π 4π π
4 π2 22
29160 = Present population
90 Area of square = a2
On comparing, area of square with area of circle, we find
29160 × 100 × 100 × 100
Q Present population = = 40000 The area of circle is greater than the area of square.
90 × 90 × 90
So, 3 yr ago population of vultures was 40000 35. Two taps A and B can fill a cistern in 15 h and 10 h,
respectively. Tap C can empty full cistern in 30 h.
33. Anna sold his car to Boney at a profit of 20% and All the three taps were opened for 2 h, when it was
Boney sold it to Chakori at a profit of 10 %. Chakori remembered that the emptying tap had been left
sold it to a mechanic at a loss of 9.09%. The open, it was then closed. How many more hours
mechanic spent 10% of his purchase price on would it take for the cistern to be filled?
repairs and then sold it at a profit of 8.33% to Anna
(a) 30 min (b) 1.2 h (c) 24 min (d) 35 min
once again.
(a) Anna’s loss is 23% (b) Anna’s loss is 29% Ê (b) A and B fill a cistern in 15 h and 10 h respectively but C
(c) Anna’s gain is 5% (d) Anna’s gain is 4% can empty it in 30 h. So, LCM of A, B and C is 30.
A — 15 +2
+ 20% + 10% − 9. 09%
Ê (a) Anna → Boney → Chakori → +3
− 10% B — 10 30
Mechanic → Anna (again) –1
+ 8. 33%
C — 30
Suppose, Anna’s cost of his car = 100
120 Now, A, B and C all these three taps are open for
Then, Anna takes profit of 20% = 100 × = 120
100 2 h = (2 + 2 ) + (3 + 3) + (− 1 − 1) = 4 + 6 − 2 = 8L
Boney takes profit of 10% = 120 ×
= 132 Remaining to fill up = 30 − 8 = 22 L
100 Now, tap C is closed, then taps A and Bare open to fill the
Chakori takes loss of 9. 09% tap cistern 1 h = 2 + 3 = 5 L
132 × (100 − 9.09) 22
= = 120.0012 Time taken by taps A and B = = 4.4 h
100 5
Now,mechanic spents 10% on car’s maintenance.
36. At Atharva Prakashan every book goes through 3
∴Car’s price for mechanic = 120.0012 × = 132. 00132 phases-typing, composing and binding. There are
100 16 typists, 10 composers and 15 binders. A typist
Again, mechanic takes profit of 8.33% can type 8 books in each hour, a composer can
108.33 compose 12 books in each hour and a binder can
= 132. 00132 × = ` 142.9978
100 bind 12 books in each hour. All the people at
Anna’s loss = 142.99 − 120 =22 .99 Atharva Prakashan work for 10 h per day and each
Since, Anna sells the car at `120.50. person is trained to do only one type of job. How
Anna having money from this car is ` 120 many books can be prepared in each day?
= 22. 99 = 23%(loss) (a) 1500 (b) 1200 (c) 1440 (d) 1380
34. A circle and a square have the same perimeter. Ê (b) At Atharva Prakashan
Then, Every employee work for 10 h and each employee is
trained to do one type of job.
(a) the area of the circle is greater
(b) the area of the square is 1/π times that of the circle So, 16 typists type books in 1 h = 16 × 8
(c) the area of the square is greater than that of a 16 typists type books in 10 h = 16 × 8 × 10 = 1280
circle Composer
(d) the areas are equal 10 composers compose books in 1 h = 10 × 12
Ê (a) Suppose a circle having radius = r and square having 10 composers compose books in 10 h = 10 × 12 × 10
sides a. = 1200
From the question, both circle and square have equal Similarly, Binding
perimeter, then 15 binders bind books in 1 h = 15 × 12
2 πr = 4 a ⇒ r = …(i) 15 binders bind books in 10 h = 15 × 12 × 10 = 1800
2 πr πr In one day a book passes through three processes so,
∴ a= = ...(ii) only 1200 books are prepared.
4 2
8 SNAP • Solved Paper 2013
Directions (Q. Nos. 38-40) Read the information carefully to answer the questions that follow.
A train enters into a tunnel AB at A and exits at B. A jackal is sitting at O in another by-pass tunnel AOB, which is connected to AB
at A and B, where OA is perpendicular to OB. A cat is sitting at P inside the tunnel AB making the shortest possible distance
between O and P, such that AO : PB = 30 : 32 . A train before entering into the tunnel AB blows the whistle (or siren) somewhere
before A. On hearing the whistle, if the jackal and the cat run towards A, they would meet with an accident with the train exactly
at A, the entrance to the tunnel. Further, if the jackal moves towards B instead of A (on hearing the whistle) it would again meet
with an accident exactly at B, the exit of the tunnel, with the same train coming from the same direction.
38. What is the ratio of speeds of the jackal and the 38. (a) Speed of jackal
cat? Speed of cat
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 5 : 3 Distance covered by jackal time
(c) 1 : 1 (d) None of these Distance covered by cat time
39. The ratio of speed of the jackal to the speed of train
30 5
is = t = =
18 18 3
(a) 5 : 1 (b) 3 : 5 t
(c) 1 : 5 (d) None of these
∴Ratio = 5: 3
40. If the tunnels were to be connected from O to P and
the jackal moves from O to A through P, it will 39. (d) Speed of jackal = Po 2 + (18)2 = (30)2
Speed of cat
meet with train at M1. Then, AM1 is
Pr 2 = 900 − 324
(a) 20 km (b) 16 km
(c) 10 km (d) None of these ⇒ Pr 2 = 576
Hint (Q. Nos. 38–40) AB is tunnel, let AP = 10x, then ⇒ Po = 24
A Speed of jackal Distance covered by jackal time
x Speed of train Distance covered by train time
p 40
30 km
t 40 1
32 = = =
km 150 + 50 200 5
Speed of jackal 1
B ⇒ = = 1: 5
O Speed of train 5
∆APO and ∆POBare similar, then 40. (c) Since, when the train arrives at A, the jackal can move
AO 2 (30)2 30km. So, at the time when train is at A the jackal will
AP = ⇒ x= ⇒ (32 + x) x = 900 cover 6km from P on PA in addition to 24 km at OP.
AB 32 + x
Now, the rest distance at AP is 12 km, this remaining
⇒ 32 x + x2 = 900 ⇒ x2 + 32 x − 900 = 0 distance will be covered by train and jackal accending
−32 ± 1024 − 4 × (−900)
−32 ± 1024 + 3600 to their respective speeds.
∴x = = Here, speeds of jackal to train = 1:5
2 2
−32 ± 4624 −32 ± 68 −32 + 68 −32 − 68 So, distance covered by train = 12 × = 10 km. and
= = = and 6
2 2 2 2 1
−100 distance covered by jackal = 12 × = 2 km.
(Q x ≠ , it is negative) 6
So, jackal will meet train at M1 whcih is 10km away from A.
= 36/2 = 18
Section B
(General English)
For all questions in this section, each correct answer carries 1 mark.
Directions (Q. Nos. 41–44) Choose the correct Direction (Q. No. 46) The sentence given below is
synonym of the word in capital letters from the four jumbled and each part is numbered. You are required to
options given below. arrange it in the most logical and grammatically
acceptable sequence.
(a) Filled up (b) Fortified 46. a path/(a) put up a notice/(b) to another/(c) from
(c) Followed by (d) Kept down one place/(d) the public/(e) Halton Borough
Council/(f) about its/(g) plans to move/(h) to tell/(i)
Ê (b) ‘Entrenched’ means ‘to put in a position of strength’.
So, its correct synonym would be ‘fortified’ which also (a) e,b,i ,f ,g,h ,a ,d ,c (b) f,h ,a ,d ,c ,b ,i ,g ,e
means ‘to protect by strength’. (c) e,h ,a ,d ,c ,b ,i ,g ,f (d) f,b ,i ,e ,g ,h ,a ,d ,c
Direction (Q. No. 45) Choose the correct alternative Ê (a) ‘Paying tribute’ is panegyric. So, it is correct spelling.
for the following sentence.
Directions (Q. Nos. 49-50) Identify two most
45. Despite immense development in almost all the appropriate options from those given below that can
fields, human still cannot control nature and complete the sentence without changing the meaning
……… to do so.
(a) probably not be able 49. I ……… scorpions, they are diabolic.
(b) probably will never able 1. hate 2. scare 3. loath
(c) probably will never be able 4. wary 5. cagey
(d) perhaps be never having ability
(a) 1, 5 (b) 5, 3 (c) 1, 3 (d) 2, 4
Ê (a) Among all the given option, (a) is the most appropriate
Ê (d) Since, scorpions are dangerous, so people are scared
of them.
10 SNAP • Solved Paper 2013
50. To fully understand (A) ……… work such as Direction (Q. No. 52) Choose the word nearest in the
George Orwell’s Animal Farm, one must be able meaning to the word underlined.
to differentiate (B) ……… events of the plot
from the abundant extended metaphors.
52. A rapier is a
(a) baton (b) rascal
Blank ‘A’ Blank ‘B’ (c) quick sharp hit (d) long thin light sword
1. an allegorical 4. literal Ê (d) ‘Rapier’ is a long thin light sword.
2. a tragic 5. superficial
Directions (Q. Nos. 53-54) Choose the correct alterna
3. a parabolic 6. figurative
tives for the following idioms.
(a) 2, 4 (b) 1, 4 (c) 3, 4 (d) 1, 5 53. Raise cain
Ê (d) ‘Animal farm’ is an allegorical writing. The (a) re-incarnate (b) cause trouble
characters in it are all superficial, so option (d) (c) bring up (d) look after
gives the right combination.
Ê (b) Idiom ‘raise cain’ means ‘to create or to cause a trouble’.
Look at the sentence: Terrorists must stop raising cains in
Direction (Q. No. 51) Find out the two words that our country.
are nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate
54. Go to seed
the correct combination provided in the four options
(a) harvesting (b) planting
51. 1. Attenuate 2. Repent 3. Make thin 4. Fore (c) become unfit and down (d) financial ruin
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 3 and 2 Ê (c) Idiom ‘going to seed’ means becoming ‘unfit and run
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 down’. It has a meaning closer to ‘get or become
Ê (a) ‘Attenuate’ means ‘to make something weak‘. On uncaring’.
the other hand, ‘Making thin’ also has similarity with e.g., All his labour and hard work has gone to seed as he
‘weakening’. So, ‘1and 3‘ is the right combination. couldn’t pass the exam.
Directions (Q. Nos. 55-58) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
The next ingredient is a very remarkable one: Good Temper. ‘Love is not easily provoked’. Nothing could be more striking than
to find this here. We are inclined to look upon bad temper as a very harmless weakness. We speak of it as a mere infirmity of
nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into very serious account in estimating a man’s character
and yet here, right in the heart of this analysis of love, it finds a place and the Bible again and again returns to condemn it as one
of the most destructive elements in human nature. The peculiarity of ill temper is that it is the vice of the virtuous. It is often
the one blot on an otherwise noble character. You know men who are all but perfect and women who would be entirely perfect
but for an easily ruffled quick-temper or ‘touchy’ disposition. This compatibility of ill temper with high moral character is one of
the strongest and saddest problems of ethics. The truth is there are two great classes of sins—sins of the Body, and sins of
disposition. The prodigal sin may be taken as a type of the first, the Elder Brother of the second. Now, society has no doubt
whatever as to which of these is the worse. Its brand falls, without a challenge, upon the Prodigal. But are we right? We have no
balance to weigh one another’s sins and coarser and finer are but human words; but faults in the higher nature may be less
venial than those in the lower, and to the eye of him who is love, a sin against love may seem a hundred times more base. No
form of vice, not worldliness, not greed of gold, not drunkenness itself does more to un-christianise society than evil temper.
For embittering life, for breaking up communities, for destroying the most sacred relationship, for devastating homes, for
withering up men and women, for taking the bloom off childhood,in short for sheer gratuitous misery-producing power, this
influence stands alone. Jealousy, anger, pride, uncharity, cruelty, self-righteousness, touchiness, doggedness, sullenness-in
varying properties these are the ingredients of all ill temper. Judge, if such sins of disposition are not worse to live in, and for
others to live with than sins of the body. There is really no place in Heaven for a disposition like this. A man with such a mood
could only make Heaven miserable for all the people in it. Excerpts from passages by Henry Drummond.
55. What is the popular notion about bad temper? 56. What does the word ‘venial’ mean?
(a) It is a serious malady (a) forgivable sin or mistake
(b) It is a harmless weakness (b) deer meat
(c) It is a peculiarity (c) wicked
(d) It shows strength of character (d) insect
Ê (b) ‘Bad temper is a harmless weakness’. The answer Ê (a) ‘Venial’ has a similar meaning to that of ‘forgivable sin or
can be inferred better from the 2nd and 3rd lines of mistake’.
the passage. e.g., Murder is not a venial act.
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 11
57. The Bible condemns which of the following as Direction (Q. No.63) Which of the following does not
one of the most destructive elements in human denote the underlined word?
63. The festival of Christmas.
(a) Anger (a) Laziness
(a) Noel (b) Yule (c) Crimbo (d) Halloween
(c) Procrastination (d) Splurging
Ê (d) Christmas is known as Noel, Yule, Crimbo but it is not
Ê (a) Bible condemns ‘anger’ as the most destructive
known as to be ‘Halloween’.
elements in human nature.
58. Find the exact word in the passage which
64. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank with the
correct grammatical usage.
means easily or quickly offended.
(a) Uncharity He has his finger ........... the pulse of the nation.
(b) Self righteousness (a) in (b) below (c) on (d) over
(c) Touchiness
Ê (c) ‘Having a finger on the pulse’ means being aware of the
(d) Pride
recent development.
Ê (c) Passage has the word ‘touchiness’ which means e.g., The manager of the company has a finger on the pulse
easily or quickly offended. of the issues related to its growth and development.
65. Identify the error in the following sentence by
Direction (Q. No. 59) Fill in the blank with the choosing from the given alternatives
correct option.
‘Where do you live’ asked the stranger?
59. ‘If you are morose’ you feel __. (a) an exclamation should be used instead of a question mark
(a) excited (b) sleepy (b) the question mark should be used inside the quotation
(c) peaceful (d) gloomy marks
(c) the question mark should be used outside the
Ê (d) When someone is ‘morose’ he is in a sad, dejected
quotation marks
and gloomy state.
(d) None of the above
Directions (Q. Nos. 60-61) Name the part of Ê (b) ‘Where do you live?’ asked the stranger. This is the correct
speech of the underlined word in the following way to explain it.
sentences. Directions (Q. Nos. 66-67) In each of the following
60. We scored as many goals as them. questions the part of the sentence which is in capitals and
(a) Conjunction (b) Pronoun has been underlined may have an error. Correct the error.
(c) Adverb (d) Preposition 66. Unless he DOES NOT GIVE UP smoking, we cannot
Ê (b) ‘Them’ is personal pronoun of third person and it is be sure of any improvement in his health.
in objective case. (a) has not given up (b) gives up
e.g., We love them very much. (c) did not give up (d) no improvement
61. There is more evidence yet to be offered. Ê (b) The correct syntax is
[Unless/until + Simple Present + Subject + Verb +
(a) Verb (b) Adverb
(c) Preposition (d) None of these
e.g., Unless he comes we have to wait here.
Ê (b) ‘Yet’ is an adverb meaning ‘until now’. Look at the
sentence. We have, gone too far yet a lot has to be 67. A recently carried out meta-analysis of two decades of
covered. published research DOES NOT SUGGEST THAT
Direction (Q. No. 62) Identify a synonym to COFFEE DRINKING AND CORONARY
replace the underlined word(s). AILMENTS.
(a) suggests that there is no association between coffee
62. The baby is in the carrying basket. drinking and coronary ailments
(a) bassinet (b) tub (b) any association between and coronary ailments is not
(c) baby bag (d) preambulator suggested
(c) shows that coffee drinking should not be suggested to
Ê (d) Bassinet — A bed for baby. have an association with coronary ailments
Tub — An object in which one takes bath. (d) suggests the association between coffee drinking and
Baby bag — A bag that a mother has over her back or coronary ailments on a macro level
front in which she carries her baby. Ê (a) Sentence that has ‘does not’ in a negative sense is a
Preambulator — It is the carriage basket in which confusing one when there is a complex sentence.
baby is taken forward. It has wheels. Moreover use of ‘should’ is also inappropriate.
12 SNAP • Solved Paper 2013
68. In the following sentences, the order of the A. Fruits from Madhavs’ garden were stolen.
sentences has been jumbled up. Make the best B. Fruit’s are sold here.
choice to find out the correct sequence so as to form C. All the students of the students’ council agreed to
a meaningful paragraph. raise funds.
A. The following represents a condensed statement of D. The dress’s texture was coarse.
what we think we now know about the (a) A and B (b) A and C (c) Only C (d) B and D
relationship between education and employment
Ê (c) Madhavs’ → Error of apostrophe.
B. Although the linkages between education and
employment are complex and in the past, often Fruit’s → It should be ‘fruits.’
analysed with simplistic notions of casualty, Dress’s → No ‘s’ is needed.
recent research results have yielded new insights So, only option (c) is correct.
about the nature of these linkages.
C. In the interests of brevity, the argument is put 70. Choose the odd word out.
forward as a series of major propositions and (a) Esoteric (b) Exigent (c) Occult (d) Mystical
derivatives strategies relating to the education Ê (b) Exigent is the odd word. Esoteric, occult, mystical all
employment nexus. have similar meaning in the question as ‘mysterious’
D. Intensive research efforts are currently being but ‘exigent‘ means ‘urgent.
supported through the developing world both by
national governments and international donor 71. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the
agencies in the hope of improving, understanding sentence.
of the nature and causes of rising unemployment. The rebels sought to overcome the ……… strength
E. The massive problems of widespread and chronic of the police forces by engaging in ……… tactics.
unemployment and underemployment in less
(a) lack of ……… diversionary
developed nations will remain among the most
(b) augmented ……… peaceful
serious challenges to the development policy
(c) preponderant ……… guerilla
during the next several decades.
(d) power ……… foolish
Ê (c) ‘Preponderant’ means ‘dominating’. The ‘guerilla
Ê (a) ACBDE is the correct order. tactics’ reflects the idea of a warfare where fight takes
69. Given below are four sentences, each of which may the unconventional way. Here, rebels (the opponents)
or may not have an error. Following them are four have demanded to overcome the preponderant
(dominant) strength that police have by the (guerilla)
options. Select the option indicating the error free
statement (s).
Directions (Q. Nos. 72–74) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
My new mistress proved to be all she appeared when I first met her at the door, a woman of the kindest heart and feelings. She
had never had a slave under her control previously and prior to her marriage she had been dependent upon her own industry for
a living. She was by trade a weaver and by constant application to her business, she had been in a good degree preserved from
the lighting and dehumanising effects of slavery. I was utterly astonished at her goodness. I scarcely knew how to behave
towards her. My early instruction was all out of place. The crouching servility, usually so acceptable a quality in a slave, did not
answer when manifested toward her. Her favor was not gained by it; she seemed to be disturbed by it. She did not deem it to be
impudent or unmannerly for a slave to look in the face. The meanest slave was put fully at ease in her presence and none left
without feeling better for having seen her. But alas! This kind heart had but a short time to remain such. The fatal poison of
irresponsible power was already in her hands and soon commenced its internal work.
Very soon I went to live with Mr and Mrs Auld; she very kindly commenced to teach me the A, B, C. After I had learnt this, she
assisted me in learning to spell words of three and four letters. Just at this point of my progress, Mr Auld found out what was
going on and at once forbade Mrs. Auld to instruct me further, telling her that it was unlawful, as well as unsafe, to teach a slave
to read. Further he said, ‘If you give a slave an inch, he will take a mile. A slave should know nothing but to obey his master-to do
as he is told to do. Learning would spoil the best slave in this world ‘Now,’ said he ‘‘If you teach that boy (speaking of myself) how
to read, there would be no keeping him. It would forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of
no value to his master. As to him, it could do him no good but a great deal of harm. It would make him discontented and unhappy.
‘These words sank deep into my heart, stirred up sentiments within that lay slumbering and called into existence an entirely
new train of thought. I now understood what had been to me a most perplexing difficulty-the white man’s power to enslave the
black man. From that moment, I understood that pathway from slavery to freedom. Though conscious of the difficulty of
learning without a teacher, I set out with high hope, and a fixed purpose, at whatever cost of trouble, to learn how to read. The
very decided manner with which my master spoke, and strove to impress his wife with the evil consequences of giving me
instruction, served to convince me that he was deeply sensible of the truths he was uttering. It gave me the best assurance that I
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 13
might rely with the utmost confidence on the results which, he said, would flow from teaching me to read. What he most dreaded
that I most desired. What he most loved, that I most hated. That which to him was great evil, to be carefully shunned, was to me
a great good, to be diligently sought; and the argument which he so warmly urged, against my learning to read, only served to
inspire me with a desire and determination to learn. In learning to read, I owe almost as much to the bitter opposition of my
master, as to the kindly aid of my mistress. I acknowledge the benefit of both.
72. The author’s main purpose in this passage is to Ê (b) Daring is not properly formed. It should be ‘dared.’
(a) describe a disagreement between a woman and Ventured means to take risk.When ventured is combined
her husband with peremptory, it gives the idea that there has been a
very commanding way of telling something and since the
(b) analyse the reason for the education of slaves
person is not very much familiar with the man he is talking
(c) describe a slave’s literacy as a means of freedom
to, he has risked it. So, option (b) is correct.
(d) dramatise a slave’s change in attitude towards
his mistress 77. The ……… of Agatha Christie’s argument is that
human nature remains the same, wherever you are.
Ê (c) The passage describes the ways how a slave can
use literacy as a means of freedom for himself. (a) acne (b) pinnacle (c) nadir (d) crux
73. For which of the following reasons does Mr Auld Ê (d) ‘Crux’ means ‘the most vital or important part.
forbid his wife to educate the slave? 78. The ……… play caused me to squirm in my seat, but
1. Providing slaves with an education violates the she began to ……… her eyes in a way that irritated
law. me.
2. He believes slaves lack the capacity for education. (a) delirious ……… spot (b) grin ……… wet
3. He fears education would leave the slave less (c) disastrous ……… damp (d) maudlin ……… daub
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 3 Ê (a) ‘Delirious’ means something that is ‘in an imbalanced
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1 and 3 state’ mentally and ‘spot’ means ‘to mark.’
86. Where should the number 17 be placed to fit into 88. Insert the missing letter
the sequence?
(a) Between 14 and 19 (b) Between 18 and 11
(c) Between 19 and 16 (d) Between 12 and 20 T Y
Ê (a) Given, 18 11 15 14 19 16 10 12 20 (a) O (b) P (c) Q (d) R
We put 17 in between 14 and 19 and the following pattern
Ê (a) The letters in each column follow this pattern,
as below
18 11 15 14 17 19 16 10 12 20 +8 +8 +8
–4 +2 +4 H M R
+8 +8 +8
18 11 15 14 17 19 16 10 12 20
–4 –5
18 11 15 14 17 19 16 10 12 20 Direction (Q. No. 89 ) Six statements are followed
by options consisting of three statements put together
+6 –7 in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a
valid argument, that is, the third argument is a
87. There are three facts and you are given three more conclusion drawn from the earlier two statements.
statements. You have to determine which of these,
if any is also a fact. A. Amar is unhappy
Fact 1. All kids like to play. B. Amar is honest
Fact 2. Some kids like ice-cream. C. Some magicians are honest
Fact 3. Some kids look like their mothersr D. No honest man is a magician
Statement 1. All kids who like ice-cream look like E. No magician is happy
their mothers. F. Amar is not a magician
Statement 2. Kids who like ice-cream also like to (a) FED (b) BFA (c) AEF (d) BDF
play. Ê (d) On the basis of given information, the arguments as
Statement 3. Kids who like to play do not look like below
their mothers, From option (a),
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 F → Amar is not a magician.
(c) 2 and 3 (d) None can be a fact
E → No magician is happy.
Ê (b) D → No honest man is a magician.
Play Play
Ice- From option (b),
Kids or Kids B → Amar is honest.
cream Mother F → Amar is not a magician.
A → Amar is unhappy.
(I) (ii) From option (c),
A → Amar is unhappy.
The above two figures show the facts which are given in
E → No magician is happy.
the information. Statement 1 ‘All kids who like
F → Amar is not a magician.
ice-cream look like their mothers’ is true from figure (II)
but not valid with figure (I). From option (d),
Statement 2 ‘Kids who like ice-cream also like to play,’ is B → Amar is honest.
valid from both the figures. D → No honest man is a magician.
Statement 3 ‘Kids who like to play do not look like their F → Amar is not a magician.
mothers’ is valid from figure (I) but not with figure (II). It is clear from the above options that BDF is the correct
So, option (b) is correct. or valid argument.
16 SNAP • Solved Paper 2013
Directions (Q. Nos. 90-91) The table below 93. A set of symbols is given indicating the terms for
presents data on Gross National Product (GNP)and Net which they will be used in the questions following
National Product (NNP) for India for six years, Answer them.
questions based on these data. Θ = equal to, ϕ = not equal to, ∆ = greater than, x=
Gross National Product and Net National Product less than, + = not greater than, $ = not less than A
∆ B ∆ C does not imply which of the following
GNP (in ` crore) NNP (in ` crore) options?
1988-89 348210 309289. (a) A $ B ∆ C (b) C + B x A (c) A x B × C (d) C + B ϕ A
1989-90 402931 357285 Ê (d) After interchanging the symbols of the given
1990-91 470252 418057 information, the options are as follows
1991-92 541593 479001 (a) A $ B D C → A > B > C
1992-93 615831 543566 (b) C + B × A → C < B < A
1993-94 695342 615273 (c) A × B H C → A < B = C
(d) C + B Q C → C < B ≠ A
90. The year during which both GNP and NNP have
A D B D C → A > B > C, already given in the question.
shown almost equal rate of growth-
According to this statement, only option (d) does not
(a) 1989-90 (b) 1990-91 imply the following options.
(c) 1991-92 (d) 1992-93
Ê (a) The year during both GNP and NNP have shown
94. Given below are 4 pictures of a cube
almost equal rate of growth is 1989-90. This is
5 3 2 4
because of the less difference between them.
4 6 6 5 1 4 1 5
Year GNP NNP Difference
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
1989-90 402931 357285 45646
Which number is on the face opposite to 3?
1990-91 470252 418057 52195
(a) 1 (a) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5
1991-92 541593 479001 62592
Ê (c) From figures (i),(ii) and (iii),we conclude that 5, 6, 1
1992-93 615831 543566 72265 and 2 lie adjacent to 4. Hence, 3 must lie opposite 4
and vice-versa.
The year 1989-90 having less difference. From figures (i) and (iv), we find that 1 is opposite to 6, 2
91. Which of the following statements could be stated is opposite to 5 and 4 is opposite to 3.
to be true?
(a) GNP has been growing during the period under Directions (Q. Nos. 95–96)
(b) NNP has been growing during the period under H
review G
(c) The growth pattern has been different for both E F
indicators during period under review B
(d) None of the above O D A
Ê (c) It is clear from the given table that the growth pattern C
has been different for both indicators during period N
under review. Reason behind this-The GNP and NNP P
both have been growing during the period under
review but in a different pattern. Rectangle indicates Faculty members, Square indicates
92. If PEACE is coded as RGCEG, then how is MICKY Research scholars, Circle indicates Indians and Triangle
indicates Americans.
coded in that code? ‘
(a) MOUSE (b) OKEMA (c) LHBJX (d) JDLJ 95. In the given figure show the area which indicates
Ê (b) Basic Word P E A C E faculty members who are research scholars but are
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 neither Americans nor Indians.
Coded Word R G C E G (a) L (b) N
(c) K (d) G
Basic Word M I C K Y Ê (c) The area which indicates faculty members who are
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2
research scholars but are neither American nor Indians
is ‘K’.
Coded Word O K E M A
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 17
96. In the given figure show the area which indicates Directions (Q. Nos. 99-100) Five girls Rama, Sudha,
Indian Americans who are faculty members but Tara, Uma and Veena share an apartment and have
not research scholars. distributed the task as one girl making breakfast per day,
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) F Monday through Friday, one of the five dishes upama,
Ê (c) The area ‘C’ indicates Indian - Americans who are dosa, idli, uttapa and paratha.
faculty members but not research scholars. Veena does not make uttapa and does not cook on
97. While facing East you turn to your left and walk 10 Tuesday.
yards. Then, turn to your left and walk 10 yards Sudha makes parathas but not on Monday or Friday.
and now turn 45° to your right and go straight to Upama is made on Thursday.
cover 50 yards. Now, in what direction are you Tara makes her dish which is not uttapa on Wednesday.
with respect to the starting point? Idli is made on Friday but not by Uma.
(a) North-East (b) North
Rama cooks on Monday
(c) South-East (d) North-West
99. What does Tara cook on Wednesday?
Ê (d) Let A is the initial point of a man. He faces East and
(a) Upama (b) Paratha
turned his left in the direction of North and walked
(c) Idli (d) Dosa
10 yards.
D 100. What day does Uma prepare her dish?
(a) Monday (b) Tuesday
50 y (c) Thursday (d) Friday
10 y
B Solutions (Q. Nos. 99-100)
C On the basis of given
information, the table as below
10 y Days
101. How many days has Kunal gone without leave? 105. If 7 is coded as CBRT343, then 9 is
(a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 4 (a) CBRT27 (b) SQRT81
(c) CBRT729 (d) CBRT6561
Ê (b) On the basis of given information,
Rahul’s consecutive duty—5 days Ê (c) 7 is coded as C B R T 343
Mohit’s gone straight without leave—15 days 343 is the cube of 7 i.e., (7 3 = 343)
Charan’s consecutive duty—8 days Similarly, 9 is coded as C B R T 729
According to the given information, 729 is the cube of 9 i.e., (93 = 729)
Kunal has put more than Rahul
106. If HELLO is coded as 15|12|12|5|8, then WHERE
and Charan has put less days duty than Kunal.
is coaded as
It is clear from the option (b) i.e., Kunal’s number of days
(a) 16|13|I3|6|9 (b) 5|18|5|8|23
= 9 and Rahul’s number of days = 5 (c) 5|5|18|23|8 (d) 5|5|18|8|23
Rahul + Kunal = 5 + 9 = 14
Ê (b) Basic word H E L L O
Kunal’s number of days is more than Rahul and less than
Charan’s number of days and total of Rahul and Kunal is
less than Mohit’s number of days. Coded word 15 12 12 5 8
‘H’ has 8th position in the alphabetical order and ‘O’ has
Directions (Q. Nos. 102-104) Five hundred school 15th position as in the alphabetical order. Both the
children were asked about cricketers they liked. 80 said positions of numeric form are interchanged as shown in
they like Sachin Tendulkar, 60 said they liked Sourav the above figure. Similarly. ‘L’ has 12th position which is
interchanged with ‘E’’s position i.e., ‘5’ and so on.
In the same way,
90 said they liked Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
Basic word W H E R E
10 said they liked all them 40 said they liked
Sachin and Sourav, 50 liked Sachin and Dhoni, while 30
said they liked Sourav and Dhoni. Coded word 5 18 5 8 23
102. How many, out of the 500, didn’t choose Sachin, 107. Complete the following series 3 10 59.
Sourav or Dhoni? (a) 402 (b) 403 (c) 404 (d) 405
(a) 280 (b) 380 Ê (a) 3, 10, 59.
(c) 180 (d) 480
This series is based on the following pattern
103. How many like Sourav but not Tendulkar? 10 − 3 = 7 = 7
(a) 21 (b) 22 59 − 10 = 49 = 7 × 7 ⇒7 2
(c) 23 (d) None of these
402 − 59 = 343 = 7 × 7 × 7 ⇒7 3
104. How many like fewer than two cricketers?
(a) 410 (b) 400 108. If WOOD is coded as 23|225|4, then MEET is coded
(c) 390 (d) 395 as
(a) |3|5|5|20 (b) 13|10|20
Solutions (Q. Nos. 102-104) (c) 13|25|20 (d) None of these
Sachin = b + g + d = 30 + 10 + 40 = 80 (15)2
Sourav = b + g + f = 30 + 10 + 20 = 60 Ê (c) Basic Word W O O D
Dhoni = d + g + f + e = 40 + 10 + 20 + + 20 = 90
All cricketers = 10 Sachin + Sourav Coded Word 23 225 4
= b + g = 40 (30 + 10) In this ‘W’ has 23rd position in the alphabetical order, ‘D’
Sachin + Dhoni = g + d = 10 + 40 = 50 has ‘4’ position, ‘O’ has 15th position in the alphabetical
Sourav + Dhoni = g + e = 10 + 20 = 30 order, letter ‘O’ has 15th position and 225 is the square of
15th number.
Ê (b) Total = 500
Who didn’t choose Sachin, Sourav or Dhoni
= (10 + 40 + 20 + 30 + 20 + 0 + 0 = 120)
Basic word M E E T
out of 500 is 500 − 120 = 380
Ê (d) None of the options is true according to the question.
Coded word 13 25 20
Ê (b) 400 like fewer than two cricketers. It is clearly shown by ‘M’ has 13th position, ‘T’ has 20th position and ‘E’ has 5th
380 + 20 = 400 position and 25 is the square of number 5.
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 19
Directions (Q. Nos. 109-110) Answer the questions based on the following information, which gives data about
certain coffee producers in India.
S. Production Capacity Sales Total sales value
No. (‘000 tonnes) utilisation (%) (‘000 tonnes) (` in crore)
1. Brooke Bond 2.97 76.50 2.55 31.15
2. Nestle 2.48 71.20 2.03 26.75
3. Lipton 1.64 64.80 1.26 15.25
4. MAC 1.54 59.35 1.47 17.45
Total (including others) 11.60 61.30 10.67 132.80
109. What is the maximum production capacity (in ‘000 110. What percent of the total market shares (by
tonnes) of Liption for coffee? sales value) is controlled by others ?
(a) 2.53 (b) 2.85 (a) 60% (b) 32%
(c) 2.24 (d) 2.07 (c) 67% (d) Data insufficient
Ê (a) The production capacity for lipton = 64.80% for 164
. Ê (b) Sales of coffee (other)
thousand tonne = 132.80(3115
. + 2675
. + 15.25 + 17.45)
maximum capacity is 100%
= 132.80 − 90.6 = 42.2
For 100% it would be = .
× 164 42.2
64.8 ∴ Required per cent = × 100 = 32%
= 2.53 thousand tonne 13.2
(General Awareness)
For all questions in this section, each correct answer carries 1 mark.
111. The economically diverse region of MENA nations 113. The agency that estimates national income in
refers to the countries in India is
(a) Middle East and North African Countries (a) RBI
(b) Middle East and North American Countries (b) Planning Commission
(c) Mediterranean Europe and North Atlantic Countries (c) Central Statistics Organisation
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
Ê (a) A region encompassing approximately 22 countries in the Ê (c) The Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) was
Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The MENA region set up in the cabinet secretariat on 2nd May,
accounts for approximately 6% of the world’s population, 1951. CSO is responsible for coordination of
60% of the world’s oil reserves and 45% of the world’s statistical activities in India and evolving and
natural gas reserves. Due to the region’s substantial maintaining statistical standards. It is located in
petroleum and natural gas reserves, MENA is an important Delhi.
source of global economic stability.
114. Panchatantra was written by
112. Open market operations refer to the sale and purchase (a) Brahmbhatt
by the RBI of (b) Vishnu Sharma
(a) Foreign currency (b) Gold (c) Jaya Deva
(c) Government bonds (d) All of these (d) None of these
Ê (c) An Open Market Operation (also known as OMO) is an Ê (b) The Panchatantra is an ancient Indian inter-related
activity by a central bank to buy or sale Government bonds in collection of animal fables in verse and prose, in a
the open market. A central bank uses them as the primary frame story format. It was written by Vishnu
means of implementing monetary policy. Sharma.
20 SNAP • Solved Paper 2013
115. IRDA is the Indian regulator for the 120. Which NATO country’s parliament was the first
(a) Banking sector (b) Mutual funds to vote in favour of the move to make military
(c) Rural Development (d) None of these service compulsory for women?
Ê (d) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) (a) Italy (b) Germany
is an autonomous apex statutory body which regulates (c) Norway (d) None of these
and develops the insurance industry in India. It was Ê (c) Norway’s parliament, in June 2013, has voted
constituted by a Parliament of India Act called Insurance overwhelmingly to conscript women into its armed
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 and forces, becoming the first European and first NATO
duly passed by the Government of India. country to make military service compulsory for both
116. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by the
(a) Members of Lok Sabha 121. The market for government securities is also
(b) President of India referred to as
(c) Leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha (a) Bullion market (b) Gilt-edge market
(d) None of the above (c) Secondary market (d) Money market
Ê (c) In the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Indian Ê (b) Gilt-edged securities are bonds issued by certain
Parliament, both presiding officers- the Speaker and the national governments. The term is of British origin and
Deputy Speaker are elected from among its members originally referred to the debt securities issued by the
by a simple majority of members present and voting in bank of England, which had a gilt (or gilded) edge.
the house. As such, no specific qualifications are Hence, known as gilt-edged securities or gilts for
prescribed for being elected the Speaker. The short.
Constitution only requires that Speaker should be a
member of the house. 122. From April 2010 the savings bank interest is
117. The Finance Minister’s Budget speech presented to
the Indian parliament every year usually has two (a) at 4% per annum
parts. What does the Part A relate to ? (b) on daily balance method based on the closing
balance maintained every day
(a) Taxation Proposals (b) General Economic Survey (c) lowest balance available between 10th and the
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above final day of the month
Ê (b) The budget speech of the finance minister is usually in (d) None of the above
two parts. Part A deals with general economic survey of Ê (b) From 1st April, 2010, interest on all saving bank
the country while part B relates to taxation proposals. account deposits is being calculated on a daily
118. Which two institutions are popularly referred to as basis, thereby earning account holders higher
interest income. This is due to the fact that the RBI
the ‘Bretton Woods Twins’?
has instructed banks to change the mechanism of
(a) International Monetary Fund and World Bank interest income calculation. The calculation is done
(b) World Bank and Asian Development Bank on the ‘daily balance method’, with the rate of interest
(c) Asian Development Bank and International Monetary remaining the same at 3.5% per annum.
(d) United Nations and World Trade Organisation 123. Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
is an Inter-governmental Body established in
Ê (a) The Bretton Woods Twins refers to the two multilateral
organisations created at the Bretton Woods conference
1989. It is concerned with
in 1944. They are the World Bank and the International (a) Money laundering
Monetary Fund. (b) Stock markets
(c) Foreign Direct Investment
119. Based on the statements given below, Special (d) Foreign Institutional Investors
Drawing Rights is best described to include which of
the following statements? Ê (a) The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an
intergovernmental organisation founded in 1989 on
1. It is a basket of currencies reviewed every 5 yr. the initiative of the G7. The purpose of the FATF is to
2. It was created to reduce the dependencies on develop policies to combat money laundering and
gold and US dollar. terrorism financing.
3. It is a supplementary foreign exchange reserve
assets maintained by IMF. 124. Which of the following sectors in India was not
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Only 3 nationalised by Government at any point of time?
Ê (c) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are supplementary (a) Banking (a) Insurance
foreign exchange reserve assets defined and (c) Coal (d) None of these
maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Ê (d)
SNAP • Solved Paper 2013 21
125. Which of the following is not a Palindrome? (a) Elzie Crisler Segar-Popeye
(a) A car, a man, a maraca (b) Dan Yaccarino-Oswald the Octopus
(b) A man, a plan, a canal, Panama (c) William Hanna-Richie Rich
(c) As you sow, so you reap (d) Walt Disney-Donald Duck
(d) None of the above Ê (c) William Hanna was an American animator, director,
Ê (c) A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other producer, voice actor and cartoon artist. Richie Rich is
sequence of symbols or elements, whose meaning a fictional character in the Harvery comics universe. It
may be interpreted the same way in either forward or was created by Alfred Harvey and Warren Kremer.
reverse direction. Famous examples include ‘Amor 132. The goals of monetary policy do not include
Roma’, ‘A man, a plan, a canal, Panama’.
(a) full employment (b) price stability
126. The movie ‘Life of Pi’ is based on an award winning (c) maximising tax revenue (d) None of these
novel written by Ê (d) Monetary policy is the process by which monetary
(a) Peter Carey (b) Alan Hollinghurst authority of a country, generally a central bank (or RBI)
(c) Yann Martel (d) None of these controls the supply of money in the economy by
exercising its control over interest rates in order to
Ê (c) ‘Life of Pi is a 2012 American 3D live-action maintain price stability and achieve high economic
computer-animated adventure drama film based on growth.
Yann Martel’s 2001 novel of the same name.
133. The Corporate Head Quarters of Tata Group is
127. LIDL, Walgreen, ASDA and Kroger are
(a) Bombay House (b) Tata Towers
(a) Automobile companies (c) JRD Centre (d) None of these
(b) Retailers
(c) Electronic product manufacturers Ê (a) Bombay House is a historic privately owned building in
(d) None of the above Mumbai that serves as the head office of the Tata
Ê (b)
134. Dronacharya Award for Coaching for the year 2013
128. Which bank was the first to introduce the was received by Narinder Singh Saini for ‘ which
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)in India? discipline?
(a) Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) (a) Archery (b) Boxing
(b) Citibank (c) Hockey (d) None of these
(c) Standard Chartered Bank
(d) HDFC Bank Ê (c)
Ê (a) Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) 135. This company signed an agreement with the
introduced ATM concept in India, first time in 1987. Government of India for the Passport Seva Project
129. The Three Gorges Dam, is the world’s largest in 2008.
hydropower project and is located in (a) Infosys Technologies
(b) Mahindra Satyam
(a) China (a) Brazil
(c) Tata Consultancy Services
(c) Russia (d) None of these
(d) Wipro
Ê (a) The three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that
Ê (c)
spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping,
located in Yiling district, Yichang, Hubei Province, 136. Recommendations of which committee led to the
China. The Three Gorges Dam is the world’s largest reforms in the banking sector in India in the
power station in terms of installed capacity nineties?
(22500 MW).
(a) Malhotra Committee
130. India signed the Kyoto Protocol in the year (b) Narasimham Committee
(a) 2000 (b) 1998 (c) Mayaram Committee
(c) 2002 (d) 1995 (d) Damodaran Committee
Ê (c) The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Ê (b) Narasimham Committee-I was formed in 1991 and
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) is an Narasimham Committee-II was formed in 1998 and
international treaty that sets binding obligations on both were related to banking sector reforms.
industrialised countries to reduce emissions of 137. Which country is the largest producer of
greenhouse gases. India signed the Kyoto Protocol in
the year, 2002.
(a) Indonesia (b) Finland
131. Given below are the creators of some well-known (c) Canada (d) None of these
cartoon characters. Identify the creator cartoon
Ê (c)
pair that does not match.
22 SNAP • Solved Paper 2013
138. India’s Direct Cash Transfer Scheme draws 144. Who among the following sports persons are
similarities from models of which country? twins?
(a) Brazil (b) Germany (a) Serena Williams and Venus Williams
(c) Australia (d) Sri Lanka (b) Mark Waugh and Steve Waugh
(c) Irfan Pathan and Yusuf Pathan
Ê (a) Direct Benefit Transfer or DBT is an anti-poverty
(d) None of the above
programme launched by the Government of India on
1st January, 2013. This programme aims to transfer Ê (b) Mark Waugh and Steve Waugh, a set of twins who
subsidies directly to the people living below poverty played test and ODI cricket for Australia from the
line. 1980s to the 2000s.
139. Who put forth the theory of ‘Zero Defects’ ? 145. Individuals with this blood type are universal red
(a) W Edward Deming cell donors
(b) Philip Crosby (a) A − (b) B+ (c) AB (d) O−
(c) Joseph Juran
(d) Martin Hall Ê (d) The universal red cell donor has type O– blood type.
Blood group AB + is called universal receptor, which
Ê (b) Zero Defects was a management-led programne to can receive any blood type.
eliminate defects in industrial production that enjoyed
brief popularity in American industry in the late 1960s 146. ‘Relationship beyond banking’ is the tag line of
and early 1970s. It was given by Philip Crosby. (a) State Bank of India (b) Central Bank of India
(c) Bank of India (d) Bank of Maharashtra
140. Logic of induction is very close to
(a) the logic of observation Ê (c)
(b) the logic of sampling 147. Find the odd man out.
(c) the logic of the controlled variables
(d) None of the above (a) Sarod (a) Sitar (c) Shehnai (d) Santoor
Ê (b) Ê (c) Sarod, Sitar and Santoor are played with hand but
Shehnai is played with mouth.
141. How many pairs of chromosomes exist in a human
148. Which instrument measures Blood Pressure?
(a) Sphygmomanometer (a) Hygrometer
(a) 12 (b) 23
(c) Saccharimeter (d) Spherometer
(c) 34 (d) 45
Ê (a) A Sphygmomanometer or blood pressure meter is a
Ê (b) In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of
device used to measure blood pressure, composed of
chromosomes, for a total of 46.
an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow and a mercury or
142. International Date Line roughly follows the mechanical manometer to measure the pressure.
longitude of 149. Find the odd person out.
(a) 180 degrees (b) 90 degrees (a) Shikha Sharma (b) Chanda Kochhar
(c) 360 degrees (d) None of these (c) Shubhalakshmi Panse (d) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
Ê (a) International Date Line (IDL) passes through the Ê (d) Shikha Sharma − MD and CEO of Axis Bank
middle of the Pacific ocean, roughly following the 180°
longitude but it deviates to pass around some Chanda Kochhar − MD and CEO of ICICI Bank
territories and Island groups. Shubhalakshmi Panse − MD of Allahabad Bank
143. Daylight Saving Time (DST) implies adjusting the Kiran Mazumdar Shaw − MD of Biocon Limited
clock by 1h 150. Extradition is a process whereby
(a) forward near the start of spring and backward in (a) one country transfers a suspected or convicted
autumn criminal to another country
(b) forward near the start of autumn and backward in (b) olden traditions are rejuvenated as a part of
spring cultural events
(c) forward near the start of spring and forward in (c) additional diction efforts are taken for language
autumn improvisation
(d) backward near the start of autumn and backward (d) extraction of the tar is carried out from the mines
Ê (a) Extradition is the official process whereby one country
Ê (a) Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of transfers a suspected or convicted criminal to another
advancing clocks during the lighter months so that country. Between countries, extradition is normally
evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. regulated by treaties, where extradition is compelled
Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the by laws, such as among subnational jurisdiction, the
start of spring and are adjusted backward in the concept may be known more generally as rendition.
Symbiosis National Aptitude Test
Solved Paper 2012
Max. Marks : 180 Time Alloted : 120 Min.
+ c T
17. The maximum length of a pencil that can be kept in a 25. What image from bottom row should
rectangular box of dimensions 8 cm × 6 cm × 2 cm, is replace the question mark? c T +
21. How many kg of tea worth ` 25 per kg must be blended with 32. 110.25 × 0. 01 ÷ 0. 0025 − 420.25 is equal to
30 kg of tea worth ` 30 per kg, so that by selling the blended (a) 0.75 (b) 0.50 (c) 0.64 (d) 0.73
variety at ` 30 per kg, there should be a gain of 10%?
(a) 36 kg (b) 40 kg (c) 32 kg (d) 42 kg Directions (Q. Nos. 33-35) Study the following information
to answer the given questions.
22. In an examination, out of 480 students 85% of the girls and The table below shows the number of people who responded to
70% of the boys passed. How many boys appeared in the a survey about their favourite style of music. Use this information
examination, if total pass percentage was 75%? to answer the following questions to the nearest whole
(a) 370 (b) 340 percentage.
(c) 320 (d) 360
23. 300 g of salt solution has 40% salt in it. How much salt Age 15-20 21-30 31+
should be added to make it 50% in the solution? Style of Music
(a) 40 g (b) 60 g Classical 6 4 17
(c) 70 g (d) 80 g Pop 7 5 5
24. What number should replace the question mark in the Rock 6 12 14
image below? Jazz 1 4 11
Blues 2 3 15
6 12 ?
48 96 192 Hip-Hop 9 3 4
Ambient 2 2 2
(a) 18 (b) 20
33 33 68
(c) 22 (d) 24
Solved Paper 2012 • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) |3
Australian 4
33. What percentage of respondents under 31 indicated that African 2
Blues is their favourite style of music? Asian 6
(a) 7.1% (b) 7.6% (c) 8.3% (d)14.1%
34. What percentage of respondents aged 21-30 indicated a European 21
favourite style other than Rock music?
(a) 64% (b) 60% (c) 75% (d) 36%
35. What percentage of the total sample indicated that Jazz is 79
their favourite style of music? Arts Students (non-US)
(a) 6% (b) 8% 36. What percentage of students in the Arts faculty are non-US
(c) 22% (d) 12% students?
(a) 14% (b) 9%
Directions (Q. Nos. 36-40) Study the following information (c) 30% (d) 11%
to answer the given questions.
The pie charts below show the percentage of students in each 37. How many students are there in the Engineering faculty?
faculty at North-West University and the number of non-US (a) 420 (b) 410
students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been (c) 390 (d) 440
rounded to the nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 38. How many students are there at the university?
students in Arts faculty. Use this information to answer the (a) 4650 (b) 4560
following questions (c) 4640 (d) 4450
Engineering Arts
9% 39. If 6% of Science students are Asian, how many Asian
students are studying Science?
Science (a) 48 (b) 66
(c) 120 (d) 57
40. There are 34 European medical students. What percentage
5% of the faculty does this represent?
Law (a) 14% (b) 18%
6% Computing
(c) 16% (d) 15%
Students by Faculty
Element Primary user 54. How many Mondays are there in a particular month of a
(% Production) Industry (% used) particular year, if the month ends on Wednesday?
1-10% P-15% (a) 4 (b) 5
Q-15% (c) 3 (d) Cannot be determined
A R-15%
Directions (Q. Nos. 55-56) There are two rows of numbers
in each question. The upper row is complete and in the
4-25% B lower row one number is missing. Find a suitable
T-5% number to fill the blank space, so that the symmetry with
5-40% the upper row is maintained.
C U-15%
6-50% V-10% 55. 17 102 12
W-10% 15 ? 10
100% = 100000 tonnes Total -100% (a) 211 (b) 75 (c) 125 (d) 117
Directions (Q. Nos. 46-48) Refer to the chart below showing 56. 12 336 14
annual production and answer the questions that follow. 15 ? 16
46. Which industry/industries contribute/ to company S? (a) 220 (b) 480 (c) 125 (d) 450
(a) Industries A and B (b) B and C
(c) A and C (d) Only B Directions (Q. Nos. 57-58) Study the following informa- tion
to answer the given questions.
47. Industry B processes what percentage of the total
Seven People A, B, C, D, E, F and G are planning to enjoy
production of listed elements? boating.There are only two boats and the following conditions
(a) 25% (b) 65% are to be kept in mind.
(c) 40% (d) Cannot be determined I. A will go in the same boat in which E is to go.
48. Of the listed elements processed by the industry A, how II. F cannot go in the boat in which C is, unless D is also
many tonnes are produced annually?
III. Neither B nor C can be given the boat in which G is.
(a) 30000 (b) 50000 IV. The maximum number of persons in one boat can be four
(c) 100000 (d) None of these only.
Directions (Q. Nos. 49-52) In each of the following 57. If F and B are in one boat, which of the following statements
questions there are two blanks marked I and II. is true?
(a) G is in the other boat
The words to fill in these blanks are given against I as (A), (B),
(b) D is in the other boat
(C), (D) and II as (P), (Q), (R), (S) respectively. The right words to
(c) C is in the other boat
fill in these blanks are given as four alternatives. The words on
either side of the sign (::) have a similar relationship. That (d) E is with F and B in one boat
alternative which signifies this relationship is your answer. 58. If E gets the boat with F, which of the following is the
49. I. : Increase :: Descend : II complete and accurate list of the people, who must be sitting
in other boat?
I. (A) Grow (B) Ascend (C) Rise (D) Price
(a) F and E (b) G and A
II. (P) Reduce (Q) Down (R) Decrease (S) Mountain
(c) D and A (d) C, D and B
(a) AR (b) RB
(c) CP (d) DQ
Directions (Q. Nos. 59-60) A series of figures has been
50. Modern : I :: II : Old shown on the left. Find the figure in the place of ‘?’ from
I. (A) Ancient (B) Death (C) Famous (D) Civilization the figures on the right.
II. (P) Industrialisation (Q) Young (R) Fashion (S) Western 59.
(a) AQ (b) AS (c) BP (d) CR
51. Part : I :: Class : II
I. (A) Section (B) Whole (C) School (D) Students
II. (P) Student (Q) School (R) Teachers (S) Rooms
(a) AR (b) BQ (c) CP (d) DS
52. Summit : Apex :: I : II (a) (b) (c) (d)
I. (A) beautiful (B) Picture (C) Attractive (D) Enchanting
II. (P) Comfortable (Q) Pretty (R) Healthy (S) Brave 60.
(a) AQ (b) BP ?
(c) DS (d) CR
53. If in a certain code, ‘BEAUTIFUL’ is coded as ‘573041208’,
‘BUTTER’ as ‘504479’, how is ‘FUTURE’ coded in that code?
(a) 201497 (b) 204097
(c) 704092 (d) 204079
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Solved Paper 2012 • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) |5
61. Complete the following series. 65. A person makes 12 min of ISD calls in a month. If 80% of his
GMSY, IOUA, KQWC, ? ISD bill came from calling the rest of the world, then the ISD
(a) MSYE (b) NSYE (c) MYTE (d) MSYF calls for the minimum duration were made to which of the
following group of countries?
Directions (Q. Nos. 62-65) Following is a new plan called (a) USA, Canada, Europe (Fixed Line)
‘Airtel One’, Introduced by Airtel (GSM Service Provider) (b) Gulf, Europe (Mobile), SAARC
for its post-paid customers. (c) Rest of the world
(d) Cannot be determined
Pulse Rate 60 s
Price of Plan ` 99
Directions (Q. Nos. 66-67) These questions are based on
Free Airtime on Plan Nil the graph which shows the demand and production
Incoming Calls( `) Free statistics of 5 TV companies.
Outgoing Calls `/minute Airtel GSM / Landline / WLL
CDMA 66. What is the difference between the average demand and
Local rates `1 `1 `2
Demand Production
STD rates
50-200 km ` 1.50 ` 1.50 `2
200-500 km ` 1.50 ` 2.50 ` 2.50 3000
500 + km ` 1.50 ` 3.00 ` 3.50 2500
USA, Canada, `7 1500
Europe (Fixed Line) 1000
Gulf, Europe ` 10
(Mobile) SAARC
Rest of the world ` 40 A B C D E
Local ` 1.50 the average production of the five companies taken
National ` 2.00 together?
International ` 5.00 (a) 1400 (b) 400 (c) 280 (d) 138
Value Added ` 3.00 and ` 6.00 67. The production of the company D is how many times of the
Service (`) Depending on the service production of the company A?
Monthly bill = Call Charges + SMS Charges + Price of Plan (a) 1.8 (b) 1.5 (c) 2.5 (d) 1.11
62. If Mohan made STD calls (within 100 km) for 30 min and
spent 100 min on local calls with 30% on landline, 40% on
Directions (Q. Nos. 68-69) The following questions are
based on the pie chart given below which gives the
GSM and 30% on Airtel and Rohan spent 18 min on STD
expenditure incurred in printing a magazine.
within 150 km and spent 120 min on local calls with 30%,
40% and 30% on GSM, Iandline and Airtel respectively,
then who spent more? Transportation Paper cost
(a) Mohan 4% 10%
(b) Rohan Binding
(c) Both spent the same amount 12%
(d) Cannot be determined Printing
63. A new SMS scheme was introduced at 60 paise/local SMS,
with an additional monthly charge of ` 35. Who will not Promotion cost
benefit from the scheme? A person sending 18%
(a) 38 local SMS a month Editorial Content
(b) 40 local SMS a month development
(c) 60 local SMS a month
(d) 59 local SMS a month
68. What is the angle for the sector representing paper cost?
64. A bill of ` 199 per month is definitely not possible when you (a) 10° (b) 36° (c) 23.5° (d) 45°
make only
(a) 30 calls to Airtel on STD (500 + km) and 55 local calls
69. For a given issue of the magazine, the 2% of the cost is
` 2000 and the print-run is 12500 copies. What should be
in a month
the sale price if the publisher desires a profit of 5%?
(b) 16 calls to Airtel on STD (15 km and 76 local calls in a
(a) ` 5 (b) ` 7.5 (c) ` 8 (d) ` 8.40
(c) 10 STD calls (250 km) each to Airtel, GSM and landline 70. If ‘water’ is called ‘food’, ‘food’ is called ‘tree’, ‘tree’ is called
respectively and 30 locals in a month ‘sky’, ‘sky’ is called ‘wall’, on which of the following does a
(d) 8,4 and 7 calls to Airtel, GSM and landline respectively ‘fruit’ grow?
on STD ( 500 + Kms) and 55 local calls in a month (a) Water (b) Food (c) Tree (d) Sky
6 | SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) • Solved Paper 2012
75. Choose the word spelt correctly 87. Take care of what you say! You will have to eat your words!
(a) superintentent (b) seive (a) You have no food to eat
(c) alloted (d) dissipatc (b) You will have to take back what you have said
(c) You are not good with your language
Direction (Q. Nos. 76-79) Fill in the blanks with the correct (d) None of the above
pair of words. 88. Which two sentences convey the same idea?
76. He lives .......... Bengaluru .......... 115, Richmond Road. 1. Shouldn’t they have checked your tickets?
(a) at, in (b) in, at (c) at, on (d) in, on 2. I wonder, if they should have checked your tickets.
77. ‘Aurally challenged’ is a .......... for the ............ 3. I want to know, if they checked your tickets.
(a) metaphor, blind (b) euphemism, deaf 4. They should have checked your tickets.
(c) smile, disabled (d) synonym, dumb (a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 4
78. If error is a ..........., fault is .............
(a) defect, a mistake (b) mistake, a defect Directions (Q. Nos. 89-90) Choose a single word, which is
(c) slip, an inaccuracy (d) blunder, to blame opposed to the meaning contained in the sentence.
79. The man has ............ the rules of ethical conduct; he is 89. He was magnanimous and his benevolence made him give
.......... a beast. to charity.
(a) flaunted, literally (b) ignored, basically (a) mean (b) cruel (c) snobbish (d) tyrannical
(c) broken, as (d) flouted, virtually 90. Biannual is
(a) once is two years (b) every year
Directions (Q. Nos. 80-81) Which punctuation mark is (c) twice a year (d) after every two years
missing in the following sentences?
(a) inverted commas (b) semicolon 91. Choose the odd one out
(c) comma (d) hyphen (a) temporal (b) ephemeral
(c) transient (d) eternal
80. Part of Australia is known to the natives as The Outback.
81. I know, that you want to learn to drive Rima but you are too 92. Choose the correct option If ‘inter’ mean; between as in
interstate, ‘intra’ as in intravenous means
(a) into (b) onto
Directions (Q. Nos. 82-83) Select as option the word (c) with in (d) without
closest in meaning to the given word. 93. Match the List-I (parts of speach) to List-I (thier usage)
82. Veracious List I List II
(a) False (b) Varied (c) Image (d) Truthful (Parts of speach) (Their usage)
83. Perturb A. Adjective 1. The fire engine come rushing down the hill.
B. Preposition 2. He was seen the ups and downs of life.
(a) Stipulate (b) Turn around 3. Down with the tyrant.
C. Noun
(c) Disturb greatly (d) Compatible C. Verb 4. The porter was hit by the down train
Direction (Q. Nos. 84-85) Choose the option that is the Codes
closest in meaning to the phrases in bold. A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3
84. He was a king, who ruled his subject with a high hand.
(b) 2 1 4 3
(a) sympathetically (b) oppressively
(c) democratically (d) generously
(c) 1 2 4 3
(d) 1 3 2 4
Solved Paper 2012 • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) |7
Directions (Q. Nos. 94-95) Choose the segment with the 102. Re-arrange the scrambled segments in logical order to make
error. If there is no error, choose ‘d’. a complete sentence
1. to places, where more opportunities are available
94. Match the items in List I with those in List II
2. and so there is a great demand for English
List I List II 3. for professional and economic growth
A. As deaf as 1. gall
B. As bitter 2. an eel
4. because it takes one outside one’s own community
C. As unpredictable as 3. a post 5. English is the language of opportunities
D. As slippery as 4. The weather (a) 1, 2, 5, 3, 4 (b) 5, 4, 1, 3, 2
(c) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 (d) 2, 1, 3, 5, 4
A B C D A B C D 103. Choose the best construction
(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 3 1 4 2 (a) If you would have taken care you wouldn’t have got
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 1 3 2 4 typhoid.
(b) If you took care you wouldn’t have got typhoid.
95. Match the List I (Parts of spech) to List II (their usage).
(c) If you take care you wouldn’t have got typhoid.
List I (Parts of speech) List II (Their usage) (d) If you had taken care you wouldn’t have got typhoid.
A. Adjective 1. Rain comes from above
B. Preposition 2. His conduct is above suspicion.
C. Noun 3. Look above the mantel piece.
Directions (Q. Nos. 104-105) Choose the correct option.
D. Verb 4. The above information is for public 104. At times, we are all .......... to be mistaken.
Codes (a) apt (b) likely
A B C D A B C D (c) considered (d) able
(a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 3 2 1 4 105. He hardly cares, .............?
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 4 1 3 (a) does he (b) doesn’t he (c) will he (d) won't he
Directions (Q. Nos. 96-97) Choose the segment with the Directions (Q. Nos. 106-107) Identify the figures of speech in
error. If there is no error, choose ‘d’. the following sentences.
96. Idli and Sambar make the breakfast in the South. No error 106. As proud as a peacock.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) Metaphor (b) Simile
97. Your account should have been credited (c) Apostrophe (d) Epigram
(a) (b) 107. Death lays his icy hand on kings.
with three months interest. No error (a) Personification (b) Exclamation
(c) (d) (c) Simile (d) Anticlimax
98. Choose the sentence where the underlined word is used Direction (Q. Nos. 108-110) Read the passage carefully and
answer within the context.
(a) Who's car are you planning to borrow?
(b) Whose planning to have a birthday party? A Way to Deal with Frozen Feelings
(c) He is the person who you met at the junction.
Every child experiences all that happens around him with total
(d) Does he know whom to call about the hoted
awareness. In the first seven years, the child’s brain is like a
reservations? sponge, taking in all sensory inputs and building his idea of his
surroundings. As long as the environment is safe, the child
Directions (Q. Nos. 99-100) Choose the segment with the learns with incredible speed. However, when the environment is
error. If there is no error, choose ‘d’. scary or stressful, the unlearns past learning just as rapidly. In
(a) if the first sentence is correct. the early years of every child’s life, whenever there is shock,
(b) if the second sentence is correct. violence, fear or pain, these intense emotions are imprinted
deeply into memory. Whenever the same activity or situation is
(c) if both sentences are correct. repeated, the nervous system and body subconsciously
(d) if both sentences are wrong. re-experience the memory of that trauma.
99. 1. Can you imagine his forgetting his own birthday? An emotional situation that takes us out of the present and into
2. Can you imagine him forgetting his own birthday? the past means that whenever the same kind of emotion crops
100. 1. Recently, I read about a unique wedding that took place up later in our life, we return to the past for our reference point. If
that point was at age three, we find ourselves behaving like a
in the newspaper. three-years-old. We feel childish and we behave childishly. Our
2. Recently, I read in the newspaper about a unique feelings are the cause of this ‘glitch’ in our learning process. We
wedding that took place. know we should be able to make a positive change, but that
101. Complete the given sentence by choosing the correct phrase doesn’t change anything.
You cannot succeed unless The process of change need not be traumatic. We couldn’t have
(a) you do not work hard (b) you shall not work hard done any better because we didn’t know to. But we should
(c) You will work hard (d) you work hard realise that was then and this is now! We can choose to choose
again. It’s up to us. It’s our movie!
8 | SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) • Solved Paper 2012
108. The “Frozen Feelings” being talked about are about. (c) sudden malfunction or breakdown
(a) negative childhood experiences (d) learning patterns
(b) Childhood learning patterns 110. Identify the correct statement, based on the paragraph.
(c) Inability to learn as an adult
(d) none of the above (a) The process of change needs to be traumatic
(b) We feel childish and we behave childishly
109. A ‘glitch’ is (c) Both sentences are incorrect
(a) a ditch (d) Both the sentences are correct
(b) uneasy emotions
130. Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for Nobel Peace prize for 140. Who won the 2009 French Open tennis ladies title?
the first time in the year 1937 and last time in the year 1948. (a) Svetlana Kuznetsova (b) Kristina Mladenovic
How many times in between these two years was he (c) Maria Sharapova (d) Venus Williams
nominated? 141. Who invented the microchip?
(a) 1 (b) 3
(a) Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby
(c) 2 (d) 0
(b) Larry Page and Sergey Brin
131. Who among the following has been awarded with Rajiv (c) Sabeer Bhatia
Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, 2012? (d) Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce
(a) Vijay kumar (b) Yogeshwar Dutt 142. Which is the largest landlocked country in the world?
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Sushil Kumar
(a) Switzerland (b) China
132. Who has won Women’s Single Title US Open, 2012? (c) Kazakhstan (d) Mongolia
(a) Victoria Azarneka (b) Serena Williams 143. Which country makes Panama Huts?
(c) Sara Errani (d) Roberta Vinci (a) Ecuador (b) Panama (c) Cuba (d) Bolivia
133. Which bank has launched Click-2-Card Service on August 144. Who was the Prime Minister of India when the 42nd
28, 2012? Amendment Bill bringing in the changes in the Constitution
(a) PNB (b) SBI was passed?
(c) ICICI (d) HDFC
(a) Rajiv Gandhi (b) VP Singh
134. Who has been elected as the President of Somalia by the (c) Indira Gandhi (d) Morarji Desai
country’s Parliament on September 11, 2012? 145. Which one of the following planets lost its planet status
(a) Mohammed Osman Jawari recently?
(b) Muse Hussan Abdulle (a) Moon (b) Neptune (c) Pluto (d) Saturn
(c) Sharif Sheikh Ahmed
(d) Hassan Sheikh Mahmood 146. One barrel of oil is approximately equivalent to how many
135. Who has been appointed as the chairman of National Book (a) 200 (b) 150 (c) 120 (d) 160
Trust (NBT) on September 6, 2012?
(a) Sukumar Azhikode (b) A Sethumadhavan 147. Five Year Plans in India are finally approved by the
(c) KN Tilak Kumar (d) None of these (a) Union Cabinet
(b) President on the Advice of Prime Minister
136. Who has Written the book ‘Still Counting The Dead’? (c) National Development Council
(a) Frances Harrison (b) Faisal Devji (d) Planning Commission
(c) JK Rowling (d) None of these
148. Many a times we read in the newspapers about Southern
137. How many scientists has been selected for Shanti Swarup Cone of South America; which includes Argentina, Chile,
Bhatnagar Prize 2012?
Paraguay, Uruguay and Peru. Which is the most spoken
(a) 11 (b) 10 language of this geographical area?
(c) 12 (d) 13
(a) Portugese (b) Spanish
138. Who were the first twins to play test cricket? (c) French (d) English
(a) Merv and Kim Hughes
(b) Ian and Greg Chappel
149. Which one of the following is not a member of the
(c) Surinder and Mohinder Amarnath
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?
(d) Steve and Mark Waughs
(a) Algeria (b) Brazil (c) Ecuador (d) Nigeria
139. Which country has the largest rail network in the world? 150. Who invented ‘computer laptop’?
(a) India (b) China (a) Arthur Wynna - USA (b) Q Daimler - Germany
(c) USA (d) UK (c) Sinclair - Britain (d) None of these
Answer with Explanations
1. (d) Total number of favourable outcomes, n(S) = 63 = 216 300(2 − 5) 300 × − 3 × 7
= ×7= = ` 6300
14 − 15 −1
Combinations of outcomes for getting sum of 15 on uppermost
face = (4,5,6), (5,4,6), (6,5,4), (5,6,4), (4,6,5), (6,4,5), (5,5,5), 7. (d) Old price of rice = ` 24 per kg
(6,6,3), (6,3,6), (3,6,6) New price of rice = ` 27 per kg
Now, outcomes on which first roll was a four, n(E) ∴ Increase in price of rice
= (4,5,6), (4,6,5) = New price − Old price
n(E ) 2 1
∴ P(E) = = = = 27 − 24 = ` 3 per kg
n(S ) 216 108 3 1
∴Increased percentage in price = ×100 =12 %
2. (d) Speed of boat downstream = Distance covered 24 2
Time taken Now, reduction in consumption, so as to keep the expenditure
30 fixed.
= =15 km/h
2 According to the formula,
Distance covered a 12.5
Now, speed of boat downstream = = ×100 % = ×100 % =111
Time taken
100 + a 100 + 12. 5
= = 5 km/h
6 8. (b) There are 10 stations on railway line.
Speed downstream + Speed upstream So, the number of different journey tickets between two
∴ Speed of boat =
2 stations from given 10 stations from one side,
15 + 5 20 10 × 9
= = =10 km/h
C2 = = 45
2 2 2
3. (d) Number of five-digit numbers which can be formed with 1, Similarly, number of different journey tickets from other side
2, 3, 4 and 5 without repetition, = 45
∴Total number of tickets to be generated by authorities
n(S) = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 ×1 =120
= 45 + 45 = 90
Number of five-digit numbers which are formed with 1, 2, 3, 4
and 5 are divisible by 4 9. (a) Increase in circumference of circle = 5%
= 2(3 × 2) ∴ Increase in radius is also 5%.
n(E) = 12 Now, increase in area of circle is given by the following formula
As last two digit must be 12 or 24. a2
= 2a + %
P(E )=
n(E ) 12 1
= = 100
n(S ) 120 10 5 × 5
where, a = Increase in radius = 2 × 5 + % = 12. 5%
4. (d) Mean = Sum of observation 100
Number of observation
10. (d) There are 6 letters in ‘ABACUS’
Sum of observation is given as =70
∴Number of vowels = 3 (A, A, U)
Number of observation = 20
70 As these 3 vowels has to be together, then we have to arrange 4
Mean = = 3.5 letters.
∴ Ways of arranging 4 letters = 4!
But here observation starts from 23. 3!
So, mean is 23 + 3.5 = 26.5 Ways of arranging 3 vowels =
5. (a) Gold in 50 g of alloy = 80 × 50 = 40 g (since, there are 2 A, so it is divided by 2)
100 3!
Now, according to question, Now, possible number of combinations are 4!× .
40 + x 90
⇒ =
50 + x 100 11. (c) Amount = ` 8000, Time (T) = 4 yr, Principal (P) = ` 6000,
Rate (R%) = ?
⇒ 100(40 + x )= 90(50 + x )
Simple Interest (SI) = ( A − P )
⇒ 10(40 + x )= 9(50 + x )
= Amount − Principle = 8000 − 6000 = ` 2000
⇒ 400 + 10 x = 450 + 9 x
According to the formula of simple interest,
x = 450 − 400 = 50 g P×R×T
Thus, 50 g of gold must be added to make it 90%. SI =
6. (c) Ratio of income =7 : 3 6000 × R × 4
2000 =
and ratio of expenses = 5: 2 100
2000 ×100 25
So, a=7, b = 3, c = 5, d= 2, x = ` 300 R= = %
x (d − c ) . 6000 × 4 3
∴ Income of 1st person = a
(ad − bc )
Solved Paper 2012 • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) | 11
Now, again Now, their ratio of money at the end of the day
Amount (A) = ` 700 4 5
= z1 : z1 : z1 = 4 : 5 : 3
Principal (P) = ` 525, Time (T) = ? 3 3
Rate (R) = % Now, J’s share in the evening was =
4 1
3 12 3
Simple Interest = A − P = ` (700 − 525) = ` 175 5 1
J’s share in the morning was =
Using formula, 20 4
525 × × T So, J’s share increases, hence he win.
P×R×T 3
SI = ⇒ 175 = Now, winning share = − =
1 1 1
100 100 3 4 12
175 ×100 × 3
∴ T= = 4 yr 14. (c) Now, let total money is a.
525 × 25
Then, by condition given in question for B,
12. (d) Let the money with J = x 11 5
a − a = 200
The money with B = y 20 12
The money with T = z As B lost ` 200.
66 a − 50 a
According to the question, = 200
x + y = 4z ...(i) 120
and z + y = 3x ...(ii) a = 1500
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii) we get Now, B’s amount in starting = × 1500 = ` 825
x + y = 4z 20
z + y = 3x 15. (c) By given condition
( −) – –
a and b = − ve
x − z = 4z − 3x c = + ve
⇒ x + 3x = 4z + z ⇒ 4x = 5z 1
5 Then, = − ve
∴ x= z b
4 1
= + ve
On putting value of x in Eq. (i), we get c
5 1 1
z + y = 4z So, <
4 b c
5 16 z − 5 z 11
y = 4z − z = = z 16. (a) Diagonal of square = 2 a
4 4 4
where a = Side of square 4 2 = 2 a,
Now, ratio of money with J, B and T, respectively J : B : T
5 11 5 11 a = 4 cm
z : z : z ⇒ : : 1 ⇒ 5 : 11 : 4
4 4 4 4 Now, area of square = a2 = (4)2 = 16
4 4 1 Side of a square whose area is 2 × 16.
Now, T’s share in total money = = =
5 + 11 + 4 20 5 ∴ a12 = 32; a1 = 32; a1 = 4 2
13. (a) Using 2nd condition, Now, diagonal of new square = 2 a = 2 × 4 2 = 8 cm
Let the money with J in end = x1 17. (c) Length of largest pencil that can be kept in a box
The money with B in end = y1
The money with T in end = z1 = l2 + b2 + h 2
According to the condition given in question,
where, l= 8 cm, b = 6 cm, h = 2 cm
x1 + y1 = 3z1 ...(iii)
and z1 + y1 = 2 x1 ...(iv) = 64 + 36 + 4 = 104 = 2 26 cm
On subtracting Eq. (iv) from Eq. (iii), we get 18. (c) Venn diagram can be rearranged as
x1 + y1 = 3z1
z1 + y1 = 2 x1 Y
(–) – – X 4.6
x1 − z1 = 3 z1 − 2 x1 0.5
1.0 1.5
⇒ 3 x1 = 4 z1
∴ x1 = z1 Z 2.6
On putting value of x1 in Eq. (iii), we get
4 So, total number of reader who read atleast one newspaper
z1 + y1 = 3 z1 = 4.7 + 4.6 + 2.6 + 0.5 + 1.0 + 1.5 + 2.5 = 17.4 (in lakh)
4 9 z − 4 z1 5 19. (b) Number of reader who read only one newspaper
y1 = 3 z1 − z1 = 1 = z1
3 3 3 = 4.7 + 4. 6 + 2. 6 = 11.9 lakh
12 | SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) • Solved Paper 2012
20. (a) Total salary spent on insurance, shopping and household 26. (c) A five digit which divisible by 3 is formed when sum of digits
expenses = 15 + 55 = 70% is also divisible by 3.
∴ Saving = 100 − 70 = 30% So, combination formed using six digits, which are divisible by 3
Let the total salary be x. = 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15
∴ 30% of x = ` 12750 = 5 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 0 = 12
30 × x 12750 × 100 So, set of numbers are ( 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) and (5, 4, 2, 1, 0).
⇒ = 12750 ⇒ x = = ` 42500
100 30 Number formed by using 1st set = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120
21. (a) Let the quantity of tea worth ` 25 = x Similarly, using 2nd set = 4 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 96
Hence, using 2nd set underlined place cannot be filled by 0
Then, by condition given in question,
otherwise it will become a four digit numbers.
(25 x + 30 × 30) × = 30 (30 + x ) ∴ Total numbers = 120 + 96 = 216
⇒ (25 x + 900)11 = 10 (900 + 30 x ) 27. (c) Using formula,
⇒ 275 x + 9900 = 9000 + 300 x M1 D1 H1 M 2 D2 H 2
⇒ 300 x − 275 x = 900 W1 W2
900 2
x= = 36 kg Here, M1 = 105, D1 = 25 , H1 = 8, W1 =
25 5
22. (c) Total number of students = 480 Now, let the additional men be x.
2 3
Percentage of total student passed Then, M 2 = 105 + x, D2 = 25 , H 2 = 9, W2 = 1 − =
75 5 5
=75% of total student = × 480 = 360 students On putting these values in the above formula, we get
105 × 25 × 8 (105 + x ) × 25 × 9
Now, using the condition from the question, let the number of =
2/ 5 3/ 5
boys be x.
105 × 8 (105 + x ) × 9
Then, ⇒ =
2 3
70% of x + 85% of (480 − x ) = 360
⇒ 105 × 4 = (105 + x ) × 3
70 × x 85 × (480 − x )
⇒ + = 360 ⇒ 105 × 4 = 105 × 3 + 3 x ⇒ 3 x = 105
100 100
∴ x = 35 men
⇒ 70 x − 85 x + 40800 = 36000
⇒ 40800 − 36000 = 85 x − 70 x ⇒ 4800 = 15 x 28. (d) A’s one day work = 1
4800 8
∴ x= = 320 1
15 B’s one day work in breaking the building =
∴ There are 320 boys who appeared for the examination. 3
Now, according to the question, A’s four days work
∴ (120 + x ) 2 = 300 + x 1 1
∴ 240 + 2 x = 300 + x =4 × =
8 2
x = 60 g − 5 −10
Now, A’s and B’s two days work = 2 − = 2 ×
1 1
23. (b) 40% is salt in 300 g of salt solution. 8 3 24 24
40 × 300
The quantity of salt = = 120 g 1 −10 12 −10 2 1
100 +
Total work done in 6 days = = = =
120 + x 50 2 24 24 24 12
Now, by the condition in the question, = 1 11
300 + x 100 ∴Remaining work =1 − =
12 12
24. (d) Series is given as
Now, A has to complete the work, so A can complete in
6 × 2 → 12 × 2→ 24
x days.
48 × 2 → 96 × 2 → 192 1 11
∴ × x=
25. (b) In the given arrangement transition takes place as follows 8 12
11 × 8 11 × 2 1
x= = = 7 days
12 3 3
29. (c) Let the first term of GP = a and common ratio = r
c T + So, series is as follows a , ar, ar 2 and ar 3 .
Now, conditions given in question are
T a + ar =12 ...(i)
+ c
ar 2 + ar 3 = 48 ...(ii)
From Eqs. (i) and (ii),
Also, the unshaded figure follow the pattern of change from r 2 (a + ar )= 48
3→1→ 2→ 3→1 r 2 (12)= 48
Solved Paper 2012 • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) | 13
On putting value of (a + ar ) from Eq, (i), we get 35. (d) Total respondent who’s favourite style of music is Jazz
48 = (1 + 4 + 11)=16
r2 =
12 Total respondent = (33 + 33 + 68)=134
r2 = 4 16
∴ Percentage of respondent = ×100 ≈12%
r = − 2, 2 134
As given in the question terms alternate as positive and 36. (c) Total non-US arts faculty = 21 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 33
negative, so taking r = − 2 and putting value in Eq. (i), Total arts faculty = 21 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 79 =112
a + a(− 2)=12 ∴ Percentage of non-US arts faculty
⇒ a − 2a =12 ⇒ − a =12 33
= ×100 ≈ 30%
∴ a= −12 112
Sum of observations
30. (c) Mean = 37. (b) As their are 1049 students in arts which constitutes 23% of
Number of observations total students by faculty
a + b + 8 + 5 + 10 23 × x
6= So, =1049
5 100
30 = a + b + 23 1049 ×100
∴ x= = 4560 students
a + b =7 …(i) 23
Now, a=7 − b Total students = 4560
(a − 6)2 + (b − 6)2 + (8 − 6)2 Percentage of Engineering student = 9%
9 × 4560
+ (5 − 6) + (10 − 6)
2 2
Total number of Engineering student = = 410students
Variance = 100
= 6.80 × 5 = (a − 6)2 + (b − 6)2 + (2)2 + (−1)2 + (4)2 38. (b) Total number of students = 4560
On putting value of a from Eq. (i), we get Calculated in question number 37.
34 = (7 − b − 6)2 + b2 + 36 −12 b + 4 + 1 + 16 39. (d) Total number of Science students
⇒ 34 = (1 − b)2 + b2 −12 b + 57 21 × 4560
= 21% of total students = ≈ 958 students
⇒ 34 = b2 − 2 b + 1 + b2 −12 b + 57 100
2 b2 −14 b + 24 = 0 …(ii) Now, there are 6% Asian students
On solving above equations, we get ∴ Total Asian students = 6% of total Science students
b = 3, 4 and a= 4, 3 6 × 958
= ≈ 57 students
Now, only option (c) match the above with a= 3 and b = 4. 100
31. (a) Agent receives commission in the ratio = 12 1 % 40. (d) Total number of Medical students = 5% of total students
2 5 × 4560
= ≈ 228 students
Total value of goods sold = ` 15000 100
∴ Agents commission =12 % of 15000 Percentage of medical student who are European 34% of 228
2 34 × 228
25 15000 = ≈15%
= × = ` 1875 100
2 100
41. (c) Code for ‘earn’ is ‘ha’.
32. (b) 110.25 × 0.01 ÷ 0.0025 − 420.25
42. (d) more time → jo zi
⇒ 10.5 ×10.5 × 01 . × 01
. ÷ 0.05 × 0.05 − 20.5 × 20.5
43. (b) Code for ‘manage’ → pa
⇒ 10.5 × 01
. ÷ 0.05 − 20.5 =10.5 × 2 − 20.5
44. (b) As Lou’s arguement are not fallacious. He has reasons to
= 21.0 − 20.5 = 0.50
support his arguement but Evelyn statement does not have any
33. (b) Number of respondents under 31 who’s favourite style of reason to support his arguement.
music is blues 45. (b) In the statement, it is concluded that cars are safer than
= 2+ 3 2 from age group of 15-20 plane and 50% plane accident results in death but number of
=5 3 from age group of 21-30 car accident are several hundred thousand times more, so this
result in more deaths in car accidents. So, this statement
Total respondents below 31 = 33 + 33 = 66
seriously weaken the above statement.
∴ Percentage of respondents = ×100 = 7.57% ≈ 7.6% 46. (b) Company’s is contributed by B and C.
34. (a) Total respondents between 21-30 who’s favourite style is 47. (d) Industry B’s production cannot be determined as it is not
other than rock = (4 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2)= 21 and total clear from the figure.
respondents = 33 48. (d) A’s contribution to primary users = Usage of (P + Q + R )
∴ Per cent of respondents who’s favourite style is other than rock together
21 Now, (P + Q + R )’s consumption = (15 + 15 + 15) = 45 %
= × 100
33 Now, here100% of manufacture accounts to 100000 tonnes.
≈ 64% So, production of A will be 45% of total production.
14 | SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) • Solved Paper 2012
As we cannot calculate percentage of elements given to Industry 60. (c) In the arrangement given, the change from figure 1 is that
A for production from different elements. black dots remain at the same place and rest is rotated 180°.
∴ A’s annual production is 45% of 100000 Similarly, for answer figure dots will remain at their places and
45 ×100000 rest is rotated by 180°.
= = 45000 tonnes
100 So, answer figure is given in option (c).
49. (b) Decrease is opposite of Increase similarly opposite of 61. (a)
descend is ascend. +2 +2 +2 +2
50. (a) Opposite to modern is ancient and in the same way young is I O U A
opposite of old. +2 +2 +2 +2
58. (d) By rearranging above data using condition from the 65. (d) As it is not cleard from the statement that how much was
question. Data is arranged as the bill, so we cannot determine the duration of minimum ISD
calls made to any countries.
66. (c) Total demand of all the company
Boat 1⇒ B G ⇐ Boat 2 = 3000 + 600 + 2500 + 1200 + 3300 =10600
A Total demand 10600
D Average = = = 2120
Number of company 5
∴ It is clear from figure C, B and D are on same boat. Similarly, total production of all companies
59. (c) In the given arrangement, one line from vertical and one = (1500 + 1800 + 1000 + 2700 + 2200) = 9200
from horizontal is removed to form next figure. Total production 9200
Average = = =1840
So, next figure will be given in option (c). Number of company 5
Solved Paper 2012 • SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) | 15
∴ Difference in average demand and average production is 86. (c) I got too nervous and I didn’t go. (Suddenly become too
= 2120 −1840 = 280 frightened to do something one had planned to do).
67. (a) Production of company D = 2700 87. (b) You will have to take back what you have said. (Force to
and production of company A =1500 admit that he said before was wrong).
Production of company D 2700 88. (c) 1, 4
∴Ratio of production = = = 1.8
Production of company A 1500 89. (b) magnamious means greatness of mind benevolence means
So, Production of company D is higher by 1.8 tonnes than generous of charitable antonym of it is cruel, which means hard
production of company A. hearted painful or sagafe.
68. (b)10% of is the paper cost of total. 90. (c) twice a year
x °
and this must be equal to
10 91. (d) (a) temporal means penetrating to time
So, It is equal to .
100 360 (b) ephemeral means short lived.
10 x° (c) Transient means short duration
100 360° (d) eternal-everlasteng.
⇒ x = 36°
In all the option, wer found they are bounded except (d)
eternal so its the odd one.
69. (d) When 2% of cost is ` 2000.
92. (c) ‘intra’ means ‘within’
Then, 100% of cost is ` 100000.
93. (b) 94. (b)
The publisher wants 5% profit on whole.
5 95. (d) His conduct is above suspicious (Adjective)
So, 5% of total cost = ×100000 = ` 5000
100 The above the mantel piece (Preposition)
The above information is for the public. (adverb)
Total amount or SP of magazine
Rain comes from above (noun).
=100000 + 5000 = ` 105000
Total prints published = ` 12500 96. (c) Replace in with ‘of’ (of is used for the location).
∴ Cost of one magazine 97. (c) credited ‘by’ three months interst. (By is usually implies
SP of Magazine 105000 before time or date).
= = = ` 8.40
Total Magazine 12500 98. (d) ‘Whose’ car are you planning to borrow?
70. (d) Fruit grows on tree and here tree is called as sky. who is planning to have a birthday party? He is the peson
So, Fruit grow on sky. whom you met at the Junction.
71. (d) mine 99. (b) 100. (b)
72. (b) ‘before’, she restored to health restored means to ring back 101. (c) You will work hard (will is used with uneles)
to its original condition. (Before is used in reference to two 102. (b) 5, 4, 1, 3, 2
103. (a)
73. (c) ‘has changed’ (Since is often used with present perfect or 104. (b) Likely (Probability was there to be mistaken).
past perfect time).
105. (b) Doesn’t he?
74. (d) Dias — ‘dais’
106. (b) Simile (Comparision is made).
75. (d) dissipate
107. (a)personification (death is represanted as a person).
76. (b) He lives in Bengaluru at 115, Richmond. (‘in’ is used for big
place, town city or country ‘At’ is used for a point). 108. (a) The ‘frozen feelings’ being talked about the negative
childhood experiences’’. The passage is talking about the
77. (b) euphemism, deaf (hearing disorder). negative experiences of the life, which a child faced in his past,
78. (b) If error is a mistake fault is a defect. which has been deep frozen or settled in his mind, which
79. (d) The man has flouted the rules of ethical conduct, he is effected his whole life. He never been able to forget the trauma,
virtually a beast flouted. (Means to show contempt for or to he had passed through in his childhood. ‘In the early years
mock). (Ethical is related to morals) .......... deeply into the memory.’’
80. (a) Pat of Australia is known to the natives, as ‘The outback’ 109. (c) Glitch means sudden malfunction or breakdown or same
(Specific name of a place). irregularity.
81. (c) I know that you want to learn to drive Rima but, you are to 110. (a) According to passage, ‘‘The process of change needs to be
young. traumatic’’ this is a correct statement, if one try to overcome
from his weakness and fear, he can do it, one should try to
82. (d) Veracious means truthful (one, who observes truth). understand that which had happrmrf in his childhood, it was
83. (c) Perturb means to disturb greatly (to agitate, to throw into his past, now he should try to live in his present and we must
confusion). struggle to save our future its totally in our hands.
84. (b) With a high hand means oppressively or violently. Although option (b) is also confirmed in the second last
paragraph of a passage, but it shows the malfunctioning of our
85. (d) I subjected my mind to hard thinking. (To think very hard behaviour.
usually in order to remember or to find the solution to a
16 | SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) • Solved Paper 2012
118. (c) Jatropha is a genus of flowering plants in the spurge family, 139. (c) The US has the largest railway system in the world-about
Euphorbiaceae. It contains approximately 170 species of 240000 km connecting 48 continental states. That is enough
succulent plants, shrubs and trees. track to circle the earth five times.
119. (d) Margaret Court also known as Margaret Smith Court, is a 140. (a) Svetlana Kuznetsova won the 2009 French Open tennis
retired world number 1 tennis player and Christian minister ladies title.
from Australia. She won 66 Grand Slams in her life. 141. (a) The integrated chip circuit also known as ‘The chip’ or
120. (b) ‘The Big Apple’ is a nickname for New York City. It was first microchip was invented by both Jack kilby and Robert Noyce.
popularised in the 1920s by John J Fitz Gerald, a sports writer 142. (c) A landlocked country is a country that has no access to the
for the New York morning Telegraph. ocean at its borders. Kazakhstan is the world’s ninth largest
121. (c) Infosys, India’s second largest outsourcer, become the first country and is also the world’s largest landlocked country.
Indian company to be listed on the Nasdaq in 1999. 143. (b) 144. (c)
122. (b) TAREGNA in Bihar has been chosen as the best place in 145. (c) Pluto orbits beyond the orbit of Neptune. It is much smaller
India to watch a total solar eclipse on 22 July. than any of the official planets and now classified as a ‘dwarf
123. (b) Adrian Sutil is a German racing driver, who has raced in planet’.
Formula one. He continued to race with the team under their 146. (d) One barrel = 42 US gallons
new guise Force India in 2008, where he remained until 2011. = 158.987 L = 160 L
124. (c) The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) described itself as 147. (d) The economy of India is based in part on planning through
the premier Association of Financial Professionals. It was its Five Year Plans which are developed, executed and
formed in 1927 to help insurance salespeople. monitored by the Planning Commission.
125. (b) RBI declares the ‘Credit Policy’ of India. 148. (b)
126. (d) Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is a board 149. (b) The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
(autonomous body) created by the Government of India in (OPEC) is an inter-governmental organisation of twelve oil
1988 and given statutory form in 1992 with the SEBI Act 1992, producing made up of Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq,
with its head office at Mumbai. It is the regulator of securities Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab
markets in India. Emirates and Venezuela.
127. (b) The flower with the world’s largest bloom as the Rafflesia 150. (d) The computer laptop was invented by Adam Osborne in 1981.
arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rainforests of
Solved Paper 2011
73. A man and a woman 81 miles apart from each other, start 84. A bag contains 5 white and 3 black balls; another bag
travelling towards each other at the same time. If the man contains 4 white and 5 black balls. From any one of these
covers 5 miles/h to the women’s 4 mile/h, how far will the bags a single draw of two balls is made. Find the probability
woman have travelled when they meet? that one of them would be white and other black ball.
(1) 27 (2) 36 (1) 275/504 (2) 5/18
(3) 45 (4) None of these (3) 5/9 (4) None of these
74. Two people were walking in opposite directions. Both of Directions (Q. Nos. 85-88) Answer the questions
them walked 6 miles forward, then took right and walked on the basis of the information given below.
8 miles. How far is each from starting positions?
The following bar graph gives the production, exports and
(1) 14 miles and 14 miles (2) 10 miles and 10 miles
per capita consumption of rice in country A, for the five
(3) 6 miles and 6 miles (4) 12 miles and 12 miles
years from 2006 to 2010.
75. Four men and three women can do a job in 6 days. When
5 men and 6 women work on the same job, the work gets 250
completed in 4 days. How long will 2 women and 3 men
take to do the job?
(1) 18 (2) 10 (3) 8.3 (4) 12 200
76. Ram completes 60% of a task in 15 days and then takes
the help of Rahim and Rachel. Rahim is 50% as efficient as 150
Ram is and Rachel is 50% as efficient as Rahim is. In how
many more days will they complete the work?
121 51 40 65 100
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 7 7 7
77. A and B can do a piece of work in 21 and 24 days, 50
respectively. They start the work together and after some
days A leaves the work and B completes the remaining work
in 9 days. After how many days did A leave? 0
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
(1) 5 (2) 7 (3) 8 (4) 6
78. A trader makes a profit equal to the selling price of Production (in million kg) Exports (in million kg)
75 articles when he sold 100 of the articles. What % profit Per capita (in kg)
did he make in the transaction?
(1) 33.33% (2) 75% (3) 300% (4) 150%
Consumption = Production – Exports
79. In a 100 m race, if A gives B a start of 20 m, then A wins the Per Capita Consumption = (Consumption) ÷ (Population)
race by 5 s. Alternatively, if A gives B a start of 40 m the race
ends in a dead heat. How long does A take to run 200 m? 85. In which year was the percentage increase in the
(1) 10 s (2) 20 s (3) 30 s (4) 40 s consumption of rice over the previous year, the highest?
(1) 2007 (2) 2008 (3) 2009 (4) 2010
80. A 4 cm cube is cut into 1cm cubes. What is the percentage
increase in the surface area after such cutting? 86. What is the population of country A in the year 2008 (in
(1) 4% (2) 300% (3) 75% (4) 400% million)?
(1) 2.64 million (2) 2.72 million
81. A number G236G0 can be divided by 36, if G is
(1) 8 (3) 2.79 million (4) 2.85 million
(2) 6 87. The ratio of exports to consumption in the given period was
(3) 1 the highest in the year
(4) More than one values are possible. (1) 2006 (2) 2007 (3) 2008 (4) 2009
SNAP • Solved Paper 2011 7
88. In which of the given years was the population of country A, 96. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is thrice the
the highest? difference of the number and its reciprocal. The number is
(1) 2007 (2) 2008 (3) 2009 (4) 2010 1 1
(1) ± 2 (2) ± (3) ± (4) ± 3
2 3
Directions (Q. Nos. 89-93) The following pie chart
shows the hourly distribution (in degrees) of all the major 97. The total number of natural numbers that lie between
activities of a student. 10 and 300 and are divisible by 9 is
(1) 32 (2) 30 (3) 33 (4) 34
98. If nC x = 56 and n Px = 336, find n and x.
Games Home (1) 7, 3 (2) 8, 4 (3) 8, 3 (4) 9, 6
30º work 45º
99. One side of an equilateral triangle is 24 cm. The mid-points
of its sides are joined to form another triangle whose
mid-points are in turn joined to form still another triangle.
Sleeping School
120º 105º This process continues indefinitely. Find the sum of the
perimeters of all the triangles.
(1) 144 cm (2) 72 cm (3) 536 cm (4) 676 cm
60º 100. The probability that a leap year selected at random contains
either 53 Sundays or 53 Mondays, is
(1) 17/53 (2) 1/53
89. The percentage of time, which he spends in school, is (3) 3/7 (4) None of these
(1) 38% (2) 30% 101. Find the intercepts made by the line 3x + 4 y − 12 = 0 on the
(3) 40% (4) 25% axes
90. How much time (in percent) does he spend in games in (1) 2 and 3 (2) 4 and 3
comparison to sleeping? (3) 3 and 5 (4) None of these
(1) 30% (2) 40% 102. The average of 4 distinct prime numbers a, b, c, d is 35, where a
(3) 25% (4) None of these < b < c < d. a and d are equidistant from 36 and b and c are
91. If he spends the time in games equal to the homework and equidistant from 34 and a, b are equidistant from 30 and c
remains constant in other activities, then the percentage and d are equidistant from 40. The difference between a and
decrease in time of sleeping is d is
(1) 15% (2) 12.5% (1) 30 (2) 14
(3) 20% (4) None of these (3) 21 (4) Cannot be determined
92. What is the difference in time (in hours) spent in school and 103. Ramsukh Bhai sells rasgulla (a favourite Indian sweets) at
in homework? ` 15 per kg. A rasgulla is made up of flour and sugar in the
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 8 ratio 5 : 3. The ratio of price of sugar and flour is 7 : 3 (per
kg). Thus, he earns 66 2/3 profit. What is the cost price of
93. If he spends 1/3rd time of homework in Mathematics, then sugar?
the number of hours he spends in rest of the subjects in (1) ` 10/kg (2) ` 9/kg (3) ` 18/kg (4) ` 14/kg
homework is
104. A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables a person to
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
purchase 6 kg more for ` 240. What is the original price per
94. Three parallel lines are cut by two transversals as shown in kg of sugar?
the given figure. If AB = 2 cm, BC = 4 cm and DE = 1.5 cm, (1) ` 10/kg (2) ` 8/kg (3) ` 6/kg (4) ` 5/kg
then the length of EF is 105. A solid sphere is melted and recast into a right circular cone
with a base radius equal to the radius of the sphere. What is
A the ratio of the height and radius of the cone so formed?
(1) 4 : 3 (2) 2 : 3
2 B E (3) 3 : 4 (4) None of these
106. The speed of scooter, car and train are in the ratio of
4 1 : 4 : 16. If all of them cover equal distance, then the ratio of
time taken/velocity for each of the vehicle, is
C F (1) 256 : 16 : 1 (2) 1 : 4 : 16
(3) 16 : 4 : 1 (4) 16 : 1 : 4
(1) 2 cm (2) 3 cm 107. B is twice efficient as A and A can do a piece of work in
(3) 3.5 cm (4) 4 cm 15 days. A started the work and after a few days B joined
95. log10 10 + log10 102 + . . . + log10 10n him. They completed the work in 11 days, from the
(1) n2 + 1 (2) n2 − 1 starting. For how many days did they work together?
(n + n) n(n + 1)
n2 + n (1) 1 day (2) 2 days
(3) ⋅ (4)
2 3 2 (3) 6 days (4) 5 days
8 SNAP • Solved Paper 2011
108. A, B, C and D purchased a restaurant for ` 56 lakhs. The salary of Saroj, respectively. By what percent is the salary of
contribution of B, C and D together is 460% that of A, alone. Raju more than the salary of Ram?
The contribution of A, C and D together is 366.66% that of (1) 33.33% (2) 50% (3) 15.18% (4) 14.28%
B’s contribution and the contribution of C is 40% that of A, B 110. The radius of a wire is decreased to one-third and its volume
and D together. The amount contributed by D is remains the same. The new length is how many times the
(1) 10 lakhs (2) 12 lakhs (3) 16 lakhs (4) 18 lakhs original length?
109. The salary of Raju and Ram is 20% and 30% less than the (1) 2 times (2) 4 times (3) 5 times (4) 9 times
Direction (Q. Nos. 142) In the question below, the 146. EQUANIMITY
passage consist of six sentences. The first and the sixth (1) Resentment (2) Dubiousness
sentences are given. (S1, S6) The middle four sentences in (3) Duplicity (4) Excitement
each have been removed and jumbled up. These are
labeled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the Direction (Q. Nos. 147) Find the odd one out from
four sentences. the group of words.
142. S1 Metals are today being replaced by polymers in many 147. (1) Bludgeon (2) Dragon
(3) Black Jack (4) Order
P. Above all, they are cheaper and easier to process making
them a viable alternative to metals.
Direction (Q. Nos. 148) Each pair of capitalized
Q. Polymers are essentially a long chains of hydrocarbons
words given is followed by four pair of words. Select the
pair that does not express a relationship similar to that
R. Today polymers as strong as metals have been
developed. expressed by the capitalized pair.
S. These have replaced the traditional chromium plated 148. KERNAL : SHELL
metallic bumpers in cars. (1) Caterpillar : Pupa
S6 Many Indian Institutes of Science and Technology run (2) Larva : Cacoon
special programmes on polymer science.
(3) Lassitude : Syncope
The proper sequence should be
(1) QRSP (2) RSQP (3) RQSP (4) QRPS (4) Passenger : Car
149. Both of them ...... since their childhood.
Directions (Q. Nos. 143-144) Choose the word
(1) are working here
which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
(2) work here
143. FRUGALITY (3) have been working
(1) Foolishness (2) Extremity (3) Enthusiasm (4) Economy
(4) are liking to work
150. Although initial investigations pointed towards him ....... .
(1) Massenger (2) Steward (3) Forerunner (4) Pilot
(1) the preceding events corroborated his involvement in
Directions (Q. Nos. 145-146) Choose the word the crime
which is the exact opposite of the given words. (2) the additional information confirmed his guilt
145. EXODUS (3) the subsequent events established that he was guilty
(1) Influx (2) Home-coming (3) Return (4) Restoration (4) the subsequent events proved that he was innocent
41. (3) We can choose the true subset by taking each statement. B: People change their lifestyle only if they are rewarded.
G: People are rewarded. This means that if people have changed their lifestyle,
C: If people are rewarded, then they will not change their then they have been rewarded.
lifestyle. Note that if people are rewarded, they may or may not
F: Unless people change their lifestyle, temperature rises. have changed their lifestyle.
This can also be put in the following manner. G: People are rewarded.
If people do not change their lifestyle, then temperature From B and G, we don’t know whether people have
rises. changed their lifestyle or not.
Thus, if the temperature doesn’t rise, then people change F: Unless the people change their lifestyle, temperature
their lifestyle. rises.
Here, according to G and C, people do not change their This can also be put as – If the people don’t change their
lifestyle and so temperature rises. lifestyle, then temperature rises.
D: If temperature rises, then water level in the coastal area But as we don’t know whether people have changed their
rises. lifestyle or not, we cannot conclude whether temperature
H: Water level in the coastal area doesn’t rise. has risen or not.
Here, D is in accordance with G, C and F but H is not. D: If temperature rises, then water level in the coastal area
So, option 1 is incorrect. rises.
SNAP • Solved Paper 2011 11
H: Water level in the coastal area doesn’t rise. Observing B B is C’s husband and D is B’s father. However,
As we don’t know whether temperature has risen or not, there is no information on A. A could be B and C’s child or B’s
H cannot be concluded using D. sibling. Therefore, both of B’s statements cannot be true.
Hence, option 2 is also incorrect. Consider C D is C’s mother-in-law and A is C’s daughter. Since,
E: Whenever the water level in the coastal areas rises, then the family has only four members, B has to be C’s spouse.
the temperature rises. Thus, the overall relationship between the four members is
known. It is also known that B and C are a couple. However, it
H: Water level in the coastal area doesn’t rise. cannot be said whether B is the husband or wife of C.
Thus, from these two statements the temperature may or Therefore, both of C’s statements also cannot be considered
may not rise. true.
While discussing the previous option, we have proved Observing D A is D’s grand-daughter and B is D’s
that from statements B, F and G we also come to the same daughter-in-law. Again, since there are only 4 members in the
conclusion that the temperature may or may not rise. family, C should be B’s husband, D’s son and A’s father.
Hence, statements E, F,G, H and B are logically consistent Thus, D is the grand-parent, B and C are the couple where C is
among themselves. the husband and A is the grand-daughter. Thus, D’s
42. (3) From option 2, statement A says – If Kumar sings, then the statements give the overall relationships as well as the
audiences sleep. specific relationship between B and C. Therefore, D is the
Out of the other 4 statements C, F, G and H, none of the person who always speaks the truth.
statements mention anything about sleep and hence option 2 44. (3) Observing the solution of Q. 42, we can conclude that B is
is incorrect. C’s wife.
If option 2 is incorrect, option 4 is also incorrect as it 45. (4) Observing each option.
mentions both (2) and (3). D is either A’s grandfather or grandmother. Since, D always
C: Unless audience does not dance, the concert will be speaks the truth, option 3 may or may not be true (depending
successful. on the gender of D) while option 1 is definitely false.
This can also be put as – If the audience dance, the concert B is C’s wife. Based on the fact that both of D’s statements are
will be successful. true, both of B’s statements turn out to be false. Therefore,
F: Kumar sings, only if Vina dances. option 2 is also false.
This means that – If Kumar has sung, then Vina has A is B’s daughter. Based on the fact that both of D’s statements
danced. are true, both of A’s statements turn out to be false.
But if Vina has danced, Kumar may or may not have sung. Thus, B’s daughter always tells lies.
B: If Kumar sings, then the audience dances.
46. (4) Observing the information given in question that the cube
We don’t know whether Kumar has sung or not and so we is kept in the corner of the room. Assume that opposite faces
don’t know whether the audience have danced or not. are painted red, blue and green. Since the cube is in the
Hence, we cannot conclude that the concert is successful corner, one red, blue and green face each will be adjacent to
as given in statement H. the two walls and floor and will not be painted. So, there are
So, option 1 is also logically incorrect. only three faces that are painted. Since, the cube is cut into
E: If Vina dances, then Kumar sings. 343 identical cubes, it means that each face is cut into 7 equal
G: Vina dances. layers along each dimension. Thus, there are 7 similar layers
Thus, from these two statements we know that Kumar along the length, breadth as well as height. Since only one face
sings. is painted along each dimension, if we remove one layer each
B: If Kumar sings, then audiences dance. along the length, breadth as well as height, the remaining 6
Thus, audiences have danced. layers in each dimension will be unpainted.
C: Unless audience does not dance, the concert will be Hence, number of cubes that have no face painted
successful. 63 = 216
This can also be put as – If the audience dance, the concert 47. (1) Consider the 3 faces that are painted. Let us first consider
will be successful. the number of cubes that have at least one colour painted on
Thus, the concert is successful as mentioned in statement them.
H. Consider the top face. Assume it is painted blue. It will have
Hence, statements E, C, G, B and H are logically consistent 72 = 49 cubes with at least one colour on them.
among themselves. Now, consider the front face. Assume it is painted red. It will
also have 49 cubes with at least one colour. However, the top
43. (4) The person with both statements true will be the one
7 cubes on this face are also common to the top face and have
whose statements help to establish the relationships among
been counted once.
all 4 members and especially between B and C. This is because
one of the questions explicitly asks for the relationship ∴ Number of cubes to be considered from front face
between B and C and there is no answer option such as “None = 7 × 6 = 42
of the above” or “Data Insufficient”. Finally, consider the side face which will be painted green and
Observing A B is A’s son and D is A’s mother. However, there which will also have 49 cubes with at least one colour.
is no information about C. Therefore, the relationship However, it also has 7 cubes common to the top face, 7 cubes
between B and C cannot be established. Therefore, both of A’s common with the front face and 1 cube common to both the
statements cannot be true. top and front face.
12 SNAP • Solved Paper 2011
∴ Number of cubes to be considered from side face 55. (1) Input : X = 2, Y = 3
= 49 − (7 + 7 − 1) = 36 Step 1 : X =2 × 3 = 6, Y = 4
∴ Number of cubes with at least one colour on them Step 2 : X = 6 × 4 = 24, Y = 5
= 49 + 42 + 36 = 127 Step 3 : X = 24 × 5 = 120, Y = 6.
Now, there are 7 cubes common to the top and front face.
Similarly, there are 7 cubes common to the front and side face Thus, for any value of N greater than 120, the value of Y will
as well as 7 cubes common to the top and side face. Here, the become 7.
cube at the intersection of all three faces will have red, blue as The correct answer should be 121.
well as green colour, while the remaining 6 faces in each case Hence, nearest value of 121 here is 300.
will have a red-blue or red-green or blue-green combination.
Solutions (Q. Nos. 56-60)
Thus, there is only 1 cube that is painted in 3 colours while
Vicky always scores more than Priya and Priya always scores
there are 6 × 3 i.e., 18 cubes that are painted in exactly 2
more than Ankit. Thus, Vicky’s rank is always numerically
lower than Priya’s and Priya’s rank is always numerically
Hence, number of cubes that have exactly one colour on them
lower than Ankit’s.
= 127 − (1 + 18) = 108
Either of the following two situations take place.
48. (2) Number of cubes that have at the most 2 faces painted If Raman scores the highest, then Tony scores the least or if
= Total number of cubes Sunil scores the highest, then Deepak or Ankit scores the
– Number of cubes that have 3 faces painted. least. Thus, if Raman is ranked 1st, then Tony is ranked 7th
From the solution of Q. 47, number of cubes that have at the and if Sunil is ranked 1st, then either Deepak of Ankit is
most 2 faces painted = 343 – 1 = 342 ranked 7th.
49. (2) After driving 3 km North, 3 km West and 4 km South, Amit 56. (4) The question states that Sunil is ranked 6th and Ankit is
is 1 km to the South and 3 km to the West of his starting point. ranked 5th.
So, he will have to move 1 km North and 3 km East to reach Thus, Raman is ranked 1st and Tony is ranked 7th.
the point from where he started. So, the following situations are possible for ranks 2, 3 and 4.
3 km
N 2 – Vicky, 3 – Priya, 4 – Deepak
or 2 – Vicky, 3 – Deepak, 4 – Priya
3 km
Vicky can never be 1st, Raman will never be 2nd or 3rd, Tony
S is ranked 7th and hence cannot be 4th or 5th.
Starting point
Deepak can be 3rd or 4th according to the above obtained
End point
Hence, Amit will have to move 1 km North and 3 km East to
reach the starting point. 57. (3) If Raman gets the highest, he will be ranked 1st.
Accordingly, Tony will be ranked 7th.
50. (3) Driving as stated in 3 km Now, Priya and Ankit are always ranked numerically higher
the solution of Q. 49, Amit than Vicky.
will reach the starting
Hence, Vicky can never be ranked lower than 4th as if he is
3 km
point if he moves 1 km
4 km
80. (2) Surface area of the original cube 2009 221 116 105 40.5 2.59 – 2.78 1.10
= 2( 4 × 4 + 4 × 4 + 4 × 4) 2010 215 88 127 42 3.02 20.95 0.69
= 2 × 3 × 16 = 6 × 16 cm2
85. (2) The percentage increase in the consumption of rice was
Now, there will 64 new cubes of side 1 cm.
the highest in 2008.
Q Surface area of a cube
= 2(1 × 1 + 1 × 1 + 1 × 1) 86. (3) From the table, the population of country A in 2008 was
2.79 million.
= 2 × 3 = 6 cm2
∴ surface area of these 64 cubes = 64 × 6 cm2 87. (1) From the table, the ratio of consumption to exports in the
Hence, percentage increase in surface area is given period was the highest in 2006 (1.57).
64 × 6 − 16 × 6 88. (4) From the table, the population of country A was the
= × 100% = 300%
16 × 6 highest in the year 2010 (3.02 million).
81. (1) G236G0 is divisible by 36 i.e., by 9 and 4 89. (2) The percentage of time spent in school
Therefore, G + 2 + 3 + 6 + G + 0 = 2G + 11 is divisible by 9. Also, = × 100% = 29.17% ≈ 30%
G should be an ever number. 360
Only G = 8 satisfies the given condition. 90. (3) Since, the angle subtended by “games” is 30° while that
1 1 3 subtended by “sleeping” is 120° , therefore the required
82. (3) In one day, Amit and Sagar can do + = of the percentage is (30/120) × 100% i.e., 25%.
12 15 20
work. 91. (2) Since, the student spends an equal time in games and
3 home work, he can either increase the time spent on games or
∴In 4 days, they will complete × 4 =3/5 of the work.
20 decrease the time spent on home work.
3 2 It is also given that the time spent on other activities remains
Hence, fraction of the work remaining after 4 days = 1 − = constant while the decrease in time spent on sleeping is to be
5 5
83. (2) Let the width of the road be d. d This can be happen only if the time spent on games is
Hence, Area of lawn = Area of park – Area increased.
of road
So, the angle subtended for games should increase from 30°
40 m
= 2400 – (40d + 60d – d2) to 45° . If this happens, the angle subtended for sleeping will
⇒ 2109 = 2400 – 100d + d2 decrease from 120° to 105°.
⇒ d2 – 100d + 297 = 0 (120 − 105)
∴ Percentage decrease = × 100% =12.5%
⇒ d = 97 or d = 3. 60 m 120
SNAP • Solved Paper 2011 15
92. (3) Difference in time spent in school and home work is (Sun, Mon), (Mon, Tue), (Tue, Wed), (Wed, Thur), (Thur, Fri),
(105 − 45) (Fri, Sat) or (Sat, Sun)
× 24 = 4 h
360 Probability that the leap year has 53 Sundays or 53 Mondays
45 P(S ∪ M) = P(S) + P(M) − P(S ∩ M)
93. (2) Time spent on home work = × 24 = 3 h 2 2 1 3
360 = + − =
Out of this, one-third i.e., one hour is spent on Mathematics. 7 7 7 7
So, the remaining two hours are spent on the rest of the 101. (2) We have, 3x + 4y = 12
subjects. ⇒ x / 4 + y /3 = 12
94. (2) Since, the given three lines are paralled and cut by two This is nothing but the intercept form of the equation of the
transversals. Therefore, given line.
AB DE Hence, intercepts on x and y axes are 4 and 3, respectively.
BC EF 102. (2) Given, a and d are equidistant from 36.
Substituting value of AB, BC and DE, we get This implies that average of a and d is 36.
EF = 2 × 1.5 = 3 Therefore, a + d =72
95. (4) log 10 + log 102 + … + log 10 n Similarly, we have,
log10 10 + 2 log10 10 + ...+ n log10 10 b + c = 68, a + b = 60
= 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n and c + d = 80
= n(n + 1)/2 Now, a < b and a + b = 60
96. (1) Let a be the required number. Hence, a < 30 and b > 30
1 1 Similarly, b < 34 and c > 34
Therefore, a + = 3 a −
a a And c < 40 and d > 40
1 3 Now, only primes which satisfy these conditions are
a + = 3a −
a a a = 29, b = 31, c = 37 and d = 43
⇒ a2 = 2 ⇒ a = ± 2 Hence, d – a = 43 – 29 = 14
97. (1) Smallest and largest numbers, in the given region, which 103. (4) After selling at ` 15 per kg, Ramsukh earns a profit of
are divisible by 9 are 18 and 297, respectively. 66.66%.
Hence, the required number Therefore, cost price of rasgulla is ` 9/kg.
= (297 – 18)/9 + 1 Now, ratio of flour and sugar is 5 : 3.
= 31 + 1 = 32 Therefore, 1 kg of rasgulla is made up of 5/8 kg of flour and
n ! 3/8 kg of sugar.
98. (3) nC x = = 56 ...(i) Let price of 1 kg of flour = 3k
x !(n − x)!
n! and price of 1 kg of sugar = 7k
Px = = 336 ...(ii) Hence, price of 1 kg of rasgulla
(n − x)! 3 5
Dividing Eq (ii) by Eq. (i), we get × 7k + × 3k = 9 ⇒ k =2
8 8
x!=6 Hence, cost price of sugar = 7k = 7 × 2 =` 14/kg
x =3
104. (1) Let cost price of sugar be ` x per kg.
Then, from Eq (ii), Therefore, reduced cost price = 0.8x
= 336 According to the question,
(n − 3)!
240/x + 6 = 240/0.8x
⇒n(n − 1)(n − 2) = 6 × 7 × 8 ⇒n =8 ⇒ 300/x = 240/x + 6
99. (1) Perimeter of the largest equilateral triangle ⇒ 60/x = 6
= 3 × 24 = 72 cm ⇒ x =`10 per kg
Now, triangle formed by joining the mid-points will have
4πr 3
perimeter half of that of original triangle. 105. (4) Volume of a solid sphere is given as , where r is the
Hence, the required sum = 72 + 36 + 18 + … upto infinite
radius of the sphere.
πr 2h
This is nothing but an infinite GP, with first term (a) =72 and Volume of a right circular cone is , wherer is the radius of
1 3
common ratio (r) = the base of the cone and h is the height of the cone. The solid
sphere is recast into a right circular cone with base radius
equal to the radius of the sphere.
a 72
Hence, the required sum = = = 144 cm 4 πr 3 πr 2h
1−r 1−1 ∴ = ⇒ h= 4r
3 3
h 4
⇒ =
100. (3) A leap year contains 52 weeks and 2 extra days. r 1
These two days can be either of Thus, the ratio of the height to the radius is 4 : 1.
16 SNAP • Solved Paper 2011
106. (1) Assume that the scooter, the car and the train travel 16 km. A wire is cylindrical in nature where the length is considered
Let their speeds be 1 km/h, 4 km/h and 16 km/h, to be its height.
respectively. Therefore, volume of this wire is πr 2l .
Thus, time taken by the scooter, the car and the train are 16 h, Let new radius and new length of the wire be r ′ and l′,
4 h and 1 h, respectively. respectively
Ratio of time taken to the velocity of each vehicle will be ∴ r ′ = r /3
(16/1) : (4/4) : (1/16) = 16 : 1 : (1/16) = 256 : 16 : 1 Now, as the volume remains constant,
107. (2) A can do a piece of work in 15 days. r
πr 2l = π l′
B is twice as efficient as A. 3
So, B can do the same piece of work in 7.5 days. ⇒ l′ = 9l
Assume that there is 15 units of work to be done. Thus, new length is 9 times the original length.
A does 1 unit per day and B does 2 units per day.
111. (4) The synonym of ‘triumph’ here in this passage, is ‘victory’.
For the first x days, A worked alone and hence work done is
1 × x = x units. 112. (3) Refer to the fourth sentence of the passage.
For the next (11 – x) days, A and B worked together. In 1 day, 113. (4) ‘Rapture’ means ‘a feeling of great joy’.
they do (1 + 2) = 3 units.
114. (4) Here in this phrase, ‘glitter’ means ‘reflection’.
So, in 11 − x days, they do 33 − 3x units.
115. (4) The passage is from the beginning to the end is talking
∴ 33 − 3x + x = 15
about the philosophy of life.
⇒ 2x = 18 and x = 9.
Thus, A worked alone for 9 days the A and B worked together 116. (4) The first sentence in itself indicates the theory so it must
for 2 days. be the title of the passage.
108. (4) Let the contributions of A, B, C and D in purchasing a 117. (1) Repetition of anything is termed ‘redundancy’.
restaurant be a , b, c and d, respectively. 118. (4) In this analogy, the relationship is in between material
Then, according to the question, and object. So, this is the right choice.
a + b + c + d = 5600000 …(i) 119. (3) ‘Realia’ clearly expresses ‘the things or objects from the
b + c + d = 4.6a …(ii) real life’.
a + c + d = 3.666 b ...(iii) 120. (4) No other sentence is grammatically correct.
0.4 (a + b + d ) = c
121. (1) No other sentence is structurally proper.
a + b + d = 2.5c …(iv)
Using Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get 122. (3) All other sentences have error of prepositional use and
a = 5600000/5.6 = 1000000 …(v) the placement of pronoun.
Using Eqs. (i) and (iii), we get 123. (1) All other sentences are grammatically unacceptable.
b = 5600000/4.66 124. (4) All other sentences have error in the usage of tense.
= 1201716.73 …(vi) 125. (2) The correct phrase is ‘crashed into’.
Using Eqs. (i) and (iv), we get
126. (1) 127. (2) 128. (2) 129. (1) 130. (1)
c =5600000/3.5 =1600000 …(vii)
Using Eqs. (i), (v), (vi) and (vii), we get d ≈ 1800000 131. (3) This sentence doesn’t need ‘about’.
109. (4) Let the salary of Saroj be ` 100. 132. (2) It should be ‘‘It had ..... ’’ in place of ‘‘It had had ....... ’’.
Given that salary of Raju and Ram is 20% and 30% less than 133. (3) After the use of 'repeat’, the use of ‘again’ is uncalled for.
Saroj’s salary.
134. (4) 135. (1) 136. (2) 137. (2) 138. (2)
Hence, Raju’s salary =80% of 100
139. (1) 140. (4) 141. (4) 142. (1) 143. (4)
=` 80
and Ram’s salary = 70% of 100 =` 70 144. (3) 145. (1) 146. (4) 147. (4) 148. (4)
80 − 70 149. (3) The word ‘since’ indicates that it is a sentence of Present
Thus, required percentage = × 100%
70 Perfect Continuous.
=14.28% 150. (4) The word ‘Although’ is the indicator of the right option for
110. (4) Let the radius of the wire be r and its length be l. the answer.
SNAP 2009
Symbiosis National Aptitude Test Solved Paper
■ Quantitative and Data Interpretation & Data 8. There are 10 stations on a railway line. The number of
different journey tickets that are required by the authorities
Sufficiency Section is
For all questions in this section, correct answers carry (1) 92 (2) 90
1 mark each. (3) 91 (4) None of these
1. A dice is rolled three times and sum of three numbers 9. The radius of circle is so increased that its circumference
appearing on the uppermost face is 15. The chance that increased by 5%. The area of the circle then increases
the first roll was a four is by
(1) 2/5 (2) 1/5 (1) 12.5% (2) 10.25%
(3) 1/6 (4) None of these (3) 10.5% (4) 11.25%
2. A boat covers a distance of 30 km downstream in 2 h while 10 In how many ways can the letters of the word ABACUS
it takes 6 h to cover the same distance upstream. What is be rearranged such that the vowels always appear
the speed of the boat in kms per hour? together?
(1) 5 (2) 7.5 (1) 6!/2! (2) 3!×3!
(3) 13 (4) 18 (3) (3!×3!)/2! (4) (4!×3!)/2!
3. A five digit number is formed by using the digits 1,2,3,4 11. In 4 yr, Rs 6000 amounts to Rs 8000. In what time at the
and 5 with without repetitions. What is the probability same rate will Rs 525 amount to Rs 700?
that the number is divisible by 4? (1) 2 yr (2) 3 yr
(1) 1/5 (2) 5/6 (3) 4 yr (4) 5 yr
(3) 4/5 (4) None of these
Directions (Q. 12-14): At the start of a game of cards, J
4. If the algebraic sum of deviations of 20 observations
and B together had four times as much money as T, while T
measured from 23 is 70,mean of these observations would
and B together had three times as much as J.
be At the end of the evening, J and B together had three times as
(1) 24 (2) 25 much money as T, while T and B together had twice as much
(3) 26 (4) None of these as J. B lost Rs 200.
5. An alloy of gold and silver weighs 50 g. It contains 80%
gold. How much gold should be added to the alloy so that 12. What fraction of the total money did T have at the
percentage of gold is increased to 90? beginning of the game?
(1) 50 g (2) 60 g (1) 1/3 (2) 1/8
(3) 30 g (4) 40 g (3) 2/9 (4) 1/5
6. Weekly incomes of two persons are in the ratio of 7 : 3 and 13. What fraction of the total money did J win/lose?
their weekly expenses are in the ratio of 5 : 2. If each of (1) Won 1/12 (2) Lost 1/6
them saves Rs 300 per week, then the weekly income of (3) Lost 1/3 (4) Won 1/5
the first person is 14. What amount did B start with?
(1) Rs 7500 (2) Rs 4500 (1) Rs 575 (2) Rs 375
(3) Rs 6300 (4) Rs 5400 (3) Rs 825 (4) Rs 275
7. Wheat is now being sold at Rs 27 per kg. During last 15. If a and b are negative, and c is positive, which of the
month its cost was Rs 24 per kg. Find by how much per following statement/s is /are true?
cent a family reduces its consumption so as to keep the (I) a – b<a – c (II) if a<b, then a/c<b/c
expenditure fixed. (III) a/b<a/c
(1) 10.2% (2) 12.1% (1) I only (2) II only
(3) 12.3% (4) 11.1% (3) III only (4) II and III only
2 SNAP Solved Paper 2009
16. The diagonal of a square is 4 2 cm. The diagonal of 22. In an examination, out of 480 students 85% of the girls
another square whose area is double that of the first and 70% of the boys passed. How many boys appeared in
square is the examination if total pass percentage was 75%?
(1) 8 cm (2) 8 2 cm (1) 370 (2) 340
(3) 4 2 cm (4) 16 cm (3) 320 (4) 360
17. The maximum length of a pencil that can be kept in a 23. 300 g of salt solution has 40% salt in it. How much salt
rectangular box of dimensions 8 cm × 6 cm × 2 cm, is should be added to make it 50% in the solution?
(1) 40 kg (2) 60 kg
(1) 2 13 cm (2) 2 14 cm
(3) 70 kg (4) 80 kg
(3) 2 26 cm (4) 10 2 cm
24. What number should replace the question mark in the
Directions (Q. 18-19): Questions are based on the image below?
information given below. 6 12 ?
The Venn diagram given below shows the estimated 48 96 192
readership of 3 daily newspapers (X,Y & Z) in a city. The (1) 18 (2) 20
total readership and advertising cost for each of these (3) 22 (4) 24
papers is as below. 25. What image from bottom row should replace the question
Newspapers Readership Advertising cost
(lakhs) (Rs per sq cm) + C T
X 8.7 6000
Y 9.1 6500
Z 5.6 5000
T +
1.0 1.5 T C + T T C
1 2 3 4 5 6
18. The number of people (in lakhs) who read at least one
newspaper is (1) 4 (2) 6
(1) 4.7 (2) 11.9 (3) 1 (4) None of these
(3) 17.4 (4) 23.4 26. A five-digit number divisible by 3 is to be formed using
19. The number of people (in lakhs) who read only one digits 0,1,2,3,4 and 5 without repetition. The total number
newspaper is of ways this can be done is
(1) 4.7 (2) 11.9 (1) 122 (2) 210
(3) 17.4 (4) 23.4 (3) 216 (4) 217
20 Sonali invests 15% of her monthly salary in insurance 27. A contract is to be completed in 50 days and 105 men
policies. She spends 55% of her monthly salary in were set to work, each working 8 h a day. After 25 days,
shopping and on household expenses. She saves the 2/5 of the work is finished. How many additional men be
remaining amount of Rs 12750. What is Sonali’s monthly employed so that the work may be completed on time,
income? each man now working 9 h a day?
(1) Rs 42500 (2) Rs 38800 (1) 34 (2) 36
(3) Rs 40000 (4) Rs 35500 (3) 35 (4) 37
21. How many kg of tea worth Rs 25 per kg must be blended 28. A can built up a structure in 8 days and B can break it in 3
with 30 kg of tea worth Rs 30 per kg so that by selling days. A has worked for 4 days and then B joined to work
the blended variety at Rs 30 kg there should be a gain of with A for another 2 days only. In how many days will A
10%? alone built up the remaining part of the structure?
(1) 36 kg (2) 40 kg (1) 10 days (2) 9 days
(3) 32 kg (4) 42 kg (3) 12 days (4) None of these
Solved Paper 2009 SNAP 3
29. The first two terms of a geometric progression add up to in Arts faculty. Use this information to answer the
12. The sum of the third and the fourth terms is 48.If the following questions.
terms of the geometric progression are alternately positive
and negative, then the first term is Engineering
(1) – 2
(2) – 4 Arts 23%
(3) – 12
(4) 8
30. The mean of the numbers a, b, 8, 5, 10 is 6 and the
variance is 6.80. Then which one of the following gives Business
Medicine 14%
possible values of a and b ? 5%
(1) a = 0, b = 7
(2) a = 5, b = 2 Law 6%
(3) a = 3, b = 4 22%
(4) a = 2, b = 4 Students by Faculty
31. An agent sells goods of value of Rs 15000. The commission Australian
1 African 2 4
which he receives at the ratio of 12 % is
2 Asian 6
(1) Rs 1875
(2) Rs 2125 European
(3) Rs 2000 21
(4) Rs 2700
32. 110.25 × 0.01 ÷ 0.00025 – 420.25 equal to American
(1) 0.75 (2) 0.50
Arts Students (Non-US)
(3) 0.64 (4) 0.73
36. What percentage of students in the Arts faculty are
Directions (Q. 33-35): The table below shows the number non-US students?
of people who responded to a survey about their favourite (1) 14% (2) 9%
style of music. Use this information to answer the following (3) 30% (4) 11%
questions to the nearest whole percentage.
37. How many students are there in the Engineering faculty?
(1) 420 (2) 410
Age 15-20 21-30 31+
(3) 390 (4) 440
Classical 6 4 17
Pop 7 5 5 38. How many students are there at the University?
Rock 6 12 14 (1) 4650 (2) 4560
Jazz 1 4 11 (3) 4640 (4) 4450
Blues 2 3 15 39. If six per cent of Science students are Asian. How many
Hip – Hop 9 3 4 Asian students are studying Science?
Ambient 2 2 2 (1) 48% (2) 66%
33 33 68 (3) 120% (4) 57%
33. What percentage of respondents under 31 indicated that 40. There are 34 European medical students. What percentage
Blues is their favourite style of music? of the faculty does this represent?
(1) 7.1 (2) 7.6 (1) 14% (2) 18%
(3) 8.3 (4) 14.1 (3) 16% (4) 15%
34. What percentage of respondents aged 21-30 indicated a
favourite style other than Rock music?
■ Analytical & Logical Reasoning Section
(1) 64% (2) 60% For all questions in this section, correct answers carry
(3) 75% (4) 36% 2 marks each.
35. What percentage of the total sample indicated that Jazz is 41. There are 3 societies A, B, C having some tractors each.
their favourite style of music? A gives B and C as many tractors as they already have.
(1) 6% (2) 8% After some days B gives A and C as many tractors as they
(3) 22% (4) 12% have.
After some days C gives A and B as many tractors as they
Directions (Q. 36-40): The pie charts below show the have.
percentage of students in each faculty at North West Finally each has 24 tractors. What is the original number
University and the number of non-US students in the of tractors each had in the beginning?
Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the (1) A-29, B-21, C-12 (2) A-39, B-21, C-12
nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students (3) A-29, B-12, C-29 (4) A-21, B-12, C-39
4 SNAP Solved Paper 2009
42. Although most of the fastest growing jobs in today’s (3) Since Evelyn is right about Lou’s argument, her own
economy will require a college degree, many of the new conclusion is well supported.
jobs being created from home health aide to desktop (4) Since Evelyn is mistaken about Lou’s argument, her
publisher require knowledge other than gained from own conclusion must be false.
earning a degree. For workers in those jobs, good basic 45. Cars are safer than planes. Fifty per cent of plane accidents
skills in reading, communication and mathematics play result in death, while only one per cent of car accidents
an important role in getting a job and developing a result in death.
career. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously
From the information given above it can be validly weaken the argument above?
concluded that, in today’s economy (1) Planes are inspected more often than cars.
(1) skills in reading, communication and mathematics (2) The number of car accidents is several hundred
play an important role in developing a career as a thousand times higher than the number of plane
desktop publisher. accidents.
(2) the majority of the new jobs being created require (3) Pilots never fly under the influence of alcohol, while
knowledge other than that gained from earning a car drivers often do.
college degree (4) Plane accidents are usually the fault of air traffic
(3) a job as a home health aide will rely more on controllers, not pilots.
communications skills than on a basic skills in reading
and mathematics. Directions (Q. 46-48): Refer to the chart below showing
(4) if a job is one of the fastest growing jobs, it will require annual production and answer the questions that follow.
a college degree
Element (% Production) Industry Primary Use (% used)
43. According to the National Agricultural Aviation Society
(NAAS), without the use of crop protection products
to control insects, weeds, and diseases, crop yields
per acre will drop by more than 50% . The first aerial 1-10% P-15%
application of insecticide occurred in 1921 and it was A Q-15%
huge success. By contrast, in today’s economy all aircraft
that are classified as aerial applicators do more than just R-15%
apply insecticide; today, they also spread seeds and apply
fertilizer. 3-10%
From the information given above it CANNOT be validly
conclude that
(1) according to the NAAS, if crop yields per acre
never drop by more than 50%, then crop protection S-15%
products have been used to control insects, weeds,
and diseases. B
(2) in today’s economy any aircraft that cannot be used
to apply fertilizer cannot be classified as an aerial 5-40%
(3) in today’s economy, if an aerial applicator is used, then
it will be able to spread seed and to apply fertilizer 6-5% C V-10%
(4) according to NAAS, if crop yields per acre drop by W-10%
more than 50%, then crop protection products
have not been used to control insects, weeds, and
diseases. 100% = 100000 tons Total - 100%
44. Lou observes that if flight 409 is cancelled, then the
46. Which industry/industries contribute/contributes to company
manager could not possibly arrive in time for the meeting.
But the flight was not cancelled. Therefore, Lou concludes,
(1) industry A and B only (2) B and C only
the manager will certainly be on time.Evelyn replies that
(3) A and C only (4) Smallest plant
even if Lou’s premises true, his argument is fallacious. And
therefore, she adds, the manager will not arrive on time 47. Industry B processes what percentage of the total
after all. production of listed elements?
Which of the following is the strongest thing that we can (1) 25% (2) 65%
properly say about this discussion? (3) 40% (4) Cannot be determined
(1) Evelyn is mistaken in thinking Lou’s argument to be 48. Of the listed elements processed by the Industry A, how
fallacious, and so her own conclusion is unwarranted. many tons are produced annually?
(2) Evelyn is right about Lou’s argument, but nevertheless (1) 30000 (2) 50000
her own conclusion is unwarranted. (3) 100000 (4) 55000
Solved Paper 2009 SNAP 5
Directions (Q. 55-56): There are two rows of numbers in (1) (2) (3) (4)
each question. The upper row is complete and in the lower
one number is missing. Find a suitable number to fill the 61. Complete the following series.
blank space so that the symmetry with the upper row is (GMSY, IOUA, KQWC, ?)
maintained. (1) MSYE (2) NSYE
(3) MYTE (4) MSYF
55. 17 102 12
15 ? 10 Directions (Q. 62-65): Following is a new plan called
(1) 211 (2) 75 ‘Airtel one’ introduced by Airtel (GSM service Provider) for
(3) 125 (4) 117 its post-paid customers.
6 SNAP Solved Paper 2009
68. What is the angle for the sector representing paper cost? Directions (Q. 80-81): Which punctuation mark is missing
(1) 10 degrees (2) 36 degrees in the following sentences?
(3) 23.5 degrees (4) 45 degrees
69. For a given issue of the magazine, the 2% of the cost is (1) inverted commas (2) semicolon
Rs 2000 and the print-run is 12500 copies. What should be (3) comma (4) hypen
the sale price if the publisher desires a profit of 5%? 80. Part of Australia is known to the natives as The Outback.
(1) Rs 5 (2) Rs 7.5 81. I know that you want to learn to drive Rima but you are
(3) Rs 8 (4) Rs 8.40 too young.
70. If ‘water’ is called ‘food’ , ‘food’ is called ‘tree’, ‘tree’ is
called ‘sky’, ‘sky’ is called ‘wall’, on which of the following Directions (Q. 82-83): Select as option the word closest in
meaning to the given word.
does a ‘fruit’ grow ?
(1) Water (2) Food 82. Veracious
(3) Tree (4) Sky (1) False (2) Varied
(3) Image (4) Truthful
■ General English Section 83. Perturb
For all questions in this section, correct answers carry (1) Stipulate (2) Turn around
1 mark each. (3) Disturb greatly (4) Compatible
Directions (Q. 71-72): Choose the correct option to fill the Directions (Q. 84-85): Choose the option that is the closest
blank for correct grammatical use. in meaning to the phrases in bold.
71. She is a close friend of .
84. He was a king who ruled his subjects with a high hand.
(1) my (2) I
(1) sympathetically (2) oppressively
(3) me (4) mine
(3) democratically (4) generously
72. He took care of her she was restored to 85. I racked my brains to solve this difficult problem.
health. (1) I read a large number of books.
(1) when (2) before (2) I consulted several people.
(3) after (4) till (3) I used my commonsense.
73. Choose the correct option: The man his (4) I subjected my mind to hard thinking.
appearance completely since then.
(1) is changing (2) changed Directions (Q. 86-87): Select the most appropriate
(3) has changed (4) is changed meaning of the underlined idiomatic phrase.
74. From the options below, choose the word with the incorrect
spelling 86. I was supposed to give a speech to my English class, but I
(1) Diarrhea (2) Diaper got cold feet and I didn’t go.
(3) Dichotomy (4) Dias (1) My English class-room makes my feet feel too cold.
(2) My feet got cold so I didn’t go.
75. Choose the word spelt correctly
(3) I got too nervous and I didn’t go.
(1) superintendant (2) sieve
(4) It was winter time and I had no snacks for my feet.
(3) allotted (4) dissipate
87. Take care of what u say! You will have to eat your words!
Directions (Q. 76-79): Fill in the blanks with the correct (1) You have no food to eat.
pair of words. (2) You will have to take back what you have said.
(3) You are not good with your language.
76. He lives Bangaluru 115, Richmond
(4) None of the above
(1) at in (2) in at 88. Which two sentences convey the same idea?
(3) at on (4) in on 1. Shouldn’t they have checked your tickets?
2. I wonder if they should have checked your tickets.
77. ‘Aurally challenged’ is a for the .
3. I want to know if they checked your tickets.
(1) metaphor blind
4. They should have checked your tickets.
(2) euphemism deaf
(1) 2, 3 (2) 1, 2
(3) simile disable
(3) 1, 4 (4) 2, 4
(4) synonym dump
78. If error is a fault is . Directions (Q. 89-90): Choose a single word which is
(1) defect – a mistake (2) mistake – a defect opposed to the meaning contained in the sentence.
(3) slip – an inaccuracy (4) blunder – to blame
79. The man has the rules of ethical conduct; he 89. He was magnanimous and his benevolence made him give
is a beast. to charity.
(1) flaunted – literally (2) ignored - basically (1) mean (2) cruel
(3) broken - as (4) flouted – virtually (3) snobbish (4) tyrannical
8 SNAP Solved Paper 2009
90. Biannual is 97. Your account should have been credited with three
(1) once in two years (2) every year (1) (2) (3)
(3) twice a year (4) after every two years month’s interest
91. Choose the odd one out (4)
(1) temporal (2) ephemeral 98. Choose the sentence where the underlined word is used
(3) transient (4) eternal appropriately.
92. Choose the correct option (1) Who’s car are you planning to borrow?
If ‘inter’ means between as in interstate, ‘intra’ as in (2) Whose planning to have a birthday party?
intravenous means . (3) He is the person who you met at the junction.
(1) Into (2) onto (4) Does the know whom to about the hotel reservations?
(3) within (4) without
93. Match the part of speech (in bold) to their usage (down) Directions (Q. 99-100): Choose
1. Adjective 5. The fire engine came rushing (1) if the first sentence is correct
down the hill. (2) if the second sentence is correct
2. Preposition 6. He has seen the ups and downs (3) if both sentences are correct
(4) if both sentences are wrong
of life.
3. Noun 7. Down with the tyrant!
99. 1. Can you imagine his forgetting his own birthday?
4. Verb 8. The porter was hit by the down
2. Can you imagine him forgetting his own birthday?
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) 1-8, 2-5, 3-6, 4-7 (2) 1-6, 2-5, 3-8, 4-7
(3) 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 (4) 1-5, 2-7, 3-6, 4-8 100. 1. Recently I read about a unique wedding that took place
in the newspaper.
Directions (Q. 94): Match the items in the column I with 2. Recently I read in the newspaper about a unique
those in column II. Choose the correct answer combination wedding that took place.
given below. (1) (2) (3) (4)
101. Complete the given sentence by choosing the correct
94. I II
1. As deaf as 5. gall
You cannot succeed unless
2. As bitter as 6. an eel
(1) You do not work hard.
3. As unpredictable as 7. a post
(2) You shall not work hard.
4. As slippery as 8. the weather
(3) You will work hard.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (4) You work hard.
1-7 1-7 1-8 1-5 102. Re-arrange the scrambled segments in logical order to
2-6 2-8 2-5 2-7 make a complete sentence.
3-8 3-8 3-5 3-6 1. to place where more opportunities are available
4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 2. and so there is a great demand for English
3. for professional and economic growth
Directions (Q. 95): Match the part of speech (in bold) to 4. because it takes one outside one’s own community
their usage. 5. English is language of opportunities
(1) 1, 2, 5, 3, 4 (2) 5, 4, 1, 3, 2
95. ABOVE (3) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 (4) 2, 1, 3, 5, 4
1. Adjective 5. Rain comes from above. 103. Choose the best construction
2. Adverb 6. His conduct is above suspicious. (1) If you would have taken care you wouldn’t have got
3. Noun 7. Look above the mantel piece. typhoid.
4. Preposition 8. The above information is for the (2) If you took care you wouldn’t have got typhoid.
public. (3) If you take care you wouldn’t have got typhoid.
(4) If you had taken care you wouldn’t have got
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1-8 1-7 1-8 1-6
2-7 2-6 2-5 2-8 Directions (Q. 104-105): Choose the correct option.
3-5 3-5 3-6 3-5
4-6 4-8 4-7 4-7 104. At times, we are all to be mistaken.
(1) apt (2) likely
Directions (Q. 96-97): Choose the segment with error. If (3) considered (4) able
there is no error, choose ‘4’. 105. He hardly cares, ?
(1) does he (2) doesn’t he
96. Idli and Sambar make the breakfast in the south. (3) will he (4) won’t he
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Solved Paper 2009 SNAP 9
123. The driver for Formula One’s Force India Team is 134. As a practice, all major states capitals have offices of
(1) Mark Webber (2) Adrian Sutil Reserve Bank of India with only one exception. Which city
(3) Felipe Massa (4) Jensen Button of India has an office of RBI without being a state capital?
124. (MDRT)- Million Dollar Round Table consists of (1) Pune (2) Allahabad
(1) World’s richest industrialists (3) Baroda (4) Nagpur
(2) World’s most powerful golfers 135. This distinguished Indian was born on 28 December 1937
(3) Global Association of Life Insurance professionals in Surat. He has completed the Advanced Management
(4) World’s richest sports persons Program at Harvard Business School, USA. He turned down
a job offer from IBM to join his family business and today he
125. Who declares the ‘Credit Policy’ of India?
is one the top business leaders of India. Name the tycoon.
(1) The Finance Ministry
(1) Ratan Tata (2) Anil Ambani
(2) Reserve Bank of India
(3) Azim Premji (4) Anand Mahindra
(3) The Commerce Ministry
(4) The Indian Bank’s Association 136. It’s known to be used in Egypt in 3000 BC, but its name
had been derived from old French expression. It is made
126. Name of the body which regulates the stock Exchanges in
from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields
India is
its key ingredient, ethanoic acid. What is it?
(1) CBI (2) CID
(1) Tobasco Sauce (2) Phenol
(3) SHCIL (4) SEBI
(3) Vinegar (4) Soya Sauce
127. Rafflesia arnoldii is its botanical name and it holds a world 137. The name of this Japanese company literally means ‘three
record in the plant world. What’s the record? diamonds’. Which one?
(1) Tallest cacti (2) Largest bloom (1) Sanyo (2) Mutsuhito
(3) Longest surviving tree (4) Smallest plant (3) Mitsubishi (4) Suzuki
128. Temujin was a famous historical character of the world, 138. Who were the first twins to play test cricket?
but we know him by a different name, which one? (1) Merv and Kim Hughes
(1) Babur (2) Genghis Khan (2) Ian and Greg Chappel
(3) Kublai Khan (4) Empereor Nero (3) Surinder and Mohinder Amarnath
129. What is short selling in stock market lingo? (4) Steve and Mark Waugh
(1) Selling the shares which you do not own. 139. Which country has the largest rail network in the world?
(2) Selling a share after owning it for a short period of (1) India (2) China
time. (3) USA (4) UK
(3) Selling all the shares in your booty which are not 140. Who won the 2009 French open tennis ladies tittle?
productive. (1) Svetlana Kuznetsova (2) Kristina Mladenovic
(4) Selling of shares which are quoted for a short period (3) Maria Sharapova (4) Venus Williams
of time.
141. Who invented the microchip?
130. Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for Nobel Peace prize (1) Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby
for the first time in the year 1937 and last time in the year (2) Larry Page and Sergey Brin
1948. How many times in between these two years was he (3) Saber Bhatia
nominated? (4) Gordon Moore & Robert Noyce
(1) 1 (2) 3
(3) 2 (4) 0 142. Which is the largest landlocked country in the world?
(1) Switzerland (2) China
131. Which organization instituted the Nobel Prize in
(3) Kazakhstan (4) Mongolia
(1) Svenska Handelsbanken 143. Which country makes Panama hats?
(2) International Monetary Fund (1) Ecuador (2) Panama
(3) Economics Department of Oxford University (3) Cuba (4) Bolivia
(4) Sveriges Riksbank 144. Who was the Prime Minister of India when the 42nd
132. Film stars have been endorsing Lux beauty soap since Amendment Bill bringing in the changes in the constitution
ages. Who was the first actress of Bollywood to do so? was passed?
(1) Madhubala (2) Leela Naidu (1) Rajiv Gandhi (2) VP Singh
(3) Suraiya (4) Leela Chitnis (3) Indira Gandhi (4) Morarji Desai
133. India’s interstate cricket tournament is named after 145. Which one of the following planets lost its planet status
Kumar Shri Ranjitsinghji Vibhaji Jadeja or in short recently?
Ranji, the great cricket legend. He played his cricket (1) Moon (2) Neptune
in England and also played for English national team. (3) Pluto (4) Saturn
Which country he used to play for in the league cricket 146. One barrel of oil is approximately equivalent to how many
of England? litres?
(1) Sussex (2) Essex (1) 200 (2) 150
(3) Somerset (4) Surrey (3) 120 (4) 160
Solved Paper 2009 SNAP 11
147. Five year plans in India are finally approved by the 149. Which one of the following is not a member of the
(1) Union Cabinet Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?
(2) President on the advice of prime minister (1) Algeria (2) Brazil
(3) National Development Council (3) Ecuador (4) Nigeria
(4) Planning commission 150. Who invented ‘computer laptop’?
148. Many a time we read in the newspapers about Southern (1) Arthur Wynna-USA
Cone of South America which includes Argentina, Chile, (2) Q. Daimler-Germany
Paraguay, Uruguay and Peru. Which is the most spoken (3) Sinclair-Britain
language of this geographical area? (4) None of these
(1) Portuguese (2) Spanish
(3) French (4) English
1. (2) 2. (*) 3. (1) 4. (4) 5. (1) 6. (3) 7. (4) 8. (2) 9. (2) 10. (4)
11. (3) 12. (4) 13. (1) 14. (3) 15. (4) 16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (3) 19. (2) 20. (1)
21. (1) 22. (3) 23. (2) 24. (4) 25. (2) 26. (3) 27. (3) 28. (4) 29. (3) 30. (3)
31. (1) 32. (2) 33. (2) 34. (1) 35. (4) 36. (4) 37. (2) 38. (2) 39. (4) 40. (4)
41. (2) 42. (1) 43. (4) 44. (2) 45. (2) 46. (2) 47. (4) 48. (3) 49. (2) 50. (1)
51. (2) 52. (1) 53. (2) 54. (4) 55. (2) 56. (2) 57. (1) 58. (4) 59. (3) 60. (3)
61. (1) 62. (2) 63. (1) 64. (4) 65. (4) 66. (3) 67. (1) 68. (2) 69. (4) 70. (4)
71. (4) 72. (4) 73. (3) 74. (4) 75. (4) 76. (2) 77. (2) 78. (2) 79. (4) 80. (1)
81. (3) 82. (4) 83. (3) 84. (2) 85. (4) 86. (3) 87. (2) 88. (3) 89. (1) 90. (3)
91. (4) 92. (3) 93. (1) 94. (2) 95. (1) 96. (2) 97. (4) 98. (4) 99. (2) 100. (2)
101. (4) 102. (2) 103. (4) 104. (2) 105. (1) 106. (2) 107. (1) 108. (1) 109. (3) 110. (2)
111. (1) 112. (4) 113. (*) 114. (1) 115. (4) 116. (1) 117. (1) 118. (3) 119. (4) 120. (2)
121. (3) 122. (2) 123. (2) 124. (3) 125. (2) 126. (4) 127. (2) 128. (2) 129. (1) 130. (2)
131. (4) 132. (4) 133. (1) 134. (4) 135. (1) 136. (3) 137. (3) 138. (4) 139. (3) 140. (1)
141. (1) 142. (3) 143. (1) 144. (3) 145. (3) 146. (4) 147. (4) 148. (2) 149. (2) 150. (4)
Note: ‘*’ No option is correct
In each of these cases, the five digit number can be 10. (4) The three vowels in ABACUS are A, A and U. These
formed using the remaining 3 digits in 3 × 2 × 1 = three can be arranged among themselves in 3!/2!
6 ways. ways.
∴ A number divisible by 4 can be formed in 6 × 4 = As the three vowels are to appear together, we consider
24 ways. them as one letter. Thus, we have four letters; (AAU),
Total numbers that can be formed using the digits 1, B, C and S.
2, 3, 4 and 5 without repetitions = 5! = 120 This can be done in 4! ways.
4! × 3!
24 1 ∴ Required number of ways =
∴ Required probability = = 2!
120 5
8000 700 4
11. (3) We can see that = =
No. of observations × deviation from 6000 525 3
Fixed value + Sum of deviation ∴ The time that 525 requires to grow to 700 will be the
4.(4) Mean = same as the time that 6000 requires to grow to 8000.
No.of observations
∴ Required time = 4 yr
20 × 23 + 70 For (Q. 12-14) At the start of the game J and B together had
= = 26.5
20 4 times as much money as T had.
5.(1) Let x g of gold should be added to the alloy to increase Let the money that J, B and T had be j, b and t
the percentage of gold in it to 90%. respectively.
80% of 50 + x 90 Then, j + b + t = 4t + t = 5t
∴ = ∴ The total money is divisible by 5.
50 + x 100
Similarly, from the other three statements in the data,
40 + x 9
⇒ = we find that the total money is divisible by 4 and 3
50 + x 10 as well.
⇒ 400 + 10x = 450 + 9x ∴ The total money is divisible by LCM of 3,4 and
∴ x = 50 g 5=60.
6. (3) Let their incomes be Rs 7x and Rs 3x and let the Let the total money be 60x.
expenses be Rs 5y and Rs 2y. At the start of the game,
∴ 7x – 5y = 300 …(i) j + b = 4t
and 3x – 2y = 300 …(ii) ∴ j + b + t = 5t = 60x
From Eqs. (i) and (ii) ∴ t = 12 x
x = 900 and y = 1200 ∴ j + b = 48x …(i)
Income of first person = 7x = 7 × 900 t + b = 3j
= Rs 6300 ∴ t+b+r = 60x
⇒ 4j = 60x
7. (4) Last month suppose the family consumption was 1 kg. ∴ j = 15x …(ii)
To keep expenditure at Rs 24, its new consumption From Eqs. (i) and (ii)
24 8
should be = kg. 15x + b = 48x
27 9 ∴ b = 33x
∴ Percentage decrease in consumption ∴ The amounts with J, B and T at the start of the
game were 15x, 33x and 12x respectively.
⎛ 8⎞
⎜⎝1 – ⎟⎠ Now, at the end of the game,
= × 100 j + b = 3t
1 ∴ 4t = 60x
= 11.1% ∴ t = 15x
8. (2) From a certain station, there will be a ticket for other ∴ j + b = 45x …(iii)
9 stations and there are 10 stations on this railway Also, t + b = 2j
line. ∴ 3j = 60x
∴ The number of different journey tickets = 9 × 10 ∴ j = 20x …(iv)
= 90 From Eqs. (iii) and (iv)
9.(2) Circumference of a circle= 2πr, where r is the b = 25x
radius,of the circle. ∴ The amounts with J, B and T at the end were 20x,
When circumference increases by 5%, the radius also 25x and 15x respectively.
increases by 5%. 12. (4) The fraction of total money that T had at the beginning
∴ New radius = 1.05r was
∴ As area ∝ (radius)2 12 x 1
∴ New area = (1.05)2 × old area 60 x 5
= 1.1025 × old area 13. (1) J won 20x – 15x = 5x
∴ Increase in area = 0.1025 of old area 5x 1
∴ Percentage increase in area = 10. 25% ∴ Required fraction = =
60 x 12
Solved Paper 2009 SNAP 13
33. (2) The total number of respondents under 31 = 33 + 33 41. (2) From (i) statement A gives B and C as many tractors
= 66 that they already have.
The number of respondents under 31 who said that ∴ Number of tractors with A > Number of tractors
Blues is their favourite style of music = 2 + 3 = 5 with B and C together.
5 42. (1) Option 2 can be eliminated as ‘many’ and ‘majority’
∴ The required percentage = × 100 ≈ 7.5%
66 are not same.
34. (1) There were 33 respondents in all in the 21-30 age The passage states that “... good basic skills in reading,
group. communication and mathematics play an important
There were 12 respondents in this group whose role …” and not reliance on communication skills
favourite style was Rock music. over basic skills in reading and mathematics. Option
∴ There were 33 – 12 = 21 respondents whose 3 can be eliminated.
favourite style was other than Rock music. The passage states ‘most’ of the fastest growing jobs.
21 Option 4 implies ‘all’ the fastest growing jobs. Option
∴The required percentage = × 100 ≈ 64%
33 4 can be eliminated.
35. (4) The total number of respondents = 33 + 33 + 68 = The passage mentions that good basic skills in reading,
134 communication and mathematics are important
The number of respondents who said that Jazz is their prerequisites for jobs that do not require a college
favourite style of music = 1 + 4 + 11 = 16 degree-jobs such as that of a desktop publisher, as
16 mentioned in option 1.
∴ The required percentage = × 100 ≈ 12%
134 43. (4) Options 1, 2 and 3 can be concluded from the data
given in the passage.
36. (4) The total number of students in the Arts faculty =
The passage states that “If there are no crop protection
products, then crop yield per acre will drop by more
The total number of non-US students in the Arts
than 50%.”
faculty = 79 + 21 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 112
Option 4 states if crop yield per acre drops by more
∴ The required percentage = 112 × 100 ≈ 10.67% than 50%, then crop protection products have not
1049 been used.
≈ 11% Hence, the conclusion in option 4 cannot be concluded
37. (2) Let the number of total students in the University be x. because drop can be due to other reasons.
23% of the total students = 1049 44. (2) If flight 409 is cancelled, then the manager cannot
⇒ 0.23x = 1049 arrive on time.
The number of students in the Engineering faculty is The other valid conclusion would be the manager can
9% of the total students. arrive on time, therefore flight 409 is not cancelled.
∴ The total number of Engineering students There are other two conclusions that may or may
9 1049 not be valid- they may or may not be sufficient
= × ≈ 410 students
100 0.23 conditions.
The manager cannot arrive on time, therefore flight
38. (2) From the previous solution, if there are total x
409 is cancelled.
Flight 409 is not cancelled, therefore the manager can
Then, 0.23x = 1049
arrive on time.
x= = 4560 Evelyn states that the manager will not arrive at time-
0.23 there is no possibility that the manager can arrive on
39. (4) The Science students are 21% of the total number of time. But, based on data, if flight 409 is not cancelled,
students. then the manager can arrive on time may or may not
6% of Science students are Asians. happen. Hence, Evelyn’s conclusion that the manager
The total number of students in the University = will not arrive on time is unwarranted.
4560 45. (2) The passage assumes that a higher percentage of
∴ The number of Asian students studying Science accident related deaths in planes compared to cars
6 21 implies cars are safer.
= × × 4560 ≈ 57
100 100 We need an argument that attacks the premise that
40. (4) Medical students are 5% of the total students. percentage is the only way to determine safety; or we
need an argument that brings in another element that
∴ The total number of medical students shows cars are not as safe as percentages make them
5 to be.
= × 4560 = 228
100 Options 1, 3 and 4 are not related to the main
Out of these, 34 are European. statement.
34 If the number of car accidents is several hundred
This represents × 100 = 14.9% ≈ 15% of this
faculty. 228 thousand times higher than the number of plane
16 SNAP Solved Paper 2009
accidents, it nullifies the premise of percentages In the following figures both the vertical and horizontal
being the deciding factor as well as presents data that lines reduce by 1.
supports that cars are not as safe as they are made out ∴ In the fourth figure there will be only one vertical line.
to be vis-a-vis planes. 60. (3) In the first figure there are 3 black circles on 3 lines.
46. (2) From the chart, it is clear that only Industry B and C In the second figure the black circles remain in the
contribute to company S. same places and the lines are turned in the opposite
47. (4) Observe that Industry B processes element 4 and 5. direction.
But elements 4 and 5 are also processed by Industry In second figure there are 2 black circles on two lines.
A and C. ∴ In the fourth figure the lines are turned in the
opposite direction and circles remain in the same
Hence, the proportion of element 4 that gets processed
in Industry B is unknown.
Similarly, the proportion of element 5 that gets 61. (1)
processed in Industry B is unknown. +2
So, the percentage of total production of listed elements
processed by Industry B cannot be determined. +2
48. (3) Industry A processes all the listed elements, ie, G M S Y I O U A K Q W C M S Y E
Element 1,2,3,4 and 5. +2 +2
The total annual production of all these elements is +2 +2
100000 tons. +2 +2
+2 +2
49. (2). RB shows the same relationship as opposite of decrease
is increase and opposite of descend is ascend. 62. (2) Mohan spent 30% on landline, 40% on GSM and 30%
∴ Decrease : Increase :: Descend : Ascend on Airtel and spent 30 min and 100 min on STD calls
50. (1) Opposite of modern is ancient and opposite of young and landline calls respectively.
is old. This data can be arranged in a tabular manner.
So, Modern : Ancient :: Young : Old Mohan Airtel GSM Landline
∴ AQ will be the correct pair. STD (minutes) 9 12 9
51. (2) As superset of part is whole. Local (minutes) 30 40 30
Similarly, superset of class is school.
Mohan made STD calls in the range of 50-200 km.
So, Part : Whole :: Class : School
Hence, Mohan’s STD calls cost is (9 × 1.5) + (12 ×
∴ BQ will be the correct pair.
1.5) + (9 × 2) = 13.5 + 18 + 18 = Rs 49.50
52. (1) Summit and Apex are synonyms. The only option His local calls cost is (30 × 1) + (40 × 1) + (30 × 2)
which is close of being a synonym is AQ. = Rs 130
Beautiful : Pretty. Price of plan = Rs 99
B E A U T I F U L B U T T E R Hence, Mohan’s total cost = (49.50 + 130) + 99
53. (2) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ and ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ = Rs 278.50
5 7 3 0 4 1 2 0 8 5 0 4 4 7 9 Rohan spent 40% on landline, 30% on GSM and 30%
Based on this coding system, the code for FUTURE is on Airtel and spent 18 min and 120 min on STD calls
204097. and landline calls respectively.
This data can be arranged in a tabular manner.
54. (4) If the month that ends on Wednesday have 31 days,
there will be 5 Mondays otherwise will have 4 Rohan Airtel GSM Landline
Mondays. So, cannot be specified. STD (minutes) 5.4 5.4 7.2
55. (2) From the first row, (17 × 12)/2 = 102 Local (minutes) 36 36 48
Similarly, from the second row, (15 × 10)/2 = 75
Rohan made STD calls in the range of 50-200 km.
56. (2) From the first row, 12 × 14 × 2 = 336 Hence, Rohan’s STD calls cost is (5.4 × 1.5) + (5.4 ×
Similarly, from the second row, 15 × 16 × 2 = 480 1.5) + (7.2 × 2) = 8.1 + 8.1 + 14.4 = Rs 30.60
57. (1) From statement (III), B and G must be on different His local calls cost is (36 × 1) + (36 × 1) + (48 × 2)
boats. = Rs 168
∴ If F and B are in one boat, G is in the other boat. Price of plan = Rs 99
58. (4) From statement (IV), the maximum number of persons Hence, Rohan’s total cost = (30.60 + 168) + 99
in one boat can be four only. = Rs 297.60
∴ There must be at least three people in the complete Hence, Rohan spent more.
list of people who must be sitting in either boat. Only 63. (1) Solve this problem by comparing the charges
option (4) has 3 persons. incurred while sending 38, 40, 60 and 59 local SMS
59. (3) In the first figure there are 4 vertical and 3 horizontal respectively under the old scheme and the new
lines. scheme.
Solved Paper 2009 SNAP 17
78. (2) An error could be a mistake, slip or blunder, but not a not know whether the tickets were checked or not,
defect. Therefore, option 1 can be eliminated. but is asking about it. There is no opinion expressed
‘Blunder’ is ‘a gross, stupid, or careless mistake’ and is here.
a higher degree than the others; therefore, option 4 The fourth sentence is a definite opinion that “They
can also be eliminated. should have checked...” This sentence conveys the
A ‘fault’ is defined as ‘a defect or imperfection’. same idea as expressed in the first sentence.
79. (4) ‘Flaunt’ means ‘to display conspicuously’. This logically 89. (1) ‘Magnanimous’ means ‘generous’ and ‘benevolence’
contradicts the sentence, since a man who ‘flaunts’ means ‘charitableness’. At first glance, none of the
the rules of ethical conduct would not be considered options seem to be the exact opposite of the meaning
a beast. This eliminates option 1. given in the sentence.
Similarly, a man who ‘ignores’ the rules of ethical ‘Cruel’ means ‘wilfully causing pain to others’;
conduct would also not be considered a beast. This ‘snobbish’ means ‘condescending or overbearing
eliminates option 2. to others’; ‘tyrannical’ means ‘unjustly cruel, harsh
A beast would be one who ‘breaks’ or ‘flouts’ the rules. or severe’. Therefore, options 2, 3 and 4 can be
‘Flout’ means ‘to treat with disdain, scorn or contempt’ eliminated.
and fits the context perfectly. Although the common meaning of being ‘mean’ is
In the second blank, the word ‘as’ does not fit the being ‘nasty or unkind’, when used with reference
sentence grammatically. This eliminates option 3. to money, being mean refers to being ‘stingy or
80. (1) Inverted commas, also known as quotation marks, are
90. (3) Biannual has two meanings. Firstly, it means
used either to enclose the exact words of a speaker or
occurring twice a year, which is also referred to as
to denote words as titles or when a special meaning is
semiannual. Secondly, it also means occurring every
conferred upon them.
two years, which is also called ‘biennial’. Since, the
The correct sentence should be: Part of Australia is
word ‘biennial’ is specifically used for an event that
known to the natives as ‘The Outback’.
occurs every two years or even something that lasts
81. (3) Commas are used to mark off words used in for two years, biannual is more commonly used to
addressing people and also before certain coordinative refer to something that occurs twice a year.
91. (4) ‘Temporal’, ‘ephemeral’ and ‘transient’ mean ‘lasting
The correct sentence should be: I know that you want
a very short time; short-lived; transitory’. This is the
to learn to drive, Rima, but you are too young.
exact opposite of ‘eternal’.
82. (4) ‘Veracious’ means ‘truthful or honest’. 92. (3) ‘Intravenous’ means ‘within a vein’.
83. (3) ‘Perturb’ means ‘to disturb or disquiet greatly in 93. (1) Sentence 8 has used ‘down’ as an adjective as it tells
mind’. something more about the train (noun).
84. (2) The phrase ‘with a high hand’ means ‘in an arrogant This eliminates options 2, 3 and 4.
or dictatorial manner’. 94. (2) The third fragment ‘as unpredictable as’ is used only in
The words sympathetically, democratically and reference to the ‘weather’. This establishes the 3-8 link.
generously do not fit in this context. The fourth fragment ‘as slippery as’ is used only in
The word closest in meaning is “oppressively”, which reference to ‘an eel’. This establishes the 4-6 link.
means ‘unjustly harsh or tyrannical’. This eliminates option 1.
85. (4) To “rack one’s brains” means ‘to try very hard to think 95. (1) The word ‘above’ in sentence 8 is an adjective as it
or to remember something’. tells us more about ‘information’ (noun).
86. (3) The noun phrase ‘cold feet’ refers to ‘a loss of This establishes the 1-8 link, eliminating options 2
confidence, or a sudden onset of uncertainty, fear and 4.
or nervousness’. It is in no way related to the literal The word ‘above’ in sentence 5 is a noun. This
meaning of the temperature of one’s feet. eliminates option 3.
87. (2) “To eat one’s words” is an idiom meaning ‘to retract 96. (2) There is an error in fragment 2 of the sentence. The
one’s statement, especially with humility’. article ‘the’ has been incorrectly placed.
The most appropriate meaning from the given options 97. (4) There is no error in this sentence.
is ‘to take back what you have said’. 98. (4) Option 1 should read, ‘whose car’.
88. (3) The first sentence is in the form of a question, Option 2 should read, ‘who is’.
“Shouldn’t they have checked your tickets?” expressing Option 3 should read, ‘whom’.
the speaker’s opinion that ‘I think they should have 99. (2) The word ‘him’ is the object of the word ‘imagine’ and
checked your tickets’. ‘forgetting his own birthday’ is a participial phrase
The second sentence starts with “I wonder if they describing ‘him’.
should have...” The word ‘wonder’ brings in an If we use ‘his forgetting’, then the gerund ‘forgetting’
element of doubt or speculation. links to the word ‘his’. In this case the whole phrase
The third sentence starts with “I want to know if ‘his forgetting his own birthday’ becomes the object,
they checked...” This indicates that the speaker does which is not appropriate.
Solved Paper 2009 SNAP 19
100. (2) Sentence 1 is incorrect as it gives the impression A ‘simile’ is a stated comparison between two
that the wedding was held in a newspaper. It has a fundamentally dissimilar things that have at least one
modifying error. point in common. A simile is usually introduced by
Sentence 2 has no grammatical errors. ‘like’, ‘as’ or ‘so’.
101. (4) Options 1 and 2 are incorrect as two negations make ‘Anticlimax’ is the opposite of climax, a sudden descent
the sentence incorrect. The given sentence requires a from higher to lower. It is chiefly used for the purpose
positive conclusion. of satire or ridicule.
The sentence also needs to be in the present tense and Here the sentence provided is a ‘personification’
not the future tense. This eliminates option 3. as death, an inanimate object, is endowed with the
102. (2) The logical start of the sentence is fragment 5 as it human quality of laying hands.
introduces the subject under consideration – English. 108. (1) The passage is titled, “A way to deal with frozen
This eliminates options 1, 3 and 4. feelings.” The passage highlights the effects of shock,
103. (4) Option 1 is incorrect as it has a tense error. The words violence, fear or pain that every child experiences
‘would have’ cannot be repeated twice in a single in the early years. The emotions mentioned in the
sentence. passage are negative. No positive emotions have been
Options 2 and 3 are incorrect as they are both tense mentioned in the passage. Therefore, we can come
errors. to the conclusion that ‘Frozen feelings’ are about
Sentence 4 has no such errors. negative childhood experiences.
Options 2 and 3 are incorrect as they are an outcome
104. (2) Option 1 is incorrect because ‘apt’ means ‘inclined,
of frozen feelings.
disposed’. People cannot be inclined to be mistaken.
Options 3 and 4 are also incorrect as a person cannot 109. (3) A ‘glitch’ is ‘a defect or malfunction that occurs in
be ‘considered’ to be mistaken or be ‘able’ to be a machine or plan’. The passage mentions, “Our
mistaken. feelings are the cause of this ‘glitch’ in our learning
In the given context ‘likely’ fits in the best. process.” What is this “glitch” in the context of the
passage? The passage mentions that “whenever
105. (1) When using question tags, if the first part of the
the same kind of emotion crops up later in our life
sentence has a negation, then the question tag would
we return to the past for our reference point.” This
be positive. Here ‘hardly’ signifies negation, hence the
means that there occurs some kind of malfunction
tag needs to positive. This eliminates options 2 and
or breakdown which interferes with the learning
Option 3 is incorrect as ‘will he’ signifies future while
the action is taking place in the present. 110. (2) Option 1 is incorrect as the passage states “The process
Therefore, only a question tag in the present tense of change need not be traumatic”.
will fit in correctly. Option 2 is correct and is mentioned in the following
extract from the passage, “We feel childish and we
106. (2) A metaphor is an implied comparison.
behave childishly.”
A simile is a stated comparison between two
fundamentally dissimilar things that have at least one 111. (1) Dendrochronology is the method of scientific dating
point in common. A simile is usually introduced by based on the analysis of tree-ring growth patterns.
‘like’, ‘as’ or ‘so’. 112. (4) Modi Telstra launched the first mobile phone operation
Apostrophe is a direct address to the dead, to the in India.
absent, or to a personified object or idea. This 113. (*) The correct answer for this question is not given in the
figure of speech is a special form of personification. options.
Although in apostrophe, certain human qualities such 114. (1) The expansion of BIFR, in the context of the Indian
as understanding are implied when the direct address Industry is Board for Industrial and Financial
is made as if addressing a person present. Reconstruction.
An epigram is a statement or any brief saying in 115. (4) Ekistics is the science of human settlements.
prose or poetry, in which there is an apparent
116. (1) Red Herring is a Prospectus in an IPO.
117. (1) Eight O’clock Coffee, a US based coffee marketer, is a
Here the sentence provided is a simile as there is a
group company of Tata.
comparison between someone and a peacock.
118. (3) Bio-diesel is extracted from Jatropha.
107. (1) A ‘personification’ is a figure of speech in which an
inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with 119. (4) Margaret Court is the woman tennis player who won
human qualities or abilities. the maximum number of Grand Slam singles titles in
An ‘exclamation’ is a figure of speech in which the the history of tennis.
exclamatory form is used to draw greater attention to 120. (2) ‘Big Apple’ is the nickname of New York city.
a point than a mere statement. Exclamation is little 121. (3) Infosys was the first Indian company to be listed on
more than a cry, a sudden expression for a range of NASDAQ.
emotions such as surprise, pleasure, anger, disgust, or 122. (2) ‘TARENGA’ - a village in Bihar was in the news because
pain. of viewing of the solar eclipse.
20 SNAP Solved Paper 2009
123. (2) The driver for Formula One’s Force India Team is of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient,
Adrian Sutil. ethanoic acid.
124. (3) (MDRT) - Million Dollar Round Table consists of 137. (3) The name of the Japanese company which literally
Global Association of Life Insurance professionals. means ‘three diamonds’ is Mitsubishi.
125. (2) Reserve Bank of India declares the ‘Credit Policy’ of 138. (4) Steve and Mark Waugh were the first twins to play
India. test cricket.
126. (4) SEBI is the body which regulates the Stock Exchanges 139. (3) USA has the largest rail network in the world.
in India. 140. (1) Svetlana Kuznetsova won the 2009 French open
127. (2) Rafflesia arnoldii holds a world record in the plant tennis ladies title.
world for being the largest bloom.
141. (1) Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby invented the microchip.
128. (2) Temujin, a famous historical character of the world
142. (3) Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the
was Genghis Khan.
129. (1) Short selling in the stock market lingo is selling the
143. (1) Ecuador makes Panama hats.
shares which you do not own.
144. (3) Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India when
130. (2) Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for Nobel Peace
the 42nd Amendment Bill bringing the changes in the
prize for the first time in the year 1937 and last time
Constitution was passed.
in the year 1948. He was nominated 3 times (1938,
1939 and 1947) in between these two years. 145. (3) Pluto lost its planet status recently.
131. (4) Sveriges Riksbank instituted the Nobel Prize in 146. (4) One barrel of oil is approximately equivalent to 160
Economics. litres.
132. (4) The first actress of Bollywood to endorse Lux beauty 147. (4) Five year plans in India are finally approved by the
soap was Leela Chitnis. Planning commission.
133. (1) Kumar Shri Ranjitsinghji Vibhaji Jadeja played for 148. (2) The most spoken language in the Southern Cone
Sussex in the league cricket of England. of South America which includes Argentina, Chile,
134. (4) Nagpur is the city which has an office of RBI without Paraguay, Uruguay and Peru is Spanish.
being a state capital. 149. (2) Brazil is not a member of the organization of petroleum
135. (1) The tycoon described in the question is Ratan Tata. exporting countries (OPEC).
136. (3) Vinegar is the substance which derived its name from 150. (4) Adam Osborne invented ‘computer laptop’. This
old French expression and made from the fermentation answer is not mentioned in the options.
SNAP 2008
Symbiosis National Aptitude Test Solved Paper
(3) =
E G How many circles are equivalent to a square, as per the
(1) Clockwise (2) Cannot move ratios in the three given equations ?
(3) Anti-clockwise (4) Either way
sSolved Paper 2008 SNAP 5
(1) = Column A contains no odd digits.
Cell C3 minus Cell C2 equals 4.
(2) = The sum of three digits in Row 1 is 17.
Number 7 is in column B; its left hand neighbor is not 4.
(3) = The digits of column C add upto 14.
2 is not in the same horizontal row as 8; and 9 is not
(4) =
immediately below 3.
39. Each child in a family has at least 4 brothers and 3 sisters. 45. Which cell holds the number 9 ?
What is the smallest number of children the family might A B C
have ?
(1) 7 (2) 8 1
(3) 9 (4) 10 2
40. In the following question two statements are followed by 3
two conclusions numbered I and II. (1) B1 (2) B3
Assume the two statements are true even if they are at (3) C2 (4) C1
variance with commonly known facts. Then pick the correct
46. Replace the questions mark with the right option.
answer from the choices given below.
4, 32, 288, ?, 31680
A. Only conclusion I follows
B. Only conclusion II follows (1) 25600 (2) 2880
C. Both conclusions I and II follow (3) 7420 (4) 10000
D. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 47. In the Sunday bazzar, Jamuna sells her lemons at Rs 0.50
Statements Some doctors are fools. Joshi is a doctor. for two. Her neighbor Seema has a little smaller lemons;
Conclusions I. Joshi is a fool. she sells hers at Rs 0.50 for three. After a while, when both
II. Some fools are doctors. ladies have the same number of lemons left, Seema is called
(1) A (2) B away. She asks her neighbour to take care of her goods. To
(3) C (4) D make things simple, Jamuna puts all lemons in one big pile,
41. Debu walks towards East then towards North and turning and starts sellings five lemons per one rupee. When Seema
45° right walks for a while and lastly turns towards left. In returns, at the end of the day, all lemons have been sold.
which direction is he walking now ? But when they start dividing the money, there appears to be
(1) North (2) East a shortage of Rs 3.50. Supposing they divide the money
(3) South-East (4) North-West equally, how much does Jamuna lose with this deal ?
(1) Rs 10.50 (2) Rs 11.50
Directions (Q. 42-44) Read the following instructions and
answer. (3) Rs 42.00 (4) Rs 52.50
48. There are two cups, one containing orange juice and one
There is a rectangular wooden block of length 4 cm,
containing an equal amount of lemonade. One teaspoon of
height 3 cm and breadth 3 cm.
the orange juice is taken and mixed with the
II. The two opposite surfaces of 4 cm × 3 cm are painted
lemonade.Then a teaspoon of this mixture is mixed back
yellow on the outside.
into the orange juice. Is there more lemonade in the orange
III. The other two opposite surfaces of 4 cm × 3 cm are
painted red on the outside. juice or more orange juice in the lemonade ?
IV. The remaining two surfaces of 3 cm × 3cm are painted (1) More orange juice in the lemonade
green on the outside. (2) More lemonade in the orange juice
V. Now, the block is cut in such a way that cubes of (3) Equal amount of each juice between the two cups
1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm are created. (4) None of the above
42. How many cubes will have only one colour ? 49. Consider the statement and decide which of the
(1) 10 (2) 12 assumptions are implicit
(3) 14 (4) 18 “In the present period of economic hardships, education
43. How many cubes will have no colour ? and small family norm may lead the nation to progress and
(1) 1 (2) 2 prosperity”.
(3) 4 (4) 8 Assumptions
44. How many cubes will have any two colours ? A. Education and small family norms are directly related to
(1) 32 (2) 24 nations progress.
(3) 16 (4) 12 B. Big families find it difficult to bear the cost of education.
(1) Only A is implicit
Direction (Q. 45) Read the following about the grid given
(2) Only B is implicit
below and answer.
(3) Both A and B are implicit
The cells in this grid contain the digits 1 to 9 in random (4) Neither A nor B is implicit
6 SNAP Solved Paper 2008s
50. Fill in the blanks to find two words that are synonyms B C
• M • N
E • E •
(1) A and B occupy the same position
D O C E (2) C and D occupy the same position
(3) D and B are in their original positions
(4) B and C are in diagonally opposite positions
(1) KS, ST (2) MS, NT
55. A gambler bet on a horse race, but the bookee would not tell
(3) ST, DN (4) MS, DN
him the results of the race. The bookee gave clues as to how
51. Beautiful beaches attract people, no doubt about that. Just the five horses finished which may have included some tie
look at the city’s most beautiful beaches, which are amongst and would not pay the gambler off unless the gambler could
the most overcrowded places in the state. determine how the five horses finished based on the
Which of the following exhibits a pattern of reasoning following clues
similar to the one exhibited in the argument above ? • Penn Fe finished before Night Marvel and after Wish
(1) Moose and bear usually appear at the same drinking Bones.
hole at the same time of day. Therefore, moose and • Wish Bones tied with Penn Fe if and only if Hallelujah
bear must be feeling thirsty at about the same time. did not tie with Sundae.
(2) Children who are scolded severely tend to misbehave • Penn Fe finished as many places after Sundae as Sundae
more often than other children. Hence if a child is not finished after Wish Bones if and only if Wish Bones
scolded severely, that child is less likely to misbehave finished before Night Marvel.
(3) During warm weather my dog suffers more fleas than The gambler thought for a moment, then answered
during cool weather. Therefore, fleas must thrive in a correctly. How did the five horses finish the race ?
warm environment (1) Sundae came in first. Wish Bones and Hallelujah tied
for second place. Penn Fe came in fourth. Night Marvel
(4) Tally accounting software helps increase the work
came in fifth.
efficiency of its users. As a result, these users have more
(2) Wish Bones came in first. Sundae and Penn Fe tied for
time for other activities
second place. Hallelujah came in fourth. Night Marvel
52. Abdul, Mala, and Chetan went bird watching. Each of them came in fifth.
saw one bird that none of the others did. Each pair saw one (3) Wish Bones came in first. Sundae and Hallelujah tied
bird that the third did not and one bird was seen by all for second place. Penn Fe came in fourth. Night Marvel
three. Of the birds Abdul saw, two were yellow. Of the birds came in fifth.
Mala saw, three were yellow. Of the birds Chetan saw, four (4) Penn Fe came in first. Night Marvel and Hallelujah tied
were yellow. How many yellow birds were seen in all ? How for second place. Wish Bones came in fourth. Sundae
many non-yellow birds were seen in all ? came in fifth.
(1) 7 yellow birds and 3 non yellow birds 56. In a school drill, a number of children are asked to stand in
(2) 5 yellow birds and 2 non yellow birds a circle. They are evenly spaced and the 6th child is
(3) 4 yellow birds and 2 non yellow birds diametrically opposite the 16th child. How many children
(4) 3 yellow birds and 2 non yellow birds are made to stand in the circle ?
53. In each of the following two sets I and II, find the word or (1) 16 (2) 20
(3) 22 (4) None of these
pair of words different from the other three words or pair of
words 57. In this question insert the missing number at the sign of
I. J. Lake K. Brook L. Stream M. River interrogation.
II. J. Weighty-Heavy K. Broad-Wide 8 4 9 5
L. Big-Large M. Tiny-Small 5 7 3 4
(1) I-J, II-J (2) I-K, II-M
3 4 5 8
(3) I-K, II-J (4) I-J, II-K
39 44 60 ?
54. A, B, C and D are standing on the four corners of a square
field as shown in the figure. From the positions shown in (1) 62 (2) 72
the figure. A walks to the North position and B walks to the (3) 60 (4) 70
East position while C decides to walk two sides in 58. Steel cylinders are made so that each one has a large and
anti-clockwise direction. B walks to North and then changes small hole through the middle. In the drawing six cylinders
his mind to take the previous position. Identify the choice have been stacked on top of each other. To stop the
with correct positions. cylinders from rolling on the smooth floor they are wedged
by heavy blocks at each side of bottom row. If the heavy
sSolved Paper 2008 SNAP 7
blocks are removed what would be the position of cylinders 62. Which among the following statements is contradictory to
when they stopped rolling ? the above premises ?
(1) P is the father of M
(2) O has three children
(3) M has one brother
(4) M is the granddaughter of O
63. The drawing shows a cross section where the land meets
the sea. The section covered is 5 km. On a hot day, in which
direction, indicated by four arrows, is the wind most likely
to blow ?
Land Sea
(1) A (2) B
(3) C (4) D
Directions (Q. 59-61) Use the information given below to (1) A (2) B
answer. (3) C (4) D
(i) There is a group of 5 persons A, B, C, D and E. Directions (Q. 64-65) In the diagram below, the circle
(ii) In the group there is one badminton player, one chess stands for ‘educated’, square stands for ‘hard working’,
player and one tennis player. triangle for ‘urban people’ and rectangle for ‘honest’. The
(iii) A and D are unmarried ladies and do not play any different regions of the diagram are numbered from 1 to 12.
games. Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions.
(iv) No lady is a chess player or a badmintor player.
(v) There is a married couple in the group of which E is the
husband. 5
(vi) B is the brother of C and is neither a chess player nor a 3
tennis player. 1 2 6 7
59. Which of the groups has only ladies ? 11 4
(1) ABC (2) BCD 9
12 8
(3) CDE (4) None of these
60. Who is the tennis player ?
(1) B (2) C
(3) D (4) E 64. Uneducated urban, hard working and honest people are
61. Who is the wife of E ? indicated by
(1) A (2) B (1) 3 (2) 11
(3) D (4) None of these (3) 9 (4) 4
65. Non-urban educated people who are neither hard working
Direction (Q. 62) Consider the following statements and
answer the question. nor honest are indicated by
(1) 5 (2) 7
M, N, O and P are all different individuals. (3) 10 (4) 11
M is the daughter of N.
N is the son of O.
O is the father of P.
(1) 3 (2) 13
F (3) 37 (4) 86
E 104. Two sea trawlers left a sea port simultaneously in two
mutually perpendicular directions. Half an hour later, the
shortest distance between them was 17 km and another 15
Production C min later one sea trawler was 10.5 km farther from the
line 1
B origin than the other. Find the speed of each sea trawler.
A Production line 2 (1) 16 km/h, 30 km/h
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (2) 18 km/h, 24 km/h
Months (3) 20 km/h ,22 km/h
A. Can the duration of reported breakdown be (4) 18 km/h, 36 km/h
established ? 105. The image below indicates the number of residents at
B. Can the loss of production be quatified ? 5 hotels on 1 Feb and 1 July 1998. Which hotel had the
(1) Both questions A and B can be answered greatest increase in the total number of adult residents on
(2) Only A question can be answered 1 July 1998 compared with 1 Feb of that year ?
10 SNAP Solved Paper 2008s
01-Feb-98 City I II
Female Female Male A 60 2400
Hotel Male Adults
Adults Children Children
B 20 3000
V 32 64 8 11
C 85 2400
W 11 28 3 2
D 55 2700
X 47 84 14 7
E 75 8000
Y 22 42 5 6
Z 63 104 18 23 109. How many viewers in city C watch less one movie a week ?
(1) 2040 (2) 13600
(3) 16000 (4) 3600
Female Female Male 110. Which city has the highest number of viewers who watch
Hotel Male Adults
Adults Children Children
less than one movie a week ?
V 41 73 16 14 (1) City E (2) City D
W 18 37 7 6 (3) City B (4) City C
111. A city with the second lowest number of movie watchers is
X 47 92 12 17
(1) City E (2) City D
Y 37 59 19 13 (3) City B (4) City C
Z 71 112 26 20 112. The total number of all movie goers in the five cities who
watch less than one movie per week is
(1) V (2) W
(1) 50000 (2) 36000
(3) Y (4) Z (3) 18500 (4) 45250
For the following questions in this section, correct 113. The 288th term of the sequence a, b, b, c, c, c, d, d, d, d, .....
answers carry 1 mark each. is
106. This question consists of a question and two statements (1) u (2) v
numbered I and II. Decide whether the data given in the (3) w (4) x
statements are sufficient to answer the question. 114. The inequalilty of p2 + 5 < 5p + 14 can be satisfied if
What is the 57th number in the series of numbers. (1) p ≤ 6, p = −1 (2) p = 6, p = −2
I. Each number in the series is three more than the (3) p ≤ 6, p ≤ 1 (4) p ≥ 6, p = 1
preceding number. 115. Answer the question based on the following table.
II. The ten number in the series is 29.
Relative Sweeteners of Different Substances
(1) The data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the
question while the data in Statement II alone is not Lactose 0.16 Maltose 0.32
sufficient to answer the question. Glucose 0.74 Sucrose 1.00
(2) The data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer Saccharin 675.00
the question, while the data in statement I alone is not What is the ratio of glucose to lactose in a mixture as sweet
sufficient to answer the question. as maltose ?
(3) If the data either in statements I and II alone are (1) 8 : 21 (2) 1 : 3
sufficient to answer the question. (3) 3 : 2 (4) 16 : 9
(4) If the data in both statements I and II together are
116. A colourless cube is painted blue and then cut parallel to
necessary to answer the question. sides to form two rectangles solids of equal volume. What
107. The cost of levelling and turfing a square field at Rs 160 per percentage of surface area of each of new solids is not
hectare is Rs 2624.46. The cost of surrounding it with a painted blue ?
railing costing 25 paise per metre is (1) 25 (2) 16
(1) Rs 350 (2) Rs 375 (3) 20 (4) 18
(3) Rs 400 (4) Rs 405 117. There are 10 stations on a railway line.The number of
108. When the Sun rays inclination increases from 30° to 60°, different journey tickets that are required by the authorities
the length of the shadow of a tower decreases by 60 m. Find is
the height of the tower. (1) 10! (2) 90
(1) 50.9 m (2) 51.96 m (3) 81 (4) 10
(3) 48.8 m (4) None of these 118. A and B throw one dice for a stake of Rs 11, which is to be
Directions (Q. 109-112) A survey of movie goers from five won by the player who first throws a six. The game ends
cities A, B, C, D and E is summarized below. The first column when the stake is won by A or B. If A has the first throw,
gives the percentage of viewers in each city who watch less what are their respective expectations ?
than one movie in a week. The second column gives the total (1) 5 and 6 (2) 6 and 5
number of viewers who view one or more movies per week. (3) 11 and 0 (4) 10 and 1
sSolved Paper 2008 SNAP 11
119. Which investment gives a better return, assuming the face 127. A person buys 18 local tickets for Rs 110. Each first class
value of shares to be Rs 10 ? ticket costs Rs 10 and each second class ticket costs Rs 4.
A. 5% stock at 75, subject to 30% income tax. What will another lot of 18 tickets in which the number of
B. 4% stock at 90, tax free. first class and second class tickets are interchanged cost ?
(1) B (2) A (1) 112 (2) 118
(3) Both A and B (4) None of these (3) 121 (4) 124
120. Four stacks containing equal number of chips are to be 128. A clock loses 12 min every 24 h. It is set right at 7 : 25 pm on
made from 11 orange, 9 white, 13 black and 7 yellow chips. Monday. What will be the time when the clock shows 1 : 45
If all these chips are used and each stack contains at least pm the following day ?
one chip of each colour, what is the maximum number of (1) 1 : 20 : 35 pm (2) 1 : 35 : 50 pm
white chips in any one stack ? (3) 1 : 25 : 35 pm (4) None of these
(1) 3 (2) 4 129. In a row at a bus stop, A is 7 from the left and B is 9 from the
(3) 5 (4) 6 right. They both interchange their pesitions. A becomes 11
121. A 14.4 kg gas cylinger runs for 104 h when the smaller from the left. How many peoples are there in the row ?
burner on the gas stove is fully opened while it runs for 80 h (1) 18 (2) 19
when the larger burner on the gas stove is fully opened. (3) 20 (4) 21
Which of these values are the closest to the percentage 130. A merchant wants to make profit by selling food grains.
difference in the usage of gas per hour, of the smaller Which of the following would maximize his profit ?
burner over the larger burner ? I. Sell product at 30% profit
(1) 26.23% (2) 30% II. Increase the price by 15% over the cost price and
(3) 32.23% (4) 23.07% reduce weight by 15%
122. Study the question and the statements given below. Decide III. Use 700 g of weight instead of 1 kg.
whether any information provided in the statement(s) is IV. Mix 30% impurities in grains and sell it at cost price
redundant and/or can be dispensed with, to answer it. (1) III
It 7 is added to numerator and denominator each of (2) II and I
fraction a/b, will the new fraction be less than the original (3) II
one ? (4) All give the same profit
Statement I a = 73, b = 103 Directions (Q. 131-134) Study the following chart carefully
Statement II The average of a and b is less than b and answer.
Statement III a − 5 is greater than b − 5
(1) II and either I or III Failure Rates of Electronic Components
(2) Only I or II 40
(3) Any two of them
Number per Thousand
(4) Any one of them 30
124. A cyclist drove 1 km, with the wind in his back, is 3 min and 10
drove the same way back, against the wind in 4 min. If we
assume that the cyclist always puts constant force on the Picture Signal Capaci- Integrated Printed Hybrid
pedals, how much time would it take him to drive 1 km Tubes Devices tators Circuits Circuit Micro
Boards Circuits
without wind ?
1 3
(1) 2 min (2) 3 min 131. From the failure data of electronics components presented
3 7
3 7 here, which statement is true ?
(3) 2 min (4) 3 min (1) Integrated circuits and Printed circuit boards are more
7 12
125. A, B and C started a business by investing 1/2, 1/3 and 1/6 (2) Capacitors are more reliable than Picture tubes.
of the capital respectively. After 1/3 of the total time, A (3) Higher number of component failures is likely to be
withdrew his capital completely and after 1/4 of the total due to Picture tubes.
time B withdrew his capital. C kept his capital for the full (4) The least reliable component is Hybrid micro circuits.
period. The ratio in which total profit is to be divided 132. Which of the following components has a failure rate 25%
amongst the partners is more than that of signal devices ?
(1) 1 : 2 : 1 (2) 4 : 1 : 4 (1) Picture tubes
(3) 2 : 1 : 2 (4) 1 : 2 : 2 (2) Capacitors
126. A number lock consists of 3 rings each marked with 10 (3) Integrated circuits
different numbers. In how many cases the lock cannot be (4) Printed circuit boards
opened ? 133. Lowest priority for investing in any changes or additions to
(1) 310 (2) 103 the component manufacturing units, in the company’s
(3) 30 (4) 999 investment plans, may be given to the following
12 SNAP Solved Paper 2008s
(1) Printed circuit boards and Hybrid micro circuits (1) 12, 4, 3 (2) 12, 5, 4
(2) Capacitors and Integrated circuits (3) 5, 12, 4 (4) 12, 4, 4
(3) Picture tubes and signal devices 135. The water from a roof, 9 sq m in area, flows down to a
(4) Signal devices and Capacitors cylindrical container of 900 cm 2 base. To what height will
134. For the equipments using Integrated circuit boards : 400, the water rise in cylinder if there is a rainfall of 0.1 mm ?
Capacitors : 240 and Printed circuit boards : 120 to run with (1) 0.1 cm (2) 0.1 m
minimum downtime, how many spares should be kept in (3) 0.11 cm (4) 1 cm
the store respectively ?
1. (3) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (4) 8. (3) 9. (3) 10. (2)
11. (1) 12. (1) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (3) 16. (3) 17. (4) 18. (4) 19. (2) 20. (1)
21. (2) 22. (3) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (4) 26. (2) 27. (1) 28. (1) 29. (1) 30. (2)
31. (2) 32. (4) 33. (4) 34. (3) 35. (2) 36. (4) 37. (1) 38. (1) 39. (3) 40. (2)
41. (4) 42. (1) 43. (2) 44. (3) 45. (2) 46. (2) 47. (1) 48. (1) 49. (1) 50. (4)
51. (3) 52. (2) 53. (1) 54. (4) 55. (3) 56. (2) 57. (2) 58. (3) 59. (4) 60. (2)
61. (4) 62. (4) 63. (4) 64. (4) 65. (2) 66. (3) 67. (2) 68. (2) 69. (1) 70. (1)
71. (4) 72. (4) 73. (3) 74. (1) 75. (2) 76. (2) 77. (4) 78. (1) 79. (3) 80. (4)
81. (1) 82. (1) 83. (3) 84. (3) 85. (4) 86. (3) 87. (2) 88. (1) 89. (4) 90. (2)
91. (2) 92. (4) 93. (4) 94. (2) 95. (3) 96. (4) 97. (2) 98. (3) 99. (2) 100. (2)
101. (1) 102. (2) 103. (2) 104. (1) 105. (3) 106. (3) 107. (4) 108. (2) 109. (2) 110. (1)
111. (2) 112. (4) 113. (4) 114. (1) 115. (1) 116. (3) 117. (2) 118. (2) 119. (1) 120. (4)
121. (2) 122. (3) 123. (4) 124. (2) 125. (3) 126. (4) 127. (4) 128. (2) 129. (2) 130. (1)
131. (4) 132. (2) 133. (3) 134. (2) 135. (4)
∴ =
3 cm
39. (3) For having at least 4 brothers, the number of male child Green
should be 5 at least and for having 3 sisters at least, the
number of female child should be 4 at least. So, the
smallest number of children in the family might be
5 + 4 = 9. 3 cm Red
40. (2) Conversion of statement ‘I’ to ‘I’.
41. (4) North-West
4 cm
sSolved Paper 2008 SNAP 13
43. (2) 2 (two) 56. (2) The total number of students in the circle
44. (3) Red + Yellow = 2 × 4 = 8 = 6 + 16 − 2 = 20
Red + Green = 1 × 4 = 4 57. (2) (8 + 5) × 3 = 39
Yellow + Green = 1 × 4 = 4 (4 + 7 ) × 4 = 44
Total = 16
(9 + 3) × 5 = 60
45. (2) According to the given information the grid willl be as
∴ (5 + 4) × 8 = 72
B3 will hold the number 9.
For (Q. 59-61) A( F ) — Do not play any game.
S. No. A B C B( M ) — Badminton player
1 6 3 8 C ( F ) — Tennis player
2 2 7 1 D( F ) — Do not play any game.
3 4 9 5 E( M ) — Chess player
62. (4) O(M)
46. (2) 4 × 8 = 32
32 × 9 = 288 P N(M)
288 × 10 = 2880
2880 × 11 = 31680
Obvious M is the granddaughter of ‘O’.
47. (1) According to the question, 101. (1) Loss of production cannot be quantified from the given
When Seema is called away then both of them have 13 graph as selling price of the unit and the cost of
lemon left (ie, LCM of 2, 3, 5). production has not been given.
If both of them sell these lemons individually then they
30 30 102. (2) Sum of the page numbers from 291 to 322
will get = Rs 7.50 and = Rs 5ie, a total of Rs 7.50 = (1 + 2 + 3 + K + 322) − (1 + 2 + 3 + K + 290)
4 6
322 × 323 290 × 291
+ Rs 5 = Rs 12.50. = −
65 2 2
But Jamuna gets = = Rs 12 ie, she looses 50 p. But in
5 = 52003 − 42195 = 9808
the question it has been given that she looses Rs 3.50.
Hence, number of lemons 103. (2) 2 ↔ 3 ↔ 13 ↔ 37 ↔ 86 ↔ 167 ↔ 288
1 10 24 49 81 121
210 1 420
∴ Loss of Jamuna = − × 12 should come in place of 13 as the difference
4 2 5
between two numbers is the square of odd numbers in
= 52.50 − 42 = 10.50 the increasing order.
48. (1) Obviously more orange juice in the lemonade.
ie, (1)2 = 1, (3)2 = 9, (5)2 = 25 and so on.
49. (1) Only A is Implicit.
104. (1) 17 2 = 82 + 152 A
51. (3) Exhibits the similar pattern of reasoning. We can get the speed of each 17
sea trawler, by using the first 8
52. (2)
part of the information.
Abdul Mala Chetan AM MC CA AMC 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 105. (3) Total number of adult residents is equal to the sum of
Y Y Y Y Y female adults and male adults.
1 4
P 2 Q
3 5
1. (4) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4. (1) 5. (1) 6. (4) 7. (3) 8. (4) 9. (3) 10. (3)
11. (4) 12. (3) 13. (4) 14. (*) 15. (4) 16. (2) 17. (3) 18. (1) 19. (2) 20. (3)
21. (4) 22. (2) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (2) 26. (2) 27. (4) 28. (3) 29. (3) 30. (3)
31. (3) 32. (*) 33. (3) 34. (4) 35. (1) 36. (4) 37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (4) 40. (3)
41. (1) 42. (4) 43. (2) 44. (1) 45. (3) 46. (4) 47. (2) 48. (2) 49. (3) 50. (4)
51. (2) 52. (1) 53. (3) 54. (4) 55. (2) 56. (2) 57. (3) 58. (1) 59. (3) 60. (1)
61. (2) 62. (1) 63. (1) 64. (3) 65. (2) 66. (2) 67. (4) 68. (3) 69. (2) 70. (1)
71. (2) 72. (4) 73. (2) 74. (3) 75. (1) 76. (2) 77. (1) 78. (2) 79. (4) 80. (4)
81. (1) 82. (3) 83. (2) 84. (4) 85. (2) 86. (4) 87. (3) 88. (4) 89. (1) 90. (2)
91. (3) 92. (1) 93. (3) 94. (1) 95. (2) 96. (1) 97. (4) 98. (2) 99. (2) 100. (3)
101. (2) 102. (4) 103. (3) 104. (1) 105. (2) 106. (1) 107. (2) 108. (3) 109. (1) 110. (3)
111. (4) 112. (3) 113. (3) 114. (3) 115. (1) 116. (4) 117. (4) 118. (1) 119. (1) 120. (2)
121. (4) 122. (4) 123. (4) 124. (2) 125. (2) 126. (4) 127. (3) 128. (3) 129. (3) 130. (3)
131. (1) 132. (4) 133. (2) 134. (1) 135. (3) 136. (4) 137. (4) 138. (*) 139. (2) 140. (2)
141. (2) 142. (2) 143. (4) 144. (3) 145. (1) 146. (2) 147. (3) 148. (4) 149. (2) 150. (2)
NOTE * No option is correct.
Spending by Advertisers and Viewers If company’s policy is to retain safety stock of 20% of
25 monthly demand and each month’s safety stock becomes the
22 22 opening stock for the next month and opening stock for January is
19 20
Percentage expenses
Answer figures
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 8 2
5 (1) A (2) B
7 9 1 (3) C (4) D
6 10
144. Problem figures
88. (2) Safety stock of month May becomes the opening stock It means 18 workers required.
of month June which is 40. Hence, number of workers laid off = 20 − 18 = 2
92. (2) Q We have, 22 working days in January. 93. (1) In February demand units = 540
∴ Total number of working hours for a single labour
Number of labour hours = 540 × 10 = 5400
= 22 × 8 = 176 h.
Number of working days in February = 19
Total man hours required in January to accommodate
Total number of labour hours for a single worker in
demand = 310 × 10 = 3100 men labours
3100 February = 19 × 8 = 152
Hence, number of workers = = 17. 6 5400
176 Number of worker = ≈ 36
Q 17 < 17. 6 < 18
16 SNAP Solved Paper 2006s
Hence, number of worker required to be hired 462 × 7
∴ h2 =
= 36 − 18 = 18 3 × 22
94. (2) In January month required labour hours = 3100 ⇒ h =7
Provided labour hours by 20 workers ∴ Readius = 10. 5
= 22 × 20 × 8
∴ Required volume = πr2h
= 3520 labour hours
Hence, sitting hours = (3520 − 3100) = 420 h = × 10.5 × 10.5 × 7
95. (3) In February month required labour hours
= 2425.5 cm3
= 5400 h
Labour hours provided by 20 workers = 20 × 8 × 19 121. (2) Here in the statement (2), it is told that the order
= 3040 h “D-A-E-C-B” contains two contestants in their correct
Overtime hours = (5400 − 3040) h = 2360 h positions. Hence, in the correct order also two of these
five must be in the same positions.
Real depth
110. (4) Refractive index = Now, among the given options, we can see that only
Apparent depth
option (2) has such an order where two are in the same
v positions as they are in the order “D-A-E-C-B”. Hence,
111. (4) sin θ =
100 the only possible order is (2).
⇒ sin 30° = 122. (4) f ( x ) = 2x − 2
100 100 km/h
∴ f ( p) = 2p − 2
∴ v = 50 km/h
Putting p = 2, we get
113. (4) Let the annual payment = Rs x θ
f (2) = 4 − 2 = 2
Again, assume p1 and p2 are the part of thev sum that
will be cleared in the first and second year respectively. 123. (4) Here, the sequence will be as
x C-AB-A-Y Z -E-CD-Y- W X-G-E F -W-U V .
Then, p1 =
10 Here, we can see that after a particular letter, two
1 +
100 consecutive letters of alphabet are written in the
x sequence. By doing so, we get the letters ‘ZWFV’ to be
and p2 =
2 filled in the boxes.
1 +
100 124. (4) Here, the series continues as
According to question, SL-AB-sl-bc-SL-CD-sl-de
Hence, we can see that, letters ‘AlSCd’ are to be filled in
p1 + p2 = 5040
the blanks.
x x
+ = 5040 125. (4) Here, the series progresses as
11 11 2
10 10 1 4 27 16 125 36 343
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
10 x 100 x
⇒ + = 5040 13 22 33 42 53 62 73
11 121
Hence, ‘125’ is to be filled in the blank.
110 x + 100 x
⇒ = 5040 126. (4) Here, we shall consider each option one by one.
5040 × 121
⇒ x= = Rs 2904 1. A D B E C 2. F I G J H
114. (4) Let height is h.
∴ Radius = h
2 3. K N L O M 4. P R T S Q
∴ Curve surface area = 2πrh
3 Hence, option (4) is the odd option.
= 2π × h×h
2 127. (4) Here, among all the given options, only option (4)
= 3πh 2 contains the two repeating letters while others contain
Since, cost of painting at 20 paise/cm 2 is Rs 92.40. only one such pair. Hence, option (4) is the odd option.
92.40 128. (3) Here, the central number is written by adding the
∴ Curve surface area = = 462 square roots of the numbers being out of the circle and
then squaring the resultant.
⇒ 3πh 2 = 462
sSolved Paper 2006 SNAP 17
⇒ (1144 + 2100852)2
2 2
16 361 1 25 1 81 16 = (5 + 6 +9 +4) ⇒ (2101996)2 = 44183872184016
= 19 = 361
137. (1) 980 − 320 + 56 / 220 →
⇒ (980 × 320 ÷ 56 − 220)2
2 2
⇒ (980 × 5.7142 − 220)2
64 289 16 4 16 9 64 = (2 + 4 + 3 + 8)
= (17) = 289 = (5600 − 220)2
9 = (5380)2 = 28944400
9 138. (3) 8765 * 789654 − 456 * 4356 + 660 / 34532
9 81 25 1
= (3 + 9 + 5 + 1) 2 ⇒ 8765 + (789654 × 456) + (4356 ÷ 660) − 34532
1 324 81
= (18) = 324 ⇒ 8765 + 360082224 + 6. 6 − 34532
25 ⇒ 360090995. 6 − 34532 = 360056463. 6
Hence, 324 will be filled in the circle. 139. (4) Rectangle represents the wheat cultivation area while
129. (3) Here, the numbers of each row are written as circle represents the maize cultivation area. Hence, we
have to find the number which is only in the rectangle
52 43 34 25
–9 –9 –9 and the circle. Hence, the number is ‘4’.
42 33 24 15 140. (3) The circle represents the region for maize. Hence, we
–9 –9 –9 have to look for the number which is in the circle only
45 36 27 18 and that number is ‘3’.
–9 –9 –9
141. (1) Once both upward and downward lines go to the
54 45 36 27
–9 –9 –9 opposite sides of the main line and then it comes more
Hence, “24, 36, 54” are to be filled in the blanks. closer in the next figure. The process continues.
142. (4) The fifth figure must contain eight items. Hence, the
130. (2) Here, in each row, A, B and C are written by
only possible answer can be ‘D’.
interchanging their positions among themselves. Also,
in each column the upper and the lower is multiplied 143. (1) One line is increasing in second figure and same line is
and then the resultant is written in the middle column. repeated in third figure and hence, the fifth figure must
contain five designs.
In the middle box of the chart, letter ‘C’ will be written
and the number will be 144. (3) The number of some designs is decreasing one by one
while the number of circles is increasing one by one.
2 × 5 = 10
146. (4) Every time a line (side) of the upper design comes
131. (2) From first figure, we can say that 1 and 2 cannot be
down and complete the lower design.
opposite to number ‘4’. Similarly from second figure we
147. (1) We can infer that wise men should be imitated.
can say that 5 and 6 cannot be opposite to number 4.
Hence, among the given options, only number ‘3’ is the 149. (3) M A C H I N E
(13) (1) (3) (8) (9) (14) (5)
possible number that can be on the top. +6
132. (4) It was Sunday on 22nd July 2003 and after 7 days it 19 –7 –9 –14 –15 –20 –11
will be Sunday again. Hence,
134. (1) 65 * 89754 − 9856 + 785 / 8647 (4) (1) (14) (7) (5) (18)
⇒ 65 + 89754 × 9856 ÷ 785 − 8647 +6
⇒ 65 + {89754 × (9856 ÷ 785)} − 8647 10 –7 –20 –13 –11 –24
⇒ 65 + {89754 × 12.555} − 8647 150. (2) F A V O U R E B U P T S
⇒ 65 + 1126898.6 − 8647 –1
⇒ 1126963. 6 − 8647 = 1118316. 6 –1
135. (3) 89765 / 897 − 6789 + 89 → +1
⇒ (89765 − 897 × 6789 ÷ 89)2
⇒ (89765 − 897 × 76. 280899)2 Hence, D A G G E R C B F H D S
⇒ (89765 − 68423. 966)2 –1
⇒ (21341. 034)2 = 455439719.7 –1
136. (4) 1234 / 90 * 8978 − 234 → +1
⇒ (1234 − 90 + 8978 × 234)2 +1
18 SNAP Solved Paper 2006s
151. (3) N-W N-E South West Here, the shortest distance of A from the starting point
West East OS =OR + RS = PQ + RS =(7 + 7) km = 14 km
The same distance has been covered by B also. Hence,
S-W S-E East North
South the shortest distance between A and
Hence, ‘West’ becomes ‘South-East’. = 14 + 14 = 28 km
152. (3) S (A's final position) 154. (2) The only possible word starting from B is ‘BEACH’. Its
fourth letter is ‘C’.
7 km 155. (3) We can make three words ‘NO’, ‘ON’ and ‘TO’.
5 km
7 km
(Starting 5 km
SNAP 2005
Symbiosis National Aptitude Test Solved Paper
1. Milk and water in two vessels A and B are in the ratio 4 : 3 The jars will, then be shaken and you will be asked to pick
and 2 : 3 respectively. In what ratio the liquids in both the one marble from either jar. How would you distribute the
vessels should be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel C, marbles in two jars to maximize the possibility of picking a
containing half milk and half water? white marble blind folded?
(1) 1 : 1 (2) 7 : 5 (1) 25 white and 25 black in each
(3) 2 : 4 (4) 1 : 3 (2) One white in one and rest 99 in the other
2. A picture was bought at a certain sum, which was the price (3) 50 white in one and 50 black in the other
paid for its frame. Had the frame cost Rs 100 less and the (4) All hundred in one
picture Rs 75 more, the price for the frame would have been 9. The number plate of a bus had peculiarity. The bus number
only half of that of the picture. What is the price of the was a perfect square. It was also a perfect square when the
frame? plate was turned upside down. The bus company had only
(1) 75 (2) 100 five hundred buses numbered from 1 to 500. What was the
(3) 175 (4) 275 number?
3. What is the closest time between 7 and 8 when the hands of (1) 169 (2) 36
your watch are exactly opposite each other? (3) 196 (4) Cannot say
(1) 7 h 5 min (2) 7 h 5.5 min 10. If 5 spiders can catch five flies in 5 min. How many flies can
(3) 7 h 6 min (4) 7 h 6.5 min hundred spiders catch in 100 min?
4. There are 6 tickets to the theater, four of which are for seats (1) 100 (2) 1000
in the front row. 3 tickets are selected at random. What is (3) 500 (4) 2000
the probability that two of them are for the front row? 11. Recently my brother and I played chess form chocolates.
(1) 0.6 (2) 0.7 Who ever lost the game gave the other a chocolate. After
(3) 0.9 (4) 1/3 the last game we counted the chocolates. I had 20 more
5. When 75% of a number is added to 75, the result is the chocolates than I started with, although he won 7 games.
same number. The number is There is no draw. How many games did we play?
(1) 150 (2) 300 (1) 27 (2) 34
(3) 100 (4) 450 (3) 37 (4) 54
6. Anne travelled 4/7th as many miles on foot as by water and 12. Study the series carefully ‘B 8 4 C R M 9 P D K W F A 2 E J 7
2/5th as many miles on horse back as by water. If she X U Q H L T Y 6 G S’. If it is possible to make a meaningful
covered a total of 3036 miles, how many miles did she word with the ninth, the sixteenth, the twenty-fourth and
travel in each manner : water, foot and horseback? the twenty-seventh letters from the left in the above series,
(1) 1540,880,616 (2) 616,880,1540 which of the following will be the first letter of that word? If
(3) 1540,880,616 (4) 880,1540,616 no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as the answer. If more
7. A family has seven children. Each boy in the family has as than one such word can be made, give ‘M’ as the answer
many sisters as brothers both. Each girl has twice as many (1) X (2) M
brothers as sisters. How many brother and sisters are there (3) J (4) Y
in the family? 13. The value of 51 / 4 × (125)0.25
(1) 3 Brothers, 4 Sisters (2) 4 Brothers, 4 Sisters (1) 5 (2) 25
(3) 4 Brothers, 3 Sisters (4) Cannot say (3) 50 (4) 10
8. You are given 50 white marbles, 50 black marbles and two 14. Imagine you have two large pitchers, A and B. A contains
jars. You need to put 100 marbles in any of these two jars. 10 L of wine and B contains 10 L of water. One litre of water
2 SNAP Solved Paper 2005s
is removed from B and poured into A. The liquid is mixed 24. Symbiosis runs a Corporate Training Programme. At the
very well. Then one litre of the mixture from A is poured end of running the first programme its total takings were
into B. Which of the following statements is true? Rs 38950. There were more than 45 but less than 100
(1) The water contents in A is more than the wine contents particulars. What was the participant fee the programme?
in B (1) Rs 410 (2) Rs 450
(2) The water contents in A is less than the wine contents (3) Rs 500 (4) Rs 510
in B 25. Complete the series 1, 6, 6, 36, 216, ……
(3) The water contents in A is same as the wine contents in (1) 7775 (2) 7776
B (3) 7777 (4) 7778
(4) None of the above 26. Three friends had a dinner at a restaurant. When the bill
15. Anand, Binoy, Chetan and Dharma together have Rs 47 was received Amita paid 2/3 as much as Veena paid and
with them. Anand and Binoy together have Rs 27; Chetan Veena paid 1/2 as much as Tanya paid. What fraction of the
and Anand have Rs 25 and Dharma and Anand have Rs 23. bill did Veena pay?
How much money does Binoy have? (1) 1/3 (2) 3/11
(1) Rs 9 (2) Rs 11 (3) 12/31 (4) 5/8
(3) Rs 13 (4) Rs 28 27. 128 players start in the men’s singles at a tennis
16. David gets on the elevator at the 11th floor of a building tournament, where this number reduces to half on every
and rides up at the rate of 57 floors per minute. At the same succeeding round. How many matches are played totally in
time Albert gets on an elevator at the 51 it floor of the same the event?
building and rides down at the rate of 63 floors per minute. (1) 63 (2) 48
If they continue traveling at these rates, then at which floor (3) 127 (4) 144
will their elevators meet? 28. A crew can row 10 miles in 5/6th of an hour down-stream
(1) 19 (2) 30 and 12 miles upstream in 90 min. Find the current’s rale
(3) 28 (4) 37 and crew’s rate in still water
17. The average of 5 consecutive numbers is n. If the next two (1) 12 miles/h, 4 miles/h (2) 10 miles/h, 2 miles/h
numbers are also included the average will (3) 8 miles/h, 4 miles/h (4) 12 miles/h, 2 miles/h
(1) remain the same (2) increase by 1 29. If Swamy has two children and he truthfully answers yes to
(3) increase by 1.4 (4) increase by 2 the question “Is at least one of your children a girl?” What is
18. Which is the wrong term in the following sequence? the probability that both his children are girls?
52, 51, 48, 43, 34, 27, 16 (1) 1/2 (2) 1/3
(1) 27 (2) 34 (3) 1 (4) 0
(3) 43 (4) 48 30. Starting from his house one day, a student walks at a speed
19. P is six times as large as Q. By what per cent is Q less than P? 1
of 2 km/h and reaches his school 6 min late. Next day he
2 2
(1) 16 % (2) 60%
3 increases his speed by 1 km/h and reaches his school 6 min
1 early. How far is the school from the house?
(3) 83 % (4) 90% 1
3 (1) 1 km (2) 1 km
20. When a heap of pebbles is grouped in 32, 40 or 72 it is left 2
with remainders of 10, 18 or 50 respectively. What is the (3) 1 km (4) 2 km
minimum number of pebbles that the heap contains? 4
(1) 1416 (2) 1418 31. What year comes next in the sequence 1973, 1979, 1987,
(3) 1412 (4) 1420 1993, 1997, 1999, ……?
21. Each of the series S1 = 2 + 4 + 6 + . . . . . and (1) 2001 (2) 2003
S2 = 3 + 6 + 9 + . . . . . . is continued to 100 terms. Find how (3) 2005 (4) 2007
many terms are identical? 32. The numbers of students studying Physics, Chemistry and
(1) 34 (2) 33 Zoology in a college were in the ratio 4 : 3 : 5 respectively.
(3) 32 (4) None of these If the number in these three disciplines increased by 50%,
25% and 10% respectively in the next year, then what was
22. Ram Singh goes to Pushkar Mela with Rs 10000 to buy
the new respective ratio?
exactly 100 animals. He finds that cows are sold at Rs 1000,
(1) 24 : 15 : 22
horses at Rs 300 and chicken at Rs 50. How many chicken
(2) 18 : 11 : 13
should be buy to meet his target of 100 animals?
(3) 24 :13 : 17
(1) 92 (2) 94
(4) Cannot be determined
(3) 90 (4) 88
33. A man earns Rs 20 on the first day and spends Rs 15 on the
23. Fill in ‘+’ or ‘–’ sign in between these numbers so that they
next day. He again earns Rs 20 on the third day and spends
give the correct answer.
Rs 15 on the fourth day. If he continues to save like this,
1 23 33 1 43 = 31 how soon will he have Rs 60 in hand?
(1) + + – – (2) + + + – (1) On 17th day (2) On 27th day
(3) – – + + (4) – – – + (3) On 24th day (4) On 30th day
sSolved Paper 2005 SNAP 3
34. A game of football with 11 players lasts for exactly 90 min. Consumer goods 47880 6.1
There are four substitutes that alternate equally. If each Chemicals 35510 4.5
player plays for the same length of time, what is the Communications
duration? and information
(1) 22.5 min (2) 18 min systems 148160 18.9
(3) 66 min (4) None of these Services 78950 10.1
35. A, B and C start a business each investing Rs 20000. After Total 782750
5 months A withdrew Rs 5000, B Rs 4000 and C invested
Rs 6000 more. At the end of the year a total profit of lSales turnover at US$ 17.4 billion (Rs 78274 crore)
Rs 69900 was recorded. What is the share of B? representing a year-on-year growth of 30.3% in dollar
(1) Rs 20500 (2) Rs 21200 terms and 27.4% in rupee terms.
(3) Rs 28200 (4) Rs 27300 l Sales figures shown are net of excise duty.
36. The current birth rate per thousand is 32, whereas 41. This group of companies operates in multiple sectors. The
corresponding death rate is 11 per thousand. The growth holding company has decided to closely monitor minimum
rate in terms of population increase in per cent is given by number of sectors (not exceeding 5) contributing together a
(1) 0.021% (2) 0.21% major part (at least 80%) of sales of the group. Identify the
(3) 2.1% (4) 21% correct set of sectors.
37. The difference between two numbers is 1365. When larger (1) Engineering, Services, CIS and Consumer Goods
number is divided by the smaller one, the quotient is 6 and (2) Engineering, Services, CIS, Energy and Consumer
the remainder is 15. What is the smaller number? Goods
(1) 240 (2) 360 (3) Engineering, Material, Services and CIS
(3) 270 (4) 295 (4) Engineering, Material, CIS and Energy
38. Two vertical poles are 40 m apart and the height of one is 42. The average profit against the sales across the sectors is
double that of the other. From the middle point of the line
10% while the profit margin of engineering is 12% and CIS,
joining their feet, an observer finds the angular elevations
20%. What is the average profit across the remaining
of their tops to be complementary. Find their heights.
(1) 14.14 m, 28.28 m (2) 12 m, 22 m
(1) 5.87% (2) 7.6%
(3) 12.12 m, 24.24 m (4) None of these
(3) 4.94% (4) 8.9%
39. Meera and Sameera start moving from the same point.
Meera goes 4 km West followed by 3 km North. Sameera Directions (Q. 43-46) Each question given below is
goes 4 km East and then a right turn and keeps going for followed by three statements. Study the question and the
3 km. What is the shortest distance between the two of statements. Identify which option is necessary to answer the
them? question.
(1) 10 km (2) 12 km 43. The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 37
(3) 8 km (4) 14 km degree Celsius and of Tuesday to Thursday was 34 degree
40. A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 53. He Celsius. What was the temperature on Thursday?
multiplied it by 35 and got his answer less than the correct I. The temperature on Thursday was 4/5th that of
one by 1206. Find number to be multiplied. Monday.
(1) 68 (2) 67 II. The mean temperature of Monday and Thursday was
(3) 77 (4) None of these 40.5 degree Celsius.
Directions (Q. 41-42) Study the sectorwise sales of a III. The difference between the temperature on Monday
group of companies for the financial year 2004-2005 and and that on Thursday was 9 degree Celsius.
answer the following questions. (1) I only (2) Either I or II
(3) Either I or II or III (4) None of these
Sectorwise Sales 2004-2005
Services 44. What will be the sum of two numbers?
10% Materials I. Among the two numbers, the bigger number is greater
21% than the smaller number by 6.
II. 40 % of the smaller number is equal to 30 % of the
CIS bigger number.
III. The ratio of half of the bigger number to one third of
Chemicals the smaller number is 2 : 1.
5% (1) I or II (2) II or III
o ds 31%
e r go (3) I or II or III (4) Any two of the three
nsu 6% Energy 45. A tank is fitted with two taps A and B. In how much time
Co 8% will the tank be full if both the taps are opened together?
I. A is 50% more efficient than B
Sectors (Rs million) Per cent share
II. A alone takes 16 h to fill the tank
Materials 164430 21.0 III. B alone takes 24 h to fill the tank
Engineering 244830 31.2 (1) I and II or III only (2) I, II and III
Energy 62990 8.0 (3) I and II only (4) I and III only
4 SNAP Solved Paper 2005s
46. What is the principal sum? 50. If you purchased 100 shares on 31/8/2005 and sold them
I. The interest amount after 30 months is half the interest on 10/10/2005 what will be your gains?
amount after 5 yr. (1) Rs 7700 (2) Rs 8800
II. The sum amounts to Rs 750 in a five years at simple (3) Rs 9900 (4) Rs 6600
interest rate. Directions (Q. 51-54) Each question consists of a
III.The rate of interest is 8% per annum. statement and/or a question followed by two statements I and
(1) I and III only II. Identify an option which provides sufficient data to answer
(2) II and III only the given question.
(3) I and II only Mark your answer as
(4) I and III only, or II and III only
(1) if the data in statement I is sufficient and II is not
Directions (Q. 47-50) Study the weekly data table and required;
daily data graph for Toya Motors share prices at the National (2) if the data in statement II is sufficient and I is not
Stock Exchange and answer the following questions. required;
Toya Motors NSE Share Prices for 3 Months (3) if the data in both statements is necessary;
(4) if the data in both statements is not sufficient to answer
10/8 22/8 31/8 12/9 21/9 29/9 10/10 20/10 31/10 10/11
the question.
483 475 461 513 516 535 538 500 461 498
51. The total of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 96 yr. What
571 is B’s present age?
I. The average age of A, B and D is 20 yr.
549 II. The average age of C and D is 25 yr.
527 52. Deepak’s marks in Hindi are 15 more than the average
505 marks obtained by him in Hindi, Economics, Sociology and
Philosophy. What are his marks in Philosophy?
I. The total marks obtained by him in Hindi and
Philosophy together is 112.
10/8/2005 22/8 31/8 12/9 21/9 29/9 10/10 20/10 31/10 10/11/2005 II. The difference between the marks obtained by him in
47. What is the average share price for 10/8/2005 to Sociology and Economics is 12.
12/9/2005? 53. What was the cost price of the suitcase purchased by
(1) 527 (2) 505 Richard?
(3) 483 (4) 461 I. Richard got 20% concession on the labelled price.
48. The drop in the sales price during October 2005 is II. Richard sold the suitcase for Rs 2000 with 25% profit on
approximately the labelled price.
(1) 19% (2) 10% 54. B alone can complete a work in 12 days. How many days
(3) 50% (4) 5% will A, B and C together takes to complete the work?
49. How many times during this 3 month period the share price I. A and B together can complete the work in 3 days.
dropped in the graph? II. B and C together can complete the work in 6 days.
(1) 6 (2) 17 (3) 15 (4) 10
Directions (Q. 55-60) Study the following two tables of data on Agriculture Import and Export of India during1998-2001and answer
the following questions.
55. Which was the single largest contributor to the total Agri. (4) The concerns were not justified because the total
exports in 2000-01? If the total Agri. exports were valued at exports in aggregate terms were higher than the total
US $ 6 billion, what is its contribution in dollar terms? imports in aggregate terms.
(1) Cereal, US $ 1.49 billion 60. Over the period under study both percentages of the total
(2) Marine Products, US $ 1.27 billion Agri. exports to the total exports and that of the total Agri.
(3) Marine Products, US $ 1.39 billion imports to the total imports show a downward trend. This
(4) Cereal, US $1.03 billion indicates that
56. Which product has shown strong growth in exports during (1) India should not get into export of Agri. products and
the 3 yr period? concentrate on other sectors.
(1) Meat and Meat Preparations (2) India should find ways and means of increasing
(2) Fruits and Vegetables imports.
(3) Processed Fruits and Vegetables (3) India should restrict its imports and exports only to a
(4) None of the above limited number of commodities and products.
57. Which was the dominant import commodity in 2000-2001 (4) India should work on strategies to enhance export and
after the vegetable oil? reduce imports.
(1) Pulses (2) Cereals
61. Nalini, her brother, her daughter and her son are tennis
(3) Cashew nuts (4) Nuts and Fruits
players and are playing game of doubles. Their positions on
58. From the import data about Sugar and Cereals it can be said the court are as follows
that Nalini’s brother is directly across the net from her daughter.
(1) India has raised its domestic production of these Her son is diagonally across the net from the worst player’s
commodities. sibling.
(2) India’s demand for these commodities has gone down. The best player and the worst players are on the same side
(3) India’s gap in production and requirement of these
of the net.
commodities has gone down.
Who is the best players?
(4) India’s population consuming these commodities has
(1) Nalini (2) Nalini’s brother
gone down.
(3) Nalini’s daughter (4) None of these
59. In some circles concerns were expressed that liberalization
62. In certain code language ‘PROMOTION’ is written as
of imports, resulting from lifting of quantitative restrictions
‘QSP89’. How will you write ‘DEMOTION’?
on agri products, would lead to surge of Agri. imports
affecting the Indian farmers. What does the data depict? (1) DE98 (2) EF98
(1) The concerns were justified because India continued to (3) EF89 (4) EG89
import Agri. commodities. 63. Study this matrix.
(2) The concerns were not justified because the value of
6 2 5 1
Agri. imports in aggregate terms has come down
3 1 4 7
during the period.
(3) The concerns were justified because vegetable oil and 4 1 9 5
pulses formed a major component of the imports. 3 1 2 4
6 SNAP Solved Paper 2005s
In this game there are two players. The first player can split (1) 96 (2) 53
the matrix vertically into two equal halves and choose one (3) 43 (4) None of these
half for further play. The next move on this half is by the 70. An enterprising businessman earns an income of Rs 1 on the
other player who will split it only horizontally and choose first day of his business. On every subsequent day, he earns
one half for further play. The game will continue in this an income which is just double of that made on the previous
manner. At the end, the last number left is the first player’s day. On the 10th day of business, his income is
gain. (1) Rs 29 (2) Rs 210
If you start the game, retain the right half and again right (3) Rs 10 2
(4) Rs 10
half after your opponent’s move, then how should your
71. One night three naughty boys stole a basketful of apples
opponent play to minimize your gain?
from the garden, hid the loot and went to sleep. Before
(1) Retain upper, retain lower
retiring they did some quick counting and found that the
(2) Retain upper, retain upper
fruits were less than a hundred in number. During the night
(3) Retain lower, retain upper
one boy awoke, counted the apples and found that he could
(4) Retain lower, retain lower
divide the apples into three equal parts if he first took one
64. What is the next letter in the series? for himself. He, then took one apple, ate it up and took 1/3
U, F, Q, J, M, N of the rest, hid them separately and went back to sleep.
(1) I (2) T Shortly thereafter another boy awoke, counted the apple
(3) O (4) M and he again found that if he took one for himself (he loot
65. Sonal, a mathematician, defines a number as ‘connected by could be divided in to three equal parts. He ate up one
6’ if it is divisible by 6, or if the sum of its digits is 6, or if 6 is apple, bagged 1/3 of the remainder, hid them separately
one of the digits of the number. Other numbers are all ‘not and went back to sleep. The third boy also awoke after
connected with 6’. As per this definition, the number of some time, did the same and went back to sleep. In the
integers, from 1 to 60 (both inclusive) which are not morning when all woke up, and counted apples, they found
connected with 6 is that the remaining apples again totaled I more than could
(1) 18 (2) 43 be divided into three equal parts. How many apples did the
(3) 22 (4) 42 boys steel?
66. Leena, Nitin, Arun and Mohan crossed a lake in a canoe that (1) 67 (2) 79
could hold only two persons. The Canoe held two persons (3) 85 (4) None of these
on each of three forward trips across the lake and one Directions (Q. 72-73) Choose from these four diagrams
person on each of two return trips. Leena was unable to the one that best illustrates the relationship among three given
paddle when someone else was in the canoe with her. Nitin classes.
was unable to paddle when anyone else except Arun was in
the canoe with him. Each person paddle continuously for at
least one trip. Who paddled twice?
(1) Leena (2) Nitin
(3) Mohan (4) Arun
(1) (2) (3) (4)
67. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are the members of a family consisting
of 4 adults and 3 children, two of whom, F and G are girls, A 72. Chilli, Salt, Vegetables.
and D are brothers and A is doctor. E is an engineer married 73. Student of Law, Students of Science, Men.
to one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to
D and G is their child. Who is C? Directions (Q. 74–78) Study the following example and
answer the questions.
(1) G’s father (2) F’s father
(3) E’s daughter (4) A’s son An electronic device rearranges numbers step-by-step in a
68. If every alternative letter of English Alphabet from B particular order according to a set of rules. The device stops when
onwards (including B) is written in lower case (small the final result is obtained. In this case the device stops at Step V?
letters) and the remaining letters are capitalized, then. Input : 85 16 36 04 19 97 63 09
How will be the first month of the second half of the year be Step I 97 85 16 36 04 19 63 09
written? Step II 97 85 63 16 36 04 19 09
(1) AuGuSt (2) JuLy Step III 97 85 63 36 16 04 19 09
(3) jUlY (4) AugUSt
Step IV 97 85 63 36 19 16 04 09
69. A rich merchant had collected many gold coins. He did not Step V 97 85 63 36 19 16 09 04
want anybody to know about them. One day, his wife
asked, “How many gold coins do we have?” After pausing a 74. Which of the following will be Step III for the input below?
moment, he replied, “Well! If I divide the coins into two Input : 09 25 16 30 32 18 17 06
unequal numbers, then 48 times the difference between the (1) 32 09 25 16 30 18 17 06
two numbers equals the difference between the squares of
(2) 32 30 09 25 16 19 17 06
the two numbers.” The wife looked puzzled. Can you help
the merchant’s wife by finding out how many gold coins the (3) 32 30 09 25 16 18 17 06
merchant has? (4) 32 30 25 09 16 18 17 06
sSolved Paper 2005 SNAP 7
75. What is last step for the input below? Such efforts required a degree of cooperation among large
Input : 16 09 25 27 06 05 numbers of people that had not previously existed. The individual
(1) Step II (2) Step III village, containing only a dozen or so houses and families, was
(3) Step IV (4) None of these economically vulnerable; but when several villages, probably
76. What is the output of Step V for the input below? under the direction of a council of elders, learned to share their
human resources in the building of a coordinated network of
Input : 25 08 35 11 88 67 23 water-control systems, the safety, stability, and prosperity of all
(1) 88 67 35 25 23 11 08 improved. In this new cooperation, the seeds of the great
(2) 88 67 35 25 23 08 11 Mesopotamian civilizations were being sown.
(3) 08 11 23 25 35 67 88 Technological and mathematical invention, too, were
stimulated by life along rivers. Such devices as the noria
(4) None of the above (a primitive waterwheel) and the Archimedean screw (a device
77. Which one of the following would be last step for the input for raising water from the low riverbanks to the high ground
below? where it was needed), two forerunners of many more varied and
Input : 03 31 43 22 11 09 complex machines, were first developed here for use in irrigation
(1) Step II (2) Step III systems. Similarly, the earliest methods of measurement and
(3) Step IV (4) None of these computation and the first developments in geometry were
78. If the output of Step IV is as given below, what was the stimulated by the need to keep track of land holdings and
input? boundaries in fields that were periodically inundated.
Step IV 92 86 71 69 15 19 06 63 58 The rivers served as high roads of the earlist commerce.
Traders used boats made of boundles of rushes to transport grains,
(1) 86 92 69 71 15 19 06 63 58
fruits, nuts, fibers and textiles from one village to another,
(2) 15 86 19 92 06 69 63 58 71 transforming the rivers into the central spines of nascent
(3) 15 19 06 63 58 86 92 69 71 commercial kingdoms. Trade expanded surprisingly widely; we
(4) None of the above have evidence suggesting that, even before the establishment of
the first Egyptian dynasty, goods were being exchanged between
Directions (Q. 79-80) Read the following information villagers in Egypt and others as far away as Iran.
carefully and then answer the questions given below : Similar developments were occuring at much the same time
P # Q means P is the father of Q. along the great river valleys in other parts of the world - for
P + Q means P is the mother of Q. example, along the Indus in India and the Hwang Ho in China.
P − Q means P is the brother of Q. The history of early civilization has been shaped to a remarkable
P * Q means P is the sister of Q. degree by the relation of humans and rivers.
79. If A + B # C − D, then A is D’s 81. This passage basically explains
(1) Sister (2) Grandfather (1) the similarities and differences among several ancient
(3) Grandmother (4) Father societies
(2) the influence of river settlements on the growth of
80. Which of the following shows that A is the Aunt of E?
early civilizations
(1) A − B + C # D * E (2) A * B # C * D − E
(3) how climatic changes led to the founding of the earliest
(3) A # B * C + D − E (4) A + B − C * D # E recorded cities
Directions (Q. 81-87) Read the following passage and (4) the development of primitive technologies in the
answer the 7 questions following the same. ancient Middle East
As the climate in the Middle East changed beginning 82. According to the passage, the increasing aridity of formally
fertile grasslands in Egypt and Mesopotamia caused the
around 7000 B.C.E., conditions emerged that were conducive to a
settlement patterns in those regions to become
more complex and advanced form of civilization in both Egypt and
(1) less nomadic (2) less stable
Mesopotamia. The process began when the swampy valleys of the
(3) more concentrated (4) more sparse
Nile in Egypt and of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in
Mesopotamia became driver, producing reverine lands that were 83. The passage implies that the earliest geometry was
both habitable and fertile, and attracting settlers armed with the practiced primarily by
newly developed techniques of agriculture. This migration was (1) farm workers
further encouraged by the gradual transformation of the (2) land owners
once-hospitable grasslands of these regions into deserts. Human (3) traders and merchants
population became increasingly concentrated into pockets of (4) mechanical artisans
settlement scattered along the banks of the great rivers. 84. The passage indicates that the social effects of the
These rivers profoundly shaped the way of life along their unpredictability of water supplies in Mesopotamia was
banks. In Mesopotamia, the management of water in conditions of (1) to encourage cooperation in the creation of water
upredictable drought, flood and storm became the central management systems
economic and social challenge. Villagers began early to build (2) to drive farmers to settle in fertile grasslands far from
simple earthworks, dikes, canals, and ditches to control the waters the uncontrollable rivers
and reduce the opposing dangers of drought during the dry season (3) to cause warfare over water rights among rival villages
(usually the spring) and flooding at harvest time. (4) None of the above
8 SNAP Solved Paper 2005s
85. The passage refers to the earliest trade routes in the Middle you’ll also find health clinics, beauty salons, grocery stores, bars,
East restaurants, tailors, clothiers, churches and schools. In the midst
(1) between various centrally ruled commercial kingdoms of squalor and open sewage, business is booming.
(2) between linked villages in Egypt with others in Iran Indeed, Kiebera’s underground economy is so vibrant that it
(3) between connected villages that were scattered along has produced its own squatter millionaire, someone I have known
the banks of the same river for years. From his start a generation ago selling cigarettes and
(4) between the inhabitants of small villages and the biscuits from the window of his hut, this Kenyan (he asked to
dynastic kings who ruled them remain unnamed) has assembled an empire that includes
86. The passage implies that the emergence of complex pharmacies, groceries, bars, beverage-distribution outlets,
civilizations in the Middle East was dependent upon the transportation and manufacturing firms and even real estate.
previous development of Families flock to Kiebera for the same reason country folk
(1) a system of centralized government have always migrated to the city-in search of oppurtunity. In the
(2) symbolic systems for writing and mathematical city they find work but not a place to live. So they build illegally on
computation land they don’t own. There are a billion squatters in the world
(3) a method of storing and transferring wealth today, almost one in six people on the planet. And their numbers
(4) basic techniques of agriculture are on the rise. Current projections are that by 2030 there will be
87. By referring to emerging civilizations in India and China the two billion squatters and by 2050, three billion, better than one in
author wants to emphasize the three people on the planet.
(1) relatively advanced position enjoyed by the Middle In itself, it is nothing to worry about, for squatting has long
East in comparison to other regions had a positive role in urban development. Many urban
(2) rapidity with which social systems developed in the neighbourhoods in Europe and North America began as squatter
Middle East spread to other places outposts. London and Paris boasted huge swaths of mud and stick
(3) crucial role played by rivers in the development of homes, even during the glory years of the British and French
human cultures around the world monarchies. Squatters were a significant force in most U.S. cities
(4) importance of water transportation in the growth of too. It would no doubt surprise residents paying millions for coop
early trade apartments on Manhattens’ Upper East and West Sides to know
Directions (Q. 88-89) Choose the alternative closest in that squatters occupied much of the turf under their buildings
meaning to the given word. until the start of the 20th century.............. from an article by
Robert Neuwirth.
88. Askance
93. The author argues that Kiebera becoming the shantytown is
(1) side glance (2) quizzical expression
(3) request (4) curious look not unusual because
(1) Kiebera has many poor people who have come to earn
89. Virtuoso
but have no land to live on
(1) skilled performer (2) amateur
(2) Researchers have predicted that squatters will
(3) good person (4) professional
continue to grow in numbers
Directions (Q. 90-92) Each question below consists of a (3) Squatting has long had a positive role in urban
related pair of words or phrases, followed by four pairs of development
words or phrases labelel (1) through (4). Select the pair that (4) All of the above
best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the
original pair. 94. The prosperity of Kierbera’s underground economy is
described by the author through
90. Nuance : Subtle (1) The description of Kiebera
(1) Pun : Sarcastic (2) Fit : Honest (2) The description of his friends businesses
(3) Inquiry : Discreet (4) Hint : Indirect (3) The comparison with coop apartments of Manhatten
91. Arena : Conflict (4) The history of London and Paris
(1) Mirage : Reality (2) Forum : Discussion
95. The author puts forward the thesis that
(3) Asylum : Pursuit (4) Utopia : Place
(1) Squatters will continue to rise in numbers in the
92. Hierarchy : Ranked coming years irrespective of whether they are from
(1) Equation : Solved
poor countries or not
(2) Critique : Biased
(2) There is nothing wrong in squatting on the land of a
(3) Chronology : Sequential
(4) Infinity : Fixed
(3) London and Paris too are shantytowns
Directions (Q. 93-96) Read the following passage and (4) Even today squatters live under the Manhattan’s coop
answer the next 4 questions. apartments
Come with me to Kiebera : the largest shantytown in 96. What is the most appropriate title for this passage?
sub-Saharan Africa. More than 500,000 people live in this vast (1) Kiebera-Squatters’ Paradise of Nairobi
illegal section of Nairobi, in mud huts on mud streets, with no (2) Squatters of the World
fresh water or sanitation. Walk down Kiebera’s sodden pathways (3) Squatter Cities
and you’ll see a great deal of hunger, poverty and disease. But (4) Future of Squatters
sSolved Paper 2005 SNAP 9
Directions (Q. 97-99) Choose the correct alternative to (1) the first sentence is wrong
complete the meaning of the given sentence. (2) the second sentence is wrong
97. The ________ managed to deceive the entire village. (3) both are correct
(4) both are wrong
(1) renegade (2) sycophant
(3) charlatan (4) actor Directions (Q. 109-110) Choose erroneous underlined
98. She ordered the taxi driver, ‘Drive faster, ________ ?’ segment or option (4) if no error.
(1) won’t you (2) will you 109. He carried his clothes in a black heavy steel trunk.
(3) you must (4) can’t you (1) (2) (3) (4)
99. Her written statements failed to be consistent ________ 110. The corpse had been dead for five days.
what she had said earlier (1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) on (2) with 111. Identify the odd one.
(3) in (4) to (1) Ashoka was one of the greatest kings.
100. Choose the antonym nearest in meaning to the word. (2) Ashoka was greater than many other kings.
Facetious (3) Ashoka was the greatest king.
(1) serious (2) uneasy (4) Very few kings were as great as Ashoka.
(3) pleasant (4) cross 112. Identify the incorrect one.
101. Which one of the following alternatives is spelt correctly? (1) The coach together with his team was praised.
(1) extacy (2) ecstasy (2) Many a boy is tempted to sing.
(3) ecstacy (4) extasy (3) The king with all his sons were imprisoned.
102. Choose the correct alternative that best explains the (4) Neither James nor his lawyers were there.
following idiom. Writing on the wall. 113. Identify the sentence that gives the same meaning as the
(1) graffiti (2) obvious truth following. He said, “Yes, I’ll come and see you.”
(3) foreboding (4) prediction (1) He accepted that he will come and see me.
(2) He said that he will come and see me.
103. Choose the correct set of alternatives to fill in the blanks.
(3) He agreed that he will come and see me.
Although many of the members were ___ about the
(4) He said that he would come and see me.
impending deal, others were ___ about the benefits it
would bring. Directions (Q. 114-117) Choose one option to fill in the
(1) euphoric ______ confident blanks in the following sentences.
(2) optimistic ______ dubious (1) a (2) an
(3) angry ______ skeptical (3) then (4) none
(4) confused ______ pleased 114. I had met him _____ year ago.
104. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship 115. Can you see ______ moon?
similar to that expressed by the original pair. 116. He is _____ honourable man.
117. ______ people with little patience rarely succeed.
(1) vein artery (2) path highway
(3) yard alley (4) pen paper 118. Choose the correct arrangement of the following jumbled
sentence of a paragraph to make it coherent. The first
105. ‘But for cancer I would not have given up smoking’. ‘But’ in
sentence is
this sentence is Barely a year had elapsed before the Pritzker clan began to
(1) an adverb (2) a preposition squabble.
(3) an adjective (4) a verb L. Under the plan he has until 2011 to distribute the assets
106. Here is my list oranges, potatoes, garbage bags and a tooth among the heirs.
brush. M. The family was no longer cohesive whole, they wrote,
After the word ‘list’ identify which one of the following is and therefore the business needed the kind of
required. transparency a public corporation might have.
(1) colon (2) quotation marks N. A year later the family agreed on a giverning structure
(3) semicolon (4) None of these for the Pritzker Organisation, requiring Tom to open the
107. Identify the grammatical error in the sentence below by books, hold annual meetings of family share holders and
issue regular financial reports.
choosing one of the alternatives.
O. In summer 2000, Tom’s two brothers and a handful of
My main reason for learning pharmacy was that my brother
his cousins sent a letter asking him to restructure the
was one.
(1) dangling modifier
(1) NMOL (2) MLON
(2) faulty parallelism (3) OMNL (4) ONML
(3) faulty reference by pronoun
119. “Time to bust some myths about the EPF Organisation.
(4) the sentence is correct
India’s only social security fund manager for
108. For the following pair a sentences choose the correct option non-government workers, though what follows is not
I. The team quickly took their positions on the field. published on a regular basis. Active membership is just
II. The team quickly took its position on the field. about 5 per cent and only 17 per cent of the members
10 SNAP Solved Paper 2005s
account for 84 per cent of the balances. That’s only (1) the signals become weak with distance
Rs 20000 each! Less than 7 per cent have a deposit amount (2) there is inteference from other signals
more than 5 lacs!” Choose the statement closest to the idea (3) of the Earth’s curvature
expressed in this paragraph. (4) the atmosphere absorbs the signals
(1) EPF is an efficiently managed organisation about 128. Who is the Author of ‘‘Food, Nutrition and Poverty in
which no one knows correctly. India’’?
(2) EPF is an inefficient organisation. (1) V K R V Rao (2) T S Eliot
(3) EPF Organisation takes care of future fund (3) Mark Twain (4) Evelyn Wauh
requirements of investors adequately.
129. Internet is controlled by
(4) EPF Organisation does, not have enough funds to take
(1) The USA (2) The UK
care of secure future.
(3) Switzerland (4) None of these
120. “Two recent World Bank studies on India’ rapidly depleting
130. Identify the incorrect statement
water resources have caused quite a stir. More interesting is
(1) A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in
how water seems to have become the new focus area for
a lake or the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale.
Bank assistance : at $3.2 billion in 2005-08 from a mere
(2) A tsunami is an after-effect of an earthquake on the
$700 million in 1999-04. Within water again, more money
is going to rural water, large hydropower projects and
(3) A tsunami has smaller amplitude (wave height)
water resource management in poorer states.”
offshore and a very long wavelength.
Choose the statement that summarises the above paragraph
(4) None of the above
(1) India’s water resources are depleting. 131. The largest chunk of revenue for the Union Government
(2) The two World Bank studies on India have caused a comes from
stir. (1) Income Tax (2) Central Excise
(3) The World Bank assistance to India for developing (3) Corporation Tax (4) Customs Duty
water resources has increased more than 4 times for 132. India test-fired three medium range surface-to-air missiles
2005-08 as compared to the prior period. in October 2005. Name the missile
(4) Poorer states of India require water resource (1) Trishul (2) Nag
management projects such as rural water, large (3) Dhanush (4) Akash
hydropower projects. 133. How many calories are there in one litre of water?
121. The International Date Line is located (1) 1000 calories (2) 100 calories
(1) On the Equator (3) I calorie (4) None of these
(2) Along 0 degree Longitude 134. The city closest to the epicenter of the devastating
(3) Along 180 degree Longitude earthquake that hit Pakistan and India in October 2005 is
(4) At Greenwich in UK (1) Srinagar (2) Balakot
122. The Roman Magsaysay award is named after the former (3) Muzaffarabad (4) Islamabad
President of 135. The CDMA mobile services from BSNL is
(1) Thailand (2) Philippines (1) Tarang (2) Cell One
(3) Indonesia (4) None of these (3) Idea (4) Orange
123. What level of noise is considered permissible in human 136. The highest ranking country for 2005-2006 in “Global
habitats? Competitiveness Report” of the World Economic Forum is
(1) Upto 50 decibels (1) Finland (2) USA
(2) Less than 40 decibels (3) Singapore (4) UK
(3) Upto 30 decibels 137. Which two independent nations does the 17th Parallel
(4) Less than 20 decibels separate?
124. The Indian city which has a natural harbour and is also one (1) North and South Korea
of the largest Indian ports is (2) North and South Vietnam
(1) Mumbai (2) Kolkata-Haldia (3) East and West Germany
(3) Cochin (4) Vishakhapatnam (4) Mexico and Panama
125. If saccharine, an artificial sweetener which is 70 times 138. In the “One by Six” rule of Income Tax, it is mandatory to
sweeter than sugar, is kept in the open, which one of these file Income Tax Returns if you possess
insects will it atlract first (1) Television (2) Gold
(1) Ants (2) Bees (3) Credit card (4) Passport
(3) House-flies (4) None of these 139. The Kyoto Protocol pertains to
126. When a Pepsi bottle is opened, the gas fizzes out because it (1) banning the hunting of whales
obeys (2) reducing greenhouse gas emissions
(1) Hess’s Law (2) Henry’s Law (3) securing the release of circus animals
(3) Kohlarsh’s Law (4) None of these (4) disallowing civilian airports for military use
127. Television signals from transmission towers are restricted 140. The riots spreading across France in 2005 were caused by
to a limited area because (1) Al Qaeda
sSolved Paper 2005 SNAP 11
(2) French Nationalists 146. Which one is listed in the first place among the largest
(3) Racial tensions among Paris’ immigrants global corporations in 2005 by the Fortune magazine?
(4) France’s position in European Union (1) Exxon mobile (2) Toyota motors
141. One of the UK’s leading telecom company and sponsor of (3) General motors (4) Walmart
the England cricket team is 147. Recently VAT was introduced in India. Choose the correct
(1) British Telecom (2) Airtel statement.
(3) AT&T (4) Vodafone (1) VAT has replaced Sale Tax in all states of India.
142. The price of any currency in the international market is (2) VAT is charged in place of Sales Tax only in some states
determined by of India.
(1) The World Bank (3) VAT is charged in addition to Sales Tax in all states of
(2) The demand for goods and services provided by the India
country (4) VAT is charged in addition to Sales Tax in some states
(3) The amount of gold that country has in reserve of India.
(4) The economic stability of that country 148. Parachute is brand of
143. The “Whistle Blower Bill” was passed due to the pressure (1) Hindustan Lever (2) Proctor and Gamble
created by the murder of (3) Marico (4) Dabur
(1) Madhumita Shukla (2) Satyadev Dubey 149. Tamiflu is
(3) Naina Sharma (4) None of these (1) A type of influenza originating in Tamil Nadu
144. The alleged corruption scam of UN’s $64 billion in Iraq (2) A contagious disease of animals
disclosed in Nov., 2005 is related to (3) A form of Birdflu
(1) Iraq war crimes (4) An effective medicine for Birdflu
(2) Iraqi WMD 150. Earlier this year, President Bush revoked a trade embargo
(3) Saddam Hussein against a country that had been declared a terrorist state
(4) Food-for-oil programme. earlier. This allows US companies to invest in that country
145. The Reserve Bank of India Governor is for the first time since 1986. Which is the country ?
(1) Bimal Jain (2) YV Reddy (1) Egypt (2) Sudan
(3) Deepal Parekh (4) Naresh Chandra (3) Nigeria (4) Libya
1. (2) 2. (4) 3. (2) 4. (1) 5. (2) 6. (1) 7. (3) 8. (2) 9. (1) 10. (4)
11. (2) 12. (1) 13. (1) 14. (3) 15. (3) 16. (2) 17. (2) 18. (2) 19. (3) 20. (2)
21. (2) 22. (2) 23. (3) 24. (1) 25. (2) 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (1) 30. (3)
31. (2) 32. (1) 33. (1) 34. (1) 35. (2) 36. (3) 37. (3) 38. (1) 39. (1) 40. (2)
41. (3) 42. (2) 43. (2) 44. (4) 45. (1) 46. (2) 47. (3) 48. (2) 49. (2) 50. (1)
51. (4) 52. (4) 53. (3) 54. (3) 55. (3) 56. (3) 57. (3) 58. (3) 59. (2) 60. (4)
61. (2) 62. (3) 63. (1) 64. (1) 65. (2) 66. (3) 67. (4) 68. (3) 69. (4) 70. (1)
71. (2) 72. (3) 73. (2) 74. (4) 75. (1) 76. (1) 77. (4) 78. (4) 79. (3) 80. (2)
81. (2) 82. (2) 83. (2) 84. (1) 85. (2) 86. (4) 87. (3) 88. (4) 89. (1) 90. (1)
91. (2) 92. (3) 93. (4) 94. (2) 95. (1) 96. (1) 97. (3) 98. (4) 99. (2) 100. (1)
101. (2) 102. (2) 103. (2) 104. (2) 105. (2) 106. (2) 107. (3) 108. (1) 109. (2) 110. (2)
111. (3) 112. (4) 113. (4) 114. (1) 115. (3) 116. (2) 117. (4) 118. (4) 119. (2) 120. (4)
121. (3) 122. (2) 123. (1) 124. (1) 125. (3) 126. (4) 127. (3) 128. (1) 129. (4) 130. (4)
131. (2) 132. (4) 133. (4) 134. (3) 135. (1) 136. (3) 137. (2) 138. (3) 139. (2) 140. (3)
141. (4) 142. (4) 143. (2) 144. (4) 145. (2) 146. (3) 147. (2) 148. (3) 149. (4) 150. (4)
Crack SNAP 1
The duration for making answers will be 2 hours. Normally the pattern of written test is as follows.
I. General English II. Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & Sufficiency
III. Analytical and Logical Reasoning IV. General Awareness
Important Instructions
1. Calculator/Watch calculator will not be allowed in the examination Hall.
2. Use only HB Pencils for darkening the ovals.
3. Correct method of Marking Answers
Each questions is followed by four answer choices which are marked a, b, c, d on the answer sheet. Using HB Pencil, darken the oval bearing the correct
answer against the serial number of the question.
For example : If the answer to question number 2 is (4), you should mark as shown below
Q. 2. (1) (2) (3) (4)
96. 10 ?
(1) (2) (3) (4) T G
(1) 11 (2) 5
(3) 9 (4) 13
97. 106. F G
(1) (2) (3) (4) 22 21
15 ?
98. E K
Crack SNAP 2
The duration for making answers will be 2 hours. Normally the pattern of written test is as follows.
I. General English II. Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & Sufficiency
III. Analytical and Logical Reasoning IV. General Awareness
Important Instructions
1. Calculator/Watch calculator will not be allowed in the examination Hall.
2. Use only HB Pencils for darkening the ovals.
3. Correct method of Marking Answers
Each questions is followed by four answer choices which are marked a, b, c, d on the answer sheet. Using HB Pencil, darken the oval bearing the correct
answer against the serial number of the question.
For example : If the answer to question number 2 is (4), you should mark as shown below
Q. 2. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Crack SNAP 3
The duration for making answers will be 2 hours. Normally the pattern of written test is as follows.
I. General English II. Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & Sufficiency
III. Analytical and Logical Reasoning IV. General Awareness
Important Instructions
1. Calculator/Watch calculator will not be allowed in the examination Hall.
2. Use only HB Pencils for darkening the ovals.
3. Correct method of Marking Answers
Each questions is followed by four answer choices which are marked a, b, c, d on the answer sheet. Using HB Pencil, darken the oval bearing the correct
answer against the serial number of the question.
For example : If the answer to question number 2 is (4), you should mark as shown below
Q. 2. (1) (2) (3) (4)
65 60
60 56
(3) 45 : 43 (4) 43 : 41
50 51.2
79. The number of students from the faculty of Science from
40 36.5
33 college N are approximately, what per cent of the total
30 30
30 25 number of students studying in that college ?
20 (1) 34 (2) 37
(3) 29 (4) 31
80. What is the average number of students from the faculty of
M N O P commerce from all the colleges together ?
(1) 36825 (2) 38655
(3) 38625 (4) 36585
Crack SNAP 4
The duration for making answers will be 2 hours. Normally the pattern of written test is as follows.
I. General English II. Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & Sufficiency
III. Analytical and Logical Reasoning IV. General Awareness
Important Instructions
1. Calculator/Watch calculator will not be allowed in the examination Hall.
2. Use only HB Pencils for darkening the ovals.
3. Correct method of Marking Answers
Each questions is followed by four answer choices which are marked a, b, c, d on the answer sheet. Using HB Pencil, darken the oval bearing the correct
answer against the serial number of the question.
For example : If the answer to question number 2 is (4), you should mark as shown below.
Q. 2. (1) (2) (3) (4)
56. Divide Rs 560 between A and B so that A gets twice the 3.5
money and Rs 80 more that B gets. 3
(1) 60, 40 (2) 100, 20 2.5
(3) 180, 80 (4) 400, 160 2
57. If 75 workers working 8 h a day earn Rs 800 in 15 days, 1.5
then how much will 24 workers earn in 9 days working 10 h 1
a day ? 0.5
(1) 92 (2) 292 0
(3) 192 (4) None of these 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
58. In a 1500 m race x beats y by 100 m, y beats z by 120 m, by
how much metres does x beat z ? 66. If the expenditure of company C in 2003 was Rs 1.75 lakh,
(1) 212 (2) 220 what was its per cent profit in that year ? (Rounded off to
(3) 156 (4) None of these two digits after decimal)
59. What is the total number of candidates at an examination if (1) 38.29 (2) 42.86
31% fail and the number of those who pass exceeds the (3) 53.41 (4) 58.64
number of those who fail by 247 ? 67. What is the average income of company A over the years ?
(1) 650 (2) 800 (1) Rs 275000 (2) Rs 3000000
(3) 700 (4) None of these (3) Rs 300000 (4) Rs 30000
60. How many bottles of hair oil a sales girl needs to sell at 68. What is the approximate per cent increase in income of
Rs 9.55 per bottle to earn a commission of Rs 95.50. company B in the year 2006 from the previous year ?
Considering the rate of commission to be 5%. (1) 28 (2) 11
(1) 20 (2) 200 (3) 17 (4) 22
(3) 250 (4) None of these 69. If the per cent profit of company A in the year 2002 was 20,
61. It is decided that a loan of Rs 10000 will be paid of @ what was its expenditure in that year ?
Rs 800 per month in 15 equal instalments. Find out the rate (1) Rs 250000 (2) Rs 275000
of interest taken on the loan. (3) Rs 175000 (4) Rs 150000
48 SNAP Mock Test 4
70. Per cent increase/decrease in income of company C was (1) 222 (2) 198
highest for which year ? (3) 216 (4) 208
(1) 2004 (2) 2006 75. What is the ratio of the number of buildings demolished in
(3) 2003 (4) 2002 city E to the number of buildings redeveloped in city A ?
Directions (Q. 71-75) Study the following graph carefully (1) 7 : 12 (2) 3 : 5
and answer the questions given below. (3) 2 : 3 (4) 1 : 2
boys learn only Marathi. 23% of the girls learn only Marathi and
Hindi. 14% of the total number of students learn only English.
200 Boys learning only Marathi and Hindi are 120% of the girls
150 learning the same. One-tenth of the boys learn only Sanskrit. Girls
100 learning only Marathi are 130% of the boys learning the same.
50 19% of the boys learn only English. Remaining boys learn only
0 Sanskrit, Hindi and English. 32% of the girls learn only Hindi and
Sanskrit. Remaining girls learn only Hindi, English and Sanskrit.
76. What is the total number of girls learning English and
71. What is the difference between the total constructions Sanskrit ?
(constructed, demolished and redeveloped) in city B and (1) 787 (2) 867
city E ? (3) 947 (4) 897
(1) 125 (2) 180 77. What is the total number of students learning Marathi ?
(3) 175 (4) 200 (1) 1017 (2) 1464
72. What is the average number of buildings demolished across (3) 1024 (4) 1127
the cities ? 78. How many students study at least two languages at a time ?
(1) 100 (2) 125 (1) 1682 (2) 1462
(3) 132 (4) 115 (3) 1670 (4) 1550
73. The total number of buildings constructed across the cities 79. What is the total number of boys learning Hindi ?
is approximately what per cent of the total number of (1) 480 (2) 550
buildings redeveloped across the cities ? (3) 620 (4) 650
(1) 73 (2) 74 80. How many girls do not learn Hindi ?
(3) 85 (4) 79 (1) 368 (2) 416
74. What is the approximate average number of constructions (3) 346 (4) 428
(constructions, demolished and redeveloped) in the city C ?
Crack SNAP 5
The duration for making answers will be 2 hours. Normally the pattern of written test is as follows.
I. General English II. Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & Sufficiency
III. Analytical and Logical Reasoning IV. General Awareness
Important Instructions
1. Calculator/Watch calculator will not be allowed in the examination Hall.
2. Use only HB Pencils for darkening the ovals.
3. Correct method of Marking Answers
Each questions is followed by four answer choices which are marked a, b, c, d on the answer sheet. Using HB Pencil, darken the oval bearing the correct
answer against the serial number of the question.
For example : If the answer to question number 2 is (4), you should mark as shown below
Q. 2. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Distance (km)
Time (hours)
500 2.8 2.5
400 384 2
300 1.6 2 1.5
200 1
100 0.67 0.5
0 0
0 0
Detroit A B C D E
Ali’s Position
Distance Time
Traffic faced by Ali was quite dense initially and he could drive at uniform 60 km/h only till 8 pm. From 8 pm, Ali uniformly raised
his speed to 180 km/h for next 40 min and kept constant at that speed for another 40 min. Then till 10 pm, he uniformaly reduced his
speed to 120 km/h to reach town E.
67. What is the distance, by road, of town D from Cincinnati ? Number of literates in the city
Literacy rate of city =
(1) 196 km (2) 224 km Total population of the city
(3) 256 km (4) 496 km Minimum population of at least one of Bhopal and Chttour
68. Between 6 pm and 10 pm, average speed of Ali and average is 30% of total population. Population of none of the cities is less
speed of Sonali were in the ratio than 10% of total population.
(1) 8 : 7 (2) 7 : 5 Minimum number of literates in each of the cities, Agra and
(3) 5 : 3 (4) 3 : 2 Bhopal, is not less than 30% of total literates.
69. During the above period, what maximum speed did Sonali 71. If number of literates in Chittour is 80000, then minimum
assume ? rate of literacy in Agra could be
(1) 90 km/h (2) 120 km/h (1) 33.33 % (2) 66.67%
(3) 180 km/h (4) Can’t be determined (3) 40 % (4) Indeterminate
70. Ali’s speed bore maximum ratio to Sonali’s average in the 72. If number of literates in Agra is 100000, then the minimum
corresponding interval speed at the same time when Ali possible rate of literacy in Bhopal is appoximately
was driving between (1) 17% (2) 12%
(1) Towns A and B (2) Towns B and C (3) 20% (4) 23%
(3) Towns C and D (4) Towns D and E 73. Number of literate males in which of the cities can be the
Directions (Q. 71-74) These questions on the basis of highest of the three cities ?
following information. (1) Agra or Bhopal or Chittour
(2) Bhopal
Agra (3) Agra or Bhopal
10%–30% Agra (4) Agra
74. If the population distribution is Bhopal 30%, Chittour 60%,
the then maximum number of literate females in Agra city is
Bhopal Bhopal
Chittour Chittour approximately
20%–40% (1) 30000 (2) Data inconsistent
(3) 20000 (4) 25000
Directions (Q. 75-76) On the basis of following information.
Total population : 5 lakh No. of literates : 2 lakh
Range of ratio of male literates to female literates A geneticist carried out a survey in Hamburg among
newborns. It was revealed in her survey that at least 65% of
120% Agra
newborns had their eyes dissimilar to their mother’s, at least 75%
100% Bhopal newborns had their nose dissimilar to their mother’s and at least
85% newborns had their fingers dissimilar to their mother’s.
NOTE Throughout this passage and in questions figures for newborn
66.66% refer to live births only.
75. Assuming, 1200 live births took place in January in
Hamburg which of the following statements does not
disagree with survey results ?
64 SNAP Mock Test 5
(1) 200 newborns had their eyes, nose as well as fingers 77. What is the amount of expenditure incurred by P on
similar to their mother’s machinery ?
(2) 950 newborns had their eyes, and nose dissimilar to (1) Rs 100000 (2) Rs 150000
their mother’s but not fingers (3) Rs 200000 (4) Rs 2500000
(3) 300 newborns had their eyes, nose as well as fingers 78. The amount of expenditure incurred by L on pesticides is
dissimilar to their parents what per cent of the amount of expenditure incurred by Q
(4) 450 newborns had all of eyes, nose and fingers on pesticides ?
dissimilar to their mother’s (1) 75 (2) 60
76. Assuming survey results to be true and considering data of (3) 50 (4) 85
Q. 75, if every newborn is dissimilar to its mother in either 79. What is the total amount of expenditure incurred on labour
its nose, or eyes or fingers and exactly 15% newborns are by all landowners together ?
dissimilar to their mother in respect of just one of these at (1) Rs 12000 (2) Rs 120000
least how many new borns are dissmilar to their mother in
(3) Rs 1200000 (4) Rs 1200
respect of all of these ?
(1) 120 (2) Indeterminate 80. Expenditure on seeds by Q is approximately what percent
(3) 360 (4) 480 of its total expenditure ?
(1) 12 (2) 8
Directions (Q. 77-81) Study the graph carefully to answer (3) 3 (4) 7
the following questions. Expenditure (in Rs ‘000’) incurred by
six Landowners in a year on the cultivation of their lands. 81. Miscellaneous expenditure incurred by all landowners
together is approximately what per cent of the total
Seeds Pesticides Labour expenditure incurred on all items together by all
Machinery Miscellaneous landowners ?
900 (1) 6 (2) 10
Expenditure (Rs in ‘000)
< Mock Test 1
1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (1)
11. (1) 12. (1) 13. (3) 14. (2) 15. (1) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (2) 19. (3) 20. (1)
21. (1) 22. (4) 23. (2) 24. (3) 25. (2) 26. (2) 27. (2) 28. (3) 29. (4) 30. (2)
31. (2) 32. (3) 33. (4) 34. (3) 35. (4) 36. (2) 37. (2) 38. (2) 39. (3) 40. (2)
41. (2) 42. (1) 43. (3) 44. (2) 45. (2) 46. (3) 47. (4) 48. (2) 49. (1) 50. (3)
51. (2) 52. (1) 53. (2) 54. (3) 55. (2) 56. (3) 57. (1) 58. (2) 59. (3) 60. (2)
61. (2) 62. (3) 63. (1) 64. (4) 65. (3) 66. (2) 67. (3) 68. (1) 69. (4) 70. (4)
71. (3) 72. (4) 73. (1) 74. (2) 75. (3) 76. (2) 77. (3) 78. (2) 79. (4) 80. (1)
81. (2) 82. (4) 83. (3) 84. (4) 85. (4) 86. (1) 87. (3) 88. (2) 89. (3) 90. (3)
91. (2) 92. (3) 93. (2) 94. (3) 95. (1) 96. (3) 97. (3) 98. (2) 99. (1) 100. (3)
101. (1) 102. (4) 103. (1) 104. (1) 105. (3) 106. (2) 107. (2) 108. (1) 109. (3) 110. (3)
111. (3) 112. (1) 113. (3) 114. (3) 115. (2) 116. (3) 117. (1) 118. (2) 119. (3) 120. (4)
121. (1) 122. (2) 123. (4) 124. (2) 125. (2) 126. (2) 127. (4) 128. (4) 129. (4) 130. (2)
131. (4) 132. (2) 133. (2) 134. (3) 135. (4) 136. (2) 137. (2) 138. (2) 139. (1) 140. (4)
141. (3) 142. (3) 143. (3) 144. (1) 145. (3) 146. (3) 147. (2) 148. (1) 149. (1) 150. (1)
151. (3) 152. (4) 153. (2) 154. (4) 155. (1) 156. (2) 157. (2) 158. (2) 159. (3) 160. (1)
25 20 100 20
9 11
Remaining 1 − = of work will be finished by B
20 20 θ
in 11 days. Q 8x
d d
56. (3) = 4 and =6 (PR )2 = (PQ )2 + (QR )2
v1 + v2 v1 + v2
Answers with Explanations SNAP 79
(85)2 = (15x )2 + (8 x )2 If sales of Rs 100 becomes Rs 1200 crore, then sale of
2 2 2 Rs 819 becomes Rs 9828 crore.
(85) = 225x + 64 x
75. (3) Average sales index
⇒ x 2 = 25 or x=5 100 + 120 + 131 + 152 + 162 + 154
∴ Height of the kite = 15 × 5 = 75 m 11
62. (3) ( x + 1)th term − xth term 143 + 134 + 163 + 173 + 188
= ( x + 1)2 + 1 − ( x 2 + 1) 11
= x2 + 2 x + 1 + 1 − x2 − 1 = = 147.27
= 2x + 1 Average cost index
63. (1) The area of three faces are a , b and c. 100 + 98 + 95 + 110 + 121 + 153
143 + 173 + 188 + 190 + 166
= = 139.73
∴ Sides are a, b and c.
Required difference = 147.27 − 139.73 = 7.54
Hence, Volume, V = abc
= 7.5
and (V )2 = abc
76. (2) Male Engineers + Male Designers
64. (4) Let the average of 19 innings be x, then = 40% of (18% of 10500) + 65% of (16% of 10500)
18 x + 98 Female Engineers + Female Designers
19 = 60% of (18% of 10500) + 35% of (16% of 10500)
⇒ 18 x + 98 = 19 x + 76 ∴ Required ratio
⇒ x = 22 = (40 × 18) + (65 × 16): (60 × 18 + 35 × 16)
Thus, average after 19th innings = (720 + 1040 : 1080 + 560)
= x + 4 = 22 + 4 = 26 = 1760 : 1640 = 44 : 41
65. (3) Total profit = 337. 50 + 1125.00 + 675 19
77. (3) Required percentage = × 100 = 90%
= Rs 2137.50 21
2137.50 78. (2) Percentage of Female Professionals
∴ Required percentage = × 100 = 1.8%
114000 = [20% of 21% + 60% of 18% + 40% of 11%
66. (2) Required ratio = 20310 : 30040 = 203 : 200 + 80% of 15% + 40% of 19% + 35 of 16%]
67. (3) Required average 1
= [ 420 + 1080 + 440 + 1200 + 760 + 560]%
4240 + 4010 + 4160 + 3700 + 3930 100
= 4460
5 = % = 44. 6%
20040 100
= = 4008 ≈ 4000
5 ∴ Percentage of Male Professionals
68. (1) Visual question : See the gap between the two bars for = 100% − 44.6% = 55.4%
each country. ∴ Required Difference = (55.4 − 44.6)% of 10500
69. (4) We can say nothing about absolute values in the = 10.8% of 10500
absence of data. = 10.8 × 105 = 1134
70. (4) Though China’s GDP has increased, EFI has fallen, 79. (4) Required percentage
South Korea’s inflow increased. 20% of 21 20 × 21
× 100% = × 100%
71. (3) We have to compare 4.80/10 and 0.72/1. 89% of 15 80 × 15
72. (4) In the year 1993, cost = 110 420
= 35%
profit = Rs 600 12
In 1990, profit was Rs 100 60 × 11
80. (1) Required ratio = = 11 : 5
If profit in 1993 was Rs 600 20 × 15
600 81. (2) Three meaningful words Meal, Lame and Male can be
Then, profit in 1990 = × 100 = Rs 545
110 formed.
73. (1) Index of profit for the year, 2000 82. (4) We sleep at night. Night is called sunshine. Hence, we
100 sleep in sunshine.
= × 130 = Rs 104
125 83. (3) ‘CIG’ is coded as ‘GIC’, ‘ARE’ is coded as ‘ERA’ and ‘TTE’
74. (2) Total sales during the period 1990 − 1995 is coded as ‘ETT’. Therefore, ‘DIRECTION’ is coded as
= 100 + 120 + 131 + 152 + 162 + 154 = 819 ‘RIDTCENOI’.
80 SNAP Answers with Explanations
84. (4) The antonym of Smooth is Rough. So, the given 98. (2) Construction of all other figures are clockwise.
number is written in reverse order in the code of 99. (1) Among all, other figures has one angle as a right angle.
Rough. Similarly, the code of Soft will be 8949. 101. (1) Age wise order of all the four persons in ascending
86. (1) Clearly, A is niece of B. order is given below
Mother B Gopi, Karthik, Bala, Senthill
Hence, Senthill is eldest.
102. (4) 6 + 9 = 15, 15 + 13 = 28
87. (3) The only son of Vineet’s grandfather is Vineet’s father. 60 + 9 = 69, 69 + 13 = 82
The lady is the daughter of Vineet’s father. Thus, Vineet 103. (1) 81 − 4 = 77, 77 − 8 = 69
is brother of that lady.
56 − 4 = 52, 52 − 8 = 44.
88. (2) Total number of peoples in the row
104. (1) The code for ‘has’ is CUS.
= (9 + 11) − 1 = 19
105. (3) W − T = 23 − 20 = 3
89. (3) If A is chosen, then mathematician chosen are ABC and
S − D = 19 − 4 = 15
physicists chosen are F and H or G and H. If D is chosen
mathematician chosen are B, C, and D and Physicist T − J = 20 − 10 = 10
chosen are GH. P − G = 16 − 7 = 9
From the above two cases it is clear that whether A is 106. (2) P + F = 16 + 6 = 22
chosen or D is chosen either F or G is chosen. G + N = 7 + 14 = 21
90. (3) If G is rejected then, the member selected would be J + E = 10 + 5 = 15
ABC-FH. K + P = 11 + 16 = 27
Hence, if G is rejected D cannot be in the group.
107. (2) (cd + ef ) × bc = (23 + 45) × 12 = 816
91. (2) Keeping in view all the conditions given, B is chosen in
108. (1) (dc × f ) − (bf − d ) × d = (32 × 5) − (15 − 3) × 3
two ways.
Mathematician Physicists = 160 − 12 × 3 = 124 = bce
(i) ABC FH or GH 109. (3) baf ÷ bf × d = 105 ÷ 15 × 3
(ii) BCD GH = 7 × 3 = 21 = cb
From (i) Two physicists are FH and GH. 110. (3) The symbols which are adjacent to triangle will not be
From (ii) Only one way of choosing Physicist exists. on the opposite face.
Hence, If ‘B’ is chosen, then‘ G’ will also be chosen. Hence, the remaining symbol ie, question mark will be
92. (3) 2 × 3 = 6 and 7 × 6 = 42, 1 × 2 = 2 and 9 × 2 = 18 opposite to triangle.
∴ −2 × − 3 = 6 and 5 × 6 = 30 111. (3) All other figure have one arrow and one line while
∴ 30 will comes in place of ‘?’. figure (C) has two lines and one arrow.
93. (2) 2 × 5 = 10 and 3 × 10 = 30, 112. (1) In all other figures all the four figures are identical.
−1 × 5 = − 5 and −5 × 1 = 5 113. (3) Except (3) all other figures are five sided. Figure (3) is
∴ −4 × 1 = − 4 and 3 × − 4 = − 12 hexagon.
∴ −12 will comes in place of ‘?’. 114. (3) The inner 3 × 3 cubes will not have any coloured face
So, 27 cubes will not be coloured.
94. (3) 1 + (−1) = 0, 3 + 2 = 5 and 4 + 3 = 7
115. (2) 8 corners are there in a cube.
∴ 7 will comes in place of ‘?’.
All the corner cube will have 3 faces coloured.
95. (1) Both pickpockets and black marketer are anti-social
116. (3) GKH represents one complete family.
117. (1) J is father of F.
96. (3) All the figures except (3) are concave. Figure (3) is
convex. 118. (2) H is son of K.
97. (3) In all other figures lines are attached to the adjacent 119. (3) Car III
vertices. 120. (4) Y → C, D, B, E.
= x0 = 1 ∴ 2 men and 5 boys can complete of work in 3 days.
54. (2) The required number = (LCM of 30, 45, 65, 78) − 8} ∴ 2 men and 5 boys can complete the work in 6 days.
= (5 × 3 × 13 × 2 × 3) − 8 63. (2) Total amount of mixture = 35 lbs
= 1170 − 8 = 1162 35 × 60
Amount of quinine = = 21 lbs
55. (3) HCF of 1517 and 902 is 41. 100
1517 × 902 35 × 40
∴ Number of tiles = = 814 Amount of adulteration = = 14 lbs
41 × 41 100
1 ∴ 21 + x : 65 :: 14 : 35
56. (2) The value of is 65 × 14
1 ∴ 21 + x = = 26
2+ 35
2+ ∴ x = 26 − 21 = 5 lbs
2 64. (1) CP SP MP
1 1 1 8 100 115 y
= = = = 95 100
1 1 19 19
2+ 2+
2 8 8 ∴ An article having cost Rs 7.20.
3 3 115 × 100 × 7. 20
MP =
57. (3) Average age of 30 children = 9 yr 100 × 95
Total age of children = 9 × 30 = 270 =
165. 60
= Rs 8.72
Average age of 30 children and 1 teacher = 10 yr 19
Sum of ages = 10 × 31 = 310 65. (2) Amount obtained by sale = Rs 4500
∴ Teacher’s age = 310 − 270 = 40 yr Amount sent for owner = Rs 4200
58. (3) cz = a Commission = Rs 300
100 × 300 2
(b y )z = a or (ax )yz = a1 ∴ R% = =6 %
4500 3
axyz = a1 66. (4) Farmer J generated maximum amount of income and
∴ xyz = 1 sale of rice has the largest share.
Answers with Explanations SNAP 83
67. (4) Total income from bajra 78. (2) Total amount spent on Entertainment and Shopping
2.55 × 12 + 2 × 16 + 1.85 × 18 + 1.75 × 21 + 2.15 36 + 68.4
= × 45800 = Rs 13282
× 26 + 2.4 × 27 360
= 82.8 + 36 + 54
100 79. (4) Required percentage = × 400
30 + 32 + 34 + 35 + 57 + 65 79.2
= ≈ 2.52 lakh = 218.2 = 218%
1.75 × 21 39.6
Percentage of M’s income = × 100 ≈ 15% 80. (3) Required percentage = × 100 = 57.89%
100 × 2.52 68.4
81. (3) P has won all matches and T none. Each Q, R and S
2.15 × 23 989
68. (1) Ratio = = scores 3 points against T and 1 point against P. Of the
2.40 × 21 1008 two matches that Q, R and S play against each other,
27 + 26 they have to win one match and lose one in this case
69. (3) Income = × 2 = 1. 06 lakh = Rs 106000
100 the points will be 3 + 1 = 4 or all the matches will end
70. (2) Total income in draw in this case the points will be 2 + 2 = 4. Hence,
9 × 2.59 + 18 × 2 + 13 × 1. 85 + 10 × 1.75 the total points = 3 + 1 + 4 = 8
+ 18 × 2.15 + 22 × 2.40
= P has won all and T none
100 ∴ P got 12 and T got 4 points in all 10 matches that
22.95 + 36 + 24.05 + 17. 5 + 38.7 + 52.8 were played, therefore out of 10 × 4 = 40 points, three
100 remaining teams got (40 − 60) = 24 points. Hence,
192 each gets 24 / 3 = 8 points
= = 1. 92 lakh = Rs 192000
100 82. (2) They all play in all 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10 matches
If a match is not a draw, winning team gets 3 points
71. (4) Average price per kilo of the six produces
and loser team gets 1.
2.5+ 6.5+ 9 + 6.5+ 5+ 5 34.5
= = Hence, total points scored for a match = 4 and if the
6 6 match ends in a draw, each of the team gets 2 points. In
Total money earned by Farmer O both the cases total points scored remain the same.
34.5 Hence, total points scored in the tournament
= × 240 = Rs 1380
6 = 10 × 4 = 40
72. (1) Lowest average selling price = Lowest sum of selling 83. (2) It is given that each team plays 4 matches.
price by each of the six farmers. From the given data Hence, for the scores of all the teams to be equal. Every
team has to win two games and lose two or all the four
we can conclude that wheat has the lowest average
games should end in a draw. In both the cases the
selling price.
points scored will be 8
73. (3) Quantity of Wheat : Quantity of Gram
Q 2× 4 = 8 = 3× 2+ 1 × 2
250 : 150 = 5 : 3 84. (2) Suppose there are n houses in the left side and the total
Now, each farmers earning from the sale of Wheat and number of houses in the lane is m.
Gram. Then my house number will be (n + 1), now
L = 3 × 5 + 10.5 × 3 = 15 + 31.5 = Rs 46.50 n(n + 1) m(m + 1) (n + 1) + (n + 2)
= −
M = 3.9 × 5 + 12 × 3 = 19.5 + 36 = Rs 55.50 2 2 2
N = 4.6 × 5 + 9.75 × 3 = 23.0 + 29.25 = Rs 52.25 m − n −1
= (m + n + 2)
O = 2.5 × 5 + 9 × 3 = 12.5 + 27 = Rs 39.50 2
P = 6.5 × 5 + 8.25 × 3 = 32.5 + 24.75 = Rs 57.25 There are many pairs of n and m that satisfy the
equation but n = 6929 and m = 9801 is the only pair
Q = 5.5 × 5 + 11 × 3 = 27.5 + 33 = Rs 60.50 from which we shall get more than 100 but less than
∴ It is clear that farmer Q earns Rs 60.50 ie, the 3000 houses on the right side of my house.
maximum money. For (Q. 86-88)
74. (1) Required difference Neither A nor B had the single cow, so C must have had it.
Therefore, C cannot, has a single hen or goat. Since, A has fewer
= (170 × 6.5 + 120 × 4) − (120 × 7 + 170 × 3)
hens than B, A must has only 1 hen. By the same logic since A have
= 1585 − 1350 = Rs 235 more goats than B, B has only 1 goat. Since the farmer with 2 cows
Average SP of Sugar 25.5/ 6 and 3 hens can be neither C nor A, it must be B.
75. (1) × 100 = × 100 = 64%
Average SP of Rice 40 / 6 Therefore, A has 3 cows, 1 hen and 2 goats, C has 1 cow, 2
hens and 2 goats.
76. (1) Amount spent by the family on commuting
79.2 89. (4) Two series alternated
= × 45800 = Rs 10076 (i) EF (+ 2) IJ (+ 2) MN
39.6 11 (ii) ON (− 2) KJ (− 2) GF (reverse)
77. (4) Required ratio = = = 11 : 23
82.8 23 Hence option (4).
84 SNAP Answers with Explanations
For (Q. 90-92) 98. (1) The number of voters in favour of A irrespective of B or
Rahul has three children and four grand children which C = 36 + 20 + 8 + 14 = 78
means Rahul is from the first generation. So is Revati and they are 99. (4) Number of voters in favour of B irrespective of A and C
married. Ravi and Karan are from the second generation so is = 42 + 20 + 16 + 8 = 86
Aashu. Aakash and Neha are from the third generation and are 100. (4) The number of voters in favour of only one of the
cousins as Aakash has a male sibling. Also Aashu is Neha’s uncle candidates = 36 + 42 + 64 = 142
and Ravi has no child. So, Neha is Karan’s daughter and Aakash is
101. (2) Number of voters in favour of A and C but not B = 14
Aashu’s son. Hence, the following family tree can be shown.
Rahul = Revati 102. (2) Clearly, the computers would be used most when all
the three groups are working simultaneously and this
happens during the period 12 noon to 2 pm.
For (Q. 103-104)
Aashu = Ravi = = Karan 5 km
3 km 3 km
Aakash Neha
5 km 4 km
Indu Soumya
90. (4) Among Vicky and Aadi one can be the son of Aashu.
Therefore, the answer cannot be determined from the 103. (1) North
given information. 104. (3) 3 km
91. (2) Karan is Aakash’s uncle. Hence option (2). 105. (4) As same number is subtracted from them it will not
92. (3) Kanchan being Revati’s daughter is the only sister of change their relative positives when they are arranged
Ravi who is married to Karan. Hence, Karan is in descending order. So, only reversing them and
Kanchan’s husband. Hence option (3). arranging as directed we get 984, 451, 263, 245, 172.
93. (4) This question is of direct substitution method. 107. (1) All moon is sun + [conversion of number sun is not
RESENTMENT → YWZW3V1W3V white = ] All suns are white A + A = A = All moon is
94. (1) Every letter is substituted by the fifth letter succeding white.
in the English Alphabet 108. (1) There were 9 birds in all – 3 sparrows + 3 pigeons + 3
COOLER → HTTQJW (+ 5) ducks.
109. (4) The word is divided into two-halves of three letters
95. (2) Every letter is equated to the corresponding digit just each and then each half is written in reverse order.
as is given
110. (3) Each letter in the word is written as letters preceding
KITCHEN → 5263417
CHICKEN → 3423517 and following it in the alphabet.
C = 3, H = 4, I = 2, K = 5, E = 1, N = 7 111. (2) Statement I is not implicit. The statement has no
relationship to other games. Statement II is implicit
96. (3) M + 1 = N N + 1 =O
because the speaker talks about the consequence only
O −1 = N A −1 =Z alter assuming this.
N + 1 =O V +1=W 113. (1) Statement I mentions only the decison of the
E−1 = D Y −1 = X government. It does not mention the reaction of any
Y + 1 =Z group of people. Hence, it is clear that statement I
Thus, M + 1 = N, E − 1 = D, needs additional statement. Now look at the given
A + 1 = B, N − 1 = M options. According to the given options only one
additional statement is needed to get the conclusion.
For (Q. 97-101)
Among the given three statements (A) is the additional
On the basis of information given in question following
statement that brings us to the given conclusion.
venn diagram can be prepared.
114. (3) A bud develops into flower. After that pollination take
place which helps flower develop into a fruit and
36 20 42 formation of seeds takes place when a fruit ripens.
8 115. (2) An accident is followed by visit to a doctor which is
14 16 followed by registration of a case by the police. This is
followed by lawyer’s plea and the matter comes to a
halt after a verdict by the Judge.
C 116. (2) Total odd days = 30 (May) + 30 (June) + 31 (July)
= 91
97. (2) 8 votes were in favour of all the three candidates A, B
When 91 is divided by 7 it leaves no remainder. Hence,
and C.
zero odd days implies that it was Monday.
Answers with Explanations SNAP 85
117. (2) The top left hand number is obtained by adding the 118. (2) The series is ccacc/aabaa/bbcbb/cc.
bottom two numbers. The top right hand number is the 119. (3) The series is gfeii/gfeii/gfeii/gfeii. Thus, the pattern
result of dividing the bottom two numbers. gfeii is repeated.
Thus, 12 + 3 = 15, 12 ÷ 3 = 4 120. (1) A B
22 + 11 = 33, 22 ÷ 11 = 2 Nephew
18 + 9 = 27, 18 ÷ 9 = 2 C⇔D
(+) (–)
So, 32 + x = 36 and 32 ÷ x = 8
or x=4
108. (2) C
∴ PQ = PR 2 + QR 2 = 252 + 242
= 625 + 576 = 1201
= 34. 65 m
F G 115. (2) 1 is not necessarily true because it is possible that the
drug does not influence the amount of the hormone
B D secreted but cerenters its ill-effect independently 2 is
First count triangles are true it does not seem to be a mere co-incidence as the
AFC, AFB, BGF, CGF, CGE, BGD, DHG, ABC, ACG, CGB, passage projects the role of the harmone as Nital.
ABG, GDE, BCD, CEB, EDC, EDB. 116. (3) We need a situation where stress loads to illness but in
Thus, there are 16 triangles. 1. It is the other way round. 4 may happen simply
109. (1) The number in the third column in each row is because there are lesser number of students present
obtained by multiplying the numbers in the first and during vacation times 2 may streng, then the argument
second column in the same row. So, in the first row, bus is mere of a conclusion from the given situation. 3
3 × 5 = 15 and in second row, 2 × 4 = 8 strengthens the conclusion examinations are times of
stress and therefore increase the number of illness
∴ Number to be filled in blank spaces = 4 × 6 = 24
JL 24 • • • Veens
110. (4) Nimmi returned home on Thursday. Nimmi was 117. (3) (−) − (+ ) ⇔ (−)
supposed to return three days later ie, on Sunday. | |
Vimmi returned five days later from Sunday ie, Friday. Kedar(+ ) Nitin
111. (2) Clearly, the number adjacent 3 are 1, 2, 5 and 4. Hence, Kedar is Veena’s nephew.
So, the number opposite 3 is 6.
= 2+ 1 − 2 2 + 1
r = 2 2( 2 − 1)
l 2 −1
x or tan θ = =
b 1
∴ h = ( 2 − 1)2 + 12
= 2+ 1 − 2 2 + 1
1 1
∴ Volume = πR 2H − πr2h = 4−2 2
3 3
1 22
= ×
1 22
× 28 × 28 × 60 − × × 7 × 7 × 15 = 2 2( 2 − 1)
3 7 3 7 p b pb
1 22 ∴ sin θ ⋅ cos θ = × =
= × × 7 × 7 × 15(4 × 4 × 4 − 1) h h h2
3 7
2 −1 1
= 48510 cm 3 = =
2 2( 2 − 1) 2 2
IInd Method
48. (3) sin θ − cos θ = 1
πh 2
Volume = (R + r2 + rR ) sin θ + cos θ = x
22 sin 2 θ + cos2 θ + 2 sin θ ⋅ cos θ
= × 14 [784 + 49 + 28 × 7]
7×3 − 2 sin θ ⋅ cos θ + sin 2 θ + cos2 θ = 1 + x 2
22 × 15
= × 1029 ∴ x2 = 2− 1
x2 = 1
= 330 × 147 = 48510 cm3
x = ±1
44. (3) 2x + 3y = 550
3x + 2y = 450 IInd Method
5x + 5y = 1000 Q sin θ − cos θ = 1
x + y = 200 ∴ (sin θ − cos θ )2 = 12
Cost of 3 goats and 3 cows = 3( x + y ) = 3 × 200 sin 2 θ + cos2 θ − 2 sin θ ⋅ cos θ = 1
= 600 1 − 1 = 2 sin θ cos θ = 0
Answers with Explanations SNAP 91
Q (sin θ + cos θ )2 = (sin θ − cos θ )2 + 4 sin θ ⋅ cos θ Given 8 men = 12 boys
sin θ + cos θ = 1 + 2 × 0 = 1 = ± 1 20 men = × 20 = 30 boys
P × R ×T 8
49. (2) SI = 12 boys can do the work in 16 days
P ×R ×2 16 × 12 1
200 = …(i) 36 boys can do the work in = 5 days
100 36 3
53. (3) CP = 1200 and gain = 12.5%
CI = P 1 +
− 1 112.5
100 ∴ SP = × 1200 = 1350
100 + r 2 Let MP be Rs x
210 = P − 1 …(ii)
x 1 −
100 = 1350
Dividing Eq. (ii) from Eq. (i), we get
x = 1500
P[10000 + R 2 + 200R − 10000] M × 0. 9 = C × 1.125
210 10000
= C 900
200 R ×2 =
P× M 1125
21 R (R + 200) ∴ MP = × 1200 = 1500
= 900
20 200R
54. (1) Volume of water flowing in 1 s = 5 × 30
210 = R + 200
= 150 cm3
R = 10%
IInd Method Volume of water flowing in 1 min = 150 × 60
SI = 200 Rs = 9000 cm3
CI = 210 Rs =9L
100 x 2
55. (2) Given, = ⇒ 7 x = 2y
100 10 y 7
10 7 x + 2y 2y + 2y 4 y
Rate = × 100 = 10% ∴ = = = −4
100 7 x − 3y 2y − 3y − y
50. (1) P P =
E 0.3 3 F 0. 3 3 56. (4) Let B receives Rs x.
= = =
F 0.5 5 E 0. 4 4 ∴ Share of A = 2x + 80
51. (3) Let share of Puja = x Now, 560 − 80 = 480
Sony = 1682 − x ∴ 2x : x = 2 : 1
3 5 2
x 1 +
= (1682 − x ) 1 +
5 ∴ Share of A = 480 × = 320 + 80 = 400
100 100
441 Share of B = 480 × = 160
x = (1682 − x ) × 3
57. (3) Labour Hour Day Earning
441 x + 400 x = 1682 × 441
75 8 15 800
1682 × 441
x= = 882 24 10 9 x
841 24 × 10 × 9 × 800
IInd Method ∴ x= = 192
75 × 8 × 15
3 5
100 100 x 1500
P1 : P2 = : 58. (1) x : y :: 1500 : 100 or =
100 + 5 100 + 5 y 1400
400 y 1500
P1 : P2 = 1 : = 441 : 400 =
y : z :: 1500 : 1380 or
441 z 1380
841 unit = 1682 x y x 1500 1500 1500
∴ × = = × =
1 unit = 2 y z z 1400 1380 1288
∴ 441 = 441 × 2 = 882 ∴ He will defeated by 1500 − 1288 = 212 m
52. (1) In the first case either 8 men or 12 boys are taken when 59. (1) Percentage of candidates who fail in the examination
in the second case 20 men and 6 boys are taken. So first = 31%
of all, we shall find that 20 men and 6 boys are ∴ Percentage of candidates who pass in the examination
equivalent to how many men or how many boys. = (100 − 31)% = 69%
92 SNAP Answers with Explanations
According to question, 67. (3) Required average
Number of candidates who pass exceeds the number of 1
those who fail by 247. = (2.75 + 3 + 3.5 + 3 + 2.5 + 3.25) lakh
∴ 69% − 31% = 247 18
= lakh = Rs 300000 = 3 lakh
⇒ 38% = 247 6
So, the total number of candidates. 68. (3) Percentage increase in income of company B in year
⇒ 38% = 247 2006
247 × 100 3.5 − 3 50
∴ 100% = = 650 = × 100 = = 17
38 3 3
60. (2) Let SP = 100 69. (1) Income of A in 2002 = Rs 300000
∴ Commission = 5 Suppose expenditure of A in 2002 = Rs x
100 5
x 95.50 Then, = 300000
100 × 95.50
∴ x= = 1910 Expenditure = x
1910 × 100 300000 × 100
∴ Number of bottle = = 200 = = Rs 250000
955 120
61. (3) Number of instalment = 15 70. (4) Percentage change in income of company C was the
highest for year 2002. We see that from 2001 to 2002
Monthly payment = 800
the percentage change is 33% (from 3 to 2). In other
∴ Total paid amount = 800 × 15 = 12000
years percentage change is less than 33%.
Interest = 12000 − 10000 = 2000
71. (3) Total construction in B = 100 + 175 + 275 = 550
100 × 2000 × 1 × 4
∴ Rate = = 16% Total construction in E = 175 + 250 + 300 = 725
10000 × 5
∴ Required difference = 175
62. (1) Let cash value Rs 100
50 + 175 + 150 + 75 + 175
Credit value = 100 + Interest 72. (2) Required average =
61 5 1
Interest = 100 × × =2 625
2 100 2 = = 125
1 1
Credit value = 100 + 2 = 102 1100
2 2 73. (4) Required percentage = × 100 = 79
Now, Cash value : Credit value = 100 : 102 150 + 225 + 250
2 74. (4) Required approximate average =
= 200 : 205 625
= 40 : 41 = = 208
SI × TD 120 × 100
63. (2) Sum due = = = Rs 600 75. (1) Required ratio = 175 : 300 = 7 : 12
SI − TD 20
For (Q. 76-80)
2 × 10 + 3
Total number of students in the school = 2500
f (10) 10 − 2 69
64. (2) = =− Total number of girls =
× 3 = 1500
1 1 64
f 2× + 3 3+ 2
2 2
1 2500
−2 Total number of boys = × 2 = 1000
2 3+ 2
65. (1) If log 2x + 3 = log 64 Number of boys learning only Marathi
∴ log 2x+3 6
= log 2 = 16% of the boys
x + 3= 6 = × 1000 = 160
∴ x = 6 − 3= 3
Number of girls learning only Marathi and Hindi
66. (2) Percentage profit of company C in 2003
= 23% of the girls
2.5 − 1.75
= × 100 23
1.75 = × 1500 = 345
0.75 × 100 7500 300
= = = Number of students learning only English
1.75 175 7
= 42.857 = 42.86 = 14% of the total number of students
2500 × 14
= = 350
Answers with Explanations SNAP 93
Number of boys learning only Marathi and Hindi 85. (1)
= 120% of the number of girls learning only Marathi (i) Kalyani < Aditya and Kalyani > Srinivas. Thus,
and Hindi Srinivas will be shorter than Aditya. Hence, Srinivas is
120 × 345 the shortest.
= = 414
100 (ii) Srinivas < Aditya but we cannot say whether Kalyani is
Number of boys learning only Sanskrit shorter than Srinivas or not. Hence, we cannot come to
1 the answer.
= × 1000 = 100
10 86. (1)
Number of girls learning only Marathi (i) We cannot assume that Ashish is married. He may have
adopted the child whose name is Amar.
= 130% of the number of boys learning only Marathi
(ii) Vinod and Vidya are married as they are husband and
130 × 160
= = 208 wife.
87. (2)
Number of boys learning only English
(i) This statement sets a condition about when a city can
= 19% of 1000 = × 1000 = 190 be called metropolitan. But we do not know anything
100 about Patna’s population.
Number of boys learning only Sanskrit, Hindi and English (ii) This statement gives Patna’s population but does not
= 1000 − (160 + 414 + 100 + 190) = 136 given as the condition about when a city can be
Number of girls learning only Hindi and Sanskrit classified metropolitan.
32 Combining both (i) and (ii) we can say that Patna is a
= 32% of 1500 = × 1500 = 480
100 metropolitan city.
Number of girls learning only Hindi, English and Sanskrit 92. (3) From first two sentences the common word computer
= 1500 − (345 + 208 + 480 + 160) = 307 ↔ low
76. (3) Total number of girls learning English and Sanskrit From second and third sentences the common word
expensive ↔ pow
= 480 + 307 + 160 = 947
From first and fourth sentences the common word
77. (4) Total number of student learning Marathi Prasad ↔ bow
= 160 + 414 + 345 + 208 = 1127 From second and fourth sentences the common word
78. (1) Number of students studying two languages at a time Prasad ↔ bow
= 414 + 136 + 345 + 480 + 307 = 1682 From second and fourth sentences the common word
79. (2) Total number of boys learning Hindi gift ↔ dow
= 414 + 136 = 550 ∴ is ↔ row.
80. (1) Number of girls who do not learn Hindi 93. (2) I. Ranu had failed is ‘true’ is valid.
= (208 + 160) = 368 II. Somu had failed is ‘not true’ is not valid.
81. (4) P ∆ Q means P > Q, Q O R means Q = R and Q ∆ S For (Q. 94-98)
means Q > S Numbers and words are arranged alternately starting with
numbers. All the numbers are arranged in ascending order
∴ We get P > Q = R > S
whereas all the words are arranged in a pattern opposite to
∴ P O Q means P = is not true.
dictionary. (The words coming last in the dictionary are arranged
P ∆ R means P > R true R ∆ S means R > S true. first).
Hence, option (4) is correct.
94. (3) Step II : 21 white direct 72 status front 37 69.
82. (4) V O W means V = W, W ~ X means W < X, Step III : 21 white 37 direct 72 status front 69.
W ∆ Y means W > Y
Step IV : 21 white 37 status direct 72 front 69.
∴ V = W < X and Y < X Step V : 21 white 37 status 69 direct 72 front.
∴ V < X ie, V ~ X is true. Step VI : 21 white 37 status 69 front direct 72.
Hence, option (4) is correct. Step VII : 21 white 37 status 69 front 72 direct.
83. (4) As I O J means Step VII is the final step.
I = J ⇒ I − J =O 95. (4) Input : 17 85 pearls garland 67 93 restriction
J ~ K means J < K ⇒ K − J > O judgement.
K ∆ L means K > L ⇒ K − L > O Step I : 17 restriction 85 pearls garland 69 93
Hence, option (4) is correct.
Step II : 17 restriction 67 85 pearls garland 93
84. (4) judgement.
(i) This statement is irrelevent as it is not discussing the
Step III : 17 restriction 67 pearls 85 garland 93
weights of the three items.
(ii) This also does not gives any information about which is
th eheaviest. We can only say that either of iron or gold 96. (4) We cannot determine the previous steps definitely in
is the heaviest. such an arrangement.
94 SNAP Answers with Explanations
97. (1) Step II : 26 shop finance 48 game music 63 37. number 2 which is as far away from the beginning in
Step III : 26 shop 37 finance 48 game music 63. the number as when they are arranged in ascending
Step IV : 26 shop 37 music finance 48 game 63. order starting from left.
Step V : 26 shop 37 music 48 finance game 63. 109. (4) 5 4 6 3 8
98. (3) Input : 56 punish 48 find design 23 lavish 36. ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Step I : 23 56 punish 48 find design lavish 36. 4 5 7 2 9 = 27
Step II : 23 punish 56 48 find design lavish 36. 110. (2) Sitting arrangement is given below.
Step III : 23 punish 36 56 48 find design lavish.
Step IV : 23 punish 36 lavish 56 48 find design.
Step V : 23 punish 36 lavish 48 56 find design.
Step VI : 23 punish 36 lavish 48 find 56 design. K T
Step VI is the final step. Right Left
99. (1) A C R I M O N Y
+1 +1 +1 +1
Similarly, P is to the immediate right of T.
111. (3) In column (1) and column (3), we have 12 × 2 ÷ 72 = 3
+1 +1 +1 +1
and 16 × 2 ÷ 128 = 4, similarly in column (2) we have
A N Y B I L U F 14 × 2 ÷ 112 = 4
100. (1) (3), (4) and (2) are obviously not true. 112. (1) In column (1) and column (2) we have (3 + 5) ÷ 2 = 4
101. (2) Since by omitting O, R can be included. and (6 + 8) ÷ 2 = 7, similarly in column (3) we have
102. (2) Cannot be chosen and 2 more plumbers are to be (8 + 4) ÷ 2 = 6
chosen. For (Q. 114-118)
103. (4) Since no condition is attached to W.
School Teacher Subject
104. (4) Since neither I nor II is compulsory.
I Q Science
105. (2) ‘Teachers’ train ‘Students’. Similarly ‘Coach’ trains
players. J S Sanskrit
106. (4) Mother’s brother’s wife means maternal uncle’s wife ie, K T/U English/Mathematics
Raju is the only son of Ayesha’s maternal uncle’s wife. L P Mathematics or English
Therefore, Raju is the cousin brother of Ayesha. The M R General Science
sex of Ayesha is not given.
N U/T Hindi
107. (2) It is clear from the diagram that point P is in North.
10 mile 119. (3) Ram’s present age is 26 yr [Q 25 = 52 and 27 = 33 ]
When Ram will be 64 yr old than his age will be the
5 mile cube of 4.
Hence, required time = 64 − 26 = 38 yr.
5 mile 120. (2) Through options = 34(4 + 4 + 2) + (34 + 1)(3 + 4)
= 34 × 10 + 35 × 7
108. (2) Given number is 724513 number when arranged in
ascending order = 123457, clearly there is only one = 340 + 245 = 585
106. (2) Smuggler (Sr CID) 116. (1) As given above, 70 students failed in all three subjects.
Number of students passed in at least one subject
Killer (Mama) Mafia (Jr CID) = 500 − 70 = 430
Students who failed in one subject only means students
who passed in two subjects only. Number of students
Bootlegger (Kalia) who passed in two subjects only
107. (4) After interchanging the positions of the first and the =X+Y+Z
third digits in each number, we get a new set of X + Y + Z = 450 − (72 + 61 + 59 + 191)
numbers as given below. 430 − 383 = 47
815 527 948 783 436 For (Q. 117-119)
Hence, the lowest number is 436 which is the new form
Persons After Ist After 2nd Initial
of 634. Exchange Exchange Amount
108. (4) After interchanging the positions of the first and the A 60 80 60
second digits in each number we get a new set of B 80 40 40
numbers as given below. C 70 50 80
158 275 489 837 364 D 40 70 50
Hence, the third number from the top is 364 which is E 50 60 70
the new form of 634.
120. (2) I is not the right way of arguing. Hence, I is not strong.
109. (4) After interchanging the positions of the second and the Upliftment of socially backward classes is necessary.
third digits in each number we get a new set of Hence, II is strong.
numbers as given below 121. (4) Neither I nor II is strong to argue as the best
581 752 894 378 643 Arguments.