Cours E BFC 34402 (Geotechnics Ii) 20% Group Report (Wp1, Wp4 Wp6, Wk3, Wk7 & Wk8) Topic Slope Remedialtechnique (Slope Stability)

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20% GROUP REPORT (WP1, WP4 WP6, WK3, WK7 & WK8)

Name: ……….…………………….……………….. Lecturer: ..............................

Section: …………………..………….…..………...…. Date: ….………..…………...


The purpose of this Open-Ended Report is to categorize suitable technique for slope remedial work in
geotechnical aspect

Problem statement:

Slope failure which occurred on 6 December 2008 at Bukit Antarabangsa, Ampang Selangor has
caused mortalities and loss of properties whereas more than 20 houses were flattened. Prior to slope
failure, it was heavily downpoured for a few hours that increased the soil saturation and plasticity
properties. A total of 10 soil samples were randomly taken from stable and unstable slopes to
determine physical soil properties, infiltration rate and their relationship to rainfall pattern. Soils were
analyzed in terms of their physical properties; five years (2005-2009) of daily rainfalls were analyzed
to determine their relationship to infiltration rate at each sampling station. Infiltration rate is
determined by using infiltrometer double ring. Analysis of physical soils properties shows that soil
texture was dominated by sandy soil with relatively high percentage of sand. Values of clay dispersion
coefficient were relatively stable to very stable from 0.013% to 11.85% and organic content from 1.38
% to 2.74 %. Range of porosity was from 50.12% to 62.31%, while the average levels of hydraulic
conductivity was from level 2 to 5 or relatively slow to fast. Percentage of soil aggregate stability was
from 5.12 % to 48.42 % and this value indicates that relative strength of soil mechanical pressure is
inversely proportional to the percentage of water content. Soil plasticity value was high to very high
but characterized by inactive colloids. Distribution of monthly rainfall was from 38 mm to 427mm.
The infiltration rate during sampling time was from 3.0 cm/hr to 7.0 cm/hr; but it was expected from
10.94cm/hr to 915.05 cm/hr during slope failures. Overall, it was interpreted that physical soil
properties were closely interrelated with slope stability, structure of sandy soil will enhance soil
porosity stage and enhance the infiltration process during heavy rainfall, and finally triggering of slope
Figure 1: Slope failure at Bukit Antarabangsa, Ampang, Selangor


1. Please form a group with max 5 peoples

2. Prepare an engineering report (min. 30 pages) exclude appendix to be submitted to the client
include description of the proposed remedial work of slope failure.
3. Please provide minute of meetings and progress report for monitoring of work progress


i) Font type: Times News Romans, Font size: 12

ii) Spacing: 1.5 spacing
iii) Margin: Top,Bottom,Left and Right = 2.54cm
iv) Page Layout: A4 size (Potrait)

4. Please prepare also Video Presentation

 You are requiring also to prepare video presentation with max 15 minutes (all team
members must be involved).
 You are requiring also to prepare video of demo using any tools of software
 The video presentation must be upload to YouTube and the link must be shared

5. Following are the contents of report:

a) Front page
i) Title
ii) UTHM logo
iii) Name of student and Id no
iv) Name of lecturer
v) Due date of submission

b) Table of content
This part presents the descriptions and page no

c) Introduction
This part presents slope failure, identify issue in engineering practice and type of failure.
(Include some citation)

d) Literature Review
This part presents the techniques of slope stability remediation and some theory for slope
stability analysis (Include some citation and figures)

e) Techniques of slope stability based on case given

This part presents the best choice of techniques to remedial the slope failure based on case
given and state the reason the chosen of technique

f) Application of any standard

This part presents any standard for slope remedial technique as reference

g) Long term stability for the chosen technique

This part presents the duration of how long that method able to sustain the slope stability

h) Conclusion

i) Reference
This part presents all of the citation of sources that made as reference. Following are the
example of format:

(a) Book
Author (Year). Title. (Edition). Placed published: Publisher
Theusen, G. J. and Fabrycky, W. J. (1984). Engineering Economy. (6th ed.) Englewood
Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall.

(b) Article in a book

Author of the article (Year). Title of the article. In: author or editor of the book. Title of
the book. (page). Place published: Publisher.
Hussein, S. B., Jamaluddin, H., Mailah, M. and Zalzala, A. M. S. (2000). An
Evolutionary Neural Network Controller for Intelligent Active Force Control. In: Parmee,
I. C. (Ed.) Evolutionary Design and Manufacturing (pp. 351 –362). London: Springer-

(c) Journal articles

Author (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal. Volume: page
Borman, W. C. (1993). Role of Early Supervisory Experience in Supervisor Performance.
Journal of Applied Psychology. 78: 443 – 449.

(d) Conference articles

Author (Year). Title of the article. Name of the conference. Place. page.
Sheta, A. F. and De Jong, K. (1996). Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Systems in
Noisy Environments Using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE
International Symposium on Intelligent Control. Dearborn, Michigan. 360 - 365.

(e) Thesis
Author (Year). Title of the thesis. Thesis award. Place published.
Adnan bin Hassan (2002). On-line Recognition of Developing Control Chart Patterns.
Doctor Philosophy. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Malaysia.

(f) Report
Name of organization (Year). Title [Report]. Place published: Publisher.

British Car Auctions and The University of Buckingham. (2014). The Used Car Market
Report [Report]. United Kingdom: British Car Auctions.

(g) Measured drawings

Author (Year). Title. [Measured Drawing]. Name of organization: Place published.
Salim Man (1989). Pengisi Sekam ke Dalam Kontena Penyimpan: Pandangan Isometrik.
[Measured Drawing]. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Skudai.

(h) Brochure
Name of organization (Year). Title [Brochure]. Place published: Publisher.
Research and Training Center (1993). Guidelines for Reporting and Writing About
People with Disabilities. [Brochure]. Lawrance, KS: Macmillan

(i) Newspaper article

Title of article. (Year, date). Name of newspaper, page.
Gearing up to meet new challenges. (2000, February 22). The Star. Page 2.

(j) Internet (Website)

Although internet provides a large source of references, the information from internet are
not permanent and are up-dated periodically. Thus, these are unreliable sources of


Hussein, S. B., Jamaluddin, H., Mailah, M. and Zalzala, A. M. S. (2000). An Evolutionary

Neural Network Controller for Intelligent Active Force Control. In: Parmee, I. C. (Ed.)
Evolutionary Design and Manufacturing (pp. 351 –362). London: Springer-Verlag.

Theusen, G. J. and Fabrycky, W. J. (1984). Engineering Economy. (6th ed.) Englewood

Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall

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