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CONFIDENTIAL UTHM Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER II SESSION 20212022 COURSE NAME OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH COURSE CODE BFC43502 PROGRAMME CODE BFF EXAMINATION DATE JULY 2022 DURATION 2 HOURS INSTRUCTION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. THIS FINAL EXAMINATION IS AN ONLINE ASSESSMENT AND CONDUCTED VIA CLOSED BOOK STUDENTS ARE PROHIBITED TO CONSULT THEIR OWN MATERIAL OR ANY EXTERNAL RESOURCES DURING THE EXAMINATION CONDUCTED VIA. CLOSED BOOK ‘THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF NINE (9) PAGES CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL BFC43502 Qi @ (b) Provide your answer based on the following situations. iii ii, Alex works as a bricklayer for a housing construction project. One of his tasks is carrying the mortar bag to the workplace. Instead of carrying out the task alone, he carried the heavy mortar bag with his friends. State the type of risk control implemented. (2 marks) Steel component need to be dipped in a highly concentrated hydrochloric acid tank to remove the scale and rust from steel surface. The acid produces vapour which is hazardous to the workers. State the hazard of the above scenario and. give TWO (2) examples of controlling the hazards at source and receiver, respectively. (S marks) Consider yourself the Safety and Health Officer (SHO) for the following conversation: The CEO of residential roofing business: This fall protection standard is ridiculous. T can’t afford to buy lifelines for all of my employees. Besides, they work faster without lifelines. SHO: The lifelines won't cost you nearly as much as an injured employee who falls off a roof and breaks his neck. You also need to consider the implications for the company in the event of an employee involved in an accident. It is important for you as the safety personnel at the workplace to highlight the importance of ensuring safety and health at the workplace, Discuss FOUR (4) points to strengthen your statement to the CEO. (4 marks) Figure Q1(b) shows the scenario that happened in construction sites that involved activities in completing the project. Propose FOUR (4) changes that you would do to minimize the work hazard in this environment. (4 marks) Construction workers are at risk of exposure to various health hazards that can result in injury, illness, disability, or even death. Identify THREE (3) health hazards from the activity shown in Figure QU(b) and state the effect of each hazard identified. (6 marks) 2 CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL BFC43502 Q@ @ (b) ‘The Department of Occupational Safety & Health Malaysia (DOSH), the National Institute of Safety & Health Malaysia (NIOSH) and Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) were founded to enhance occupational safety and health in Malaysia. Each organisation has its own distinct function, By referring to TABLE 1, construct a scenario or a situation that describes the specific function of each organization above. (10 marks) Predict the penalty for each of the situations below, and quote the referral section of ‘The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act $14) in your answer. i, Company FEDCBA Sdn Bhd employed a non: project worth RM 380 million. ntified Safety Officer for a G marks) ii, Mr Mowk refused to wear a full body safety hamess provided by the employer while working at height. (G marks) ili, Mr Chow works as a clerk of works on a construction site in Parit raja, One day, he accidentally trips and falls due to the improper condition of the site office, which has caused him severe injury. (GB marks) iv. A worker had filed @ complaint to the Department of Safety & Health (DOSH) with regards to the unsafe working environment at his workplace. Two days later, he was transferred to another construction site located deep into the jungle with no general amenities such as tap water and electricity. At the end of the month, he was fired. 3 marks) v. _ AmBuild Sdn Bhd charge everything related to personal safety equipment to its employees by salary deduction. (3 marks) Q3__ Provide your answer for the following questions. (@) (b) Figure Q3(a) shows the scenario that happened in construction sites that involved activities in completing the project. Fill in the HIRARC table as shown in TABLE 2. (10 marks) Figure Q3(b) shows the relationship between the ability to influence safety design versus the project timeline for any new construction project. The figure demonstrates that while the greatest ability to influence safety on a project occurs at the early stages of a project, safety improvements continue through to the end of project duration. It is important to address safety and health from the very start of a project in order to provide the greatest influence in safety. Discuss the importance of implementing safety by design in the construction industry. (S marks) 3 CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL BFC43502 (©) The hierarchy of risk controls starts with the risk controls perceived to be most effective and moves down to those considered least effective. Fill in TABLE 3 as a demonstration of the application of the hierarchy of controls in an ideal construction site. (10 marks) Q4 Figure Q4 shows an incident during piling activity. Based on the situation shown in Figure Q4, answer the followings questions. (a) Suggest the type of incident. Provide the reason of your answer. (3 marks) (b) Examine FOUR (4) possible causes of the incident based on unsafe act and unsafe condition, respectively (8 marks) (©) You are appointed as a consultant to investigate the incident. Hence, examine the steps need to be taken for incident investigation to determine the causes and root ‘cause of the incident. (14 marks) — END OF QUESTIONS - 4 CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL BFC43502 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTERISESSION = SEM I /20212022 PROGRAMME CODE : BFF COURSE NAME, (OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ‘COURSE CODE BFC43502 HEALTH ah FIQURE Q3 (a)BFC#3502 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION = SEM II /20212022 PROGRAMME CODE = BFF ‘COURSE NAME, = OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND COURSE CODE —: BFC43502 HEALTH High Conceptual Design [Detailed Engineering] Procurement Influence Construction Start End Project FIQURE Q3 (b) FIQURE Q4 6 CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL BFC#3S02 SEMESTER/SESSION ‘COURSE NAME FINAL EXAMINATION SEM 11 / 20212022 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMME CODE : BEF COURSE CODE, BFC43502 TABLE 1 No Responsible Orga Specific Function Scenario/ Situation NIOSH To organize and participate in Safety and Health seminars and conferences SOCSO Provide vocational and physical rehabilitation benefits for the injured worker. DOSIT To catty out promotional and publicity programs to employers, workers and the general public to foster and increase the awareness of occupational safety and health. DOSH To study and review the policies and legislations of occupational safety and health, NIOSH To provide training and education of Safety and Health CONFIDENTIAL‘TVILNAGIMNOD 8 ks py asay sin ‘Sostnaq ‘suorseage JOMTY,) a ajqjssodau fqyeonoeid sp) ajquataauoauy - | (Ginfur oueuied ou ng Raygesi@) 10M - 7 (31204 Kae spe 3n990 0) WRONG YoU SeHE) MOLINA -Z Gaquaesp wowed infu ere-woN) snoUDS —— ‘Gaming ur auanausos ye mos0 99 UREN) aIgwAIeoU0D ~ ¢ ‘(Pazs war st piezay 3 afewp duodoad sofeu Ayer af8u1s auo Ajpyeurtvouddy) ere - y (qensnun you st pue Busin990 Jo 2aurey> pod » sey) ue aBeurep fuiadoud ajqesarovaus ‘9 Buiag wana / prezeq atp jo 3894 Yay OW 9H.) KAW ISOW - § anes Ty pOOMTAT s + z 1 Tp (@x(v) @ w) fi saunseaqy [oz}u0;) papuommm0s9y Tepuajoq Suanoy “on PaoTapnr | Anes | poommrt | oe pemsy ‘TOUINOD NSRIE SISA'IVNY SRI Z NOILVOISILNGGI CUVZVHT TaTaVL ZosewOdd: —_AdODASWNOD HLTH ALAS TVNOLIVANDDO ANVN ASUNOD SUEZ! 8009 SWINVEDOUE ZzOTIZOL/ TH WAS! NOISSAS/WALSAWS NOLLVNIWVXS TVNTA ‘TVLINAGIINODCONFIDENTIAL FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION SEM M1/ 20212022 PROGRAMME CODE: BFE ‘COURSE NAME ‘OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ‘COURSE CODE BECA3502 HEAUTH TABLE 3 Situation Workers were exposed to Workers were exposed to fall from muscular strain or back pain while height while doing plastering work unloading building material from for ceiling, HIRARC alorry Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls PPE CONFIDENTIAL 9
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