Exp9 Ebr Secundaria 5 Seguimosaprendiendo Ingles Rec01transcripta2
Exp9 Ebr Secundaria 5 Seguimosaprendiendo Ingles Rec01transcripta2
Exp9 Ebr Secundaria 5 Seguimosaprendiendo Ingles Rec01transcripta2
This is Peru!
Listen to the podcast and write “TRUE” or “FALSE” or “NO INFORMATION”.
I: Hello again and welcome to our podcast The Star Citizen. Today we have a very important guest.
I: Okay, Alejandra. Today we want to know how to make our society a better place to live.
A: Well, we should think about our actions and ask ourselves: Are we good citizens?
I: Good citizens? In your opinion, what is a good citizen?
A: A good citizen is a person who follows the rules and is respectful of other people and property
I: Oh. I get it. A good citizen is a good element in society.
A: That’s right!
I: And, what should we do to be good citizens?
A: To be a good citizen you should help your neighbors, be honest, and be a productive member of
society. You shouldn’t discriminate against anybody, be disrespectful or commit crimes.
I: And what about kids and teenagers, can they be good citizens too?
A: Of course! Kids and teenagers are important members of society. They should be good citizens
too and stay in school to be even better citizens when they grow up.
A: Thank you for the invitation.
Listen to the interviews and answer the questions.
citizen. We spoke with Carl from Denmark, Aanya from India, and Noelia from Peru. Let’s hear
what they have to say!
Carl: A good citizen is a person who respect the rules and always helps other people.
Aanya: Being a good citizen means to be part of a society and to help that society be better.
Noelia: I think that a good citizen is a good person. She or he is a person who makes the
community a good place for everybody.
Carl: Well, you should be respectful of others, and you should respect other property too. Oh!
And you shouldn’t destroy or damage public property, like parks.
society, but you should also speak up if the rules are unfair.
Noelia: To be a good citizen you should help others and be a good person, generally speaking.
You shouldn’t disrespect others and you should take care of public property.
Carl: Yes! Of course. Teenagers are citizens too. We don’t vote yet, but our actions are important
for the community.
Aanya: I think so… I mean, yes! Teenagers are also part of society, so my answer is yes!
Noelia: Yes, we can! We should try to be good citizens every day, to make our country a better
place to live for everyone.
El contenido del presente documento tiene fines exclusivamente pedagógicos y forma parte de la estrategia de educación a distancia
gratuita que imparte el Ministerio de Educación.