RAM Concrete Column: CONNECT Edition Update 16 - Version 17.02

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RAM Concrete Column

CONNECT Edition Update 16 – Version 17.02

User Manual
Last Updated: November 10, 2020
Table of Contents
Disclaimer .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2: Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology ....................................................... 8
2.1 General .........................................................................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Building Codes ..........................................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Column Design Forces ...........................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Forces Used by RAM Concrete Column .............................................................................................. 9
2.3.2 Gravity Forces .............................................................................................................................................10
2.3.3 Lateral Forces ............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.4 Design Forces ..............................................................................................................................................11
2.3.5 Multiple Story Unbraced Column .......................................................................................................13
2.4 Columns and Column Lines ..............................................................................................................................................14
2.5 Bar Patterns and Bar Pattern Groups .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.6 Column Reinforcement Optimization ..........................................................................................................................15
2.6.1 Longitudinal Main Reinforcement ..................................................................................................... 16
2.6.2 Transverse Reinforcement ....................................................................................................................16
Chapter 3: RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands ...................................................... 17
3.1 Invoking RAM Concrete Column ....................................................................................................................................17
3.2 RAM Concrete Column Status ......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Model Notes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.4 Concrete Column Color-Coding ...................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4.1 Model Colors ................................................................................................................................................18
3.4.2 Design Colors .............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.3 Interaction (Load/Capacity) Colors .................................................................................................. 18
3.5 The Toolbar ..............................................................................................................................................................................19
3.6 Mode Menu ..............................................................................................................................................................................20
3.7 Criteria Menu (ACI Code) .................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.7.1 Column Design ............................................................................................................................................20
3.7.2 Column Lap Splice .....................................................................................................................................21
3.8 Criteria Menu (BS8110, CP65, AS3600 Codes) .........................................................................................................21
3.8.1 Column Design ............................................................................................................................................22
3.8.2 Column Lap Splice .....................................................................................................................................22
3.9 Assign ..........................................................................................................................................................................................22
3.9.1 Assign Column Size ...................................................................................................................................22
3.9.2 Assign Shear Legs ......................................................................................................................................23
3.9.3 Assign Bar Patterns .................................................................................................................................. 23
3.9.4 Edit Bar Patterns ....................................................................................................................................... 23
3.10 Load Combinations ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.10.1 Code Generated Combinations ............................................................................................................24
3.10.2 Custom Combinations ............................................................................................................................. 25
3.11 Process ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.11.1 Design All ...................................................................................................................................................... 25

RAM Concrete Column 2 User Manual

3.11.2 View/Update (ACI 318) ..........................................................................................................................25
3.11.3 View/Update (BS8110, CP65, AS3600) ...........................................................................................27
3.11.4 Copy Column Line ..................................................................................................................................... 29
3.11.5 Freeze Design ..............................................................................................................................................29
3.11.6 Clear Design .................................................................................................................................................29
3.12 Reports ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.12.1 Report Destination ................................................................................................................................... 29
3.12.2 Reports ...........................................................................................................................................................30
3.13 View ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
3.13.1 Column - Assigned Pattern Groups ....................................................................................................30
3.13.2 Column - Final Bar Pattern ....................................................................................................................30
3.13.3 Column - Longitudinal Bars .................................................................................................................. 30
3.13.4 Column - Transverse Bars ..................................................................................................................... 31
3.13.5 Colors ..............................................................................................................................................................31
3.14 Exiting Concrete Column Design Mode .......................................................................................................................32
Chapter 4: ACI Technical Notes ............................................................................................... 33
4.1 Symbols and Terminology ................................................................................................................................................ 33
4.2 Concrete Modulus of Elasticity ....................................................................................................................................... 35
4.3 Slenderness ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
4.4 Generation of Column Interaction Capacity ..............................................................................................................39
4.5 Shear Design ........................................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.6 Column Torsion Check ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
4.7 Seismic Provisions ............................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.7.1 Frame Type Selection .............................................................................................................................. 46
4.7.2 Intermediate Moment Frame ...............................................................................................................47
4.7.3 Special Moment Frame ........................................................................................................................... 49
4.8 ACI-318 2008 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 56
4.8.1 Modification Factor for Lightweight Concrete ............................................................................. 56
4.8.2 Reorganization of Slenderness Provisions .....................................................................................57
4.8.3 Modifications to Seismic Provisions .................................................................................................. 57
4.8.4 Provisions for Members not Designated as Part of the Seismic-Force-Resisting
System ............................................................................................................................................................ 58
4.9 ACI-318 2014 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 60
4.10 References ............................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Chapter 5: Technical Notes - Other Design Codes .....................................................................61
5.1 BS8110 Design Code ........................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.1.1 Known Limitations ................................................................................................................................... 61
5.1.2 Design Principles .......................................................................................................................................62
5.2 CP 65 Design Code ................................................................................................................................................................64
5.2.1 Differences between BS 8110 and CP 65 ........................................................................................ 64
5.3 AS 3600 Design Code .......................................................................................................................................................... 65
5.4 EN 1992 (Eurocode 2) Design Code .............................................................................................................................. 65
5.4.1 Design for combined bending and compression ......................................................................... 65
5.4.2 Slenderness ..................................................................................................................................................66
5.4.3 Design for shear ......................................................................................................................................... 66
5.4.4 Detailing provisions ................................................................................................................................. 66
5.5 GB 50010 Design Code ....................................................................................................................................................... 66
5.5.1 Limitations ................................................................................................................................................... 67
5.5.2 Design Principles .......................................................................................................................................67

RAM Concrete Column 3 User Manual

5.6 Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10 ...........................................................................................................................68
5.6.1 CAN/CSA A23.3-10 Code Rule Selection .......................................................................................... 68
5.6.2 CAN/CSA A23.3-10 Code Implementation ...................................................................................... 70
Chapter 6: RAM Concrete Column Reports ..............................................................................82
6.1 General Comments on Reports .......................................................................................................................................82
6.2 Criteria ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
6.3 Column Design ....................................................................................................................................................................... 83
6.3.1 Column Information .................................................................................................................................83
6.3.2 Material Properties ...................................................................................................................................84
6.3.3 Design Parameters ....................................................................................................................................84
6.3.4 Longitudinal Reinforcement .................................................................................................................84
6.3.5 Transverse Reinforcement ....................................................................................................................84
6.3.6 Torsional Capacity .................................................................................................................................... 84
6.4 Column Design Summary ..................................................................................................................................................84
6.5 Material Take Off .................................................................................................................................................................. 85
6.5.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement .................................................................................................................85
6.5.2 Transverse Reinforcement ....................................................................................................................85
6.5.3 Concrete ........................................................................................................................................................ 86
Appendix A: RAM Concrete Column CONNECT Edition Help ......................................................87
A.1 Using the RAM Concrete Column Mode ....................................................................................................................... 87
A.2 File ................................................................................................................................................................................................87
A.2.1 Save .................................................................................................................................................................. 88
A.2.2 File - Model Status ......................................................................................................................................89
A.2.3 Print ..................................................................................................................................................................89
A.2.4 Print Preview ............................................................................................................................................... 89
A.2.5 Print Setup .....................................................................................................................................................90
A.2.6 File - Print Options .....................................................................................................................................90
A.2.7 File - Notes .....................................................................................................................................................90
A.3 Criteria ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
A.3.1 Criteria - Column Design ......................................................................................................................... 91
A.3.2 Criteria - Column Lap Splice .................................................................................................................. 93
A.4 Assign ..........................................................................................................................................................................................93
A.4.1 Assign - Size .................................................................................................................................................. 94
A.4.2 Assign - Shear Legs .................................................................................................................................... 94
A.4.3 Assign - Bar Patterns ................................................................................................................................ 95
A.4.4 Assign - Edit Bar Patterns .......................................................................................................................95
A.5 Combinations .......................................................................................................................................................................... 97
A.5.1 Generated Load Combinations ............................................................................................................. 97
A.5.2 Custom Load Combinations ...................................................................................................................98
A.6 Process .....................................................................................................................................................................................100
A.6.1 Process - Design All .................................................................................................................................100
A.6.2 Process View/Update ............................................................................................................................ 101
A.6.3 SMF Joint Shear Check ...........................................................................................................................103
A.6.4 Process - Copy Column Line ................................................................................................................103
A.6.5 Process - Freeze ........................................................................................................................................104
A.6.6 Process - Clear Design ........................................................................................................................... 104
A.7 Reports .................................................................................................................................................................................... 104
A.7.1 Reports - Design Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 105
A.7.2 Reports - Load Combinations .............................................................................................................105

RAM Concrete Column 4 User Manual

A.7.3 Reports - Column Design ......................................................................................................................105
A.7.4 Reports - Column Design Summary .................................................................................................106
A.7.5 SMF Shear Joint Check ........................................................................................................................... 106
A.7.6 Reports - Material Takeoff ...................................................................................................................106
A.8 View .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 107
A.8.1 View - Column Plan .................................................................................................................................107
A.8.2 View - Colors ..............................................................................................................................................108
A.8.3 View - Column - Assigned Bar Patterns ......................................................................................... 108
A.8.4 View - Column - Final Bar Pattern ....................................................................................................108
A.8.5 View - Column - Longitudinal Bars .................................................................................................. 108
A.8.6 View - Column - Transverse Bars ..................................................................................................... 108

RAM Concrete Column 5 User Manual

The software and related documentation, including this documentation, are protected by both United States copyright
law and international treaty provisions. Any unauthorized copying or reproduction is strictly prohibited and subject to
civil and criminal penalties. Please refer to the License Agreement (EULA) for authorization to make a backup copy of
the software. You may not sell this software or documentation or give copies of them to anyone else.
Except as expressly warranted in the License Agreement (EULA), Bentley Systems, Incorporated disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, with respect to the software, the accompanying written materials, and any accompanying hardware.
All results should be verified to the user's satisfaction. The contents of these written materials may include technical
inaccuracies or typographical errors and may be revised without prior notice.

RAM Concrete Column 6 User Manual

The RAM Concrete Column module is a powerful tool that allows engineers to quickly design and layout
reinforcement for concrete columns resisting gravity and/or lateral forces. The RAM Concrete Column module
uses the structural model and data created in the RAM Modeler, the lateral and/or gravity forces from RAM
Frame, and the gravity forces from RAM Concrete Analysis. Column lines can be designed individually with
View/Update or the entire structure can be designed at once using the Design All option. Numerous output
reports are available which provide supporting information on the design.
Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology (on page 8) of this manual discusses the concepts and
terminology the user needs to be familiar with when using the program.
RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands (on page 17) provides an overview of the program and its
commands, and gives a brief description of the output reports available. Within this chapter the basic principles
of RAM Concrete Column are explained.
ACI Technical Notes (on page 33) and Technical Notes - Other Design Codes (on page 61) provide a detailed
look at the technical assumptions made within RAM Concrete Column, primarily code interpretation. It is crucial
that the engineer reads and understands this chapter so as to be aware of how these assumptions affect each
RAM Concrete Column Reports (on page 82) gives a detailed explanation of the output reports available from
RAM Concrete Column.

RAM Concrete Column 7 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
This section introduces the user to fundamental concepts necessary to understand the program documentation
contained in this manual.

2.1 General
The RAM Concrete Column module is intended for the design of concrete rectangular and circular sections. The
goal is to provide an accurate initial design based on user defined criteria and bar pattern groups, with a means
of further refining the design using an easy and practical interactive interface. The program performs a
comprehensive set of design checks, including checks related to code prescribed capacity and detailing
requirements as well as consideration of user defined preferences.

2.2 Building Codes

The current version of RAM Concrete Beam supports the design provisions of ACI 318-14, ACI 318-11, ACI
318-08, ACI 318-05, ACI 318-02, ACI 318-99, BS8110-97, CP65, AS3600-2001, BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, (EC2) and
GB 50010.
In addition, automatic load combination generation according to the following building codes is supported:

2.2.1 For the ACI 318 Design Code provisions

• ACI 318-99 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-99) and Commentary (ACI 318R-99),
1999, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
• ACI 318-02 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-02) and Commentary (ACI 318R-02),
2002, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
• ACI 318-05 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary (ACI 318R-05),
2005, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
• ACI 318-08 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary (ACI 318R-08),
2008, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
• ACI 318-11 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary (ACI 318R-11),
2011, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
• ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary (ACI 318R-14,
2014, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI

RAM Concrete Column 8 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Column Design Forces

• ASCE 7-95 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers.
(ASCE 7)
• ASCE 7-02 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers.
(ASCE 7)
• ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers.
(ASCE 7)
• The BOCA National Building Code (1996), Building Officials & Code Administrations International, Inc.
• Standard Building Code (1997), Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBC)
• Uniform Building Code (1997), International Conference of Building Officials. (UBC)
• International Building Code (2000), International Code Council (IBC)
• International Building Code (2003), International Code Council (IBC)
• International Building Code (2006), International Code Council (IBC)

2.2.2 For the BS8110 / CP65 Design Code provisions

• The BS8110 and CP65 concrete load combinations have been developed using BS8110:1997: Part 1, Table 2.1

2.2.3 For the AS3600 Design Code provisions

• Using the AS3600 design code, load combinations are generated according to AS/NZS 1170.0, Structural
Design Actions

2.2.4 For the EC2 Design Code provisions

• Using the EC2 design code, load combinations are generated according to BS EN 1990:2002 and BS EN

2.2.5 For the GB50010 Design Code provisions

• Using the GB50100 design code, load combinations are generated according to GB50009-2001 (Load Code
for the Design of Building Structures).

2.3 Column Design Forces

This section discusses how the column forces calculated by the RAM Structural System are used by RAM
Concrete Column to obtain a column design.

RAM Concrete Column 9 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Column Design Forces

2.3.1 Forces Used by RAM Concrete Column

The gravity forces acting on all concrete columns are calculated in the RAM Concrete Analysis module as
described in the Concrete Analysis Technical Manual. If the user has performed an analysis in RAM Frame prior
to entering the Concrete modules, a second set of gravity forces for lateral columns (and lateral columns only)
will be available from the RAM Frame analysis results. The user has the option to consider either set of analysis
forces using the option under Criteria > Column Design – Design Checks/Forces – Gravity Forces on Lateral
Columns (ACI) and Criteria – Column Design > Gravity Forces on Lateral Columns. Refer to the Concrete
Analysis Technical Manual for a discussion of the differences between these two sets of analysis results. The user
should note that the selection made with this option will not affect the lateral forces applied to the columns. The
lateral forces calculated in RAM Frame will always be available in the RAM Concrete Column module as long as
an analysis has been conducted in RAM Frame prior to entering the Concrete Column module.
Column forces that are exported from RAM Concept (optional) are integrated into the Concrete Analysis and will
be considered in the column design. If a hyperstatic force is present in the RAM Concept analysis then an
additional load case will be present in the Concrete Analysis and will also appear in the load combination dialog
in the Concrete Column Module. Refer to the Concrete Gravity Analysis manual for more information on the
integration of forces from RAM Concept.

2.3.2 Gravity Forces

As described in the Concrete Analysis Manual - Technical Section, the following gravity forces are calculated for
each column:

Dead Load i. Axial Force, M major , M minor and Torsion top.

ii. M major and M minor bottom.

Floor Live Load (if skip i. Maximum Positive M major top, and associated M minor , Torsion and Axial top.
ii. Maximum Positive M major bottom, and associated M minor bottom.
iii. Minimum Negative M major top, and associated M minor , Torsion and Axial top.
iv. Minimum Negative M major bottom, and associated M minor bottom.
v. Maximum Positive M minor top, and associated M major , Torsion and Axial top.
vi. Maximum Positive M minor bottom, and associated M major bottom.
vii. Minimum Negative M minor top, and associated M major , Torsion and Axial top.
viii. Minimum Negative M minor bottom, and associated M major bottom.

One additional force, the maximum axial force with all beams loaded, is also computed. This additional point is
included to ensure that the ACI 318-99, Section 8.8.1 requirement of “Columns shall be designed to resist the
axial force from factored loads on all floors or roof…” is met (See Design Forces (on page 11)).

Roof Live Load (if it exists) i. Axial Force, M major , M minor , and Torsion top.
ii. M major and M minor bottom.

These gravity forces are combined in load combinations as described in Design Forces (on page 11) to
generate the design points to be checked against the column's capacity curve.

RAM Concrete Column 10 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Column Design Forces

The user should be aware of a special consideration regarding live load reduction. In RAM Structural System, the
portion of the live load acting on a column that is delivered from two-way slabs is not included in the reducible
area for the live load reduction calculation. Thus, absent any other action, the live load forces in columns that
support two-way slabs will be larger than if all tributary area for the column had been considered in the live load
reduction calculation. To overcome this, the user may directly assign a live load reduction factor to a member in
RAM Modeler, which will then override the value automatically calculated by Concrete Analysis.

2.3.3 Lateral Forces

For each lateral column the following forces are calculated for each lateral load case in RAM Frame:

Lateral Load Case i. Axial Force, M major , M minor , V major , V minor , and Torsion.
ii. M major and M minor Bottom.

Where applicable these lateral forces are combined in load combinations as described in Design Forces (on page
11) to generate the design points to be checked against the column's capacity curve.

2.3.4 Design Forces

The user can generate or create custom load combinations as described in the Load Combination Generator
Manual. These load combinations are then used to calculate the design points as described below.

Axial, Moments, and Torsion

As observed in Gravity Forces (on page 10) and Lateral Forces (on page 11), there are two sets of forces
computed for each of the dead, roof live, and all lateral load cases (one top and one bottom set of column forces
for each). For every load combination that only includes dead, roof live and/or lateral load cases, two design
points will be generated.

Load Top Bottom

Axial Mmajor Mminor Tors Mmajor Mminor

Dead 10 100 -30 5 -40 -30

Wind 30 120 5 1 -60 -10

For example, consider the column gravity (from RAM Concrete Analysis orRAM Frame) and lateral
forces (from RAM Frame) shown in the preceding table.
For a load combination of 1.0 Dead + 1.2 Wind, two design points are generated to be checked against
the column capacity:

Data Point 1 (top) Axial = 1.0 x 10 + 1.2 x 30 = 46

M major = 1.0 x 100 + 1.2 x 120 = 244

RAM Concrete Column 11 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Column Design Forces

M minor = 1.0 x -30 + 1.2 x 5 = -24

Torsion = 1.0 x 5 + 1.2 x 1 = 6.2
Data Point 2 (bottom) Axial = Same as top = 46
M major = 1.0 x -40 + 1.2 x -60 = -112
M minor = 1.0 x 30 + 1.2 x -10 = 18
Torsion = Same as top = 6.2

For skip loaded floor live loads, as observed in Gravity Forces (on page 10), there are eight sets of forces
computed for floor live load (four top and four bottom sets of forces). For every load combination that includes
floor live load the program produces eight sets of design forces, combined in load combinations the same way as
described above. The program also generates an additional eight design points by using the total axial force
(from all beams loaded) in each of the skip load cases (cases i-viii in Gravity Forces (on page 10)). This ensures
that ACI Section 8.8.1, which mandates that “Columns shall be designed to resist the axial forces from factored
loads on floors or roof and the maximum moment from factored loads on a single adjacent span of the floor or
roof under consideration.” This results in 16 distinct design points for each load combination that has a floor live
load as one of its cases.

Important: It is important to note that the number of design points in the View Update dialog may not equal the
number of design points described above. This is because where two points have the same axial force and the
moment acts at the same angle, only the data point with the larger moment is considered and the other data
point is discarded.

For sway columns the lateral column moments produced by RAM Frame when P-Delta is considered are
considered to be the magnified sway moments per ACI 10.13.4.
The design moments described in this section may be further amplified if the column is slender as described in
Section 4.3 for ACI.

The same methodology as described above is used in determining the design shear force in load combinations.
However, where eight force sets are calculated as described in Gravity Forces (on page 10), the program needs
to know which moments are assumed to occur simultaneously at each end of the column. RAM Concrete Column
will calculate the column shear based on the direction of moments at each end of the column that produces the
largest gravity column shear. As illustrated in the following figure , the column pattern loads that produce the
maximum shear (Case 1) are used.

RAM Concrete Column 12 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Column Design Forces

1 2
Mt Mt

Yes No

Mb Mb

V = (Mb + Mt)/L
Figure 1: Pattern load column moments to produce the largest shear force

The following pattern of design points (see Gravity Forces (on page 10) and the RAM Concrete Analysis manual
for an explanation of design points in a skip loaded column) are applied simultaneously to produce the largest
shear value:

Pattern Top Data Point Bottom Data Point

1 Max Mmajor Positive Top Min Mmajor Negative Bot

2 Min Mmajor Negative Top Max Mmajor Positive Bot

3 Max Mminor Positive Top Min Mminor Negative Bot

4 Min Mminor Negative Top Max Mminor Positive Bot

Note: Note that for columns that extend unbraced through multiple stories, the full physical column length will
be used when calculating the shear force.

2.3.5 Multiple Story Unbraced Column

In some circumstances a physical column may extend unbraced through multiple levels, or be braced in only one
direction at a level. Due to modeling constraints, or “real world” conditions, the physical column may need to be
modeled as a single column at the same plan location on two or more stories. In RAM Concrete Column every
column at every story is designed individually.
To maintain the reinforcing for the physical column that extends unbraced through multiple stories, the design
forces for the full physical member should be applied for the design of the columns at each story. That is, for
each individual column in an unbraced stack the column top and bottom forces are taken from the story at which
the column is braced. The following figure illustrates this situation and also illustrates that in some

RAM Concrete Column 13 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Columns and Column Lines

circumstances the design moments about an axis, used for a column design at a specific story, may be taken from
a column higher or lower in the unbraced column stack.

1 1

2 2
Mxb2 Myb2

Major Axis Moments Minor Axis Moments

Figure 2: Column design moment notation

Given the moments shown in preceding figure about each axis for a two-story column stack, unbraced in the
minor axis at the middle story, the moments listed in the following table will be used for column design.

Column Mx Top My Top Mx Bottom My Bottom

1 M xt1 M yt1 M xb1 M yb2

2 M xt2 M yt1 M xb2 M yb2

2.4 Columns and Column Lines

Through this manual, two different terms are used to refer to the columns in a building. When the term
"Column" is used, this refers to a column that spans from one floor to another. When the term "Column Line" is
used, this refers to all of the concrete column spans (column stack) that exist at a single plan location. Column
lines are delimited by the top and bottom of the structure, by steel columns or by non-column members. Column
lines generally span several stories.

2.5 Bar Patterns and Bar Pattern Groups

A bar pattern is one potential configuration of column longitudinal reinforcement. It consists of the quantity of
reinforcement, a size for the longitudinal reinforcement and a size for the transverse reinforcement. A bar
pattern group is simply a group of bar patterns. All patterns in the group have the same quantity of bars and the
same size transverse bar. Only the size of the longitudinal bar varies from pattern to pattern within a group.

RAM Concrete Column 14 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Column Reinforcement Optimization

A Bar Pattern Group designation conforms to the following format:

Table 1: Rectangular Bar Pattern Group

Rect 12( 4x2) #3 - #6 #3

Rect 12( 4x2) T10 - T20 T08


Rect: Indicates that the pattern is rectangular. This part of the label only appears in the Edit Bar Pattern
12 (4x2): These numbers indicate the quantity of bars in the bar pattern. The first number indicates the total
number of bars. Inside the parenthesis, the layout of the bars is described. The first number states the
number of bars in the B dimension of the column. The second number states the number of bars in the H
dimension of the column.
#3-#6, T10-T12: These are the bar sizes that can be used in the longitudinal direction.
#3, T08: This is the bar size range that can be used in the transverse direction (tie).

Table 2: Circular Bar Pattern Group

Circ 6 #3 - #6 #3 (c)

Circ 6 T10 - T25 T08 (c)


Circ: Indicates that the pattern is a circular tie. This part of the label only appears in the Edit Bar Pattern
6: This number indicates the quantity of bars in the bar pattern.
#3-#6, T10-T25: These are the bar size range that can be used in the longitudinal direction.
#3, T08: This is the bar sizes that can be used in the transverse direction (circular tie).
(c): Circular tie

Table 3: Spiral Bar Pattern Group

Spir 6 #3 - #6 #3 (s)

Spir: Indicates that the pattern is a spiral. This part of the label only appears in the Edit Bar Pattern dialog.
6: This number indicates the quantity of bars in the bar pattern.
#3-#6: These are the bar size range that can be used in the longitudinal direction.
#3: This is the bar sizes that can be used in the transverse direction (spiral).
(s): Spiral tie

RAM Concrete Column 15 User Manual

Design Philosophy, Concepts, and Terminology
Column Reinforcement Optimization

2.6 Column Reinforcement Optimization

This section explains the methods by which RAM Concrete Column selects the most appropriate reinforcing bar
layout for a given beam line. This is referred to as "optimizing" a beam line. The optimization process entails
selecting reinforcement such that strength requirements, design code checks, and user-specified detailing
requirements are met to the best ability of the program, given all specified constraints.

2.6.1 Longitudinal Main Reinforcement

The final longitudinal main reinforcement selection in the optimization process is based on finding the bar
patterns from a single pattern group that have the least reinforcement weight for the full column line (see Edit
Bar Patterns (on page 23) for a description of bar patterns and bar pattern groups).
The design process goes through each pattern (bar size) in the group starting with the smallest assigned bar size
until a pattern is found that has no design warnings. This is repeated for each pattern group and each level in the
column line.
Once an acceptable pattern has been found for each pattern group that was assigned to the column line, the
program calculates the total reinforcement weight for the selected pattern in each assigned group. Then the
group with the smallest reinforcement weight is selected as the final design pattern. If there are design warnings
for any of the designed patterns the lightest group with the least number of design warnings is selected as the
final design group. Therefore it is possible that the final design pattern group that was selected is not the one
with the least reinforcement area but rather than one with the least design warnings.

2.6.2 Transverse Reinforcement

The transverse reinforcement sizes are based on the tie size used in the final design bar pattern for that story.
For ACI the optimization process will segment the column (when required) into one or two segments. One
segment is used for all BS8110 / CP65 designs. Then the transverse bar spacing is selected to minimize the
transverse reinforcement while still satisfying the capacity requirements and all code and user-prescribed

Note: All Column design warnings are given for the controlling load combination case and not just the first
design warning found.

RAM Concrete Column 16 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands
This chapter presents an overview of the RAM Concrete Column module along with a brief discussion of its use.
More specific information on each of the commands discussed in this chapter is available in the online help.

3.1 Invoking RAM Concrete Column

RAM Concrete is accessed through the RAM Manager. This can be accomplished by clicking the RAM Concrete
button on the Module toolbar or by selecting RAM Concrete from the Design Menu.
RAM Concrete always opens in Concrete Analysis mode. To enter the Concrete Column mode, select Concrete
Column from either the Mode menu (see Figure 3) or the drop down combo box on the toolbar (see Figure 4). A
checkmark will appear beside the menu option in the Mode menu of the mode that is currently active. Before
concrete columns can be designed, an analysis of the structure must be performed in RAM Concrete Analysis.

3.2 RAM Concrete Column Status

RAM Concrete Column makes use of data from RAM Modeler, RAM Frame, and RAM Concrete Analysis. For this
reason, any change to the model within any of these modules will affect the RAM Concrete Column status.
Issuing the command File > Model Status will bring up a dialog that explains the current status of the model. If
the model is in a state such that it cannot be designed, an explanation of how to get the model to a designable
state is provided.

3.3 Model Notes

Icon Description

The Model Notes command opens a text file that may be used for entering any notes
that are required to keep on the currently loaded model. The model notes file is stored in
the same directory as the model’s files and will have the format modelname.txt. The
Model Notes command is invoked from the File menu.

RAM Concrete Column 17 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands
Concrete Column Color-Coding

3.4 Concrete Column Color-Coding

Three color schemes are used in the Concrete Column module: Model Colors, Design Colors, and Interaction
(Load/Capacity) Colors. The default scheme is Design Colors. The color scheme to be displayed can be selected
by using the View > Colors command. All non-concrete members are colored dark gray while in Concrete
Column mode.

3.4.1 Model Colors

The Model colors are those used in the Modeler, and are useful in distinguishing between members of different
materials and properties.

3.4.2 Design Colors

The Design colors indicate the design status of each concrete column. The color of each concrete column
indicates its design status as follows:

Pale Blue Column is not ready to be designed. If all concrete columns are pale blue, check the File > Model
status dialog to determine what needs to be done in order to get the beams to a designable state.
The most common reason all concrete columns would be in this state is if no concrete load
combinations have been generated or if no column lines have bar patterns assigned. If only some
concrete columns are pale blue, they most likely do not have bar patterns assigned (see Section
3.9.3 (on page 23) for more information on bar patterns).
Yellow Column is ready for design.
Green Column was designed and passed all design checks.
Blue Column design passed and the design was frozen.
Red Column was designed and some design warnings were reported. The warnings can be viewed in the
View/Update dialog box or in the Column Design Report. If a column is frozen but has design
warnings it will be colored red to indicate that design warnings were found (See Section 3.11.5 (on
page 29) for more information on freezing the design).

Note: Once a design is performed on a column line, all columns in the column line will be color-coded to indicate
their new design status. Columns are repainted on a column-by-column basis according to their individual

RAM Concrete Column 18 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands
The Toolbar

3.4.3 Interaction (Load/Capacity) Colors

The Interaction Colors indicate the magnitude of the design interaction equation results. The columns are
painted in one of 9 colors, dark blue indicating columns with the least stress and red indicating failure, with
gradations of colors representing stress levels in between. Columns that fail for reasons other than being over-
stressed are also colored red.
The Interaction Colors are only available after a Process > Design All has been run as it is during this process
that the interaction equation results are determined. If changes are made to a model that invalidate the results of
a column while Interaction Colors are displayed, the column is repainted in a pale yellow to indicate that a
design no longer exists for that column.

3.5 The Toolbar

Icon Menu Item

Concrete Mode

Assign - Size

Assign - Shear legs (ACI Only)

Assign - Bar Patterns

Assign - Edit Bar Patterns

Generated Load Combinations

Custom Load Combinations

Design All


SMF Joint Shear Check

RAM Concrete Column 19 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands
Mode Menu

Icon Menu Item

Copy Single Column Line to Single Column Line

Copy Single Column Line to Fence

Copy Single Column Line to All

View Assigned Bar Patterns

View Final Design

View Longitudinal Reinforcement

View Transverse Reinforcement

3.6 Mode Menu

The Mode menu is used to change between the Concrete Analysis, Concrete Beam, the Concrete Column and the
Concrete Shear Wall modes. The drop-down combo box located on the tool bar can be used for this purpose as
well. Please refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4.

3.7 Criteria Menu (ACI Code)

The criteria set through the criteria dialog are global criteria that affect all concrete columns unless they are
overwritten using one of the assign commands or the View/Update dialog.
When a criterion is changed, it invalidates all current designs. If a column is frozen (user-defined), the design is
not cleared but will be re-checked the next time a design command is issued. Note that a frozen column will turn
yellow to indicate that the design is no longer current.

3.7.1 Column Design

The Criteria > Column Design command is used to define the criteria by which a concrete column will be
designed. This dialog consists of three tabs, each of which is explained below.

RAM Concrete Column 20 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands
Criteria Menu (BS8110, CP65, AS3600 Codes)

Reinforcement Tab
The reinforcement tab allows the user to edit design criteria for bar spacing checks, reinforcing ratio checks, and
clear bar cover.
The following criteria can be set to be checked according to the design code in use, or according to a value
specified by the user:
• Max/min bar spacing for shear/transverse ties
• Max/min bar spacing for shear/spirals
• Max/min bar spacing for flexure + axial/longitudinal
• Longitudinal reinforcement ratio
• Clear cover
In all cases if the Code option is selected the program will calculate the appropriate code-specified value. If the
User option is selected the provided value will be used as long as it is within the code specified limits (when
applicable). If the user-specified values are not within the code limits the code limits will be used.

Bar Selection Tab

The Bar Selection Tab is where various parameters are defined to fine-tune the reinforcement selection:
• Transverse design spacing, including Segment Spacing Increment and Transverse Bar Spacing Increment.
• Number of shear legs in both the major and minor direction.

Design Checks/Forces Tab

Design Checks An option is provided to perform the Torsional Capacity check per ACI 318-99/02, Section
11.6.1. Also, an option is provided to include the Maximum Axial Load Limit check for both
Intermediate and Special Moment Frames as outlined in ACI 318-99, Sections 21.4.1 and
21.10.2 (21.12.2 for 318-02).
Gravity For concrete columns with a lateral member assignment, two sets of gravity force analysis
Forces on results will be available to the user: one set from RAM Concrete Analysis and another set from
Lateral RAM Frame. The user has the option to consider either set of forces in RAM Concrete Column.
Columns See Section 2.3.1 for further discussion of this option.

3.7.2 Column Lap Splice

The Column Lap Splice criteria are used to calculate a more accurate longitudinal bar length for the material
takeoff report. Note that the criteria specified here are not used in the design of concrete column lines, but only
in the material takeoff report.

3.8 Criteria Menu (BS8110, CP65, AS3600 Codes)

The criteria set through the criteria dialog are global criteria that affect all concrete columns unless they are
overwritten using one of the assign commands or the View/Update dialog.

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RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

When a criterion is changed, it invalidates all current designs. If a column is frozen (user-defined), the design is
not cleared but will be re-checked the next time a design command is issued. Note that a frozen column will turn
yellow to indicate that the design is no longer current.

3.8.1 Column Design

The Criteria > Column Design command is used to define the criteria by which a concrete column will be

Clear Bar Cover The distance between the outer edge of the section to the outside of the transverse shear
Gravity Forces on For concrete columns with a lateral member assignment, two sets of gravity force
Lateral Columns analysis results will be available to the user: one set from RAM Concrete Analysis and
another set from RAM Frame. The user has the option to consider either set of forces in
RAM Concrete Column. See Section 2.3.1 for further discussion of this option.
Slenderness According to BS8110, section additional moment must be calculated for solid
Reduction Value slender sections. The K values (slenderness reduction factor) can either be iteratively
calculated for each load point or alternatively the user can designate a conservative
value of 1.0 be applied for all load combinations.

3.8.2 Column Lap Splice

The Column Lap Splice criteria are used to calculate a more accurate longitudinal bar length for the material
takeoff report. Note that the criteria specified here are not used in the design of concrete column lines.

3.9 Assign
The assign commands are used to override the global criteria and are made on a column or column line basis. All
assign commands can be issued in Single, Fence, or All mode.
When a command is issued in Single mode, the arrow cursor turns into a target cursor for the selection of the
desired member. In Fence mode, the arrow cursor turns into the rectangle cursor that allows the selection of
multiple members at a time. In All mode, the cursor remains the arrow cursor but the assignment is made to all

3.9.1 Assign Column Size

Using the Assign > Column Size, sizes can be assigned to any concrete column. The list box in the dialog displays
the column sections available for assignment to columns. Concrete column sections are defined in the RAM
Modeler. Clicking on a section in the list box selects it for assignment. Clicking the Single, Fence, or All buttons

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RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

closes the dialog in the selection mode as described above. The status bar displays a prompt that tells the user
what needs to be done to make the size assignment.

Note: Assigning a new size to a column will impact the structural stiffness, and when member self-weight is
considered will also impact the self-weight reactions and therefore invalidate the analysis results. While it is
possible to complete a column design after a size change, the results will be approximate because they will be
based on the previous analysis. To ensure an accurate design after an assign size, it is necessary to return to
Concrete Analysis to reanalyze. If a size is assigned to a lateral member, it is also necessary to return to RAM
Frame to reanalyze. To indicate that the analysis results are no longer current, the model status light, found on
the status bar, is set to yellow. It will also appear yellow in the RAM Manager.

3.9.2 Assign Shear Legs

The Assign > Shear Legs command is used to override the global shear legs criteria on an individual column
basis. The number of shear legs can be modified for the major or the minor direction. The user may select to
maintain the global criteria for one direction while overriding the criteria for the other direction.
The dialog is closed by selecting the Single, Fence or All buttons. Closing the dialog puts the user into selection
mode as described above. The status bar prompts the selection process. In this dialog the All assignment option
may be applied to all columns, or only to columns with a specific section size. This mode is selected in the
"Assigment Options" area.

Note: This dialog is available only when ACI codes are in use.

3.9.3 Assign Bar Patterns

This command is used to assign groups of reinforcement patterns to a concrete column line (see Section 3.9.4
(on page 23) for details about how these patterns are created). Up to three pattern groups can be assigned to
one column line. At least one pattern group must be assigned to a column line for that column line to be
Select column lines by placing a check in the box next to the pattern group label. The dialog is closed by selecting
the Single, Fence or All buttons. Closing the dialog puts the user into selection mode as described above. The
status bar prompts the selection process.

3.9.4 Edit Bar Patterns

Bar Pattern Groups (and the patterns that they contain) are created in the Assign > Edit Bar Patterns dialog.
When the dialog opens, a list of existing pattern groups is displayed in the list box in the bottom left hand corner
of the dialog. Using the controls in this dialog, additional pattern groups can be created or the existing groups
can be edited or deleted.
Note that Spiral reinforced columns are not available for BS8110, CP65 or AS3600 codes.

RAM Concrete Column 23 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands
Load Combinations

Creating a To create a new pattern group, first select the rectangular or circular pattern of reinforcement.
New This is done by selecting the appropriate radio button on the top, left hand side of the dialog. The
Pattern number and size of bars included in the pattern are selected on the right hand side of the dialog.
For rectangular bar patterns, the number of bars along the B dimension of the column as well as
additional bars along with H dimension is indicated. For circular bar patterns, only the total
number of bars in the pattern is indicated.
The minimum size and maximum size longitudinal bars along with the size of the transverse bar
are selected from the drop down combo boxes on the right hand side of the dialog.
After all selections have been made, click the Add button to create the group of patterns. One
pattern will be created for each longitudinal bar size between the minimum and maximum that
was selected.
Editing an To edit an existing bar pattern group, click on that group to select it. When this is done, the data
Existing pertinent to the group will appear in the dialog controls. Make any desired changes and click the
Pattern Change button. When the button is click, the label will change to reflect the change in the pattern
Group group.

Note: When a change is made to a pattern its label will also change so it will need to be
reassigned to the columns.

To delete a pattern group, click on that group to select it. Click the Delete button and the pattern
group is deleted.

Note: When a group is deleted, it is also needed to be removed from any columns that it may
have been assigned to.

3.10 Load Combinations

All concrete column designs are based on load combinations, rather than on individual load cases. Load
combinations can be generated automatically for a specific building code using the RAM Structural System's
Load Combination Generator, or custom combinations may be explicitly defined by the user. A description of
each of these methods is given below.

3.10.1 Code Generated Combinations

Combinations can be generated using the Combinations > Generated… command. In this dialog, select the code
that will be used to generate the load combinations using the Code for Combinations menu. Then select the load
cases to be considered during combo generation by placing a check in the Use column of the load case list. Enter
any additional information that may be required for the given code in the Parameters section, and then press the
Generate button to create the design load combinations. In order to consider a given combination during the
design it must be checked in the Use column of the Load Combination list.
For more details on the Load Combination Generator, see the Load Combination Generator manual.

RAM Concrete Column 24 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

3.10.2 Custom Combinations

Combinations can also be entered manually using the Combinations > Custom… command. The same
procedure outlined in Section 3.10.1 (on page 24) applies to this dialogue. Load combinations are entered
manually by the user in the Load Combinations column of the Load Combinations section. The user then clicks in
the Click to Validate column of the respective row in order to verify that there are no errors in the entered
formula. A green light will appear if a valid combination has been entered. A yellow light will appear if a
combination has been entered in which the analysis results of one of the load cases are not available. A red light
will appear if the entered combination contains a syntax error. For more details on the Load Combination
Generator, see the Load Combination Generator manual.

3.11 Process
The Process menu contains commands that allow the user to execute the beam design and interact with the
design results.

3.11.1 Design All

The Design > All command allows the engineer to design all of the concrete columns with just one command.
During design, the status log will appear to track the status of the design process.
Once all of the concrete columns are designed, the screen will be updated to reflect the outcome of the design.
For more information on column color-coding see Section 3.4 (on page 18).

3.11.2 View/Update (ACI 318)

The Process > View/Update command launches the View/Update dialog box; a powerful tool for investigating
the design of concrete columns on a column line basis. When the command is issued, the cursor changes from
the arrow cursor to the target cursor, allowing the engineer to select a column line.
If the selected column line is undesigned a design will be performed and the View/Update dialog will open. If
the selected column line has a current design, the saved design will be displayed when the dialog opens.
The View/Update dialog consists of three tabs that display the design: the Longitudinal Reinforcement tab, the
Transverse Reinforcement tab, and the Material Properties tab. A graphical display area is located to the right
side of each tab that displays information relevant to the tab selected.
The View/Update dialog can be used to investigate various designs by making changes to the longitudinal
reinforcement, the transverse reinforcement and/or the column material properties and then analyzing the new
design data. The new design can be saved with the model by clicking the Update Database button. When this is
done, the column is considered “frozen” or user-defined (see Section 3.11.5 (on page 29) for more information
on freezing designs).

RAM Concrete Column 25 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

Optimize – Discards any changes made by the user in the View/Update dialog and optimizes the beam line per
global criteria and any previously assigned data.
Analyze – Analyzes the column line using information entered in the View/Update dialog. The selected
reinforcement is checked only; no reinforcement is assigned during an Analyze.
Update Database - Updates the model database with the parameters in the View/Update dialog box and saves
the current design of each column in the column line. This column is then “frozen” so no further optimization is
performed on the column line until the design is cleared.
View Results - This button is used to display the detailed design information on each column in the column line.
View Summary - This button is used to display a Summary report for each column in the column line.
Close - Closes the View/Update dialog box without updating the design. If the column information was saved
using the Update Database button, this information will remain saved but any changes since that command was
issued will be lost.
The traffic lights on the View/Update dialog box graphically indicate the status of the design on the column line.
A Green light indicates the design is current and passes all checks for all the columns in the column line. Yellow
indicates the design is not current and an analyze or optimize is required. Red indicates that there are design
warnings for at least one column in the column line.
Longitudinal Longitudinal Reinforcement page is displayed when the View/Update dialog opens. The
Reinforcement grid on this tab displays the selected bar pattern from each bar pattern group tested and
Page: shows a “Final Design” pattern. The final pattern is the best design for the entire column
line. It is automatically selected from the list of assigned bar pattern groups. The final
design is selected from the group with the smallest reinforcement weight and, when
applicable, the least number of design warnings.
To analyze a bar pattern, it must appear in the “Final Design” column. Alternate patterns
can be selected from the final column drop down list or patterns can be moved to the final
column from the “Design from Pattern Group” columns. The final column drop down list
contains all the bar patterns that have been generated from the defined bar pattern groups,
regardless of whether groups were assigned to the column or not. To move a pattern, click
on that pattern and then click the Move To Final button at the top of the column. Once a new
pattern has been selected, click the Analyze button to analyze the reinforcement.
The interaction diagram on the right side of the tab shows the column interaction surface at
a given angle. Below it is the angle of the diagram and the list of all the design points
checked for that angle. The angles are grouped in 2-degree increments. By default the angle
and data point selected will be the ones for the selected story and pattern's controlling data
point. Changing the angle will bring up the appropriate interaction surface and design
The crosses + in the diagram identify all the checked design points. Selecting a data point in
the list below the diagram will automatically move the slider to that point. The column axial
capacity and corresponding moment capacity at the location of the slider for the given angle
are displayed under the diagram. The slider can also be moved manually by left clicking and
dragging the slider ends.
Transverse The second tab is where the transverse reinforcement design is displayed and changes to
Reinforcement the design can be made. The size of the transverse bars cannot be changed because it is
Page: connected to the bar pattern, which is selected on the longitudinal page. The end location of
the segment and the bar spacing of the bars can be changed. Additional reinforcement
sections can be added to vary reinforcement within a story if desired. If changes are made

RAM Concrete Column 26 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

to the end location or spacing, or if additional segments are added, the start and end values
of each segment will be automatically updated when the user clicks into a new cell. In
addition to these changes, the number of shear legs used per story can also be changed.
Clicking the Analyze button will analyze this modified design.
The Major and Minor column shear diagrams are displayed to the right of the reinforcement
layout grid. The red envelope is the required capacity and the green envelope is the
provided capacity. The slider can be moved by left clicking on the ends and dragging it up or
down the diagram. The provided and required shear capacities are reported below the
Material The third tab provides the engineer with a means for modifying material properties of the
Properties Page: column line. As with either of the previous tabs, any modification to data on this page will
cause the Analyze button to become available and the stoplight to turn yellow.
The diagram on the Material Properties page shows the column line and the members that
frame into it. Clicking on a specific story in the material properties grid will bring that
column into the view screen.
The diagram to the right of the material property grids displays a schematic drawing of the
selected column. The beams are displayed to identify the column top and bottom and do not
reflect the beams that are actually connected to the column.

3.11.3 View/Update (BS8110, CP65, AS3600)

The Process > View/Update command launches the View/Update dialog box; a powerful tool for investigating
the design of concrete columns on a column line basis. When the command is issued, the cursor changes from
the arrow cursor to the target cursor, allowing the engineer to select a column line.
If the selected column line is un-designed a design will be performed and the View/Update dialog will open. If
the selected column line has a current design, the saved design will be displayed when the dialog opens.
The View/Update dialog consists of three tabs that display the design: the Main Reinforcement tab, the Shear
Reinforcement tab, and the Material Properties tab. A graphical display area is located to the right side of each
tab that displays information relevant to the tab selected
The View/Update dialog can be used to investigate various designs by making changes to the longitudinal
reinforcement and/or the column material properties and then analyzing the new design data. The new design
can be saved with the model by clicking the Update Database button. When this is done, the column is
considered “frozen” or user-defined (see Section 3.11.5 (on page 29) for more information on freezing
There are several buttons located at the bottom of the View/Update dialog that can be used to investigate
column designs:

Optimize – Discards any changes made by the user in the View/Update dialog and optimizes the beam line
per global criteria and any previously assigned data.
Analyze – Analyzes the column line using information entered in the View/Update dialog. The selected
reinforcement is checked only; no reinforcement is assigned during an Analyze.
Update Database - Updates the model database with the parameters in the View/Update dialog box and
saves the current design of each column in the column line. This column is then “frozen” so no further
optimization is performed on the column line until the design is cleared.

RAM Concrete Column 27 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

View Results - This button is used to display the detailed design information on each column in the column
View Summary - This button is used to display a Summary report for each column in the column line.
Close - Closes the View/Update dialog box without updating the design. If the column information was saved
using the Update Database button, this information will remain saved but any changes since that command
was issued will be lost.

The traffic lights on the View/Update dialog box graphically indicate the status of the design on the column line.
A Green light indicates the design is current and passes all checks for all the columns in the column line. Yellow
indicates the design is not current and an analyze or optimize is required. Red indicates that there are design
warnings for at least one column in the column line.
Main Main Reinforcement page is displayed when the View/Update dialog opens. The grid on
Reinforcement this tab displays the selected bar pattern from each bar pattern group tested and shows a
Page: “Final Design” pattern. The final pattern is the best design for the entire column line. It is
automatically selected from the list of assigned bar pattern groups. The final design is
selected from the group with the smallest reinforcement weight and, when applicable, the
least number of design warnings.
To analyze a bar pattern, it must appear in the “Final Design” column. Alternate patterns
can be selected from the final column drop down list or patterns can be moved to the final
column from the “Design from Pattern Group” columns. The final column drop down list
contains all the bar patterns that have been generated from the defined bar pattern groups,
regardless of whether groups were assigned to the column or not. To move a pattern, click
on that pattern and then click the Move To Final button at the top of the column. Once a
new pattern has been selected, click the Analyze button to analyze the reinforcement.
The list box on the right side of the tab shows each data point considered in the design. The
first column indicates the load combination the load came from, the next three columns
show the design forces for that load combination and skip pattern (possibly modified for
slenderness if necessary for that design point) and the last column indicates the load
capacity ratio for that load point. Refer to the technical section for discussion regarding
skip loading and the origin of the multiple data points for each load combination.
Shear The second tab is where the shear reinforcement design is displayed but currently cannot
Reinforcement be changed
The Major and Minor column shear diagrams are displayed to the right of the
reinforcement layout grid. The red envelope is the required capacity and the green
envelope is the provided capacity. The slider can be moved by left clicking on the ends and
dragging it up or down the diagram. The provided and required shear capacities are
reported below the diagram.
Material The third tab provides the engineer with a means for modifying material properties of the
Properties Page: column line. As with either of the previous tabs, any modification to data on this page will
cause the Analyze button to become available and the stoplight to turn yellow.
The diagram on the Material Properties page shows the column line and the members that
frame into it. Clicking on a specific story in the material properties grid will bring that
column into the view screen.
The diagram to the right of the material property grids displays a schematic drawing of the
selected column. The beams are displayed to identify the column top and bottom and do not
reflect the beams that are actually connected to the column.

RAM Concrete Column 28 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

3.11.4 Copy Column Line

The Copy Column Line allows the engineer to copy the design from one column line to other column lines. This
can be done on a single, fence, or all basis. In order for the design of one column line to be copied onto another
column line, the two column lines must start and end at the same stories.
This command has two parts. When Copy Column Line is issued, the arrow cursor turns into the target cursor
so that the engineer can select the column whose design is to be copied. After the “copy from” column line has
been selected, the “copy to” column line or column lines are selected. If Copy Column Line > Single was issued,
the cursor remains a target and the next column line clicked on will have the design copied to it. If Copy Column
Line > Fence was issued, the cursor will change to the rectangle cursor so that a fence selection can be made. All
column lines completely encompassed by the rectangle will have the design copied onto it. If Copy Column Line
> All was issued, the cursor will return to the arrow and all column lines will have the design copied onto them.
If at any time a column line that has been frozen is selected as a "copy to" column line, an error message will be
given stating that the command cannot be completed. In order to copy a design onto a frozen column, the design
must be cleared first.

3.11.5 Freeze Design

The Freeze Design command is equivalent to the Update Database command within the View/Update dialog.
It marks a column line as “User Defined” and saves the current reinforcement, material properties, and design of
the column line. A column line that has been frozen will not be optimized again until the design is cleared. If the
model changes after a design has been frozen, the design will be checked against this new data and the design
will be reported as passed or failed.

3.11.6 Clear Design

The Clear Design command clears the user-defined flag from a column line. Once a design is cleared, the column
line is returned to a ready state. Subsequent design commands will affect the column line.

3.12 Reports

3.12.1 Report Destination

The first four options under the Reports menu are used to control the destination of the selected report. A check
mark is placed beside the current selection. This selection is relevant to the current mode in RAM Concrete only.

RAM Concrete Column 29 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

To change the report destination on a global level, use the Tools > Report Styles command located in RAM
Manager. For more information about the destination options, see the “Reports” help topic in RAM Container.

3.12.2 Reports
Various reports are available from the Column Design mode. These reports are used to gain information about
the model and its design. For more information about the individual reports, see ACI Technical Notes (on page

3.13 View
The majority of the View commands are common with the 3D Viewer. For more information on these commands,
see the 3D Viewer manual. The following is an explanation of the commands that are unique to the Concrete
Column Design mode.

Icon Description

A Column Plan view is available in the RAM Concrete module. Clicking the Column Plan
View button, or selecting Column Plan from the View menu will change the display to a
top down, non perspective, all stories plan view. This view is the same as would be seen
if all plan views starting from the first story to the top story were overlaid on each other.

3.13.1 Column - Assigned Pattern Groups

Selecting this option will display the assigned Bar Pattern Groups for each column line. The information will be
displayed for the lowest column in the column line.

3.13.2 Column - Final Bar Pattern

Selecting this option will display the final bar pattern for each column in a column line.

3.13.3 Column - Longitudinal Bars

Selecting this option will display, for each column in a column line, the total number and size of the longitudinal
bars for the final bar pattern.

RAM Concrete Column 30 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands

3.13.4 Column - Transverse Bars

Selecting this option will display, for each column in a column line, the total number and size of the shear bars
for the final bar pattern.

3.13.5 Colors
Three color schemes are used in the Concrete Column module: Model Colors, Design Colors, and Interaction
Colors. The default scheme is Design Colors. The color scheme to be displayed can be selected by using the View
> Colors command or clicking on the color toggle button described below.

Icon Description

A 'Color' toggle button and associated menu items have been added to the RAM Concrete
Column Module. The display colors the members to reflect their current design status.
Clicking the toggle button to cycle to the next available color option (Model, Design or
interaction) or select 'Colors ' command from the 'View' menu.

The graphic displayed on the button reflects the current model display colors, which are different form the mode
that will be toggled to by clicking the button.

Model Colors The Model colors are those used in the Modeler, and are useful in distinguishing between
members of different materials and properties.
Design Colors The Design colors indicate the design status of each column. All non-concrete column members
are colored dark gray. The color of each concrete column indicates its design status as follows:

Light Blue – Column is not ready for design. Check that Bar Patterns are created and
assigned and that there are load combinations defined.
Yellow - Column is ready for design.
Green – Column was designed and passed all design checks.
Blue – Column design passed and the design was frozen.
Red – Column was designed and some design errors were reported. The warnings can be
viewed in the View/Update dialog box or in the Column Design Report. If a column is
frozen but has some design warnings it will be colored red to indicate that design warnings
were found.

Note: Once a design is performed on a column line, all columns in the column line will be
color-coded to indicate their new design status. Columns are repainted on a column-by-
column basis according to their individual status.

Interaction The Interaction Colors indicate the magnitude of the design load capacity equation results,
Colors with blue indicating a lightly stressed column and red indicating failure, with gradations of
colors representing stress levels in between. The Interaction Colors are determined and made
available when the Process > Design All command is invoked.

RAM Concrete Column 31 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Menus and Commands
Exiting Concrete Column Design Mode

3.14 Exiting Concrete Column Design Mode

The Mode menu or drop-down combo box on the toolbar can be used to exit the Concrete Column Design mode
and navigate to another RAM Concrete mode.
The File > Close command is used to exit RAM Concrete. Issuing File – Close will return the user to the RAM

RAM Concrete Column 32 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
In the design of a structure a great number of decisions must be made. What is acceptable to one engineer may
not be acceptable to another. It is crucial that the user understands the decisions and assumptions being made
by the RAM Concrete Column Design module. If these are not appropriate for the specific conditions of a
particular building, the user should augment or replace the results from RAM Concrete with those of some other
The purpose of the Technical Notes is to explain the assumptions and methodology of the RAM Concrete Column
Design. Every effort has been made to include a discussion of significant decisions and assumptions made by the
program. Generally, if there is any question as to how the Column Design mode handles a particular condition, a
small model can be quickly created and analyzed, and the results verified with hand calculations.
The RAM Concrete Column Design has been extensively tested and used. It is impossible, however, to anticipate
every possible configuration that could be encountered by the program. Ultimately the engineer is responsible
for the safety and adequacy of the building's design.
If ACI 318 is selected as the design code in the concrete analysis module then design is based on the
requirements of the concrete design specifications published by the American Concrete Institute in ACI 318. The
implementations of the sections of the code accounting for the design of concrete columns are subjected to
certain assumptions and limitations as outlined in the Technical Notes. For ACI unless otherwise noted all
references to sections and equations are from ACI 318-99.

4.1 Symbols and Terminology

This section presents a table of symbols and variables referenced by the ACI 318 design codes.

Symbol Description

Ac Area of concrete in compression (inside the Whitney compression-block)

Ag Gross area of section

As Reinforcing steel area

Av Shear Reinforcing steel area

a Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block as defined in ACI

RAM Concrete Column 33 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Symbols and Terminology

Symbol Description

b Total Section Width

Length of critical section in compression

C Column section maximum compression capacity

Cc Compression force in concrete

Cs Compression force in reinforcement bar

d Distance from the top of compression surface to center of the flexure reinforcement
perpendicular to that direction of the shear plane

db Nominal diameter of reinforcement bar

Ec Concrete modulus of elasticity

Es Reinforcement steel bar modulus of elasticity

Fs Individual reinforcement stress

f'c Concrete max permissible stress

fct Average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate concrete (psi units)

fy Reinforcement stress capacity (psi units)

h Total section depth

k Effective length factor of column

Lc Distance from Neutral Axis (N.A.) to maximum concrete compression fiber

Ls Distance from Neutral Axis (N.A.) to center of reinforcement bar being considered

lc Length of compression member in a frame, measured from center to center of the joints in
the frame

ld Reinforcement bar development length

Ms Moment capacity contribution of reinforcement bars to section capacity

Mc Moment capacity contribution of concrete to section capacity

Mn Nominal moment capacity of concrete section

Mu Factored ultimate moment on section

Mθ 2
Moment about a given angle. Calculates as M maj 2
+ M min

RAM Concrete Column 34 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Concrete Modulus of Elasticity

Symbol Description

P Section compression capacity for given neutral axis and compression side

Pb Balanced compression capacity

Pn Nominal axial capacity of concrete section

Pu Factored ultimate axial on section

Tc Torsional capacity of concrete section

Ts Tension force in reinforcement bar

Tu Factored ultimate torsion on section

s Reinforcement spacing

Vu Factored ultimate shear force on section

Vs Shear reinforcement capacity

Vc Concrete section shear capacity

ϕc Concrete compression capacity reduction factor

ACI 318-99: 0.70 for ties, 0.75 for spirals

ACI 318-02: 0.65 for ties, 0.70 for spirals

ϕb Flexure capacity reduction factor of concrete (0.90 for ACI 318-99)

ϕT Torsional capacity reduction factor of concrete (0.85 for ACI 318-99, 0.75 for ACI 318-02)

ϕs Shear capacity reduction factor of concrete (0.85 for ACI 318-99, 0.75 for ACI 318-02)

δc Actual concrete density used

ρ Reinforcement ratio of section

ρb Balanced reinforcement ratio

εc Concrete max permissible strain

Ψ Ratio of ΣEI/lc of compression members to ΣEI/l of flexure members in a plane at one end
of a compression member

RAM Concrete Column 35 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes

4.2 Concrete Modulus of Elasticity

The Concrete Modulus of Elasticity is calculated using the following equation assuming the concrete weight is
between 90 and 155 pcf.

Ec = wc1.5 33 f ′ ACI 8.5


4.3 Slenderness
You can choose to consider slenderness by selecting the option in the Criteria Analysis dialog of the Concrete
Analysis mode (see the Concrete Analysis manual). Where the slenderness option is selected, the program
considers the sidesway, effective length factor, and unbraced column length, to calculate the slenderness
moment magnification factor for each design data point.

4.3.1 Sidesway
For each column, you can set global criteria or directly assign a sway (unbraced) or non-sway (braced)
designation to each column axis in the Analysis Mode (See RAM Concrete Analysis Manual). This sway setting is
used to determine if the program will consider moment magnification per ACI 10.12 for non-sway frames or per
ACI 10.13 for sway frames.

4.3.2 K-Factor
For each column, you can set global criteria or directly assign a K-Factor designation to each column axis in the
Analysis Mode (See RAM Concrete Analysis Manual). In both cases, you can specify either a specific K value, or
select to use the nomograph to calculate the K-Factor for a particular axis.

Note: Where the nomograph is selected for sway columns the program will calculate the effective length factor
according to the nomograph in Section 10.12 of the ACI. The K-Factor for sway frames will be limited to a value
larger than or equal to 1.0 when the Nomograph is selected in the Criteria > KFactor dialog box. For non-sway
columns the simplified formula, presented below and described in ACI R10.12, is implemented.

k = 0.7 + 0.05(ΨA + ΨB) ≤ 1.0 ACI R10.12.1 (A)

k = 0.85 + 0.05Ψmin ≤ 1.0 ACI R10.12.1 (B)
Ψ = ratio of Σ(EI/lc) of compression members to Σ(EI/l) of flexure members
in a plane at one end of a compression member.
The full centerline member distances are used when calculating effective length (per ACI definition of length in
the nomograph footnote).
Some issues to be aware of related to how the program calculates Ψ and effective length factor K are as follows:

RAM Concrete Column 36 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes

ψ is limited to 10.0 for columns when there are no beams framing in, or when only pinned end beams are
framing in; this limits K to a value of 3.0, rather than the theoretical value of infinity. Note that gravity concrete
beams with beam line numbers assigned will be assumed fixed to the supporting columns for the purposes of
these calculations. Gravity concrete beams without beam line numbers will be assumed pinned for K factor
Ψ is limited to 1.0 at the bottom of the column if it is assumed fixed at its base.
The cracked section factors are applied to all section properties per 10.12.1 for the calculation of Ψ.
Columns that are pinned top and bottom are given K-factors of 1.0.
Beams that frame into a column axis at an angle larger than 80 degrees are not considered when calculating Ψ
for that axis of the column.

4.3.3 Moment Magnification

To calculate the appropriate moment magnification factor (if any) to apply to a specific design data point the
following logic is implemented by the program, all code references are to ACI 318-02:

RAM Concrete Column 37 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes


No Sway Column ? Yes

10.12.2 (10-8) 10.13.2

Yes klu/r <= 34 - No Yes
klu/r < 22
12 (M1/M2)

Lamda NS = 1.0 No
10.13.5 (10-19)
lu/r > 35.0 /sqrt(Pu/ No Lamda NS = 1.0 f'cAg)
M2 = max [ M2, Yes
Pu(0.6 + 0.03h) ]

1 1

10.12.3 (10-12)
EI = 0.4 Ec Ig /
(1+ Bd)

10.12.3 (10-10)
Pc = Pi^2 EI /
1 (10-13)
Cm = max [ 0.6 +
0.4M1/M2, 0.4 ]
10.12.3 (10-8)
Mu = Lamda NS x M2

10.12.3 (10-9)
Lamda NS = max[ Cm /
1-(Pu/0.75Pc), 1.0]

Figure 9: Determination of Moment Magnification

βd (For Non-Sway frames) = Ratio of factored axial dead load force to the full axial force in the column for the
specific design data point.
βd (For Sway frames) = 0.0 (assumed no sustained lateral force is part of the load combination).
To ensure the largest moment magnification factor per ACI 10.12.3 (10-8) δns is calculated, the column design
points are pattern loaded (assumed to occur in pairs) as shown below. This ensures that the column is in single
curvature for the calculation of C m for ACI, so as to produce the largest C m value. It also produces the
lowest limit to require a slenderness check for non-sway frames per ACI 10.12.2.

The sign convention for column forces is illustrated in the figure below.

RAM Concrete Column 38 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Generation of Column Interaction Capacity

Mminor Vminor

P Vmajor

Vminor Mminor
Mmajor T

Figure 10: Sign convention for column forces

The following patterns of design points (see Design Forces (on page 11)and the Concrete Analysis Manual for an
explanation of design points in a skip loaded column) are applied simultaneously to produce the largest Cm
value (single curvature for ACI and the lowest slenderness limit for non-sway frames (ACI 10.12.2).

Table 4:

Pattern Top Data Point Bottom Data Point

1 Max Mmajor Positive Top Max Mmajor Positive Bot

2 Min Mmajor Negative Top Min Mmajor Negative Bot

3 Max Mminor Positive Top Max Mminor Positive Bot

4 Min Mminor Negative Top Min Mminor Negative Bot

RAM Concrete Column 39 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Generation of Column Interaction Capacity

4.4 Generation of Column Interaction Capacity

RAM Concrete Column uses the dead load and live skip loading results from Concrete Analysis in conjunction
with the RAM Frame lateral analysis results, where applicable, to create a set of design points for each column
using the defined load combinations. These design points are a set of Axial Forces, Major Moments, Minor
Moments, Major Shears, Minor Shears and Torsion at the top and bottom of the column for each load
combination and pattern (see Section 2.3.4 (on page 11)).
The column capacity is based on a biaxial interaction surface that identifies the Major and Minor Moment limits
for any given axial load.

4.4.1 Maximum Column Axial Capacity

The maximum axial compression capacity of the column is limited to:
ϕbPn(max) = 0.85ϕc[0.85f'c(Ag - As) + fyAs] Equation ACI 10-1
The maximum axial tension capacity of the column is calculated using only the reinforcement capacity:
ϕbPn = ϕbfyAs

4.4.2 Column Flexural Capacity

Capacity points on the interaction surface are calculated using the reinforcement force and concrete section
compression force assuming a C.S. Whitney Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution as outlined in ACI 10.2.7.
P = Cc + Cs + Ts Equation 4-2
Reinforcement tension force is:
Ts = -ΣFsAs
Fs = Ls
εc Es L c
≤ f y Equation 4-3

Reinforcement compression force is:

Cs = Σ(Fs - 0.85f'c)As Equation 4-4
Concrete compression force is:
Cc = 0.85f'cab Equation 4-5
a = As f y
Equation 4-6
0.85 f ′ c b

Section moment capacity is:

M = Ms + Mc Equation 4-7
Ms = ΣTsLs + ΣCsLs Equation 4-8
Mc = CcLc Equation 4-9

RAM Concrete Column 40 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Generation of Column Interaction Capacity

Cs = Σ(Fs – 0.85ƒ 'c)As
Lc α = β1c
Ls N.A.
Ts = ΣFsAs

Figure 11: Whitney equivalent stress distribution

The above calculation is performed for the major and minor direction of the column section, as well as all
intermittent angles at the specified increment. The result is a full 3-D interaction surface. The interaction surface
between the major and minor directions is calculated explicitly and is not based on an approximate method like
the PCA Method outlined in Reference # 4.
The interaction surface is then reduced by the following factors:
For ϕcPn(max) ≥ Pu > 0.10f'cAg ACI-
If fy ≤ 60 ksi and (h - d - ds)/h ≥ 0.70 ACI-
then when 0.10f'cAg ≥ Pu ≥ 0.0, ϕ is linearly increases from ϕc to ϕb
Otherwise when:
min(0.10f'cAg, ϕcPb) ≥ Pu ≥ 0.0 ACI-10.3.3
ϕ is linearly increases from ϕc to ϕb
For Pu < 0.0, ϕ = ϕb = 0.90

4.4.3 Interaction Diagram Check

Each data point is checked against the interaction surface to confirm that it is inside the surface. The factored
2 2
moments Mu major, Mu minor are converted to M uθ = M umajor + M uminor and checked against the interaction
surface at the angle θ = tan −1 (M uminor M umajor)

The load to capacity ratio Ld/Cap is calculated in one of two ways based on the axial load.
When Pu > min (0.1f'cAs, ϕcPb)
Ld/Cap = max(Pu/ϕcPn max, Muθ/ϕcMnθ)
When Pu ≤ 0
Ld/Cap = max(Pu/ϕbPn min, Muθ/ϕbMnθ)
min(0.1f'cAs, ϕcPb) > Pu > 0
ϕ is linearly increases from ϕc to ϕb

RAM Concrete Column 41 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Shear Design

Figure 12: Column Interaction Diagram at Angle θ

4.4.4 Longitudinal Reinforcement Spacing

The longitudinal reinforcement spacing limit is checked using:
smin = min(1.5db, 1.5 in.) ACI-7.6.3
smax does not have a code limit other than the requirements for bracing using ties.
The user defined spacing limits may control if they are more restrictive than the code prescribed limits.

4.4.5 Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio

The area of longitudinal reinforcement is subject to the following limits:
0.01 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.08 ACI-10.9.1
ρ ≤ 0.75ρb when ϕPn ≤ min(0.10f' cAg, ϕPb) ACI-10.3.3
ρb = f ′c 87, 000
0.05β1 f y 87, 000 − f y
β1 = f ′ c − 4, 000
0.85 − 0.05 1, 000

limited by 0.65 ≤ β1 ≤ 0.85


Note: The design check does not account for the final provision of ACI 318-95 and 99, Section 10.3.3, which
allows the reinforcement in compression to not be reduced by 0.75. This will cause some columns to have a
Design Warning generated because all the reinforcement in the column is reduced by the 0.75 factor. In most
cases the engineer will be able to make a judgment on whether at least one side of the reinforcement will be in
compression (which in most cases is a valid assumption), in which case a quick hand calculation will confirm
that the provision of 10.3.3 will be met and the Design Warning can be disregarded.

RAM Concrete Column 42 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Shear Design

4.5 Shear Design

The nominal shear capacity of a column section is defined as:
Vn = Vc + Vs Equation ACI 11-2

4.5.1 Concrete Shear Capacity

The shear capacity of the concrete portion of the column is calculated using one of the following:
For members subject to shear and flexure only:

V c = 2 f ′c bw d Equation ACI 11-3

For members subject to axial compression:

Vc = 2 1 +
2, 000Ag ) f ′c bd
Equation ACI 11-4

Nu = taken as the factored axial load on the column that acts simultaneously
with Vu and does not account for effects due to creep and shrinkage.
For members subject to axial tension:
Vc = 0

If lightweight concrete is specified and fct is defined, fct/6.7 will be used instead of f ′ c as long as fct/6.7≤ f ′ c
per ACI When fct is not specified then 0.75 f ′ c is used instead of f ′ c per ACI

4.5.2 Reinforcement Shear Capacity

The shear capacity is checked along the column in both the major and minor directions. Shear reinforcement is
provided for columns at all locations where:
ϕ Vc
Vu > 2

Shear reinforcement is taken to be provided by reinforcement ties with a user-defined number of legs in both
Shear reinforcement capacity is calculated as:
Av f y d Equation ACI 11-15
Vs = s

Which is limited by:

V s = 8 f ′c bd ACI

The shear capacity ratio in each direction is taken as:

Ld/Cap = Vu/ϕsVn From ACI-10.9.1

RAM Concrete Column 43 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Shear Design

4.5.3 Minimum Shear Reinforcement

The minimum shear reinforcement area for ACI 318-99 is:
bw s Equation ACI 11-13
Av,min = 50 fy

The minimum shear reinforcement area for ACI 318-02 is:

bw s Equation ACI 11-13
Av,min = 0.75 f c f

But shall not be less than:

bw s
Av,min = 50 fy

4.5.4 Shear Reinforcement Spacing Limits

Spiral Reinforcement
Shear reinforcement center-to-center spacing limits for spirals:
s ≤ 3 in. + dbTrans ACI
The maximum center-to-center spacing of spirals is also checked using ACI-318 99, Eq 10-6 in section 10.9.3,
which is reformulated to calculate the maximum spacing using PCA Notes on ACI 318-99, Ex 11.4 page 11-26:
As π ( Dc − Ds )
s= Ac ρs

ρs =
0.45 ( Ag
−1 ) f ′c
ACI-318 99 Eq. 10-6
As = Spiral reinforcement area
Ac = Column core area enclosed by outside diameter of spiral
Dc = Core diameter = column diameter - 2 x spiral diameter
Ds = Spiral reinforcement diameter

4.5.5 Tie Reinforcement

Shear reinforcement center-to-center spacing limits for ties:
s ≤ 16dbLong ACI
s ≤ 48dbTrans
s ≤ Minimum Column Dimension

RAM Concrete Column 44 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Column Torsion Check

4.5.6 Design of Circular Ties

The ACI code makes a distinction between rectangular or circular ties and spiral reinforcement. In some cases
circular ties follow the requirements for rectangular ties and in other cases they follow the requirements of
spiral reinforcement.
All of the design requirements for circular ties have been outlined in other parts of the RAM Concrete Column
Design manual. Where the ACI code does not specifically mention circular ties, the circular ties will be controlled
by the provisions of rectangular ties.

4.5.7 Calculation of Actual Bar Spacing

Bar spacing is checked to make sure it is within the code limits. For the transverse bar sets along the length of
the column the spacing is taken as:

Bar Set Length Equation 4-10
Total Number of Bars

4.5.8 Transverse Bar Size

The minimum size of bars used as transverse reinforcement is limited as follows:
For spiral reinforcing, db≥ 3/8in ACI-
For tie reinforcing,
db≥0.375 in. for #10 and smaller diameter long bars ACI-
db≥0.50 in. for #11 and larger diameter long bars
When the transverse bar diameter is smaller than the code limit a design warning will notify the user.

4.5.9 Transverse Bar

Per ACI-11.11.2, for all lateral columns and gravity columns that do not have beams of the same depth framing
into all sides of the column, an additional transverse reinforcement segment will be created. This transverse
segment will be the same size as the deepest beam and rounded to the user defined Transverse Segment Spacing
Increment that is entered in the Design Criteria dialog. The reinforcement for this top segment must be no less
than that prescribed by Equation ACI-11.13.

4.6 Column Torsion Check

The torsion check is provided to identify columns that require torsion reinforcement.
Torsional reinforcement is not required when:

RAM Concrete Column 45 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

Tu < ϕ f ′
( )
c p

= ϕT T c
ACI 11.6.1

Acp = hb
pcp = 2(h + b)
In addition, if the beam/column has axial load an additional check is performed:
T u < ϕT n ACI 11.6.1(c)

( )
Acp Nu

Tn = f c p 1+
cp ′
4Ag f c

If < − 1 then Tn = 0.0

4Ag f c

ACI states that whenϕTTc ≥ Tu torsional reinforcement is required in accordance with ACI 11.6.3
through 11.6.6. The torsion check will generate a design warning when torsion reinforcement is required.

Note: ACI is not checked for columns to see if the column cross-sectional dimensions will permit
torsional reinforcement.

4.7 Seismic Provisions

Both the Intermediate and Special Moment Frame design as specified in ACI 318-99, Chapter 21 have been
implemented. The concrete beam and column optimization and design check attempt to satisfy all the related
code sections that have been implemented as outlined below. Due to the intricacies of the special provision
section, in some cases the optimization may not produce an acceptable design and will identify one or more
design warnings. In such cases there are a number of ways to eliminate the design warnings. These include
changing the design criteria, changing member sections, or manually redefining the reinforcement.
The engineer will find a number of sections in Chapter 21 that have not been implemented. In most cases this is
because these sections relate to detailing and are outside the scope of the program.

4.7.1 Frame Type Selection

One of three frame types can be specified for the design of concrete beams and columns: Ordinary Moment
Frames (OMF), Intermediate Moment Frames (IMF), and Special Moment Frames (SMF). The Frame Type is
selected from the Frame Type option under the Criteria menu and is applied to all the lateral members in the
structure. The gravity members are always designed as OMF. Similar to the Load Combo Generator, the selection
of the frame type in either the beam or column mode will change the option for both modes.
When the IMF or SMF option is selected the user has three options for the gravity dead and live load factors used
to calculate the minimum shear capacity of the beams. This is due to a discrepancy between the ACI-318 99 and
certain building codes such as UBC 97. Per the ACI commentary in R21.10, the ACI factors for IMF and SMF are
taken from Equation 9-2 with the lateral loads ignored.

RAM Concrete Column 46 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

4.7.2 Intermediate Moment Frame

In the following section all code references are for ACI 318-99 unless otherwise noted. The subscripts l and r are
used to denote the left/start and right/end of the beam span, respectively. Similarly, t and b denote top and
bottom of column. Variables that are not explicitly defined below are defined in Chapter 3 of the Concrete Beam
and Concrete Column manuals.

Lateral System Beams

• 21.10.3 (b) Shear Capacity - The beams are designed to meet the larger of the analysis shear load Vu and the
limiting shear induced at the end of the beam based on the member's nominal moment capacity Mn as
outlined in R21.10.3

( −
V uel = M nl +
+ M nr ) / ln + V u_max_l and
V uel = (M nl
+ −
+ M nr ) / ln + V u_max_l
V uer = (M nl
− +
+ M nr ) / ln + V u_max_r and
V uer = (M nl
+ −
+ M nr ) / ln + V u_max_r
ln = Clear span length
Vu_max = End shear from factored gravity loads on beam using the load combo
factors selected in the Frame Type dialog box
M-n = Unfactored section negative moment capacity (ϕ = 1)
The assumption is made that there is uniformly varying shear in between the ends of the beam. An additional
shear diagram is created using the largest Vuel for the left shear and Vuer for right shear which are
superimposed onto the shear envelope that was generated from the regular load combinations using the
analysis shears. See the following figure.
• Stirrup layout - Stirrups must be provided starting 2 inches from the face of the support to a
distance of 2h.
Stirrup Spacing limits:
a. d/4
b. 8db for the smallest longitudinal bars
c. 24db of stirrups
d. 12 in.
• - The remainder of the span must have stirrup spacing of no more than d/2.
• - Positive moment capacity at support face must be larger than 1/3 of the negative moment
capacity at that same face.
• - The negative and positive moment strengths at any point along the clear beam span must be at
least 1/5 of the maximum moment strength (the greater of either the negative or the positive moment
strength) provided at either face.

RAM Concrete Column 47 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

Note: In some extreme cases the optimization will not be able to reinforce the beam to meet the provisions of . In that case the View/Update dialog should be used to manually increase the reinforcement to
satisfy the minimum capacity requirements.

Beam Design Report

For lateral beams some additional report information is provided to help check the design of IMF members. At
the start and end of the span Mn, Vu gravity due to the gravity loading on the single span and final design Vu are
reported. If the user is interested in the required shear capacity due to the analysis only without consideration of
Vue, the Frame type should be changed to OMF and the design rerun.

Lateral System Columns

21.10.2 Design as column or beam - If the largest axial column load from all the design data points on a on a
column with a tie bar pattern group is less than Agf' c/10, a design warning will be generated indicating the
column should be designed as a beam.

1. The option to check the maximum axial load for column design can be turned off by selecting the proper
option under the Design Check tab in the Design Criteria dialog.
2. Columns with spiral reinforcement satisfying ACI 318-99 Eq. 10-6 do not need to satisfy any of the provisions
of section 21.10.5. If a spiral reinforced column does not meet Eq. 10-6 a design warning regarding
reinforcement ratio is generated.

• 21.10.3 (b) - The column Shear Capacity is required to meet the larger of the analysis shear load Vu and the
limiting shear induced at the end of the column based on the members nominal moment capacity Mn as
outlined in R21.10.3
V uet = (M nt + M nb) / ln , V ueb = (M nt + M nb) / ln - Major direction

V uet = (M nt + M nb) / ln , V ueb = (M nt + M nb) / ln - Minor direction

It is assumed that there is uniformly varying shear between the top and bottom of the column. An additional
shear diagram is created using the largest Vuet for the top shear and Vueb for bottom shear superimposed
onto the shear envelop that was generated from the regular load combinations using the analysis shears. This
is similar in concept to Figure 4-6 - Shear Diagrams. Mn is calculated using a reduction factor of 1.0 and the
value is based on the design data point that has the correspondingly largest Mn capacity for the major and
minor axis.
• – For tie bar pattern groups, ties must be provided at both ends of the member, maximum tie
spacing shall not exceed so over a length of l0 measured from the bottom face of the deepest beam where so is
the smaller of:
Tie Spacing limits:
a. 8db for the smallest longitudinal bars
b. 24db of ties
c. 1/2 of the smallest cross-sectional dimension of the member
d. 12 in.
Where l0 is at least the larger of:
a. 1/6 of the clear span

RAM Concrete Column 48 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

b. Maximum cross-sectional dimension of the member

c. 18 in.
• - Outside of the l0 reign tie spacing cannot be larger than 2so.

ACI-318 02 Provisions
• Section - When shear reinforcement is required hoops must now be used instead of regular
• Section - Outside of length lo transverse stirrup spacing will conform to 7.10 and instead of
2So in ACI 318-99 code.

Column Design Report

For lateral columns some additional report information is provided to help check the design of IMF members.
Mn, and Vu are reported. If the user is interested in the required shear capacity due to the analysis only, without
consideration of Vue, change the Frame type to OMF and rerun the design.

4.7.3 Special Moment Frame

Lateral Concrete Columns
Geometric If maximum axial load from all the design data points for the column is less than
Agf' c/10 a design warning is generated because the member should be
designed as a flexural member and not an axially loaded member. When this
situation occurs the only way to resolve it are to use engineering judgment to
see if it is a valid concern for the given situation or to reduce the size of the
column or its capacity at that location. In RAM Concrete Column there is no way
to force a column to be designed as a beam. However, in the Design Criteria
dialog box on the Design Checks tab there is an option to skip this check during
the design process if desired.

Note: The option to check the maximum axial load for column design can be
turned off by selecting the proper option under the Design Check tab in the
Design Criteria dialog. The column section shortest dimension cannot be less than 12 in. Ratio of short to long dimension cannot be less than 0.4

Flexural The long reinforcement ratio is limited to between 0.01 and 0.06 rather than up
Reinforcement to 0.08.

Shear Design 21.3.4 The column shear capacity is designed to meet the larger of the analysis
factored shear load Vu and the limiting shear induced at the end of the column
based on the members probable moment capacity Mpr as outlined in R21.3.4.1

(M pr± )t + (M pr∓ )b
Ve = ln

RAM Concrete Column 49 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

Mpr = the max moment capacity
(using ϕ = 1.0 and 1.25 Fy) for a
given axis for all design points
being considered.
However, the value Ve need not be larger than the probable moment capacity of
the beams framing into the column in a given direction.
When beams frame into the column:
M pr = min (M prc , M prg )
Mprc = Column probable moment
Mprg = Beam/girder probably
moment capacity
This Mpr value is calculated for the top and the bottom part of the column.
The distribution of Mprg to the column is proportional to EI/l of the columns
above and below the joint. The program estimates an Split factor to distribute
those moments to the column considering the EI/l ratio of the column above
or below the joint.

(M prg )t = (ΣM prlg

± ∓
+ ΣM prrg ) × split top (top)

(M prg )b = (ΣM prlg

± ∓
+ ΣM prrg ) × split bottom (bottom)

Splittop = Ea I a
Ea I a Eb I b
lna lnb
Splitbottom = Eb I b
Ea I a Eb I b
lna lnb
Ea = Concrete modulus of
elasticity (Column above
the joint)
Eb = Concrete modulus of
elasticity (Column below
the joint)
Ia = Moment of Inertia
(Column above the joint)
Ib = Moment of Inertia
(Column below the joint)
lna = Clear span length
(Column above the joint)

RAM Concrete Column 50 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

lnb = Clear span length

(Column below the joint)
This calculation is done separately for the major and minor axis of column.

Note: Usually the Vu_beams limit controls the design.

The assumption is made that there is uniformly varying shear in-between
Ve_top and Ve_bottom. An additional shear diagram is created using the Ve for
the top and bottom of the columns which is superimposed onto the shear
envelope that was generated from the regular load combinations using the
analysis shears. Spiral and circular hoop reinforcement must not be less than
ρs = 0.12 f'c / fyh Eq (21-2)

ρs = 0.45 ( Ag
−1 ) f c

f hy
Eq (10-6)

Ac = Area of concrete confined by
hoop or spiral reinforcement For rectangular hoop reinforcement the total area cannot be less than:

( )( )
b) ′
f c Ag Eq(21–3)
Ash = 0.3 sh c f yh Ach

f c Eq(21–4)
Ash = 0.09sh c f yh Maximum hoop spacing shall not exceed so over a length of l0 measured from
the face, where so is the smaller of:
a. 1/4 of the smallest cross-sectional dimension of the member
b. 6 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar,
c. Sx = 4 + [(14 - hx)/3]
6 ≥ sx ≥ 4
Wherel0 is at least the larger of:
a. Maximum cross-sectional dimension of the member, and
b. 1/6 of the clear span,
c. 18 inches.
For the top segmentl0 is measured from the bottom of the deepest beam
framing into the column. For the remainder of the length the hoops shall be placed with a spacing of not
more than 6 in and 6 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar.

RAM Concrete Column 51 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions Vs must take full shear along the length l0 when Vu > Ve/2 and max axial load
from all load combinations < Ag f’c / 20 similar to SMF beam.

1. Using max axial from all load combinations.
2. This design constraint may produce two similar shear bar sets in the same
column spans with different shear capacities even though the transverse
reinforcement bar size and spacing are identical. This is due to the fact that
the capacity for one segment may include the concrete shear capacity
because Vu is small enough and for the other segment it will not include
the concrete shear capacity because Vu is too large.

Joint Capacity Check Strong Column/Weak Beam

21.4.2 The total column moment capacity at a joint is checked against that of the beams framing into the joint.

M ct+ + M cb

≥ (ΣM nlg
+ −
+ ΣM nrg ) Eq 21-1

≥ 5 (ΣM nlg )
M ct− + M cb
+ − +
+ ΣM nrg
Mct, Mcb = Max moment capacity of the top and bottom
columns at the smallest axial load in the given
M±nrg, M = Nominal moment capacity of the left and right
± ends of the girders /beams framing into the joint.

For both the major and minor axis of the column, the equations above are checked and a design
warning is generated for the column below if the check does not pass.

Note: Currently the cantilever end of beams is not considered at all in the joint capacity check. It is
assumed that no beam exists at that end. This assumption may be changed / improved in future

Column Design Report

For lateral columns some additional report information is provided to help check the design of SMF members.

RAM Concrete Column 52 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

Figure 13: Strong column-weak beam check in design report

For the column above the story level and the column at (shown below) the story the nominal moment capacity
Mn, Probable moment capacity Mpr and the calculated minimum required shear capacity Ve are shown.
For the column at the story level the moment capacity of the beams framing into the top and bottom of the
column are reported for joint rotation in the clockwise (cw) and counter-clockwise (ccw) directions. See Figures
below. The value of Mn for beams and columns is calculated using ϕ = 1.0 and 1.25 Fy.

Clockwise Moment at column Joint Counterclockwise Moment at column Joint

The column versus beam flexural capacity, the strong column/ weak beam check, is reported for the major and
minor direction of the column.

RAM Concrete Column 53 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions

Joint Shear Check at Column Top

For SMF design there are a number of requirements related to the beam column joint. These checks have been
implemented in the column design mode because if the checks fail the most practical way to satisfy the code
requirements may be to increase the column section size.
The joint shear capacity check is performed as an independent check and is not part of the main design process.
This is to allow the engineer to check if the joint section dimensions are acceptable before designing the column

Icon Description

The option is invoked by selecting the SMF Joint Shear Check from the Column Process
menu or by pressing the button on the toolbar. Color coded joints at the tops of lateral
columns will be shown. Green - check passed, Red - check failed and Light Blue - data
missing or some beams framing into column were not designed. Once the option is
invoked the pointer automatically changes to a target so a joint can be selected.

• The total shear strength of the joint shall not be greater than the following forces for normal weight

Joint confined on all 4 sides ϕV c = 0.85(20) f cAj

Joint confined on 3 or 2 opposite sides ϕV c = 0.85(15) f cAj

Otherwise ϕV c = 0.85(12) f cAj
The beam framing into the joint face is considered to provide confinement if 3/4 of the joint is covered by
the member.
f'cfor the column below the joint (column at story) is used to calculate the shear capacity.
• - For lightweight concrete the values in 21.5.3 must be multiplied by 3/4.
Shear from beam bending capacity on column:

( 2
M pr left + M pr right
vh 1 = AverageOfColumnHeightAboveAndHeightBelow

( 2
M pr left + M pr right
vh 1 = AverageOfColumnHeightAboveAndHeightBelow

Vh = max(Vh1,Vh2)
Total shear in joint from beams is the max of:
Vu = T1 + T2 - Vh
T = 1.25AsFy for the top or bottom reinforcement

RAM Concrete Column 54 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
Seismic Provisions


T2 T2

M+pr M-pr

T2 T2

Figure 14: Joint Shear Check

1. If there are a number of beams framing into the column face the wider beam are used for the check. If beams
of the same width are framing into a column the one with the largest sum of M+pr+ M-pr is used.
2. Currently the cantilever end of beams is not considered at all in the joint shear check. It is assumed that no
beam exists at that end. This assumption may be changed / improved in future patches.

SMF Joint Shear Check Report

The Joint Shear Check report is designed to provide all of the beam and column data that would be required to
perform the check.
All of the data in the report can also be found in the beam and column design reports. It is provided in this report
for convenience. The column Face IDs diagram under the Column Properties at Joint section is used to reference
the location of the beams framing into the column for the Beam Properties at Joint section.

RAM Concrete Column 55 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
ACI-318 2008

Figure 15: Sample Joint Shear Check Report

4.8 ACI-318 2008

The ACI 318-08 design code implementation in RAM Concrete Beam utilizes the majority of the design logic
contained in the ACI 318-05 code, as is the case with the design code itself. This section documents changes
made to the implementation from ACI-318-05 to ACI 318-08; specifically, additional checks required by the
newer design code, modifications to existing sections, and design checks that are no longer necessary in the
newer code.

Note: Unless otherwise noted, the code sections listed in the chapter sections below refer to ACI 318-08 sections.

4.8.1 Modification Factor for Lightweight Concrete

A modification factor, λ, has been added to all strength equations within ACI 318 that contain the term f ′ c .
This parameter is discussed in detail in Section 8.6.1 of ACI 318-08. Section 8.6.1 replaces Section 11.2 in the
2005 edition of the code. As a result, all sections after 11.2 in ACI 318-08 are now decremented by 1 (e.g., 11.4 in
'05 is 11.3 in '08).
The parameter λ accounts for the lower tensile strength of lightweight concrete.

λ = 1.0 for normal weight concrete

λ = 0.85 for sand-lightweight concrete
λ = 0.75 for all-lightweight concrete

Linear interpolation is allowed between these values as discussed in Section 8.6.1.

RAM Concrete Column 56 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
ACI-318 2008

Note: The new expression results in no difference in the calculated strength values compared to the 2005 edition
of the code.

As a result of the addition of the λ parameter, the form of several concrete shear strength equations has changed
in ACI 318-08. Changes to the most basic equations are shown below.

V c = 2 f ′c bw d Equ (11-3) in ACI 318-05


V c = 2λ f ′c bw d Equ (11-3) in ACI 318-08

Vc = 2 1 +
2, 000Ag ) f ′c bw d
Equ (11-4) in ACI 318-05


Vc = 2 1 +
2, 000Ag ) λ f ′c bw d
Equ (11-4) in ACI 318-08

V c = 1.9 f ′
c + 2, 500ρw
V ud
Mu )bw d
Equ (11-5) in ACI 318-05


V c = 1.9λ f ′
c + 2, 500ρw
V ud
Mu )
bw d
Equ (11-5) in ACI 318-08

4.8.2 Reorganization of Slenderness Provisions

Provisions covering slenderness effects in compression members are provided in Section 10.10. In the '05
edition of the code these provisions were covered in Sections 10.10 through 10.13. There is minimal change to
the actual content of the provisions and the same analysis results will be obtained for both the '05 edition and
the '08 edition.

4.8.3 Modifications to Seismic Provisions

There are two substantial changes that have been made to Chapter 21 in ACI 318-08. First, the sections of
Chapter 21 have been reorganized so that the requirements for “ordinary”, “intermediate”, and “special” systems
are presented in this respective order throughout the chapter. As a result, the numerical section corresponding
to a given provision has changed for the majority of the sections. Second, the concept of a seismic design
category has been introduced to the provisions. The individual provisions of Chapter 21 that a building must
satisfy are now dependent on both the structural category (ordinary, intermediate, or special) and the seismic
design category.
The following table provides a summary of the code sections a building must satisfy based on frame type.

RAM Concrete Column 57 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
ACI-318 2008

Table 5: Required Chapter 21 Code Sections by Frame Type

Frame Type Applicable Code Sections

OMRF 21.2

IMRF 21.3

SMRF (cast-in-place) 1.3 through 21.1.7

21.5 through 21.7

SMRF (precast) 1.3 through 21.1.7

21.5 through 21.8

OSW None

ISW (precast) 21.4

SSW (cast-in-place) 1.3 through 21.1.7


SSW (precast) 1.3 through 21.1.7


The following table provides a summary of the code sections a building must satisfy based on seismic design

Table 6: Required Chapter 21 Code Sections by Seismic Design Category

Seismic Design Category Applicable Code Sections

A None

B 21.1.2

C 21.1.2, 21.1.8

D, E, and F 21.11 through 21.13

4.8.4 Provisions for Members not Designated as Part of the Seismic-Force-

Resisting System
Section 21.13 specifies requirements for members not designated as part of the seismic-force-resisting system.
The requirements apply only to structures assigned to seismic design categories D, E, or F. This requirement is

RAM Concrete Column 58 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
ACI-318 2008

not new to ACI 318. The '08 code is the first instance in which this provision has been implemented in RAM

Table 7: Summary of Section 21.13.4 Checks

Section Referenced Implemented? Description of Check

Section(s) ✔ Minimum f'c ✔ Maximum f'c for lightweight concrete X Material requs. for reinforcing ✔ Material requs. for confinement steel ✔ Material requs. for shear reinforcing X Mechanical splices X Mechanical splices X Welded splices ✔ Reinforcing ratio limits ✔ Design shear force ✔ Transverse reinforcement ✔ Area of longitudinal reinforcement X Mechanical splices ✔ Transverse reinforcement over lo X Transverse reinforcement details ✔ Spacing of transverse reinforcement ✔ Minimum area of transverse reinforcement ✔ Maximum tie spacing over lo X Columns supporting discontinuous members X Additional stirrups based on cover ✔ Design shear force Ve ✔ Transverse reinforcement over lo X Joint transverse reinforcement

RAM Concrete Column 59 User Manual

ACI Technical Notes
ACI-318 2014

RAM Concrete Column enforces the provisions listed in Table 8 for gravity columns when the ACI 318-08 design
code is used, and the Seismic Design Category is set to D, E, or F.

4.9 ACI-318 2014

The ACI 318-08 design code implementation in RAM Concrete Column utilizes the majority of the design logic
contained in the ACI 318-05 code, as is the case with the design code itself. The reorganization of ACI 318-14
changed all references used in ACI 318-11 and these were updated within the program.
This section documents changes made to the implementation from ACI-318-05 to ACI 318-08; specifically,
additional checks required by the newer design code, modifications to existing sections, and design checks that
are no longer necessary in the newer code.

4.9.1 Confinement in Column Ends

RAM Concrete Column satisfies concrete confinement checks implemented in ACI 318-14. Thus, the maximum
spacing of longitudinal bars laterally supported by corner of hoop legs around the perimeter of the column
should be:
• when P > 0.3 A f ′
c or f c' > 10, 000 psi
u g

hx < 8 " ACI 318-14 (

• otherwise,
h x ≤ 14 " ACI 318-14 (

4.10 References
1. ACI Committee 318:"Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-99) and Commentary
(ACE 318R-99), 1999, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
2. 2. Beer, Ferdinand P. and Johnson, E. Russell, Jr. :”Mechanics of Materials”, 1981, McGraw-Hill, San Francisco
3. 3. Nilson, Arthur H and Winter, George :”Design of Concrete Structures”, 1986, McGraw-Hill, San Francisco
4. Portland Cement Association :"Notes on ACI 318-99 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
with Design Applications", 1996, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL
5. Wang, Chu-Kia and Salmon, Charles G. :”Fourth Edition: Reinforced Concrete Design”, 1985, Harper and Row,
San Francisco.

RAM Concrete Column 60 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
5.1 BS8110 Design Code
If BS8110 is selected as the design code in the concrete analysis module then design is based on the
requirements of the concrete design specifications published by the British Standards Institute in BS8110. The
implementations of the sections of the code accounting for the design of concrete columns are subjected to
certain assumptions and limitations as outlined in the Technical Notes. For BS8110 unless otherwise noted all
references to sections and equations are from BS 8110-1:1997 including Amendment #3
• British Standard 8110-1:1997 Structural use of concrete - Part 1: Code of practice for design and

5.1.1 Known Limitations

The current implementation of the column design will not accommodate columns which carry tension axial
When calculating the shear reinforcing needs the moment and axial forces that controls the main steel design is
considered to occur concurrently with the maximum shear force in each axis of the column.
For slenderness consideration the column is always considered to be part of a frame and never a cantilever
To calculate the appropriate material safety factor (γm) to meet the intent of BS8110:1997 amendment #3 the
following logic is applied
If fy > 490 N/mm2 then γm= 1.15 else γm= 1.05
There is no consideration given for starter bars at either the foundation or at splice locations. The engineer is
responsible for making this change if necessary.
The body of the detailed column design report is only available in SI units.
The user cannot change the reinforcing table used. A predefined table consisting of the following bar sizes is
available for use:

Table 8:

Size T06 T08 T10 T12 T16 T20 T25 T32 T40

RAM Concrete Column 61 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
BS8110 Design Code

Bend. Radius mm 24 32 40 48 64 140 175 224 280

5.1.2 Design Principles

Columns are designed for axial force and bi-axial end moments, as well as bi-axial shear. Torsion moments are
not included. Reinforcement is designed by the program based on the forces generated in the Analysis mode and
the code clauses outlined below.
All selected load combinations are used to calculate the required reinforcement. The combination which
produces the maximum required reinforcement area is called the “Guiding Load Case”, and the bar arrangement
is chosen based on that combination. Detailed printout of the design calculations is also for that combination.
The main reinforcing bars may be modified to allow for other bars passing through the section and then re-
checked to ensure that the design requirements are satisfied.

Design Moments
For each load combination (and skip pattern) the program uses the largest of the end moments about each axis
to design the column. Where the column is required per code to be designed as a biaxial column the final design
moment is calculated per Also, where a column is slender the moments considered for the design are
potentially increased according to the requirements of 3.8.3. Note that these modified moments are the
magnitudes that will display in the view update list box for the particular load combination and may not
therefore be equal in magnitude to the applied forces.

Load Capacity Ratio

For each column, for each load combination (and skip pattern if live load) the program calculates a single load
capacity ratio. This capacity ratio is based on the largest of the design moment divided by the moment capacity
of the cross section (which includes the affect of axial load on the section) and the axial force divided by the pure
axial column capacity.

Code Clauses Implemented

The following lists the code clauses used from BS 8110 Part 1:1997.

Clause Description Note

3.8.1 General Program Conforms Symbols Program Conforms Size of columns N/A Short and slender columns Program Conforms Plain concrete columns N/A Braced and unbraced columns Program Conforms Effective height of a column

RAM Concrete Column 62 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
BS8110 Design Code

Clause Description Note General Program Conforms with Beta as a user input End conditions Program Conforms with Beta as a user input Slenderness limits for columns Program conforms Slenderness of unbraced columns Program conforms

3.8.2 Moments and forces in columns Columns in monolithic frames designed to resist User decision

lateral forces Additional forces induced by deflection at ULS Program Conforms for column being designed,
not for members connected Columns in column and beam construction or in Forces to be designed for are determined by the
monolithic braced structural frames users own model. Minimum eccentricity Program conforms

3.8.3 Deflection induced moments in solid slender column Design Design moments in braced columns bent about Program Conforms

a single axis Slender columns bend about a single axis( major Program Conforms
or minor) Columns where le/h exceeds 29, bent about Program Conforms
their major axis Columns bent about their major axis Program Conforms Slender columns bent about both axes Program Conforms Unbraced structures Program Conforms Deflection of unbraced column N/A Additional moments on members attached to a N/A

slender column

3.8.4 Design of column section for ULS Analysis of sections Program Conforms

RAM Concrete Column 63 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
CP 65 Design Code

Clause Description Note Design charts for symmetrically-reinforced N/A

columns Nominal eccentricity of short columns resisting N/A

moments and axial loads Short braced columns supporting an N/A

approximately symmetrical arrangement of
beams Biaxial bending Program Conforms Shear in columns Program Conforms

3.8.5 Deflection of columns N/A

3.8.6 Crack control in columns The clause states that “if crack check is required,
then the member should be checked as a beam”

N/A is to be interpreted as either not application or not implemented. Clauses that do not appear in the list are
deemed not to be considered by the program.

5.2 CP 65 Design Code

The CP 65 implementation in RAM Concrete Column conforms to CP 65-1:1996 "Code of practice for structural
use of concrete - Part 1: Design and construction". This code is hereafter referred to simply as CP 65.
Given that the CP 65 design code is virtually identical to BS 8110-1:1997, with the exceptions of the differences
described in the following section, the implementation of CP 65 in RAM Concrete Column is identical to that of
BS 8110 and the technical details related to BS 8110 can be taken to apply to CP 65.

5.2.1 Differences between BS 8110 and CP 65

The following are the technical differences between the implementation of CP 65 and BS 8110 in RAM Concrete
1. In CP 65, the concrete shear capacity without shear reinforcement (vc) given in Table 3.9 differs from that in
BS 8110.
2. In CP 65, the minimum allowable concrete strength in structural concrete is 30N/mm² as opposed to
25N/mm² in BS 8110.
3. It should also be noted that the partial safety factor for reinforcement γm is 1.15 in CP 65 which is equal to
that used in BS 8110-1:1997 Amendment 3.

RAM Concrete Column 64 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
AS 3600 Design Code

5.3 AS 3600 Design Code

The RAM Concrete Column implementation of AS 3600 conforms to AS 3600-2001 "Concrete Structures".
Ultimate limit state design is according to section 10.6 of the code.
The suitability of the user-selected bar pattern with a particular bar size is determined as outlined below:
1. The ultimate compressive strength (Nuo) is determined according to 10.6.3.
2. The internal moment of resistance in each direction is determined in the presence of the applied axial load.
3. The interaction equation given in 10.6.5 is used to determine the unity ratio.
4. Detailing checks are made according to section 10.7.
5. If the selected bar pattern with the current bar size is inadequate, the bar size is increased within the limits
specified by the user, until a satisfactory design is achieved.
6. Effective lengths calculated automatically are based on the current ACI methodology and can be overridden
on a column by column basis as described in the Concrete Gravity Analysis Manual.

5.4 EN 1992 (Eurocode 2) Design Code

5.4.1 Design for combined bending and compression

As for all design codes in RAM Concrete Column, column design for EN1992 is carried out by iterating through
the various bar patterns that are applied to a particular column and determining the most effective bar pattern
for the given loading conditions.
Columns are designed to satisfy the provisions of clause 6.1 of the code. The following points are to be noted:
1. Assumptions are as given in 6.1 (2).
2. Columns are restricted to a maximum aspect ratio of 4. (Clause 9.5)
3. A parabola-rectangle stress block is used as defined in 3.1.7 (1) of the code.
4. Calculation of design moments is according to Equation 5.32 of the code.
5. Curvature of the column is calculated according to (1) and the curvature distribution factor ‘c’ is taken
as 10 (≈ π2).
6. The column is checked by determining the moment capacity of the column (in each direction separately)
under the given axial load. The unity factor is determined according to the formula in 5.8.9 (4):

( M EdX 2
M RdX ) (
M EdY 2
M RdY ) ≤1

The values of MEdX and MEdY should include any second-order moments.

RAM Concrete Column 65 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
GB 50010 Design Code

5.4.2 Slenderness
Column slenderness is determined according to (1). This affects the value of the second order moments
in the columns.

5.4.3 Design for shear

The provisions of 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 are adopted in the program for the shear design of columns.

5.4.4 Detailing provisions

The following clauses are implemented for column design:

Clause Description

9.5.1 (1) Minimum longitudinal bar diameter

9.5.1 (2) Minimum amount of longitudinal reinforcement

9.5.1 (3) Maximum amount of longitudinal reinforcement

9.5.2 (1) Minimum transverse bar diameter

9.5.2 (3) Maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement

9.5.2 (6) Longitudinal bars restrained by transverse reinforcement

5.5 GB 50010 Design Code

If GB 50010 is selected as the design code in the concrete analysis module then design is based on the
requirements of the Chinese design code: Design of Concrete Structures (GB 50010-2002). The implementations
of the sections of the code accounting for the design of concrete beams are subject to certain assumptions and
limitations as outlined in these technical notes.
The following codes have also been considered in the implementation:
• Code for seismic design of buildings (GB 50011-2001)
• Technical specification for concrete structures of tall buildings (JGJ 3-2002).

RAM Concrete Column 66 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
GB 50010 Design Code

5.5.1 Limitations
Column cross-sections other than rectangular or circular are not supported.
Prestressed concrete structural members are not supported.
Force adjustment to account for weak stories is not supported.
For slenderness consideration the column is always considered to be part of a frame and never a cantilever
The calculated length of the column does not support the method of 7.3.11-1 and 7.3.11-2.
The design/check for P-Delta analysis is not supported.
The body of the detailed column design report is only available in metric units and in Chinese.
The user cannot change the reinforcing table used. A predefined table consisting of the following bar sizes is
available for use:

Table 9:

Size #6 #8 #10 #12 #16 #18 #20 #22 #25 #28 #32 #36 #40 #50

Bend. 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 50
Radius mm

5.5.2 Design Principles

Columns are designed for axial force and bi-axial end moments, as well as bi-axial shear. Torsional moments are
not considered. Reinforcement is designed by the program based on the forces generated in the Concrete
Analysis module and the force adjustment procedure given in the code and outlined below:
1. Adjust M, V, N for seismic effects for Transfer Columns (ONLY seismic load cases)
2. For seismic combinations, adjustment/calculate Mtop and Mbtm based on frame type, member type,
earthquake intensity parameter and other relevant parameters.
3. From Mtop and Mbtm calculate the end shears in the column.
4. For axial loads, use analysis results multiplied by adjustment factor specified in code.
5. For non-seismic combinations, calculate combinations from analysis results as normal, and do not perform
any adjustment.

Load Capacity Ratio

For each column and for each load combination (and skip pattern if live load) the program calculates a single
load capacity ratio. This capacity ratio is based on the largest of the design moments divided by the moment
capacity of the cross section (which includes the effect of axial load on the section).

RAM Concrete Column 67 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Code Clauses Implemented

The following lists the code clauses implemented from GB 50010-2002.

3.8.1 General Symbols. Program Conforms Size of columns, 10.3.1. Program Conforms Deflection of columns. N/A

3.8.2 Seismic Force adjustment procedure, 11.4. Limiting value of reinforcement ratio in frame columns, 11.4.12 Limiting value of axial force ratio for frame columns, 11.4.16 Limiting value of shear reinforcement ratio for compact zones, 11.4.17

3.8.3 Main reinforcement Normal section compressive load-bearing capacity, 7.3.1. Normal section load-bearing capacity of eccentric compression member, 7.3.3. Columns bent about their major/minor axis. Column calculation length, use table 7.3.11-2. Eccentric compression columns bent about both axes, 7.3.14. Calculation of normal section tensile load bearing capacity. 7.4.1. Unbraced structures. Program Conforms

3.8.4 Shear reinforcement Ratio and diameter limit, 10.3.2. Member size limit, 7.5.1. Calculation of inclined section load-bearing capacity for compression members. 7.5.12-13 Calculation of inclined section load-bearing capacity for tensile members. 7.5.14

N/A is to be interpreted as either not application or not implemented.

Clauses that do not appear in the list are deemed not to be considered by the program.

5.6 Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

The technical notes below apply to axial/flexural members in general. Where clauses or sections apply
specifically to beams or columns, indication has been made to this effect.

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

5.6.1 CAN/CSA A23.3-10 Code Rule Selection

This section explains how RAM Structural System determines which CAN/CSA A23.3-10 code rules to apply
based on the cross section, span, or frame, combined with the active settings for the rule set under

Code rules are applied as shown in the following table.

Design System Section

Column 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.5.1 8.6.4 8.6.5 10.1.3
10.1.5 10.1.6

Minimum Reinforcement
Code rules are applied as shown in the following table.

Design System Section


10.9.1 10.9.2 10.9.3 10.9.4

Code rules are applied as shown in the following table.

Design System Section

Column 10.1.2 10.9.4 10.10.4 10.10.5

10.1.5 11.2.10
11.3.3 11.3.4

Development Length
Code rules are applied as shown in the following table.

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Design System Section

Column 12.1.2 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.4

12.2.5 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3
12.5.1 12.5.2 12.5.3

5.6.2 CAN/CSA A23.3-10 Code Implementation

Section Minimum Bar Spacing

The provisions of CSA A23.1 are applied. The clear distance between bars is limited to the maximum of:
• 1.4 times longitudinal bar diameter
• 1.4 times maximum size of coarse aggregate
• 30 mm
If user reinforcement is specified, all the bars are considered equally spaced over the reinforced region.

Section Maximum Bar Spacing

The maximum clear spacing between bars is limited to 500mm.

Section Maximum Tie Spacing

The maximum spacing of ties is calculated as the minimum of:
• 16 times the smallest longitudinal bar diameter
• 48 times the smallest transverse bar diameter
• The smallest dimension of the member, calculated as the least overall shear core dimension in either
horizontal or vertical axis
If the specified concrete strength exceeds 50 MPa, the spacing above are multiplied by 0.75.

RAM Concrete Column 70 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10


Figure 16: Shear core width and depth

Section 8.4.2 Factored Concrete Strength

The strength resistance factor (ϕc) used for concrete is 0.65. This factor is applied directly to the concrete
material stress strain curve.

Section 8.4.3 Factored Reinforcement Strength

The strength resistance factor (ϕs) used for reinforcing bars is 0.85.

Section 8.5.1 Design Strength of Reinforcement

Design calculations are based upon the specified yield strength of reinforcement. A warning will be reported if
the specified yield strength is greater than 500 MPa.

Section Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Ec

The modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec calculated using equation 8-1.

Ec = (3, 300 f ′
c + 6, 900)( γc
2, 300

For sections with multiple values of strengths, the minimum concrete strength is used to determine the limiting
The specified density γc is used in the equation, but if outside the range of 1,500 and 2,500 kg/m3 a warning will
be reported.
Alternatively, Ec can be specified directly.

Section 8.6.4 Modulus of Rupture of Concrete

The modulus of rupture fr is calculated using equation 8-3.

f r = 0.6λ f c

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

For cross sections with multiple concrete strengths, the maximum concrete strength is used to determine the
modulus of rupture.

Section 8.6.5 Density of Concrete

The effect of low density concrete is accounted for by the factor λ where:
a. λ = 1.00 for normal density concrete
b. λ = 0.85 for structural semi-low-density concrete
c. λ = 0.75 for structural low-density concrete
Concretes are classified according to their specified density:

low-density concrete if specified density ≤ 1,850 kg/m3

semi-low-density concrete if specified density > 1,850 kg/m3 and ≤ 2,150 kg/m3
normal density concrete if specified density > 2,150 kg/m3

Section 10.1.2 Plane Sections Assumption

The strain in the reinforcement and concrete are assumed to be directly proportional to the distance from the
neutral axis.

Figure 17: Plan section

For deep flexural members the design will still be performed using the plane sections remain plane assumption,
but a warning will be reported.

RAM Concrete Column 72 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Section 10.1.3 Maximum Concrete Strain

The maximum strain at the extreme concrete compression fiber is limited to 0.0035.

Section 10.1.5 Tensile Strength of Concrete

The tensile strength of concrete is neglected in flexural calculations where the concrete is expected to be

Section 10.1.6 Concrete Stress-Strain Relationship

The default concrete cross section stress-strain curve is implemented as the Portland Cement Association (PCA)
linear/parabolic curve.

Figure 18: Typical Stress vs Strain Curve for concrete

Application can also choose from other available standard stress-strain curves or can input a stress strain curve
as a set of stress-strain points. For the user input curves, no negative slopes are permitted (but slopes of zero are

RAM Concrete Column 73 User Manual

Technical Notes - Other Design Codes
Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Section 10.9.1 Minimum Reinforcement for Columns

Minimum reinforcement set as 0.01 Ag (gross cross sectional area) for columns.

Section 10.9.2 Maximum Reinforcement for Columns

If reinforcement exceeds 0.04 Ag (gross cross sectional area), a warning will be reported. If reinforcement
exceeds 0.08 Ag (gross cross sectional area), a failure will be reported.

Section 10.9.3 Minimum Number of Bars for Columns

For round sections, the minimum number of bars permitted is six. For rectangular sections, the minimum
number of bars permitted is four.

Section 10.10.4 Column Resistance

Column resistance is calculated based on strain compatibility and interaction surface calculations.
The maximum factored axial load is set as Pr,max = 0.85 Pro for spirally reinforced columns.
The maximum factored axial load is set as Pr,max = 0.80 Pro for tied columns.

Section 10.10.5 Minimum Reinforcement for Columns

You can be chose this method in lieu of 10.9.1.
Minimum reinforcement for columns set to be as 0.005 Ag and factored axial and flexural resistance are
multiplied by the ratio 0.5(1+ρt/0.01), where ρt is percentage of total longitudinal reinforcement.

Section Minimum Shear Reinforcement Required

Minimum shear reinforcement is provided for the cases as below:
• Shear resisted by concrete V < Factored shear force Vf
• Total depth > 750 mm
• If torsion design selected, factored torsion Tf > 0.25 Tcr
Tcr torsion cracking resistance calculated by equation 11-2

Section Minimum Shear Reinforcement

For sections with multiple values of f'c, the maximum f'c is used to calculate the minimum shear requirements.
The minimum shear reinforcement area is calculated using equation 11-1:
bw s

Av = 0.06 f c f

The effective web width bw is calculated as the maximum shear core width in each axis.

RAM Concrete Column 74 User Manual

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Section Shear Consideration Due to Torsion

The cracking torsion is calculated using equation 11-2:
Torsion reinforcement is provided only if factored torsion Tf > 0.25 Tcr.

T cr = ( )
0.38λϕc f ′

λ = taken as per section 8.6.5. For sections with multiple values of density the
smallest density is used.
Ac = calculated as outside perimeter of concrete cross section, including area of
pc = calculated as perimeter of the cross section.
For sections with multiple values of f'c, the minimum f'c used for the cracking torsion calculation.

Section 11.2.10 Effective Web Width

The method adopted to calculate the effective web width for shear applies both for round or rectangular
sections. It works only with the shear core part of the section and will remove any length occupied by holes
along the depth of the section. The width will be calculated considering only the webs that extend from top to
the bottom part of the section and only the minimum width will be considered. The total width will be the sum of
the widths of the different webs found.
In the case of round sections, the diameter of the section will be used, removing the length of any existing hole.

Figure 19: Examples of the effective width considered for the simple sections (round or flanged)

Section 11.3.1 Required Shear Resistance

Shear design or check is performed using equation 11-3, Vr ≥ Vf.
Although the Standards do not clearly specify, the shear resistance is calculated independently for each axis and
caution should be taken in these cases because they are outside the current scope of the Standards.

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Section 11.3.3 Maximum Shear Resistance by Concrete

Vr is calculated using equation 11-4, where Vr = Vc + Vs, and Vc, Vs are shear resistance from concrete and
transverse reinforcement, respectively.
The maximum shear resistance permitted by concrete is calculated using equation 11-5:
Vr,max = 0.25ϕcf'cbwdv
For sections with multiple values of f'c, the minimum f'c is used for maximum shear calculations.
ϕc for concrete is 0.65 per section Section 8.4.2 Factored Concrete Strength (on page 71)
Shear resisted by concrete Vr ≤ Vr,max, otherwise a failure will be reported

Section 11.3.4 Shear Resistance by Concrete, Vc

Equation 11-6 is used to calculate shear resisted by concrete, where β is calculated as per section and
f ′ c will be limited to 8 Mpa.

V c = ϕc λβ f ′c bw dv

For sections with multiple values of f'c, the minimum f'c is used.

Section Shear Resistance by Steel, Vs

Equation 11-7 is used to calculate shear resistance due to transverse reinforcement:
ϕ Av f yv dv cos θ
Vs = s
θ = value calculated in accordance with section
fyv = yield strength of transverse shear reinforcement.

Section Determination of β and θ

εx is originally calculated using the flexural steel calculated due to only the flexural/axial demand and without
shear and torsion tension included.
This value of εx will be used to calculate θ and β used throughout the shear and torsion calculations. Additionally
the longitudinal flexural/axial steel design will be performed including the shear and torsion tension, using the
calculated value of εx, θ, and β to determine the shear and torsion tension. A longitudinal steel design is also
performed including shear and torsion tension to limit εx to a maximum of the calculated value.
εx is limited -0.2×10-3 and 3.0×10-3.
The angle of inclination θ is calculated using equation 11-12:
θ = 29 + 7,000εx
The value of β is calculated using Equation 11-11:
0.40 1, 300
β= (1 + 1, 500εx ) (1, 000 + sze )

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Initially it is assumed that no shear reinforcement required to calculate crack spacing parameter Sze as per
equation 11-10.
S ze = 15 + ag

If f’c exceeds 70 Mpa, the ag shall be taken as “0 and from 60 to 70 Mpa, ag shall be linearly reduced to zero”.
The crack spacing parameter, sz, is calculated as sz = dv = max (0.9d, 0.72h)
A single layer of reinforcement is assumed.
If it is determined that shear reinforcement is required, than the crack spacing parameter Sze will considered as
300 mm as per section and the design restarted.

Section Maximum Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement

Maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement placed perpendicular to the axis of the member is limited to 600
mm or 0.7 dv.

Section Maximum Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement

Maximum spacing in is multiplied by 0.5 if Vf > 0.125 λϕcf'cbwdv or Tf > 0.25 Tcr.

Sections and Longitudinal Reinforcement Due to Shear

The shear component (Vf – 0.5Vs) cotθ is calculated and added to the cross section forces.
A strain compatibility strength design is then performed in accordance with Section 10.1.2 Plane Sections
Assumption (on page 72)

Section Compression Fan Reinforcement

In regions adjacent to maximum moment locations, the area longitudinal reinforcement need not to exceed the
area required to resist the maximum moment alone. The program assume that this is valid for each support

Section Anchorage of Longitudinal Reinforcement at End Supports

At support face, the shear tension force shall be applied at the tension tie reinforcement and linearly changing to
the gravity center of the section at a distance of dv cotθ from face of support. This serves to prevent top
reinforcement from being provided in end spans where the moment is small.

Section Transverse Reinforcement for Torsion

Shear design or check is performed using equation 11-16:
Tr ≥ Tf

Section Reinforcement for Torsion

Transverse reinforcement due to torsion calculated as per equation 11-17:

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Ast T f tanθ
= ∅ 2A f
s o ys
A0 = the area enclosed by shear flow path, 0.85 Aoh
Aoh = the area enclosed by centerline of exterior closed transverse torsion

Figure 20: Area a bounded by stirrups

Section Cross Sectional Dimensions to Avoid Crushing

Combined stress due to shear and torsion are calculated using equation 11-19:

( ) (Vf
bw dv
+ 2
Aoh )
T f ph 2
≤ 0.25ϕc f ′

ph = the perimeter of the centerline of the closed transverse reinforcement.
If the combined stress is greater than 0.25ϕcf'c,a failure will be reported.

Section Determination of εx for General Method

If the member is subjected to torsion, equation 11-20 will be used to calculate the shear and torsion tension used
to calculate εx.

Section Longitudinal Reinforcement Due to Torsion

The tension due to shear and torsion is calculated in accordance with Equation 11-21:

2.0 (V f - 0.5V s )2 + ( 0.45 p T f

) 2

This tension is added to the cross section force and then a strain compatibility strength design is then performed
in accordance with 10.1.2.

RAM Concrete Column 78 User Manual

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Section 12.2 Development of Deformed Bars in Tension

Section 12.2.2 is used to calculate the development length ℓd. The calculated ld never taken as less than 300 mm
in accordance with 12.2.1 and f'c is limited to 8Mpa in accordance with 12.1.2. For sections with multiple
concrete strengths, the minimum concrete strength is used to determine the limiting stress.
The ld of deformed bars in tension calculated based on equation 12-1:
k1k2k3k4 f y
ℓd = 1.15
(dcs +k tr ) f c'

The value (dcs + ktr) limited to 2.5 db, and Ktr is conservatively assumed to be zero.

Section 12.3 Development of Deformed Bars in Compression

The development length ℓd is calculated as 0.24db f y / f ′ c but not less than 0.44 dbfy or 200 mm in
accordance with section 12.3.1. f'c is limited to 8 Mpa in accordance with 12.1.2, and for sections with multiple
concrete strengths, the minimum concrete strength is used in this calculation.
Modifications factors applied for the following conditions in accordance with section 12.3.3:
• provided reinforcement exceeding that required by analysis, the factor is As,required/As,Provided
• factor 0.75 applied for reinforcement enclosed with spiral reinforcement or within 10M ties in compliance
with section 7.6.5 and spaced more than 100 mm on center.

Section 12.5 Development of Standard Hooks in Tension

Basic development length lhb is calculated as 100db / f ′ c but not less than 8db or 150 mm as per section
12.5.1. For sections with multiple concrete strengths, the minimum concrete strength is used in this calculation.
The development length lhb is calculated by multiplying basic development length lhb by appropriate
modification factor. The modification factor is calculated as follows:

Description Modification Factor

Bars with Fy other than 400 Mpa Fy/400

As per Fig A and B 0.7

Reinforcement excess of that required by analysis A s required /A s provided

Low Density concrete 1.3

Epoxy-coated reinforcement 1.2

a. 35 mm or smaller bars with side cover of 60 mm or larger

RAM Concrete Column 79 User Manual

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

b. The cover for 90° hooks is greater than or equal to 50 mm

c. The spacing between vertical or horizontally enclosed hooks is ≤ 3db

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Technical Notes - CAN/CSA A23.3-10

Figure 21: Modification factors for hooked anchorages

Sections 12.11.1 and 12.11.2 Span Detailing

• Bar length calculations consider the support width as necessary
• Section 12.10.3 is satisfied by using the provisions of clause Sections and Longitudinal
Reinforcement Due to Shear (on page 77) to determine the reinforcement demand. Since this approach
inherently adds embedment length at every cutoff location, clause 12.10.4 is not explicitly applied but will be
satisfied in normal situations.
• Section 12.11.1 is applied in span regions. Only spans that are continuous on both sides are treated as
continuous members – all other conditions are treated as simply supported.
• Rule 12.12.2 is applied in support regions. For this provision, the maximum inflection point distance is
calculated from all the given loading conditions. Inflection points that are beyond 30% of the span length are
not considered.
For columns, the program will determine the peak demand of every cross section in the column and extend it
over the entire length of the column.

RAM Concrete Column 81 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Reports
RAM Concrete Column output is designed to provide the engineer with all necessary data for the review of
calculations for concrete column design. The reports have been designed to duplicate the information provided
in hand calculations. The reports also provide the required information for detailing the columns.
Below is a summary of the reports available in RAM Concrete Column module. A more complete explanation of
the output follows.
Criteria A list of the currently specified column design criteria as well as user assigned Section
and Bar Pattern Groups.
Load Combinations A list of all of the concrete generated and user defined load combinations, including
the parameters used for the generated load combinations. This report is identical to
the Load Combinations report generated in the Concrete Beam Design mode.
Column Design A detailed report showing all of the pertinent information used in and generated
during the column design.
Column Design A list of the basic design information required to detail and perform cost estimates for
Summary columns.
Material Take Off A Material Take Off of all the designed columns in the model. Information includes
concrete volume, reinforcement quantity and weight.

6.1 General Comments on Reports

The heading contains information about RAM Concrete and the model that the output represents. The Date field
is the time and date the model was last changed.
All values that have unit dimensions have the units reported in brackets after the value description. The report
descriptions below are only provided where reports may require further description. Descriptions are not
provided for items that are self-explanatory.

6.2 Criteria
The criteria report contains the parameters that were set in the Column Design Criteria and Development
Length Criteria dialog boxes. As well as all the information that can be assigned to a column using the Assign
Size, Assign Shear Legs and Assign Bar Pattern Group dialog boxes.

RAM Concrete Column 82 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Reports
Column Design

Reinforcement The Reinforcement Properties Table is the name of the reinforcement table selected in
Table and Code RAM Manager and used for the design of all reinforced concrete members in the RAM
Structural System.
The Code is the concrete design code used to optimize and check concrete columns.
Reinforcement If the user defines his/her own values instead of letting RAM Concrete Column use the
code defined values, the values will only be used if they are also within the limits of the
code prescribed values. Code values will always be used as the design limits if the user
defined values are not at least as stringent as the code prescribed values.
Clear Bar Cover The distance from the outside face of the column to the closest reinforcement bars. If
code is selected, the assumption is made that the concrete is not exposed to soil,
weather or corrosive environments.
Bar Selection This section defines the bar spacing increment and segment size increment for
transverse reinforcement.
Lap Splices The lap splice information is used to calculate the increase in reinforcement length in
splice levels. The information is only used in the Material Take Off report and has no
impact on design.
Bar Patterns The bar patterns section tabulates all the rectangular and circular bar patterns that
have been defined for the model. In Design it is assumed that all circular bar pattern
groups are spiral.
Column Assigned This section identifies the parameters that have been assigned to individual concrete
Criteria columns. These items are column section label, shear legs in the major and minor
direction and bar pattern groups.

6.3 Column Design

The Design report is set up to show the information required for providing design backup documentation as well
as the information required for detailing.

6.3.1 Column Information

This section identifies the basic column information related to the column location and geometry.

Reinforcement The section identifies the reinforcement information.

Longitudinal: Longitudinal bar pattern layout and reinforcement size.
Transverse: Traverse reinforcement size and spacing starting from the bottom of the column at a
location of 0.0'.
As: Reinforcement longitudinal area and in bracket is the reinforcement ratio. Note that
the reinforcement ratio may be controlled by either the column or beam limits
depending on the axial load in the design data point.

RAM Concrete Column 83 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Reports
Column Design Summary

Longitudinal Bar Max This is the maximum tension stress on any longitudinal bar for any design data point.
Tension Stress ratio: The number is used to check if any bar has exceeded 0.5 fy. This information can be
used by the engineer to decide what type of splices to specify for the column.

6.3.2 Material Properties

This section reports the material properties for the concrete and reinforcement used in the column.

6.3.3 Design Parameters

This relates to the slenderness related items that were assigned in the analysis mode and the unbraced length
which is calculated from the column connectivity in the structure.

6.3.4 Longitudinal Reinforcement

This section identifies the controlling load combination and design point the data point with the largest Ld/Cap
ratio. Refer to section 0 for a discussion of how Ld/Cap and the angle are calculated.

P n, MnMajor, MnMinor The axial capacity and corresponding biaxial moments are reported at the same
angle as the applied controlling load.
Kl/r, Slender, lu/r limit The slenderness parameters are calculated based on the column properties and
unbraced length. Refer to Section 4.3 (on page 66) for information on how these
values are calculated.

6.3.5 Transverse Reinforcement

This section identifies the controlling load combination and design point the data point with the largest Ld/Cap
ratio. Refer to Section 4.5 (on page 42) for a discussion of how Ld/Cap is calculated.

6.3.6 Torsional Capacity

The torsional capacity of the column is checked to see if the user is required to provide additional torsional

RAM Concrete Column 84 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Reports
Material Take Off

6.4 Column Design Summary

The Column Design summary is used to get the required information for checking and detailing the column stack
reinforcement. The information is reported per column stack.
Rho % is the reinforcement ratio for the column
Ld/Cap is calculated separately for both the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement.

6.5 Material Take Off

The material take off report can be used in cost estimating and design comparisons. The material take off report
is separated by story. For each story the reinforcement and concrete quantities are reported.

6.5.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement

The following information is compiled for each longitudinal reinforcement bar capacity:

Size The bar size label for all bar sizes used in current story.
Quantity The total number of bars used for the given grade and size of reinforcement.
Length The total length of all the bars used for the given grade and size of reinforcement. The bar length
includes the bar development.
Weight The weight of the reinforcement is calculated using the area of the reinforcement defined in the
Reinforcement Table and the same density of steel used by the rest of the RAM Structural System

6.5.2 Transverse Reinforcement

The following information is compiled for each transverse reinforcement bar capacity and shape: (Items similar
to longitudinal category unless noted)

Shape The transverse reinforcement shape accounting for clear cover.

Legs Total number of shear legs in stirrups.
Quantity The total number of the given shape used for the given grade and size of reinforcement. For spiral
reinforcement this is the total number of spirals along the length.
Length The total length of all the bars used for the given shape, grade and size of reinforcement. The stirrup
dimensions are based on the center of the stirrup taking into consideration the concrete cover and
bar diameter. For spiral reinforcement the length is taken as the bar center diameter of the spiral
multiplied by the quantity and does not account for the length of the column.

RAM Concrete Column 85 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column Reports
Material Take Off

Weight The weight of the reinforcement is calculated using the area of the reinforcement defined in the
Reinforcement Table and the same density of steel used by the rest of the RAM Structural System

6.5.3 Concrete
The following information is compiled for each column section and concrete capacity:

Length: The column length is taken to be the story to story height. The concrete in the area where the slab
and column occupy the same location will be considered both in this report and as part of the total
slab area in the Concrete Beam Material Take off report.
Weight: The concrete weight is calculated using the concrete design weight rather than the self-weight
because the self-weight is expected to include a nominal reinforcement weight.

RAM Concrete Column 86 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column CONNECT Edition Help
A RAM Structural System module.

A.1 Using the RAM Concrete Column Mode

File (on page 87)
Mode (on page 87)
Criteria (on page 90)
Assign (on page 93)
Combinations (on page 97)
Process (on page 100)
Reports (on page 104)
View (on page 107)

A.1.1 Mode
The Mode menu can be used to switch between the RAM Concrete modes. By default, RAM Concrete always
opens in Concrete Analysis mode. A checkmark appears beside the mode that is currently active. The drop-down
combo box located on the tool bar can be used for this purpose as well.

A.2 File
Menu Item Description

File - Model Status (on page 89) To view the status of the model with respect to the
Concrete Beam Design module.

Save (on page 88) To Save any modifications made to the model since the
most recent File - Save command.

Print (on page 89) To Print the current view.

RAM Concrete Column 87 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column CONNECT Edition Help

Menu Item Description

Print Preview (on page 89) To Preview the printout of the current view.

Print Setup (on page 90) To setup printer for printout of the current view.

File - Print Options (on page 90) To access the print option controls to make desired
modifications before printing.

File - Notes (on page 90) To view or add notes pertaining to the current model.

Exit To exit the RAM Concrete Module.

A.2.1 Save
Each module has a File > Save command allowing the user to save the current database. It is not necessary to
invoke the Save command when going from one module to another.
Any changes made to Criteria or assignments, or any analyses or designs performed are only saved temporarily
until the Save command is invoked. This allows the user to work with the database, saving or discarding changes
or results as desired. The RAM Manager requires that the Save command be invoked prior to exiting the RAM
Structural System or prior to opening another database, otherwise the changes made since the last Save will be
lost. The other modules do not require that the Save command be invoked before exiting that module and going
to another module. It is recommended that the Save command be invoked periodically, especially when exiting
the Modeler.
If it is desired to discard any modifications or changes made to a database since the most recent Save, invoke the
File > Revert command in the RAM Manager or exit the RAM Structural System without saving the data. Re-
opening the current database with the File > Open command or opening a different database without saving will
also cause the changes to be discarded.
There is no explicit command to Copy a database, but this can be accomplished by opening the database,
invoking File > Save Asand specifying the new name and/or directory.
Issuing the File > Exit or File > Open commands before the current database has been saved will cause a
message to be given warning the user that changes have been made since the last Save was invoked, and gives
the user a chance to save work before exiting. Select Yes if you want to save the changes to the database, No if
you want to discard the changes, or Cancel if you want to continue with the current database.
If the program crashes or otherwise abnormally terminates at any time before the database can be properly
saved, a message will be given the next time that database is opened indicating that a temporary backup file for
that database has been found. The backup file contains the database as it existed at the last Save, before the most
recent changes were made. The user is given the option to either open the database as it occurred at or just
previous to the time that the program terminated (using the Most Recent Database option) or to open the
backup database which contains the database as it existed at the time of the last Save (using the Backup
Database option). The user is also given the option to cancel opening either one.
If the Backup Database option is selected, any changes made since the last proper Save will be lost.
If the Most Recent Database option is selected, the user should carefully inspect the model. The most recent
database contains all or most of the changes since the last Save, but it may also contain whatever data errors or
corruption that may have caused the program to terminate. If the data is corrupted, exit without saving. This will

RAM Concrete Column 88 User Manual

RAM Concrete Column CONNECT Edition Help

cause the most recent changes to be lost and the backup database to be restored to the database (the same as if
the Backup Database option had been selected initially).
Alternatively, select the Most Recent Database option and then save to a different name using the File > Save As
command. By doing this, both versions of the database will be available for further inspection or use if necessary.

A.2.2 File - Model Status

Because it is a fully integrated system, the RAM Structural System modules are dependent upon each other's
data and results. Often changes to in one module invalidate the results of one or more of the other modules.
Model Status tracks these dependencies and provides feedback on each module's current state.
The File > Model Status command brings up a dialog that displays the current modules state. If the module's
indicator light is anything other than green, the dialog contains an explanation of the state of the model.
In RAM Manager, the File > Model Status command will list the status of each of the modules. This dialog
provides a more in-depth explanation of the model’s status than that provided by the status indicator lights.

A.2.3 Print

Menu Item Description

Print Screen (on page 89) To print what currently appears on the screen.

Print Preview (on page 89) To print to the screen a preview of what the results of
a Print Screen would be.

Print Setup (on page 90) To access the setup controls of the printer to make
necessary modifications before printing.

Print Screen
The Print > Print Screen command causes the image on the screen to be sent to the printer. If you have color
printing capabilities, the model will be printed in the colors that appear on the screen.

A.2.4 Print Preview

The Print > Print Preview command displays an image of a printed page on your screen with the screen’s image
on it. This is identical to what will be printed if you use the Print Screen command.
While in Print Preview mode, the "printed page" can be viewed in several modes before deciding if a printout is
desirable. Once the preview is deemed satisfactory, clicking the Print button at the top left of the screen will
send the image to the printer in the same way the Print Screen command does.

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A.2.5 Print Setup

The Print > Print Setup command provides access to the setup of the printer before information is sent to the
printer. This provides the opportunity to change printing options such as indicating to which printer the output
will be directed or whether or not color printing will be used.

A.2.6 File - Print Options

A Print Options dialog is available under the File menu in the 3D Viewer and RAM Concrete modules.
The 'Print Quality vs Speed' slider allows setting of the print quality. Please note that selecting a high quality
print will greatly increase the size of the print file and the corresponding print time. The default print quality
setting is '0'. This gives maximum print speed. Clicking the 'Default' button will reset the speed to '0'.
The 'Background Print Color' sliders allow the user to set the background color of the printed image. The default
background color is white. A preview box showing the background color is show at the bottom of the dialog.
Clicking the 'Default' button will reset the color to white.

A.2.7 File - Notes

A 'Model Notes' toolbar button and menu command (under the 'File' menu) are available in all RAM Structural
System modules. Invoking "Model Notes" will bring up a model unique text file that may be used for entering any
notes that you wish to keep on the currently loaded model. The model notes file is stored in the same directory
as the model's files and will have the format 'modelname.txt'.

A.3 Criteria
The criteria set through the criteria dialog boxes are global criteria that affect all concrete columns unless they
are overwritten using one of the assign commands or the View/Update dialog.
When any criteria are changed, it invalidates all previous designs. If a column is frozen, the design is not cleared
but will be re-checked the next time a design command is issued.

Menu Item Description

Frame Type (on page 93) (ACI318 Only) To specify the type of frame to be considered for
special provisions

Criteria - Column Design (on page 91) To define the general parameters used in designing
the concrete columns and producing designs that
account for user preferences.

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Menu Item Description

Criteria - Column Lap Splice (on page 93) To define column lap splice criteria that are only used
for the calculations of the material takeoff.

A.3.1 Criteria - Column Design

The Column Design Criteria dialog box is where global parameters used in designing and optimizing beam lines
are defined.

Design Code Criteria

ACI 318
Criteria - Column Design - Reinforcement (on page 91)
Criteria - Column Design - Bar Selection (on page 91)
Design Checks/Forces (on page 91)

Criteria - Column Design (on page 92)

Criteria - Column Design - Reinforcement

On the Criteria > Column Design > Reinforcement tab the user can overwrite the default code specified
parameters for:
• Max/Min clear bar spacing for shear/transverse ties.
• Max/Min clear bar spacing for shear/spirals.
• Max/Min clear bar spacing for flexure + Axial/Longitudinal.
• Max/Min Longitudinal reinforcement ratio. This is the minimum flexure reinforcement ratio.
• Clear bar cover. This is the clear cover on the bars from face of slab to outside surface of the reinforcement.
In all cases, if the Code option is selected, the program will calculate the appropriate code specified value. If the
Use option is selected, the provided value will be used as long as it is within the code specified limits (when
applicable). If the user-specified values are not within the code limits, the code limits will be used.

Criteria - Column Design - Bar Selection

The Criteria > Column Design > Bar Selection tab is where various parameters are defined to fine-tune the
reinforcement selection:
• Transverse design spacing, including Segment Spacing Increment and Transverse Bar Spacing Increment.
• Number of shear legs in both the major and minor direction.

Design Checks/Forces
The Criteria > Design Check/Forces tab is used to select sections of the code that the user may want to include
or ignore during the design process, and the origin of gravity forces on lateral members.

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Design • Include Torsional Capacity code check per ACI 318-99/02 Sec 11.6.1 - When selected the
Checks section of the code is checked and if the requirements are not met a Design Warning is
• Include Max Column Axial Load Limit code check per ACI 318-99 Sec 21.4.1 (SMF) and Sec
21.10.2 (IMF) and ACI 318-02 Sec 21.4.1 (SMF) and Sec 21.12.2 (IMF)- When selected the
columns are check to see if they have enough axial load to be designed as columns and if the
requirements are not met a Design Warning is generated.

Gravity In some circumstances it may be advantageous to use the gravity forces that are produced in RAM
Forces for Frame rather than those produced in RAM Concrete Analysis, for the design of lateral concrete
Lateral columns. As described in the RAM Concrete manual (Concrete Analysis Technical Section) and
Columns visible through the Finite Element Model the concrete analysis is performed on a single story at a
time. As such any column forces that would result due to 'r;frame' building behavior are not
captured in the concrete analysis model. Frame behavior refers to the forces that result from the
entire 3D building deformation (when subject to gravity loads) as opposed to the forces that
occur from the single isolated story model. Regardless of the selected source of the gravity forces,
the program will always combine the factored gravity forces with the factored lateral forces (from
RAM Frame) for all combinations with lateral load cases.
In general the gravity forces from RAM Frame should be of similar magnitude to those in RAM
Concrete Analysis. If a comparison shows that the gravity forces are significantly different
between the two programs the user should decide which of the two most accurately represent the
building behavior and select the appropriate option.
The following points should be considered when deciding which option to select for the source of
the gravity forces on lateral members.
• Use RAM Concrete Analysis Forces - When selected, the program will use the gravity forces
calculated from RAM Concrete Analysis for lateral columns. These gravity forces consider all
the skip load conditions that would provide a bounding condition for gravity live loads on the
column. The finite element model used to generate these forces assumes that only the current
story members and loads will have a measurable impact on the design forces, and considers
columns and walls restrained at the levels above and below the story being analyzed. For
structures that experience little or no frame action (lateral translation or rotation) when
subject to gravity loads, RAM Concrete will produce the most accurate and comprehensive
gravity column forces for design.
• Use RAM Frame Analysis Forces - When selected, the program will use the gravity forces
calculated from RAM Frame Analysis for lateral columns. Forces calculated in RAM Frame
consider the behavior of the full 3D structure when subject to the applied gravity loads. If this
option is selected and no analysis results are currently available from RAM Frame (i.e. the
model has not been analyzed in RAM Frame, or results have been invalidated) all column lines
will be colored light blue and cannot be designed. The gravity forces that are calculated in
RAM Frame do not consider the live load skipping and as such a single pair of column forces
(one each top and bottom of column is generated for each gravity load case. For structures
that experience significant lateral translation or rotation when subject to gravity loads, RAM
Frame will produce the most accurate gravity forces for design.

Criteria - Column Design

The Criteria > Column Design command is used to define the criteria by which a concrete column will be

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Clear Bar Cover The distance between the outer edge of the section to the outside of the transverse
shear bars.
Gravity Forces on For concrete columns with a lateral member assignment, two sets of gravity force
Lateral Columns analysis results will be available to the user: one set from RAM Concrete Analysis and
another set from RAM Frame. The user has the option to consider either set of forces in
RAM Concrete Column.
Slenderness According to BS8110, section additional moment must be calculated for solid
Reduction Value slender sections. The K values (slenderness reduction factor) can either be iteratively
calculated for each load point or alternatively the user can designate a conservative
value of 1.0 be applied for all load combinations.

A.3.2 Criteria - Column Lap Splice

The Column Lap Splice criteria are only used to calculate a more accurate longitudinal bar length for the material
takeoff report. It is not used in the design of concrete column lines.

A.3.3 Frame Type

The Criteria > Frame Type dialog is where global frame type criteria can be selected which will apply to all
lateral members in the structure.
There are three different frame types that can be used for the design of concrete beams and columns. They are
Ordinary Moment Frames (OMF), Intermediate Moment Frames (IMF) and Special Moment Frames (SMF). The
gravity members are always designed as OMF. Similar to the Load Combo Generator the selection of the frame
type in either the beam or column mode will change the option for both modes.
When the IMF option is selected the user has 3 options for the gravity dead and live loads load factors used to
calculate the minimum shear capacity of the beams. This is due to a discrepancy between the ACI-318 99 section
R 21.10.3 and some building codes like the UBC 97. When the SMF option is selected the load factors are 1.0 for
the gravity loads for all codes.

A.4 Assign
The Assign commands are used to make assignments to concrete columns in a model. Assign commands can be
issued in Single, Fence or All mode. Making an assignment to a column will invalidate the design results for the
entire column line, requiring the column line to be redesigned.
When a command is issued in Single mode, the arrow cursor turns into a target cursor for the selection of the
desired member.
In Fence mode, the arrow cursor turns into the rectangle cursor that allows the selection of multiple columns at
a time.
In All mode, the cursor remains the arrow cursor but the assignment is made to all columns.

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Menu Item Description

Assign - Size (on page 94) To assign sizes to concrete columns.

Assign - Shear Legs (on page 94) To override the default shear legs criteria on a column
by column basis.

Assign - Bar Patterns (on page 95) To assign user defined bar patterns to an entire
column line.

Assign - Edit Bar Patterns (on page 95) To create and edit bar pattern groups which can be
assigned to column lines.

A.4.1 Assign - Size

Using the Assign > Size command, sizes can be assigned to any concrete column in the model.

Note: Assigning a new size to a column will impact your analysis results so you will need to rerun the Concrete
Analysis and RAM Frame analysis (if applicable). You can continue with the design after changing a column size
but you will notice that the model status light has changed to yellow for some of the modules and modes.

When the Assign > Size command is selected, the previously defined concrete column sections available for
assignment will be listed in the dialog box. Concrete column sections are defined in the RAM Modeler. Choose a
column size by clicking on it.
Click either Single, Fence or All.
Return to the Assign > Size dialog box by clicking the right mouse button.
The Cancel button will close the Assign > Size dialog box without providing the option to assign sizes to any

A.4.2 Assign - Shear Legs

The Assign > Shear Legs command can be used to override the default shear leg criteria on a column by column
basis. Shear leg assignments can be made to all lateral and gravity concrete columns. The following defaults can
be overridden by selecting the Use option and entering user defined values:
• Major Direction Shear - Used to override default number of shear legs in the major direction specified in
Criteria - Column Design. The default value is listed for easy reference.
• Minor Direction Shear - Used to override the default number of shear legs in the minor direction specified in
Criteria - Column Design. The default value is listed for easy reference.

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Figure 22: Two shear legs in the major direction, three shear legs in the minor direction

For both options, user defined values can be entered to override the default criteria, or the Use Global option can
be selected in order to reset the column to use the criteria entered in the Criteria - Column Design (on page 91)
dialog box.
Click Single, Fence, or All.
Return to the Assign > Shear Legs dialog box by clicking the right mouse button.
The Cancel button will close the Assign - Shear Legs dialog box without providing the option to assign the shear
legs data to any columns.

A.4.3 Assign - Bar Patterns

Unlike the other assign commands, the Assign > Bar Patterns command is performed on entire columns lines as
opposed to individual columns. Bar pattern groups must be assigned to a column line before a design can be
performed on the column line.
Bar pattern groups are user defined and need to be created before they can be assigned to a column line. If no
bar pattern groups have been defined, click the Edit Patterns button to display the Edit Bar Patterns dialog box.
To assign bar patterns to column lines, select up to three bar pattern groups from the Defined Bar Pattern
Groups list box. At most, three bar pattern groups can be assigned to a column line.
Click Single, Fence, or All.
Return to the Assign > Bar Patterns dialog box by clicking the right mouse button.
The Cancel button will close the Assign > Bar Patterns dialog box without providing the option to assign the bar
patterns to any columns.

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A.4.4 Assign - Edit Bar Patterns

Bar Pattern Groups (and the patterns that they contain) are created in the Assign > Edit Bar Patterns dialog.
When the dialog opens, a list of existing pattern groups is displayed in the list box in the bottom left hand corner
of the dialog. Using the controls in this dialog, additional pattern groups can be created or the existing groups
can be edited or deleted.

Bar Patterns
A bar pattern is one potential configuration of column reinforcement. It consists of the quantity of
reinforcement, a size for the longitudinal reinforcement and a size for the transverse reinforcement.

Bar Pattern Groups

A bar pattern group is simply a group of bar patterns. All patterns in the group have the same quantity of bars
and the same size transverse bar. Only the size of the longitudinal bar varies from pattern to pattern within a

Bar Pattern Group Labels

Understanding the pattern group label:
Rect 4x2 #3 - #6 #3

Rect: Indicates that the pattern has rectangular ties. This part of the label only appears in the Edit Bar Pattern
4x2: These numbers indicate the quantity of bars in the bar pattern. The first number states the number of bars
in the B dimension of the column. The second number states the number of bars in the H dimension of the
#3-#6: These are the bar sizes that can be used in the longitudinal direction.
#3: These are the bar sizes that can be used in the transverse direction.
Circ 6 #3 - #6 #3

Spir 6 #3 - #6 #3
Circ: Indicates that the pattern has circular ties. This part of the label only appears in the Edit Bar Pattern dialog.
Spir: Indicates that the pattern has spiral transverse reinforcement.
6: This number indicates the quantity of bars in the bar pattern.
#3-#6: These are the bar sizes that can be used in the longitudinal direction.
#3: These are the bar sizes that can be used in the transverse direction.
In all other parts of the program including reports and DXF output the spiral pattern groups will have (S) and
circular pattern groups will have (C) after the transverse reinforcement size.

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Creating a New Pattern Group

To create a new pattern group, first select if it will consist of rectangular or circular patterns of reinforcement.
This is done by selecting the appropriate radio button on the top, left hand side of the dialog. The number and
size of bars included in the pattern are selected on the right hand side of the dialog.
For rectangular bar patterns, the number of bars along the B dimension of the column as well as additional bars
along with H dimension are indicated. For circular bar patterns, only the total number of bars in the pattern is
The minimum size and maximum size longitudinal bars along with the size of the transverse bar are selected
from the drop down combo boxes on the right hand side of the dialog. Please note that while all bars from the
selected reinforcement table will appear in these drop downs, only the bars that have been selected in the
Criteria - Column Design (on page 91) dialog will be considered in the design.
After all selections have been made, click the Add button to create the group of patterns. One pattern will be
created for each longitudinal bar size between the minimum and maximum that was selected.

Editing an Existing Pattern Group

To edit an existing bar pattern group, click on that group to select it. When this is done, the data pertinent to the
group will appear in the dialog controls. Make any desired changes and click the "Change" button. When the
button is click, the label will change to reflect the change in the pattern group.

Deleting a Pattern Group

To delete a pattern group, click on that group to select it. Click the delete button and the pattern group is deleted.

A.5 Combinations
Menu Item Description

Generated Load Combinations (on page 97) To generate load combinations used in design of the
concrete column reinforcement.

Custom Load Combinations (on page 98) To define explicitly load combinations that will be
used for concrete column design.

A.5.1 Generated Load Combinations

The Load Combination Generator is a tool that engineers can use to create load combinations based on the
loading of a given model. The generator is controlled behind the scenes by external template files. These files are
located in the Tables directory and have a file extension of .cmb. RAM International provides several template
files but engineering office might also want to create their own template files. (See the RAM Structural System
manuals for more information on creating template files.)

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At the top of the Load Combination Generator dialog box is located a drop-down combo that lists the available
combination templates. This drop-down is labeled "Code for Combinations" since all of the RAM International
templates are based directly on building codes. When a combination code is selected, the controls on the dialog
box will change so that all parameters needed to create the combinations can be entered.
In addition to selecting the combination code and entering the associated parameters, load cases can be selected
and de-selected. Load Cases that are de-selected will not be considered when generating combinations. To select
a load case to use in combination, place a check in the checkbox that appears beside the load case. To de-select it,
remove the check.
Once the input information is ready, clicking the Generate button generates combinations. After combinations
have been generated, the Generate button will become unavailable indicating that the load combinations
accurately reflect the data in the dialog. If any change is made to the combination input data (the upper half of
the dialog), the combination grid is cleared and the Generate button becomes active.
Generated load combinations are not editable. Like load cases, they can be selected and de-selected using the
check boxes to the left of each combination. They can also be copied into the custom combination dialog for
modification. The toolbar buttons located to the left of the combination grid can be useful in working with the

Exit the dialog by clicking OK or Cancel. Clicking OK will save the selected code, its parameters and the generated
combinations. Clicking Cancel will abort all changes made inside the dialog since it was entered. If the user clicks
OK after making changes to the combination input data but new combinations have not been generated, a
warning will be given that the dialog cannot be exited in this state. To exit without generating, the Cancel button
must be used.

A.5.2 Custom Load Combinations

Custom load combinations can be entered manually, by typing combinations into the combination grid by
pasting them in from another source, or they can be generated.

Load Combinations are typed into the grid as a text string. Each combination must follow the same format:

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Symbols for each of the load cases are shown in the load case grid located at the top left of the dialog box. Note
that every load combination ends in a load case symbol.
Combinations can contain, at most, 25 load cases and must not exceed 254 characters in length.
Once a combination has been typed in, it can be validated by clicking the column header that says, "Click to
Validate". A green light will appear beside load combinations that can be used by the program. A yellow light
appears beside load combinations that include load cases that are not analyzed. A red light appears beside load
combinations that have syntax errors, rendering them useless to the program. If a user tries to exit the Custom
Combination dialog while combinations with syntax errors (red lights) are present, a warning will be given
stating that these combinations will not be saved and giving the user the option to return to the dialog to fix
them before exiting.
Like generated load combinations, custom combinations can be selected and de-selected. Because custom
combinations are editable, they can also be revised and deleted. The toolbar buttons located to the left of the
combination grid can be useful in working with the combinations.

The Custom Combinations Dialog also has the ability to work from templates in the same way that the Generate
Combinations Dialog does with 3 notable differences:
1. When generating combinations in the Custom Combination Dialog all template files, regardless of material or
code, are made available. For this reason, a Template ID must be selected before templates are available.
Once this is done, the Code for Combinations combo box becomes available and a specific template can be
2. In the Custom Combinations Dialog, the parameters entered in the dialog for creating the combinations are
not saved once the dialog closes. The combinations are saved as if they had been typed in. Once the dialog
closes, they loose their connection to the template that created them.
3. Whether combinations that have been generated or typed in they are never replaced by the "Generate"
command. New combinations are appended to the end of the list. This can quickly cause a proliferation of
custom combinations if one generates several times.
Exit the dialog by clicking OK or Cancel. Clicking OK will save the selected code, its parameters and the generated
combinations. Clicking Cancel will abort all changes made inside the dialog since it was entered. If the user clicks
OK while combinations with syntax errors exist (red lights), a warning will be given stating that these

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combinations will not be saved. The engineer then has the chance to return to the dialog to make corrections
before exiting.

A.6 Process
Menu Item Description

Process - Design All (on page 100) To automatically design all concrete columns that are
ready for design.

Process View/Update (on page 101) To view the design results and interactively change
and check alternative column designs.

SMF Joint Shear Check (on page 103) To generate a SMF Joint Shear Check report for one or
more joints.

Process - Copy Column Line (on page 103) To assign the same reinforcement from one column
line to another.

Process - Freeze (on page 104) To set the column design as User Defined so that the
design will not change during a Design All. This is
similar to pressing the Update Database button in the
View/Update dialog box.

Process - Clear Design (on page 104) To remove the User Defined setting on concrete

A.6.1 Process - Design All

Select the Process > Design All command to design all concrete columns at once. During design, the status log
will appear to track the status of the design process.
Once all the concrete columns are designed, the screen will be updated to reflect the outcome of the design. For
more information on concrete column color-coding, see the Concrete Column Color Coding (on page 100) help

Concrete Column Color Coding

The status of each column is indicated by the color with which it is drawn on screen. All non-concrete members
are colored dark grey while in Concrete Column mode. The color of each concrete column indicates its design

Pale Blue - Column is not ready to be designed. If all concrete columns are pale blue, check the File - Model
status dialog to determine what needs to be done in order to get the columns to a designable state. The most
common reason all concrete columns would be in this state is due to a lack of concrete column load
combinations and/or no bar patterns have been assigned.

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Yellow - Column is ready for design.

Green - Column was designed and passed all design checks.
Blue - Column design passed and the design was frozen.
Red - Column was designed and some design warnings we reported. The warnings can be viewed in the
View/Update dialog box or in the Column Design Report. If a column is frozen but has some design warnings
it will be colored red to indicate that design warnings were found. (See section Process - Freeze (on page
104) for more information on freezing the design)

Note: Once a design is performed on a column line, all columns in the column line will be color-coded to indicate
their new design status. Columns are repainted on a column by column basis according to their individual status.

A.6.2 Process View/Update

When the Process > View/Update command is issued, the cursor will change from the arrow cursor to the
target cursor, allowing the engineer to select a column line by clicking on any column in the column line. Once a
column line is selected, the View/Update dialog box is launched and displays information relevant to that
column line. The View/Update title bar displays the location of the selected column line.
If an un-designed column line is selected, it will be designed before the dialog box is opened. If the column line
already has a current design, the saved design will be displayed rather than a new design being executed.

Optimize Discards any changes made by the user in the View/Update dialog and optimizes the column
line per global criteria and any previously assigned data.
Analyze Analyzes the column line using information entered in the View/Update dialog. The existing
reinforcement is checked only; no reinforcement is assigned during an Analyze.
Update Updates the model database with the parameters in the View/Update dialog box as well as
Database saves the current design of each column in the column line. No optimization is performed on
column lines that have had their database information updated. These columns will only be
checked until their design is cleared through the Process - Clear Design (on page 104)
View Results This button is used to display the detailed design information on each column in the column
View This button is used to display a Summary report for each column in the column line.
Close Closes the View/Update dialog box without updating the design. If the column information
was saved using the Update Database button, this information will remain saved but any
changes since the command was issued will be lost.

The traffic lights on the View/Update dialog box graphically indicate the status of the design. A green light
indicates the design is current and passes all checks. Yellow indicates the design is not current and a redesign is
required. Red indicates that there are design warnings for at least one column in the column line. There is a
description of the reason(s) why the column did not pass on the Longitudinal and Transverse Reinforcement

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Process - View/Update Longitudinal Reinforcement

The Longitudinal Reinforcement tab is displayed when the View/Update dialog opens. The grid on this tab
displays the selected bar pattern from each bar pattern group tested and shows a "final" pattern. The Final
pattern is the best design for the entire column line. It is automatically selected from the list of assigned bar
pattern groups. The final design is selected from the group with the smallest reinforcement weight and when
applicable the least number of design warnings.
To analyze a bar pattern, it must appear in the Final column. Alternate patterns can be selected from the final
column drop down list or patterns can be moved there from one of the pattern group columns. The list final
column drop down list contains a list of all the bar patterns that have been generated from the defined bar
pattern groups regardless of whether groups were assigned to the column or not.
To move a pattern, click on that pattern and then click the Move To Final button at the top of the column. Once a
new pattern has been selected, click the Analyze button to analyze the reinforcement.
The interaction diagram Surface: The diagram on the right side of the tab shows the column interaction
surface at a given angle. Below it is the angle of the diagram and the list of all the design points checked for that
angel. The angles are grouped in 2 degree increments. By default the angle and data point selected will be the
ones for the selected story and pattern's controlling data point. Changing the angle will bring up the appropriate
interaction surface and design points.
The crosses + in the diagram identify all the checked design points. Selecting a data point in the list below the
diagram will automatically move the slider to that point. The column axial capacity and corresponding moment
capacity at the location of the slider for the given angel are displayed under the diagram. The slider can also be
moved manually by left clicking and dragging the slider ends.

Process - View/Update Transverse Reinforcement

The Transverse Reinforcement tab is where the transverse reinforcement design is displayed and changes to the
design can be made.
The size of the transverse bars cannot be changed because it is connected to the bar pattern, which is selected on
the longitudinal page.
The number, spacing of shear legs and start and end location of the segments can be changed.
Additional reinforcement sections can be added to vary reinforcement within a story if desired. The start and
end locations of the segments in a column are linked. For example if the end location of a segment is changed the
adjacent start location is update to eliminate the possibility of overlapping segments.
Clicking the Analyze button will analyze this modified design.
The Major and Minor column shear diagrams are displayed to the right of the reinforcement layout grid. The red
envelop is the required capacity and the green envelope is the provided capacity. The slider can be moves by left
clicking on the ends and dragging it up or down the diagram. The provided and required shear capacities are
reported below the diagram.

Process - View/Update - Material Properties

The Material Properties tab provides the engineer a means to view and edit concrete and steel material
properties for each column in the column line.
The diagram on the Material Properties page shows a schematic representation of the column line and the
members that frame into it. Clicking on a specific story in the material properties grid will bring that column into

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the view screen. The diagram will help the engineer see which sides of the column have beams framing into
them and what their relative depths are.

Concrete Material For each column in the column line, the engineer can view and edit the concrete material
Properties properties.
If LWC is selected for the Concrete Type, an fct value can be entered.
If the Elastic Modulus was set to Use Calculated in the Modeler for a concrete column,
the Modulus of Elasticity value in View/Update dialog will be read-only. If it was set to a
user defined value in the Modeler, the Modulus of Elasticity can be edited along with the
other material properties displayed.
Steel For each column in the column line, the engineer can view and edit the steel
Reinforcement reinforcement material properties, such as Longitudinal fy and Transverse fy.
Material Properties

A.6.3 SMF Joint Shear Check

The Process > SMF Joint Shear Check command is used to generate a report to provide all the beam and
column data that would be required to perform the check.
All of the data in the report can also be found in the beam and column design reports. It is provided in this report
for convenience. The column Face IDs diagram under the Column Properties at Joint section is used to reference
the location of the beams framing into the column for the Beam Properties at Joint section.

A.6.4 Process - Copy Column Line

The Process > Copy Design command allows the user to assign the same reinforcement from one column line to
another. This is useful when it is desired to make similar column lines identical. To use the Copy command, first
design a column line using either the Process View/Update (on page 101) command or Process - Design All (on
page 100) command. Once a beam line has been designed, the corresponding design can be copied to other
column lines provided the copy-from column line and the copy-to column line have stories in common. The
design for the columns on the stories the two column lines have in common will be copied.
Once the Copy is performed, the reinforcement from the initial column line is assigned to the new column line(s)
and the resulting design is checked. The check is the same as performing an Analyze in the View/Update dialog
box. Upon completion of the check, the screen will be updated to reflect the current design status of each column.
When a copy is performed, the column lines that are updated are automatically frozen, the same as if a Process -
Freeze (on page 104) is performed. The beams in the column line are now considered User Defined and will be
painted dark blue on screen if the design is successful.
When the Copy Design > Single to Single command is issued, the cursor changes form the arrow cursor to a
target cursor. First select the designed column line (the Copy From column line), then select the column line to
which the designs are to be copied (the Copy To column line). The target cursor changes, alternating between a
Copy From cursor to a Copy To cursor, to help identify the current step in the copy process.
When the Copy Design > Single to Fence command is issued, the cursor changes from the arrow cursor to a
target cursor. First select Copy From column line. The cursor will then change to a fence cursor. Fence one or

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more Copy To column lines. After the Copy command is complete, the cursor will return to the target cursor and
a new Copy From column line can be selected.
When the Copy Design > Single to All command is issued, the cursor changes from the arrow cursor to a target
cursor. After selecting a Copy From column line, the copy will be performed on all column lines in the model
having one or more stories in common with the Copy From column line. No warning will be given for those
column lines that are not updated.
The Copy command does not create a link between the Copy From column line and the Copy To column line; a
subsequent change in the design of one is not automatically made to the other. The command merely copies the
current reinforcement from one column line to the other.

A.6.5 Process - Freeze

At certain points during the design process, it may be desirable to “freeze” the design of some or all of the
column lines. Doing so allows the user to archive completed designs or to perform what-if type investigations
without having the reinforcement re-optimized and potentially modified.
To freeze the design of a single column line, select Process > Freeze > Single . The cursor will change from the
arrow cursor to a target cursor. Click on a column to freeze the design of the entire column line. If the column
line has not been designed, a warning will be issued with an option to design the column line now.
To freeze the design of multiple column lines, select Process > Freeze > Fence . The cursor will change from the
arrow cursor to the fence cursor. Fence a region to freeze multiple column lines. Only column lines located
entirely within a fenced region will be frozen.
To freeze the design of all column lines, select Process > Freeze > All . The freeze command will be performed
on all column lines.
Freezing a design on a column line is equivalent to the Update Database command within View/Update. It marks
the column line as User Defined and saves the current reinforcement for the column line. A frozen column line
will not be re-optimized until the design is cleared. Columns will be updated on screen to reflect their current
status. See Concrete Column Color Coding (on page 100) for more information.

A.6.6 Process - Clear Design

Members that have had their design Frozen or members that were previously assigned user defined
reinforcement in the View/Update can be cleared by selecting the Process > Clear > Single, Fence or All
commands. Once a design is cleared, it will be optimized rather then having the reinforcement checked the next
time it is designed.

A.7 Reports
Menu Item Description

Printer (on page 106) To have the reports sent directly to the printer.

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Menu Item Description

Screen (on page 106) To have the reports displayed on screen.

Text File (on page 107) To have the reports saved to a comma delimited text

Viewer File (on page 107) To have the reports saved to the report viewer file
format. This provides the ability to view the report
without running the any of the RAM Structural System

Reports - Design Criteria (on page 105) To generate a report of current design criteria.

Reports - Load Combinations (on page 105) To generate a report of all generated and user defined
load combinations.

Reports - Column Design (on page 105) To generate a Column Design Report for one or more
concrete columns.

Reports - Column Design Summary (on page 106) To generate the Column Design Summary Report.

SMF Joint Shear Check (on page 103) To generate a SMF Joint Shear Check report for one or
more joints

Reports - Material Takeoff (on page 106) To generate the Material Takeoff Report.

A.7.1 Reports - Design Criteria

The Design Criteria report contains the parameters that were set in the Column Design Criteria and Column Lap
Splice Criteria dialog boxes, as well as all the information that can be assigned to a column using the Assign Size,
Assign Shear Legs, and Assign Bar Pattern dialog boxes.

A.7.2 Reports - Load Combinations

The Load Combinations report is used to check the parameters used in generating load combinations as well as
the list of load combinations used in checking the model.
The report contains all the data used to generate the combinations for the given code. The number next to each
combination will match the numbers in the Design Reports and the Load Combination dialog boxes.

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A.7.3 Reports - Column Design

Selecting the Reports > Column Design > Single command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to a
target cursor. Select the column for which to generate output by clicking on a column. A Column Design Report
will be generated for the selected column.
Selecting the Reports > Column Design > Fence command will change the cursor from an arrow cursor to a
fence cursor. Select multiples column s for which to generate output by fencing an area of the model. A Column
Design Report will be generated for all columns within the fenced area.
Selecting the Reports > Column Design > All command will generate a Column Design Report for all columns in
the model.
These reports consists of one or two pages of output per column, detailing column dimensions, material
properties, design parameters, longitudinal reinforcement, transverse reinforcement, and torsional capacity.

A.7.4 Reports - Column Design Summary

The Column Design Summary report is a list of the basic design information required to detail and do cost
estimates for columns.

A.7.5 SMF Joint Shear Check

The Process > SMF Joint Shear Check command is used to generate a report to provide all the beam and
column data that would be required to perform the check.
All of the data in the report can also be found in the beam and column design reports. It is provided in this report
for convenience. The column Face IDs diagram under the Column Properties at Joint section is used to reference
the location of the beams framing into the column for the Beam Properties at Joint section.

A.7.6 Reports - Material Takeoff

The Material Takeoff report generates the material take off of all the designed columns in the model. The
Material Takeoff report can be used in cost estimating and design comparisons.

Reports are sent directly to the printer without previewing.

Reports are previewed on the screen in a non-editable viewer. The viewer has toolbar buttons that allow
printing, zooming in and out, navigating through the pages of the report, and closing the preview.

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Text File
Report information is sent to a file. The user can choose between a simple text file (.txt) or a comma-separated
value files (.csv). This is the only option that does not use the other user selected report styles. One font is used
for all sections of the report and all formatting is removed. However, commas are in place to separate table
columns so that the file can be imported into a spreadsheet program.

Viewer File
Reports are saved to the Virtual Print Engine file format (.vpe). These files can only be opened with vpeview.exe,
which is distributed with the RAM Structural System and installed in the same directory as the program
executables. This format allows reports to be saved and later viewed on-screen outside the RAM Structural

A.8 View
Menu Item Description

View - Column Plan (on page 107) To change the display to a top down, non perspective,
all stories plan view.

View - Colors (on page 108) To toggle the on-screen colors between design and
model colors.

View - Column - Assigned Bar Patterns (on page 108) To display bar groups assigned to a column line by the

View - Column - Final Bar Pattern (on page 108) To view the final pattern assigned to the column line
during design or by the user in View/Update.

View - Column - Longitudinal Bars (on page 108) To view the longitudinal bars assigned to the column
line during design or by the user in View/Update.

View - Column - Transverse Bars (on page 108) To view the transverse bars assigned to the column
line during design or by the user in View/Update.

View - Colors (on page 108) To toggle between the three colors in which the model
can be displayed.

A.8.1 View - Column Plan

A Column Plan view is available in the RAM Concrete Column Module. Clicking the Column Plan View button,

, or selecting View > Column Plan from the menu will change the display to a top down, non perspective,

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all stories plan view. This view is the same as would be seen if all plan views starting from the first story to the
top story were overlaid on each other.

A.8.2 View - Colors

A Model Colors / Design Colors toggle button and associated menu items are available in the RAM Concrete
modules. Both the RAM Concrete Column and RAM Concrete Beam modules change the display colors of the
members to reflect their current design status.

Clicking the 'Change to Model Colors' button, , or selecting Colors > Model Colors from the View menu will
switch display colors back to the default colors assigned for each type. This can make it easier to identify the
specific type of member by its color.
After clicking the 'Change to Model Colors' button, the button graphic will toggle to the 'Change to Design Colors'

button, . Clicking this button or selecting Colors > Design Colors from the View menu will toggle the color
display back to 'design' colors.
The graphic displayed on the button reflects the current model display colors which are the opposite of the
mode that will be toggled to by clicking the button.

A.8.3 View - Column - Assigned Bar Patterns

Selecting this option will display the assigned Bar Pattern Groups for each column line. The information will be
displayed for the lowest column in the column line.

A.8.4 View - Column - Final Bar Pattern

Selecting this option will display the final bar pattern for each column in a column line.

A.8.5 View - Column - Longitudinal Bars

Selecting this option will display, for each column in a column line, the total number and size of the longitudinal
bars for the final bar pattern.

A.8.6 View - Column - Transverse Bars

Selecting this option will display, for each column in a column line, the transverse reinforcement segment

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A development length, tension Database Status 18
79 Design Status 31
ACI-318 2008 56
effective flange width 75 column design
ACI-318 2014 60
logitudinal reinforcement criteria 22
77 Column Design Forces 9
Analyzes 101
longitudinal reinforcement, Column Design Report 100
Analyze button 102
torsion 78 column lines
Assign 22
maximum bar spacing 70 copying 103
assigned bar patterns
maximum concrete strain 73 reinforcing 95
viewing 108
maximum reinforcement 74 Column Lines 25, 27
maximum tie spacing 70 column plan 30
column sections 22
minimum number of bars 74 Column Section 25, 27
minimum reinforcement 74 column sections
B minimum shear assigning 22
Bar Pattern Template 14 reinforcement 74 Column Unbraced Length 13
bar patterns modulus of elasticity 71 compression fan reinforcement
assigning 95 modulus of rupture 71 77
editing 23, 95 plane sections 72 Concrete Capacity 42–45
Bar Patterns reinforcement strength 71 Concrete Column 100
Final 16, 30 required shear resistance 75 Concrete Column Color Coding
BS8110 shear due to torsion 75 100
criteria 92 shear resistance, concrete Concrete Design Code 33, 61, 66
building codes 8, 9 76 Concrete Material Properties
shear resistance, steel 76 102
standard hooks in tension Concrete Modulus of Elasticity
C 79 35
CAN/CSA A23.3-10
tensile strength of concrete Copy Column Line 29
anchorage 77
73 Creating 97
code implementation 70
torsion 75 criteria
code rule selection 68, 69
torsion reinforcement 77 BS8110 92
column resistance 74
transverse reinforcement 77 column design 22
combined shear and torsion
transverse reinforcement, Criteria 20, 82
torsion 77 CSA/CAN A23.1
compression fan
Clear Design 29 minimum bar spacing 70
reinforcement 77
concrete strength 71
concrete stress-strain 73
View/Update dialog
density of conrete 72 Database Status 18
design strength 71 Design
detailing 81 Optimization 14–16
eesign status 18
development length, Report 83
compression 79 Summary Report 84

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View/Update 27 J R
Design All 25
joint capacity check 49, 52, 54, References 60
design codes
55 reinforcement
criteria 91
joint shear check 49, 52, 54, 55 column lines 95
Design Points 9
size 20, 21
design status 18
spacing 20, 21
Design Status 31 L Reinforcement Capacity 42–45
Design/View Update 25 Lap Splice 21, 22
Reinforcement Spacing 42–45
Designable 100 lap splices 93
Report 83
designing lightweight concrete 56
Report Destination 29
all columns 100 Load Combinations 24
freezing 104 Load Combinations Reports
Criteria 82
designs Introduction 82
Design 83
clearing 104 Load/Capacity 18
Design Summary 84
copying 103 Longitudinal 25, 101
Material Takeoff 85
Diagram 25 longitudinal bars 108
Report Destination 29
Longitudinal fy 102
Existing Pattern Group 97 M seismic provisions 58
Main 27
Seismic Provisions 46
Material Properties 25, 27, 102
F Material Takeoff 85
Shear 27
Final 16, 30 Shear Design
model notes 17
final bar patterns Concrete Capacity 42–45
Modeler 102
viewing 108 Reinforcement Capacity
Modulus 102
forces 42–45
moment magnification 37
design 11, 12 Reinforcement Spacing
gravity 10 42–45
lateral 11 N shear legs 94
Frame Type Selection 46 New Pattern Group 97 sidesway 36
frame types 93 nomenclature 33 sign convention 38
Freeze Design 29 sizes
assigning 94
O slenderness
G Optimization 14–16 EC2 66
GB50010 Code SMF 49, 52, 54, 55
Limitations 67
P special moment frame 49, 52,
Pattern Group 54, 55
I Pattern Group 97 stirrups 94
IMF 47–49 process 100 Summary Report 84
Interaction Surface Process Surface 102
Diagram 25 Clear Design 29
intermediate moment frame Copy Column Line 29 T
47–49 Design All 25 Technical ACI 33
introduction 7 Freeze Design 29 technical notes 61
Introduction 82 View/Update 25, 27 toolbar 19

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Torsional Check 45 View/Update (ACI) Material Properties 27
Transverse 25 Longitudinal 25 Shear 27
transverse bars 95, 108 Material Properties 25 View/Update dialog 102
Transverse Reinforcement 102 Transverse 25 View/Update Longitudinal
View/Update (BS8110, CP65, Reinforcement 102
AS3600 View/Update Transverse
V Main 27 Reinforcement 102
View/Update 25, 27

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